Beautiful Latin names for girls. Latin names. Spanish female names and their meaning

Every name, male or female, has its own story. It is almost impossible to determine exactly where and under what circumstances children first began to be called by this or that name. Each has a history, rooted in ancient myths and legends. Most likely, most names simply denote a character trait that they want to instill in a child.

But why do new names appear? The reasons are different: wars, geographical or scientific discoveries, emigration and immigration of the population.

If you look into the document of a Spanish citizen, then you can see no more than 2 names and 2 surnames, despite the fact that in most European countries their number is unlimited. This is due to the fact that the state takes this issue seriously enough to avoid numerous confusion. When babies are baptized, you can assign any names that are acceptable (approved) by the church in unlimited quantities. Typically, this is done like this:

  • The eldest son gets the first name of the father, the second - the male grandfather;
  • The eldest daughter takes first the name of the mother, and then the name of her maternal grandmother.

In general, a Spanish name consists of three main elements: a personal name ( nombre) and two surnames ( apellido): father ( apellido paterno or primer apellido) and mother ( apellido maternoorsegundo apellido).

Spaniards are Catholic believers great importance they devote their lives to the church, and therefore most of the names are rooted in Catholic saints. The Spaniards do not like unusual and extravagant names and do not accept them in their lives. There are cases when the state refused to receive foreigners due to the fact that their names were rather unusual (for example, it is impossible to determine the gender of the carrier).

Many associate with Spain and the countries of Latin America, since in these territories Spanish is the official language, and when studying Spanish, the teacher can emphasize the differences between cultures and pronunciations. As for the names, there are also very big differences here, despite the fact that Latin Americans use Spanish names. The only difference is that they can call the child whatever they want. Children are called by English, American or even Russian names, if parents like it, and this will not be punished by the state.

Take a terrorist from Venezuela as an example. His name was Ilyich, and his brothers were Lenin and Vladimir Ramirez Sanchez. A committed communist father, he portrayed his outlook on life through the names of his children.

But such exceptions are extremely rare, although for modern times there are no boundaries and stereotypes. In Spain, at the peak of popularity, simple and classic names with complex meanings remain, for example, Juan, Juanita, Julio, Julia, Maria, Diego, etc.

Separately, I would like to highlight the names and their origin (female):

  • Biblical names: Anna, Maria, Martha, Magdalena, Isabel;
  • Latin and Greek names: Barbora, Veronica, Elena, Paola;
  • Germanic: Erica, Motilda, Caroline, Louise, Frida.
  • Biblical names: Miguel, Jose, Thomas, David, Daniel, Adan, Juan;
  • Greek and Latin names: Sergio, Andres, Alejandro, Hector, Pablo, Nicholas;
  • Germanic: Alonso, Alfonso, Luis, Carlos, Raymond, Fernando, Enrique, Ernesto, Raul, Rodrigue, Roberto.

