Different massages. Types of massage techniques: traditional and exotic. Main species of east massage

Massage- Widespread in all countries of the world, representing a combination of techniques for mechanical and reflex effects on fabrics and organs in the form of friction, pressure, vibration, stroking, rubbing, kneading, the bodycharges carried directly at different parts of the surface of the human body, both hands and special The devices through the air, water or other medium in order to achieve therapeutic or other effect.

As a supplement to mechanical effects, to enhance the effect, massage therapists are used (or can apply, at the request of the client) massage oils, as well as various aromatic, fragrant oils, medicinal ointments, gels and other drugs.

Honey massage (sorry for honey mm)

The history of massage with its roots goes into deep antiquity. Honestly, I do not want to be deeply embedded in this question, describing what and how there arose .. I suggest, go in short.

Who is the true height of the emergence of the massage - it is not known. Many people, when trying to find an answer, begin to google / read books, etc. In the hope of finding answers, as a result, the nichrome do not find. Why? \u003d\u003e Yes, because it was impossible to give preference to those or other peoples in the authorship of the invention of massage, because it was born and developed in parallel in different countries and continents !!!

At that distant at a distant time, poor people, having other means of exposure to their body / body, in various life circumstances (for example, at various illnesses / pains) resorted to the only means that was available to them, namely - to their hands , they simply used friction / stroking (in other words, they made a "massage") in order to help themselves, in fact, there was a therapeutic agent at the dawn of human development ... which, as you know, was practiced and practiced so far, in many countries of the world (if not in all).

Massage classification

The fact is that, depending on which massage is used, it can be divided into several types. However, in addition to species, there are also various forms of massage, depending on the "impact" (i.e., for example, a one-way body or in some specific place (i.e. local)), as well as on whether "who Produces massage "(massage therapist, mutual massage or self-massage). Among other things, there are also methods of massage (for example, a foot, manual, hardware or combined), in general, about all this, we will now go in detail.

Massage classification

Types of massage

Sports- This type of massage is used to improve the functional state of the athlete, its sports form, contributes to the removal of fatigue, improving the physical performance and prevention of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

17. Medical- This massage is considered an effective method of treating various diseases, injuries, pain, disease, etc. As a rule, its modifications are changed in accordance with the nature of the functional disorders of the body.

Hygienic- This type of massage is considered an active tool in the prevention of various diseases of the body, can be performed as a massage therapist (less often) and in the form of self-massage (i.e. independently, with their own hands you can spend in the bath, under the shower, using the main massage techniques: Stroking, rubbing, squeezing, kneading).

Cosmetic- This can include the so-called anti-cellulic massages, which promise to burn fat locally in one place or another, for example, on the hips, abdomen, etc.<= позже, я расскажу об этом подробнее, пока что знайте, что это чушь собачья, ибо это невозможно. Однако, данный вид массажа может являться профилактикой на предупреждение увядания кожи, устранение ее сухости и улучшение ее общего вида.

Massage forms

General massage- By the name you can guess that with this form of massage, the entire body surface is massaged.

Local massage- Also, the name can guess that with this form of massage, some particular part of the body is massaged .. well, for example, the belly or hips or back ..

19. Samomassage- This is such a form of massage, at which a person massages himself, i.e. Without resorting to the help of a masseur. Most often, this form of massage is used by people, after the morning gymnastics / charging, in the bath, with injuries and diseases, in sports, if there is no possibility to use the services of a professional massage therapist.

1. Massage movements should not cause pain, unpleasant sensations, leave on the body of bruises, but massage should be carried out quite vigorously until the feeling of heat in the massaged area appears.

2. With self-massage, the muscles should be as relaxed as much as possible, for this you need to choose the most convenient posture.

3. Skin cover must be clean. Damaged skin areas (abrasions, scratches, cuts) before the procedure should be processed or taking the leukoplasty, and during self-massage they should be bypassed. In the presence of thick hair, self-massage is carried out through thin underwear - cotton or woolen.

4. All self-massage techniques are performed in the course of lymphatic vessels, towards the nearest lymph nodes. The lymph vessels of the upper half of the anterior abdominal wall are lumped into the armpits, and the lower half - in the inguinal nodes. The direction of massage movements in the abdomen area is shown in Figure 5. It should be remembered that the lymph nodes cannot be massaged.

5. Self-massage should be performed clean, warm hands. In this case, it is possible to apply funds that contribute to a better slip - for example, a massage cream or a children's cream.

6. The duration of self-massage depends on its purpose and ranges from 3 to 25 minutes, which is solved in each case. The frequency of the procedure is determined depending on the state, on average 1-6 times a week.

7. It is advisable to do self-massage to therapeutic gymnastics - in the morning on an empty stomach, 20-30 minutes before breakfast, or day before meals or 1.5-2 hours after meal. Before self-massage, the intestines and the bladder should be empty, to ventilate the room, clean your hands clean. Breathe during the procedure you need smoothly, without delay. Self-massage, as well as the fulfillment of a complex of medical gymnastics, should not cause pronounced fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, enhancing pain and other unpleasant sensations.

Pair Massage- This form of massage is performed by two masseuses. Well, for example, at the time when the first massage therapist massages the neck, the second is the stomach. Or when the first massages the back, the second - legs (rear surface, i.e. quadriceps of the thigh). See below:

Pair Massage

Mutual massage- The essence of this form of massage is that the two massage each other alternately, using the main massage techniques. As a rule, this form of massage is most often used in the sauna, in tourists, in everyday life, in production, etc.

