Corsairs to each his own hiring officers. Passage of Corsairs: To each his own. Other most significant characters

Recently, Mikhail Naritsa and Maxim Kulakov hosted two streams of Corsairs: City of Lost Ships, the penultimate part of the cult pirate series of games. In this blog, I will tell you about the latest installation of the saga - "Corsairs: To each his own!".

For the sake of atmosphere

To begin with, let's take a short historical digression, for those who are unfamiliar with the series. Corsairs is an Action/RPG with open world strategy elements. The series has five official games, as well as a number of additions.

The first game of the franchise, developed by Akella, was released in 2000 and became a commercially successful project for the Russian company. Moreover, in North America the game was published by Bethesda, and in Europe by UbiSoft, which is very, very commendable. The second game was linked to the first Pirates movie. caribbean and was released in 2003 to lukewarm reviews and comments. The third part was released in 2005 and was almost universally denounced by both critics and players for its buggy nature and weak storyline.

Further, the series passed under the development of Seaward, which previously dealt with fan mods for the second and third games. And oddly enough, but two worthy games came out of the hands of amateurs - "Return of the Legend" and "City of Lost Ships" (both 2007). The latter became a global refinement of the previous part and brought the game mechanics to mind. The fourth Corsairs, according to the promises of the developers, were supposed to be a revolution, but the financial crisis and lack of budget buried the project, and it never came out.

In 2012, Corsairs: To Each His Own! (KKS for short) developed by BlackMark Studio, formerly fan-made add-ons. And, in fact, this is the patient of our review-analysis. KKS is a light attempt to rethink the "City of the Lost Ships" (CPC for short), introducing a number of new features to the basic game mechanics, which will be discussed now.

Gameplay "Corsairs"

Gameplay consists of three modes. The first is land. In it, the hero, under the control of the player, runs through cities, jungles and caves, fights during boarding and plundering colonies. In this mode, the hero explores the land, communicates and fights NPCs.

The combat system is interesting and complex. The player can inflict different types of melee attacks depending on the situation. Surrounded by opponents - circular strike, the enemy sat in the block - punching. In addition, the hero can equip firearms - both muskets and pistols. The former are more powerful, but take longer to recharge and are useless in close combat, while the latter recharge faster but are weaker. Reloading is automatic. In addition, the hero can equip amulets that will give an increase in skills.

The second stage is tactical. In this mode, the hero controls the ship, participating in naval battles with other ships and forts.

Vessels are divided into 7 classes: from a tiny tartan to a giant manowar. Ships have three "health" scales: plating, sails, crew. Damage to the hull will sink faster, slow it down to the sails, and on command will make it slower to reload guns, control sails, and also reduce the number of fighters during boarding.

The third allied ship is not visible, because he knows where the hell is due to a bug

Ships of even the same type are not of the same type and may have different characteristics. Among them are guns that differ in appearance and caliber. The larger the caliber, the greater the damage and weight of the guns, the type affects the range and reload.

The movement of the ship is affected by the wind, some ships go better with the wind, others perpendicular to it. In calm, of course, everyone swims slowly.

The third mode is strategic, in which the hero travels on a global map, which is the Caribbean archipelago with part of mainland America. The player encounters encounters that are pirates or ships from one of the four nations; in addition, the player can get caught in a storm. In the event that a player enters into a confrontation (both with NPCs and with the elements), he is transferred to tactical mode, which, in turn, in the event of boarding, goes into land mode.

Character leveling

Characteristics presented PIRATES system: Strength, Perception, Reaction, Leadership, Learnability, Endurance, Luck. They affect the character's skills, giving an increase to certain points. A strong hero hits harder and carries more things, the leader has a better team and officers.

In this part, the characteristics only affect the initial stages of the game, since it has an extensive plot and is not focused on freeplay. And this means that the developers are forcing you to be a terminator, both land and sea. Which, in turn, gives little space for acting out, since the plot is set on rails, which, however, sometimes offer the player a very serious choice.

Abilities are divided into land and sea. The former are responsible for all sorts of increases in stamina and health, are responsible for the ability to handle pistols, and so on. Pumping ship abilities allows you to open up new opportunities in sea ​​battle. Boarding will allow you to capture ships from a long distance, inflict preliminary damage to the team with a musket salvo, carpenter skills will allow you to effectively repair a ship in battle, and so on down the list.

However, before using ship skills, you need to hire the appropriate officer with the same skill. Pumped bonuses to damage from guns? Kindly appoint a gunner with the appropriate ability. In addition to the gunner, the ship has the following officers: navigator (speed, maneuvering), boatswain (boarding), doctor (protects the team in battle), treasurer (trade), carpenter (repair) and three boarders who accompany the hero on sea and land. Officers can combine up to three positions on a ship with the appropriate skill. In addition, passengers and prisoners can be transported on the ship.

