Magic eyes close mouth. Effective conspiracies to help fight gossip. Close the gossip's mouth

What if your enemy or ill-wisher gossip about you? How can you close the mouth of the enemy so that he can no longer cause you trouble? In this situation only a conspiracy will help you... The conspiracy will force your enemy to shut his mouth and stop harming. You will have time to rest the intrigues of the enemy.

Conspiracy to shut the mouth of the enemy

“On the Carpathian mountains there is Mother Mother of God,
She protects me, the servant of God (name) and protects from enemies.
Does not allow my enemies to take me with either sword or tongue.
Mother Mother of God stands in my head,
And her angels are behind me and at my feet.
They read holy prayers,
I, the servant of God (name), are protected from enemies and blasphemy every day.
The tongue of my enemies is shortened and the mouth is closed.
From my gates, enemies are turned around,
They fence off with a holy tyn,
Mouths are closed from nonsense and thin rumor.
As water does not hold on the backs of the hands, it flows down,
So it is from me, the servants of God (name), the evil word bounces off.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Close the mouth of the enemy with a conspiracy

The task of the ritual is not to allow the enemy to say anything against the caster. A conspiracy to shut the mouth of the enemy helps make the enemy completely harmless.

You will need:

  • needle and black thread;
  • a piece of black fabric;
  • wax candle.

The ritual works best during the waning moon, but the phase is not important. Light a candle and say:

“Spirits and demons, animals and people, hear me, fasten a lock on (name) mouth, so that his tongue does not move, so that his teeth do not open, if (name) speaks against me or says a dashing word. I will create it with my own hand, I will bless this spell with the power of fire! Thread a needle and make as many stitches on the fabric as there are letters in the full name of the object. Each time they pronounce a conspiracy: It's not a thread on the fabric, but a spell (name) on the mouth - they sew, sew up, tightly close, so that my enemy does not speak, so that he does not speak dashing words, so that he does not carry evil on my tongue! "

The ends of the thread are held together with candle wax. The sewn fabric is taken away from home and placed under a stone. The cinder is thrown away.

A conspiracy to shut the mouth of the enemy will work within a few days. If the object is energetically strong, it will take up to a month. The effect of the enchantment is indefinite: only magic can remove it.

Everything about religion and faith - "prayer to shut the mouth of gossips" with detailed descriptions and photographs.

In this article, I will introduce you to the simplest gossip conspiracy. It can be done on any day without exception.

Gossip haunts us at work, at home and in broad daylight.

They will say something that was not even mentioned. At the same time, the reputation “gets wet”.

To protect yourself from gossip and magically "bind tongues", a special occult conspiracy was invented, which you can execute whenever you want.

You don't have to light any candles. And wait for the full moon, too.

The only condition is to involve your own energy in the conspiracy power.

So “give it to your lips” to those who spread gossip. Just do it not with your palm, but with “distance”.

Sit down at table. Calm your thoughts. Don't think about anything - not even a gossip.

After a while, mentally imagine how "tongue-tied tongues are tied."

If you suspect someone, do not send retribution, but “close his mouth” with a magical conspiracy.

I create a conspiracy for gossip, I do not like falsity and hubbub. Let the talkative lips close, let all the enemies become happy. They will not converge on my soul, mouths will not burst from gossip. As soon as someone defames him, the hiccups will grind him off. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!

There is one more short conspiracy that you can pronounce "on the go."

Keep away from the gossip, don't mind, shut your mouth and repent. Amen.

As gossip bursts, let it not touch me. Amen.

Now you can not be afraid of grumpy gossip, which is spread by those who have nothing to do.

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How to silence a gossip girl with magic phrases

Has a gossip appeared at your job? Don't you have the strength to endure her slander? Shut her mouth with magic phrases. You will see, the gossip girl will soon subside.

Apparently, with the help of gossip, they want to remove you from your position.

Perhaps this is an envious attack when someone's mouth turns the whole team against you.

There is no time to figure it out. The right decision is to shut up the gossip girl with powerful magic phrases.

After the end of the working day, leaving the office building, whisper these words to yourself:

As a lousy mouth spews gossip, let this scum suffer from pain. Amen!

Before you borrow workplace, read these magic phrases:

I shut the gossip girl's mouth, let her sickness take her to bed. Amen!

While at work, not necessarily next to the gossip girl, but feeling a third-party negative, read these words inaudibly:

I'm saving myself from gossip, I'm not afraid of evil mouths. You suddenly shut up, get the hell out of it. Amen!

This is a short article.

Now you can shut up the gossip girl who vilifies you at work.

When magic phrases are practiced, you will feel the desired result.

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A protective conspiracy will protect against gossip

Gossip and rumors can make a person's life unbearable. You can protect yourself from backbiting and stop talking about yourself with the help of magic. There are special ceremonies that are simple to perform and provide reliable protection for a long time.

But besides this, it should be remembered that in order not to provoke the occurrence of gossip, you need to talk less about yourself. It is important in society to learn to listen more than to speak. You should not arouse envy by talking about your achievements. You can only share your worries and hopes with people whose friendship has stood the test of time.

Effective rituals from gossip

There are a very large number of protective rites in which a gossip conspiracy is used. They need to be chosen purely on an individual basis, depending on the current situation. After all, sometimes it happens that gossip does not carry a dangerous negativity and cause minor troubles. In such cases, simple, fast-acting ceremonies should be used.

But if you feel that your success in life causes the envy of many people, this is already becoming dangerous, can seriously harm and even lead to health problems. In such situations, it is necessary to perform powerful protective rites.

Rustic way

Even in ancient times, our grandmothers defended themselves from gossip using charmed water. This simple ceremony allows you to successfully resist backbiting and guarantees a peaceful life. All you need is to speak with water and wash your face with it every morning.

