Social control. Social behavior Social reaction to human behavior

Social control - a mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society in order to strengthen order and stability in society.

Social control includes two main elements: social norms and sanctions.

Sanction (from lat. sanctio- inviolable ruling) - any reaction to the behavior of a person or group from others.

Types of sanctions
Formal Informal
Punishment for a crime of law or violation of an administrative order; fines, imprisonment, correctional labor, etc. Condemnation of a person for an act by society: an offensive tone, swearing or reprimand, demonstrative disregard of the person, etc.
Encouragement of a person's activity or deed by official organizations: awards, certificates of professional, academic success, etc. Gratitude and approval of unofficial persons (friends, acquaintances, colleagues): praise, approving smile, etc.

Forms of social control

In the process of socialization, norms are assimilated so firmly that people, violating them, experience a feeling of awkwardness → the emergence of a sense of guilt → pangs of conscience. Conscience - manifestation of internal control.

In traditional society, social control was based on unwritten rules; in modern society, it is based on written norms: instructions, decrees, decrees, laws. Social control has acquired institutional support in the form of a court, education, army, production, mass media, political parties, government.

In the Russian Federation, special bodies have been created to exercise social control: Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, federal Service security, various financial control authorities and others. Control functions are endowed and deputies of various levels... In addition to state control bodies, various public organizations, for example, in the field of consumer protection, in the control of labor relations, the state of the environment etc.

Detailed (petty) control, in which the leader intervenes in every action, corrects, pulls, etc., is called oversight.

The more self-control is developed among members of a society, the less this society has to resort to external control. Conversely, the less self-control people have, the more often the institutions of social control come into play. The weaker the self-control, the stricter the external control should be.

Social control methods

1) Insulation- the establishment of impassable partitions between the deviant (that is, a person who violates social norms) and the rest of society without any attempts to correct or re-educate him.

2) Isolation- limiting the contacts of the deviant with other people, but not completely isolating him from society; this approach allows deviants to be corrected and returned to society when they are ready not to violate generally accepted norms.

3) Rehabilitation- a process during which deviants can prepare to return to normal life and correctly fulfill their social roles in society.



1. Establish a correspondence between positive sanctions and their illustrative examples: for each item given in the first column, match the corresponding item in the second column.

The concept of "behavior" came to sociology from psychology. The meaning of the term "behavior" is different, different from the meaning of such traditional philosophical concepts as action and activity. If action is understood as a rationally substantiated act with a clear goal, a strategy, carried out with the involvement of specific conscious methods and means, then behavior is just a reaction of a living being to external and internal changes. Such a reaction can be both conscious and unconscious. So, purely emotional reactions - laughter, crying - are also behavior.

Social behavior - it is a set of human behavioral processes associated with the satisfaction of physical and social needs and arising as a reaction to the surrounding social environment. The subject of social behavior can be an individual or a group.

If we abstract from purely psychological factors and reason at the social level, then the behavior of the individual is determined primarily by socialization. The minimum of innate instincts that a person possesses as a biological being is the same for all people. Behavioral differences depend on the qualities acquired in the process of socialization and, to some extent, on innate and acquired psychological individual characteristics.

In addition, the social behavior of individuals is regulated by the social structure, in particular the role structure of society.

Social norm of behavior- this is the kind of behavior that fully corresponds to the status expectations. Due to the existence of status expectations, society with sufficient probability can predict the actions of the individual in advance, and the individual himself can coordinate his behavior with the ideal model or model adopted by society. Social behavior corresponding to status expectations is defined by the American sociologist R. Linton as social role. This interpretation of social behavior is closest to functionalism, since it explains behavior as a phenomenon determined by social structure. R. Merton introduced the category of the "role complex" - a system of role expectations determined by a given status, as well as the concept of role conflict that arises when the role expectations of the statuses occupied by the subject are incompatible and cannot be realized in some single socially acceptable behavior.

The functionalist understanding of social behavior was subjected to fierce criticism from, first of all, representatives of social behaviorism, who believed that it was necessary to build the study of behavioral processes on the basis of the achievements of modern psychology. How much psychological moments were really overlooked by the role interpretation of the command follows from the fact that N. Cameron tried to substantiate the idea of ​​the role determination of mental disorders, assuming that mental illness- this is the wrong performance of their social roles and the result of the patient's inability to perform them in the way that society needs. Behaviorists argued that at the time of E. Durkheim, the successes of psychology were insignificant and therefore the functionality of the expiring paradigm met the requirements of the time, but in the XX century, when psychology reached a high level of development, one cannot ignore its data, considering human behavior.

Forms of human social behavior

People behave differently in a particular social situation, in a particular social environment. For example, some participants in the demonstration peacefully march along the declared route, others seek to organize riots, and still others provoke mass clashes. These various actions of actors of social interaction can be defined as social behavior. Consequently, social behavior is the form and method of manifestation by social actors of their preferences and attitudes, capabilities and abilities in social action or interaction. Therefore, social behavior can be viewed as a qualitative characteristic of social action and interaction.

