Witch conspiracies. Strong spells of witches. What are magic spells

Ancient spells of witches are dangerous magic. The originals of such texts were written in Latin. Today, many of them are lost. Below you will find the ones that still exist.

In the article:

What are the witch spells

All texts in the books of spells of witches are divided according to the characteristics. There are a large number of detailed and concise classifications, they help determine which conspiracy to use the sorcerer in a particular situation. There are 6 main categories.

Simple... These include curses, conspiracies and rituals, for the implementation of which no prior preparation is required. It happens that they consist of several words.

Natural... In these texts, the emphasis is on the appeal to all elements (or to one), to natural phenomena. These spells are not for beginners. Experienced sorcerers can turn to the forces of nature.

Wellness... Are directed, the restoration of physical and energy forces, correction of the mental state. This category of magic includes quackery.

Prayers... Designed for the appeal of the Higher Powers. The main difference from other categories is that when using such spells, the magician asks for help, and does not order the Higher powers what to do.

Protective... This is the second largest category of spells. Designed to shield the sorcerer from any attacks from this and other worlds. This category includes texts that are used for s talking about amulets, amulets, herbs and decoctions. During the rituals, jewelry is spoken to be worn by the magician on himself. This ensures that the spell is always active.

In rituals using such spells, spirits, gods, demons are summoned. Not one person takes part in them, but a certain number. This is important for creating a special concentration of energy that can awaken dark or light forces.

Witch spells in latin

All ancient spells were written in dead language - latin... Almost no authentic texts have come down to us. Today during the magic rites modern languages ​​are used.

But, despite the fact that all the texts were translated almost literally, they were well adapted, the spells that are pronounced in Latin have great power. They preserve magical information, cherish it for many centuries. The spells that were written in ancient greek and other ancient languages.

To undertake a ritual using the Latin text, make sure it is authentic. It is easier in this regard for those who have studied this language. New editions make mistakes in the writing of the text.

And the ceremony may simply not work out, or everything will go wrong. When you do not know Latin and cannot assess the reliability of the text, use the adapted translation.

You are an inexperienced magician - start your acquaintance with ancient spells carefully and slowly. Remember, when pronouncing a spell in Latin, it is important to pronounce each sound clearly. Use the textbook and place all the accents correctly, check how the sounds are read correctly.

Strong love spells

Ancient sorcerers tried to find the best ways and control of human feelings. Therefore, there are various conspiracies of witches that allow you to achieve a person.

How to win a desirable man

This magic rite night from Friday to Saturday. The text of the conspiracy for the ceremony was translated from Latin into Russian. They may not be able to use it experienced magicians must be learned in advance.

Stay alone in the house, open the window completely. Take a large container of water in advance. Place it on a windowsill and bend over the surface. And read the text three times:

I (my full name) I speak you, conjure, holy and brave angels, with the names Hey, He, Ya, Sadai, Heya, Ye, Adonai and Sadai, who on the 6th day was able to create various creeping creatures, animals and humans, and gave his will to Adam over all creatures, and decided to bless the name of the Great Creator in his abode. In the name of all the angels who serve in the 3rd legion before the powerful Dagiel, a strong and brave prince. In the name of his star, which received the name Venus, with his sacred seal and all the names mentioned, I speak to you about the powerful Anael, who reigns on the 6th day, help me and make (the name of a loved one) fall in love with me with hot and strong love.

All this time, think about the object of sighing. Then soak your fingers in water and wash your face from top to bottom. Do the first action with your left hand, then with your right. So that the water flows down the face freely. Don't wipe it off. Repeat the ceremony from beginning to end 2 more times.

When done, do not pour out the liquid. Drink half yourself, drink the rest of your loved one man... When you drink, mentally repeat the words of the spell. You need to drink everything on Saturday, do not leave the next day.

How to attract love

When a person does not appear in life who loves you, shows care and respect, it is easy to attract him. This ancient ritual is performed on the full moon. Equip yourself with special witchcraft attributes:

  • jasmine oil;
  • rose quartz;
  • wax candles (5 regular and 1 red);
  • garnet (stone);
  • carnelian (stone).

carnelian jasmine oil rose quartz wax candles

Perform the ritual in the room where you sleep. Wait until dark and open the window. Place and light candles around the bed (grease the red one with oil).

