Basic rules of behavior in the church. Orthodox Temple - Rules for His Visiting. Powers and Cross Sign

1. Come in St. Temple with spiritual joy. Remember that the Savior himself promised to comfort you:"Get all those who are worried and burdened to me, and I will calm you"(Matt. 11.28).

2. Always come go here with humility and meekness, so that and from the temple to come out justified, as the humble gospel Matar came out.

3. When you enter the temple and you see St. Icons, think about the fact that the Lord himself and all the saints look at you; Be at this time especially awe and having fear of God.

4. Entering in St. The temple, coat - on everyday days there are three terrestrial days, and on holidays three waist bows, praying: "God, cleanse the sinful and surviving me", "God, gracious Budy I feel sinful", "The Most Holy Mother of God, save the sinful", "VSI Svitia, the pray for God about me, sinful."

5. Orthodox Christians are served during the Divine Liturgy - the main Christian worship service - notes about the health of their relatives (baptized, Orthodox) and, separately, about the rest of the dead. They are drawn up as follows:

The names are written carefully, picking up - full, in the parental case: about health (or resting) who? - Tamara, John, Nikifora, etc. The number of names does not matter, but not a very long note, the priest usually reads attentively and - prayer. But it is just such notes and are served when a person often comes to the temple!

Notes are submitted before the start of the service, usually there, where they buy and candles. In order not to be embarrassed, it should be remembered that the difference in the notes is reflecting only the difference in the amount of your donation for temple needs. The same can be said about the price of the candle.

6. Reverend to the church candle: this is a symbol of our prayer burning before the Lord, his Muslim Mother, the Holy Rates of God. Candles light up one of the other, burning, and by paying it down, put the candlestick in the nest. Candle should stand strictly straight. If on the day of a big holiday, the minister will fade your candle to put a candle of another, do not outraget in spirit: your victim has already been adopted by the all-living and all-knowing Lord.

7. Well, if the temple has a place where you're used to stand. Come to him quietly and modestly, and passing by the royal gates, stop and revealing and worship. If there is no such place yet, do not be confused. I do not interfer others, try to get up so that singing and reading can be heard. If this is impossible, stand up on a free place and carefully commit an inner prayer.

8. In St. The temple always come to the beginning of worship. If you still fall out, be careful not to prevent the prayer of others. Entering the temple while reading Shestopsalmia, the Gospel or after Kheruvimskaya on the liturgy (when the liberation of sv. Gifts is performed), wait entrance doors Until the end of these most important parts of the service.

9. During the service, try not to walk on the temple even in order to put candles. It should also be applied to icons before starting worship and after it or at the set time - for example, on the all-sleeping per feathering. Some moments of service, as already mentioned, require special concentration: reading the Gospel; The song of the Virgin Mary and the Great Slavs for Vigrosive; prayer "The only beggar son ..."and the whole liturgy starting from "Izhelubuvima ...".

10. In the temple with a silent bow, say hello to friends, even with especially close, do not greet your hand and do not ask about anything - be truly modest. Do not curiose and do not pee in the surrounding you, and pray with a sincere feeling, put in order and maintenance of services.

11. The temple should stand and only in cases of unhealthy is allowed to sit down and relax. However, he said well about the weakness of the bodily metropolitan of Moscow Filaret (Drozdov): "Better sitting thinking about God than standing- about my feet. "But during the reading of the gospel and in particularly important places of liturgy, it is necessary to stand.

12. When the clergyman makes each temple, you need to be constrated, so as not to interfere with it, and when the people are slightly slightly tilted. It should not be baptized at this time. Again the head accepted and when they open or close the royal gates, when the priest is led "Peace to all"or the benefit of the people of the Gospel. During the sanctification of sv. Gifts (prayer "We sing")it is necessary if in the temple is not very crowded, to commit a terrestrial bow. In the festive and Sunday days, earthly bows are not laid, do not commit them after communion. These days, creature belongings, touching the floor of the floor.

13. In the temple, pray as participating in worship, and not present only to prayers and chants, which are read and come down, proceeded from your heart; Carefully watch the service to pray exactly what the whole church is praying. Believe the criste and create bows at the same time with everyone. Let's say, during the divine service, it is taken to be baptized with the Slavs of St. Trinity and Jesus, during the Sectius - to any head "Lord have mercy"and "Give, Lord",attack at the beginning and at the end of any prayer. It is necessary to cross and bow up and before approaching the icon or put a candle and leaving the temple. It is impossible to hastily, inattentively donate himself with a procession, because we appeal to Lord's love and grace.

14. If you come with children, it is easy for them to behave modestly and no noisy to take them to prayer. If children need to go away, say so that they crossed and quietly come out, or bring them themselves.

15. Never let the child are in St. The temple, in addition, when the priests distribute blessed bread.

16. If a small child pays away in the temple, immediately display or take it.

17. Do not condemn the involuntary errors of employees or those present in the temple - it is useful to delve into our own shortcomings and ask the Lord about the forgiveness of their sins. It happens, during worship, someone in your eyes prevents parishioners to concentrately pray. Do not worry, do not wander anyone. Try not to pay attention, and if, by gentlemen, you will not cope with temptation, it is better to get away quietly to another place.

18. When you go to the Temple of God, more at home will prepare money for candles, prosforms and church fees: it is inconvenient to change them when buying candles, for it interferes with both divine service and praying.

19. Until the end of the worship service, no longer needed, do not leave the temple, because it is a sin before God. If this happens, tell me to confession to the priest.

20. According to the olds of our customs, men must become in the right part of the temple, and women are in the left. No one should take away from the main doors to the royal gates.

21. Women should enter the temple modestly dressed and with a covered head. It is unacceptable to commitory sv. Tyne and applied to shrines with painted lips.

22. The main thing is mutual love of parishioners and understanding of the service. If we enter into the temple of God with awe, if, standing in the church, we will think that we are in heaven, then the Lord will fulfill our petitions.

Sending students for a sermon, Jesus Christ said to them: "Go, teach all the peoples, the kreat of them in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, teach them to observe everything that the Yapovel you"(Matt. 28, 19-20). Speech here, as teaches St. Church, about the sacraments, installed by the Lord.

The sacrament is called a sacred effect in which through some external sign mysteriously and invisibly served us by the grace of the Holy Spirit, the saving power of God - is filed by certainwise. This is the difference between the sacraments from other prayer actions. On prayers or memories, we also ask the help of God, but we will receive what we ask, or we will be given another mercy - everything is in power of God. But in the sacraments, promised grace is given to us omnious, if only the sacrament was made correctly. Perhaps this gift will be to us in court or in condemnation, but God's mercy is taught to us!

The Lord was asked to establish seven sacraments: baptism, world-formation, repentance, communion, marriage, priesthood, Impression.

From book Diacon Vladimir Sidorova - "The first steps in the Orthodox church"

Orthodox customs and traditions

In ancient Russia, there were close relationships and interaction between the church and home life of our ancestors. Orthodox people paid much attention not only to what prepare for lunch, but also as Cook. They did it with an indispensable prayer, in a peaceful state of the soul and with good thinking. And more special attention was paid church calendar - watched what day the day is lean or rapid.

Especially strictly observed the rules in the monasteries.

The ancient Russian monasteries owned extensive patrimony and landings, had the most comfortable farms that gave them means to make extensive food reserves, which in turn gave them abundant means for wide stirring, bequeathed by the inhabitants of their holy founders.

But the case of stirrerism in the monasteries was subordinated to both the general church and the private charters of every monastery, that is, one food was offered to brethren, servants, wanderers and beggars in festive and feed (added to depositor and benefactors) days, other days on weekdays; One - in the days of the rapid, the other - on the days of the post and in the posts: the Great, Christmas, Assumption and Petrovsky, - all this was strictly determined by the charters, which also raised on the place and means.

Nowadays, not all the establishments of the church charter, focused primarily on monasteries and chickens, can be applied in everyday life. However, the Orthodox person needs to learn some rules about which we have already been mentioned above.

First of all, before proceeding to cooking food, it is necessary to pray to God.

What does it mean to pray to God?
To pray to God - it means to glorify, thank and ask him about the forgiveness of your sins and about your needs. Prayer is a reverent desire of the soul of human to God.

Why do you need to pray to God?
God is our Creator and Father. He cares about all of us more than a chaded father and gives us all the benefits in life. We live, we are moving and exist; Therefore, we must pray.

How do we pray?
We pray sometimes internally - mind and heart; But since each of us consists of a soul and body, mostly we pronounce prayer out loud, and also accompanying it with some visible signs and bodily actions: a cross sign, a bow to the belt, and for the strongest expression of our reverent feelings to God and deep humility. Before him we kneel and make bows to the ground.

When should I pray?
It should be praying at all times, incessantly.

When will it take to pray?
In the morning, on awakening from sleep, - in order to thank God for saving us in the night and ask for his blessings for the coming day.
When you start - to ask God's help.
At the end of the case - to thank God for help and success in business.
Before dinner - to God bless us in health.
After lunch - to thank God eating us.
In the evening, before going to bed, - in order to thank God for the day spent and ask him about the forgiveness of our sins, about a peaceful and serene dream.
For all cases, special prayers are put on the Orthodox Church.

Prayer before lunch and dinner

Our father ... or:
The eyes of all on the way, the Lord, and you are giving them food in the bitterness, you turnover your generous hand and executes any animal of favor.

On you - on you. Help - turn hope. In parlegation - at one time. Overweight - open. Animal is a living creature, all living. Fale is a good location to someone, grace.

What do we ask in this prayer from God?
In this prayer we ask God to bless us eat and pith your health.

What about the hand of the Lord?
Under the hand of the Lord, of course, the benefits of us here.

What do the words be performed by the animal of favor?
These words mean that the Lord takes care of not about people only, but also about beasts, birds, fish and in general about all living things.

Prayer after lunch and dinner

We thank you, Christ God, Yako sat on the earthly wonts of us; Do not lish us and the heaven of your kingdom, but Yako, through your disciples, you came to eat, save, the world give them, get to us and save us. Amen.