Spanish female names and their meaning

  • Agata - good
  • Adelita, Alicia Adela, Adela - noble
  • Adora - adored
  • Alondra - Protector of Humanity
  • Alba (Alba) - dawn, dawn
  • Alta - high
  • Angelina (Angelina), Angel (Ángel), Angelica (Angélica) - angel, angelic, messenger
  • Anita (Anita) - diminutive of Ana (Ana) - benefit
  • Ariadna (Ariadna) - perfect, pure, immaculate
  • Arcelia Araceli, Aracelis - wanderer, traveler
  • Benita - blessed
  • Bernardita - bear
  • Blanca - clean, white
  • Benita - blessed
  • Valencia - domineering
  • Veronica - victorious
  • Gertrudis, Gertrudis - the power of the spear
  • Gracia (Gracia) - graceful, graceful
  • Jesusa - saved
  • Juana, Juanita - gracious
  • Dorotea - God's gift
  • Elena - moon, torch
  • Josefina - Retributer
  • Ibbi, Isabel - Oath to God
  • Inés - innocent, chaste
  • Candelaria - candle
  • Carla, Carolina - human
  • Carmela and Carmelita - a name in honor of Our Lady of Carmel
  • Constancia - permanent
  • Consuela is the Comforter, the name is given in honor of Our Lady of the Comforter (Nuestra Señora del Consuelo)
  • Conchita - a diminutive of Concepción - derived from the Latin concepto - "to get pregnant, to conceive." The name is given in honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary (Inmaculada Concepción)
  • Cristina - Christian
  • Cruz - cross, pectoral cross
  • Camila - servant of the gods, priestess
  • Catalina - pure soul
  • Leticia - joyful, happy
  • Laura (Laura) - laurel, ("crowned with laurel")
  • Luisa, Luisita - warrior
  • Marita - diminutive of Mary (María) - desired, beloved
  • Marta - mistress of the house
  • Mercedes (Mercedes) - merciful, all-merciful (in honor of the Virgin - María de las Mercedes)
  • Maribel - fierce
  • Nina - baby
  • Ofelia - Assistant
  • Pepita - God will give another son
  • Perla, Perlita - pearl
  • Pilar, Pili - pillar, column
  • Paloma - dove
  • Ramona - Wise Protector
  • Rebeca - alluring on the net
  • Reina - queen, queen
  • Renata - reborn
  • Sarita (diminutive of Sara) - noble woman, mistress
  • Sofía - wise
  • Susana - water lily
  • Trinidad - Trinity
  • Francisca - free
  • Chiquita is a small name meaning a little girl.
  • Abigaíl - joy for the father
  • Evita - diminutive of Eva - animated, alive
  • Elvira - benevolent
  • Esmeralda - emerald
  • Estela, a derivative of Estrella - star

Male Spanish names and their meaning

  • Agustín - the great
  • Alberto, Alonso, Alfonso - noble
  • Alfredo - elf
  • Amado - favorite
  • Andrés - warrior
  • Antonio - flower
  • Armando - strong, brave
  • Aurelio - gold
  • Basilio - regal
  • Benito - blessed
  • Berenguer, Bernardino, Bernardo - the strength and courage of a bear
  • Valentine (Valentín) - healthy, strong
  • Victor (Víctor), Victorino (Victorino), Vincente - the winner and conqueror,
  • Gaspar - teacher, master
  • Gustavo - staff, support
  • Horacio - excellent eyesight
  • Damian (Damián) - tame, subjugate
  • Desi (Desi) - desired
  • Herman (Germán) - brother
  • Gilberto - light
  • Diego - doctrine, teaching
  • Jesus (Jesús) - named for Jesus, diminutives: Chucho, Chuy, Chuza, Chuchi, Chus, Chuso and others.
  • Ignacio - fire
  • Yusef - God will give one more son
  • Carlos - male, husband
  • Christian (Cristián) - Christian
  • Leandro - the lion man
  • Lucio - light
  • Mario - man
  • Marcos (Marcos), Marcelino (Marcelino), Marcelo (Marcelo), Marcial (Marcial), Martin (Martín) - names derived from the name of the Roman God of War - Mars, warlike
  • Mateo - Gift of Yahweh
  • Mauricio - black, Moor
  • Modesto - modest, moderate, sober
  • Maximino, Máximo - the great
  • Nicolás - victory of the people
  • Osvaldo (Osvaldo) - owning, having power
  • Pablo - baby
  • Paco - free
  • Pascal (Pasqual) - child of Easter
  • Pastor - Shepherd
  • Patricio - noble, noble birth
  • Pio (Pío) - pious, virtuous
  • Rafael - Divine Healing
  • Ricardo, Rico - strong, persistent
  • Rodolfo, Raúl - wolf
  • Rodrigo - lord, chieftain
  • Rolando - famous land
  • Reinaldo - sage - ruler
  • Sal (Sal), diminutive of Salvador - savior
  • Sancho, Santos - saint
  • Severino, Severo - strict, harsh
  • Sergio - Servant
  • Silvestre, Silvio - forest
  • Salomón - Peaceful
  • Tadeo - grateful
  • Teobaldo - a brave man
  • Thomas (Tomás) - twin
  • Tristán - rebel, rebel
  • Fabricio - artisan
  • Fausto - lucky guy
  • Felipe - horse lover
  • Fernando - brave, brave
  • Fidel - the most loyal, loyal
  • Flavio - golden-haired
  • Francisco - free
  • Juan, Juanito - good God
  • Julian (Julián), Julio (Julio) - curly
  • Edmundo - prosperous, protector
  • Emilio - rival
  • Enrique - powerful ruler
  • Ernesto - diligent, diligent
  • Esteban - name means - crown
  • Yusbayo, Yusebio - devout

