Magnesite - properties of stone. Magnesite - a charm with an ancient history Magnesite stone magical properties

Magnesite is a fairly common mineral. It is an excellent raw material for the production of magnesium and is widely used in industry for the production of refractory materials. In jewelry, the mineral is not used so often.

Outwardly, magnesite resembles marble, but sometimes there are transparent shiny crystals with light shades of yellow, brown or transparent. It is these nuggets that are of interest to those who like rare jewelry made from natural gems.

Origin and deposits of magnesite

The birthplace of the mineral is Greece. It was there, in the province of Magnasia, that the first samples of the gem were found, which became known as magnesite. Large deposits of magnesium ore are still concentrated in Greece today. Deposits are actively developed not only in Greece, but also in other countries.

Large deposits of magnesite were also found in Russia: in the Urals near the city of Zlatoust, in the Far East. The Savinskoye field, located in the Irkutsk region, is the largest in the world. In the Urals, the famous astrakhan magnesite is mined, which has valuable decorative properties. In the Far East and in central Russia, industrial magnesite is mined. Abroad, it is mined in Austria, the Czech Republic, France, China, Korea, India, Australia, Brazil, Canada, and the USA.

Most of the magnesite deposits are of interest only for industry; ornamental stone is less common. Minerals of jewelry interest are very rare. Australia is famous for gems of a bright yellow hue, highly valued in jewelry. In France, deposits of magnesite ore with beautiful inclusions of pink opals were found. In India, a transparent gem is mined. The largest collector-grade crystals are found in Brazil. High quality ornamental magnesite is mined in Canada and the USA.

Sometimes magnesium ore occurs next to ores of other metals, some of which give different shades. The most valued varieties resembling lapis lazuli or turquoise.

Gallery: magnesite stone (13 photos)

The treasury of the planet is full of enchanting beauty with gems. Magnesite is a natural stone that is the least noticeable when assessed at first glance. However, its healing value is superior to other crystals. Due to the wide range of uses, it is considered the most sought after, unlike all known mineral rocks.

History and origins

The ancient origin of magnesite is historical fact. Its healing, magical, and also refractory properties were known in antiquity, people could use the mineral for its intended purpose.

The first fossil was discovered in Magnasia, which is located in Greece. One of the largest mines was discovered there. The breed contained in them aroused interest among the local population. They tried to burn the ore, as a result of which it turned out that it can withstand high temperature. Since then, magnesite has been used as a refractory material.

Its deposits are found in the form of large layers, thanks to which it has found application in some industrial sectors. In the largest deposits, at medium and shallow depths, such masses are formed as a result of hydrothermal processes. Crystal-granular formations of the mineral were exposed to hot alkaline solutions, resulting in the formation of ore.

Hydrothermal crystals of value are found in mineral formations adjacent to magnesite. Cryptocrystalline magnesite is formed by the weathering of rocks.

During the chemical reaction of water, air and mineral mass, magnesia silicates are destroyed, which contributes to the precipitation of magnesite in pores and cracks in which groundwater stagnates. In a mineral formed in this way, there are impurities and, as indicated by veins.

Magnesite with hydromagnesite is found in sedimentary rocks of salt-bearing deposits; such fossils are of interest for jewelry production.

Place of Birth

Known large-scale deposits are located in Russia. The Satka mines are rich in hydrothermal magnesite. Fossils are hundreds of millions of years old.

The Far East is famous for its minerals, the mineral is mined in South Manchuria. Ore deposits are found in Korea, Austria, Czechoslovakia. Minerals are mined in mines. Euboea, in Greece, also in the Urals in the Shambarovsk mine. Large deposits of magnesite, layers 500 meters thick and tens of kilometers long, are located in the Southern Urals, in the Satka deposits, in China, on the Liaodong Island.

Physical properties

Magnesite is a brittle mineral, with a dull, dull or vitreous luster. The crystals are dense, granular, have a trigonal or rhombohedral shape. Magnesium carbonate is sparingly soluble in water, decomposes in heated acid and reacts to an increase in temperature.

admixtureFe, Mn, Ca
CleavagePerfect in the rhombohedron.
kinkStepped to conchoidal, fragile.
Density3.0 g/cm³
TransparencyTransparent to translucent.
ShineGlassy or dull.
ColorBrown, white, gray, yellow, pink.

