War materials third world war. Military-political review. Based on events: how it can be

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Thursday that a third World War can lead to the "end of civilization".

This statement was made during the annual television program Direct Line with Vladimir Putin, where the president answers questions from journalists and citizens from all over Russia.

When asked if there would be a third world war, Putin quoted Albert Einstein, saying: "I don't know by what means the third world war will be fought, but the fourth will be fought with stones and sticks."

He continued: “After World War II, we live in relative peace. Regional wars constantly break out here and there ... but there were no global conflicts. Why? Because in the world, strategic parity has been established between the leading military powers. And no matter how what I’m saying now may sound, it may sound unpleasant, but it is true: the fear of mutual destruction has always restrained ... the leading military powers from sudden movements and made them respect each other. "

But then Putin said that current trends threaten to end the relative world we live in since the end of World War II.

Many analysts agree with the opinion that, paradoxically, nuclear arsenals have led humanity to an era of relative peace. American astronomer Carl Sagan said on this occasion: "The nuclear arms race is as if two sworn enemies were standing up to their chests in gasoline, but one had three matches in his hands, and the other had five." There will be no winners in a major nuclear war. The idea of ​​being the first to throw a match into the gasoline is counterintuitive. As Putin said, fear keeps the nuclear powers from confronting each other.

But the problem is that a person does not always think sensibly, especially in times of war.

For this reason, Herbert W. Armstrong, often referred to by world leaders as the unofficial ambassador of world peace, explained that the belief in nuclear deterrence and deterrence is wrong. Speaking on March 12, 1981 on the World Tomorrow program, he said:

Now we just rely on an idea and hope, we believe in a person, we believe that there are no fools who would start nuclear war... But do you really believe in man that much? Me not. Did you know that there are no weapons mass destruction that would not have been applied? And we have already used nuclear destruction in Japan, killing about 100 thousand people with one atomic bomb. Now hydrogen bombs are so powerful that atomic bombs only set them in motion, initiating an explosion.


Good Putin and his bad boyars

Svenska Dagbladet 06/07/2018

There will be no third world?

Daily Express 05/14/2018

Churchill was preparing a third world war against the USSR

Aftonbladet 05/03/2018

Will the United States be able to win World War III?

The Conversation 04/26/2018 There is no guarantee that in a moment of despair in the course of a war, the person in charge of the nuclear arsenal will not push the button. The history of mankind is the history of war, and it shows that when a war breaks out, people will not endlessly sit on the mountains of their most powerful weapon. They will apply it.

Bible prophecies indicate that nuclear weapons will be used in large numbers in World War III.

Sitting about 2,000 years ago on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem, the disciples of Jesus Christ asked him: “Tell us when will it be? And what is the sign of your coming and the end of the age? " (Gospel of Matthew 24: 3)

The disciples asked about the end of the era of humanity, which will destroy itself. Putin called this era "civilization" in his speech.

The disciples wanted to know when it would end human civilization, and when the kingdom of Christ over humanity begins. They asked him what events would lead to this crucial turning point.

Jesus gave them a detailed answer.

He explained that before his coming, many would fall prey to religious deception (lines 4-5). He also said that people would hear "about wars and rumors of war", about fierce international tension, about "gladness, sea and earthquakes in the localities" (lines 6-7). All these are preliminary signs, but they do not mean that the end of the human century is near. Christ said: "For all this must be, but it is not the end."

Further, Christ speaks of an event that will occur, but will not mean that the end of the human era is inevitable - and that its return is near: “For then there will be a great tribulation, which has not been from the beginning of the world until now, and will not be. And if those days had not been shortened, no flesh would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. "

At the time when Christ spoke these words on the Mount of Olives, a world war threatening the destruction of "all nations" was technically impossible.

But today, when nuclear weapons are spreading around the world, a war capable of destroying all life on our planet is not only possible, but also very likely. “Humanity has never been in such a position before,” British Prime Minister Winston Churchill said after World War II. "Without reaching a significantly higher level of virtue and without using much wiser guidance, people for the first time got into their hands such tools with which they can destroy all of humanity without a miss."