In sociology, social behavior is interpreted as: about behavior, which is expressed in the totality of actions and actions of an individual or a group in society and depends on socio-economic factors and prevailing norms; about the external manifestation of activity, the form of transformation of activity into real actions in relation to socially significant objects; about the adaptation of a person to the social conditions of his existence.

To achieve life goals and in the implementation of individual tasks, a person can use two types of social behavior - natural and ritual, the differences between which are of a fundamental nature.

"Natural" behavior, individually significant and egocentric, is always aimed at achieving individual goals and is adequate to these goals. Therefore, the individual is not faced with the question of the correspondence of the goals and means of social behavior: the goal can and must be achieved by any means. The "natural" behavior of an individual is not socially regulated, therefore, as a rule, it is immoral or "unceremonious". This social behavior is "natural" natural character because it addresses organic needs. In society, "natural" egocentric behavior is "forbidden", therefore it is always based on social conventions and mutual concessions on the part of all individuals.

Ritual behavior("Ceremonial") - individually unnatural behavior; it is precisely this behavior that makes society exist and reproduce. Ritual in all its variety of forms - from etiquette to ceremony - so deeply penetrates the entire social life that people do not notice that they are living in the field of ritual interactions. Ritual social behavior is a means of ensuring the stability of the social system, and an individual who implements various forms of such behavior participates in ensuring the social stability of social structures and interactions. Thanks to ritual behavior, a person achieves social well-being, constantly convinced of the inviolability of his social status and the preservation of the usual set of social roles.

Society is interested in the social behavior of individuals to be ritualistic, but society cannot abolish the "natural" egocentric social behavior, which, being adequate in goals and indiscriminate in means, always turns out to be more beneficial for the individual than "ritual" behavior. Therefore, society seeks to transform the forms of "natural" social behavior into various forms of ritual social behavior, including through socialization mechanisms using social support, control and punishment.

To preserve and maintain public relations and ultimately, the survival of a person as homo sapiens (a person of sapience) is directed by such forms of social behavior as:

  • cooperative behavior, which includes all forms of altruistic behavior - helping each other during natural disasters and technological disasters, helping young children and the elderly, helping future generations through the transfer of knowledge and experience;
  • parental behavior - the behavior of parents in relation to their offspring.

Aggressive behavior is presented in all its manifestations, both group and individual - from verbal abuse of another person to mass killings during wars.

Human Behavior Concepts

Human behavior is studied in many areas of psychology - in behaviorism, psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, etc. The term "behavior" is one of the key terms in existential philosophy and is used in the study of a person's relationship to the world. The methodological possibilities of this concept are due to the fact that it makes it possible to identify unconscious stable structures of personality or human existence in the world. Among the psychological concepts of human behavior that have had a great influence on sociology and social psychology, we should mention, first of all, the psychoanalytic directions developed by Z. Freud, C. G. Jung, A. Adler.

Freud's representations are based on the fact that the behavior of an individual is formed as a result of a complex interaction of the levels of his personality. Freud identifies three such levels: the lower level is formed by unconscious impulses and impulses determined by innate biological needs and complexes formed under the influence of the individual history of the subject. This level Freud calls It (Id) to show its separation from the conscious I of the individual, which forms the second level of his psyche. The Conscious Self includes rational goal-setting and responsibility for one's actions. Highest level constitutes the superego - what we would call the result of socialization. This is a set of social norms and values ​​internalized by an individual, exerting internal pressure on him in order to displace from consciousness undesirable (forbidden) impulses and drives from society and prevent them from being realized. According to Freud, the personality of any person is an incessant struggle between the Id and the Super-I, shaking the psyche and leading to neuroses. Individual behavior is entirely due to this struggle and is fully explained by it, since it is only a symbolic reflection of it. Such symbols can be images of dreams, slips of the tongue, slips of the tongue, obsessions and fears.

C.G. Jung's concept expands and modifies Freud's doctrine, including in the sphere of the unconscious not only individual complexes and drives, but also the collective unconscious - the level of key images common to all people and peoples - archetypes. The archetypes contain archaic fears and value ideas, the interaction of which determines the behavior and attitude of the individual. Archetypal images figure in basic narratives - folk tales and legends, mythology, epic - historically specific societies. The socially regulating role of such narratives in traditional societies is very great. They contain ideal behaviors that shape role expectations. For example, a male warrior should behave like Achilles or Hector, a wife like Penelope, etc. Regular recitation (ritual replay) of archetic narratives continually remind members of society of these ideal behaviors.

Psychoanalytic concept of Adler is based on an unconscious will to power, which, in his opinion, is an innate personality structure and determines behavior. It is especially strong in those who, for one reason or another, suffer from an inferiority complex. In an effort to compensate for their inferiority, they are able to achieve great success.

