Marina Zhurinskaya: No Moscow abuse. The inevitable tragedy of being. Marina Zhurinskaya on courage before death Everything that exists in people's lives has a mutual dimension: there is no such thing in the fallen world that cannot be abused

Remembers Deacon Pavel Serzhantov, who worked for 15 years in the editorial office of the magazine “Alpha and Omega” she created.

For nine days we came to the grave of Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya to serve a panikhida. Flowers from the funeral service lay under the wooden cross. So fresh, as if it was all yesterday. Life remained in cut flowers. I was in no hurry to leave.

Marina Andreevna stuck in my memory as an amazingly alive person. I met her fifteen years ago. She had very little health. But how much life shone in her eyes at the same time, in her ability to find the right words on the fly to characterize some dry scientific fact or tell a curious incident from life.

She was part of the treasury of the Russian language. At first glance, for a linguist, a candidate of sciences, this is no wonder ... The editor of the magazine "Alpha and Omega" Marina Andreevna had a literary talent - open her "Bear" and see for yourself. It is interesting to read it, as an author. True, I personally found it more interesting to just talk to her.

With her there was always something to talk about and something to keep silent about. She did not tire the interlocutor with a stream of professional eloquence. The conversations went unhurriedly, in this space of thought a place was prepared for all the participants in the conversation. You can express your opinion, and just think with concentration in silence. In her presence I thought well. She specially created favorable conditions for this.

And Marina Andreevna could suddenly go beyond the limits of linguistic possibilities. What am I talking about? You see, this happens to poets. The poet's speech in the middle of a poem suddenly becomes simple, simple, extremely simple and, at the same time, does not lose its content in the least. On the contrary, poetic speech acquires some convincing depth. It's amazing to feel the depth simple words, which is not obtained due to deliberate complications of speech, layering of meanings and not due to sound special effects. Marina Andreevna's simplicity of communication did without annoying simplifications of thought.

To keep the simplicity of speech and with it the depth - for this you need an extraordinary sense of the Russian language, a kind of perfect pitch. It seems to me that finding absolute musical pitch is much easier than finding an absolute sense of language. With such a sense of language, Marina Andreevna spoke with people, wrote magazine articles. And she edited.

She knew how to transfer her experience, and not every experienced person is able to transfer his experience to others. Marina Andreevna conscientiously taught the staff of the magazine editorial craft, spared no time and effort for it. Who is now involved in this training of young editors? There are not many who. This is a troublesome, long and complicated business. So we often read magazines and books published somehow ...

Once Pasternak expressed himself paradoxically about the texts. I will try to recall his thought more precisely: after the author puts the last point in the text, work begins on the text. Begins. And it does not end and does not even continue. Yes, copyright editing, exhausting reworking of many pages, or even rewriting the entire "finished" text, requires a lot of effort. And this is not the end again. The editorial work also begins.

Marina Andreevna, the editor, was characterized by respect for the author and, at the same time, respect for the reader. Here's her recipe! So her magazine, Alpha and Omega, has always been surprisingly good.

You can remember a lot about Marina Andreevna. I would like to say about one more rare and valuable character trait that is inherent in different people - Marina Andreevna also had it. It was also with Father John (Krestyankin). He once confessed: "I love to rejoice and make me happy." Marina Andreevna also looked in our difficult life for any reason to rejoice, to see something good, to rejoice about the goodness of God. She loved to please and support others: with a comforting word and a kind deed. And I tried to make sure that words were supported by deeds.

Empty words, behind which nothing stands, did not interest her. She was always inspired by literature and - herself real life that is on the other side of words. Such a life, which alone convincingly, without falsehood, is able to sound in words.

All this has to do with personal communication with her and her professional activities. Everyone understands that the task of the editor largely consists of finding and correcting copyright errors, shortcomings of the text. This is the "negative" side of the editorial business. But there is also a "positive" one: to find talented authors and help them with publications, to edit the text so that it becomes clean and sparkling, so that the reader admires it gratefully, and the author is also pleased.

The trouble is if the editor does not see the "positive" and is completely focused on the "negative" side of his work. Such an editor will inevitably lose professionalism, he will not feel real joy, doing his job (gloating does not count). And now let's summarize: the trouble is if a person is focused on the “negative” side of his work and life in general and does not notice anything “positive” in our life. Such a misfortune has many names, one of them is despondency.

Marina Andreevna loved to notice the good, knew how to find something worthwhile, positive, joyful in work and life. And she willingly shared her find with her neighbors. Eternal memory to her, may the Lord instill her in the abode of heavenly joy!

no date of birth no place of birth

Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya(born 1943) - Soviet and Russian journalist, publicist, linguist, editor of the Orthodox magazine Alpha and Omega. Candidate of Philology.


Marina Zhurinskaya is a graduate of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, defended her diploma in Hittology. As a trainee, she was assigned to the Institute of Linguistics, where she immediately got linguistic typology - an area that is usually dealt with by employees with long years of service. She worked at the institute for almost 20 years. Author of over a hundred scientific papers... In the mid-1970s, Marina Zhurinskaya was appointed coordinator of the project "Languages ​​of the World" at the Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences of the USSR, and led the project until 1986.

In 1975 she was baptized with the name Anna. Since 1994 publisher and editor of the magazine "Alpha and Omega". Member of the editorial board of the collection "Theological Works".

Marina Zhurinskaya's book "The Bear and Some Other Cats and Cats: A Strictly Documentary Narration", dedicated to the cat Mishka, who lived in her family for a long time, was published in Nizhny Novgorod and went through two reprints (2006, 2007, 2009).


Even if the Russian goes somewhere Orthodox Church- which is impossible, but even if it disappears somewhere and only one priest remains in it - a bitter drunkard and a notorious informer - I will remain his last parishioner and together we will mourn our sins.

The Orthodoxy and Peace portal continues its journey through the backstage of religious journalism. The idea of ​​a series of conversations belongs to publicist Maria Sveshnikova, execution - the editor of the portal Anna Danilova.

“Do not be afraid to shorten the texts,” - Vladimir Legoyda once told me, - “the editor of Alpha and Omega, Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya, is not afraid, and the more she edits the texts, the more everyone respects her.”

Alpha and Omega magazine is one of the most mysterious Orthodox publications. It is not massive in the generally accepted sense, but it is snapped up in parish libraries, not dry theological - but wonderful theologians are published there, there are no glamorous stellar interviews with pictures, no slogans, no manifestos and no open letters. Yes, and the magazine "AiO" can not be called - today you can take the first issues of the publication and immerse yourself in publications outside the hustle and bustle and long forgotten events. The already mentioned V. Legoyda, Archpriest Alexy Uminsky, and Protodeacon Andrei Kuraev, whose style Marina Zhurinskaya called “the logic of a swift jack”, recalls the work in Alpha and Omega, respectfully lowering his voice.

Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya

Graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. For about 20 years she worked at the Institute of Linguistics, in the sector of general linguistics. Specialization - general typology, general grammar, grammatical semantics. For 10 years she was the main manager of the "Languages ​​of the World" group, whose goal was to create general theoretical principles for describing any language and to publish the "Languages ​​of the World" encyclopedia. PhD in Philology, has over 100 publications on linguistic topics. Translator from German (linguistic works, theological texts, as well as Gadamer and Schweitzer). Since 1994 publisher and editor of the magazine "Alpha and Omega". Member of the editorial board of the collection "Theological Works".

"Alpha and Omega" - 17 years of publication, 60 thick issues - in Zhurinskaya's apartment a whole shelf has been set aside for the magazine. A spring street is rustling through the open window of the first floor, paintings by Elena Cherkasova on the walls, and collectible cats on the table. The conversation begins without a preface and a long approach to the topic.


- Mass media must have one property: it must be environment-forming... Like-minded people should gather around him.

Of course, the media can achieve temporary success if it looks for an audience to please it, but this is a doomed business in the long run, especially when we are talking about Christian journalism. Christian journalism is not propaganda, it is testimony.

Nobody promised us success, we were told: "In the world you will have sorrow." And then it says, "but take heart, I have conquered the world." It is not said: I will give you victory over the world - no. I have conquered the world. We live in a saved world.

When there was still no political correctness, in America in the 19th century, when they advertised for a job, they wrote in an offensive way "Irish people, please do not worry." If we abstract from political correctness, then the conventional Irish are asked not to worry - there is no need to save the world, it is saved. And we must testify that he is saved.

We must feel this ourselves, must experience joy in the Lord and bear witness to this joy. This, of course, is very difficult, but the ideal Orthodox media will be guided by the thesis of the Apostle Paul: "Pray incessantly, always rejoice, give thanks for everything." Do you often see this in the Orthodox media? And “glory to God for everything” of St. John Chrysostom - often?

In the editorial office of the Foma magazine with V. Gurbolikov and V. Legoyda

- Testimony is an unusual concept for journalism. Religious journalism is spoken about in a variety of words - sermon, PR, analytics….

- A normal Orthodox publishing house is run, forgive me, laymen (with all my respect for holders of the holy dignity, they must be present in this matter, but work laymen). Hence - this is a special case of the apostolate of the laity.

And what is a lay apostle? A very simple thing. We Must Testify of Christ your life in Christ... If we do not testify with our lives, then the Lord will not give any prosperity - be it at least a means, at least an administrative resource, at least something. And that's all. Because a testimony of Christ excludes perjury. And when we say one thing and do another, this is perjury.

This is the only way the media can become environment-forming. It's up to us to make the testimony as adequate as possible.

Where 300 people will be taken

- If you look at the most discussed topics in religious and near-religious journalism, it will be priesthood income, dress code ...

- A completely marvelous anecdote appeared on the Internet, which I cannot but approve. I'm a big fan of wit. "Once upon a time there was a girl, and that is to blame." It was not about the dress code, but the idea that anyone could want to rape a woman who is not properly dressed. This was the main disgrace, not the dress code.

We must testify not to the inadmissibility of ladies' pants (By the way, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy once asked at a diocesan meeting, when one priest denounced this matter: “Well, well, when the skirts are completely exhausted, what will you do?”).

We confess Christ Crucified. For the Jews, as you know, temptation, for the Hellenes - madness. It is impossible to indulge tastes, to follow people, because the same Apostle Paul said: “I am in my madness ...” about what and how should be stated: in spite of common misconceptions and our own “too human” fears.

It is very difficult to talk about the success of the Orthodox media. God gives it. And what does God give? - Salvation, but not necessarily success; let's not stick to prosperity theology, it is not Orthodox after all. To whom does God give? Those who are faithful to Him. Such generally accepted things as mass circulation and so on are not so important.

- But don't the publishers of Orthodox literature and the media want to bring the Word to the widest possible audience?

- There is a saying: "France will go where 300 people take her." The world went where the 12 apostles took it. It is not a matter of mass, but of standing before Christ. At one time, Father Gleb Kaleda said: why do we honor the saints? Not for their teaching (they were wrong, they had theological errors), not for their life (they were all sinful people, and some sinned grievously), but for their standing before the Lord. For their position, which was flawlessly formulated in due time by Abraham. The Lord called Abraham, - "Here I am!" - said Abraham. Everything. This is the primary form of faith, its first position: "Here I am!" Here I am before You, my Lord and my God. From this already everything goes.

- It turns out that you need to reduce everything to one topic, to one direction?

- We know about the salt of the earth, and we remember the continuation, that if the salt deteriorates, then nothing can be done with it, it can only be thrown away. But the salt of the earth has a second side. There should be dough into which salt is poured; salt is not food, salt is seasoning. Nobody said that do everything with salt, and then everything will be fine. If everything becomes salt, it will not be good. It was Lot's wife who became salt ...

- But how many people may be interested in a testimony? After all, the Orthodox media do not exist in a vacuum, next to them are hundreds of much more fascinating publications ...

Naturally, it can be of interest, because people really love the inaccessible, interesting, unusual. And this, which is a temptation for the Jews, and madness for the Hellenes, must be presented in an unusual way. This is really interesting. As S. S. Averintsev once said: “Why not call on young people to the brilliant, fascinating adventure of a chaste life". This is a truly brilliant and exciting adventure. Why not show it like that? Why does it have to be some kind of gray-brown-crimson skirts with hanging hem?

