Than poisoned the dog if the hind legs refused. The dog's hind legs fail: reasons and what to do. Symptoms of Hind Paw Failure in Dogs

Four-legged friends, like humans, are susceptible to various ailments that cause suffering. With diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system, the dog's hind legs fail. This can manifest itself to varying degrees, so you need to pay attention to the first signs of the development of pathology.

If a dog's hind legs fail, the manifestations of this can vary. At the initial stage, the dog's hind legs hurt, and their position changes while walking. The pain may be accompanied by tremors when the dog's hind legs tremble. Also, the dachshund can limp or drag legs. At some point, the dog's hind legs are taken away, which means that the disease is progressing. If the dog has failed hind legs, you should contact your veterinarian immediately. Some dogs manage to get back on their feet quickly, others after a certain period. Treatment depends on the type of pathology.

The dog's hind legs fail. The reasons

The question of why a dog's hind legs fail is especially relevant for dachshund owners in connection with the anatomical structure of the dachshund's body. It is difficult to diagnose the disease in the early stages, because the symptomatology is usually not pronounced. There are a number of diseases that can cause a dog to lose its hind legs. The reasons and the exact diagnosis are made by the doctor. Let's talk about the main ones.

Video: Osteopathic Treatment of Dachshund with Discopathy

Intervertebral hernia (discopathy)

In this disease, the vertebral discs are affected, and the affected disc substances penetrate from the disc into the spinal column to the spinal cord, and nerve endings are compressed. Most often, if the dog's hind legs fail, the reasons are discopathy. Dachshunds are particularly susceptible to this condition due to their elongated spinal column. The disease develops from several weeks to several years. Herniated discs are difficult to heal and the dog is often on the road to disability.

Articular dysplasia.

This is the modification or destruction of the articular tissue.

The disease is quite severe and difficult to treat. Dysplasia in Dachshund dogs is rare, therefore it is not often the reason that the dog's hind legs are taken away. Dysplasia can be hereditary, therefore, when buying a puppy, it is better to request documents on the dog's health. The disease can hide for a long time, but it happens that already in an adult dog the hind legs fail.

Osteochondrosis of the spinal column

If suddenly it was found that the hind limbs hurt, the dog's paws drag and braid - most likely, this is osteochondrosis. This disease accompanies discopathy and causes severe spinal lesions. Osteochondrosis is a pathological disease of the joints and a violation of the mineral balance. Cartilage mineralization or mineral deficiency at the cellular level is disrupted, the cartilage hardens and can begin to deteriorate. Osteochondrosis affects the joints and ligaments, not just the spine. One of the reasons for osteochondrosis and the fact that the hind legs have failed, the dachshund can be overweight, so you should not overfeed the animal.

Arthrosis and arthritis

These are joint diseases that affect not only the hind limbs. This is important because sometimes some diagnoses can be ruled out right away. If a dog has a paw (front) - what to do in this case? With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the matter is in arthrosis or arthritis. Arthrosis proceeds without inflammation, and arthritis with an inflammatory process. The disease appears with improper nutrition, with a lack of vitamins in the body, if the dog is aged or overweight. Pain attacks appear as a result of exertion.


Fifth finger in dogs on hind legs ah - a rudiment, it does not perform any function. However, whether to delete it or not is up to the owner to decide. If the dachshund leads a domestic lifestyle and the claws on the dewclaws are regularly trimmed, there is no great danger. Moreover, removal is an operation, after which the animal's paws hurt. In a dog hunting, claws on dewclaws can indeed catch on irregularities, which is fraught with injuries.


One of the common reasons a dog has hind legs fail. Fracture, sprain, pinching, etc. Pinching causes displacement of bones and vertebral discs. The swelling of the spinal column, which occurs in the spine, presses and causes pain. The nerve endings of the spinal column die off, after which the dachshund does not stand on its hind legs. Injuries cause paralysis or can cause paresis of the hind limbs in dogs, which can be long and difficult to treat. If as a result of an injury there is blood and the dog's hind legs hurt, what to do in that case depends on the type of injury. It is recommended that you seek immediate medical attention.

The dog has a sore paw after the injection

Of course, dog breeders do not want the hind legs to give up on the dachshund. Injections are often given to the animal as a treatment. However, if the procedure is not carried out correctly, it can lead to the opposite consequences. If, after injections, the animal feels severe pain, the hind legs are taken away from the dog, the reasons are not difficult to determine. This is either a pinched nerve ending or a potent pain-causing drug or antibiotic has been injected. The pain will go away in a couple of days. The injection site can be massaged and rubbed.

