Chat Aliexpress in Russian. How to write to Aliexpress Support in Russian? Methods of communication with Aliexpress support: Online chat, email, hotline. How to contact various delivery services AlExpress

The aliexpress trading platform, with all the simplicity of use (search and, purchase, etc.), a rather complex system that has many nuances and features. Many users sooner or later have questions about the work of the system, and in this case it is important to know how to contact the Aliexpress administration.

Contact Aliexpress

Special service has been created in the system to interact with buyers. It is called - online support Aliexpress. It is through it that communication between the administration and users is communicated. The principle of service of service implies the possibility of writing a message (letters), and receiving an answer to the shortest possible period of time. Online support is adapted for Russian-speaking users.

In Russian, you can write messages from 7 am and up to 1 o'clock at night Moscow time. That is, each buyer gets the possibility of daily eighteen-hour access without restrictions. In the period from 1 pm and up to 7 in the morning, applications are processed only on english language. For people who do not speak English, it is recommended to transfer with special services online translation In Yandex and Google.

Aliexpress Support Service on Computer

To contact the Aliexpress administration with a personal computer or laptop, you need to consistently perform the following actions:

Aliexpress Support Service in Appendix

For ease of use of the system, Aliexpress functions. It also provides for the possibility of interaction with the administration.

To send a message to support you need:

  1. Log in to Aliexpress Mobile application.
  2. In the bottom panel of the functions to find the "..." button (with three dots), which is accompanied by the inscription "Other".
  3. By clicking on it, a list of possible solutions will open. You need to select the field - "Support Service".
  4. After selecting support, a list of possible problems grouped into groups will be proposed.
  5. You need to choose the most suitable option for your case.
  6. A list of questions will be displayed in the selected group. It needs to choose your own option.
  7. If the list is not your option, you need to click on any question.
  8. Next, scroll through the open tab to the "Start Talk" button.
  9. If the red button, then you can start communicating with support. If the Grate button is the support service at this time is not active.

millions of goods are sold, and not always users are satisfied with the quality of service and they need help in solving conflict situations. If there are problems with the goods, then, of course, you need to open a dispute. But if you have questions about the work of the site, then you need to contact the support service. How to do it correctly and tell us in our article.

When is it to communicate to Aliexpress support?

There is a specific list of situations where appeal to support service Aliexpressit will be appropriate:

  • While paying the goods, an error or payment does not pass at all
  • The buyer did not come the goods, but he can't return money for him
  • The buyer received a product, but it does not correspond to the stated characteristics.
  • The buyer opened the dispute on the goods and wants to return money, but he had problems with it
  • The seller violated the right of the buyer
  • Technique that was sold with the guarantee broke, but the seller refuses to repair it
  • The dispute is in the stage of exacerbation and is not considered for a long time.
  • The user has complaints of the seller or administration
  • Buyer suspected the seller in fraudulent actions

And this is not a complete list of reasons for which it is worth contacting the support service. Aliexpress. They are much larger. And you only told about the main ones. In addition, the buyer can access the mediator at any time, that is, before, during or after placing the order. However, it is worth knowing how and what time it is done.

Methods of communication with Aliexpress support

Aliexpressworks for different languagesbut in Russia English are relevant and, of course, Russian. Contact consultants in several ways:
  • Read section S. common issueswhich contains the main part of the questions that users often ask
  • Contact email letter
  • Use the help of the robot Eva
  • Contact online chat and get instant help

As a rule, support service consultants are able to solve any questions. Although in some cases regarding payment you can send to the support service of Alipei.

Aliexpress Support Chat in Russian

Support service chat works around the clock, but if you need help in Russian, you can contact it from 7 am to 1 hour in Moscow. Accordingly, when the Russian-speaking chat does not work, you can contact the English version.

As a rule, operators respond quickly. But it is best to ask your questions in the morning. As a rule, at this time the load is the smallest and you will get all the necessary information much faster.

  • On the home page Aliexpressclick up "Help" And then select.

  • You will highlight a page with frequently asked questions on the work site. Try here to find an answer to your question. If this is not, then press the button.

  • Here you need to choose the reason for the appeal and click the button. "Now say".
  • Describe your situation as you can search for more details and send the message to the operator.
  • As soon as one of them is free, he will consider your question and give him an answer.
  • When you finish to communicate with the site representative Aliexpress, I will appreciate its work on the proposed scale.

How to contact an Aliexpress to contact online chat in English?