Medicinal properties

Magnesite is endowed with healing properties, the energy vibrations of the mineral gently affect a person, calming nervous system improving the functioning of the whole organism. The healing stone helps relieve muscle spasms and general tension, and is known to help reduce the activity of the complex cyclic symptom complex (PMS) that occurs periodically in some women.

A gem is used for cleansing, during which toxins are removed from the body, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract improves. As a result of cleansing, the work of the sebaceous glands improves, disappears bad smell body.

The power of the stone is able to calm headache, cope with a migraine attack, and also soothes an acute toothache. When symptoms of arthritis appear, magnesite should be carried with you, this will help prevent the development of the disease.

Magnesite is a wonderful relaxing and calming stone that can be used in meditation. The pacifying effect of the stone will help you quickly plunge into a meditative state, feel lightness and weightlessness in the body.

It is a strong stone that awakens psychic abilities. In the event of an anxiety, excitement or fear, if you have a stone with you, these sensations quickly disappear. It enhances self-confidence and helps to cope with stressful situations.

magical properties

This is a magical crystal with powerful vibrations that positively affect a person's energy and situations in his life. Its metaphysical properties and magical power can change lives depending on what the owner of the stone wants.

The mineral contributes to the harmonization of the inner world, helps to tune in to positive and learn to make the right choice. The vibrations of the stone help increase self-esteem and live your life in accordance with your own needs and aspirations.

He helps those who are psychically and mentally ready to discover potential and if this decision is consistent with the will of higher powers. The vibration of this crystal helps to connect with the forces subtle world, spiritual guides.

Its action can awaken paranormal abilities that are not even suspected. The best thing magic stone magnesite affects the development of clairvoyant abilities, multidimensional or psychic vision. With the energetic support of this stone, visions are likely to be more distinct, with exceptional clarity.

Artists are emotional than most of their environment, and they simply need the appropriate energy supply. The magic crystal will help them to be inspired, filled with positive energy. Magnesite helps to develop creative abilities for those who are fond of painting, revealing the ability to visualize more colorfully and splash out everything that the imagination draws on paper.

If this gem is applied to the sixth chakra, in the forehead area and to the seventh, thousand-petalled, just above the crown of the head, then a pulsation is felt. A clear sensation if you put a stone in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "third eye" during meditation. The power of the stone opens the chakras of the crown, which allows a person to feel and understand the people around him. During meditation, keep the crystal with you, then a person with pure thoughts, good intentions and sincere faith in himself will be rewarded in the form of amazing discoveries.

Jewelry with a mineral

Sonya Choquet wrote: "You must find a stone that reflects your spiritual burden." Deciding that magnesite will serve as an amulet, it is important to correctly understand which mineral will have to be in contact with. A stone of such amazing power is capable of performing the tasks of a talisman, it carries a charge of great power, which you will have to learn to control.

They charge the mineral, take care of it and always keep it with you, and he pays for it with kindness. The jewelry stone is not combined with all gems, the set should be selected carefully. It is important to consider the compatibility of the mineral with the magical properties of other gems. At first, until they “married” with their amulet, it is better not to complete jewelry with a stone of a different breed.

The use of a gem should be beneficial, therefore, jewelry is selected such that will complement each other and help solve specific problems. It is known that magnesite protects the energy of a person and prevents all sorts of troubles from appearing in life. It is advisable to use the amulet with a stone as often as possible, try not to part with it.

Especially when traveling, when performing important tasks that require high energy costs. The price of jewelry with magnesite is affordable, everyone can afford to buy them. For magical protection, you can buy a stone even without a frame:

  • tumbling stone from deposits in Zimbabwe, 1.5–2.5 cm in size, costs $2.31;
  • the price of magnesite tumbling from the same deposit, 2.5–3.5 cm in size, is $3.2;
  • magnesite decor element in the form of an egg, 6.2–4.5 cm, is estimated at $77.8;
  • the price of an egg made of magnesite mined in Kazakhstan, 8–5.8 cm in size, is $106.5;
  • original silver and magnesite bracelets cost $25;
  • the price of a ring with a stone, beads or a rosary made of painted magnesite is $ 15 per piece.

