Compact workplace at home. How to equip a workplace? Digid color gamma

If a person, due to the reasons, is forced to work at home (remotely), he has to face the task of the right job arrangement. Wonderful if you can make the workbook. But usually there are not so many places. To equip the loggia, storage room, dressing room, use a small area in the room is needed correctly and if possible quickly. Consider the subtleties of the workplace arrangement.


IN school years Everyone had to do homework. To do this, we needed a table, a chair. Worked out good posture, smooth, beautiful handwriting. There are no problems with arrangement of the home workplace of schoolchildren. There are special tables for students, boards for washing markers. Own workplace It is more difficult to create, because it depends on the type of work.

On the territory of our own housing, you can make a manicure, pedicure, build eyelashes, sew toys, draw paintings. Also, people working remotely can talk to bank customers, firms, to negotiate, advise, sell. The worldwide Internet network helps. But these are special conditions, although there are negative moments in such work.

With friends, colleagues, more fun. Do not argue with it. There is a chance that you have to say goodbye to them in this situation. It seems that the houses are only troubles and loneliness. From a psychological point of view, it is not in the office, but at home may not be easy. Domes do not understand why someone can refuse vacancies with such conditions. Salary is the main motivation.

Comfortable workplace is easy to create, it is important to decide on this version of work.

The main elements of the interior

For successful alteration of living space, as well as creating an ideal workplace, you need to make a list of furniture, which will be needed during operation. This list must include the most necessary. After that, it is necessary to evaluate the available resources.

It is worth determining whether the furniture that is at its disposal is coming or good to purchase another.

Dimensions, furniture configurations determine which area should be turned into a workplace. If you need to navigate on the available square meters, problems may arise with furniture. It will have to buy, make to order, while it is important to strive to do the minimum amount. Large investments, extra spending completely nothing.

The second list should consist of things that I would like to have at hand. If limited only the most necessary (more than a long time), discomfort will certainly appear. It will be convenient to work at home.


For good work, noise insulation (for example, when working on a video chat, with a telephone). A partition or an additional wall is an urgent need. May be needed. The area of \u200b\u200bthe workplace at home should not be large for this reason. Otherwise, adaptation will turn into an irresistible obstacle, an unattainable target.

It is desirable to highlight as many places as needed (no more, no less). It is important to rationally distribute the space without disturbing the harmony of the situation as a whole.One roll of wallpaper should be enough to create an ideal background. It can be expensive wallpaper or uncomplicated. You can always purchase a small pot of paint, even in a difficult person to find a suitable vacancy for any person.

Suitable carpet, tapestry, painting: They will help the first time to hide the shortcomings of the walls if the area used is small. After receiving the first profit, you can change the situation.

Masives lighting. Sometimes it is required to purchase a desk lamp, scaventen or flooring, change the wiring scheme, if we are talking about a cozy chest, a small workshop, where there are four walls and the door. Partition, Shirma will help change the design inside your own room. If the entire apartment is at the disposal of one person, the workplace is allocated using partitions from the partition only for the sake of aesthetic pleasure so that it is easier to remain neat, disciplined. Zoning will emphasize the importance of work.

Door, lock and key

It is undesirable to ignore households, working at home. Well, if only one partition separates the workplace. Children, spouse (spouse), pets can distract at any time, clarify the necessary information, ask a question. In this case, the communicative function of the family will not be violated. Work in the office of the houses is because I do not like it often (it interferes with the rejoice in the world, close, relatives).

It is worth trying to explain to all that we are talking about work, to express the essence of your duties, goals of tasks, ask not to distract once again, about the stakes to forget until the evening. It is not necessary to hope that after discussion the agreement will be concluded, and its items will not violate. You can assume such options as installation door, creating a completely isolated space.

The working day should remain a working day. Part-time employment, flexible schedule is additional working conditions at home, which sometimes excluded by the employer.

A table box with a lock and a key, shelves with a key-closing doors allow you to store things, access to which you need to limit. It can be needles, knives, important paper. The door closing on a cheek or castle will also help create space for activity without restrictions (quiet work, corresponding movements, emotion expressions).

Consider the subtleties of the furniture arrangement.

How to put furniture?

The area has at its disposal determines how the furniture should be placed. Not only the walls, partitions, screen, but also color of decor, as well as the compactness of the furnishing parts are used to distinguish the space.

Compactness is important: everything should be at hand. In this case, the ergonomics of the workspace will be perfect.

Practical option

If you need to visit the furniture store, you should pay attention to the transformer furniture, especially if possible angle accommodation. It is more maneuverable, compact, practical. A table with an adjustable height, a hidden additional tabletop will be a good option. True, a desire may appear more often to use them for entertainment during guest visit, on holidays. Constantly return it to place once bored.

