What is the stage in the formation of personality is orientation. Personality orientation: three main vectors of life. Psychologists about the personal: definitions

Approaches to the consideration of psychological structure personality very diverse, they are determined by the specifics of the main theories of personality. Let's consider one of the approaches.

The psychological structure of the personality should be considered as a relatively stable connection and interaction of all sides of the personality, as a holistic formation.

The orientation of the personality is a mental property - a system of dominant needs, values, aspirations, meaning-forming motives, expressed in the life goals of a person, his attitudes, prospects, intentions, aspirations and vigorous activity to achieve them.

Direction is expressed in life goals, vigorous activity to achieve them. One of the forms of manifestation of the orientation of a person is the peculiarities of her behavior in a particular sphere of life.

When we say that the orientation of a personality is manifested through its behavior, influencing it and shaping it, we mean precisely the stable forms of such manifestation. Personality stability is another basic characteristic that is inextricably linked with its orientation.

Stability is expressed in consistency and predictability, in the repeated identity of reactions to the same stimuli, regardless of the situation.
In the orientation of the personality, they usually distinguish worldview (socio-political), professional, everyday orientation.

The orientation of the personality, the system of motives, which determines the selectivity of relations and the activity of a person. It has certain forms and is characterized by certain qualities.

Personality orientation qualities:
- Level - the social significance of a person's orientation.
- Latitude - determined by the number of interests.
- Intensity - the emotional coloring of the direction.
- Stability is a characteristic of directionality in time.
- Efficiency - the activity of a person to achieve goals in their activities.

Forms of personality orientation:
- Attraction - a clearly unconscious, vague aspiration aimed at some object or action, driven by a little expressed need.
- Desire is an insufficiently complete and deeply conscious desire for something.
- Interest is a relatively high form of focus on an object, which is a desire to cognize it, usually socially conditioned.
- Propensity - emotional preference for a particular activity, value, based on a stable need for it.
- An ideal is a form of direction, embodied in a specific image, towards which a person aspires. The highest goal of man's aspirations.
- - a system of views, ideas and concepts about the world, its laws, about the phenomena surrounding a person, nature, society.
- Beliefs are a form of personality orientation, expressed in a deeply meaningful need to act in accordance with their value orientations, organically merging with the feelings and will of a person and receiving a personal meaning for him. System! a person's beliefs reflects his worldview.

Worldview is the core of social and individual consciousness. Being a way of realizing reality, the worldview also includes the principles of life that determine the nature of people's activities. The most important component of the worldview is ideals as decisive life goals... In terms of social significance, the worldview is revolutionary or conservative, etc.

In terms of social significance, the worldview is revolutionary or conservative, etc.

The worldview has great practical meaning. It affects the norms of behavior, the attitude of a person to work, to other people, the nature of his life aspirations, his life, tastes and interests. The content of consciousness turns into a worldview when it acquires the character of convictions.

A person's worldview and beliefs determine his moral qualities.

Morality is a generalizing concept, in public and individual consciousness - moral norms and values, which are guided by a person in his life.

Conscience is a person's moral self-assessment of his actions.

The worldview is formed both as a result of critical understanding of natural-scientific, socio-historical, technical and philosophical knowledge, and under the influence of the direct conditions of life and activity, passing from generation to generation in the form of cultural and historical heritage.

The motive for achieving success (the motive for achieving) is the need to achieve success in different types activities. Stable personal motivational trait.

The motive for avoiding failure (the motive for avoiding) is the desire in any situation to act in such a way as to avoid failure, especially if the results of the activity are perceived and evaluated by other people.

For a “successful” personality, the predominance of the achievement motive is characteristic.

We must distinguish between motivation and motivation.

The totality of persistent motives forms motivation - a system of motives that determine the content, direction and nature of a person's activity, her behavior.

When considering personality in the context of society, it is important; knowledge and accounting of the installation.

A social attitude is the readiness of a subject for a particular activity, which is actualized when he anticipates the appearance of a certain object, phenomenon and carries the features of an integral personality structure with a constant set of characteristics.

The cognitive component is a body of knowledge and value judgments and beliefs about an object.
The emotional component includes a system of feelings associated with the corresponding object or event.
The behavioral component is a predisposition to real (positive or negative) actions in relation to the object.
The formation and change of social attitudes is influenced by a number of factors.

The orientation of the personality is considered to be one of the most important properties of the human psyche, expressing. The concept of personality orientation includes all the basic tendencies of behavior inherent in a particular person, the totality of his basic psychological properties that induce him to various activities.

