What and to whom is sea air useful? How do you get the most out of it? A sea of ​​benefits. What diseases does salt water treat? Benefits of sea water and air

Most of our planet is covered with water. The human and animal body is almost completely made of it. Therefore, it is not surprising that water plays a leading role in the life of creatures inhabiting the Earth. In our material, I would like to talk about what thalassotherapy is, what are the benefits and harms of swimming in sea water, how resting near the coast affects the state of the human body.

A few words about thalassotherapy

Such a concept as thalassotherapy was introduced into everyday life by the famous German therapist Friedrich von Halem. The specialist presented the results of studies on the benefits of swimming in the sea to the public in the 18th century. A little later, the British physiologist Richard Russell compiled a treatise on the healing properties of salt water. From that time on, doctors began to consider swimming in the sea as an effective therapy for a wide variety of ailments.

Due to the expansion of knowledge in the field of thalassotherapy, the demand for the services of instructors has noticeably increased, who introduced the population to the secrets of keeping on water. Indeed, a few centuries ago, sailors were mainly able to sail. Since the rest of the population just did not see such a skill in practical application.

With the advent of the doctrine of thalassotherapy, many Europeans began to regularly visit the seaside for recreation. The first coastal resorts began to emerge at the end of the 19th century. In the same period, bathing suits were invented, the fashion for which contributed to the introduction of people to swimming in the healing salt water.

In fact, the benefits of sea water for humans were noted in the treatises of the ancient Greek scientist, physician and philosopher Hippocrates. It was he who first suggested using it in order to heal wounds, eliminate bruises, and also treat skin diseases, in particular, lichen and scabies. In those gray days, the benefits of sea water for joints were already known. It was believed that rest near the coast helps to eliminate the ailments of the nervous system. Sea water is often used as a laxative. She also treated headaches.

Composition of sea water

What is the reason for the benefits of sea water? A beneficial effect on the human body is due to its special mineral composition. Seawater contains the following substances:

  1. Mineral salts - promote the accelerated outflow of fluids from body tissues, accelerate metabolic processes in the body.
  2. Calcium - has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, eliminates depressive conditions, drives away insomnia, makes it possible to get rid of convulsive conditions, osteoporosis.
  3. Magnesium - prevents allergic manifestations, relieves nervousness and irritability.
  4. Potassium - normalizes blood pressure, prevents the occurrence of hypertensive conditions, relieves tissue from swelling.
  5. Iodine is an essential element for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The trace element has a positive effect on intellectual activity.
  6. Iron - takes part in the formation of red blood cells, oxygen enrichment of body cells.
  7. Silicon - improves the condition of the skin, increasing the level of its firmness and elasticity.
  8. Selenium - prevents the formation of abnormal cells in tissues.
  9. Sulfur - disinfects the skin, effectively combats the development of all kinds of fungal manifestations.

Who benefits from swimming in the sea?

As modern studies show, the benefits of sea water for the body consist, first of all, in the development of positive dynamics for the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Bathing disperses blood, saturates body fluids with minerals and enriches tissues with oxygen. For this reason, it is recommended to rest on the sea for people who suffer from heart ailments, have problems with pathological surges in blood pressure.

The benefits of sea water are in the accelerated cell renewal of the human body. Bathing in it is recommended for persons who have malfunctioning metabolic processes in the body. Visiting sea resorts provides an opportunity to strengthen the immune system, calm the nervous system, and improve the condition of the skin.

The special benefits of bathing in the sea are pregnant women, persons who are in the stage of rehabilitation after serious illnesses. After all, the sea acts as a real storehouse of minerals that are required for normal life and recovery of the body.

Sea air

The visit brings considerable benefits to the organs of the respiratory system and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Staying under the sun helps to open the pores of the epidermis. Thus, microelements that are in the air are literally absorbed into the skin. It also contains negatively charged ions, volatile phytoncides, which are released from vegetation.