- It is very difficult to understand and implement. To write about life in Christ, but in a way that engages the reader, is a colossally difficult, unrealizable task .. But we need to somehow CHANGE society ...

Orthodox media to shape public opinion? Completed. When my book about the cat Mishka came out, one cat's site appeared: and although Christian book, you can read. Do you see what reputation you have to earn with all these dress codes and stuff for people to write like that?

So I just wrote an article that will go to the 60th issue of Alpha and Omega. By the way, her father Alexei Uminsky highly approved of it. It's called The Overkill Turn. This is when the ship turns upside down - this is the end. I write about a historic ship and start by saying that we all love to talk about how the world is changing for the worse, and when it comes down to it, the only thing we can talk about is that young people dress insanely defiant. But sorry, this is a sign of stability. It has always been. And the signs of deterioration are different. Unwillingness to live, unwillingness to live with God, unwillingness to eternity, satiety, fear. Everyone lives in fear. And perjury and false preachers who intimidate people with hellish torments.

Thank God that we cannot change society!

When I see photographs of these St. John's maidens, who have already entered the legend, I remember one incident.

When detente in society and foreign trips had just begun, Olga Sergeevna Akhmanova with a group of students and teachers went to England. Her English was brilliant, she was an unheard-of beauty: tall, slender, long-legged blonde, with blue eyes and dimples on her cheeks. In England, she made a splash, they wrote about her in the gossip.

Naturally, when she came back, she got to the party bureau. Evdokia Mikhailovna Galkina-Fedoruk, who could be blamed for everything except beauty, said: "Olga Sergeevna, how could you forget that a Soviet woman should disgust capitalists ?!" In this sense, she was one hundred percent Soviet woman; however, it not only disgusted capitalists.

So, when I look at our standard Orthodox girls, I remember this incident at the party bureau. An Orthodox girl must disgust everyone, including her husband. An Orthodox young man is the same. When you see a particularly dirty and shaggy head in a temple, you must conclude that its owner is especially pious. What a disgrace? Who can this attract, besides perverts?

Vladyka Anthony was asked what should be Orthodox family, he answered in one word: "Happy." And what kind of happiness is written on these faces, twisted with anger? And the face of our media is for the most part the same: squalid and distorted. And we complain that we cannot change the atmosphere in society. So, thank God that we cannot change it in this way. It is the Lord who is watching.

Commonwealth. Marina Andreevna and the cat Mishka are both at work. Photo of priest Igor Palkin

Equip the Church?

- Today a media conflict after media conflict is flaring up around the Church. Many of them are kindled by ourselves. Anti-clerical are growing moods, and certainly - no less old reproaches, replicated by new media ...

- Recently, answering the comments of the Russian Reporter about “how can we equip the Church?”, I remembered Vertinsky “Will it be a prophet or just a deceiver, but what kind of heaven will they drive us to then?”. Such questions remind me very much of the project of Soloviev's antichrist: we must have cultural Orthodox Christians, enlightened Muslims, and so on. After Vertinsky, Galich spoke out: “Only be afraid of the one who says“ I know how it should be ”.”

We are told what should be done, but we are afraid and we do the right thing that we are afraid. And I ended with a quote from a song sung by Slava Butusov; it is a triumph of personal testimony: “maybe I’m wrong, maybe you’re right, but I saw with my own eyes how the grass stretches to the sky».

We see with our own eyes that the Lord is in our Church, that He has not left us. And about Him we testify. We do not have to be all pioneers and Komsomol members. Who said that all our bishops should be candidates for patericon? It was under Soviet rule that there were candidates for the Central Committee. We have no candidates for saints. The Lord chooses saints among sinful people. Here's what we must say - we do not claim to be holiness. The Lord did not come to the righteous, but to sinners. And He remains in our Church. We are aware of this, and this greatly distinguishes us from those who do not recognize themselves as sinners. We are better in this sense, because we are with the Lord, He is with us.

Timur Kibirov has an absolutely wonderful poem about how righteous citizens will be shocked if they go to heaven. Who will be there? - Motya from the tax police, Magda from the massage parlor.

How could we not get angry ?!
They sat down beside Him shamelessly
Motya from the tax police,
Magda from the massage parlor!
How can we not prefer Dennitsa
Of the vaunted carpentry company
Motke from the tax police,
Masha from the massage parlor ?!
After all, in this damn province
Might have chosen Flavius, Philo,
Although Varrawa is not from the police
And not from a massage parlor! ..
I imagine our faces
On the day of judgment, when, having trampled the laws,
Fisherman and publican and harlot
They will shine at the Lord's throne.

Do you remember Gumilyov?

To enter not in everything open,

Protestant, tidied up paradise

And where the robber, the tax collector

And the harlot will shout: get up!

We believe in such a God, Who does not give five A's, but washes away the sins of those who turn to Him for this. He is so great, powerful and kind that as soon as we turn to Him, our sins disappear.

- Yes, but people expect from us the fruits of faith, it is difficult to tell about them. As a result, many stories in the media are associated with the unsightly behavior of believers, which repels people from Orthodoxy. How to choose the right style here and your attitude to all this negativity?

- Once Pentecost came to me and began to walk about the personal sins of the Orthodox clergy. And then I got angry and said: “You don't understand one thing. Even if the Russian Orthodox Church disappears somewhere, which is impossible, but even if it disappears somewhere and only one priest remains in it - a bitter drunkard and notorious informer - I will remain its last parishioner and together we will mourn our sins. " And she never appeared again.

And after all, the Orthodox also believe that all our priests should be young pioneers, all bishops Seraphim of Sarov. And in fact, no one knows anything about the life of the priests, or the life of the bishops. Rather, everyone knows that the entire episcopate is in gold, and no one knows what diagnoses they have. Remember Chekhov's story "Bishop", that Vladyka did not live to see Easter, died of bleeding, from typhoid fever. And then it turned out that he served with typhoid fever. Chekhov was a doctor and knew that it was impossible to be on your feet with typhoid fever. But in his story, Vladyka with typhoid fever was on his feet and served, and fell down literally a day before his death. Nobody knows such things, because they hide it.

What sorrows our priests bear. We know ourselves, we know that we are not treasures. And we blame all this inappropriateness on our priests, eating them.

Father Gleb Kaleda was dying very hard. And he, dying, said, "It can't be otherwise, I confessed murderers." Nobody thinks about this, and we regard them as a consumer: we will vyak something there, the priest will wave the epitrachilia, and I will have the right to receive Holy Communion so as not to get sick. Instead of saying: “I, accursed father, such and such, and such,” begins “Yes, you understand, but you understand me, this is the situation here, because I am so, but to me so ... I am all so nervous, so delicate ... ".

So, Orthodox journalism should be guided by Christ and by its standing before Christ and by the fact that it is impossible to lie. This is the main thing.

Alpha and Omega

FThe ALPHA AND OMEGA magazine was founded in the spring of 1994. 400-page magazine-quarterly, published with a circulation of 2500 copies. and spreading on the territory of all CIS countries. Its readers are priests and active laity who work for the formation of a truly ecclesiastical consciousness among the generation of Russian Christians who have come to the Church in recent decades.

- Marina Andreevna, tell us how Alpha and Omega was created? It was like that interesting time synchronous surge - several Orthodox editions appeared at once - "Thomas", "Vstrecha" ...

I had a desire to publish an Orthodox magazine. I looked at what Vestnik RHDD began to do then. He fell into nostalgia for Russia, and I saw the need to strike into nostalgia for the diaspora. In the beginning, we published a lot of Schmemann, Meyendorff, Florovsky - we wanted to convey to the reader of Russia, who knew nothing of this, the feat of the Orthodox diaspora.

These were great people, they were great precisely in their position. Light to the world. At the same time, they were deprived of their homeland, they were always bitter from this, but this was not reflected in their standing. It was by a miracle that I received some stupid money, I do not understand how it was enough for something, but then I began to publish and that's it.

- You have a large editorial board, but is the editorial board a great one?

There were two of us: me and my goddaughter. And until now, two ailing old women are doing this.

- Who came, who was invited. For example, I somehow “laid eyes” on a very young, but intelligent, thinking and handsome father, Alexei Uminsky, and said that God himself had told him to write something about upbringing. He got very excited and said: "Marina Andreevna, I must warn you, I am not a professional teacher." To which I replied that it was very good that professional teacher I would not have invited.

I once suggested to my completely dying father Gleb Kalede that I make a generalization out of his articles about the Turin Shroud. He blessed us to make a summarizing text while lying in the hospital, where he was finalizing it. He was dying, the issue had not yet been released, and we asked the printing house to make separate prints for us, and the priest signed them: "for children", "for friends." Then this article came out with an incredible cumulative circulation (separate editions, re-publications), it seems about 200,000 copies. And then we began to print all of Fr. Gleb - the chapters of the House Church, sermons and so on. And they prepared all his works for publication.

Even with Vladyka Anthony it turned out - somehow we ran into Elena Lvovna Maidanovich, and she fell in love with us. Since then, we have not had a single room that did not include Vladyka Anthony.

Until the holes

- Remember the first issue?

The first issue ... The first issue is still to be seen. It was thin, ridiculously laid out, in some kind of stupid paper cover. Gradually, our cover became not quite paper, and then we got some beauty on it, then it became colored. For this beauty we were wildly scolded, there were whispers that the magazine is not Orthodox, because the Trinity is depicted in four faces. And there is the world-famous miniature "Epiphanius the Wise and His Brethren Writing the Life of St. Sergius". Such is the Orthodox enlightenment.

We've never had a large print run, but I know that every copy is read to the bone. In the library of the Trinity-Sergius Academy and the seminary, they asked us for two copies instead of one, because they immediately fill up one and there is a queue for it.

Once one of our non-Moscow authors came to me, began to talk about some diocesan disorder, and then somehow fell silent, looking at the shelf where all the "Alpha and Omega" was, and said: here. In 200 years it will remain. Everyone will forget about our squabbles.

This is how we live.

- Was there a desire to give up everything and live in peace?

Repeatedly. Many years ago I had a conversation with Father Alexy Uminsky. I approached from afar, I say: Father Alexy, is it true that for a priest the salvation of human souls is above all? True, says Father Alexy. I say: Father Alexei, bless me to give up all this extremely soul-damaging burden and start saving my soul. “What else!” - Father Alexei said, with these very words. And also an intelligent person, I thought bitterly ... and continued my activity.

I've come to terms with the fact that editing is an extremely soulful job. However, the worst thing is translation editing. Because the editor is between two language systems and between two consciousnesses: the author and the translator. Such a monstrous load that you can somehow cope with it only by heating up to the state of a berserker. Chop right and left. And this state is insane.

Without Moscow swearing

- Can you tell the most memorable stories from the life of the magazine?

After all, the journal has become the environment-forming one. People came, it gradually became clear that we did not need to publish the diaspora so much, we already have our own.

After the first number came out, the doorbell rang and one of my students appeared on the threshold, he was then 18 years old. And they did not come to me without a preliminary call. The boy came, leaned against the lintel, because he was not on his feet well, and said: "Marina Andreevna, yesterday I bought" Alpha and Omega ", I read until 4 o'clock in the morning, and then I went out and went, came to you" ... I lived in the very center, and he lived in the far southwest. You see, since 4 o'clock in the morning he walked around Moscow for many hours, overwhelmed by feelings and thoughts, to say that this is his magazine. Now he is a hieromonk.

And once an absolutely fantastic person came to me, a father from eastern Siberia. Miraculously, I got to Moscow, because it's wildly expensive. Such a huge hero, with an incredible shock of light brown hair, with incredibly clean gray Russian eyes, is very serious. He decided that once he came to Moscow, he would buy as much literature as possible in order to carry it on himself, and not pay for shipping, because shipping to eastern Siberia is something. So he came to me too, deciding that it was better to get to the editorial office in order to buy the magazine without any extra charges. He told me a phrase that I will die - I will remember with gratitude. “Why do I like your magazine? Because it contains a lot of useful things and there is no such Moscow abuse of yours. "

If only the fighters for the purity of Orthodoxy knew that Siberia considers all this to be Moscow abuse!

- And how do you manage to avoid all these sensitive topics, "abuse"?