A more acceptable option will be a table on wheels, as well as a standard model. Sometimes you have to purchase the second and put it around the first one.

A chair that is regulated by the height and position of the back, is a convenient object of arrangement of a home desktop. The tone is necessary during the workflow. It is supported, thanks to the chair with a relatively rigid seat and a similar back. When the muscles of the whole body are slightly tense, it is easier to concentrate, concentrate.

The chair on wheels is easier to move away, for example, opening a box of a writing table. Riding it at the end of the day, you can not worry about the preservation of the floor covering.

If the workplace is equipped in the bedroom, and there is a sofa or bed nearby, it is important to remember that the break is best walking around the room. Move to the sofa - not the most a good idea. It will not give the right rest.


In the office, employees often do not have a large number of shelves. All papers are systematized using folders, folders, archives. Photos, vases with flowers, toys and other pleasant little things now appropriately put nearby to improve mood. To do this, be sure to install the shelves. It can be a whole cabinet for half a wall in height or attached option (half the walls in width).

The configuration must be selected according to the appointment, taking into account personal preferences.

Sometimes you need a locker with sash. In another situation, it will be easier to get things with an open shelf, the doors in this case may be superfluous. The workplace created at home is a large area of \u200b\u200bpersonal space, which is convenient. You can fantasize, dream, invent and embody ideas in life.

It is advisable to draw up the drawing in advance. So the organization of space will be much easier.


The surrounding atmosphere provides the appropriate attitude, produces a certain impression on the employee and customers, the leader. From what color painted walls, shelves, what color furniture, in what style the interior design is settled, mood depends, as well as thoughts.


Workplace at home - often a small area. Therefore, the use of bright color gamut in the interior design is relevant. Due to this, even a person who does not like to be in a closed space will be comfortable. Materials for wall design should be selected taking into account such a factor as the degree of marching. The desired degree of stability of the coating is determined by the risk of damage.

The child's workplace, for example, implies the use of washable wallpaper. It is desirable to prefer them. Handle, felt-tumbler will not damage such a surface, which means there will never be repaired.

The workplace of an adult can also mean the use of a protective coating of this type for walls. It all depends on the functional duties and professional skills. The color dominant in the interior design should be unobtrusive, pleasant, close to neutral. If you like dark tones, it will help to create an optimal space of the contrast method.

Combine color easily. This can be checked in practice: Dark shades can be combined with light. The impression of the workplace does not deteriorate, since some styles imply that the use of dark shades.

Stylistics features

Each style in the interior design appeared in order to cause the desired emotions, decorating the room. Luxury, pathos, shine and tenderness of romanticism, Baroque is a risk, if it comes to the style of the workplace decor. In some cases, the creation of a unique atmosphere at its own discretion is relevant.

Relying on your taste and opinion, you need to choose the decor. Save the framework helps a certain style selected in advance. It sets the tone and working mood.

Details, trifles, touches can be ridiculous, strange. If the shelf has a lamp with a unique lampshade, it is not bad. In the office, it is irrelevant. If you choose a fashionable style and arrange a modern stylish room in it, you can avoid errors. Fashion solutions are universal. This is an excellent opportunity to try something unusual for yourself, new, learn something, expand the horizons, change the stereotype. Changes on the pocket will not hit, because the area is redoned small.

Combining with other rooms

Create a room inside the room is a difficult task. Shirma, partition seems more successful ideas.

Storeroom - all for and against

Almost every apartment has a storage room. It is usually accomplished slightly away from the rooms, isolated. Its doors will help in a matter of minutes. Complete the working day and hide the guests from the eye. The person who works in the home environment will forget after a few minutes about the affairs. These advantages are weighty.

My acquaintances are often delayed at work to go through the lesson in the online school or finish the project on the freelancing. Explain this by the fact that in the office work is more familiar and more convenient.

My article will help them and you organize the fact that Americans call Home Office are a workplace at home to work productively and learn. Especially if you live not alone and in a small apartment.

Highlight a separate place

Exit the sofa and remove the laptop with your knees. Otherwise, in a couple of months, your spin will respond to pain, eyes - fatigue, and even the strongest motivation will turn to procrastination.

Look in the following corners - there will probably have a place for desktop or at least a folding countertops:

  • near the window;
  • on the balcony;
  • in the closet;
  • between cabinets and openings;
  • in niche, in the corner;
  • in a separate zone created by partitions.

"The workplace in one-room apartment must be mobile and multifunctional. Instead of a computer table, you can buy a universal folding, which with the arrival of guests will turn into a dining.