Seawater fumes, rich in salts and iodine, have a positive effect on the lungs. The tissues of the respiratory tract are gradually softened and cleaned. This is why it is so easy to breathe on the coast. The air saturated with moisture constantly moisturizes the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, which helps to retain dust particles and prevents the penetration of pathological microbes into the body.

Sea water - benefits for weight loss

Bathing in salt water makes it possible to get a beautiful figure, make the body more attractive and fit. A high concentration of mineral salts and useful elements contributes to the early elimination of toxins from the body. The effect of waves on the body is akin to an anti-cellulite massage. If regular bathing is combined with activity on the shore, the fats in the tissues of the body simply melt before our eyes. The benefits of sea water for the human body in this case also lie in its iodized composition. It is this substance that burns excess fat reserves in problem areas.

Strengthening the gums and teeth

The benefits of sea water, in addition to all of the above, is to strengthen teeth and gums. The presence of concentrated calcium and bromine in such a salty liquid looks like a good solution for using it in rinsing the mouth. However, it is recommended to use only pharmaceutical sea water for these purposes. It is not worth rinsing your teeth and gums directly off the coast. Indeed, in such water, in addition to useful elements, there are many pathological microorganisms.

Healing wounds

Sea water is known for its wound healing effects. Bathing in it looks like a good solution for people who have all kinds of abrasions, cuts, and insect bite marks on their bodies. The concentrated mineral salts contained in such a liquid act like an antibiotic, disinfecting wounds. Thus, swimming in the sea leads to their early healing.

Features of swimming in different seas

It is useful to rest on absolutely any coast. At the same time, being near this or that sea has its own characteristics:

  1. Black Sea - a positive effect on the body is due to the abundance of oxygen in the coastal space, a moderate amount of mineral salts in the water. Coniferous vegetation on the coast saturates the air with negatively charged ions and phytoncides, which have a calming effect on the nervous system.
  2. The Azov Sea is considered one of the most useful in the whole world. Its waters contain an abundance of iodine, hydrogen sulfide and bromine. Such elements are involved in the normalization of metabolic processes. The presence of healing mud in combination with moderately humid steppe air makes the Sea of ​​Azov a real health resort.
  3. The Baltic Sea has one of the coldest waters. Therefore, the place looks ideal for people who decide to join the tempering of the body. The combination of substances that are released from pine wood with mineral salts helps to improve immunity.
  4. Dead Sea - the waters contain the highest concentration of mineral salts. Such a composition activates metabolic processes in the body, improves blood circulation, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

Why is sea water good and dangerous? We will consider the benefits and harms of bathing in it further:

  1. Before entering the sea, it is advisable to spend about 10-15 minutes on the shore, being in the shade. This approach will avoid shock to the body due to temperature contrast.
  2. Arriving at the resort, it is recommended to swim only once a day for several days. Over time, it is worth increasing the number of sea baths to two or three. In this case, it is better that the breaks between bathing are at least half an hour.
  3. Do not linger at sea until blue in the face. Hypothermia leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the body and, as a result, the development of colds, cystitis, bronchitis, and other ailments. To prevent this from happening, upon exiting the water, you should vigorously rub the body with a towel.
  4. Swimming in the sea immediately after eating is harmful to health. However, you should not be too active in water on an empty stomach. Indeed, with this behavior, long-distance swims can lead to the development of tachycardia and a feeling of general malaise.
  5. When leaving the water, it is better to stand on the shore for a few minutes, and not run immediately to the shower. Only in this way will the skin absorb the nutrients contained in the sea.
  6. For those for whom swimming and staying in cool water is contraindicated due to poor health, douches and foot baths will benefit.

The benefits of sea water were known even in Ancient Greece. The famous Hippocrates went down in history by prescribing thalassotherapy procedures to many of his patients - treatment with sea water. The results of such treatment were impressive, but they were undeservedly forgotten over time.

However, in the 18th century, German doctors started talking about it again and declared that sea water is a unique natural medicine. And already in the 19th century, sea bathing and baths with sea water became extremely popular. Someone explained their high effect by the fact that the composition of human blood plasma is similar to the composition of sea water, someone found another explanation. But, be that as it may, it was recognized that sea ​​water is extremely beneficial for the human body... By the way, you can read about the benefits of sea salt.