Then sit on the bed and take the stones in your working hand. Close your eyes, free your head from unnecessary thoughts and imagine that your dream has come true: you are loved, desired, taken care of and cherished.

Imagine how you give yourself to the last drop to your beloved and how he returns all this energy back. Visualize the chosen one. Outline the facial features, physique, describe the character. When the attributes are saturated with your energy and thoughts, place them by the bed and say a conspiracy:

Oh, great Goddess of light, bring me happiness, faithful and bright! May new love; strong and tender will come to me. Yes it will be so!

Let the candles burn out after the ceremony, and you go to bed.

How to attract good luck

Ancient spells of witches help in attracting good luck and finding what you want. Conspiracy in Russian ( adapted translation). It is read quietly. When using the original text for the ritual, pronounce it loudly, clearly, and do not forget about the correct intonation.

For a growing month go outside, turn to the night star and say three times:

Angels of God and Archangels, I (full name) speak to you, saints of the strongest, by the greatest name of the holy Deity, wise and towering over the endless heavens. To the one who created in one day the earth, the world, the heavens, the sea and all living things, having forever sealed them with his name.
I also speak with the names of the Angels of the Saints, who rule the 4th legion and serve the strong Salamia, the titled and great Angel. In the name of a star with the name of the Sun, its sign, the greatest name of the living God. I (full name) ask you, oh, great angels, work for me, bring my constant luck into life and help fulfill all my desires and requests according to my will.

When you say the main text, you can independently state your dreams, hopes and ask you to fulfill what you want. Good luck will accompany you in any area you name.

Beginners are advised to take an adapted translation for this rite. Incorrect use of the original text will entail undesirable negative consequences, which will affect the sorcerer himself, but also his close relatives.

The ancients used to obtain the desired result. To apply such knowledge, a rite of passage is passed. Individual magicians prefer to intermarry with all the elements; those who really assess their abilities choose one of them.

In such rituals, spells in Latin are often used to create an indestructible bond between the sorcerer and the forces of nature. The element to which the sorceress belongs, her protector, patroness, and when carrying out any complex rituals, the sorceress turns to her.

Since ancient times, it was believed that witches are female individuals leading a solitary lifestyle. Basically, they settled in deep, impenetrable forests, where they could create their villainous intrigues without attracting much attention. There they collected miraculous herbs and roots, strange plants and mushrooms for their black deeds.

Witches: who are they and do they have a place in the world where everything is so shaky, incomprehensible and relative?

As a rule, witches are made by nature. For example, if only women are constantly born in the pedigree or only men for three generations, these are potential witches and magicians. If you teach such a representative witchcraft, a person will feel great power. Such people often know that they are unusual, they, not understanding what they are doing, can harm others. It has happened more than once in life that a random word thrown in anger comes true very soon. These forces, given by nature, find their application.

You can become a witch unwittingly. Many have heard that, when dying, a witch must transmit her power. As a rule, she knows about her passing a couple of days in advance and can prepare. But in extreme cases, when it is impossible to do this, the witch realizes that the evil spirits will not let her go, but will torment her with terrible torment. In the moment of agony, she is ready to throw off her power on anyone, the witch only needs to touch a person's hand.

Having transferred power without knowledge, the successor is doomed to torment. The transfer of knowledge by mutual consent has slightly different forms. This phenomenon is called the Confession of a Witch. Depending on the physical condition, it can last more than one day. Having begun her monologue after midnight, the witch speaks until the first roosters, and then falls silent to continue the next night.

The successor cannot write down, so she is forced to memorize everything that was said. To simplify this, the elder witch denounced knowledge in the story, and therefore they say "The confession of a witch." An important nuance is the choice of a person to transfer knowledge. A worthy and stronger successor was supposed to be chosen. The confession on her deathbed is not devoid of logic, because, having full knowledge, the newly-made witch could use them against the Teacher.

See also the documentary video about the book of witches:

But there are those who are consciously trained to become a witch.

The last type of witches are conscientious disciples. These people, realizing themselves, chose the path of witchcraft and divination. Experts assure that almost everyone can. If you decide to do black magic, you need to perform a ritual ceremony and read the words to become a witch. The initiation ritual itself requires not only bodily purity, strict fasting is required for three days, but you also need to put on clean clothes.

