Methods for determining the upbringing of students. Test "level of upbringing" (recommendations niro). Attitude towards social work

Management of the process of education is impossible without feedback, which characterizes its performance. Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education help to fulfill this function.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to study the activities and behavior of the students. The effectiveness of education is understood as the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the goals of education.

The indicators of the upbringing of schoolchildren can be judged by the degree of their participation in all the main types of activities corresponding to their age: gaming, educational, labor, social, etc., and the effectiveness of this participation.

Important indicators of the upbringing of schoolchildren are their communication and relationships in a team, with peers, elders, etc. The nature of communication and behavior of schoolchildren largely determines the effectiveness of educational influences on a person.

The indicators of a person's upbringing should also include her awareness, primarily in the moral, cultural, aesthetic and other fields.

None of these indicators can be considered on its own, since it is impossible to separate the consciousness, actions, behavior and communication of the individual. Each of their subdivisions is conditional and is used only for the purpose of a more detailed and element-by-element study. general level upbringing of students. The same must be said about the conditionality of identifying the appropriate methods of education and evaluating its effectiveness.

A general analysis of the upbringing process consists of an assessment of its productive and procedural components. It is necessary to evaluate the actions of the educators themselves, the correctness of their approach to students, the nature of the style of communication and interaction approved by them, their influence on the development of initiative and amateur performance of students. Consideration in the unity of productive and procedural indicators makes the study of education objective.

The main methods of control include: pedagogical observation of students; conversations aimed at revealing good breeding; surveys (questionnaire, oral, etc.); analysis of the results of socially useful activities, activities of student self-government bodies; creating situations for studying the behavior of students.

Pedagogical observation is characterized by a direct perception of the activity, communication, behavior of the individual in the integrity and dynamics of their change. There are various types of observation - direct and indirect, open and hidden, continuous and discrete, monographic and narrow, etc.

In order to successfully use observation as a way of studying the upbringing of a person, it is necessary to conduct it with a specific goal, to master the program for studying the personality, the criteria for assessing its upbringing.

Observations must be systematic. It is important to think carefully about the system for fixing the observed facts (entries in the diary of observations, in the observation map, etc.).

Conversations with pupils help teachers to find out the degree of awareness of students in the field of moral problems, norms and rules of behavior, to identify the reasons for deviations from the implementation of these norms when they are observed. At the same time, teachers record the opinions and statements of students in order to assess the quality of their educational influences, the attitude of children towards each other, their likes, dislikes, etc.

Increasingly, classrooms are using psychological questionnaires, which clarify the nature of relations between members of the team, comradely attachments or, conversely, negative attitudes towards certain members of it. Such questionnaires make it possible to timely identify emerging contradictions and take measures to quickly and skillfully resolve them. When compiling questionnaires, certain rules should be observed, for example: questions should not be asked in a straightforward form, the content of the answers should provide mutually verifiable information, etc. Requirements for questionnaires are contained in manuals on educational psychology or in recommendations for studying schoolchildren, which are given to students in preparation for teaching practice.

Experienced educators also use such a more complex method as the conscious inclusion of students in such types of activities and communication in which they can most fully demonstrate certain aspects of their upbringing to control the progress of the education of schoolchildren. This method requires great skill, pedagogical collegiality.

The control over the course of educational work is completed by evaluating not only the results of the upbringing of schoolchildren, but also the level of educational activity of the teacher and the school as a whole.

When evaluating the educational work of a teacher, it is necessary to take into account his ability to use modern methods, forms and means of education, to choose their optimal combinations in specific situations, to approach students in a differentiated way, reasonably characterizing their behavior and diligence, and also to take into account the participation of the teacher in the labor education and professional orientation of schoolchildren, the nature of the interaction between the teacher and students.

The following indicators testify to the effectiveness of education: the formation of the foundations of the worldview among students, the ability to evaluate events taking place in our country and abroad; their assimilation of moral norms, knowledge and observance of laws, including the Rules for Students; social activity, collectivism, participation in student self-government; initiative and initiative of pupils; aesthetic and physical development.

Based on the goals, objectives and content of the educational work of the teacher - class teacher, we can distinguish two groups of generalized criteria for the effectiveness of education.

The first group is procedural criteria that allow assessing the managerial functions of the educator: how are pedagogical activity and communication of the teacher, how his personality is realized in the process of work, what are his working capacity and health, what processes of activity and communication he organizes.

The second group is performance criteria that show how effectively the target and socio-psychological functions. The performance criteria reflect the level that pupils reach in their social development.

Procedural criteria and indicators reflect the nature of the interaction and the atmosphere that contributed to the achievement of certain results. Unfortunately, in school practice, the assessment of the work of the class teacher by external and formal signs continues to be dominant - academic performance, documentation, office design, etc. The pedagogical culture, the authority of the teacher among children, parents and colleagues are still underestimated.

The style of class leadership, the style of communication of the class teacher with the children largely determines what kind of relationship the children develop with the teacher and among themselves. The democratic style, in which the student is considered as an equal partner in communication, his opinion is taken into account in decision-making, independence of judgment is encouraged, contributes to the creation of a relaxed, friendly, creative atmosphere of cooperation and mutual assistance in the classroom.

The priority in assessing the work of the class teacher, of course, is effective, positive changes in the level of upbringing of students and in their relationships. Therefore, special attention in the activities of the class teacher is paid to his diagnostic function, aimed at a systematic, objective study of the changes taking place in the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

Pedagogical diagnostics is not an end in itself. Diagnostic data obtained using various methods make it possible to organize the educational process based on the real state of upbringing of the class team and individual students.

The effectiveness of the educational work of the class teacher is understood as the correspondence of the results obtained to the set goals in comparison with past achievements. However, the assessment of the results of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren is complicated by a number of circumstances. First, the lack of reliable, stable criteria and indicators for measuring the level of upbringing; secondly, the delay in the results of education in time; thirdly, the influence of a large number of objective and subjective factors: society, natural and social environment, school, family, mass media, children's public organizations etc.

The diagnostic (evaluative) activity of the class teacher consists of a certain sequence of practical actions that ensure the integrity, consistency, and dynamism of the educational process. This sequence presupposes: the setting of specific tasks for the study of upbringing; selection of criteria and indicators to determine the effectiveness of the process of educating students: the choice of methods and procedures for studying; conducting a survey; processing, analysis and interpretation of the obtained results.

At the stage of defining the tasks of studying upbringing, it is important to understand what we want to study: the manifestation of any personal characteristics; the child's attitude to learning, to classmates, to himself; interpersonal relationships in the classroom; the degree of satisfaction of the child with his stay in the classroom, etc.

The selection of criteria and indicators is the most difficult stage in the diagnostic procedure. Depending on the planned tasks of the study, peculiar indicators are determined - criteria and indicators that allow drawing reasonable conclusions about the results of the upbringing process. Intellectual, moral, aesthetic and other upbringing or the formation of the intellectual, moral, aesthetic, communicative and other potential of the individual can serve as generalized criteria and indicators. Each individual criterion is revealed in a number of its indicators. Big number indicators can complicate the process of processing and analyzing data, so three indicators are more often used. This is explained by the fact that it will be possible to judge high, medium or low levels of upbringing by the number of recorded indicators.

