Aragonite is a gemstone. Aragonite - a family amulet of the Aragonite Stone all year round

Despite the same chemical composition, aragonite and calcite have different crystal lattices, therefore the properties of minerals differ. Aragonite forms prismatic, columnar, tabular, acicular and spear-shaped crystals. The aggregates are radially radiant, columnar, fibrous, fine-grained. Twinned crystals, multiple complex twins, polysynthetic twins are common.

Aragonite is an unstable phase of calcium carbonate, and over a period of time of the order of 10 - 100 million years it changes to calcite. The transformation of aragonite into calcite is accompanied by an increase in volume. When heated above 400 ° C, a rapid transition of aragonite into calcite occurs, and on fire it crumbles into fine calcite powder.


  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Aragonite in the GeoWiki encyclopedia (Russian)
  • Aragonite on Crystals.NET (rus.)
  • Aragonite in the database (eng.)

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    The mineral is lime carbonate, which forms lime deposits at hot springs. Dictionary foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARAGONITE mineral, carbonic lime, forms carbonic precipitation in hot ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    - [in Aragon, Spain] ml, CaCO3. Ca is partially replaced by Sr, Pb, and Zn, occasionally by Ba and Mg; lead content A. tarnowitzite, zinc soder. A. nicolsonite. Rhombus. Kly prism., needle-shaped, lamellar, thick tabular. Dv. according to (110), sometimes ... ... Geological Encyclopedia

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    BUT; m. A mineral of the carbonate class (one of its varieties is the main component of pearls and the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells). * * * aragonite is a mineral of the carbonate class, Ca. Colorless, white, gray, purple to black. Hardness... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

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Aragonite is a mineral of the carbonate class. The chemical formula is CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). It is similar in composition to calcite, however, due to the difference crystal lattices, their properties are different. Included in the basis of pearls, the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells (sometimes the shell consists entirely of this mineral). For this, the mineral was called the "mother of pearls."

History of origin and deposits

There is a legend about a girl who fell in love with a beautiful young man, but her parents decided to marry her off to someone else. Separated from her beloved, the girl burst into tears, which turned into precious stones. This stone was named after her. hometown, Molina de Aragon - aragonite.

Only the origin of the name of the stone is true in this legend, since it was indeed first found near the city of Molina de Aragon.

The formation of aragonite is due to a significant decrease in sea level in the territory of modern Spain about 230 million years ago. As a result of this, there was a large-scale deposition of salts and gypsum, which subsequently led to the formation of extensive deposits of a valuable mineral. The very name "aragonite" appeared in 1796 thanks to the German geologist A.G. Werner.

In addition to Italy, in which over two hundred years of mining, the deposits are still rich, deposits of this mineral are found in some countries of Europe and North America.

But in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary, aragonite can crystallize on any surface. For example, paper flowers are popular with tourists, on the petals of which aragonite crystals flaunt.

In Russia, there are deposits in the Urals (Baikalskoye) and Taimyr (Kayerkanskoye), mining is carried out in karst caves.

physical characteristics

Aragonite is an unstable form of calcium carbonate and over time, under the influence of high temperatures or natural solvents, it turns into a more stable calcite.

Most often you can find white aragonite, characterized by intensity, the exception is not a completely colorless stone. Sometimes, due to impurities, it can also have a different color: yellow, pink, purple, occasionally you can see green aragonite.

Aragonite crystals shine like glass and are translucent until completely transparent.

Cleavage, or the ability to break along certain axes, is imperfect. This means that when broken, the chip has a bizarre and uneven shape. In some deposits, blue aragonite is mined, or the stone may have a white color with a pink tint.

The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4, which means that it is easily scratched by glass or a knife.

The shape of the stone is determined by the temperature during crystallization. Most often it occurs in the form of radial-radiant aggregates, as well as oolitic mass - the so-called caviar stone or sprudelstein. But single crystals are extremely rare.

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists (specialists who heal with stones) use aragonite to treat various skin conditions such as acne, pimples, skin allergic reactions. For this, baths with water saturated with particles of this stone are prescribed. Also, such baths will help if the cause of the skin disease is unknown.

However, it is not for nothing that aragonite is called the stone of love. Its more significant use is the treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It helps men improve potency and restore sexual desire. Helps women suffering from frigidity.

