Soul after death - scientific facts, evidence and real stories. or innocent magic? Heart and brain

"Life is an adventure that surpasses our usual linear thinking! It has a non-linear dimension, like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse. In other words, death is just a psychological delusion, instilled in a person by false" knowledge "about the world, reports Real Psychology.

Modern science comes to the conclusion that the life and death of a person is not at all what a person is sure of. This does not fit into the framework of a banal human understanding of things and does not refer to "objective phenomena", but to the subjective ideas of a person - his psychological cliches.

"Life is an adventure that surpasses our usual linear thinking! It has a nonlinear dimension, like a perennial flower that returns to bloom in the multiverse. In other words, death is just a psychological delusion, instilled in a person by false" knowledge "about the world, reports Real Psychology.

Modern man was brought up in the traditions of "vulgar materialism". The one-sidedness of the scientific and philosophical thought of the "traditional European school" and the success of the introduction of technologies "conserved" the beliefs of a person that "the world has an objective existence, independent of the observer." However, the most modern studies of "dissenting from science" and their experiments prove that in fact, "everything is exactly the opposite." The classical view that "Our life is just an active existence of carbon-containing molecules, which ends the moment the biological body becomes unusable," is no longer valid.

Looking at things primitively, we believe in death, because:
we have been taught to associate ourselves only with a biological body, the death of this biological body, we can see and take it literally. And yet, modern scientific thought, and in particular - biocentrism (ideology, as well as ethical and scientific concepts that put living nature at the center universe), suggests that the so-called. death cannot be the final event as we think. And one of the arguments here is that if you add life and consciousness to the equation, you can explain many of the greatest mysteries of science. For example, it becomes clear that space, time and properties of matter directly depend on the observer! Moreover, the fact of "ideal correspondence (reasonable adaptation)" of the laws and constants of the Universe to the existence of life becomes obvious.

It is necessary to understand that the entire universe, as it is, is such only in our consciousness. As trivial examples, we can say that we see a blue sky only because certain cells in our brain are tuned to "blue sky perception". And nothing prevents you from changing them so that the sky looks green or orange. No less conventional are the concepts "light-dark" or "warm-cold". If it seems to you that it is hot and humid now, but for a tropical frog, this weather seems to be cold and dry. All of this logic applies to just about everything. Here is the main thing that should be understood: Everything that you see cannot be present without your consciousness. And these are primitive examples that say much more!

By and large, it is naive even to believe that a person sees with his eyes, that his senses are something like portals to the objective world. Everything that a person feels and senses at one time or another (including the sensations of his own body) is a whirlwind of information rushing through his mind. According to both quantum physics and biocentrism, space and time are not rigidly defined, inert objects, as we think. Space and time are just tools for placing everything.

Consider the famous experiment of Thomas Young, which became the experimental proof of the wave theory of light. When observing the passage of particles through two slits in the barrier, each particle behaves like a corpuscle and passes through either one slit or the other. But in the absence of an observer, the particle already acts as a wave and can pass through both slits at the same time. That is, the particle changes its behavior depending on whether you look at it or not! How so? It's simple: the so-called. “Objective reality” is not static, but a dynamic process that includes your consciousness!

The same conclusion can be reached through the famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. If the so-called. "Objective world" really exists, then we should be able to at least measure the properties of any particles chaotically moving in it. However, we cannot even do that. If only because all the experience of physics shows that the exact position and momentum of a particle cannot be known at the same time. In other words, what matters for a particle is the fact that at one point or another you suddenly decided to take measurements!

Another example is pairs of "quantum entangled" (having common origin) particles can instantly bind to each other from opposite ends of the galaxy, as if space and time did not exist for them. Why and how? And so and so, that they are not at all in the so-called. "objective reality" - that is, as if outside of the observer. Conclusion - space and time are only tools of our mind.

That is why today both physics and biocentrism say that "Death does not exist in a timeless, extra-dimensional world. Immortality does not mean an endless existence in time, but is outside of time in general!"

Another interesting fact refutes the correctness of the instilled in us from childhood " linear way thinking about time. "In an experiment conducted in 2002, scientists showed that some photons seem to" know in advance "what other photons on the other side of the Galaxy will do in the future. Scientists have tested the connection between pairs of photons. was described in the report: “The experimenters interrupted the movement of one photon, and he had to decide whether it would become a wave or a particle.

The researchers increased the distance it took another photon to reach its detector. In doing so, they could place a polarizer in its path to prevent it from turning into a particle. Somehow, the first particle knew what the researcher was going to do, before it happened, at a distance, instantly, as if there was no space or time between them. She decided not to become a particle even before her twin met the polarizer. "All this once again confirms that our mind and its knowledge is the only condition that determines how particles behave. That is, the World obeys the" Effect of dependence on the observer. ! "

Opponents of biocentrism argue that such a phenomenon is limited to the microcosm. But, according to the modern scientific paradigm, the statement about the existence of one set of physical laws for small objects, and another for the rest of the universe (including us) has no foundation! So in 2005, the journal Nature published a paper describing how KHC03 crystals demonstrated the "entanglement" effect, being half an inch high - that is, quantum behavior manifests itself in the ordinary human-scale world.

Today one of the main aspects quantum physics is that observations cannot be predicted at all. Instead, it speaks of a "set of possible observations" with different probabilities. And this is one of the main explanations for the objectivity of the "many worlds" theory, which asserts that each of the possible observations corresponds to a separate universe in the multiverse conglomerate.

In other words, everything that could theoretically happen is realized in some universe. And all possible universes exist simultaneously, regardless of what happens in any of them. Therefore, the death of a person does not exist in any real sense in these scenarios, but refers only to his mental perception(persuasion).

In this regard, Ralph Waldo Emerson states: "The influence of feelings in most people overcame the mind to such an extent that the walls of space and time began to seem solid, real and insurmountable, and talking about them frivolously is a sign of insanity in the world."

Necromancy is ancient art dark magic. Since ancient times, its adherents have instilled fear and awe in the crowd. The reason for this is their ability to appeal to the souls of the departed and use their power. And even after many centuries, the art of necromancy not only did not die out, but even strengthened, becoming the basis for many cults and sects.

But let's find out how true the legends of the necromancers are. Are black magicians really capable of manipulating the energy of other beings? And what fate awaits the one who dares to disturb the sleep of the dead?

A call to dead flesh

The first necromancers appeared at the dawn of civilization. They were priests and shamans who used the bones and organs of animals to look into the future or learn the will of the ancient gods. Naturally, these were primitive rituals, very far from real magic... However, even then, they were in great demand and respect. Take for example Ancient Rome... The writings of historians describe in detail the ritual of fortune-telling on bird bones, which was conducted by their chief priest. Without such a ceremony, not a single important campaign began, and even the king could not challenge his decision.

