The threat of nuclear war is a global problem. What happens if a nuclear war breaks out? Scenario and consequences of the disaster. Nuclear weapons as a problem for mankind Nuclear weapons are a threat to life on earth

A nuclear war is usually called a hypothetical clash between countries or military-political blocs that have thermonuclear or nuclear weapons and put them into action. Nuclear weapons in such a conflict will become the main means of destruction. The history of nuclear war, fortunately, has not yet been written. But after starting cold war in the second half of the last century, a nuclear war between the US and the USSR was considered a very likely development.

  • What happens if a nuclear war breaks out?
  • Doctrines of nuclear war in the past
  • US nuclear doctrine during the thaw
  • Russian nuclear doctrine

What happens if a nuclear war breaks out?

Many fearfully asked the question: what will happen if a nuclear war breaks out? This is a major environmental hazard:

  • Explosions would release a huge amount of energy.
  • Ashes and soot from fires would block the sun for a long time, which would lead to the effect of "nuclear night" or "nuclear winter" with a sharp drop in temperature on the planet.
  • The apocalyptic picture was to be supplemented by radioactive contamination, which would have no less catastrophic consequences for life.

It was assumed that most of the countries of the world would inevitably be drawn into such a war, directly or indirectly.

The danger of a nuclear war is that it would lead to a global environmental catastrophe and even the death of our civilization.

What will happen in the event of a nuclear war? A powerful explosion is only part of the disaster:

  1. As a result of a nuclear explosion, a giant fireball is formed, the heat from which chars or completely burns all life at a sufficiently large distance from the epicenter of the explosion.
  2. A third of the energy is released in the form of a powerful light pulse, which is a thousand times brighter than the radiation of the sun, so it instantly ignites all flammable materials (fabrics, paper, wood), and causes third-degree burns to people.
  3. But the primary fires do not have time to flare up, because they are partially extinguished by a powerful blast wave. Flying burning debris, sparks, household gas explosions, short circuits and burning petroleum products cause extensive and already long-lasting secondary fires.
  4. Separate fires merge into a terrifying fiery tornado that can easily burn down any metropolis. Such fiery tornadoes, arranged by the allies, destroyed Dresden and Hamburg during the Second World War.
  5. Since heat is released in large quantities in mass fires, the heated air masses rush upward, forming hurricanes near the surface of the earth, bringing new portions of oxygen to the focus.
  6. Dust and soot ascend to the stratosphere, forming a giant cloud there that blocks the sunlight. A prolonged blackout leads to a nuclear winter.

After a nuclear war, the Earth would hardly have remained at least a little like its former self, it would be scorched, and almost all living things would die.

An instructive video about what will happen if a nuclear war starts:

Doctrines of nuclear war in the past

The first doctrine (theory, concept) of nuclear war arose immediately after the end of World War II, in the United States. Then it was invariably reflected in the strategic concepts of NATO and the United States. However, the military doctrine of the USSR also assigned nuclear missiles a decisive role in the next big war.

Initially, a massive nuclear war scenario was envisaged with the unlimited use of all available nuclear weapons, and their targets would be not only military, but also civilian objects. It was believed that in such a conflict, the advantage would have been given to the country that was the first to launch a massive nuclear strike against the enemy, the purpose of which was the preemptive destruction of his nuclear weapons.

But there was the main problem of nuclear war - a preventive nuclear attack might not be so effective, and the enemy would be able to launch a retaliatory nuclear strike on industrial centers and large cities.

Since the late 1950s, a new concept of "limited nuclear war" has emerged in the United States. In the 1970s, according to this concept, various weapons systems could be used in a hypothetical armed conflict, including operational-tactical and tactical nuclear weapons, which had limitations on the scale of use and means of delivery. Nuclear weapons in such a conflict would only be used to destroy military and important economic facilities. If a distortion of history could happen, nuclear wars in the recent past could actually follow a similar scenario.

