Development of critical thinking: techniques and methods of the "Challenge" stage. Communication exercise "key words" Compiling a story using keywords

74. There are many key words in this text, which is explained by its main task - to tell about the rules of behavior for young nobles in the Petrine era. Read the text. Write down the highlighted keywords, phrases, sentences. Retell the text using your notes.

By order of Peter 1; in 1717; textbook of etiquette "An honest mirror of youth; or an indication for worldly behavior"; young nobles; courtesy and courtesy; respect for parents; when greeting, they took off their hat; don't talk much; listen and not interrupt; table manners; sit up straight.

75. Which of these rules seem modern to you? What other rules of polite behavior could you talk about? Write down the key words of your story.

76. Write down 7-10 key words (phrases) from the story of student N. Tereshina. What type of speech can this essay be classified as?

Key words: dog Taiga, anxious barking, little chick, plaintively squeaked, mother, asked for something, saved the bird family.

This essay, according to the type of speech, can be attributed to the narrative, because a story is told here.

77. Determine by keywords and write down the titles of literary works.

1. King, sage, golden cockerel, queen of Shamakhan.
2. Princess, stepmother, mirror, prince Elisha.
3. Ruslan, Lyudmila, Chernomor.

1. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel"
2. A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs"
3. A.S. Pushkin "Ruslan and Lyudmila"

78. Write down the key words that you would use when describing the painting by T. N. Yablonskaya “Morning” (see at the end of the book).

79. Read the beginning of "Mishina's Tale" by A. Yashin (key words are highlighted in text A). Think about the continuation of the fairy tale. Title your text.

5. We read silently: we find key words in the text. Speak: compose a statement on a given topic

37. Read, explain this example.

You already know that in the text there are more important and less important parts of the content. The same can be said for individual words.

You probably had to notice that when reading quickly, you can skip some words - and yet the concepts are written. And you can miss just one word - and do not understand anything! This is because the word was key - so important that its omission made it difficult to understand everything else.

There is no doubt that in a good text all words are necessary and important, but still they play different roles. Some, as it were, “hold” the text, while others explain, clarify, make what is said more expressive.

For example: In the morning ... heavy rain (went, stopped). - It started to rain in the morning.

38. Review the text without reading it. Please note that some of the words in it are in bolder type. These are keywords. Run your eyes through the text, picking out only the key words.


Vera had a baby squirrel. His name was Ryzhik. He ran around the room, climbed on the lampshade, sniffed at the plates on the table, climbed up his back, sat on Vera's shoulder and unclenched Vera's fist with his claws - he was looking for nuts.

Ryzhik was tame and obedient.

But one day everything changed. Ryzhik no longer ran around the table, did not roll on the door, did not unclench Vera's fist. He stocked up from morning to evening. He sees a piece of bread - he grabs it, he sees seeds - he fills his nose full and hides everything.

Ginger and the guests put seeds in reserve in their pockets.

No one knew why Ryzhik was stockpiling.

And then my father’s friend from the Siberian taiga came and told me that pine nuts did not grow in the taiga, and the birds flew away over the mountain ranges, and the squirrels gathered in countless flocks and followed the birds, and even hungry bears did not lie down in dens for the winter.

Vera looked at Ryzhik and said:

You are not a tame animal, but a wild one! Only it is not at all clear how Ryzhik found out that there was famine in the taiga.

According to Gennady Snegirev

Check how you understood the text with a quick about reading (browsing by keywords). Answer the questions: 1. Who was called a wild beast? 2. What was Ryzhik like at the beginning? 3. What did he do over time? 4. Why did Ryzhik store food? 5. How did Ryzhik know that there was famine in the taiga?

It is interesting!

Scientists have found that some animals understand the language of other animals. So, large sea turtles understand the signals of dolphins. Hundreds of turtles come to lay their eggs off the coast of the Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean. But they do not immediately go ashore, but wait for a special signal given to them by dolphins, assessing the situation on the coast. At the right moment, with the help of a special sound, they make it clear that you can move to the shore. And only then do the turtles come out to lay their eggs. It is curious that dolphins protect newborn turtles, driving away their enemies from the shore.

