Why does the sun shine? How does it "work" and how does it affect our planet? Description of the catastrophe that led to the change of the old and new worlds and the emergence of modern humanity, in the legends of different peoples: the appearance of the Moon and the Sun. Earth in fire and darkness - Earth before

The sun is our everything! It's light, it's warmth and much more. Without the Sun, life would not exist on Earth. Therefore, I really want to dedicate this material to our luminary.

The Sun is the only star located in the center of our solar system and the Earth's climate and weather conditions depend on it.

By galactic standards, our star is hardly visible, even in the nearest space. The sun is just one of the medium size and mass stars, among the 100 billion stars found in our galaxy alone, the Milky Way.

Our star is made up of 70% hydrogen and 28% helium. The remaining 2% is occupied by particles emitted into space and new elements synthesized by the luminary itself.

The hot gases that formed the Sun - mostly hydrogen and helium - exist in an incredibly hot, electrified state called plasma.

The power of the Sun's energy is about 386 billion megawatts and is produced in the process of fusion of hydrogen nuclei, which is commonly called thermonuclear fusion.

In the distant, distant past, the Sun shone weaker than now. Continuous observations of the radiation maxima over several decades have allowed scientists to conclude that the increase in the luminosity of the Sun continues in our time. So, in just the last few cycles, the total luminosity of the Sun has increased by about 0.1%. These changes have a huge impact on our lives.

In addition to thermal energy and light visible to us, the Sun emits a giant stream of charged particles into space, called the solar wind. It moves through the solar system at a speed of about 450 kilometers per second.

Age of the Sun According to scientists, it is about 4.6 billion years. This gives a high probability to assume that it will continue to exist in its current form for another 5 billion years. Eventually, the Sun will swallow the Earth. When all the hydrogen is burned out, the Sun will survive for about 130 million years, burning helium. During this period, it will expand to such an extent that it will engulf Mercury, Venus and the Earth. At this stage, it can be called a red giant.

Sunlight takes approximately 8 minutes to reach the Earth's surface. With an average distance of 150 million kilometers from Earth and light traveling at 300,000 kilometers per second, simply dividing one number by another (distance by speed) gives us an approximate time of 500 seconds, or 8 minutes and 20 seconds. Particles that reach the Earth during those few minutes take millions of years to travel from the Sun's core to its surface.

The sun moves in its orbit at a speed of 220 kilometers per second. The Sun is located almost on the outskirts of the Milky Way, 24000-26000 light-years from the center of the galaxy, and therefore it takes 225-250 million years to make one complete orbit around the center of the Milky Way.

The distance from the Sun to the Earth varies throughout the year. Since the Earth moves in an elliptical orbit around the Sun, the distance between these celestial bodies varies from 147 to 152 million kilometers. The average distance between the Earth and the Sun is called the astronomical unit (AU).

The pressure at the core of the Sun is 340 billion times greater than atmospheric pressure at the Earth's surface.

The diameter of the Sun is equivalent to 109 diameters of the Earth.

The surface area of ​​the Sun is equivalent to 11990 Earth's surfaces.

If the Sun were the size of a soccer ball, Jupiter would be the size of a golf ball, and the Earth would be the size of a pea.

The force of gravity on the surface of the Sun is 28 times greater than on Earth. Therefore, a person who weighs 60 kg on Earth will weigh 1680 kg on the Sun. Simply put, we will be crushed by our own weight.

Light from the Sun reaches the surface of Pluto in 5.5 hours.

The nearest neighbor of the Sun is the star Proxima Centauri. It is located at a distance of 4.3 light years.

Approximately a trillion solar neutrinos are passing through your body as you read this sentence.

The brightness of the Sun is equivalent to the brightness of 4 trillion trillion 100 watt light bulbs.

A postage stamp-sized area of ​​the Sun's surface shines like 1.5 million candles.

The amount of energy reaching the surface of our planet is 6,000 times the energy requirement of people around the world.

The Earth receives 94 billion megawatts of energy from the Sun. This is 40,000 times the annual requirement of the United States.

The total amount of fossil fuels on planet Earth is equivalent to 30 solar days.

A total solar eclipse lasts a maximum of 7 minutes and 40 seconds.

There are about 4-5 solar eclipses per year.

Physical characteristics of the Sun

The beautiful symmetry of a total solar eclipse is because the Sun is 400 times larger than the Moon, but also 400 times farther from the Earth, making these 2 bodies the same size across the sky.

The full volume of the Sun can accommodate 1.3 million Earth-sized planets.

99.86% of the entire mass of the solar system is concentrated in the Sun. The mass of the Sun is 1,989,100,000,000,000,000,000 billion kg, or 333,060 more than the mass of the Earth.

The temperature inside the Sun can reach 15 million degrees Celsius. At the core of the Sun, energy is generated by nuclear fusion, as hydrogen is converted into helium. Since hot objects tend to expand, the Sun would explode like a giant bomb if it weren't for its huge gravitational force. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is closer to 5600 degrees Celsius.

The Earth's core is almost as hot as the surface of the Sun, at around 5600 degrees Celsius. Colder are certain areas called sunspots (3,800°C).

Different parts of the Sun rotate at different speeds. Unlike ordinary planets, the Sun is a large ball of incredibly hot hydrogen gas. Due to its mobility, different parts of the Sun rotate at different speeds. To see how quickly the surface rotates, it is necessary to observe the movement of sunspots relative to its surface. Sunspots at the equator take 25 Earth days to complete one revolution, while sunspots at the poles take 36 days to rotate.

The outer atmosphere of the Sun is hotter than its surface. The surface of the Sun reaches a temperature of 6000 degrees Kelvin. But this is actually much less than the Sun's atmosphere. Above the surface of the Sun is a region of the atmosphere called the chromosphere, where temperatures can reach 100,000 Kelvin. But that doesn't mean anything. There's an even more distant region called the crown, which extends to a volume even larger than the Sun itself. The temperature in the corona can reach 1 million Kelvin.

Inside the Sun, where thermonuclear reactions take place, the temperature reaches an unimaginable 15 million degrees.

The sun is a nearly perfect sphere with only 10 km difference in diameter between the poles and the equator. The average radius of the Sun is 695,508 km (109.2 x Earth's radius).

According to the type of magnitude, it belongs to a yellow dwarf (G2V).

The diameter of the Sun is 1,392,684 kilometers.

The sun has a very strong magnetic field. Solar flares occur when energy flows of charged particles are released by the Sun during magnetic storms that we see as sunspots. In sunspots, the magnetic lines are twisted and they spin, just like a tornado on Earth.

Does water exist on the sun? A rather strange question ... After all, we know that there is a lot of hydrogen on the Sun, the main element of water, but in order to have water, one also needs such chemical element like oxygen. Not so long ago, an international team of scientists discovered that the Sun is water (specifically, water vapor).

sun in history

Ancient cultures erected stone monuments or modified rocks to mark the movements of the sun and moon, the changing seasons, created calendars, and calculated eclipses.

Despite the correct thinking of some ancient Greek thinkers, many believed that the Sun revolved around the Earth, starting with the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy who introduced the "geocentric" model in 150 BC.

Only, in 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus described a heliocentric, sun-oriented model of the solar system, and in 1610, Galileo Galilei's discovery of the moons of Jupiter showed that not all celestial bodies revolve around the Earth.

Solar research

In 1990, NASA and the European Space Agency launched the Ulysses probe to take the first images of the sun's polar regions. In 2004, NASA's Genesis spacecraft collected solar wind samples back to Earth for analysis.

