The main character of the Cossacks is a quiet morning. Quiet morning main characters. Essay about Volodya and Yashka

Kazakov Yuri Pavlovich is a prose writer from whose pen not a single wonderful work came out. A writer of the second half of the twentieth century, who could show typical things from a completely different angle. He was good at conveying to the reader the main idea of ​​his works, which are easy to read and with interest. For example, today we were lucky enough to get acquainted with one of Kazakov's stories "Quiet Morning".

Quiet morning Kazakov summary

The story "Quiet Morning" tells us about two boys who went fishing early in the morning. A terrible thing happened there. The boy Volodya from the city, who came to his friend Yashka in the village, fell into the river. Seeing this incident, Yashka first ran away from the fishing spot, as he was very frightened. But, already in the meadow, I realized that he was the only hope for the salvation of a friend, because there was not a soul nearby. Overcame all his fears, fear for himself and his life, fear for the life of a friend, he jumped to a friend who was already under water and saved Volodka by providing him with first aid. After that, the boys cried for a long time, but these were tears of joy from the successful ending.

Here in the story intertwined different situations... Here, bragging, and resentment, and quarrel, the problems of duty, conscience, love for one's neighbor are touched upon. All events take place against the backdrop of nature, which was calm. Even when one of the heroes was drowning, nature remained still calm, the sun rose and began to shine brightly, everything around breathed peace and quiet, "there was a quiet morning over the ground, and meanwhile, just now, quite recently, a terrible thing happened." Here "Quiet Morning" is contrasted with the events that took place in the story, and this is done in order to convey as vividly as possible the horror that the boys experienced.

Kazakov Quiet morning heroes

In Kazakov's story "Quiet Morning" the main characters are two boys. Volodka is a resident from Moscow who went fishing in boots. He knew nothing about fishing, as well as about rural life, so everything was interesting for him.

Yashka is a typical villager who knows everything and who is like a fish in water. He likes to sarcast Volodka, play a joke, while he told a lot of stories about the life of rural children. Yashka is an expert in fishing, one of the best who managed to show heroism and did not leave Volodka.

The heroes of the story "Quiet Morning" by Kazakov, by their example, teach us never and under no circumstances to leave our friends in trouble no matter what.


The plan of the story "Quiet Morning" by Kazakov will allow you to quickly recall the plot and the events taking place.
1. Yashka prepares for an early fishing trip
2. Yashka wakes up Volodka
3. Boys go fishing
4. Stories on the way to the river
5. A terrible case: Volodya is drowning
6. Yashka saves a friend
7. Happy ending.

Title of the piece: Quiet morning

Year of writing: 1954

Genre of the work: story

Main characters: two boys - village Yashka and urban Volodya.

The plot of Yuri Kazakov's fascinating work about the possibility of the existence of real friendship between completely dissimilar children will reveal summary story "Quiet Morning" for the reader's diary.


No matter how hard it is, Yashka gets up early: dresses, has breakfast, digs worms and runs to wake up his new friend from Moscow - Volodya. Having quenched their thirst with well water, the boys go fishing to the pool, which is considered the most "fishy" place.

Yashka missed the first fish, but very soon he pulled a huge bream out of the water. Suddenly a lump of earth from under Volodya's feet slips into the pool. The city boy finds himself in the water and flounders desperately. Yashka rushes to the rescue and pulls him ashore. To clear his lungs of water, Yashka lifts Volodya's legs up and shakes him as best he can. Water flows from the drowning boy's mouth, a spasm runs through his muscles, he moans and wakes up. Realizing that everything is behind, Yashka starts roaring. Volodya roared after him.

Conclusions (my opinion)

At first, two unlike boys were connected by a common cause - a passion for fishing. Now, after the accident on the water, their friendship is bound to grow much stronger. It is unlikely that the sensible Volodya will be able to forget how his friend threw himself into a dangerous pool to rescue him.


Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov
Quiet Morning. The heroes of the story and their actions

The purpose of the lesson: briefly acquaint students with the work of Yu.P. Kazakov; to create comparative characteristics of the heroes: to follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of Yasha and Volodya, to reveal the problem of the relationship between the boys.

Planned results

Subject : P to name the moral problems of the story; the ability to characterize the heroes, evaluate their actions, understand the inner world of the heroes, their relationships; evaluate retellings of their classmates; create comparative characteristics Yashka and Volodya, to note the common and the different in the behavior and characters of the heroes


Cognitive: be able to synthesize the information received yu to compose a response

Regulatory: be able to do text analysis using the terminology learned and the knowledge gained

Communicative: build monologic statements, master the skills of dialogical speech


formation of interaction skills in a group according to the algorithm for completing the task with the advice of a teacher

Characteristics of students' activities

Commented reading, text conversation, lexical work, individual and pair work with didactic material, group practical work(search for cited examples that illustrate the concept of a portrait of a hero, speech of a hero)

Lesson type: lesson in learning new knowledge.

Forms of student work: group, individual, frontal.

Required technical equipment: computer, multimedia projector.

Lesson structure and course:

Org. moment

Motivation for learning activities

(1 minute)

-Hello guys! Sit down, we begin our lesson.

Greet the teachers. Checking their jobs, getting ready for the lesson.


Ability to quickly organize workplace, greet the teacher and tune in to the lesson.


Lesson topic message

Determination of the objectives of the lesson.

(4 minutes)

Statement of a problematic question.

- What story did you read at home?

-Who are the main characters of the story?

