Easter Egg Spells. Easter conspiracies and rituals for love and health. Conspiracies from diseases

Rite for grooms

During the Easter service, keep a handful of wheat on your chest. Returning from the church, sprinkle the grain at your doorstep with the words:
How many candles were in the church,
so many suitors for me.
How many grains are in a handful, so many suitors for me.
Key. Lock. Language.

Easter conspiracy for grooms

For Easter, kiss nine painted eggs and at the same time say a love plot:
How people love Holy Easter
appreciate and remember maternal affection,
So would me men and guys
loved more than the strong, appreciated more than anything.
Herds behind me. God's servant(name) went.
Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me.


On the holy holiday of Easter, bring a prosphora from the church. On it, almost touching your lips, read the plot.
After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.
"Be our mansion holy, blessed, Every hole, every crack, With doors, with windows, with folding logs, Around our mansion there is a stone fence With a green tyn. Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord. They will speak the servant of God (name) from corruption From a great misfortune, from a coffin board, from the grave earth. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it, Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon, nor on a candle, nor on a needle, nor near a cemetery. Amen.

Money rite

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before this, read 3 times "Our Father".
The text of the plot itself:
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people of an honest bright holiday rejoice, as the bells ring for matins, let the money rejoice there. In my purse they have both a house and a shelter. they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my own. Amen."

Rite for Easter with a coin

Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 r. and speak to them:
"In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people are waiting for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so the money would flow to me as a servant of God (name). All saints, all with me .Amen"

Carry the coin all year in your wallet

From quarrels with loved ones

To do this, on the third day after Easter, a special conspiracy is read twelve times in a row.
Lord, help, Lord, bless with a bright Easter,
Pure days, joyful tears.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
John the Faster, John the Evangelist, John the Baptist,
John the long-suffering, John the headless,
Archangel Michael, Archangel Gabriel, George the Victorious,
Nicholas the Wonderworker, Barbara the Great Martyr,
Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia,
Pray for common path servants of God (names of the warring).
Calm their anger, tame their anger, appease their rage.
Ratyu his saint,
By invincible, indomitable force, lead them to agreement.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

For peace in the family

On Easter Sunday, before serving food, say to each dish three times:
"Like the night with a star, like the sun with the moon, so am I with my family! As Jesus Christ loves us, so we would love each other. Incense and the Lord's prayer, give us peace and peace of mind! So be it!"

Be sure to say this plot on Easter cake when you cut it. There should be exactly as many pieces as there are people at the table. Make sure everyone eats their piece of cake.


On Easter morning, dry yourself with a towel and say:
"Christ is risen!
And I am the red sun of the whole world.
Sweet honey, salty salt
The most praised! ".

Spread a towel on the table, eat Easter and a painted egg over it. The day after Easter, take this towel to work and wipe your workplace with it.

Annual from ailments and spoilage.

Say a prayer on Easter cake and take it to the church to consecrate it on the eve of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. After the end of the vigil, with the first exclamations of “Christ is risen,” answer: “God is risen and saved me.” Then break off and eat a small piece of Easter cake. Eat the rest with the whole family at a festive meal.

Prayer for Easter cake, read three times:
“In the name of a just, victorious cause, my strong word! There is a small island on the sea-okiyane, and on that small island there is a white stone city. In that white-stone city, the street is full of different, Christian people. Everyone rushes to the vigil in the church of God. As all the people hurry to the church, so I hurry. Oh, Lord, have mercy! How a week will pass Great Lent, so I would be under your cover and be protected all year long: from damage and the evil eye and body infection. My word."


For human invulnerability
Bless me Guardian Angel
My deeds, my words, my body is white.
Lord God bless me
My guardian angel protects.
The wound is not to the body, the danger is not to the point.
Blood is not for the flesh, tears are not for the eyes.
And the scabbard for enemy swords.
My word is locked. The key to the castle in the river.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Amulet from destruction

Speak water and pour it from head to toe before Easter
Gather together, four forces, find the four royal graves.
How rich these people were during their lifetime, how they had a lot of silver and gold, so that I also had a lot of good, full of gold and silver. And you, poverty and trouble, devastation and bad luck,
Go to the combustible fire, to hell, seething pitch.
You will burn there and decay.

Ritual for marriage

It is believed that if you collect spring water on Easter night and silently bring it home, it will become magical. Young girls who want to get married need to wash themselves on Easter morning with such water (in extreme cases, holy water) with a conspiracy: "The Resurrection of Christ! Send me a single groom, a good groom, in boots and with galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse. Amen".

It was believed that after that, within a year, the girl would definitely meet a young man with whom she would connect her fate.

For money

On Easter Eve, put a painted egg and money in every corner of your house, while saying:
Like an Easter egg with a ruble
Won't come out of this corner
So that money never leaves my house.
Christ is risen, and to my words amen.

Eggs are eaten the next day, but money cannot be spent until Easter week has passed.

From diseases.

Collect a thin white skin from a birch, brew at three in the morning and add three pinches each: wood ash, salt and shells from eggs boiled for Easter. Read the plot over all this, and then let's drink to the patient.
"As on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead
so the servant of God (name) is given
healing and deliverance from disease.

From childhood seizures

Sprinkle the child with spoken water, which you will collect on Holy Week:
" A child's body, an angelic soul, innocent before the Savior, and innocent in suffering. Cleanse and strengthen. Amen" .

lime fibroids

Tie a towel around your bare stomach, on which Easter cakes were sacred on Easter, and say:
" Servant of God (name), mother gave birth to you,
The tumor twisted you, and I treated you.
Rotten, interior, sore,
stringy, wet, dry, purulent, combustible.
Go, tumor, from the stomach, from the inside,
from the veins, from the skin, from the blood, from the whole skeleton,
go out into the open field, where there is emptiness.
There is your place, maeta,
there is a rookery for you, a tumor.
There you be
to live between dry grasses.
Do not let the body of the white servant of God (name).
in the name of God Christ
I drive you, tumor,
I tell you, Maeta, I command, I speak:
leave you to the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and ever.
" .

