Test tasks for a separate intersection of traffic rules. Tests in the "Crossroads. Peculiarities of work in the Perekrestok company

All employees of the Karusel supermarket chain can become a user of the training platform, and remotely pass professional courses and tests within a specified time frame. For registration account you should visit the page, fill in the appropriate fields and start using the portal, where the following become available:

  1. - training tests with questions and answers equivalent to the position held;
  2. - examples of numerical, verbal and logical SHL tests;
  3. - Literary publications on software x5.

In addition to the above, you can view information about active and completed courses in your account.

Login to the educational portal "Carousel"

To visit the account, employees of the supermarket chain will need to visit the page, and then select the "Login" section, and register a nickname and password in the form.

If the requisites are entered correctly, the system will redirect to the main page, and you can start familiarizing yourself with the training materials of the x5 retail group, start testing for advanced training and use other opportunities. And in case of incorrect data entry, you must write a letter to the technical department. How to do this, see the video below:

With the help of the presented portal, you can analyze and control the results of tests, for passing which all employees receive points. The latter are entered into a special database, and on the basis of the data obtained, the management evaluates the results, and then makes decisions regarding career advancement. The results are sent to users by means of a letter to the e-mail entered during registration.

How to successfully pass tests in Carousel

Tests for hiring, director, or administrator can be passed successfully using the following guidelines.
  1. It is necessary to solve the tests in a calm atmosphere, after having had a good rest. You also need to make sure that the Internet connection is stable.
  2. You don't have to try to buy tests with answers, because the latter are changed very often and can be miscalculated.
  3. When passing the numerical test, you will definitely need to take a handy calculator and a notebook with a pen to record intermediate calculations.
  4. When passing the verbal test, you will also need to record all the theses highlighted at the time of reading the text. So you can better assimilate the material, and then conduct a qualitative analysis of it.
  5. Well, of course, you shouldn't ignore the preparation, which will definitely improve the chances of successfully passing the test.

Any self-respecting entrepreneur is interested in ensuring that his staff is staffed with competent qualified employees. To do this, they must have many qualities that correspond to modern marketing requirements. At present, this is important, since a person who does not strive to acquire, master new knowledge, technologies, and work skills in a specialized specialty simply cannot be considered a successful employee of a reputable, self-respecting company, since he does not meet its requirements. Therefore, many companies use a candidate testing system to select candidates for vacant positions.

Peculiarities of work in the Perekrestok company

The prospect of working in a major company can interest any person seeking to provide his or her life with comfortable living conditions. Working at Perekrestok, you can get the following benefits:

  • high stable income level;
  • the opportunity to grow up the career ladder;
  • improving their own knowledge and skills;
  • raising the level of qualifications.

In addition, the company invites its employees to participate in specialized contests and receive corporate bonuses as a reward. However, before becoming a full-time employee, you must pass the intersection tests competently.

Additional benefits of working at Perekrestok

If you successfully pass the crossroads tests, pass the remaining qualifying stages when applying for a job, you can count on the fact that the chain of stores gives its employees the opportunity to purchase goods at great discounts, which significantly saves the family budget.

Workers on shift do not need to bring food with them, since the company gives the opportunity to have breakfast and lunch for a nominal fee. It is quite easy for trained job seekers to pass the crossroads tests. Unprepared candidates will face some difficulties at this stage of the selection round.

Features of the formation of the company

The first Perekrestok store was opened in Moscow in 1995, and Muscovites were delighted to enjoy their first long-awaited purchases. The rapid growth of the market economy pushed for the marketing growth of Perekrestok, which made it possible in three years to open a chain of stores, consisting of 20 outlets.

In 2003, the already formed global network absorbed several small sales representatives (STAR, and 365), and since 2006 the company has been successfully cooperating with Pyaterochka. To further its successful growth, the company uses the X5 Crossroads tests to select candidates for prestigious state positions.

Achievements of the company

At this time, the Perekrestok chain owns almost 500 stores, and the company's financial turnover in 2015 amounted to 130 billion. The average number of buyers for the year is close to 304 billion.

