Colorless gas is not smell. The characteristic of explosive and harmful gases. Natural gas - the best type of fuel

Poisoning gas is toxic chemical substancewhich causes intoxicating the body and the defeat of internal organs and systems. Falls through respiratory system, Skin, gastrointestinal tract.

List of poison gas depending on their toxicological impact:

  1. Nervous-paralytic - damp gas, Zarin.
  2. Skin-disruptable - Luzit, Iprit.
  3. Choosing - phosgene, dithosgen, chlorine.
  4. Tears - bromobenzyl cyanide, chloroacetophenone.
  5. General exposure - Sinyl Acid, chlorocian.
  6. Irritating - adamsit, cr, cs.
  7. Psychotomimetic - BZ, LSD-25.

Consider the most dangerous gases, the mechanism of their defeat, signs of poisoning in humans.


ZARIN - poisonous liquid substance that at a temperature of 20 ° C, a nervous-paralytic effect on the human body evaporates. In the state of the gas, it is blunt and odorless, is most dangerous when inhaled.

Symptoms appear immediately when entering the respiratory tract. The first signs of poisoning are difficult to breathe, the narrowing of the pupil.

Clinical manifestations:

  • irritation of the mucosa of the nose, liquid selection;
  • salivation, vomiting;
  • squeezing in the chest;
  • shortness of breath, skin formation;
  • spasm bronchi and enhanced mucus formation in them;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • strong spasms and abdominal pain.

If you get into the body of vapors of high concentration there is a strong lesion of the brain after 1-2 minutes. A person cannot control the physiological functions of the body - involuntary defecation and urination. Convulsions appear, convulsions. Coma develops with subsequent heart stop.

Mustard gas

Hyprint is mustard gas. it chemical compound Skin-disruptive action. In a liquid form, the substance has the smell of mustard. The body falls in two ways - air-drip and when contacting liquid with leather. It has the property to accumulate. Signs of poisoning poison manifest after 2-8 hours.

Symptoms of gas intoxication when inhalation:

  • damage to the mucous eye;
  • tearing, light-dining, the feeling of sand in the eyes;
  • dryness and burning in the nose, then the swelling swelling with purulent release;
  • larygitis, tracheitis;
  • bronchitis.

If the liquid falls into the eye, it will cause blindness. With a severe degree of poisoning, pneumonia develops, death comes on the 3-4th day from choking.

Symptoms of gas poisoning when hitting the skin - redness with the subsequent formation of bubbles containing serous fluid, skin lesions, ulcers, necrosis. Gas destroys cellular shells, disrupts carbohydrate exchange, partially destroys DNA and RNA.


Luzit is the strongest poisonous substance, whose pairs are capable of penetrating through the costume of chemical protection and gas masks. It is a brown liquid, has a sharp smell. Gas refers to skin-disruptive poisoning means. Acts on the body instantly and does not have a latent period.

Symptoms of gas poisoning with skin damage develop within 5 minutes:

  • pain and burning in contact site;
  • inflammatory changes;
  • painful redness;
  • the formation of bubbles, they quickly open;
  • the appearance of erosions, hesitate for several weeks;
  • in severe cases, deep ulcers are formed when large concentrations of louisite are formed.

Symptoms when inhalation of gas:

  • lesion of the nasopharynk mucosa, trachea, bronchi;
  • nasal liquid;
  • sneezing, cough;
  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • voice loss;
  • feeling pressure in the chest, shortness of breath.

Very sensitive to poisonous gas mucosa. It becomes red, swelling the eyelids, enhances tearing. Man is experiencing a feeling of burning in the eyes. If a liquid luisitis gets into the gastrointestinal tract, abundant salivation and vomiting begins. A sharp pain in the abdominal cavity is joined. Internal organs are affected, blood pressure drops sharply.

Hydrogen sulfide

Hydrogen sulfide is a colorless gas with a sharp smell of rotten eggs. In large concentrations, the substance is very toxic. Falling into the body when inhalation, symptoms of general intoxication develop - Headache, dizziness, weakness. The hydrogen sulfide is quickly absorbed into the blood and affects the central nervous system.

Signs of gas poisoning:

  • in the mouth, metallic taste;
  • paralysis nerve responsible for the smell, so the victim immediately ceases to feel any odors;
  • damage to respiratory tract, pulmonary swelling;
  • strong convulsions;
  • coma.

Carbon monoxide

Curmarket gas is a colorless poisoning substance, lighter than air. Finding into the body through the respiratory tract, quickly absorbed into the blood and binds to hemoglobin. Thus, the transportation of oxygen in all cells is blocked, oxygen starvation occurs, cell breathing stops.

Symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning:

  • dizziness and headache;
  • rapid breathing and heartbeat, shortness of breath;
  • noise in ears;
  • violation of visual acuity, flickering in the eyes;
  • redness of the skin;
  • nausea, vomiting.