World without Harm will tell you about its benefits today. Who knows, maybe after reading the publication you will seriously think about whether you should go to the sea. Now you will have a good reason for this and all the reasons - thalassotherapy with sea water is extremely useful and you need ...

What is in sea water

The benefits of seawater can be explained by its composition. According to modern chemists, there is almost the entire periodic table. As a result, after contact of the body with sea water, there is a stimulation, activation, strengthening of its defenses.

the minerals in sea water are in ionized form, which may explain the alkalizing effect of sea water. In view of the abundance of oxidants that destroy the cells of our body, and with them our immunity and health, this is very useful.

What is the effect of seawater on the human body

If you try to succinctly and succinctly answer about the nature of the effect of sea water on the human body, the answer can be contained in a few words. This is a very positive effect. But, in order not to be unfounded, let's look at how each element from the composition of sea water individually affects you and me.

The influence of calcium in the composition of seawater

Forget about depression, improve the condition of connective tissues, protect our body from infections, promote healing of wounds and cuts on the skin, normalize blood clotting processes, all this can be calcium.

The effect of magnesium in the composition of seawater

The effect of bromine in the composition of seawater

Calming effect on the human body as a whole.

Influence of sulfur in the composition of seawater

Due to its properties, sulfur is able to eliminate the causative agents of fungal diseases, and positively affect the condition of the skin.

The influence of chlorine in the composition of seawater

Chlorine plays an important role in the formation of blood plasma and gastric juice.

The effect of potassium in the composition of seawater

Cleansing cells and regulating their nutrition.

Effects of iodine in the composition of sea water

A pronounced rejuvenating effect, reducing high harmful cholesterol in the blood, normalizing hormonal levels, improving brain activity. Especially important for a growing organism.

The effect of zinc in the composition of seawater

Prevention of neoplasms, strengthening of the body's immune defense.

The effect of manganese in the composition of seawater

Influence of copper and iron in the composition of seawater

Effect of selenium in the composition of seawater

Cancer prevention.

Influence of silicon in the composition of seawater

Caring for the health of the cardiovascular system.

By the way, in order to fully experience the benefits of swimming in seawater, after going ashore, try not to wash it off your skin in the shower for several hours. Thus, the beneficial effects of the elements from the composition of sea water will last and they will continue to nourish and strengthen your body through the skin. But, if you have sensitive skin, sea water causes redness and irritation - you will have to wash it off the surface of the body as soon as possible.

Sea water treatment

The most effective and convenient way to get the most out of the sea water is by bathing and bathing. Experts note that after immersion in sea water, the human body relaxes, muscles, skin regain tone, each cell is saturated with energy, the work of internal organs and systems improves, heart rate and blood pressure indicators normalize.

After bathing in seawater, the skin looks elastic and taut, due to the fact that it actively absorbs organic matter, micro and macro elements, salts. If there are wounds or cuts on the skin, they heal faster and better.

Indications for treatment with sea water

Direct indications for swimming in seawater include fungal diseases, gout, hemorrhoids, colitis, diarrhea, constipation, arthritis, rheumatism, hypertension, edema, diseases of the respiratory system, dental and gynecological problems, circulatory disorders. You can even get rid of a hangover by plunging into sea water. However, bathing in a state of alcoholic intoxication is not a very good decision.

If there is no opportunity to plunge into the sea water in the sea, you can make a bath with sea water at home, rinse the nasopharynx with a solution of sea water for angina, bronchitis, sinusitis, pulmonary diseases ...

Probably, every person has repeatedly heard that a vacation at sea has the most positive effect on But what exactly does it consist of? How is the sea useful? Let's try to answer the questions presented.