The plot is read forty times. After that, doctors told many women that the fibroids had significantly decreased in size. Don't tell me why this happened!

Speak vertebral hernia

To do this, melt incense in a cup, bought on the third day after Easter. When it boils, put 12 church candles and read this spell:
" Three daughters of the bell-ringer, three sons of the sexton are coming.
The daughters of the ringer at the servant of God (name)
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen
" .

Ancient documents describe in detail the most complex rituals for Easter, the implementation of which requires thorough and long preparation. But even if you don’t have time, on Easter week you can also perform simple rituals for wealth and good luck: after all, these days a special energy channel connecting a person and the Higher Forces opens, and the Lord hears your prayers, helping in all good undertakings!

Ritual for prosperity in the house

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before that, read 3 times.
The text of the plot itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As people rejoice at an honest bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, there let the money rejoice at me. In my purse they have both a home and a shelter. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my words. Amen."

Ritual for a coin on the Saturday before Easter.
Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 kopecks or any coin of your state with the number 5 and say to them:
“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people are waiting for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so money would flow to me as a servant of God (name). All saints, all with me. Amen"

Carry the coin all year in your wallet

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish.

Do not forget to treat a brownie with a piece of Easter baking!Put the food in a secluded corner and, bending down to the floor, say: “Brownie, brownie, we have a feast with a mountain, come and eat, my desire to listen. I want peace in the house, a feast at the table, peace and quiet in my soul, God's grace. Then say your wish out loud. After tasting yummy, the Host will certainly fulfill your desires!

On a coin for wealth

On Holy Saturday, going to Vespers, say to the coin:

Christ will rise, and all the dead will rise, they will rise from the earth, they will reach for the sky. So my wealth would rise, stretch upwards. Amen.

Throw this coin into the donation box in the church.

Ritual for money

At Easter, you can attract money into your home with the help of colored eggs. On Easter Eve, put a bill (any) in every corner of the house, and on it - “krashenka”. Ask that money never leave you. In the morning, let each member of your family eat a charmed Easter egg. Hide the money in a secluded place. Do not touch the Easter money until the end of the week, then you can spend it on gifts and sweets for children.

Rite h to have prosperity and well-being

After the Easter morning service, quickly go home, without going anywhere and not being distracted by other things and shops, but not forgetting to greet the people you meet: “Christ is risen!”. And at home, begin to celebrate and praise the Lord, and then the whole year will be prosperous for you.

This conspiracy is done for a year, but it is read at Easter.

Before Easter, during Great Lent, set aside a little money every day for a conspiracy for Easter (10 rubles each). Early in the morning on Easter, you need to come to church and drop this money into the donation box so that no one can see. Lowering the money, say three times:

“God gave me, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold.”

After that, go to the icon of the Resurrection (it will stand in the middle of the church)

and read the prayer:

O Most Sacred and Greatest Light of Christ, Resplendent throughout the world more than the sun in Thy Resurrection! On this bright and glorious and saving day of Holy Pascha, all the angels in heaven rejoice, and every creature rejoices and rejoices on earth, and every breath glorifies Thee, its Creator. Today, the gates of paradise are opened, and the dead are freed into hell by Your descent. Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. May Your light also come into our gloomy souls and hearts, and may it enlighten our existing night of sin there, and we will shine with the light of truth and purity in the bright days of Your Resurrection, like a new creature about You. And thus, enlightened by Thee, we will come forth enlightened in meeting Thy, who proceeds to Thee from the tomb, like the Bridegroom. And as thou hast rejoiced on this most bright day with the appearance of Your holy virgins in the morning from the world to Your tomb who came, so now enlighten the night of our deep passions and shine on us the morning of dispassion and purity, so that we can see Thee with the hearts of the eyes red more than the sun of the Bridegroom and let us hear still your longed-for voice: Rejoice! And having tasted the Divine joys of Holy Pascha while still here on earth, may we be partakers of Thy eternal and great Pascha in heaven in the non-evening days of Thy Kingdom, where there will be unspeakable joy and unspeakable voice of celebrating and unspeakable sweetness of those who see Thy Face inexpressible kindness. Thou art the true light, enlightening and sanctifying everything, Christ our God, and glory befits You forever and ever. Amen.

After a conspiracy for Easter for fifty days, until the feast of the Trinity, read every morning such a conspiracy:

Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. And so my heavenly and earthly bins will be filled with good. Amen.

The book "Conspiracies and rituals for Easter"

Ritual for attracting an apartment on Easter.

Attention! This ritual is done only on Easter.
The mechanism is this. You need to make a nest, you can do it from everything that your imagination is enough for. Someone makes spaghetti, you can weave, you can, purchased. So, they made a nest, and laid beautiful eggs in it and went to consecrate these eggs to the church, then these eggs need to be eaten by all future residents of the new apartment.
Details: eggs should be large, eggs should be one more than you want rooms in your apartment. Do not give these eggs to strangers. Be sure to bless the eggs! As for the nest, you can make it from everything, you can bake it from dough, you can weave it, you can take a ready-made basket, the most important thing is to make it clear that this is a nest. After the ritual, keep the nest in a secluded place.


Money talisman for a year

Some rituals for money for Easter are not done on Christ's Sunday itself, but after. But for candles bought on the day of the Holiday

When buying candles in a church, stock up on one white and long one. At home, remove the wick from it, light it with both ends and quickly read the plot for money 3 times:
“The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and every good thing”
After that, you need to extinguish the wick with your hands and put it in your wallet. With the help of this Easter ritual, you will make a money talisman for yourself for the whole coming year.