39. Work in pairs. Read the story "The Wild Beast" in an undertone, without missing anything (one reads up to half, the other - the rest).

Discuss what was missed when reviewing the text. Make questions about these parts of the content.

40. Make an oral statement about how you think it should be read piece of art: slow, fast, very fast. Why? In what cases is it necessary to quickly scan the text? Try to consistently develop a thought, connect one sentence with another.

41. Complete the sentences, or write them down.

It is desirable to be able to quickly scan the text by keywords in cases where .... If we read ..., then we should not ....

42. Somehow write down the sentence, put questions from the main members of the sentence to the secondary ones. Draw connections between words with arrows.

The mysteries of nature often amaze man.

43. Write down the phrases, insert the missing letters, open the brackets.

Zh .. l at Vera, location .. in pockets, not buried .. gli in dens, was tame (?) nym, climbed on the back .., a piece .. to bread,

nab (?) at the nose, pr .. went from the taiga, didn’t ur .. wandered in the taiga, cedar .. tails, from morning to evening .. ra, s .. took in flocks, only .. not p .. clearly .

44. Select the text from the previous lessons and try to independently identify the key (most important) words in it, with which you could get general idea about its content.


Name. Communication exercise "Keywords"


The procedure of group psychological training is aimed at developing the ability to summarize the main content of another person's speech, to find points where a communicative situation can be developed.

The facilitator calls one volunteer. He will have to make a short story about some episode from his personal life. It is desirable that this episode contains some kind of problem, and this problem, perhaps, the person himself has not yet solved for himself. The facilitator warns the volunteer that his story will be carefully analyzed. If he doesn't want it, he can refuse.

Volunteer produces a story. The rest of the participants are listening carefully. If the volunteer gets lost, does not know how to continue the story, the facilitator helps him in a gentle manner.

After the end of the story, the facilitator invites the participants to analyze the story and highlight seven key words (concepts) in it:

These key words should reflect the most characteristic moments of the story,

Keywords should reflect the problem,

You can use combinations of two or three words, if you can not limit yourself to one, and this will be considered as one key concept.

The list of keywords is compiled by the participants of the training together. The author of the story does not take part in the discussion. If there are more than seven keywords, you need to weed out the extra ones. At the same time, some can be combined.

When the list is completed, there is a transition to another volunteer and his story. So it is desirable to repeat several times.

At the end, a discussion is held in which the facilitator, together with the participants, considers situations in which this ability to highlight key words in the speech of the interlocutor can help. The facilitator draws the attention of the participants to the fact that each key word is a point at which the dialogue can be developed in some special direction. Sometimes the interlocutor deliberately, deliberately throws up these keywords. Sometimes he does it unconsciously. Sometimes even against their will.

1. Communicative exercise "Keywords" [Electronic resource] // A. Ya.. 6.11.2012..html (6.11.2012).

In the RCMCHP technology, the lesson is built according to the scheme: “Challenge” - “Comprehension” - “Reflection” and involves a wide range of methodological techniques and strategies for teaching a lesson.

The first phase of the critical thinking development technology is the “Challenge” or “Awakening”.

Tasks of this phase:

  1. Actualization and generalization of the student's knowledge on this topic.
  2. Awakening cognitive interest to the topic being studied.
  3. Detection and awareness of the insufficiency of available knowledge.
  4. Encouraging the student to be active.

Functions of the “Challenge” stage:

  • motivational (motivation to work with new information, stimulating interest in setting and ways to achieve the goal);
  • informational (calling to the “surface” of existing knowledge on the topic);
  • communication (conflict-free exchange of opinions).

The system of techniques for organizing the “Challenge” stage includes both ways of organizing individual work and its combination with pair and group work.

At the “Challenge” stage of the lessons on the technology of RKCHP, the teacher can use the following tricks:

  1. "Cluster".
  2. Table of "thin" and "thick" questions.
  3. Table "I know - I want to know - I found out."
  4. "Tree of Predictions"
  5. Bloom's Chamomile.
  6. "True and False Statements".
  7. "Do you believe?"
  8. "Basket of Ideas".
  9. The story-assumption on the "key" words.
  10. "Sinkwine".

