What does the name Karina mean in short. The meaning of the name Karina. The meaning of the name Karina for sex

Like many other names, the name Karina has several meanings. Of course, the meaning of the name directly depends on the theory of origin, and there are usually more than one.

The most popular theory of the origin of the name Karina claims that the name Karina (in Latin Carina) comes from the word Carus, translated as "Love". So, according to this theory, we can safely say that The meaning of the name Karina is "Love". But as you understand, this is not all.

The second most popular can be called the theory of the origin of the name Karina on behalf of Catherine. It is believed that this is one of the short forms of this name. But the meaning of the name Catherine, see the link.

But even that is not all. The name Karina has several more interesting hypotheses of origin, but more about it in the article "origin of the name Karina".

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl

The girl grows up as a rather unusual child. It has two diametrically opposed qualities. Karina is both phlegmatic and active at the same time. It does not let those around you get bored. If something came to Karina's mind, then it is unlikely that anything can stop this girl. These character traits are characteristic of both childhood Karina, and becoming an adult.

The same activity both helps and hinders Karina in her studies. If she liked the subject, then her activity can be envied, but if this did not happen, then you will see "the most unfortunate person in the world." She is prone to displaying her phlegm if what is happening is not interesting to her.

Karina's health is unfortunately weak. Against the background of her activity, she is prone to overexcitability. Karina's overexcitability affects her work nervous system. Karina is prone to neuroses and rashes on a nervous basis. Another girl has a tendency to frequent sore throats and liver problems. Karina's health requires attention from her parents so as not to provoke her deterioration in her lifestyle.

Abbreviated name Karina

Diminutive names

Karinushka, Karinochka, Karinka, Karishka, Karisha, Rinochka, Rinushka, Rinonka.

Name Karina in English

IN English language the name Karina is spelled as - Karen, Kareena.

Name Karina for passport- KARINA.

Translation of the name Karina into other languages

in Hungarian - Karina
in Spanish - Carina
in Chinese - 卡利娜
in Latin - Karina
in German - Karin
in Norwegian - Karine, Carina, Karina, Carine
in Polish - Karina, Karina
in Ukrainian - Karina
in Finnish - Kaarina, Carina, Carin
in Czech - Karina, Karin

Church name Karina(in the Orthodox faith) is not defined. The name Karina is not a church one. When baptized, Karina will need to choose a church name.

Characteristics of the name Karina

If you try to briefly characterize Karina, then she is active and prone to expressive behavior. Karina loves attention, which sometimes borders on narcissism. These character traits make her a noticeable and usually successful person. She has a great sense of style and looks great. This allows her to be not only the center of attention, but also to achieve success in life.

Karina's work is usually related to art and people like it. She finds herself in communication with people, and her charm and beautiful appearance help her in this. Karina is usually successful at work, but for her it is a matter of course. With difficulty tolerates any activity associated with monotony.

The family in Karina's life is important, but far from the first place. For Karina, family is another way to look good. She will do everything possible to turn the family into a "picture". Outwardly, Karina's family is the most friendly and happy, but no one should know how it really is.

The secret of the name Karina

Karina's secret can be called her life priorities. Her personality traits make her a very unreliable friend. She always makes friends for her own benefit. If Karina loses the benefit of such a friendship, then the friendship ends quickly. It is useful to remember this for both Karina's friends and herself.

The second secret of Karina can be called her jealousy. She should be the only one in the spotlight and therefore cannot stand competitors. Everyone applying for a place on Olympus of universal admiration needs to be careful in dealing with her.

Planet- Moon.

Zodiac sign- A fish.

totem animal- Walrus.

Name color- Dark green.

Wood- Fir.

Plant- Calceolaria.

Stone- Jade.

In 1934, during the heroic drift of the Chelyuskin steamship, a girl was born right on board in the family of the Vasiliev expedition members, who was named Karina in honor of the Kara Sea. This is how the now popular name Karina appeared in Russia. The girl's parents did not know that the history of this name is much older and is rooted in the distant past.

According to one version, the name Karina comes from the Latin word "carus", which means "sweet" or "dear" in translation. According to the second version, the word "Carina" is translated from Latin as "the keel of the ship." Thus, the ancient Roman sailors, naming their daughters with this name, paid tribute to their ship.

Another version of the origin of the name Karina is ancient Greek. Perhaps the name comes from the Greek name Corinna, which means "girl" in translation. And in the Scandinavian countries, the name Karina is short for the baptismal name Katarina, in the Russian tradition better known as Catherine.

In Russia, Karina was called the goddess-mourner, who accompanied the funeral rites. From the Old Russian language Karina is translated as "mourn".

To date, the name Karina is consistently included in the name book different peoples world, including in Russian. famous women There are quite a lot of people who wear this beautiful and sonorous name. Among them are Russian actress Karina Razumovskaya, ballerina Karina Sarkisova, fencer Karina Aznavuryan, trainer Karina Bagdasarova and many others.

New Year's video recipe:

Name days and patron saints

In the Orthodox calendar, the name Karina is absent. For this reason, girls are christened with any other consonant name, for example, under the name Catherine.

Name characteristic

The name Karina attracts attention, which cannot but affect its owner - she is active, demanding, capricious, decisive, with a somewhat overestimated self-esteem. Sometimes her self-confidence and capriciousness make it difficult to listen to the voice of reason, but in general, Karina knows how to avoid trouble, calculating everything two steps ahead.

Karina is well versed in people, she can easily find mutual language with any person. She knows how to listen and hear, can give really good advice. But Karina does not know how to empathize sincerely, in her life there is no place for sentiment at all. She also always makes friends for her own benefit. When the benefit ends, most often the friendship ends.