Most popular adult names:

  • José
  • Antonio
  • Juan
  • Manuel
  • Francisco

Among newborn babies:

  • Daniel
  • Alejandro
  • Pablo
  • David
  • Adrian

If we return to female names, then names are now popular among women:

  • Maria (María)
  • Carmen
  • Ana
  • Isabel
  • Dolores

And among girls, that is, newly born babies:

  • Lucia
  • Maria (María)
  • Paula
  • Sarah (Zara)
  • Carla

As you noticed, it is very important for Spaniards that their names are easy to understand, giving up rare and unusual options, which significantly affects the reduction of the language barrier with foreign citizens.

Sometimes by ear, the connection between full and diminutive names is almost impossible to determine: for example, the houses of little Francisco can be called Paco, Pancho and even Curro, Alfonso - Honcho, Eduardo - Lalo, Jesus - Chucho, Chuy or Chus, Anunciation - Chon or Chonita. In the same way, it is difficult for foreigners to understand why we call Alexander Shurik 🙂

Almost all Spanish names are simple but beautiful. We hope that getting to know them will make it easier for you to communicate with native Spanish speakers, because now you know a little more about the Spanish!

Names of Roman citizens

Male names

In classical times, full Roman male name usually consisted of three components: a personal name, or a name ( praenomen), generic name, or nomen ( nomen), and an individual nickname or name of a branch of the genus, cognomen ( cognomen).


The personal name was similar to the modern male name. The Romans used a small number of personal names (18 names out of a total of 72); as a rule, they were of such ancient origin that in the classical era the meaning of most of them was forgotten. In the inscriptions, personal names were almost always written in abbreviated form (1-3 letters).

Common Roman personal names
Prenomen Abbreviation Note
Appius App. Appius; according to legend, this name comes from the Sabine Atta and it was brought to Rome by birth Klavdiev
Aulus A. or Avl. Avl; colloquially existed archaic form Olus, so this name can also be abbreviated ABOUT.
Decimus D. or Dec. Decimus; archaic Decumos; from ordinal "tenth"
Gaius C. Guy; very rarely shortened as G.
Gnaeus Cn. Gnei; archaic form Gnaivos; very rarely shortened as Gn.; there are forms Naevus, Naeus
Kaeso TO. Keson
Lucius L. Lucius; archaic Loucios
Mamercus Mam. Mamerk; name Osk origin, used only in the genus Emilia
Manius M`. Mania; the comma in the upper right corner is the remainder of the five-line outline of the letter M
Marcus M. Mark; there is a spelling Marqus
Numerius N. Numerius; Oskan origin
Publius P. Publius; archaic Poblios abbreviated as Po.
Quintus Q. Quint; colloquially Cuntus, meet Quinctus, Quintulus; from the ordinal number "fifth"
Servius Ser. Servius
Sextus Sex. Sext; from the ordinal number "sixth"
Spurius S. or Sp. Spurium; can also be used not as a prenomen, but in its original meaning "extramarital"
Titus T. Titus
Tiberius Ti. or Tib. Tiberius

The rest of the personal names were rarely used and were usually written in full: Agrippa, Ancus, Annius, Aruns, Atta, Cossus, Denter, Eppius, Faustus, Fertor, Herius, Hospolis, Hostus, Lar, Marius, Mesius, Mettus, Minatius, Minius, Nero, Novius, Numa, Opiter, Opiavus, Ovius, Pacvius (Paquius), Paullus, Pescennius (Percennius), Petro, Plancus, Plautus, Pompo, Popidius, Postumus, Primus, Proculus, Retus, Salvius, Secundus, Sertor, Statius, Servius, Tertius, Tirrus, Trebius, Tullus, Turus, Volero, Volusus, Vopiscus... Personal name Pupus(boy) was used only in relation to children.

The boy received a personal name on the eighth or ninth day after birth. There was a tradition to give a personal name only to the four eldest sons, and ordinal numbers could serve as a personal name for the rest: Quintus(fifth), Sextus(sixth), Septimus (seventh), Octavius ​​(eighth), and Decimus (tenth). Over time, these names became common (i.e., became personal), and as a result, the person bearing the name Sextus was not necessarily the sixth son in the family. As an example, we can recall the commander Sextus Pompey, the second son of a member of the first triumvirate, Gnaeus Pompey the Great, who fought for a long time with Julius Caesar.