Further splitting psychoanalytic direction led to the emergence of many schools in disciplinary terms occupying a borderline position between psychology, social philosophy, sociology. Let us dwell in detail on the work of E. Fromm.

Fromm's positions are representative of neo-Freudianism in and - more precisely can be defined as Freylom-Marxism, since, along with the influence of Freud, he was equally strongly influenced by the social philosophy of Marx. The peculiarity of neo-Freudianism in comparison with orthodox Freudianism is due to the fact that, strictly speaking, neo-Freudianism is more of a sociology, while Freud is certainly a pure psychologist. If Freud explains the behavior of the individual by complexes and impulses hidden in the individual unconscious, in short, by internal biopsychic factors, then for Fromm and Freylomarxism as a whole, the behavior of the individual is determined by the surrounding social environment. This is his similarity with Marx, who explained the social behavior of individuals in the final analysis by their class origin. Nevertheless Fromm seeks to find in social processes the place is psychological. According to the Freudian tradition, referring to the unconscious, he introduces the term "social unconscious", implying that psychic experience is common to all members of a given society, but for most of them it does not fall on the level of consciousness, because it is supplanted by a special social mechanism by its nature. belonging not to an individual, but to society. Thanks to this mechanism of displacement, society maintains a stable existence. The mechanism of social repression includes language, the logic of everyday thinking, a system of social prohibitions and taboos. The structures of language and thinking are formed under the influence of society and act as an instrument of social pressure on the psyche of the individual. For example, the coarse, anti-aesthetic, ridiculous abbreviations and abbreviations of "Newspeak" from Orwell's dystopia actively disfigure the minds of people who use them. To one degree or another, the monstrous logic of formulas like: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is the most democratic form of power" became the property of everyone in Soviet society.

The main component of the mechanism of social repression is social taboos that act like Freud's censorship. That in the social experience of individuals that threatens the preservation of the existing society, if realized, is not allowed into consciousness with the help of a “social filter”. Society manipulates the consciousness of its members, introducing ideological clichés that, due to their frequent use, become inaccessible to critical analysis, withhold certain information, exert direct pressure and cause fear of social isolation. Therefore, everything that contradicts the socially approved ideological cliché is excluded from consciousness.

This kind of taboos, ideologemes, logical and linguistic experiments form, according to Fromm, the "social character" of a person. People belonging to the same society, against their will, are, as it were, marked with the seal of a "common incubator". For example, measures, we unmistakably recognize foreigners on the street, even if we do not hear their speech - by their behavior, appearance, attitude towards each other; these are people from another society, and when they find themselves in a mass environment that is alien to them, they stand out sharply from it due to their similarity. Social character - it is a style of behavior brought up by society and unrecognized by the individual - from social to everyday life. For example, Soviet and former Soviet man they are distinguished by collectivism and responsiveness, social passivity and undemandingness, obedience to the power personified in the person of the "leader", a developed fear of being different from everyone else, credulity.

Fromm directed his criticism against modern capitalist society, although he paid much attention to describing the social character generated by totalitarian societies. Like Freud, he developed a program to restore the undistorted social behavior of individuals through the awareness of what was repressed. “By transforming the unconscious into consciousness, we thereby transform the simple concept of the universality of man into the vital reality of such universality. This is nothing more than the practical realization of humanism. " The process of derepression - the release of a socially oppressed consciousness consists in eliminating the fear of realizing the forbidden, developing the ability to critical thinking, humanization of social life in general.

A different interpretation is offered by behaviorism (B. Skinner, J. Homans), which considers behavior as a system of reactions to various stimuli.

Skinner's concept in fact, it is biologic, since it completely removes the differences between the behavior of humans and animals. Skinner identifies three types of behavior: unconditional reflex, conditioned reflex, and operant. The first two types of reactions are caused by the action of the corresponding stimuli, and operant reactions are a form of adaptation of the organism to the environment. They are active and voluntary. The body, as it were, by trial and error, searches for the most acceptable way of adaptation, and if successful, the find is fixed in the form of a stable reaction. Thus, the main factor in the formation of behavior is reinforcement, and learning turns into "guidance to the desired reaction."

In Skinner's concept, a person appears as a being, whose entire inner life is reduced to reactions to external circumstances. Reinforcement changes mechanically induce behavioral changes. Thinking, the highest mental functions of a person, the whole culture, morality, art turn into a complex system of reinforcements designed to cause certain behavioral reactions. Hence follows the conclusion about the possibility of manipulating people's behavior by means of a carefully developed "technology of behavior". With this term Skinner denotes the purposeful manipulative control of some groups of people over others, associated with the establishment of an optimal reinforcement regime for certain social goals.

The ideas of behaviorism in sociology were developed by J. and J. Baldwin, J. Homans.