With severe poisoning, convulsions are observed. The symptoms of the preceding coma are growing - the drop of blood pressure, sharp weakness, loss of consciousness. In the absence of medical care, death occurs after 1 hour.


Phosgen is a colorless gas, it is distinguished by the smell of the heavy hay. The substance is dangerous when inhalation, the first signs of intoxication are manifested in 4-8 hours. At high concentrations, death occurs after 3 seconds. Gas, falling into the lungs, destroys them, causing instant swelling.

Symptoms at different stages of poisoning:

  1. Elevation of the lungs begins to develop in the latent period when the victim does not suspect the poisoning. The first signals from the body - the sweet, showing the taste in the mouth, nausea. Sometimes it is vomiting. A man feels a hole in the throat, itching and burning in the nasophal. A cough reflex occurs, breathing and pulse are disturbed.
  2. After the hidden period, the condition of the victim deteriorates sharply. A strong cough appears, a man begins to choke. Shine skin and lips.
  3. The stage of progressive deterioration is a strong pressure in the chest, leading to suffocation, the respiratory frequency increases 70 per minute (norm 18). A lot of fluids and mucus are formed in the lungs due to the alveolon decomposition. Man Expectors sputum with blood. Breathing becomes impossible. 50% OCC (circulating blood volume) goes into lungs, and increases them. Mass of one lung can be 2.5 kg (norm 500-600 g).

In severe cases, death in 10-15 minutes. When poisoning with medium gravity, the lethal exodus occurs after 2-3 days. Recovery can occur 2-3 weeks after poisoning, but it is rarely due to the attachment of infection.

Hydrocyanic acid

Sinyl Acid is colorless, light and movable fluid with a pronounced smell. It blocks an oxygen promotion chain by fabric, causing tissue hypoxia. Gas affects the nervous system, breaking the innervation of organs.

Symptoms of respiratory poisoning:

  • dyspnea;
  • at the beginning of development clinical picture frequent breathing;
  • with severe intoxication, the oppression of breathing and its stop.

Signs from the heart:

  • deceleration of heart blows;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • vessel spasm;
  • as the symptoms increase - the pressure drop, the increase in the pulse, the sharp cardiovascular insufficiency, stop the heart.

Poisoning gases are strong high-speed substances. To save a person, emergency resuscitation activities are needed. With a favorable outcome, the victim needs a long-term rehabilitation treatment.

1. Weighted substances

Weighted substances include dust, ashes, soot, smoke, sulfates, nitrates. Depending on the composition, they can be highly toxic and almost harmless. Weighted substances are formed as a result of combustion of all types of fuel: when operating engine engines and during production processes. In the penetration of suspended particles into respiratory organs, there is a violation of the respiratory system and blood circulation. Inhaled particles affect both the respiratory tract and other organs due to the toxic effects of component particles. Dangerous combination of high concentrations of suspended substances and sulfur dioxide. People with chronic impairment in the lungs, with diseases of the cardiovascular system, with asthma, frequent colds, elderly and children are especially sensitive to the effect of small suspended particles. Dust and aerosols do not only make it difficult to breathe, but also lead to climatic changes, because they reflect solar radiation and make it difficult to remove heat from the ground. For example, the so-called smudges - in densely populated southern cities reduce the transparency of the atmosphere of 2-5 times.

2. Nitrogen dioxide

Colorless, not smelling poisonous gas.

Nitrogen oxides enter the atmosphere from industrial enterprises, power plants, furnaces and boiler rooms, as well as from motor vehicles. They can form and enter the atmosphere in large quantities in the production of mineral fertilizers. In the atmosphere, emissions of nitrogen oxides are transformed into nitrogen dioxide. This is a colorless, not smelling poisonous gas. Nitrogen dioxide is an important component of photochemical processes in an atmosphere associated with the formation of ozone during sunny weather. At small concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, there is a breathing disorder, cough. The World Health Organization found that with an average of a nitrogen dioxide concentration of 400 μg / m3, there are painful symptoms in patients with asthma and other groups of people with increased sensitivity. With an average of a concentration, equal to 30 μg / m3, increases the number of children with rapid breathing, cough and bronchitis patients. Nitrogen dioxide reduces the body resistance to diseases, reduces hemoglobin in the blood, annoying respiratory tract. With prolonged inhalation of this gas, oxygen fasting fabrics occurs, especially in children. Causes diseases of the respiratory, blood circulation and malignant neoplasms. Leads to the exacerbation of various pulmonary and chronic diseases.

3. Carbon oxide

Colorless gas that does not smell.