One way or another, but the United States is still the only state that in practice used nuclear weapons in 1945 not against the military, but dropped 2 bombs on the civilian population of Hiroshima (August 6) and Nagasaki (August 9).


On August 6, 1945, under the guise of the Potsdam Declaration, which set an ultimatum regarding the immediate surrender of Japan, the American government sent an American bomber to the Japanese Islands, and at 08:15 Japanese time it dropped the first nuclear bomb on the city of Hiroshima, which had the code name "Kid".

The power of this charge was relatively small - about 20,000 tons of TNT. The explosion of the charge occurred at an altitude of about 600 meters above the ground, and its epicenter was above the Sima hospital. Hiroshima was not chosen by chance as the target of a demonstrative nuclear strike - it was there at that time that the General Staff of the Japanese Navy and the Second General Staff of the Japanese Army were located.

  • The explosion destroyed a large part of Hiroshima.
  • Over 70,000 people were killed instantly.
  • Near 60,000 died later from wounds, burns and radiation sickness.
  • Within a radius of about 1.6 kilometers there was a zone of complete destruction, while fires spread over an area of ​​11.4 square meters. km.
  • 90% of the city's buildings were either completely destroyed or badly damaged.
  • The tram system miraculously survived the bombardment.

In the six months following the bombing, they died from its consequences. 140,000 people.

This “insignificant”, according to the military, charge once again proved that the consequences of a nuclear war for humanity are devastating, as for a race.

Sad video about the nuclear attack on Hiroshima:


On August 9, at 11:02 am, another American plane dropped another nuclear charge on the city of Nagasaki - "Fat Man". It was blown up high above the Nagasaki Valley, where industrial plants were located. The second consecutive American nuclear attack on Japan caused new catastrophic destruction and loss of life:

  • 74,000 Japanese were killed instantly.
  • 14,000 buildings were completely destroyed.

In fact, these terrible moments can be called the days when a nuclear war almost started, since bombs were dropped on civilians, and only a miracle stopped the moment when the world was on the brink of nuclear war.

US nuclear doctrine during the thaw

After the end of the Cold War, the American doctrine of limited nuclear war was transformed into the concept of counterproliferation. It was first voiced by US Secretary of Defense L. Espin in December 1993. The Americans considered that with the help of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons it was no longer possible to achieve this goal, therefore, at critical moments, the United States reserved the right to deliver "disarming strikes" on the nuclear facilities of objectionable regimes.

In 1997, a directive was adopted according to which the US Army must be ready to strike at foreign facilities for the production and storage of biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. And in 2002, the concept of counterproliferation was included in the US national security strategy. Within its framework, the United States intended to destroy nuclear facilities in Korea and Iran or take control of Pakistani facilities.

Russian nuclear doctrine

The military doctrine of Russia also periodically changes its wording. In the latter version, Russia reserves the right to use nuclear weapons if not only nuclear or other types of weapons of mass destruction, but also conventional weapons were used against it or its allies, if this threatens the very foundations of the existence of the state, which may become one of the causes of nuclear war. This indicates the main thing - the likelihood of a nuclear war is currently quite acute, but the rulers understand that no one can survive in this conflict.

Russian nuclear weapons

An alternative story with a nuclear war developed in Russia. The US State Department for 2016 estimated, based on the data provided under the START-3 treaty, that in Russian army deployed 508 strategic nuclear launchers:

  • intercontinental ballistic missiles;
  • strategic bombers;
  • submarine missiles.

In total, there are 847 nuclear charge carriers, on which 1796 charges are installed. It should be noted that nuclear weapons in Russia are being reduced quite intensively - in half a year their number is reduced by 6%.

With such weapons and more than 10 countries in the world that have officially confirmed the presence of nuclear weapons, the threat of nuclear war is global problem, the prevention of which is a guarantee of life on Earth.

Are you afraid of nuclear war? Do you think it will come and how soon? Share your opinion or guesses in the comments.