The choice of study methods is possible after the definition of tasks, criteria and indicators. At present, a sufficient bank of diagnostic methods has been accumulated, which can be used by practical workers. The choice of methods also requires appropriate diagnostic tools - protocols of observations, forms for subjects, forms for experts, etc. The director and head teachers of the school, the school psychologist, social teacher, teachers, class teachers, parents, high school students.

During the research phase, the necessary conditions, ensuring the purity, reliability and objectivity of the results. The use of several methods, a comparative analysis of the data obtained with their help, increases the reliability of the results, their mutual verification.

Processing, analysis and pedagogical interpretation involve the generalization of data, the preparation of tables, charts, graphs showing the dynamics of growth or decrease in the studied characteristics. Analysis and interpretation of the results of the study make it possible to identify the most characteristic trends and dependencies observed over several years. Information obtained about individual students, class groups, or the state of the educational system of the school as a whole makes it possible to outline new goals and ways to achieve them.

Since today the greatest difficulty is the definition of a set of criteria and indicators, the choice of methods, we will consider several possible and already tested in educational practice options for their integrated use.

In different concepts of education, different authors develop their own criteria and indicators that reflect their goals. So, V.A. Karakovsky, JI.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova as the main criteria for the effectiveness of the educational system, two groups of criteria are proposed: criteria of fact and criteria of quality. Such a criterion as the level of upbringing of a student is recognized as an important criterion for assessing the effectiveness of the educational system as a whole. To determine the level of upbringing of a schoolchild, his personal development, the orientation of the individual to universal values ​​- a person, family, work, knowledge, culture, fatherland, land, world, as well as such qualities as intelligence, creativity, adaptability, self-esteem, independence in judgments and responsibility in actions.

In the works of O.S. Gazman and his concepts, the main criteria for the effectiveness of the educational process include: the child's readiness for self-determination, self-realization, self-organization and self-rehabilitation; sophistication individual abilities child; moral orientation of the personality; physical and mental health of the student; the formation of the basic culture of the student; protection of the child in the social environment.

According to N.E. Shchurkova, the criteria for upbringing of a person are truth, goodness, beauty, which can be supplemented by more specific indicators, such as the appearance of the child, physical and mental development the student, the behavior of the child in and out of school, the participation of children in a variety of activities and the quality of activities; abilities and well-being of children, the attitude of the child to his "I".

In the concept of E.V. Bondarevskaya does not deny the approach in which the results of education are evaluated according to indicators of the level of upbringing, identified on the basis of personal characteristics. However, the author of the concept believes that this approach does not reflect the focus of the individual on the self-development of natural inclinations, personal potential. Therefore, the following criteria for the upbringing of the student are proposed: the level of value-semantic development and self-organization of the individual; the ability to moral self-regulation of behavior; measure of pedagogical assistance, necessary for the child in his self-development.

Turning to the problem of assessing the upbringing of students, M.I. Rozhkov and L.V. Bayborodova believe that it is not necessary to have uniform criteria and indicators for all educational institutions. They are determined by teachers and pupils, based on the state of the educational system, its goals and objectives. As the main criterion for the upbringing of schoolchildren, it is proposed to study the orientation of the personality, manifested in its views, beliefs, value orientations.

On the basis of the need concept of education developed by V.P. Sozonov considers properties (qualities) that characterize the inner world of a person, his relationships, attitudes as peculiar criteria and indicators. These include: self-acceptance and self-confidence in the legitimacy and responsibility of one's own being; the ability to reflect, possession of one's feelings, one's behavior; knowledge of oneself, one's own characteristics; recognition of others; ability to understand, sympathize, empathy; self-esteem; willingness to overcome life's problems; emotional and intellectual independence; the ability to get satisfaction from life, to be happy.

The presented approaches to the definition of criteria and indicators indicate that their systematic use over a long period of time makes it possible to track the dynamics of ongoing changes in the context of the author's holistic concept of education. The development of recommendations for improving educational work should be based on the results comparative analysis in different areas of education, carried out with the help of a single research toolkit.

In the process of studying the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, teachers and class teachers use a variety of methods available to them. When choosing methods, one should not get carried away with complex psychological tests, methods that require special psychological training for qualified psychological and pedagogical interpretation and consultation with a school psychologist. Unfortunately, school practice often underestimates the possibility of observation methods, conversations, consultations, although it is they that make it possible to collect important empirical material that requires careful, thoughtful reflection. Observation of schoolchildren in natural or specially created educational situations makes it possible for a long time to record the behavioral features and attitudes of children in various conditions. The inclusion of children in various activities, the implementation of individual and collective assignments within a class or school, an analysis of the quality of their implementation provide valuable information about the personal characteristics of children.

The use of survey, rating, generalization of independent characteristics, etc. involves the involvement of teachers and class teachers to directly participate in assessing the level of upbringing of schoolchildren or class groups. The data obtained enrich the knowledge of teachers about children, help to understand the reasons for negative or positive behavior.

In assessing the level of upbringing of schoolchildren, it is important to know the opinion of students about themselves, to provide them with the opportunity to evaluate themselves, their attitude and behavior within the framework of the problem under consideration. This can be done using a self-assessment method. According to scientists, a person's assessment of his own qualities is a powerful incentive for self-education, self-development of the individual. V pedagogical literature(N.E. Shchurkova, M.I. Shilova, etc.) presents a variety of methods that allow obtaining sufficiently complete information about the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

Knowledge of criteria, indicators, the use of methods adequate to them form the basis for diagnosing the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

Table 3 shows a variant of the combination of these parameters in the study of the upbringing of students. The content of the upbringing of schoolchildren in this version is the formation of the potentials of the individual (cognitive, moral, communicative, aesthetic, physical).

Table 3

Diagnosis of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren

Criteria for the upbringing of a student


Study Methods

I. Formation of the cognitive potential of the student's personality

1. Mastering the educational program by students.

2. Development of thinking.

3. cognitive activity students.

4. Formation of educational activity

1. School test mental development(SHTUR).

2. Statistical analysis of current and final performance.

3. Methods for studying the development of cognitive processes in a child's personality.

4. Method peer review teachers.

5. The method of self-assessment by students.

6. Pedagogical supervision.

II. Formation of the moral potential of the student's personality

1. The moral orientation of the individual.

2. Formation of the child's attitude to the Motherland, society, family, school, class team, himself, nature, work.

3. Manifestation of independence

1. Test N.E. Shchurkova "Thinking about life experience" (can be used adapted version for younger students).

2. S.M. Petrova "Russian proverbs".

3. Methods "Act of volunteers", "Situation of free choice" (L.V. Baiborodova), methods for studying the socialization of the individual (M.I. Rozhkov), methods for determining the social activity of students (E.N. Stepanov).