The concentration of carbon oxide II in the city air is greater than any other pollutant. However, since this gas has no color, no smell, no taste, our senses are not able to detect it. The largest source of carbon oxide in cities - vehicles. In most cities, over 90% carbon oxide enters the air due to the incomplete combustion of carbon in the engine fuel in the reaction: 2C + O2 \u003d 2CO. Complete combustion gives carbon dioxide as a final product: C + O2 \u003d CO2. Another source of carbon oxide is tobacco smoke, with which not only smoking people face, but also their closest surroundings. It is proved that smoking person absorbs twice as much carbon oxide compared to non-smoking. Carbon oxide is inhaled with air or tobacco smoke and enters blood, where competes with oxygen for hemoglobin molecules. Carbon oxide is connected to hemoglobin molecules stronger than oxygen. The more carbon oxide is contained in the air, the more hemoglobin binds to it and the less oxygen reaches the cells. Blood ability to deliver oxygen to tissues is disturbed, vessels are caused, immunological activity of a person is reduced. For this reason, carbon oxide at elevated concentrations is a deadly poison. Carbon oxide also enters the atmosphere and industrial enterprises as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel. Many carbon oxide is contained in the emissions of metallurgy and petrochemistry. Inhaled in large quantities of carbon oxide enters blood, increases the amount of blood sugar, weakens the supply of oxygen to the heart. In healthy people, this effect is manifested in reducing the ability to endure physical exercise. People S. chronic diseases Hearts can affect all the vital activity of the body. In cases where there may be various symptoms of health impairment on the motorway with intensive movement of transport within 1-2 hours.

4. Serry dioxide

Colorless gas with sharp odor.

In low concentrations (20-30 mg / m3), sulfur dioxide creates an unpleasant taste in the mouth, irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract. It is released into the atmosphere mainly as a result of the operation of thermal power plants (TPP) when burning brown coal and fuel oil, as well as sulfur-containing petroleum products and in obtaining many metals from sulfur-containing ores - RBS, ZNS, CUS, NIS, MPS, etc. When burning coal or oil, the sulfate contained in them is oxidized, with two compounds - sulfur dioxide and sulfur trioxide. When dissolved in water, sulfur dioxide forms acid rains that are littered with plants, zerind the soil, increase the acidity of the lakes. Even with the average content of sulfur oxides in the air of about 100 μg / m3, which often takes place in cities, the plants acquire a yellowish tint. Coniferous and deciduous forests are most sensitive. With a large content of SO2 in the air there is a drying of pine. It is noted that the diseases of the respiratory tract, for example, bronchitis, are rapidly increased by raising the level of sulfur oxides in the air. The effect of sulfur dioxide in concentrations above MPC can cause a violation of respiratory functions and a significant increase in various respiratory diseases, an action on mucous membranes, inflammation of the nasopharynx, trachea, bronchitis, cough, hoarse and sore throat are observed. Special high sensitivity The action of sulfur dioxide is observed in people with chronic disorders of respiratory organs, with asthma. With co-concentrations of sulfur dioxide and suspended particles (in the form of soot), on average, a day above 200 μg / m3 in adults and children there are small changes in the lungs.

5. Benz (a) Pyrene

Benz (a) Pyrene (BP) enters the atmosphere during combustion different species Fuel. Many BP is contained in emissions of non-ferrous and ferrous metallurgy, energy and construction industry. WHO has established an average annual value of 0.001 μg / m3 as a value above which adverse effects of human health may be observed, including the occurrence of malignant tumors.

6. Lead

Air pollution The lead is created by enterprises of metallurgy, metalworking, electrical engineering, petrochemistry and motor vehicles. Near the lead concentration of lead 2-4 times higher than those far from them. Lead influences in many ways, including inhalation of air containing lead, with food, water, with dust. 50% of this metal enters the body through respiratory organs. It accumulates in the body, bones and surface tissues. Lead affects the kidneys, liver, nervous system and blood bodybuilding organs. It has a mutagenic effect. Organic lead compounds violate the metabolism. Especially dangerous lead compounds for the children's body, as they cause chronic brain diseases leading to mental retardation. An increase in the intensity of the movement of cars, the use of eatelled gasoline is accompanied by an increase in lead emissions from cars.

7. Formaldehyde

Colorless gas with a sharp annoying smell.

It is part of many artificial materials: plywood, varnishes, cosmetics, disinfection drugs, substances used in the household. Formaldehyde is in harmful emissions of thermal power plants and other industrial furnaces. A certain amount of formaldehyde is formed even when smoking cigarettes. And finally, he meets everywhere in nature, even in the human body. Natural concentrations do not affect human health, but the high concentrations of formaldehydes of artificial origin are dangerous for him. They cause headaches, loss of attention, rubbed in the eyes. The respiratory tract and light, mucous tissue of the gastrointestinal tract are damaged. Allergic reactions caused by formaldehyde disrupt the effect of internal organs and cause chronic diseases. The genetic apparatus is affected, which can be initiated by the occurrence of cancer tumors. Free formaldehyde inactivates a number of enzymes in organs and tissues, inhibits synthesis of nucleic acids, violates the exchange of vitamin C. When burning some materials, formaldehyde is formed. It is contained, for example, in car exhaust gases and cigarette smoke. MPC for indoor rooms can be easily exceeded due to alone smoking cigarettes.