And there are a great many similar examples in history. But what is most striking is that such rituals were practiced by many ancient civilizations. And this despite the fact that most of them were completely isolated and could not adopt magic spells each other.

The rise of the cult of the dead in ancient Egypt

Yet Ancient Egypt is rightfully considered the birthplace of necromancy. Here the priests first realized how powerful the influence of the dead on the living can be. That is why death was treated here with such respect and scrupulousness. What are the tombs of the pharaohs themselves in the pyramids, prepared for them?

Also, the Egyptians were the first to experiment with mystical rituals and spells. And if you believe the legends, then their labors were crowned with great success. They were not only able to summon the souls of the dead, but also learned to control their power. Therefore, for this civilization, necromancy became part of the culture and was taken for granted.

Ultimately, the Egyptians created a special treatise, which they called the "Book of the Dead." It was a four-meter scroll made of papyrus. In it, the ancient priests recorded part of their knowledge about the dead and the afterlife. Therefore, the "Book of the Dead" is the first known to man a guide to necromancy that has survived to this day.

The origins of the word "necromancy"

But, despite all the works of the Egyptians, the very word "necromancy" came to us from Ancient Greece, which means it Consequently, it is this country that must be considered the starting point from where this dark science spread throughout the world.

As for the religion of the Hellenes themselves, they also believed in life after death. There is a lot of evidence that in Ancient Greece there were cults of worship of the god of the underworld and death, Hades. Its priests not only gave praise and made sacrifices to their deity, but also performed many sacraments and rituals. For example, they often used the bones of the dead in order to find out both their own future and the fate of the entire state.

Necromancy and Christianity

With the advent of Christianity, the life of dark magicians became more complicated. After all, the priests assured everyone that necromancy is a devilish teaching, and all its followers sold their souls to Satan. Because of this, the students of the cult of death began to actively persecute and give out to the Inquisition, and she, as you know, had a very short conversation with such people.

That is why necromancers began to hide, practicing their art away from human eyes. Fortunately, this only strengthened their skill, because real mysticism does not need general approval. Indeed, for the adepts of death, their own goals and aspirations are much more important.

Necromancy today

The times of church taboos are long gone, and those who want to learn the secrets of dark art are no longer burned at the stake. However, this does not mean that now real mysticism awaits people at every step. No, in reality everything is just the opposite.

Even today, true necromancers try to avoid the attention of mere mortals. Who knows, perhaps the reason for this was a long-standing habit, or over the long years of detachment, they fell in love with loneliness. But the fact remains: necromancy is magic that lives away from the real world.

Yet this does not mean that all dark magicians live somewhere in or in secret caves and do not appear in society. No, many of them are ordinary people who do not stand out from the crowd. Looking at such a person, one cannot say that he is an adherent of the cult of death. But with the coming of night, their lifestyle changes radically.

What is necromancy and what is its essence?

But let's leave the story behind and go directly to necromancy itself. In particular, let's talk about what the dark priests are capable of and what kind of business do they do? After all, this is the only way to know the essence of this mystical art.

So, first of all, necromancy is the science of the energy of death. It should be noted that this type of mystical power hovers not only around the dead, but also around the living. After all, any body is perishable, which means it is subject to the influence of death.

And yet the necromancer is much closer to the dead, because it is with them that he spends most of his time. Studying ancient art, he learns to control the energy of death and subjugate the souls of the departed. This is necessary in order to use them for their own purposes, led only to him.

For example, a necromancer can appeal to the spirit of the deceased and find out the circumstances of his death. Or, calling on a strong ghost, ask him about future events. Perhaps some readers will now think: "How is this possible, are the dead capable of predicting fate?" Well, as the necromancers themselves assure, the afterlife lives by different rules, and time flows there in a completely different way. Therefore, some spirits know about the events of the future, albeit not too distant.

Simply put, necromancy is the mystical science of the dead. Having studied it, a person becomes more susceptible to the influence of the afterlife, which allows him to call for the help of the dead. This is precisely the essence of necromancy.

or innocent magic?

IN modern society there is another well-established stereotype: all necromancers are servants of the devil. In general, this is not surprising, because the specificity of such magic itself prompts this idea, not to mention the fact that for many centuries in a row the church has been reaffirming this. But do all adherents of death really do the will of the evil one?

It turns out that necromancy itself is not a weapon of evil. Yes, it works with dead energy, but this does not mean that it can only be used to harm people. There are many examples of how necromancers helped others: they removed the signs of "death", warned against troubles, protected from the influence of evil forces, and so on.

And yet there are bad magicians. In addition, adherents of this science are more likely than others to be tempted to use their skills for selfish purposes. After all, looking into the abyss, you need to remember that over time, she will begin to stare at you.

Is the soul of a necromancer cursed?

Both Christians and Muslims believe that all dark magicians go straight to hell after death. Indeed, according to holy scripture, this is the punishment that is due for sorcery and witchcraft.

But, as the necromancers themselves assure, this rule does not apply to them. They believe that their spirit will remain in this world, serving other followers of the cult of death. And some believe that they will be able to achieve immortality at all by perpetuating their body or by transferring their energy to another person.

But, whatever one may say, it is believed that the soul of the necromancer is still cursed. Consequently, the road to paradise is closed to him forever.

How to become a necromancer?

Now there are a huge number of books and manuals on how to get on the path of the death magician. Alas, most of them were written only in order to collect as much money as possible from naive readers. Real applied necromancy is a hidden science, and therefore those who wish to comprehend it will have to sweat a lot.

In this case, a person will need to find a mentor who will agree to teach him the basics of the dark art. After all, if you poke into the world of the dead without an experienced guide, then there is a possibility that there will be no way back. Unfortunately, it is not written on the gate of the house that a necromancer witch or a master of souls lives here, which means that such a search can take quite a long time.

But, as one ancient wisdom says: "The teacher appears only when the student is ready for it." Therefore, a person who really wants to learn necromancy will definitely find his mentor.

Rite of passage

Having enrolled in a master's training, the student will have to go through a series of tests that will temper his soul and body. This is necessary in order to test the decisiveness and attitude of a person, as well as to make sure of his moral fortitude. Indeed, in the course of training, it will be very difficult for him, and the voices of the dead will tempt him with sweet speeches more than once.

That is why, at the beginning of their journey, necromancers learn concentration and obedience. And only after they have passed all the tests, they will be ordained as adherents of the cult of the dead.

Exploring the Art of Raising the Dead

Real mysticism begins from the first days of training a young necromancer. Indeed, from now on, he has the right to be present at all the rituals and ceremonies that his master conducts. And believe me, many of them will make a normal person's hair stand on end.