Humanity was able to destroy itself only in the modern era. This suggests that many of the key Bible prophecies about World War III are only possible in our nuclear age. "Great tribulation, which has not been from the beginning of the world until now," predicted in the Gospel, is precisely what we today call the third world war.

But while we are watching the approach of a global conflict, we have grounds for great hope! Christ says that the world war at the end of this era will be so destructive that it will kill all living things. However, he then adds one important detail in line 22: "But for the sake of the elect, those days will be shortened."

The third world war will be stopped! Before humanity can completely destroy itself with powerful weapons, Jesus Christ will stop the war. Immediately after an era of unprecedented destruction, he will begin new era unprecedented world.

In his article Nuclear Armageddon Is At the Door, Trumpet Editor-in-Chief Gerald Flurry writes about how close this era of peace is: “The coming of Christ is at every door. He will indeed return. He will rule this world, and at a great turning point in human history, he will show people how to succeed and build an earthly paradise. ”

Understanding how close we are to this bright future gives us perspectives that fill us with deep hope.

InoSMI materials contain assessments exclusively of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the InoSMI editorial board.

Today, experts and analysts from many countries around the world argue about when the third world war will begin. Perhaps this event will happen in 2018.

There are different opinions on whether the possible confrontation will take place in direct contact between the warring parties or become hybrid. We present to you a military-political review that will answer these questions.

The twentieth century has become one of the bloodiest periods in the history of mankind. Totalitarian regimes seeking to establish new borders and their own dictatorship in other countries, the redistribution of geopolitical spheres of influence led to two severe world wars.

As a result of the first of them, four empires collapsed - the Austro-Hungarian, German, Ottoman and Russian. According to the most conservative estimates of historians, the death toll was about 10 million people. It would seem that such consequences should have sobered the whole world for a long time, but after 30 years an even more terrible event awaited him.

The Second World War was truly worldwide. Military operations took place not only in Europe, but also in Asia and Africa, as well as in the waters of all the world's oceans. The international confrontation did not occur due to a specific local conflict, as it was thirty years ago, it was not the result of a struggle for the independence of the territory. This happened due to the desire of the fascist government of Germany to completely redraw the map of the world, destroying entire states along with the population.

It was during this confrontation that nuclear weapons were first used. The Japanese cities of Nagasaki and Hiroshima were subjected to the American atomic bombing. But the war was won thanks to the actions of the Soviet army.

Germany, together with its allies, lost as a result of the war, signed for the renunciation of its own armed forces.

These consequences excluded the country from the list of the largest military powers, even now not allowing it to be considered as the initiator of a new world conflict.

World War III concepts

Most experts now have no doubt that the world is on the verge of a new global confrontation. However, predictions about the future conflict, its causes and conditions, differ.

Some believe that cold war, which began with the famous Fulton speech of the Briton Winston Churchill in 1946 and ended with the fall of the Berlin Wall, and after it, the collapse Soviet Union, and is the Third World War. In this protracted conflict, there were two sides in the face of the superpowers - the USSR and the United States, but none of the participants needed to defend themselves.

Parity in atomic weapons protected rivals from direct aggression against each other, but this did not prevent the conduct of indirect military operations in the territories of the allies. It was a new strategy that worked.

Another concept is that the Third World War will begin in the near future and its the main reason would be America's loss of its status as the world's only superpower. It is claimed by China and Russia.

The first country will overtake the United States in terms of economic growth this year, having finally established itself as the main economy in the world. As for Russia, its growing role in geopolitics, supported by the presence of a modern army and weapons, is of great concern to the countries of the NATO bloc, especially the Americans and the British.

There is one more point of view. It lies in the fact that a new world conflict is already underway, and its cause should be sought in the sphere of global trade, in which each state seeks to dominate, economic growth and the elimination of competitors. This view is confirmed in connection with the sanctions against Russia, the introduction by the United States of the maximum possible duties on strategic imports from China and European countries.