Massage Methods

Manual massage- He is the traditional, most frequently used method, when with the help of hands the massage therapist performs all the main massage techniques. The negative torque in this method of massage is the fatigue of the masseur itself, especially with long sessions with techniques performed vigorously and deeply ...

Hardware massage- In order to facilitate the work of massages, many different devices were invented, to this case include: Vibromassage and pneumatic massage (vacuum).

Vibromassage is a method of hardware massage, which was based on the transmission of the massable surface of the oscillatory movements of various amplitudes and frequencies by means of a vibration device. See below:


Pneumatic massage is similar to the impact of medical cans. The essence is that with the help of a special pump, the device is filling the device, and then sucking it. This type of massage is possible only due to a special device, which is equipped with a monomere and a vacuum meter, which will adjust the amount of injected and suction air. Nozzles are applied to the required area, which have a different form, depending on which part of the body they are intended, and on the other hand, they are joined by the device using a special hose, and the action begins. See below:


However, the hardware massage has a number of disadvantages, since it does not give a massefficer to feel the massive plot, as well as apply some techniques in manual, actually therefore hardware massage (in most cases) is used only as an additional means when conducting a hand massage itself, By itself very rarely.

Combined Massage- This is a combination of hardware massage with a classic manual ...

Foot massage- Well, this is the same as a manual massage, only legs)), the patient must necessarily lie on a solid floor or mate, usually this method is used for people having a lot of body weight or significant muscle mass, and in cases if manual Massage is not effective. See below the photo.

Eromassage is one of the most unforgettable pleasures that can deliver a loving woman to his partner. However, the desired effect can be achieved, only using the correct movements, rhythm and performing the necessary sequence of operations. These knowledge gives an erotic massage technique, the main goals of which are in increasing sensuality, prepare for intimate proximity, creating a confidence atmosphere in relations, spiritual and physical convergence of the pair.

Famous types of erotic massage differ among themselves the intensity of the effects used by the means and the ultimate goal that the woman puts in front of him. In specialized literature, it is customary to allocate the following types of influences:

  • eromassage using the direct and indirect stimulation of genitals before reaching orgasm;
  • the therapeutic type of stimulation includes elements of treatment from sexual disorders or violations in the field of sexual sphere;
  • eromassage for the awakening of sensuality is used by many couples as a prelude to intimate intimacy.

A prerequisite for conducting any of the types of erotic massage is the creation of an appropriate situation, which includes the presence of a warm room with a comfortable sofa, pleasant smell, to obtain a mixture of base oil with one of the aromatic analogs, a quiet relaxing music.

Each technique has its own characteristics, for example, there are disagreements, about which part of the body is better to start stroking. Some believe that the best of the procedure is smooth, easy massage of the head of the partner first in the direction of the clockwise direction, then against it. It is believed that this action contributes to the removal of voltage, eliminates the headache and configures on trust. Other women adhere to the opinions about the fact that the erussage should begin with the stroking of the partner's buttocks with the movement towards the stop or back. A feature of this technique is the possibility of a woman as if unrecognizable concerned male genitals in the process of performing one of the techniques with hair, naked chest or hand, which causes him even greater level of excitement. Such techniques will be very given as you and the partner. This also lies the secret of perfect sex, which will definitely like both.

The classic elements of the procedure include patrase, cropping, however, they are rarely used for eruption. To give the sliding movements of the arms of the exciting effect, it is possible to use one of the techniques:

  1. hands and legs massage by cross movements of hands using alternately deeper strokes in which relaxation and short, having invigorating effect;
  2. compression and smoothing is performed by the tips of the fingers on the surface of the back, while first the hands move towards each other, meeting in the center of the spine, and then diverge, as if smoothing the skin surface;
  3. to eliminate the stress in the field of buttocks, the waist, the forearm can be performed with a slight pinching during the clamp of a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin between the index and thumb fingers, it makes an invigorating effect, it is used in strong relaxation of the partner.

Rules of erotic massage and the features of its implementation

There are several features of the structure of female and male organisms, therefore rules of erotic massage Every case has their own. For example, an indisputable fact is a smaller number of erogenous zones on the body of a man, while ignorance of the most characteristic of them or the inattention to the response is one of the most common errors.

Erogenic sections of the male body, in addition to the groove region and the penis are:

  • the surface of the ears;
  • nipples;
  • fingers and legs;
  • feet;
  • region of the lumbosacral department.

The performance of stroking and intimidation of these sites is a significant part of any of the well-known rules of erotic massage in men.

In addition to the right rhythm, alternating the movements of the hands without their separation from the surface of the massaged plot, there are some rules of erotic massage, knowledge and execution of which guarantees to obtain maximum relaxation and pleasure.