Earth goods are all necessary for earthly life, for example, food and beings.

What are we praying in this prayer?
In this prayer, we thank God for putting us with food and drink, and ask that he does not deprive us and the heavenly kingdom.

If several people are sitting at the table, the prayer reads the older man aloud.

What can be said about who during prayer is incorrectly and casually baptized or shakes baptized?

Such a person does not want to confess his faith in God; The Jesus Christ himself will be ashamed at the terrible court of his own (MK. 8.38).

How to be baptized?
To commit the gloor sign, the three first fingers of the right hand - large, index and medium - fold together; The last two fingers are a non-name and a little finger - bend to the palm.
Folded thus folded on the forehead, on the stomach, on the right and left shoulder.

What do we express such folding fingers?
Folding together for three first fingers, we express faith in the fact that God is one essentially, but is threefold in faces.
The two faded fingers show our faith in the fact that in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, two nature: divine and human.
Posing the cross with folded fingers, we show that we save faith in Jesus Christ, crucified on the cross.

Why are we falling on the cross forehead, belly and shoulders?
To enlighten mind, hearts and to strengthen the forces.

Perhaps a modern person will seem strange or not a fantastic statement that the taste of lunch may depend on prayer or mood. However, in the lives of saints there is a very convincing story on this topic.

Once at the Holy Reverend Federation Pechersky (Plenipped in 1074) arrived at the monastery Prince Kiev Izyaslav and remained daring. On the table there were only black bread, water and vegetables, however, these simple foods seemed to the prince of oversity of overseas.

Izyaslav asked Feodosia, why the monastery meal showed there is so tasty. To which Monk answered:

"Prince, our brethren, when cooking food or bake bread, first take a blessing at the abbot, then put three bows before the altar, light a candle from the lamp before the icon of the Savior and this candle bakes fire in the kitchen and bakery.
When you need to pour water into the boiler, the minister also screens up for this blessing among the elder.
Thus, everything is done with the blessing.
Your servants are starting with a ropot and annoying each other. And where there is a sin, there can be no pleasure. In addition, your yard managers often beat the servants for the slightest area, and the tears of offended add bitterness in the kushan, however they were no roads. "

Regarding food intake, the church does not give special recommendations, however, before the morning service, it is impossible to eat before the communion. This ban exists in order to be burdened by the body to distract the soul from prayer and communion.

What is the sacrament of communion?
The fact that the Christian takes the true body of Christ under the guise of bread, and under the guise of the true blood of Christ to connect with the Lord Jesus Christ and for an eternal blissful life with him (John 6, 54-56).

How should be prepared for the Holy Communion?
Those who wanted to occur the Saints of Christ Tyne must first be negotiating, i.e. Fall, pray more in the church and at home, to reconcile with everyone and then confess.

Does it often have to pass?
Must commits as often as possible, at least once a month and be sure to all posts (Great, Christmas, Assumption and Petrov); Otherwise, unfairly called an Orthodox Christian.

What church service is committed by the sacrament of communion?
For Divine Liturgy, or Lunch, why this service is considered more important than other church services, such as evening, morning and others.

In the liturgical practice, the Russian Orthodox Church enjoys typicon. Tipikon, or the Charter - a liturgical book, containing a detailed instruction: What days and hours, under what divine services and in what order should read or sing the prayers contained in the service, character, octohy and other liturgical books.

Tipicon also pays great attention and fell by believers. However, a secular person should not literally fulfill all the instructions contained in the Charter, for it is focused primarily on monastery brethren.

In the past, there was a rule necessarily go to the bath on the eve of the visit to the Church. Now this Council is excesshed, since, thanks to the amenities, everyone has the opportunity to follow the rules of hygiene.

Going to the Orthodox Temple, you should disable in advance mobile phone Or not to take it at all. Phone calls will distract believers from prayers. Talking during the service on the phone should not follow the same reasons.

Spiritual setting

Before visiting the church, you need to configure yourself spiritually. To do this, it is recommended to read the Bible or other spiritual literature, such as "Collection of church sermons." In general, before each holiday, it is recommended to read the appropriate literature.

The Apostle Paul instructed the church in Philippi: "My brachia is that only true, which is honest, that is right that it is clean, that kindly that it is worthwhile that only virtue and praise, think about what you have learned what you have accepted and heard and saw in me, then perform, - and the God of the world will be with you "

(FLP. 4: 8-9).

Reading spiritual literature should encourage a person to reflect on how he lived past weekWhat was his heart or thoughts. It is desirable, experiencing himself, remember what he sinned from the day of the last confession. You can even record your sins, so as not to forget them before confession, distracted by everyday problems.

It will also be useful during spiritual reflections to recall all the good giving and the grace received from God. For all this follows it to thank.

Especially carefully will be prepared mentally to the communion.


Clothing for visiting the church must be modest and depletive. In addition, it should be clean and ironed, shoes - cleaned, hairstyle - neat. In no case cannot come to the church in what usually go home or on the beach.

The appearance of a Christian (not only behavior, but also clothes) reflects his inner state, although it is not an indicator of his piety. However, the desire for the purity of the inner, as a rule, encourages a person also to be neat and outside. If a person is modest and meek, it will also be expressed in modest clothes and meek behavior. A person who has peace and peace in the heart will be quiet and restrained in a conversation, all his gestures will be balanced. A believer will have a desire for order in all.

In clothes it is better to stick to calm tones. In some cases, it is recommended to come in bright clothes (for example, for Easter), sometimes, on the contrary, in black (in the days of mourning). Screaming tones will be inappropriate.

"Yes, there will be a decoration of your no external hair weaving, not golden clothes or elegacity in clothes, but the innermost heart is a man in the ample beauty of the meek and silent spirit, which is precious before God"

(1 Pet. 3: 3-4).

Especially carefully to clothing needed to women. They should always look very modest in the church. Recently, many go to church in jeans or trousers. However, confession or communion should still wear a skirt. It should be no above the knee, not transparent and without cuts. A sweater or blouse is recommended to choose without deep cutting on the chest and also opaque, non-surk, without sequins, etc. Women should be covered with a handkerchief. There is no strict claims to shoes, but it is recommended to choose the most convenient as possible, since it has to stand for a long time. It is impossible to use cosmetics, especially painting lips. It should not be used in spirits, especially in hot weather, since their strong smell can cause bad well-being surrounding.

Men can come in jeans or trousers, sweater or shirt or suit. Shorts and T-shirts should not be worn. Unlike women, men, entering the church, always (even in winter) should baptize their heads.

In the days of church holidays, you can dress more beautifully and solemnly, on the days of posts - on the contrary, more modest.

Youth people should not come to the temple in T-shirts, especially from the screaming species with stickers on them in the form of various slogans, images of pop music idols, etc. The shorts are allowed to be only for children up to 7 years.

Entrance to the temple

Coming to worship follows 5-10 minutes before it began. You need to enter the church with reverence, calm and quiet. On the threshold, they usually fall three times with a procession and read prayer. You can read the prayer "Our Father" or simply to say: "Lord, Homes." At the same time it is necessary to look at the dome of the temple and the crosses on them. At the end of the prayer should be bowed. On how to make a criste and bows will be talked below.

Do not smoke at the entrance to the temple. Entering the pale, one should once again stand up with a crossage, as it is believed that the person already here is in holy place. It is necessary to stop all the conversations that are not related to the spiritual.

You should not be delayed at the entrance to the temple, it makes it difficult to enter into it to other the Bogomolets.

Entering the temple, it is necessary to try, no one bothers, to find a place and, turning to the altar, create three bows with a cross-sign. If the service is coming at this time, men must pass and stand on the right side, and women on the left.

It is advisable to come to the church on time, that is, by the beginning of worship, and not during him. Defending should try to quietly go ahead.

Will money, except for the purchase of candles, follows either before or after worship, but in no case during the service.

Inside the church is not accepted to talk in order not to interfere with others handle thoughts to God.

In the church, parishioners pray and, as a rule, to themselves. This is a secret rule concerns and singing. It should not be quietly singing with a drinking chorus, as well as echo to repeat out loud words of a priest or reader. A similar action may prevent their neighbors to pray. This order is preferably not violating.

"Do not get enough wine from which the breakfast happens; But by the Spirit, catching themselves by the psalms and the sall climbs and chants of spiritual, singing and having sang in the hearts of your Lord, thanks to always for all God and Father, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, obeying each other in fear of God. "

(Eph. 5: 19-20).

In the past, it was customary to pray out loud. Currently, parishioners can together pray out loud while reading the Prayers of Our Father and I believe, as well as sing the path and the magnitude of holidays.

Before the worship, you can go to a candle box where you can get candles, acquire books and other church utensils. At this time, you can say hello to the familiar or talk to the clergy for some church or spiritual topic.

You can not walk, talk, as well as put candles and applied to icons while reading the gospel, the singing of the Kheruvim and Eucharistic canon on the liturgy (from the Faith symbol to "Father Our").

The church usually stand, but permitted and sit. According to the proverb, better sitting thinking about God than standing - about the legs.

The seats in the church should be sick and old. Sitting should not throw leg legs.

However, during important points you should still get up.

This time includes the time of the Souchopsalmia's sound, "honest", the great Slavora, the exclamation "blessed kingdom", as well as during the small entrance and reading the Gospel, which is the Word of God, which sounds to people. The same applies to reading the faith symbol.

Especially should be attentive and with a reverence to listen to prayer at the time of "yours from yours!", As it is believed that at this time the Holy Spirit of Bread and Wine, cooked for the communion, turning them into the flesh and blood of Christ, and thus Miracle is performed. This moment in the Orthodox Church is considered the most important during the sacrament, he is called the Heart of the Divine Liturgy.

It should also be continued to stand when they sing "Our Father", and during the pronouncement of the phrase "with the fear of God" it is necessary to reverently to bow, because it is believed that at that time Christ himself goes to the Saint Bow.

When everyone gets on her knees during a general prayer, you also need to kneel.

In the church should not keep hands in his pockets and chew a chewing gum.