And finally, the skills of the hero. They are also divided into personal and ship. Individuals are responsible for handling different types melee and firearms, and are also represented by stealth (responsible for successful sorties to an enemy fort under a false flag), charisma (reputation and leadership) and luck.

Even with 100 luck, the game trolls you like the first Witcher

Ships are responsible for: navigation (management of ships of various ranks and the ship as a whole), accuracy and weapons, boarding, repair, trade and defense. Skills are pumped as in the TES series - by practice.

Difficult? Enough. But, like contour maps not as incomprehensible as it seems at first glance.

The player can complete quests, most of which are repeatable quests. They can be issued by prominent figures of the colony: a merchant, a usurer, a shipbuilder, a port manager, a priest, a governor. In the city, NPCs may ask you to transport or escort somewhere, to find someone. As a reward, the player receives pesos or doubloons, an increase in skills during the course of the task. Quests also affect the reputation of the character: failed quests will lower it, which in turn will not allow you to do some things in the game (playing cards with governors, for example), and may also cause officers to rebel if they have the opposite reputation to the player.

So, with a very large introductory part, it’s finally over and you can go directly to “To each his own!” where this blog started.

I must say that I played the game back in the year it was released, in 2012, and then it was, to put it mildly, a disaster. The developers obviously overdid it with hardcore, and as usual for the KKS series, they had a bunch of bugs at the start. Now it’s 2018, and it would be nice to check not only the presence of qualitative changes in the game (fortunately, it is still supported), its durability, but also the compliance of the series with the realities of current game design standards.

KKS is almost no different from the GPC in terms of the basic part of the gameplay. All the same three modes, the engine is still the same Storm Engine, which overclocked the very first part. However, there are still changes.

Kraft appeared. The player can make potions and other useful items such as amulets, paper cartridges, and a means of determining latitude and longitude. Craft is simple and rather useless, it does not affect the balance in any way and is used, often just because of the periodic need to determine the location.

And then there are grenades, probably

By the way, this is a new mechanic after all. According to quests, sometimes it is necessary to find an island hidden on the global map, or some specific meeting point, which is helped by an astrolabe, a compass and a chronometer. Such an innovation fit in well, it does not cause any particular rage because of the crookedness and, most importantly, it looks appropriate and authentic.

We shoveled the concept of amulets. In their current form, they do not work together from the hero's inventory, but only when they are directly equipped on the character. Moreover, their action is limited in time. Again, this is not a major innovation, nor is it a significant impact on game process does not, because you can do without them. They are rather a small bonus, which is not essential for a pumped hero.

But a more or less significant innovation is a new currency in the game - doubloons. They are more expensive than pesos and, unlike them, have weight, so carrying them in thousands will not work. A new currency is used, mainly in quests and there is not much sense in freeplay from it, since the peso pours generously for both quests and boarding. Doubloons, it seems to me, were introduced only for the sake of extra sticks in the player's wheels. Like so many things in this game.

Compared to the GPC, the ship fleet has slightly expanded in the KKS. New items were added, some colonies were taken over by another power, a little more random events and quests appeared. Slightly changed the F2 window. In short, the developers have touched a little of everything, without hitting any vital organs. Nearly.

KKS after the second "Corsairs" (those that are "Pirates of the Caribbean") made a big story campaign. And it is the main innovation of this part. The main advantage and the main disadvantage at the same time.

Main quest and game problems

Passage of the plot "To each his own!" takes 70 hours including additions. Not counting saves/loads.

The second half of the 17th century, the heyday of piracy in the Caribbean, the era of a collision with the unknown and not yet known, the struggle of the powers of the Old World for the redistribution of the New. A young nobleman, Charles de Maur, arrives from Paris in the French colony of Martinique, a typical rake who senselessly spent his life in high society up to 25 years old. He was called to America by a family debt - it is necessary to rescue his half-brother Michel de Monpe from a French prison, in which he was imprisoned for a debt of one million pesos, Governor-General Philippe de Poinsy.

Naturally, everything will not be so simple, even after the protagonist's brother is free. But before that, you still have to go. The game starts with a fairly detailed introduction in which you complete simple quests and get acquainted with the game mechanics. As a result of the starting tasks, you will have a ship, a crew, possibly the first officers and, most importantly, experience in doing business in the Caribbean under control.

Then the macroquest begins, during which the hero earns the coveted million pesos in one way or another. This is one of the few tasks in the game that offers you to choose a side of the conflict. In this case, it is: Holland, as well as two different options for England. And here both the advantages and disadvantages of the fact that the plot is at the forefront begin to emerge.

As already mentioned, the plot is very large, sometimes it even seems to be endless. The plot itself does not shine with some kind of genius, it is rather more interesting for the player to participate in local battles, get from one adventure to another, which is why a crowd of characters flickers in the narrative, whose names (if not existence) you will forget when passing the next quest. Assignments, though elaborated, are quite similar. But, it seems to me, this will not stop the Corsair lover, since the gameplay itself is all the same beloved and unique Corsairs.