After all, almost all magical spells of the necromancer require the presence of the remains of the dead. At the same time, there are certain laws that say: the stronger the magic, the higher the level of materials used in it. For example, if the bones of any animal are suitable for small enchantments, then for rituals of a higher order, the presence of human remains is mandatory.

Another obstacle to achieving magical heights can be the complexity of spells and rituals. So, a necromancer needs to learn not only the words of power, but also how to draw various icons and runes correctly. After all, the slightest inaccuracy will lead to frightening consequences that cannot be corrected later.

Magic artifact

Interacting with the dead takes a lot of spiritual power from the necromancer. Therefore, they use special items - artifacts that can facilitate this task. Where do they get them?

Often, artifacts are passed from one magician to another, and the older they get, the greater their power. Also, some magic items are created by the sorcerers themselves with the help of special rituals and spells. For example, if you hold an ordinary mirror over the deceased for a day, it will absorb part of his soul. After that, the necromancer will be able to call upon her at any time, and she will be obliged to respond to him.

However, those artifacts that are saturated with the energy of death have the greatest power. Such items can be found at the sites of large graves, fires, disasters, and so on. All necromancers strive to get at least a few of these things in their arsenal in order to use their power at any time.

Time to go out

As mentioned earlier, the church today is no longer as strict on sorcerers and witches as it used to be. In this regard, people increasingly began to resort to the services of "wizards" of all stripes and trends. Among them are necromancers who have been out of work for a long time. What can they offer their clients?

So, in most cases, adherents of the dark school invite people to talk to the soul of their dead relatives or friends. Just do not confuse their rituals with those sessions that mediums conduct. Necromancers do not allow the spirit of the dead into themselves and do not speak through his mouth, they serve as intermediaries in communication, transmitting to people what the souls of the dead have told them.

Also, necromancers remove various kinds of curses and evil eyes, especially those made “to death”. But at the same time, they themselves can send them to people, however, not every magician will go to this. It all depends on the moral foundations of the dark sorcerer. After all, necromancy is just a tool that can be used for various purposes, including insidious ones.

Moreover, spirit casters can see both past and future events. Sometimes this helps to avoid future troubles or to understand why they happened before.

The Danger of Dark Art

In conclusion, I would like to talk about the dangers of necromancy. After all, only the most naive person will believe that communication with the dead goes without a trace, not to mention managing them.

As mentioned earlier, the necromancer forever loses the right to go to heaven, even if he uses his magic for the benefit of people. Also, after death, his spirit will most likely be "caught" by another sorcerer who wished to increase his strength.

In addition, sometimes rituals go wrong, and then the necromancer has to pay for his mistake. For example, the dead can take away some of his life force or even take over his body, turning an unlucky adept into a submissive puppet. Therefore, the path of the dark magician is the lot of those few whose desire to know death is much higher than the desire to survive.

Alexey Svetlov, Head of the Research Laboratory for the Study of Mental Energy (NILIPE), member of RAIT (Morshansk)

Namely, the ghost of death closes the gates of knowledge. It is useful to teach about immortality in schools. The religion that teaches death will die, just as everyone who wants to die will die, for the future state lies in our consciousness. (Teaching of Living Ethics)

The twentieth century showed us terrible examples of lack of spirituality and immorality. One person said: "We live once ..." and betrayed a friend. Another said: "After me, even a flood" and launched his hand to the state treasury. This psychology of ignorance finds its quintessence in the following quatrain:

Take everything you can from life:
Take both women and wine
After all, life cannot be multiplied by two,
And you are not destined to live twice!

Materialism and the denial of the spiritual principle led to a grave crisis of our civilization, depriving a person of hope and causing wars, an increase in crime, and the collapse of states. Helena Roerich wrote:

“The thought of death hangs over the human mind like a grave fate. The phantom of death stands like an inevitable chalice, and, having passed the whole life path, the spirit comes to the conclusion that here it is necessary to end the manifestation of life. Such is the walking of a spirit that is disconnected from the Cosmos. Not knowing the beginning and seeing only the end, the spirit, disconnected from the Cosmos, passes life aimlessly. But everyone can deserve immortality by accepting Infinity into consciousness. Fearlessness before the end and striving for Infinity will give the spirit that direction to the spheres of cosmic unlimited ... " .

“Once scientists suppressed life, isn't it their business now to continue life to infinity? ... The alternation of incarnations is attested to by both ancient and modern teachings. In our literature, it has become common to mention incarnations and karma. Nevertheless, this reality hardly enters into consciousness, otherwise it would transform the whole life ". .

It is the business of scientists to bring knowledge that would allow to restore the disturbed balance of material and spiritual principles in public consciousness. After all, it is not possible by any other means to eliminate the cause of evil - the sting of death. Brown Ducasse, a professor from the United States, recently stated:

“It can be argued that the conscious life of a person continues in some form even after death. This assumption can be considered really established both from a natural - scientific and from a philosophical point of view. There is empirical evidence that the individual mind experiences death. "(p. 119).

We subscribe to this statement, and assert that scientists working in various fields of knowledge today already have indisputable evidence of its truth.

Our post will provide an overview of some scientific works, articles and publications of modern scientists who dispel the ghost of death, which closed the gates of knowledge. There are five main directions of scientific research confirming the existence of Of the Subtle World and the continuation of the life of consciousness after the so-called death.

The first should be called the conceptual approach and substantiation of the very possibility of the existence of the Subtle World. The following authors worked on this issue: Dubrov, Pushkin, Shipov, Akimov, Volchenko, Baurov, Leskov, Pakhomov and others. Let us briefly dwell on only one work - the article "Inevitability, Reality and Comprehensibility of the Subtle World" by Vladimir Nikitovich Volchenko, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman, President of the International Public Scientific Committee "Human Ecology and Energy Informatics". This work provides a scientific and philosophical substantiation of the existence of the Subtle World on the basis of the spiritual tradition and various phenomena of information and energy exchange at the levels of man, Earth and Space. Human consciousness is viewed from broader than narrowly materialistic positions. Consciousness is interpreted as an energy-informational structure and in its highest aspects a natural part of the Cosmos. The author introduces the numerical characteristics of the possible boundaries of the worlds in the “information content - energeticity” coordinate system. On the basis of the observed tendency to increase the information efficiency of systems, the possibility of comprehensibility of the Subtle World is proved. The properties of the so-called entropy-free information fields and the fifth fundamental interaction are discussed. Possible models of information fields (torsion, buon, psychonic, semantic, relic neutrinos, axion, longitudinal electromagnetic fields, etc.) are considered. The author argues that metaphysics must become a science. The technocratic path of development is condemned human civilization and a synthetic approach is proposed. The importance of the moral and ethical side in evolution is emphasized.