Having come to the church with children, it is necessary to take care that they do not run, not laughing and did not indulge in the temple. If the child is paid, it should be reassured immediately, if it does not succeed, it is better to take it outside and calm down. After that, you can return to the church. You can not come to church with animals or birds.

"You check out to you, brethren, the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, to remove from every brother, incursable, and not to legend, which took from us."

(2 Fez. 3: 6).

It is undesirable to make comments to those who incorrectly behaves in ignorance. The exception is undeformed, hooligan behavior.

In the church you need to stay until the end of the service. It is appropriate to leave for a used to be appropriate only or in case of acute need.


Before starting to pray, it is necessary to calm down and focus on the divine, only after this to pronounce the words of prayer. You can first put candles in front of the saints icons to which prayer will be addressed.

Prayer must be quiet, without interfering with another praying. To do this, you need to choose a convenient place where other parishioners will not interfere with focus on communicating with God and Holy Holy. Do not push out other believers with their places before icons, it is better to wait until they leave, or choose another place. You can pray not only for your own need, but also by taking part in worship, during which there is a time for both personal and general prayer.

Not even speaking a word and not understanding the language on which the service is held (the service is held in Orthodox churches in the Old Slavonic language), you can still feel your involvement in the whole thing in the church. It helps internally tune in spiritual reflections.

When thoughts during worship involuntarily dissipate, it is recommended to read Jesus prayer: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, a lot of sinning."

Great sign and bows

The Orthodox Christian, who came to the Church, should be aware when and how to make a criste. Practice shows that many are very fulfilling it wrong.

The goddling sign expresses a person's faith in Jesus Christ as his Savior. Faith in Christ means love for him and fulfill his holy will in his life. It is such a faith that saves evil from power. "The cross is an instrument and the banner of the victory of Christ over sin and death," said in God's law. Therefore, it was the cross who became a sign adopted by Christians to confess his faith.

The first three fingers, folded together, express faith in the god of the Father, the God of the Son and God of the Spirit of the Holy, as in a one-way Trinity. Two fingers, pressed against the palms, mean Christ during his descent to earth, when two entities were connected - Divine and human.

Thus, the congestion itself, like a cross, wearable on the neck, does not bring liberation or salvation, they cannot be used as talismans or protection against the evil demonic manifestations of this world. According to Orthodox facilitation, only the true faith can save. The congestion is only the visible manifestation of this faith.

Orthodox binds themselves with a congestion as follows: Large, index and middle fingers of the right hand are folded together, and a ring finger and a little finger pressed to the palm.

Having donating himself with a cross end, it is necessary to apply folded fingers first to the forehead (for the consecration of the mind), then to the stomach (to consecrate the inner feelings), after which it is to the right and left shoulders (for consecrated bodily, physical strength). Previously, it was allowed to do the lower end of the cross on the chest, and not on the stomach. However, this way the cross is turned upside down, which is currently a symbol of Satanists.

Having lowered the hand, it should be bowed, because by portraying the Calval Cross, the believer will definitely express his worship of the feat of the feat of Christ. You can not do a bow at the same time with the congestion.

You need to be baptized only with your right hand.

Great sign should try to make correctly. At the same time, it is not necessary to hurry, otherwise it turns out a simple breath of hand, which looks not very good and can be perceived by other believers as blasphemy.

Pokloma believer makes in humility before God. Bowlings are waist and earthly. During the belt bows, they are bought to the belt, and during the earth's believer it becomes knees and concerns the head of the Earth.

The congestion is usually committed in the following cases:

- when approaching the whole holy (at the entrance to the temple, applying a cross or icon, etc.);

- at the beginning, during and at the end of any prayer;

- at the beginning of the morning;

- When the priest led: "God blessed";

- When ascending the name of the Blessed Trinity, for example: "Blessed the kingdom of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit ...";

- during the perpetration of the name of the Most Holy Virgin;

- during the prayer "honest";

- When the name of the Holy Date is delivered;

- To the key moments of worship, for example, when "yours from yours", etc.

If the procession is made not during the prayer, it should be told about himself: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen."

The blessing of the priest

The blessing of the priest is the cross of the sign that he falls as a believer. At the same time, the priest adds hands differently than with ordinary procession. His fingers depict the letters of IC. HC., What does Jesus Christ mean. In other words, Jesus Christ himself across the priest blesses the believer.

Blessing should be taken with reverence. Another blessing value is permission, permission and farewell. For example, a believer asks the priest of blessings, going on the road, in front of an important thing or in any difficult position.

The blessing is common and private. The overall blessing occurs during worship, when the priest, blessing all the believers present in the temple, says: "Peace to everyone", "the blessing of the Lord on you ...", "the grace of our Lord ...", - and falls on their procession . At the same time, everyone is bounted in response, without folding hands and not peeling.

If the priest donates the believing by the procession with the sacred items,

such as the cross, the gospel, bowl, icon or others, those present should cross and bow.

When a believer receives a blessing separately for himself, he must fold the hands of the cross and palms up - right on the left. The priest falls on his procession and puts his hand into the folded palm of the believer. Having received a blessing, the believer should kiss the hand of the priest, which he blessed, thereby kissing the hand of the Lord Jesus Christ.


Entering the church, believers are usually suited to the icon, which is on an analogue in the center of the temple, and applied to it (kiss it). This is a holiday icon, it is usually depicted a celebrated event, for example, the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, or the Holy, whom the church comes in this day. Apply to this icon follows, after having completed a criste with a bow, then you should kiss the icon and again, crossing, bow.

In the Orthodox Church there is an icon kissing order. Everyone who enters the temple should be attached to the guise of the icon of this local church.

The parishioner should not by kissing to bypass all the icons of the temple and the iconostasis. It makes only the bishop. Violation of this rule of layman is increasing.

It should not be wandering throughout the church from one icon to another, preventing the prayer to focus on their prayers. The manifestation of prettiness to icons should not go beyond the fractions of decency. Other icons can be approached at another time.

If the services in the church are not, you can approach the icon located in the center of the temple, twice crossed and make it to its lower part, after which it is crossed for the third time. In more detail about icons and their reverence will be described below.

Candles, lamps and lamps

Special symbol inherent to Orthodox churches are candles. They are missing in the sign of the foggy and dedication to God.

The custom of putting candles, and also to light the lamps came to Russia from Greece. However, in antiquity, as stated in the Holy Scripture, God himself gave the command to make a golden lamp with seven lamps, which it was necessary to argue into the sanctuary of the temple every evening. They were a symbol of God's leadership of the people of Israel. At the same time, it was decided that the lamp would always burn in front of the Book of the Law of Moiseeva, testifying that the law given by God is a lamp for a person in everyday life.

After the spread of Christianity, a tradition appeared before the removal of the Gospel to carry a burning candle, and during his reading a lot of candles, arising that the light of the good news enlightens every person coming to the world.

At first, Christians always focused candles in worships, because they were going to listen to sermons, singing, prayers and refraction of bread often at night. In the book Acts of the Holy Apostles say: "In the Hornishche, where we gathered, there were quite lamps" (Acts 20: 8).

When the persecution of Christians began, they often hid and conducted worship in deep dungeons and catacombs. At the same time, the lamps and candles were simply necessary. Gradually, the candles acquired and spiritual meaning.

When the persecution stopped, the custom to light the lamps and candles remained. Without them, no worship was passed.

"Our worship service is never committed without lamps, but we do not use them not to overclock the darkness of the night, - Liturgy is performed in our day; But in order to portray, through this Christ - the light is unreacted, without which we and the middle day wanders in the darkness "


Gradually began to put candles and light the lamps not only before the gospel, but also to other sacred objects that the local churches were replenished. At first it was the tomb of martyrs, then the icons of the saints. So, in the message of Jerome vs. Vigilantia, you can read the following: "In all churches of the East, when the gospel is read, candles are tied up and with sunlight, truly not for the darkness of the darkness, but as a sign of joy, in order to the image of sensory light. Show light. Others are creating in honor of the martyrs. " Holy Sofronius, Patriarch Jerusalem (VII century) said: "Lampads and candles the essence, the image of eternal light, and also mean the light that the righteous shine." Blessed Simeon Solunsky (XV century) wrote: "Candles and before the icons of the saints are mounted, for the sake of good things in the world ...".

Currently, the tradition to light candles, lamps and lamps in the Orthodox churches are preserved. However, it is not necessary to think that they burn there always and in large quantities. At night, it should be lit only a small number of lamps, and when reading the sixth-psalm on the all-sleeping occasion and quench all the candles, except for one, located in the middle of the chtcher in front of the icon of Christ in the iconostasis. However, complete darkness in the church never happens. During the holidays and Sunday worship services, on the contrary, all the lamps and many candles are lit.

Lampades and candles in the Orthodox church are burning in the altar behind the throne in a special lamp, called the seventence, on the forefront, on the throne, on the altar, as well as individual icons. In the middle part of the temple, the lamps lay in all icons. Near especially revered icons put several lampades. Candlesticks are placed near the icons with many cells so that believers can put their candles in them.

The largest candlestick put in the center of the temple on the east side of the nation, near the icons revered on this day. During small entrances (at the evening and liturgy), the great entrance (behind the liturgy), as well as to the Gospel (if it is taken out of the inputs or for reading) use a special candlestick with a large candle, which symbolizes the light of Christ preaching to this world, as well as Christ, which is the light true.

"Fire burning ... candles and lamps, like the very well with hot coals and incense fimiami serve for us the way of the fire of the spiritual - the spirit of the Holy Our flames of love for God and to each other: Fire before holy icons reminds us of the flame love of the Saints to God, because of which they hated the world and all of his charms, all in a lie; It reminds us that we have to serve God, to pray to God with a fumerant spirit, which we have a lot of part and no, for we have cool hearts. So in the temple everything is instructive and there is nothing idle, unnecessary. "

(Saint Righteous John Kronstadt).

Candles that put in front of the icons of saints, mean the flame love of the saints to God, their sacrifice and complete self-dedication. Candles also remind the fact that the saints are lamps, burning and luminous world a feat of their faith and their virtues.