The dog's hind legs fail - what to do?

It is possible that during a game or hunting a dachshund is injured and the hind legs are taken away from the dog - what should I do? Do not panic! If the spine is injured, the pet should be immobilized and not touched until the veterinarian arrives. It is better to call the veterinarian at home if the dachshund has refused hind legs. The causes of the disease will be determined only by a specialist. You should not use pain relievers, because when a dog's hind legs fail - the reasons, treatment and initial examination are the prerogative of the doctor. The veterinarian will conduct an examination, take tests and prescribe the treatment.

A dog's legs hurt - how to treat?

Depending on the disease, treatment is divided into two types: medication and surgical. Surgical intervention is carried out only after a thorough examination and finding out why the hind legs are taken away from the dog. The operation is performed with an intervertebral hernia, with the removal of the fifth toe. Otherwise, the doctor first tries to treat the dog with a conservative medication. It is important to understand that if a dog's hind legs fail, only a doctor should carry out treatment.

The dog was hit by a car, his hind legs refused

It happens that a dog's hind legs fail as a result of an accident. The consequences can be seen immediately, or they can be hidden - at first the dog's paws hurt, and then the condition worsens.

Preventive actions

Prevention can reduce the risk of foot problems:

  • give dogs chondroprotectors - drugs for joints and cartilage;
  • climbing and descending stairs for dachshund puppies is unacceptable;
  • dogs prone to dysplasia are periodically x-rayed;
  • balanced diet;
  • it is impossible to chill the spine;
  • after treatment, the dog is advised to swim to restore physical activity.

The best preventive measure is attention to the pet, comprehensive care of it.

There can be many reasons why hind legs fail in dogs. And, of course, those owners who are suddenly faced with this problem are lost and do not know what to do. Yesterday their pet was briskly jumping on the sofas and playing catch-up with the neighboring dogs, and today it lies indifferently, unable to get up.

Reasons for leg failure

Failure of the hind legs in a dog can occur due to trauma- with fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments and tendons, with damage to peripheral nerves, as well as due to diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis of the joints of the extremities, tumors, discopathy and herniated disc. In addition to these diseases, spinal pathology is possible, in which the innervation of the limbs is disturbed, due to exposure to the spinal cord unfavorable factors... Paresis and paralysis are frequent companions of spinal cord lesions in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

A common reason why dogs' hind legs fail is of a traumatic nature: car injuries, falls, blows, strong bites during fights. In some cases, such consequences can be caused by an unsuccessful sharp turn, jump and slip on the ice crust.

In the place of direct injury to the spine, the integrity of the spinal column (its structure) is disrupted, edema occurs, which leads to compression of the spinal cord and radicular nerves. Accordingly, the flow of blood with oxygen stops, and with prolonged squeezing, the nerve cells die, which makes it impossible for nerve impulses to pass through the peripheral nerves. Severe traumatic injury leads to disruption of the integrity of the spinal tissue, and a rupture of the spinal cord occurs.

Failure to function properly in the hind limbs in dogs can provoke degenerative diseases of the spine, which are characterized by a violation of important metabolic processes in its tissues. So this results in pathological changes structures of the links of the spinal column.

Dog's hind legs may fail with spondylosis- “local aging” of some vertebral segments. This disease is very slow, and on the very early stage practically not detected. First of all, the outer fibers of the annulus fibrosus are affected (the consistency of the nucleus pulposus is preserved), and then the calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament begins. Osteophytes develop, which visually resemble beak-shaped growths.

With static loads on the spine with osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis can develop, which manifests itself in a deforming effect on the joints. Uneven loads on the dog's spine lead to protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc, through the annulus fibrosus changed due to pathology (vertebral hernia). In turn, it can "pinch" the radicular nerves or the spinal cord itself.

Tumor processes, gradually developing in the immediate vicinity (or itself) of the spinal cord, lead to pathological changes and fractures of the spinal column. With a sharp exacerbation of the process, swelling and squeezing of the roots and spinal cord occurs, and the following symptoms can be observed in the dog: weakening or failure of the hind limbs, arched back, gait disturbance, when the position of the body changes, the dog squeals, concomitant disorders occur (violation of the acts of urination and defecation) , in some cases, refusal of feed.