The second direction is the most extensive. It can be designated as justification and proof of the objective existence of the so-called "soul" or energy-informational (field, electromagnetic) essence of a person (consciousness). Among the authors who have spoken on this topic are Gurvich, Inyushin, Adamenko, Kobozev, Kaznacheev, Mikhailova, Barr, Gulyaev, Godik, Nalimov, Leskov, Kravchenko, Kalashchenko, Pogorelsky, Krippner, Jiang, Gariaev, Dzhan, Krokhalev, McDougall, Korotikov , Presman, Zaporozhets, Serobabin and many others. Let's give short review the most important, in our opinion, works. One of the first scientists to hypothesize the field nature of human consciousness was the Soviet researcher Gurvich. In the "Selected Works" of this scientist, published in 1977, it is noted that all information about the structure of a potential organism is contained in the aggregate embryonic photon field emitted by each chromosome of the embryo. The author claims that such an integral field creates a wave biofield framework, a plan according to which the construction or self-organization of cells in the organism proceeds. In essence, the proposed scientific concept of the biofield of living beings. The author talks about the manifestations of mitogenetic radiation in experiments with killing shrimps, when sensitive photographic paper was illuminated as a result of radiation generated by dying shrimps when they were scalded with boiling water. The work of Dr. Barr (Yale University, USA) confirms Gurvich's hypothesis. He designed a device that allows registering weak electrical voltages near a living object. After such experimental confirmation of the presence of a certain energy field, Dr. Barr put forward a hypothesis according to which this field is like a matrix, an initial drawing that forms the structure of the body.

“The molecules and cells of the human body,” he writes, “are constantly being rearranged, destroyed and replenished with fresh material from food. But thanks to the control of the field, new molecules and cells reproduce according to the same patterns as the old ones ... When we meet a friend who has not been seen for six months, not a single molecule remains on his face that was at the time when you saw his last time... However, thanks to the control of the field, new molecules are arranged according to the old, familiar patterns, and we recognize his face. ".

The electromagnetic nature of the subtle bodies of living beings was proved by the Soviet scientist Presman. He refutes the materialistic point of view on a living organism as a system of biological matter. Based on the results of his numerous experiments, Presman demonstrated the influence of weak (including natural) electromagnetic fields on biological objects. The effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields was determined not by their intensity (strength), but by other factors, among which are the modulation mode and the direction of the induction vector. The author puts forward a hypothesis about the fundamental role of the electromagnetic field as a carrier of information in living nature. In this case, the biological effects of the impact of the field depend not so much on the value of their energy, but on the information saturation of the impact.

In the mid-1970s, Soviet scientists Inyushin and Adamenko reported some phantom effects observed in damaged plant leaves when photographing them using the Kirlian method. The method of gas-discharge visualization in high-frequency high-voltage electric fields (the Kirlian method) itself has been known for a long time (since the 50s of the twentieth century), but by coincidence it did not attract special attention of scientists - researchers. However, from that moment on, the business began to develop in a different way. Scientists, who received amazing photographs in which the trimmed leaves of plants looked whole, suggested the existence of an invisible energy structure of biological objects along which the latter build their shape. It was called biofield or bioplasma.

A heated controversy flared up around the question of what the images that appear after the removal of a part of a plant leaf really are. Only in 1979, a group of Indian researchers led by Choudhary led not only convincing results, but also a detailed diagram of the generator, with the help of which phantoms of the removed parts of the leaf were revealed. And although there is still no unity on this issue among scientists engaged in Kirlionography, researchers Gariaev and Yunin have achieved great success in substantiating the nature of this phenomenon. In the article "Fact or Phantom?" They say that by improving the apparatus for obtaining photographic images using gas-discharge imaging, they have achieved a steady production of various phantom effects, which can be recognized as an electrical or field plan for completing a part of a sheet to a whole. To prove their statement, the authors cite experiments when they obtained phantom effects without using the method of gas-discharge visualization using special highly sensitive photographic plates for nuclear research. The paper argues that the sources of phantoms can only be emissions of chromosomal DNA in the remaining intact part of the leaf. The same mechanism of holographic associative memory, according to the authors, explains phantom pain after amputation of human limbs, as well as the preservation of memory in people in cases where a part of the brain is destroyed due to trauma or surgery. An attempt is made to explain the mechanism of recording and reading holograms - codes from the chromosomes of an organism. Attention is drawn to the effect of "memory" of water.

Gariaev, developing the ideas of Gurvich, in his work "Revision of the model of the genetic code" proves that protein synthesis is the result of genetic coding at the wave level. Genetic memory is interpreted by Gariaev and Leonova as soliton-holographic. It is said that chromosomes emit light and sound, that genes are split into matter and field. Using the method of photon correlation spectroscopy in 1985, the authors managed to record unusual anomalously long decaying sound vibrations DNA. It was found that DNA has the ability to synthesize "non-stop complex melody with repetitive musical phrases." The genome of higher organisms is considered by the authors as a soliton biholographic computer that forms the spatio-temporal structure of biosystems according to the wave image - the predecessor. Thus, the genome works not only at the material, but also at the wave (subtle) level. Attention is drawn to the unity of the fractal structure of DNA and human speech. Based on this connection, it becomes possible to influence DNA by means of special generators that convert speech algorithms into modulated soliton fields.

An unusual approach was used in his research by another Soviet scientist Gennady Pavlovich Krokhalev. In his work "On the influence of psychic energy on material phenomena" he proves the reality of psychic energy as the energy of human consciousness, draws attention to psychotronics as a field of knowledge that studies the manifestations of the energies of human mental acts. The article describes the experience of photographing visual hallucinations, confirming their objective nature. From 1974 to 1996, Krokhalev took photographs of visual hallucinations in 290 mental patients (mainly in patients with alcoholic psychoses), in 117 of them the author was able to photograph visual hallucinations, which is 40.3% of the repeatability of experiments. The author claims that he experimentally established that during visual hallucinations, visual information is transmitted back from the center of the visual analyzer to the periphery with electromagnetic radiation from the retina into the space of visual images in the form of planar or volumetric (holographic) images. The area of ​​auditory hallucinations was also checked, which, using a special technique, were recorded on the magnetic tape of an ordinary tape recorder. Krokhalev made records of auditory hallucinations in 30 mental patients. Of these, in 6 patients weak "voices" are heard on magnetic tape in the place where the auditory hallucinations were recorded. The author claims that he experimentally established that during auditory hallucinations, a reverse transmission of auditory information occurs from the center of the auditory analyzer to the periphery with sound emission from the organ of Corti.

A similar work was carried out by Anatoly Serobabin, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. He was engaged in photographing people's thoughts as a holographic image projected from the eyes of psychics. In 1996, the scientist sent an application for the discovery "On the experimental detection of physical fields caused by the concentration of thought."