The most famous spacecraft (launched in December 1995) that observes the Sun is the SOHO Solar and Heliospheric Observatory, built by NASA and ESA, and continuously monitors the luminary sending countless photographs to Earth. It was created to study the solar wind, as well as the outer layers of the Sun and its internal structure. It depicted the structure of sunspots below the surface, measured solar wind acceleration, detected coronal waves and solar tornadoes, detected more than 1,000 comets, and allowed for more accurate space weather forecasting.

A more recent NASA mission is the STEREO spacecraft. These are two spacecraft launched in October 2006. They were designed to view activity on the Sun simultaneously from two different vantage points to recreate a three-dimensional perspective of the Sun's activity, which allows astronomers to better predict space weather.

The sun vibrates due to a set of acoustic waves, like a bell. If our eyesight were sharp enough, we could see the vibrations propagate along the surface of its disk in intricate patterns. Astronomers from Stanford University have carefully studied the movements on the surface of the Sun. solar sound waves, as a rule, have a very low oscillation frequency, which cannot be detected by the human ear. In order to be able to hear, the scientists have amplified them 42,000 times and pressed for a few seconds the waves measured over a period of 40 days.

Alexander Kosovichev, a research team leader and member of the Stanford Solar Oscillation Team, has found a simple way to convert data from equipment that measures the vertical movement of the Sun's surface into sound. Stephen Taylor, professor of music at the University of Illinois, composed the music for this video with sounds.

The team used a new method to calculate the spectrum of water at sunspot temperatures. In their research since 1995, the team has recorded the presence of water - certainly not in liquid form, but in a vapor state - in the dark regions of sunspots. Scientists compared the infrared spectrum of hot water with sunspots.

Water in sunspots causes something like a "stellar greenhouse effect" and influences the release of energy from sunspots. Hot water molecules also absorb infrared radiation most strongly in the atmosphere of cold stars.

Sunspots and flares

Since 1610, Galileo Galilei was the first in Europe to observe the Sun with his telescope, thereby laying the foundation for regular studies of sunspots and the solar cycle, which have been going on for over four centuries. After 140 years in 1749, one of the oldest observatories in Europe, located in the Swiss city of Zurich, began to make daily observations of sunspots, at first simply counting and sketching them, and later began to take photographs of the Sun. Currently, many solar stations continuously observe and record all changes on the surface of the Sun.

The most famous period of change of the Sun is the eleven-year solar cycle, during which the luminary passes through a minimum and maximum of its activity.

The solar cycle is most often determined by the number of sunspots on the photosphere, which is characterized by a special index - the Wolf number. This index is calculated as follows. First, the number of sunspot groups is counted, then this number is multiplied by 10 and the number of individual sunspots is added to it. A factor of 10 roughly corresponds to the average number of spots in one group; in this way, it is possible to estimate the number of sunspots with sufficient accuracy even in those cases where poor observational conditions do not allow a direct calculation of all small spots. Below are the results of such calculations for a huge period of time, starting from 1749. They clearly show that the number of sunspots changes periodically, forming a cycle of solar activity with a period of about 11 years.

Currently, there are at least 2 organizations that, independently of each other, conduct continuous observations of the solar cycle and count the number of sunspots. The first is the Sunspot Index Data Center in Belgium, where the so-called International Sunspot Number is determined. It is this number (and its standard deviation DEV) that is shown in the table already cited above. In addition, sunspot counts are maintained by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The number of sunspots defined here is called the NOAA sunspot number.

The earliest observations of sunspots at the end of the 17th century, that is, at the dawn of the era of their systematic research, showed that the Sun at that time was passing through a period of extremely low activity. This period, called the Maunder minimum, lasted almost a century, from 1645 to 1715. Although the observations of those times were not carried out as carefully and systematically as modern ones, nevertheless, the passage of the solar cycle through a very deep minimum is considered by the scientific world to be reliably established. The period of extremely low activity of the Sun corresponds to a special climatic period in the history of the Earth, which was called the "Little Ice Age".

Everything that happens on the Sun greatly affects our planet and people, but there are two explosive solar events that affect us the most. One of them is solar flares, where through a small area on the surface of the Sun suddenly breaks into tens of millions of degrees of radiation waves that can disable telecommunications and satellites. Another type of phenomena is coronal mass ejection, where billions of tons of charged energy particles are separated from the solar corona at a speed of millions of kilometers per hour. When these massive clouds enter Earth's protective magnetosphere, they compress lines of force magnetic field and unleash millions of trillions of watts of power into the upper atmosphere. This leads to overloads on power lines, resulting in outage and damage to all sensitive equipment and all located objects in orbit around the Earth.

Often these two phenomena occur together, as happened in October 2003. Thanks to modern measuring instruments, such an event can be detected on early stage and enables the necessary action to be taken.

Analysis of the SOHO and Yohkoh data showed that giant X-ray loops in the hot solar corona provide important magnetic links between sunspots and the Sun's magnetic poles. These giant loops are about 500,000 miles long and filled with 3.5 million F of hot, electrified gas. They appear in the growth phase of the 11-year sunspot cycle and are associated with the release of energy from sunspots, which occurs every 1-1.5 years and causes a cyclic reversal of the Sun's magnetic poles. It is assumed that these compounds play important role in the "solar dynamo" - the process that produces the Sun's strong magnetic fields and is the source of sunspots, solar flares and mass ejections affecting the Earth.

The sunspot activity increases from a minimum to a maximum for about 11 years. Those. after 22 years, a new cycle begins. During this time, the entire magnetic field of the Sun changes - the north pole becomes south and vice versa; then swap again in the next cycle.

The sun's surface is covered in bubbles the size of Texas. Granules - parts of plasma with short time the life of the heat carried by convection to the surface, like water bubbles in a boiling water surface. The rise and fall of the bubbles produces sound waves that cause sounds to be emitted every 5 minutes.

The most powerful in the entire history of observations was the geomagnetic storm of 1859 - A complex of events that includes both geomagnetic storm, and the powerful active phenomena on the Sun that caused it, are sometimes called the "Carrington Event", which in the literature was called the "Solar Superstorm".

The most powerful magnetic storm was observed by mankind in August 1972. It was fast, intense and large, but the most important thing that turned it into a historical phenomenon was the polarization of its magnetic field - opposite the Earth. When its magnetic field hits the Earth's magnetic field, the two fields combine and head into the upper atmosphere in a huge stream. Electrical equipment, telegraph, telecommunications were put out of action in a significant part of Europe and America.

The proton storm was the strongest in 1989. It was especially saturated with high-acceleration protons covered in 100 million electron volts of energy. Such protons can penetrate an 11 cm hole in water.

Other Sun Facts

Only 55% of all American adults know that the Sun is a star.

Exercising in the sun increases energy and calorie expenditure.

According to the proverb, those born at dawn will be smart, but those born at sunset will be lazy.

Heliotherapy is one of the oldest and most affordable methods of treating human ailments. No wonder it is said that where the sun comes, diseases go away.

According to research, the sun's rays act on specific receptors in the human retina that send a signal to the brain to produce more serotonin. And, as we all know, it is the hormone of happiness.

Just 15 minutes of daily exposure to the sun is enough to make the body work out required amount vitamin E, which is vital for our body.

Skin pigmentation protects the deeper layers of the body from exposure to ultraviolet rays.

The color of the sky depends primarily on layers of air pollution, like smoke or dust. The normal color of the sky is blue due to the refraction of sunlight by atmospheric hydrogen.