-What do you think our heroes, Yasha and Volodya, are the same? Similar to each other?

-How will the topic of our lesson sound?

-M wells. Open your notebooks and write down the topic of the lesson: Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov
Quiet Morning. The heroes of the story and their actions.

(1 slide)

- Based on the topic of the lesson, do you think what are we going to talk about today?

-What goal will we set for ourselves in today's lesson?

Yu.P. Kazakova "Quiet morning ».

Yasha and Volodya.


No, they are not.

They answer.

Get acquainted with the biography of the writer, create comparative characteristics of the characters: follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of Yasha and Volodya, reveal the problem of the relationship between boys.


The ability to identify a problem in the lesson, to define goals, to know the tasks and consistently go towards them.


Knowledge update

7 minutes

8 minutes

Phys. a minute.

10 minutes.

-Now we will get acquainted with the work of Yu.P. Kazakov, and K. and L. will help me ( 4min.) And at this time, on the pieces of paper that are on your desks, indicate the correct judgments.

-Thank you!

Yu.P. Kazakov is an honest, truthful, sincere writer, who does not conceal anything disadvantageous to his characters. He is worried about moral problems.

How should you live?

What qualities do you need to possess?

What is the basis of human behavior?

What is GOOD? What is EVIL?

As a rule, his stories are based on a real case, the same can be said about the story "Quiet Morning".

In this story, the writer presents us as a subtle psychologist, revealing the most hidden corners of his heroes. And the reader must decide for himself how good Kazakov's characters are.

So that you can penetrate more deeply into the spiritual world of the heroes, to comprehend their psychological state, I propose to discuss a number of issues.

- What is GOOD? EVIL? (2 slide)

GOOD is the actions we do for the benefit of others, even if in doing so we must sacrifice ourselves.

EVIL - acts that we do to the detriment of others to achieve our own goals.

- Where does good and evil exist - in the external environment or in the soul of a person?

-Is it possible to unambiguously evaluate a person, whether he is good or bad?

- Now we will follow the different actions and feelings of our heroes.

Open the tutorials.

1. What was Yashka's mood after waking up and why? What words help to understand this mood?

p. 187,188

2. Find a description of the village. Why is it given?

Page 188


3.- Why was the beauty of the morning for Yashka poisoned? What made him angry? (P. 189)

- Find words that convey Yashka's irritable state.

4. How did Volodya react to Yashka's irritable attitude towards himself?

- How do you explain Volodya's lively state? (p. 189)

-5. What feelings did Volodya experience on the way to the well?

- What did Volodya envy and what did he admire, looking at Yashka?

6 at the well

- How and why did Yashka's attitude towards Volodya change? (P. 190)

-7.When did Yashka become completely kinder? (P. 191)

What was Volodya's mood after this tempting offer from Yashka?


So, peace and harmony came between the boys, and the conversation on the way to the river became pleasant and interesting, because Yashka was a generous, talkative storyteller, and happy Volodya was a grateful listener.

8. What knowledge about the world around him, about nature, did the villager Yashka share with the Muscovite Volodya? (P.192)

- How is Yashka shown in this dialogue?

9. And finally the river. Find a description of nature and define the role of the landscape in this passage.

Let's rest and listen to music. What kind of mood does she create?

10. Find a description of the pool. What kind of mood does it create?

(p. 194)

And so the guys started fishing

Why, every time a fish splashed noisily, Yashka's face took on a tensely suffering expression?

    The fish is gone.

- All changes in Yashka's mood are now associated with fishing. Let's follow these changes.


- When Yashka caught the bream, his face became happy, he uttered the word "le-eesch" with rapture.

What happened next?

    A lump of earth.

What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning?

    "There is no way to escape."

Why, not having run even ten steps, Yashka stopped, as if stumbling, feeling that "there is no way to run away"?

- Find words that show that Yasha is scared.

    Unprecedented horror.

When Yashka realized that Volodya would drown him, that his death had come, a wild unprecedented horror gripped him. He kicked Volodya in the stomach, emerged, threw Volodya off him and swam to the shore in horror.

What did he see?

Why is there a description of a quiet morning after this scene? Let's reread it.

- Find the words that convey this sparkle of the morning.

Everything breathed with peace and silence. But Yashka did not have this peace in his soul. He is tormented by feelings of terrible guilt, remorse, regret. “... An unprecedented thing happened - a man had just drowned, and it was he, Yashka, who hit him, drowned him ...

    Salvation of Volodya.

- Why does Yashka again rush to save Volodya?

    True love.

- Volodya is saved. Let's reread the passage that helps us understand the Savior's feelings.

- Let's re-read the description of nature at the end of the story. What thoughts and feelings does it evoke?

A story with a happy ending. Yashka not only saved Volodya, but also rose to a new moral height, overcoming feelings of anger, irritation, fear for his life. Through feelings of pity and compassion, true love came to Yashka, which should reign in a person's soul.

    Conclusion on the topic of the lesson

Nature is the source of characters, and man himself is a part of nature, comprehending himself through it. In the works of Yu. Kazakov, nature is an echo of the human soul. The author paints a picture of the morning vividly and figuratively, notices things that sometimes we do not pay attention to ..

-What sayings about friendship and mutual assistance do you know?

(message students about the author)

Answers learners

Give the concept

Good and evil do not exist outside, but in the soul of a person.

It is impossible, in the human soul there is a constant struggle between good and evil, "ups" and moral "downs".