Psychology takes an increasingly important place in our life every day. What yesterday was the lot of a narrow-profile specialist, today becomes available to everyone who seeks to know himself and understand. One of the main tools in the difficult task of creating harmony with oneself can be considered the definition of such a quality as the orientation of the personality.

Psychologists about the personal: definitions

Psychologists, speaking about the methodology for determining the orientation of a person, usually understand by this term the orientation of a person's consciousness to certain areas of life. Especially for those of them that have a certain value in human consciousness, those areas in which the forms of activity are leading. Without them, the individual would not be capable of full, harmonious development, for what is called personal growth. The concept of personality orientation is also relevant today for large modern corporations.

A person as a social being, first of all, manifests the orientation of his personality, its needs and motives in various aspects. Among them are moral values, and sympathies, and affections, tastes and inclinations. This psychological characteristic of personality orientation determines practically all spheres of existence for a person - from his political convictions to peculiarities. family life... She leaves her mark on the choice of profession. It also affects the relationship of a person with the surrounding reality. The positive orientation of the personality determines for the individual such important qualities in social interaction as hard work, the ability to achieve goals.

Experts today consider directionality to be one of the most important leading characteristics of a person. Many famous scientists and psychologists were engaged in its research. There are several concepts of different scientific works, reflecting different interpretations and approaches to the description of this personality trait: researchers call it both the “meaning-forming motive” of the personality (Soviet psychologist and teacher A. N. Leontiev) and the “main life orientation” (the scientist who created the modern concept of the Faculty of Psychology in St. Petersburg University - B. G. Ananiev), and "the dynamic organization of the essential forces of man" (Doctor of Psychology, Professor A. S. Prangishvili). Briefly, all these approaches characterize the focus as common property personality, which in total determines its psychological qualities.

Despite the fact that the definitions of this concept differ in some details, the opinions of scientists agree on the statement that orientation is the basis of the human value system, its psychological manifestations; it is the leading characteristic in drawing up a psychological portrait. Thus, it is the directionality that expresses the goals for which a person acts, determines the motives of his actions and the tasks that he sets for himself.

A person's temperament, resistance to stress, the specifics of many others depend on this aspect. psychological processes and mental states. Orientation can be considered the main vector along which a person will move in the process of achieving his goals. At the same time, directionality is not only the choice of direction, the goal of the movement, but also the path that - consciously or unconsciously - a person chooses for himself.

The main forms of personality orientation

Those stable motives that determine this psychological model in human psychology do not depend on specific particular situations. They are formed mainly through education. Thus, the direction is always determined by the environment in which the formation of a person's personality was carried out. The system of values, those priorities that the parents emphasized for the child as the most important, he in one form or another will embody in his life already in adulthood.

The structure of direction, psychologists say, is complex and multifaceted and includes several layers. The scheme of their construction is as follows. The most primitive of these is attraction, which is often instinctive, unconscious. It is followed by desire - at this stage, the need is already recognized by a person as something definite. The next stage is striving. At this level, it connects to desire. A person is ready to make certain efforts to ensure that the desired goal is achieved by him.

Listing the types of personality orientation, psychologists consider interest to be its cognitive form. When we connect the volitional component to the interest, we get a propensity. In sum, the entire system of human inclinations and aspirations becomes what is called a worldview: a clear life-determining complex of philosophical, ethical views and aesthetic preferences.

According to experts, higher form the orientation of the personality is a belief. It is beliefs that are included in a person's worldview system, correlating it with his views, values ​​and principles. Conviction is the psychological attitude that underlies the patriotic, religious feat, it is that unshakable that a person is ready to defend and defend at almost any cost.

Motives can both be realized by the individual and remain at the level of the unconscious. But even without being conscious, they still induce a person to act in a certain way, although often he may not be aware of this.

More significant, of course, are the conscious motives that give direction to the specific activity of the individual, eventually ensuring its implementation. The indicators of the goal-setting functions of the motive can be considered the formation of specific meanings: answers to the question “why perform this or that action”. In the absence of a conscious answer to such a question, the action itself loses its meaning. This formation of meaning becomes the basis for the goals and objectives that a person sets for himself.
That's why psychological research, aimed at studying the type of personality, its orientation, will help not only determine the conscious motives of our actions, but also open the door to the unconscious, to everything that remains for us "behind the scenes"

Values ​​and needs

A person's attitude to reality is determined primarily by those needs that he considers necessary for himself. Needs create specific desires and requests, and this, in turn, adds up to the general psychological orientation of the individual. The main of its components is value-semantic formations based on those needs and aspirations of a person in accordance with his standard of living, requests and relationships with others. This includes the desire for power and influence, the need for a certain social status, the values ​​that a person wants to have as a result of his efforts and efforts. This also includes self-esteem - the ability of a person to adequately assess himself in relation to the surrounding reality.