Passing tests at the crossroads means becoming a successful employee of a prestigious company, maintaining its image and authority among other brands. Receiving significant material benefits, as well as the possibility of career growth are also attractive aspects of working for Perekrestok.

Peculiarities of work at Perekrest

If a job seeker is applying for a job on the sales floor, he does not need to have super-high abilities in the field of marketing services. However, this does not mean that anyone can get a job at Perekrestok; in any case, you will have to adhere to the basic corporate charters, having passed the X5 crossroads tests beforehand.

More stringent requirements are imposed on managers and employees of Perekrestok offices. This is due to the fact that the manager is obliged to make organizational decisions on the spot, without creating conflict situations. Therefore, applicants applying for high positions pass the crossroads tests in a more sophisticated version.

How is the selection

At the time of selection, the applicant must complete the following steps:

  • apply for an intersection test;
  • pass the testing procedure;
  • conduct a series of interviews with prospective employers.

Step-by-step selection process

At the stage of filing an application, the applicant is obliged to fill out a questionnaire, which indicates reliable information about himself. After submitting the application forms and CVs, candidates are awaiting the decision of the HR experts on who will be allowed to go to the next stage of the competition.

At the testing stage, it is important that the decision of higher-level employees cannot be subjective, since the intersection tests are processed by automated systems. The main task of the candidate at this stage is to give correct answers to the intersection tests, as well as to intelligently overtake the competitors. A certain time is allotted for the solution of each task, during which it is necessary to have time to concentrate, to show high level knowledge.

A series of interviews with prospective employers means going through a contact interview with prospective employees and managers. The interviewing employees hold positions directly dependent on the position for which the candidate is applying.

In addition to the fact that job seekers pass the crossroads tests, the testing system is also designed for personnel changes. That is, if a staff member decides to apply for a promotion, they must also give the correct answers on the intersection tests.

Features of tests

Many applicants are interested in what is the procedure for passing tests at an intersection. Testing consists of solving three problems:

  • ability to solve;
  • manifestation of abilities;
  • assessment of the situation.

For successful delivery Crossroads tests are recommended to prepare in advance for them in the online programs available on our website. These programs contain a lot of problem options with possible answers to intersection tests. According to these tasks, it is possible to simulate the situation and competent ways of solving it.

Ticket 29. Question 2 Which of these signs provide the right of priority through unregulated intersections? Only A A and B All Signs: " the main road"(" A ") and" Secondary road junction "(" B ") grant the right of priority passage of unregulated intersections to vehicles on the main road. (Item term "Main road", traffic rules)

Ticket 10. Question 6
Which vehicles are allowed to continue driving? Passenger car and small bus Only bus Only passenger car Both vehicles are prohibited from traffic. Regulated intersection. Traffic signals in the presence of a traffic controller “do not work”. From the side of the left side, with such a gesture of the traffic controller, while observing the location of the so-called. traffic in all directions is allowed on the carriageway. Both drivers continue driving. The correct answer is the first one. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 1. Question 13
When turning right, you must give way to: Only cyclists Only pedestrians Pedestrians and cyclists Nobody When turning right or left, the driver must give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway into which he is turning and cyclists, regardless of whether it is a regulated or unregulated intersection. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 2. Question 13
You intend to turn left. Who should you give way to? Only for pedestrians Only for buses Bus and pedestrians The intersection is regulated. Priority signs “do not work”. When turning left, you give way to a bus moving straight from the oncoming direction and pedestrians crossing the carriageway into which you are turning. (Items, SDA).