The basic requirements for the implementation of erussage are the same for women and men, and consist of the following conditions:

  • As a venue for erussage, you need to choose a separate room, pre-hinting a partner so that it is free from possible affairs and could relax.
  • Ideal if this place is a room with a ottea, sofa or an extreme case of the carpet. By the way, in the latter case, it is necessary to check the presence of towels, covered and ensure the absence of drafts.
  • It is necessary to take care of the aroma and design of the room in advance, the smell should not be sharp, it is possible to use one or more aromatic oils having a relaxing effect. The lighting of the room must be muffled, to have a solitude and rest.
  • As a background, you can use light romantic or instrumental music.
  • Massage movements must be performed on a closed contour, be continuous and eliminating the loss of contact of the hands with a man's body.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the focus of biologically active points, such as the surfaces of the fingers and legs, palms and feet. Their kneading is performed from the tips towards the heart, the correct execution of this part of the procedure will give partner a lot of pleasure.
  • The spin is massaged by a combination of soft movements of the stroking type with a more intense, but gentle effect. When moving to the area of \u200b\u200bthe cross-baked department, to enhance the sensual component of the procedure, it is recommended to use finger tips.

Erotic massage rules provide for the use of kisses and affection in combination with petting, but are not a mandatory component procedure.

There are two main massage systems: European and Asian. The Eastern School is based on the technique of stimulating energy channels through active reflex points on the body. European works with a body with a mechanical impact. In addition to classic and well-known species, there are exotic with the participation of snails or snakes, hot stones and even buckwheat. Molds of massage and the way of exposure, zones and contraindications differ.

All techniques are divided into several groups. Conditional classification, since the preventive massage can be a medical, and sports run by manual or hardware.

The list of types of body massages according to the classification looks like this:

  • Sports, medical and cosmetology - stand out in a separate application in the scope;
  • Preventive and therapeutic techniques;
  • Group on the method of execution (independent or pair);
  • Hardware or manual;
  • Exposure Group.

By way of exposure, species are divided into deep, medium and low. Depending on the effect of massage on the functional condition of the body, a trophic, toning, soothing, energy and normalizing function of the body is distinguished.

The type of massage does not affect the effectiveness: they are all aimed at activating exchange reactions, regulation of the work of vital systems and organs, improving the well-being and condition of the patient.

Classic machinery

All types of classical impacts are based on one principle: mechanical study of deep subcutaneous layers. This group includes European and some therapeutic procedures.

Italian method

Autolyift or Italian massage is a simple and effective procedure for improving skin condition. It is performed from the position of sitting, lies in a soft and uniform pressure of palms on the face. The first turns forehead, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe eyes, nose, cheeks, a selection. Completes the session synchronous pressure on the forehead and the back. This impact activates the work of the lymphatic glands and improves the output of toxins.

Finnish method

Finnish massage on the combination of the Russian and Swedish system is founded, and it is recommended to hold it after a bath, sauna or a hot long soul. Recommend sessions with frequent pains in the back, increased muscle tension, injuries and stretching. Finnish massage from three main techniques. The first is stroking: longitudinal and transverse. The second is squeezing. Third reception - kneading. Perched by the pads of large fingers.

Exotic species

Exotic massage is carried out using plants and animals, reptiles and mollusks, fire and stones singing bowls and even bird litter. How many variations of the massage happens - it is difficult to calculate.

Almost every country has many exotic traditional techniques.

Ulief method

The effectiveness of unusual reference procedures is explained by the useful properties of mucus. It contains active ingredients that contribute to rapidly regeneration of tissue, antibacterial and antioxidant substances. A rubber hat is worn before a session on the hair, and the skin of the lecturer is lubricated with fresh milk or cream. Mollusks are placed on the body for 15-20 minutes. The remaining mucus is evenly distributed over the body and flushed with cool water in 20 minutes.

Snake method

The effect of the procedure is deep relaxation, elimination of phobias, getting rid of negative energies, headaches. Snake massage normalizes blood pressure, removes muscle blocks and spasms. Area study - back, arms and legs. Snakes are placed on the human body for 20-180 minutes, and the type of reptiles depends on the goals set. For relaxation, it is used to use other small unseated snakes, and for the treatment - pythons and polozov.

Brazilian method with bamboo sticks

Special bamboo sticks are used for bodybuilding. After an unusual procedure, it is observed:

  • Tide of vitality and energy;
  • Reduced cellulite and fat deposits;
  • Liberation from slags;
  • Normalization of blood flow;
  • Improving metabolic processes.

Brazilian massage is used to simulate the shape of the hips, buttocks, leg and waist.

Bucky method

In England, buckwheat cereals are applied not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology purposes. Buckwheat is a good natural adsorbent, which derives from the body toxins and spent substances. The buckwheat massage is recommended by smokers, people, abusant alcohol, during the recovery after disease and for deep skin cleaning. The massage of buckwheat is shown in domestic organs, chronic fatigue, insomnia.

The cereal for procedures is poured into special bags that are placed by energy points and body meridians. Warm buckwheat treat problems with blood circulation and skin, and for the normalization of the mental state, the fragrance of the finished cereals is used.


A safer and soft method than acupuncture, but also more spectacular. A procedure is carried out using sharp knives. They are placed on acupuncture points on the body and face, which leads to a change in energy flows in the body. Taiwanese massage allows you to relax, calm emotions and thoughts, normalize psycho-emotional background.

This type of massage has a minimum of contraindications, and the first result is noticeable after several procedures.

Massage with spikes ball

For sessions, two types of balls with spikes are used:

  • Large gymnastic, which is called phytball;
  • Little smooth.

Massage balls for tennis

Simple and convenient home use technique. Massage tennis balls helps to get rid of pain in the neck and back, legs, press muscles. It is able to remove fatigue, tension, headaches. The balls are placed in cotton sock or clamp between the foot and floor, the study can last from 10 to 40 minutes.