In addition to the goals that a person sets for himself, the ways of their implementation are also important. We all have seen this many times in practice. For some, "the end justifies the means," but for others, specific methods will be unacceptable from an ethical point of view. This difference is primarily a consequence of parental attitudes. Parents pass on the lion's share of their value system to their children by example. Although sometimes they do it unconsciously. Therefore, many well-known psychologists advise to pay maximum attention to the peculiarities of child psychology, child-parent relations and pedagogical issues.
Scientists-psychologists V.A. Slastenin and V.P. Kashirin consider, for example, such problems as personal psychology, theoretical and methodological aspects of upbringing and teaching children, general issues pedagogy, maintenance of mental health, regulation of interpersonal relations. Scientists pay special attention to professional child psychology.

Education as the basis for personality formation

The upbringing of a child should be a purposeful and methodically organized process. While raising a child, parents give him certain moral guidelines, instill a certain system of values ​​- most often using for these purposes the same model that is dominant for themselves. The main task of parents in this situation is to adequately reflect reality and measure the correlation of the "ideal" educational model with the strength, capabilities, character and inclinations of their child. After all, the main thing that a family can give to a new person is a feeling of security, self-confidence, encouragement (that feedback, which will give the child the opportunity to grow up as a self-confident, purposeful person, able to achieve the tasks assigned to him, without entering into an "ethical conflict" with the outside world).

The culture of relationships with others and with oneself, common culture personality is primarily the task of family education. That is why researchers today pay special attention to the psychology of childhood, since it is child psychology that lays down the basic forms of further behavior and forms the psychotype of a person.

Personality orientation characteristic

Determining the types of personality orientation in psychology, experts take into account various groups of characteristics: the main activity of a person, goals that are important for him, the motives that he is guided by, ways to achieve his goals, the subjective needs of the individual and, of course, his psychological state.

Depending on the sphere in which the orientation is manifested, it is subdivided into professional, moral, everyday, political, creative, etc.

The characteristic of those goals and motives that induce a person to action, first of all, takes into account what is called the level of personality maturity. The level of maturity shows how significant a person's aspirations are from a social, ideological point of view. The breadth of the range of those spheres in which the aspirations of human desires are directed is also important. One of the important aspects is the intensity of the efforts that a person is willing to spend to achieve his goals. An infantile and purposeless person, even with a wide range of needs, is not able to spend long and methodically efforts in order to achieve their goals. And a pronounced focus and striving for a goal can give impetus to just such methodical efforts.

Forms of personality orientation can manifest themselves in various spheres of a person's life. Depending on how exactly they manifest themselves, they are divided into everyday, creative, moral and other different types... But for each type, it carries a defining meaning.

All the efforts spent by a person to achieve his goals are, to varying degrees, motivated by his psychological state. Have different people they can be different. Motives can both be realized by the individual and remain at the level of the unconscious. But even without being conscious, they still induce a person to act in a certain way, although often he may not be aware of this. That is why psychological research aimed at studying the type of personality, its orientation, will help not only to determine the conscious motives of our actions, but also to open the door to the unconscious, to everything that remains for us "behind the scenes."

Determination of the orientation of the personality

In modern psychology, there is an already developed methodology for determining the social orientation of a person. Most often, in order to determine a person's personal aspirations, experts use a questionnaire that was first created by the psychologist B. Brass in 1967. This orientation questionnaire contains 27 items, for each of which the respondent must choose 1 of 3 answer options that are closest to him in terms of the nature of his judgment, and 1, on the contrary, is the most distant. An answer “close to” the respondent's thoughts gets a mark of 2 points, a dissimilar one - 0 points. For each type of answer, the scores are summed up separately.
Thanks to this technique, the focus is quite easily determined by specialists, allowing them to draw a conclusion about which type of activity will be more comfortable for a person.

Here are the 3 most common types.