Instead of a traditional personal computer, use a bundle: monitor + laptop. After work, the monitor is easy to remove, and if he has a big diagonal - it will easily replace the TV. And the table will be free for other needs. "

Alena Ramasco, Lyoulist of the company "Lerua Merlen"

"The main error of freelancer is to work in bed or on a soft sofa / chair. Especially if you work with texts. There is always a temptation to merge with pillows and in a lulling atmosphere to hang up in Youtube or go through ten tests like "What a Disney Princess is closer to you in spirit." I came across this trap many times. Now organized a home workplace for the usual writing desk.

Lifehack 1. Constantly work out of the house is tedious, so I made a map of Cofweesopes in walking distance and with stable Wi-Fi.

Lifehak 2. Find places with "happy clock" - for example, in Point 242 coffee discounts up to 10 am, in Dublby - up to 12. It will motivate you to get out of the house early. And start the day with a cup of good coffee - to good. "

Katerina Karslidi, Glavred portals and

Ideal if there is enough space in the selected corner, a lot of light and you can look out the window. So it is better to warm the balcony than to clear the storage room.

"The favorite reception of designers is to make a two-handle from oneness, turning the balcony to the office. Replace double-glazed windows, put a warm floor, warming the walls. Just keep in mind that heating radiators on the balcony are not allowed. "

Margarita Simonenko

Do not sacrifice the form for functionality

Remember: the furniture serves you and your needs, and not you. Invest in a comfortable chair, beautiful table, stylish hinged shelves that fit into the interior. Do not turn the corner into a soulless "cubicle" - not exactly an hour, you will want to escape from home office.

"For a small apartment fits furniture of light shades, dark looks more cumbersome. The glass table looks weightless and visually expands the area. But weigh everything for and against: the glass table is unusual cold, requires a careful relationship and more careful care. "

Margarita Simonenko, Designer-architect of the service of ready-made building solutions "JTER"

"For the desktop I spend most of the day: I work, rest, eat, I turn on the movie at night. Initially, the corner was designed for her husband: there was a place for both the computer, and to work with the papers. Therefore, the keyboard moves out, freeing the space. Other requirements were also to the place: so that it occupied the minimum area was protected from the dog (so the table has a long back wall so that the dog does not climb him under him and did not pull the wires); So that I could accommodate next to my husband. It is so convenient for us to communicate, see memes and TV shows: while one works, the second rests. Everyone is busy with his business, but at the same time together, not in different angles.

On the child, the table was not designed at all. Now we think that the surface could be done longer. Whether we have another workplace, the daughter could calmly sculpt or draw between us. During the gathering in full, we remove the keyboard under the monitor and put the baby on your knees. Previously, the middle of the table accumulated dishes - now children's pencils and toys. And yes, in an unobed open notebook, rock painting instantly appears.

I like the table stand under the monitors - under it I hide the little things: some cosmetics, working notebooks and handles. Previously, the stationery trifles we kept in a bedside table with a drawer, but now it is stuck with scotch: protection against children's hands. "

Anna Maslennikova, FRISNER developer on maternity

Appreciate the vertical

"You can save in the square using a vertical: choose a high bed under the ceiling, and the workplace is organized right under it. This script requires additional lighting, especially if the angle is removed from the window. Install the sconce table or put the flooring on the side.

All that can be hung, post on the wall: Replace the bedside table with the shelves, the plain table is a mounted tabletop, the mountains of the paper - vertical storage systems or signed boxes set on each other. Takenks to take a magnetic board. "

Margarita Simonenko, Designer-architect of the service of ready-made building solutions "JTER"

Hide the table

"The table is the central part of the working area, which requires the most space. The problem is solved if you hide it into a closet or chest. The retractable or folding countertop is even more compact, besides, it is easily removed. The simplest solution is a secrether or bureau.

The windowsill can also be used as the desktop, slightly expanding it. Or make a suspended tabletop that visually facilitates space. "

Margarita Simonenko, Designer-architect of the service of ready-made building solutions "JTER"

Maintain order

Take the technique. If you use the entire arsenal office office equipment, one table will be not enough for you. Consider where the printer will stand, scanner, columns will be enough, whether they are enough sockets and whether it is impossible to replace several different devices with one multifunctional one. Can you do without them without them? For example, to scan documents enough applications on a smartphone (Doc Pro - Book Scanner to PDF, Scanner Pro, etc.). You just take pictures of the document, and the program improves and saves the image.

Manage wires. There are special clips and cable holders, and you can do the usual stationery clamps. Same cables sign.