Red sunsets are caused by heavy pollution in the atmosphere. When sunlight passes through the atmosphere the rays of shorter wavelengths retain and absorb only rays with longer wavelengths that pass through the atmosphere, which are red, orange and yellow rays. Large amounts of dust and dirt and even stop the yellow light, and only the red cross.

Red skies are seen especially well during volcanic eruptions.

(and ).
I have already touched on this issue in the books “ Battles of the Ancient Gods”, “” and articles posted on the websites “Traditions and hypotheses about the moon rabbit, churning the ocean, promotion vault of heaven, the origin of the Moon and the connection of the Moon with death and immortality - a description of the catastrophes at the turn of the Third and Fourth and Fourth and Fifth world epochs, the acquisition by the Earth modern look and the emergence of modern man - Homo Sapiens", "The boundary of the early and middle Miocene - the separation of the Moon from the Earth. Acquisition by our planet of a modern form "and others. They contain quite a lot of myths and legends about the events that took place in that terrible period of the history of the Earth and their systematization is carried out. In this work, I set myself the goal of summarizing the results of my previous research in this direction and supplementing them with legends from the Sumerian, Greek, Scandinavian, Germanic and other mythologies.

The appearance of the moon and the legend of the moon rabbit

One of the most striking and memorable events of that disaster was appearance of the moon in the sky(and ). Before that, according to the legends of most of the peoples living on Earth, there was no moon.
The appearance of the Moon is reflected in the Indian legend about the churning of the ocean (i), the Sumerian myth "On the Mountain of Heaven" - in the episode of the birth of Ninlil in the depths of the Earth of the moon god Nannu, who was destined to rise to heaven to illuminate the Earth and show mortals the change of times. The appearance of the moon is also reflected in the Egyptian myth about the abdication of Ra from the throne in favor of Thoth, according to which they began to replace each other on the throne and day began to alternate with night, and the moon appeared in the sky. The appearance of the Moon is also described in the Akkadian and Babylonian poem "When Above" - ​​in an episode about the creation of the Moon by Marduk: "Then he created the moon, entrusting the night to her. He gave the Moon a crown to measure time with its horns-teeth. The day Marduk gave to Shamash... ".
The appearance of the Moon in the sky is characterized in the legends of almost all other peoples living on Earth - I have repeatedly touched on this issue in my books and placed a number of myths on this topic in the work "Worldwide coverage of legends about the separation of the Moon from the Earth".

According to the Indian legend about the churning of the ocean, set out in various versions in the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas, the Moon appeared from the water (ocean). The Australian legend "How the Moon Came to Heaven" also says that the Moon appeared from the water. In the Sumerian myth of the Mountain of Heaven, it is stated that the Moon "came out" from the bowels of the Earth.
The first time after appearing in the night sky, the moon was almost as bright as the sun. Frightened by this, the gods threw a rabbit at her (option, the Sun doused the Moon with ash, dirt, etc.) and thereby half extinguished its brightness.
The legend about moon rabbit(in one form or another) can be found in many peoples living on different continents. All of them have common features (described according to the work “Traditions and hypotheses about the moon rabbit, the churning of the ocean, the unwinding of the firmament, the origin of the moon and the connection of the moon with death and immortality - a description of the catastrophes at the turn of the Third and Fourth and Fourth and Fifth world eras, the acquisition by the Earth modern appearance and the emergence of modern man - Homo Sapiens ":

- before the rabbit was thrown by the gods on the moon or climbed there by itself (var., along with people),the moon was bright and hot as the sun.According to the legends of the Aztecs, at first she made chaotic movements across the sky, rising and setting beyond the horizon from different sides. According to the legends of the Chinese Yao tribe, the moon was also octagonal;
- before being thrown to the moon, the rabbit threw himself into a fire or stove (roasted himself), was revived by the gods and received the gift of immortality on the moon. This motif repeats the well-known plot of the Florentine Aztec Codex about the appearance of the sun and moon in the sky at the turn of the Fourth and Fifth World Ages. The role of the rabbit in these codices is played by Tekusitztecatl (Nahui-Tekpatl);
- the rabbit was eaten by the Moon, introduced into it by the Sun, or was thrown onto the Moon by the gods, after which the Moon began to move;
- the rabbit warned people about the flood and was carried away in a box to the moon (the flood was all the way to the moon);
- the snake pursued the rabbit, and he took refuge on the moon. From time to time the snake tries to swallow the moon or swallows it;
- a rabbit (var., his mistress) prepares a drink of immortality on the Moon to give water to the children of the Earth.
In some legends, it is noted that the rabbit was the sister of the Moon, all the hares on Earth became pregnant from it (the Moon itself was the lover of all earthly women), and after the appearance of the rabbit on the Moon, women began menstrual cycles.
The legend of the South American Algonquin Indians says that after the flood (from which the rabbit escaped on a raft loaded with animals), he created trees and other plants and
people from dead animals.
The legend of the Pono tribe from California also claims that before there was
big and hot moonand the gods threw a rabbit at her,the sun scorched the earth, then it rained heavily and after that the world was plunged into darkness(the sun was allowed to come to earth in the form bat). In general, the plot about the accompanying appearance of the mooncatastrophe, after which the whole earth was strewn with corpses, andthe surviving people turned into monkeys or fish, meets regularly.
In one Aztec tradition, there is an indication that after the rabbit was thrown into the moon,
the sky turned blue. Before that it was white.More often it is said that after the catastrophe, during which the moon appeared in the sky, people began to eat meat food. They used to be vegetarians.
The information contained in some legends of the Aztecs that the vegetation managed to revive before the flood, and the rabbit did a good job during its revival, is somewhat knocked out “out of the common rut”. It also seems a little strange to say that before the Flood, agricultural implements worked on their own, without the participation of people.

The appearance of the sun over North and South America

According to Maya, Nahua and Aztec legends, the appearance of the moon in the sky occurred at the turn of the Fourth and Fifth World Epochs (Third and Fourth Mayan Worlds) and was not the only culminating event of that time. A little before the moon in the sky the sun came out, which before that also did not exist on the territory of both Americas, and the Earth was plunged into darkness. The ancestors of the Indians lived in the underground settlement of Tulan-Chimostok, located "there in the east."

“It was cloudy and gloomy then on the surface of the Earth. The sun didn't exist yet...
Heaven and earth, it is true, existed, but the faces of the Sun and Moon were still completely invisible...
The face of the Sun has not yet appeared, and the face of the Moon also; there were no stars yet, and the dawn had not yet broken.
("Popol Vuh")
Soon one of the gods exclaimed: “Look! Look! Everyone turned their heads to the east, where the god was pointing. The sky was red as flames, and the sun shone brightly in the light of its golden rays. No one could look at it, it was so bright and hot. Its rays penetrated everywhere. The earth became light and warm.
But as the sun made its way, much to the surprise of the gods, a second sun rose. It was Tecucistecatl
, who threw himself into the fire after Nanahuatzin (the god who became the Sun - Tonatiu - A.K.).This second sun no longer shone as brightly as the first, but still gave a lot of light. There was no more night on earth
In one of the variants of the Slavic legend of the Svarogov cycle about the battle of the Svarozhichi - supporters of the divine order led by Svarog and the Svarozhichi - opponents of the divine order led by Dennitsa, there is also a hint of the appearance of the sun or, rather, even some new luminary, because earlier, according to this According to legend, there was no night on Earth. After the defeat of Dennitsa's followers
Svarog ordered him to become the luminary of the day until the end of time, in order to illuminate the new world- Earth. Therefore, they began to call him Dazhdbog, for he gave warmth, grass for livestock and bread for people, and the people themselves, remembering that they were the descendants of the first people created by Dennitsa, called themselves Dazhdbog's grandchildren.

