War Thunder naval battles. "War Thunder: Knights of the Sea" and the eternal war against uncertainty. Naval battle and the time factor

in the popular game War Thunder Along with the addition of "Knights of the Sea" will appear naval battles.

The Knights closed beta will begin this year. Those who wish will be able to try torpedo, artillery and missile boats, coast guard ships, patrol ships.

“A high level of realism is one of the key design features for War Thunder. We do not change the characteristics of the technique and create it as it was, as close as possible. Classic capital ship battles are a contest of patience and planning, lasting from hours to days. In our game, where the battles of all types of troops are joint, and players can control aircraft, tanks, and fleets, it is impossible to speed up time by 5-10 times or change the size and speed of ships. The development of the fleet in War Thunder began even before the development of tanks, and as the tests showed, battles on a heavy fleet, ships larger than a destroyer, would be too long and uninteresting, or they would require ships to be completely unrealistic, only appearance and names reminiscent of real ships. Therefore, we decided to recreate that part of the battle fleet, which was rarely reproduced in games. Ships that are more suitable for the formula of our game are fast, impetuous, dangerous, real Knights of the Sea, worthy and equal rivals for aircraft in the air and tanks on the ground, ”says Kirill Yudintsev, creative director of Gaijin Entertainment.

Warship lines will be available to all nations in War Thunder. The alpha test team and other invited players, as well as the owners of one of the two Nautical Starter Packs with unique ships, which are already available for pre-order in the game store, will have access to testing. The first includes the Soviet Project 1124 river armored boat armed with the legendary Katyusha launcher. The second package included the American torpedo boat PT-109, on which the future US President John F. Kennedy served and accomplished his feat. Both ships will be immediately available in closed beta testing. You can read more about these vessels in the development diaries.

Visitors to the Gamescom exhibition in Germany will be the first to take part in the naval battles of War Thunder. A special closed zone will be organized at the game stand, where guests can try themselves as the captain of a warship. For those who will not be able to visit the exhibition, in a special video broadcast from the exhibition, the game developers will talk in more detail about the new mode, introduce ships different countries, as well as draw access keys to closed beta testing among viewers.

Source: Gaijin Entertainment press release.

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WOT's oldest competitor landed at Gamescom 2016, showed off the fleet and answered players' questions.

This material is a kind of digest for those who did not particularly follow War Thunder latest time and do not know what happened there. And events for Lately it was not enough.

Naval battles - knights of the sea

Already this year, naval battles will appear in WT, and the closed beta will start immediately after the end of Gamescom.

Closed testing of naval battles is starting this year! Their basis will be the "knights of the sea": torpedo, artillery and missile boats, coast guard ships, patrol ships - the so-called "small" fleet, which during the war years made up the majority of the ships that served in all troops and in all waters.

  • It was decided not to introduce a heavy fleet (ships larger than a destroyer) into the game, as they are too slow and clumsy, which dragged out the gameplay, making it uninteresting. Therefore, only fast ships were left in the game, which are more suitable for the concept of War Thunder battles.
  • Access to testing is raffled during broadcasts from Gamescom 2016. You can also buy a package with one of the early access (for or rubles).
  • Open testing is scheduled for 2017.

  • Ships of all nations represented in the game will be added.
  • Large ships (cruisers, battleships, aircraft carriers) will initially be controlled by bots in some modes. According to the results of testing, it is possible that these ships will be given under the control of the players.
  • For naval battles, separate locations will be created in the setting of the Pacific, Atlantic and Arctic oceans, as well as the Mediterranean.
  • The water is based on NVIDIA Waveworks technology.
  • There will be no submarines and here's why:

The gameplay of submarines is specific - they are quiet hunters who sometimes waited for weeks for their “prey”, made a strike and hid. A discovered submarine is guaranteed not to be a tenant. And in speed, they, as a rule, were inferior even to very slow ships.

  • At the moment, there are tests of joint battles of ships and aircraft.

A little more details can be found in the video:

Ship preview

S-100 model 1945 (Germany)

The S-100 class torpedo boat of 1945 is a real child of the war. The boat was created in 1943, taking into account the experience of military operations in the English Channel against the military and merchant fleets of Great Britain. As a result of long studies and experiments, German engineers created an excellent torpedo boat for active combat operations and patrolling sea areas and straits, in which many shortcomings of early class boats were taken into account and corrected.