Often the eldest son received the name of the father. IN 230 BC e. this tradition was enshrined in the decree senate, so that the father's personal name began, as a rule, to pass to the eldest son. For example, the emperor Octavian August bore, like his great-great-grandfather, great-grandfather, grandfather and father, the name Guy.

In some genera, a limited number of personal names were used. For example, the Cornelians Scipionov there were only Gnaeus, Lucius and Publius, the Claudian Nero had only Tiberius and Decimus, the Domitian Ahenobarbes had only Gnei and Lucius.

The criminal's personal name could be forever excluded from the genus to which he belonged; for this reason in patrician the Claudian family did not use the name Lucius, and the patrician family Manliev did not use the name Mark. By decree of the Senate, the name Mark was forever excluded from the Anthony family after the fall triumvira Mark Antony.


Origin and suffixes of generic names
Origin Ending Examples of
roman -ius Tullius, Julius
-is Caecilis
-i Caecili
Sabine Osk -enus Alfenus, Varenus
umbrian -as Maenas
-anas Mafenas
-enas Asprenas, Maecenas
-inas Carrinas, Fulginas
Etruscan -arna Mastarna
-erna Perperna, Calesterna
-enna Sisenna, Tapsenna
-ina Caecina, Prastina
-inna Spurinna

The generic name was the name of the genus and approximately corresponded to the modern surname. It was indicated in the form of a masculine adjective and ended in the classical era with -ius: Tullius- Tullius (from the Tulliev clan), Julius- Julius (from the Yuliev clan); in republican time there are also endings -is, -i... Generic names of non-Roman origin had different endings from the named ones.

In inscriptions, generic names are usually written in full; in imperial times, only the names of very famous genera were abbreviated: Aelius - Ael., Antonius - Ant. or Anton., Aurelius - Avr., Claudius - Cl. or Clavd., Flavius - Fl. or Fla., Julius - I. or Ivl., Pompeius - Pomp., Valerius - Val., Ulpius - Vlp.

The total number of generic names, by Varro, reached a thousand. Most of the generic names are of such ancient origin that their meaning has been forgotten. Only a few make sense: Asinius from asinus(donkey), Caelius from caecus(blind), Caninius from canis(dog), Decius from decem(ten), Fabius from faba(bean), Nonius from nonus(ninth), Octavius from octavus(eighth), Ovidius from ovis(sheep), Porcius from porca(pig), Septimius from septimus(seventh), Sextius and Sextilius from sextus(sixth), Suillius from suilla(pork).

From the 1st century BC e., when the prerequisites for the transition from the republican form of government to autocracy appeared in Rome, the persons who had taken possession of the supreme power began to justify their rights to power by descent from ancient kings and heroes. Julius Caesar, for example, pointed out that his father's lineage goes back to the gods: Jupiter - Venus - Aeneas - Yul - the Julian lineage, and on his mother's side to the kings: from Anka Marcius, Marcius Rexes (lat. rex- the king).


An individual nickname given once to one of the representatives of the genus often passed on to descendants and became the name of a family or a separate branch of the genus: Cicero- Cicero, Caesar- Caesar. For example, the families of the Scipions, Rufins, Lentulovs, etc. belonged to the Cornelian family. The presence of a cognomen is not necessary, and in some plebeian families (among the Marievs, Antonievs, Octavians, Sertorievs, etc.), personal nicknames, as a rule, were absent. However, the absence of cognomen was an exception to the rule, since many of the genera of Rome were of such ancient origin that each of them consisted of several branches.

Since the personal name of the father passed to the eldest son, in order to distinguish the son from the father, the third name had to be used. The inscriptions contain Lucius Sergius I, Quintus Aemilius II; in one inscription the grandfather, son and grandson are named Quintus Fulvius Rustic, Quintus Fulvius Attian and Quintus Fulvius Carisian.