8. Phenol

Colorless crystalline substances, less often high-boiling liquids with a characteristic strong smell.

One-nominal - strong nervous poisons causing general poisoning of the body also through the skin to which ignition acts. Multiatomic - may be the cause skin diseaseWith prolonged admission to the body, enzymes are able to coal. Fenol oxidation products are less toxic. Technical phenol agriculture, sometimes black viscous liquid. Phenol is used, mainly for the synthesis of phenol-formaldehyde and other resins, a number of aromatic compounds; For disinfection. Phenol and its derivatives are one of the most dangerous toxic compounds contained in the drains of a number of industries. Signs of phenolic poisoning are the state of excitation and an increase in motor activity, passing into convulsions, which indicate a violation of functions nervous system, and, first of all, neuromuscular apparatus. In chronic poisoning, there is an irritation of the respiratory tract, disorder of digestion, nausea, vomiting in the morning, general and muscular weakness, skin itching, irritability, insomnia.

9. Chlorine

Gas with an unpleasant and specific odor.

The main sources of the impact of chlorine that are important to human health are industrial emissions. Chlorine has a corrosive effect on most building materialsas well as on fabric. Containing chlorine technological systems are made closed. Impact is observed mainly as a result of poor work of the enterprise or in emergency emissions. When emissions, it is rarely low on the ground. At low concentrations, the sharp effects of the effects of chlorine are usually limited to a feeling of caustic smell, weak eye irritation and upper respiratory tract. These phenomena disappear shortly after the termination of the impact. With increasing concentrations, the symptoms become more pronounced and the lower heights of the respiratory tract are involved in the process. In addition to the immediate irritation and the cough associated with it, the victims have anxiety. The effect of chlorine in higher concentrations is characterized by shortness of breath, cyanosis, vomiting, headache and excitation enhancement, especially in persons prone to neurotic reactions. The breathing volume is reduced and the edema of the lungs can develop. In the treatment, recovery usually occurs after 2-14 days. In more severe cases, the development of such complications as infectious or aspiration pneumonia should be expected.

10. Arsenic

Arsenic and its connections. - Calcium arsenate, sodium arsenit, Parisian greens, etc. Arsenic-containing compounds are used as keriformicates for the etching of seeds and the struggle against agricultural pests, they are physiologically active and poisonous. The deadly dose when taking orally 0.06-0.2 g. Its soluble compounds (anhydrides, arsenates and arsenites) when they admitted with water to the gastrointestinal tract are easily absorbed by the mucous membrane, enter the blood flow, they are distributed to all organs where and accumulate. Symptoms of arsenic poisoning - metal taste in the mouth, vomiting, severe abdominal pain. Later convulsions, paralysis, death. The most famous and publicly available antidote in arsenic poisoning is milk, or rather the main protein of milk Casein, forming an insoluble compound with arsenic, not sucking into blood. Chronic poisoning arsenic leads to loss of appetite, gastrointestinal diseases.

11. Carcinogens

Substances with the ability to cause the development of malignant tumors.

Among substances that enter the air and aquatic environment, carcinogens are zinc, arsenic, lead, chrome, nitrates, iodine, benzene, ddt, manganese. Molybdenum, lead and copper cause violations of the central nervous system; Bromine, barium and cadmium - kidney defeat; Mercury and iron-outer blood.

12. Ozone (surface)

Gaseous (under normal conditions) The substance whose molecule consists of three oxygen atoms. In direct contact acts as a strong oxidizing agent.

The destruction of the ozone layer leads to an increase in the flux of radiation to the earth's surface, which leads to the increase in cases of skin cancer, cataracts and weakening of immunity. Excessive irradiation with ultraviolet leads to an increase in the cases of melanoma, the most dangerous type of skin cancer.

The surface ozone is not available directly into the air, and arises as a result of chemical reactions between nitrogen oxides (NOX) and volatile organic compounds (LOS) in the presence of solar radiation. Emissions of industrial enterprises and thermal power plants, vehicles exhausts, gasoline pairs and chemical solvents are the main sources of NOX and LOS.

At the level of the earth's surface, ozone is a malicious pollutant. Ozone pollution represents a threat during the summer months, since intensive solar radiation and hot weather contribute to the formation of malicious concentrations of ozone in the air, which we breathe. Inhalation of ozone can cause a number of health problems, including breast pain, cough, throat, redness of the body. It may worsen the condition of patients with bronchitis, emphysens and asthma. The sighting ozone may worsen the work of the lungs and lead to their inflammation. Repeated found in an environment with an increased ozone content may cause the formation of scars in the lungs.