J. iJ. Baldwin is based on the concept of reinforcement borrowed from psychological behaviorism. Reinforcement in a social sense is a reward whose value is determined by subjective needs. For example, for a hungry person, food acts as reinforcement, but if a person is full, it is not reinforcement.

The effectiveness of the reward depends on the degree of deprivation in a given individual. Subdeprivation is understood as the deprivation of something for which the individual has a constant need. As far as the subject is deprived in any respect, his behavior depends on this reinforcement. The so-called generalized reinforcers (for example, money), acting on all individuals without exception, do not depend on deprivation due to the fact that they concentrate in themselves access to many types of reinforcements at once.

Reinforcers are categorized as positive and negative. Positive reinforcers are anything that is perceived by the subject as a reward. For example, if certain contact with the environment has been rewarding, there is a high likelihood that the subject will seek to repeat the experience. Negative reinforcers are factors that determine behavior through giving up some experience. For example, if the subject denies himself some kind of pleasure and saves money on it, and subsequently benefits from this savings, then this experience can serve as a negative reinforcement and the subject will behave as always.

The effect of punishment is the opposite of reinforcement. Punishment is an experience that makes you want to no longer repeat it. Punishment can also be positive or negative, but here, compared to reinforcement, everything is reversed. Positive punishment is punishment with a repressive stimulus, such as a blow. Negative punishment affects behavior through deprivation of something of value. For example, depriving a child of sweets at dinner is a typical negative punishment.

The formation of operant reactions has a probabilistic character. Unambiguity is characteristic of reactions of the simplest level, for example, a child cries, demanding the attention of his parents, because the parents always approach him in such cases. The reactions of adults are much more complex. For example, a person selling newspapers in train cars does not find a buyer in every carriage, but from experience he knows that a buyer will eventually be found, and this makes him persistently walk from car to car. In the last decade, the receipt of wages at some Russian enterprises has assumed the same probabilistic nature, but nevertheless, people continue to go to work, hoping to receive it.

Homans' behaviorist exchange concept appeared in the middle of the XX century. Arguing against representatives of many areas of sociology, Homans argued that a sociological explanation of behavior must necessarily be based on a psychological approach. The interpretation of historical facts should also be based on a psychological approach. Homans motivates this by the fact that behavior is always individual, while sociology operates with categories applicable to groups and societies, therefore, the study of behavior is the prerogative of psychology, and sociology in this matter should follow it.

According to Homans, when studying behavioral reactions, one should abstract from the nature of the factors that caused these reactions: they are caused by the influence of the surrounding physical environment or other people. Social behavior is just the exchange of socially valuable activities between people. Homans believes that social behavior can be interpreted using Skinner's behavioral paradigm, if we supplement it with the idea of ​​the mutual nature of stimulation in relationships between people. The relationship of individuals with each other is always a mutually beneficial exchange of activities, services, in short, it is the mutual use of reinforcements.

Homans summarized exchange theory in several postulates:

  • the postulate of success - those actions that most often meet social approval are most likely reproduced;
  • stimulus postulate - similar incentives associated with reward are likely to cause similar behavior;
  • value postulate - the likelihood of reproducing an action depends on how valuable the result of this action seems to a person;
  • the postulate of deprivapia - the more regularly a person's act is rewarded, the less he appreciates the subsequent reward;
  • the double postulate of aggression-approval - the absence of an expected reward or unexpected punishment makes aggressive behavior likely, and an unexpected reward or the absence of an expected punishment leads to an increase in the value of the rewarded act and contributes to its more likely reproduction.

The most important concepts of the exchange theory are:

  • the cost of behavior is the cost to the individual of this or that action, - the negative consequences caused by past actions. In everyday life, it is a payback for the past;
  • benefit - arises when the quality and size of the remuneration exceed the cost of the given act.

Thus, exchange theory portrays human social behavior as a rational search for gain. This concept looks simplistic, and it is not surprising that it drew criticism from various sociological trends. For example, Parsons, who advocated a fundamental difference between the mechanisms of behavior of humans and animals, criticized Homans for the inability of his theory to explain social facts on the basis of psychological mechanisms.

In its exchange theory I. Blau attempted a kind of synthesis of social behaviorism and sociologism. Realizing the limitations of a purely behaviourist interpretation of social behavior, he set the goal of moving from the level of psychology to explaining on this basis the existence of social structures as a special reality that cannot be reduced to psychology. Blau's concept is an enriched theory of exchange, in which four successive stages of the transition from individual exchange to social structures are distinguished: 1) the stage of interpersonal exchange; 2) the stage of power-status differentiation; 3) the level of legitimation and organization; 4) the stage of opposition and change.