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Nuclear weapons are a threat to life on Earth. The work was completed by: Teacher-organizer of OBZH MBOU "School No. 113", Kazan: Turunovskaya E.A. 2013

Wars left their mark on the development of society in all previous eras of development. human civilization. In the 20th century alone, more than 100 million people died in two world and local wars. And in the second half of this century, nuclear weapons appeared, and there was a real threat of destruction of entire countries and even continents, that is, almost all modern civilization and life on Earth in general.

What is a nuclear weapon? -One of the most destructive means of warfare. - Weapons of mass destruction. (In a short time affects a large number of people and animals). - It was first developed in the USA during the Second World War.

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device in which the energy source is fusion or fission. atomic nuclei- nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy released during the fusion of light nuclei are called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear weapons and their means of delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons.

A nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), near the surface of the earth (ground) or water (surface), underground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and space ).

The damaging factors of a nuclear explosion Shock wave Light radiation Electromagnetic pulse Radiation contamination Penetrating radiation

Types of explosions Ground Underground Surface Underwater Air High-rise

July 24, 1946 were tested 21-kiloton ammunition "Baker" (USA). Underwater nuclear explosion on Bikini Atoll.

On August 30, 1961, in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya (73°51′ N 54°30′ E), a thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at an altitude of 4500 m. The power of the explosion was 58 megatons of TNT.

On July 7, 1977, the first test of a "humane weapon" took place in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-yield nuclear weapon, destroys organic life without causing damage to buildings, structures and equipment.

Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 Bulava. A successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time by a Russian submarine missile cruiser from a submerged position.

The total power of nuclear weapons already accumulated in the world is more than sufficient to destroy all life on Earth more than once...

Consequently, modern war is turning into a global problem for all mankind. The disaster will not pass Agriculture and major ecosystems and will lead to a global ecological catastrophe.

According to a report by the US National Academy of Sciences, up to 10,000 Mt of nuclear warheads could be detonated in a world nuclear war. The first detrimental effect of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires, up to 5 million tons of soot will fall into the stratosphere (to a height of up to 80 km).

By absorbing sunlight, the soot will heat up and heat the gases around it, which will greatly speed up the chemical reactions that lead to the decay of stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in the middle latitudes - by 25-45%, in general by 70% over the Northern Hemisphere and by 40% - over the Southern Hemisphere.

The ozone layer supports life on Earth by shielding (holding) about 2/3 of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms and life in general appeared on Earth.

Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will have devastating consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems): people will get extensive burns and skin cancers; some plants and small organisms will die instantly; many people and animals will become blind and lose the ability to navigate.

With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of the air over all continents. The consequences will be especially severe in the summer, when over land in the Northern Hemisphere the temperature drops below the freezing point of water. In other words, all living things that do not burn in fires will freeze.

Scientific committee for the study of protection problems environment(SCOPE) published a two-volume publication on assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of nuclear war. “Nuclear Winter”, it says, “means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions not directly involved in nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on Earth, a catastrophe unprecedented in human history, and will be threat to the very existence of humanity."

In the central regions of the continents of the Northern Hemisphere, the temperature will drop to -31°C. The temperature of the world's oceans will remain above 0°C. Due to the large temperature difference, severe storms will arise, tsunamis will form.

Electromagnetic pulses from nuclear explosions will completely destroy electronic systems communications, Electricity of the net and the Earth's electromagnetic field. The destruction of the Earth's electromagnetic field will cause the strongest natural disasters: hurricanes, tornadoes, typhoons, floods, and so on. Water and air will be mixed into one mass. The weather will be considered good when there is no hurricane wind.

People who survived nuclear explosions in the very first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be carried by natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in soil. Penetrating radiation acts only 10-15 seconds after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause in unprotected people and animals a serious illness called radiation sickness. The action of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of living tissues.

This leads to a violation of the normal metabolism in the human or animal body, a change in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. Irradiation is invisible to humans. Symptoms of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the dose of radiation received.

People of the Earth! Do not launch nuclear weapons into outer space! Do not destroy life on the planet!