But the greatest success in the field of recording the energetic impact of thought was achieved by Robert Jahn, head of the laboratory for the study of anomalous phenomena at Princeton University (USA). He conducted a large number of experiments on the influence of operators on the random number generators that controlled the movement of a mechanical robot. It was experimentally proved that under the influence of operators, the movement of the robot from random became more orderly and went in one of certain directions.

In Russia, similar experiments are carried out under the guidance of Yuri Popov, a professor at the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute. At the center of student initiatives, a sensitive device was designed to register mental impact. At the same time, according to Popov, in order to influence the device it is not necessary to be in the immediate vicinity of it. It is enough just to mentally imagine it.

Finally, an American physician from Massachusetts, Mr. McDougall, conducted a large number of experiments on weighing dying people on scales with a sensitivity of plus or minus 3 grams. His research became widely known precisely because of these experiments. The McDougall balance was automatically recorded. Scientists have found that against the background of a gradual decrease in the weight of the dying person (about 20 grams per hour) at the very moment of death, there is a rapid spasmodic loss of weight by 15-30 grams (that is, about one ten-thousandth of the total body weight). Sometimes the weight loss reached even 70 grams!

McDougall's experiments were repeated on mice by the Russian researcher Mstislav Romanovich Miroshnikov, Doctor of Technical Sciences. In his experiments, a mouse was placed on an analytical balance in a glass sealed vessel. The animal was dying of suffocation, and at this time the scales recorded an abrupt weight loss by about one thousandth of its initial mass. In addition, it was found that immediately after this, the weight of the corpse begins to increase and approximately 1.5-2 hours after the moment of death, it reaches its original value, and soon even exceeds the original body weight by one ten-thousandth of its part. However, the experiments of McDougall and Miroshnikov by themselves do not yet prove the existence of a “soul”. We can talk about the fact that at the time of death, a powerful energy process occurs in the body of the dying person, which affects the change in body weight.

The third direction will be the proof of the continued existence of consciousness after the death of the physical body. Here, foreign scientists occupy leading positions. Let's name just a few names: Moody, Kubler-Ross, Sabom, Stevenson, Paricha, Benerji, Korotkov, Osis, Ivanova and others.

The phenomenon that will be discussed is called "near-death experience" in our country. It is known abroad as the NDE phenomenon. It is an abbreviation of the English words "Near Death Experience", which literally means "experience on the border of death." The phenomena of near-death experience include the memories of people who have experienced clinical death and experienced unusual experiences and visions, as well as visions of the dying.

An American psychologist Dr. Raymond Moody conducted very interesting and unusually important in terms of worldview research, who studied and collated the testimonies of people who experienced what Moody calls "near-death experiences," although the whole logic of Moody's work allows, it seems, to speak of this experience as a posthumous one. Thanks to the development of resuscitation technology, Moody was able to collect very statistically representative material, the processing of which led him to amazing results. It turned out that, "Despite the great variety of circumstances associated with close acquaintance with death, as well as the types of people who experienced it, it is undoubted that there is a striking similarity between the stories about the events themselves at this moment".

“I think we have reached some transitional era,” notes Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, MD, in the introduction to Moody's Life After Death. We must have the courage to open new doors and not rule out the possibility that modern scientific methods ceased to correspond to new directions of research. I think this book will open such new doors for open minded people and give them the confidence and courage to develop new problems. They will see that this publication by Dr. Moody is quite accurate, as it was written by a sincere and honest researcher. The data obtained is confirmed by my own research and the research of other, quite authoritative scientists, researchers and representatives of the clergy who have the courage to study this new area hoping to help those who want to know, and not just believe ".

The further development of events was interesting. Doctor of Psychology USA Kenneth Ring equipped an entire expedition to clinics in Connecticut. The results of thirteen-month studies have shown that the phenomenon exists and is not associated with any pathology. Neither intoxication, nor dreams, nor hallucinations have anything to do with it.

After analyzing 102 cases of clinical death, Dr. Ring stated:

60% of patients experience an indescribable sense of peace;

37% - hovered over their own body;

26% remember various panoramic visions;

23% entered a tunnel, sluice, bag, well or cellar;

16% - still admire the enchanting light;

8% - claim to have met with deceased relatives.

The indications are always the same, whether they are patients from the USA, European countries or even from Burundi. At the same time, both believers and atheists experienced similar experiences.

On the other side of the United States, a young cardiologist Dr. Michael Sabom, a rational and pedantic person, after reading Moody's theses, erupted in stinging derision and, in order not to leave any stone unturned from them, conducted a systematic questionnaire among the intensive care personnel in Florida. When the results of his research completely coincided with the data of Moody and Ring, Subom decided to devote his life to the study of this phenomenon. He even developed the ten-step model of the near-death state that now bears his name. This is how the International Association for the Study of the NDE Phenomenon was founded, which today has branches in many countries of the world.

Doctor Karlis Osis's book "Observation of Doctors and Nurses at the Deathbed" describes the so-called "deathbed visions" made by doctors and nurses. 1004 credible cases of visions are analyzed and classified according to the characteristics of the experiences of dying people. The author comes to the conclusion that the totality of these experiences cannot be fully explained by the effect of medical procedures or illness. It is noted that the dying in 80% of cases see the ghosts of deceased people, and the latter in 75% of cases call the dying with them to the next world.

A large amount of scientific evidence proving the continued existence of consciousness after death refers to the phenomenon of reincarnation.

American Dr. Ian Stevenson, professor of psychology at the University of Virginia, has conducted a large amount of research in the study of multiple births or reincarnations. His examples are taken both from the countries of the East and from the countries of the West. He cites more than 2000 cases proving that the phenomenon of reincarnation is very widespread in the world. Specialists from the Bangalore Institute of Mental Health and Neuropathology conducted, in particular, a study of 250 cases of reincarnation registered since 1975. For more than 10 years, Dr. Satwant Pasricha has traveled to many villages, interviewing at least 20 eyewitnesses for each such case. As a result, the researchers came to the following conclusions: as a rule, the "effect of reincarnation" is observed in children aged three to seven years. Over the years, they completely forget about it. "Rebirth" into another person is usually triggered by an accidental response from one of the relatives. Studies have shown that in 82% of cases, children clearly remembered their name in the "past birth" and the details of the "past" life. It is also noteworthy that in half of the cases in their "previous lives" people died a violent death. Them average age was 34 years old. "Rebirth" came on average in a year and a half. In 26% of cases, children experienced an inexplicable fear of things that were directly or indirectly related to the cause of their death in "previous existences." As a rule, the sex of a person does not change in the next birth. In 80% of cases, the persons associated with the "effect of reincarnation" were not relatives, which excludes a genetic link.