An ornamental magnesite stone, in the form of a crystal, is used in jewelry making. Bright yellow precious crystals are mined in Australia and Brazil.


White magnesite is more common, it is mined in many deposits. The mineral is also pink, brown, gray or yellow, it all depends on the impurities that make up its composition. If the iron content predominates, the stone looks brownish, and may be a rich yellow color.

This mineral accepts dye well, therefore magnesite beads painted in various colors are very often found on sale. After that, the stone retains its healing and magical properties. Jewelry with a multi-colored mineral is very popular among connoisseurs of gems. The ornamental stone used for finishing the facades of houses is usually left in a natural color in the design of the room.

How to distinguish a fake?

The mineral is mainly used to make jewelry that is not of value in jewelry art. An exception is the varieties of magnesite in the form of precious crystals. Sometimes imitations of red, turquoise and by staining are made from the mineral.

For example, turquoise was imitated from magnesite in order to distinguish the original from a fake on its own, this would require a microscope. There are tips to help you avoid the scammers' trap.

Natural stones are better to buy in specialized stores. To verify the originality of the mineral, a certificate is requested proving the authenticity of the gem.

Caring for stone products

The gem requires care, like any other minerals. Magnesite is best kept from direct sunlight, especially after staining, it is able to lose brightness. If a stone is left in water for a long time, it fills with moisture, swells, and it is better to protect it from this. Rinse under running water and dry thoroughly. The gem is fragile, try to avoid bumps and falls.

Compatibility with names and signs

Magnesite is a strong stone that many do not know about. Not very pretty, and looks unassuming. But there is an amazing property that it has, help in building relationships. If you keep the mineral with you, for example, at the time of a showdown, everything will go well and there is no doubt about it.

It has always mattered to a person what the stars have prepared for him, what astrological properties of a given stone one has to rely on. The list demonstrates the predisposition of the stone, who may be more suitable, and who is contraindicated in using it.

  • Gemini magnesite patronizes more than other signs. The main task of the mineral is to protect those ambitious people from rash decisions. He will prevent possible losses by taking control of the excitement inherent in this sign. The vibrations of the crystal powerfully affect this zodiac sign, a ray of hope and good luck will be directed to it.
  • Libra and Capricorn can count on the help and protection of an amulet with such a mineral. Magnesite is very powerful in that it stimulates mental activity, and at the same time makes you listen to your heart. Therefore, representatives of these signs are fantastically lucky in all matters and undertakings.
  • and Aquarius resorting to the help of magnesite is not recommended, as this will lead to the fact that their interest in everything that happens around them subsides.

For other signs of the zodiac circle, magnesite will be a protection against negative influences. The energy of the stone helps to objectively assess the situation, eliminates illusions.

  • Arthur stone will help tame impulsiveness.
  • Vladislav mineral will help develop the flexibility of the mind.
  • To Oleg, magnesite will add a little missing romanticism to prudence and self-confidence.
  • Saveliy crystal will help the realization of grandiose plans.
  • Yaroslav will not be harmed by enterprise, the mineral will contribute to its development.
  • Antonina will receive the missing lightness and cheerfulness from the gem.
  • Elena can count on the help of the mineral in the implementation of creative plans.
  • Thanks to the support of the amulet, Elizabeth will not be afraid to be in the center of events, the stone will help to cope with shyness.
  • Taisiya will be given the opportunity to embody the most daring fantasies.

The stone helps to cope with emotions, this applies to relationships in which a critical moment comes.


The mineral has the strongest calming property. For those who have restless sleep, it is recommended to put it under the pillow, which will give peace and tranquility, as well as excellent rest. This stone is worthy of any collection.

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Magnesite stone rarely becomes an object of interest for jewelry craftsmen. Magnesium ore, which is magnesite, is more often used for industrial purposes. Huge processing plants are being built to process it. Mineral formations of magnesite form the basis for the creation of refractory materials that are actively used by modern technologists in various industries.