Cognomens arose much later than personal and generic names, so their meaning in most cases is clear. They can talk about the origin of the genus (the Fufii moved to Rome from the Campanian town of Cales and therefore had a cognomen Calenus), about memorable events (the cognomen Scaevola(left-handed) after 508 BC. e. during the war with the Etruscans, Gaius Muzio burned his hand on the fire of a brazier, thereby awe the enemies and their king Porsenna), about his appearance ( Crassus- fat, Laetus- obese, Macer- thin, Celsus- tall, Paullus- low, Rufus- red, Strabo- cross-eyed, Nasica- sharp-nosed, etc.), about the character ( Severus- cruel, Probus- fair, Lucro- glutton, etc.).


There were cases when one person had two nicknames, the second of which was called agnomen (lat. agnomen). The appearance of agnomen is due in part to the fact that the eldest son often inherited all three names from his father, and thus several people with the same names ended up in the same family. For example, the famous orator Mark Tullius Cicero had both father and son Marks of Tullius Cicero.

Agnomen was most often a personal nickname if the cognomen was hereditary. Sometimes a Roman received an agnomene for any special merit. Publius Cornelius Scipio in honor of the victory he won over Hannibal in Africa in 202 BC e., began to be called solemnly African (lat. Africanus, cf. nicknames of Russian generals - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Suvorov Rymniksky, Potemkin Tavrichesky). Lucius Aemilius Paullus got the nickname Macedonicus for the victory over the Macedonian king Perseus in 168 BC e. Dictator Sulla himself added agnomen to his name Felix(happy) so its full name became Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix... Agnomen Felix from a personal nickname turned into a hereditary (consul 52 n. e. Faustus Cornelius Sulla Felix).

As a rule, agnomen were members of ancient and noble families, with many branches and cognomen. In such genera the cognomen sometimes almost merged with the generic name and was used inseparably with it for the name of the genus. The famous plebeian family of Cecilia ( Caecilii) had an ancient cognomen Metellus whose meaning is forgotten. This cognomen, as it were, merged with the name of the genus, which began to be called Cecilia Metella. Naturally, almost all members of this genus had an agnomen.

The patrician family Cornelius had many branches. One of the members of this clan has received the nickname Scipio(rod, stick), because he was the guide of his blind father and served him as if instead of a staff. Cognomen Scipio entrenched in his descendants, over time Cornelia Scipions took a prominent place in their family and received agnomenes. IN 3rd century BC e. Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio received agnomen Asina(donkey) for bringing a donkey laden with gold to the Forum as a pledge. The nickname Asina passed to his son Publius ( Publius Cornelius Scipio Asina). Another representative Corneliev Scipionov received the nickname Nasica(pointed-nosed), which passed to his descendants and began to serve as the name of the branch of the genus, so that the Scipions of Nazica emerged from the branch of the Scipios in the Cornelian family. Naturally, the Scipions of Nazica received the third cognomen as an individual nickname, so that the full name could already consist of five names: Publius Cornelius Scipio Nasica Serapio, consul 138 BC e.; nickname Serapio(from Egyptian god Serapis) he was given by the people's tribune Curiacii for his resemblance to a trader of sacrificial animals.

Some people had two generic names, it turned out as a result of adoption. According to Roman customs, the adopted child took the personal name, family name and cognomen of the person who adopted him, and kept his family name in a modified form with the suffix -an- which took the place of agnomen. Guy Octavius, the future emperor Augustus, after his adoption by Guy Julius Caesar received the name Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus- Guy Julius Caesar Octavian.

Female names

In the late republican and imperial times, women did not have personal names, the female name was the female form of the generic name: Tullia- Tullia (from the Tulliev clan, for example, daughter Mark Tullius Cicero), Julia- Julia (from the Yuliev clan, for example, daughter Guy Julius Caesar), Cornelia- Cornelia (from the Cornelian family, for example, daughter Publius Cornelius Scipio). Since all women in the same genus had a single name, they differed in age within the genus. When another daughter appeared in the family, the prenomen was added to the name of both: Minor(junior) and Major(older); other sisters were nicknamed Secunda(second), Tertia(third), Quintilla(fifth), etc .; prenomen Minor was with the youngest.

The married woman retained her name, but her husband's cognomen was added to it: Cornelia, filia Cornelii, Gracchi- Cornelia, daughter of Cornelia, (wife) of Gracchus.