The original method for solving the problem was applied by Konstantin Georgievich Korotkov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (St. Petersburg). He is a proponent of using the methods modern science to solve the most fundamental problems of existence. In his works, Korotkov talks about the need to create a new scientific paradigm. The researcher describes experiments using the Kirlian effect when studying the dynamics of changes in the nature of the luminosity of the fingertips of people who died different ways... The author especially points out the reproducibility of the experimental results according to the proposed method. Attention is drawn to the fact that for all the deceased there is a general decline in the glow from the beginning of the experiment to the end, however, the nature of the gas discharge curves turned out to depend on the causes of death of people.

The fourth direction of scientific research confirming the existence of the Subtle World and the continuation of the life of consciousness after the so-called death can be considered the proof of the possibility of separating consciousness from the physical body. As far as we know, scientific research in this direction is carried out mainly by foreign scientists: Crookall, Fox, Tart, Osis, Carrington, Grof and others.

Next, we will talk about the study of a phenomenon called "out-of-body experience" (OBE), or, as it is also called, out-of-body experience, astral output, astral projection, bilocation (simultaneous review of two different places). Out-of-body experience can be defined as the observation of a phenomenon from a point that does not coincide with our physical body. At the same time, it is often felt that consciousness has moved from the physical body to some other body, called differently: astral body, etheric body, double or double.

Back in 1919, the French researcher Charles Lancelin carried out experiments using hypnosis. Lancelin found test subjects able to leave their bodies and appear to an observer in another room. Often, the phantoms of these people made themselves felt by touching, tapping, as well as causing various images on photographic plates and touching sulfide screens, as a result of which they began to glow. However, until the research carried out by Zelia Green and Robert Crookall in the early 60s of the twentieth century, Lansle's report continued to be the only report on the study of out-of-body experiences in the laboratory.

Celia Green, an English researcher of this phenomenon, founded the Institute for Psychical Research in Oxford in 1961, in which regular experiments began on a strictly scientific basis. Another Englishman, Robert Crookall, devoted his entire life to collecting and analyzing WTO cases. Since the 60s of our century, he managed to collect more than 1000 episodes around the world, which he described in his works.

The extensive material collected by Green and Krukal has convinced other researchers that documented, well-documented out-of-body experience conducted under laboratory controlled conditions is a very tempting thing.

The pioneer in this area was Dr. Charles Tart. In 1965, while teaching at the University of Virginia College of Medicine, Tart embarked on a series of amazing experiments involving Mr. X. This Mr. X was a certain Robert Monroe, an American businessman, a person with the ability to spontaneously isolate a subtle body, the author of the book "Travels outside the body", published in 1971, in which he outlined his analysis of the OBE. He later founded the Monroe Institute of Applied Sciences in Virginia. In 1982, the Monroe Institute, in conjunction with the University of Kansas Medical Center, were invited to present at the meeting of the American Psychiatric Association three reports on out-of-body experiences, which should be considered the beginning of the scientific recognition of the phenomenon.

Tart equipped his first test subject in such a way that during sleep (the subject left his body in sleep) it was possible to follow the fluctuations of the brain biocurrents, eye movements, blood pressure and electrical resistance of the skin. Then he placed a card with a random five-digit number on the shelf above his bed. The card was positioned so that only an observer from the ceiling could see it. The subject could not get up and look on the shelf without disrupting the operation of the electroencephalograph. However, the technique used by Tart during the experiments turned out to be a difficult problem, since even if his subjects correctly guessed 1000 control digits, this still did not prove that they "left the body" for this. According to some parapsychologists, such results could be obtained through extrasensory perception (for example, through clairvoyance or telepathy). A natural question then arises: how can an out-of-body experience be distinguished from clairvoyance?

Studies that are more convincing in their unambiguity than the experiments of Tart were carried out by the Foundation for Psychical Research in Durham (North Carolina, USA). The studies were methodologically similar to those of Tart, but they were somewhat complicated. In addition to observing the physiological changes and the location of the target material in another room, the researchers set themselves the task of finding out if any person, animal or mechanical device can detect the presence of a "second body" near the target. The most significant results were obtained using the subject's favorite kitten as a detector. The kitten was placed in an open container about a meter deep in the target room, the bottom of which was marked with numbered squares. During the control experiment - without an out-of-body experience - the kitten was very active, meowing often, crossing a large number of squares and trying to get out of the container. However, during out-of-body visits to the target room, the kitten behaved surprisingly calmly. This effect was repeated in four experiments. Another experiment in which a snake was used as a detector also yielded striking results. The snake, which had been lying quite calmly during the control period, during the very first test of the out-of-body visit, began to rush to the glass wall, as if trying to hit an invisible enemy.

In a report on out-of-body experience research at the American Society for Psychical Research, Dr. Karlis Osis, Research Director, wrote:

“In the last two years, the research department has been entirely occupied with studying the question: does the human personality continue to exist after death, physical death? We followed our central hypothesis - the human essence is an “exomatic system” capable of acting independently and outside of its physical body. This “exomatic” side of a person is able to leave his body at the moment of death and continue to exist. Can a person, we ask, really leave his body temporarily or permanently (at the time of death)? "

After a detailed review of the ongoing experimental work, Dr. Osis summed up the following:

“Research into out-of-body experiences has proven difficult, mainly because this phenomenon is rarely reproduced in its entirety at will. Our results so far are consistent with our hypothesis. After using the research opportunities described above, we can truly hope to obtain evidence of the exomatic existence of the human person. " .

In addition to these purely physical experiments, a number of statistical studies have been carried out with the aim of establishing traits that are common to the numerous scattered testimonies of out-of-body survivors.

Finally, the fifth direction of scientific research work is the proof of the existence in the Subtle World of other beings capable of influencing the physical world, people and animals. Boccone, Jurgenson, Raudiv, Vinokurov, Isakov, Kartashkin, Bachchi, Fomenko, Pritsker and others devoted their time to this work.

It is not a secret for anyone the great interest that spiritualists have always shown in all kinds of contacts with the afterlife. Over time, this idle interest resulted in purposeful attempts by enthusiastic researchers to find objective approaches to the Subtle World using the available hardware.

The greatest success in this field was achieved by the Latvian psychologist Dr. Konstantin Raudiv, who lived in Sweden. With his help, electronic engineers designed and assembled a special device - a goniometer, designed exclusively for recording "otherworldly" sounds. By 1968, the scientist managed to collect more than 70,000 sound exhibits on his films! Dr. Raudive's research gained widespread publicity thanks to his book How to Hear the Inaudible, published in England and the United States under the title Breakthrough. After that, the phenomenon was called "the voices of Raudive."