Osteocondritis of the spine considered the most severe form of lesion, this disease is based on degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs (discopathy), often involving the surrounding vertebral bodies, as well as changes in the ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral joints. Osteochondrosis occurs with genetically determined developmental defects, rheumatoid lesions, injuries of the spinal column, disorders of blood microcirculation, and, as a consequence, malnutrition of the disc, as well as autoimmune processes.

Discopathy very common in dogs - French Bulldogs. This is due to the anatomical structure of the animal, when, in the course of artificially carried out selection, the spine became elongated, and now it undergoes more severe loads than the spine in "normal" dogs. The distance between the vertebrae has become much greater than normal. This is due to genetics and is inherited. Disc prolapse can occur not only during active movements and jumping, but even at rest, when the dog is sleeping or lying quietly.

What to do, complications

It is possible to notice the onset of the disease, and urgently consult a specialist, but most inexperienced owners do not attach importance to such symptoms: anxiety, the dog hides and squeals when they begin to touch it behind the back, passive when other dogs frolic. However, in most cases, the alarm begins to sound when the dog's hind legs begin to fail partially or paralysis develops. And here it is necessary to differentiate such a disease as sciatica. An incorrectly prescribed treatment (for example, instead of maximizing the immobilization of an animal - massage), will waste precious time and aggravate the situation,

Other unnatural processes that occur in the dog's body can cause similar symptoms. Sharp pains in the abdomen (intestinal colic, acute pancreatitis, renal and hepatic colic, foreign bodies in the gastrointestinal tract). Moreover, the pain arising in the spine can "give" to the abdominal organs. Similar symptoms in radiculitis and pyelonephritis, in these cases, palpation of the paravertebral zones can cause pain in the lumbar and lower thoracic spine.

External symptoms and prognosis depend on the degree of spinal cord injury, which can be established by examining the dog and its ability to move independently. In mild cases, there is a slight lameness, staggering gait, in severe cases, complete paralysis and inability to move. The degrees of damage can pass one into another very rapidly, depending on the rate of development of pathological processes. The stronger the squeezing goes nervous tissue, the less blood and nutrients are supplied to it, and as a result, the prognosis of recovery will be worse.

However, if the dog suddenly has a hind leg failure, you should immediately contact veterinary clinic, since in cases of some diseases, timely intervention can completely stop the pathological process and restore all motor functions. And, on the contrary, in mild cases, an untimely appeal to a veterinarian, and even more so an attempt to self-medicate, can lead to irreversible consequences.

When contacting the clinic, the owner must be prepared that certain procedures will be required for the correct diagnosis.

The doctor will check the general condition of the dog, check the safety of the sensitivity and reflexes of the limbs, the presence of pain reactions in the spinal column. Taking X-rays, and sometimes myelography, will help to pinpoint the cause of the dog's hind legs refusal, since the pictures will show the slightest abnormalities in the spine.

And, of course, laboratory tests in order to identify concomitant pathologies. According to these studies, the form of treatment will be chosen: surgical or therapeutic.

Frequently asked questions to the doctor.

The dachshund (5 years old) suddenly lost its legs, before that there were no obvious symptoms, only began to give up fast jogging. What is the reason?

The exact cause can only be established after an examination, in a veterinary clinic, and the sooner the better. Most likely, the problem is in the spine, or rather, in its specific structure.

Dog, diver, he is 14 years old. About a year ago, you started having problems with your hind legs, did he start dragging them around? How is it treated?

The exact treatment will be prescribed only by a doctor after a complete examination and examination. Most likely, these are age-related disorders associated with malnutrition of tissues and nerves in the pelvic region.

Rottweiler (9 years old), on a walk walked on a leash and twitched after the cat, and immediately fell, his hind legs gave up. Is it dangerous and can it be cured?

Unsuccessful movements can lead to damage to the spinal column and loss of functions below the injury. Only a veterinarian will tell how severe the damage is and whether it is possible to put the dog on its feet, therefore it is necessary to conduct an examination as soon as possible.

Veterinary Center "DobroVet"

We take it for granted when our dog, playing, runs and jumps tirelessly, as if not feeling tired. And this pleases the owners. This behavior, in addition to aesthetic pleasure, gives the understanding that the pet is completely healthy. It is a different matter when weakness of the hind limbs develops in dogs. Sometimes it is so strong that the animal literally crawls, pulling itself up on its front paws, to bowls of water or food. Why does this happen?