Noble women could bear, in addition to the generic name, the cognomen of their father; for example, Sulla's wife was the daughter of Lucius Cecilius Metella Dalmatic and was called Cecilia Metella, the wife of the Emperor Augustus was the daughter of Mark Livius Drusus Claudian and was called Livia Drusilla.

In the inscriptions with the names of women, the pre-nomen and cognomen of the father are sometimes indicated, as well as the cognomen of the husband in the genus. case: Caeciliae, Q (uinti) Cretici f (iliae), Metellae, Crassi (uxori)- Cecilia Metella, daughter of Quintus Creticus, (wife) Crassus. From the inscription it follows that this woman was the daughter of Quintus Cecilius Metellus Creticus and the wife of Crassus. The inscription is made on a large round mausoleum near Rome on Appian Way where Cecilia Metella, daughter of the consul is buried 69 BC e., wife of Crassus, presumably the eldest son of the triumvir Marcus Licinius Crassus.

Slave names

In ancient times, slaves did not have individual names. Legally, slaves were considered the master's children and were as powerless as all members of the family. This is how archaic slave names were formed, composed of the personal name of the lord, the father of the surname, and the word puer(boy, son): Gaipor, Lucipor, Marcipor, Publipor, Quintipor, Naepor (Gnaeus = Naeos + puer), Olipor (Olos- archaic form of personal name Aulus).

With the rise of slavery, there was a need for personal names for slaves. Most often, the slaves retained the name they bore when they still lived as free people. Very often, Roman slaves had names of Greek origin: Alexander, Antigonus, Hippocrates, Diadumen, Museum, Felodespot, Philocal, Philonic, Eros, etc. Greek names sometimes given to barbarian slaves.

The name of a slave could indicate his origin or place of birth: Dacus- Dacian, Corinthus- Corinthian, Sire (native Syria), Gallus (native Gaul), Frix (from Phrygia); there are slaves with the name in the inscriptions Peregrinus- a foreigner.

Also, the slaves were given the names of mythical heroes: Achilles , Hector; names of plants or stones: Adamant, Sardonic, etc. Instead of a name, a slave could have the nickname "First", "Second", "Third".

It is known that the slave lot in Rome was very difficult, but this did not affect the names of the slaves, who do not have mocking nicknames. On the contrary, the slaves have names Felix and Faustus(happy). Obviously, these nicknames, which became the name, were received only by those slaves whose life was relatively successful. The inscriptions mention: Faust, the baker of Tiberius Germanicus, and Faust, the head of the perfume shop of his master Popilia, Felix, who was in charge of the decorations of Guy Caesar, another Felix, the ruler of the possessions of Tiberius Caesar, and another Felix, an overseer in the wool-weaving workshops of Messalina; the daughters of a slave from the house of the Caesars were named Fortunata and Felitsa.

Slaves have a name repeatedly Ingenus or Ingenuus(freeborn). Slaves born into slavery have names Vitalio and Vitalis(tenacious).

There were no hard and fast rules regarding the names of slaves. Therefore, when buying a slave in an official document, his name was accompanied by the clause "or whatever other name he was called" (lat. sive is quo alio nomine est).

In the inscriptions after the name of the slave, the name of the master is indicated in the genitive case and the nature of the slave's occupation. The master's name is followed by the word servus(slave) is always abbreviated ser, rarely s it can also stand between two cognomen of the master; in general, there is no strict word order. The word "slave" is often completely absent; as a rule, slaves belonging to women do not have it. For example, Euticus, Aug (usti) ser (vus), pictor- Euticus, slave of Augustus (imperial slave), painter, Eros, cocus Posidippi, ser (vus)- Eros, cook, slave of Posidippus, Idaeus, Valeriae Messalin (ae) supra argentum- Ideas, Treasurer of Valeria Messalina.

The sold slave retained the generic name or cognomen of his former master in an altered form with a suffix -an-: Philargyrus librarius Catullianus“Filargir, a scribe bought from Catullus.

Freedmen names

A freedman (that is, a slave who received freedom) acquired the personal and family names of the former master, who became his patron, and retained his former name as a cognomen. So, Cicero's secretary Tyrone, freed from slavery, was called: M. Tullius M. libertus Tiro- Mark Thulius is Mark Tyrone's freedman. A slave named Apella, set free by Mark Manney Prim, became Mark Manney Apella. The slave girl Bassa, released by Lucius Hostilius Pamphilus, received the name Hostilius Bassa (women did not have a name). Lucius Cornelius Sulla set free ten thousand slaves belonging to those who died during the proscriptions; they all became Lucius Cornelias (the famous "army" of ten thousand Cornelians).