13. Ammonia

Fuel gas. Lit in the presence of a permanent source of fire. Couples form explosive mixtures with air. Capacities can explode when heated. In the empty tanks are formed explosive mixtures.

Inhalation is dangerous. Couples act strongly irritating the mucous membrane and skin cover, cause frostbite. Adsorbed clothes.

The poisoning appears burning sore throat, a strong cough, a feeling of choking, eye burns, skin, strong excitement, dizziness, nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, spasm of voice gap, suffocation, is possible nonsense, loss of consciousness, convulsions and fatal exodus ( Because of the heart weakness or stop breathing). The fatal outcome is most often occurring in a few hours or days as a result of the edema of the larynx or lungs.

14. Herry farm

Colorless gas with an unpleasant smell. Heavy air. Soluble in water. Accumulates in low areas of the surface, basements, tunnels.

Fuel gas. Couples form explosive mixtures with air. Easy lights up and burns a pale blue flame.

Symptoms of poisoning, headache, irritation in the nose, metal taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, cold sweat, heartbeat, feeling squeezing, faint, chest pain, suffocation, burning in the eyes, tear, light-friendly, is a deadly outcome when inhaled.

15. Fluoride hydrogen

Colorless low-boiling liquid or gas with a sharp smell. Heavy air. Soluble in water. In air smokes. Corrosion. Accumulates in low surfaces, basements, tunnels.

Do not fuel. In contact with metals, combustible gas is distinguished. Pooms when taking inside. Possible fatal outcome when inhalation. Acts through damaged skin. Couples act strongly annoying mucous membranes and skin. Control with liquid causes skin burns and eyes.

Symptoms of poisoning, irritation and dryness of the mucous membrane, sneezing, cough, suffocation, nausea, vomiting, loss of consciousness, redness and itching of the skin.

16. Hydrogen chloride

Colorless gas with a sharp smell. In the air, interacting with water vapor, forms a white fog of hydrochloric acid. Extremely well soluble in water.

The chloride has strong acidic properties. Reacts with most metals to form salts and the release of gaseous hydrogen.

Due to the extremely high solubility in water, the poisoning occurs, as a rule, is not a gaseous chloride, but a fog of hydrochloric acid. The main area of \u200b\u200bthe lesion is the upper respiratory tract, where most acid is neutralized. The pollution of emissions of other substances should be taken into account, as well as the possibility of forming poisonous reagents, especially Arsin (ASH3).

17. Sulfuric acid

Oil liquid without color and smell. One of the most strong acids. It turns out when burning sulfur or rich gray ores; The sulfuric gas formed at the same time is oxidized into anhydrous sulfur gas, which is absorbed by water to form sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid is one of the main products of the chemical industry. It goes to the production of mineral fertilizers (superphosphate, ammonium sulfate), various acids and salts, medicinal and detergents, dyes, artificial fibers, explosives.

It is used in metallurgy (decomposition of ores, such as uranium), for cleaning petroleum products, like a desiccant, etc.
It acts in a destructive way to plant and animal fabrics and substances, taking water, as a result of which they are charred.

18. Copper

Copper - yellow-orange metal with a red tint, has high heat and electrical conductivity.

Environment copper hits copper baths, brass, bronzing, from baths with copper coatings and bulbing copper rolled and tompaca, as well as when etching printed circuit boards.

Copper acts on the respiratory system, metabolism, allergen. With the simultaneous presence of heavy metals, three types of manifestation of toxic properties are possible:

1. Synergism - the effect of action is greater than the total effect (cadmium in combination with zinc and cyanides);

2. Antagonism - the effect of action is smaller than the total effect. For example, with a joint presence of copper and zinc, the toxicity of the mixture decreases by 60-70%;

3. Additive - effect effect equal to sum Effects of toxicity of each of the heavy metals (a mixture of zinc and copper sulfides in low concentrations).

Metal copper pairs formed during the preparation of various alloys can enter the body with inhaled air and cause poisoning.

The absorption of copper compounds from the stomach into blood is slow. Since the copper salts entered in the stomach cause vomiting, they can stand out from the stomach with the lots of the masses. Therefore, only minor amounts of copper are coming from the stomach. When the copper compounds arrive in the stomach, its functions may be disturbed and diarrhea appear. After suction of copper compounds in blood, they act on the capillaries, cause hemolysis, lesion of the liver and kidneys. With the introduction of concentrated solutions of copper salts in the eye in the form of droplets, conjunctivitis can develop and attack cornea damage.

19. Cadmium

Cadmium is a silver-white, cast blue metal, soft and lightweight, fading in air due to the formation of an oxide protective film.

Metal itself is non-toxic, but extremely poisonous soluble cadmium compounds. Moreover, any way of their entry into the body is dangerous and in any condition (solution, dust, smoke, fog). For toxicity, cadmium is not inferior to mercury and arsenic. Cadmium compounds oppressively act on the nervous system, affect the respiratory tract and cause changes in the internal organs.