To the Easter money rituals, for fidelity, you can add a very strong conspiracy- amulet. It is also made using Easter candles. On Easter Day, do not forget to buy an even number of candles in the church. Twist them together in pairs, and, as needed, light them up, while reading 9 times a plot for money and prosperity:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. There are seven domes on God's temple, and on those domes there are seven golden crosses. I will come to the temple with my feet, I will be baptized with my hands. Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God, take crosses, golden keys, lock my enemies with them with evil tongues. Lock their teeth, lips, arms, legs, throw the keys to the deep bottom, so that my enemies never get these keys, do not destroy my soul, do not break my body. Prayer is my first, enemies last. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

The book "Conspiracies and rituals for Easter"

The time before Easter and on the holiday itself has a magical aura when you can ask the Higher Powers for various blessings. Signs and rituals for Easter have been composed since ancient times, and all of them have been tested by these times.

Let's find out how this magic time you can attract into your life everything that our soul desires. Conspiracies for Easter for money and other benefits.

Easter is a Christian and pagan holiday

Everyone knows that the church does not welcome magic. But the Easter holiday - already with the Resurrection of Christ became Orthodox. Prior to this, this holiday was purely pagan. This is a fertility festival. Our pagan ancestors glorified the earth every spring so that in the fall they would have a big harvest. Maybe this will surprise someone, but tall bread is nothing more than a symbol of the phallus and painted chicken eggs also a call to the earth, so that it is fertile, so that all seeds grow in it.

But the pagans, just very fond of magic. For each holiday, they tied various rituals to improve the quality of life. Therefore, conspiracies and rituals for Easter are time-tested traditions.

Spells to attract love

Easter love spells were popular with girls. This rite is associated with counting dresses in one's wardrobe. The girl needs to get all the dresses that she has in the closet, put them on the bed, sort them out and say these words:

“That's how many beautiful dresses I have. All are so beautiful. In each of these dresses I am so good and beautiful. My darling can't look at me enough. As a man cannot live without clothes, so my dear cannot live without me. He looks at me all the time, but he can't stop looking at me. Only with me he is happy, only with me alone he loves. And without me, he is cold and sad, like a girl without a beautiful dress.

Such a conspiracy is sentenced so that the girl’s fiancé loves her even more, so that the heat of love between them flares up ardently. And if the girl does not yet have a groom, then such a conspiracy is sentenced to attract a young man and marry him soon.

Easter signs for marriage

Easter signs for marriage, here's what you need to do on Easter week to get married this year:

  • Before the great holiday you need to buy a white dress. Of course, not a wedding dress, but an ordinary one, for every day. When a girl gives the saleswoman money for such a dress, then you need to say to yourself or in a whisper:

    "There will be something to marry."

    So the girl tries on the image of the bride. Higher powers see this and send her a good groom.

  • Before Easter, the girl needs to feed several needy people. After that, people themselves often say a wish:

    "Good husband to you."

    In response, you can say:

    "So that my husband always feeds me."

    Such signs help to bring into the life of the groom and well-being in the future family.

  • Easter week is the time when the fulfillment of a wish does not take much time. Signs for marriage include waking up early in the morning, getting up under the first rays of the sun and saying:

    “To caress and love me as much as this sun loves and caresses.”

  • On a holiday, you need to treat all the men in your environment with painted eggs and Easter cake and pronounce a small conspiracy:

    “I feed you, and my beloved husband will feed me and love me.”

Conspiracies for Easter for marriage must be spoken, putting into them all the desire to be loved and love.

rituals to attract wealth

But Easter rites and signs that will help improve financial well-being:

  1. The ritual for money for Easter is to give alms throughout the Easter week.
  2. Exchange big money, as small as possible, then come home, throw coins in a corner and say this phrase:

    “I change small money for big money, money for me, a trifle for you, more money for me, smaller for you.”

    Thus, you ask for money from the brownie. If you treat him politely, he will help to gain wealth at home.

  3. On the Easter holiday itself, give small money for alms at least three times.
  4. A simple ritual for money. On the eve of the holiday, you need to put a colored egg and a bill in a corner and read the following plot:

    “The testicle has no legs, and money has no legs, without my help they will not leave my house. So let money not leave my house, but only come.

    The next morning, the egg should be divided among the whole family and eaten. And keep the banknote as a money amulet.

  5. If you want your work to be appreciated and you go for a promotion, then climb up the hill during Easter week and say a money conspiracy:

    "I rise, and you listen to my command."

  6. All Easter week, when you hold money in your hands, say a conspiracy:

    “It’s good for you, dear in my hands, warm and happy, and I like you. I have more money, I will love and respect them.”

Spell conspiracies on Easter for wealth without thinking where exactly the money will come from, provide the option of their arrival to the Higher Forces.

Easter conspiracies for childbearing

If it is time for a young family to have a baby, then you can ask for the participation of the Higher Powers on Easter days. Here are the rituals on this topic:

  • Before the holiday, the wife needs to buy a flower in a pot, water it and say:

    "Another flower in our house will appear with the voice of a bell."

    The flower needs to be looked after as best as possible. You need to read such a conspiracy every time you care for a flower.

  • This conspiracy to have children is similar to the conspiracy that Natalya Stepanova publishes. The girl needs to eat an egg on Easter and say quietly or to herself:

    "I'm not a chicken, I'm a baby, help me get pregnant."

  • Easter customs say that a woman who wants a child should bake Easter cakes herself for the holiday and at the same time read the plot:

    “From my preparations, a delicious cake will turn out, and give me and my husband, Lord, such love so that we have children after Easter, love so that the boy and girl run at home.”

  • A girl can read a conspiracy for some water in the morning on every day of the Easter week and immediately after Easter:

    “Vodichka, wash me from the inside, yes, so that it is easy for children to grow in me.”

Conspiracies and rituals on Easter for childbearing speak as if you already feel your pregnancy, so you will attract the fulfillment of desires. You can even hear such advice on the forum for expectant mothers. The ritual must be performed with love. Immediately after Easter, put a candle in the church for the health of your unborn baby.

Rituals and signs on health

Of course, one cannot but ask the Higher Forces for more health these days. Easter conspiracy to gain physical health:

  1. Saturday before the holiday is a great day when you can charge water for health. Take a glass of water and on Saturday early in the morning place the glass so that the first rays of the sun fall on it. When you catch a sunbeam in some water, then say the following conspiracy:

    “Sunny Easter Bunny, charge some water for the servant of God (your name), let her face glow with a healthy blush.”