Reception "Cluster"(clusters) - highlighting the semantic units of the text and graphic design in a certain order in the form of a bunch. This design of the material helps students to find out and understand what can be said (orally and in writing) on ​​a given topic. This technique can be applied at the “Challenge” stage, when information is systematized before getting to know the main source (text) in the form of questions or headings of semantic blocks. (Appendix No. 1. Example 1, 2)

Reception “Table of “thick” and “thin” questions”.

The table of "thick" and "thin" questions can be used in any of the three phases of the lesson: at the "Challenge" stage - these are questions before studying the topic that students would like to receive answers to when studying the topic. Subtle questions require a definite answer. Thick questions are problematic questions that require ambiguous answers. (Appendix No. 1. Table 1)

Reception Table “I know. I want to know. Got it." Table "ZHU".

This technique of graphic organization of the material will help to collect information already available on the topic, expand knowledge on the issue under study, and systematize them. It is used to update existing knowledge and increase motivation to learn new things at the “Challenge” stage, followed by a return to the materials at the “Reflection” stage. Before reading, the students are asked frontally the question: “What do you know or think about the topic of our lesson?”. All proposed formulations are recorded in the "Know" column for general attention without adjustment and without evaluation. Then the question is asked: “What would you like to know?” These formulations are also written in the "I want to know" column. Information, concepts, facts are recorded only in their own words, without citing a textbook or other text with which they worked. The notes remain on the board until the end of the lesson.

At the “Reflection” stage, a return to the challenge stage is carried out: adjustments are made to the first column of statements and the answers to the second column of questions are checked. (Appendix No. 1. Example 3)

Reception "Tree of predictions".

This technique helps to make assumptions about the development storyline in a story, novel, text.

Rules for working with this technique: the trunk of the tree is the topic, the branches are assumptions that are carried out in two directions - “possibly” and “probably” (the number of branches is not limited), and the leaves are the rationale for these assumptions, arguments in favor of one or another opinion. (Appendix No. 1. Example 4)

Reception "Chamomile of questions or Bloom's chamomile".

"Daisy" consists of six petals, each of which contains a certain type of question. Thus, six petals - six questions:

1. Simple Questions- questions, answering which, you need to name some facts, remember and reproduce certain information: "What?", "When?", "Where?", "How?".

2. Clarifying questions. Such questions usually begin with the words: "So you say that ...?", "If I understand correctly, then ...?", "I may be wrong, but I think you said about ...?". The purpose of these questions is to provide the learner with opportunities to feedback about what he just said. Sometimes they are asked in order to obtain information that is not in the message, but is implied.

3. Interpretive (explanatory) questions. Usually begin with the word "Why?" and aimed at establishing cause-and-effect relationships. Why do leaves on trees turn yellow in autumn? If the answer to this question is known, it "turns" from an interpretive question into a simple one. Therefore, this type of question "works" when there is an element of independence in the answer.

4. Creative questions. This type of question most often contains the particle "would", elements of convention, assumption, forecast: "What would change ...", "What will happen if ...?", "How do you think the plot will develop in the story after ...?".

5. Evaluation questions. These questions are aimed at clarifying the criteria for evaluating certain events, phenomena, facts. "Why is something good and something bad?", "How does one lesson differ from another?", "How do you feel about the action of the protagonist?" etc.

6. Practical questions. This type of question is aimed at establishing the relationship between theory and practice: "How can you apply ...?", What can be done from ...?", "Where in ordinary life can you observe ...?", "How would you acted in the place of the hero of the story?

In the "Challenge" stage, students formulate questions, and then look for answers to them using textbook material or other sources of information.

Reception "True and False Statements".

Students are offered a list of statements created on the basis of the text that they will study in the future. The teacher asks to establish whether the given statements are true, substantiating his answer. After getting acquainted with the basic information, we return to these statements, and the students evaluate their reliability, using the information received in the lesson. (Appendix No. 1. Example 5)

Reception - Game "Do you believe?" or "Danetka".