Karina loves to be in the spotlight, to be in the know. She extremely dislikes even and monotonous everyday life, therefore the main feature of her character is restlessness. Her incredible activity borders on aggressiveness, she often forgets that "chasing two birds with one stone" is never successful. If healthy egoism defeats narcissism, Karina will have every chance of becoming a very successful person.

The girl hardly endures criticism in her address, although she is characterized by demonstrativeness and extreme restraint, impulsiveness. She seeks to attract attention even with negative antics, inattention and neglect can lead Karina to depression.

But Karina is not an intriguer, for this she lacks the psychological instinct and patience, so all her actions are open and straightforward. She always prefers to go short cuts, even ate they will be harder. She has a strong character, who does not tolerate long conversations, but prefers to act. To Karina's credit, it must be said that she always blames herself for her failures, and not those around her.

In general, Karina is an outstanding, integral person, a real fighter and researcher who never rests on her laurels. In addition, nature, as a rule, endows her with an outstanding, catchy appearance, which is impossible not to pay attention to.


Little Karina is a stubborn and capricious girl who gives her parents a lot of trouble. If a parent follows their daughter's lead, then over time her selfishness and vanity will bring her a lot of trouble in life.

Karina studies averagely, which is largely facilitated by natural laziness, with which the girl will have to fight all her life. Among her peers, she stands out for her determination and adventurism, her classmates respect her, and sometimes they are afraid. Karina's changeable nature, demonstrativeness and intemperance does not allow her to establish equal relations with her classmates.

Karina's future largely depends on her upbringing, on what qualities her parents instill in her in childhood. A girl has a lot of chances to become an overly selfish person who is unable and unwilling to feel and hear other people. The fate of the girl will turn out favorably if she manages to find the patience she lacks and directs her energy to work on herself.


As a child, Karina often gets sick, which greatly weakens her immunity. Allergies and asthma are possible. Colds can be accompanied by complications in the kidneys and heart. Karina should be careful from childhood, treat her health with double attention.

An adult woman is prone to emotional overexcitation. The tendency to neurosis requires serious attention and treatment. Passion for sweets is the cause of a tendency to be overweight, so Karina will often have to go on diets, which also does not contribute to stabilizing her emotional state.


Karina is a passionate and temperamental person who prefers to dominate in any relationship, including sexual ones. She subconsciously chooses weaker men who can be easily controlled.

The topic of sex is not forbidden for Karina, she speaks openly about her desires. During intimacy, a woman is very emotional, does not skimp on tenderness and compliments for her lover, but also expects a response from him. Physical pleasure in itself, without love and romance, does not give Karina the desired pleasure. Gentle kisses, affectionate words are an integral part of sexual intercourse for her. She knows how to meet the desires of her partner, she tries to please him in every possible way.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Usually, more than one marriage happens in Karina's life, and her difficult nature is to blame. Even if she marries for great love, this is not enough to build harmonious family relationships. She hardly makes compromises, tries to remake a person for herself. Karina finds her family happiness already in adulthood, when she gains wisdom and patience.

As a spouse, a reserved, low-emotional, self-confident man who does not allow himself to be manipulated is best for her. Another quality of Karina is jealousy. She does not want to share her husband's attention with anyone, so she will not tolerate any competition.

Karina loves to receive guests, but it is difficult to call her an impeccable hostess. Housekeeping will never be a priority for her.

The most successful marriage is possible with men named Igor, Oleg, Vladimir, Eugene, Mikhail, Timofey, Alexei and Pavel. Relationships should be avoided with Anton, George, Valentin, Valery, Vasily, Nikita and Ilya.

Business and career

Work for Karina is one of the ways of self-expression and an opportunity to attract attention. She is hardworking, prudent and pragmatic, striving to get a prestigious and interesting profession. Monotonous and routine work will never suit her, as well as work where there will be no opportunity to stand out. She loves when her successes and achievements do not go unnoticed.

A leader by nature, she has excellent organizational skills. She will make a strong leader, capable of leading a team. In solving complex issues, Karina will be guided by logic, not feelings. She is one of those women who is not spoiled by career success, on the contrary, they make her more self-confident, more tolerant and generous.

Karina has an excellent ability for business - her ability to communicate with people and fantastic intuition help her in this. It is difficult to deceive her, she feels any trouble a mile away. Karina will never refuse the help of more reputable and knowledgeable partners, and is also unlikely to agree to dubious transactions or violation of the law.

Karina's main hobby is traveling, so it will be nice if her work is related to business trips. But she has every chance to become successful in any activity, including in creative professions. A woman named Karina has huge opportunities, the only question is whether she will be able to use them.

Talismans for Karina

  • The ruling planet is the Moon and Mars.
  • The patronizing zodiac sign is Aries and Pisces. Karina is recommended to call girls born under these zodiac signs.
  • The most successful time of the year is summer, the most successful day of the week is Thursday.
  • Lucky colors are yellow, green, brown and red.
  • Totem plant - cedar and fir. Cedar is considered the tree of life, symbolizing incorruptibility, strength, longevity and power. In Christianity, the cedar is considered a symbol of Christ, personifying dignity, spiritual beauty and greatness. Fir is able to give away its positive energy, its calm aura relieves irritation, negative thoughts and anger. A fir talisman will nourish Karina with vitality and give self-confidence.
  • Totem animal - swallow and walrus. Swallow - a symbol of success and happiness, family well-being. Often the swallow acts as an intermediary between the world of the dead and the living. The walrus is a symbol of knowledge, learning, comprehension of the mysteries of life. This animal patronizes those who strive for knowledge, are not afraid to develop and improve.
  • Talisman stone - jade and carnelian. Since ancient times, jade jewelry has been considered strong amulets. If the stone changes its color to a darker one, this is evidence of wrong behavior, stubbornness and delusion. In ordinary life, jade contributes to favorable changes, helps to find a way out of the apparent impasse. Carnelian brings its owner material well-being and fame, as well as good luck in love. Carnelian is considered a stone of prudence, rosaries or beads from it are useful for people who are quick-tempered, easily losing their temper.