It is also effective for prostatitis, uterine tumors. For these purposes, the stone should be close to the body; rings and pendants are well suited.

Aragonite helps the elderly very well, its proximity will improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, help with problems with pressure, the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Some researchers believe that the healing power of the waters of Karlovy Vary is due to the fact that they pass through several layers of aragonite.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to the fact that it is a source of calcium, which is essential for a person. So, for example, if you add aragonite to water and leave it for a while, you get a solution saturated with calcium.

The magical properties of aragonite

In addition to medicinal properties, which are easily explained from the point of view of science, some magical properties are also attributed to the mineral. It is believed that he helps spouses resolve disputes that arise, reduce tension caused by misunderstanding. If a husband and wife want to return passion and past feelings to the relationship, then this stone is the best fit. But you should not hope that the amulet will return the person who decided to leave to the family, he will only improve the relationship of loving spouses.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine is placed in a house in a conspicuous place, where the whole family usually gathers. In this case, the likelihood of buying a home will increase, and the chances of starting your own business will increase.

If the spouses have problems in intimate life or a child is conceived, it is recommended to install a figurine in the bedroom.

Aragonite helps a person to concentrate on the task at hand, enhances self-discipline. At the same time, memory improves, and if you wear it constantly, then a bright mind will remain until old age.

The meaning of Aragonite in the signs of the zodiac

The mineral has no special significance in the horoscope. Astrologers do not attribute this stone to any zodiac sign or planet. The amulet is suitable for everyone, the main thing is that the wearer should not be alone. IN family life, regardless of the zodiac sign of the spouses, you can safely use it.

Aragonite is contraindicated for lonely people. Wearing jewelry with this stone, they will feel unhappy that they will not be able to reveal its positive properties.

stone products

Aragonite belongs to precious stones and is valued by jewelers. Complex intergrowths of crystals, the shape of which resembles buds, are especially valued. From such specimens, beautiful rings, earrings, pendants are obtained in which they are used without processing.

Mineral white color they are often turned into pearls that are indistinguishable from real ones. They are great for making beads. For men, rings are made of silver or platinum with darker specimens of the mineral.

In addition to jewelry, various decorative items are made from stone.

Collectors seek to acquire a stone in its natural form. For example, the so-called iron flowers (fancy coral aggregates consisting of intertwining white crystals).

Storage and care

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite, so for prolonged use of jewelry or decorative elements from this stone, you should not leave it on the fireplace or near heating appliances. Diluted hydrochloric acid will also have an irreversible effect - the stone will boil.

In addition, due to its low hardness, it is necessary to protect the product from mechanical stress, otherwise scratches on the surface cannot be dispensed with.


  • Minerals and stones on the letter AMinerals starting with the letter A Minerals starting with the letter A. Stones starting with the letter A. Catalog of stones on A. Directory of stones on A. Description of stones on A. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter A
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  • Minerals and stones on the letter HMinerals starting with the letter N Minerals starting with the letter N. Stones starting with the letter N. Catalog of stones starting with N. Directory of stones starting with N. Description of stones starting with N. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter N.
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  • Minerals and stones with the letter UMinerals starting with the letter U Minerals starting with the letter U. Stones starting with the letter U. Catalog of stones with U. Directory of stones with U. Description of stones with U. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter U.
  • Minerals and stones on the letter FMinerals starting with the letter F Minerals starting with the letter F. Stones starting with the letter F. Catalog of stones in F. Reference book of stones in F. Description of stones in F. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter F.
  • Minerals and stones with the letter XMinerals starting with the letter X Minerals starting with the letter X. Stones starting with the letter X. Catalog of stones starting with X. Directory of stones starting with X. Description of stones starting with X. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter X.
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  • Minerals and stones with the letter IMinerals starting with the letter Z Minerals starting with the letter Y. Stones starting with the letter Y. Catalog of stones starting with Z. Directory of stones starting with Z. Description of stones starting with Z. Chemical properties. Physical properties, formulas, connection with the zodiac, connection with names, origin, where they are mined, legends about stones with the letter Y.

For many hundreds of years, stones have attracted the attention of man. They fascinate with their unique beauty, which has absorbed the power from the very heart of the Earth. Unraveling the mysterious properties of stones, people began to endow them with magical properties, using as talismans and amulets.