During each priest with Kadyl, the deacon, carrying a special Donyakian candle, which symbolizes the light of the apostolic preaching preceding the adoption by the peoples of faith in Christ.

The lamp, burning in front of the icon marks the fiery pillar, accompanied by the people of Israel in the desert in the ancient times. The candles set around the lamp are the manner of a non-burning thorns, in which God appeared to Moses. According to the Orthodox tradition, the non-military bush is the prototype of Mother of God.

Candles delivered by the right circles symbolize the chariot, on which hesitated to the sky. Light circles depict the wheels of this chariot.

Last minute candles are used in various church services. They must be in the hands of the bachers or crowned. The funeral is also carried out among many lit candles. With candles, believers go to the procession.

On weekdays, when in the temple, it is mostly prayer for repentance and crushing, burning candles very little. On holidays and Sundays, when the solemn gloriousness and the preaching of the Gospel, the entire church is illuminated by candles and lamps. And in the greatest Christian holiday, the Resurrection of Christ, except for the lighting of the church, all believers also keep burning candles in their hands.

Candle is one of the foundations of practical Orthodox Christianity. Its wax, soft and malleable, symbolizes a person ripened for repentance and ready for internal changes in obedience. The fire of the candle symbolizes the deification of a person through the spiritual birth of over from the fire of Divine Love. Clean the candles means the purity of a person as a result of his repentance and admission to the divine nature.

While reading Shestopsalmia, which refers to the awareness of his sinful state, almost all the candles are quenched in the church, so that people were more attentive to heard in the twilight and, if necessary, they could breathe or make themselves. Darkness contributes to mental concentration on his own soul. On liturgy (worship on which communion) passing both on weekdays and in holidays, candles ignite the most. Before reading the reading, the gospel of the candle is lit in all of the temple, reminding that the word of good news illuminates the entire Earth.

First of all, there is a candle on the altar, then on the throne, after which in front of the icons of the Savior, the Mother, Temple and Saints.

Thus, the ignition of clergy clergy in the temple is part of worship. They mark them in a certain order with a certain meaning. At the same time, the parishioner should not interfere with her unworthy behavior.

Candles use in all rituals and sacraments:

- during baptism (three candles put on the font as a symbol of the Holy Trinity, the perceivers also hold the candles in their hands, as if to say that the baptist is coming from darkness to light);

- when hollowing and weddings (candles hold the engagement and weddings, which marks the purity of their lives before marriage and after);

- during the bonding (near the lamp or vessel with wine and the barerine put seven candles, meaning seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, also lit candles hold all those present in the sign of the flame prayer);

- On the burial (candles put in four candlesticks at the corners of the coffin, which symbolizes the cross, relatives also hold the burning candles during the memorialist, which symbolize the divine light for the baptized Christian).

Special rules, where and how much to put candles, does not exist.

The monetary fee, in most Orthodox churches is absolutely not obligatory, is a kind of donation - small and sacring for everyone. The dimensions of the candle and its release do not play absolutely no role in serving God.

People who constantly go to church, as a rule, always put a few candles, for example, one to the festive icon located on an analogue, to the image of the Savior or the Virgin (with the ascension of prayers about the health of their loved ones) and to the crucifixion, praying for rest Depreciated. You can also put a candle in front of the icon of any of the saints at the kettling of the heart.

If there is no place for the candlestick in front of the icon due to the many burning candles set by other people, should not be honored with someone's candle. It is better to ask the priest to put a candle for herself later when it is possible.

The believer should also not be offended or resent, if someone has redeemed his candle before the end of the service, as it is believed that God reads in the heart and takes a heart sacrifice, the candle is only the display of this sacrifice in the outside world.

Do not take close to the heart of the belief that if the candle goes out, then this is unfortunately. Also, you should not listen to those who say that to melt the lower end of the candle to install it in the candlestick should be considered a sin. There are no special indications exactly what your hand should be put in a candle - right or left. Various superstitions arising from the people, the church is not acceptable.

Candles and lamps are lit not only in temples, but also in houses of pious Christians.

To put a candle, do not disturb other your behavior, you should come before the start of the service. Often, those who came and those who came to the temple in the middle are distracted by other believers from prayer and worship, passing their candles through them. This behavior is unacceptable. In case of refinery, it is better to wait for the end of worship, after which it will be possible to put a candle, not a disturbance of others and without breaking about.

Candles should not be the only participation of a believer in worship. After all, the candle in itself does not give spiritual healing, liberation from sins, strengthening the Spirit. Despite its symbolic essence, the candle does not have the ability to save the soul. In order to put a candle, you also need to have an appropriate mental attitude.

Burning candles are a victim of God. By putting them before a particular icon, a person should have love, respect and reverement to her man. If this is not in the heart - and the candles mean nothing for God. Often, people put their candles before the saints that they do not know anything, which means that they do not like them. It becomes useless effect.

Some turn the melting of the candles in a simple rite without caring to learn about God, the Mother of God or Saints, something useful for themselves, inspiring and brings closer to God. At the same time, they make so small God and all the saints, what they think they need candles, and not a clean heart. It is unlikely that you can hope for something from God in response to your prayer or petition.

Some, putting a candle, believe that they have fulfilled their duty towards God, and this is enough to be called an Orthodox Christian, righteous and clean. They calmly sin, deceiving and offending others, and then, as if sacrifice for sins, put the candles to God or light the lamps in front of the icons.

The candles should only be lit as a sign of the display of the fire, which burns in the heart - the fire of love. If the darkness of sin and disbelief reigns in the soul, not for what the candles. Their burning is impossible to buy a real cleansing of the soul. You can not bribe God, how did the pagans made in ancient times, bringing various values, including birds and domestic cattle sacrificing idols.

Thus, by putting a candle, you should think if it is dictated by love for God, which is confirmed by pious behavior. If not, the candle is an attempt to bribe, which is not just meaningless, but also offensive for God, especially if the candles are purchased for money mined in dishonest labor.

"To put candles in front of icons well. But it is better if you sacrifice Lubovy to God and to the neighbor. Well, if more and more together. If you put the candles, and you don't have love to God and neighbor in my heart: you will notice, do not live peacefully, then you are in vain and the victim of your God "

(Saint Righteous John Kronstadsky)

The Bible says that if people continue to create lawlessness, the victims, brought by them, be afraid of God: "To what I have a lot of victims of your ...

I am delivered by the bindings of the Aries and the Tuka of the fattened cattle, and the blood of the Tales and the Lamb and Kozlov do not want. When you come to appear before my face, who requires you so that you trample my yards? Do not carry more gifts in vain: smoking disgusting for me; The newly and Sabbath, festive assemblies can not tolerate: lawlessness - and celebration! My newly, your holidays hates my soul: they are burden for me; It is hard for me to carry them. And when you extend your hands, I close my eyes from you; And when you multiply your prayer, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood "(Is. 1: 11-15).

As for relations with people, you should try to live in peace with others. Put the candle, having an evil in the heart on someone - empty business. If a person is in a hostile relationship with anyone in the family, at work, this victim will be rejected.

Candles can be acquired in that temple, which man came to pray. However, it is not forbidden to put and light the candles before icons acquired in any other Orthodox church.

Candles on the health of relatives and loved ones are usually stated before the icons of the saints in special candlesticks, which in the temple there are several. Such candlesticks, as a rule, are located in front of the icons of Nicholas, Kirill and Methodius, Ksenia St. Petersburg, Maria Egypt, etc. Icon of the Saint is chosen in accordance with the needs of praying.

Candles for restoring the souls of the dead put in a special clock canonon, which exists in any temple. On it, as a rule, there is a small crucifix. In Easter Sunday, candles do not put candles.

Celebration and church note

Calmmen appeared not very long ago and inherent in only the Orthodox Church. This is a special small book that can be purchased in the church and in which the believers of Christians make the names of all relatives, both living and the dead, for the memory for offspring. To the chasing should be treated with respect and store them at home near the icons clean and tidy.

In the divine service, the clergy is served a one-time pastry. It recorded the names of living and dead people who need to pray "about health" or "about rest." Such a dyfulness is called church note. It should also be treated with respect and make entries with accuracy.

Church notes are made by priests in the altar, where they are read during the Divine Liturgy in front of the Holy Throne. In this regard, they can also be called liturgical books. With the greatest revelation, one should refer to church memories.

Even in a one-time period, the names need to be made neatly, laying handwriting, adding the cross written by the image. Carelessly decorated notes indicate that the author does not understand their meaning.

Church prayer for the deceased is pronounced during the liturgy, when bloodless victims, or gifts, - bread and wine, that is, is performed holy Communion. Therefore, it is believed that prayers in the church are particularly strong and grateful in comparison with homely prayer.

The power of prayers pronounced in the church is also great because they are assessed by priests - people specifically defined for the execution of priesthoods.

Prayer "Friend" suggests a prayer not only about human physical health, but also about his material well-being, spiritual and spiritual state. Therefore, praying "about health" for an evil person, a believer asks God to correct this person, change it to internally, to rescue.

A person may include everyone who wants not only health, but also to rescue the soul, as well as just life life.

The Apostle Paul wrote, instructing Timothy and the whole Church under his beginning: "Before you will allocate prayers, petitions, prayer, thanksgiving for all people, for the kings and for all the supervisors, in order to give us life quiet and serene in every piety and purity, For it is good and wifth to the Savior to our God, who wants all people to save and achieve the knowledge of truth "

(1 Tim. 2: 1-4).