    Let the water stand on this windowsill until the next morning, and drink it on an empty stomach on Easter morning.

  2. It is good to start conspiring for health from Maundy Thursday. From Thursday morning it’s good to go to the bathhouse, when you bathe, read to yourself:

    “All the arcs come out of me for health leaves a place.”

    Conspiracies read with a special feeling will have a greater effect.

  3. Ritual for health with bread. From Thursday, prepare Easter food, some dishes so that they do not go bad. It can be hop bread, for example. Wrap it in a kitchen towel, put it in the right corner of the room and say:

    “Before Easter, gain happiness and health.”

    You need to eat bread on Easter morning.

  4. If a woman wants to improve her health, then from Thursday it’s good to get a haircut, on this day, along with cut hair, all diseases and problems go away.

How to be treated with Easter eggs?

Conspiracies from severe illnesses for Easter are good, because all things at this time have a special energy. Easter eggs are no exception, with the help of them you can cure some diseases. If there is a sick person in your family who cannot get rid of the disease by medical means, then try this method.

After breaking the fast, collect the shells from the Easter eggs from the table, the onion peel in which they were boiled. Take also the sick person's clothes, which he wore all day long. Take all these ingredients out into the yard and burn them. The ashes must be buried in the four corners of the house.

If you follow the traditions and go to the Vsenochnaya, then exchange an egg with someone in the church. With the exchanged Easter egg, go to the image of the Virgin in the church and read the plot:

“Mother Mother of God, Come with me, to my house, you will spend the night with us and heal our patient.”

After that, you can read your favorite prayers.

When you get home from the church, first of all, let the sick person eat this egg and read prayers over it.

Here is another way to treat with an Easter egg. On Easter morning, one colored egg, each of the family members should lightly knock on the table. Then the patient should take it too, knock and say a conspiracy:

"My family gives me strength and health."

After that, you need to have breakfast with an egg.

In principle, all such Easter conspiracies have a high effect. Here is a conspiracy of a Siberian healer from drunkenness or to quit smoking. The plot is read on Good Friday:

“Just as a dead man doesn’t get up and walk around, doesn’t wander around the crossroads at all, so you don’t take anything bad in your mouth or any liquid. Don't grieve about it, don't grieve. On the key teeth and lips Amen.

The plot is read three times.

love spells

This week it is good to carry out folk love spells and fortune-telling that help girls find out when they will get married:

  • An unmarried girl on the eve of a great holiday should perform such a ritual. Make up as many eggs as she has surrounded by potential suitors. In the morning you need to treat all the men with krashanki. Take a closer look at which of the men liked the krashanka the most, he will look like your future husband. The egg shell can be collected as a reminder of the image of the future groom. You need to keep it until you meet him.
  • On Easter Eve, the girl needs to go out to the crossroads in the evening. And wait for a car to leave from either side. This is where the first car will leave, and the groom will come from there. When you have already met the car, you can throw a pretty penny in that direction and say:

    "For a good wedding."

  • An unmarried girl on any day of the Easter week can order herself a prophetic dream, where she will see her fiance. When you go to bed, you need to say:

    “How I will see myself today in a dream, the one who will appreciate me and become my beloved husband.”

Conspiracies for good luck

And here are the conspiracies for the Easter week to bring general good luck into your life:

  1. To bring wealth to your family, take a coin, sew a red bag for it, put it there and carry it with you all Easter week so that it is saturated with your energy. Then on Friday put it in the left corner of the room and say these words:

    “I'm leaving you here to attract leftists for good luck. So that we do not live from paycheck to paycheck, but so that there is a lot of leftist wealth.

    Such a money conspiracy will attract additional money to the family. Prosperity will depend on these people.

  2. It is very good to create money charms in the week before Easter to attract wealth. Take one coin, wash it, dry it with a towel and bake it in one of the Easter cakes. Eat Easter cake with your family. Whoever gets this amulet, that family will bring money to the family. This ritual is also suitable for successful trading if there is a family business.
  3. When you knock the Easter egg on the table, then say the words:

    “I knock, I twist, I will turn the enemies away from the house, there are no enemies, friends go with all their might.”

  4. Paint as many eggs as possible for Easter, the more eggs, the more you will attract abundance and good luck to your home. Be sure to arrange a competition with eggs, so the ritual for good luck takes effect. Egg shells can be stored whole year, they will protect your home from damage and the evil eye.
  5. Willow twigs purchased on Maundy Thursday also help from spoilage.
  6. On the second day of the Easter week, it is good to speak water from damage and the evil eye, then you can wash your face with this water drop by drop for a whole year. Hard boil an egg, peel it, put the egg shell in water and say to the water

    “Before Easter, you absorb everything good in yourself, after Easter, give it to me.”

Get rid of the problems of any plan, including money ones, quite simply and uncomplicatedly allow strong days. Luckily for us, there are a lot of them in a year. But let's see how to practice conspiracies and rituals for Easter for money. Even those people who are not particularly fond of religion and history understand that this is a very big holiday. And if you look a little deeper, it becomes clear that it is older than Christianity, therefore, it is saturated with incredible energy.

When there is a service, all the feelings and aspirations of a huge number of people accumulated over thousands of years are activated. You know that they do not disappear anywhere, they remain in the field of the earth. This energy creates a flow comparable in power only to war (only with a positive sign). If you saddle him and make him work for you, then life will turn upside down, absolutely change.

When they read conspiracies for Easter for money

You know, with this powerful force one should be extremely careful when dealing with it. On Easter Day, it is not recommended to tell fortunes for money. If you really want to do magic, then put in your intention not to receive some amount, but well-being. These are different things. Rituals on the Great Day for money are held before and after the holiday, and preferably before and after, for fidelity.