There is harsh rhetoric from President Donald Trump, officials from Beijing and the European Union. The likelihood of direct aggression by either side in the short term is growing. Whichever concept is confirmed, it is obvious that the peaceful future of mankind is under threat.

Points of global tension

The place of the beginning of the First World War is considered to be the Balkans - the eternal powder keg of Europe. The formal reason for the next world conflict was Hitler's desire to restore historical justice.

Analysts today disagree on conditions and location. possible start Third World War.

One of the most obvious hotbeds of fire is Ukraine, with low-intensity, but artificially supported conflicts in the southeast of the country. The Minsk agreements are not being implemented, and the Ukrainian army, with the support of NATO countries and especially the United States, is gradually increasing the number of weapons and its own combat capability.

The entry of Crimea into Russia in March 2014 is also still a threat to the outbreak of hostilities. The chronicle of events is developing in such a way that by this action Russia has greatly secured itself from the point of view of possible enemy missile attacks. However, the very fact of the annexation of the peninsula still arouses the desire of hot heads to unleash there fighting... A way out of this conflict has not yet been found.

Another forecast calls Syria the starting point of the global military conflict.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly made it clear that the Russian troops and the Syrian army are opposed there not only, and not so much by terrorist organizations, as by American military advisers and the rebels controlled by them. The republic is the place where civilization was born, but in addition, Syria is strategically located, being the gateway to the territory of the Middle East.

Considering the need to control the coast Mediterranean Sea and the prospects for the creation of a pipeline to transport huge reserves of Qatari gas to the United States, it becomes clear that it is Syria that is likely to become the place where the possible participants in a new world war will clash not through intermediaries, but face to face.

There are fewer and fewer ways out to avoid international confrontation. Despite all the protests from Russia, the North Atlantic alliance continues to expand, approaching close to the country's borders. The negotiation process is not progressing, and the American political elite, as before, is interested in a war on another continent, which, in addition to solving long-term tasks to weaken Europe and Russia, will give development to the US military-industrial complex.

So far, the same atomic parity saves the parties from irreparable actions and fatal mistakes, but there is no guarantee that someone will not be the first to lose nerves.

Potential differences

Not so long ago, an analytical group of American military experts published a report, which indicates that Russia has significantly overtaken the United States in the development of both offensive and defensive weapons. In the spring, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about new models of Russian weapons, including superfast intercontinental missiles.

If a new world confrontation nevertheless begins, then it is unlikely to be conducted on the ground, in infantry and tank attacks. The era of such battles is over.

The main military operations are likely to be carried out in the air, possibly with the use of military space forces. By the way, direct battles are completely optional today. The use of biological and cybernetic weapons can inflict no less damage on a potential opponent.

But the main attention is still focused on atomic weapons, as the most destructive ones, capable of completely destroying cities with all their infrastructure. Since the mid-50s of the last century, all major powers have begun to create physical protection structures, bomb shelters capable of protecting civilians in the event of an atomic threat. However, in Russia, and in other states, these buildings are outdated and in need of serious modernization.

World War III prediction

In one of her predictions, the great Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga claimed that the greatest crisis on the planet would begin when Syria collapsed. It was then that the world will face the use of terrible and unprecedented weapons, chemical attacks on civilians, death and suffering of millions of citizens in all countries.

According to the soothsayer, Russia and the United States will be at the center of this confrontation. There is no clear indication of the start of these events, but based on the development of the situation in the Middle East, it can be assumed that the apogee of the conflict is close.

Vanga also pointed out that it will be possible to survive all the suffering of humanity only when anger and hatred leave people, when they gain spirituality and the ability to love and compassion. Until then, no politician and public figure will be able to change the situation. The prophecy also seemed to be the timing of a world war - it will be long, the torment of the world will last for decades.

The soothsayer assigned a special role to the Russian state. In her opinion, after a destructive war, it is our state that will become the center of the revival of mankind, a leader recognized by all countries and peoples.

You can treat Wanga's predictions in different ways, but it is obvious that World War III is not something impossible. No one will be able to win the new world conflict, so everyone will have to make every effort to finally find a way out of the situation.