History and origin of magnesite

The description of the mineral can be compared with. The properties of the two minerals are similar. Sometimes crystalline samples are found that have a glassy luster. Such aggregates become a material for jewelry made from natural minerals. But these are extremely rare finds. The history of the stone begins from ancient times. Magnesite stone was discovered in Greece. The ore deposits were found to be quite large. Content was their specialty. In the rock, half is magnesium oxide, the other half is carbon dioxide. Magnesite immediately began to be actively used by industrialists of antiquity. The samples were fired, the gas escaped. The stone became so refractory that it was used in many industries. Finds have found their place not only in industry. Special crystals were given to jewelers.

Physical properties

Magnesite is part of a group of minerals, named after the area where Magnasia was discovered.

The physical characteristics are as follows:

  • Matte shine and glassy sheen;
  • Crystals are trigonal, rhombohedral;
  • Perfect cleavage;
  • Calcium crystal structure;
  • There are samples of irregular shape;
  • Poorly soluble;
  • Increased chemical activity.

Place of Birth

Magnesite deposits are found in rocks of various formations:

  • igneous;
  • saline;
  • ultrabasic;
  • metamorphism.

Other aggregates are found in hidden massifs of granular porcelain.

An industrial mineral is mined among. The description of the crystal and its extraction are carried out on the territory of the Ural Mountains, on the Yenisei, in the Sayan Mountains. Other deposits are discovered in the following states:

  • North Korea;
  • Brazil;
  • Austria;
  • America;
  • Mexico;
  • Greece.

In the Russian Federation, an ore deposit of a special type is being developed - astrakhan. It consists of a solid array of non-ferrous metals. Magnesite aggregates are used only for decorative items.

In Australia, yellow jewelry samples are mined. In Brazil, there are large Druze. In France - pink semi-precious ores. Most mining sites provide industrial raw materials and ornamental stone.

The healing properties of magnesite

The healing properties are based on the action on the nervous system. The person will become calm, balanced. Another property of the healing stone is to relieve fatigue from the eyes. Healers advise looking at the gem for several minutes, the look will become clean and clear. Eye diseases and pathologies will go away. Gradually improves vision. It is advised to relieve fatigue with the help of a useful mineral.

The healing abilities of the crystal are organized differently than other gems. It will protect against possible damage, and does not heal when they appear. It will protect against epidemics, activation infectious diseases. The owner of the stone, even next to a sick person, may not be afraid of infection. The protective functions of magnesite are so strong that it is difficult to break through its barrier established around a person. The stone, as eyewitnesses-seers describe, they say that it can predict the upcoming event, warn against danger. For example, the car stalls, the ticket remains at home, documents are lost. There is such a combination of circumstances that subsequently bestows life.

Magic abilities of magnesite

I attribute strong properties to the mineral. There is evidence that magnesite connects man and Nature. The owner acquires a unique gift. He begins to understand the language of the inhabitants of the living world. Animals and birds will be perceived by the wizard as part of a common universe. All their desires will be understood. The owner will be able to tame any animal or bird. Strong shamans acquired such a gift. They made loyal friends out of free wild animals, gaining power and authority in the eyes of people. They were feared and respected.

The magical properties of the stone can help in raising children. The child becomes obedient, understanding, reasonable.

Another meaning of magnesite stone is the replacement of a matchmaker. Numerous stories attribute to the stone the ability to find the other half for family life. Matchmaker's stone - we wish the crystal of divorced couples, where one wants to return the other. It helps to bring back lost feelings. If a lot of time has passed, heals spiritual wounds, helps to meet a new love.

At weddings in the old days, there was a custom to give jewelry made of magnesite to the mother-in-law. Made a gift to my son-in-law. The mineral helped to find maternal love, the relationship between mother-in-law and son-in-law will be close and sincere. A magnesite ball has special properties. He will help in romantic relationships, but will spoil everything that is possible at work. It is better to take such a gem with you to parties and holidays. On the desktop, it is advised to keep objects with smooth surfaces and sharp corners, for example, a pyramid.

Talismans and amulets

Jewelry from natural stone are able to protect the owner from the dangers that await the traveler:

  • natural disasters;
  • accidents;
  • losses.

The stone becomes a talisman that protects against violence. It creates a barrier not only from physical attempts to attack a person, but also moral ones.

The talisman will benefit people of such professions:

  • chauffeur;
  • sailor;
  • fireman;
  • geologist;
  • pilot.