Blau shows that, starting from the level of interpersonal exchange, the exchange may not always be equal. In those cases when individuals cannot offer each other sufficient reward, the social bonds formed between them tend to disintegrate. In such situations, attempts arise to strengthen the disintegrating ties in other ways - through coercion, through the search for another source of reward, through submission of oneself to the exchange partner in the manner of generalized credit. The latter path means a transition to the stage of status differentiation, when a group of persons capable of giving the required reward becomes more privileged in terms of status than other groups. In the future, the legitimization and consolidation of the situation and the separation of opposition groups take place. By analyzing complex social structures, Blau goes far beyond the paradigm of behaviorism. He argues that the complex structures of society are organized around social values ​​and norms, which serve as a mediating link between individuals in the process of social exchange. Thanks to this link, it is possible to exchange rewards not only between individuals, but also between an individual and a group. For example, considering the phenomenon of organized charity, Blau defines what distinguishes charity as a social institution from simply helping a rich individual to a poorer one. The difference is that organized charity is socially oriented behavior, which is based on the desire of a rich individual to comply with the norms of the wealthy class and share social values; through norms and values, the relationship of exchange between the donating individual and the social group to which he belongs is established.

Blau identifies four categories of social values ​​on the basis of which exchange is possible:

  • particularistic values ​​that unite individuals on the basis of interpersonal relationships;
  • universalist values ​​that act as a yardstick for assessing individual merits;
  • legitimate authority is a system of values ​​that provides the power and privileges of a certain category of people in comparison with all others:
  • opposition values ​​- ideas about the need for social changes, allowing the opposition to exist at the level of social facts, and not only at the level of interpersonal relations of individual oppositionists.

We can say that Blau's theory of exchange is a compromise variant, combining elements of the theory of Homans and sociologism in the interpretation of the exchange of rewards.

Role concept by J. Mead is a symbolic interactionism approach to the study of social behavior. Its name reminds of the functionalist approach: it is also called role-based. Mead views role behavior as the activity of individuals interacting with each other in freely accepted and played roles. According to Mead, the role interaction of individuals requires them to be able to put themselves in the place of another, to evaluate themselves from the position of the other.

Synthesis of exchange theory with symbolic interactionism also tried to implement P. Zingelman. Symbolic inter-actionism has a number of intersections with social behaviorism and exchange theories. Both of these concepts emphasize the active interaction of individuals and view their subject from a microsociological perspective. According to Singelman, interpersonal exchange relationships require the ability to place oneself in the position of another in order to better understand his needs and desires. Therefore, he believes that there is reason for the merger of both directions into one. However, social behaviorists were critical of the emergence of the new theory.

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3.9. Social control

Social control is a system of methods of society's influence on activities, human behavior, social groups.

In a broad sense, social control can be defined as the totality of all types of control that exist in society: moral, state control, etc.

In a narrow sense, it is the control of public opinion, the publicity of the results and assessments of the activities and behavior of people.

Social control functions: protective; stabilizing (consists in the reproduction of the dominant type of social relations, social structures); regulatory.

Social norms are generally accepted rules in society that govern the behavior of people

Sanctions - encouragement or punishment aimed at maintaining social norms

formal and informal

formal and informal




customs, traditions






Social control is the mechanism of relations between the individual and society

    • Encouragement of the activity or deed of a person by official organizations (rewarding, bonuses, etc.)

Formal positive

    • Gratitude and approval of unofficial persons: friends, acquaintances, colleagues (praise, applause, etc.)

Informal positive

    • Punishment for violation of legal norms (fine, imprisonment, etc.)

Formal negative

    • Public condemnation of a person for a misdemeanor (abuse, refusal to shake hands, etc.)

Informal negative

Social sanctions

Forms of social control

Internal (self-control)

A form of social control in which the individual independently regulates his behavior, harmonizing it with generally accepted norms

A set of institutions and mechanisms that guarantee adherence to generally accepted norms of behavior and laws

In the process of socialization, norms are assimilated so firmly that people, violating them, experience a feeling of awkwardness, the emergence of a sense of guilt and, as a result, a pang of conscience. Conscience is a manifestation of internal control.

Ways to implement social control in a group and society:

- through socialization (socialization, shaping our desires, preferences, habits and customs, is one of the main factors of social control and the establishment of order in society);

- through group pressure (each individual, being a member of many basic groups, must share a certain minimum of cultural norms accepted in these groups and behave in an appropriate way, otherwise condemnation and sanctions from the group may follow, ranging from simple remarks to expulsion from this basic heading);

- through coercion (in a situation where an individual does not want to comply with laws, regulations, formalized procedures, a group or society resorts to coercion to force him to act like everyone else).

Depending on the applied sanctions, control methods:

a) direct: hard (instrument - political repression) and soft (instrument - the operation of the constitution and the criminal code);

b) indirect: hard (instrument - economic sanctions of the international community) and soft (instrument - mass media);

c) in organizations, control is carried out: general (if the manager gives the subordinate a task and does not control the progress of its implementation); detailed (such control is called supervision).