It's time for us to fight for our lives seriously. Why do we watch for many years how the powers build up their nuclear potentials? We understand that any use of this potential will remove life on the planet. Who is threatening whom? We understand that any use of nuclear weapons will affect all the people of the Earth, because their power is so deadly, and every year the weapons invented by the killers of mankind are more and more deadly, that they will not bring victory or benefit to anyone. So why make it? After all, there is a huge factor in the human psyche. So many times this nuclear war could have already begun, and the fingers of the leaders of the countries reached for the nuclear buttons. Caribbean crisis, UFO flights even over the European part of Canada. The Minister of Defense of Canada told how these flights almost caused the use of a nuclear response. So why do we look at it calmly?

After all, the citizens of the world are so illiterate who think that nuclear weapons are local weapons. We know that one of the American journalists revealed that 9 out of 10 Americans agree to the use of nuclear weapons against Russia. And the history of the use of the only, thank God, so far, in the world of this weapon is August 6, 1945 Hiroshima and August 9, 1945 Nagasaki. It is blasphemous that the American bomber Enola Gay was named after the mother of the crew commander, Colonel Paul Tibbets. Whom did this mother give birth to? Killer of thousands and thousands of people. The total number of deaths was up to 166 thousand in Hiroshima and up to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki. This immediately, and then hundreds of thousands died from radiation sickness, oncology and other consequences.

I think that this date should really be remembered by all the people of the world, but we forgot about it. If all the people of the world order their leaders to destroy nuclear weapons, if we all stand up for peace, then this will happen. We do not know that it is we who rule the world. We think that it is they who rule the world, those who have taken the helm by hook or by crook. And it is we, the citizens of the planet, who must and must create the fate of the planet, and not wait until others create it at their own discretion. Therefore, of course, not a single person in the world needs a nuclear war. And everyone must show their will clearly, strongly, definitely. Are we going to be afraid to defend our lives? Then why live if we are afraid to protect our lives?

The most valuable thing we have is life, and we must protect it. And before you act, of course, you need to pray. Before any good deed, we pray to the only source of life on Earth - this is the Sun. We understand that the World is alive, the Cosmos is alive, the planets are alive and the Sun is alive, and it hears us, it responds to our appeals. Our ancestors knew this, and the only religion on the whole Earth before Christianity was Mithraism - the worship of Mithra, Ra - the God of the Sun. And this lunar cult, which is a deadly reflection of the light of the Sun, supplanted the living powerful faith of our ancestors. Let's return to the Sun, because according to all Eastern beliefs, the Kali Yuga is ending - the era of cosmic darkness, the cosmic day is coming - the Golden Age, strive for it, strive for the Sun, for harmony, fortunately, only then will you deserve this Golden Age. Egoists, cowards, will never deserve divine mercy, happiness, joy. And therefore we must become, first of all, really strong, honest, courageous. Ask yourself, do you really want to live? Want to? Protect your life, turn to the Sun, don't be shy. Involve everyone in this prayer for Peace: both relatives and friends, because prayer is energy.

The existence of psychic energy is hidden from us, but it exists. Ayurvedic doctors know about this, and Chinese doctors know about it, namely vital energy they correct in the person and the person recovers. So let's send this vital energy to the Sun all together. The more of us there are, the faster the Sun will hear us and help us remove this deadly weapon from the planet. With God blessing!

Stepantsova K.

slide 2

Wars left their mark on the development of society in all previous eras of the development of human civilization. In the 20th century alone, more than 100 million people died in two world and local wars. And in the second half of this century, nuclear weapons appeared, and there was a real threat of destruction of entire countries and even continents, that is, almost all modern civilization and life on Earth in general.

slide 3

What is a nuclear weapon?

One of the most destructive means of warfare.

Weapons of mass destruction. (In a short time it affects a large number of people and animals).

