State numbers are the most expensive. Cool numbers on a car in the Russian Federation. the most expensive license plates in the world

A license plate is one of the most powerful ways to stand out in traffic. And if for Russians the "thieves" number is associated primarily with the signal for traffic police officers and other participants in the movement "it is better not to mess with me", then all over the world it is primarily the image of both a private person and a company.

One of the largest companies through which you can purchase a "beautiful" auto monomer is the British Regtransfers is an officially accredited English auctioneer, conducting auctions around the world. In this case, the numbers correspond to the requirements of the state in which the auction is taking place, and are full-fledged registration marks.

The boom in incredible auctions came at the end of the first decade of the 21st century. Either the “easy” oil pre-crisis money, or the mentality of the inhabitants of the United Arab Emirates, put this country in the first position in terms of the number of owners of license plates worth more than a million pounds.

Cost in millions of pounds

Cost in millions of rubles

Plate number

City, country of owner

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Hong Kong, China

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Abu Dhabi, UAE

As you can see from the table, number “7” is one of the most popular and has already been sold twice. Moreover, the first owner-record holder acquired it in February 2008, selling it almost twice as expensive exactly two years later. That is, the income from this investment was 50% annually.

With these numbers in general interesting story... The purchase, entered in the Guinness Book of Records, took place at the same auction in February 2008 - car number "1" was sold for 52.2 million Said Abdul Jafar Khuri(Saeed Abdul Ghaffar Khouri). His brother, in 2010, bought numbers with the digits "5" and "7", spending a total of almost the same amount.

Oddly enough, but the British themselves are more restrained in such exotic investments. So, the record of 440 625 pounds belongs to Afzalu Kanu(Afzal Kahn) from Breford, who bought the number "F 1". The new owner believes that this number will be very useful for his business - an expensive car tuning studio.

In the conclusion of the review, one cannot fail to mention the number "VIP 1", which now belongs to Roman Abramovich. An entrepreneur and deputy bought it in 2006 for £ 285,000. Moreover, before decorating the millionaire's cars, this registration plate lay in the archive for a long time. "VIP 1" was made in 1979 especially for "Papomobil" John Paul II, who arrived on a mission in Ireland. After the Pope refused to change the registration plate, he visited several owners until he settled with the auctioneers.

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When purchasing a new car, many people strive to install so-called "beautiful" numbers on it - with an unusual combination of letters and numbers or from a series of number plates assigned to a certain government structure. In this way, car enthusiasts demonstrate their high status and income level. In the future, the most expensive license plates in Russia will grow in price, so this is also a good way to invest.

For many car owners, a car is not just a means of transportation, but a favorite toy. They treat her like a friend (or girlfriend), try to keep her in perfect order, buy expensive jewelry for the salon. Such people care about every little thing, including the license plate. An expensive license plate does not give the owner any privileges, does not save him from problems and fines. Its main purpose is to satisfy the owner's ambitions, to emphasize his high position in society.

Car enthusiasts are happy to buy such non-standard numbers and are ready to spend a lot of money on them. Wealthy people have a good tradition: to acquire elite license plates as a gift to friends or a girlfriend.

The sales scheme is quite simple. Some cheap car is bought and registered with numbers that are planned to be sold. Then the old car is sold together with "nice" numbers, the buyer registers the car, removes them for storage, receives new license plates, and returns the car to the previous owner. Further, the new owner registers his car with "nice" numbers.

Prices for elite rooms vary from 40 thousand to 11 million rubles. The average cost is 200-300 thousand rubles.

Elite number - an indicator of the high status and wealth of the car owner

Confrontation: deputies disagree with traffic police

Representatives of the State Traffic Inspectorate have more than once proposed to legalize the sale of "beautiful" license plates for cars, as it is necessary to fight corruption among employees. In 2010, regulations were developed and submitted for consideration governing the holding of auctions for the sale of license plates for vehicles. However, they were not accepted: the deputies considered that one and the same service cannot be estimated in different amounts.

In 2011, the head of the traffic police V. Fedorov submitted to the State Duma a draft law "On registration of vehicles", according to which car owners have the right to independently choose the alphanumeric designation of the license plate. Disagreements arose among the deputies: some agreed with the project, others suggested introducing an increased state duty for "beautiful" numbers. The bill was adopted in the first reading, but did not pass further.

This law has many supporters, but there are also those who oppose its adoption.

Pyotr Shkumatov, member of the public council of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a popular blogger: “This system should be simplified, motorists should be given the opportunity to choose the numbers they like by themselves. Otherwise, dealers will buy these numbers at auctions. They are the only ones who will say thank you, because their task will be simplified. "

On August 4, 2019, the Federal Law "On state registration of vehicles" comes into force, but there is no clause on the official issuance of "beautiful" numbers in it. So fans of elite rooms will still be able to purchase them only from their hands.