The efforts of scientists have always been aimed at obtaining objective evidence of the existence of subtle structures. Such arguments are the only ones recognized as eligible for participation in scientific discussion. With the beginning of the development of photography, science for the first time in its long history got the opportunity to capture the touch of the Subtle World. The Italian researcher Luciano Boccone received a large amount of photographic material. At the top of a large secluded hill, Boccone set up a laboratory, equipping it with various registration equipment - photometers, thermometers, magnetometers, recorders of alpha, beta and gamma radiation, photo and film cameras. There were also living "indicators" - dogs. The principle of research was determined very simply: anomalous and unexplained deviations in the readings of any device indicate the presence of invisible creatures. There were many such testimonies. For three years of work, Boccone has collected a huge amount of material. Moreover, the impression was created that the further, the more eager for the mysterious phenomena to Bokcone, almost "pushing their elbows" each other. They were recorded by instruments, captured on film, and seen with the naked eye. Their properties were gradually revealed. The researchers were amazed, so to speak, by a certain meaningfulness of their behavior. All these clouds, condensation of unknown fields, luminous balls in the visible, and more often invisible - infrared and ultraviolet - parts of the spectrum seemed to demonstrate their capabilities to people - swept or floated above them, changed the speed and direction of flight, transformed into different shapes... Gradually, Boccone came to the conclusion that he was dealing with ethereal life forms. And he gave them a name - cratters. This is how he himself writes about these objects:

“These ethereal life forms,” wrote Boccone, “these objects are living beings, and the phenomena associated with them do not belong to our three-dimensional reality, which is typical of the frequency band of our visible spectrum. These are manifestations of a life alien to us. These are undoubtedly living beings - light and dark, dense and transparent, plasma forms, energy transformations, melting clouds and fogs, invisible amorphous masses that have nothing to do with our physical reality ".

The materials received by Boccone are not the only ones of their kind. Interesting photographs were taken by Okhatrin's group, Pritsker and other researchers.

Poltergeist phenomena can be safely attributed to another group of facts testifying to the work of invisible beings. The poltergeist problem has been studied by researchers from various laboratories and scientific institutes of the world for many years. The fact that, as a rule, these are people of various specialties is understandable: no one can say with certainty to which category of phenomena this phenomenon can be attributed. The professional and regional spread of researchers, as it were, repeats the variety of forms in which the phenomenon manifests itself, and its ability to appear at the most unexpected point. For a poltergeist, there are no distances, no urban or rural areas ... It's funny that representatives of each of the sciences invited to study the poltergeist each time find a complete explanation for it, each within the framework of his own branch of knowledge. Where does the science of studying any phenomenon begin? With attempts to systematize it. But on what basis could a poltergeist be systematized? Although difficult, but within some limits, it is obviously still possible, and Soviet researchers are trying to do it. According to the calculations of the researcher Vinokurov, most of the events associated with the poltergeist occur in the evening hours, and on Saturdays and Sundays on the days of the week (1.5-4 times more often than on other days). Moreover, the more intense the flash, the faster the decay follows. Another regularity is that dielectrics - furniture, clothing, fabrics - are more often the object of the poltergeist's influence. Metal products are much less likely to be affected by it. It is also possible to systematize events according to how they are grouped. The researcher of the phenomenon Fomenko notes that quite often one by one the refrigerator, bed, sideboard, i.e. heavy objects. The series also includes swinging and breaking chandeliers, unscrewing the legs from couches and receivers.

In general, there is no shortage of the very number of versions and explanations of the poltergeist. As for the plurality of supposed hypotheses, one can see in this the persistence of thought, the desire to find a solution to the problem on one path or another. Perseverance is worthy of respect in itself. If it was necessary to isolate the essence of the supposed hypotheses, I would say that it consists in an attempt to reconcile the phenomenon with the usual realities of the world in which we live, to force it to fit, if not into physical laws, then at least into the logic of our world ...

Says the head of the section for the study of anomalous phenomena (Gorky) Yermilov:

“... The study of the phenomenon made us inclined to admit the existence of certain subtle structures. These structures, which have the property of intelligence, can react by obeying certain commands. Some psychics say they see such structures, describe them. According to their descriptions, they look in a variety of ways: in cases related to poltergeists, they mention, in particular, anthropomorphic forms. The perception of ghosts of human figures, often accompanying the phenomenon, is possibly connected with this ... Sometimes it can be forms that resemble animals, but in no way reproduce any of the ones we know, rather it is a certain combination that sometimes resembles terrible characters in fairy tales or myths ".

We have told you only about some of the works of scientists proving the existence of the invisible Subtle World. Drawing a line under our review, I would like to quote the words of the great French thinker Montaigne: "Gentlemen, I made only a bouquet of plucked flowers and added nothing of my own, except for the thread that ties them together.".

“Tear the thread to shreds if you like; - we add, - as for the bouquet of facts, it cannot be destroyed, it can only be ignored ".


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Throughout human history, everyone has been interested in the question of what will happen after death. What awaits us after our heart stops? This is a question that scientists have recently received an answer to.

Of course, there have always been assumptions, but now it has become finally clear that people after death can hear and understand what is happening around them. Of course, this has nothing to do with paranormal phenomena, because a person, in fact, lives for some time. This has become a medical fact.

Heart and brain

It is important to understand that absolutely any death occurs under one of two or in the presence of two conditions at once: either the heart stops working, or the brain. If the brain stops working as a result of serious damage, then death occurs immediately after turning off the "central processor" of a person. If life is interrupted due to some kind of damage, because of which the heart stops, then everything is much more complicated.

At New York University, scientists have determined that a person after death can smell, hear people speak, and even see the world with their own eyes. This explains a lot of the phenomenon associated with the vision of the world in the course of clinical death. There have been incredibly many cases in the history of medicine when a person talked about his feelings during his stay in this borderline state between life and death. After death, the same happens, scientists say.

The heart and brain are two human organs that work throughout life. They are connected, but sensations are available after death precisely thanks to the brain, which for some time transfers information from nerve endings to consciousness.

The opinion of psychics

Bioenergy specialists and psychics long ago began to assume that a person does not die instantly as soon as his brain or heart stops working. No, everything is much more complicated. This was confirmed by scientific research.

The otherworldly world, according to psychics, depends on the world of the present and the visible. When a person dies, they say that he sees all his past lives, as well as his entire current life at once. He experiences everything anew in an infinitely small fraction of a second, turning into nothing, and then reborn again. Of course, if people could die and immediately return, then there would be no questions, but even experts in the field of esotericism cannot be 100 percent sure of their statements.

A person does not feel pain after death, does not feel joy or sorrow. He simply remains to live in the other world or goes to another level. Nobody knows whether the soul goes to another body, to the body of an animal or a person. Perhaps it just evaporates. Maybe she lives forever in the best location... Nobody knows this, that is why there are so many religions in the world. Everyone should listen to his heart, which tells him the right answer. The main thing is not to argue, because no one can know for sure what happens to the soul after death.