Sometimes the game wants to fuck you

But what is the problem is the saves/loads mentioned above. I can’t even imagine how many times I reloaded in this game, according to the statistics at the end of the game - 419, and that’s not counting the fact that I had to replay some moments.

If earlier in the game there were troll encounters and troll storms, then troll wind and troll time were added to them. No, they were also present in the CPC, but here they are driven to utter exhaustion.

The game became indecent big number quests that require completion in the allotted time. And everything would be fine, but the wind troll puts sticks in the sails every time, so quest failures due to being late due to a bad wind are a common thing. It’s not uncommon for you to seemingly go through a quest and find out that it has failed for like a month (in my case it was “ pirate saga') because you're late. And no one tells you that there was any time limit - load an early save, start a few hours of the game again.

And after all, no one bothers the developers to increase the time to complete the quest or one of its stages by several days. No one bothers to add more notes to the ship's log in the spirit of "you need to hurry." And in the end, instead of hardcore, this results in nothing more than a crooked game design. Something like a light version of troll games.

We are not talking about directly passing quests. The game has an indecently vulgar number of situations by type: the hero is left face to face with a crowd of enemies - fight with them. And in the end it's not interesting, but again it's crooked and even funny from time to time, especially if you play shoot-and-run tactics. The only thing missing is the music from "Benny Hill" or I Got You Babe in case of repeated replays of this episode. Or something more authentic, like cutting Chuvash anger.

And you think that's it? Hell yes, the game can throw some surprises, like forcing you to collect some amulets or dueling pistols all over the archipelago. And if the latter is even more or less excusable (no), then the former is a facepalm. And then they will force you to look for all sorts of plates, large pearls and candles. And yes, all this is not something impossible and hardcore, it rather infuriates with its absolutely dull and unoriginal routine.

No, I'm serious, these sweeps of locations alone are complete bullshit.

Let's get back to the plot, which I will now mercilessly spoil. The fact is that it was interesting for me to go through the main quest as a lover of this series, but as a person who is interested in all sorts of cinemas and other plots, the game began to disappoint me from the second half.

Why? Because there is no problem or idea in history. In fact, it's just another game on the theme "the kid went to success", and that's it. Unless the change of the protagonist and the disclosure of his inner qualities are shown well. And that's it. And the story does not have a core around which the game is built. The hero spends more than half of the plot in subplots, solving other people's problems over and over again. Therefore, it turns out that the story is not about two brothers, but about how one of them wandered around the Caribbean for months, so that the second one would send him on another voyage with one dialogue.

And besides, after crossing the equator of history, the paranormal begins to actively invade the plot. First we have a terrible curse that keeps the pirate on the ground. The woman herself, of course, died a long time ago, and now exists in the form of an almost indestructible corpse that revives other skeletons. Is this not enough for you?

And how do you like a whole Indian island of the dead. Cool? And how do you like the fact that the plot rolls into Indian game associated with the rebirth of the gods and time travel? Amazing? Of course, because this is so in line with the spirit of pirate adventures, which are quite realistically made, and most importantly, served with a serious tone.

And as a result of the passage of the plot, I have a double feeling. It seemed to be not bad, and it was quite exciting to go through all this, I was pleased with the rare opportunity for a different option for completing the quest. But the crookedness of the game design and the periodic game in the plot make the gameplay sometimes almost unbearable. The main distinguishing feature of the game turns out to be its weakest feature.

What else besides the plot? Yes, all the same endless "corsair" freeplay, in which the player entertains himself, and about which I have already written in sufficient detail above. By the way, the developers decided to get rid of the lines of national quests because of the vastness of the plot.

DLCs ​​for the game cannot offer anything essentially new - they are macro quests for several hours of passage with both all the minuses and all the pluses of the main game. It is pointless to talk about them in more detail, and it seems to me unnecessary.


These are the well-developed, contradictory, complex, crooked and unique Corsairs. What about "to each his own"? We can say that the mechanics of the game in 2018, although they still look fresh and interesting, smell like a budget game dev from the early 2000s. By the standards of the series, the gameplay was, in general, the same as in 2003 and 2007, it remained the same. And for a modern gamer, this is by and large a sentence, because the KKS does not forgive the player from the word at all. And some old people or even those who have played before may just get tired of playing the same thing.

The immortal Storm Engine produces graphics that are, by and large, ten years old (at the time the game was released), periodically bugs in such a way that it can ruin the save or crash, and is also not friendly with folding; and I'm not talking about the periodic appearance of crooked scripts, when something didn't happen as it should, and as a result, you can't leave the location, because everything is locked. And, of course, we should not forget that the dialogues are not voiced, and the gameplay, sometimes, comes to ten minutes of reading the text at the bottom of the screen, and even if there is no voice acting, then what can we say about the production.