  1. Ego-orientation can be considered its lowest form, since it is dictated by egocentric motives in human behavior. Ego orientation is characterized by the individual's interest in satisfying his own needs and desires, which often allows the manifestation of aggression towards others in any situation of competition.
  2. Focus on communication: the mood and state of the team will be in the first place for a person, often even to the detriment of the task he is performing. Quality, not always optimal for working in a large company, but irreplaceable in a family. Such a person will be ready to sacrifice his interests in order to maintain a favorable environment in the team, because this will also provide him personally with psychological comfort.
  3. Goal orientation: the most clearly formed motivational structure determines the level of human activity. The main task for a person with such a personality orientation will be the solution of business problems, the ability to defend interests, if necessary for the good of the business. Excellent quality for professionals who are ready to devote themselves to what they love. Orientation towards achieving a goal characterizes a strong, strong-willed person who is able to achieve his goal, but unlike an individual with an egocentric personal position, this goal does not pursue a personal character - it may well be dictated by beliefs and lofty ideals. This is a behavior that will seem incomprehensible to an ego-oriented individual, but will not be of particular value to a person focused on communication.

Significance and significance:

IN modern world consider psychological characteristics the focus of a person's personality is necessary. In large corporations, for example, such phenomena have already become quite frequent - the psychological portrait of an employee is compiled and studied by specialists.

Determining the orientation of the personality, the psychotype of a person, his inclinations, goals, temperament - all this is extremely important, since it allows a psychologist or a recruiter to form for himself an idea of ​​the orientation of the personality and the motivation of the employee with whom he works. This approach allows you to find the right motivation to ensure comfortable work and maximum productivity in any area. But also outside the professional sphere modern man must strive to understand himself, to determine those qualities for himself, to solve those tasks that will allow him to develop harmoniously in any aspect of his life.

Personality orientation characteristic

The orientation of a person is a set of stable motives, views, beliefs, needs and aspirations that orient a person towards certain behavior and activities, the achievement of relatively complex life goals. Orientation is always socially conditioned and is formed in ontogenesis in the process of education and upbringing, acts as a personality trait, manifested in a worldview, professional orientation, in activities associated with personal hobbies, doing something in their free time from the main activity. In all these types of human activity, the orientation is manifested in the characteristics of the interests of the individual: the goals that a person sets for himself, needs, preferences and attitudes, carried out in drives, desires, inclinations, ideals, etc.

Directional forms:

Needs, motives

goal - the desired and presented result of a specific activity of a person or a group of people

ideal - an image that is the embodiment of perfection and a model of the highest goal in the aspirations of the individual

conviction - the highest form of personality orientation, manifested in a conscious need to act in accordance with their value orientations against the background of emotional experiences and volitional aspirations

attitude - the readiness of an individual for a certain activity, actualized in the current situation. It manifests itself in a stable predisposition to a certain perception, understanding and behavior of the individual. The installation expresses the position of a person, his views, value orientations in relation to various facts of everyday life, social life and professional activity. It can be positive, negative, or neutral.
Interest is a mental state that provides the orientation of the Personality. Interest, like motive, arises in conditions of a lack of information, when a person loses the knowledge that he would like to have.

worldview - a system of views and ideas about the world, on a person's attitude to society, nature, and oneself

Personality orientation characteristics

  • Directional level- this is the ratio of higher and lower needs; the higher the level of orientation, the more mature and spiritually rich the person is.
  • Directional latitude characterized by a variety of its main components and has a decisive influence on the wealth of the inner world and the versatility of the personality.
  • Directional intensity- this is the degree of awareness of needs and motives: low intensity of directionality characterizes directionality as a system of unconscious drives, high intensity - as a system of fundamental beliefs.
  • Directional stability is determined by the constancy and consistency of its individual components, the integrity of the personality depends on the stability of the orientation.
  • Efficiency of focus- this is the degree of perseverance of the individual in the realization of goals, motives, etc., which determines the activity of the individual's life position.