Anomy -

1) the state of society, in which the significance of social norms and prescriptions has been lost for its members, and therefore the frequency of deviant and self-destructive behavior (up to suicide) is relatively high;

2) the lack of standards, standards of comparison with other people, allowing you to assess your social position and choose patterns of behavior, which leaves the individual in a "declassified" state, without a sense of solidarity with a particular group

2. Find a concept that is generalizing for the rest of the concepts of the series presented below.

1) law; 2) traditions; 3) morality; 4) social control; 5) social sanctions.

1. Write down the missing word in the outline.

3. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the concept of "social control".

1) encouragement; 2) punishment; 3) social mobility; 4) social norm; 5) social sanction; 6) social stratification.

4. Fill in the blank in the table "Forms of social control"


5. Find formal positive sanctions in the list below.

1) government awards

2) friendly praise

3) state awards

4) presentation of certificates of honor

5) applause

6) friendly location

6. Find a concept that is generalizing for all other concepts of the series presented below, and write down the number under which it is indicated.

1) social control; 2) etiquette; 3) legal regulations; 4) encouragement; 5) punishment.

7. Choose the correct judgments about social control and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social control is based on moral and legal norms.

2) Social control is a set of sanctions applied to violators of social norms.

3) Support and encouragement of the immediate environment is an important mechanism of social control.

4) Social control is only formal, it does not work in an informal environment.

5) Social sanctions ensure the observance of social norms in society.

8. Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of two, are formal negative sanctions.

1) a fine; 2) warning; 3) refusal to shake hands when meeting; 4) reprimand; 5) boycott; 6) arrest.

9. Choose the correct judgments about social control and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Social norms are an element of social control.

2) Social control is carried out only by state bodies.

3) Social control is an important means of preventing deviant behavior.

4) Awarding by a government agency is an example of an informal positive sanction.

5) Internal self-control helps a person to build relationships with other people.

10. Choose the correct judgments about social control and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Informal social control is carried out through the use of only positive sanctions.

2) Social control is necessary to maintain the stability of social life.

3) Depending on the nature of the sanctions, it is customary to distinguish between progressive and regressive social control.

4) Social control includes a set of methods and methods that guarantee the fulfillment of role requirements for an individual.

5) Social control ensures the observance of certain conditions, the violation of which is detrimental to the functioning of the social system.

11. Establish a correspondence between positive sanctions and illustrative examples.

12. Establish a correspondence between the manifestations of social control and its forms.

13. Read the text below, each position marked with a specific letter.

(A) Social control is a mechanism by which society enforces certain restrictions (conditions), the violation of which is detrimental to the functioning of the social system. (B) Elements of social control are social norms and social sanctions. (C) The data of the sociological survey indicate that almost 50% of the respondents do not violate the norms for fear of punishment. (D) It is perplexing that almost a quarter of the respondents expect rewards for following the norms. (E) It seems that social control is effective only when citizens consciously follow the accepted norms.

Determine which positions of the text have

1) factual nature

2) the nature of value judgments

3) the nature of theoretical statements

14. Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words that you want to insert in place of the blanks.

Social norms constitute one of the elements of the mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society, which is called ______ (A). Another element is _________ (B), which is understood as the reaction of society to the behavior of a person or group. They mean either approval and encouragement - ______ (C), or disapproval and punishment _______ (D).

Along with external control by society, group, state, other people, it is of paramount importance internal control, or _______ (D), in the process of which ________ (E) plays an important role, i.e. feeling and knowledge of what is good and what is bad, subjective consciousness of conformity or non-conformity of one's own behavior with moral norms.

1) positive sanctions 6) social norms

2) self-control 7) social control

3) honor 8) conscience

4) social sanctions 9) negative sanctions

5) informal sanctions

15. “Sociologists emphasize that social control can be ________ (A) only if it adheres to the" golden mean "between freedom of choice and ________ (B) for it. The effectiveness of social control is provided due to the presence of common values, established among people, and the stability of ________ (B).

It is also necessary to distinguish between internal and external social control. In science, external control is understood as a set of social ________ (D), which regulate the activities of people. Excessively strong, petty social control, as a rule, leads to negative results... A person can completely lose the initiative and ________ (D) when making decisions. Therefore, it is important to form in people internal control, or ________ (E) ".

1) independence 6) society

2) self-control 7) civil

3) effective 8) mechanism

4) authority 9) status

5) responsibility

16. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social control"? Drawing on knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the structure of social control, and one sentence, revealing any function of social control.

1) meaning of the concept, for example: social control is a system of ways of regulating the influence of society, social groups on an individual;

2) one sentence with information about the structure of social control, for example: "Social control includes social norms and social sanctions";

3) one sentence that reveals, based on knowledge of the course, any function of social control, for example: "Social control serves to maintain the stability of the social system."

17. What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "social control"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence with information about the types of social control, based on the knowledge of the course, and one sentence, revealing the features of one of the types of control.