  • If you want to contact the support chat Aliexpressin English, for starters, switch to the appropriate version of the site. So first to right at the top select "GO TO GLOBAL SITE (ENGLISH)".
  • Further in the same place where in Russian select "HELP" and press "Customer Support".

  • Now you need to find a button. "Start Chatting". It is not in all sections, so just watch them in order until the button is displayed,
  • Remember that in this case you will have to communicate in English. To do this, you can use any online translator, for example, Yandex.

Help the robot Eva on Aliexpress

How to write an aliexpress email?

Another effective way to communicate with the support service is email. But here the answer will have to wait a little longer than when contacting online chat. At the same time, a separate e-mailbox is assigned to each group:

You need to write e-mail in English. At the same time, first of all operators decide questions arising in the online chat, and therefore the answer will have to wait.

How to call Aliexpress support?

Aliexpressit does not have its own hotline. Therefore, in Russia it is impossible to contact it. At the same time, you can always call the Alibaba concern, which represents Aliexpress . In addition, since there is no call center in Russia, the call will be international (expensive) and communicate in English.

Video: Aliexpress support service | In Russian | Where and how to write / personal experience

Often, Aliexpress buyers have such problems that the solution of which is without circulation customer Support Simply impossible. If the question with a poor-quality product can be resolved directly with the seller, with help, then problems with the account or payment, you will have to be solved through technical support.

If you are new to Aliexpress, then you may have some problems, starting with the search for the cherished button "Support Service" and ending with attempts to get to the "live" consultant who understands a little in Russian.

How to write to Aliexpress support?

To begin with, we will understand how to go to the page of those. Support.

Either, to find at the top of the Aliexpress website (it does not matter on the main one or on the product page) tab "Help", and in it the item "Customers". Previously, in this menu there was a separate link "Support Service", leading directly to the support page and the reference "Guide to Buyers" leading on a kind of FAQ on Ali. Now everyone has merged. It looks like this:

After clicking on the link, you will be taken to the support page. At the same time, you will be offered first to look for a solution to your problem among typical answers. In principle, if you are a novice, I advise you to read the information provided here.

But in order to chat with someone from consultants, you will have to scroll through the page just below and click on the "Online Chat" button.

Video on the topic:

New technical support aliexpress

Video Overview of Aliexpress Support Overview

In general, choose from the drop-down listings the options that fit us most and press the "Online Chat" button again.

And here we are on the online chat page. At first, we are encountered by the robot Eva, who again offers us a few most frequent options, to then give us the same typical answer.

Now a little about the nuances of communication with the staff of the support service of Aliexpress.

1 Works Russian-speaking support from 7:00 to 1:00 Moscow time. Eva plows around the clock, but nothing intelligible from her will not achieve it.

2 Despite the Russian names of employees and a competent greeting in Russian, on the other side of the monitor often sit all the same Chinese armed with a translator armed. Who tried to find out the details of his problem from these Valentin and Alexandrov, he knows what I mean.

So be patient and be prepared for what you have to ask for several times the same thing. By the way, try not to allow grammatical errors, because the translator does not recognize the words with errors. Accordingly, a kind Chinese, who is trying to help you with all their forces, will not be able to understand what you want from him.

The experienced buyers Aliexpress say that with English-speaking technical support, Aliexpress is better. So if you do not speak English badly, you can try happiness there. To do this, you need to repeat all the same actions, only in the English version of the site.

Tmall support service

Since Tmall is positioned as a completely separate section Aliexpress, a kind of store in the store, then the customer support service is here.

In order to chat with the consultant, you do not need to jump from the page to the page, back in the menu and choosing questions options.

On the whole page of the Tmall section, the upper right corner is the link "Online chat".

After clicking on this link, you will really immediately get to the online chat page with technical support staff. True, already in the chat, all the same Eva, will again offer you a couple of typical issues of questions. But to communicate with a living person, you will have to either write your question in the chat, or click on the link at the bottom of the screen "Go to contact the online operator."

TMALL support service is running from 9:00 to 21:00.

There were no problems with the Russian language in local staff, so solve their problems here easier. However, it often happens here, so it is possible to wait for some time before the operator answers you.

Technical support in mobile application

Consciously with the Aliexpress Support Service can also be through a mobile application.

To do this, in the drop-down application menu, you need to choose the lowest link, which is called "Support Service".