There are three main types of personality orientation: personal, collectivist and business.
Personal orientation - is created by the predominance of the motives of one's own well-being, the desire for personal superiority, prestige. Such a person most often happens, is busy with himself, his feelings and experiences and reacts little to the needs of the people around him. In work he sees, first of all, the opportunity to satisfy his claims, regardless of the interests of other employees. It has been established that persons with a focus on themselves have the following character traits:

- more busy with themselves and their feelings, problems
- make unfounded and hasty conclusions about other people, also behave in discussions
- trying to impose their will on the group
- others in their presence do not feel free

Focus on mutual actions - occurs when a person's actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain a good relationship with comrades at work, study. Such a person shows interest in joint activities, although he may not contribute to the successful completion of the task, often his actions even make it difficult to complete the group task and his actual assistance may be minimal. People with a focus on reciprocity:

- avoid direct problem solving
- succumb to group pressure
- do not express original ideas and it is not easy to understand what such a person wants to express
- do not take the lead when it comes to choosing tasks

Business orientation - reflects the predominance of motives generated by the activity itself, passion for the process of activity, disinterested desire for knowledge, mastering new skills and abilities. Usually, such a person seeks cooperation and achieves the greatest productivity of the group, and therefore tries to prove a point of view that he considers useful for completing the task. Business people:

- help individual group members express their thoughts
- support the group to achieve the set goal
- easily and easily express their thoughts and considerations
- take the lead when it comes to task selection
- do not shy away from a direct solution to the problem

The orientation of a person is a set of stable motives, views, beliefs, needs and aspirations that orient a person towards certain behavior and activities, the achievement of relatively complex life goals. Orientation is always socially conditioned and is formed in ontogenesis in the process of education and upbringing, acts as a personality trait, manifested in a worldview, professional orientation, in activities related to personal hobby, doing something in a free time from the main activity (for example, visual creativity, physical exercise, fishing, sports, etc.). In all these types of human activity, the direction is manifested in the peculiarities of the interests of the individual: the goals that a person sets for himself, needs, preferences and attitudes, carried out in drives, desires, inclinations, ideals, etc.:

Attraction - insufficiently complete conscious desire to achieve

Anything. Often, the instinct is based on the biological needs of the individual;

Inclination is a manifestation of the need-motivational sphere of the personality,

Expressed in the emotional preference for a particular type of activity or value;

Ideal (from the Greek. Idea, prototype) - an image that is the embodiment

Perfection and a model of the highest goal in the aspirations of the individual. The ideal can be the personality of a scientist, writer, athlete, politician, as well as the morphological characteristics of a particular person or traits of his personality;

Worldview - a system of views and ideas about the world, attitude

A person to society, nature, himself. The worldview of each person is determined by his social being and is assessed in a comparative comparison of moral and ethical views and ideological views adopted in society. The combination of thinking and will, manifested in the behavior and actions of a person, leads to the transition of a worldview into beliefs:

Belief is the highest form of personality orientation, manifested in a conscious need to act in accordance with their value

Orientations against the background of emotional experiences and volitional aspirations;

Attitude - the readiness of the individual for a certain activity,

Actualizing in the current situation. It manifests itself in a stable

Predisposition to a certain perception, understanding and behavior of the individual. The installation expresses the position of a person, his views, value orientations in relation to various facts of everyday life, social life and professional activity. It can be positive, negative, or neutral. With a positive attitude, phenomena, events and properties of objects are perceived benevolently and with confidence. If negative, these same signs are perceived distortedly, with distrust or as alien, harmful and unacceptable for a given person.

The attitude mediates the influence of external influences and balances the personality with the environment, and her knowledge of the content of these influences makes it possible to predict behavior in appropriate situations with a certain degree of reliability;

Position is a stable system of a person's relationship to certain

The sides of reality, manifested in the appropriate behavior. It includes a set of motives, needs, views and attitudes by which the individual is guided in his actions. The system of factors that determine a specific position of a person also includes his claims to a certain position in the social and professional hierarchy of roles and the degree of his satisfaction in this system of relations;

The goal is the desired and presented result of a specific activity

A person or a group of people. It can be close, situational or distant, socially valuable or harmful, altruistic or selfish. An individual or a group of people sets a goal for themselves based on their needs, interests and opportunities to achieve it.

In goal-setting, an important role is played by information about the state of the issue, thought processes, emotional condition and the motives of the alleged activity. Target fulfillment consists of a system of actions aimed at achieving the expected result. The orientation is formed in ontogenesis, in the process of teaching and educating young people, in preparing them for life, professional and socially useful activities, and serving their homeland. It is important for the younger generation to learn that their personal, family well-being, achievements in various fields of activity and social status are interconnected with their readiness to serve their people and the state in which they live. There are three main types of personality orientation: personal, collectivist and business.