Large cadmium concentrations can lead to acute poisoning: minute stay in a room containing 2500 mg / m 3 of its compounds leads to death. In acute poisoning, the symptoms of the defeat are not developing immediately, but after a certain hidden period, which can continue from 1-2 to 30-40 h.

Despite toxicity, it is proved that cadmium microelement, vital for the development of living organisms.

20. Beryllius

Beryllium is the second erection of known metals. Thanks to its properties, beryllium and its alloys are widely used in industry. Some types of fuel, such as coal and oil, contain parts of beryllium, so this element is contained in the air and in the living tissues of urban residents. Burning waste and garbage is also a source of air pollution. Basically, beryllium can get inside when inhaling dust or evaporation, as well as with skin contact.

Beryllium's toxicity was known since the 30s of the twentieth century, and already from the 50s it was recognized as dangerous for people and the environment. Thanks to the measures taken, the acute forms of beryliosis have practically disappeared, but chronic cases are still registered. A distinctive feature Chronic diseases caused by beryllium (Hp) are their ability to disguise under sarcoidosis (Bek's disease), so Hp is very difficult to reveal.

Sarcoidosis causes granules in lungs, liver, spleen and heart. Skin disease develops and severe imminent impact is observed. IN chronic form Berilion is characterized by a strong breath, coughing, fatigue, chest pain, weight loss, reinforced sweating, increased temperature and decrease in appetite. The time passed from the first contact with Beryllium until the appearance clinical signsmay vary from several months to several decades. At an early stage, the disease is accompanied by a violation of air exchange in lungs, and in the late stage there is almost complete termination.

Similarly, like acute pneumonite, chronic pneumonitis, sarcoidosis, and acute beriliosis - they are all of the most dangerous forms of Hp.

21. Mercury

Mercury is a heavy metal of silver-white color, the only metal, liquid under normal conditions.
Mercury poisoning and its compounds are possible on mercury mines and factories, in the production of some measuring instruments, lamps, pharmaceutical preparations, insectofungsides, etc.

The main danger is a pair of metallic mercury, the allocation of which from open surfaces increases with increasing air temperature. When inhalation, mercury enters the blood. In the organism, mercury circulates in the blood, connecting with proteins; Partially postponed in the liver, in kidneys, spleen, brain fabrics, etc. Toxic effect is associated with blocking sulfhydryl groups of tissue proteins, violation of the brain activity (first of all, hypothalamus). From the body of mercury is excreted through the kidneys, intestines, sweat glands, etc.

Acute mercury poisoning and its pairs are rare. In chronic poisoning, emotional instability, irritability, reduction of working capacity, sleep disruption, finger shake, decreased smell, headaches are observed. Characteristic sign poisoning - the appearance along the edge of the kime-black-black kayma; Defection of adhesion (loosening, bleeding) can lead to gingivitis and stomatitis. With poisoning with organic compounds of mercury (diethyl mixerphosphate, diethylrotum, ethylmerchloride), signs of simultaneous lesion of central nervous (encephali-polyneurite) and cardiovascular systems, stomach, liver, kidneys are predominated.

22. Zinc

Zinc is a blue metal. It owns an important role in the synthesis of nucleic acids and protein. The element is necessary to stabilize the structure of DNA, RNA, ribosomes, plays an important role in the broadcast process and indispensable at many key stages of gene expression.

Increased zinc concentrations have a toxic effect on living organisms. In humans, they cause nausea, vomiting, respiratory failure, lung fibrosis, is a carcinogen. Excess zinc in plants occurs in the zones of industrial soil pollution, as well as in the improper application of zinc-containing fertilizers.

Carbon oxide (carbon monoxide).

Carbon oxide - Colorless gas that does not smell, is slightly lighter than air, poorly soluble in water, has a boiling point: - 191.5 ° C. On the air lights up at a temperature of 700 ° C and burns with a blue flame to CO 2.

Sources of entering the environment.

Carbon monoxide is part of the atmosphere (10%). The atmosphere of carbon oxide falls in the composition of volcanic and marsh gases, as a result of forest and steppe fires, separation by microorganisms, plants, animals and man. From the surface layers of the oceans per year, 220x10 6 tons of carbon oxide as a result of red, blue-green photographic, and other algae, plankton's livelihoods are distinguished. The natural level of carbon oxide in atmospheric air is 0.01-0.9 mg / m 3.

Durchable gas enters the atmosphere from industrial enterprises, primarily metallurgy. In the metallurgical processes when smelting 1 million tons of steel, 320-400 tons of carbon oxide are formed. A large amount of CO is formed in the oil industry and in chemical enterprises (oil cracking, formalin production, hydrocarbons, ammonia, etc.). Another important source of carbon oxide is tobacco smoke. A high concentration of carbon oxide in coal mines, at the coalways. Carbon oxide is formed with incomplete combustion of fuel in furnaces and internal combustion engines. An important source of carbon oxide is automobile transport.