Working in groups

Students look for answers in the textbook, discuss, analyze, prove, draw conclusions

Yashka woke up very early, before daylight, and his mood was kind, joyful, cheerful because he managed to overcome himself, overcoming a sweet pre-dawn dream, because fishing and meeting with a new friend - Muscovite Volodya, places, because the morning seemed lovely to him. The words “trotted merrily to the barn” convey Yashka's high spirits.

The village is unusual in the hour before dawn. She, like a large duvet, was covered with fog. "In the fog, the fish takes - have time to carry!" - Yashka will tell Volodya later. Nature makes Yashka happy.

Instead of gratitude and admiration, he heard from Volodya, awakened by him: "Isn't it early?" Yashka was considered the best fisherman on the collective farm; all the boys would consider it a special honor to go fishing with him. He got up a full hour earlier, dug up the worms, brought the fishing rods - and did not receive the expected recognition. - "Yashka got angry," "answered angrily," "looked Volodya from head to toe with disdain," " Yashka's evil face ”,“ sarcastically ”.

Volodya, who had just woken up, did not react to Yashka's first angry answer and his disdainful glance. He "looked out into the street, his face brightened, his eyes sparkled, he hastily began to lace up his shoes."

He saw the beauty of the morning. He wanted to go fishing as soon as possible. To Yashka's contemptuous question: "Are you going to go in boots?" - Volodya did not answer, he did not want to quarrel with Yashka, who agreed to take him with them; he blushed - he felt ashamed and embarrassed that he could not walk barefoot.

- “Volodya suffered severely. He was angry with himself for rude answers, angry with Yashka and seemed to himself at that moment awkward and pitiful. He was ashamed of his awkwardness ... he thought, hardened: "They still recognize me ...". Volodya was tormented by the feeling of his worthlessness. And in him a desire arose to assert himself and to show the village boys what he was capable of. - Yashka's appearance of a seasoned fisherman, Yashkin's tan and his special gait.

- Yashka believed that there was nowhere better water than in that well, and made Volodya drink well water.

Volodya did not want to drink, "but in order not to anger Yashka even more, he obediently fell to the bucket." To Yashka's smug question: "Well, how's the water?" - Volodya answered: "Legal." Yashka was waiting for this praise and in the depths of his soul he was pleased, but his legs still venomously asked: "I suppose there is no such thing in Moscow?" Volodya did not argue, he smiled conciliatory. - When Volodya enthusiastically reacted to Yashkina's message that he had seen a catfish at the head of the club. Yasha wanted to become kind, noble, to please this awkward Muscovite, and he invited Volodya to the catfish.

Volodya felt unusually cheerful, he wanted to rush along the soft road at full speed, jumping and squealing with delight! It seemed to him that this feeling of delight and happiness was familiar to him, it was once with him.

Hearing a loud crash in the field, Volodya thought it was a motorcycle and looked inquiringly at Yashka. Yashka importantly said that it was Fedya Kostylev's tractor, who had been plowing with headlights all night, slept a bit and started walking again. " Yashka willingly told Volodya that they had all kinds of fish: crucian carp on the reaches, pike, perch, roach, bream, tench, “fat as a pig”. Yashka knew the voices of the birds well and determined that “duck fly ... teals”, “blackbirds are ringing” - “they flew to the mountain ash to see aunt Nastya in the garden”, told how you can catch a blackbird. - The boy knows village life well, knows nature, fish , birds. He is attentive and observant.

Good relations have developed between the boys, and the beauty of the quiet morning makes them happy. They hear a horse whinnying thinly in the meadows; notice the gray dew on the trees and bushes, the movement of the fog reluctantly opening the haystacks.

The sun rose, and everything around somehow brightened, turned pink with an unusually fast, it became light and calm and in the souls of the boys: anger, irritation, resentment passed like fog in the meadows. Nature here is in tune with the mood of the characters, in harmony with their feelings.

Gloom reigned in the pool, it smelled of dampness, clay, mud, the water was black, "willows in wild growth almost covered the whole sky", "the water was damp, gloomy and cold." Omu is fraught with danger. His description creates a disturbing mood.

Yashka, rounding his eyes, informs Volodya that there is no bottom in this whirlpool and no one bathes in it - “sucks in”, but the worst thing is that “there are octopuses at the bottom”.

Yashka is an avid fisherman. He was impatient to catch the fish as soon as possible, and he was afraid that the fish would go to another barrel.

When Yashka missed the fish, he "trembled with rage." When Volodya asked if the fish could go to another barrel, he answered angrily. Yashka is ashamed in front of Volodya that he missed the fish, and at the same time he feels irritation towards Volodya, attributing his guilt to him: “I am a fisherman too! He thinks. - Sits with a raskoryak ... You catch one or with a real fisherman - just have time to carry it. "

A fish began to peck at Volodya's, but he could not hold the rod and, having lost his balance, fell into the pool. At this moment Yashka does not think about the fact that the pool can suck in Volodya, does not think about the mortal danger threatening his comrade. Yashka is furious that Volodya has scared the fish. "He jumped up, grabbed a lump of earth, preparing to throw it in Volodya's face as soon as he emerges."

At first, he had that weary feeling that a person experiences in a dream, when a sluggish body does not obey consciousness. Yashka felt cold with horror; Mishka's story about huge octopuses immediately came to his mind.

there was no one nearby, and there was no one to shout for help. Yashka realized that Volodya's life depends only on him.