The media are increasingly talking about the riots in this or that corner of the world. Conflicts occur both at the level of gangster groups and between the heads of countries, and this is fraught with global military clashes. With the level of modern weapons, any war will be bloody and destructive, comparing it to the ground of the city, leaving wives as widows, orphans.

Some believe that World War 3 has been going on for a long time and it is informational, when facts are distorted, half-truths are presented as true, and falsehood is presented as an alternative point of view. Slander is not as harmless as it seems at first glance in any country, on the basis of perjury, illegally convicted.

If a global intergovernmental conflict matures, everything may end in hostilities. So, will WW3 start in 2020? What do famous clairvoyants, psychics, monastics, astrologers of the present and past think about this?

In the twentieth century. Vanga was the most famous clairvoyant. They came to her for advice as simple people and the government elite. After her death, years later, scientists analyzed how accurately her predictions came true and it turned out that over 80% of what she predicted came true. According to researchers, this is a very high percentage, which speaks of Vanga's undoubted prophetic gift.

Clairvoyant predictions for 2020:

  1. Wanga said that from 2020 China will become a world superpower. Those countries that used to be leaders will fall into various economic dependencies, the standard of living of citizens in them will fall.
  2. From 2020, trains on wires will rapidly rush towards the sun. The interpreters think that she was referring to the invention of some new engines powered by solar energy.
  3. The clairvoyant warned about Syria, which will be at war. She will fall and this will be the beginning of World War III.
  4. Vanga said that from 2020 around the world there will no longer be oil production and the land will rest.

The monastic argued that in 2020 the people of the Russian Federation will unite. He foreshadowed the beginning of the war this year. Abel believed that the dark time would last not much, not a little - 9 years.

Experts in our time argue how to decipher this or that quatrain of Nostradamus? The Prophet looked 5 centuries into the future. Reality has changed so much that it is no wonder that Nostradamus could not understand something, describe it incorrectly, make a mistake somewhere.

There are no definite dates in the quatrains, as the states are called, which are narrated, in the quatrains there are many allegories, but the researchers manage to guess what the prophet was talking about. This is especially true of key and significant events that have already taken place. Here's what to experience in the near and more distant future:

  • Experts have deciphered that the prophet predicted floods in Europe in 2020. What will cause them? Due to the downpours, which will pour, without stopping, 2 months. From one quatrain, where the enemy in red is mentioned, experts have concluded that the countries located by the seas of the oceans and whose flag has a red color will suffer more than others. This is Italy, with the Czech Republic, Hungary, with Montenegro, England.
  • In early June 2020, severe fires will break out across Russia. Before they are eliminated, the center will be burned out. Why is this going to happen? Due to the abnormal heat both in the Russian Federation and around the world. To hide from the stuffiness and heat, people will begin to move to permanent residence in the northern regions. There is another interpretation of incinerating rays. Researchers assure that one of the gangster groups from the Middle East will use chemical weapons.
  • In the East, an armed conflict will break out again, as a result of which many military and civilians will die. European leaders will act rashly and war will break out in several other countries. The conflict between those who profess Christianity of different confessions will also escalate.

3 world will cover the entire planet. Nostradamus believed that at that time Siberia would become the center of civilization. People from all over the world will come to live in Russia and the country, along with China, will be the strongest in the world.

How did Wolf Messing see the future?

It is a pity to many that no one wrote down the predictions behind Messing. Prophecies have been lost because of this, and others have an unclear chronology, but researchers say there is something for 2020.

Will WW3 happen? Messing, believed that no, but he predicted various achievements and changes to mankind.

According to the prophet, America in 2020 will begin military operations in the East. This will be the mistake of those in power. There will be a recession in the economy and tension among the people. In addition, America will suffer from various natural disasters.

Taiwan, a natural disaster will befall Japan, but what exactly will happen, Messing did not specify. Due to instability in the EU countries, the euro will fall.

Predictions of Matrona of Moscow

Many Orthodox believers revere Matrona of Moscow. Much was spiritually revealed to her. She knew that the house of the Romanovs would fall and that a revolution would take place in 1917.

The beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Second World War, was also open to mother. Researchers argue that her ominous prediction will touch our days and people will begin to die when there is officially no war, they will be alive in the evening, and in the morning everyone will be dead. Some researchers think that Matrona meant some kind of spiritual death of the people, others are inclined that such a number of sudden deaths indicate an earthquake or an atomic explosion.

Foresight of the future by Iona Odessa

The monastic elder said that no one would attack Russia in the future. Don't be afraid of US aggression.

Father argued that World War 3 would begin to emerge in a country smaller in size than the Russian Federation. There, there will be inner unrest and break out Civil War... The Russian Federation, the United States and other countries will take part in it - this will be the beginning of World War III.

By the way, Archimandrite Jonah from Odessa claimed that he would die, that 1 year would pass and those sad events would begin. Indeed, he died in December 2012. 1 year later, unrest began in Ukraine, there was a "Euro Maidan" ...

The prediction of the astrologer Pavel Globa

He believes that Russia will not face anything more than sanctions in 2020. There is a "cold" war going on in the world.

The US and Europe are expected to increase the unemployment rate, their currencies will fall in value. In the world, the EU will no longer be as influential as it used to be.

Globa in 2020-2021 does not foresee the 3rd world. Military clashes will continue to occur in certain countries.

In the West, there is decline, and during this period the Russian Federation will attract, rally and will influence the countries that in the past were part of the USSR. More and more natural disasters will arise in the world due to the riots of nature and countries will support each other to the best of their ability.

This article may sound daunting. But we all live in such a time that the start of a new world war becomes a real prospect. In the article, we will answer the question of whether the start date of the Third World War is predicted or not.

Modern warfare

In the minds of most people who grew up on filmography based on the Great Patriotic War, the standard of fighting looks like a clipping from a movie. Reasoning logically, we understand that exactly the way a saber from 1917 would look ridiculous in the hands of a Soviet soldier of 1941, it will be strange to observe a picture of barbed wire being cut at night by partisans in our time.

And you must admit, having weapons of mass destruction in the form of nuclear charges, bacteriological crops and climate control, it is paradoxical to expect a repetition of the classics in the form of a bayonet-knife and a dugout.

Silent panic, gradually undermining Internet users and skillfully fueled by the media, is felt in the thousands of requests received every hour. People are so convinced of the inevitability of disaster that they hardly ask questions - will it happen? The clumsy wording sounds much more relevant: when is assigned exact date the beginning of the Third World War?

And now this is already frightening.

Battle for resources

The era when forests, fields, rivers and the defeated people were the main indemnity to the winner has passed forever. Today, the greatness of the country is dictated not by its population and not by a rich history of victories, but by the possession of underground treasures: oil sources, deposits natural gas, coal seams, uranium deposits.

The date of the beginning of the Third World War is not kept secret. It just passed so long ago that its exact number is hardly preserved in the minds. The dream of the engines of trade policy has come true - the economy and the struggle for the first place in the leadership elite have become at the head of the main values ​​in life.

It is not out of place to remember main method a trade relationship that works everywhere and at all times. The most selective piece never got to those who were bargaining and fighting for it - there was always someone else present, standing aside and sympathetically watching the fight.

Based on events: how it can be

Many will interfere, one will get it. It is no secret that the main threat to Russia is attributed to the United States, but the events unfolding around the world's largest leaders indicate that the general tension creates only the appearance of a real threat. The stream of information skillfully maintains the highest bar on the scale of mass hysteria, while the war unleashed by a powerful power (read - the USA) began long ago.

The events in Ukraine, Iraq and Syria speak not of spontaneous, but carefully thought-out actions, on which not a single hundred analysts with such a rich strategic experience have worked, which none of these countries simply does not have. After all, we are not talking about accidental clashes, reminiscent of the old fights "yard to yard" - we are talking about a war that draws in the masses. And here all sorts of peacekeeping missions with the introduction of friendly troops at the ready with friendly weapons only fuel a hostile attitude.