Aries- a sociable, interesting and very friendly woman, endowed with great willpower, courage and quick reaction. She is a militant idealist, never shying away from difficulties, always ready for sacrifice and open struggle, but detours and patient waiting are difficult for her. Karina-Aries quickly spends her strength and also quickly recovers, but most importantly, she never lowers her proud head. If there are few problems and difficulties in her life, she will definitely create them herself. She is characterized by a generous display of emotions, but she may lack a little sensitivity and tact. With all her mind and activity, Karina-Aries is a surprisingly naive and gullible woman. She can easily be taken into circulation by a charming villain, for whom she will be ready to go into fire and into water. But such an outstanding personality does not need the “right” men - she will be bored with them. She needs a hero, she needs passion and the constant boiling of passions. In marriage, Karina-Aries continues to prove her originality and exclusivity, forcing all household members to live exclusively under her dictation.

Taurus- a faithful and devoted woman, always ready to help family and friends. Wu na has amazing sanity and practicality, but is also very soft, feminine and attractive. Karina-Taurus strives for comfort, does not like change and unjustified risk, does not tolerate petty meanness and hypocrisy, appreciates honesty and decency in people. This woman has a powerful sexual temperament and invariably attracts men to her. As a hostess, she is impeccable, she can make even the most unsightly home cozy and attractive. The only thing that can overshadow coexistence next to this woman is her stinginess in expressing emotions. The devotion of Karina-Taurus knows no bounds, but she will demand the same from her husband. Do not abuse her unlimited patience, as the culprit will have to make a lot of efforts to regain her favor. Karina-Taurus can forgive a lot, but only as long as she is sure that this is a mistake, an accident, and not malicious intent.

Twins- a changeable, unreliable personality, behind which lies a lonely and vulnerable soul. She is smart, versatile, curious, pleasant to talk to. Sometimes Karina-Gemini experiences acute bouts of self-doubt, which can bring her to depression. In the character of this woman, there is always a certain nervousness, insincerity, and subtle calculation. She is in constant motion, often changing jobs, friends and passions. Internal conflicts constantly occur in her soul, therefore, for all her inconstancy and unreliability, this woman deserves not condemnation, but sympathy. Karina-Gemini craves love and attention, but does not seek to tie the knot. She values ​​her freedom very much, sometimes bordering on debauchery, and does not want to change her habits even after the wedding. She is not made for family life, as routine and monotony make a woman's life miserable. Karina-Gemini needs a like-minded husband, not jealous and not too demanding.

Cancer- timid, modest and shy Karina, the owner of a very difficult character and a rich inner world. It is difficult to find an approach to it, as if it is fenced off by a wall from the whole world. What is a trifle for others, for Karina-Rak can become a real tragedy. She is touchy, suspicious, vindictive, lives according to her own, incomprehensible law. Most often, she is a deeply decent person, prone to sentimentality and self-sacrifice, but it is very important for her to know what other people think of her. Emotional security is her life goal, to which a woman will always strive. In the soul, Karina-Rak is a big owner, and it doesn’t matter if it concerns her favorite cup or her beloved man. For all her dreaminess and isolation from the world, she is practical, far-sighted, sometimes even stingy. The family will always be a priority for her, and her husband will never lack love, care and tenderness. Analyzing all her words and deeds, Karina-cancer will never allow tactlessness in relation to people dear to her.

a lion- a tough and principled woman, the owner of a very difficult character. But, despite this, she knows how to fall in love with people, make them follow her. By nature, she is a born leader, but at the same time she is sincere, generous and very charming. She is always deep in her feelings, be it love, compassion or hate. In Karina-Lioness, the desire to dominate, command, be in the spotlight, bathe in flattery and compliments is very noticeable. She is very sensitive to what others think of her. Her Achilles heel is vanity. This woman cannot be subjugated or adjusted to any framework, she always goes forward with her head held high, not paying attention to minor failures. Patience is not characteristic of her, so any situation in which she is forced to wait for something will easily unbalance a woman. In family life, Karina-Lioness appreciates the reliability and loyalty of a partner, and she herself is rarely capable of betrayal. Her husband needs to be prepared for the fact that Karina the Lioness will always be in the spotlight and have many fans, but in this case there is no question of infidelity.

Virgo- a demanding, purposeful and secretive woman striving for the ideal. By nature, she is a perfectionist, not used to stopping halfway, which helps her become very successful in her profession, but not in her personal life, where feelings are needed. Karina-Virgo does not know how to rest and relax, to have heart-to-heart conversations, but she knows how to work, earn money, study. Sometimes she lacks creative initiative, which she successfully compensates for with diligence and responsibility. Karina-Virgo makes all decisions in her life guided exclusively by cold calculation, and not by feelings. But ambition and vanity are alien to her, she is critical not so much of others as of herself. As a wife and mistress, Karina-Virgo is excellent, but it can be difficult for her to find a partner who would meet her high requirements. This should be a person with a good material base, have excellent manners, treat his wife with respect. Most often, Karina-Virgo marries once and forever.

scales- a delicate, tactful and diplomatic person, a master of compromises. She easily finds a common language with people, skillfully avoids any conflicts, but always to her advantage. She never gossips and does not reveal other people's secrets, while she prefers to keep her "skeletons in the closet" to herself. It helps a woman to keep what she needs. peace of mind keep your peace and habitual way of life. If necessary, Karina-Libra will take the path of lies and betrayal, if only everything in her life was good. Altruism and self-sacrifice is not her style. One of the most amazing qualities of Karina-Libra is the ability to hide a sharp mind and insight behind a charming appearance and seeming frivolity. In the event of unforeseen circumstances, there will be no trace of her defenselessness and self-doubt. However, Karina-Libra really needs a life partner with a strong character who would take responsibility for the family. A woman does not seek leadership in relationships, on the contrary, she will gladly give this role to her husband.