Site Aliexpress- complex system. And in the process of shopping there are many questions. If questions relate to the selection of goods, sending parcels, track numbers or claims to the product - then you first should be consulted to the seller. In other cases that relate to the site itself and financial issues, the support service will help you, which works around the clock and can be able to answer any of your questions. In this article we share tips that will allow you to solve your problem faster.

Chat support buyers.

In what cases contact customer support chat?

Any technical questions and errors on the site:

  • - Do not open a dispute
  • - Do not work buttons
  • - Property orders
  • - Questions on the functionality of the site
  • - Complaints on sellers and mediators
  • - long is not considered an aggravate dispute
  • - all kinds of requests for help
  • - Suspusage of seller fraud

That is, in the customer support chat you will be helped to solve all questions other than financial. If you have any difficulties with monetary mutual settlements, then, with a huge probability, you will be redirected to the support service of Alipei.

Working hours.

Chat Support Chat Aliexpress works daily and around the clock.

In Russian from 7.00 to 01.00

In English from 01.00 to 07.00

On average, the expectation of the operator's response lasts 10-15 minutes. In the morning, it is usually loading less and you will leave less time to wait.

Where to find chat support?

Features when communicating.

Basically, technical support although it is carried out in Russian, but judging by the answers, the operators are not carriers of the Russian language. What creates great difficulties in understanding issues by operators and accuracy of responses. Therefore, so that the operator understands your question and you have received an intelligible answer, you have to be patient and ask the same question with different formulations several times. To make an employee of technical support, which is used by the translator, was able to understand what you are talking about.

Asking a question, write as much as possible simple sentences. Avoid complex speech revolutions and allegory. Check the text on grammatical errors, because of which the translator cannot translate your phrase.

Prepare the order number for which you have a question or immediately write it in the question. Make the screenshots in advance on which the problem is visible. Since thanks to the visual explanation, the operator will easier to see and identify your problem. It will help you save time.

Alipay Support Service

In what cases please contact Alipei?

All financial issues are solved on the side of the Aliperey payment system. And you need to contact them if:

  • - Do not pay the order
  • - did not pass
  • - Long processing of payment
  • - did not return money
  • - There have been other financial issues

The operating time of the technical support of Alipei.

The technical support of Alipei works daily and around the clock. That is, you can ask you at any time convenient for you. The smallest loading of operators is observed in the night and morning. Therefore, if you do not want to wait for a response for a long time, then it is better to handle at night and in the morning.

Where to find chat support?

Features when communicating.

Most Employee Support Employees communicate in English. If you are free to talk, you can continue to decide the question with the operator who answered you. If you have with english problemYou can ask you to switch you to the operator who owns the Russian language. You can write the following phrase:

"Sorry, My English Is Not Very Good. Please, Could You Switch Our Conversation to An Operator, Who Speaks Russian. »

In order for issues to be rapidly more quickly, you need to pre-log in to the Alipei system. You may need the order number, screenshots or photos of statements from the payment system, payment time and payment code. Prepare information about the payment in advance. It will help save time.

Additionally, all support services contacts can be found at this link:

Have a question?Write it in the comments or consult a chat

Aliexpress support service - This is a special division that is responsible for buyers' questions and help in designing orders.

You will be taken to the section where the answers will be described to the most frequently asked customer issues. If among all the answers you could not find the necessary information, you can open "online chat" to talk with the support agent. In order to contact Aliexpress Support, you must be on one of the pages of the assistance section. Run down the page where the chat time will be specified and the button to be clicked to start the conversation.

Next, you must clarify the type and category of your question so that the system redirect you to the agent that will be competent to help solve the problem. The Aliexpress Support Service in Russian is available for all buyers who enjoy the Russian-speaking version of the trading platform site.

After selecting the type, category and question itself, click on the "Online Chat" button, after which the page will open, where you can talk with the Aliexpress support agent in Russian.

Aliexpress Support Service in Mobile Application

To contact Aliexpress Support in your mobile application, you need to open the custom menu and go down. Click on the "Support Service" item to go to the help section.

You can try to find the answer among the most frequently asked questions, but if the information provided it turned out not enough, then go down the page and click on the "Online Chat" button.

You will fall on the page where you need to specify the category and the question itself, and then click on the "Online Chat" button again. Chat will open, where you can ask a question to the Aliexpress support service agent and will answer you in Russian.

To simplify communication process with a mobile application department, we have prepared a special video instruction.

Note that the Aliexpress support service has no phone numbers that can be called from Russia, Ukraine and other countries. All questions that have arisen and problems are solved with the employee of the support team in the form of correspondence in the online chat.