- We do not have Moscow abuse, because we are about Christ. From the very beginning, the magazine was Christocentric and ecclesiocentric, since the main thing in the world is the Church, which will abide and smoothly enter eternity. And the Church exists because it is Christocentric. That's all, here's the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

Once the son of my goddaughter, when he was 12 years old, came up to me in the church and said: "Marina, a book about the Antichrist is being sold there." I tell him: "Alyosha, never read about the Antichrist, always read about Christ." I remembered it for the rest of my life.

They would talk more about Christ. At first, there would be an absolutely terrible reaction that you just have to overcome.

- Are there any topics that you fundamentally do not raise?

- That which can give nothing for the salvation of the soul - that very Moscow abuse. That which can give something is worthy of consideration. That is, here, to these two points (ecclesiocentricity and Christocentricity), anthropocentricity is also added. More precisely, psychocentricity. That which is good for the soul. And for the soul, Christ and His church are useful. This is how it closes.

- Yes, we have to remove the already promised article from the author. All means are good here. You see, in American legal proceedings, as you know, terms are summed up. And there, therefore, they can easily sentence a person to two centuries of imprisonment. And somehow I began to sum up the time that I spend in preparing the issue for talking with the authors. 48 months if you add it all up.

Not all authors are such as Vasily Glebovich Kaleda, who himself can be a psychotherapist for a tortured editor. I reviewed his speech at Pravmir. He was very happy then. Please note that for such a journal, the form is not entirely trivial: a review of an Internet publication.

- Who are your favorite contemporary publicists?

- I really like to print Volodya Legoyda. This is very strange, but people do not look at his columns in Thomas, but in Alpha and Omega they do. What is this? It turns out that way.

I will name Alexy Uminsky's father, I think he is a wonderful author. But we have another wonderful author - Abbot Savva from Belarus. His publications always resonate deeply. He writes beautifully and somehow touches people for the most alive. We had his article about virginity, and they read it and bastard. There is simply no other word. And I really love his sermons. He is a young, educated, real quiet monk, sitting quietly in a small monastery. And the regent, too.

Father Ilya Shapiro turned out to be an amazing connoisseur and lover of divine services - he feels him very subtly. In the current issue we have his article about the royal clock - you must admit that no one writes about it.

It is a pity that Vladyka Longin writes very little, because he is all over the place. By the way, he came out very good book, and especially it should be noted that a very large part of it is occupied by questions-answers on the Internet. And never in all his answers the word "but you humble yourself" is used. Agree, it's valuable.

Another favorite author is Sergei Khudiyev, who can only be called a brilliant apologist, and Andrei Desnitsky, a very deeply educated and thinking biblical scholar and absolutely reasonable person wherein. And this is not as often combined as we would like. Others can be found on the pages of the magazine.

- Is there a problem of "overspending" yourself? When it seems that you have already said everything, that you have exhausted yourself to the extreme, and you urgently need to replenish, renew the exhausted resources?

I don’t know, for me it’s not a problem at all. Firstly, I absolutely cannot read and listen more than I read and listen. I say that the Chukchi are not a writer, and not a reader either. Chukchi editor. This is completely different. But when I want - I read, and when I want - I write. For some reason, I have no need to compensate. Maybe because my life is very interesting. God forbid me to have time to write everything ... and much more (and whom) to read. I'm in last article made a completely boorish note for her age, that I leave the fascinating theme of joy in the Apostle Paul for later. And I really do.

So, my job is this: I am a completely free person, and therefore at the age of 70 I turned to the topic of rock culture, wrote a huge article about Tsoi on two and a half printed pages. Maybe a book will be made of it. This article was read by Butusov, and he liked it, and I liked it too. Moreover, I am editing his next book of prose. And he invited me to his concert, for the first time in my life I was at a rock concert.

And we talked for a long time in the art studio, and then he did the incredible, said that he had left some good places for me and those accompanying me and wanted to see me off. The guards are absolutely petrified. We got there, sat there, chatted - and only after 20 minutes people began to realize that Butusov was alive among them. Then he signed a certain number of autographs and quickly ran away, because it was time for the stage.

And you say compensation. And I have such a job. And what else can I compensate for, one wonders? Of course, not on such an extravagant level, but for me every meeting with the author is a holiday, because everyone has long understood that there is simply nothing to scandalize with me.

And I also love readers, not often, nor sometimes they get to me, sometimes they are foreign ones. This is valuable not because they are foreign people, but because they took upon themselves the work.

What publications will kill the Internet

- Today everything and everything goes to the Internet ...

I hate the argument that all inventions of the twentieth, and even more so the twenty-first century, bring us death and spiritual destruction. Because exactly the same thing could have been said about paper at one time. And about the printing press! Everything that is in people's lives has a mutual dimension: there is no such thing in the fallen world that cannot be abused.

That all sorts of inventions are for the good and for the benefit - I am more than sure of this. Opiates are a great means of reducing human suffering and a terrible weapon of human destruction. Drug addiction is based on drugs! It's the same with all human inventions, including the Internet. I don’t need to talk about porn sites for a simple reason - there is a large amount of porn literature, I don’t read it. It's the same with porn sites: they don't bother me, because I don't know what they are at all. And I don’t want to know. This is not the fact of the biography of the Internet, this is the fact of the biography of me.

I hate it when students download abstracts from the Internet. And you know it on your fingers - there is no output. And when I tell a young creature - where from, and the creature replies: “I don't know, I took it from the Internet,” - he flies out at me with the speed of a pig's squeal, as O'Henry said.

But at the same time, the Internet can be skillfully used to obtain and check information - of course, I can get up from the table, take an encyclopedia and shut up, but it's easier to do this with three buttons. For pure information, the internet has no price. I say this as a light-hearted person.

Electronic libraries can replace paper ones. Reader - an electronic book - a convenient system - you can download something for yourself and go for a walk with a small book. But nothing replaces the pleasure of being with a paper book. I recently sent a text to a friend in electronic form, and then I said: “I would rather have a book, because I would like to present this text to you in the form of a book. So that you lose her somewhere! "

- To be lost ?!

This is such a pleasure! This is part of our life - we always lost our books somewhere. Sometimes it was unrecoverable, and it was not pleasure, but a tragedy, but it's still adrenaline.

The Internet has no price when we can correspond. There are citizens, as a rule, young age who have made themselves a drug habit - sit for hours in ICQ and exchange absolutely meaningless remarks. And they have fun ... I really like to write letters. I both wrote meaningful letters and I am writing, I receive meaningful answers. I print especially outstanding letters. I have whole folders of correspondence with by different people- I keep letters that have value - friendly, sincere, intellectual. Thanks to e-mail I can free myself from buying envelopes, stamps, sending them to the post office, waiting - it will come - it will not come - you read a letter from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back for 24 hours in novels of the 19th century, but here - two weeks! And on the Internet, everything comes through.

I hate discussions on the Internet - they are meaningless. I rarely read them, but every time I read, I think: glory to the censorship! Glory to this cumbersome editing mechanism! Free exchange of opinions is simply meaningless. Discussions on the forum are sidetracked in three steps. Instead of discussing on the merits, someone clung to the word, someone clung to the fact that he clung to the word - the result is meaningless swearing that has nothing to do with the topic. Ideally for me, if I see that someone has written something interesting, I will go and call! Breaking free from the web!

- Will Internet print media be killed?

What will kill - so there and the road. If you want to exist on paper, release it so that people want to keep it. People keep "Alpha and Omega" - everything is calm in this respect.

On a blue eye

- You have worked in science all your life, graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University ...

The department was German, and I had a diploma in Hittology. Then I got to the Institute of Linguistics as an intern, I was thrown into a linguistic typology, which was a complete nightmare.

- Why?!

- Because usually they do typology for seniority, and I was a girl. And it so happened that then a three-volume edition on general linguistics was published, the chapter "Typology" was mine. In general, no one felt sorry for me. For example, somehow they invited 19 girls to the INYAZ to give a lecture to graduate students. I come, and they tell me, to this auditorium (a huge audience, with a stage, with a pulpit), and aunts are sitting - in English suits, in jersey, with hairstyles. I ask, what is it? And they tell me that the FPK was invited at the same time. Two hundred heads of departments foreign languages from all over Soviet Union... And I graduated from the university for two years. And they are all in English costumes, and I am wearing such an advanced dress with a single pattern for the whole dress, in the style of Hokusai, and Indian braids as a hairstyle - a parted part and two long tails above the ears. I got up on the pulpit on perfectly wadded feet.

And then all these aunts take out their notebooks and look at me. I suppressed a cry, "Wait to write, maybe I'll still lie." And then I saw the way to salvation - two male people, relatively young and Uzbeks, are sitting apart. So I quickly drummed the intro and said we'd start with agglutinative languages. I wrote an Uzbek example from Polivanov. Right? I ask the Uzbeks. They beamed, nodded their heads, because that's right, really in Uzbek.

- Everything went well as a result?

- These Uzbeks immediately surrounded me with such reverence from a distance. And the aunts are cowardly people, if they see that there is a lecturer, strange, of course, but two men are sitting and respecting, then they must be respected.

- How long have you worked at the Institute of Linguistics?

- For nearly 20 years, I was already engaged in some general semantic and grammatical matters.

I stopped keeping a list of my scientific papers when he stepped over a hundred, because it got bored. And then they took me and threw me into the "Languages ​​of the World". And then, a few years ago, my beloved Legoyda calls me and says: “Marina Andreevna, you have a double namesake. In the Itogi magazine there is an article dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the World Languages ​​project, and it says that Marina Zhurinskaya broke the Soviet academic bureaucratic system. "

Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya in the memorial workshop of the sculptor Lazar Gadaev. Photo by Evgeniya Shavard.

- How did you break it?

- I don’t know. On the blue eye. I just said that I needed Vitya Porkhomovsky (an absolutely wonderful Africanist), Vitya Vinogradov (he is now the director of the institute), Andrei Korolev (an outstanding celtologist) and two weeks. And we sat with me and wrote the original program of these world languages. And they wrote. I did them for a very long time, these are the languages ​​of the world. And she did quite a lot.

And then my mother was very sick ... And I somehow heard in passing: "Imagine, we come from the theater, and my mother is in the corridor." And then I realized that I would not allow this. I quit my job and started looking after my mom. I sat with her for 4 years. Everything. Some kind of career was shining for me there, but nothing, left. But my mother died as a person. Christian demise ...

- This is how they abandoned the whole scientific work and careers ... How did you come to church?

I was baptized in 1975.

The first time we met with the church was when I was very little, my father’s sister lived in Moscow, who had cancer, and they tried to treat her. We walked. They walked somehow to the gates of the Vysokopetrovsky monastery, and I asked her: what kind of house is this? She said it was a church.

- Who lives here?

- God lives here.

- Who is he?

She told me how she could. Then I said, what is it, am I going to live unbaptized like that? My aunt ran home and said that the child expressed a desire to be baptized. Parents greeted this business with completely sour faces and no longer let her walk with me. Never mind, my mother was baptized at a fairly mature age, to put it mildly. I don't remember how old she was, 75, in my opinion. So I paid good for evil. And then we went to pray to this strangest house where God lives; there was father Gleb Kaleda, who died in 1994. Then I became not a day off, here the priests used to come to my house until he was established alone. And not according to the principle of dignity and celebrity, but just once I told him about some of my condition: "But I don't know if it is a sin or not." And the father said: "But we need to think." So that's it. This is how we live since then. In thoughtfulness and in thought.

In fact, living is simple and joyful, both by publishing Orthodox media and by doing general linguistics. If you want to be happy, be happy. Say what you like, but the ideal state of a person was ideally expressed by the Apostle Peter: "Lord, it is good for us to be here."

Blitz Question

What steps and milestones of religious journalism can be distinguished:

The answer is quite simple: from enthusiasm to skill, from skill to professionalism, from professionalism to depth, etc.

Names and texts for which you are not ashamed:

She mentioned a lot of names, if she omitted any, then I apologize.

What is the biggest failure in Orthodox media?

A lot of them.

How to search, what and how to write?

As the Lord commands.

Which genres are missing, which are too many?

Personal testimony is lacking. Too many interviews. This is bad, because the interviewer models the interviewee in his own image and likeness. Not everyone can resist.