Your mind should be sober and not clouded by alcohol "for courage" or other dope. Choose a room for reading the dedication, which really no one will enter or interfere with. Before starting the ritual, light the icon lamp, and from that day on, let it burn for forty days.

Reading requires awe, respect, and faith in the importance of what is happening. You need to realize that by dedicating yourself, you take responsibility. All your words will have a different weight and power. It will not be possible to scatter threats to the right and to the left. After reading the text of the dedication, you will gain power over the spirits, they will obey all your orders. After all, each spell is a witch's order to be executed. So, if you are ready and aware of the actions, then you should read the following words:

After completing the ritual, the person goes to sleep and should not communicate with anyone on this day.

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch"

The concepts of "black magic" and "witch" in the minds of a modern person have a pronounced negative connotation. But a witch is not one who does only evil to people. The word "witch" comes primarily from the word "to know", that is, to know.

Witches are different:

  1. There are witches who help people solve their problems, heal them and never do evil. White witches usually do not hide from people and are always ready to help. But blacks may not be seen right away.
  2. There are also such witches who work only for their own benefit and do not refuse any, even the most dirty work. They are black witches.

It is necessary to understand that black magic is not a priori "evil", it has nothing to do with Satanism. Of course, you may have to appeal to the powers of demons and spirits, but definitely, in the vast majority of rituals, you will not need sacrifices, tormenting black cats and drinking blood. You yourself decided to learn the ancient spells of witches, which means that you must be aware of the danger of your choice.

One should not take witchcraft as something fabulous and fantastic, a la Harry Potter - this is a real teaching. According to the principle of influence, the directions of witchcraft can be divided into two types: active and passive.

  1. Summoning demons and spirits, healing or corrupting a person is the activity of active witches.
  2. Passive adherents of magic are limited to fortune telling, predictions, reading amulets, creating amulets. Active witchcraft requires a large energy expenditure of the witch.

Real spells for aspiring witches are not hard to find. Printing houses regularly publish new books on magic, and many sites with this topic have been created on the Internet. Everyone decides for himself the question of the authenticity of such abundant information.

This is the 21st century. An age in which most supernatural phenomena were scientifically substantiated or disproved. However, the world is so diverse that it regularly supplies the human mind with new riddles. In all ancient cultures and at all times there were women endowed with superhuman abilities. Their role in everyday life was and remains such as to know the answers to these riddles, to help people who do not know to cope with difficulties.

Witchcraft and its various varieties were known from time immemorial to the ancient Egyptians and the inhabitants of Mesopotamia, especially the Babylonians. Man's interest in everything mysterious has always been. People were attracted by the unknown forces of powerful nature.

Just imagine how much knowledge about the power of spirits has been accumulated over the years, centuries! Magic can hardly be called a science for a common man in the street, but it is as old as the world, and this has long surpassed any of the sciences. Magic allows you to know, if not everything, then a lot. It's not even about bookish knowledge about damage, diseases, etc., magic reveals the secret of that side of life, where mathematics, biology or physics could not look. It is pointless to deny the interaction of mind and soul, but it is very important to understand it.

In ancient times it was easier to come to terms with magic, one could either know a lot, or not know anything. A witch could be a priest, a medicine man, a healer, which means that she had power over people. Then, with the development of culture, and therefore with the appearance of grains of knowledge among ordinary people, a division into right and left, good and bad, was needed. So it was easier for a person to understand what was happening around him, so he naively believed that he knew about good and evil.

Initial symbols and knowledge in the course of development changed their meaning, man replaced concepts in order to learn how to manage the world. He continues to do this in our time. For example, the ancient Chinese symbol Yin-Yang. Modern man states: the meaning of the sign is the opposite, feminine and masculine, good and evil.

But the ancient Chinese put in a different meaning:

  • Yin - the shady side of the mountain
  • Yang is sunny.

And where is it good, and where is it bad? There is only one mountain! Witches are, perhaps, those people who retain the original meaning of being and do not try to adapt or modernize it.

Now it is difficult to comprehend when and how the division of magic into white and black, and their servants into magicians and witches, went. Perhaps, with the advent of a single patriarchal religion, service to higher powers, God, and therefore the function of a priest, a bearer of good, began to be tied to the male principle ( white magic), while concern about the material world (chores about daily affairs) is associated with evil, the feminine principle. And so it turns out that those who practice black magic, fighting the hardships of life, are witches.