A poll among the population "Is there a need for a bill allowing the sale of" beautiful "license plates", showed:

  • for - 68%;
  • against - 32%.

The bill is necessary - the traffic police management is confident. When will the deputies also understand this?

Tricky schemes for selling rooms

There are many intermediary firms on the market that resell thieves' numbers.

Dealers have developed several ways to get the desired signs cheaper:

  • Search on the Internet and social networks for those who are ready to sell such numbers.
  • 20-30 cars are registered at once, from issued license plates those that may be of interest are selected.
  • Viewing ads for the sale of used cars: in the photo you can catch interesting numbers.

There are many intermediary firms, this is a profitable business: they buy rooms at a cheaper price, but sell them at a higher price. For example, there are cases when intermediaries bought a car with the coveted numbers for 500 thousand rubles, and then resold it for 3 million rubles. It is not difficult to calculate how much money can be made on such a deal.

Dealers have accumulated rich experience in finding and buying "beautiful" numbers

Uninvented stories

Many interesting, even scandalous stories are associated with the so-called thieves' numbers, which caused a stormy public outcry. In 2013, license plates with a new region code 777 began to be issued in Moscow. The combination А001АА 777 went to a young woman, the owner of a modest small car, which was loudly announced by the management of the traffic police. However, later, photos of a fancy Mercedes GL with this number appeared on the network, which naturally caused a wave of indignation among citizens.

Then bloggers began to upload photos showing that the most beautiful numbers from the 777 series are installed on expensive cars. There was information that the license plate А777АА 777 was sold for 15 million rubles. The people were looking forward to when a car with this number would appear on the streets of Moscow. To hush up the impending scandal, the traffic police decided to install this sign on a VAZ-2114 police car.

Would you pay a high price for a "nice room"?


Curiosities with unusual numbers are found abroad as well. In the United States, many states have officially banned the T1H2NO license plate. It would seem that, regular set letters and numbers, however, if you read it backwards, you get: Oh, Shit! ("Oh shit!").

Room prices in different regions of Russia

"Nice" license plates for a car are not cheap, prices differ in different regions of Russia. The presented table will help you figure out in which regions the rooms in demand will cost more, and in which ones - cheaper.

The spread of prices for unusual license plates in different regions of Russia

Thus, the range of prices across regions is small. It is clear that the cost depends on the popularity of the number and the demand for it. The least interesting numbers can be bought quite cheaply - from 15 thousand rubles. It is not surprising that the highest prices are in St. Petersburg and Moscow, the further from the center, the lower the cost of the coveted numbers for cars.

Rating of the most expensive rooms in Russia

Rich people are ready to pay for "beautiful" license plates almost the cost of the car itself. Since there are such buyers, it means that there are corresponding offers. Prices for some especially popular license plates in Russia are simply exorbitant.

  1. "Round", that is, multiples of 100, are found on premium cars (for example, X500RV). Price - 125 thousand rubles.
  2. Mirrored numbers in which the first and last digit are repeated (for example, 424, 939). Price - 150 thousand rubles.
  3. The AAA777 combination is often found on the cars of the Presidential Administration. Price - 325 thousand rubles.
  4. 777 777 is a metropolitan show-off, when the numbers of the numbers coincide with the number of the region. Price - 1.85 million rubles.
  5. The numbers from the top ten from 001 to 009 emphasize that the car owner is the first in everything - in life, in business, and in financial terms (for example, В001ВВ). Price - 4 million rubles. (
  6. Numbers with three identical numbers and letters also match (for example, М888ММ). Price - 5.9 million rubles.
  7. License plate of the elite series ННН777 77. Price - 10 million rubles.
  8. Series AMR, EKH (members of the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council, the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office travel with such numbers). Price - 11 million rubles.

Popular decoding of the EKH special number - "I will eat as I want"

The sale of numbers from the AMR, EKH series in Russia is considered illegal, sellers and buyers get out as best they can. At the same time, many Russian human rights activists are openly in favor of officially allowing the sale of such numbers.

Victor Travin, President of the Legal Protection Board of Car Owners: « There is nothing illegal here. We have no concept of “special number”. All license plates are exactly the same, with the exception of those approved by a government decree and refer to a special category of vehicles. "

Survey of residents of Moscow on the topic « How do you feel about installing expensive license plates on your car ":

  • sharply negative - 61%;
  • indifferent - 25%;
  • positively - 9%;
  • I want such a number - 5%.