The pale Yashka began to creep up to the bochag. Looking from the cliff into the whirlpool, he expected to see the terrible and at the same time hoped that everything worked out. Yashka managed to overcome his fear and jumped into the water.

Nature is in contrast to Yashka's inner state. Yashka saw the same quiet morning, beautiful, full of freshness and sparkling beauty. - The sun was shining brightly, the leaves of the bushes and willows glittered, the cobweb between the flowers glowed with rainbow colors; the wagtail looked at Yashka with a shining eye.

It is impossible to live with such a load of irreparable guilt. The desire to correct his mistake, the hope for Volodya's salvation is stronger than the fear for his life.

- "I didn't love anyone now ... I looked at Volodya ..."

Yashka felt a sense of fear for Volodya's life, he was horrified at the thought that Volodya could drown, he felt sorry for him. Love for a person, love for one's neighbor is born from feelings of pity and compassion.

- p. 195 (end)

Now there is harmony in the relationship between nature and man. And we understand that now, indeed, a quiet morning. Calmly around, and Yashka felt calm in his soul, because, overcoming his fear, he saved the life of his comrade. Volodya now seemed to him the most dear person, whom he looked at with “love and tenderness”.

Yashka grew up thanks to this occasion, he showed his best qualities of character, coming to the aid of a friend, not thinking about himself

A friend in need is a friend indeed",

Perish yourself, but help your comrade out, ”

One can’t do it - call a comrade ”


Students provide answers based on the knowledge gained according to these concepts. They generalize the previously studied material and make a conclusion. Metasubject Communicative

Ability to test and adequately assess the abilities and knowledge of students and oneself. Ability to work in a team, a group together. Ability to search for answers in textbooks, discuss, analyze, prove, draw conclusions.


Consolidation of the studied material

5 minutes.


2. Continue the sentence with definitions (epithets), verbs, nouns.

Yashka was…..

knew ... ..

knew how ... ..

Volodya was …..




the ability to reason, prove, analyze, compare, sum under concept.


Ability to work with a table in pairs , find and compare quotes, distinguish between characters, characterize them in the words of the author and in your own words. Ability to work with text.


Summing up

the result of the lesson.

1 minute.

(slide number 14)

-What topic did you work on?

-What are they two boys?

-What are these two different characters?

Let's summarize.


A unique work, you can return to it at any age and always, indeed, the author wants to tell us that the main thing in a person is to remain a person in any situation. We have to overcome a lot of situations along the road of life, it is important not to lose our face.

Answer for students.


He draws a conclusion for himself - what a person should be in this world in order to be smart, educated, educated, kind - there is a lot of work through which everyone must go. The ability to form a life position based on the priority of good, love for work and knowledge, respect.



2 minutes

Slide number 15

1. Make a comparative description of the heroes in the table.

2. Artistic retelling on behalf of Yasha (scene of fishing and rescuing Volodya)

3. Make sketches of a favorite moment in the story.

The teachers write down their homework in a notebook.

T the practical nature of the task (sketch the episode you like.) Ability to independently compose and fill in the table.

Assessment of learners .Reflection.

2 minutes.

Slide number 16

- What is your mood?

- What were you like in today's lesson?

- Were your expectations from the lesson justified?

- I found out…!

I remembered…!

I understand…!

I learned…!

I felt…!

If you liked the tutorial, rate it with an emoticon.

-Today they receive a grade of "5" ...

-Evaluation "4" ...

-The guys are up! The lesson is over!

- Thank you very much for the lesson, I was very pleased to work with you today.


Students assess themselves and each other, as well as

the whole lesson.


Students assess performance based on results. Self-esteem.

Adequacy of self-assessment of students and assessment of the teacher's activities, the entire lesson. Students' awareness of the significance of the results obtained and the willingness to use them to achieve educational goals.

Actions are regulatory, communicative.

Reflection. The teacher finds out what they have learned and what new learners have learned through signal cards, etc.

Take action I - regulatory, communicative.

Literature lesson summary

Topic: Yu.P. Kazakov. The story "Quiet Morning". The relationship of children, mutual assistance, mutual assistance. The boy's feat and the joy of his own good deed.

Teacher: A.V. Stepanova, MKUSOSH # 38, Tula

Grade: 7

Lesson objectives:

A) Didactic: to acquaint students with the work of Yu.P. Kazakov; to follow the thoughts, feelings and actions of the main characters of the story "Quiet Morning"; pay attention to the role of descriptions of nature in revealing the inner world of heroes; improve the skills of analyzing an epic work, drawing up characteristics of heroes, expressive reading.

B) Developing: develop oral speech, attention, imagination; develop the ability to analyze, contrast, compare; continue the formation of the aesthetic culture of the personality of schoolchildren.

C) Educational: foster respect, sympathy, compassion for a person.

Lesson type: learning new material lesson

Equipment: computer, screen, projector, speakers, Power Point presentation; tables "Characteristics of the hero. Yashka "," Characteristics of the hero. Volodya ”,“ Landscape as a Means of Characterizing Heroes ”.

During the classes.

Slide 1

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Teacher's word.

Today we will get acquainted with the work of Yu.P. Kazakov. This writer rather late began to think about how to devote himself to literary work. Graduated from a music school in Moscow. For three years he played in symphony and jazz orchestras. And only at the age of 26, Yuri Kazakov entered the Literary Institute.