How to identify and recognize a real witch?

Continuing the topic of witches, I would like to pay attention to such an issue as the recognition of a true witch. A very original way was found by Serbian researchers of the occult sciences. In one of the abandoned ancient monasteries, they found ancient scriptures with instructions for identifying witchcraft spells among the female population. Everything is simple and at the same time ridiculous, but this method brings a good income in the Museum of Witchcraft.

So, the girl needs to weigh herself twice, the first time with the classical method, and the second time - riding the broom:

  1. If, upon re-weighing, the weight was more, this is quite normal and means that the girl is not a witch.
  2. But if the weight remained unchanged, this is direct evidence that this is a witch.

Witches often visit church, feeding on the energy of holiness, as well as as part of rituals. As a rule, those who come to the temple of God with the intention of performing the rite are closed from the grace emanating from the icons.

How they behave in the temple:

  1. They cross their arms, legs, or fingers.
  2. When praying, kneeling in front of the images, they can cross their legs from behind.
  3. You should also alert you if a parishioner crosses herself with her left hand and in reverse order (belly, left shoulder, right shoulder, forehead). This ritual is called environs. Witches can also cross themselves with their right hand, but then afterwards they make a sharp movement with their hand, as if throwing the cross to the floor. The best solution would be not to approach such people and not take anything from them.
  4. While in the church, the black witch tries not to turn her back on the altar and icons ... This is explained by the fact that there are many nerve endings in the spine, and the grace that comes from images burns the witch's back extremely strongly... She, even when she leaves, will be baptized, walking back to the exit and not turning.

Why do witches come to churches?

It's simple: in performing rituals, they spend their vital energy... To replenish it in a natural way for a long time, much faster to feed on it from an ignorant parishioner. This is done quite simply. The witch, without attracting attention, will go around you counterclockwise, then, as if accidentally pushes with her hand, and that's it: she just needs to stand behind her back and receive your energy.

If you feel and notice that someone is carrying out such manipulations, do not hesitate and hit that person with your left hand, this will return the effect of damage back. There are a lot of people who are experiencing all sorts of troubles from induced. Very often people die quickly from induced damage, and from incurable disease... And very many at the reception of the master exclaim, for what it is to me, to whom I crossed the road.

But there are witches who spoil people not for something, but just like that, for the sake of pleasure. We know from history that witches and sorcerers are those who made a deal with the devil himself and in exchange for knowledge sold them his soul. Perhaps the vanity from the possession of sacred secrets pushes witches to create evil.

Yet witches are not all evil. There are curious researchers in this area called witches. It is worth recalling: the word "witch" comes from the word "in charge". Magic is like a mirror, whoever turns to it in search of answers to questions, he reveals his true intentions.

Spells for novice witches and sorcerers are texts intended for those who want to discover in themselves magical abilities... If you are just starting your way of learning magic, then try to avoid complicated rituals that require deep knowledge and great energy potential for now.

Spells are an integral part of rituals; magic phrases accompanying any ritual.

These are not just words, they activate various processes in our world, as a result, the magician achieves the desired result after the ceremony.

An integral part of any ritual with spells are auxiliary items:

  • standard magic attributes (candles, salt, crystals, photographs);
  • rare artifacts;
  • amulets;
  • herbs.

It is very important for novice witches to use such things. At the initial level, the energy potential is not very large, and a novice witch needs help. Therefore, a beginner should use various additional items that will charge him with power. This rule applies to both white and black magicians.

The use of real witchcraft spells and rituals should ideally be supervised by an experienced teacher. He will be able to show how to properly manage his own power. If there is no teacher, then you can reach the heights of witchcraft on your own.

To do this, a beginner should stock up on perseverance, patience and be extremely careful. Try to gradually move from simple spells and rituals to more complex ones. It's not worth taking on difficult and dangerous rituals right away.

White magic - spells for novice sorcerers

Such practices are used for creation, purification, removal of love spells, damage and evil eyes. With the help of such rituals, you can heal a person, fill him with positive energy.

There are many secrets of white magic. Typically, rituals use the texts of white magicians, healers, folk healers. This practice is less dangerous than black magic.

The white magician can use not only ready-made spells, but also his own. To write your conspiracies, you need to have significant experience, so it's better for a beginner not to start writing magic texts yet, but to use ready-made ones.