The EU readily accepts information in the form in which it is presented by the United States - apparently the European Union has neither the time nor the initiative for the proceedings. Like a bull to a red rag, so the leaders of the European Union will react to the slightest US movement towards military action against Russia.

This will give the Chinese government, which is holding itself back for a long time, a reason to speak. The stagnation of American troops in the Pacific region has long poisoned the existence of the patient Chinese, whose hand is already tired of trembling over the nuclear button. Israel's reaction is also predictable - the long-awaited concordant nod from the United States will allow them to attack Tehran, but how long Israel itself will survive after that is a big question. The last volleys across Iraq will hardly have time to die off, as the Libyan, Omani, Yemeni and (where without them) - Egyptian bombs will simply sweep away the hapless aggressor.

Anyone else interested in the start date of World War III? Then we discuss further.

A look from the outside - how it will be

It is useful to hear what he thinks about the events, it’s scary to say - the ones to come, retired Colonel General Anatoly Lopata, former Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and First Deputy Minister of Defense of Ukraine. Looking ahead, we note that the remark of the former Secretary of Defense about the location of the future battlefield fully coincides with the opinion of the British Air Force Colonel Ian Shields.

When asked by journalists what the Third World War is and when it will begin, Anatoly Lopata calmly explained that the war is in full swing and is called the aggressor country in it - who do you think? - of course, Russia. Moreover, even in relation to America, at least in the fact that it responds with sympathy to the Assad regime in Syria (!). At the same time, the Colonel-General admits that the United States is forced to reckon with the Russian Federation and this will remain unchanged, in view of the enormous economic and military potential of the latter.

The date of the beginning of the Third World War, according to the expert, thus refers to the distant past, but its development to the scale of epic battles is in the future, to which one still needs to live. Anatoly Lopata even shared a mysterious figure - 50. In his opinion, it is after this number of years that the warring powers will collide in the vast expanses of space.

Analyst forecasts

Joachim Hagopian, known since 2015, warned that the recruitment of "friends" by the US and Russia is not accidental. China and India will follow Russia anyway, and the EU countries have nothing to do but accept America's policy. For Korea, Hagopian predicted military neutrality towards both powers, but a rather violent internecine war with the likelihood of activating nuclear charges. It can be assumed that the day when the powerful weapon will be activated is the date of the beginning of the Third World War.

Alexander Richard Schiffer, an interesting personality and past head of NATO, in his book 2017: War with Russia, predicted the defeat of the United States due to financial collapse, followed by the collapse of the American army.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, as always, is unambiguous and says what most people delicately keep silent about. He is confident that America will not start any open actions until all the countries involved in the military conflict have gnawed among themselves in collapse, and exhausted, they will not lay down what remains of weapons. Then the United States will generously rally the discouraged losers and be the sole winner.

Sergei Glazyev, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation, proposes to create a coalition that fundamentally does not support military policy against Russia. The set of countries that are officially ready to speak out in favor of renouncing an armed conflict, he said, will be such that America will simply have to moderate its appetites.

As Wanga believed

The date of the beginning of the Third World War, Vanga, the most famous Bulgarian seer, either could not or did not want to predict. In order not to confuse minds with specifics, the clairvoyant only said that the cause of the war was religious strife around the world. Drawing a parallel with current events, it can be assumed that the date of the beginning of World War III, which Wanga never predicted, falls on the period of the terrorist acts of the ISIS group disguised as offended religious feelings.

In terms of exact dates

How not to mention the world-wide American Horatio Villegas, whose vision of fiery spheres striking the earth from heaven became a sensation in 2015. Adapting quite materialistic tasks to the act of clairvoyance, Horatio hastened to announce that he knew the date of the beginning of the Third World War - 05/13/2017. With regret or great joy, we note that no one had to observe the fireballs on May 13.

It remains to be hoped that people who were expecting big events in March 2017 were not very upset when they lost confirmation of the words of astrologer Vlad Ross. Recall that this person also named the start date of the Third World War - 03/26/2017, which did not find a response in reality.

On August 22, 2018, the third world economic war will begin, namely a full-scale US sanctions attack on Russia.