Church notes fill rules are as follows:

- It must have one of the two names: "On the health" or "about the rest";

- It is necessary to write a clear and understandable handwriting, you can with printed letters;

- It should not be mentioned in it more than 5-10 names (to mention a larger number of relatives and loved ones, you should write a few notes);

- Names must be recorded in the parental case (for this you need to ask the question "Who?");

- Names need to be recorded in full form, even if these are the names of small children (for example, not "Volodya", and "Vladimir");

- Names must be written in their church form (for example, Sergius, not Sergey, Apprallaring, and not Polina, Anthony, and not Anton, etc.);

- should not be indicated in the notes, patronymic and surname, as well as titles, titles, profession and degree of kinship;

- the first names of the bishops and the yeemeev are written, and their San should be specified (fully or in a clear reduction), then the name of the application of the note and its relatives and loved ones is indicated;

- a child under 7 years old in a church note should be recorded as a baby (for example, a baby Ilia), and children from 7 to 15 years old - as a hotel or to death;

- Do not write in the notes "On the health" of the word "suffering", "embittered", "in need", "lost", "student", "Widoves", "Maiden", "Pregnant", "Grief". You can use words: "sore", "traveling", "prisoner", "warrior", "monk", "nuns";

- In the notes "On the Kibenia", it is necessary to note the "new-promoted" (about the mustache for 40 days in death), "confused" (if the deceased has a memorable date on this day - the day of death, the day of the name is, etc.) is also allowed The words "killed" and "warrior".

You can enter everyone who has Christian names in the note "On Zeravia". In the note "On the rest" enter only the names of the baptized in the Orthodox Church.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, all the prayers began, as a rule, from mentioning the name of the sovereign,

since from his "toast" (that is, the fate of all Russia and every person in the country depended on his physical, mental and spiritual state).

Church notes can be read before or during worship and in various shape, which is negotiated in advance at the request of the parishioner. He can submit a note to prosomide, lunch (liturgy) or eating.

Apkdomidia is called the initial, preparatory part of the liturgy, during which the priests prepare bread and wine for the upcoming sacrament. It takes place in the altar and invisible for parishioners. At this time, the priest for each name indicated in the note takes out of special prosphorated by believers, small particles, which then lowers in the bowl of wine symbolizing the blood of Christ, and prays about the forgiveness of sins of the commemorable people.

In the second case, the remembrance occurs immediately after the end of the lunch and, as a rule, in front of the holy throne.

SECTIONS - This is a common three-stroke exclamation "Lord, Pommey!", After which there is a surprise in all the names submitted in the notes. Names read, as a rule, deacon.

After worship, all the notes served and commended the second time.

The dead, according to the Orthodox tradition, should be remembered on the days of their death, birthday and name. In the note "On the restoration" you can not make the names of the suicide.

Current notes should be served as often as possible, and be sure to go on such days like birthdays, baptism and name as their own and family members. Be sure to submit church notes on the birthdays and baptism of the child.

Custom memorization

A registered note is served on a prayer service or a memorial. These commemorations are distinguished by the fact that they are committed after liturgy. Current notes on them are served separately from ordinary church notes.

Prayer calls a special service at which the clergy asks the Lord, the Virgin and the Saints about mercy and thanks for the benefits received. Prayer passes in front of the liturgy and the field of it, as well as after the morning and evening.

Prayers can be private and public. Public prayers are performed on the days of the temple holidays, on New Year, Before the start of the school year, during natural disasters, wars, epidemics, droughts, etc. Private prayers are held at the request of individual believers.

The note "On health" with prayer is different from a simple note "On health" by the fact that after the seizures of particles from the prosphora deacon, loud read the names of the names on the object, then the priest repeats these names before the throne, at the end of the liturgy, the names from the registered notes are also read at the end of the liturgy Prayers for prayers.

The registered note "On the restoration" with the Panichid is carried out in the same sequence: after the seizures of particles, with reading the names of the dead Deacon, it utters these names on the object, then the priest repeats them in front of the altar, and after worship, the names of the departed commemorate themselves on the memorial service.

A custom note can also be submitted to a special prayer, called fortyst. This is a prayer, performed for forty days. Each day is made of seizure of particles from the prosphirts and the remembrance of living or dead. Especially often this kind of prayer is ordered for heavy patients.

Panhides are called brief services, including prayers for the forgiveness of sins and resting the soul of the deceased. During the pack, relatives and friends of the deceased are present in the service and keep burning candles in their hands. At the end of the Candle service, it is damaged, without waiting for them when they will store to the end.

In the church, you can order a lot of living or deceased for a month, six months or a year, as well as for eternal commemoration, which is practiced in some temples and monasteries.

In the note on the prayer, the name of the saint that the prayer will be attracted first, then you need to write "about health" or "about the rest" and to enter the names of those on whom should be mentioned in prayer singing. Submitting a registered note, it is necessary to tell the minister whether it is necessary to make a small sanctification of water during a prayer or not.

Festive worship

Such worships take place especially solemnly. As a rule, in the course of such worships, special actions are performed inherent in them. The most striking example is the procession during the festive Easter service. For such cases, the church etiquette is prescribed special behavior.

Easter holiday

The resurrection of Christ is celebrated at Easter. This is the greatest and solemn Christian holiday. Believers begin to gather in the temple long before midnight. At the same time, they must be dressed in bright clothes. The beginning of the holiday is announced a solemn worst (shortly before midnight).

The clergymen with a cross, lamps and FimiMi leave the altar and together with all the people they leave the temple and bypass around him with singing. On the bell tower at this time, the Easter chime sounds.

All believers carry lit candles in the hands. The procession stops at the western gate of the temple, which shook, like the coffin of the Lord. Here, like an angel, who argued by the myrrheans' wives about the Resurrection of Christ, sings: "Christ is risen from the dead, death, death, and the belly of the belly under the coffins." These words are then repeated three times with clergy and choir.

After singing, the Primate, holding a cross and a three-day in his hands, draws the sign of the cross in front of the shredded door of the temple, after which they open and singing enters the church, in which all lamps and lamps were lit.

The Church is committed by Easter Roaspery, during which canon John Damaskina, and clergy with a cross and cadyl, bypass the whole church and happily welcome all those present by the words: "Christ is risen!", - What are all those present in the church in the church answer: "Truly resurrected! "

From the first day of Easter and until the celebration of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity is not relying in the temple to kneel and make earthly bows.

At the end of the uterus, after the "each other will be assessed by the RC: Brahi! And he hate to forgive us all the resurrection! ", All believers begin to greet each other with the words" Christ Risen! ", answering:" Verily Risen! "

At the same time, everyone kiss each other and give Easter eggs.

The priest then reads the word John of Zlatoust, calling everyone to refuse, after which the eternal victory of Christ over death and hell is solemnly proclaimed.

After the uterine, watch and liturgy follow, during which the royal gates do not close throughout the week. At the end of the liturgy, Easter bread is consecrated, called Artos, who is heard to all believers as an Easter blessing. After the liturgy, the priest sanctifies the cakes, Easter, eggs and meat cooked for Easter meals.

In the following Easter days there are processions near the church, accompanied by a bell tower.

Pentecost holiday(Day of the Holy Trinity)

This holiday is established in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles in the fiftieth day on the Sunday of Christ.

The celebration begins with an evening worship service, in which believers read the three umlifying prayers of Vasily the Great, while kneeling. On the same day, prayers for the deceased are raised.

On the feast of Pentecost, it is customary to decorate the temple and houses by branches of trees and flowers. The temple should also come in colors in their hands.

Holiday of the Transfiguration of the Lord

On this day, believers bring fruit to the temple - apples, pears, plums that are blessed and sanctified by the priest after worship, at the end of the liturgy. In this regard, this holiday is also called apple spas. It is believed that while fruit was not consecrated in the church, they should not be eaten.

Christmas holiday Christ

For the celebration of Christmas, believers prepare themselves by a forty-day post. Especially strict fasting should be followed on the day before the holiday. This day is called Christmas Eve.

In Christmas in Russia, it was customary to recall the economy from the enemy invasion of 1812.

During the foreshort, the royal watches are made, which are so called because they are read by the Gospel and the Epos of Apostles. At noon, the Liturgy of Vasily Vasily is held with the evening, after which the candle is put in the church and festive songs. From the evening and until the morning a merciless vigil is committed.

Holiday of the baptism of the Lord(Epiphany)

This holiday, like Christmas, is distinguished by committing on the eve of the royal watches, the liturgy of Vasily of the Great and All-Night Vigil. In addition, two great water bindings are performed on this holiday: one - on the eve of the holiday in the temple, the other - on the day of the holiday under open sky, rivers, ponds and wells.

The congestion for the Epiphany is called a cross move on Jordan, because it was there that the baptism of Jesus Christ occurred.

What should not be done in the church

When readers or priests read, do not interfere with them, moving in front of them from one place to another.

At all, you should not move, buy and put candles, and also apply to icons during the most important moments of worship.

On liturgy:

- in small (with the gospel) and the Great (with a bowl) of the entrances;

- when reading "prayer for saving Russia";

- while reading the apostle and the gospel;

- During the singing of the Kheruvim song (in particular, from words: "I also cherubs secretly forming" to finite triple singing "Alilius");

"During the Eucharistic Canon (from the exclusion" Doors, doors, wisdom, "in the continuation of the singing of the Symbol of Faith," I believe in the united God ", in the continuation of the entire canon, when the" mercy of the world "comes around until the end of the song The Virgin Mary" is worthy "). This is the most reverent moment of the liturgy - in the continuation of all this time there should be no walking on the temple or extinguishing candles;

- When singing "Our Father".

On the all-distance learning:

- at the entrance of the priest or a deacon with the cench for the evening;

- when reading six episal, when all the electric light in the temple is stealing, it is forbidden to stew or put candles;

- upon the exit of the priest with the Holy Gospel and while reading the Gospel;

- when singing "honestly cherub" and the great Slavs "Glory in the Vointer God."


Donations in the temple are mainly brought in the form of money, although you can sacrifice any things that are used in the church, such as bowls, candles, wine, fabric, oil for lampada, etc. Sometimes the church sacrifice products on the meal for clergy.

Donations can be brought by a temple or individual priests personally. You can give donations as payment for commemoration of relatives, when making sacraments, etc.

Among the Orthodox Christians, it is customary to make donations not only for the temple, but also those who ask for alms on Peniti.