Soul as something physical

The human soul cannot be touched, but it is possible that scientists, oddly enough, managed to prove its existence. The fact is that at death, a person loses, for some reason, 21 grams of his weight. Always. Under any circumstances.

No one has been able to explain this phenomenon. People believe that this is the weight of our soul. This may indicate that a person sees the world after death, as scientists have proven, only because the brain does not die immediately. It doesn't really matter, because the soul leaves the body, we remain unreasonable. This may be the reason why we cannot move our eyes or speak after cardiac arrest.

Death and life are interconnected, there is no death without life. It is necessary to treat the otherworldly world easier. It is better not to try to understand it too strongly, because none of the scientists will be able to be one hundred percent accurate. The soul gives us character, temperament, the ability to think, love and hate. This is our wealth, which belongs only to us. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

07.11.2017 15:47

Since ancient times, people have wondered what awaits them after the completion of their earthly journey. Famous clairvoyant ...

Death will love each of us, no matter how we fight with it. Eat only healthy food, run in the morning, give up alcohol, avoid stress, modernize your body using cybernetics, inject with antibiotics, swallow vitamins, do it all at once, and then welcome to the coffin, do not forget to close the lid more tightly.

There is no such crazy professor in the world who can resurrect you or - such personalities live only in books, but in films of the "Reanimator" level. However, who if not scientists know more about death? The scientific mind is closely tied to the problem of death. Science and death entered into a kind of marriage after the most destructive epidemic in the history of mankind - the medieval plague, popularly called the "black death". It was after 2/3 of the population of Europe was in the ground (in Italy people were buried in rows - a layer of sand, a layer of corpses, a layer of sand, a layer of corpses, "lasagna"), the learned people decided to take their heads and, finally, think about death, its nature, purpose and methods of dealing with it. Since then, many "theories of death" have appeared, which are supported by research, logical constructions and experiments, but none of them are leading and fully studied. Scientists are still working in this direction, revealing the secret bit by bit. Their ideas are so unique and interesting that today we decided to take a course on them. We will discuss death, and not from the point of view of philosophy or society, but from the point of view of science. In this context, it is rarely discussed.

1. Quantum suicide

Let's start with large-scale ideas based on quanta - the toy of modern physics, which means an indivisible portion of any quantity (yes, you have to get into Wikipedia).

Quantum suicide is like this thought experiment in quantum mechanics. It was proposed by two guys and, as usually happens, they did it independently of each other with a difference of one year: Hans Moravec spoke about quantum suicide in 1987, and Bruno Marshall spoke about it in 1988. The experiment itself can be understood even by the uninitiated.

His conclusion is that every event in spacetime causes the universe to divide itself into different versions containing all possible outcomes. Let's say we are supporters of a multiple interpretation of the Universe, and we are also sick in the head by scientists who are conducting an experiment on the unfortunate one, the essence of which is a gun that will fire with a 50% probability. So, in one world, the gun fires - the participant in the experiment dies. In another world, the gun misfires and the participant lives, which means that the experiment continues.

Regardless of the outcome of events in our world, the participant will still survive (not here, so in a parallel universe). This means that he will live forever and he, this guinea pig, is immortal, like all of us.

2. We do not know what death is

We cannot be 100% sure of death, because we do not know what life is and what can be called life.

Scientists are trying to come up with a decent and accurate definition of life, but so far they have not been very successful. You can, of course, take the definition of NASA, which are focused on the search for aliens. They say, "Life is a self-sustaining chemical system capable of evolution." But even this is not appropriate, since there are such sets of non-living chemical systems that can mimic life without being alive. Crystals, for example.

There is also the problem of consciousness. People do not know what consciousness is, what caused it and how it experiences death. Scientists do not know for certain whether consciousness is destroyed with the death of the brain, although they say: "Apparently, it dies with the brain." That is, until we can come up with an all-encompassing, solid definition of life, then we can never truly understand death.

3. Three types of death

Technically, there is and, moreover, one of the stages is reversible.

It all starts with clinical death - this is the cessation of vital activity, pulse and respiration. At the same time, brain activity can be maintained. People who have suffered clinical death can be called “technically dead”.

Then comes biological death, which is sometimes called brain death. Sometimes biological death acts as the opposite of clinical death, since brain activity stops, and the vital functions of the body can still work. From a medical point of view, such a death cannot be reversed.

And finally, there is also molecular death, which refers to the stage at which the body finally stops its struggle against decay. Frankly, few people want to see death reversible at this stage, except for director George Romero.

4. Fear of death depends on age

There is a common thought that the closer you get to death, the more you fear it. The claim, it must be said, is very controversial and is refuted by a number of studies that have found that older people tend to be less worried about death than younger people.

The fear of death, according to these studies, is most intense at the age of 20, then it goes into a mode of steady decline until a midlife crisis occurs (at this time you can expect a small psychic blow), and after that - acceptance, Zen and harmony.

In doing so, the study took into account different people at different stages of life, so we cannot be 100% sure that the effect is not caused by differences of generations. Only time will tell that the current generation of 20-year-olds is growing at an alarming rate into a generation of anxious retirees.

5. Spiral of death

Great name for a satanic black metal band, don't you think? In general, this term is purely scientific, it denotes the stage preceding death, which is part of the process of genetically programmed death. Its essence is a decline in physical activity.

The death spiral was first described in the study of Drosophila (a type of fly), which stops laying eggs at the moment of death. Moreover, the "spiral" was not a consequence of death, but its predictor.

The human body also has life indicators, which represent daily activities. We eat food, use the toilet every day, brush our teeth and so on. But at the moment of the death spiral, the frequency of these actions is significantly reduced.

6. Age restrictions

Over the last century average duration life has increased for decades. However, this has more to do with the fact that most people live to old age, and not with the fact that there has been an actual increase in life expectancy. In ancient times, we, as well as today, can see hundred-year-olds - then few people could be surprised by them. Despite all our efforts, one of the oldest people of our time is just over 120 years old. A lot, we agree, but our head does not spin from this age.

It is believed that there is a certain age barrier, through which a person is not able to step over. This barrier is called the Hayflick limit. Its essence boils down to limiting cell division. A cell cannot endlessly divide - it has a limit. This limit varies between organisms, resulting in a hamster living a heck of a lot compared to the Galapagos tortoise. The reason lies in the shortened telomeres - the sections of DNA at the ends of chromosomes that protect them from degradation.

It seems that 120 years is currently the limit of "natural" human life. That is, even if we abandon other causes of death, such as illness, we will still come to the line behind which people die of "old age." However, if we could find some way to solve the problem of cell division, then perhaps we would be able to extend human life - up to infinity.

Based on materials from Stevie Shepard