Composition of sea water

How is the sea useful? Seawater contains the following:

  1. Sodium chloride - helps to maintain the acid-base balance of the skin. After swimming in the sea, the skin structure is restored, which is reflected in the overall improvement in appearance.
  2. Calcium - allows you to eliminate cuts, small wounds, protects the body from infections.
  3. Magnesium - helps to normalize metabolic processes in the body, has a relaxing effect on the body, relieves puffiness, prevents allergic reactions.
  4. Sulfur is an unsuitable medium for the development of pathological fungal spores. Bathing in seawater with a sulfuric environment disinfects the skin.
  5. Zinc - strengthens the protective properties of the body, prevents the formation of malignant tumors.
  6. Copper and iron - are responsible for oxygenation of body tissues.
  7. Silicon - strengthens blood vessels, makes them more elastic.

Having considered the above properties, there is no need to doubt once again whether the sea is useful. Doctors strongly recommend not to wash off the salt layer from the skin for several hours after swimming in the sea. At the same time, people who have too delicate, sensitive skin should refuse such therapy.


How is the sea useful? The sea water treatment is known as thalassotherapy. Spending time on the coast allows you to relieve muscle and nervous tension and recharge with positive energy. The beneficial properties of the sea help to improve blood circulation, normalize blood pressure, and restore a normal heart rate.

After the procedures, the skin becomes tightened, because when in such water, the body tissues absorb mineral salts, micro and macro elements.

  • fungal infections;
  • gout;
  • diarrhea and constipation;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • joint pain, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
  • sinusitis, chronic rhinitis;
  • sore throat, pneumonia, bronchitis;
  • circulatory disorders.

Cosmetological qualities of sea water

What is the benefit of the sea for a person and how positively does bathing affect the appearance? After regular water procedures in salt water, women notice a gradual elimination of the manifestations of cellulite. Sea water cleanses the skin, nourishes the cells, gives the epidermis additional elasticity, and accelerates tissue regeneration. During bathing, toxins and toxins are removed through the skin.

After being in sea water, the nails stop breaking and flaking. Keratinized tissues become stronger and regenerate faster.

According to cosmetologists, swimming in the sea for half an hour is an excellent alternative to massage every day. Waves have a beneficial effect on the body, performing passive "gymnastics" for the vessels. Thus, active oxygenation of the internal organs is ensured.

Sea bathing strengthens muscles, tightens the skin, and consumes extra calories. For those who are overweight, the procedures give the opportunity to improve their figure without unnecessary overexertion.

Swimming rules in sea water

  1. Before diving into the water, it is worth spending about 10 minutes on the shore. This will avoid stress on the body caused by the temperature contrast between air and water.
  2. Once at the resort, it is worth getting acclimatized. In the early days, it is better to swim no more than once a day. Further, the number of water procedures should be increased to 2-3 per day.
  3. You should not be in the water for hours until the body is completely hypothermic. This behavior is fraught with the occurrence of colds, the development of cystitis, bronchitis, exacerbation of chronic ailments.
  4. Swimming on an empty stomach and swimming after meals should be avoided. Such actions harm the work of the digestive organs, cause a feeling of weakness.
  5. When leaving the water, do not rush to the shower right away. should remain on the skin for some time, which will allow it to absorb nutrients.
  6. People who are contraindicated in bathing for health reasons should resort to foot baths and dousing with seawater.

Why is the Black Sea useful?

Visiting the Black Sea coast is recommended for people who suffer from diseases of the respiratory system. The air here is saturated with positive ions, aromas of medicinal field herbs, elements of coniferous resins - phytoncides. Therefore, being in the region can be roughly compared to medical inhalation.

Who is suitable for rest on the absence of sudden changes in pressure, moderately arid climate, optimal water temperature - all this benefits people who suffer from heart disease, manifestations of rheumatism, kidney disease.

How is the Sea of ​​Azov useful?

No matter how paradoxical it may sound for domestic tourists, the composition of the water in the Sea of ​​Azov is considered one of the most beneficial for the body in the whole world. It contains about 100 elements of the periodic table. The water of the Sea of ​​Azov is especially saturated with bromine, iodine and hydrogen sulfide. These elements are directly involved in the metabolic processes of the body.