The inscriptions often contain the names of the imperial freedmen: the baker Gaius Julius Eros, the tailor of theatrical costumes Tiberius Claudius Dipter, in charge of the triumphal white clothes of the emperor Marcus Cocceus Ambrose, in charge of the hunting clothes of the emperor Marcus Ulpius Euphrosynus, in charge of the reception of the emperor's friends, Marcus Aurelius.

In the inscriptions between the nomen and cognomen of the freedman, the personal name of the lord is abbreviated and stands l or lib (= libertus), the tribe is very rarely indicated: Q (uintus) Serto, Q (uinti) l (ibertus), Antiochus, colonus pauper- Quintus Sertorius Antiochus, freedman of Quintus, poor colon. In rare cases, instead of the personal name of the former master, there is his cognomen: L (ucius) Nerfinius, Potiti l (ibertus), Primus, lardarius- Lucius Nerfinius Primus, freedman of Potitus, sausage maker. Freedmen of the Imperial House in the inscriptions are abbreviated Avg l (Avg lib), i.e. Augusti libertus(after the generic name or after the cognomen): L (ucio) Aurelio, Aug (usti) lib (erto), Pyladi, pantomimo temporis sui primo- Lucius Aurelius Piladus, imperial freedman, the first pantomime of his time.

Freedmen with two cognomen are rare: P (ublius) Decimius, P (ublii) l (ibertus), Eros Merula, medicus clinicus, chirurgus, ocularius- Publius Decimius Eros Merula, freedman of Publius, physician, surgeon, ophthalmologist.

Freedmen of women in the inscriptions are denoted by the abbreviation Ɔ L(the inverted C represents the remnant of an archaic female personal name Gaia): L (ucius) Crassicius, Ɔ (= mulieris) l (ibertus), Hermia, medicus veterinarius- Lucius Crassicius Hermia, woman's freedman, veterinarian.

Freedmen of cities received a name as a generic name Publicius(from publicus- public) or city name: Aulus Publicius Germanus, Lucius Saepinius Oriens et Lucius Saepinius Orestus- released from the city of Sepina in Italy.

Latin is a beautiful language, famous for its laconicism and pleasant sounding. Such names in this language are short, capacious and beautiful.

The meaning of ancient Roman female names is clarified by history. The fact is that it was not customary for women in ancient Rome to give personal names. Such names in this language are short, capacious and beautiful. All female Latin names that have come down to us bear the imprint of a Roman family name. We bring you an article on Latin names for girls.

Features of the name naming of girls

It is necessary to talk about what female Latin names are, since they do not correspond to the modern concept of names and can confuse someone. In late republican and imperial times, women did not have personal names at all and used generic ones.

Simply put, all women in a clan had the same name, and within that clan they varied in seniority. If the family name is, say, Caeciliae (Cecilia), then the first girl in the family is called Caeciliae Maior (Cecilia the elder). The next oldest girl is called Caeciliae Secunda, that is, Cecilia the second. Numbers are attached to each next Cecilia, and so on until the youngest girl at the moment, whose name is Caeciliae Minor. that is, Cecilia the Younger.

Noble women, as a rule, bore, in addition to the generic name, the cognomen of their father (cognomen is the third male name that served as an individual nickname. Plebeian clans usually did not have cognomen), while all the names were converted into the female form.

For example, Mark Livy Drusus Claudian had a daughter, Cecilia. Since Drusus is her father's cognomen, the girl is named Cecilia Drusilla.

List of beautiful options and their meaning

So, we found out that female Latin names are ultimately a direct derivative of male... Below is a list of various Latin female names.


This is a list of personal names that have been translated into feminine form.


These are the names that the whole family bore.

If the name is plebeian, this does not make it worse, and the bearer of the name is flawed. In ancient Rome, "plebeians" were called completely free citizens from the lower classes who did not have political and civil rights.

This word comes from the word meaning "people", and initially it did not carry such a negative meaning that it carries now.