Scorpion- a silent and principled person, with a highly inflated self-esteem. She is able to withstand any trials, go through any pain and suffering, but the only thing she will never tolerate is inattention and disrespect for her person. The main character trait of Karina-Scorpio is self-confidence. She cares little about other people's opinions, as well as other people's problems, but the paradox is that this woman is in desperate need of love. Insight and blindness are surprisingly combined in her character - it is almost impossible to deceive her, but only if she herself does not want to be deceived. In her work, Karina-Scorpio is a real careerist, smart and very hard-working, but because of her complex nature, she is not very popular in the team. Boredom and monotony disgust a woman, however, she can make a great wife and mother. Sanity helps Karina-Scorpio avoid extremes, however, she should always remember that by nature she has a great predisposition to alcoholism and drugs.

Sagittarius- a cheerful, active, energetic and cheerful person who loves new acquaintances and noisy companies. This woman with the character of a boy who loves movement, travel and adventure. I want to say “alive” about her, she is so eccentric and independent. Karina-Sagittarius does not accept lies and insincerity, she is always straightforward, she strives to get to the bottom of the truth in everything. All her emotions are absolutely sincere, she does not know how to pretend at all. Routine and everyday life have a detrimental effect on this woman, and monotony winds up a bitch and a desire to plunge headlong into another adventure. Karina-Sagittarius is so independent and independent that she is not ready to part with her freedom for the sake of her beloved man. She will not tolerate jealousy and the desire to control her, so for a happy marriage she needs partnerships. At the same time, her love of freedom has nothing to do with sexual promiscuity, which means that her man can completely trust his wife. It is unlikely that Karina-Sagittarius after the wedding will agree to spend a lot of time at the stove and maniacally maintain order in the house, so her bag will have to put up with it.

Capricorn- a practical, prudent and pragmatic woman who devotes a lot of time to work and career. Success beckons her with unusual force, she goes to her goal with incredible perseverance, stubbornly overcoming obstacles step by step. She does not understand and does not accept actions without a specific goal, and if this goal is defined, nothing can lead her astray. For the sake of her life plans, a woman is capable of enormous self-restraint and deprivation, and fate, as a rule, forces her to choose the most difficult life path, despite the fact that a woman carefully calculates and plans all her undertakings and misconduct. She never gets into other people's affairs, does not gossip or intrigue, rarely gives advice. Karina-Capricorn values ​​\u200b\u200bher independence very much, so she will make a very demanding wife who does not forgive insults and betrayals. The happiness of this woman lies in hard work, in the pursuit of stability and well-being.

Aquarius- sociable, sincere, dreamy nature, who knows how to show himself from the best side. She knows how to think independently of the reality surrounding her, she lives, as a rule, according to her own rules, which are not always clear to others. Karina-Aquarius is unusually curious, she is interested in almost everything that falls into her field of vision. This woman has a very multifaceted perception of the world, she is an innovator and pioneer by nature, not afraid to be misunderstood or unrecognized. She is not afraid to shock others, is not afraid to express her opinion, which runs counter to the opinion of the majority. Very often, the logic of Karina-Aquarius is so peculiar that it defies understanding. A woman treats household chores with great reluctance, preferring to decide global problems, forgetting that there is a mountain of unwashed dishes at home. This woman aspires to early years to be different from everyone else, and marriage cannot change her in any way. She really does not like it when silence comes in her life and nothing happens.

Fishes- this is a creative person who does not get tired of self-improvement and discovering new facets in himself. She loves loneliness, but cannot live without love. This woman thinks and feels extraordinary, it can be difficult to understand her. Her key quality is dreaminess and a certain isolation from the world. By nature, it is passive, very susceptible to external influence, dependent on someone else's will and ideology. Karina-Pisces does not have the slightest desire to dominate her partner, she desperately needs a sense of security and confidence in the future. Due to excessive sensitivity, she can inflate even the smallest problem to universal proportions, so it seems to her that there are more problems in her life than others. Karina-Pisces is family-oriented, and this is the purpose of her life. She has a kind, sympathetic heart, and it is completely unsuitable for fighting for a place in the sun. Her role is a loving and caring wife with a strong and energetic man.

The female name Karina is translated as "manager of the ship." This interpretation of the name finds a direct reflection in the character of this woman. The meaning of the name Karina allows us to talk about her strong character and virtuoso ability to control her own feelings.

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl betrays her as an outstanding personality, in which phlegm and activity are able to coexist at the same time. Since childhood, such ladies have been solving problems that have arisen before them in just a few minutes. Little Karya is not able to spend even a few seconds in one place. She always needs something to do. Able to be offended by any little thing that another child simply would not pay attention to.

The meaning of the name Karina for a child reveals her as the owner of an unstable nervous system. Because of this, he gets tired quickly. The state of her health directly depends on mental comfort. The mood of Kari is of great importance for the body. You can restore strength with the help of a long sleep. Good rest is of great importance.

The children named so, who were born in winter, are distinguished by excessive adherence to principles and independence. Those born in one of the autumn months have a cold mind and are able to control themselves even with strong emotional upheavals. "Spring" is especially cheerful and carefree. Those born in summer are surrounded by an aura of mystery. Capable of extremely unpredictable actions.