The rituals themselves are not complicated. But, we repeat, they connect the wizard's field with the energy of the most powerful egregore. That is why you should be prepared. Keep fasting for at least a week. Better yet all the time prescribed religious rules. There is a general rule: in order for the Universe to give you something, you must demonstrate your will to it. And it is perfectly broadcast through restrictions. Give up part of the food pleasures, and "you will be rewarded."

Saturday Conspiracy

This ceremony is recommended to be performed before noon on the eve of the holiday. Prepare five-ruble coin. It should be held for an hour or two in a salt solution, rinsed with running water, and dried. And on Saturday, take a coin and say a formula on it, left alone. Place it in your wallet or in a place where you usually keep money.

Strong money conspiracy:

“In the name of the Holy Jesus Christ! I speak money, I dissuade from need and passion. On the feast day, the Holy people go to the Temple, they bring treats with them, so money flows like a river to me, the Lord’s servant (name), will never bypass and will not turn off the path. Amen!"

Attracting well-being

On Sunday itself, you should go to the temple. Together with everyone, accept the blessing from the priest. You know, he walks, illuminates people and Easter cakes with eggs. Before the procession leaves the church, read "Our Father" to yourself. The prayer should be fully pronounced three times, no less. And when you see that the priest went to the people, whisper these words:

“People, baptized, glorify Jesus on Bright Sunday, congratulate relatives and distant ones, rejoice at the ringing of bells, go to rich tables. On Easter, everyone is happy and full, they will feed the poor from the belly, they will not ask for a name and payment. So, Lord, give your slave (name) a lifetime to live, not to grieve, to value goodness and wealth. Amen!"

The treats brought with you should be immediately distributed to people. Say to everyone, except for the prescribed phrase:

"The Lord gave, and gave me wealth!".

Go home and have a holiday, as is customary.

Ritual for enrichment after the holiday

On Sunday you need to buy church candles. They are used in the ritual for money after the holiday. In addition to candles, you need to prepare the following:

  • beautiful candlestick;
  • incense;
  • a red velvet bag (you can sew it yourself);
  • seven yellow coins (for example, 10 rubles).

On the Monday after Easter, take two of the candles purchased the day before.

  1. Gently twist them together, secure in a candlestick.
  2. Lay out coins nearby, previously cleaned with saline from negative energy.
  3. Ignite with one match.
  4. Read the magic words three times.
  5. Wait for the candles to go out on their own. It is forbidden to extinguish them.
  6. Collect the coins and leftover candles in the bag. hang it over front door from within.

Powerful Easter conspiracy:

“The holy fire on the throne is eternal, and my path is marked with gold, blessings, silver and other good things. Amen!"

If you feel that the need is piling up again, twist the next pair of candles and perform the ceremony again. Put the rest in the same bag. This should be repeated throughout the year, so prepare more magical attributes. The ritual is performed only with Easter. On the next festive Bright Day, the coins of this year should be donated in the temple, and the rite should be repeated.

Easter magic, contrary to popular belief, helps not only believers. Tell your friends about the techniques (social media icons below). Share with loved ones information on how to change lives for the better. Your personal power will only increase from this. Good luck!

Major Christian holidays have amazing energy. Our ancestors preferred to ask higher powers for help in love, luck or health. What kind effective conspiracies Is it better for Easter? We will analyze the most interesting and powerful rituals for all occasions.

Holiday magic

Orthodoxy absorbed and adjusted paganism for itself, however, fragments of ancient beliefs are still visible in many rituals. The great sacrament of the Resurrection of the Lord coincides with the celebrations of fertility and the praise of the earth. During the celebrations, the Slavs preferred to perform ceremonies that help to get what they want.

Easter is not only an important event in the life of believers, but also a time when you can try to reconfigure your destiny in a positive direction. If the rites are used correctly, it is easy to destroy even the most powerful witchcraft. During this period, girls asked for marriage, and boys asked for a successful job. Another belief in the magical energy of the holiday made it possible to achieve good health to get rid of curses.

The Slavs believed that rich pastries are a symbol of fertility and resurgent nature, so the process of making Easter cakes became a real home witchcraft. Each housewife had her own secret of the test, which she passed on to her daughters. Any changes or deformations of the finished product were considered an unpleasant omen and an omen of illness.

Painted chicken eggs symbolized the awakening sun, giving life to everything around. The product has long been used to destroy a negative magical program, however, those consecrated on Holy Sunday are "charged" with positive energy. Our ancestors used both edible parts and shells for their own purposes.

Conspiracies and rituals for Easter were carried out throughout the holiday week. Each day of the week had its own purpose and rituals, so it is important to know all the subtleties of ancient beliefs. People could wait a whole year to ask a higher power for help, especially if they fall on the first days of the month, like May 01, 2016.

From loneliness

At all times, women wanted to change their fate and find a husband. Despite the prohibitions of the church, brave young ladies in search of guys performed light love spells during the holiday. They do not require any magical preparation and do not promise eternal love, but their strength is in the faith of the performers.

A conspiracy to marry on Sunday or the third day after can be carried out at any time in the morning. They take out all the dresses that are in the closet and count them several times, sort them out and put them on the bed. During actions, they mentally pronounce a slander.

“How many beautiful dresses I have, so many guys look after me. I am dear to everyone and my heart is loved. Amen."

The longer the words are repeated, the more effective the result of the ceremony. The ritual is relevant for both single women and young ladies, whose men are pulling with marriage. Remember that only a certain type of clothing is suitable for magical manipulations.

For a quick marriage

During the holiday, the girls tried to have time to take actions that would help them find a husband. On Saturday, some whole wheat was bought at the market without haggling or taking change. On Sunday, they woke up before the first dawn, read the prayer “Our Father” three times. Then you can go to the solemn service in the temple.

Standing in the church, it was necessary to keep a handful of grains in the chest area. You need to concentrate very strongly on the words uttered by the priest, and try to mentally pronounce. At the exit from the House of God, alms were distributed to everyone who extended a hand for help. We recommend that you break a large bill into several small coins in advance.

Arriving home, they repeat the prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe” three times. It is necessary to make sure that none of your neighbors or relatives sees your actions. Immediately pour wheat on the threshold, repeating the words.