This is the name of a disease of an atrophic-degenerative nature, which usually affects older dogs.(but this does not at all exclude the likelihood of the disease "youth"). It all starts between the ages of 8 and 14. At first, everything looks relatively harmless: the first signs of the disease appear in the form of mild ataxia (poor coordination of movements). At first, the owners may not even pay attention to how their pet stumbles during the game, or his legs begin to twist. Note that in classic cases of myelopathy clinical manifestations visible on one limb, and later the disease affects both hind legs of the dog. At about the age of ten, the symptoms become apparent: the dog often lies, often when trying to get up, his legs let it down, it falls down or cannot get up at all. After a while, the pathology progresses to such an extent that the dog, in principle, does not get up and cannot walk.

It is believed that about six months pass from the moment of the obvious manifestation of symptoms to complete paralysis of the limbs, but this period is very relative. Cases are different, the progress of pathology depends on many factors. The worst thing is not even a loss of coordination and the ability to move: myelopathy is very often accompanied by the development of urinary and fecal incontinence that turns a beautiful dog into a ball of wool covered with sewage.

Read also: Acral dermatitis in dogs: diagnosis and treatment methods

The reasons

Until now, no final answer to such an important question has been received. Some researchers suggest that the case is in autoimmune pathologies, while others adhere to the hereditary theory (i.e., the disease, in their opinion, is inherited). It is likely that the development of the disease is facilitated by severe mechanical trauma to the back, due to which the spine is damaged and the spinal cord may be affected. But still the prevailing theory is genetic predisposition and hereditary transmission of the disease.

It all starts in the thoracic spinal cord. On slices white matter obtained during the autopsy of dead animals, large areas are clearly visible destruction and degradation of nervous tissue... What is the threat? The whole problem is that it is thanks to the white matter that neuromuscular impulses are transmitted from the brain to the dog's limbs. If something happened to this "overpass", the impulses cannot pass, and therefore the muscles of the limbs "do not understand" what is required of them. We emphasize that with degenerative myelopathy with muscles, your pet is in perfect order! Only after some time (due to lack of physical activity) they begin to atrophy. But what causes the degradation of the white matter in the dog's spinal cord?

The problem is demyelination (loss of membranes) of oxones (long neuronal outgrowths). And why this happens, veterinarians do not yet know for sure (we have already talked about several theories). Over time, fibers that have lost their protective sheath simply "dissolve". Recent studies by the French, by the way, have established for certain that Approximately 70% of affected dogs have a gene that causes the development of pathology. But why it appears in the remaining 30% of animals is a mystery.

Diagnostics and differential diagnosis

And one more bad news for dog owners. It is almost impossible to diagnose a live pet with 100% probability. Such techniques simply do not exist (and they are unlikely to be - after all, it is required to examine the tissue of the spinal cord under a microscope). It is highly advisable to have an MRI scan for the dog. If this is not possible (as a rule), the diagnosis is made by exclusion. If all other causes are completely ruled out, only degenerative myelopathy remains.

Read also: Distichiasis - abnormal growth of eyelashes in dogs

We emphasize once again that A 100% accurate diagnosis can only be made on the basis of a microscopic examination of the spinal cord tissues obtained from a dead dog. It is possible that because of this, we do not know anything about the real prevalence of the disease. It is very likely that many owners do not even know why their beloved old dog actually died.

What is the difference between degenerative myelopathy and what else can cause weakness in the hind legs? In principle, there can be many reasons for this condition: any disease that somehow affects the spinal cord is fraught with development and weakness, and even paralysis. Given that many of these pathologies are normally treatable, one of the main tasks of the veterinarian is to carry out comprehensive diagnostic work. It is very important to exclude all possibilities. In particular, in an elderly dog, "problems" with the hind legs may well occur due to intervertebral disc herniation. The disease affects the intervertebral discs, which play a shock-absorbing and protective role. Due to a hernia, the spinal cord or its processes may be pinched, which will lead to negative consequences. Owners of other dogs with an elongated body and shortened paws must also be very careful, since they are the ones who most often suffer from intervertebral hernias.

Fortunately, unlike myelopathy, this pathology is relatively easy to detect on the basis of a simple X-ray examination of the spinal column. In addition to hernias, tumors, cysts, infections, trauma and wound damage must also be ruled out. Many of these pathologies are also detected using the same X-ray or ultrasound, but in doubtful cases, an MRI is still necessary. We strongly recommend visiting a veterinary neuropathologist, as an experienced specialist can help exclude most of this kind of disease based on his own experience alone, without the need for more complex (and very expensive) diagnostic techniques.