The plot, which began for health with realism, slid into a paranormal body, which, to be honest, was not very fun to pass in the final because of the hackneyed tricks in the spirit of the same crowd of enemies per player. However, this is still a good adventure that will entice a fan of such games for more than a dozen hours.

"To each his own!" can offer the same unique pirate experience that no other game has been able to give so far. "Pirates" by Sid Meier and AC IV: Black Flag are light arcade errands, in comparison with which any part of the "Corsairs" seems like a real simulator of the life of a sea wolf.

Therefore, I would advise you to do so. For beginners and those unfamiliar with the series, I advise you to generally forget about the plot in the first passage and engage exclusively in freeplay. And only then, having gained experience, start the plot. I would not advise the old people to hope for some kind of revelation, but I would recommend passing it in view of the fact that there is nothing corny like this on the market - and this game, for all its ambiguity, is able to satisfy the feeling of nostalgia and give at least something new.

And the best Corsairs are still the City of Lost Ships.


On the left side of the form is a list of all characters cooperating with the player. The same list contains all the possible positions of your officers.

There are four types of characters in the game:

Passenger - characters that you took on board with the aim of delivering to some place and getting a reward for it. Passengers also include officers whom you have hired but not yet assigned to a position (hereinafter they will be called free officers).

the officer - a character that performs the functions of your officer.

Companion- if you agree to accompany the ship of any merchant, then he will become your companion for the duration of the trip. Also, those officers who you entrust to manage the ships of your squadron become companions.

captive - this character is on your ship against his will, and you can always get a ransom for him or offer to become your officer if he is a pirate. You can capture any passenger on your ship when he begins to resent the long delay in delivering him to his destination; those captains who surrender to you during boarding also become prisoners. The prisoner can be interrogated in the hold of the ship, as well as find out his identity. Then you can get a ransom from the authorities of his state. The highest ransom is given by the governor of the same nation as the prisoner, but they also have a spread of prices in different cities.


If main character not strong in any skill, he can hire officers to more effectively perform the required functions. For example, if you specialize in trade and defense, you may need a navigator and a gunner, while an experienced navigator needs a treasurer and a carpenter. A hired officer increases your skill by the difference between your level and his level. So, if your navigation skill is 33, and the officer you hired has 43, then your skill will be increased by 10 units. In the case when your skill is increased by an officer, the difference will be highlighted in green.

Note: The penalty for the class of the ship is calculated from the skill of navigation, taking into account the skills of the navigator.

The main character can appoint officers to the positions of Navigator, Boatswain, Gunner, Doctor, Treasurer, Carpenter andBoarder. Each officer can increase only certain skills and abilities for him. In total, there are 9 positions for officers on the ship and one captain - the hero himself.boarding officersthree can be nominated. These officers will accompany the hero on land and in boarding, covering him with their bodies, sharp steel and pistols. Equip them with bullets, life elixirs, and good blades that match their skill types (e.g. heavy weapons it is worth giving swords and axes, then the damage will be maximum). Officers have the ability of part-time and part-time generalist. These abilities allow one officer to occupy 2 or 3 positions at once, respectively. Thus, only three officers are enough for them to help the protagonist with their skills and abilities as efficiently as possible and at the same time be his bodyguards in battle.

HiringAndofficer appointment

Worthy candidates for the role of an officer can be found in taverns. Usually they sit at tables and offer their services themselves. When hiring, you can see the characteristics of the character, pay attention to his skills and abilities. After paying their requested rate, the officer becomes the hero's passenger. Then he can be appointed on the "Characters" form to the position of a ship's officer or made a companion by buying or capturing a ship. Every month, officers and sailors are paid a salary, officers may occasionally ask for an additional raise or categoricallynot agree to workwith a hero if their loyalty drops to zero.

Appointment to a position is carried out by double-clicking or pressing Enter on an empty officer slot. In the list that appears, select the desired candidate and click the "Assign" button. Under the list of passengers there will be tables of characteristics for the convenience of deciding who should be assigned to which position.

The appointment of a companion is discussed in the "Ship and its characteristics" section.

Removal from office and dismissal

Removal from the position of an officer back to passengers is carried out by double-clicking or pressingEnteron the officer in office, general list passengers.

You can fire an officer in a dialogue, having met him on land, if heboarder, or in the wardroom, if he occupies a different position.

You can dismiss a companion by first removing him from the ship (cm. section "Ship and its characteristics"), and appointing an officer to appear in the wardroom or on land.

"Pumping" of officers

Officers, like the main character, gain experience in their skills by the fact that they perform actions that use these skills. For example, an officer's light weapons skill will increase if he is armed with a rapier and actively uses it in skirmishes. Companions will have increased ship skills. Also, the experience gained by the hero will be distributed among all his passengers: officers - 25%, companions - 16.5% and the rest - 5%. If the hero has the "exchange of experience" ability, then the value increases to 50, 33 and 10 percent, respectively.