"Who sow Skupo, that Skupor will get; And who sow generously, he generously and gets. Each duties on the arrangement of the heart, not with a chagrin and not with coercion; For a good giving God loves. God is strong to enrich you all grace so that you are always and having any satisfaction, we were rich in every good deed, as it is written: it wrecked, distributed the poor; True, his abyss "

(2 Cor. 9: 6-9).

The amount of donation (in any case) depends on the default of a person who makes it. How much donate, each decides itself, no strict rules exist.

Rules of appeal to clergy

Before you consider how to deal with the clergymen in a conversation and in the letter, it is worth familiar with the hierarchy of priests that exists in the Orthodox Church.

The priesthood in Orthodoxy is divided into 3 steps:

- deacon;

- a priest;

- Bishop.

Before step by step on the first stage of the priesthood, devoting himself to serving God, the believer should decide for himself whether he would marry or take a monasticism. Married clergymen belong to the white clergy, and the monks to the black. In accordance with this, the following structures of the priestly hierarchy are distinguished.

Secular clergy

I. Diakon:

- deacon;

- Protodian (senior deacon, as a rule, in the cathedral).

II. A priest:

- Ieria, or priest, or presbyter;

- Archpriests (senior priest);

- Mitrofor Archpriests and Protopresswiter (Senior Priest in the Cathedral).

Black clergy

I. Diakon:

- Ierodicac;

- Archdiacon (senior deacon in the monastery).

II. A priest:

- Hieromona;

- igumen;

- Archimandrite.

III. Bishop (bishop).

- Bishop;

- Archbishop;

- Metropolitan;

- Patriarch.

Thus, only a servant belonging to the black clergy can be a bishop. In turn, the white clergy includes the ministers who took together with Sanya of Diacon or the priest's vow of celibacy (celibacy).

"Shepherds of your begging ... Pasit God's herd, what you do not care about him, but willingly and godly, not for vile, but from zeal, and not dominant over the heritage of God, but feeding the example of the flock"

(1 Pet. 5: 1-2).

The priest's monks currently can be seen not only in the monasteries, but also in the parishes where they carry the ministry. If the monk is a sample, that is, he accepted a schipa, which is the most high degree Monastic, the prefix "SHA" is added to his sanator, for example, snipers, schieieromons, schipescop, etc.

Turning to someone from the clergy, you should adhere to neutral words. You should not use the appeal "Father" without consumption of the name, so it will sound too familiar.

In the church, the clergy should also contact "you".

With a close relationship, the "you" is allowed, but in people, it is still better to adhere to the appeal "you", even if it is the wife of the Dyakon or the priest. She can contact her husband on "you" only at home or alone, at the arrival, such an appeal can be subjected to the authority of the minister.

In the church, referring to the clergymen, it is necessary to call their names as they sound in churchlist. For example, you should say "Father Sergius", and not "Father Sergey", "Deacon Alexy", and not "Diakon Alex", etc.

When contacting the deacon, you can use the words "Father Diakon". To find out how his name is, you need to ask: "Sorry, what is your holy name?". However, thus you can contact any Orthodox believer.

If the deacon is referred to by the name of the Own, it is necessary to use the appeal "Father". For example, "Father Vasily", etc. In a conversation, mentioning the Deacone in the third person, it should be called His "Father Diakon" or the name of his own with the appeal "Father". For example: "Andrei's father said that ..." or "Father Diakon advised me ...", etc.

To Dyakonu in the church addressed to ask the council or ask to pray. He is an assistant priest. However, the deacon does not have ordination, therefore it does not have the right to independently make rites of baptism, weddings, cobbies, as well as serve as a liturgy and confess. Therefore, one should not contact him asking for such action. He also cannot make demands, such as sanctifying the house or spare. It is believed that he does not have a special fertile power for this, which the minister receives only during the ordination in the priest.

When contacting the priest use the word "father." In colloquial speech, it is allowed to call the priest father, but this should not be done in official speech. The minister himself, when it seems to other people, should say: "Priest Andrei Mitrofanov", or "Ieria Nikolai Petrov", "Igumen Alexander", etc. He will not be introduced: "I am Father Vasily."

When the priest mentions in a conversation and talk about him in the third person, you can say: "Father the abbot advised", "Father Vasily blessed", and so on. Call him according to rank will be not very harder in this case. Although, if priests with the same name are present at the arrival, for their distinguishing, there are CHin, corresponding to each of them. For example: "Hegumen Paul is now holding a wedding, you can contact your request to Hieromona Paul." You can also call the priest by the name: "Father Peter Vasilyev is on a business trip."

The combination of the word "father" and the surname of the priest (for example, "Father Ivanov") sounds too officially, so it is very rare in colloquial speech.

At the meeting, the parishioner should welcome the priest in the word "bless!", While folding hands to get a blessing (if welcoming is next to the priest). To speak the priest "Hello" or "Good day" in church practice is not accepted. The priest on a greeting is responsible: "God bless" or "in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit." At the same time, he falls as a lameanina with a criste, after which it puts his folded palm to his acceptance of his palm right handthat the layman must kiss.

The priest can bless the parishioners and otherwise, for example, to donate with the congestion, the prone of the head of the Miryanin or blessings at a distance.

Male parishioners can also otherwise take the blessing of the priest. They kiss your hand, cheek and again the hand of a blessing servant.

When the priest blesses the Mierjanin, the latter in no way should impose a cross-sign in this very time. This action is called "baptized to the priest." This behavior is not very decent.

The request for the blessing and its receipt is the main components of the church etiquette. These actions are not pure formality. They testify to the adjacent relations between the priest and the parishioner. If the layer less often turns his blessing or completely ceases to scold him, it is for the servant by a signal that the parishioner has some problems in the earthly life or spiritual plan. The same applies to the situation when the priest does not want to bless the layman. Thus, the shepherd tries to give to understand the parishioner that in the life of the latter there is something contrary to the Christian life that the church does not bless him.

"... Junior, obey the shepherds; Nevertheless, obeying each other, enjoyed the humbleness, because God is opposed by Gordy, but the humble gives grace. So, come across the strong hand of God, let you ask you at one time. "

(1 Pet. 5: 5-6).

Usually, the refusal in blessing is painfully transferred to both the priest and layman, which indicates that such actions are not purely formal. In this case, both must try to smooth out the stress in relationships by confessing and asking for forgiveness from each other.

From the date of Easter and over the next forty days, parishioners must first welcome the shepherd with the words "Christ Risen", to which the priest usually answers: "truly resurrected" - and the usual gesture gives his blessing.

Two priests welcome each other with the words "bless" or "Christ in the midst of us", to which the answer should be: "And there will be". Then they make a handshake, kissing in the cheek once or three times, after which you kiss each other right hand.

If a parishioner is in society at once several priests, he should ask for blessings at first from the senior priests, and then the younger, for example, at the Archpriest, then at the Ierhea. If the layman is not familiar with them, it is possible to distinguish the San on the cross, which priests are worn: the Archpriest is a cross with jewelry or gold-plated, and the Ierhea cross is silver, sometimes gilded.

The blessing is made by all the priests nearby. If it is difficult for any reason, you can simply ask for: "Bless, honest fathers" - and bow. The appeal "Holy Father" in Orthodoxy is not accepted.

"The blessing of the Lord - it enriches and does not bring sadness with him"

(Prov. 10: 22).

If several people are suitable for a blessing to the priest at once, men should appear on seniority, and then women. If there are servants of the church in this group of people, they are the first to ask the blessings they.

If a family is suitable for a priest, the first for the blessing is the husband, then the wife, after which the children in seniority. At this time, you can submit someone to a priest, for example, a son, after which to ask him to bless it. For example: "Father Matthew, this is my son. I ask you, bless it. "

When parting, instead of a farewell, the layman also ascertains the priest of blessings, saying: "Sorry, Batyushka, and bless."

If the layman meets the priest outside the church walls (on the street, in transport, in the store, etc.), he still can ask for a blessing if it won't distract the shepher from other affairs. If you take a blessing difficult, you just need to worship.

In communication with the priest, the layman should be relevant and respect, since the minister is a carrier of the special grace, which he receives during the sacrament of ordination for a priesthood. In addition, the priest is set in order to be a shepherd and a mentor of believers.

In a conversation with a clergy, you should watch out, in the view, words, gestures, facial expressions, there was nothing indecent. The speech of the layman should not contain coarse, faded, jargon words, which are full of many people in peace. It is also not allowed too familiar appeal to the priest.

Talking with the clergy, should not touch him. It is better to be at a distance not very close. It is impossible to behave confused or defiantly. Do not closely look or smiling in the face of the priest. The glance must be meek. Well, when talking a little glance.

"Decently the supervisors should have a daughty honor, especially those who work in the Word and Teaching. For Scripture says: not illegal - give mouth at the ox thorough; and: the worker worthy of their awards "

(1st. 5: 17-18).

If the priest stands, the layman should not sit in his presence. When the priest sees, the layman can only sit down after the sentence.

Talking with the priest, the Mijanian must remember that God himself can speak through the Shepher, who, to teach the truth of God and righteousness.

The appeal of the laity to each other

All believers in Christ are brothers and sisters. Therefore, the Church is often customary to contact each other "Brother" or "Sister", although not as often as in the churches in the West. When a Christian appeals to the collection of believers, he says: "Brothers and sisters."

Such an appeal was made in the Propostilical Churches, which is seen from the messages of the apostles, who called all believers by brothers and sisters. This attitude follows from the most Christian dogma, according to which all believers are children of God: "And those who took it, who believes in his name, gave power to be children of God, which is neither of the blood, nor from the desiment of the flesh, nor from her husband's want , but from God were born "(Gospel from John 1 ch. 12 Art.).

Thus, the spiritual position of all believers in relation to each other is, both between brothers and sisters.

In essence, even deacons, priests and bishops are for any lameantine just brothers, because everyone has one spiritual father - God.

"Obviously, the truth through the Spirit, clearing your soul to non-estate brother-in-law, constantly love each other from a pure heart, as regenerated not from a flutter seed, but from the net, from the word of God, live and staying forever"

(1 Pet. 1: 22-23).

In Orthodox churches, it is not customary to call each other by name and patronymic. Even the elderly people should be called only by name.