Hot, unpredictably moving luminaries. Changing direction of the sun from north-south to east-west

Many Aztec and Mayan traditions focus on what appeared in the sky the sun was very bright and hot(like the moon) and immediately dried up the surface of the wet and muddy Earth. "And the heat was unbearable although it only appeared at the moment when it was born. What is left now is just a reflection in the mirror. Of course, this was not the same Sun that we see [now]; so it is said in their ancient tales "("Popol-Vuh").
Barely appearing, both luminaries - and sun and moon - steel move unpredictably and in a completely new way across the sky
« Tecusitztecatl threw himself into the fire and began to glow in the sky as brightly as the sun [Nanahuatzin or Nanautl], which the gods did not like, and they decided to fix it.
But the sun illuminated everything around, and the gods were confused and did not know in which direction the sun should move. A small group of gods, which included Quetzalcoatl and Red Tezcatlipoca, decided that the sun should move from the east. The gods took the rabbit and threw it into the second sun, thereby dimming its brightness - this is how the Moon appeared, on which the outlines of that same rabbit are still visible.
The sun, meanwhile, hadn't moved, and the gods decided to sacrifice themselves to make it move across the sky. But this was not enough, and Quetzalcoatl gathered all his strength and blew with such force that
this strong wind caused the sun to move from east to west » (Codex Florentine).
The Australian Aboriginal myth I mentioned also says thatafter a great shaking and a lot of water, the sun began to do everything in reverse: before it came from the north and went south, and then it began to come from the east and go to the west.

The change in the movement of the Sun across the sky to the east - west is noted, at least in Mexican, Egyptian, Chinese and Australian traditions.

About the movement of the sun, moon, planets and stars after the catastrophe in a new wayancient Chinese legends also testify. According to one of them“The planets have changed their path. The sun, moon and stars began to move in a new way. The earth fell apart, water gushed from its bowelsand flooded the earth ... And the earth itself began to lose its appearance. The stars began to float away from the sky and disappear into a gaping void.
A similar plot can be seen in the sacred book of Zoroastrianism "Bunda-hish" (modern Iran):
"When Angra Mainyu (leading the forces of Darkness - A.K.)sent a violent destructive frost, he also attacked the sky and messed it up». This allowed him to take over"one third of the sky and cover it with darkness", while the creeping ice squeezed everything around.
Scandinavian and German traditions also tell of a period of great change, which coincided with the death of the former world. He fell on the battle of the gods - aces and vans, giants and monsters. During this battle
The universe plunged into chaos. One wolf swallowed the sun and the other the moon, the stars fell from the sky,earthquakes occurred, the world ash Yggrasil trembled. The whole sky was filled with blood, a three-year cold (Fimbulwind) set in, and the sea rushed to the land. Finally, hordes of fiery spirits appeared.
Even more brightly
change in the direction of movement of the stars in the skyreflected in the legend of the Hopi Indians about the death of the Second World Tokpa (corresponds to the Fourth World Age of the Aztecs), when the axis [of rotation of the Earth] was left to itself,The Earth began to rotate at a frantic speed, sway and, turning over twice, left the orbit around the Sun.As a result, mountains and seas mixed up, then everything turned into a piece of ice - the period of global glaciation began. When everything old collapsed, the supreme god Sotuknang returned the Earth to its former orbit and began the creation of the Third World Kuskurza (corresponding to the Fifth World Age of the Aztecs).

The appearance and disappearance of numerous "suns"

Chinese legends speak of the appearance in heaven during the reign of the legendary emperor Di Jun (Di Ku) already ten suns and twelve moons. In one of them - about the son of the heavenly lord Shandi (Dyausa), the divine arrow Hou Yi (I compare him with Indra) and his wife, the moon goddess Chang E - it is said that when this happened, Di Jun sent Yi to earth along with Chang E, so that they pacify the luminaries,dry fertile lands.The archer began to shoot arrow after arrow into the sky, and each time one of the suns disappeared, and a huge three-legged raven fell to the ground. So there was only one sun left in the sky, which the next Supreme Emperor Yao saved by hiding one arrow. The moon was also left alone, but because of what this happened, I do not know.
This Chinese myth echoes the Slavic legend of the Svarogov cycle about the battle of the Svarogs - supporters of Svarog and supporters of Dennitsa. It says that the son of Svarog Perun, shaking the heavens, threw the attackers (supporters of Dennitsa) from heaven with thunder and lightning. Stribog knocked them down with a whirlwind-hurricane. Simargl burned the rebels and they fell to the Earth, plunging people into horror. And when Svarog returned, he waved his right hand - and all the rebels, like burning stars, rained from heaven on the destroyed Earth.
Similar events are described in the Popol Vuh Maya at the final stage of the destruction of the second humanity - wooden people. Then fiery streams of thick resin fell to the ground from the sky. "AND
for this reason the face of the earth darkened, and black rain began to fall; rain during the day and rain at night. After that, the most severe earthquakes swept over the entire surface of the Earth.

earth on fire

Another very common motif of the Aztec legends is the appearance of the sun and moon from bonfire or fire to heaven, which can be interpreted as earth engulfed in fire.
"Nanahuacin (the god who became the Sun - Tonatiu - AK.)threw himself into the fire without hesitation. At the same moment flames shot up to the sky.Rich Tecucistecatl (the god who became the Moon - A.K.)ashamed of his cowardice and threw himself into the fire after Nanahuatzin. The fire consumed him...» (A.N. Fantalov "History and Mythology of Mesoamerica").
A similar version of the formation of the sun and moon from a fire is given in the Florentine Codex.
In the book of M. Grolisha "Montezuma" a slightly different interpretation of the events that took place on Earth is given.
"Accompanied by an eagle, a creature from the sun, he [Quetzalcoatl-Nanautl] rushes into the firedies, descends into hell, where he triumphs over death, and makes a sacrifice,killing the lords of the night for this.Then, transformed into Tonatiu, the Sun, he ascends to the sky...
Captured by the example of Quetzalcoatl, "4 Flint" [Nahui-Tecpatl, which is accompanied by the epithet "rich"] ventures a second attempt: he is followed by a jaguar - a nocturnal animal. But, either due to the lack of his own ardor, or
due to the decrease in the flame in the furnace,it turned into a celestial body with a significantly less radiance.
The fact that the earth burned during the catastrophe is also evidenced by the mentioned legend of the Pono Indians from California, according to whichthe emerging sun scorched the earth,and, to some extent, the Chinese myth about the ten suns that dried up the earth, according to which they were born by the sun goddess Xi-He, the wife of Di Jun.
This, apparently, is also evidenced by the constant mention in the myths of the Aztecs, Nahua and Maya of hot luminaries.
About the streams of flame raging over the entire surface of the Earthduring the death of the first world is narrated in the legend of the Arawak Indians living in Guyana (they fled from him in underground shelters). There is a similar plot in the Scandinavian and German myths about the battle of gods, giants and monsters and the last battle of Ragnarok, during which the former world was destroyed. At the end of the battle of the gods, giants and monsters, hordes of the "sons of Muspell" appeared on Earth fire spirits. In the battle of Ragnarokthe fiery giant Surt incinerated the world with his fiery sword, which was "brighter than the sun"; almost all people died in the fire and flood.
The above-mentioned Slavic legend about the fall to the ground of burning rioters-Svarozhichi also speaks of the death of the first Earth in fire.
And then came Svarog. Stretched out his right hand, and everything stopped. He waved - and all the rebels, like burning stars, rained down from heaven on the destroyed Finger (the first Earth in which everything was fragrant - A.K.), to the place where Rai-Iriy once stood, where now ruins smoked, forests burned, and rivers and lakes dried up.The falling Dennitsa flashed like a burning star - and together with his like-minded people he broke through the earth, and the earth swallowed up the rebels in its abyss. So the first world died, the first creation of Svarog ».
The earth burning when the moon appears is described in the Indian myth of the churning of the ocean, as well as in the Mayan and Aztec myths about the unwinding of the firmament, which I will touch on a little later.
And finally, many people know the Greek myth about Phaeton, according to which the son of the radiant sun god Helios Phaeton, who received permission from his father to ride across the sky on his chariot, could not control the fiery horses. Sensing freedom, the horses either soared to the very stars, then, descending, rushed almost above the Earth (this is another evidence of the chaotic and unpredictable behavior of the luminary).
The flames from the close descended chariot engulfed the Earth. Cities and nations perished. Forested mountains burned. Smoke covered everything around. Water boiled in rivers and streams.The earth cracked from the heat, the seas dried up, and the rays of the sun penetrated into the gloomy kingdom of Hades. Finally, at the request of the goddess of the Earth - Gaia, Zeus the Thunderer threw a sparkling lightning into the chariot of Helios and extinguished the fire with its fire. Fragments of the chariot and the harness of the horses of Helios were scattered throughout the sky (doesn't this remind the Chinese legend of the ten suns?).