4. Method of ranking.

Formation of the communicative potential of the student's personality

1. Sociability.

2. The formation of the communicative culture of students.

3. Knowing the etiquette of behavior

1. Methodology for identifying the communicative inclinations of students (R.V. Ovcharova).

4. Pedagogical observation.

Methodology for determining the level of development of a culture of communication and self-regulation (V.P. Sergeeva)

IV. Formation of the aesthetic potential of the student's personality

1. Development of a sense of beauty.

2. Formation of other aesthetic feelings.

3. Participation in artistic and aesthetic activities

1. Torrens technique.

2. The method of expert evaluation of teachers.

3. The method of self-assessment by students.

4. Pedagogical supervision

V. The formation of the physical potential of the student's personality

1. The state of health of a school graduate.

2. The development of the physical qualities of the individual.

3. Participation in sports life class, school

1. Statistical medical analysis of the student's health status.

2. Fulfillment of control standards for checking the development of physical qualities.

Pedagogical observation

VI. Satisfaction of students with life activities at school

1. Child's comfort at school.

2. Emotional and psychological position of the student in the school (class).

Features of interpersonal relationships

1. A.A. Andreeva "Study of student satisfaction with school life".

2. Methods "Our relations" (L.M. Fridman), "Psychological atmosphere in the team" (L.G. Zhedunova).

3. Methodology for determining the attractiveness of a group of classmates for a student (V.P. Sergeeva).

4. Questionnaire "You and your school".

Annex 1

(method of N.P. Kapustina) 1 - 2nd grades

The teacher evaluates me

Final grades


I'm interested in learning

I like to dream

I like doing homework


I am diligent in my studies

I am attentive

I like to help my parents homework

I like school duty


to plants

to animals

To nature



I am careful in business

I am neat in clothes

I like the beauty around me

I am polite in dealing with people


I control myself

I follow the sanitary and hygienic rules of self-care

I have no bad habits

Evaluation of results: 5 - always, 4 - often, 3 - rarely, 2 - never, 1 - I have a different position

For each quality, the arithmetic mean score is displayed. As a result, each student has 6 grades. They are added up and divided by 6. The average score is the level of upbringing.

5 – 4,5 – high level 3.9 - 2.9 - average level

4.4 - 4 - good level 2.8 - 2 - low level

Diagnosis of the level of upbringing of primary school students

(method of N.P. Kapustina) 3rd – 4th grades

I evaluate myself with my parents

The teacher evaluates me

Final grades


I'm interested in learning

I always do my homework

I'm interested in finding answers to incomprehensible questions

I strive to get good grades

2. Diligence:

I am diligent in my studies

I am attentive

I am diligent

I help others in business and ask for help myself

I like self-service at school and at home


I protect the earth

I take care of the plant

I take care of animals

I take care of nature


I follow the rules for students

I follow the rules inside school life

I participate in class and school affairs

I am kind to people

I am fair in dealing with people


I am neat and tidy

I follow the culture of behavior

I care about health

I know how to correctly distribute the time of study and rest

I have no bad habits

Evaluation of results: 5 - always, 4 - often, 3 - rarely, 2 - never, 1 - I have a different position

For each quality, the arithmetic mean score is displayed. As a result, each student has 5 grades. They are added up and divided by 5. The average score is the level of upbringing.

5 - 4.5 - high level

3.9 - 2.9 - average level

4.4 - 4 - good level

2.8 - 2 - low level

Questionnaire "True friend" (Prutchenkov A.S.)

1. Shares news about his successes.

2. Provides emotional support.

3. Voluntarily helps in case of need.

4. Strive to make a friend feel good in his company.

5. Does not envy a friend.

6. Protects a friend in his absence.

7. We tolerate the rest of our friend's friends.

8. Keeps the secrets entrusted to him.

9. Doesn't criticize a friend in public.

10. Not jealous of a friend of other people.

11. Strives not to be pushy.

12. Does not teach how to live.

13. Respects the inner world of a friend.

14. Does not use trusted secrets for his own purposes.

15. Do not try to remake a friend in your own way.

16. Does not betray in difficult times.

17. Trusts his innermost thoughts.

18. Understands the condition and mood of a friend.

19. Confident in your friend.

20. Sincere in communication.

21. The first to forgive the mistakes of a friend.

22. Rejoices in the successes and achievements of a friend.

23. Do not forget to congratulate a friend.

24. Remembers a friend when he is not around.

25. Can tell a friend what he thinks.

Results processing:

Give yourself 2 points for each “yes” answer, 1 point for “don’t know”, and 0 points for “no” answers. Add up your points.

From 0 to 14 points. You have not yet fully appreciated all the charms and virtues of friendship. Most likely, you do not trust people, so it is difficult to be friends with you.

From 15 to 35 points. You have the experience of friendship, but there are also mistakes. It's good that you believe in true friendship and are ready to be friends.

From 35 to 50 points. You a true friend, loyal and devoted. It is warm and joyful with you, your friends feel calm and reliable, they trust you, and you pay them the same.

Test The level of cooperation in the children's team

Instruction to the class. Imagine that in each statement you read below we are talking about your class. If you agree with the statement, put a plus (+) next to its number, if you disagree, put a minus (-). You can put a question mark two or three times if you answer "I don't know." Remember that there are no "right" or "wrong" answers here. Your personal opinion matters. You don't need to put your name on the sheet.

List of statements

    The guys try to do well things that are useful to the whole school.

    When we get together, we always talk about the common affairs of the class.

    It is important for us that everyone in the class can express their opinion.

    We do better when we do something together, and not individually.

    After the lessons, we are in no hurry to disperse and continue to communicate with each other.

    We participate in something if we are counting on reward or success.

    The class teacher is interested in us.

    If the class teacher offers us what to do, he takes into account our opinions.

    The class teacher strives to ensure that everyone in the class understands why we are doing this or that thing.

    The guys in our class always behave well.

    We accept hard work if the school needs it.

    We make sure that our class is the most friendly in the school.

    The leader of the class can be the one who expresses the opinion of other guys.

    If the case is interesting, then the whole class is actively involved in it.

    In the general affairs of the class, we like to help each other most of all.

    It is easier to involve us in a case if we prove its benefit for everyone.

    Things go much better when the class teacher is with us.

    In case of difficulties, we freely turn to the class teacher.

    If the case fails, the class teacher shares the responsibility with us.

    In our class, the guys are always right about everything.

Key, processing and interpretation of results

All 20 statements represent 10 scales, although when processing the results, it is possible to consider the answers of schoolchildren for each of the 20 statements separately. In accordance with the serial number of statements from No. 1 to No. 10 (and similarly from No. 11 to No. 20), these are the following scales:

- (1) - the value of the school. At high values: orientation to the school, activity in general school affairs, involvement in the rhythm of life parallels, a wide circle of communication in the school team.

- (2) - class value. At high values: orientation to the class as the center of school life, involvement in the affairs of the class, emphasis on group (intra-class) interests.

- (3) - the value of the individual. At high values: orientation to the personality, individuality, priority of independence, free self-expression, personal position.

- (4) - the value of creativity. At high values: orientation towards creative participation, interesting work, joint productive activity.

- (5) - the value of the dialogue. At high values: communication orientation, friendships, empathy, concern for the interests of others.

- (6) - the value of reflection. At high values: orientation towards introspection, evaluation and reflective understanding of one's own interests and needs.

- (7) - assessment of the creativity of the class teacher. At high values: the perception of the class teacher as a creative leader, an inventor and an active participant in common affairs.

- (8) - assessment of the dialogue of the class teacher. At high values: the perception of the class teacher as an emotional leader, an authoritative adult who is able to understand and help.

- (9) - assessment of the reflexivity of the class teacher. At high values: the perception of the class teacher as an intellectual leader, an analyst of the situation in the class, making responsible decisions.