Slide 2

His very first stories brought success: "Arcturus - a hound dog", "On the way", "Blue and green", "Two in December". As a rule, his stories are based on a real case. Such is the story "Silent Morning". It is about this work that we will have a conversation today. Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov is an honest, truthful, sincere writer who does not conceal anything disadvantageous to his heroes. He is worried about moral problems. How should you live? What qualities do you need to possess? What underlies human behavior? What is goodness? What is evil? In the story "Silent Morning" the writer appears before us as a subtle psychologist, revealing the most hidden corners of his characters. And the reader must decide for himself how good Kazakov's characters are.

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson.
  1. Statement of the task of the lesson.

Teacher: To better understand the nature of the actions of the heroes of the story, I suggest you answer the question:what are good and evil?

Slide 3

Children: Good - actions we do for the benefit of others, even if we have to sacrifice ourselves; evil - acts that we do to the detriment of others in order to achieve our own goals.

Teacher: Do you think that good and evil exist exclusively in the external world, or does it live in the soul of a person, comes from a person?

Children: Good and evil exist in the human soul.

Teacher: What are the names of the main characters of the story "Quiet Morning". Which of them was good and which was evil?

Children: children's answers.

Teacher: Can we unequivocally assess a person, say unequivocally whether he is good or evil? Why?

Children: it is impossible, in the human soul there is a constant struggle between good and evil, moral "ups" and moral "downs" are characteristic of a person.

Teacher: So in the story "Quiet Morning" heroes with the strengths and weaknesses of their souls appear before us.Our task today is to observe the heroes, their actions, to understand the reasons for these actions.During the lesson, you will fill in the tables: the first row characterizes Yashka, the second - Volodya, the third - considers the landscape as a means of characterizing the heroes.

  1. Analysis of the work.

Slide 4

Teacher: briefly describe the main characters of the storyby answering the questions:

  1. Where does the boy live?
  2. How does he feel in the village?
  3. What is the hero's attitude to fishing?

Children's answers.

Actually in the story, there is a clash of two cultures: urban and rural.Yashka's world is limited by his village, and Volodya's world by the city. On the pages of the story, a description of the first contact, the contact of at first glance, opposite worlds, unfolds.

Slide 5

Statement of the problematic question:So our heroes are very different. In this regard, in the process of analyzing the story, I ask you to think about the question: will Yashka and Volodya, who have different ideas about the world, come to an understanding? Why?

Teacher: The story begins with the awakening of Yashka.What was the boy's mood like?Find words in the text that confirm this.(p. 182 - last paragraph, p. 183)

Children: The boy was in a happy mood. This is confirmed by the following words: he overcame himself, jumped off the porch, trotted merrily, ran, rolled over the fence, whistled.

Group 1 - filling in the table.

Children: The description of a quiet, joyful morning correlates with Yashka's mood. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Peaceful joyful dawn inspired artists and musicians. Listenan excerpt from the musical work of the composer M. Mussorgsky "Dawn on the Moscow River"to better understand Yasha's mood.

Slide 6

Listening to a piece of music.

What morning does the composer have? What feelings do you have?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Readmorning conversation between Yashka and Volodya.

Children: reading by role

Teacher: What do you thinkwhy was there a conflict between the boys? Why did Yashka lose her mood?

Children: Yashka did not receive the expected recognition.

Teacher: Find keywords characterizing Yashka's state (1 group - filling in the table - p.183)

Children: I got angry, answered angrily, looked at me with disdain, the beauty of the morning was poisoned, asked contemptuously, got bored, sarcastically.

Teacher: How does Volodya react to the conflict?Find words that characterize the boy's condition (group 2 - filling in the table, p. 184)

Children: He was silent, blushed, answered through his teeth, his nostrils trembled with resentment, was ready to cry, waited for this morning, suffered, was angry with himself, seemed to himself awkward and miserable, looked with envy and admiration.

Teacher: And so our heroes go fishing.How do they behave on the road? Read it.

Slide 7.

Children: At first, the boys walk in silence.

Teacher: How does Yashka behave?

Children: he feels like a master, he is on his own land, he knows about everything that happens here: about the sounds of the village, about birds, about fishing. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: When does Volodya get fun?

Slide 8

Children: When the boys started talking at the well, Yashka invited Volodya to catch a big fish in the barrel in the evening and burn a fire at night. Volodya felt himself a little "at home", and he felt cheerful. He felt the beauty of the morning. Group 2 - filling in the table.

Consider the fishing episodes.

Teacher: where did the boys go fishing? Finddescription of the pool (p. 188, 5 paragraph). How does the description of nature change? Why?

Slide 9

Children: read the description of the pool (gloom, smelled damp, black water, willows covered the sky). The state of nature foreshadows future trouble. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: The guys have chosen a place. Fishing began.What does Yashka feel when his first fish fell? How does the author convey Yashka's feelings? (p. 190)

Children: Yasha was ashamed. He blamed Volodya for the failures. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Have you ever felt this way in your life?

Children's answers.

There is still a misunderstanding between the characters. The conflict is now not external, but internal. Boys don't try to understand each other.

Let us analyze the episode when Volodya begins to drown (pp. 191 - 192).

Teacher: What feelings does Yashka experience, realizing that Volodya is drowning?Find words that show his feelings.

Children: Yashka feels fear, but hopes that everything worked out somehow. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Why, not having run even 10 steps, Yashka stopped, as if stumbling, feeling that "there is no way to run away"?

Children: Yashka realized that Volodya's life depends only on him. Group 1 - filling in the table.

Teacher: What actions does Yashka take and how does it end?