Astrology will tell you who is suitable for magnesite. For everyone whose specialty is associated with a risk to life, products made from magnesium ore crystals will be an excellent amulet. They will reduce the risk and eliminate the dangers. Travelers take with them a rough sample of stone and magnesite jewelry.

magnesite colors

The beautiful mineral has various stone colors. Usually painted in gray with a yellow tint. There are interesting brown crystals. In the photo of the stone you can see all the features of the color. It is advised to buy colorless samples and pieces of crystals with a weak color. The rarity and beauty of the find is highly valued. Successful materials can be expensive and can only be compared with the most expensive ones. jewelry stones. The closest resemblance to marble. From colorless rocks, milky white stones, various products for the interior of the premises are made:

  • wall tiles or wall covering;
  • steps of stairs;
  • floors;
  • countertops.

All colors are rich and expressive. The richness of color and the play of brilliance conquer. Any item will be the pride of the owner. Varieties of magnesite imitate buriz and.

Magnesite and the signs of the zodiac

Significance for a person is studied by astrology. Scientists have divided all the signs of the zodiac constellations according to their compatibility with magnesite.

Perfectly suits Gemini according to the horoscope. The properties of the stone restrain the owner from gambling hobbies, deceitful impulses. Gemini will find good luck in games, roulette, financial affairs. There will be failures and losses. In addition, signs will notice an improvement in family life. Lonely people will be able to appreciate the power of the mineral. The choice of partners will become so wide that it will be possible to get confused. That is why it is advised not to make jewelry with a stone permanent. It is better to choose events where it is worth appearing with magnesite. The value of the stone favorably affects Capricorn and Libra. They will restrain their categoricalness and straightforwardness. From any situation, signs will come out victorious, find benefits and benefits.

Magnesite is not suitable for Aquarius and Aries. He will ruin their character. It will make them unrestrained and unable to understand the events taking place around them. For everyone else, wearing a mineral in any form will not bring any harm or benefit.

Application of magnesite

The stone is fired and a powder called caustic magnesia is obtained. The firing temperature is used to increase from 1 thousand to 2800ᵒС, the resulting mixture has different applications. At a firing temperature of 1 thousand ᵒС, caustic powder is sent to the following industries:

  1. Creation of building cement;
  2. Pulp industry;
  3. Production of heat-insulating materials;
  4. Synthesis of rubber, plastic, viscose;
  5. Chemical industry;
  6. Fertilizers.

At a temperature of 1500ᵒС - burnt magnesia, which is used in the metallurgical industry. At 2800ᵒС - fused periclase. It is used in ceramic production. The mineral is raw material base for refractory compositions and caustic material. Included in building mixtures.

Magnesite - properties of the mineral, photo and application of stone

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It is a beautiful mineral of natural origin, white color interspersed with gray, yellow and brown shades. Its crystals have an irregular curved shape. Magnesite is famous for its unique properties and abilities.

This mineral got its name in honor of the Greek region of Magnasia. It was in this area that magnesite stone was found for the first time. Magnesite deposits are hydrothermal and superficial. The occurrence of the mineral is facilitated by the replacement of calcium with magnesium in deep hot solutions. If deposits of magnesite rocks are on the surface of the earth, then the crystals of the mineral acquire a granular shape, this is facilitated by strong winds. Magnesite, which is found in the bowels of the earth, often has a crystalline form. Such samples of magnesian rocks have a higher price due to their rarity.

Chemical formula of the stone

It is magnesium carbonate, formula magnesite-MgCO3. Magnesium occupies most of the composition of the mineral. The other part is carbon dioxide and impurities of calcium and iron. In my own way appearance this stone resembles marble. Depending on the impurities of various mineral components, the chemical formula changes, magnesite acquires a yellowish, greenish or brown color. Its surface is matte or has a glossy sheen. This mineral is quite fragile, its structure resembles porcelain. Due to the fact that the density of the stone is quite low, its weight is not large in mass.