- (10) - frankness. Evaluation of the reliability of the results, as it measures the attitude of schoolchildren to be critical of socially approved answers. Low frankness of answers (low self-criticism) may indicate, despite high scores on other scales, trouble in relationships and pronounced social anxiety.

To process the results, it is necessary to determine the quantitative values ​​for each scale. 1 point is counted for each answer (except for statements #10 and #20, where 1 point is counted for each (-) answer. 0.5 points are counted for each (?) answer. Points for each scale are summed up and converted into percentages from 0 to 100% In addition, the average score is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all ten scales.The results are displayed graphically.

Important: only group results are calculated and analyzed, all answers of schoolchildren are anonymous.

For ease of analysis, consider the results:

Low - below 60%,

Normal - in the range of 60-80%,

High - in the range of 80-100%.

The results of scale No. 10 are especially interpreted: at values ​​below 50%, the test results are rechecked as unreliable, at values ​​in the region of 50-60%, we are talking about reduced self-criticism, pronounced social anxiety, and the desire to look better in the eyes of surrounding adults.

Technique "Finish the sentence" (method of N.E. Boguslavskaya)

Children are offered a test form, where they need to complete the sentences with a few words.

1. If I know that I did wrong, then ...

2. When I find it difficult to make the right decision myself, then ...

3. When choosing between an interesting but optional activity and a necessary but boring activity, I usually...

4. When a person is offended in my presence, I ...

5. When lies become the only means of survival good relationship to me, I...

6. If I were in the place of a teacher, I ...

Unfinished sentences, or my attitude towards people.

Attitude towards friends

I think a true friend...

I don't like people who...

Most of all I love those people who…

When I'm gone, my friends...

I would like my friends to...

Attitude towards family

My family treats me like...

When I was little, my family...


I would do anything to forget...

My biggest mistake was...

If you do something wrong, then...

Attitude towards yourself

If everyone is against me...

I think I'm capable enough...

I would like to be like those who...

I am most successful when...

Most of all I appreciate...

Method "What is good and what is bad?"

Students are asked to give examples of: a good deed you have witnessed; evil done to you by others; a fair deed of your friend; a reckless act; manifestations of irresponsibility, etc.

Processing of results.

The degree of formation of concepts of moral qualities is assessed on a 3-point scale:

1 point - if the child has a wrong idea about this moral concept;

2 points - if the idea of ​​a moral concept is correct, but not clear enough and complete;

3 points - if a complete and clear presentation is formed.

Diagnostics of the emotional component of moral development

Technique "Subject Pictures" (designed for children 1-2 classes)(according to R.R. Kalinina)

Scales: emotional attitude to moral norms

Purpose of the test

The technique is designed to study the emotional attitude to moral standards.

Test Description

The child is presented with pictures depicting positive and negative actions of peers.

The study is carried out individually. The protocol records the child's emotional reactions, as well as his explanations. The child must give a moral assessment of the actions depicted in the picture, which will reveal the attitude of children to moral standards. Particular attention is paid to assessing the adequacy of the child's emotional reactions to moral norms: a positive emotional reaction (smile, approval, etc.) to a moral act and a negative emotional reaction (condemnation, indignation, etc.) to an immoral one.

Instructions for the test

Lay out the pictures so that on one side there are those on which the good deeds are drawn, and on the other, the bad ones. Lay out and explain where you put each picture and why.


Processing and interpretation of test results

Processing proposed by R.R. Kalinina.

0 points- the child incorrectly lays out the pictures (in one pile there are pictures depicting both positive and negative actions), emotional reactions are inadequate or absent.
1 point- the child correctly lays out the pictures, but cannot justify his actions; emotional reactions are inappropriate.
2 points- correctly laying out the pictures, the child justifies his actions; emotional reactions are adequate, but weakly expressed.
3 points- the child justifies his choice (perhaps, he names the moral norm); emotional reactions are adequate, bright, manifested in facial expressions, active gestures, etc.

Finish the story technique

The methodology is designed to study children's awareness of moral norms. The study is carried out individually.

Instructions for the test: "I'll tell you stories, and you finish them."

test material

Story 1. The children built the city. Olya stood and watched the others play. The teacher approached the children and said: “We will have dinner now. It's time to put the cubes in boxes. Ask Olya to help you." Then Olya answered...

What did Olya say? Why? How did she do? Why?

Story 2. Katya's mother gave a beautiful doll for her birthday. Katya began to play with her. Then her younger sister Vera came up to her and said: “I also want to play with this doll.” Then Kate answered...

What did Katya say? Why? How did Katya do? Why?

Story 3. Lyuba and Sasha drew. Lyuba drew with a red pencil, and Sasha with green. Suddenly Lubin's pencil broke. “Sasha,” Lyuba said, “can I finish the picture with your pencil?” Sasha answered...

What did Sasha say? Why? How did Sasha do? Why?

Story 4. Petya and Vova were playing together and broke an expensive beautiful toy. Dad came and asked: “Who broke the toy?” Then Petya answered... What did Petya answer? Why? How did Peter do? Why? All answers of the child, if possible verbatim, are recorded in the protocol.

Handling test results

0 points - the child cannot evaluate the actions of children.

1 point - the child evaluates the behavior of children as positive or negative (correct or incorrect, good or bad), but does not motivate the assessment and does not formulate a moral standard.

2 points - the child names the moral norm, correctly assesses the behavior of children, but does not motivate his assessment.

3 points - the child names the moral norm, correctly assesses the behavior of children and motivates his assessment

Methodology "What we value in people" (designed to identify the moral orientations of the child).

The child is invited to mentally choose two of his acquaintances: one of them good man, which the child would like to be like, the other is bad. After that, they are asked to name those qualities that they like and dislike in them, and give three examples of actions for these qualities. The study is carried out individually. The child must give a moral assessment of actions, which will reveal the attitude of children to moral standards. Particular attention is paid to assessing the adequacy of the child's emotional reactions to moral norms: a positive emotional reaction (smile, approval, etc.) to a moral act and a negative emotional reaction (condemnation, indignation, etc.) to an immoral act.

Processing of results.

0 points - the child does not have clear moral guidelines. Relationships with moral standards are unstable. Incorrectly explains actions, emotional reactions are inadequate or absent.

1 point - moral guidelines exist, but the child does not strive to comply with them or considers this an unattainable dream. Adequately assesses actions, but the attitude to moral standards is unstable, passive. Emotional reactions are inadequate.

2 points - moral guidelines exist, assessments of actions and emotional reactions are adequate, but the attitude towards moral standards is not yet sufficiently stable.

3 points - the child justifies his choice with moral principles; emotional reactions are adequate, the attitude to moral standards is active and stable.

How to do method (designed to identify attitudes towards moral standards).

The child is asked to imagine a given situation and tell how he would behave in it. For instance, first situation: during recess, one of your classmates broke the window. Did you see that. He didn't confess. What do you say? Why? Second situation: classmates conspired to disrupt the lesson. How will you do it? Why?

Processing of results according to the above scale.

Mindfulness Diagnostics citizenship students

Test for students in grades 3-4 (Kuzmina E.S., Pyrova L.N.)

1. In what order are the stripes on the State Flag Russian Federation?

a) white, blue, red;

b) red, white, blue;

c) blue, white, red.