Organize chaos. Think over where to store stationery and other little things. Put the fact that always should be at hand. Personally, it's easier for me to start if the stylish notepad is lying before my eyes (not necessarily Moleskine). The developer can help concentrate the anti-stress toy, which is pleasant to twist in their hands. The rest is removed in the signed boxes.

"Another apartment in Novosibirsk, the owner works primarily from the house. Alone lives, so the workplace zone is not fenced off. In the afternoon there is enough natural light: it falls out of the window on the left, the apartment is located on the 10th floor. In the evening and at night there is local lighting.

Workplace - built-in table with a Wi-Fi-router hidden. Standard serves as a stand under the printer. Home office organically fit into the interior and does not grind space. "

Divide personal and working

"The brain needs to help focus. If it is difficult to divide the space (as in a one-room apartment), build the conditional boundaries. For example, create two accounts in your own computer. Use one to work for professional activities - block the time of the site sites there, remove the shortcases for games. Other - for "free lifestyle". It will be easier for you to maintain productivity in the working profile, because to switch to procrastination will have to make a conscious action.

Examples of other Lifehakov: Pereobulk in more rigorous shoes or put on a shirt and suit, change the chair to the office, put a timer for a time destined for working tasks. "

Maria Shumikhina, psychotherapist and coach, member of the Board of the International Association of Psychoanalysis of Business and Organizations.


  1. The knees will not replace the table, and the sofa is a chair. Invest in comfortable furniture.
  2. Even in one-room apartment you can find a separate corner for work. As a last resort - to fasten the folding countertop to the wall and bring the folding stool.
  3. All that can be hanging on the wall - hang on the wall.
  4. Support the order at the workplace: Dispose of extra papers, disperse with wires.
  5. Share your personal and workspace.

Bonus Council: Even in an ideal workplace, do not forget to relax!

The modern pace of life is sometimes difficult to be given even the most progressive and hardy of us, so the cabinets and mini-offices in the walls of the native house become a frequent phenomenon. The workplace, equipped in an apartment or house, makes it possible to organize an acceptable schedule and not waste time on the road under the motto "House-Work-Home".

About how to create better conditions For the activities of freelancers at home or organize an office in the city center, let's later tell me, pointing to common errors in the design of the working area.

Errors and ways to eliminate them

  • Invalid landing

First of all, the holding office or workplace at home should not be placed the table in such a way that the window remains behind the back of the sitting person, especially if it is in the room one. Periodically, you will need to look at the view for the glass to remove the stresses from the eye and just distract a little.


A full-fledged writing desk is better to install perpendicular to the window: so you will be provided with a free review of the landscape outside the window, as well as monitoring the entrance to the room to feel comfortable.


  • Enhanced brightness

Quite often, under the home office highlight the area near the window in the kitchen, a living room or a bedroom, placing the table close to the windowsill. We do not have anything against a similar solution, but if you work with a computer, you should not have its monitor parallel to the window. So, the intense daylight and brightness of the on-screen screen will inevitably lead to a sense of gravity and voltage in the eyeball.


If there is no possibility to highlight the other, less illuminated zone for the table with a monitor, simply expand the latter perpendicular to the window. This simple effect will significantly reduce the load for the eyes, besides, you can cover curtains or rolets at daytime.


  • Snow white interior

White color in large quantities in the design of the cabinet is undesirable to use, because it will create the same effect as in the case with the monitor opposite the window. The intensive light surrounding you throughout the day tires, in addition, white has the ability to reflectically reflect other colors and sunlight. That is, if, for example, the sun shines outside the window, then in the white office it will be very difficult to work, and when it rains on the street, the space will seem cold and dull.



Use white color Provided that the cabinet is made in a warm natural palette: wood, herbal, black and brown, terracotta and sandy colors. So, snow-white accents will not harm, but only create a more solemn and lightweight atmosphere.


  • Visual emptiness

Boring walls, dull gamma colors, simple geometric shapes are the Beach of most urban office space. In such conditions, it is quite difficult to work productively, without falling into apathy and despondency.


Remote work today makes it possible to plan your schedule more flexible and make adjustments to the established image of the average cabinet. At home, it is possible to adapt the workstation for personal needs and habits, so you should not ignore a similar privilege. For example, you can decorate the walls with pictures with the image of the landscapes in the natural range of shades (such will help you relax in the break), black and white photos (they do not distract from work and winning the interior). We also recommend using in the design of lamps and decor of unusual shape and texture, pleasant to the touch.

  • Not an ergonomic chair

Bad preferably can develop at a very prosaic reason, for example, due to hard, deep, too low or high seats.