Interviewed by Anna Danilova

Head of the Department of English Linguistics, Faculty of Philology, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov

Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya (1941-2013)(her first husband's surname is Alfred Zhurinsky, her maiden name is unknown) graduated from the Philological Faculty of Moscow State University, defended her diploma in Hittology, worked at the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, where her field of study was linguistic typology. In the mid-1970s, she was appointed coordinator of the project "Languages ​​of the World" at the Institute of Science of the USSR Academy of Sciences, led the project until 1986. PhD in Philology, has over 100 publications on linguistic topics. Translator from German (linguistic works, theological texts, as well as Gadamer and Schweitzer). Since 1994 publisher and editor of the magazine "Alpha and Omega". Member of the editorial board of the collection "Theological Works".

In 1975, under the influence of the lectures of S. S. Averintseva, she was baptized by her father Alexander Men under the name Anna. After 1986, she left the editing of linguistic works and completely switched to Orthodox journalism. In 1994, under the influence of Averintsev's circle, she founded the Orthodox educational magazine Alpha and Omega, of which she was editor-in-chief until her death. She died in Moscow on October 4, 2013 after a serious illness.

Marina Andreevna was an editor from God

I have known Marina Andreevna for over twenty years, and I am grateful to God for that. She was an amazing person, a real Christian intellectual.

In the 1970s-1980s, many people from her circle came to the Church. Not everyone stayed in it. Many of them saw in the Church some kind of alternative to the existing system and, therefore, when the system collapsed, they did not really need the Church. They did not always leave quietly and calmly, on the contrary - many were quite demonstrative. Marina Andreevna, unlike the others, stayed to the end. The spiritual child of Father Alexander Men and Father Gleb Kaleda, who was friends with the Lavra monks, she was a person rooted in the Orthodox tradition, which did not interfere with the breadth of her views on church life. Once she came to the Church, she saw in her the Body of Christ. Not a political force, not just an environment in which it is convenient to speak on fashionable topics, but Christ, to whom she was faithful until her death. And she led many people to God, becoming for them, so to speak, the door to the Church.

Marina Andreevna was an unusually deep person. Anyone who read her reflections on the text of the Holy Scriptures could be convinced of this. The work of her life was the magazine "Alpha and Omega". It's amazing how the editorial board, which consisted of several weak women, but led and inspired by Marina Andreevna, could publish such a serious theological journal for twenty years - the only one of its kind, which at some point took first place among our church periodicals. This is her great service to the Russian Church. Taking a modest part in this work, I witnessed how difficult it was, how hard each new issue of the magazine was given, and what joy it was when it came out and it turned out no worse, and more often than not, better than the previous one.

And I must say that Marina Andreevna was an editor from God. She was able, for example, to discern the future author of "Alpha and Omega" in a person whom she met by chance while in the hospital. Even in everyday life, she was able to find topics for serious discussion and research.

The Lord judged her to live a very interesting life, but at the end of her life he sent her an ordeal with illness. She bore him fully conscious and with submission to the will of God.

May the Lord rest the soul of the newly departed servant of God Anna in the villages of the righteous! Let us remember her and pray for the repose of her immortal soul.

Marina Andreevna is the whole world

Viktor Sudarikov, Director of the Orthodox Educational Forum "Orthodoxy and Peace":

Translator, publisher, editor, Christian thinker, houseplant specialist, jeweler, collector and much, much more ...
But the main thing is, of course, faith - which is "in the ribs", which determines all thoughts and deeds, which makes a person free and capable of spiritually growing higher and higher.
She was a spiritual child and disciple of the outstanding pastors of the 20th century - Archpriest. Alexandra Menya (about whom she talked about as a very strict and serious confessor, not accepting the attitude of some of his exalted admirers towards him) and Archpriest. Gleb Kaleda.

We were introduced to Marina Andreevna in the Church of St. John the Baptist in Presnya by Fr. Andrey Kuraev. Then I sometimes visited her amazing apartment, filled with books, outlandish plants (some of them were in special closed flasks) and paintings by Elena Cherkasova; even prepared some publications for Alpha and Omega. Marina Andreevna loved and appreciated her friends, asked with interest about my children ...

Her legacy is immense. The most interesting theological magazine "Alpha and Omega", published since the early 1990s, a collection of paintings, many of its own articles and translations. A talented person is talented in everything. Few people knew that Marina Andreevna had VDNKh diplomas for grown exotic plants. In old age, she perfectly mastered the manufacture of various jewelry - her "tsatzki and bryaki".

Yes, Marina Andreevna also loved her cat Mishka and even wrote about him ...

I remember how one day, Marina Andreevna quoted to me the ancient ascetic wisdom that the Lord calls a person to Himself at the moment when he is best prepared for this. And she concluded - "If the Lord prolongs my life, then he gives me more time to repent."

Now the ear is ripe.

Kingdom of Heaven to God's servant Anna ...

I do not remember that her actions or words were outside the Christian understanding of life.

Priest Mikhail Isaev, cleric of the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Krylatskoye:

- I met Marina Andreevna in the late nineties, when I was not yet a priest or even a deacon, but studied at a theological institute. I came to the editorial office of Alpha and Omega, where Marina Andreevna met me and accepted me as a staff member of the magazine. Since then, we have closely and a lot communicated, and when I was ordained, then after a while spiritual ties also strengthened, I became Marina Andreevna's confessor. I was one of the last to receive communion at the hospital.

We talked with Marina Andreevna on a variety of topics, and always, even if it was about some everyday things, I was amazed at her wisdom. I do not remember that any of her actions or words were outside the Christian understanding of life. She gave me so much great advice, taught me so much! Communication with her spiritually strengthened. Many noted that after a conversation with Marina Andreevna, you feel elated. Eternal memory to her!

Everything she did, she did not indifferent

Alexander Dvorkin, professor at PSTGU:

Several years ago, when we gathered in memory of Father Gleb Kaleda, Marina Andreevna said a little ironically that when you share memories of a departed person, you always say "me and him." I think that now, when we remember dear Marina Andreevna, we should not be ashamed of this: this is natural, because we are all members of the one Church, we communicate with each other and always perceive others precisely through the prism of their communication with us.

Therefore, I want to remember how we met Marina Andreevna. That was 21 years ago. I tried to remember the very moment of the meeting, but could not. After returning from America, when I started working in the Department of Religious Education with Gleb Kaleda's father, Marina Andreevna often appeared there. Then she became part of the small community that formed around Father Gleb in the Vysoko-Petrovsky monastery. They lived with Yakov Georgievich on a street with an unpronounceable name Krasnoproletarskaya, which was located within walking distance from the monastery, in a house with a very clever system of apartments - an elevator in the middle, and apartments on both sides of it. The entrance was ruined: even the steps on the stairs went at random, it is not clear whether it will be possible to walk on them next time or everything will fail. However, for the beginning of the 90s, nothing surprising.

And so, after this devastation, I went into the apartment and found myself in a completely different world. External decay was forgotten: there were books, incredible exotic indoor flowers in pots and, of course, Misha the cat, who slept in regal poses on all the chairs. I remember that I immediately took Misha on my knees, and Marina Andreevna said: "Be careful, he only allows the priests to scratch his belly." But he let me.

Communication with Marina Andreevna was very intense, because she made me work, forced me to think and do. The very first projects appeared. Once Marina Andreevna called me and said: "There will be a new theological journal, it is necessary, and an idea arose that you should be its editor-in-chief." I just sat down. I already had so many obediences: Butyrka and sects began to study, and taught. But I realized that I couldn't just refuse Marina Andreevna, and went to Father Gleb, talked to him. Father Gleb said: "Don't worry, I know how to solve this issue."

He really solved this issue - he said that Marina Andreevna should be the editor-in-chief. Father Gleb realized that this is the very place where Marina Andreevna should be, that this is a job that she will pull out and that will allow her to open up. Indeed, thanks to this, Marina Andreevna opened up and shone even brighter than when I knew her in that narrow circle. Her personality, charm, multifaceted talents opened up to a huge number of people, the magazine became a microcosm, transforming into a macrocosm. Authors and editors, layout designers, friends of the magazine and its readers - all were somehow connected with each other, the coverage was very wide. And it is wonderful that this self-realization of Marina Andreevna was in the Church and for the Church, for Christ and, accordingly, for each of us.

Once, after one very interesting conversation, I asked her why she would not express her thoughts in an article. Then she told me that she long ago refused to write something of her own - she is only an editor. I don't know if she herself imposed this restriction on herself or fulfilled someone's blessing, but time passed, this post ended, and Marina Andreevna began to write and this also enriched a very wide circle of people - incomparably wider than those who had the happiness of being her direct interlocutors.

The journal "Alpha and Omega" is still waiting for its researcher. It is great happiness that we knew Marina Andreevna, that she urged us, comforted that she was editing us. Although she was the kind of editor with whom I often had to argue. I remember how seriously we argued with her when she edited my Essays on the History of the Universal Church. But these arguments gave me a lot. She was a serious and passionate editor. Everything she did, she did not indifferently. And her indifference stemmed from the most important thing: she was a loving person with a huge heart. Eternal memory to Marina Andreevna.

Marina Andreevna continues her work, her ministry

Hieromonk Dimitry (Pershin):

I would like to note two points, devoting my story blessed memory Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya.

First of all, it is the utmost honesty to oneself, by the way, to one's business, honesty, which is absolutely incredible for our world, vegetating in everyday half-truths. By this measure she judged herself and grieved about this world.

And the second thing. IN last years it so happened that I confessed and gave communion to Marina Andreevna, but what I say is not a secret confession. Almost all the time she had to overcome a very difficult internal situation, which is sometimes called depression.

This was the state that Father Sophrony (Sakharov) wrote about - a feeling of inner emptiness that sucks out all strength from a person. This condition can last for years and decades. From this vacuum she emerged into Divine grace - in prayer, in the sacraments of the Church of Christ, in communion with loved ones. And this was also a cross, invisible to many. In her texts, we do not find all the tragedy of these experiences, because the texts are a word addressed to people, and she took care of people.

And we came to Marina Andreevna and shared with her our problems, perplexities, grief - and received answers, found support in her wisdom and sympathy, not understanding what the price of this active love was. As Marina Andreevna's husband, Yakov Georgievich Testelets, accurately remarked, the gifts of God are usually combined with suffering imposed on us. And the higher the calling, the heavier the cross.

It seems to me important to understand that it was not just a certain person who passed into another world. The era is leaving. People are leaving, in whom the connection of times is revealed to us. It was given to them to keep it from decay, correcting the dislocations of this world. Among them are Father Alexander Men, Sergei Sergeevich Averintsev and others - those who have remained faithful to the traditions of high European culture. Native to God, they extended their love and care to all who needed them.

I remember when I was a student, Marina Andreevna sent me with a package of various chicken bones and cartilages to Sergei Sergeevich Averintsev - Sergei Sergeevich had many cats, and Marina Andreevna's cat Mishka did not eat everything, something remained. So in the hungry nineties they helped each other. After all, it was also necessary to think about it, live it and worry about it. I would like us to follow Marina Andreevna at least a little in this attention to seemingly trifles, on which a lot depends in the fate of both people and those animals, flowers and other creation that God has entrusted to us.

Praying for the repose of her soul, we understand that now the Lord reveals Himself to her, reveals the secrets of His Kingdom.

Shortly before leaving, Marina Andreevna said that a moment comes when there are already more people who are loved and loving you than here, and they call you there. Eternity turns to us, acquiring faces and already familiar features.

But when we go there, we stay here. We are invisibly present in the inner world of everyone we love, and it does not matter at all where our soul is at present. Now she is there, probably, praying for us, because the love in her heart has become no less, but more, because it has multiplied by Divine love, dissolved by this love.

And now Marina Andreevna continues her work, her ministry. Her testimony continues in her books, articles, audio and video recordings, films with her participation. Probably, it would be right if we, for our part, did what we had to, but did not do, so that when we cross this line, we would not be ashamed of it.