  • Moss hardness-4-4.5
  • Density reaches 2.97-3.10g/cm3

Magnesite mining sites

Magnesite is mainly mined in Russia, but there are also deposits in the USA, Greece, India, Australia, and China. One of the most famous and largest deposits where Siberian magnesite is mined is the Savinskoye deposit, which is located in the Irkutsk region. In the Chelyabinsk region there is also the Satkinskoye magnesite deposit, the stone from this deposit is famous for its decorative look, which was acquired through the inclusion in chemical composition wood components. Siberian magnesite is mined industrially mainly in the Volga region and the Far East.

In Australia, they find bright yellow magnesite, which is often used for jewelry. Good samples of this mineral are mined in the United States and Canada. But the largest crystals were found in Brazil.

The magical properties of the mineral

Magical properties of this crystal have been attributed since ancient times. Having magnesite jewelry is necessary for those who want to find a life partner or find family happiness. He also helps divorced people find a new lover and rebuild family relationships. There is also an opinion that the stone is able to pacify the conflict between generations and reconcile relatives among themselves. In order to improve relations with the future mother-in-law, a young girl is offered to give her magnesite jewelry, then the mother-in-law will love her like her own daughter. This mineral is famous for its ability to positively influence the behavior of children. He makes little fidgets obedient and cheerful.

Magnesite is a mineral that has a magical effect on animals. It strengthens a person's connection with nature and endows him with the gift of domestication, helps to find a true friend among animals or birds.

From ancient times, sailors and travelers took magnesite talismans with them, they kept them on the way, protected them from troubles and natural disasters. Now such an amulet is simply necessary for every driver.

Where is this mineral used?

The scope of the mineral is quite wide:

  • In the pulp industry . The mineral purifies water very effectively, it is often used to make filters, it neutralizes heavy metals and precipitates them.
  • In the field of construction. Lately magnesite slabs are gaining popularity. They are used to strengthen the facades of buildings and residential premises, to decorate floors and walls, to decorate pools and garages. Such a coating is famous for its durability, strength, durability, thermal insulation. Magnesite is brittle in structure, which makes it possible to crush it, it is often used to make a special cement, which is used to make seamless floors.
  • In the pharmaceutical industry . Magnesium is extracted from it. As you know, magnesite is also attributed to healing abilities. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, improves mood, relieves stress. There is an opinion that the use of white magnesite helps to improve vision, for this it is worth just a few minutes to stare at the stone.
  • In agriculture. A large amount of magnesium in the composition of this mineral, as well as the presence of calcium and iron, makes it possible to make high-quality soil fertilizers from it.
  • In the jewelry business. Due to its appearance and plasticity, magnesite is often used to make jewelry and bijouterie. Its varied colors allow it to replace some of the more expensive minerals. For example, an imitation of turquoise, marble is easily obtained. Jewelry made of magnesite shimmers beautifully, plays in the light, looks expensive at an affordable price.

Magnesite and the signs of the zodiac

Astrologers say that the mineral magnesite is not suitable for all signs of the zodiac. The exception is Aquarius and Aries. The strong energy of this stone negatively affects the nature of these signs. Makes them vulnerable to negative onslaught from outside.

This crystal is perfect Gemini. Helps reduce excitement. Protects against financial losses. And for Libra and Capricorn magnesite can boost career growth and attract powerful people into their lives.

Following the above properties, we can conclude that magnesite is a fairly useful stone for humans. Its physical and chemical characteristics make it irreplaceable. And magical and healing abilities are of great benefit, beauty pleases the eye, and affordability allows you to pamper yourself and loved ones with jewelry made from this magic stone.

Magnesite stone or magnesium ore is most often used for industrial purposes. This mineral is not of great value for jewelers, but amulets and talismans from it can be found a lot. And all because it has strong magical qualities and is used in lithotherapy.

History of magnesite

The stone got its name from the place of its first discovery - the region of Magnesia, which is located in Greece. Found it in antiquity and even then discovered the first beneficial features. The fact is that the mineral consists of magnesium oxide and carbon dioxide. If it is burned, carbon dioxide is released and only a solid refractory substance remains, which was used in construction and sculptural work. And although a lot of time has passed since its discovery, it is still widely used in various industries.

Magnesite stone is mined in igneous, metamorphic, salt-bearing and ultrabasic rocks. Sometimes it is found in massifs of granular porcelain, dolomite. In rare cases, minerals with a glassy luster are found. They are used in jewelry. Masters grind them and insert them into jewelry. In appearance, the final stone, after jewelry processing, resembles marble.