Each mineral is unique and unrepeatable, each carries a riddle and mystery. magic stone aragonite is a bright representative of a placer of gems.

History and origins

The first mention of this stone dates back to 1797. Then in Spain, the city of Aragon, deposits of a mineral were discovered, which later received its sonorous name in honor of the place of discovery.

Legend has it that aragonite is the tears of a Spanish girl in love, whose parents opposed her chosen one. Being imprisoned, separated from her beloved, the young Spaniard cried a lot. Her bitter tears, congealing, turned to stone.

The stone is of low-temperature hydrothermal sedimentary origin, often formed in basalt voids, deposited in hot hydrocarbonate springs. Refers to the polymorphic modification of calcium carbonate.

Place of Birth

Mining of the mineral is carried out mainly in karst caves. Crystals are distinguished by a variety of shapes: star-shaped, spherical, pyramidal and needle-shaped.

The deposits are widely distributed geographically. Large deposits of aragonite are located in Europe - Germany, France, Austria, the Czech Republic, and, of course, in Spain. Mining is also carried out in the USA, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan. In Russia, stone is mined in the South Urals and Taimyr. Large reserves of aragonite are stored at the bottom of the ocean.

This is interesting! "Aragonite roses" serve as a symbol of Karlovy Vary. A sediment of calcium aragonite is formed on the surface of the water of local thermal springs. Parchment roses or vases are dipped into water, and after a while the souvenirs sparkle with a mother-of-pearl surface.

Physical Properties

Aragonite is a mineral with sufficient density and hardness. The color of the gem is famous for its variety of shades. A natural stone differs in transparency and vitreous brilliance. Despite the similar composition with calcite, it is much less common in nature.

Density2.93 g/cm³
SyngonyRhombic (planaxial).
CleavageImperfect by (010).
TransparencyTransparent and translucent.
ColorColorless, white, grey, yellowish and reddish.

Color varieties

The color of aragonite depends on chemical impurities in the composition and natural form:

The variety of gem shapes is impressive. Rounded small ingots are called "cave pearls". Stones of bizarre shapes resembling plants were called "iron flowers". Acicular crystals are found in nature. Helictites outwardly resemble.

In the form of a thin mother-of-pearl layer, it is present on the valves of the shells, is part of.

Medicinal properties

Since ancient times, it has been believed that stones can affect human health. After all, minerals absorb the power and energy of the earth and water. Lithotherapy successfully uses knowledge about the bioenergetics of stones for the treatment and healing of a person.

Each gem has special healing qualities. It is believed that the vibration of stones is consonant with the vibration of the human body and quickly adjusts to the required wave, you just need to choose the right mineral.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that aragonite is a healing stone. Practitioners of alternative medicine endow the mineral with the following healing properties:

  • It calms the human nervous system, helps to cope with anger and irritation, fights the manifestations of stress, eliminates insomnia, overwork.
  • It has an effect on the human reproductive system: restores male potency and tone, cures female frigidity.
  • Heals skin diseases- psoriasis, lichen, various skin allergic reactions.
  • It helps to improve the condition with problems with the joints, strengthens the spine, the skeletal system.
  • Reduces inflammation, fever, helps the body recover faster after illness, strengthens the immune system.
  • Blocks muscle spasms and cramps.
  • Stops hair loss, accelerates their growth.
  • It has a positive effect on the elderly, facilitates the manifestations of menopause.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, aragonite is applied to certain points, jewelry with this gem is worn, water is passed through aragonite chips. By the way, water saturated with aragonite makes the springs of Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden healing.

magical properties

Aragonite is a constant companion of magicians and sorcerers, helping with spiritualism sessions, communicating with otherworldly forces, since it is believed that it perfectly grounds and concentrates energy. Able to increase the effect of prayer or magic spells.