2. The anthem is…

a) a solemn melody for the performance of a symphony orchestra;

b) a solemn song for collective listening;

c) a solemn song or melody performed on special, solemn occasions, emphasizing love for the Motherland, pride in it.

3. The State Emblem of the Russian Federation depicts ...

a) a golden double-headed eagle;

b) St. George the Victorious;

c) St. George the Victorious with a spear, who defeated the black snake.

4. Motherland is ...

a) the place where the person lives now;

b) the place where a person was born and spent his childhood;

c) Fatherland, native side.

5. The constitution is the basic law of the state, which determines ...

a) social and state structure;

b) basic rights and obligations of citizens;

c) the rights of citizens.

The level of upbringing of students according to the method of N.P. Kapustina and M.I. Shilova

Diagnosis and monitoring of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren

To educate a person in all respects, you need to know him in all respects.

K. D. Ushinsky

Monitoring in education is most often defined as the constant observation of any process in education in order to identify its compliance with the desired result or initial assumptions. Monitoring in education is a form of organizing the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information about education in educational institution providing continuous monitoring of its state and forecasting its development.

MONITORING = observation + assessment + forecast







goal setting

Object definition

Study of experience and literature

Toolkit development





Systematization of the received data


The study of the results and effectiveness of the educational process is one of the most difficult issues of pedagogical theory and practice. The complexity is primarily due to the fact that the state, results and effectiveness of the educational process are influenced not only by the conditions of the school itself, but also by the external environment in relation to it. The level of upbringing of students can serve as the subject of studying the quality of education.

upbringing- this is a property of a person, characterized by a set of sufficiently formed, socially significant qualities, in a generalized form reflecting the system of human relations (to society, to oneself, to work, to people). The study and analysis of the upbringing of schoolchildren allows:

specify the goals of educational work;

Differential approach to students different levels upbringing;

provide an individual approach to the personality of each student;

Justify the choice of content and methods of education;

Correlate the intermediate with the originally recorded result;

· to see close and more distant results of the educational system.

Questionnaire of the student(s)________ class

Duty and responsibility

I consider it important for myself to strive for the team of my class to work better.

I make suggestions to improve the work of the class.

I independently organize individual activities in the class.

I participate in summing up the work of the class, in determining the next tasks.



Responsible attitude to learning

Attitude towards social work

Collectivism, camaraderie

Satisfied with the attitude of my comrades towards other classes.

Ready to defend the interests of the entire school team in other teams and public organizations.

Ready to help your classmates perform homework or orders from adults.

I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades.

Kindness and responsiveness

Honesty and Justice

Simplicity and modesty

Cultural Level

I visit museums, exhibitions, theaters at least once a month.

Among television programs I watch educational, educational films (from the life of the plant and animal worlds, programs dedicated to the life and work of writers, film artists ...) I listen not only to modern music, pop, but also classical.

I watch my speech, I do not allow that in my presence they speak rudely, incorrectly, obscenely.

I follow the rules of conduct in public places (including transport)

Children say: “Read the questionnaire and try not to think for a long time. Answer them by evaluating yourself on a 5-point scale. ( transcript is given on the board)”

"0" - always no or never.

“1” - very rarely, more often by accident.

“2” - more often no than yes, sometimes I remember.

“3” - more often yes than no, sometimes I forget.

“4” - always yes, constantly.

The results of one item are added up and divided by 16 (maximum points) (3+4+3+4)/16

Result No. 1 Then the indicators for all items are added up and divided by 10. (1+0,9+0,7+0,6+0,5+1+1+1+0,2)/10

Up to 0.5 - low level of education

0.6 - the level of upbringing is below average

0.7 -0.8 average level of upbringing

Up to 0.9 the level of upbringing is above average

1- high level of upbringing

Result No. 2 Then the indicators of each student are added up and divided by the number of students, we get the level of upbringing of the class. (from students).

Subject teachers evaluate class students without auxiliary questions on 9 points on a 5-point scale.

The same is true for parents.

Then the indicators are compared and conclusions are drawn.

Low level: weak, unstable positive behavior, which is mainly regulated by the requirements of adults and other external stimuli and stimuli, the mechanisms of self-organization and self-regulation are situational.

Average level: characterized by independence, the manifestation of self-organization and self-regulation, there is no public position.

Good level: positive independence in activities and behavior, social position is situational.

High level: stable and positive independence in activities and behavior, an active social and civic position is manifested.

Sample student form

(circles the desired figure, the result is recorded in the right field rounded to hundredths)

This is what the final table looks like

(I spent it in the 10th grade, got interesting results - a low level of responsibility and culture; I carried out the correction of the plan of educational work in the right positions. And it became easier with the goals of the events. The level of self-esteem is the same visible.)

The results of the level of upbringing in the class

Classroom teacher.

Date of the survey

Responsible attitude to teaching

Attitude towards socially useful work, industriousness

Duty and responsibility


Collectivism and camaraderie

Kindness and responsiveness

Culture Level

Honesty and truthfulness


Simplicity and modesty

Average score

Result #2

"Analysis of methods for studying the level of upbringing of students"

Head of ShMO: Menshikova M.V.

MBOU "Gymnasium No. 12", Belgorod

The study of the results and effectiveness of the educational process is one of the most difficult issues of pedagogical theory and practice. The complexity is primarily due to the fact that the state, results and effectiveness of the educational process are influenced not only by the conditions of the school itself, but also by the external environment in relation to it. In a "pure form" it is impossible to determine the result of the influence of educational work on the achievement of the set pedagogical tasks. However, refusing to study the effectiveness of the educational process, children will be doomed to spontaneous existence and development.

The study and analysis of the upbringing of schoolchildren allows:

  1. specify the goals of educational work;
  2. differentiated approach to students with different levels of education;
  3. provide an individual approach to the personality of each student;
  4. justify the choice of content and methods of education;
  5. correlate the intermediate with the originally recorded result;
  6. to see immediate and more distant results of the educational system.

In order to correctly determine the level of upbringing of students

it is important to choose the right method for assessing his upbringing.

The selection of criteria and indicators is an important stage, since it defines specific characteristics and indicators that allow in the future to make informed judgments about the effectiveness of the process of educating students.

Four levels of upbringing are distinguished during diagnostic procedures:

  1. High level: a person is capable of self-development, is distinguished by independence in communication and activity.
  2. Sufficient level: the child has mainly formed internal regulators of behavior, but he needs help in critical situations.
  3. Low level: the personality has stopped in its development, without pedagogical support it is not capable of self-improvement.
  4. Unsatisfactory level: self-destructive personality, prone to antisocial behavior.

Exemplary methods for studying the level of upbringing of the class team

Diagnostic methods for studying the upbringing of students in grades 5-11 (M.N. Nechaev)

Purpose: to study the breadth of areas of interest for students, the severity of interest in active activities, communication, entertainment, creativity.


Students are invited to evaluate their areas of interest on a five-point system.

1 b. - the area is not significant for the student

2 b. - sphere is insignificant

3 b. - sphere of average importance

4 b. - sphere is significant

5 B. - area is very important

Opposite the number of the called sphere, the answer is put with a number corresponding to the choice of the student.