The uniqueness of the region lies in the presence of healing mud here. In turbulent water, silt rises from the seabed, the components of which have an effective therapeutic effect on the body.

Dead Sea

If we talk about which sea is more useful, rest in which region has the most favorable effect, Israel should be put in the first place here. It is here that people purposefully go for treatment.

How is the sea useful? Such rest is suitable for people suffering from joint diseases, pulmonary ailments. At the same time, it is not recommended to go to the Dead Sea for persons who are allergic to iodine. Swimming lovers will also get a little pleasure from swimming. A high concentration of salt simply does not allow a person to move freely in the water column.

Mediterranean Sea

The climatic conditions in the Mediterranean region are in many ways reminiscent of the Crimea. Coniferous forests coexist with tropical palms. Sandy shores alternate with pebble beaches.

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea are high in salt. Therefore, it is useful to resort to water procedures here, first of all, for people who suffer from skin diseases, rheumatic manifestations. It is recommended to go here for the purpose of general strengthening of the body. Local waters are suitable for eliminating the symptoms of vascular dystonia. However, Mediterranean resorts with dry air should not be visited by people with chronic respiratory diseases.

Red sea

Rest on the coast of Egypt allows you to enjoy the warmest sea water in the world, the temperature of which reaches about 32 o C. Despite the high temperature of the surrounding space in the region, the air here is much drier than in the Crimea. This allows the body to easily tolerate the seemingly suffocating heat.

The main danger when relaxing on the Red Sea coast is a high risk of getting burned. Therefore, when traveling to the region, it is worth stocking up on sunscreens and sprays, using them after every swim.

The Red Sea is suitable for people who suffer from:

  • cardiovascular disease;
  • pathologies of the respiratory organs;
  • skin problems;
  • diseases of the joints, the musculoskeletal system in general;
  • chronic rhinitis.

At the same time, people who suffer from vegetative dystonia should refrain from visiting local resorts. Since in an arid, hot climate, exacerbations are likely to develop.


As you can see, swimming in seawater and a long stay on the coast in general is an excellent prevention of many diseases. The only contraindication for this kind of therapy is the presence of chronic ailments that can worsen during acclimatization.

Sea water is surrounded by many myths. Some say that it is extremely beneficial to health, others - on the contrary, that except as a "bathing object" sea water does not bring any benefit. Which of this is a myth and which is true?

The first myth. "Sea water cures all diseases"