For the design of the boat, shipbuilders chose wood as a light, elastic and reliable material. The wooden structures of the ship were made of different breeds wood - oak, cedar, mahogany, Oregon pine. The double casing of wooden sheathing was divided by metal bulkheads into 8 watertight compartments. The cabin of boats of this class was armored, the thickness of the steel sheets is 12 mm, which is a good anti-bullet and anti-fragmentation protection.

  • Maximum speed: 42.5 knots (almost 80 km/h).
  • Engines: three 2500-horsepower Mercedes-Benz diesels.
  • Armament:
    • two tubes for 533 mm torpedoes,
    • automatic 37 mm cannon (similar to the famous FlaK36 anti-aircraft gun),
    • one twin and one single installation of 20 mm C/38 guns,
    • at the stern, a twin depth charge release mechanism,
    • rifle-caliber machine guns could be mounted on the sides of the armored tube.

Japanese Type 11 PT-15 patrol torpedo boat

Became the last of the ships of this type in service with Japan. The vessel retained the characteristic features and characteristics of post-war Japanese boats, which were built at the shipyards of the countries of the Western bloc. PT-15 has good seaworthiness thanks to the successful contours in the midship frame area, which have become feature Japanese post-war ships.

Despite its solid armament and outward massiveness, this torpedo boat is always at the forefront in War Thunder thanks to its excellent top speed. The main task of the PT-15 is to destroy naval targets, regardless of their size, and the boat copes well with this task. Four large and powerful torpedoes weighing 1800 kg each are the main argument in the fight against capital ships.

  • Maximum speed: 40 knots (over 70 km/h).
  • Engines: two gas turbines, with a total capacity of 11,000 hp
  • Armament:
    • four torpedo tubes with American Mk.16 torpedoes,
    • two automatic 40-mm guns Bofors L60 on the bow and stern of the boat.
  • Crew: 28 people.

Project 183 "Bolshevik" (USSR)

It was developed in the post-war years, taking into account the experience of combat use of both Lend-Lease equipment and Soviet boats. The design of the boat correctly took into account the properties of coniferous and hardwood wood, successful geometry and a power plant of four diesel engines gave the boat good speed and maneuverability, and the combination of artillery and torpedo weapons made the boat a truly universal soldier.

The large Project 183 torpedo boat is a godsend for those players who like a fast-paced, fast-paced game. The boat starts perfectly from a place and keeps an excellent speed for its class. Four automatic cannons have good accuracy even when firing at long distances, so you can be one of the first in the team to start shooting enemy ships. The rate of fire of the guns is low (about 300 rounds per minute), but high-explosive fragmentation shells are equally good against boat hulls and their crews.

  • Maximum speed: 44 knots (over 80 km/h).
  • Engines: four diesel engines with a total capacity of 4800 l / s.
  • Armament:
    • two torpedo tubes
    • two twin 25 mm 2M-3 guns,
    • up to 12 depth charges.
  • Crew: 14 people.

Fairmile D: sea dog (UK)

Throughout 1941, the engineers of the Royal navy Great Britain were busy developing and testing a new type of artillery and torpedo-artillery boats to counter the German "schnellboats" - torpedo boats that blocked the actions of British warships and merchant ships in the English Channel. The requirements for the car were quite understandable - the boat had to become a universal platform for placing powerful weapons of various types, as well as have a speed of at least 30 knots in order to somehow resist the fast German sea predators.

"Fairmile D" is one of the most massive boats of World War II. Different production series differed primarily in armament - soon enough, cannon and machine-gun armament was significantly strengthened, torpedo tubes and depth charges began to appear on the boat, and many artillery boats were upgraded into torpedo-artillery boats. Our today's guest is an artillery boat of the Fairmile D project of the early production series.

  • Maximum speed: 32 knots (slightly less than 60 km/h).
  • Engines: four pieces, with a total capacity of 5000 horsepower.
  • Armament:
    • one automatic 40 mm cannon 2-pdr QF Mk.IIc on the nose,
    • twin 20 mm Oerlikon Mk.V cannon at the stern,
    • two twin heavy machine guns.5 Vickers Mk.III,
    • two twin machine guns of rifle caliber .303 Vickers No5 Mk.I on the bridge,
    • a pair of depth charges Mk.VII.