1) meaning of the concept, for example: "A mechanism for maintaining public order through the use of social sanctions";

2) one sentence with information on the types of social control for: "The types of social control include self-control exercised by the person himself, directed at himself, and external control exercised by social institutions, groups and individuals";

3) one sentence revealing the features of one of the types of social control, for example: “External control can be formal, based on the approval or condemnation of the official authorities and administration, and informal, based on the approval or condemnation of relatives, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, as well as on public opinion, which is expressed through customs, traditions, mass media ".

18. Several schoolchildren got on the tram and took all the empty seats. Followed elderly woman with a heavy bag. None of the guys gave her a place. One of the tram passengers made a remark to the schoolchildren. What kind of social norms in this case became the basis of social control? Determine the type (type) of the applied social sanction. Give another example of a sanction of this type (type).

The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) The answer to the first question is given: moral norms;

2) The type of social sanction is indicated: informal negative;

3) An example of another similar sanction is given.: refusal to communicate.

19. Colleagues accused Nicephorus of dishonesty and refused to communicate with him. What kind of social norms in this case became the basis of social control? Explain your opinion. Define the type (type) of the applied social sanction (name two of its characteristics). Give another example of a sanction of this type (type).

The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) kind of social norms: moral (moral);

2) explanation, for example: decency is a category of morality; we are talking about an informal assessment of human behavior from the standpoint of good and evil;

3) two characteristics of the sanction:



4) an additional example of a sanction, say: refusal to shake hands.

20. Society cannot exist and develop without social control. List any two social control functions, each of which is illustrated with an example.

The correct answer should contain the following elements:

Two functions of social control are indicated, as well as examples illustrating them, for example:

1) regulation of social relations (for example, moral control regulates people's behavior in terms of ideas about good and evil)

2) opposition to asocial, destructive behavior of members of society (for example, control by applying legal measures to offenders)

3) coordination of the life of people, their groups, associations (for example, according to the norms of constitutional law, elections to government bodies are held in the state)

4) encouragement of socially acceptable behavior (for example, applying incentives and public recognition to people who have provided volunteer assistance to flood victims)

21. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Social control". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.

1) The concept of social control / Social control - a set of methods of influence of society on the behavior of individuals and groups.

2) Signs of social control:

b) connection with sanctions - punishments for violation of norms and rewards for their observance;

c) collective control.

3) Social control functions:

a) regulatory (regulation of people's lives);

b) protective (preservation of values ​​and ideals existing in society);

c) stabilizing (ensuring the behavior of people in standard situations).

4) Elements of social control:

a) social norms;

b) social sanctions.

5) Types (circles) of social control:

a) formal control through legal norms;

b) informal control through moral norms, customs, customs;

c) social control in professional activities;

d) social control in the family and private life;

6) The inseparable connection between external control and self-control carried out by a person.

22. You are instructed to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "The role of social control in the development of society."

One of the options for the disclosure plan for this topic:

1) The concept of "social control"

2) Elements of social control:

a) social norms

b) formal and informal, positive and negative sanctions

3) Social control as a condition for social stability:

a) socialization of individuals - the main goal and function of social control;

b) social control as a way to ensure human interaction

4) Flexibility of social control - necessary condition changes in the social system

5) deviant and delinquent behavior

Internet resources

  • FIPI. Open bank of USE assignments. Social science
  • I will solve the exam
  • the image "conscience"
  • the image "the struggle between good and evil"
  • image "social control"


1) Unified State Exam 2016. Social Studies. Typical test tasks/ A.Yu. Lazebnikova, E.L. Rutkovskaya. - M .: Publishing house "Exam", 2016.

2) Social Studies: Unified State Exam-textbook / P.A. Baranov, S.V. Shevchenko / Ed. P.A. Baranova. - M .: AST: Astrel, 2014.

3) Social studies. Grade 10. Modular triactive course / O.A. Kotova, T.E. Liskov. - M .: Publishing House "National Education", 2014.

Social norms constitute one of the elements of the mechanism for regulating the relationship between the individual and society, which is called social control .

Social control- a mechanism for regulating relations between the individual and society in order to strengthen order and stability in society.

Social control includes two main elements: social norms and sanctions.

Social sanction- any reaction to the behavior of a person or group from others.

Types of social sanctions:

  • Formal negative - punishment for a crime of law or violation of administrative order: fines, imprisonment, correctional labor, etc.
  • Informal negative - Condemnation of a person for an act by society: an offensive tone, swearing or reprimand, demonstrative disregard of the person, etc.
  • Formal positive - encouragement of a person's activity or deed by official organizations: awards, certificates of professional, academic success, etc.
  • Informal positive - gratitude and approval of unofficial persons (friends, acquaintances, colleagues): praise, approving smile, etc.