Text of the methodology

  1. Television, radio 13. Personal self-education
  2. Communication in the family 14. Communication with friends
  3. Study 15. Painting, drawing, modeling, macrame, etc.
  4. Sports, activities physical education 16. Hiking
  5. Communication with the opposite sex 17. Excursions, local history
  6. Housework 18. Technical creativity
  7. Communication with a teacher, with a leader 19. Communication with nature
  8. Any music 20. Reading fiction (outside the program)
  9. Business 21. Do-it-yourself making of any products, objects
  10. Cinema 22. Other creative activities (poetry, prose, modeling, biological experiments, etc.)
  11. Class team, cereals 23. Occupation without a special purpose - doing nothing
  12. Cloth

Processing of results according to the "Sphere of Interest" method

Class data are presented in the form of a table, where pluses indicate those interests where the child put 5 or 4 points. Percentages are calculated at the end of each column.for example: communication with friends: all students put 5 or 4 points, we put down a plus for each, and then we mark it as 100%, and if 2 people put 3 points each, then: 2 divided by the number of respondents and multiplied by 100% - get a percentage.So for each column.At the end, we calculate the result by class:add up all the percentages and divide by the number of columns (i.e. 23).

F.I. student

socializing with friends

family communication

communication with teachers

communication with the opposite floor

communication with nature





painting, modeling, macrame

technical creativity

DIY manufacturing

other types of creative activity.


excursions, local history

self-education of personality

class team

television, radio




reading thin. literature.

doing nothing




1. Yellow-bellied Kolya

90-100% - very high interest

75-90% - high

50-75% - medium; 50% - low

Purpose: the technique allows assessing the level of manifestation of socially valuable personality traits


Students are asked on a five-point scale to rate the question that best suits it.

1 - incorrect

2 - rather true

3 - when how

4 - generally true

5 - true

Text of the methodology

  1. Respectful attitude to the majority of people, to the members of the group. 13. I am ashamed if I was too lazy to help my parents or a friend.
  2. I develop the ability to see the difficulties of other people, actively help them. 14. Dissatisfaction with myself makes me fight with my shortcomings.
  3. Ready (a) to give up their interests for the sake of the interests of the team. 15. I am responsible for the affairs of the group, class, I worry about the overall success.
  4. I help my peers without expecting praise or rewards in return. 16. I show sympathy for the guys who do not succeed in something.
  5. I want my work to benefit society. 17. I do any, even unpleasant work, if it benefits people.
  6. I always take care of things made by human hands. 18. I take care of the environment, animals, plants, water bodies, etc.
  7. In any case, I strive to achieve best results. 19. I am characterized by thoroughness, conscientiousness in any business.
  8. I strive to cope with the difficulties at work on my own. 20. I love independent, hard work.
  9. I often invent my own approach to business. 21. I strive to make any work interesting and useful for myself and for others.
  10. I like to propose and carry out new things. 22. I like to learn new activities, new skills and abilities.
  11. I am a purposeful person. 23. I am used to highlighting the main thing in business and not being distracted by extraneous things.
  12. I am able to work for a long time with full dedication of forces. 24. I know how to maintain restraint and patience in conflicts with people.

Processing of results according to the method of "Self-analysis of personality"

F.I. student

active moral position


citizenship at work


creative activity

volitional qualities


respect for people


responsibility to the team

sensitivity and mutual assistance


awareness of the importance of one's work for society

careful attitude to the results of labor, to nature



independence in overcoming difficulties


striving to improve the work process

striving for something new, initiative



perseverance and self-control


1. Yellow-bellied Kolya

2.61 (n)

The key to the methodology

Respect for work- the answers to questions 1 and 13 are added up - they are recorded in the first column;striving for moral self-education- the answers to questions 2 and 14 are added up, the average score is calculated: the numbers of the first and second columns are added and divided by four. And so on for each factor.

Responsibility to the team - 3 and 15; sensitivity and mutual assistance - 4 and 16.

Awareness of the importance of one's work for society - 5 and 17; careful attitude to the results of labor, to nature - 6 and 18.

Conscientiousness - 7 and 19; independence in overcoming difficulties - 8 and 20.

Desire to improve the process of work - 9 and 21; striving for something new, initiative - 10 and 22.

Purposefulness - 11 and 23; perseverance and self-control - 12 and 24.

Then the final level for each child is calculated: the average score for each parameter is added up and divided by 6.

At the end, the final level for the class is calculated: the final level for each child is added up and divided by the number of respondents. Technique No. 3 "I am a leader"

Purpose: to study the operational communication skills of students.


Students are asked to rate the question on what best fits the question.

4 - Strongly agree 3 - Rather agree than disagree 2 - Difficult to say 1 - Rather disagree than agree 0 - Strongly disagree

Opposite the number of the called question, the answer is given with a number corresponding to the student's choice.

Text of the methodology

  1. I do not get lost and do not give up in difficult situations. 25. I can force myself to do exercises in the morning, even if I don’t feel like it.
  2. My actions are aimed at achieving a goal that I understand. 26. I usually achieve what I strive for.
  3. I know how to overcome difficulties. 27. There are no problems that I cannot solve.
  4. I love to explore and try new things. 28. When making decisions, I sort through various options.
  5. I can easily convince my comrades of something. 29. I can make any person do what I see fit.
  6. I know how to involve my comrades in a common cause. 30. I know how to choose the right people.
  7. It's hard for me to get everyone to work well. 31. In relationships with people, I achieve mutual understanding.
  8. All my friends treat me well. 32. I strive to be understood.
  9. I know how to distribute my forces in study and work. 33. If I encounter difficulties in my work, then I do not give up.
  10. I can clearly answer the question of what I want in life. 34. I will never act like others.
  11. I plan my time and work well. 35. I strive to solve all problems in stages, not all at once.
  12. I am easily addicted to new things. 36. I have never acted like others.
  13. It is easy for me to establish a normal relationship with a friend. 37. There is no person who would resist my charm.
  14. I organize comrades, I try to interest them. 38. When organizing affairs, I take into account the opinion of my comrades.
  15. No one is a mystery to me. 39. I find a way out in difficult situations.
  16. I consider it important that those whom I organize are friendly. 40. I think that comrades, doing a common thing, should trust each other.
  17. If I'm in a bad mood, I can not show it to others. 41. No one will ever spoil my mood.
  18. For me, achieving a goal is important. 42. I imagine how to gain authority among people.
  19. I regularly evaluate my work and my progress. 43. When solving problems, I use the experience of others.
  20. I'm willing to take risks to try new things. 44. I am interested in doing the same thing.
  21. The first impression I make is usually a good one. 45. My ideas are readily accepted by my comrades.
  22. I always succeed. 46. ​​I can control the work of my comrades.
  23. I feel good mood of my comrades. 47. I know how to find mutual language with people.
  24. I know how to cheer up a group of my comrades. 48. I easily succeed in rallying my comrades around a cause.

Processing of results according to the method "I am a leader"

Class data is presented in the form of a table

F. I. student

sincerity in self-esteem

(7-10 b)

self-management ability

goal awareness

problem solving skills

having a creative approach

influence on others

knowledge of organizational rules

organizational skills

ability to work with a group

final level

1. Yellow-bellied Kolya

15.5 (s)

The sum of points is calculated for the following qualities: sincerity in self-esteem - answers to questions 8, 15, 22, 29, 34, 36, 41;the ability to manage oneself - 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41; goal awareness - 2, 10, 18, 26, 34, 42; ability to solve problems - 3, 11, 19, 27, 35, 43; the presence of a creative approach - 4, 12, 20, 28, 36, 44; influence on others - 5, 13, 21, 29. 37, 45; knowledge of the rules of organizational work - 6, 14, 22, 30, 38, 46; organizational skills - 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47; ability to work with a group - 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48.