With the growth of skills, the officer's rank and life increase, and free ability points appear, which the player himself can distribute.

Officer equipment

You can see what is in the pockets of any passenger on the F2/Items form. But it is impossible to transfer and equip items for officers there. The transfer is carried out when the officer and the hero are in the same location.Boardersthey follow the hero everywhere, and officers of other positions can be found in the wardroom (on ships where it is). The hero approaches the officer and pressesEntercalls the command menu, selects the exchange there, after which an interface similar to the search of corpses and chests opens (cm. section "Search chests"). During the battle, exchange in this way is possible only if the hero has the "experience exchange" ability. Equipping items is carried out automatically, the officer himself chooses the best saber and pistol for him, according to his skills and weapon attributes.

The second way: you can buy items from merchants directly into the officer’s pocket, the equipment will be automatic upon exiting the trade mode. You cannot sell an item that is currently equipped.

Loyalty and salary

The loyalty of an officer is determined by his reputation and the deeds performed by the hero. "Good guys" will become less loyal if the hero does "dirty deeds" and vice versa. If the loyalty bar on the F2/Characters form drops to zero, then such an officer will leave the hero at the first opportunity, and it will not be possible to stop him.

Each month, the payroll includes the payment of officers, regardless of the current position. The higher the skills of an officer, the more he will demand money.

Sometimes, after some time with the hero, the officer may "buck up" and want to leave the hero for free bread. A small one-time cash prize can stop such a "sufferer".

At the beginning of the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to approach the sailor and talk to him, and then move inland and go inside the residence in which the governor lives. Approach him and chat. After that, you will be arrested and placed in a cell. After some time Philippe de Poinsy will visit you. Be sure to talk to him and go free. After you are released from the prison, go outside and turn right and go around the building. So you will find yourself in front of the entrance to the dungeon. You can go down and approach the ladder to go down it. Then turn right again and in the right chamber, at the very end, you will find your brother. Talk to him.

After that, you will find out that Michel made an advance payment of 5,000 gold, but you need another 15,000 coins. But that's not all, you will also have to hire a navigator. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and move to Guadeloupe. Disembark and start searching for Fadey. After he repays his debt, you can go to the pier, and then turn left to be near the shipyard. Go inside and chat with Gaspard Blondel. It turns out that you owe him 17,000 gold. He will give time to repay the debt - 3 days. Do not be upset, go to the tavern and chat with its owner for a job.

Then again go to the governor's residence and talk to him so that he gives your things.

Rum for the bartender

Constantly look at your watch and try to be near the left pier at 19:00 to board the longboat. Your team will include five more sailors with whom you need to go to Lamentin to find the schooner "Ghost" there. When you board the longboat, start sailing to the port of Le Francois. Come ashore, wander a little, and then return to the board and start moving to the left of the coast. There will be a rock in front of you, go around it and head straight until you have the opportunity to turn left.

As soon as you go around the next rock, take out the compass and start moving north. Look at the clock and at 02:00 press Enter. Now look at the top list and notice the icon of the ship "Ghost" there, click on it. Then open the menu and select one of the boats to get to this ship on it. After his captain approaches, you have to tell him the password. It is worth noting that in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, passwords are generated randomly, so you have to choose from the options offered.

I advise you not to put a period at the end of the sentence, because the password will not be accepted. You will now have the rum and you can return to the port of Le Francois. After disembarking, chat with several characters, and then move to the tavern to receive the promised reward.

call girl

Walking through the streets of the town, you will meet a man dressed in a light brown suit who calls himself Arthur Scalon. He will ask you to help him. You need to get into the brothel, find and chat with Aurora. Then take it off at night. He will also give you 6000 gold, of which you will have to pay a part for the services of a prostitute. By all means agree, and you will know one more name -

Go to the brothel and find a pimp named Aurora there to place an order for Lutiss. Give her 2500 gold and find out that the girl will be free around 23:00, and you need to pick her up before 24:00. Continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and wait for the right time to head back to the brothel. Find Lutiss there and talk to her. Once outside, head towards the governor's estate, and then face them and go into the house on the right. Another landmark is the red roof. Sooner or later she will ask if you are still there. You should answer yes to this question and wait until she disappears through the door. This task will count. It is worth noting that you will need to return for the girl the next day, only around 23:00 - 24:00. So you can not wait for her appearance that same night.

Manuscripts of the Priest of Saint-Pierre

Face the governor's estate and find the church on the left side of it. Go there and chat with the priest who is busy reading prayers. Then, in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you will need to begin the next task, namely, to find and bring the manuscripts of Father Capsterville. It can be found on the island of St. Christopher. No need to wait long, hurry up to go there immediately.

warehouse worker

Approach the prison and look for a store near it. Go into it and chat with Francois Laroux, ask him about the work. However, he will want you to find Gralam Lavoie who works in the warehouse first. He will also say that you will not find him in the city. So hurry to get into the jungle and follow the path until you are near a fork. Move left and then turn right. I advise you to stick to the left side and go to the lair of the corsairs.