Ticket 3. Question 13
When driving straight ahead you: Must stop before the stop line You can continue driving through the intersection without stopping Must give way to vehicles moving from other directions The intersection is regulated. In this case, the signs of priority, and among them is the sign "Driving without stopping is prohibited", according to the principle of priority regulation road traffic, "Do not work", i.e. we are not guided by them. The green traffic light is on. Continue through the intersection without stopping. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 4. Question 13
You intend to drive straight ahead at the intersection. Your actions? Pass the intersection first Give way only to the oncoming vehicle Give way only to a vehicle with a flashing light and a special sound signal Make way for both vehicles. Regulated intersection. The first will go by the "operative" with special signals, which can deviate from the requirements of traffic signals. Other drivers must ensure that he is able to pass through the intersection without hindrance. The truck driver is obliged to yield to you, i.e. a vehicle moving directly from the opposite direction. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 5. Question 13
You intend to turn around. Your actions? Pass the intersection first Make a U-turn, giving way to a passenger car Wait for the traffic controller to lower his right hand. Adjustable intersection. The traffic controller's right arm is extended forward. From the left side, vehicles can continue to move in any direction, observing the rules for the location of vehicles on the carriageway. When making a U-turn from the leftmost lane, you will have an obstacle on the right. You will give way to a passenger car turning right. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 6. Question 13
You intend to turn left. Your actions? Make way for the tram Wait for the permitting signal of a special traffic light and, having passed the tram, turn left Pass the intersection first Traffic light with signals of white-moon color, intended for drivers of route vehicles, prohibits them from moving (the upper lane is on). The tram is at a standstill. You, according to the green traffic light, are allowed to move in any direction, if you wish, turning left, go through the intersection first. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 7. Question 13
What should you do when turning left? Go through the intersection first Leave the stop line and stop at the intersection to give way to the oncoming vehicle Stop in front of the stop line and after passing passenger car turn left Stopping no further than the stop line is mandatory when a traffic light signal prohibits it. "Green" is on for you. Drive without stopping at the intersection and before turning left, stop to give way to a passenger car moving straight from the opposite direction. ("Horizontal marking", points, traffic rules)

Ticket 8. Question 13
Which driver will break the Rules when making a turn? Both Passenger car driver only Motorcycle driver only Nobody will break The “Go straight ahead” sign in this case is installed immediately before the intersection of the carriageways, that is, in front of the intersection. You can continue to move only straight. In this situation, both drivers violate the Rules. ("Road signs")

Ticket 9. Question 13
Are you allowed to go to the intersection, behind which there is a traffic jam: Allowed Allowed if you intend to make a turn Prohibited Regulated intersection. You have a green light, but there is a traffic jam ahead. If you enter an intersection to drive in a forward direction, then when the signals change, you will interfere with traffic, especially in the lateral direction. Therefore, you can enter the intersection only to turn right or left. (Items, SDA). (12/14/18 updated answer option 2 (correct). Now you can not drive into a traffic jam if you are going to make a U-turn)

Ticket 10. Question 13
When you turn on the green traffic light, you should: Start driving immediately Start driving, making sure that there are only pedestrians completing the crossing of the carriageway Start driving, making sure that there are no pedestrians and vehicles ending movement after changing the traffic light The truck closes visibility to the right, from where you may suddenly pedestrians who started moving after changing the traffic signal. Make sure that there are no vehicles ending the movement through the intersection. Therefore, proceed as indicated in the third answer. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 11. Question 13
Do you have to give way to the car making the U-turn when turning right? Obliged Not obliged When driving "under the additional section", turned on simultaneously with the main red traffic light, you are obliged to give way to EVERYONE moving from other directions, regardless of their further direction of movement. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 12. Question 13
You intend to turn right. Your actions? Turn right, not giving way to pedestrians Turn right, giving way to pedestrians Stop in front of the intersection and wait for another signal from the traffic controller The traffic controller's hands are down (“Chest, back - wall”). From the right and left sides, roadless vehicles are allowed to move straight and to the right, pedestrians are allowed to cross the carriageway. (Point of traffic rules). When turning right, you must give way to pedestrians crossing the carriageway into which you are turning. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 13. Question 13
You intend to drive straight ahead at the intersection. Your actions? Pass the intersection first. Make way for the tram. Regulated intersection. Traffic light with one-color signaling, intended for route vehicles, allows driving straight ahead. A tram turning right is waiting for the signal to change. A green traffic light allows you to move - go straight through the intersection first. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 14. Question 13
When you turn on the green traffic light, you must give way: Only a truck completing a U-turn at an intersection Only a passenger car Both cars The rules provide for this situation. When the traffic light is enabled, the driver is obliged to give way to vehicles that end the traffic through the intersection. You have just such a situation - you give way to all cars located within the boundaries of the intersection, in this case - both cars. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 15. Question 13
When are you obliged to give way to a tram? When turning left When driving straight In both of the above cases, the intersection is regulated by a traffic light, the tramway and yours intersect. Being in equivalent conditions, the tram has an advantage over the trackless TS. You give way in both of these cases. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 16. Question 13
You intend to drive straight ahead at the intersection. Who should you give way to? Tram and car Tram only. Regulated intersection. The tram in equivalent conditions has an advantage over trackless vehicles. Goes by first. When turning left, a passenger car must give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight and to the right. You only give way to the tram. (Items, SDA)