It was first developed in the USA during the Second World War.

slide 4

A nuclear weapon is an explosive device in which the source of energy is the synthesis or fission of atomic nuclei - a nuclear reaction. Devices that use the energy released during the fusion of light nuclei are called thermonuclear. Nuclear weapons include both nuclear weapons and their means of delivery to the target and controls. Nuclear weapons are classified as weapons of mass destruction (WMD) along with biological and chemical weapons.

slide 5

A nuclear explosion can be carried out in the air at different heights (air - the most effective of all), near the surface of the earth (ground) or water (surface), underground (underground) and under water (underwater), as well as in space (high-altitude and space ).

slide 6

Damaging factors of a nuclear explosion

  • shock wave
  • light emission
  • electromagnetic pulse
  • radiation contamination
  • penetrating radiation
  • Slide 7

    Types of explosions

    • ground
    • Underground
    • Surface
    • Underwater
    • Air
    • high-rise
  • Slide 8

    Underwater nuclear explosion on Bikini Atoll.

    Slide 9

    On August 30, 1961, in the Soviet Union, within the nuclear test site on Novaya Zemlya (73°51′ N 54°30′ E), a thermonuclear bomb (Tsar Bomba) was detonated at an altitude of 4500 m. The power of the explosion was 58 megatons of TNT.

    Slide 10

    On July 7, 1977, the first test of a "humane weapon" took place in the United States - a neutron bomb, which, being a type of low-yield nuclear weapon, destroys organic life with the help of neutron irradiation without damaging buildings, structures and equipment.

    slide 11

    Intercontinental ballistic missile RSM-56 Bulava. A successful launch was carried out on September 18, 2008 at 18:45 Moscow time by a Russian submarine missile cruiser from a submerged position.

    slide 12

    The total power of nuclear weapons already accumulated in the world is more than sufficient to destroy all life on Earth more than once...

    slide 13

    Consequently, modern war is turning into a global problem for all mankind.

    The catastrophe will not bypass agriculture and major ecosystems and will entail a global ecological catastrophe.

    Slide 14

    According to a report by the US National Academy of Sciences, up to 10,000 Mt of nuclear warheads could be detonated in a world nuclear war. The first detrimental effect of nuclear explosions of such a total force will be the destruction of the ozone layer of the stratosphere. As a result of explosions and fires, up to 5 million tons of soot will fall into the stratosphere (to a height of up to 80 km).

    slide 15

    By absorbing sunlight, the soot will heat up and heat the gases around it, which will greatly speed up the chemical reactions that lead to the decay of stratospheric ozone. The total amount of ozone will decrease by 20%, in the middle latitudes - by 25-45%, in general by 70% over the Northern Hemisphere and by 40% - over the Southern Hemisphere.

    slide 16

    The ozone layer supports life on Earth by shielding (holding) about 2/3 of the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. It is believed that the formation of the ozone layer about 600 million years ago was the condition due to which multicellular organisms and life in general appeared on Earth.

    Slide 17

    Thus, the destruction of the ozone layer will have devastating consequences for many forms of life (especially for the inhabitants of aquatic ecosystems): people will suffer extensive burns and skin cancers; some plants and small organisms will die instantly; many people and animals will become blind and lose the ability to navigate.

    Slide 18

    With the onset of "nuclear winter" there will be a sharp, strong (from 15º to 40º C in different regions) long-term cooling of the air over all continents. The consequences will be especially severe in the summer, when over land in the Northern Hemisphere the temperature drops below the freezing point of water. In other words, all living things that do not burn in fires will freeze.

    Slide 19

    The Scientific Committee for the Study of Environmental Protection (SCOPE) has published a two-volume publication on assessments of the climatic and environmental consequences of nuclear war. “Nuclear Winter”, it says, “means a significant increase in the scale of suffering for humanity, including nations and regions not directly involved in nuclear war ... Nuclear war will cause the destruction of life on Earth, a catastrophe unprecedented in human history, and will be a threat to the very existence of humanity."