“How many lights from candles were in the church, so many grooms for me under the house. How many grains in a handful, so many gentlemen for me. May it be so!"

Entering the dwelling, three times overshadow the forehead sign of the cross. The candle, which was held in the hands during the service, is placed near the icon of their nominal saint. After these manipulations, you can proceed to the family holiday feast, starting with eggs.

For love

Easter conspiracies for marriage have always been popular among young people. We have received one of the most simple ways available for both girls and boys. On the day of the holiday, all single people gathered in the temple for a solemn service. It was important to endure all the prayers on your own, without going out and not being distracted by trifles.

For the ritual, you will need nine colored eggs consecrated in the church. Already at home, they touch their lips to the sharp end of each product, overshadowing their foreheads with the sign of the cross. Quietly, so that no one hears, it is necessary to repeat the words.

“So that everyone loves me, the servant of God (name), give attention and affection. Herds followed me. Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After the last krashenka is spoken, they are distributed to the first people they meet. It will be a good omen if you meet people of the opposite sex, especially young ones. The old people always wished the beauties a happy marriage and healthy children.

By the way, it was believed that if during the rite of Maundy Thursday you wash yourself with water and dry yourself with a new towel, then this towel will help you find a husband. Easter cakes and eggs are put into it, after which they are given to the poor at the temple. It is important not to regret giving alms and to leave with a good heart. Already this year you can prepare for the wedding.

For mutual feelings

The coming Easter conspiracy to love will strengthen and make it as effective as possible. On the day of the holiday, you need to get up before sunrise, wash yourself and, without wiping your face with a towel, read the prayer “Our Father” 3 times. As soon as the first rays of the sun appear on the street, slowly pronounce the words.

“So that you, the servant of God (the name of the groom), love and caress me just as much as the sun pleases and illuminates Amen.”

Before the day of the Resurrection of Christ, you need to go to the store and buy yourself a white dress. Not a wedding, but an ordinary outfit made of light fabric. Paying off with the saleswoman, they say the words three times in a whisper.

"There will be something to get married in."

It is believed that after the ritual, higher powers will see the girl’s desire to get married and send a worthy chosen one. Trying on the image of the bride, the young lady concentrates positive energy around herself. Arriving home, let the dress hang in the bedroom in a conspicuous place for several days, after which the fulfillment of the desire is not far off.

By the way, our ancestors believed that if you treat all your friends and acquaintances of the opposite sex with krashenka and Easter cake, this will help you find your love. After the festive service, treats are left in a separate basket next to a lit candle. As soon as the light burns out, you can distribute gifts. The ritual is allowed to be performed during the festive week, especially on the third day and on Friday.


Many women unsuccessfully try to get rid of a rival, using various magical rituals or trying to remove a love spell. There is a proven remedy that will make everything bad go away, make the unfaithful spouse remember his wife and children. Time is gone if the new couple already has children in common.

During Lent, a small amount is put into the piggy bank every day. It is not necessary to immediately dump all the money, because the power of the rite is in its gradualness. Let it be the smallest coins, but they accumulate the energy of your mind.

Before the holiday, you need to purchase 40 eggs: 27 are painted scarlet, 12 yellow, and the last one is shaded with green paint. All products are boiled, put in a festive basket, sprinkled with salt and go to the night service in the church. On the way home, coins are used as alms, and krashenki are distributed to oncoming people, mentally repeating the words.

“The Lord will take the testicle, and let the husband come to the servant of God (name). May it be so!"

After the last copy is given, you can wait for a call or return of the departed spouse. Remember that light power helps to return a man, so you should not swear and argue with your ex. Let reconciliation pass without scandals and insults.

Rest in the family

Misunderstanding and quarrels can destroy even the strongest marriage. If you notice that loved ones do not find mutual language, then it is worth resorting to strong conspiracies on Easter. Light rituals will not only cleanse the family aura, but also help to destroy the witchcraft for separation.

In the morning they went to the festive service, after which they distributed alms to all the poor. It is imperative to take home the candle that was kept during prayers. A cross is burned over the doorframe with a flame, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness. The cinder is set next to any image of the iconostasis.

Per festive table all people who consider themselves part of this family should gather. Our ancestors believed that a solemn meal should be beautifully served, with Easter cake and other dishes. In this case, heaven will rejoice and give the house peace and tranquility. At the end of the Easter week, you need to go to the temple and put candles to the icons:

  • Jesus Christ;
  • Mother of God;
  • Trinity;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

We recommend waiting until the flame melts to the middle, and then move on to other images. While a person is standing at the holy face, one must repeat the words of any famous soloist or simply ask for the preservation of the family. Home get 3 candles, which are burned during the day.

For well-being

Prayers and conspiracies for Easter will help improve financial luck. The rite consists in the fact that during the whole Great Lent small money is collected in a bank. Every day they put one small coin or bill. By the end of the test, you will have collected a sufficient amount, charged with the energy of preparing for the celebration.

Throughout the holiday week, it is necessary to give alms to poor people. Orthodoxy teaches that any help provided to those in need will surely return a hundredfold. In the first seven days after the Resurrection of Christ, coppers are not spared for every beggar they meet along the way. Stretching alms, mentally utter a conspiracy for money.

“The Lord gave me, I return to God. The Heavenly Father will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold. Amen."

After the last coins have been distributed, you need to go to the temple and put 5 candles near any images. Having entered the church, you need to approach those images that your heart is drawn to. One light is taken home and burned at the icon. Looking at the flame, they read the words of the prayers “I believe” and “Our Father”. Over the next weeks, look for improved financial luck.

By the way, you can "charge" the Easter amulet. During the holiday, money is changed three times in a row. After the last exchange has taken place, a metal coin from the change is thrown with the right hand into the corner of one's own house. While the object is moving, the words are spoken.

“Roll silver into the red corner, roll good, prosperity and wealth to us. Amen."

Let the money lie untouched for 3 days. At the end of the specified time, the nickel is placed in a wallet or sewn into a pocket of clothing. This fiat coin will attract to a person financial luck and protect against unnecessary spending.