Women named that way tend to travel as much as possible. They especially like to visit warm sunny countries. Taking part in family affairs is of great importance for Rina. These ladies do not like it when something is decided without them. They don't show much enthusiasm for learning. They are reluctant to go to school. Homework assignments are often not done.


Rina is a born romantic. This means that the fantasies of this woman are very diverse. She can dream of a timid lover who dedicates poetry to her, and of an assertive passionate macho. Most of these women are afraid to start love relationship with overly self-confident and arrogant men.

Karya feels most comfortable in the company of men who are inferior to her in strength of mind. This representative of the fair sex likes gentlemen who need a certain guardianship and condescending attitude of their partner. In bed, these ladies are very emotional. Not able to have sex without experiencing platonic feelings for a partner.


A happy marriage can only be with a little temperamental man. There is a high probability of several marriages throughout life. The duration of family life directly depends on how well Rina gets to know her partner before the wedding. This means that if the future spouse allows her to thoroughly study herself, then this woman will quickly cool off towards him and, most likely, the marriage will end in divorce. There is also a variant of an unhappy family life.

Husband, in most cases, chooses business and to a certain extent secretive. Married life with Vladimir, Igor and Oleg can be successful. Relations certainly will not work out with Ilya, Vasily and Nikita.

Business and career

She tends to learn new skills only in the process of the work itself, in practice. This must be taken into account when choosing a place of work and position. The owners of this name should pay attention to the profession of a reporter. In addition, Rina can make an excellent traveler, which means that it is preferable to choose those professions for making money that are associated with business trips. Business trips can be both to foreign countries and to Russian cities.

origin of the name Karina

There are several options for where this adverb came from. The first origin of the name Karina is connected with the far North. History tells that many years ago, polar explorers called their daughters born in the Kara Sea exactly that.

Another secret of the name tells that the adverb arose due to the adaptation of such a Greek word as "kore". It translates to "girl". A girl or woman, whose name is Karina, can also be called "Generous" in Arab countries. This is the etymology of this adverb.

Characteristics of the name Karina

Rina has a determined and expansive character. It is insecure. Likes to be active in various areas of life. Self-esteem is of great importance for these individuals. Self-esteem often just goes off scale. The characterization of the name Karina also speaks of the selfishness of this woman. Often he thinks only about his feelings and his own benefit, forgetting about others.

Rina's personality is quite bright, with a stormy temperament. This lady loves to be in the very center of any company and collect numerous admiring glances. Loneliness is extremely painful. He tries not to be alone with his thoughts for a long time. Availability loved one It has great importance. Negatively applies to routine matters.

The pros and cons of the character of this woman indicate that she has excellent organizational skills. Endowed with great intuition. Able to read people very accurately. The weak side is the almost complete lack of diplomacy, which is of great importance in some areas of life.

Rina with great difficulty endures the irony directed at her. Ridicule easily unbalances her. Having lost to a strong opponent, he becomes discouraged. Winning is important in both the professional and personal lives of such people. An enmity with a strong and rather temperamental man can eventually turn into a stormy love affair, which, it is possible, will end in a wedding.

Mystery of the name

  • Jade stone.
  • Name days December 31, November 7 and 25, October 17, August 2, June 11, April 29 and March 24.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign named Aries.

Famous people

  • Kareena Kapoor (born 1980) is an Indian actress and winner of two Filmfare awards.
  • Karina Razumovskaya (1983) is a Russian theater and film actress. She took part in the filming of such films as The Other Side of the Moon, Vangelia and many others.
  • Karina Andolenko (1987) is a Ukrainian-Russian theater and film actress. She appeared in 28 films.

Different languages

The most common translation of the name Karina is “ship manager”. The following lists how this dialect is translated, as well as how it is written in a number of foreign languages:

  • In Chinese - 卡利娜
  • In Japanese - カリナ
  • In English - Caren, Camilla, Camilla
  • In Latin - Carus

Name Forms

  • Full name is Karina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other options - Rina, Karya, Rishka, Rishenka, Karisha, Karinka, Karishechka, Karisha, Rinochka, Rinusya, Karik.
  • Declension of the name - Karina - Karin - Karine.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is absent.


Meaning: According to the main version, the name Karina is of Latin origin. Could come from the Roman generic name "Carinus", which is interpreted as "sweet" or "dear". Although there are other versions. For example, from Italian and Spanish, "Carina" is translated as "beloved."

The female name Karina today enjoys good popularity in our country, like many latin names. It has a strong energy, promises a lot of good qualities to the carriers, and has a pretty good compatibility with Russians. male names

Conversational options: Karinka, Kara, Karisha

Modern English counterparts: Karino, Karin, Karine

The meaning and interpretation of the name

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The meaning of the name Karina has a very strong energy. But the main thing is not this, but the fact that it promises the bearers many good qualities, including such character traits as activity, impulsiveness, impregnability, prudence, perseverance, efficiency, assertiveness, readiness to go to the intended goal to the very end, inability to give up and love of freedom .

Karina can be emotional and too pretentious, but at the same time a very cheerful person, an optimist in life. And also Karina, she is always a very bright personality, demonstrating her virtues and positive aspects to the whole world, and not being afraid of the public. Such girls love to be in the center of attention, and moreover, for the sake of this they are ready for anything (within reason).

Advantages and positive features: brightness, readiness to experiment and learn everything new, inability to give up. And Karina, without exception, is sociable and sociable,

Karina has a bad attitude people who are boring and tedious, those who have a bad attitude to humor, people who are lazy and motionless. And Karina also hates people who are trying to stand out from her background or use her brightness for their own selfish purposes.