In this village, there is a shop on the right side, go into it and find Gralam Lavua there. He will be at the counter. After talking with him, you can return to St. Pierre and tell the seller that they found the person. He will pay you off and entrust the next task, which is to find another person named Francois Laroux. Continue the passage of the Corsairs: To each his own and return to the corsair lair and go to the tavern. Find its owner and ask him about the workers. Then pay him 1000 gold to tell you about them.

Wait an hour and go back to the innkeeper. By the way, you can take a break this time on the second floor of the store where Lavoie was found. When you arrive at the tavern at the right time, you will see three selected workers. Approach them and chat. It is worth noting that they will offer you a bribe for you to choose it. After choosing the most suitable one, wait until he leaves the tavern, and then follow him. Climb aboard the ship and head to Saint-Pierre. Find a vendor and return to the shop after an hour to receive the promised 5,000 gold.

stolen jewel

From the governor's residence, go to the fork and turn left. Before you will be the gate through which you need to go. This will take you to the jungle. When you reach the fork, turn left and continue on. After a while, you will see two foreigners hurrying to escape. You don't have to chase after them. Better pass to the right and approach the lifeless body.

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own, you need to carefully examine it to find earrings. Take them and return to the city. Head to the merchant from the local shop and sell them for 4000 gold. But you can also not sell them, but go to the governor and show the find. He will say that these are his wife's jewelry, thank you for the find and give you a map of the archipelago.


Now you need to get to the Port Authority House. Once inside, you will see a certain Paul Géry, with whom you need to chat. It turns out that his comrade is going to go to war with the Indians, who settled in the jungle. He asks for help. You can continue the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own and get out of the building, then turn left and meet Prosper Troubal near the gate. Approach him and chat. Then go through the gate and head into the jungle to fight the Indians. I advise you not to let them get close to Prosper.

Together with Prosper and head inside the cave. Start shooting the Indians one at a time, and then talk to Troubal again to find out that his daughter is alive. Explore the cave and find a stranger in the same place. This man's name is Dilbert Kursi. Be sure to chat with him and go outside to talk with Prosper again. Now go to the city to get a well-deserved reward for completing the task.

Burden of the Gascon. Continuation

So, you should have about 24,000 gold in your pocket right now. Head to the shipbuilder and pay him the debt for the ship. Now you have become the owners of the schooner. You can head to the tavern and talk to the innkeeper that you have intentions to assemble a team. He will tell you that there is a sailor behind him who is not serving yet. Approach him and talk. He will tell you that he agrees to serve you, and together with him 40 sailors will go for it. Only you will have to fork out for 8000 gold.

Continue the passage of Corsairs: To each his own and go to the store to buy food for the ship. Only then return to the sailor and tell him that you agree to his terms, as well as that all the necessary goods, including medicines, are already in stock. Now it remains to hire a navigator.

Approach the innkeeper again and ask him about it. But he cannot advise anything, so go outside and approach the man who will have a dark beard and hair. Also on his head is a bandana and a sword in his hands. Meet him and find out that his name is Appolinaire. Tell us that you are looking for a navigator and he will help you by talking about a person who is now behind bars. Head to the prison you were in and approach the commandant. As soon as you talk to him and ask about Volk, he will direct you to the moneylender. Find it in the bank opposite the prison. Talk to him and find out that the prisoner owes him 10,000 gold. But you don't have them, ask him if there's anything he needs to do. He will agree and give you a new task.

Engineer from Spain

Now in the passage of the game Corsairs: To each his own you have to win back this engineer's friend from the corsairs. You need to go to Le Marin bay. Then go into one of the buildings to take a break. After a good night's sleep, head for the jungle and go deep into them. After a while you will find yourself near the water, where the pirates are holding the Spanish engineer captive. Approach them and chat.

After you cut the throats of two corsairs, you will need to engage in a fight with an engineer who will not immediately believe that you are positively disposed towards him. Try not to cause him much damage, and after you defeat him, chat. Remember that in the city you should not appear closer to the night. Because there are guards at the gate. So hurry to the tavern and rent a room for a day. As soon as 00:40 ticks on the clock, head from St. Pierre. I advise you to avoid meeting with officers who are walking around the streets of the city at this time. After you get to the moneylender, talk to him and make Folke write a receipt.

Corsairs: To each his own

Game engine
Game mode


Corsairs: To each his own! - computer game from the series of games "Corsairs", developed by Black Mark Studio based on the Storm 2.8 engine. The game was released on December 7, 2012. Originally developed as an unofficial add-on to the game Corsairs: City of Lost Ships, but later the company Akella, which is the official distributor of all games in the series, has decided on a commercial edition. In technical terms, the game is based on the previous game in the series - "Corsairs: City of the Lost Ships", which caused criticism for outdated graphics.