The teacher asks questions to which students must answer “yes” or “no”. Everyone has a table on their desk, like on a blackboard. The teacher reads the questions, and the students put in the first line plus (yes) if they agree with the statement, and minus (no) if they do not agree. The second line will remain empty for now. During the lesson, students turn to the table and see how right they were. (Appendix No. 1. Example 6.7)

Reception “Basket of Ideas”

This is a technique for organizing individual and group work of students at the initial stage of the lesson. It allows you to find out everything that students know or think about the topic under discussion. On the board, you can draw a basket icon, in which everything that all students together know about the topic being studied will be collected.

The exchange of information is carried out according to the following procedure:

1. A direct question is asked about what students know about a particular problem.

2. First, each student remembers and writes down in a notebook everything that he knows about a particular problem (strictly individual work, duration 1-2 minutes).

3. Then there is an exchange of information in pairs or groups. Students share known knowledge with each other (group work). Time for discussion is no more than 3 minutes. This discussion should be organized, for example, students should find out what the existing ideas coincided with, about which disagreements arose.

5. All information is briefly written in the form of abstracts by the teacher in the “basket” of ideas (without comments), even if they are erroneous. In the basket of ideas, you can “dump” facts, opinions, names, problems, concepts related to the topic of the lesson. Further, in the course of the lesson, these facts or opinions, problems or concepts that are scattered in the mind of the child can be connected in a logical chain.

Reception "Story-assumption on" key "words".

Using keywords, you need to compose a story or arrange them in a certain sequence, and then, at the stage of comprehension, look for confirmation of your assumptions, expanding the material.

Reception “Writing a syncwine”.

Translated from French, the word "cinquain" means a poem consisting of five lines, which is written according to certain rules. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to briefly summarize the educational material, information, which allows him to reflect on any occasion. This is a form of free creativity, but according to certain rules. Students can compose a syncwine at the “Challenge” stage, then, having studied the information in the lesson, a new syncwine is compiled at the “Reflection” stage, comparing their knowledge before the lesson and after studying a new topic.

Rules for writing syncwine:

On the first line, one word is written - a noun. This is the theme of syncwine.

On the second line, you need to write two adjectives that reveal the theme of syncwine.

On the third line, three verbs are written that describe actions related to the theme of syncwine.

The fourth line contains a whole phrase, a sentence consisting of several words, with the help of which the student expresses his attitude to the topic. This can be a catch phrase, a quote, or a phrase compiled by the student in context with the topic.

The last line is a summary word that gives a new interpretation of the topic, allows you to express your personal attitude to it. It is clear that the theme of syncwine should be, if possible, emotional. (Appendix No. 1. Example 9).

In the case of a successful implementation of the challenge phase, the training audience has a powerful incentive to work on the next stage - the stage of obtaining new information.


  1. Zagashev I.O., Zair-Bek S.I., Mushtavinskaya I.V., We teach children to think critically. With the publishing house "Rech", 2003.
  2. Zagashev I.O., Zaire - Bek S.I. Critical thinking: development technology. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Alliance" Delta ", 2003.
  3. Mushtavinskaya I.V., Trofimchuk G.A. Technology for the Development of Critical Thinking: A Methodological Guide. - St. Petersburg: IRO "Change", 2004.
  4. RCM technology techniques.
  5. Lessons using RCM technology. Elementary School.
  6. Tyapina V. N.“The use of methods and techniques of technology for the development of critical thinking to form the mental activity of students in the process of studying the subject of the world around.”

The list does not show particularly common words like "MANY", "MORE", "BE" and others.

Several randomly found pages

1. Makarov A. G., Makarova S. E.: Flower-Tatarnik. In search of the author of "Quiet Flows the Don". Part two. II. Upper Don uprising of 1919. The experience of restoring the original text. 2. Far, far away month

Website: http://sholohov..