Children: Yashka tries to save Volodya, but the drowning man grabs Yashka and drowns him. Yashka realizes that he can die himself, so he pushes Volodya away.

Teacher comment: The author is very subtle in describingthe psychology of a drowning person.Volodya did not drown Yashka on purpose. Drowning people instinctively grasp what can save them. Therefore, inexperienced rescuers often die along with those whom they save.

Children: read a passage. The nature is still quiet and calm, and in Yashka's life something "unprecedented" has just happened. Nature and internal state the boy is contrasted - the antithesis. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Teacher: Yashka again tries to save Volodya. When Yashka sees his comrade immovable under the water, he is still afraid that Volodya will grab him again. But Volodya can no longer do this.How does the story end?

Children's answers.

Teacher: Why is Yashka crying so bitterly and inconsolably?Can we say that tears indicate weakness of character?

Children: Yashka had not yet seriously met life, with its severity, unpredictability, he experienced a feeling of fear for Volodya's life, he was horrified at the thought that Volodya could drown, he felt sorry for him. This tragic event shocked Yashka and left a mark on both boys. Love for a person, love for one's neighbor is born from feelings of pity and compassion. Groups 1,2 - filling in the table.

Teacher: The final paragraph says that everyone was happy about the new bright day. Why does the story end with these words?

Children: A new day has begun not only in nature, but also in the souls of boys. Yashka not only saved Volodya. He rose to a new moral height, overcoming anger, irritation, fear for his life. Through feelings of pity and compassion, true true love came to Yashka, which alone should reign in a person's soul. Group 3 - filling in the table.

Slide 10

  1. The answer to the problematic question.

Will Yashka and Volodya, who have different ideas about the world, be able to come to an understanding? Why?

Children's answers.

  1. Homework.

1 row - Yashka's characteristic.

2nd row - Volodya's characteristic.

3rd row - landscape as a means of characterizing heroes.

The assignment is prepared according to the tables that the groups filled out in the lesson.

Slide 11

  1. Summing up the lesson. Reflection.

Exercise "Plus - minus - interesting"

  1. Marking.


Characteristics of the hero.


Slide captions:

Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov. The story "Quiet Morning". The relationship of children. The boy's feat and the joy of his own good deed.


Brief description of the heroes Where was the hero born? 2. How does the boy feel in the village? 3. How does the hero feel about fishing?

On the way to fishing "... The guys silently, without looking at each other, went down the street." Volodya "... with frank envy and even with admiration looked at Yashka's bare feet, and at the canvas bag for fish, and at the patched pants and gray shirt worn especially for fishing."

“Volodya felt unusually cheerful, and only now he felt how good it is to leave the house in the morning. How nice and easy it is to breathe, how you want to run along this soft road, to rush at full speed, jumping up and squealing with delight! "

Isaac Levitan "At the pool" Isaac Levitan "Lake" "... It was damp, gloomy and cold here, by the water."

A problematic question Will Yashka and Volodya, who have different ideas about the world, come to an understanding? Why?

"Plus - minus - interesting" What did you like in the lesson, caused positive emotions? What did you dislike in the lesson, caused dislike, seemed boring? Interesting Facts who learned in the lesson, what else I would like to know on this topic, questions to the teacher

Today you are getting acquainted with the story ... There are two main characters in the story - Volodya and Yashka. This story is based on a real case. Before turning to the analysis of the story, let's draw up a small outline:

  1. Early morning
  2. Yashka wakes up Volodya
  3. On the way to go fishing
  4. Fishing
  5. Volodya is drowning
  6. Saving Volodya
  7. Yashka and Volodya on the way home

Let's carry out a detailed analysis of the story according to the plan.

So, the beginning of the story is the morning when Yashka wakes up:

The sleepy roosters had just crowed, it was still dark in the hut, the mother did not milk the cow, and the shepherd did not drive the flock into the meadows when Yashka woke up.

He sat up in bed, goggling for a long time at the bluish, sweaty windows, at the dimly whitening stove. The pre-dawn dream was sweet, and my head fell on the pillow, my eyes drooped, but Yashka overcame himself.

Soon the first landscape sketch appears in the story. Nature becomes actor(fig. 2):

The village was covered with fog like a big duvet. The neighboring houses were still visible, the distant ones barely looked through in dark spots, and even further, towards the river, nothing was visible, and it seemed as if there was never a windmill on the hill, no fire tower, no school, no forest on the horizon ... ...

Rice. 2. Quiet morning ()

Yashka woke up early and began to act quite actively, quickly and collected. He got up, washed, ate, took the fishing rods, dug up a full can of worms and went to wake up his new friend Volodya:

His new friend, Volodya, was sleeping in the hayloft.

Yashka put his fingers soiled with earth into his mouth and whistled.

Then he spat and listened.

- Volodka! - he called. - Get up!(fig. 3)

Rice. 3. Village house ()

Pay attention to a very interesting detail - earth-stained fingers... With the help of this detail, the image of a village boy is already beginning to emerge.

Volodya stirred in the hay, fumbled for a long time and rustled there, finally, awkwardly tears, stepping on the untied shoelaces.

Both Yashka and Volodya, of course, do not want to get up. But Yashka in himself overcame the craving for sleep, because he promised to take the boy fishing and introduce him to village fishing.

Yashka got angry: he got up an hour earlier, dug up worms, fishing rodshe brought him in ... and if to tell the truth, then he got up today because of this wretched thing, wanted to show him the fish places - and now instead of gratitude and admiration - “early!”.