Personal orientation - created by the predominance of one's own motives

Well-being, striving for personal superiority, prestige. Such a person most often happens, is busy with himself, his feelings and experiences and does not react much to the needs of the people around him: he ignores the interests of employees or the work that he must perform. He sees in work, first of all, the opportunity to satisfy his claims, regardless of the interests of other employees. Focus on mutual actions - occurs when a person's actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain good

Relations with fellow workers, studies. Such a person shows interest in joint activities, although he may not contribute to the successful completion of the task, often his actions even make it difficult to complete the group task and his actual assistance may be minimal.

Business orientation - reflects the predominance of motives generated by the activity itself, passion for the process of activity, disinterested desire for knowledge, mastering new skills and abilities. Usually, such a person seeks cooperation and achieves the greatest productivity of the group, and therefore tries to prove a point of view that he considers useful for completing the task.
It has been established that persons with a focus on themselves have the following character traits:
more busy with themselves and their feelings, problems
make unfounded and hasty conclusions and assumptions about others
people also behave in discussions
trying to impose their will on the group
others in their presence do not feel free
People with a focus on reciprocal action:
avoid direct problem solving
succumb to group pressure
do not express original ideas and it is not easy to understand that such a person is
wants to express
do not take the lead when it comes to choosing tasks
Business people:
help individual group members express their thoughts
support the group to achieve its goal
easily and easily express their thoughts and considerations
take the lead when it comes to task selection
do not shy away from solving the problem directly.

Personality orientation and its types

Experts identify three types of focus, which cover the main spheres of human life, but along with them, there are other options. Consider both.

  1. Personal focus. This orientation is built on the motives of personal well-being, striving for victory, superiority. Such a person has little interest in other people and their feelings, and all that interests him is to fulfill his needs and desires. Most often, they are characterized by such character traits as concentration on oneself, attempts to impose their will on others, a tendency to make hasty and unjustified looks about others.
  2. Focus on reciprocal actions. In this case, we are talking about a person whose actions are determined by the need for communication, the desire to maintain good relations with people. This person is interested in joint projects, relationships. Typically, this type of person avoids direct problem solving, succumbs to group pressure, refuses to voice incomprehensible ideas, and does not seek to lead.
  3. Business orientation. Such a person is easily carried away by the process of activity, strives for knowledge, mastering new skills. This person will definitely express his point of view if it is important for solving the problem. Usually, this type of people helps others to formulate an idea, support the group, express their thoughts easily, can lead if required by the solution of the problem.
  4. Emotional orientation of the personality. Such a person is aimed at feelings and experiences, and perhaps at his own personal, and possibly at the experiences of others. Such an orientation can correspond to the need for fame, and the need to help others, and an interest in wrestling and primacy. In addition, such people often like to solve all sorts of complex intellectual problems.
  5. Social orientation of the personality. This type is inclined to serve the fatherland, the development of one science, etc., strives to realize himself as much as possible, since this will benefit his country. Such people can be directed by an intellectual type (discoveries, achievements), an entrepreneurial type (such people make excellent businessmen), etc.

Knowing what is meant by the direction of the personality, and this simple classification, you can easily determine the direction of each of your friends.

Features of the orientation of the personality

There are additional aspects of focus, each of which corresponds to a certain area of ​​life:

  1. The morality of everyday behavior depends on the level of social value and the social significance of the relationship for the individual.
  2. The purposefulness of the individual depends on the diversity of the needs of the individual, the range of interests and the certainty of the central ones.
  3. The integrity of the personality depends on the degree of stability of relations, as well as consistency and adherence to principles.

Such features additionally characterize the general orientation of the personality and give certain traits to the character.

Personality orientation and activity motivation

In Russian psychology, many authors considered the orientation of the personality through the concept of activity motivation. The orientation of the personality is understood in different ways by different authors:
- "dynamic tendency" by S. L. Rubinstein,
- "meaning-making motive" by A. N. Leontiev,
- "dominant attitude" in V. N. Myasishchev
- "basic life orientation" by B. G. Ananyev,
- "dynamic organization of the essential forces of man" by A. S. Prangishvili.
Nevertheless, all authors see in the direction one or another set of stable motives that orient the activity of the individual and are relatively independent of the current situation.

Forms of personality orientation

The orientation of the personality is always socially conditioned and is formed in the process of education. Directionality is greatly influenced by attitudes that have become personality traits and are manifested in such forms as:

All forms of personality orientation are based on the motives of activity.


Attraction is the most primitive and - in essence - biological form of direction. From a psychological point of view, attraction is a mental state that expresses an undifferentiated, unconscious or insufficiently conscious need. Usually, attraction is a transient phenomenon, since the need presented in it either fades away or is realized, turning into desire.