The term "thalassotherapy" (treatment by the sea) did not appear out of nowhere. Sea water is similar in composition to blood plasma, so it is able to penetrate through the pores of the skin into the blood, enriching the body with mineral salts. This "salt replenishment" is extremely beneficial to health. Therefore, patients with diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, nervous and musculoskeletal systems after a vacation at sea feel literally reborn. It is believed that the saltier the sea is, the healthier it is. This statement is generally true, however, with a slight caveat. Some seas have their own healing specialties. Therefore, ideally, each disease requires its own sea.
Each of the seas has its own place in the rating of usefulness and "specialization". Therefore, ideally, each patient needs to "find their sea" for the treatment of the disease.
Dead Sea
The most salty in the world (260-310 g / l of water). Moreover, 12 out of 21 minerals that are present in the water of the Dead Sea are no longer found in any body of water. Bromine fumes make the climate on the coast mild, they also reduce the aggressiveness of the sun, so it is almost impossible to get burnt there.
What heals: The Dead Sea is a real hospital for diseases of the joints and supporting apparatus, skin diseases. Even patients with psoriasis (which is considered incurable) after a stay at the Dead Sea have a long lasting remission.
Cons: When diving in the Dead Sea, you need to be very careful not to get the sea water in your mouth or eyes. Due to the high concentration of salts, there is a high likelihood of a salt burn. Swimming fans will hardly like the Dead Sea - the saturated salt solution literally pushes it out of the water, so it is impossible to swim here.
Red sea
The salt concentration is 38-42 grams per liter of water. This is one of the warmest seas (the water temperature in summer is + 32 ° C). It has the richest underwater world, and its famous coral reefs attract diving enthusiasts from all over the world.
What heals: The dry climate that the Red Sea is famous for is an ideal place for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases.
Cons: It is very hot in summer and too windy in winter. In the Red Sea, there have been cases of shark attacks on swimmers. The area of ​​underwater reefs is home to many poisonous fish.
Mediterranean, Adriatic, Aegean
The salt content is 40 grams per liter. They differ in the degree of purity (the cleanest is the Adriatic) and climate. Adriatic and Aegean coast - low humidity and coniferous forests, Mediterranean - hot summers and high air humidity.
What heals: prevention and rehabilitation of a wide range of diseases. High humidity is not indicated for patients with bronchopulmonary diseases.
Cons: the price of the rest. Finding a budget seat during the season is extremely difficult. Black Sea
The salt content is 18 grams per liter. Many experts consider such a concentration to be ideal - an excess of salt does not irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and this amount of salt is quite enough for the therapeutic effect.
What heals: cardiovascular, endocrine diseases, ailments of the musculoskeletal system.
Cons: not the cleanest sea.
Azov sea
Lightly salted (10 grams per liter), but unique in composition. Contains 92 healthy minerals. In addition, there are active mud volcanoes on the Azov coast (the mud contains iodine, bromine and hydrogen sulfide, which strengthens muscles, normalizes metabolic processes). The climate is dry, steppe.
Cons: small, industrial enterprises are located along the entire coast.
What heals: diseases of the endocrine, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems.
Baltic Sea
The least salted sea (8 grams per liter). It is appreciated by vacationers who do not like the heat and crowds of people. There are many coniferous forests on the Baltic coast, which fill the air with medicinal phytoncides.
What heals: rest in the Baltic is ideal for the elderly and patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as for those who are contraindicated in a hot climate.
Cons: The coldest sea - the water rarely warms up above 20 g, which makes swimming possible only for those who are prepared.

The second myth. "Since the sea is so useful, you need to swim as long as possible"

To benefit from sea bathing, you need to swim for at least 10-15 minutes. During this time, the body manages to adapt to the temperature regime, the pores of the skin open, and water-salt metabolism begins. Doctors are wary of prolonged sea bathing. It is known that salt water has a higher thermal conductivity and heat capacity - it absorbs more heat from the body, so you freeze faster in seawater than in fresh water. No matter how warm the water seems to you, you need to either actively move in the sea, or go ashore in 15-20 minutes. Otherwise, colds cannot be avoided.
The first symptom of freezing is the appearance of goose bumps on the body. They arise from the fact that cold receptors act on hair follicles - and the hair on the body "stands on end." The final signal is blue lips, which indicate deep cooling of the body. It is better not to allow this, and if something like this happened, go ashore. You need to rub yourself thoroughly with a towel and warm up in the sun.

The third myth. "The warmer the water, the better"

The optimum temperature of sea water is 22-24 degrees. Although the composition of sea water contains components with antiseptic and antibacterial action, in places of large concentrations of people, the water is so heavily polluted that with further warming up ideal conditions are created for the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

The fourth myth. "After bathing, you do not need to rinse off the water - the sea salt remaining on the skin will continue your recovery."

This is partly true. The effect of the sea water continues for about 20-30 minutes after the end of the bath. However, the body releases toxins from its cells while swimming. It is better to wash them off. Additionally, if your skin has sores or cuts, sea salt can cause irritation.

Unlike fresh water bodies, the sea and oceans are rich in various salts, the advantages and disadvantages of which scientists are still studying. But many discoveries in the field of cosmetology confirm the benefits of sea water for skin care. This is why cosmetics manufacturers are trying to include marine ingredients, including seawater, in their products. In addition to salt, the water in the sea contains a unique set of minerals that the skin and human body need. What are the benefits of sea water for beauty?