Among Russian researchers, a version was popular, based on which the name Karina could come from the name of the Kara Sea ...

The nature of the name Karina

The nature of the name Karina is such that it promises a lot of interesting things to the representative of the weak half of humanity named in this way. For example, her character is usually endowed with such characteristics as good nature, cheerfulness, optimism, goodwill, openness, friendliness, sociability, positivity, activity and energy, inconstancy and unpredictability. Moreover, the character of the girl named Karina's nominal variation is usually such that it implies the presence of such a trait as love of freedom, which is expressed in everything without exception, both in professional activities and in relationships with men. She will never allow anyone to limit her freedom, she is too independent and tries with all her might to limit herself from anyone's influence. And another equally important point - the character of Karina suggests a craving for hatred for all types of injustice, that is, she has an extremely negative attitude towards everything that can be attributed here, and to betrayal, and to self-interest, and to the unfair attitude of someone to whom -or. And her character is such that she is vindictive, and can begin to take revenge for any offense even to the closest person ...

On the other hand, character is one of the most unpredictable factors, and it is rather difficult to guess with absolute accuracy what it will be like for a particular person. In addition, it largely depends on a bunch of additional factors, including children's upbringing, and even the influence of the zodiac sign that patronizes a girl named Karina.

Early childhood

The early childhood of a girl whose parents decided to choose the beautiful female name Karina on her birthday is overflowing with good emotions, energy and impressions, and all thanks to those features that are promised by such a factor as the meaning of the name form. At its core, this is usually a calm and balanced, secretive, uncommunicative, uncommunicative baby since childhood, but closer to adolescence, she becomes different - sociability, talkativeness, sociability, openness and many other equally important qualities appear.

So, significance can endow with energy, and activity, and kindness, and attentiveness, and goodwill, and a cheerful disposition, and resourcefulness, and a unique mindset. Karina, who is patronized by the meaning of this name, is an open, kind and cheerful child, usually popular in society. Often this is an ambitious and very bright girl in the future, but in childhood she is super active and sociable, not sitting still for a minute. This should not cause problems for parents, but others may note her restlessness and restlessness, often seeming to be a manifestation of disobedience. But among the children themselves, Karina is clearly popular, and even though she is not a leader, she will be an organizer and a welcome friend in every society, whether it be an environment in a kindergarten, or children from the yard.


The teenage period of this girl is also full of emotions and good days, which is not surprising, because the meaning of the name Karina endows this child with a cheerful, kind, positive, albeit slightly complex character. On the one hand, she is cheerful, can be a ringleader, unplanned, optimistic and humorous, kind and attentive, caring and sensitive, but on the other hand, she is too emotional and receptive, she may be offended by her best friend because of a trifle, and may subsequently even begin to take revenge , not much, but so that it was noticeable.

In general, the life of this girl is full of theatricality - not only does the meaning endow the girl usually named in this way with an acting inclination, but she herself loves to play for the public, so that everyone around notices her and so that not a single one of her actions goes unnoticed. All this can lead to frequent conflicts with teachers at school and too defiant behavior, sometimes developing into real "insanity". But then again, all this is just a game - Karina just loves when they pay attention to her, when they look at her, regardless of what people themselves experience, admiration, or, on the contrary, disgust. But Karina is friendly - the meaning can turn her into a really popular person, with a bunch of friends and comrades, although such like-minded people usually have a regrettably few.

grown woman

The value that already patronizes an adult girl with the name Karina already bestows a much larger number of remarkable characteristics on her nature. Even in adulthood, she is an eloquent, cheerful, optimistic, positive and positive, sociable and friendly, good-natured and respectable, sociable and intricate woman. It is never boring with this, she is always, as they say, "on horseback." Karina also has a lot of friends, and this is also in some way the merit of such a factor as the value of the name, and like-minded people can already begin to appear at the adult stage. She herself is ideal in terms of friendship - she will never betray, she is always ready to help a person who needs her help, she will not deceive a loved one and will not use anyone's weaknesses to achieve her goals, she is disinterested and gratuitous. But there is one bad feature in it - vindictiveness, which manifests itself at moments when betrayal or lies are noticed behind one of the close people.

As for the professional activity of a girl named after Karina, everything is simple here - as already mentioned earlier, the meaning of this name endows the named Karina with an acting gift, and this will come in handy for her in adulthood, because her activity is most likely to be connected with stage, communication, fun, organizational events and all that.

The interaction of Karina's character with the seasons

Spring - the bearer of the name Karina, which is born under the influence of the meaning of the spring months, is a mysterious, slightly secretive and mysterious person. This is difficult to predict and predict, her behavior is not amenable to criticism, and impulsiveness and recklessness sometimes do not play into the hands. Needs a protector who can turn life into heavenly pleasure.

Autumn - the autumn girl has the opposite, she will become a reasonable, smart and prudent lady. It is difficult to deceive or offend her. She is diplomatic, knows how to talk beautifully and impose an opinion, but at any moment she is ready to turn into a storm of emotions, moreover, not always positive ones. Purposeful, possesses not weak willpower.

Summer - this girl has an eccentric nature and a strange character, extraordinary and cheerful, optimistic, sincere and warm in soul. She will become desirable in any company, she will never turn away from her neighbor, she is not touchy, and she perceives any troubles as mandatory tests. She is sweet and kind, and needs an optimist whose goals will coincide with her desires.

Winter - which appeared in the period of Winter by the origin of the soul, is principled and meticulous, proud of itself, a clear leader striving to become a manager. Not a single trouble can bring her negative emotions, everything will be decided, nothing can be hidden from her. In her heart she dreams of weakness - she will look for someone next to whom she can become a weak and defenseless princess, happy and protected.