Lived more than one life

Andrey Kibrik, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Typology and Areal Linguistics, Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences:

Apparently, the majority knows Marina Andreevna as a figure of Orthodox journalism, the creator and editor-in-chief of the magazine "Alpha and Omega". But in her life she sowed many seeds, lived, one might say, more than one life, and at the beginning of her career she worked as a linguist at the Institute of Linguistics. It so happened that she became the coordinator of the World Languages ​​project. Then the word "project" was not yet very much used, but in fact it was a voluminous project describing many, and in the future - all languages ​​that exist on earth.

Such an unexpected, with a big swing, the project was conceived by linguists in the mid-seventies. A special format was created to describe different languages, which are very different in their structure, so that they can be represented in a similar way. And a large-scale work began on the preparation of this publication. For the first 12 years Marina Andreevna acted as a coordinator under the general supervision of Victoria Nikolaevna Yartseva.

During these, as it now seems, short years, Marina Andreevna and the team, which included Yasha Testelets, managed to accumulate a huge amount of material. As you know, then Marina Andreevna decided to take up a completely different activity and left the Institute of Linguistics, and eventually I became her successor.

All these years we continue to work on the publication of "Languages ​​of the World", 17 volumes have already been published, they all describe different languages... Three more volumes will be released in the coming months. The total volume of the publication is about eight thousand pages. We never forget that Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya was at the origin of the project, and we note this in the preface to each volume. Only for the last few years we have been preparing books based on completely new articles, and until about 2005 we mainly published articles, albeit updated, revised, but still collected directly by Marina Andreevna. This is what she has prepared for us!

Our small team always remembers what role Marina Andreevna played. I think that she largely got her editorial hand in the process of working on these linguistic articles in the already distant Soviet years. Marina Andreevna, as has been said more than once, has done many good deeds. At one time, she helped publish a collection dedicated to the anniversary of my father, Alexander Evgenievich Kibrik.

My parents were also well acquainted with Marina Andreevna. This morning I arrived from the dacha, from their dacha, where there is a large apple orchard. Marina Andreevna was not only a florist, but also a gardener. I remember talking about apple trees, different varieties of apples, how to grow them, how to pick them. And I just brought a box of our apples. Although there is more than enough food here, I will put it here and ask those who wish to take apples with them and also remember Marina Andreevna as a gardener.

Brought the light of joy to others

Vasily Glebovich Kaleda, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Practical Theology of PSTGU:

The Kaled family is especially grateful to Marina Andreevna for the enormous, selfless work on the literary heritage of Father Gleb. In the early 90s, she was his spiritual daughter and made a huge contribution to the perpetuation of his memory. It is to her that we owe much to the publication of his literary heritage; without her, some of his works would have remained only part of the family archive.

Back in 1991, Marina Andreevna, after reading my father's Christmas sermon "The Magi", organized its publication in the form of a small brochure on newsprint - then it was an event for all of us. Later, in 1994, shortly before the death of Fr. She invited Gleb to write an article about the Turin Shroud especially for the second issue of the magazine "Alpha and Omega". The Pope has already written articles about the Turin Shroud both for the ZhMP and for a number of other magazines. To facilitate his work, Marina Andreevna offered to make a digest of his articles, to which he agreed.

Recalling their joint work on this article, Marina Andreevna, with her inherent irony and humor, perfectly mastering the literary word, described different type authors she met as editor: “... There are two types of bad authors. Some give careless sheets of paper and say complacently: "Well, correct it there, well, add it - in general, do what you want, it doesn't matter"; the quality of the finished publication is entirely attributed to their own account and the fact that the printed text has little in common with the original monument of thought is completely ignored. Others usually pronounce the same pathetic text with small variations: "Keep in mind, I have suffered all this and will fight for every comma."

Publishers with the rudiments of sanity do not usually print such, while others try to rise to the challenge and come close to a heart attack; finally, still others, retreating under the pressure of the author, print everything as it is in order to hear reproaches about the sad result not only from colleagues and readers, but also from the hero of the occasion himself: "Well, was it really difficult to fix it?" Father Gleb belonged to the fourth type of authors, he is the only correct one. The manuscript came back to us again and again with crossed out paragraphs and with the pages re-written in a wonderful professorial handwriting ... Before my eyes, something happened that every professional linguist admires as a miracle: the transformation of thoughts into words, and words into text. " And when the second issue of the magazine was already ready, and dad had only a few days to live, Marina Andreevna persuaded the director of the printing house to make separate reprints of the article, which he managed to sign to his family and friends, for which we are still grateful to her.

Soon after the death of Father Gleb, in one of the Moscow churches, I saw a brochure about the Shroud of Turin behind a candle box, and the idea arose to prepare a separate edition of my father's work about this shrine. I called Marina Andreevna, as the editor of the magazine in which my father's article was published, expressed my idea, which she supported, and came to her house for negotiations. From that time on, our cooperation with her began on the publication of the works of Father Gleb. An article by Father Gleb entitled "The Shroud of Our Lord Jesus Christ" was published as a separate brochure, later it was reprinted many times and printed in other periodicals. In the next issue (No. 3) of the magazine, together with the obituary, Marina Andreevna published her father's sermon on Russian saints.

After that, the question naturally arose about the publication of other father's works and, first of all, "House Church", which is a series of essays, many of which were not finally completed and had only a handwritten version with many corrections. Realizing that it is impossible to prepare a whole book for publication at once, taking into account the general employment, therefore, several essays were edited and printed, which then compiled a separate book (first edition 1997). In this she was helped by Natalia Alekseevna Erofeeva, who for many years was the permanent and irreplaceable processor of the manuscripts of Father Gleb.

Simultaneously with the work on "Home Church" Marina Andreevna began to work on the notes of the prison priest ("Stop in your ways"), which were published in 1995. Not wanting to stop there, she offered to collect all the audio recordings (some of them were of extremely low quality) of his sermons from dad's spiritual children, together with Natalya Alekseevna Erofeeva she transferred them to paper and prepared a collection of sermons "The Fullness of Life in Christ" (1996).

Marina Andreevna was very sensitive to the author's text and spoke with me every editorial revision. I would like to note that when publishing books, she not only was engaged in purely editorial work, but also thought over her entire layout, including the book format, font size, design, color range covers.

Later, she published in her mother's journal (L.V. Kaleda - nun George) the memoirs of her father the Holy Martyr Vladimir (No. 24) and mother's memories of Fr. Glebe (No. 31-32), which later, somewhat supplemented, were included in the large collection “Priest Gleb Kaleda - Scientist and Shepherd” (2007, 2012).

With the help of Marina Andreevna, a series "The Spiritual Experience of Russian Women's Asceticism" was created in the publishing house at the Conception Monastery. The series was designed by her and she was the editor of several books in the series. She also participated in organizing the publication of the monastic series of akathists.

In 2008, she invited me to write an article on the problem of the relationship between mental and spiritual illnesses, which I am engaged in as a psychiatrist, this was my first publication in a theological journal, for which I am very grateful to her.

Later, when we prepared collections dedicated to Father Gleb (2007, 2012) and Nun Georgy (2012) at the Zachatyevsky Monastery publishing house, as well as the latest edition (2013) of House Church (along with mother's memoirs), we always consulted with her as to conceptual issues as well as the design of the book and cover, while her opinion was defining for us. I would like to note that the idea to publish "Domashnaya tserkov" together with my mother's memories of Father Gleb (in this edition they were called "Our Home Church") belonged to Marina Andreevna.

Marina Andreevna has been publishing the magazine "Alpha and Omega" for almost twenty years. Over the years, a considerable number of Orthodox magazines have appeared, many of which, having existed for several years at best, have sunk into oblivion. The magazine "Alpha and Omega" was published regularly, and it is hard to believe that this is the merit of one middle-aged amazing woman - Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya, in the holy baptism of Anna.

Her house with a large number of exotic plants and an important strolling huge cat Mishkoy gave the impression of some kind of oasis of calm and tranquility.
Father Gleb, one of her confessors, loved to repeat that "Christianity is the joyful fullness of life." Marina Andreevna possessed this amazing joyful fullness of life, and she brought the light of this joy to those around her.

The last time I spoke to her was this summer, when she was already confined to a hospital bed. She talked a little about her illnesses, talked more about her magazine, about the fact that the next double issue of the magazine "Alpha and Omega" will be the last, and how she sees it.

Marina Andreevna is gone, but we are left with the books she created, the magazines, the release of each of which was an event, collections, the flowers donated by her are still green on the windows of our apartment, and behind the glass door of the bookcase on the pages of a surprisingly kind book she continues her life charming cat Mishka.
Eternal memory to her.

She liked having happy people around

Tatiana Petrovna Tselekhovich, candidate of philological sciences, one of the authors of the journal "Alpha and Omega":

It seems St. John Chrysostom, in one of his funeral speeches, noticed that after the loss of a loved one, the living begin to grieve that they did not love him, did not say something, did not do something. After Marina Andreevna left, I do not have this feeling of incompleteness: each visit to her monastery was an event for me, and each time - whole and with a beautiful afterword. Even pauses in the conversation did not cause awkwardness, because they were appropriate and, as they say, meaningful.

She knew how to listen. She was attentive and did not rush to conclusions - she clarified, asked again, asked to clarify those moments in the interlocutor's monologue that seemed vague to her. We drank tea, ate grapes and smiled at each other. I don't remember who else could make me laugh like she did, sometimes I laughed to tears: "This can't be!" And she with an imperturbable look repeated: "That's right, dear Tanya." I loved being close to her. I managed to say that I love her.

When a person leaves, the one who remains is important material evidence of his presence, you need to touch something, smell, try on - remember. Marina Andreevna gave me books and magazines, cosmetics and jewelry. We corresponded. And her every letter is also an event, a complete whole story / advice from a friend / teaching from her mother. But somehow the set made by her is especially dear to me: a bracelet and beads, bright, it seemed to me right away - even too much.

She liked to have happy people around, so that they were happy and did not hesitate to decorate themselves. I was embarrassed, and then - on every new visit to Moscow “to Marina Andreevna” I tried to dress myself up in something singing and sunny, and if femininity increased in me during this time, this is her merit. I remember that once we even went shopping together, chose jewelry - it was a triumph of taste and a master class for novice ladies!

She had many friends, famous, ordinary - wonderful for her. She loved our Belarus, was a friend of the Nikolsky Monastery in the city of Gomel and knew the inhabitants there, especially sincere friendship connected her with Archimandrite Savva (Mazhuko), who later introduced us. I am grateful that in this way I was involved in the process of publishing the magazine "Alpha and Omega" and was also among its authors.

Marina Andreevna was a straight person, without hypocrisy and double standards. Sometimes her straightforwardness and uncompromising attitude could seem daring and even offensive, but even behind this "yes, yes, no, no" there was sensitivity, love and the ability to understand and forgive. Whatever she talked about - about religion, about politics, about culture, about Russia - all her conversations were Christocentric. Her life was Christocentric. For her, the Savior was not a theorized ideal, an absolute, but a living, very dear to her, really existing with her - the Person, the Personality she loved. And this love of hers was contagious.

She often quoted the Gospel, referred to it. “Read the Gospel, my child, everything is written there” - this has already become my credo in life. I remembered the Apostle Paul: pray ceaselessly, give thanks for everything - live in joy. And also that Christianity does not know zombified stereotyped believers, but only individuals - and each has its own story.
We talked a lot about love stories, about the relationship of the sexes in modern world, so many jokes were made about this - not offensive to anyone, just funny, like the naked truth. Marina Andreevna loved her husband very much. When I looked at the photos from her funeral, I experienced an acute sense of loss, noticing Yakov Georgievich on them, his confused face, drooping cheeks and wearily lowered hands.

It was like a reflection of Gogol's Afanasy Ivanovich from the Old World Landowners. Some believe that this is the best work about love in Russian literature. Correctly believed, but in reality it happens even better. Such attention, care, respect, sensitivity of Marina Andreevna and Yakov Georgievich to each other - aroused affection and a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to observe the example of the Family, faithful to each other, loving people... And here it becomes obvious what it means: “the meaning of an Orthodox marriage is in the love of two,” and not in procreation.

They say that there is no continuation, that you cannot take anything with you to the grave, and here you can argue. There are people who take the whole world with them. Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya is an era in the history of Russian Orthodoxy, and these are not big words: there is only one "magazine about Christ", to which she devoted so much energy and knowledge, gave her health - a weighty argument for her contribution to theology.