As a result of human activity, 350-600x10 6 tons of carbon monoxide comes into the atmosphere annually. About 56-62% of this amount falls on the share of vehicles (the content of carbon oxide in exhaust gases can reach a value of 12%).

Behavior B. environment.

Under normal conditions, carbon monoxide is inert. It chemically does not interact with water. Solubility of CO in water is about 1:40 by volume. The solution is able to restore gold and platinum salts to free metals at normal temperature. Does not react with alkalis and acids. Interacts with caustic alkalis only at elevated temperatures and high pressures.

The carbon monoxide decrease in the environment is due to its decomposition by soil mushrooms. In addition, with an excess of oxygen in the soils of a heavy mechanical composition rich in organic substances, the transition of CO in CO 2 takes place.

Impact on the human body.

Carbon oxide extremely poisonous. Permissible content with production rooms It is 20 mg / m 3 for a working day, 50 mg / m 3 for 1 hour, 100 mg / m 3 for 30 minutes, in the atmospheric air of the city maximum one (in 20 minutes) - 5 mg / m 3, average daily PDC - 3 mg / m 3. The natural level of carbon oxide in atmospheric air is 0.01-0.9 mg / m 3.

CO is inhaled with air and enters blood, where competes with oxygen for hemoglobin molecules. Carbon oxide, having a double chemical bond, is connected to hemoglobin more firmly than oxygen molecule. The greater the CO is contained in the air, the more hemoglobin molecules binds to it and the less oxygen reaches the cell cells. Blood ability to deliver oxygen to tissues is disturbed, vessels are caused, immunological activity of a person, accompanied by headache, loss of consciousness and death decreases. For these reasons, CO in elevated concentrations is a deadly poison.

CO violates phosphorus exchange. Violation of nitrogen exchange causes Zothemia, changing the content of plasma proteins, reducing the activity of cholinesterase of blood and vitamin levels of 6. Curmarket gas affects carbohydrate metabolism, enhances the glycogen disintegration in the liver, breaking glucose disposal, increasing blood sugar levels. The admission of CO from the lungs into blood is due to the concentration of CO in the inhaled air and the duration of inhalation. The selection of CO is mainly through the respiratory tract.

Most of all the poisoning is the CNS. When inhaling a small concentration (up to 1 mg / l) - the severity and sensation of squeezing of the head, strong pain in the forehead and temples, dizziness, trembling, thirst, the increase in the pulse, nausea, vomiting, increase body temperature up to 38-40 ° C. Weakness in the legs indicates the spread of action on the spinal cord.

Extreme poisonousness of CO, the absence of his color and odor, as well as a very weak absorption of its activated carbon of ordinary gas mask makes this gas especially dangerous.


Ammonia - Colorless gas with a sharp odor, melting point - 80 ° C, boiling point - 36 ° C, soluble in water, alcohol and a number of other organic solvents. Synthesized from nitrogen and hydrogen. In nature, the decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic compounds is formed.

Finding in nature.

In nature, the decomposition of nitrogen-containing organic compounds is formed.

The sharp smell of ammonia is known to man from prehistoric times, since this gas is formed in significant quantities in rotation, decomposition and dry distillation of organic compounds containing nitrous compounds, such as urea or proteins. It is possible that early stages Earth's evolution in its atmosphere was quite a lot of ammonia. However, now the insignificant amounts of this gas can always be detected in the air and in rainwater, since it is continuously formed during the decomposition of animals and plant proteins.

Anthropogenic sources of enshouting.

The main sources of ammonia isolate are nitrate factory, enterprises for the production of nitric acid and ammonium salts, refrigeration plants, coke-chemical plants and livestock farms. In the areas of technogenic pollution, the concentration of ammonia reach 0.015-0.057 mg / m 3, in the control districts - 0.003-0.005 mg / m 3.

Impact on the human body.

This gas is toxic. A person is able to feel the smell of ammonia in the air already in an insignificant concentration - 0.0005 mg / l, when there is still no big health danger. With an increase in concentration of 100 times (up to 0.05 mg / l), an irritant effect of ammonia on the mucous membrane of the eye and the upper respiratory tract is manifested, even a reflex respiratory stop is possible. A concentration of 0.25 mg / l with difficulty withstands even a very healthy person for an hour. Even higher concentrations cause chemical burns of eyes and respiratory tract and become life-threatening. External signs of ammonia poisoning can be quite unusual. At the affected, for example, the auditory threshold is sharply reduced: they are not even too loud sounds become unbearable and can cause convulsions. Ammonia poisoning also causes strong excitement, up to a violent nonsense, and the consequences can be very heavy - until the intellect and personality change is reduced. Obviously, ammonia is able to affect vital centers, so when working with it must be carefully observed precautions.