One of the simplest examples of spells is to improve the health of a sick person. In order to improve the physical condition of a person, the magician will need dishes with clean water and salt. You can use both the usual and the spell, left from Maundy Thursday. The ritual begins by throwing 3 pinches of salt into a bowl of water and saying the words:

Mother, the water is fast, wash away all the waste, all the scrap from the servant / servant of God (name). Carry them into the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put on them stone clamps. So that they never surface, forget about the servant of God (name) forever.

The ceremony is performed 3 times. Over the course of several days, the person should be much better. In order for the conspiracy to work, you need to be clearly aware of what you are doing and believe in it. If you do not put meaning in your actions and do everything unconsciously, then there may be no result.

Removing the evil eye with a conspiracy

Very often, white magic is used to remove negative energy and eliminate black witchcraft. If damage or evil eye has been imposed on a person, then you can remove them yourself. Even a beginner can handle a simple curse. For the conduct of the ceremony, you will need a bowl of clean water, salt and a match. You need to throw a little salt into a container with water, light a match, cross yourself and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Then the sorcerer needs to break off the burnt end of the match and throw it into the bowl, saying:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save, save the servant of God (name) from every eye, from a bad hour, from a woman's, from a man's, from a child's, from joyful, from hated, from the slanderous, from the negotiation. "

The spell is repeated 9 times. Now, a patient suffering from the evil eye can be washed with charmed water, constantly repeating:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After completing the ritual, the patient needs to drink plenty of water for 3 days. Usually the conspiracy begins to take effect very soon, and the person gradually recovers.

Black magic for beginners - spells and rituals

By performing rituals related to black magic, the magician can achieve the desired results. Such spells and rituals are most often aimed at destruction, suppression of the human "I", bewitching a person, obtaining material goods.

A black magician can cause damage, evil eye, significantly ruin the life of the victim. With such spells, you need to be extremely careful. For many rituals, the sorcerer needs the help of demons and spirits, and their behavior can be unpredictable. Especially when a newbie comes into contact with them.

The development of witchcraft abilities and the use of black magic for personal purposes should take place gradually, and the magician should be very careful. There are both complex rituals and fairly simple ones that can be performed without much preparation.

An example of such a ritual is black fasting. It is necessary to begin the ceremony on the new moon, and end on the full moon. For 14 days, the sorcerer will have to refuse food. You can only afford water and bread. Each time you eat, the magician utters a curse:

Damn you (person's name).

This spell is aimed at inflicting minor damage to the victim. One should not hope that a person's health or his material condition will deteriorate significantly, but the victim's usual way of life will definitely be disrupted. New problems and concerns will appear in his life, which will significantly exhaust the person and deprive him of strength.

Black magic and personal gain

Often, sorcerers use black magic for personal gain. There are simple spells for aspiring witches that can help increase wealth. A ceremony is held on the new moon. The magician should be taken in right hand 7 coins and face the moon.

Extend both arms forward. Only squeeze the right one into a fist, and open the left one. The palm should be facing up. Looking at the moon, you need to cast the spell 9 times:

“The money has appeared! The money has come! They found the money themselves in my pocket!
I always get my profit! The money in my piggy bank is coming!
I have more and more of them! Here, now, everywhere and always.
I'm getting richer day by day! "

It is necessary to repeat the ceremony for 3 nights in a row. After that, you need to light a candle, put coins next to it and leave everything like this until the candle is completely extinguished. As soon as this happens, the spell must be cast 3 more times. You can wait for the result within a week.

Magic does not tolerate haste and superficiality. An aspiring witch or sorcerer must carefully work out each spell if you want to really succeed in this subtle art. Spells for beginners should start with simple rituals and rituals that cannot do significant damage to the witch or sorcerer. And only then, over time, you can take on more complex rituals. This is the only way to become an experienced, strong magician.

This article contains numerous techniques of black magic, mainly related to Slavic culture. We provide information for informational purposes only and do not encourage anyone to use the described practices. Remember that for every negative magical effect sooner or later you have to pay.

Black magic - book of spells

We present to the reader's attention black spells with which you can take away health, wealth or luck.

Magic paraphernalia

A nail from the graveyard

This method causes the victim of witchcraft to stop urinating. This is a very dangerous damage from which a person can die. To guide her, the sorcerer had to get a nail from the cemetery, speak it and drive it into the wall of his enemy's house or into any wooden surface closest to his house.