The final level for each child is displayed:All scores are added up and divided by 9.

The final level for the class is displayed: add up the final level for each child and divide by the number of respondents.

If the sum of the quality is less than 10, then it is poorly developed.

Purpose: to determine the personal orientation of students.


For each item of the questionnaire, there are three possible answers, denoted by the letters A, B, C. You need to choose the answer that most expresses your opinion.

Tex methodology

  1. The most satisfying thing in life is:

A - evaluation of work;

B - consciousness that you are among friends;

B - the consciousness that the work is done well.

2. If I played football, I would like to be:

A - a famous player;

B - by the chosen team captain;

B - a coach who develops the tactics of the game.

3. The best teachers are those who:

A - have an individual approach;

B - create an atmosphere in the team in which no one is afraid to express their point of view;

B - passionate about their subject and arouse interest in it.

4. Students rate as the worst such teachers who:

A - do not hide the fact that some people are unsympathetic to them;

B - cause everyone the spirit of rivalry;

B - give the impression that the subject they teach does not interest them.

5. I am glad that my friends:

A - always faithful and reliable;

B - help others when an opportunity presents itself for this;

B are intelligent and have broad interests.

6. best friends I think those:

A - on which you can hope;

B - with whom mutual relations develop well;

B - who can do more than me.

7. I would like to be known as someone who:

A - can love a lot;

B - distinguished by friendliness and goodwill;

B - achieved success in life.

8. If I could choose, I would like to be:

A - an experienced pilot;

B - head of department;

B is a researcher.

9. When I was a child, I loved:

A - when I was praised;

B - games with friends;

B - success in business.

10. Most of all I don't like it when:

A - they criticize me;

B - comradely relations are deteriorating in the team;

B - I encounter obstacles in the fulfillment of the task assigned to me.

11. The main role of the gymnasium should be:

A - development of individual abilities and independence;

B - educating students of qualities, thanks to which they could get along with people;

B - preparing students for work in their specialty.

12. I do not like teams in which:

A - a person loses individuality in the general mass;

B - non-democratic system;

B - it is impossible to show one's own initiative.

13. If I had more free time, I would use it:

A - to ensure rest;

B - to communicate with friends;

B - for favorite things and self-education.

14. I feel like I'm at my best when:

A - my efforts are sufficiently rewarded;

B - I work with nice people;

B - I have a job that satisfies me.

15. I love it when:

A - others appreciate me;

B - I enjoy spending time with friends;

B - I feel satisfaction from the work done.

16. If they wrote about me in newspapers, I would like that:

A - praised me for my work;

B - reported that I was elected to the Council of Gymnasiums;

B - noted the work that I completed.

17. I would learn best when the teacher:

A - had an individual approach to me;

B - caused a discussion on the issues under consideration;

B - stimulated me to work more intensively.

Processing of results according to the method of "Orientation of personality"

Class data is presented in the form of a table

The number of responses with the same letters on all issues and the prevailing direction is determined.

For instance:

With answers A - 10

With answers B - 4

With answers B - 7

With answers AB - 14

With answers AB - 17

With answers BV - 11

We note in the table: the orientation of the personality towards oneself, because with the answers A most of all (10) and the orientation of the personality towards oneself and the business, tk. with answers AB - 17.

Then the percentage is calculated: how much% is the focus on oneself, on communication, on business, on oneself and communication, on oneself and business, on communication and business. The number of responses is divided by the number of respondents and multiplied by 100%.

Method No. 5 "The level of self-government in the student team"

Purpose: to determine the level of development of student self-government


Students are asked to rate the question on what best fits the question.

4 - yes

3 more yes than no

2 - hard to say

1 - rather no than yes

0 - no

Opposite the number of the called question, the answer is given with a number corresponding to the student's choice.

Tex methodology

  1. I consider it important for myself that the team of my class work better.
  2. I make suggestions to improve the work of the class.
  3. I independently organize individual activities in the class.
  4. I participate in summing up the work of the class, in determining the next tasks.
  5. I believe that the class is capable of amicable independent actions.
  6. In our class, responsibilities are clearly and evenly distributed among students.
  7. The elected asset in our class enjoys authority among the students of the class.
  8. I think that the asset in our class copes well and independently with its duties.
  9. I believe that the students of our class are conscientious in the performance of their social duties.
  10. timely and accurately carry out the decisions made by the assembly or class asset.
  11. I strive to make every effort so that the tasks assigned to the team are fulfilled.
  12. I am ready to answer for the results of my work and for the results of the work of my comrades.

Processing the results according to the methodology "The level of self-government in the student team"

The results are entered into a table

F.I. student

involvement of students in self-management activities

class organization

the responsibility of the members of the team for its affairs





1. Yellow-bellied Kolya

The scores for each answer are entered in this table, then the first four answers are added up and the total is displayed, then the second four answers - the total and the last four answers - the total.

Then all the answers are added up, and a total is obtained for each child, the next step is to calculate the level for the class as a whole: all the final answers of the students are added up, divided by the number of children surveyed and divided by 16.


0.1-0.4 - low

0.5-0.8 - medium

0.9 - high

Answer forms

Surname, name of the student __________________________________________

Technique No. 1 "Sphere of Interest"

1 b. - the area is not significant for the student

2 b. - sphere is insignificant

3 b. - sphere of average importance

4 b. - sphere is significant

5 B. - area is very important

Question numbers

Technique No. 2 "Self-analysis of personality"

1 - incorrect

2 - rather true

3 - when how

4 - generally true

5 - true

Question numbers

Technique No. 3 "I am a leader"

4 - totally agree

The level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

Self-assessments of students;

Parent grades.

1. Behavior in the family:

2. Behavior at school:

Attentiveness in the classroom;

3. Attitude towards elders:

4. Attitude towards peers:


2. Raising a sense of responsibility and citizenship, morality and humanism in students.

3. Schoolchildren's awareness of their educational, social and labor duties as a duty to society and the team.

Microstudy #1.

Questionnaire for students in grades 1-4.

personality traits

Parental assessment

Grade class leader


Total score

1. Behavior in the family:

Showing interest in business, family problems;

Be polite to all family members;

Positive reaction to comments in the family;

Caring for younger family members;

Fulfillment of assignments, duties in the family.

2. Behavior at school:

Attentiveness in the classroom;

Diligence in doing homework;

Diligence and accuracy in studies;

Demonstration of a sense of responsibility in the performance of public assignments;

Respect for school property;

Reasonable attitude to successes and failures in teaching;

Disciplined behavior during breaks.

3. Attitude towards elders:

Polite communication with elders;

Fulfillment of instructions, requests of elders;

Providing assistance to those in need;

Respect towards elders.

4. Attitude towards peers:

- active participation in joint activities;

6. Attitude towards oneself:

Good breeding is a property of a person, characterized by a set of sufficiently formed, socially significant qualities, in a generalized form reflecting the system of a person's relationship to the world, to people, to himself.