Darkness and frost

The next most important feature of the catastrophe at the turn of the Fourth and Fifth world epochs is the preceding one described in the legends of the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas and many other American peoples. a long era of darkness and cold, during which people were forced to live underground.
"The sun and moon fell from the sky, and the world was left without light" ( legend of the Pehuenche Indians from Tierra del Fuego).
It was cold and dark and there was no sun "(A.N. Fantalov" History and Mythology of Mesoamerica ").
The main underground settlement of that time was called Tulan-Tsuyu (Tulan) by the Maya, and Chimomostok by the Aztecs. Both names translate as "Seven Caves", so I combined them under the common name "Tulan-Chimostok".
A great number of people arose, and in the darkness they multiplied: neither the sun nor light was born yet,when they multiplied "("Popol-Vuh").
The peoples who remained on earth froze from cold and hunger. They
“could no longer endure either cold or hail; they trembled and their teeth chattered; they were completely numb and barely alive; their hands and feet were shaking and they couldn't hold anything in them when they came" ("Popol Vuh").
A significant part of the Popol Vuh is devoted to describing the life of the distant ancestors of the Maya Wich underground, when there was no light and sun on Earth - the sky hung low above the earth, there was thick fog, black rains and hail or snow were falling and it was almost impenetrable. dark.
The time when the Earth was plunged into darkness in connection with the departure of the sun goddess Amaterasu underground is also mentioned in Japanese legends.
And here is what Cieza de Leon, Juan de Sarmiento, Juan de Betanzos and other Spanish historians of the time of the conquest told about the era of darkness.
“This happened long before the Incas began to rule in Peru and before they were even heard of in these kingdoms ... They say that they lived for a long time without sunlight and suffered great hardships from this, turning prayers and vows to those whom they called their gods, and begging them to give them the long-awaited light ... This story, told to me by the Indians, they heard from their fathers, and they heard it from their fathers, who, in turn, learned about it from old songs that have been preserved from very ancient times" (Sieza de Leon. "Chronicle of Peru").
“They say that in ancient times Peru lay in darkness and that there was neither light nor day… [then] he [Vira Kocha]… created the Sun and the day, the Moon and the stars.” (Juan de Betanzos. "The Narrative and the Total Number of the Incas").
Fr. De Avilla, in The Gods and Men of Huarochiri, cited another Quechua myth which states that "
in ancient times the sun died. Because of his death, the night lasted for five days. The rocks rattled against each other. Stupas and stone millstones began to eat people.”

The Spanish historian Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa, in his manuscript History of the Incas (1572), wrote:

"Viracocha established it [the world] for the people for the second time,and to make it more perfect, hedecided to create luminaries to give them light.To this end, he went with his servants to a large lake in Collao, in which there is an island called Titicaca and meaning "lead rock" ... Viracocha went to this island and soonordered that henceforth the sun, the moon, and the stars should appear and settle in the heavens to give light to the world, and so it was».

H. Betansos' "Narrative..." provides very interesting information that echoes the traditions of the Aztecs and Maya, which is missing in the stories of other Spanish historians. After the creation of Vir Kochei of the Sun, Moon and stars, the Moon turned out to be brighter than the Sun. The latter, angry with her for this, took a handful of ashes and threw them into Luna's face. After that, the brightness of the Moon became dimmer than that of the Sun. There is a similar plot in some African myths.

After the Sun appeared in the sky, the ancestors of people began to leave their underground shelters and settle around the world. According to the legends of the Maya, Nahua and Aztecs, they organized their exodus under the leadership of the old gods - the giants Tohil-Kukulkan-Quetzalcoatl, Avilisha and Hakavitsa. The legends of the Hopi Indians tell that Sotuknang knocked on the manhole covers of the underground shelters of the ancestors of people. There is a similar motif in South American legends, only they say that the people of Vira Kochi knocked on the manhole covers of pakarins - underground shelters of the ancestors of the Incas and Aymars.

The period of darkness is described in a completely different way in the mentioned Greek myth about Phaethon, Egyptian, Scandinavian, Slavic, Iranian and other legends. The myth of Phaethon says that the sun god Helios "for the whole day" closed his face after Zeus broke the chariot on which his son Phaethon rode. And only the fire of the fire illuminated the Earth. The Egyptian myth about the era of the reign of Shu and Geb tells of impenetrable darkness that enveloped the banks of the Nile for nine days at the time of the transfer of power from Ra (the old sun) to Gebu (the new sun). All this time, a hurricane howled and raged - it was the god of the wind, Shu, crying and tearing his hair in despair, and on the tenth day the darkness dissipated. Approximately the same is said in Slavic, Scandinavian and Iranian legends: the catastrophe, accompanied by the fall of fiery bodies to the Earth, led to the appearance of night.
All these myths reflect not a long period of darkness and cold that preceded the appearance of the sun and moon in the sky, as in the legends of the inhabitants of America, but a short period of darkness and cold, characteristic of any catastrophe, during which most of the vegetation perishes, or the beginning of the alternation of day and night.