Symbolically: 22 numbers again! Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in this regard that the restriction of the activities of Russian banks announced by US sanctions would be tantamount to declaring an "economic war" on Russia. Since the US sanctions and trade wars are waging not only with Russia, but also with China, Iran, and even with Europe, already with seventeen countries, we can say that a world economic war is starting. A Nazi foothold was again created near the borders of Russia, this time Bandera's in the former Ukraine, again created by the United States together with other Western demagogic "democracies".

As one American general said, the United States does not want to fight on equal terms, so it attacks in the area where it has an advantage: financial and economic. They are so comfortable. And it is convenient for Russia to answer asymmetrically in other areas, in other venues. According to Dmitry Medvedev, Russia will respond not only by political and economic, but also by "other methods." What methods can these be?

In this sense, Russia can do a lot of things "useful" for the United States. Stop cooperation not only with the United States, but also with its main vassals in areas with a dual purpose: space, energy, aviation and others. Expand economic and military ties with countries independent of the United States. Impose economic and energy sanctions against US satellites on Russia's borders, as they are potential footholds for a military attack. What prevents Russia, as the United States does, from helping scenarios of "regime change" in their colonies? This, at the very least, will bring them into chaos.

In Helsinki, Trump and Putin agreed, as follows from some comments, on the non-use of nuclear weapons on the territory of the United States and Russia. The rest of the world can be a theater of war, as recorded in the John McCain US Defense Budget Act just passed by the US Congress. If the United States went crazy after McCain, then this should be the starting point.

Following the example of the United States, you can speak at the expert level possible scenarios delivering preventive strikes against American bridgeheads advanced to Russia in the event of a threat of an attack on Russia. As the United States did during the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Russia can become a supplier of security for all countries independent of the United States, supplying them with air defense systems and other defensive weapons. For example, Venezuela. In addition, Russia can assist insurgents around the world in their struggle for freedom against pro-American colonial regimes and death squads created by the US CIA.

The United States accuses Russia of cyber war, so it is necessary to proceed from this and present counter-accusations to the US NSA in attacks on Russian Internet resources that exist, and suppress these sources of cyber attacks. International law does not prohibit anything in cyberspace, and the US refuses to negotiate with Russia on regulating the Internet, which means that everything is allowed!

In a world war, all countries will have to define themselves in one way or another so as not to be caught between the millstones. In fact, it has already happened that Russia is carrying out military containment of the United States, and China is carrying out financial and economic containment. Europe is thinking how to avoid becoming a theater of military operations, while Turkey is already working in a regional alliance with Russia and Iran, and publicly accuses the United States of sanctioned "outrage".

There is still room for compromise as long as President Trump confronts Congress and is not removed from power until ideological accusations are raised. In Congress, some madmen are already declaring Russia a sponsor of terrorism. Russia continues to call Americans partners, friends, and colleagues overseas. Ironically, of course. But other appeals are also being prepared, they are uttered by Vladimir Zhirinovsky when he speaks of the neoliberal fascism of the United States. Statements about the world leadership of the only US superpower, the uniqueness and uniqueness of this leadership, US support for neo-fascist regimes in the world indicate precisely the new American fascism.

The world economic war can still slide into the world financial and economic crisis. Lord Jacob Rothschild recently delivered an address to the world: “The years of low interest rates and US policy that inflated the capitalization of stock markets are now coming to an end. The global economic model will be completely destroyed, the victims of the crisis will be, first of all, countries with high level external debt ".

A pretty clear message that explains why Russia, with its small budget, successfully confronts the financial monsters of the world: Russia has a real economy, and the monsters have inflated stock capitalization. Therefore, we can agree with Karen Shakhnazarov, who believes that the sanctions will only benefit Russia if we approach this matter wisely. The West was peacefully sucking Russia in, but Putin’s Russia was down his throat, this is the whole point, in the opinion of our eminent director and already a political scientist.

And about Trump and his possible impeachment. In this extreme case, Vladimir Putin can bring down the political situation in the United States with one phrase: "But Trump is my agent!" It doesn't matter if it is so or not, and what he meant in general ...