Part of the text: bringing together the various elements of the story. One of the brightest and illustrative examples of this kind is provided by several episodes in which we meet the author's attempt to correlate earthly events with astral phenomena. So, the summer of 1919. The front went somewhere to the North, and in the Melekhovsky kuren a new tragedy: Natalya is dying. The author, talking about further events, in just a few words, introduces a small but important (not only artistically) detail. At night, when Natalya returns to the hut on the eve of her death, the author turns his gaze to the night sky. And together with him we see that the development of all these events falls on the full moon. “Pale as death, Natalya, clutching the railing, heavily climbed the porch. A full month brightly illuminated her haggard face...” (VII,16,569) “A full month brightly illuminated...” What is it - a vivid fiction of the author or an accurate, reliable picture of what is happening in real historical space? Much depends on the answer to this question in understanding the author's work on The Quiet Don. After all, even if the episodes created by his imagination are strictly correlated with real historical time and space, then in this case we can use historical sources in the analysis of a literary text, its chronology and composition. To answer the question posed, it is necessary, firstly, to determine the date of Natalia's death as accurately as possible and, secondly, to calculate the phase of the moon for this date. The dating of her death is a very difficult question, since there is no direct indication of the date in the text. Let us first try to restore the general series of events, highlighting in it a relative, internal chronology. They began with the arrival of the Commander-in-Chief of the Donskoy...

2. Quiet haven. Chapter 7

Website: http://saltykov-schedrin..

Part of the text: it is all the more dangerous that all of them either were, or even to this day are in the very heart of the sectarian cause, and, consequently, are intimately familiar with all its details. In districts and villages, such people are under the special patronage of local mayors and police officers and serve as the most reliable agents for them in schismatic cases; the Old Believers know them; and, of course, as far as possible, are kept from them; nevertheless, nowhere is the well-known proverb “you can’t protect yourself from your thief” does not meet with such an extensive application as here; here the thief extends his claims not only to property, but to all life, to every action, to every thought of his neighbor. One can imagine what an abyss of immorality must lie in the relations between people whom fate often unites in the same village and even under the same roof; It is also clear how much there should be obvious impudence on the one hand and secretive hatred and contempt on the other. However, we can say that these are not thieves yet, but thieves, because you can fight off their betrayals with money, and not even very significant ones, and even from the police, if so ...

3. Zryanina Tatyana: * * * (" Quiet time evening rest ... ")

Website: http://severyanin..

Part of the text: Zryanina Tatyana: * * * ("Quiet hour of evening calm...") * * * Quiet hour of evening calm, shadow and light play on the wave. The swallow darted over the water, drawing an instant trace across the water. The crescent of the boat was repeated by the river, which fell into thought. And on the boat, with a fishing rod, the dark figure of a fisherman froze. He searches in unsteady variability, light as the breath of clouds, gold fish strings not yet found, and words?! Jets of water. Changeable shadows, swooping in, disappear in an instant, like elusive phosphenes that change the verse at once. So that later the line would solemnly and wonderfully sound like music. ... Summer evening. Boat on the bay. The dark figure of a fisherman.

4. * * * (I'll be quiet in the churchyard)

Website: Size: 2kb.

Part of the text: I'll be quiet in the graveyard Under the oak plank to sleep, You will, dear, visit your mother On Sunday, resort - Across the river and up the hill, So that adults can not catch up, From afar, a vigilant boy, You will recognize my cross. I know, dear, you can remember little About me: You didn’t scold, didn’t caress, Didn’t take you to take communion. 1915

5. Bar-Sella Z.: " Quiet Don"against Sholokhov. Stolypin's tie

Website: http://sholohov..

Part of the text: tie Stolypin tie The plot of chapter 14 of the first part is simple: Stepan Astakhov, informed of his wife's infidelity, returns home after camp; at home he brutally beats Aksinya; the two Melekhov brothers, Petro and Grigory, are trying to prevent the massacre ... The finale of the chapter: “From that day on, anger has been tied into a Kalmyk knot between Melekhov and Stepan Astakhov. Grigory Melekhov was destined to untie this knot two years later in East Prussia, near the city of Stolypin. And, indeed, according to the 4th chapter of part 4, in the battle near the city of Stolypin, Grigory Melekhov saves Stepan Astakhov's life. The story of this rescue is included in a three-page exposition of Grigory's memoirs about the military events of 1915-16 (May battles near the village of Olkhovchik; July - near Rava-Russkaya; skirmish near Bayants; the city of Stolypin; Lutsk breakthrough in May 1916) .. No contradictions seem to be found here. If you want to ask one question....