Earth, consisting of light and dark halves

Distribution analysis wandering legends about darkness and cold different peoples allowed me to put forward a hypothesis that the Earth then consisted of two opposite halves - a dark one, approximately corresponding to the South and North America and, probably, Japan, and light, including the rest of the world (the border of darkness and light, apparently, passed through South Africa). I covered it in some detail in the books “ Battles of the Ancient Gods" and " The Earth before the Flood - the world of sorcerers and werewolves", as well as in the works "sacred geography" posted on the site.
Styx in ancient Greek mythology was considered the personification of primitive horror and darkness, from which the first living beings arose (see below). Hesiod (VIII-VII centuries BC) in Theogony called Styx the daughter of the Ocean and Tethys, who lived at the end of the world. The ocean was considered the deity of the world's greatest river, washing the earth and the sea and
sheltered by the sun, moon and stars.In the far west, it washed the border between the world of life and death.On the western outskirts of the Ocean, according to Homer's Odyssey (approx. VIII century BC), there was an entrance to the underworld.
According to Hesiod's Theogony,
Styx also lived in the far west, where the realm of night began., in a luxurious palace, the silver columns of which rested on the sky. This place was remote from the abode of the gods, only occasionally Irida (the goddess of the rainbow) flew here. Under the silver columns of the palace, some researchers mean the streams of the source falling from a height, which gave rise to the river Styx. From here the waters of the River Styx went underground, into the darkness of deep night.
In the Hymns of Homer, Styx was called the companion of the games of the goddess of the kingdom of the dead, Persephone.
Based on all this, it can be concluded that
Styx was the personification of the transition (border) between the world of light and the world of darkness, which was compared with the kingdom of the dead. The boundary between the light and dark halves of the Earth was in the extreme west,and the realm of the night on the part of observers from Greece had to correspond to both Americas, which is confirmed by the traditions of the American Indians about the life of their distant ancestors during the period of darkness.
The frost giant Ymir or Aurgelmir in Norse mythology was considered the first living being from which the world was created. Ymir was born
in times that neither people nor gods know about, for there were no people able to remember when the giant Ymir was born ". Ymir originated from the ice of Elivagar, in which heat gave rise to life. Elivagar in Scandinavian-Germanic mythology refers to twelve streams that originated in the source of Hvergelmir - a stream in Niflheim ("land of darkness"), from which underground rivers flowed, including Gjoll, flowing next to Hel (the kingdom of the dead).
In this way,
in the myth of the frost giant Ymir, a familiar story can be traced about the existence of the light and dark halves of the Earth and the comparison of the dark half of the Earth - the zone of darkness with the underground kingdom of the dead.
Ideas about the Earth, which consisted of light and dark halves, are also contained in the sacred book of the Zoroastrians "Avesta". It speaks of the sun that shone motionlessly over the polar region of the Earth, so, “as if it were always noon" and "The world remained motionless and unchanging." Only after "performing the triple sacrifice" [destroying a plant, killing a bull and a man] "the sun began to move across the sky and regulate the change of seasons in accordance with the truth-asha.
About "the sun, as if attached to the top of Sumeru [polar mountain Meru]" narrate "Yoga Sutra" and "Vyasa-bhashya".
In the same "Avesta" it is said that "
the sun revolves around her [mountains Hara at the north pole]so that one half of the world is always immersed in darkness, while the other is illuminated.
Jain religious and philosophical ideas mention the mountains of Manushottara located far to the south - the border of the world of people. On the other side of the mountains, neither people nor animals live, celestial bodies stand motionless and half as small as usual, there is no division of time, there is no fire, clouds, rain, thunder and lightning, plants do not grow.
Similar information is contained in the Vishnu Purana, which states that the Jala Sea, located around the seventh, southernmost, Pushkar continent,
borders on the land of the highest mountains of Lokaloka, which separates the visible world from the world of darkness. Beyond the mountains of Lokaloka lies the zone of eternal night.”
The mention of the dark half of the Earth, apparently, is also found in the Akkadian myth "Edapa the Fishcatcher", which speaks of the destructive role of the South Wind. According to A.I. Nemirovsky, the South wind was considered unfavorable in many other mythologies of the Ancient East. "

© A.V. Koltypin, 20 1 2

I, the author of this work, A.V. Koltypin, I authorize it to be used for any purposes not prohibited by applicable law, provided that my authorship is indicated and a hyperlink to this site http://dopotopa://com orhttp://earthbeforeflood.com

I highly recommend readingmy work "Traditions and hypotheses about the moon rabbit, the churning of the ocean, the unwinding of the firmament, the origin of the moon and the connection of the moon with death and immortality - a description of the catastrophes at the turn of the Third and Fourth and Fourth and Fifth world epochs, the acquisition by the Earth of a modern form and the appearance of modern man - Homo Sapiens ", which complements this work, as well as a series of my works "Era of the development of mankind in the mythologies of the Maya, Nahua and Aztecs" in the section "Five world epochs and mankind of the Maya, Nahua and Aztecs"

Read also my work on the time of existence of a water-steam shell above the Earth "Paleocene-Eocene - the "golden age" of mankind"

With the help of this video tutorial, you can independently study the topic "Distribution of sunlight and heat." First, discuss what determines the change of seasons, study the scheme of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun, paying special attention to the most remarkable four dates in terms of illumination by the Sun. Then you will find out what determines the distribution of sunlight and heat on the planet and why this happens unevenly.

Rice. 2. Illumination of the Earth by the Sun ()

In winter, the southern hemisphere of the Earth is better illuminated, in summer - the northern one.

Rice. 3. Scheme of the annual rotation of the Earth around the Sun

Solstice ( summer solstice and winter solstice) moments when the height of the Sun above the horizon at noon is greatest (summer solstice, June 22) or least (winter solstice, December 22). southern hemisphere it's the other way around. On June 22, in the northern hemisphere, the greatest illumination by the Sun is observed, the day is longer than the night, and the polar day is observed beyond the polar circles. In the southern hemisphere, again, the opposite is true (i.e., all this is typical for December 22).

Arctic Circles (Arctic Circle and Antarctic Circle) - the parallels respectively with north and south latitude are about 66.5 degrees. North of the Arctic Circle and south of the Antarctic Circle, polar day (summer) and polar night (winter) are observed. The area from the Arctic Circle to the Pole in both hemispheres is called the Arctic. polar day - the period when the sun at high latitudes around the clock does not fall below the horizon.

polar night - the period when the Sun does not rise above the horizon at high latitudes around the clock - a phenomenon opposite to the polar day, is observed simultaneously with it at the corresponding latitudes of the other hemisphere.

Rice. 4. Scheme of the illumination of the Earth by the Sun by zones ()

Equinox (spring equinox and autumn equinox) - moments when the sun's rays touch both poles, and fall vertically on the equator. The spring equinox occurs on March 21st and the autumnal equinox occurs on September 23rd. These days, both hemispheres are equally lit, the day is equal to the night,

The main reason for the change in air temperature is the change in the angle of incidence of the sun's rays: the more sheer they fall on the earth's surface, the better they warm it.

Rice. 5. The angles of incidence of the sun's rays (at the position of the Sun 2, the rays warm the earth's surface better than at position 1) ()

On June 22, the sun's rays most sheer fall on the northern hemisphere of the Earth, thereby warming it to the greatest extent.

Tropics - The Northern Tropic and the Southern Tropic are parallels, respectively, with northern and southern latitudes of about 23.5 degrees. On one of the days of the solstice, the Sun at noon is above them at its zenith.

The tropics and polar circles divide the Earth into zones of illumination. Belts of illumination - parts of the Earth's surface bounded by the tropics and the polar circles and differing in lighting conditions. The warmest illumination zone is tropical, the coldest is polar.

Rice. 6. Belts of illumination of the Earth ()

The sun is the main luminary, the position of which determines the weather on our planet. The moon and other cosmic bodies have an indirect influence.

Salekhard is located on the line of the Arctic Circle. In this city, an obelisk to the Arctic Circle is installed.

Rice. 7. Obelisk to the Arctic Circle ()

Cities where you can watch the polar night: Murmansk, Norilsk, Monchegorsk, Vorkuta, Severomorsk, etc.


Section 44.

1. Name the days of the solstice and the days of the equinox.



1. Initial course of geography: textbook. for 6 cells. general education institutions / T.P. Gerasimova, N.P. Neklyukov. - 10th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, 2010. - 176 p.

2. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard; DIK, 2011. - 32 p.