For Yashka, the beauty of the morning had already been poisoned. And he began to express his mood, some disdain to Volodya:

- Are you going to go in boots? he asked contemptuously and lookedon the protruding toe of your bare foot. - And will you wear galoshes?Volodya said nothing, blushed and began to work on another shoe. We see that Yashka feels free in the village, knows a lot, and Volodya still has a lot to learn and learn. He really doesn’t know how to walk barefoot and doesn’t feel very good in this situation. Here are Yashka's thoughts about Volodya: And this one ... came yesterday, polite ... "Please, please ..." Give him a neck, or what? I had to get in touch with this Muscovite, who, probably, never saw a fish in his eyes, goes fishing in boots! ..- And you put on a tie, - Yashka quipped and laughed hoarsely.

Volodya was ready to give up fishing and burst into tears right there, but he was so looking forward to this morning!

And again, as a character, nature enters the story. They walked through the village, and the fog receded in front of them, revealing more and morenew houses, and barns, and a school, and long rows of milky-white farm buildings ... Like a stingy owner, he showed all this only for a minute and then again closed tightly behind. Pay attention to what feelings Volodya experiences on the way to fishing: Volodya suffered severely. He was not angry with himself for the rude answers to Yashke,he was angry with Yashka and seemed to himself at that moment awkward and pathetic. He was ashamed of his awkwardness: “Just think, the importance is great - barefootgo! What imaginations! " But at the same time, with frank envy and even with admiration, he glanced at Yashka's bare feet, and at the canvas bag for fish, and at the patched pants worn especially for fishing, and the gray shirt. He envied Yashkina's tan and his gait. Yashka feels himself to be the master of the situation. The author characterizes the state and feelings of Yashka with the help of the following words: Yashka quipped; Yashka said gloomily; Yashka inquired smugly; Yashka squinted venomously; trembled with rage... While the characteristic of Volodya is completely opposite: smiled reconciling; Volodya's eyes sparkled; Volodya exhaled enthusiastically; Volodya felt unusually cheerful, and he only now felt how good it is to leave the house in the morning, how nice and easy it is to breathe, how he wants to run along this soft road, rush at full speed, jumping up and squealing with delight. A feeling of delight and happiness covers Volodya. We see how Yashka skillfully tells Volodya about the work of a tractor driver, about catching fish, about the voices of birds, how he knows how to distinguish them: - What is this whistling? - Volodya stopped, raising his head- This? These are uchi flying ... Teals.- Yeah ... I know. And what's that?- The blackbirds are ringing ... They flew to the mountain ash to see Aunt Nastya in the garden. The boys come to the fishing spot (fig. 4): The sun has finally risen; only a horse whinnied in the meadows, and somehowunusually quickly everything around became brighter and pink; The gray dew on the trees and bushes became even more distinctly visible, and the fog began to move, thinned out and began to reluctantly open the haystacks, dark against the smoky background of the now nearby forest. The fish walked. Here is the first disturbing thought in the story: The water was damp, gloomy and cold.- Here, you know, what is the depth? - Yashka widened his eyes. - Here and the bottomno...Volodya moved a little away from the water and shuddered.

Watch how the boys behave when fishing (fig. 5): Throwing the nozzle, Yashka, without letting go of the rod, impatientlystared at the float. Almost immediately, Volodya also threw in his nozzle, but hooked with the rod for the willow. Yashka looked terribly at Volodya and swore in a whisper.

Rice. 5. Boys fishing ()

Volodya does not know how to fish and is trying to learn it from Yashka: Yashka's hand soon got tired, and he carefully thrust the rod into the soft shore. Volodya looked at Yashka and also stuck his rod in.“I’m a fisherman too!” Thought Yashka.. He wanted to prick Volodya with something. And finally, the first success - a big bream was caught: Volodya turned around and saw that his fishing rod, having rolled off a clod of earth, slowlyslides into the water and pulls the line violently. He jumped up, stumbled and, on his knees, pulled himself up to the fishing rod, managed to grab it. The rod bent a lot. Volodya turned his round, pale face to Yashka.- Here you go! - Yashka shouted.But at that moment, the ground under Volodya's feet began to stir, gave way, helost his balance, released a fishing rod, absurdly, as if catching a ball, threwhands, shouted loudly: "Aaa ..." - and fell into the water.- Fool! - Yashka shouted, angrily and sufferingly twisting his face. -You damn fool! .. He scared the fish.

Here Yashka is still thinking about the fish, about the fact that fishing is ruined, not realizing that something terrible has happened.