    People who survived nuclear explosions in the very first days will begin to suffer from radiation. Radiation will be carried by natural disasters and will be everywhere: in the air, in water, in soil. Penetrating radiation acts only 10-15 seconds after the explosion. However, this is enough to cause in unprotected people and animals a serious illness called radiation sickness. The action of penetrating radiation is based on the fact that gamma rays and neutrons ionize the molecules of living tissues.

    slide 23

    This leads to a violation of the normal metabolism in the human or animal body, a change in the vital activity of cells and individual organs. Irradiation is invisible to humans. Symptoms of the disease appear only after a certain time, and the further development of the disease depends on the dose of radiation received.

    slide 24

    People of the Earth! Do not launch nuclear weapons into outer space!

    Do not destroy life on the planet!

    View all slides

    It's time for us to fight for our lives seriously. Why do we watch for many years how the powers build up their nuclear potentials? We understand that any use of this potential will remove life on the planet. Who is threatening whom? We understand that any use of nuclear weapons will affect all people on Earth, because its power is so deadly, and every year more and more deadly weapons invented by the killers of mankind, that it will not bring victory or benefit to anyone. So why make it? After all, there is a huge factor in the human psyche. So many times this nuclear war could have already begun, and the fingers of the leaders of the countries reached for the nuclear buttons. Caribbean crisis, UFO flights even over the European part of Canada. The Minister of Defense of Canada told how these flights almost caused the use of a nuclear response. So why do we look at it calmly?

    After all, the citizens of the world are so illiterate who think that nuclear weapons are local weapons. We know that one of the American journalists revealed that 9 out of 10 Americans agree to use nuclear weapons against Russia. And the history of the use of the only, thank God, so far, in the world of this weapon is August 6, 1945 Hiroshima and August 9, 1945 Nagasaki. It is blasphemous that the American bomber Enola Gay was named after the mother of the crew commander, Colonel Paul Tibbets. Whom did this mother give birth to? Killer of thousands and thousands of people. The total number of deaths was up to 166 thousand in Hiroshima and up to 80 thousand people in Nagasaki. This immediately, and then hundreds of thousands died from radiation sickness, oncology and other consequences.

    I think that this date should really be remembered by all the people of the world, but we forgot about it. If all the people of the world order their leaders to destroy nuclear weapons, if we all stand up for peace, then this will happen. We do not know that it is we who rule the world. We think that it is they who rule the world, those who have taken the helm by hook or by crook. And it is we, the citizens of the planet, who must and must create the fate of the planet, and not wait until others create it at their own discretion. Therefore, of course, not a single person in the world needs a nuclear war. And everyone must show their will clearly, strongly, definitely. Shall we be afraid to defend our lives? Then why live if we are afraid to protect our lives?

    The most valuable thing we have is life, and we must protect it. And before you act, of course, you need to pray. Before any good deed, we pray to the only source of life on Earth - this is the Sun. We understand that the World is alive, the Cosmos is alive, the planets are alive and the Sun is alive, and it hears us, it responds to our appeals. Our ancestors knew this, and the only religion on the whole Earth before Christianity was Mithraism - the worship of Mithra, Ra - the God of the Sun. And this lunar cult, which is a deadly reflection of the light of the Sun, supplanted the living powerful faith of our ancestors. Let's return to the Sun, because according to all Eastern beliefs, the Kali Yuga is ending - the era of cosmic darkness, the cosmic day is coming - the Golden Age, strive for it, strive for the Sun, for harmony, fortunately, only then will you deserve this Golden Age. Egoists, cowards, will never deserve divine mercy, happiness, joy. And therefore we must become, first of all, really strong, honest, courageous. Ask yourself, do you really want to live? Want to? Protect your life, turn to the Sun, don't be shy. Involve everyone in this prayer for Peace: both relatives and friends, because prayer is energy.

    The existence of psychic energy is hidden from us, but it exists. Ayurvedic doctors know about this, Chinese doctors also know about it, they correct the vital energy in a person, and the person recovers. So let's send this vital energy to the Sun all together. The more of us there are, the faster the Sun will hear us and help us remove this deadly weapon from the planet. With God blessing!