3. Geography. Grade 6: atlas. - 4th ed., stereotype. - M.: Bustard, DIK, 2013. - 32 p.

4. Geography. 6 cells: cont. maps: M.: DIK, Drofa, 2012. - 16 p.

Encyclopedias, dictionaries, reference books and statistical collections

1. Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia / A.P. Gorkin. - M.: Rosmen-Press, 2006. - 624 p.

Literature for preparing for the GIA and the Unified State Examination

1. Geography: Initial course: Tests. Proc. allowance for students 6 cells. - M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2011. - 144 p.

2. Tests. Geography. Grades 6-10: Teaching aid / A.A. Letyagin. - M .: LLC "Agency" KRPA "Olimp": "Astrel", "AST", 2001. - 284 p.

1. Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements ().

2. Russian Geographical Society ().

3. Geografia.ru ().

Milky honey. The alien Sun will illuminate the Earth. Wang is back! Secret archive of the soothsayer.
In this Topic, there are several excerpts from the Works and Discussions of the Fiery Bible about the "alien sun" in the Light of Tradition Revelations.

Wang is back! The Prophet's Secret Archive http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to9BzTsSbWg

What will happen to the Earth when the Sun dies? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-aavWNGmzg

Collision of Galaxies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Tld_wQKEhg

SC comment:
***** On the Tree of Sephiroth in the Tradition, the Suns shine well for us, just as our Matryoshka Suns shine well, but here, in Vanga's Revelations, we are given an alien solar dissonance.

There are many Suns in Heaven, according to Tradition, both one-star, like ours, and two-star, which more comfortably illuminate the Planets = Sephira. From a distance, the universes, like ours, look like suns. Vanga prophesied about such a Universe, called Andromeda, as a “foreign sun”. Inside a foreign sun there are suns of their own
The End of the World of our Native Sun and the Universal Flights to new, Two-Star Suns, is a worked out, Typical, Karmic Development of any Civilization in its Native Universe, called Svarga's Fiery Soncialism in Tradition.

According to the Revelations of the Tradition, an Alternate Andromedous Cyclone is running over us, and we, like the entire White Brotherhood of our Universe, will have to fly in our Universe, escaping from the Alien, Alternate Milky Copper Sun along Vanga, which introduces significant Corrections to the Laws of the Universal Golden Path of Fiery Svarga , as already MILKHOMED in the Strategy for the Development of Earth Civilization. At the merger of our Universe and Andromeda, the Fate of Peruns = our Elder Relatives = Colonizers of our Universe awaits us.

This is quite understandable for us, Good Option - to repeat to us the Path of the Dessits - Peruns - our Heavenly Relatives = Colonizers and Sowers of Life in our Universe.

Milky honey. The alien Sun will illuminate the Earth. Wang is back! Secret archive of the soothsayer.

And what will let you know what sijjin (Earth mud) is? The book is written!
After all, the book of the righteous, of course, is in the illiyun (exalted Heaven). And what will let you know what illiyun is? The book is written! (Table with Letters).
Koran, 83:8-20, trans. Karachkovsky I.Yu.

The Fiery Bible = Book in the tables in the Koran, following Vanga's Methodology, shows in its Tables that the Heavenly Yijing, which is part of the Vedic Universal Set, teaches the Earthlings that all Life on Earth, including Man = Microcosm, contains Genetic Fractals of Two Octaves: Matryoshka and Ecumenical. The Alternate Cyclone of Andromeda = Alien Sun according to Vanga, changing the Vibrations of our Universe, introduces a complete Dissonance into our Universal Sephironic Harmonious System and even introduces a partial Dissonance into the Harmonious System of Matryoshka Nature.

“My vision has been repeated many times since 1979. I have watched our solar system revolve around another orange star, and a small Blue star appears from behind the Sun. It looks like a binary solar system with two stars with a complex rotation trajectory. But the Blue Star is the twin star of Sirius, not our Sun. It is visible in the sky of the Earth for 1,800 years in a row, then the Blue Star leaves, disappearing behind the Sun - a new cycle begins.

Scallion learned that there is something similar in the epic of the Hopi Indians. Their prophecies say: "When the dancing Blue Star appears in the sky, the era of the Fifth World will be born. It will begin with the last great war - the conflict between spirituality and the physical principle. This material, physical principle will be overthrown by those who remain alive. They will become at the origins of a new unified world with a single power, the power of the Creator".

The silver-blue light of this new star in the morning sky will be ten times brighter than all the stars and planets in the sky, and in the evening it will become like the moon. At night, it can be observed as a bright spot on the Milky Way. Its powerful glow will change the colors of the terrestrial spectrum, and the skin of the peoples of the Earth - of all races - will acquire a bluish tint. The new star will have a decisive influence on the spirituality of man. The soul will be perfected through physical reincarnations and non-material sensations. The Blue Star will change the vibrational field of the Sun and the Earth, and only those whose high spirit can match the new vibrations will be able to survive.

The Maya have similar predictions in other ancient cultures. Both Nostradamus and the German mystic Hildegard wrote about the new star, who predicted that a "great nation" would survive earthquakes, hurricanes and floods caused by a huge comet. Like Hildegard, Scallion believes that after these cataclysms, an era of peace and harmony will come.

SC comment:
***** Not so literate and hasty Prophets, as well as Narrators and Commentators of Prophetic Visions confuse the Light of the Andromedous Cyclone = the Alien Sun according to Vanga, with the Light of the Constellations of Sirius or the Planet Nibiru. Such confusion must be eliminated by clearing the Divine Revelations from illiterate human interpretations.

It is appropriate to say here about the Big Bang. The Big Bang, as such, like a mine or a grenade, is not in the Matryoshka Format. Black Holes Matryoshkas and similar Cyclones, located again on the Material Axis of movement, similar to our Milky Way, "breathe" and do not explode, leaving a void behind them. In the exhaled hole remains the exhaled Explosion Matter. The Exhaled Hole has changed its Properties, but it remains on the Axis of Movement, where the Exhaled Masses return during the Universal contraction into Pralaya.
The Aggregate Light of the Suns, exhaled by the Black Hole, from a distance is combined with the Black Hole into the Single Sun, which shine to us with the Energy and Matter of the Black Hole's Exhalation. In the Revelations there are expressions Dark Sun and Black Sun, as well as God Chernobog in Brahman - and we must understand some of the most important Functions of God Chernobog, both in the Universe and in the Matryoshka Octave Row and in this Topic.

According to the Holy Scriptures and Revelations of the Tradition, today and now, HARMONICALLY forming Earthly Natural Life, THREE ANCIENT SUNS from the Matryoshka Octave shine for us, according to the above Inscribed Table: Our Native Sun, the Black Hole of our Native Universe and the Black Hole of the Universe. The rest of the Suns from the Matryoshka Row are not yet taken into account by the Divine Mind in the Paradise Plan due to their remoteness. It does not take into account the Physically visible Light, but the Metaphysical, consistent Explosive Okay Harmonic Octave that forms the Aura around our Universal Objective Environment, this Accounting is of paramount importance. Having examined the Inscribed Table with the Earth Illumination Scheme by the Three Suns of Antiquity out of the Seven, those interested in understanding the Divine Providence = Rule the Reader = the God Seeker should look at the Scheme of the Collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda, - an Alternate Cyclone WITH ITS BLACK HOLE, which is an ALIEN, FOURTH SUN according to Vanga, violating our Matryoshchny Row. In our Golden Age, we already see this Fourth Sun in the form of a luminous Andromeda, it already shines on us additionally and warms us additionally.