When leaves close person, the living also mourn themselves, because they feel sorry for those who they were next to this person. I feel sorry for myself. I will never again notice in the windows of the first floor a quiet magic light through the thickets of cacti, I will not hear slow steps outside the door and I will not feel the warmth of my cheeks, they will not grumble at me and no longer will they give me a handkerchief so that I can wipe away the tears that suddenly escaped from the shower taps. , I will not listen to Tsoi with her and look at paintings and books ... As if she took a part of me with her - these days I part with that Tanya - with sadness and gratitude.

Once, to my complaints about the unsettledness of good Orthodox people in the world, Marina Andreevna remarked: "This happens on earth, but remember: you did not see that eye and did not hear the ear that the Lord has prepared for those who love Him? ..".

I just remember now. And she already knows. And together - we will live in anticipation of a new meeting.

She was truly a Christ-lover

NS rotopriest Alexy Uminsky, rector of the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Khokhly:

Christ-lover ... She was truly a Christ-lover. This is the most important thing that people began to understand when they met her, when they began to communicate with her, to recognize her. When we read her wonderful articles, when we listened to her reflections on the Church. Christ-lover ...

There are always very few such people. But it is precisely such people who primarily influence the world. We are well aware of this from the words of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, but we do not think about it seriously. How can a person save thousands? And so, imperceptibly, it turns out, and it happens that when there is a Christ-lover or a Christ-lover, the world changes, the space of life changes. And you suddenly realize this especially when this person is separated from us.

Marina Andreevna can be called a teacher of the Church. Well, or a teacher. Because she really taught our newborn Church a lot in recent decades. She taught and taught Christians a lot. For example, she always, constantly, taught everyone about human dignity. It was a very important science, which she herself mastered and tried to instill in others. Teach Christians about human dignity.

She taught and taught many freedom, real. Such, not unbridled freedom, irresponsible, but deep, responsible freedom of a Christian within the Church - that is, a very great responsibility.

She taught many people to look at the world through the eyes of a child. Despite the fact that she is a man whitened with gray hair, she did not stop admiring and wondering about this world. In any plant that she saw and loved as a living creature, butterflies, flowers, beloved cats - she saw the love of God for humanity. Her love for Christ spread to this world, so she understood the words: "Go, preach to all creation." For her, this creature, in love for her, was also a sermon, a conversation about Christ. This is an amazing teaching that she left to us, such dry and almost lifeless people of the 21st century.

Of course, she loved Christ very much, and therefore she taught first of all believers, those who are called Christians, who are called Orthodox, to look for meetings with Christ in their lives. There was nothing dearer than this meeting with Christ, imitation of Christ, the thought of Christ, the longing for Christ, which was so alive in her, did not allow her to be calm, worried her all the time. This she taught incessantly and continues to teach.

This teaching is always scarce, but it is very important, it is wonderful, it is the teaching that makes us people who stand in Christ.

We are seeing her off today. The word "funeral" does not fit at all with what we have in Christ. Because when the funeral is the victory of death. But today, Christian burial is always the victory of life. These words that we heard today during the funeral service, these tremendous prayers, which all the time proclaim the victory of life, and no death. It is bitter for us to lose such an amazing person in this life, it is indeed a huge loss for us, but for us it is also an acquisition, because a testimony in Christ, a true testimony of faith, is always an acquisition, it is always new. A new voice that says that Christ is risen, that death has been conquered, and that life is living.

Thanks to everyone who came today on this festive, solemn day, because today is really a holiday for Marina Andreevna. She is with Christ, whom she loved so much. She has a real birthday today - a real Christian birthday. As for us, I hope this will be the case. For every Christian - a birthday in Christ.

We met Marina Andreevna a little over twenty years ago at the very moment when the magazine "Alpha and Omega" had just started to appear. And our first meeting was just about the magazine, the formation of its editorial board. Marina Andreevna invited me to the editorial board.

Our initial communication took place in the comprehension of what constitutes the magazine, what is happening in the Church. We talked about the need for real spiritual enlightenment, living theology, and not "reprinted". In the early nineties of the last century, basically there was a reprint of theological works of the past. Yes, it was important, it was necessary. But this "reprint" still continues in the minds of many Christians.

And Marina Andreevna then decided to go a different, very difficult, unknown path. I would even say - impudent for a woman who has a command to be silent in the church.

Marina Andreevna was never silent, very much respecting the Apostle Paul and the patristic tradition. And she spoke in such a way that her voice became the voice of the Church. Her feminine, as it were, was lost, in her there was already what the Apostle Paul said: “In Christ there is neither male nor female” (Gal. 3:28).

She set herself and the magazine the goal of speaking with the people of the Church in a theological, modern, Christian language within the framework of the problems facing the Church today. And she did it brilliantly.

All these twenty years the magazine has occupied and occupies (I don’t want to speak only in the past tense) its unique place. During this time, he did not have a single competitor. The magazine, which spoke about complex theological problems, from the very beginning was addressed to the modern educated Christian, thinking, reading, often only accepting the Church. Alpha and Omega has become a special form of theological education for new Christians who have recently come to the Church. Moreover, I know from the life of my parish that very many people who have just become Christians love this magazine very much, even without having higher education... For readers, it is always a new meeting with the Church, a new look at the patristic heritage.

And it was "Alpha and Omega" that made us friends with Marina Andreevna. We began to communicate.

For all people who at least somehow encountered her in life, Marina Andreevna evokes tremendous respect and great respect. Not only by their education, activity. But the main thing is amazing spiritual wealth. Marina Andreevna turned out to be a real Christian of the XXI century.

She lived with an all-consuming love for the Church, a constant striving for Christ. It was clear to everyone who communicated with her - for Marina Andreevna, Christ is life.

Despite the fact that she had a very difficult character, then most often it happens with a really very lively thinking person who is constantly in conflict with himself.

Marina Andreevna was very truthful, and hence the harshness in judgments and responsibility for her words. Moreover, this truthfulness was a property of her Christianity.

At the same time, she was a very vulnerable person who suffered greatly from what was happening in the world, in the Church, among Christians.

Marina Andreevna was capable of some completely naive from the point of view of this world, absolutely not pragmatic and even crazy actions. She did them solely out of understanding: Christ would have done the same.

It's probably superfluous to talk about what a wonderful conversationalist Marina Andreevna was. Many people know this. As well as what a great publicist she was. Her bright articles are in the public domain.

Marina Andreevna easily got along with people, opened up, giving herself to her interlocutors, making them her friends.

Those who at least once met Marina Andreevna fell under her charm, tried to be in her orbit.

She was very fond of young people. And when Marina Andreevna also fell in love with Russian rock, it became clear that she was just a very young man.

Marina Andreevna is a person of a very high standard. In everything she did in her life. Even her "tsatzki and bryaki" - jewelry that Marina Andreevna began to make at the end of her life - turned out to be really beautiful. She gave them for our parish charity fairs, and for them we received large sums that went to help those in need for whom the events were held.

The culture that Marina Andreevna possessed was the culture of the highest standard. She is from the galaxy of Sergei Sergeevich Averintsev. There are always very few carriers of such a culture, you can count on one hand. Now it is even smaller.

And yet she was a man in love with the world, created by God: into nature, into flowers, into trees, into adored cats.

Marina Andreevna could give us a lot more, with her intellect, with her heart, her energy.

The last months that she spent in intensive care under an artificial respiration apparatus became for her a real feat of martyrdom. With her energy to be bedridden, helpless, even unable to speak. Recent times she could only articulate some words and to understand them, it was necessary to carefully watch the lips.

It was evident that, as a Christian, she was trying to gather all her inner strength in order to maintain inner peace, not to splash in despair, not to lose touch with God.

Two weeks ago, when I was in her intensive care unit, I received communion, Marina Andreevna asked me to read the waste book over her.

Then, almost always being unconscious, she came to her senses literally for a minute, when they came to her with the Holy Gifts. I gave communion to Marina Andreevna on Sunday, and she regained consciousness exactly when I came to her with the Holy Gifts, consciously received communion and then went into a peaceful, restful state.

Father Dimitriy (Pershin) told me the same thing, who gave Marina Andreevna communion for the last time, on Monday. She regained consciousness for a minute, took communion, somehow especially wanting it, with some special greed (here this word seems appropriate to me) and - again went into unconsciousness.

I hope that Marina Andreevna is with Christ, Whom she loved so much. Eternal memory to her.

“Do not be afraid to shorten the texts,” he once said to me, “the editor of Alfa and Omega, Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya, is not afraid, and the more she edits the texts, the more everyone respects her.”

- Testimony is an unusual concept for journalism. Religious journalism is spoken about in a variety of words - sermon, PR, analytics….

- A normal Orthodox publishing house is run, forgive me, laymen (with all my respect for holders of the holy dignity, they must be present in this matter, but work laymen). Hence - this is a special case of the apostolate of the laity.

In the editorial office of Foma magazine with V. Gurbolikov and V. Legoyda

And what is a lay apostle? A very simple thing. We have to your life in Christ... If we do not testify with our lives, then the Lord will not give any prosperity - be it at least a means, at least an administrative resource, at least something. And that's all. Because a testimony of Christ excludes perjury. And when we say one thing and do another, this is perjury.

This is the only way the media can become environment-forming. It's up to us to make the testimony as adequate as possible.

Where 300 people will be taken

- If you look at the most discussed topics in religious and near-religious journalism, it will be ...

- A completely marvelous anecdote appeared on the Internet, which I cannot but approve. I'm a big fan of wit. "Once upon a time there was a girl, and that is to blame." It was not about the dress code, but the idea that anyone could want to rape a woman who is not properly dressed. This was the main disgrace, not the dress code.

We must testify not to the inadmissibility of ladies' pants (By the way, His Holiness Patriarch Alexy once asked at a diocesan meeting, when one priest denounced this matter: “Well, well, when the skirts are completely exhausted, what will you do?”).

We confess Christ Crucified. For the Jews, as you know, temptation, for the Hellenes - madness. It is impossible to indulge tastes, to follow people, because the same Apostle Paul said: “I am in my madness ...” about what and how should be stated: in spite of common misconceptions and our own “too human” fears.

It is very difficult to talk about the success of the Orthodox media. God gives it. And what does God give? - Salvation, but not necessarily success; let's not stick to prosperity theology, it is not Orthodox after all. To whom does God give? Those who are faithful to Him. Such generally accepted things as mass circulation and so on are not so important.

- But don't the publishers of Orthodox literature and the media want to bring the Word to the widest possible audience?

- There is a saying: "France will go where 300 people take her." The world went where the 12 apostles took it. It is not a matter of mass, but of standing before Christ. At one time he said: why do we honor the saints? Not for their teaching (they were wrong, they had theological errors), not for their life (they were all sinful people, and some sinned grievously), but for their standing before the Lord. For their position, which was flawlessly formulated in due time by Abraham. The Lord called Abraham, - "Here I am!" - said Abraham. Everything. This is the primary form of faith, its first position: "Here I am!" Here I am before You, my Lord and my God. From this already everything goes.

- It turns out that you need to reduce everything to one topic, to one direction?

- We know about the salt of the earth, and we remember the continuation, that if the salt deteriorates, then nothing can be done with it, it can only be thrown away. But the salt of the earth has a second side. There should be dough into which salt is poured; salt is not food, salt is seasoning. Nobody said that do everything with salt, and then everything will be fine. If everything becomes salt, it will not be good. It was Lot's wife who became salt ...

- But how many people may be interested in a testimony? After all, the Orthodox media do not exist in a vacuum, next to them are hundreds of much more fascinating publications ...

- Naturally, it may interest you, because people really love the inaccessible, interesting, unusual. And this, which is a temptation for the Jews, and madness for the Hellenes, must be presented in an unusual way. This is really interesting. As S. S. Averintsev once said: “Why not call on young people to brilliant, exciting adventure". This is a truly brilliant and exciting adventure. Why not show it like that? Why does it have to be some kind of gray-brown-crimson skirts with hanging hem?

- It is very difficult to understand and implement. To write about life in Christ, but in a way that engages the reader, is a colossally difficult, unrealizable task .. But we need to somehow CHANGE society ...