Massage with tennis balls does not have side effects and does not require special skills. It is equally useful both adults and children.

Medical techniques

Preheating method

Prescribe warming sessions to study joints and bone tissues, fix defects, muscle stretching. This type of massage should be carried out only in the conditions of the clinic or rehabilitation center: the improper movements of the wizard can lead to injuries. A session from twists, stretching, circular motions and energetic strokes.

Differentiated method

In case of mass production, techniques of relaxation and stimulating muscle activity are used. Differentiated massage is used to identify muscle stretching and muscle muscles. Sessions have an invigorating effect, activate the work of the cardiac system, improve the metabolism.

Connecting method

The time of this form of massage is the beginning of the 20th century. The connecting massage is used to treat internal diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Conductive massage after palpation and inspection from the doctor. When detecting seals, increasing tissues, high voltage or blocks, massage by displacement of the skin is carried out.

Connecting massage on muscle fibers, the bases of the tendons and muscle fastening lines are performed. All study is conducted by unnamed and index fingers. The connecting massage begins with a healthy area, gradually moving to the problem area. Master movements during a session are soft and smooth.

The connecting massage refers to rehabilitation and therapeutic, so can not be performed at home. Depth, strength, intensity and frequency of study must be coordinated with the attending physician.

Local method

Local massage is an impact during a session on a certain portion of the body. It can be a hand, leg, joint or muscle, ligaments. When carrying out the local procedure, the maximum healing and wellness result is achieved: all the time the elaboration is paid only to a small area. Local massage is distinguished by the fact that it is always topped down.

A local massage is prescribed individually depending on the disease, its stage and the degree of development, contraindications and restrictions.

Preventive method

Perform a prophylactic massage in order to prevent diseases, under stress, increased physical and emotional loads. Make it with the help of classic techniques: strokes, kneading, rubbing. Sessions can be held for the whole body or be local. The main rule of study is to move from top to bottom and from the central lines to the periphery.

Rehabilitation method

A rehabilitation massage is used for diseases, impairment of the musculoskeletal system and as a rehabilitation recharge after operations and injuries. The intensity of the course, its duration and depth depends on the testimony of doctors and the preliminary examination.

The rehabilitation massage consists of the main techniques: strokes, kneading, rubbing, vibratory pats. Improvement is noted by several procedures with proper execution.


Air equipment

Air or compression massage is aimed at eliminating the stagnant lymph. The press therapy is to alternately study the body sections with compressed air supplied to special cuffs. The effect is the removal of excess fluid from the body, tissue cleansing, activation of metabolic processes and improving the condition of the skin.

Compression massage reduces swelling, is shown when weight loss and as an anti-cellulite means. Regular sessions return the skin elasticity and smoothness. It has a compression massage and a number of contraindications:

  • Oncology;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Pacemaker;
  • Heart diseases;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Skin disorders;
  • Pregnancy and lactation period;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Diabetes;
  • Varicose veins;
  • Hypertension.

The air massage leads to a lot of fluid loss, so before and after the session it is recommended to drink at least a glass of water.

Vertebrian technique

For a vertebral or vertebral session, a special apparatus is required - an armchair with built-in rollers. Depending on the configuration, the chair is equipped with air-compression, roller or vibratory impact programs. With the help of procedures, therapeutic and relaxing effect is achieved, cellulite is eliminated, a beautiful relief of the body is formed.

The speed of the rollers, their location and the intensity of vibration is regulated by the remote control.

Sport technicians


Warming massage is used during supercooling, before training and in the breaks of the competition, for rapid recovery and with small stretching, bruises. The procedure includes stroking and kneading, which are carried out only in the direction of blood flow. After conducting blood flow, metabolic processes are activated at the cellular level, the tone and elasticity of muscle tissue are improved. The warming massage has both contraindications: injury and diseases of the endocrine, cardiovascular system, skin disorders in the field of study.


The youngest sports equipment. For its implementation, you need kinesiological tees - special sticky ribbons working as applicators. Ribbons have a relaxing effect, improve blood flow, metabolic processes, contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues and reduce pain. Each of the tapes can be worn from 3 to 14 days: the breathable material does not create unpleasant sensations, it does not cause allergies and waterproof. The greatest effect is celebrated in the first week.

Indications for the use of kinesiopping:

  • Stretching and bruises;
  • Pain in shoulders, knee joints, elbows, cervical department;
  • Heel spur;
  • Headaches, dizziness, migraines;
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Recommended therapy and pregnant women with swelling, laundering and sicks in the lower back.

Relaxing and cosmetic techniques

The second name is sculptural technique. This type is aimed at the kneading of deep-adagging muscle tissues. The impact technique is aimed at activating metabolic processes at the intercellular level, improving blood circulation, an increase in tissue elasticity. Sessions can be done by hand or using a special machine. Natural oil or base cream is applied before carrying out on the skin.

Relaxing method

Deep relaxation technique removes tension, has a relaxing effect, helps to reach the harmony of the soul and body. Apply it in chronic fatigue, overwork, stress, depression and a number of diseases. A relaxing session includes the following types of study: a diaphragm massage, stroking, intense and deep kneading, rubbing, vibrational impact. Master's movement of the master during a session - smooth, slow, and the force is negotiated with the client.

Toning method

Toning massage also applies to relaxing, and to therapeutic, and sports. It includes various techniques, and its effectiveness depends on the time and duration of the session. Toning massage is shown in apathy, drowsiness, reducing performance and concentration of attention.