To get a new position

Among the powerful conspiracies for Easter, not the last place is occupied by rituals for promotion. Good job with decent pay will allow you to forget about any troubles. To get the desired place, you need to use the advice of the ancients.

After the festive service, you need to climb up to the dais. Looking around, they clap their hands three times. Then slowly read the words.

“Just as I climbed a hill on the Resurrection of Christ, so the authorities elevate me, give me a high position. Amen."

Then they go home, distributing alms to the poor along the way. Already on the threshold, they repeat the prayer “Our Father” three times and enter the dwelling. If you are worthy of the place you are applying for, then higher powers will surely reward you for your patience.

From an unknown disease

Among the conspiracies for health during the Easter week, the most popular is the rite to cure an unknown illness and everything dangerous. Often, professional doctors cannot establish the correct diagnosis or believe that all human problems are in the psyche. An ancient Orthodox ritual will help get rid of the disease.

During the festive feast, they collect all the leftovers from the dishes - bones, shells, crumbs. The next day, the patient goes out into the field or garden, burying the remains in the ground. Be sure to dig a hole in the form of an even rectangle, and the “products” are laid out in its corners. Already at home, the patient should not talk to anyone until the morning, so we recommend that you immediately go to bed.

You also need to use the method of the Siberian healer Natalia Stepanova. A well-known sorceress advises on the third day after the holiday to go to the temple, collect fluids. The conspiracy for church water at Easter is read seven times.

“As God created heaven and earth, so do, Lord, health to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

After pronouncing the phrase, it is necessary to overshadow yourself three times with the sign of the cross. Moisture is used over the next 3 days to wash the face. For best result do not wipe the drops from the skin with a towel, wait for it to dry on its own.

From a serious illness

During Easter, a huge amount of positive energy is concentrated, which helps in getting rid of all ailments. Our ancestors believed in miracles during this holiday, so they tried to use the right moment. Especially such a "treatment" will be relevant for patients dying from incurable ailments.

According to Slavic tradition, scraps and leftovers from a festive dish should not be thrown away. Eggshells from eaten eggs, half-eaten food after breaking the fast, and onion peel, in which the surface of the product was painted, are wrapped in the clothes of a seriously ill person (you cannot take a new thing). With this bundle they go to a deserted place, after which they burn it.

Ashes and ashes are taken with them to be buried in the four sides of their yard. On this evening, it is forbidden to talk with anyone, do household chores (cooking, caring for plants and animals). The rest of the family members read "Our Father" and "Akathist". Within a few days, the patient will feel relief, and health will improve.

From the pain

Prolonged discomfort during an illness exhausts a person physically. To get rid of flour, we recommend using a proven tool. Stepanova's instant conspiracies are carried out both on the day of the holiday and throughout the entire Easter week.

Before the ceremony, the performer reads the prayers “Our Father” and “I Believe” three times, after which he washes the face, hands of himself and the patient with consecrated water, without wiping him with a towel. V right hand they take krashenka and begin to roll it out over the sore spot, uttering a conspiracy.

“People praise the Lord, but God’s words drive away the pain. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

So that the flour recedes from the body, Siberian healer advises repeating the plot thirty-three times. You can not stop with the first relief or after the intensification of the spasm. The completed ritual not only relieves pain, but also blocks the source of inflammation.

From tuberculosis

To help the body deal with dangerous disease, you need to conduct a very strong ceremony. Our ancestors called the disease of the lungs consumption, and the external species - scrofula. The disease was the misfortune of the poor people, therefore, during the Easter celebrations, they tried to carry out the ritual without fail.

On Sunday, the most beautiful and largest egg is chosen from the festive basket. It is important that there are no chips or places without paint on the shell. On the third day they go to an abandoned cemetery, looking for an old grave with the name of a tuberculosis patient. The patient kisses the dye, after which he utters a conspiracy.

“As the testicle is smooth and flawless, so let consumption (scrofula) leave my body. No pain, no sickness, no pain. May it be so!"

After that, the product is placed on a mound, salt is poured at the exit, they turn around and quickly leave the churchyard. It is important not to look back on the way home and not to communicate with anyone. In the dwelling, hands and face are thoroughly washed, after which the prayer “Our Father” is said. The next day they go to the temple and leave a note for the repose of the dead man whom they addressed. If you hear a bell ringing at the exit, then this is a good omen.

For eye problems

The effective methods of our ancestors are still used in villages and traditional healers. During the great holiday, you can try to get rid of poor eyesight, stop progressing ailments. However, the use of rituals does not exclude traditional treatment.

The patient goes to the Easter service or on Monday, holding a candle in one hand and an egg in the other. When during the prayer the priest utters the phrase “Christ is Risen!”, You need to touch your eyes with paint. Performing these actions, be sure to pronounce a conspiracy.

“On Bright Sunday, Christ is risen, and my eyes are saved from pain. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

In addition, we advise you to light a candle at the icon of the Savior at home during the festive week, to ask for deliverance from the disease. After the flame burns out, wash the organs of vision with consecrated water, add to food thursday salt. Gradually, the disease will begin to recede.

You can get rid of strabismus at the solemn service of the Resurrection of Christ. While the priest is saying prayers, the person needs to focus on the flame of the candle. The longer you look at the cleansing heat, the faster the problems with the eyes will disappear.

For the health of the child

A maternal conspiracy for Easter is a popular rite that can protect a baby from the effects of magic and help strengthen the immune system. The energy of the holiday will fill the baby's body and make it stronger.

On the day of the celebration, a medicinal decoction should be brewed, which the child drinks and bathes. Used within the first week, it will have a positive effect on overall health. For the ceremony you will need:

  • salt of Maundy Thursday;
  • wood ash;
  • crushed egg shells;
  • white birch bark.

All components are crushed, after which three pinches of each element are poured into a container. Pour boiling water on the night before Easter, and read the plot.

