How much is the connection of gas to residential buildings. Connecting gas to the private house: where to start

Centralized house supply natural gas gives his owner a number of advantages in solving the issue of heating and hot water supply. Indeed, in our country, precisely when burning gas, the generated thermal energy has a minimal cost compared to burning liquid fuel and electricity consumption. Of course, dried with wood or coal cheaper, but much harder in the physical sense.

If there is still no gas in the house, but the village is gasified, you need to connect the structure to centralized gas supply.

Connecting gas to the private house: where to start?

The rules and procedure for connecting residential buildings to centralized gas supply were regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1314 of December 30, 2013. At the same time, it does not matter, the house is put into operation, is on reconstruction, it is built or so far only there is a plot for construction and project. You can start connecting to the gas pipeline at any time.

Attention should be paid: all questions on the connection of gas to the private house can only be solved by his owner or a representative of the owner, acting on the basis of a notarized attorney.

Connection to gas pipeline

  • To connect to the gas pipeline, you need to turn to its owner. If several gas pipelines are located in close proximity to your home, it is necessary to choose the nearest gas pipeline, and refer to its owner with a statement, and more precisely with the request for the issuance of technical conditions for the connection. It is necessary to submit documents confirming the ownership of the house and on land plot.
  • Within 14 business days must be issued technical conditions On the connection or given a written refusal.
  • Having received the technical conditions and having studied them, the owner decides on the further feasibility of gasification, and if it is positive, refers to a statement (request) on the conclusion of an agreement on connecting to the gas pipeline.
  • The organization owning a gas pipeline, within 30 days from the date of receipt of the application, should send the applicant a draft contract for the connection, and the one, in turn, must sign it (also within 30 days) and one copy to send to the owner of the gas pipeline.
  • After signing the contract, both parties (the owner of the house and the gas distribution organization) perform all the activities due to the technical specifications for the connection.
  • Upon completion of all works, the parties sign an act of connecting the house to the gas pipeline.

For owners of small houses with a gas consumption level of less than 300 m3 per hour, the law provides a simplified connection procedure, without obtaining technical conditions. The owner of the house is enough to immediately contact the connection.

Calculation of consumption is made taking into account all gas appliances installed in the house: boiler heating, water heater, cooking stove, convector, fireplace, etc.

This summarizes the maximum level of gas consumption specified in the technical passports of devices used. The mother-in-law is one important point: the power of the heating boiler must correspond to the area of \u200b\u200bthe house. If the owner of housing is 100 m2 will present those. A passport for a 2 kW boiler, then the maximum flow rate will be included in the calculation, and the average value of the boiler consumption, a thermal power of at least 10 kW.

In the technical specifications received by the owner of the house at the first appeal to the owner of the gas pipeline, the following information must be specified:

  • Maximum allowable gas consumption per hour
  • connection time
  • technical Conditions

If the owner of the house decided to connect to this gas pipeline, and turned with the relevant statement, it will be given the refined technical conditions in which it will be indicated:

  • information on gas pipeline and nominal gas pressure in it
  • requirements for gas pipes
  • requirements for Accounting and Equipment Devices

What should make the owner of the house for connecting gas

The gas distribution company supplies gas only to the border of the owner's area. The gas pipeline from the boundary of the site before entering the house is the property of the owner of the house. Mounts his owner of the house independently. This will require a project, to develop which can company supplying a gas or a project organization that has a relevant license.

If the project is to order in the company supplying gas, then all the issues of its coordination will fulfill the staff of this organization. The project development is necessarily negotiated in the gas connection agreement. The owner of the house can additionally require the following documents:

  • house project
  • topographic shot of a plot
  • location scheme on the site of communications

The owner of the house can submit its own project made in an existence of an organization, but in this case it must be agreed with the gas distribution organization. The project may have to be coordinated with a number of third-party organizations (power grid, water volokanal, etc.)

After coordination of the project, the owner of the house disgusts the gas pipeline in its area in accordance with the project documentation. The organization that supplies gas takes it into operation and connects gas.

The law establishes the deadline for connecting the gas: from the moment of the conclusion of the contract before starting should pass no more than 2 years.

Russians who are owners of private houses, in every way seeking to facilitate their accommodation in such a living structure. Therefore, they are equipped so as to feel comfortable and cozy: in addition to electricity and water, gas is carried out. What is needed for this? What is necessary documentation? How much is it worth connecting gas in 2017? Where to seek help? Consider all these questions in this article.