If you do a toning massage in the morning, it will help to wake up and give strength, expand the vessels and activates the metabolism, it will saturate blood oxygen. After starting the operation of the nerve receptors in the blood, hormones are highlighted, improving the mood. The muscles of the back begin to work, then the sacrum area, hips, legs, chest and hands. Toning massage is performed by energetic movements with moderate power. Session duration - up to 30 minutes.

If the toning massage is carried out in the evening, the session should last at least an hour. This will make the opposite effect - relaxation, loss of tension and fatigue.

Massage for men and women

If there are no contraindications and restrictions, then women can make any massage. Cosmetic and anti-cellulite, relaxing and exotic species use popularity. Specific techniques are only gynecological and to increase the bust.

Gynecological massage refers to therapeutic and is recommended for incorrectly arrangement of uterus, bleeding, chronic inflammatory processes and insufficient muscle tissue activity. Procedures are prescribed only after making and confirming the diagnosis.

To increase the bust there are water massages, corrective, vacuum and point. Each technique has its own characteristics and contraindications. The main danger of any of the species is a stretching of the skin and obtaining microtrams from careless impact.

Massage for men

Especially for men developed urological massage aimed at improving the work of the prostate gland. The course consists of 15 sessions. The effect of the procedure is to increase the level of potency, reducing the likelihood of prostate cancer, reducing the risk of cyst development.

Another massage for men - Taoist. Special technique impact on the points located on the sexual term has a relaxing effect, increases the potency, improves the operation of the blood and cordial-vascular system. Enjoying representatives of strong sex and Japanese, and Thai massage, and Shiatsu. Each of these techniques uses aromatherapy, natural oils and classic techniques: deep and intensive strokes and vibration tapping, kneading and rolling, pointing elaboration with large or indicable fingers, force-kneading.

Before visiting any of the procedures, it is better to consult a doctor.

Even relaxing sessions have contraindications: increased pressure, skin disease and infectious diseases. It is also worth adhere to the recommendations of the doctor or a cosmetologist: the conduct of sessions should be on the established schedule with intervals for recreation and recovery. Otherwise, you can get the opposite effect: stretching the skin, circulatory disorder, microtrauma, bruises and muscle tissue hypertonus.

Positive effects from procedures - improving mood and tide of vitality, relaxation, improvement of the internal organs and the activation of the natural rignification of tissues, an increase in the elasticity of muscle tissue and improving skin condition. Cosmetology sessions help eliminate mimic wrinkles and reduce the visibility of age-related skin changes. Rehabilitation and therapeutic sessions contribute to the return of the flexibility and mobility of the joints, saturated with muscle tissue oxygen. Energy techniques help restore the balance between the subtle body, energy flows and physical organs of a person.

Massage refers to one of the most popular procedures performed for treatment or as prevention. It is possible to effect on the skin with additional devices. Tell about the types of massage and give them a brief description.

Classification by category

There are two, basic categories that include all types of massages. These are European and eastern categories. Each category is distinguished by the implementation technique, the impact method, has its own theory.

The European Massage System is based on special techniques that are used in various massage options.

Classification by type

We will understand what kind of massages are. There are several options for systematization techniques. Let us dwell on the main.

There are certain types of massages for their intended purpose:

  • sports. The option is used as the prevention of injuries and preparations for speeches from professional athletes, and during training sessions. The technique is used to eliminate overvoltage after the speeches passed;
  • medical, or therapeutic. The technique is support, restoration of the functions of the body in the rehabilitation stage after illness, or injury obtained;
  • general technique, or hygienic option. This category includes relaxing, cosmetic treatments performed for prevention, general strengthening of well-being.

The main types of massage differ in the impact method and are the following varieties:

  • common;
  • local;
  • independent;
  • complex.

There are views and technique of massage:

  • impact through the skin parts of the body, for example, manual technique;
  • hardware method of exposure;
  • using additional devices.

Types of therapeutic techniques and impact on the body

The purpose of all types of therapeutic massage is the treatment of certain diseases, the overall, strengthening effect on the body. The implementation of the medical procedure is shown in injuries of various character, pathologies of internal organs, with diseases of the joints, problems with vessels, to eliminate headaches.

There are the following types of medical massages:

  • segmental and reflex technique;
  • local. During sessions, individual parts of the body are processed, such as belly, limbs, joints, neck area;
  • urological technique aims to eliminate the pathologies of the urethra, including prostate stimulation in men;
  • gynecological. The technique is used for treatment and prevention, is used during the rehabilitation period after operational intervention, to restore women's health after childbirth. The procedure normalizes the bloodstream in the field of small pelvis, due to which the uterine tone is restored;
  • dermatological variety massage is used to remove the manifestations of eczema, dermatitis, due to the restoration of the lemph outflow, eliminate toxic substances;
  • correcting speech therapy. The technique is struggling with speech disorders in children and adults, restoring the tone of chewing muscles for articulation;
  • ophthalmological machinery aims to restore and support the tone of eye muscles;
  • manual Medical Technique has an impact on the internal organs;
  • dental manual or hardware The option is performed in the jaw region;
  • otorinolaryngological The option is used as the prevention and treatment of ears, throat and nose.