The nail is spoken as follows:

"Restless spirits of the earth, help me so that (the name of the person who is being spoiled) does not have either on the day of living, or on the night of sleeping, not in the hour of strength, or in half an hour be patient."

The beginning magician needs to know that this ritual is supposed to be performed on the day of Saturn, i.e. on Saturday. By hammering a nail into a tree, you are supposed to wish evil on your offender.

Goga (spoil the cattle)

Black magic can harm not only a person, but also his home, family, social status and even animals. For example, to spoil livestock, a warlock can make a so-called. "Gogu". This is a paper cut image of an animal (sheep, goat, cow).

Goga is buried where the owners often graze livestock. At the same time, a special spell is pronounced:

“Do not grow, but die, do not grow fat, but dry! Devilry come, mutilate all the cattle of my enemy! "

During the execution of the ceremony, no one should see the magician. Therefore, gogu is usually buried after sunset.

Corruption to Mandrake Root

Often used in black magic. With the help of this plant, you can bring misfortune and serious illness to a person. To do this, on the full moon, touch the mandrake root three times with a new knife, while pronouncing the name of your enemy.

Next, the magician cuts the root with the same knife if he wants to doom his enemy to a series of troubles (this is called cutting off luck). To take away health, you need to dig a hole, put a mandrake root in it, cover it with salt, and then earth.

Punish the offender

The sorcerer can use this method to punish a person who has acted unfairly towards him. On Saturday, before the sun rises, you need to get a branch of a one-year-old hazel. The branch should be carefully cut with a knife. In this case, you will need to cast a special spell:

"I cut you off, in the name of (the name of the offender) whom I wish to punish."

"In nomen Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus, et in cute Droch, Mirroch, Esenaroth, Betu, Baroch, Maaroth."

Then the caster would start whipping a branch of hazel across the tablecloth. The offender received as many blows as they were inflicted.

Damage to the wind

This is a very simple way, a kind of black magic for beginners. In order to "plant" a disease on his foe, the sorcerer had to save a handful of dust from the cemetery in advance. Then it was necessary to wait for windy weather and approach the house of your enemy from the leeward side (i.e. so that the wind would blow from the magician towards the house of his enemy).

It was necessary to throw a handful of dust in the direction of the enemy's dwelling, and then cast a spell:

“Amakula Kulaba! Blind (the name of the offender) black, black, green, hazel or blue eyes. Dry it, so that it becomes thinner than the mown grass, inflate the womb thicker than a coal pit! "

Bust a business

In the old days, black magic was often used in the event that it was necessary to ruin the business of a competitor or foe. To do this, the warlock poured salt in the shape of a cross on the doorstep of the store, while pronouncing the following incantation:

“As soon as this salt melts, your business will disintegrate. No way for you, no way! "

Black magic voodoo

Voodoo magic originated on the African continent, but over time it spread throughout the world and became incredibly popular ...

Voodoo Doll

The ready-made volt is called the name of their enemy, then you can perform various manipulations with the doll - beat it, prick it with needles, cut it with a knife or even burn it.

Strong love spell

Black magic is not always harmful. With the help of this conspiracy, a sorcerer or witch can awaken reciprocal love feelings in the object of his sympathy. To do this, write the name of a loved one on a piece of paper, then put a note on a saucer and pour honey on a plate.

A lighted red candle is placed in the center of the saucer. While it burns, you should chant:

“Ammet kolt kolto, mett kolt, owenid

Rpete me rappet, poum m'daid,

Swomi loy swami san omweni,

Hmean wen ape koul demma ".

The candle will have to burn out completely. To complete the ritual, you need to appease. To do this, you need to leave the house after sunset and go to the intersection (the intersection of two paths). At the intersection, you need to leave a plate of cakes or sweets.

One of the main magic tools women sorcerers - spells. Ancient words from their books or those that are passed from mouth to mouth are conspiracies that seriously change reality. Find out what the appeal to occult powers sounds like in Latin, as well as what is achieved with them.

But the witch spells are divided into:

  • Conspiracies... Simple variations require a quick recitation of a verbal formula with or without additional steps. They are for solving everyday issues.
  • Prayers... In practice, sorcerers and witches use appeals to various powers. A prayer is not an order, but a request to entities.
  • Rituals... Ancient spells are used in ritual magic. Carrying out rituals requires lengthy preparation, careful study of the texts and adherence to subtleties. But the result is also impressive.