When making a four-legged friend, every owner should know that many health problems that you may have to face are associated with paws. No animal is insured against injuries and diseases, and depending on the breed, the pet may suffer from the following:

  1. paw injuries
  2. spinal injury
  3. dysplasia of the joints
  4. bumps or tumors

Fighting is a traumatic occupation.

Most often, the paws of large dogs suffer from street fights, improper training, ice. it is enough to unsuccessfully jump off the couch, fall off a step or be accidentally crushed by the owners. So the size of the dog only affects the cause of the dislocations, bruises, sprains and fractures of the paws.

Sprains and bruises

When sprained or bruised, the dog usually limps on the injured paw, the damaged joint may be swollen. The animal steps on the paw fearfully. May whine after sleep.

It is not necessary to call a doctor; in case of a bruise, a cold compress should be applied for 30 minutes on the 1st day. every 2 hours. On the 2-3rd day, a heating pad, a sock with warm salt, warm up with a blue lamp.

And when stretching, an elastic bandage is applied. Do not allow active games.

Dislocations and fractures

As dislocations, so fractures are very dangerous, and you should solve this problem yourself absolutely not... When dislocated, the bone protrudes from the joint. The tissue around the joint swells, but unlike stretching, the dog cannot stand on the paw. Only a veterinarian can properly put the joint back in place. If the fracture is open, then the bone is visible from the outside. With a closed paw fracture in a dog, the affected limb looks shorter than the other.

In both cases, you need to fix the paw, perhaps fix the dog on the shield. Put cold on the damaged place, and give the animal analgin. And deliver it to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible.

Spine problems

Sick spine - weak paws.

Usually a frightened owner calls the veterinary clinic with the words: "The dog's legs are being taken away!" and asking you to clarify what happened to your pet. In such cases, it is worth remembering the variety of causes and possible consequences.

When a dog just has a problem, it is very important to follow all the instructions of the veterinarian on time. However, usually the surest way to accurately determine the cause is the delivery of appropriate tests and x-rays. And if the dog's hind legs have failed, then the most common reason for this is usually spinal cord injury.


The likelihood of the onset of the disease is greater in small and medium-sized breeds. These include, first of all, dachshunds, and after them - brachycephalic breeds - dogs with a short neck, round head, flat muzzle and flattened nose (Pekingese, Bulldog). Genetically, representatives of these breeds are predisposed to this disease. Problems of intervertebral disc damage can begin at the age of 3 to 8 years. However, even the best upbringing and care does not guarantee perfect health.

But do not think that representatives of such large breeds as Great Dane, German Shepherd Dogs, Rottweilers and others are not susceptible to such diseases. They have the opportunity to "make happy" themselves and their owner with such a disease, usually against the background of other diseases at a more respectful age. The development of the disease in these breeds is much slower, initially the dog limps on one of its hind legs and the owner can have time to respond to the disease.

Symptoms of neurological disorders

Before the failure of the hind limbs, a gradual increase in symptoms occurs, the following picture can be observed. The dog starts to hurt not back, but paws... Initially, it may be mild pain, and then the dog cannot step on its hind leg, it limps. Further, weakness appears in the limbs, and then the dog's paws begin to shake and give way. Last but not least, there is a gradual numbness. After that, the hind legs refuse, and no pleading will help to raise the pet to its feet.

The reasons


It is clear that a very noisy and active baby can not only distract from business, wet the rug in the corridor and damage the furniture, but also harm himself too. This is possible during active pastime, when the dog can fall from a height, slip, get injured during a fight, sharp turns, while running. Accordingly, the dog is injured by mechanical damage, namely spinal cord compression... The oxygen supply, the normal flow of blood and nutrients is immediately stopped. Swelling occurs, and squeezed cells can die off and disrupt the passage of impulses that control the work of the limbs. In the worst case, even a spinal cord rupture is possible.

With a genetic predisposition of a dog, several types of diseases are possible:

  1. Osteochondrosis - there is a malfunction of the intervertebral discs and joints due to problems of blood microcirculation, genetic developmental defects or the manifestation of previously received injuries;
  2. Degenerative diseases - develop as a result of metabolic disorders in the tissues of the spine, which is fraught with dangerous disease the entire spine and complex treatment;
  3. Tumors - develop in the vertebrae, which is dangerous for the spinal cord and signaling nerves, up to a fracture of the spinal column.