“As Jesus rose from the dead, so my child, the servant of God (name) will receive deliverance and healing from all ailments, visible and invisible. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

By the way, if you put a glass of spring water on the window on the night before the holiday, it will gain medicinal properties. Mothers got up before dawn and repeated the prayer “Our Father” seven times over the moisture. After that, the child drinks and is washed with a healing liquid.

For beauty

Easter charms are ancient, proven methods that will allow women to maintain their attractiveness. Getting rid of wrinkles and rejuvenation will make ladies more self-confident, therefore they are very popular. The uniqueness of the methods is that the festive energy acts quickly and efficiently.

Rituals begin on Maundy Thursday, after which they are transferred to Bright Sunday. Previously, silver and gold jewelry are left in the water overnight, and the prayer “I believe” is read over the liquid. The next morning, the body is poured from the container and the face is washed. We advise you not to wipe the drops, allowing to soak all layers of the skin.

On Saturday, on the eve of the holiday, a glass of church moisture is placed on the windowsill. In the morning, before going to the solemn service, the places affected by wrinkles are washed with the substance. After the temple, it is necessary to roll out problem areas that require rejuvenation with an egg.

To make the hair thicker and fall out less, our ancestors advised rinsing the hair with a liquid in which dyes with onion peel were boiled. The crushed shells were poured with boiling water, after which the chilled moisture was used in the shower to give the skin elasticity and softness. During the Easter week, they prayed to God that beauty would not fade.

From women's problems

At all times, ladies could get sick so that it was difficult to get pregnant and give birth to a child. To get rid of the disease of the reproductive system, the ancestors had original methods. Rites were performed during the favorite holiday.

On Saturday before Easter, a glass of sacred water was placed on the window. It was considered a good omen if the moon in the sky was bright and unobscured by clouds. It is necessary to choose a room in which the room is best lit. First, the prayer “Our Father” is read three times, after which the plot is repeated.

“As Christ God is resurrected, so is the servant of God (name) so that nothing hurts, does not ache, or bleeds. Amen."

The liquid is left until the morning, and they drink it with the first rays of the sun. Our ancestors believed that the spell on this holiday acquires maximum strength and healing. It is important that during the night no one enters the room with moisture and does not touch the container.

By the way, not only Maundy Thursday salt has unique properties. If you hold a small bag of white crystals in your hand during a festive service, they are charged with regenerative energy. An added pinch in a glass of water will help get rid of all female diseases and it is worth waiting for an addition.

good luck

Every person dreams that his undertakings will always turn into success. However, capricious Fortune often turns away from people at the most inopportune moment. On the Friday before Easter, you need to bake a lot of small Easter cakes, which then with a pure heart distributed after the festive service.

To attract money or win the lottery, Vanga has a ritual for five kopecks. To do this, they take a coin of a suitable denomination, collect it from the temple for the consecration of a festive basket. During the prayer, they hold the money in their fist, asking God for protection. Now it is an irreplaceable nickel, which is put in the wallet compartment until next year.

In order to attract more luck and prosperity into their lives, the ancestors made a wish and listened to the Easter bell ringing. An even number of strokes meant a positive result, an odd number a failure. If you decide to guess, it is better to start with the first solemn sounds.

By the way, according to tradition, happiness for your loved ones could be hidden in Easter cake. If you bake muffins, then on Friday small notes with wishes, predictions were kneaded into the dough, or gold money was put. The surprise found promised the owner a lot of money until next Easter.

Beliefs say that when baking Easter pastries, they “called” muffins by the names of their relatives. If some Easter cake failed, then this was a symbol of failure in the coming year. The cracked top of the main delicacy warned of a great danger to humans.

For money

On Bright Sunday, as well as on the second and third days after the celebration, it was customary to conduct rituals to attract wealth. You need to come first to the temple and light a candle and the crucifixion of Christ. While the flame is burning, they slowly read the prayer “I believe” and mentally ask for well-being.

If during Clean Thursday they did not have time to count all the cash, then the ceremony for gaining money can be postponed to Friday of the holiday week. Of course, it will not be as effective and strong as with the standard version, but it will allow you not to save on trifles. At home, it is carried out quickly and three times a day.

Even on this day, the “money tree” is charged. If there is a plant that they themselves have grown from a sprout, then it will become your amulet. They take the flowerpot in their hands, after which the conspiracy for Easter can be read.

“As these leaves turn green, so my income grows, multiplies. Come to me, gold and silver coins, it's calm and warm here. May it be so!"

After the ritual, the flower is placed on the most the best place, cherish and cherish. The faster the vegetation develops, the more money appears in the house. Of course, you won’t turn into a millionaire, but you will forget about poverty. It is considered bad luck if the green "pet" dies.

According to tradition, at night before the holiday, a saucer with milk was left in the kitchen for the brownie. It was believed that in such a simple way you can attract wealth and protect housing from uninvited guests. If the keeper accepted the gift, then a very good, kind dream became evidence of that.

Things to Remember

Orthodox customs exclude magic in human life, but Christian beliefs are tightly intertwined with paganism. It is impossible to conjure and use the rites of black magic on Easter. The curses read on this day will remain a negative program for the performer.

Often women want to return a departed lover or make a man marry against his will. The person will stay a short time, after which he will hate the one who commits violence against consciousness. The energy of Christian celebration cannot make you fall in love.

Flowers consecrated in the temple during the service are allowed to be added to the bride's bouquet. On wedding days, they will become a talisman against the evil eye and protect from bad influences. Often sorcerers perform a ceremony on the groom, so it’s worth sewing Easter egg shells into the pocket of the suit.

By the way, the festive bell ringing promises good luck to all people. If you heard church sounds in the distance, then you need to stop, making the sign of the cross three times on your forehead. Even the author of ancient manuscripts promised the laity deliverance from any misfortunes.

Large Orthodox holidays- this is not only a great happiness for believers, but also an opportunity to correct their fate. By reading a strong conspiracy just before Easter itself, you will ensure that you and your loved ones have no problems throughout the year. In the recommendations you will find popular options for any occasion.