  • Magic crystals bring harmony, peace and peace of mind, promote meditation, balance the various energies in the human body.
  • Aragonite is considered a true guardian of the marital hearth, spreading its magic only to family people. Figurines or crafts from it are recommended to be kept in the house to attract prosperity, comfort and well-being to the family.
  • The mysterious mineral will help the spouses maintain mutual feelings, breathe passion into a cooling relationship, neutralize quarrels and evil thoughts, and make them more tolerant of each other.
  • Aragonite also helps to find mutual understanding between the older and younger generations, nullifies conflicts in the family, restoring peace and tranquility.
  • Contributes to the growth of the material wealth of the family, relieves need.
  • It relieves careless owners from laziness, helping to manage the household, fills the house with warmth and comfort.
  • Helps to comprehend moral and family values.
  • Aragonite amulets are able to keep from drunkenness, adultery and other vices.

Compatibility with other stones

All minerals have magical properties. To enhance their impact on a person and not harm the body, you need to correctly combine gems. Properly selected stones enhance the effect of each other, and incongruous ones nullify all the magical and healing properties.

Aragonite belongs to two elements - Earth and Water (yin energy). Therefore, it is ideally combined with similar minerals.

There is a color combination of stones. So, blue crystals are recommended to be combined with white and green stones, and black - with red and blue.

Noble metals - gold, silver, platinum - are ideal as frames.

Jewelry with a mineral

Aragonite is a precious gem mineral. Luxurious jewelry with a stone serve as proof of the excellent taste and respectability of their owner. Blue crystals resemble turquoises, and white ones are even turned into pearls. Various ornaments are made from the gem - pendants, beads, rosaries, earrings, brooches and rings are encrusted.

You can buy jewelry in a jewelry store or a store specializing in products made of natural stone, as well as on the Internet. The price of the product depends on the quality and deposit of the mineral, the frame material.
Approximate prices for jewelry:

  • Ordinary aragonite earrings - from 200 rubles;
  • White aragonite beads (Mexico), 48 cm - from 2900 rubles;
  • Silver ring with aragonite - 790-2000 rubles;
  • Silver ring with a stone weighing 20 carats, Germany - 18800-22900 rubles.

The use of the gem is not limited to jewelry. Caskets, vases, figurines, and various souvenirs are traditionally made from it.

In addition, the gem serves as an interesting collectible material. “Iron flowers” ​​and “White Sea fliers” are especially valued.

Important! Don't buy jewelry that has already been used. After all, a stone can carry the negative energy of the former owner.

How to distinguish a real stone from an artificial fake

There are several proven ways to distinguish a natural stone from a fake:

  • Warmly. Natural stone is always somewhat cold. If you apply it to your lips for a few seconds, natural aragonite will remain cool, but glass or plastic will be warmed by the warmth of your breath;
  • Aurally. If you knock on glass with a natural stone, you get a characteristic sound, which is easy to identify a fake;
  • By weight. Natural stone is always heavier than plastic, ceramic and glass of the same size.
  • Photoluminescence. When irradiated with ultraviolet light, aragonite emits an orange-red glow.

The best way to protect yourself from fakes is to buy a gem from a reliable seller who has the appropriate documents and certificates.

Product Care Rules

Proper care of jewelry helps to preserve the original brilliance and radiance of gems for a long time.

As a rule, stones do not like bright sunlight, they become dull. Therefore, you need to store products made of aragonite in a dark place, separately from other jewelry. The ideal option is a box or box, upholstered inside with a soft cloth. The storage location should be away from heat sources. Don't forget that high temperatures detrimental to aragonite.

Aragonite is afraid of mechanical damage, so it is better to remove products from it before going to the gym, when you have to do some work related to physical activity.

The sea, swimming pool, bath and sauna also have a detrimental effect on the mineral. Rings, rings, bracelets with aragonite It is recommended to remove before washing dishes to avoid the aggressive effects of detergents. Keep away from interaction with creams, varnishes and other cosmetics.

If there is dust on the jewelry, you need to wipe it with dry soft suede or flannel. In case of heavy soiling, dip in soapy water, then rinse well with clean water.

Aragonite is a transparent stone with a matte sheen. It has a very beautiful pearly sheen. However, depending on the composition, the color range of this stone varies from white to purple. In addition, impurities also affect the transparency of the stone, i.e. it can be completely transparent, semi-transparent and opaque at all.

There is a beautiful and sad legend of the origin of this stone. It says that once upon a time in Spain in a small town called Molina de Argon lived a girl and a boy who were in love with each other. However, the girl's parents were against their marriage and gave her in marriage to a more profitable groom for their family. The girl was very worried about this and cried for a long time. Her tears, falling to the ground, became precious stones, which they called aragonites.