  • Aburia- the meaning is not clear. The name is generic for the plebeians. Due to the impossibility of establishing an etymology, it is difficult to judge the meaning of the name.
  • Atserronia- perhaps from the word "censer", "incense box". Plebeian. Atserronia is wise and unusual, rather quiet, but perhaps has a tendency to overly apply to religion.
  • Accolea- possibly from the word "neighbor". Accolea is sweet and friendly, responsive, always ready to help, without hesitation rush to save a person in trouble.
  • Actoria- "active". Aktoria is very active and hardworking, she has been busy with something since childhood. She is ready to work hard and does it very, very efficiently.
  • Acutia- "acute". Plebeian. Akutia is smart and sharp on the tongue, but can be unfriendly and vindictive. It is difficult to find an approach to her, and those who want to communicate with her will have to thoroughly study her and play on her most secret feelings and qualities, and only when this person knows her better than himself, he will be able to be with her. presently close.
  • Elia- possibly from the "sun". Plebeian. Elia is cheerful and active, energetic.
  • Emilia- from the word "rival". Patrician, plebeian. Emilia is vindictive and insidious, but she has a good intellect. She does not ignore people who she does not like, but certainly writes down enemies, which prevents her from concentrating on her own personality and her own goals.
  • Albinia- probably "white". Plebeian. Albinia is light and friendly, open and sincere.
  • Antisia- "stand in front", "exceed". This is a girl with pronounced leadership qualities and fighting enthusiasm, who has eloquence.
  • Anthony- "meet, collide" or "flower". Antonia is interesting, cheerful and open, always ready to make contact.
  • Aquillia- "eagle". Patrician, plebeian. Aquillia is very sharp on the tongue and smart, as well as wise, she can hurt anyone for a living, but she will not use it, because she does not like to hurt people.
  • Avita- "grandfathers, old, hereditary." There is an old man somewhere in this girl. Most likely, she will be romantic and dreamy, and will be carried away by something unusual, like historical reconstruction or collecting antiques.
  • Bukkulea- "cheek, mouth". Bukculea is shy and pretty, but perhaps stupid and worries about her appearance at the expense of caring for her personality.
  • Domitia- "tamed, domesticated." Plebeian. The name speaks for itself. Domitia is submissive, obedient, quiet, and all this is not in the best sense.
  • Duilia- perhaps from archaism, meaning war. Plebeian. Duilia is mysterious and warlike.
  • Kalidia- "hot, ardent". Plebeian. The meaning speaks for itself: Kalidia is passionate, and also easily pissed off. She is all aflame when it comes to the question that interests her, and she maintains any pleasant conversation for her with lively ardent interest.
  • Cania- "gray, gray" or "dog". In the eyes of Kania - aristocracy and wisdom, strange for her age. She interests people, and if she has something to tell, she will tell it slowly and not to everyone.
  • Cassia- "empty". Patrician, plebeian. Cassia seems strange to others. She may experience uncertainty in finding herself and her vocation, be very tormented because of this.
  • Claudia- "lame". Patrician, plebeian. Claudia is active and talented, but suffers from the fact that loved ones do not accept her talent for some reason.
  • Cornelia- probably from the word "horn". Patrician, plebeian. Cornelia is energetic and resourceful, knows how to stand up for herself and is not afraid to do it.
  • Libya- "turn blue", "cast blue". Plebeian. Libya is mysterious and attractive, interesting and smart.
  • Metzia- the meaning is not clear. Plebeian. Unable to determine characteristics due to unknown value.
  • Cecilia- "blind". Plebeian Cecilia is active, cheerful, but somewhat naive, unable to recognize lies and deception.
  • Cedition- "beat, chop, cut." Plebeian. Tseditsiya is a born warrior. She is active, strong in spirit and intelligent, has the ability to tactical calculation. Perhaps she will have a talent for sports and chess.
  • Celia- "sky". Plebeian. Celia is open to communication, but not very good at talking to people. It has, however, a natural charm.
  • Cesium- "blue, gray-blue", "blue-eyed". Plebeian. Cesium is smart, but natural shyness prevents her from showing intelligence, so that in the eyes of others she can be boring and simple.
  • Juvenia- "youth, youth". Plebeian. Juvenia seems to be forever young and openly enjoys it. She is smart, charming and active.