When performing all types of therapeutic massages, the main general techniques are applied. The session begins and ends with stroking movements. In the middle of the procedure for skin cover with mucous membranes, we affect rubbing, squeezing, squeezing, vibration, shock movements.

Sports massage varieties and techniques

The sporting version of the technique is local or general directions. Sessions usually alternate and are held after 1 day.

The following types of sports massage are distinguished:

  • the preparatory version of the technique is performed before performances or workouts. The type of methodology is divided into an option for warm-up, before starting, for warming;
  • the type of training technique makes it possible to eliminate the overwork of the muscle tissue occurring during the period of increased loads. The session is usually carried out after a certain period of time, after training sessions;
  • the recovery type of procedure is aimed at full restoration of the body functions after the competition.

In addition to these sports massages, there are methods aimed at restoring the forces after injury. The technique gives the following effect:

  • has a prophylactic effect, preventing muscle tissue atrophy;
  • anesthetics;
  • strengthens muscle tissue;
  • eliminates swelling, hematoma;
  • normalizes, enhances the blood flow.

The sporty species of the methodology helps professional athletes protect the strength for a successful performance, restores lost functions after the competition.

Children's massage options for newborns and up to year

There are various types of children's massage, appointed only by the doctor, depending on the identified pathology.

Procedures can be appointed even newborns. The designated procedures are held before the child has achieved a one-year-old age.

List of traditional types of massage for children:

  • medical. The procedure is usually appointed narrow specialists, such as orthopedist, surgeon or neurologist. To eliminate the identified pathologies, the newborn sessions are appointed from 2 months. But, in some diseases, the implementation of the technique is shown at 4 week of life of the baby;
  • prophylactic Children's version of the technique is considered a wonderful means for the general strengthening of the body. Sessions for prevention of parents can perform independently;
  • correcting Massage sessions are usually performed to secure the effect of therapeutic technique, preventing the development of pathology. Only Children's Doctor can appoint and conduct a procedure.

Special, therapeutic option is assigned to children with the following pathologies:

  • elevated muscular tone;
  • rachitism;
  • krivoshoya inherent character;
  • valgus deformation of knee joints, in which legs acquire the form of the letter X or O;
  • pathologies caused by complications after acute colds;
  • bronchitis;
  • hernia in the field of navel;
  • clubfoot;
  • flatfoot; Wrong posture.

If you do a procedure at the initial stage of the development of pathology, you can get rid of the problem without medication.

Regardless of the type of children's massage, sessions must bring pleasure to the baby.

For the treatment of various children's pathologies, an alternative drug method is often used by osteopathic techniques. Osteopathic and all kinds of massages for children, if necessary, applied from the first week of life. Osteopathic technique is often combined with other healing procedures, being part of complex therapy. The technique is based on a special palpation technique, with which an effective impact on the internal organs occurs. The course of procedures is aimed at self-restoration and restructuring of the body.

Osteopathic massage for newborns, and older children, appointed with the following pathologies:

  • injuries obtained during childbirth;
  • strabismus;
  • capriciousness for no reason;
  • delay in the development of a baby;
  • violation of digestive functions;
  • allergic reactions;
  • torticollis;
  • epileptic attacks;
  • flatfoot;
  • after operational intervention;
  • over-excited nervous system.

The speech therapy procedure is often assigned to the children to correct the pronunciation of some letters, eliminate the existing speech problems. Types of speech therapy massage:

  • classical. It is used to strengthen muscle tissue, which is involved in articulation;
  • hardware The method is based on the use of special devices in the form of vibratory nozzles, and vacuum formation;
  • cotton The option affects the active zones, having a relaxing effect;
  • probe. During the procedure, special probes are used, which are massaged by the sky, tongue, lips. The technique effectively eliminates problems with speech and motility;
  • samomassage. Children themselves massage teeth tongue, make special exercises with their hands;
  • massage on Dyakova. The technique struggles with speech violations.

The speech therapy version of the technique is successfully combined with other techniques that adjust the speech.

Classic or traditional massage techniques

Under the traditional massage methodology, it is understood to work out the muscular mass of the whole body in a certain sequence.

The following types of classical massage are distinguished:

  • hygienic, performed in preventive purposes;
  • therapeutic technique that helps to cope with the swelling, sediments of fats, wrinkles;
  • the plastic correction technique is shown in decomposition and fading of the skin, the presence of folds on the skin.

With the help of listed techniques affect:

  • face;
  • back;
  • limbs;
  • neck area;
  • body.

Any type of massage and its meaning for the body is important. The techniques give the following effect:

  1. the contour of the person is adjusted, a healthy skin shade is restored;
  2. muscle cloth in the neck area is strengthened;
  3. the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are normalized;
  4. the swelling of the face and in the limbs;
  5. wrinkle are located;
  6. the skin gets the necessary nutrition with oxygen;
  7. smoothed the bugger of the skin with cellulite;
  8. the number of fat subcutaneous deposits is reduced;
  9. slow age processes that cause aging.

After the course of the classic massage, general well-being is normalized, which is positively affected not only on physical, but also on mental health.

Exotic, unusual types of massage equipment

In addition to the usual, traditional massage techniques, there are unusual types of massages that have a relaxing, soothing, wellness effect on the body. Many exotic techniques belong to the eastern types of massage that came from countries such as Thailand, India, China. Vintage techniques improve blood flow, strengthen muscle tissue, eliminate the overvoltage of the muscle tone, slow down the aging.