The level of upbringing of a schoolchild determines the degree of formation of personal qualities in children in accordance with age characteristics:

Self-assessments of students;

Parent grades.

The overall assessment of the upbringing of the student is determined on the basis of evaluation indicators.

High level

Above average

Average level

Low level - 2 points (poorly manifested).

High level.

Above average.

Average level.

Low level.

Microstudy #2.

Questionnaire for students in grades 5-9.

personality traits

Parental assessment

Grade class leader


Total score

1. Behavior in the family:

Showing interest in business, family problems;

Be polite to all family members;

Positive reaction to comments in the family;

Showing respect for elders

Caring for younger family members;

Fulfillment of assignments, duties in the family.

2. Behavior at school:

Attentiveness in the classroom;

Diligence in doing homework;

Diligence and accuracy in studies;

Demonstration of a sense of responsibility in the performance of public assignments;

Respect for school property;

Reasonable attitude to successes and failures in teaching;

Disciplined behavior during breaks.

3. Attitude towards elders:

Polite communication with elders;

Fulfillment of instructions, requests of elders;

Providing assistance to those in need;

Respect towards elders.

4. Attitude towards peers:

- active participation in joint activities;

Willingness to selflessly help a friend;

The desire not to let down their classmates and friends;

5. Behavior on the street and in public places:

Maintaining order and cleanliness in public places, in transport, on the street;

Respect for the environment.

6. Attitude towards oneself:

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

Neatness and frugality in clothing;

Self-criticism in assessing one's behavior and actions;

Implementation of the daily routine and morning exercises;

Truthfulness, honesty, integrity in actions and deeds.

Good breeding is a property of a person, characterized by a set of sufficiently formed, socially significant qualities, in a generalized form reflecting the system of a person's relationship to the world, to people, to himself.

The level of upbringing of a schoolchild determines the degree of formation of personal qualities in children in accordance with age characteristics:

Self-assessments of students;

Grades of the class teacher;

Parent grades.

The overall assessment of the upbringing of the student is determined on the basis of evaluation indicators.

Assessment of the general level of upbringing of a student

Evaluated on a 5-point system.

High level- 5 points (a vivid manifestation of upbringing).

Above average- 4 points (generally manifested).

Average level- 3 points (manifested from time to time, not enough).

Low level - 2 points (poorly manifested).

Characteristics of each level of education

High level. The student actively supports the teacher, cooperates with him in all areas of school life, responds positively to the requirements of the elders, shows a strong-willed desire for learning, social and other activities, self-education, the need for a working lifestyle, positive habits. Independent, skillfully conducts patriotic, environmental, cultural, educational and other work.

Above average. Moral attitudes correspond to the requirements and morality of society. The student selectively responds to pedagogical requirements and influences, cooperates with the teacher in the area where common and personal interests coincide, and painfully perceives comments. In situations requiring willpower, often does not bring the matter to the end. Self-education is not systematically engaged, although they consider it necessary.

Average level. The student responds positively only to uniform and stable pedagogical requirements, seeks to get out of the pedagogical control, does not help the teacher. The student does not yet understand the value of education for the development of their abilities. Such a position gives rise to a narrow circle of children's interests. Often shows a negative attitude towards work with a general desire for learning. He puts personal interests above public ones, and sometimes they do not take into account the latter at all. Self-education is aimed at developing prestigious qualities. The student's knowledge is often superficial.

Low level. The student is indifferent to the life of the school, family, country, does not feel complicity in the affairs of the collective, society, does not see the social meaning in teaching, labor and other activities. There is disobedience to positive influences and requirements, it does not take into account the opinion of teachers. Does not realize the need for secondary education, which gives rise to a negative attitude towards work, to learning, the desire for entertainment, an idle lifestyle. Educational, labor and life skills and abilities are not formed, they are superficial.

Microstudy #3.

Questionnaire for students in grades 10-11.

personality traits

Parental assessment

Grade class leader


Total score

1. Behavior in the family:

Showing interest in business, family problems;

Be polite to all family members;

Positive reaction to comments in the family;

Showing respect for elders

Caring for younger family members;

Fulfillment of assignments, duties in the family.

2. Behavior at school:

Attentiveness in the classroom;

Diligence in doing homework;

Diligence and accuracy in studies;

Demonstration of a sense of responsibility in the performance of public assignments;

Respect for school property;

Reasonable attitude to successes and failures in teaching;

Disciplined behavior during breaks.

3. Attitude towards elders:

Polite communication with elders;

Fulfillment of instructions, requests of elders;

Providing assistance to those in need;

Respect towards elders.

4. Attitude towards peers:

- active participation in joint activities;

Willingness to selflessly help a friend;

The desire not to let down their classmates and friends;

5. Behavior on the street and in public places:

Maintaining order and cleanliness in public places, in transport, on the street;

Respect for the environment.

6. Attitude towards oneself:

Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

Neatness and frugality in clothing;

Self-criticism in assessing one's behavior and actions;

Implementation of the daily routine and morning exercises;

Truthfulness, honesty, integrity in actions and deeds.

Good breeding is a property of a person, characterized by a set of sufficiently formed, socially significant qualities, in a generalized form reflecting the system of a person's relationship to the world, to people, to himself.

The level of upbringing of a schoolchild determines the degree of formation of personal qualities in children in accordance with age characteristics:

Self-assessments of students;

Grades of the class teacher;

Parent grades.

The overall assessment of the upbringing of the student is determined on the basis of evaluation indicators.

Assessment of the general level of upbringing of a student

Evaluated on a 5-point system.

High level- 5 points (a vivid manifestation of upbringing).

Above average- 4 points (generally manifested).

Average level- 3 points (manifested from time to time, not enough).

Low level - 2 points (poorly manifested).

Characteristics of each level of education

High level. The student actively supports the teacher, cooperates with him in all areas of school life, responds positively to the requirements of the elders, shows a strong-willed desire for learning, social and other activities, self-education, the need for a working lifestyle, positive habits. Independent, skillfully conducts patriotic, environmental, cultural, educational and other work.

Above average. Moral attitudes correspond to the requirements and morality of society. The student selectively responds to pedagogical requirements and influences, cooperates with the teacher in the area where common and personal interests coincide, and painfully perceives comments. In situations requiring willpower, often does not bring the matter to the end. Self-education is not systematically engaged, although they consider it necessary.

Average level. The student responds positively only to uniform and stable pedagogical requirements, seeks to get out of the pedagogical control, does not help the teacher. The student does not yet understand the value of education for the development of their abilities. Such a position gives rise to a narrow circle of children's interests. Often shows a negative attitude towards work with a general desire for learning. He puts personal interests above public ones, and sometimes they do not take into account the latter at all. Self-education is aimed at developing prestigious qualities. The student's knowledge is often superficial.

Low level. The student is indifferent to the life of the school, family, country, does not feel complicity in the affairs of the collective, society, does not see the social meaning in teaching, labor and other activities. There is disobedience to positive influences and requirements, it does not take into account the opinion of teachers. Does not realize the need for secondary education, which gives rise to a negative attitude towards work, to learning, the desire for entertainment, an idle lifestyle. Educational, labor and life skills and abilities are not formed, they are superficial.