Advantages of private house gasification

It would seem that by building or buying a private house, you can still live in it without using gas. But its presence will make your life easier, since gasification has a number of advantages:

  1. environmental friendliness;
  2. lack of combustion and unnecessary waste products;
  3. the cost is lower than that of electricity; Gas system durability;
  4. the safety of use (of course, subject to certain rules);
  5. the possibility of connecting K. heating system, kitchen stove, gas column, etc.

But how much is it worth conducting such pleasure in a private house depends on individual features housing and cost of services of the gasification process.

Private Gasification Process

A prerequisite for summing up the gas to the residential structure is the presence of a gas pipeline in the dementary paragraph. If so, then experts argue that the process of connecting a private house to the gas pipeline will be as follows:

1. Obtaining permission to gasify in Mosoblgaz (this condition works for residents of the Moscow region):

  • collect and submit to the appropriate organization the necessary packet papers;
  • fill out an application for the conclusion of the contract (you can do with the help of the online service "Mosoblgaz");
  • conclude an agreement with a gas distributor on technological connection to the gas pipeline.

2. Design (this procedure is carried out experimental specialists):

  • masters who came to the site perform the necessary measurements and topographic shooting;
  • according to the measurements made up the project on which construction and installation works will be carried out.

3. Conduct construction and installation work within the boundaries of the land plot.

4. Conclusion of the gas supply treaty.

5. Run the gas pipeline system in coordination with a local gas distribution organization.

Private house to a common gas pipeline can be connected in several ways:

  1. above ground (with the help of special brackets and supports for pipes above the surface of the Earth, which will be supplied to the house);
  2. underground (all communications hide in the trenches, dug in the ground around the structure);
  3. combined (combined two methods together, for example, from the side of the street use an overhead method, and in the courtyard of the house - underground).
The choice of one of the ways depends on how much the whole process will cost to gasify the private house.

Registration of the necessary documentation

To gasify a private house and get the appropriate permission to this, its owner must prepare such papers:
  1. application to "Mosoblgaz" (now it can be done without leaving the house, that is, online using the services of the Internet with the help of the site "Mosoblgaz"
  2. identity certification document (passport);
  3. expanding paper on land and house built on it;
  4. situational plan of the site with reference to the territory of the settlement;
  5. a copy of the papers of the house (take in BTI);
  6. the act of survey of chimneys (is issued by the local fire service after the immediate inspection of the residential structure);
  7. technical documents for already installed equipment for the use of gas (for example, kitchen stove, column or boiler).
It may also be necessary to consent closest neighbors (preferably in writing, certified by notarized), if a private house is in common property.

Gas connection services to the private house: where to turn

On the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region there are several organizations that are engaged in providing services for connecting gas to a private house. Consider what kind of gasification work they perform:

"Mosoblgaz". After submitting the application and the conclusion of the relevant treaty with this organization, the Customer will receive execution of TU (technical conditions), fulfilling all related work, the performance of the gas pipeline and its actual inclusion.

Elezar company. Conducts all types of design work (including topographic surveys and all calculations), acquires and delivers materials with equipment, installation of an external gas pipeline, physical connection to internal communications, equipment testing (earthworks are not included in the cost of the company).
"Prov.". It will help you to agree on a project with a regional gas supply organization, controls all types of installation work and launch. gas equipment To work, will also prepare all the necessary documentation for the State Registration.
Gazenergostroy. He is engaged in the gasification of private houses "turnkey" (in addition to standard works, thermal calculations are performed, according to individual data of the house and the site, calculates the estimates that include materials and equipment, and all types of services provided).
Choosing a company that will gasify a private house, its owner must navigate not only on the list of services provided, but also for their cost.

How much is it worth gasifying a private house in 2017

How much is it worth connecting gas to the house? The answer depends on several factors:

  1. From prices for services installed by the company that will perform all work.
  2. From the type of connection:

standard (includes a certain distance from the residential building to a common gas pipeline, a choice of a gas meter, a connection method, a terrain, rates for the region);

non-standard (depending on the location of the house on the site, its shape, relief and the quality of the soil).