In nature, white aragonite is most often found. In addition, there are minerals in purple, red, blue, orange, light blue, light green and gray shades. Depending on the impurities, as already mentioned, they can be transparent, translucent and opaque.

Mineralogists distinguish the following types of aragonite:

  • Needle mineral. It is an elongated prism or needle. These stones are completely transparent. This type Aragonite is very brittle due to its shape. Thanks to her, he got his other name "Sparkling Stone".
  • Helictites. Such minerals are outwardly similar to, since its processes branch out from the center of the stone. Most often they are found in karst caves.
  • Shells. Everyone knows what grows in a shell and is an expensive and valuable stone. However, not everyone knows that sea shells contain aragonite. However, this particular type of mineral is practically never used anywhere.
  • "Iron Flowers". The layers of this mineral are intertwined in bizarre shapes. Outwardly, such a stone really resembles real flowers.
  • Pisolites. These are round aragonites, the diameter of which is more than 2 mm. Another name for such a mineral is “cave pearls”. It is used in jewelry for the production of various ornaments.

The magical properties of aragonite

Esotericists claim that aragonite is a family mineral. Therefore, it can only be worn by spouses. If a lonely person uses it, then he will feel useless and deeply unhappy. As a result, his whole life can change for the worse.

Therefore, esotericists do not recommend wearing aragonite to single people. The only exception is teenagers. They can use this stone as a talisman. The fact is that it will help them to more easily survive puberty. He will save them from mood swings and excessive excitability.

This mineral protects the family. He grants mutual understanding to all family members (parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters). The stone protects against quarrels, scandals and conflicts. He maintains a friendly atmosphere in the house.

This stone helps a person to realize that the true value for him is not work, money and friends, but family. Thanks to this mineral, he will always strive to go home. In addition, the owner of this talisman will try to do everything possible so that his family begins to live better, and his relatives are happy.

Aragonite will make all family members more tolerant of each other. It will help to perceive loved ones as they are, despite all their shortcomings.

The mineral also takes care of the well-being of the family. To do this, a figurine made of this stone must be constantly kept in a room where all family members gather. In this case, aragonite will attract money into the house and help solve financial problems.

In addition, if the family needs housing, he will help to get it. The mineral will provide an opportunity to either earn money to buy a house or apartment, or win the lottery. In addition, aragonite helps to open his own family business.

This mineral helps to solve the problems of spouses. It kindles passion between husband and wife. To do this, it is recommended to place the aragonite figurine in the bedroom of the spouses. In addition, if a husband and wife have long dreamed of a child, then the stone helps to realize it.

Aragonite helps the owner to concentrate on a particular matter, and not to exchange for trifles. It bestows wisdom and increases self-confidence. The stone helps to make the right decision in any life situation no matter how complicated it may seem.

If you wear a stone all the time, then it helps to maintain a clear mind and a solid memory until the end of days.

The healing properties of the mineral

Aragonite has been used for therapeutic purposes since ancient times. No wonder it is called a stone of healing. It is believed that if you keep it in the room of a sick person, then the disease will recede. Experts in stone healing still adhere to this opinion. They claim that aragonite helps to lower body temperature and relieves fever.

The mineral has a positive effect on the condition nervous system. It relieves stress, depression and insomnia. In addition, the stone relieves fatigue and soothes.

This mineral also helps to cope with various pathologies of the epidermis and rashes on it. It relieves lichen, psoriasis, eczema and allergic reactions. In addition, aragonite improves the condition of hair and skin.

IN medicinal purposes you need to constantly wear aragonite beads or bracelets. You can also wear a stone in a ring and earrings.

Who suits aragonite according to the zodiac sign

Aragonite is one of the few minerals that, from the point of view of astrology, has no contraindications.

Compatibility of aragonite with the sign of the zodiac. Table 1.

Aragonite not only has no contraindications, but it also does not give special preferences to any sign of the zodiac. He will give protection to everyone without exception and help improve their lives, but only if the person is married. As already mentioned, it cannot be used as a talisman by lonely people.

Aragonite is a talisman that protects the family. He brings love, happiness and prosperity to the house.