But, looking at the water, he froze, and he had that weary feeling that you experience in a dream, when a sluggish body does not give in to consciousness: Volodya, three meters from the shore, beat, spanked on the water with his hands, threw his white face with bulging eyes up to the sky , choked and, plunging into the water, all tried to shout something, but his throat gurgled, and it turned out: "Wow ... Wow ..."."Drowning!" - Yashka thought with horror.Driven by the terrible sounds that Volodya made, Yashkajumped out into the meadow and rushed to the village, but, not having run even ten paces,stopped, as if stumbling, feeling that there was no way to escape.There was no one nearby, and there was no one to shout for help ... Yashka frantically fumbled in his pockets and in his bag in search of at least some twine and, finding nothing, pale, began to sneak up to the boch. Approaching the cliff, he looked down, expecting to see something terrible and at the same time hoping that everything worked out somehow, and again he saw Volodya. Volodya no longer struggled, he was almost completely hidden under the water, only the top of his head with protruding hair was still visible. She hid and showed herself again, hid and showed herself ... Yashka, without taking his eyes off that crown, began to unbutton his pants, then screamed and rolled down. Freeing himself from his pants, he, as he was, in a shirt, with a bag over his shoulder, jumped into the water, swam up to Volodya in two strokes, grabbed his hand.Feeling a stranglehold on his neck, he tried to push out of the waterhis face, but Volodya, trembling, kept climbing on top of him, leaning heavily on him, trying to climb onto his shoulders. Yashka choked, coughed, gasping, swallowing water, and then horror seized him, red and yellow circles flashed in his eyes with dazzling force. He realized that Volodya would drown him, that his death had come, jerked with all his strength, floundered, screamed just as inhumanly terribly as Volodya had shouted a minute ago, kicked him in the stomach, emerged, saw through the water running from his hair a bright flattened ball of the sun Feeling Volodya's weight on himself, he tore him off, threw him off himself, thrashed him in the water with his hands and feet, and, raising the breakers of foam, rushed to the shore in horror. The first thought that comes to Yashka is to run to the village, ask for help. He doesn't even think that he can help. But at some point, Yashka realizes that while he runs, Volodya will already drown, and he decides to save him. See how a person chooses between his own death and the death of another person. The boy became scared, and he kicked Volodya in the stomach, swimming out himself. And at this moment he is seized not only by the horror of his own death, but also by the understanding that a person is drowning nearby. Once again, the author masterfully introduces a landscape that becomes a protagonist. The sun was shining brightly, and the leaves of the bushes and willows glittered, the cobweb between the flowers burned rosy, and the wagtail sat up on a log, wagging its tail and looking at Yashka with a shining eye, and everything was the same as always, everything breathed peace and silence, and there was a quiet morning above the ground, and meanwhile, just now, quite recently it happenedUnprecedented - a man had just drowned, and it was he, Yashka, who hit him, drowned him.

Pay attention to the title of the story - "Quiet Morning". As if the title of the story conflicts with what is happening with the characters. Not so quiet this morning. The title of the story is deceiving.

Yashka dived. Volodya kept on his side, one leg got entangled in the grass, and he himself slowly turned, swaying, exposing his round pale face to the sunlight and moving his left hand, as if tasting the water.Feeling that he was about to suffocate, Yashka rushed to Volodya, grabbed his hand, closed his eyes, and hastily pulled Volodya's body up.Without letting go of Volodya's shirt, he began to push him to the shore. Swimit was hard. Feeling the bottom under his feet, Yashka got out himself and pulled Volodya out. He shuddered, touching the cold body, looking at the dead, motionless face, in a hurry and felt so tired, so unhappy ... We see that at this moment Yashka feels fear again: I ought to run away somewhere, hide, so as not to see this indifferent, cold face!Yashka sobbed in horror, jumped up, grabbed Volodya by the legs, pulled out,as far as he could, upward and, turning purple from the strain, began to shake. Volodya's head was beating on the ground, his hair was matted with dirt. And at the very moment when Yashka, finally exhausted and discouraged, wanted to drop everything and run wherever they looked, - at that very moment water gushed out of Volodya's mouth, he groaned and a convulsion went through his body. Track how the boys experience what happened, how the best character traits of the heroes appear in this situation: Now he did not love anyone more than Volodya, nothing in the world was to himsweeter than this pale, frightened and suffering face. A timid, loving smile shone in Yashka's eyes, he looked at Volodya with tenderness and asked meaninglessly:-Well, how? A? Well, how? ..Yashka suddenly frowned, closed his eyes, tears gushed from his eyes,and he roared, roared bitterly, inconsolably, shaking all over, panting and ashamed of his tears. He cried with joy, with the fear he had experienced, with the fact that everything ended well.

According to the researchers of Kazakov's work, the writer does not hide anything unfavorable about his characters from the reader. The reader must decide for himself whether they are good or bad. And so we see that in this situation Yashka is scared, and he struggles with his weakness, and at the same time, like a child, having survived such a tragic incident, he cries, roars, shakes his whole body.

The story ends with a landscape sketch. The sun was shining, bushes splashed with dew were burning, and only the water in the pool remained the same black(fig. 6) .

Rice. 6. Sun over the lake ()

The smell of life, the light that life gives, helped Yasha to overcome moments of cowardice, to overcome her own fear. The air warmed up and the horizon trembled in its warm streams. From afar, from the fields on the other side of the river, the smells of hay and sweet clover flew with the gust of wind. And these smells, mixing with the more distant, but pungent smells of the forest, and this light warm wind were like the breath of the awakened earth, rejoicing in a new bright day(fig. 7) .

Rice. 7. The boys go home ()

A quiet morning, it would seem, did not bode well, but we see how much stress it demanded from Yashka, how many sincere and physical strength it took to save a friend. It is not easy, finding yourself in such a situation, to show courage, resilience and remain human. It is very important in life to withstand such a test. I remember folk wisdom: a friend in need is a friend indeed.


  1. Korovina V.Ya. Didactic materials on literature. 7th grade. - 2008.
  2. Ladygin M.B., Zaitseva O.N. Textbook-reader on literature. 7th grade. - 2012.
  3. Kuteinikova N.E. Literature lessons in grade 7. - 2009.
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  1. What problems does Yu.P. Cossacks in the story "Quiet Morning"?
  2. Describe the characters in the story. With the help of what details does the author give them imagery?
  3. Make short retelling focusing on the outline for the story.