When familiar lacyans meet each other, men welcome each other with handshake and kissing on the cheek, and women are only kissing on the cheek. A man and woman should not greet each other kissing, just enough to greet the word and tilt the head.

In a relationship with each other, believers should be honest, sincere, mandes and humble. After making misconduct, they should always be ready to ask for forgiveness from each other. For example:

- Sorry, brother.

- God will forgive. You forgive me.

When parting, Orthodox believers speak each other: "With God", "Keep, Lord", "helping God", "Guardian Angel", "I ask prayers", etc. In the Orthodox Christians, it is not customary to say: "Total good" or "Bye".

If the interlocutor proposes to participate in something dubious, the believer can easily refuse, saying: "Sorry, but I can't agree to it, because it is a sin" or "Sorry, but there is no blessing of my confessor", etc.

There should be no obscene in the conversation. From the lexicon should exclude all the abusive and fry words. The look should be humble, and not drilling or causing to the place.

In a conversation, you should always try to carefully listen to the interlocutor, without interrupting it.

In turn, setting out his own thoughts, should not be too annoying and tiring the interlocutor with a conversation without extreme necessity. Do not be multi-dimensional.

Written communication

Correspondence in the church environment also has its own rules. Most often, believers in the letters congratulate each other with church holidays, which are a great set, ranging from the Nativity of Christ, Easter, the prestone holidays and ending with the names, birthdays, etc.

One of the basic rules of correspondence is the departure of both letters and answers on them on time. Congratulations on holidays should come without delay. The text of congratulations should breathe love and joy, and also be quite sincere.

Congratulations on the feast of the Nativity of Christ can be started, for example, with such words: "Christ is evident - Slavit!". The word "challenges" belongs to Staroslavlyansky. These words are the first line of the first christmas song of the canon. At the end of the letter, you can attribute the following: "I wish you the help of the Bogomladse of Christ in your giving things."

Congratulations on the holiday of Easter usually begin with the words "Christ Risen!", And finish - "Truly Christ Risen!". These two phrases can be allocated in a letter to red ink.

In the throne holiday, it is customary to congratulate both the rector and all the parishioners. For example, you can start the letter like this: "Dear father (or father of the abbot) and all the parishioners congratulate (or congratulations) ...". You can turn to and more officially and solemnly at the same time, calling Archimandrite, Igumen and the Archpriest "Your High Paddy", and Ieromonakh, Ierhea and Diacon - "Your Preventus". With such an appeal, the corresponding letter of writing should be selected.

It is very rarely used by the appeal "Your highlands" - to the protoerele and "your blessing" - to the hyreus.

Congratulations on the name days, as a rule, wish the birthday name of the Holy Test in Heaven as an intercession.

How to behave in parish refectory

At the arrival during the meal at the head of the table, the rector or senior of priests is sits. The priest should be on to the right of him, and on the left - the priest according to the rank. Then next to the priestly, the chairman of the parish council, council members, churrents (Psalmist, Chranty, Altarnik) and singers are sitting. If the meal is present guests, they usually plant closer to the clergy.

Usually before the start of the meal, the priest blesses, then the reader, standing behind the analog, reads for editing those present living or instruction. People sitting at the table must listen carefully to him. If the meal is held on a holiday, instead of the instruction, spiritual wishes are sounded by a birthday party and toasts that utter everyone.

"Notes, as the names choshed first places, he told the parable: when you will be called by someone to marriage, do not sit on the first place, so that there is no one to happen to happen to them, and the you called you and His, come, would not tell you : give him a place; And then with shame should take the last place. But when the name you will come, come, sitting at the last place to call you, go, said: Friend! Reboot above; Then you will be the honor of the sitting with you, for anyone will be humoring himself, but humiliating herself will rise "

(Bow. 14: 7-11).

All who will talk speech must prepare in advance so as not to say something extra or indecent for church walls.

If someone was late for the beginning and most of the gathered already sits at the table, it should be sitting on a free place, not a disturbance of other sitting people and preventing the reading of instructions or meals. The late can also sit there where the abbot bless him. If the disappeared came after the start of the meal, he must say: "Angel behind the meal" - after which it is to sit on a free place. During food should not be too greedy and behave confused. It is good to observe the measure in everything, both in food and drink and in conversations. It should not be lingering at the table for a long time. The birthday name congratulated in the Church should be given spiritual books, icons, church utensils, as well as flowers and sloant.

In the end of the holiday on the occasion, the birthday name must thank the crowd. Then guests sing to him "a lot of summer" and thank the lunch organizers. It is customary to say not "Thank you", but "save God" or "Save, Lord."

Church requirements

Church tries are called church ministries that are held at the request of believers.

Trekam includes prayers about living and dead, as well as the consecration of food and housing items.

A strengthened prayer for living relatives are prayers, and about the departed - memories and funerals. They were told above.

Consecration of food Priests are carried out only at certain days, for example, at Easter (consecration of cakes and eggs) or on the feast of transfiguration (consecration of apples and other fruits).

The priest is also being consecrated at home (apartments) or cars. It takes place at a convenient time to negotiate in advance. In the Orthodox Church, the consecration of weapons in military personnel is also practiced.

How to invite a priest to demand

A familiar priest can be invited to the driver. At the same time, a conversation should not be started with the word "Hello." Instead, ask:

- Hello, is this father Peter? Bless, Batyushka.

Then follow your need. Finish the conversation with the priest Thanksgiving and the word "bless", as in the beginning. Before the priest comes to perform the requirements, you should approach him in the temple or contact a person standing behind a candle drawer, and ask what you need to prepare for the arrival of the father.

If the priest is invited to a sick person in order to grasp it or give a farewell, you should prepare a patient and take a room.

The house should have candles, water and pure handkerchief. Animals from the room in which the patient is located, should be taken, television, radio and tape recorder. All those present in the house must be dressed decent and behave accordingly.

If the priest is invited to cobbies, in addition to the candles, it is necessary to prepare wine, butter and wool in advance. To eat at home, you need candles, permitting prayer, a funeral cross, bedspread and icon.

To consecrate the house or machine you will need candles, vegetable oil and holy water.

After the prayer of the priest, you can invite a cup of tea for which you can talk to spiritual topics, ask questions, and sometimes solve some problems.

Church obedience

Church obedience includes trade in candles and icons, cleaning the temple, the protection of the territory of the local church, singing on the closure, serving in the altar, etc. All this is performed by simple parishioners.

People carrying obedience in the temple must be a sample of behavior for other parishioners. They must be kobroi and humble, as well as show love for coming to worship. They should not be angry, but in friendly, patient, ready to come to the rescue, explain the incomprehensible newcomers and just to know the elementary rules of cultural behavior.

Meanwhile, it often happens that people who carry obedience are getting used to the shrine, begin to treat the temple, as their possessions, their property behave, respectively, as the owners, and not servants. Such a relationship leads to the fact that they begin to neglect to relate to simple parishioners who do not carry obedience.

People who bearing obedience should show their example, how to read the holiness of the temple. This is, above all, decent clothes and cultural behavior in the church. Not rude, but attentive attitude towards parishioners, polite responses to phone calls, attention and softness in communication with those who are addressed by clarifications of church orders and traditions - these are the qualities should be peculiar to people who bear obedience. They themselves should be perfectly known not only all the church orders taken in their arrival, but also the basics of Orthodoxy to explain this to other people who are in charge of these issues.

If someone from the parishioners encountered the rudeness or the unlockness of people carrying church obedience, they should not give places of insult in their heart, but with meekness to take it and forgive in love, which teaches Christianity.

The Orthodox Church at all times caused respect for the Russian people. Long for a long period, which has become Liphethey for true Christians. The sacraments of the baptism of not only babies, but also adults, even the elderly people are committed again. Some returned to faith openly during the years of restructuring, and many have discovered faith for the first time.

In order not to get into an awkward position when visiting the Church, remember some rules of behavior of the parishioners.

How should you get dressed to visit the holy place

Clothing for visiting the temple should not take coloring. It is not necessary to wear T-shirts, T-shirts and, of course, shorts. Men before entering hats. The head of the parishioners are covered with a modest handkerchief, and not a bright chic panama or fashionable hat. Pay attention to shoes. High heels of women's shoes and a loud cocanier them, spread over the temple, are inappropriate.

Before divine service

Popper - the word known, often meets in literary works, sometimes it can be heard in old songs. This is a platform in front of the entrance to which steps lead. Approaching the church, the parishioners are born with a cross and bow. On the porch in front of the doors, you need to make a crisp once again.

Come to church before the start of worship. You must have enough time to buy candles without a rush. They need to be put to the selected, thoughtlessly or on the nate, images and make it to icons. What does it mean to "attach"? Surely you guess that the word in this case does not mean stuffing the cones on the forehead.

Before the application to the icon, you need to cross twice, then kiss the image (without leaving the traces of lipstick on it, because the lips must be clean) and then again make a gloor sign.

Candles that you put should be only church and purchased in the place where you came to pray. Acquired in other places of the candle to set to icons is prohibited.

Do not forget to put donations to the eve (under this term means a special table) and apply notes, writing the names of relatives or those people in advance that ask to pray. Apply notes in the entrance to the icon shop. Please note that you can not fit the names of non-predominant people, suicides and heretics!

It is possible to be late for worship, even if you charming girl And accustomed to consider finding a cute caprication and a good tone (God is not a cavalier). And if in unforeseen circumstances were late, then try not to fuss. Do not interfere with praying to parishioners. Do not pushed to the selected icons, but quietly and clearly ask you to transfer candles to images. When you are broken, not wanting to be distracted from prayer, go through, not bag, but try not to create noise and fuss. And it is not necessary to loudly reach, caught the "solar plexus" a sharp focus of the Istivo inserting old woman.

What rules are church candles

Capital instructions on how many candles need to be put on and to which images do not exist. Parishioners have long established order for themselves and diligently follow it. As a rule, the candles begin to put with the icons, the Chtima temple in which whatenurry or from a festive icon.

After that, believers are suitable for icons with those whose names are worn.