Most people consider buying « beautiful 'numbers is a waste of money. Nevertheless, a huge number of offers for sale find their buyers, which means that someone needs it after all. Having decided on such a purchase, you need to remember that this pleasure is quite expensive, and besides, such transactions are made unofficially. Therefore, it is advisable to first weigh the pros and cons.

While our authorities do not dare to allow the legal sale of license plates through an auction, in many countries of the world, for a long time, anyone can, giving their car individuality. We have found for you the 5 most expensive car numbers, which have been acquired by car owners around the world.

License plate "1"

Cost: RUB 641 766 113

This license plate was acquired by Abu Dhabi businessman Said Abdul Ghaffar Khuri in 2008. It is not only the most expensive license plate sold at auction in the United Arab Emirates, but also the most expensive license plate in the world.

License plate "25 O"

Cost: RUB 44 324 646

The record price set by the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency was paid by Ferrari dealership owner John Collins in 2014. This number now takes pride of place on the Ferrari 250 SWB, once owned by rock star Eric Clapton. The car itself costs 10 million pounds (855,688,150 rubles).

By the way, standard license plates for cars in Britain usually have a region code, a life identifier and an arbitrary sequence of three characters. The value of this number to the buyer was that the license plate is similar to the name of the Ferrari 250 model that he purchased.

License plate "F1"

Cost: RUB 37 703 759

In 2008, Bradford businessman Afzal Kahn (pictured) gave a huge sum of money for his F1 license plate. At today's exchange rate, this is over 37 million rubles.

Khan put the number on his Mercedes SLR McLaren, saying:

"I think this is a good deal because it probably costs 10 times as much."

He later outweighed this number on the Bugatti Veyron Super Sport Carbon Edition. The businessman put the number up for sale last year for 1.2 billion rubles (£ 14.4 million). True, until now there was no person willing to pay an incredible amount for this number.

Here is the link to the UK license plate auction where you will see this license plate at the top. For reference: The number "F1" has been used in England for 109 years.

License plate "S1"

Cost: RUB 34 569 801

In 2008, at an auction in Scotland, an anonymous participant acquired the license plate "S1" belonging to one of the first car owners in Scotland - Lord Kingsburg (the car was purchased in 1903). According to the buyer, this number will be used on the old red Skoda.

License plate "VIP 1"

Cost: RUB 24 387 112

This state license plate was purchased by Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich in 2006. Two years earlier, the number was sold for only 62,000 pounds (5,305,266 rubles).

How much do VIP rooms cost in Russia?

Unfortunately, in our country, as always, where there is a lot of money, one cannot do without the shadow sphere. In Russia, but it is impossible to do it officially and legally. Therefore, in our country, workarounds have been invented for the gray purchase of a thieves' license plate. For example, today in the Telegram messenger there are a lot of closed groups where beautiful license plates are put up for sale. Also on the Web you will find many sites and offices that sell license plates for cars.

But, of course, we do not have such prices as in the UAE or Great Britain. Nevertheless, prices for some license plates can go up to 5-10 million rubles. In most cases, beautiful license plates cost 100-300 thousand rubles. And just for some alphanumeric combinations and regions, people are ready to lay out more than 1 million rubles.

However, in a short time, it is quite possible that the authorities will finally bring this market of car numbers out of the shadows. Most likely, this will happen soon. Recall that from this date the State Traffic Inspectorate will cease to issue license plates. Instead, the traffic police will only automatically assign an alphanumeric combination of numbers. The car owners themselves will make the blanks in specialized companies accredited by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Beautiful registration plates are traditionally considered a symbol of high status and an elegant addition to luxury cars. Many are willing to pay for a room an amount that is quite comparable to the cost of the car itself. Let's see how much the most expensive license plates in the world cost.

VIP1, Roman Abramovich

One of the most famous Russian oligarchs, Roman Abramovich, in 2006 became the owner of an exclusive British license plate - "VIP1". The acquisition cost Abramovich about half a million dollars (£ 285,000. The beautiful number has since adorned the magnificent Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible, which was previously used by Pope John Paul II on his service Popemobile).

M1 plates are notable for the fact that these are generally the first license plates. They were released at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Until recently, they were assigned to the rare Mercedes-Benz of 1900, which could be seen in the English Tutton Park. But in the same 2006, the very first issues were bought at a charity auction by entrepreneur Mike McCumbus for 332,000 pounds. It is known that M1 numbers Mike McCumbus presented as a gift to his son on his sixth birthday. He must be fourteen now, but the SL63 AMG with those numbers was recently caught by street photographers.