A wish

Desire is a conscious need and attraction to something quite definite. Desire, when sufficiently conscious, has a motivating power. It clarifies the goals of future action and the construction of a plan for this action.
Desire as a form of direction is characterized by the awareness not only of one's own need, but also of possible ways to satisfy it.


Striving is desire, supported by will. Striving is a very definite motivation for action.


Interest is a specific form of manifestation of a person's cognitive need. Interest provides the orientation of the individual to the realization of the meaning and goals of the activity, thereby contributing to the orientation of the individual in the surrounding reality. The presence of interest largely explains the presence of a special ability in a person - reason.
Subjectively, interest is found in the emotional tone that accompanies the process of cognition or attention to a particular object. One of the most essential characteristics of an interest is that it does not fade when it is satisfied. As a rule, interest develops, evolves, gives rise to new interests corresponding to a higher level of cognitive activity.
Interest is the most important driving force for cognition of the surrounding reality. Distinguish:
- direct interest caused by the visual attractiveness of the object,
- indirect interest in the object as a means of achieving the goals of the activity.
Stability, breadth, content of interests is the most important personality trait, one of the cornerstones of a person's personality. Having said about the interests of a person, we thereby draw a rather accurate psychological portrait of him.


In dynamics, interest breeds inclination. Interest is a relatively passive contemplation of the object of interest, inclination is active contemplation, the desire to connect one's activity and one's life with this object.
In many ways, interest develops into an inclination due to the inclusion of a volitional component. Inclination - the orientation of an individual to a certain activity. The basis of inclination is a deep, stable need of the individual for a particular activity.
In a sense, we can say that inclination is interest in activities.
Interest and inclinations are a factor in the rapid development of an individual's abilities.


An ideal is the objective goal of an individual's inclination, concretized in an image or representation. The ideal is what a person strives for, what he orients himself towards in the long term. Ideals are the basis, "building blocks" of a person's worldview. A person judges other people by his own ideals.
The ideal is one of the arguments in the function of a person's self-esteem.


Worldview is a model (picture) of the world. If, for example, interests, inclinations or ideals may not be related to each other, then the most important feature of the worldview is its integrity. A holistic worldview allows a person to live "smoothly": moving, for example, to a new area, he knows that the same laws of physics or chemistry will operate there, people in this area may be slightly different, but they will still be people (they talk, have physiological needs, etc.). A holistic worldview allows us to view the world as a complex system of cause-and-effect relationships.
The worldview allows a person to plan his activities for many years ahead: he knows that a lot can change over the years, but the basic laws by which the world exists will remain unshakable.


Conviction is a system of personality motives that induce it to act in accordance with its views, principles, and worldview. Beliefs are based on conscious needs that induce a person to act, form his motivation for activity.

Characteristics of the motivational sphere

Motive is an incentive to activity associated with the satisfaction of the subject's needs. Motive is the reason underlying the choice of actions and deeds, a set of external and internal conditions that cause the subject's activity.
Motive is the fundamental building block of such a complex process as motivation. Motivation is the designation of a system of factors that determine behavior:
- needs,
- motives,
- goals,
- intentions,
- aspirations, etc.
Motivation is also a characteristic of the process that stimulates and maintains behavioral activity on a certain level... Usually motivation is considered as a set of psychological reasons that explain human behavior, its beginning, direction and activity.

Influence of focus on the motivation of activity

Internal and external motivation

Internal (dispositional) and external (situational) motivation are interconnected. Dispositions can be actualized under the influence of a certain situation, and the activation of certain dispositions (motives, needs) leads to a change in the subject's perception of the situation. Attention becomes selective, and the subject perceives and evaluates the situation in a biased manner, based on current interests and needs.
Depending on the inclinations of a person, his worldview and other forms of orientation, he may be either more prone to internal motivation, or to external.

Awareness-unconsciousness of motives

Motive, as opposed to motivation, is what belongs to the subject of behavior himself, is his stable personal property, which from the inside prompts him to perform certain actions. Motives can be:
- conscious,
- unconscious.
People with developed ideals, worldview, adequate convictions, as a rule, move by conscious motives in their actions. The confusion of the inner world, abundance psychological defenses can lead to the fact that the main engines are unconscious motives.