Due to their age, large dogs are susceptible to diseases such as spondylosis. This is a disease of gradual aging of the vertebrae. There is a slow defeat of all parts of the vertebra, at first occasionally the dog squats on its hind limbs, and after a while they refuse. But it is almost impossible to avoid this process due to its naturalness.

How dangerous is it?


Depending on how strong and how long the negative effect on the spine lasted, the external manifestations of the disease are so much more pronounced. The severity of injury can be seen from the behavior of the dog. The first stage will be visible by a violation of gait (lameness), trembling of the paws, unwillingness to get up. The extreme degree of damage is visible with a complete loss of sensation and failure of the hind legs.

What to do if symptoms appear?

It should be understood that regardless of the peculiarities of external signs, it is necessary to go to the veterinary clinic as soon as possible. You cannot treat your pet on your own, this can significantly worsen the situation. until his death... Respond immediately after the first sign of changed behavior. As soon as there is a reaction to pain when changing position, lameness, squealing, you need to take the dog to the veterinarian, otherwise delay can cause serious consequences.

If the spine is injured, the dog must not be transported in the usual way. Secure it to a stationary surface (such as a board) with straps or bandages. Self-use of painkillers is not allowed, since the dog from the pain ceases to unnecessarily resist during transportation. In a veterinary clinic, the health of a pet will largely depend on the professionalism of specialists.

Joint dysplasia

Shepherds, Great Danes, Retrievers and others have a dangerous predisposition to the disease. hip joints- dysplasia, in which they are destroyed. The disease usually begins to develop between 12 and 18 months. The reason becomes fast growth and the big weight of the puppy. Such a heavy load on the joints leads to their destruction. You can see how the dog is limping, this symptom manifests itself as early as two years old.

The reasons

Dysplasia of the hip joints is the scourge of large breeds.

In this case, most large breed dogs have a genetic predisposition. A lot depends on the professionals who breed dogs for sale. It is important that they carefully cull sick animals and do not allow them to breed.

Dogs that do not have ancestors with this disease are much less likely to inherit diseased joints. However, the option of improper care is possible. This is especially true of compassionate owners who surround their pets with excessive attention. In this case, the owner responds to every manifestation of the puppy's excitement: "He's hungry!" Or the unwillingness to devote time to the baby manifests itself in filling the dog's bowl with goodies. Since the baby does not control his appetite, and the owners do not establish correct mode, he begins to rapidly gain weight.

If food will be given within normal limits, then it is worth checking not the quantity, but the quality of the food. Scientists have found that the lack of the correct proportions of phosphorus and calcium in a pet's food also causes dysplasia. And this is very common when using cheap dry food or excessive use of meat as a main course.


In most cases, the outward manifestation of the disease occurs gradually. Before lameness appears, the dog simply often lies on the floor, with its hind legs pointing in different directions. During the run, the dog's paws are shaking or it runs like a rabbit, pushing off with both paws. By touching the thigh, you can get the impression that the dog is having paw cramps, from which it whines.


If such symptoms appear, you should immediately contact the veterinary clinic, and not wait for the complete failure of the limbs. Does not exist drug treatment, allowing you to get rid of dysplasia. There is only a suspension of its development. The only option to completely recover is an expensive operation.

Lumps and tumors


It should be understood that bumps and tumors are fundamentally different... So, on the paws of large dogs, there are tumors in the form of dark skin growths. They form directly on the bone, affecting mainly the forelimbs. At the same time, the dogs begin to limp and refuse to get up for a morning walk. They appear externally, usually at the age of 6 years.

A bump on a paw may have different origins... If it goes away in a few days, then nothing else is worth doing, it just had the character of mild inflammation. Otherwise, the bump is dangerous, as it belongs to one of two categories. If its growth is slow, and it is located only in one place, then this is a benign tumor. Malignant tumors are cancers that grow rapidly and invade other tissues. They can bleed by breaking through tissue.


If a tumor or lump appears that does not go away within 2-3 days, you should contact your veterinarian. The health of the dog will depend on the promptness of action and the ability to cut out the formation with the least possible consequences. That is why you need to treat your pet responsibly so that it is healthy and can please its owners for many years.

Video. Hip dysplasia in dogs