Finally put candles for health and rest. For the health of loved ones and dear people to you put candles to images. As you have noticed, there are candlesticks before icons.

Many young people do not know how they need to put candles for the rest of the soul of a native person. Return to the donations table, which was mentioned above. Next to him you have already seen a special (main) table, called canonik. You can still find it on a small crucifixion and a multitude of candlesticks. After reading the proper short prayer, put a candle for the soul of the deceased person.

In any case, prayer should go from the bottom of my heart to be spiritual and sincere. And not like this: "... once, two ... who else to put? Nobody forgot? "

Often, people who first visited the church, have difficulty because of the image chosen by them does not turn out to be an empty candlestick, all are busy. Do not worry. Do not touch the candles set by other people, even if they are left to burn a bit. Just put your candle after reading the prayer, next to the icon. Church employees will be proceeded for the order and will not leave any candle without attention. All of them will be delivered to the released places.

Where are the parishioners

Men on church etiquette stand in the right half of the church, and the parishioners in the left. With this location, the center should remain a fairly wide passage. Sitting is allowed very old people with limited age capabilities of movement and disabled.

Who is allowed to enter the altar

For women in the altar there is no entry! Only men can enter the priest permission to the southern or northern doors. Tsarist gates are available only to clergy. Need to remember: it is impossible to stand to the altar back.

Care with worship

Leaving with worship without extreme necessity, you make sin. For him, Christians ask for forgiveness first of all among the Lord, and then they confess the priest. Special attention is paid to liturgia. Here, it is impossible to leave the temple in no case, especially before the singing "Our Father".

When leaving the church, we will bow three times in the belt, crossing.

How to observe post

Pay attention to the warning: even the most strict post should not harm your body. It is better to navigate the choice of products and dishes, taking into account your own well-being, and not following the punishments of God-fearing and strict believers.

For many centuries, Christians avoided meals before noon, that is, before the end of the liturgy. But the trend of time began to make their amendments. People leave in the morning to work, where they spend the whole long day and without fullest nutrition risks "earn" serious diseases. In this case, they advise on circumstances and understanding (it is difficult to imagine that the Lord needs your destroyed health).

How to fast, if you are for a long time and work a lot, can advise the confessor.

Observing the post, do not dwell on abstaining from food. Focus on his meaning. And the main value of a strict post is the cleansing of the soul (and not a diet for weight loss). Get away from idleness, laziness, watching television and other entertainment programs and fumes.

Even if you ask a naked person that you can, and what is being projected to eat during a strict post, then it will surely answer: Christians feed on products vegetable origin, and the "animal" food is imposed. This should add that Orthodox believers tend to avoid the use of exciting drinks (strong tea, coffee and others). A variety of spices and soy substitutes of some products help it easier to transfer strict posts. But true Christians believe that all this distorts the meaning of the post and therefore relate to such products negatively.

No matter how much the rules of behavior in holy places, strict or not very, visiting them, we do a good deed.

About behavior in the temple - video

A person who extremely rarely visits Orthodox churches or does it for the first time in life at all, it is very difficult to navigate in a new situation. Everything seems to be incomprehensible and causes a lot of questions. In addition, most people in this situation may have questions about how to behave correctly in God's temple to feel confident and not distracted by prayer.

In contact with


How to dress for visiting the temple

It's no secret that to visit the temple you need to dress correctly. There are many beliefs about the rules of the dress code, but not all of them correspond to reality.

How to dress in church woman

According to the rules, woman should enter the temple with a covered head. However, this applies only to married women. On the girls and children this rule does not apply. On the other hand, modern life contributes its own adjustments to the usual way, and in order not to annoy the church "staff", it is better to cover your head. It will not be a lot of work, but will help avoid conflict situations.

In addition to the Head Upora, there are other rules for women, sticking to which you can feel confident and comfortable in the temple:

  1. Not accepted to visit the church pants. However, if you went to the temple just "along the way" to put the candle - it will be enough to cover your head. And yet it is not recommended to enter the temple in the models of trousers with a low waist and a naked belly. In this case, you can even ask to leave the temple. If you gathered in the temple consciously to the service, the best clothes will be a long skirt in the floor. Remember that God's temple is not a place to demonstrate the merits of their shape and fashionable clothes.
  2. You should not get into the church of blouses and blouses with deep neckline and open shoulders. In general, women who consider themselves Orthodox Christians are not recommended to dress in a similar way and put their photos in a seaside form for everyone. First, it is considered to be a manifestation of yours, and secondly, provokes those surrounding on sinful thoughts.
  3. Going to the temple on worship it is not recommended to apply too abundant makeup.. Moreover, you should not paint your lips, because you will be applied to the cross and holy images. Then the servants of the church will have to wash with the remnants of your lipstick. Yes, and other parishioners traces of lipstick on shrines will not cause pleasant associations.
  4. Should not be abundantly using perfume. You will be in a limited room for a long time with a lot of people. Not everyone can like to inhale this fragrance. In addition, young children go to church, and people with weakened health. People can develop an allergic reaction.

Going to the temple, it is important to clearly decide on the purpose of visiting. The church is a place for prayer, and not for dating or demonstrating their external data. If you remember this, the questions of the appropriate external view Will be solved automatically.

Rules for men

For men, there are also a number of certain rules when visiting the temple.

  1. Entering the church, it is necessary to remove the headdress.
  2. The appearance when visiting the temple should be neat and neat. Very many believers wear the best suit.
  3. It is unacceptable to enter the temple in transparent shirts without sleeves and in training trousers or shorts.
  4. Preferably before visiting the temple, do not smoke and purely shave.
  5. Invalid appearance in the temple in a drunken state.

To servants of the Church and other parishioners should be treated with respect and behave quietly in their presence. Otherwise, it is not necessary to go to church at all.

Rules of behavior during worship

A person of the uninitiated worship may seem long and incomprehensible. If you want to understand all the subtleties and approach what is happening consciously, you can read special literature or go to special courses that are carried out with many temples.

In general, the rules of behavior during worship are not so complex, as it may seem at first glance:

Cross sign

Most people who consider themselves Orthodox Christians may not know thoroughly on behavior in the temple, but they would seem to make a crisp. However, there are some nuances here, which is very important to know. In itself, the procession is not a saving ritual, but only an outdoor manifestation of our faith.

How to make a criste correctly?

When do you need to make a sign of a sign?

Breeding is necessary in the following cases:

  1. At the entrance to the door of the Orthodox church.
  2. Applying a cross or icons.
  3. At the beginning and at the end of the prayer, sometimes during its reading.
  4. At the beginning of the morning.
  5. During worship.

Beginners of parishioners can be clarified by all the necessary moments before the start of worship, to behave correctly and feel comfortable.

Interaction with priests

Come to the church, accepted take a blessing of the priest. Moreover, blessing can be obtained before leaving the church. If several priests are present in the Orthodox Church, it is not necessary to ask for blessings for everyone. If the church is a bishop, the blessing should be obtained from him, and the rest of the priests only bow. You can take a personal blessing from the bishop after it comes out of the altar.

If you have a specific question for the bike - you can sign up for reception in the diocesant control. You can contact the Orthodox bishop, you can "Vladyka".

You can welcome the bishop with the words "bless". At the same time, the hands should be folded alone on the other. The right hand should be on top. After the blessing, it is customary to make a priest's hand as a sign of respect for the Lord.

Some priests instead of a mobbing hand impose her on the head of a parishioner. This is also the familiar blessing.

In the church, you can talk with the father about parish affairs. For spiritual issues there is a sacrament. When contacting the Orthodox priest, he should say "Father" before his name.

It is unacceptable to exercise coquetry before the clergy. For such liberty, the priest may be subject to punishment until the deprivation of Sana. It is also indecent interested in the details of the priest's personal life - his family position and the number of children, etc.

Usually in the temple there are duty ministers who follow the order and compliance with the rules of conduct. If an employee of the church came to you and asks for something, one should not be offended. In the temple, no one will disturb in vain. Over time, you are leaving with the rules of behavior and will feel confident at the entrance to the temple, and before that time, patience should be patient and carefully follow the advice.

Immediately after the end of the Divine Liturgy, the morning is carried out. If you heard that the church began to sing a prayer choir, then it's time to prepare children, because the sacrament will soon begin.

The first to the cup are suitable mother with babies. Then they apply older children and after all the others are already fit. If you are passing forward, try to go through and do not delay people from the desire to seem more kind and educated. Silence will bow by passing you and come to the bowl.

During the service, welcome their friends at the entrance can be silent. Talk and rapid news discussions should not be treated.

In front of the Christian holidays during the evening service is often held lithium. This is a special rank of evening. At this time, this worship of all praying to be consecrated by special oil. First of all, it is necessary to approach lithium and make it to icons, then approach the priest so that it is crucially anointed forehead. Next, you need to slightly bow through the father and make it up to hand and move aside by taking a piece of consecrated bread from the miner. This piece can be eaten right in the temple or take home with you.

On the eve of the communion is usually held confession. Usually it passes in the alive queue. Before you come to confession to the priest, it is customary to worship with all the parishioners standing next to the words "forgive me." After that, people worship you in response.

Saying goodbye to a man in the church, he is customary to speak not bye, and the "Guardian Angel".

Before going out of the temple, you need to get closer to the festive icon and make a bow. Powers can be belonging and earth. Earth bows should be performed during the Great Post.

When you can come to the temple for women

Very many people are interested in the question, is it possible to visit the temple for women during critical days. To date, there is no definite answer to this question.. According to the Old Testament, a person in not a pure state (including in women in critical days) should not be included in the temple of God.

In the New Testament it is said that a woman in these days may well visit the church. It is believed that this cycle is created by God and therefore in principle can not be considered unclean. If necessary, the New Testament even allows the woman in critical days to take care of the holy sains and attach to holy icons.

Thus, the opinions of the priests on this score today disagree. Perhaps this issue should follow the rule of the Golden Mid and refrain from visiting the temple in critical days without extreme need. If you are sharply needed in spiritual support, you can visit the temple.