The fate of the name Karina

The fate of the name is the most theoretical, mysterious and inexplicable factor, but nevertheless, attracting no less attention of researchers. Thanks to these researchers, by the way, we managed to find out several interesting facts about what, in theory, could be the fate of a girl named with such a beautiful name form as Karina.

Well, first of all, it is worth noting the simple fact that Karina is always freedom-loving, independent in judgments and actions, unpredictable, not subject to anyone's influence, defying logic. It is thanks to this that fate presupposes Karina a hard-to-build, complex, unpredictable and fickle personal life. Her fate is such that Karina herself will change suitors like gloves until maturity - the reason is that her fate is to be with someone who can meet her requirements, and, unfortunately, there are a regrettable small number of them.

At the same time, fate suggests a woman named Karina and many difficulties in family life. The reason is in several points - firstly, her fate involves the creation of a family with a strong man, uncompromising and uncompromising, the same as herself, which can lead to conflicts, and secondly, she herself is very conflicted and cannot claim, not to the title of an ideal mother, not the title of an exemplary wife, because she devotes her whole life only to herself and her career and material development.

Love and marriage

Karina is both a pragmatic and romantic person, her soul yearns for lyrics and romance, like in a fairy tale. Such exaggerated demands and the search for a prince from a fairy tale drag out the arrangement of her personal life for a long time. She will be comfortable with a man with a softer character and not the same willpower as hers. She gets real pleasure from the feeling that she takes care of her man and he is dependent on her. Karina can have several marriages. Usually the second marriage is more successful, reliable and strong. A fairly happy family is possible with a calm, somewhat secretive man, who is able to maintain his mystery and mystery for as long as possible so that his temperamental wife does not get bored next to him. However, even such an idyll does not guarantee that this marriage will last long.

Unfortunately, Karina was not created for family life, the family never acts as her main life priority. She does not strive to become a caring wife and a diligent housewife, although she would have succeeded if she had wanted to. She does not seek compromises in relations with her husband and does not want to change the rules of the game in family life. Not surprisingly, in the end, Karina would prefer a life without marital obligations and restrictions.

Karina as Mother

Karina may not be the best spouse, but as a mother, she realizes herself in the best light. She devotes as much time and effort to raising children as possible, trying to give them all her love. She will be a mature and patient mother. She takes motherhood very seriously and even in the event of an unsuccessful marriage, she will not allow relations with her spouse to affect the psyche of children.

Karina cares about the all-round development of children, enrolls them not only in various sections, but also regularly tries to get out with them to various theatrical performances, classical music concerts, and, if possible, ballet. Children are engaged in dance studios, attend a music school, and often she enrolls them in a drawing school.

She tries to instill independence, willpower, purposefulness and an optimistic attitude towards life in children. It is important for her that children grow up strong-willed and self-confident people. At the same time, not being able to compromise herself, she teaches children to listen to her opinion, and she gradually begins to hear them too and learns mutual respect with them.

Karina horoscope


Aries - under this sign of the zodiac, or rather under the influence of its meaning, Karina is always born, possessing such traits as sociability, zeal for learning new things, curiosity, love of freedom and openness. He constantly makes new acquaintances, does not like to sit still, is in search of a companion who can become a partner in achieving goals.


Taurus - here in the bearer of the name Karina such properties as devotion and fidelity, sacrifice for the good of love and good nature reign. This girl is prone to depression, touchy, but harbors incredibly great willpower. Hates loneliness, will avoid it by matrimony with a reliable protector.


Gemini - here, the girl who received the name Karina has a difficult character. A cheerful and reckless adventurer, in fact, she is vulnerable and lonely in her soul. Compatibility is achieved only with men who are ready to accept her as she is, not arrogant in origin, able to love her the way she will be at the moment of meeting. Appreciates love and all the highest moral qualities.


Cancer - shy and touchy, afraid of communicating with people, does not want to be deceived and insulted. Reject immediately the one who offends her feelings. From an early age, he cultivates self-reliance and independence. Looking for a confident knight who will take her problems on his shoulders.

a lion

The lioness, on the other hand, has charm and charm, but is a predator by nature, cruel and principled. He loves to subjugate people, rule over them, manage. Selfish, values ​​only her own goals. He will choose the one who will admire her and obey.


Born under the symbol of Virgo, she will grow up to be a demanding and purposeful lady, a secretive but self-confident girl, a perfectionist, an excellent wife and an excellent mother. She is passionate about her own being, does not tolerate troubles that she does not count on, and is prone to depression.


Libra - this one has tact, delicacy, the ability to show diplomatic qualities, sociability and openness. She is trusted - she knows how to keep secrets, she will never betray. He will love the honest and faithful, kind and sympathetic, sacrificial and romantic.


Scorpio - Karina, who was born a scorpion, will be a principled special, somewhat similar to a lioness. Silent, but explosive, demanding, pacified, at times calm, but abruptly becomes at any moment a “raging fire”. Not everyone can stand this.


Sagittarius will appear from the womb of an activist, an energetic lady, cheerful and positive, who loves noise and din, fun and efficiency. In middle age, he will change his outlook on life, begin to look for something that can change it and give it a lack of seriousness and purposefulness.


Capricorn - the compatibility of this zodiac sign with men, so to speak, is selective. This lady loves witty men, adventurers, while she herself is pragmatic and prudent. She always follows a clear plan, a careerist, but not a mother and wife, at least in her youth.


Aquarius - here, in the nature of the owner of the name Karina, such properties as sociability, the ability to listen and understand, empathy, a tendency to self-sacrifice for the sake of someone else's good are involved. Temperament and passion in the representatives of the stronger sex are not interested - they appreciate devotion and poise.