Proper furniture for seating at the desktop is a stool with a back, slightly rejected back. The feet of the sitting man should freely touch the floor, the legs are bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the back is leaning back to the back.

Consider this can not tell you the seller of the furniture store, but exist different types Chairs: In some will be comfortable for men, others will suit for women, due to the differences in the location of the centers of gravity


  • Lack of local lighting

The workplace or table in a separate office cannot do without additional lighting, because it is quite often necessary to work in the evening. So, the light from the monitor will be clearly not enough to consider the characters on the keyboard, or write the desired information in the notebook.


Get to start working duties at twilight time, or succumb to creative gust at dawn is a little easier if the home office is equipped with a desktop lamp or architect lamp.


  • Lack of storage sections

It is difficult to maintain order in the workplace if the table is hidden under the boiled papers, and the boxes with folders, office and other accessories are scattered under the legs. A significant disadvantage in the design of the workplace is the lack of places to accommodate the most necessary things in the work.



If you do not want to clutter the space with cabinets, cabinets and other cargo furniture, - you can attach several shelves along the wall above the table, on the sides of it, and even under the table top. It will help organize a working area, and just make it more accurate.


  • Old furniture

When there is a need to arrange a home workstation, many make one and the same mistake using furniture that has been used and borrowed from the neighbors purchased in the flea market or brought from the urban office. Well, if these are vintage items, in excellent condition made from durable materials. Worse, when the cabinet is formed from ridicular tables and stools, broken boxes and cabinets without pens, in the hope soon to replace the old items new. As a rule, this "soon" does not occur for a long time, and you suffer from our own shortness.


It is necessary to approach the choice of furniture for home office carefully and even if it is not new, then it must be checked for strength and quality, so that later you do not spare about the tools and the time spent in the search for items.

  • Excessive paints

Beautiful cheerful colors are charged with energy and inspire work more diligently and yet, the cabinet does not need to be overstatched by throwing paints. Some of them are too active (yellow, red, fuchsia) and interfere with focus on the main tasks.


If you apply bright combinations correctly, they will not only be damaged, but help restore forces in the working break. So, you should not have bright color spots on the desktop and the wall in front of it: it will be difficult to focus on something else. It is better if the color finds use in the upholstery of the chair on which you are sitting on the rug under your feet, the wall behind your back.

  • Cold floor

Being in a sitting position for a long time we lose flexibility, quickly freeze and tired. These unpleasant sensations can enhance if under their feet tiled coating or other cold to the touch floor material.


It is possible to replace the coating or use the warm floor system you are not ready, but to lay a soft and warm mat, fur bed or mat, still, it will not be superfluous.


Work from the house has many advantages. One of them is an opportunity to work in a setting that delivers aesthetic pleasure and adjusts to the desired way. In this article, we have collected for you advice and ideas on how to create a room in an apartment, awakening your creative starts: about organizing a workplace at home.

1. Creating background

For the design of the cabinet, the neutral colors of the walls are best suitable - beige, gray. Such a choice will allow to supplement the interior with bright accessories, without overloading the overall composition, because we are talking about a room in which nothing should interfere with your concentration.

2. Inspiration for work at home

Create a large surface to which you can fix motivating, inspirational or necessary pictures and leaflets. There are many options for this: Magnetic Wallpaper; paint, creating a surface of a chalk board; textile wall covering; Cork layer on the wall. Materials placed on this surface will serve "combustible" for your creative thinking.

3. Proper lighting

Lighting can change the atmosphere of any room. Make sure your workplace is well lit. First, it has to actively work, and secondly, it is better for the eyes. To do this, you can use both the usual desktop lamp and stylish lED ribbons and lamps.

4. "Revival" of the workplace

Art objects (including photos) will help you create a workspace in which you will be comfortable. By the way, art should not be expensive. While it gives you pleasure and makes you happy, it performs its function.

5. Storage space

Pick up the furniture so that in your office there was a place for all things and trifles, because chaos can distract from the case and interrupt the creative course of thought. If you live in Ukraine, then buy inexpensive furniture in Kiev in the Furniture Salon Expertmebel.

6. Personalization of the workplace

Pass your own individuality to your workplace, at least plausing your press papier on the table, indoor plant or your favorite mug. And the photos of happy moments from your life will always be a smile.

Writing table often have at the window

Desktop located in the corner of the living room

Corner writing tables create more workspace

Cretaceous and Magnetic Boards - Practical Idea for Cabinet

Diary right on the wall

Wall clearance with books

Industrial workplace

Wooden boxes as shelves

LED ribbons installed under mounted cabinets

Digid color gamma