- To the Orthodox media to shape public opinion? Completed. When my book about the cat Mishka came out, one cat's site appeared: and although Christian book, you can read. Do you see what reputation you have to earn with all these dress codes and stuff for people to write like that?

So I just wrote an article that will go to the 60th issue of Alpha and Omega. By the way, her father Alexei Uminsky highly approved of it. It's called The Overkill Turn. This is when the ship turns upside down - this is the end. I write about a historic ship and start by saying that we all love to talk about how the world is changing for the worse, and when it comes down to it, the only thing we can talk about is that young people dress insanely defiant. But sorry, this is a sign of stability. It has always been. And the signs of deterioration are different. Unwillingness to live, unwillingness to live with God, unwillingness to eternity, satiety, fear. Everyone lives in fear. And perjury and false preachers who intimidate people with hellish torments.

Thank God that we cannot change society!

When I see photographs of these St. John's maidens, who have already entered the legend, I remember one incident.

When detente in society and foreign trips had just begun, Olga Sergeevna Akhmanova with a group of students and teachers went to England. Her English was brilliant, she was an unheard-of beauty: tall, slender, long-legged blonde, with blue eyes and dimples on her cheeks. In England, she made a splash, they wrote about her in the gossip.

Naturally, when she came back, she got to the party bureau. Evdokia Mikhailovna Galkina-Fedoruk, who could be blamed for everything except beauty, said: "Olga Sergeevna, how could you forget that a Soviet woman should disgust capitalists ?!" In this sense, she was one hundred percent Soviet woman; however, it not only disgusted capitalists.

So, when I look at our standard Orthodox girls, I remember this incident at the party bureau. An Orthodox girl must disgust everyone, including her husband. An Orthodox young man is the same.

When you see a particularly dirty and shaggy head in a temple, you must conclude that its owner is especially pious. What a disgrace? Who can this attract, besides perverts?

They asked what an Orthodox family should be, he answered in one word: "Happy." And what kind of happiness is written on these faces, twisted with anger? And the face of our media is for the most part the same: squalid and distorted. And we complain that we cannot change the atmosphere in society. So, thank God that we cannot change it in this way. It is the Lord who is watching.

Equip the Church?

- Today a media conflict after media conflict is flaring up around the Church. Many of them are kindled by ourselves. Anti-clerical are growing moods, and certainly - no less old reproaches, replicated by new media ...

- Recently, answering the comments of the Russian Reporter about “how can we equip the Church?”, I remembered Vertinsky “Will it be a prophet or just a deceiver, but what kind of heaven will they drive us to then?”. Such questions remind me very much of the project of Soloviev's antichrist: we must have cultural Orthodox Christians, enlightened Muslims, and so on. After Vertinsky, Galich spoke out: “Only be afraid of the one who says“ I know how it should be ”.

We are told what should be done, but we are afraid and we do the right thing that we are afraid. And I ended with a quote from a song sung by Slava Butusov; it is a triumph of personal testimony: “maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're right, but I saw with my own eyes how the grass stretches to the sky».

We see with our own eyes that the Lord is in our Church, that He has not left us. And about Him we testify.

We do not have to be all pioneers and Komsomol members. Who said that all our bishops should be candidates for patericon? It was under Soviet rule that there were candidates for the Central Committee. We have no candidates for saints. The Lord chooses saints among sinful people.

Here's what we must say - we do not claim to be holiness. The Lord did not come to the righteous, but to sinners. And He remains in our Church. We are aware of this, and this greatly distinguishes us from those who do not recognize themselves as sinners. We are better in this sense, because we are with the Lord, He is with us.

Timur Kibirov has an absolutely wonderful poem about how righteous citizens will be shocked if they go to heaven. Who will be there? - Motya from the tax police, Magda from the massage parlor.

How could we not get angry ?!
They sat down beside Him shamelessly
Motya from the tax police,
Magda from the massage parlor!
How can we not prefer Dennitsa
The vaunted carpentry company:
Motke from the tax police,
Masha from the massage parlor ?!
After all, in this damn province
Might have chosen Flavius, Philo,
Even though Barabbas is not from the police
And not from a massage parlor! ..
I imagine our faces
On the day of judgment, when, having trampled the laws,
Fisherman and publican and harlot
They will shine at the Lord's throne.

Do you remember Gumilyov?

To enter not in everything open,
Protestant, tidied up paradise
And where the robber, the tax collector
And the harlot will shout: get up!

We believe in such a God, Who does not give five A's, but washes away the sins of those who turn to Him for this. He is so great, powerful and kind that as soon as we turn to Him, our sins disappear.

- Yes, but people expect from us the fruits of faith, it is difficult to tell about them. As a result, many stories in the media are associated with the unsightly behavior of believers that. How to choose the right style here and your attitude to all this negativity?

- Once Pentecost came to me and began to walk about the personal sins of the Orthodox clergy. And then I got angry and said: “You don't understand one thing. Even if the Russian Orthodox Church disappears somewhere, which is impossible, but even if it disappears somewhere and only one priest remains in it - a bitter drunkard and notorious informer - I will remain its last parishioner and together we will mourn our sins. " And she never appeared again.

And after all, the Orthodox also believe that all our priests should be young pioneers, all bishops Seraphim of Sarov. And in fact, no one knows anything about the life of the priests, or the life of the bishops. Rather, everyone knows that the entire episcopate is in gold, and no one knows what diagnoses they have. Remember Chekhov's story "Bishop", that Vladyka did not live to see Easter, died of bleeding, from typhoid fever. And then it turned out that he served with typhoid fever. Chekhov was a doctor and knew that it was impossible to be on your feet with typhoid fever. But in his story, Vladyka with typhoid fever was on his feet and served, and fell down literally a day before his death. Nobody knows such things, because they hide it.

What sorrows our priests bear. We know ourselves, we know that we are not treasures. And we blame all this inappropriateness on our priests, eating them.

He was dying very hard. And he, dying, said, "It can't be otherwise, I confessed murderers." Nobody thinks about this, and we regard them as a consumer: we will vyak something there, the priest will wave the epitrachilia, and I will have the right to receive Holy Communion so as not to get sick. Instead of saying: “I, father, accursed such-and-such and such-and-such”, begins “Yes, you understand, but you understand me, this is the situation here, because I am like this, but to me this is… I’m all so nervous, so thin ... ".

So, Orthodox journalism should be guided by Christ and by its standing before Christ and by the fact that it is impossible to lie. This is the main thing.

Alpha and Omega

ALPHA AND OMEGA Magazine was founded in the spring of 1994. 400-page magazine-quarterly, published with a circulation of 2500 copies. and spreading on the territory of all CIS countries. Its readers are priests and active laity who work for the formation of a truly ecclesiastical consciousness among the generation of Russian Christians who have come to the Church in recent decades.

- Marina Andreevna, tell us how Alpha and Omega was created? It was such an interesting time of a synchronous surge - several Orthodox publications appeared at once - "Vstrecha" ...

- I had a desire to publish an Orthodox magazine. I looked at what Vestnik RHDD began to do then. He fell into nostalgia for Russia, and I saw the need to strike into nostalgia for the diaspora. In the beginning, we published a lot of Schmemann, Meyendorff, Florovsky - we wanted to convey to the reader of Russia, who knew nothing of this, the feat of the Orthodox diaspora.

These were great people, they were great precisely in their position. Light to the world. At the same time, they were deprived of their homeland, they were always bitter from this, but this was not reflected in their standing. It was by a miracle that I received some stupid money, I do not understand how it was enough for something, but then I began to publish and that's it.

- You have a large editorial board, but is the editorial board a great one?

- There were two of us: me and my goddaughter. And until now, two ailing old women are doing this.

Commonwealth. Marina Andreevna and the cat Mishka are both at work. Photo of priest Igor Palkin

- Who came, who was invited. For example, I somehow “laid eyes” on a very young, but intelligent, thinking and handsome father, Alexei Uminsky, and said that God himself had told him to write something about upbringing. He got very excited and said: "Marina Andreevna, I must warn you, I am not a professional teacher." To which I replied that it was very good that I would not have invited a professional teacher.

Somehow I suggested to the completely dying father Gleb Kaleda to make a generalization. He blessed us to make a summarizing text while lying in the hospital, where he was finalizing it. He was dying, the issue had not yet been released, and we asked the printing house to make separate prints for us, and the priest signed them: "for children", "for friends." Then this article came out with an incredible cumulative circulation (separate editions, publications), it seems, about 200,000 copies. And then we began to print all of Fr. Gleb - the chapters of the House Church, sermons and so on. And they prepared all his works for publication.

Even with Vladyka Anthony it turned out - somehow we ran into Elena Lvovna Maidanovich, and she fell in love with us. Since then, we have not had a single room that did not include Vladyka Anthony.

Until the holes

- Remember the first issue?

- The first issue ... The first issue is still to be seen. It was thin, ridiculously laid out, in some kind of stupid paper cover. Gradually, our cover became not quite paper, and then we got some beauty on it, then it became colored. For this beauty we were wildly scolded, there were whispers that the magazine is not Orthodox, because the Trinity is depicted in four faces. And there is the world-famous miniature "Epiphanius the Wise and His Brethren Writing the Life of St. Sergius". Such is the Orthodox enlightenment.

We've never had a large print run, but I know that every copy is read to the bone. In the library of the Trinity-Sergius Academy and the seminary, they asked us for two copies instead of one, because they immediately fill up one and there is a queue for it.

Once one of our non-Moscow authors came to me, began to talk about some diocesan disorder, and then somehow fell silent, looking at the shelf where all the "Alpha and Omega" was, and said: here. In 200 years it will remain. Everyone will forget about our squabbles.

This is how we live.

- Was there a desire to give up everything and live in peace?

- Many times. Many years ago I had a conversation with Father Alexy Uminsky. I approached from afar, I say: Father Alexy, is it true that for a priest the salvation of human souls is above all? True, says Father Alexy. I say: Father Alexy, bless me to give up all this extremely soul-damaging burden and start saving my soul. "What more!" - said Father Alexy, with these very words. And also an intelligent person, I thought bitterly ... and continued my activity.

I've come to terms with the fact that editing is an extremely soulful job. However, the worst thing is translation editing. Because the editor is between two language systems and between two consciousnesses: the author and the translator. Such a monstrous load that you can somehow cope with it only by heating up to the state of a berserker. Chop right and left. And this state is insane.

Without Moscow swearing

- Can you tell the most memorable stories from the life of the magazine?

- The magazine has become environment-forming. People came, it gradually became clear that we did not need to publish the diaspora so much, we already have our own.

After the first number came out, the doorbell rang and one of my students appeared on the threshold, he was then 18 years old. And they did not come to me without a preliminary call. The boy came, leaned against the lintel, because he was not on his feet well, and said: "Marina Andreevna, yesterday I bought Alpha and Omega, I read until 4 o'clock in the morning, and then I went out and went, came to you." I lived in the very center, and he lived in the far southwest. You see, since 4 in the morning he walked around Moscow for many hours, overwhelmed by feelings and thoughts, to say that this is his magazine. Now he is a hieromonk.

And once an absolutely fantastic person came to me, a father from eastern Siberia. Miraculously, I got to Moscow, because it's wildly expensive. Such a huge hero, with an incredible shock of light brown hair, with incredibly clean gray Russian eyes, is very serious. He decided that once he came to Moscow, he would buy as much literature as possible in order to carry it on himself, and not pay for shipping, because shipping to eastern Siberia is something. So he came to me too, deciding that it was better to get to the editorial office in order to buy the magazine without any extra charges. He told me a phrase that I will die - I will remember with gratitude. “Why do I like your magazine? Because it contains a lot of useful things and there is no such Moscow abuse of yours. "

If only the fighters for the purity of Orthodoxy knew that Siberia considers all this to be Moscow abuse!

Marina Zhurinskaya. Photo:

- And how do you manage to avoid all these sensitive topics, "abuse"?

- We do not have Moscow abuse, because we are about Christ. From the very beginning, the magazine was Christocentric and ecclesiocentric, since the main thing in the world is the Church, which will abide and smoothly enter eternity. And the Church exists because it is Christocentric. That's all, here's the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

Once the son of my goddaughter, when he was 12 years old, came up to me in the church and said: "Marina, a book about the Antichrist is being sold there." I tell him: "Alyosha, never read about the Antichrist, always read about Christ." I remembered it for the rest of my life.