The fish will be the one that strives for constant improvement of itself. Her desire to develop knows no bounds, but there is a "but" - she loves to be alone. It is not easy to get her heart, but whoever succeeds will be incredibly lucky. She will become an exemplary wife and keeper of the hearth.

Compatibility with male names

As for the question of combining the name Karina with male names, everything is rather complicated here, and the topic itself has been studied even by modern researchers. They then found out that the best variations for building a marriage would be such as Boris, Varlaam, Gordey, Nikolai, Trofim, Robert, Egor.

Bright and sincere feelings will be able to line up in alliance with Ippolit, Klim, Maxim, Prokhor, Samuil, Ruslan, Ustin, Thomas.

As for people like Yaroslav, Albert and Vilen, it’s better not to even try to build relationships at all.

Often life is so unpredictable that it strikes even people who are accustomed to everything, who are not easy to surprise. You can find out what twists and turns it will abound in in just one way - try to decipher the message hidden millennia ago in the sense of the name. How amazing or ordinary will life be if the name Karina, the meaning of the name, character and destiny were chosen during the sacrament of baptism?

The meaning of the name Karina for a girl briefly

There are not so few names that have a beautiful harmonious sound, so the choice for parents who are going to baptize their baby is not easy. Often this is accompanied by heated debates and even quarrels, because each of the adults wants only a better life for his beloved child.

Karina, the meaning of the name, character and fate - relatives who are worried about the cloudless future of the baby, by all means need to carefully study useful information. There are many specialized publications that tell in detail not only the secret meaning that is hidden in the name, but also the history of its appearance. It is also better to find out these interesting details in advance - a grown-up girl will certainly ask why her relatives stopped on this name, and what is its meaning.

For the first time this name was found in ancient Latin books. Despite its many years of origin, it still remains popular, although there was a break of several centuries, when the name was forgotten a little and was practically not given to girls. The meaning of the name Karina for a girl is briefly - “look-ahead”. Many adults hope that it will play for the baby important role in the future, the girl will certainly have amazing intuition and will not allow her opinion to be influenced, confident in advance that she is right.

What does the name Karina mean for a girl according to the church calendar

It is not a secret for any of the adults that in life everything depends not only on the ability to adapt and occupy a high position, but also on how supportive the patron saints will be. It is thanks to the name that saints appear, who, from the very sacrament of baptism, will begin to follow the successes, falls, ups and downs of a person. The highest patronage will continue throughout life, and often even serious illnesses will unexpectedly recede under the highest influence.

To find out which of the saints will look after their beloved child, parents usually carefully and carefully study the church calendar, in which this is all described in detail. Saints also contain a lot of information that will be useful in raising a baby. Orthodox literature will tell you when to celebrate the name day of the child, which saints will take care of him, what prayers to address to them.

What does the name Karina mean for a girl? church calendar, and what do the saints promise the baby? One should not look for features of character or secret meaning in Christian literature - this name is not indicated in it. That is why the child will not be able to celebrate the name day, and only God will have to ask for mercy - only he can take the baby under the highest guardianship and protect her from troubles and hardships.

The secret of the name Karin, what is hidden about him in the druid horoscope

Despite the fact that the girl will not have the highest patrons, there is no need to get too upset - there are many interesting literature, in which the secret of the name Karina is deciphered in detail. The druid horoscope, which has its own opinion on this matter, will certainly attract special attention. It is here that it is indicated that the moon can be considered the planet of the baby, and the zodiac sign that is most predisposed to it is Pisces.

The horoscope of the Druids indicates that fir is considered an auspicious tree for a girl, and parents definitely need to plant it near the house - this will certainly bring positive emotions and happiness to the baby. The baby will have only one patron among animals - a walrus, and, most likely, she will be able to see him only in a picture or in a zoo.

Jade is considered a talisman stone for crumbs. A child should certainly have a decoration with this stone - the amulet will surely protect the baby from an evil look or word. You can buy a cross with jade and baptize it in the church - this will be a powerful amulet that will certainly help in difficult times.

The origin of the name Karina and its meaning for children

Where did the name Karina come from, the meaning of the name, character and fate - there are too many questions that accumulate in adults who plan to name their child this way. Finding answers to them is not easy, but you should certainly try to find out everything - this will greatly contribute to the upbringing of the girl.

The origin of the name Karina and its meaning for children is the first thing that parents need to find out. It should be remembered right away that in no way will the origin of the baby be able to influence the fate - you only need to take into account the secret meaning that each name has. Since Karina has only one thing - “forward looking”, then parents can hope that the baby’s feature will be in an overdeveloped intuition.

Often even adults will turn to their daughter with problems, and most often it is the amazing abilities of the baby that will help find the right solution. Nothing will change in adult life - many friends and relatives will turn to Karina in the hope that her special gift will help them cope with problems.

The character of a girl named Karina

Will the character of a girl named Karina be able to surprise or upset? Parents and acquaintances will certainly rejoice at the positive traits that she will have in abundance. Among the most deserving are:

  1. determination;
  2. energy;
  3. expansiveness;
  4. pride;
  5. honesty;
  6. ambition;
  7. restraint;
  8. authority.

A girl from childhood knows her worth very well and will never allow herself to be humiliated or trampled on. This can cause quarrels with classmates or acquaintances - no one can defeat her and force her to agree with her opinion.

Karina has enough shortcomings, and one of the biggest is her lack of patience. Even if haste does her harm, she will not wait in any case. This particular problem is negative trait in adult life - at work, haste can result in considerable problems, financial losses and even dismissal from work.

The fate of a girl named Karina

How the fate of a girl named Karina will turn out very soon is an important question not only for her parents, but also for her close people. There is no reason to worry yet, especially if relatives learn to support their beloved child in all her endeavors.