Ticket 17. Question 13
Are you obliged to give way to the bus? Obligated Not obligated "Rule right hand»Universally. It does not work in two cases - one of the cases when the vehicle moves under an additional section that is turned on simultaneously with the main yellow or red signal. In this situation, you must give way to all vehicles moving from other directions. You must give way to the bus. (Point of traffic rules)

Ticket 18. Question 13
Are you obliged to give way to a passenger car when turning right? Obliged Obliged if the car turns to the left Not obligated The intersection is regulated. Priority signs “do not work”. When turning left, the driver of a car must give way to vehicles moving from the opposite direction straight or to the right. You have an advantage. (Items, SDA)

The training portal ⚡️ "Study X5" was created with the aim of improving the qualifications of Pyaterochka's employees and mandatory testing of applicants in a timely manner.

To enter the corporate training portal, you will need authorization on the official website //study5.x5.ru. You can access numerical and verbal tests, as well as familiarize yourself with the criteria for assessing knowledge online.

Login to Study5 X5 portal by login and password

You can find out the account name and password from Email, whose address you indicated when you were employed at Pyaterochka.

  1. We launch the Mazila browser on a PC and go to the Websoft training center using the link. By clicking on the LOGIN button, a window will open for the subsequent entry of the username (personnel number) and password.
  2. If you have deleted the service message and do not remember the original data, use the option remind password at the first stage of authorization.

Important! If there is no employee account in the database, registration and distance learning in your X5 account - impossible.

Pass the numeric test for the ZDM position

The main difficulty of this type of test is the time limit for each question.

The essence of the verbal test

Passing the verbal test involves the speed of information perception and logical thinking. For example, a text of 1000 characters on a narrowly focused topic is given, after reading which it is necessary to give the correct answer: an assertion, a lie, or to note the lack of information content.

According to the points scored, the management of X5 Retail Group determines the rating and individually makes the final decision on cooperation.

  1. Preparation... Lack of practice plays a key role in the result. Be sure to take practice tests with a focus on arithmetic, and read educational literature on the portal //websoft.ru
  2. Concentration... It's no secret that a stopwatch counting down on each question leads to a loss of concentration. Pull yourself together and focus, pondering each sentence carefully.
  3. Tactics... Remember, answering correctly in the first minutes of the survey will build self-confidence. Leave the "unsolvable" tasks for last, relying on luck.
  4. Third Party Help... You can buy questions with answers from insiders on the Internet, but with this approach you will definitely fail the second exam!

To enter the training portal for X5 employees of the Pyaterochka network, you need to go to the official website at. You can also visit the special study portal Study5 X5 (a portal with more advanced options for Pyaterochka).

Further, to access the assigned courses, as well as testing, you must press "LOGIN" and enter your data in the fields: login with password. If the authorization was successful, then you will get full access to the educational materials of the x5 retail group, where you can also pass qualification tests. If the authorization was unsuccessful, then you should contact support with a letter, see the video for more details:

Login to the Pyaterochka portal Study5 X5

There is also a learning portal for a narrower audience Study5 X5. All materials for training and work in the Pyaterochka network are collected here. You can use the same username and password to enter.

If you forgot your password

Ate password from personal account lost and you need to restore it, then you need to click on the inscription " Forgot password". Next, in the field you must enter either your username or mail, within a minute it will come to your e-mail. If you don't remember anything, which is extremely rare, then you need to write to the administrator at the address portal @ x5.ru. The video above shows in detail how to do this and what content the letter should be.