1. Skin nutrition

The chemical composition of the sea includes sodium, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, bromine, iodine, calcium, silicon, manganese, iron, phosphorus, copper, nickel, neon, oxygen, helium and many other macro- and microelements. They can be absorbed through the pores and capillaries of the body. Thanks to a real cocktail of beneficial substances, sea water is able to nourish the skin. The more there are, the more efficiently the skin is nourished. After using cosmetics combined with sea water or swimming in the sea, swelling decreases and muscle tone and skin elasticity increase.

The nutritional properties of sea water are good for the condition of nails and hair. Many of those who have rested by the sea for at least a week notice how their manicure has improved, their nail plates have grown stronger, their hair has become thicker and fuller. But you should not swim in the sea for too long, and then it is important to rinse your body and hair with fresh water. While on the seashore, one should not forget about protecting hair and skin from the sun's rays.

2. Anti-aging

Iodine is a valuable ingredient in sea water. It stimulates cell regeneration, which has a positive effect on maintaining the youth and beauty of the skin. Iodine is beneficial for strengthening the nervous system, normal functioning of the thyroid gland, and controlling cholesterol levels. When the internal organs are working properly, the skin looks much better and healthier.

Researchers claim that after sea bathing, the number of blood cells and leukocytes in the human body increases. That is why sea water has been considered healing since ancient times, especially for people with weakened immune systems, high blood sugar and anemia. Strengthening the immune system has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin and the whole body.

Many coastal residents regularly wash their faces with fresh sea water. Such procedures are especially useful for those who have problem skin prone to rashes and acne. If you spend a week at the sea, swimming in it every day and basking yourself in the warm sun, you can noticeably reduce the number of blackheads and acne on your face. This happens naturally under the influence of sea salt and the beneficial trace elements found in the sea. Warm sun rays also play a significant role, which dry out problem areas of the skin.

Small cuts and abrasions in seawater heal faster thanks to the action of its salts and potassium chloride. Sodium and iodine endow sea water with antiseptic properties. It increases the ability of cells to regenerate, reduces inflammation. Damaged skin regenerates and heals faster after taking water treatments with sea water, which relieves irritation, itching from both the skin and the mucous membranes of the body. It is a good prevention of fungal infections. Swimming in the sea can help alleviate the symptoms of skin problems such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea.

5. Protection against stress and depression

Prolonged stress and depression are the cause of many diseases, including skin problems. The researchers note that swimming in seawater has a particularly beneficial effect on the human nervous system. Exposure to the minerals of sea water, which penetrate the body through the skin, improves blood circulation, normalizes the pH balance and promotes the body's self-purification functions.

The benefits of water from the sea were known even in Ancient Greece. The famous Hippocrates, for headaches and increased anxiety, recommended breathing over the steam from sea water. Since it contains magnesium, being in it is good for calming a person. Lithium, which is also found in sea water, is used in medicines for the treatment of various psychological disorders. For those who are often stressed and depressed, it is useful to swim in the sea. If there is no opportunity or time for trips to southern countries, thalassotherapy procedures will come to the rescue.

The sea air also has healing properties - it contains a lot of negatively charged hydrogen ions, which play the role of strong antioxidants. They activate the human immune system and increase the natural functionality of the body's cells.

Along with the listed advantages of sea water, it also has disadvantages that can harm the skin and the whole body. Here are some of the disadvantages of this kind of water:

  • It cannot hydrate the human body and should not be taken internally.
  • It cannot be transported over long distances, since beneficial microorganisms die within 48 hours. Therefore, the truly healing power of sea water can be felt directly in the sea itself.
  • Sensitive skin prone to dryness, after prolonged exposure to sea water, can be prone to allergic reactions and severe peeling. To prevent this, it is important to immediately rinse with fresh water after bathing.
  • Sun and sea baths may be contraindicated for people with heart disease, blood vessels, thyroid hyperfunction, oncology, infectious diseases, iodine allergy and other health problems. Those who are allergic to sea water and hypersensitive to sea salt should be especially careful. Before going on a trip to the sea, it is important to speak with your doctor. If sea bathing is contraindicated for a person for any reason, then he can take foot baths with sea water, douches and cosmetic procedures.