  • 3. From the volume of land-building work (based on the length of the highway).
  • 4. From materials and equipment used by experts in the gasification process (for example, the use of polyethylene pipes, installation of a coupling crane and meter, etc.).
In the local gas distribution company you will be provided to you, according to which you can calculate how much it costs to connect gas to your home.
According to the concluded agreement with "Mosoblgaz", the fixed value of all works included in the application is 57 thousand 297 rubles 90 kopecks. To this should be added another fee for design and construction work, which are estimated on the estimated rates.
The Gazenergostroy company varies its rates, it depends on the above conditions. On average, their services for gasification of a private house cost about 300 thousand rubles (this includes the design of the documentation - 200 thousand rubles and construction and installation work - 100 thousand rubles).
LBM-Gazstroy, operating not only in the Moscow region, on its site placed a price list of all provided gasification services for individuals - On average, connect gas to the house will cost from 150 thousand rubles and higher. The price depends, as mentioned above, from the value of the materials used. So, laying the gas pipeline from steel pipes It costs from 650 rubles, and polyethylene - from 1100 rubles.
The company "Elezar" is assessed by 300 thousand rubles. How much it costs to fully connect gas to a private house, using their services, depends on the installation of an external gas pipeline - one meter costs 4 thousand rubles. The remaining rates are included in the contract.
Specialists calculated that connecting gas in the Moscow region will cost at least 500 thousand rubles. But how so, because the rates provided by various companies are significantly lower. Let's try to deal with all the nuances.

Consider the details:

  1. coordination and visiting of the resolution documentation (preparation, collection, receipt of that plus the acceleration of the process, as it takes a period of duration of a year and a half) - 200 thousand rubles;
  2. design and approval with a gas trust, its subsequent registration - 20 thousand rubles;
  3. pipe wiring from the highway to the house and on it - from 3 thousand to 50 thousand rubles (although it all depends on the metrah);
  4. in the total gas pipeline (carried out only after the conclusion of the contract with the gas company) - from 30 thousand rubles;
  5. receiving a gasified private house with relevant authorities (Gas Inspection), this includes the conclusion of another gas supply contract and the maintenance of all equipment, also an act of fire inspection, allowing operation - from 50 thousand rubles.
Experts offer an output: to reduce the cost of all listed services for the private house gasification, you can unite with neighboring homeowners, that is, to issue documentation at once to several houses. But in this case, the approval of this nuance will be coordinated with the local administration and the project gas organization.

Gas / Gasification in the Moscow region

Built a house, for a long time tormented with electric heating (stove, boiler on diesel fuel, etc.) and finally dose - it's time to keep gas ... It's a matter of uncertainty and misunderstanding, where to start, how to continue and how much it will cost ? Let's try to figure out together.

Gasification of a private house. Determine the area

To begin with, we will define where you are. It is the question of the question - is there gas in your settlement or not? If not, the situation is seriously complicated. In this case, it is necessary to explore whether the location of the Gasification program of the Moscow region is included. This information can be viewed on the site "Mosoblgaz" - In the rest of the regions there are investment programs that can also be found on the websites of Gro.

If there is no of your settlement in the lists, then things are and at all sourness. The law does not provide for the possibility of gasification to expound as it was previously. But, Mosoblgaz goes to a meeting with collective applicants and accepts applications from non-profit partnerships formed by a group of citizens. Immediately, the members of any non-profit partnership will receive gas at the borders of each part of the partnership member, and in 80% of cases, the pipe built under the Connection Agreement will belong to the State Unitary Enterprise MO Mosoblgaz. The procedure is not easy and requires a separate conversation. A very different things are in SNT. And this task is also necessary to be considered separately.

But, suppose, you have gas in the village (village, settlement). Take the perfect case - the pipe passes through your street at a distance from several meters to several tens of meters. What is the algorithm of action in this case?

Gasification of a private house: Who owns the nearest gas pipeline?

We begin with the fact that it is necessary to find out whose property is the nearest to your home (land plot) "pipe". Most of the low pressure gas networks in the Moscow region belongs to Mosoblgaz (State The company is responsible for gasification and gas supply in the region). However, numerous private or departmental gas pipelines are also provided, which belong to other owners.

One of the most common cases is a gas pipeline based on the contributions of local residents and on the balance sheet of the partnership created by them. As an option - your neighbor paved the pipe at the expense of personal funds. Separate and complex history - Gas networks in country villages (DNT, SNT, KP, etc.) Infrastructure on the territory of these settlements is owned by the association.

The problem here is that from the owners of the private infrastructure you will need to get permission to use it. What conditions will this consent be applied to you - depends on how you negotiate and what are the appetites of the owners of the gas pipeline.