Game process

The gameplay in general terms is traditional for the Corsairs series: the player can engage in piracy, trade, execution side quests. However, a lot of innovations have appeared: for the first time in the series, it is possible to create ammunition, magical artifacts, various potions by the main character, the ship improvement system has been radically redesigned, fencing has undergone significant changes, although its animation has remained the same. hallmark game is the multivariance of many tasks, including plot ones.

Characters in the game

Main character

Charles de Mor- A French nobleman who came to the Caribbean to find his missing brother. Here he has to find himself, discover new character traits, face lies, cunning and deceit, find his love, learn the unknown and overcome all obstacles on the way to his goal.

Officers in the protagonist's team

  • tichingitu- An Indian from the Muscovite tribe. After being expelled from his native tribe, he arrived in the Caribbean, where he was caught by Fadey during an attempt to rob his house. The main character can buy him out of prison and take him to his team. Teachingitu is the only officer in the game who can use a musket. He cannot be appointed captain of a captured ship. You can take Tichingita to your team during the quest "The Burden of the Gascon".
  • longway- Chinese pirate, captain of the Meifeng light shebek. Confidant and executor of Lukas Rodenburg's instructions. Longway can be teamed up with the Dutch Gambit quest if you choose to side with the Dutch West Indies. trading company. It is a good navigator for the initial stage of the game.
  • Charlie Knippel- an experienced artilleryman, living in St. John's on the island of Antigua. Executor of instructions for the English privateer Richard Fleetwood. Can join the main character in the Dutch Gambit quest if you choose the side of Richard Fleetwood (English quest branch). He is a good gunner officer for the initial stage of the game.
  • Hercule Tonzag- he is Gaston the Bald - the head of a secret organization in Bridgetown on the island of Barbados. Can join the main character in the Dutch Gambit quest if you choose the side of the secret organization. In other variants of the quest, he dies. An excellent boarding officer and boatswain.
  • Ellen MacArthur- the adopted daughter of Sean MacArthur, an old friend of Jan Swenson - the pirate baron Blueveld. Daughter of Beatrice Sharpe and the pirate Butcher - Lawrence Belthrop. He bears the nickname "Rumba" for his energetic and cheerful character. It is under the auspices of Jan Swenson. Can join the main character during the Pirate Saga quest. A good boarding officer, navigator and gunner. Helen is one of two girls with whom the protagonist can develop a romantic relationship. It is Helen that is depicted on the cover of the disc with the game. From her mother she inherited the pirate island of Isla - Tesoro, but whether she has time to prove that she inherited it depends on the main character.
  • Mary Kasper- A former girlfriend of Alan Milrow, the deceased head of the Narwhal clan on the Isle of Justice. She is nicknamed "Red Mary" because of her red hair. Can join the main character in the "Pirate Saga" quest (if you choose the "for Mary" option, he dies in other options of the quest). Excellent boarding officer. Mary is one of two girls that the main character can become romantically involved with.
  • Raymond Baker- former executioner of the city of St. John's. The man who knows the secret of Lawrence Beltrop. Joins the main character as a ship's doctor in the "Pirate Saga" quest.
  • Hugo Avendel- a drunken bounty hunter. Joins the protagonist as Treasurer in the side quest Long Way to the Gallows.