Each of the types of witchcraft mentioned is appropriate for the situation. No witch will try to break the will of a person with a simple conspiracy. How to use a long ritual to get rid of unexpected guests. A simple verbal formula will come in handy.

Conspiracies of witches

In such magical events, an appeal goes to nature or higher forces with prayer or to spirits and evil spirits. The use of the caster's personal reserves is assumed - when there is no mention in the text of who is carrying out the order. Introducing simple formulas.

A conspiracy to find the lost:

Damn it, play it, give it back!

As you read it, wrap the thread around the leg of a chair or chair.

This old conspiracy is good, little trouble:

Beat me!

Always use it.

If you need money, roll a candle in a basil with sunflower oil, scribble your name and the required amount. Light up the waxing moon. Say into the flame:

Money comes and grows, it will certainly end up in my pocket.

Spell book

Ancient grimoire

Practitioners of witchcraft collect knowledge bit by bit. But what is found should be stored somewhere. And for this it has been used since ancient times. Using notes, you don't have to memorize texts.

Spell books were intended to store knowledge for personal use. The records became a source of information for the witch heirs who received the gift. Many sorcerers seek to obtain competitor's "reference books".

The ancient grimoires and treatises on magic stand apart. Many of them are legends. Others are guarded secrets. Still others are the object of desires of representatives of the magical world. The fourth is the heritage of literature and historical monuments. Many grimoires are also simple books of witches' spells with records of rituals, conspiracies, and rites from ancient times.

Ancient spells of witches

The older the knowledge, the stronger the effect. They have been tested for millennia, and the most powerful witchcraft has survived time and has come down to the present day. They should be used with caution. Such magic is dark. Black spells are dangerous in untrained hands.

Example -. It takes a drop of blood from a person who wants to attract love to himself. Prepare and ritual knife- atame, used for occult purposes, and silverware. Use a blade to pierce the finger of the person who wants to receive love. Blood drips into a bowl, after which the text is read:

Samael, lord of all passions. Kindle the devil's fire, burning in the furnaces of hell in the heart (the name of the bewitched). He knows neither sleep nor rest. Suffer for him and suffer without his love by blood. I conjure him forever, I call his blood to blood! The key is my word, the lock is my lips. The key of what has been said cannot be returned, the words cannot be closed in the mouth.

Then you need to pour any liquid into a bowl and give a drink with a drop of blood to the one on whom the love spell was made.

Rituals with such an orientation are carried out on the waning moon in order to harm. Or growing - to attract benefits.

Spells in Latin

Ancient languages ​​contain many secrets with their own occult traditions. Spells in Latin are popular. There are reasons for this. She survived ancient language... Latin is spoken by doctors, biologists and lawyers. Many magical treatises have been compiled by Catholic priests in this language.

This magic must be used with caution. Witch spells in Latin are read with an understanding of the meaning of each word and the correct placement of stress. It is necessary to pay close attention to the original source. The original texts were rewritten. Therefore, errors crept into them.

We give a spell for invoking wealth in Latin with translation - magic formulas remain valid even when pronounced in Russian.

Septem angeli, septem duces. Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Salathihel, Jegudiel, Barachiel. Aurea lucem videbis. Ab oculis eorum et aurum quae donatur. Quattuor ventos a quattuor committo. Quis sitit, veniat ad me, et aurum de septentrio, meridies, occidens et orientis. Veni ego in aqua in igne veniet, et veniet in terram, et venient in aere. Ite, et ipse mecum. Ecce præcipio tibi, Domine omnipotens, et regit. Amen.

In Russian it sounds:

Seven angels, seven masters. Gabriel, Michael, Uriel, Raphael, Salafiel, Jehudiel, Barachiel. You see the light of the golden throne. From your eyes you will give me gold. I conjure you with four winds and four elements. May gold come to me from the north, south, west and east. It will come in water, it will come in fire, it will come in the ground, it will come in the air. Go and bring it to me. I do not command you, but God Almighty rules. Amen.

Cast a spell by placing the symbols of all the elements next to it.

Witch spells are also used in modern life. But with ancient powers comes responsibility and danger. It is better not to tempt fate without proper preparation.