To find out who is the owner of the nearest gas infrastructure to you, contacting local authorities or in Mosoblgaz. And you can clarify the question of your neighbors, which gas has already extended safely.

Application for gasification

Well, whose gas pipeline - found out. Next you have to go to Mosoblgaz. Even if the gas pipeline, from which you connect, belongs not to Mosoblogaz, the application for connecting to networks must be submitted to this organization. After all, it is "Mosoblgaz" with information on the characteristics of the gas networks of the Moscow region. And, therefore, it can determine the technical ability (or inability) of connection in your particular case.

Mosoblgaz has a really good site, once again link - there you need to determine to which branches of the company include your settlement. This can be done here - Appeal to this branch with a gas connection application.

To submit an application, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport (or power of attorney for the applicant's representative)
  • Short-ending documents for land
  • Situation plan with reference to the territory of the settlement

For some time, you can apply for a personal account on the Mosoblgaz website. Register.

In Mosoblgaz, your application is checked for reliability, determine the source and technical possibility of your connection. According to the results, if the technical ability to connect you is available, you are given a draft contract for connecting and specifications (TU) to connect. The duration of the preparation of documents should not exceed one month.

Gasification of a private house in the Moscow region: work on the territory of your site

This will be described what exactly you should do on the territory of your site. Since gas networks - an object of increased danger and work with them requires the necessary tolerances and qualifications, then you cannot fulfill the requirements yourself. It is necessary to attract contractors.

For these purposes, you can conclude a separate agreement with "Mosoblgaz". However, it is possible to apply to another construction organization that has admission to the implementation of work on gasification. Under the "jobs" in this case it is understood as the development of the project, laying the pipe from the border of the site to your home, the wiring of gas pipes around the house and connecting the gas meter and gas appliances to them inside the house.

So, you sign that and the contract, begin to perform our part of the work. The cost and timing of the execution of that depends on many factors - distance from the house to the border of the site, the volume of gas consumption, type and the number of gas-priming devices that you plan to install at home, etc. There is one underwater stone: you will not be able to start designing and especially the construction of the gas pipeline in its area while Mosoblgaz will not fulfill the project of the external gas pipeline and will not notify you about the point of attachment on the border of your site.

Regarding the contractor ... Private contractor will make it most likely cheaper than "Mosoblgaz". Yes, and communicate with "private traders" will be more pleasant and more convenient for you. But keep in mind: a project that will perform an independent contractor will need to be coordinated with Mosoblgaz. His specialists will check the fulfillment of the whole. All this must weigh.

Naturally, you already had a question - well, and what will be the final price? As mentioned above, it is difficult to accurately assess the scale of future spending (the figures depend on your individual circumstances). But if it really is quite roughly for a house of 90 - 150 square meters. The cost of project and SMR will amount to at least 200,000 rubles. Plus, it is necessary to fate the cost of buying equipment (boiler, meter, gas stove, etc.) and once again - these numbers are very conditional. However, it is not necessary to expect that you will be able to meet at a smaller amount.

Returning to the gasification connection procedure. At the end of work, at the site, the plot is applying for verification of the technical conditions in the service of the client service of your branch of the State Unitary Enterprise Mo "Mosoblgaz". They come, check if everything is in order - make up the act.

Private house gasification: "Pipe" to the border of your site

At the same time, "Mosoblgaz" performs its part of the work. "Own part" in this case means the construction of a gas pipeline from the already available gas pipe Before your fence. To evaluate the cost and duration of work, which will be conducted by Mosoblgaz, it is necessary to answer the question: what category of applicants does your object fall?

The fact is that, according to the current legislation on the technological connection (t. Connection) to gas networks, future gas consumers are divided into several categories. The most "preferential" of them, it is conditionally called the "first", implies that the hourly gas consumption at exceeds 5 cubic meters of gas, the required gas pressure in the supply gas pipeline is no more than 0.3 MPa, the distance from the existing gas pipeline to the border of the site does not exceed 200 meters, and construction implies the construction of only the gas pipeline - input.

It is important that you can get into this group. For it, the conditions for connecting to gas networks are more or less formalized. In particular, it was established that the cost of building a gas pipeline to the borders of your site should be 53,350 rubles (as of 2015). The construction time is defined in one year, if the distance from the acting gas pipeline to the border of your site does not exceed 40 meters. And a year and a half, if it is a distance of more than 40 meters.