Other most significant characters

  • Michel de Monpe- half-brother of Charles de Maur. Maltese knight, an experienced warrior and an influential person in the Order of Malta and in the Caribbean. It is in search of his brother that the main character goes to the Caribbean.
  • Abbé Benois- former corsair Serge Benois, who took the tonsure. Rector of the Church of Saint-Pierre in Martinique. A good friend of Michel de Monpe, and later of Charles de Maur. Will help the main character to solve problems in relations with Spain and Holland.
  • Fadey Moskovit- Manager of the trading post in Guadeloupe. A close friend of the governor and an important person in Guadeloupe. As repayment of a debt to the protagonist's brother, he gives Charles the Dagu "Claw of the Leader", which, according to him, has secret properties. Charles has yet to test this as the story progresses. Will help the main character to make peace with England and France. To some extent, Fadey continues the tradition of appearing in the games of a series of Russian characters.
  • Richard Fleetwood- English privateer associated with English military intelligence. Captain of the patrol brig "Valkyrie". Regularly attacks ships of the Dutch West India Company.
  • Lucas Rodenburg Vice President of the Dutch West India Company. An influential person, the second person after the governor.
  • John Murdoch- alias Johan van Merden, pharmacist in St. John's, Antigua. Formerly Lucas Rodenburg's most trusted agent-at-large.
  • Abigail Schneur- Jewish refugee. The bride of Richard Fleetwood or Lucas Rodenburg, depending on the quest path chosen by the player.
  • Gino Guineilly- an alchemist scientist living in an apothecary's house in Antigua. Teaches the main character the basics of alchemy, helps him remember Latin catchphrases so that Charles does not look stupid in front of his half-brother.
  • Stephen "Shark" Dodson- one of the influential people in the Coastal Brotherhood, with the development of the plot becomes its leader. Stephen's youth was spent on the semi-mythical Isle of Justice, where he found refuge during a difficult time in his life.
  • Jan Swenson- The pirate baron of Western Maine, nicknamed by the Spaniards the Forest Devil. Patron of Ellen MacArthur.
  • Nathaniel Hawk- The pirate baron of Maroon Town in Jamaica, overthrown by Jackman. In the past, he was a legendary adventurer and corsair who worked for the English governor of Redmond Island, Robert Sailhard, and later opposed his leader in the search for Inca treasures. Ghost ship winner. The main character of the game Pirates of the Caribbean.
  • Daniel Hawke- wife of Nathaniel Hawke and his faithful companion. Having endured many adventures in their youth, the Hawk family took a worthy position in the Shore Brotherhood. But the quiet life of the pirate baron and his wife was interrupted, and now it depends on the main character whether they will return to their rightful place in Maroon Town or not.
  • Zachariah Marlow- pirate baron of Puerto Principe in Cuba. A fierce Protestant and fighter for the faith. For his religious zeal, he was nicknamed the Black Pastor. Instructs the main character to bring him the book "Hammer of the Witches" in English translation.
  • Marcus Tirax- The pirate baron of La Vega on the island of Hispaniola.
  • Jacques Barbazon- Pirate Baron Le Francois in Martinique. A cunning and two-faced man, he often patronizes young corsairs, pursuing his own goals. He strives primarily for his own enrichment.
  • Jacob Jackman- Pirate Lord of Maroon Town, Jamaica. A cruel and cunning man, who was the first mate on the ship of Captain Butcher - Lawrence Beltrop. Tricked him into overthrowing Nathaniel Hauk and seizing control of Maroon Town. One of the game's antagonists.
  • snake eye- shaman of the Miskito tribe on the West Maine. Arrived from the Wild West in 1783
  • Chad Capper- a man from Dodson's Shark team, now a jailer on the Isle of Justice.
  • Edward Black- the leader of the rivados clan - descendants of African slaves living on the Island of Justice.
  • Donald Greenspie- The leader of the Narwhal clan on the Isle of Justice, the successor of the deceased Alan Milrow.
  • Ole Christiansen- he is the White Boy - a kind and eccentric young man who has matured in body, but not in mind. Helps Nathaniel Hawke and the main character. Dexterous rat-catcher (the protagonist can use this ability by taking Ole as a passenger on his ship).
  • Albert Loxley is a savvy and experienced lawyer based in Port Royal, Jamaica. If necessary, help the main character to make peace with all the powers.
  • Francois Levasseur- Governor of the island of Tortuga. Huguenot and patron of the Protestant religion in the Caribbean. In the past, he fortified himself on Tortuga on behalf of Philippe de Poinsy, but over time he ceased to obey his boss. Under his rule, Tortuga became a nest of pirates.
  • Vincento's father- Spanish chief inquisitor in the Caribbean. Helps the main character to solve the riddles of the Mayan Indians, provides him with valuable instructions.
  • Diego de Montoya- Spanish nobleman, confidant and right hand Baron de Mendoza y Riba, his special agent.
  • William Paterson- English captain, commander of the frigate "Fortune". A cruel, prudent and cynical person who stops at nothing to achieve his goals.
  • Master Alexus- a genius of shipbuilding art, the owner of a shipyard in Sharptown on Isla Tesoro. Engaged overhaul ships - apart from him, not a single shipbuilder on the archipelago can do this.
  • Black Mark Studio is a fan team behind the previously unofficial "Adventure Tales" add-on for the game. Corsairs: City of Lost Ships.
  • The developers have created three full-fledged storylines for three main heroes - Charles de Maur, William Paterson and Diego de Montoya, who were supposed to reveal the main plot of the game from different angles. However, for various reasons, only story line Charles de Maur.
  • Many characters from previous games in the series appear in the game - Nathaniel and Daniel Hawkey, Jacob Jackman, Chad Capper, Master Alexus. Many characters in the game are real historical figures or have historical prototypes - for example, Philippe de Poincy, Francois Levasseur, William Paterson, Diego de Montoya, Jacob Jackman (or Jacob Fackman).
  • In the names of many characters, the nicknames of the developers of the games in the series, as well as some active fans, are encrypted.
  • For the first time in the history of the series, the Steam service acted as a distributor of the game.


see also


Official and unofficial sites
  • (rus.) - the official website of the developers "To each his own"
  • (walkthroughs, patches, modifications for games of the Corsairs series)
  • (rus.) - Passage of quests, tips and help for players