Among the most popular exotic types of massage, the following techniques are allocated:

  • massing with singing bowls. Exotic technique has an impact on the physical and energy level. The effect is achieved due to the vibrations published by special sound bowls;
  • massage using Philipino seashells Borrowed from Polynesia. For the procedure, sea shells of a certain breed are selected. These are rapana or cauric sinks. With the help of shells, vibrations are created that have a relaxing effect that eliminate stressful states;
  • stone Massage. To perform the procedure, natural stones of a certain size and shape are selected. Massage movements are performed by dispersion or cold stones. Technique aims to eliminate cellulite, removal of muscle tension;
  • massing Golf Balls. The stuffing procedure is performed using movements by balls by body with different intensity, it has a relaxing, or a tonic effect;
  • the next unusual view from the list of body massages performed snails or snakes. Snails, sliding along the body or face, distinguish the valuable agent used in the production of cosmetic products. An unusual procedure technique is capable of not only to smoke wrinkles, but also restore the skin after burns or various inflammatory processes. The massage of snakes refers, perhaps, to the most exotic variant of massage equipment. If the patient is able to overcome disgust and fear to reptiles, then unusual therapy will eliminate depressive and stressful states, relieve chronic overwork, prevent the development of neuroses;
  • chinese machinery Massaging knives helps to derive harmful substances from the body, normalize blood flow;
  • massing with ivory chopsticks Performed on the face. The procedure course smoothes wrinkles, increases muscle tone, normalizes metabolic processes.

By choosing a type of massage, the classification of which refers to an unusual massage, the client will receive a sea of \u200b\u200bunforgettable impressions in combination with recovery.

Body massage options

Significant a variety of techniques and types of body massages used for weight loss, cellulite elimination, skin rehabilitation.

Types of body massage:

  • traditional. It is considered the most demanded methodology, with the help of which they eliminate pain, swelling, treat articular pathologies and various chronic diseases;
  • medical technique It struggles with inflammatory processes of various nature, eliminates the pathologies of internal organs and diseases caused by mental disorders;
  • relaxing massage technique It is performed on the entire body surface, as well as in some sections.

There are types of massage in Thailand, which are conducted at certain active points:

  • classic, in which all muscle tissue is being worked out;
  • types of body massage performed in the field of the collar area of \u200b\u200bthe neck, providing a pronounced therapeutic and relaxing effect;
  • massage of legs carried out by hand or special chopsticks;
  • the procedure aimed at weight loss simultaneously eliminates cellulite leather coupling.

Thai technique includes techniques and types of massage by oils. All movements during sessions are aimed at full relaxation, so only stroking and intimidating manipulations are used. Aromatic oils that abundantly lubricate the processed areas help achieve the maximum relaxing effect. Interestingly, the patient in front of the session itself chooses the oil you liked.

From the list of all types of Thai massage, the technique with herbal bags is popular. Various herbs with therapeutic effect are put in linen bags. Before the grass procedure warms up, lay out on the bags, they perform massage movements.

  • vacuum technique It is carried out using special manipulations that are processed by problem areas. This is one of the most popular types of anti-cellulite massage, during which distressed places under the influence of vacuum are massaged by rollers;
  • hydromassage refers to comprehensive procedures when certain parts of the body are treated with water under high pressure;
  • Massage with vibrator massager Allows you to influence deep layers of epidermis.

Hardware massage techniques have a double result: eliminate the pathology of the internal organs, at the same time strengthening muscle mass. The hardware technique effectively eliminates fat deposits, les out the skin when cellulite.

Massage techniques for the back

There are various types of back massage, which are divided into two categories:

  • therapeutic, which includes preventive and hygienic massage equipment;
  • a relaxing technique with which the stressful and depressive states are eliminated.

There are the following types of massage for the back:

  • classical the option refers to the most common and popular technique used for patients of any age category;
  • cotton, or reflex variant, during which the impact on certain areas of the back is. Using such a technique, they affect the spinal cord, on active points that have projections on internal organs;
  • vibration technique Refers to a variety of hardware massage. The technique is used for the treatment of bronchitis occurring in acute form, and other pathologies related to respiratory authorities;
  • medical The option for the back is shown in the pathologies of the spine, such as scoliosis, osteochondrosis, hernia between the vertebrae, changes that occurred after the spine injury. Therapeutic massage should appoint and conduct only a specialist. The doctor defines the duration of sessions and courses of treatment;
  • vibration Massage equipment is shown in pathologies with respiratory authorities. Massage eliminates the stagnant in light sputum at bronchitis;
  • sports massage For the back helps athletes to remove fatigue after the competition, serves as a preventive tool from injuries;
  • massage banks normalizes blood flow, restores the outflow of lymph. Muscular tissue is saturated with necessary nutrients and oxygen.

The main movements during massage sessions for the back are stroking, rubbing, kneading, patting, vibration manipulations.

Assigning treatment, specialists, given what kind of massages, sometimes prescribe the procedure as the only option to eliminate pathology. In other cases, a certain type of massage is present in complex treatment.

Most of the types of massage can only be trusted to specialists. The specialist before appointing the procedure will exclude contraindications, will determine the optimal version of the technique necessary to solve the problem.

Some procedure options can be performed independently, observing the sequence of massage movements and the rules for performing the procedure.

Massage is considered the most demanded procedure in many diseases. To eliminate various pathologies, a certain type of procedure is selected.