There are plenty of production deposits: Greece, Mexico, USA, Russia, India, South Korea, China, Austria. In Brazil, the largest druze are found, and in Australia, jewelry samples with a yellowish tint. In France, rare pink magnesites were recently found.

Physical and chemical properties of magnesite

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Magnesite is magnesium carbonate. It has a calcium crystal structure and increased chemical activity.

  • The color of the stone can be white, yellowish, gray, brown, pinkish.
  • Gloss matte, glassy.
  • Mohs hardness 4-4.5.
  • Density 2.9-3.0 g/cm. cube
  • Crystals are rhombohedral, trigonal.
  • Cleavage is perfect.
  • Dissolves poorly.

The magical properties of magnesite stone

Although the mineral magnesite does not belong to precious stones, he was highly respected by different peoples thanks to the magic it contains.

  • This is a matchmaker stone. For any girl, guy or even a divorced person who dreams of starting a family, it is worth buying such a talisman and carrying it with you in your bag, pocket. Its peculiarity is that it does not just look for love for its owner, but selects the best partner. He will scare away people with selfish intentions, and will not allow true feelings to be missed.
  • The magical properties of magnesite also apply to children. They, a figurine made of a mineral, will make them obedient, strengthen ties with their parents, and cheer them up.
  • In ancient times, there was a custom to give a figurine or jewelry made of magnesite to the mother-in-law or mother-in-law. Such a gift helped the bride or groom win the favor and love of the mother of the second half.
  • Magicians and mediums assure that magnesite stone brings man closer to nature. With the help of a mineral, you can tame an animal, a bird, learn to understand their desires.
  • The properties of magnesite make it a strong amulet. As an amulet, the mineral protects against natural disasters, problems on the road, and violence.

The healing properties of magnesite

Magnesite can hardly be called a strong, healing stone, but some peoples believe that it has healing qualities.

  • The yellowish mineral can calm the nervous system. For a beneficial effect, a person just needs to look at it for about 10-15 minutes a day and at the moments of the highest tension.
  • The healing properties of white magnesite were known in ancient China. It relieves fatigue from the eyes, and with regular use improves vision. In order for the mineral to work, it is warmed up (not much, just so that it is not cold) and placed on closed eyelids. The result is noticeable in 15-20 minutes.
  • Magnesite stone not only heals, but protects from illness. It does not allow pathologies to develop, health to deteriorate, infections and viruses to enter the body - that is, it is protective for the body.

Where is magnesite used?

The use of magnesite in modern world quite varied. As a rule, caustic magnesia is used in various industries. It is obtained by gradually firing the mineral at a temperature of 1000 to 2800 degrees Celsius. Where is caustic powder used? If the mineral was fired at temperatures up to 1000 degrees, it goes:

  • for the manufacture of pulp;
  • as an additive in building cement;
  • for the production of rubber, viscose, plastics;
  • as fertilizer;
  • in the chemical industry;
  • for the creation of thermal insulation materials of various types.

When roasted at 1500 degrees, the resulting substance is used in metallurgy. At 2800 degrees, fused periclase is obtained, which is added to ceramics, as well as to various refractory mixtures or materials.

Which zodiac signs are suitable for Magnezite?

Magnesite -. As a decoration, it is usually not worn, so you can make a beautiful figurine, keychain or something similar out of it that you can carry with you or just put it on your desktop. He will restrain the excitement of the sign, protect him from rash actions, ruin, losses.

And they can also benefit from such a talisman. It will bring them good luck. From each case or situation, they will be able to get the maximum benefit and benefit.

You can not wear magnesite and. It can make them illegible, indifferent to what is happening around. All steel signs of the zodiac can wear the mineral just as a talisman, but it will not bring them much luck - only protection.

Of great importance on magnesite stone is not only the sign of the zodiac of a person, but also his profession. It works best on people whose profession is related to travel: sailors, truckers, taxi drivers, travelers, pilots, stewardesses. Due to its strong protective properties, it is recommended to give it to doctors, nurses, hospital staff, as well as biologists and people whose work is somehow related to chemicals, viruses, diseases, harmful substances that adversely affect the body.