The purposeful impact of this system on people's behavior in order to strengthen order and stability is provided by social control. How does the social control mechanism work? Any activity is diverse, each person commits many actions, interacting with the social environment (with society, social communities, public institutions and organizations, the state and other individuals). These actions, individual actions, human behavior are under the control of the people around him, groups, society.

As long as they do not violate public order, existing social norms, this control is invisible. However, it is worth violating the established customs, rules, deviating from the patterns of behavior that are accepted in society, social control manifests itself. Grievances, reprimands, fines, court sentences are all san tions ; along with social norms, they are an essential element of the mechanism of social control. Sanctions are either positive, aimed at encouraging, or negative, aimed at suppressing unwanted behavior.

In either case, they are classified as formal, if they are applied in accordance with certain rules (for example, awarding an order or punishment by a court verdict), or informal sanctions, if they are manifested in an emotionally colored reaction of the immediate environment (friends, relatives, neighbors, colleagues). Society (large and small groups, the state) evaluates the individual, but the individual also evaluates the society, the state, and himself. Perceiving the assessments addressed to him by the surrounding people, groups, state institutions, a person accepts them not mechanically, but selectively, rethinking through own experience, habits, social norms learned by him earlier. And the person's attitude to the assessments of other people turns out to be purely individual: it can be positive and sharply negative. A person correlates his actions with the social models of behavior that he approves when performing those social roles with which he identifies himself.

Forms of social control: external control and internal control.

Thus, along with the supreme control from the side of society, group, state, other people, it is of paramount importance internal control, or self-control , which is based on norms, customs, role expectations, assimilated by the individual. In the process of self-control, an important role is played by conscience , that is, the feeling and knowledge of what is good and what is bad, what is fair and what is unfair; subjective consciousness of compliance or inconsistency of their own behavior with moral norms. In a person who has committed in a state of excitement, by mistake or succumbing to the temptation of a bad deed, conscience causes a feeling of guilt, moral feelings, a desire to correct a mistake or atone for guilt.

So, essential elements mechanisms of social control are social norms, public opinion, sanctions, individual consciousness, self-control. Interacting, they ensure the maintenance of socially acceptable patterns of behavior and the functioning of the social system as a whole.

Social control process

In the process of socialization, the norms are assimilated so firmly that people, violating them, experience a feeling of awkwardness, the emergence of a sense of guilt, pangs of conscience. Conscience is a manifestation of internal control.

In traditional society, social control was based on unwritten rules; in modern society, it is based on written norms: instructions, decrees, decrees, laws. Social control has acquired institutional support in the form of the court, education, army, industry, media, political parties, government.

In the Russian Federation, special bodies have been created to exercise social control: the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service, various financial control bodies, etc. Deputies of various levels are also endowed with control functions. In addition to state control bodies, various public organizations play an increasing role in Russia, for example, in the field of consumer protection, in monitoring labor relations, the state of the environment, etc.

Detailed (petty) control, in which the leader intervenes in every action, corrects, pulls, etc., is called supervision. The more self-control is developed among members of a society, the less this society has to resort to external control. Conversely, the less self-control people have, the more often the institutions of social control come into play. The weaker the self-control, the stricter the external control should be.

Social control methods:

  1. Insulation- the establishment of impassable partitions between the deviant and the rest of society without any attempts to correct or re-educate him.
  2. Segregation- limiting the contacts of the deviant with other people, but not completely isolating him from society; this approach allows deviants to be corrected and returned to society when they are ready not to violate generally accepted norms
  3. Rehabilitation- a process during which deviants can prepare for a return to normal life and the correct performance of their social roles in society.

Interests as factors influencing social action

Interests play a very important role in social interaction. These include: social institutions, institutions, norms of relationships in society, on which the distribution of objects, values ​​and goods (power, votes, territory, privileges, etc.) depends. The sociality of interests is due to the fact that they always have an element of comparing a person with a person, one social group with another. A set of specific social interests, along with a set of certain rights and obligations, is an indispensable attribute of every social status. First of all, these social interests are aimed at preserving or transforming those institutions, orders, social norms on which the distribution of the benefits necessary for a given social group depends. Therefore, the difference in interests, as well as the difference in the level of income, conditions of work and rest, the level of prestige and the opening prospects for advancement in the social space, refers to the manifestations of social differentiation.

Social interest is at the heart of all forms of competition, struggle and cooperation between people. Habitual, established interests recognized by public opinion are not subject to discussion, thus acquiring the status of legitimate interests. For example, in multinational states, representatives of various ethnic groups are interested in preserving their language and their culture. Therefore, schools and classes are created in which the study of the national language and literature is conducted, cultural and national societies are opened. Any attempt to infringe on such interests is perceived as an encroachment on the life foundations of the relevant social groups, communities, states. Modern world represents a complex system of interaction of real social interests. The interdependence of all peoples and states has grown. The interests of preserving life on Earth, culture and civilization come to the fore.