Among the various ways of recovery and relaxation is one of the best - massages. The massage procedure for thousands of years was an integral part of a person's life.

People have long understood that with mechanical effects on various parts of the body, the therapeutic effect is achieved. Massage has an impact on the skin and muscle, and its main goal is to remove the voltage.

Today there are many massage techniques, and each has its own characteristics. Lifspa leads the 23 most popular massage throughout the world.

Russian massage

It is used to strengthen the muscles, restore the nervous and respiratory system, to combat sleep impairment.

Swedish massage

It is carried out strongly and deep. Swedish massage is also called sports massage, because it is very useful with strong physical stress on muscles and joints.

When performing this type of massage the therapist tries to penetrate deep into the tissue, to rub the seals, stretch the vascular-nerve bundles and muscles.

Relaxing massage

Its feature are gentle, superficial, not disturbing muscles of touch, kneading and stroking. Relaxing massage should be very gentle and relaxing.


At the time of supplying water jets there is a feeling of weightlessness, relaxation. The healing force of the underwater massage and the effects of the aquatic environment will help you to dedicate from the shipment of earthly burdens and trouble.

Massage hot stones

Massage is performed by stones of volcanic rocks, which were formed on the slopes of acting volcanoes and slowly cooled.

Esalen Massage.

Esalne-massage technique combines receptions of Swedish, reflex and therapeutic massage, oriental methods, modern principles of in-depth breathing and physiology, practitioners of Feldencray (soft fitness) and gestalt therapy, head massage.

Esalan massage combines tumping and stroking, swinging, kneading and tensile techniques.

Endermological massage

Otherwise, the LPG massage is called. The LPG massage is painless, very pleasant for sensations.

The LPG procedure consists in treating the muscular layer and subcutaneous-fatty fiber by vacuum effect, by deep and intensive kneading with special roller manipulas in various modes.

Lymphodenge massage

The lymphatic drainage massage purifies lymphatic vessels and slots from slags, speeds up the processes of their excretion from the body.

Reflexogenic massage

Although reflexologists sometimes call this procedure to massage the stop, it is more than a simple foot massage.
Reflexology implies an impact on certain points on the foot corresponding to the projections of various organs. Reflexogenic massage is very relaxing and especially useful for people who spend a lot of time standing.

Ayurvedic massage

This unique type of massage is based on deep operation with soft tissues - leather, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and internal organs. As a result, the disappearance of the tension in muscles, improving blood circulation and lymphottock, increased energy flow.

Thai massage

Truly miraculous, healing many ailments, the method pearated by the ancient spiritual traditions of Thailand. Massage balancing the body energy, uses soft pressure to certain points.
Thai massage also includes compression and stretching. This procedure reduces the manifestation of stress, increases flexibility and range of movements.


This east massage is aimed at restoring energy equilibrium, and after this, the physical health of the person.

It is a physiological massage, which is held from the center to the periphery, including the practice of point massage.

Lomi Lomi.

This is a sacred Hawaiian massage using special oils. Combines deep muscle kneading and impact on subcutaneous fiber tissue, lymphatic drainage.
Massage is done all over the body, during the massage the master uses palms, forearms, pads and phalanges of fingers, elbows.


Special technique impact with hands on the body and by pressing certain acupuncture points, the master removes energy blocks and restores the energy flow.

Aromatheraphetic massage

Masseur can choose oils that relax, activate, relieve stress, restore the energy balance of the body. This type of massage is particularly suitable for people whose lifestyle is inextricably linked with stressful situations and emotional overload.

Honey massage

Use honey of various varieties and exposure time. A mechanical effect is added to the healing properties of honey and a unique method of restoration of the body is obtained after intensive exercise, after injuries and diseases.
It also applies for lung diseases, and recently - in anti-cellulite programs.

Spanish massage

The main difference of this massage is in the plasticity of movements. Takes are performed by all surfaces of the hands. This is a very deep massage, after which complete muscle relaxation is achieved.


This is a point massage, during which the rhythmic presses are produced with fingers, palms or elbows on the skin area in the projection of biologically active points or around them.
Such an impact not only physically strengthens the body, but also contributes to the correct redistribution of energy.

Thai massage herbal bags

The unique bags are filled with a mixture of dried Thai plants, such as, for example, mountain ginger, turmeric, Kafrian Lime, Cryptoleps, curkum aromatic, patchouli, camphor. Massage lies in a soft effect on the body of a warm bag with grass. When exposed to acupressure points, the release of endorphins, which block pain occurs. The result is not only the disappearance of pain, but also an increase in blood flow into the desired area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

Turkish soap massage

This procedure is a wonderful combination of surprisingly pleasant and at the same time useful rejuvenating procedures, including a traditional Turkish bathhouse - Hamam, natural peeling and soap massage.

Anticellulite massage

One of the "relevant" types of body massage, directed primarily on the deep study of subcutaneous fatty fiber, ligaments and muscles. In its feelings, this massage is more painful than the usual. The main function is to prevent the growth of connective tissue, which occurs the death of fat cells.

Chinese massage

Traditional Chinese massage is carried out in special clothing like pajamas and is to stretch and knead the limbs. Elements of gymnastics are used.


Traditional Indian massage in four hands. It is also called "third-eye massage", since it uses a heated oil, which is poured into a dot on the forehead with a thin flowing, the so-called third eye area.

Text: AlinaMkrtchyan

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