Naturally, you have a question, which means consumption of 5 cubic meters / hour? As explained on the site "Mosoblgaz", hourly consumption of 5 cubic meters. Gas meters has:

  • gas boiler with a capacity of up to 43 kW (power indicate in the package of the boiler)
  • boiler up to 33 kW + standard gas stove (4 wells and oven) 10 kW
  • boiler + stove + other equipment, all together no more than 43 kW
  • Well, or in the aggregate gasification of a residential building area of \u200b\u200bno more than 150 m²

In addition to the conditional "first" category, there is still a "second" and "third". They are distinguished by large gas consumption and distance from the gas pipeline. For the second category, for example, consumption is indicated up to 500 cubic meters. meters per hour. Terms and cost of gas liaising for these facilities from 1.5 to 2 years. The cost is calculated on the basis of standardized tariff rates.

But we proceed from the fact that your home is placed in the requirements for the objects of the "first" category. In this case, the summary will be the following:

your expenses will consist of two parts, work costs (project, CMR, equipment-materials) in your site and work outside the site.

  • the cost of the first part is difficult to predict in advance, but not less than a few hundred thousand rubles.
  • regarding the second part of clarity more - 53 350 rubles in 2015 (the price is fixed even if the source is 1 meter from your site). This is if you fall into the most preferential group of connected (consumption of less than 5 cubic meters per hour, the distance to the existing gas pipeline is less than 200 meters, the pressure in the source is not more than 0.3 MPa and the construction of only gas supply-input gas pipeline is required).
  • the duration of the gas connection will be from year to one and a half (if you fall into a preferential group again). It is unlikely that you will get faster. Rather, the process will delay.

By doing work on your part and from "Mosoblgaz" you sign the necessary acts. Sign a gas supply contract. Considerate the start time of gas. Further - enjoy))

Little conclusion

Life, unfortunately, not as simple as I would like. And in your case, the gasification of the house can be complicated by additional problems and circumstances. However, we hope our clarifications at least clarified the overall logic of the process where to go and who is responsible for the topic of the private house gasification in the Moscow region.

Concerning legislative base The process, the key in this area is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On Approval of the Connection Rules (technological The accession) of capital construction objects to the networks of gas distribution, as well as the change and recognition of some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation "of December 30, 2013 N 1314.

If you are planning to rely on the solid knowledge of your rights in your communication with "Mosoblgaz".

Well, the main thing is not postponing in a long box, apply your application for gasification to Mosoblgaz. The sooner you start a business, the earlier you have clarity regarding the possibility of gasification and its cost.

Representatives of Mosoblgaz assume that it is better to submit an application through a personal account. And there to lead all communication with gas. Unlike phone calls and personal consultations, correspondence through personal Area Will be worn by official. And this circumstance, if necessary, you can use in your own interests.

Today, more and more country household owners make a decision to conduct a gasification of their housing. In contrast to other types of heating, gas has a lot of weighty advantages. The main thing about what should be remembered when connecting gas is this collection of all necessary documentation and legal registration of gas supply. After all, unauthorized connection entails significant penalties. So, we bring to your attention the most acceptable way to implement this procedure.

In order to connect a private house to gas supply, it is necessary to collect a fairly voluminous package of documents required to obtain permission to gasification. All these papers are crushed into a permitting body to which the property object geographically belongs. So, you will need:

  • A written statement from the owner of the property in which he addresses to allow him to conduct gasification.
  • Personality document (Citizen's passport of the Russian Federation)
  • Paper confirming property rights to the property, which plans to connect gas
  • If the pipeline that will stretch to your private house should be paved through the neighbors areas, you need to get their written consent to such a procedure.

Additional documentation

It happens that the private house is not yet completed, and the owner is already starting the process of conducting gas supply. In this case, the applicant needs to prepare an additional list of papers. These are such documents as:

  • Written consent of the territorial state body, which confirms the legality of construction work
  • The document that is confirmed by the applicant's rights to the land area where the construction of a private house is being conducted.
  • A certified copy of the technical passport on the object of real estate, which is in the structure of the structure. This paper must necessarily contain all the agreed points of the Act of the Gasification

When a private house has already passed the commissioning procedure, the list of necessary documents will be somewhat different. You will need to prepare the following papers:

  • Original act confirming the commissioning of housing
  • Certified copy of the state registration certificate
  • Schematic plan of the object on which it is planned to conduct gasification. This document must be performed on A4 sheets. The main conditions are clear tracking of the borders of your home.
  • Estimation, which includes economically reasonable technological calculations

Registration of documents by proxy

The gas connection procedure into a private house is a rather difficult process that requires high time costs. Therefore, quite often owners are not able to personally address this issue. In this case, the right to obtain all the necessary permits, a person can be issued on a private person who will submit the interests of the customer. The basis for obtaining rights to act on your behalf will be an ordinary power of attorney certified in the notary office. This document you simply attach to the rest of the securities that are submitted to the permissive body.