F1, Afzal Khan

In 2008, the British record was broken. Businessman Afzal Khan bought F1 numbers from Essex County Council at auction for £ 440,000. Prior to that, they were assigned to the Volvo S80 by the county chairman. A happy buyer put up a sign on his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren and has received many tempting offers since then. Last year, Mr Khan refused to sell his F1 numbers for £ 6m.

Facebk, Tai Tran

Australian Ty Tran in 2012 announced an auction for Facebk numbers, for which he asked for $ 1,200,000. The bids were not raised during the auction, but the numbers were nevertheless purchased. The seller shared that he was looking for buyers among businessmen and large investors, and not among ardent fans of the most popular social network... According to him, every year the price of rooms will rise by three hundred thousand dollars. Another auction is next in line, this time Tai Tran sells "Paypal" numbers (the same name is used by the popular payment system). For this state registration plate, the Australian hopes to help out at least a million dollars.

Rooms in the UAE

But the most expensive license plates are, of course, sold in the capital of luxury cars - Abu Dhabi. Numbers-digits are of particular value. So, “9” was bought in 2008 for 4,190,000 dollars, “seven” - for 4,600,000 dollars, “5” went for 6,880,000 dollars, and “1” was bought in 2008 for 14,300 dollars. "One" went to a certain Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri and now adorns it with Pagani Zonda. All proceeds from the sale of beautiful rooms in the United Arab Emirates go to charity.

Rooms in Russia

Despite the fact that officially beautiful numbers in Russia are not yet sold (although in Lately such an opportunity is increasingly being discussed by legislators), you can still buy a "prestigious" number. It is not the number itself that is sold, but, as a rule, a car with the license plate you like. That's the whole scheme. So, the most expensive and most beautiful license plates will cost Russian buyers five million rubles. We are talking about numbers like А777АА77, numbers like О500ООО cost about three and a half million rubles. Moscow numbers with the "AMR" series fall into approximately the same price category.

It so happened that beautiful state license plates are a demonstration of the wealth, power or "stardom" of their owner. Demand gave rise to supply, and now, practically all over the world, there is a “micro market” for this category of goods.

We invite you to find out which numbers are popular in different countries, as well as at what price they cost the owners.

Roman Abramovich is one of the richest people in our country, so spending 285 thousand pounds for a beautiful state number "VIP1" hardly hit his pocket.

It is worth noting that the previous owner of the "cool" sign was none other than Pope John Paul II. Now VIP1 adorns one of Roman's premium cars - Rolls-Royce Corniche IV Convertible.

Few people know that the first car numbers in the history of mankind were signs with the marking "M1", issued in late XIX century.

Until 2006, this number was assigned to a 1900 Mercedes, but as a result of the auction, the sign passed into the possession of entrepreneur Mike McCumbus for a bid of 332 thousand pounds. It's funny that the purchase was donated by a businessman to his six-year-old son.

Another double-digit number F1 broke the previous record 2 years later, in 2008. Another businessman Afzal Khan acted as the buyer, who bought the sign for 440 thousand pounds.

The purchase turned out to be really profitable, as four years later there was an offer to buy this number for £ 6,000,000. Be that as it may, Afzal Khan refused to sell and left F1 on the bumpers of his Mercedes-Benz SLR McLaren.

"Social" number Facebk

Not so long ago, the enterprising Australian Tai Tran opened an auction of license plates "Paypal". He himself states that the beautiful number will be sold for at least $ 1 million.

The idea is not as crazy as it might seem at first glance, because only 2 years ago, the Facebk numbers of the same name with the popular website, which were taken for $ 1,200,000, were already gone.

Officially or "in the dark", but there is a demand for beautiful car license plates in all countries. However, among all states there is a clear leader - the UAE. It is in Abu Dhabi that wealthy motorists pay the most exorbitant sums for prestigious letters and numbers on the numbers.

The most expensive signs officially recorded in this country:

  • “9” - $ 4,190,000;
  • "7" - $ 4,600,000;
  • "5" - $ 6,880,000.

It is noteworthy that the "odmerka" in 2008 cost Said Abdul Ghafoor Khuri only $ 14,300. All the money received by the state from the sale of beautiful numbers is fairly sent to charitable needs.

If we talk about countries with "unofficial" sales of beautiful numbers, then Russia, of course, is on the list of leaders.

The most common way to sell a beautiful license plate in the Russian Federation is to include it in the price of the car sold.

So, the numbers А777АА77 will cost about 5 million rubles, the less pretentious О500ООО is slightly cheaper - 3.5 million rubles. For prestigious Moscow rooms "AMR" tacitly (or publicly) ask for a price with a number of the same order.