The quantity and quality of needs, interests, inclinations

Least of all needs are in plants that only need certain biochemical and physical conditions of existence. A person has the most diverse needs, who, in addition to physical and organic needs, also have spiritual and social ones.
Social needs:
- the desire of a person to live in society,
- the desire to interact with other people,
- the desire to benefit people, to participate in the division of labor,
- the desire to understand other people and social processes.
The more qualitatively different needs a person has, interests, inclinations, the more versatile and flexible his activity. A purely human quality is the ability to combine several different interests at once in one's activity.

Ability to set a goal

The goal is where the activity begins. The more versatile a person is, the more developed he is as a person, the more accurately and original he is able to set his goals.
Having bright ideals can motivate a person to set complex, far-reaching goals.
The goal is the main object of attention, which takes up a certain amount of short-term and random access memory; associated with her unfolding at a given moment in time thinking process and most of all kinds of emotional experiences.

Having an ideal of achievement

If a person has an ideal of achievement, he will have a developed motivation to achieve a result, he will love to set goals, he will strive to achieve the set goals, he will learn from his own and others' mistakes.

Having the ideal of courage

A brave person, or at least one who strives to be brave, is not afraid of difficulties, sets up his activity "right through", especially without avoiding obstacles and dangers. The structure of the activity of a brave person is very different from the structure of the activity of a timid one: the former usually looks forward, the latter - back and around. The first is not inclined to self-justification, self-deception. The second is constantly looking for reasons to evade, is prone to hypochondria and self-reflection.


Different aspects of a person's orientation (interests, inclinations, etc.) affect the flexibility of the activity. For example one person inclined to bring everything to the perfect end (perfectionist), and therefore his activity lacks flexibility.


The feeling of confidence in the performance of activities is born from the clarity of the goal, the absence of doubts. The latter are taken from the insufficient hierarchization of the interests and inclinations of a person, the absence of subordination between them, the presence of many contradictions.

Personality orientation

Personality orientation- this is a system of persistently characterizing motives of a person (what a person wants, what he strives for, one way or another understanding the world, society; what he avoids, what he is ready to fight against). It determines the selectivity of a person's relationships and activity and, as a substructure of a personality, includes various motives (interests, desires, inclination, etc.). All these motives are interconnected in the motivational sphere of the individual, that is, they represent a system. This system is individual, it is formed in the process of personality formation and development. At the same time, it is quite dynamic, that is, its constituent motives (motives) do not remain constant, they are interconnected, affect each other, change and develop. Moreover, some of the components are dominant, while others play a secondary role. The dominant motives determine the basic line of personality behavior.

Directional types

Orientation is a complex personality formation that determines all personality behavior, attitude towards oneself and others. Distinguish between the general orientation of the personality and the professional orientation.

Directional qualities

  • Directional level- this is the social significance of a person's orientation (his beliefs and worldview).
  • Directional latitude characterizes the range of interests of the individual. It should be remembered that a broad focus is not scattering and amateurism in all types of activities that a person is engaged in. Among a wide range of interests, there should be a central, main interest aimed at professional activities performed by an individual.
  • Directional intensity associated with its emotional coloring. It can have a wide range of severity, ranging from vague, fuzzy drives through lucid desires and active aspirations to deep convictions.
  • Directional stability characterized by the duration and preservation of motives throughout life. This quality of the orientation of the personality is associated, first of all, with the volitional characteristics of the personality: perseverance, purposefulness.
  • Efficiency of focus personality determines the activity of the implementation of the goals of orientation in the activity.

The connection with the motivational sphere

At the heart of a person's orientation are needs, that is, states that reflect needs for something. Needs are biological (reflecting the body's need for food, air, movement, rest, etc.) and social, historically formed in human society. Social needs are divided into material (clothing, housing, etc.) and spiritual (cognitive, moral, aesthetic, creative, as well as the need for communication). Unsatisfied needs, acting as motives of behavior, can take on various forms depending on the degree of awareness of the goal and content: attitudes, drives, desires, inclinations, aspirations, beliefs, worldview.

In the process of performing behavioral acts, motives, being dynamic formations, can change, which is possible at all phases of the act, and the behavioral act often ends not according to the initial, but according to the transformed motivation. For any actions of a person, there are always certain reasons. The motive of a person's behavior and the goals of behavior may not coincide: one and the same goal can be set for oneself, guided by different motives. The goal shows what a person is striving for, and the motive shows why he is striving for this. The motive can be unconscious if the awareness of the need does not fully correspond to the real need that causes dissatisfaction, that is, the person does not know the real reason for his behavior. Unconscious motives include attitudes and drives.


Notes (edit)

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