Project 1124 armored boat: river "Katyusha" (USSR)

Available on pre-order for 1899 rubles.

Large river armored boats of project 1124 were developed in 1933-34 for a wide range of combat missions in the waters of the rivers (primarily the Amur, from which they received the unofficial nickname "Amur") and, despite the simplicity of design and the great inconvenience of placing the crew, they combined the most advanced at that time, the developments of Soviet industry.

Boats of the 1124 series have gone through a glorious battle path: Battle of stalingrad, Western Europe, the Far East - these river tanks supported the actions of infantry from the water, parachuted soldiers into the rear and flanks of the enemy, were the first to break into the waters of European cities and destroy enemy fortifications with cannon and missile fire.

In War Thunder, the version of the boat equipped with the Katyusha MLRS is a real monster in the hands of a skilled captain. The T-34 tank turret, located in the bow of the boat, allows for aimed fire at vital enemy modules and compartments, even from long distances.

  • Maximum speed: 21 knots.
  • Engines: two of 900 hp, Hall-Scott gasoline engines or two of 1200 hp, Packard 4M-2500-W-12 gasoline engines, 2 VFSh.
  • Armament:
    • two machine guns of 12.7 mm caliber,
    • the installation of unguided rockets M-13-M1, the legendary "Katyusha", capable of bringing down a one-time salvo of 16 missiles,
    • tank tower T-34, located in the bow of the boat.
  • Crew: 15 people.

PT-109: Kennedy torpedo boat (USA)

Available on pre-order for 2399 rubles.

Elco patrol torpedo boats were designed to perform a wide variety of tasks not only in the coastal zone, but also on the high seas. The United States Navy placed a government order for 94 units of 80-foot (24 meter) torpedo boats immediately after the country was involved in the Second world war. The boats turned out to be very successful and were subsequently actively modernized (mainly by increasing firepower).

War Thunder is about to get a major update: it has already been announced by the company Gaijin Entertainment, the update was called "Knights of the Sea". As you might guess, its developers devoted it to naval battles.

The start of open beta testing of the update is scheduled for this year. Rocket, torpedo and artillery boats, coast guard ships, and patrol ships will clash in fierce battles in the sea.

Creative Director of Gaijin Entertainment Kirill Yudintsev said that for developers high level realism is one of the main design features. The authors strive to create technology the way it was in real life without changing its characteristics. Classic battles of large ships are a real competition in patience and planning, such battles can last from several hours to even several days. Since in War Thunder the battles of all types of troops are joint, gamers will have the opportunity to control aircraft, tanks, and fleets on the same battlefield at the same time.

As it turned out, Gaijin Entertainment began to work on the development of the fleet even before the start of work on tanks, but the authors were in no hurry to introduce a heavy fleet into the game, since such battles would be too long and therefore of little interest. Or as an option - to make the ships unrealistic in terms of physics and control. Therefore, that part of the combat fleet was created, which is very fast and maneuverable, and which is extremely rarely reproduced in the gaming industry. The local ships and boats will be fast and dangerous enough to compete on equal terms with aircraft in the sky and tanks on the ground.

Most importantly, none of the nations represented in the game will be left without their own line of warships. While testing is going on, the alpha test team and other invited players will be able to take part in it. In addition, owners of one of the two Marine Starter Packs with unique ships, which are already available for pre-order in the game store, will also have the opportunity to test the fleet.

The first such set contains a Soviet river armored boat of project 1124, which is armed with the legendary Katyusha mount. But the second set includes the American PT-109 torpedo boat, also known for the fact that the future US President John F. Kennedy once served on such a boat. That one, that the other ship will be available in closed beta testing. More details about these vessels can be found in the development diaries.

Visitors to the Gamescom exhibition in Cologne will be the first to take part in the naval battles of War Thunder. The booth will have a special closed area, where guests will be offered to try themselves as the captain of a warship. And since not everyone will be able to get to the exhibition, for the rest of those who want to see the fleet in action in the game, it is planned to organize a video broadcast in which the authors of the game themselves will talk in detail about the new mode, show ships from different states, and also draw access keys to the closed beta testing among broadcast viewers.