The chronic effect of subletal doses of ammonia leads to vegetative disorders, an increase in the excitability of the parasympathetic department of the nervous system, the complaints of weakness, malaise, runny nose, cough, chest pain.

The hazard class of the substance is 4.

Ethylene (ETEN) is a colorless gas with a very weak sweet odor, a little easier air, a little solvent in the water.

C 2 - C 4 (gases)

C 5 - with 17 (liquids)

From 18 - (solid)

Alkenes are not dissolved in water, soluble in organic solvents (gasoline, benzene, etc.)

Lighter water

With an increase in Mr melting and boiling temperature increase

The simplest alkene is ethylene -C 2 H 4

The structural and electronic formula of ethylene seems:

In the ethylene molecule, hybridization is subjected to one s.- and two p.-rbital atoms C ( sp. 2-hybridization).

Thus, each atom C has three hybrid orbitals and one non-librid p.-Ibed. Two of the hybrid orbital atoms C mutually overlap and form between atoms C

Σ - connection. The remaining four hybrid orbital atoms C overlap in the same plane with four s.-Erbital atoms H and also form four σ - communication. Two nonhybrid p.-Tell atoms C mutually overlap in the plane, which is located perpendicular to the plane σ - connection, i.e. One is formed P - Communication.

By it's nature P - Communication is sharply different from σ - communication; P - Communication is less durable due to overlapping electronic clouds outside the plane of the molecule. Under the action of reagents P - Communication is easily broken.

Ethylene molecule symmetric; The nuclei of all atoms are located in the same plane and valence angles are close to 120 °; The distance between the centers of the atoms C is 0.134 nm.

SP 2 -Hypebridization:

1) Flat trigonal structure

2) Corner - HCH - 120 °

3) Length (-C \u003d C-) Communication - 0.134 nm

4) communications - σ, P

5) It is impossible to rotate relative (-s \u003d C-)

If the atoms are connected by a double bond, then their rotation is impossible without the electronic clouds P - Communication did not open.

Natural gas is a useful fossil, which lies in the depths of the Earth in a gaseous state. It can represent either individual clusters (gas deposits), or a gas cap of oil and gas fields. Natural gas and its components are widely used in the national economy.

Composition of natural gas

Natural gas is 98% composed of methane CH4, whose properties almost fully determine the properties and characteristics of natural gas. Also in its composition there are methane homologs - propane C3N8, ethane C2H6 and Bhutan C4N10. Sometimes natural gas may contain hydrogen sulfide, helium and carbon dioxide.

Methane (CH4) - Gas without color and smell, lighter than air. Methane combustible, but quite easily stored. Most often used as fuel in industry and everyday life.

Ethan (C2H6) - Gas not possessing color and smell, slightly heavier air. Fuel is not less than methane, but as fuel does not apply. It is used mainly to obtain ethylene, which is the most sought-after organic matter throughout the world. This raw material for the production of polyethylene.

Propane (C3H8) - also gas, not smelling and colors, poisonous. Possessed useful feature: With a slight pressure, propane is liquefied, which greatly facilitates the process of separating from impurities and its transportation. Lighted propanes reflex lighters.

Bhutan (C4H10) - It is very similar to its properties with propane, but has a higher density. Heavy air twice. Propane and Bhutan today are widely used as an alternative fuel for cars.

Carbon dioxide (CO2) - low-toxic colorless gas that does not smell, but having a sour flavor. Unlike other components of the composition of natural gas (except helium), carbon dioxide is not a combustible.

Helium (He) - inert colorless gas, the second in lightness (after hydrogen), does not smell. Under normal conditions, it does not react with any of the substances. It is not a fuel and not toxic, but may cause anesthesia at elevated pressure. Easiness and non-toxicity (unlike hydrogen) helium found their application. Helium fill the airships, aerostats and balloons.

Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) - Sometimes it can be part of natural gas. This is a heavy colorless gas with a sharp smell of rotten eggs. It is extremely poisonous, even a small concentration can cause paralysis of an olfactory nerve. Despite its toxicity, hydrogen sulfide is used in small doses for hydrogen sulfide baths, as it has good antiseptic properties.

Natural gas - the best type of fuel

Natural gas is an important source of energy, which allows to reduce pollution and contributing to the maintenance of a normal environmental situation. Compared to the other energy sources, has a number of benefits:

  • burning, allocates carbon dioxide and water vapor, this is a mixture, which we usually breathe on the street;
  • when combustion does not allocate soot and smoke;
  • quickly burning and the process of its burning is easy to control;
  • almost does not contain solid impurities and other harmful components;
  • relative cheapness, thanks to more easy method of mining and transportation.

In its energy properties, natural gas is only inferior to oil, which highlights more energy during combustion. But, unlike oil, which first needs to be processed, natural gas practically does not require pre-treatment.