So far, the Fourth Sun according to Vanga weakly shines and weakly warms, but with Time, the Alien Sun will, approaching, visually and tangibly grow according to Scallion and bring additional tension to the Paradise Strategy of Survival of the Earth Civilization. Sugrev will increase - and we, together with the Growing = Adoring White Brotherhood of our Milky Way, headed by the Elder Relatives = Dessits = Peruns, according to the Third Message of KOH, will have to carry out JOINT SURVIVAL ACTIVITIES in the Milky Honey, which, according to the Divine Optimum, should begin on December 21, 2012 years from the Paradise Start in Great Tartaria = Kausaria in Islam. As we can see here, we cannot avoid the Paradise Migratory Program with the Portal Change of Dimension of the Teles of the Terrestrial Animals and the Object Absolute.

These Starting - Migratory Survival Events of the Water, Fiery and All-World Heavenly Savior, according to the Holy Scriptures, should be carried out in Earth Civilization Golden Horde, created by the Creator of the World from the Armies of Earth Empires, - and we should consider in more detail these Survival Activities of the Golden Horde of the Great Paradise Architect FOR ADAPTIVE DEVELOPMENT OF LIGHT of the Alien = the Fourth Sun in the Milky Honey.
Military Power does not remain without Heroic Creativity in Paradise Life…

Fiery Bible discussions on the topic here: More on the topic The work of the Fiery Bible: godfather http://www.firebook.narod.ru/androgin.docx

Fiery Bible Gray Horse Ogninsky http://www.firebook.narod.ru
Philosophy of Space Survival of the 21st century http://www.firebook.narod.ru/predmet.docx
Baptism of Holy Russia by Brahman = Holy Spirit, Water and Fire of the Architectural and Building Norms of Great Tartary
Paradise Doctrine with Triple Enrichment for Holy Russia in Shambala Great Tartaria http://www.firebook.narod.ru/bam.docx

So, the Moon is at a distance from 50x114=6000 km to 260x114=30000 km. Actually, the Sun too, so consider how it illuminates the entire earth. (By the way, why is the sun at different heights at different latitudes? If it is close, it’s understandable that the viewing angle changes. And an extra thousand kilometers does not affect the solar parallax in the official model.)

High-quality picture, built on the wrong assumption that the Sun (Moon) is at a distance of 2050 km:
cosZ=6371/8420=0.757, Z=41°

In reality, the Z angle is between 60° and 80°.

It would seem that the Sun moves in a spiral from the North Pole to the South with a coverage of 157 °, leaving 23 ° for the Arctic Circle: in the north - polar day, and in the south - polar night. But as soon as the Sun drops a little to the south, the North Pole will be in eternal darkness.

To cover all 180 °, you cannot do without auxiliary luminaries.

And here it would be appropriate to recall the legend of the three moons.

So, the Sun always spirals up/down over the equator by 23°, covering 134° (Z=67°).
cosZ=6371/(6371+H)=0.2924 and H=9936 km (with a solar diameter of 90 km and a sphere radius of 16300 km).

And above the North and South Poles, two small luminaries hang, illuminating the dead zones if necessary, depicting the sun in summer, and the moon in winter.
The maximum coverage angle of the small star is 23° (another 23° fall on the polar night).
6371/cos(11.5°)=6371/ 0.9799=6502 km, i.e. the maximum height is 130 km with a diameter of 1.5 km.

But in most cases, the luminary has to cover a smaller area, so it descends and increases its angular size. Or it is smaller and reduces the angular size, rising. Therefore, the following parameters seem to be real: height in the region of 100 km, diameter in the region of 1 km.

If there are several luminaries, then failures should occur. And several suns have been repeatedly observed:

Parhelion (from steam... and Greek hylios - sun) (false sun) - one of the halo forms, in which one or more additional images of the Sun are observed in the sky. It arises due to the refraction of sunlight in anisotropically oriented ice particles falling in the atmosphere. The Tale of Igor's Campaign mentions that before the offensive of the Polovtsians and the capture of Igor, "four suns shone over the Russian land." The warriors took this as a sign of impending big trouble.

Sometimes you can see several suns in the sky. In fact, this is the effect of millions of lenses: ice crystals. As water freezes in the upper atmosphere, it creates small, flat, hexagonal ice crystals of ice. The planes of these crystals, circling, gradually descend to the ground, most of the time they are oriented parallel to the surface. At sunrise or sunset, the observer's line of sight can pass through this very plane, and each crystal can behave like a miniature lens that refracts sunlight. The combined effect results in a phenomenon called parhelion, or false sun.

Like everything else, the proposed lighting scheme has drawn criticism on the Internet. Moreover, it is not at all possible to achieve an understanding that it is she who explains the observed phenomena. For example, the height of the Sun at noon depending on the latitude.
Let's look at a simple model:
A pyramid of decreasing radius cylinders rotates counterclockwise and is illuminated by a parallel beam of sunlight (red arrows) perpendicular to the edges of the pyramids.
The right edge of each cylinder corresponds to the position of the sun at its zenith at noon.
As it is easy to understand, with any movement up and down along this edge, nothing in the position of the Sun above the observer's head on the edge changes.
And it does not change on any of the cylinders.
And there is no difference between the upper and lower cylinders.
And now we will begin to increase the number of cylinders, proportionally reducing their height and radius.
The limit of such an operation is a hemisphere.
Let's add the same lower part - and our earth ball will turn out. For those who do not understand mathematics, but worked in Photoshop: if the photo of the Earth is greatly enlarged, then the circle will turn into a set of rectangular pixels - otherwise you cannot depict it by machine.

Conclusion: on the entire globe, the Sun should be at its zenith at noon.

But how do we see in reality: the higher the latitude, the lower the Sun above the horizon?
Let's spend thought experiment: fix the Sun on the right side of the lower arrow and draw blue arrows from this point to each cylinder (if it is difficult, write to the conference and I will draw them).
For a blue cylinder, the blue arrow will match the red one. For yellow it will be already with a slope, and for green it will be with a large slope.
This is how the earth is illuminated.

How did we manage to deceive?

It's simple: we see a small Sun above our head and draw lines from it in our drawings: to the left and to the right. But in fact, it is not small, but very large. And there is no left and right of the Sun: both to the left and to the right there is a stream of parallel rays down on us. We are brought down children's drawing"May there always be sunshine!" Already in childhood, this image firmly enters the consciousness and it is impossible to knock it out with any drawings and formulas. If the meme doesn't match, it's rejected. This is an axiom of psychology.

Gentlemen, tear off the blinders hung on you since childhood. Know that everything is a lie!

It’s a pity that it didn’t work out, but it seemed to me that this was a good seed for a conversation about how the sense organs relate to the surrounding reality. The pyramid can be considered as a joke in which there is some truth. The pyramid paradox was quickly figured out on the forum: http://falsehood.my1.ru/forum/2-6-1
An attempt to push for further discussion failed. But there is something to be said here.

What prevents the proposed model? The force of gravity that is directed away from the center of the earth. Formally, this in question in the next section, but it’s clear what we did, especially if you have already read the entire text. Here we have built a model in which the Earth is surrounded by a protective sphere. But those who are able to build such a huge Earth may well build something else that is not entirely clear to us. For example, the force of attraction acts from the side of the rod on which the cylinders are mounted (several schemes can be proposed for how this force remains constant when the radius decreases). Then the paradox is removed. Anywhere the observer will be perpendicular to the axis of rotation, even at the pole. Well, why not a model? By the way, it can well explain why the Earth is a geoid, and not a ball (in terms of conservation of gravity along the rod). Doesn't this remind you of some children's fairy tales with friction on the axis of rotation (where it's always cold)? Maybe the axis of rotation is not an abstraction at all, but a real thing?