What is the gasification process

When the owner receives all the necessary technical conditions, the proportionate house gasification process itself begins directly, which consists of certain stages and will require you a considerable time and cash costs.

Stage design

Having all the permits on his hands, the owner must decide on the choice of the project organization. Today the services market presents a very wide selection of firms and institutions, ready to provide you with the services of this kind. The most important thing about what should be remembered when contacting the project organization is that it must provide the Client with a relevant license allowing such a type of work. The project is naturally paid. Usually its value varies within 10 - 50 thousand rubles.

In order to avoid subsequent troubles, many people are immediately interested in Gorgaz employees, which project organization is best to contact them.

Project scheme of an honest house for gasification

All the necessary measurements for the preparation of an individual project to your home should produce an engineer - a designer who goes directly to the object. However, this condition must necessarily be spelled out in the contract, which you first conclude with the project organization.

It is the designer who must approve the place where gas boiler and other equipment are planned to be installed. And also suggest the customer, on which brand it is better for him to stop my choice. After the project organization issues the owner of the documents developed for him, the designer is sent with them to the Gores, where the process of coordination occurs. This stage Maxim lasts for 2 weeks.

Having received a gasification project in the hands, you can proceed to drafting cost estimates. The next stage is the design of the contract for the introduction of technical supervision and obtaining a positive act of surveys of the chimney.

Drawing up a contract with a construction organization

When the project preparations remained behind, the owner should apply to the construction organization, which will fulfill all work on the cost of gasification in a private house. If you need to replace any communications in the housing, it will also be responsible for this office. The customer must remember that the result of the activities of the construction company will subsequently take the Gores, so the firm must have a permit license and registration record in the Gorgaz register. When choosing such an organization, pay attention to the fact that some firms have the right to perform not only assembly, but also design work. If you order all services in the complex, you can save up to 25% of personal funds.

To avoid any misunderstandings, be sure to conclude with the assembly organization a preliminary agreement in which all the conditions of construction work will be indicated. The main thing is to comply with the timing of the order.

Stage of collecting executive - technical documentation

When a construction organization has successfully installed a gas pipeline and other necessary equipment in a private house, you can begin to the next stage - the preparation of executive and technical papers. This document will allow the owner to receive a positive response from the Special Commission, which will enter the place to take new object gasification. This group usually includes representatives of Gorgaz, organizations performing project and installation work, as well as the customer himself.

Over the decision of the issue, the Commission is usually operating from 2 weeks to 1 month. If there are no violations, the employee of Gorgaz issues you a receipt for which you must pay for the resolution of technical supervision. The amount of costs usually does not exceed 1500 rubles.

The Commission will consider your object only if all gas equipment is already connected and ready to operate. If the Commission accepts an object of gasification, the construction organization provides a full package of documents, which will later be stored in this institution.

After that, within 21 days, the Customer will produce a filling of the counter and conclude a contract with it, providing for the supply of gas to the object and maintenance of all equipment.

Passage Safety Instructions

This procedure is mandatory. Conduct it for you has the right engineer Gorgaz, which is responsible for this direction. For the passage of the briefing, the owner of a private house is signed in the safety journal. You can check and directly on the object. In this case, it is performed during the implementation of gas supply launchers.

Connecting an object to a gas pipeline highway

The inserting of your gas pipeline to the general highway may be carried out exclusively by a special organization that has a license for this species Activities. After connecting, the specialists will carry out a preliminary supply of gas to eliminate the possibility of leakage. Such a service is paid. On average, its cost is 3000 thousand rubles.

Starting gas pipeline

The final stage of the gas supply will be the work on the launch of the gas pipeline. This procedure should be made by the organization with which the owner of the real estate concludes a corresponding contract. This document prescribes all the conditions for warranty service of the entire gas equipment. It usually makes up for a period of 1 to 3 years.

During the launch of the gas supply, the owner must have a technological calculation in the hands, determining the power that is necessary to ensure uninterrupted heating and hot water supply of the object.