They would talk more about Christ. At first, there would be an absolutely terrible reaction that you just have to overcome.

- Are there any topics that you fundamentally do not raise?

- That which can give nothing for the salvation of the soul - that very Moscow abuse. That which can give something is worthy of consideration. That is, here, to these two points (ecclesiocentricity and Christocentricity), anthropocentricity is also added. More precisely, psychocentricity. That which is good for the soul. And for the soul, Christ and His church are useful. This is how it closes.

- Yes, we have to remove the already promised article from the author. All means are good here. You see, in American legal proceedings, as you know, terms are summed up. And there, therefore, they can easily sentence a person to two centuries of imprisonment. And somehow I began to sum up the time that I spend in preparing the issue for talking with the authors. 48 months if you add it all up.

Not all authors are such as, who himself can be a psychotherapist for a tortured editor. I reviewed his speech at Pravmir. He was very happy then. Please note that for such a journal, the form is not entirely trivial: a review of an Internet publication.

- Who are your favorite contemporary publicists?

- I really like to print Volodya Legoyda. This is very strange, but people do not look at his columns in Thomas, but in Alpha and Omega they do. What is this? It turns out that way.

I will name Alexy Uminsky's father, I think he is a wonderful author. But we have another wonderful author - Abbot Savva from Belarus. His publications always resonate deeply. He writes beautifully and somehow touches people for the most alive. We had his article about virginity, and they read it and bastard. There is simply no other word. And I really love his sermons. He is a young, educated, real quiet monk, sitting quietly in a small monastery. And the regent, too.

Father Ilya Shapiro turned out to be an amazing connoisseur and lover of divine services - he feels him very subtly. In the current issue we have his article about the royal clock - you must admit that no one writes about it.

It is a pity that Vladyka Longin writes very little, because he is all over the place. By the way, he published a very good book, and it should be especially noted that a very large part of it is occupied by questions and answers on the Internet. And never in all his answers the word "but you humble yourself" is used. Agree, it's valuable.

Another favorite author - who can only be called a brilliant apologist, and a very deeply educated and thinking biblical scholar and absolutely reasonable person at the same time. And this is not as often combined as we would like. Others can be found on the pages of the magazine.

- Is there a problem of "overspending" yourself? When it seems that you have already said everything, that you have exhausted yourself to the extreme, and you urgently need to replenish, renew the exhausted resources?

- I don’t know, for me it’s not a problem at all. Firstly, I absolutely cannot read and listen more than I read and listen. I say that the Chukchi are not a writer, and not a reader either. Chukchi editor. This is completely different. But when I want - I read, and when I want - I write. For some reason, I have no need to compensate. Maybe because my life is very interesting. God forbid me to have time to write everything ... and much more (and whom) to read. In the last article I made a completely boorish note for my age, that I leave the fascinating theme of joy in the Apostle Paul for later. And I really do.

So, my job is this: I am a completely free person, and therefore at the age of 70 I turned to the topic of rock culture, wrote a huge article about Tsoi on two and a half printed pages. Maybe a book will be made of it. This article was read by Butusov, and he liked it, and I liked it too. Moreover, I am editing his next book of prose. And he invited me to his concert, for the first time in my life I was at a rock concert.

Marina Zhurinskaya and Vyacheslav Butusov. Photo: Yulia Makoveichuk

And we talked for a long time in the art studio, and then he did the incredible, said that he had left some good places for me and those accompanying me and wanted to see me off. The guards are absolutely petrified. We got there, sat there, chatted - and only after 20 minutes people began to realize that Butusov was alive among them. Then he signed a certain number of autographs and quickly ran away, because it was time for the stage.

And you say compensation. And I have such a job. And what else can I compensate for, one wonders? Of course, not on such an extravagant level, but for me every meeting with the author is a holiday, because everyone has long understood that there is simply nothing to scandalize with me.

And I also love readers, not often, but sometimes they get to me, sometimes they are foreign ones. This is valuable not because they are foreign people, but because they took upon themselves the work.

What publications will kill the Internet

- Today everything and everything goes to the Internet ...

- I can not stand the reasoning that all inventions of the twentieth, and even more so the twenty-first century, bring us death and spiritual destruction. Because exactly the same thing could have been said about paper at one time. And about the printing press!

Everything that is in people's lives has a mutual dimension: there is no such thing in the fallen world that cannot be abused.

That all sorts of inventions are for the good and for the benefit - I am more than sure of this. Opiates are a great means of reducing human suffering and a terrible weapon of human destruction. Drug addiction is based on drugs! It's the same with all human inventions, including the Internet. I don’t need to talk about porn sites for a simple reason - there is a large amount of porn literature, I don’t read it. It's the same with porn sites: they don't bother me, because I don't know what they are at all. And I don’t want to know. This is not the fact of the biography of the Internet, this is the fact of the biography of me.

I hate it when students download abstracts from the Internet. And you know it on your fingers - there is no output. And when I tell a young creature - where from, and the creature replies: “I don't know, I took it from the Internet,” - he flies out at me with the speed of a pig's squeal, as O'Henry said.

But at the same time, the Internet can be skillfully used to obtain and check information - of course, I can get up from the table, take an encyclopedia and shut up, but it's easier to do this with three buttons. For pure information, the internet has no price. I say this as a light-hearted person.

Electronic libraries can replace paper ones. Reader - an electronic book - a convenient system - you can download something for yourself and go for a walk with a small book. But nothing replaces the pleasure of being with a paper book. I recently sent a text to a friend in electronic form, and then I said: “I would rather have a book, because I would like to present this text to you in the form of a book. So that you lose her somewhere! "

- To be lost ?!

- Well this is such a pleasure! This is part of our life - we always lost our books somewhere. Sometimes it was unrecoverable, and it was not pleasure, but a tragedy, but it's still adrenaline.

The Internet has no price when we can correspond. There are citizens, as a rule, of young age, who have made a drug habit for themselves - they sit for hours in ICQ and exchange absolutely meaningless remarks. And they have fun ... I really like to write letters. I both wrote meaningful letters and I am writing, I receive meaningful answers. I print especially outstanding letters. I have whole folders of correspondence with different people - I keep letters that have value - friendly, sincere, intellectual. Thanks to e-mail, I can free myself from buying envelopes, stamps, sending them to the post office, waiting - it will come - it will not work - you read in novels of the 19th century: a letter went from Moscow to St. Petersburg and back for a day, but here - two weeks! And on the Internet, everything comes through.

I hate discussions on the Internet - they are meaningless. I rarely read them, but every time I read, I think: glory to the censorship! Glory to this cumbersome editing mechanism! Free exchange of opinions is simply meaningless. Discussions on the forum are sidetracked in three steps. Instead of discussing on the merits, someone clung to the word, someone clung to the fact that he clung to the word - the result is meaningless swearing that has nothing to do with the topic. Ideally for me, if I see that someone has written something interesting, I will go and call! Breaking free from the web!

- Will Internet print media be killed?

- What will kill - so there and the road. If you want to exist on paper, release it so that people want to keep it. People keep "Alpha and Omega" - everything is calm in this respect.

On a blue eye

- You have worked in science all your life, graduated from the philological faculty of Moscow State University ...

- The department was German, and I had a diploma in Hittology. Then I got to the Institute of Linguistics as an intern, I was thrown into a linguistic typology, which was a complete nightmare.

- Why?!

- Because usually they do typology for seniority, and I was a girl. And it so happened that then a three-volume edition on general linguistics was published, the chapter "Typology" was mine. In general, no one felt sorry for me. For example, somehow they invited 19 girls to the INYAZ to give a lecture to graduate students. I come, and they tell me, to this auditorium (a huge audience, with a stage, with a pulpit), and aunts are sitting - in English suits, in jersey, with hairstyles. I ask, what is it? And they tell me that the FPK was invited at the same time. Two hundred heads of departments of foreign languages ​​from all over the Soviet Union. And I graduated from the university for two years. And they are all in English costumes, and I am wearing such an advanced dress with a single pattern for the whole dress, in the style of Hokusai, and Indian braids as a hairstyle - a parted part and two long tails above the ears. I got up on the pulpit on perfectly wadded feet.

Marina Zhurinskaya. Photo by Dmitry Rozhkov / Wikimedia Commons

And then all these aunts take out their notebooks and look at me. I suppressed a cry, "Wait to write, maybe I'll still lie." And then I saw the way to salvation - two male people, relatively young and Uzbeks, are sitting apart. So I quickly drummed the intro and said we'd start with agglutinative languages. I wrote an Uzbek example from Polivanov. Right? I ask the Uzbeks. They beamed, nodded their heads, because that's right, really in Uzbek.

- Everything went well as a result?

- These Uzbeks immediately surrounded me with such reverence from a distance. And the aunts are cowardly people, if they see that there is a lecturer, strange, of course, but two men are sitting and respecting, then they must be respected.

- How long have you worked at the Institute of Linguistics?

- For nearly 20 years, I was already engaged in some general semantic and grammatical matters.

I stopped keeping a list of my scientific papers when he stepped over a hundred, because it got bored. And then they took me and threw me into the "Languages ​​of the World". And then, a few years ago, my beloved Legoyda calls me and says: “Marina Andreevna, you have a double namesake. In the Itogi magazine there is an article dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the World Languages ​​project, and it says that Marina Zhurinskaya broke the Soviet academic bureaucratic system. "

Marina Andreevna Zhurinskaya in the memorial workshop of the sculptor Lazar Gadaev. Photo by Evgeniya Shavard.

- How did you break it?

- I don’t know. On the blue eye. I just said that I needed Vitya Porkhomovsky (an absolutely wonderful Africanist), Vitya Vinogradov (he is now the director of the institute), Andrei Korolev (an outstanding celtologist) and two weeks. And we sat with me and wrote the original program of these world languages. And they wrote. I did them for a very long time, these are the languages ​​of the world. And she did quite a lot.

And then my mother was very sick ... And I somehow heard in passing: "Imagine, we come from the theater, and my mother is in the corridor." And then I realized that I would not allow this. I quit my job and started looking after my mom. I sat with her for 4 years. Everything. Some kind of career was shining for me there, but nothing, left. But my mother died as a person. Christian demise ...

- This is how they gave up all their scientific work and career ... How did you come to the Church?

- I was baptized in 1975.

The first time we met with the church was when I was very little, my father’s sister lived in Moscow, who had cancer, and they tried to treat her. We walked. They walked somehow to the gates of the Vysokopetrovsky monastery, and I asked her: what kind of house is this? She said it was a church.

- Who lives here?

- God lives here.

- Who is he?

She told me how she could. Then I said, what is it, am I going to live unbaptized like that? My aunt ran home and said that the child expressed a desire to be baptized. Parents greeted this business with completely sour faces and no longer let her walk with me. Never mind, my mother was baptized at a fairly mature age, to put it mildly. I don't remember how old she was, 75, in my opinion. So I paid good for evil. And then we went to pray to this strangest house where God lives; there was father Gleb Kaleda, who died in 1994. Then I became not a day off, here the priests used to come to my house until he was established alone. And not according to the principle of dignity and celebrity, but just once I told him about some of my condition: "But I don't know if it is a sin or not." And the father said: "But we need to think." So that's it. This is how we live since then. In thoughtfulness and in thought.

In fact, living is simple and joyful, both by publishing Orthodox media and by doing general linguistics. If you want to be happy, be happy. Say what you like, but the ideal state of a person was ideally expressed by the Apostle Peter: "Lord, it is good for us to be here."

Blitz survey

What steps and milestones of religious journalism can be distinguished:

The answer is quite simple: from enthusiasm to skill, from skill to professionalism, from professionalism to depth, etc.

Names and texts for which you are not ashamed:

She mentioned a lot of names, if she omitted any, then I apologize.

What is the biggest failure in Orthodox media?

A lot of them.

How to search, what and how to write?

As the Lord commands.

Which genres are missing, which are too many?

Personal testimony is lacking. Too many interviews. This is bad, because the interviewer models the interviewee in his own image and likeness. Not everyone can resist.