The conspiracy reads as follows:

Water must be spoken every morning and try not to miss a single day. Before washing, the water should be crisscrossed three times. It is very important to tune in to a positive result every time you wash your face. This will release your own natural defenses.

Relief of symptoms of jealous conversations

Probably everyone is familiar with the feeling when, involuntarily, on a subconscious level, comes the understanding that at a particular moment in time someone is discussing you. For example, cheeks suddenly start to burn. Another telltale sign of gossip about you is feelings of inner anxiety.

To relieve these symptoms, you need to use such a gossip conspiracy:

Before pronouncing the conspiracy, you must cross yourself. If you believe in magic, then such a conspiracy helps instantly. But it should be understood that it is a short-term protection; for a more reliable barrier to gossip, a more powerful rite must be performed.

Powerful conspiracy

If you are sure that it is a particular person who is spreading gossip about you, you should use a powerful rite of passage with candles.

For the ritual, you need to get a photo of the unkind gossip. There are no special requirements for the picture, so you can quietly take a picture of a person, for example, with a mobile device.

Having retired in a separate room, it is necessary to put a photo of the person on whom the impact is directed on the table, and three church candles.

After that, the candles must be lit and the following conspiracy must be spoken:

This is a very powerful conspiracy. Its action is based on the fact that a person who is going to say something bad about you in order to harm you will immediately feel very bad.

Protective amulet

A very effective magical attribute is a protective amulet, which you must carry with you at all times. Any object can become such a talisman. For example, silver jewelry is considered the best amulet. You can also order the manufacture of a protective amulet from a professional magician.

You should know that envy can seriously harm a person who has similar feelings in his soul towards other people. And if you are a positive and bright person, then you hardly need to be afraid of gossip and slander in your address.

Gossip conspiracy: how to get rid of libel

No one likes to be talked about behind their backs, so it's worth using a gossip conspiracy if you suspect you are hotly debated. It's simple enough folk rite that anyone can do. Let's talk about how to perform this magical ritual correctly so that it works for sure, and gossip is gone from your life.

Why are gossip dangerous?

Many people do not attach importance to the gossip that others invent about their person. There is an opinion that "since they talk about me, then I am popular." But gossip can seriously harm.

How can this harm be expressed:

  • Negative discussions about your personality are bad for your energy. Usually gossipers invent stories out of envy - and this feeling kills a person. Moreover, both the one who envies, and the object of envy. If gossip is not stopped, dangerous diseases can develop
  • If the gossipers discuss your personal life, it can seriously damage the relationship with your partner. First, he may simply believe the ill-wishers and stop trusting you. And, secondly, such discussions create negative energy vibrations that will adversely affect your union.

If the gossip is harmless and does not carry a negative context, you should not worry. Talking about your life in a positive way is not harmful. Therefore, it is worth reading a conspiracy that will help get rid of gossip only if the fables being written about you are negative.

A conspiracy is a simple folk ritual that anyone can easily perform. But there are certain rules - they must be followed if you want the conspiracy to work exactly and gossip to stop once and for all.

  1. Believe in the magic of a conspiracy. There should be no doubt, no skepticism. The rite works only for the person who unconditionally believes in it, without trying to understand
  2. Read the text of the conspiracy clearly and distinctly. You cannot stumble, peep at a piece of paper and forget the words. Therefore, memorize the words in advance so that nothing prevents you from reading the conspiracy correctly and accurately
  3. Have pure intentions. You should only pursue good goals. If you want to harm someone with a conspiracy, you will only bring trouble on yourself. Evil sent to a stranger will return to you threefold
  4. Read the conspiracy at night, in the light of the moon. Lunar energy has a very powerful force that helps enhance the effect of the conspiracy.
  5. Make sure that no one interferes with you during the ceremony. No person should enter the room. It is advisable that pets are not present in the room.

If you follow all these rules, the conspiracy will definitely work and save you from annoying gossip.

Village conspiracy: how to get rid of gossip with water

Water is a good conductor of energy, which is why it is very often used in conspiracies. Try to draw water from a natural source - a spring, river, or lake. In extreme cases, you can use melt water or standing tap water. But then the conspiracy will be less powerful.

At night, fill a glass cup with water, stand over it and say the words of the conspiracy:

After you read the text of the conspiracy, you need to commit three times sign of the cross... Move the bowl of the charmed liquid to a secluded place.

Wash your face with spell water every morning. And gradually the stream of gossip, slander and fables about you will subside. Evil tongues will shut up and find another object for heated discussion.

Emergency conspiracy

There is such a sign: if your ears are suddenly "tanned", it means that at that moment someone speaks badly about you. If you feel that blood has rushed to the ears, you can use this conspiracy to avoid gossip.

As soon as you feel the "burning ears", mentally say the conspiracy three times:

Then cross yourself three times. A sign that the conspiracy has worked - the ears will stop burning. And the person who tried to discuss or condemn you will immediately stop doing it.

A conspiracy from a gossip

This rite is used when you know exactly the name of the person who behind his back says nasty things about you and spreads gossip. Such a case cannot be left unpunished - if the gossip does not calm down, and conversations and clarification of the relationship do not help, perform the ceremony.

You will need a clear, high-quality photograph of the gossip, as well as three wax candles. They are best purchased at the church shop on Friday afternoon.

Wait until midnight, open the window in the room so that the moonlight penetrates the room. Light the candles and place the gossip photo in front of you.

While the candles are burning, clearly read the text of the conspiracy:

Wait for the candle flame to go out. The cinders must be collected and buried in the ground, along with the photograph.

This is very strong conspiracy that should take effect instantly. Now, every time the gossip is going to say something about you in a negative context, he will not be able to do it. He will either feel bad at this moment or feel serious. psychological barrier.

Watch a video about how gossip and rumors harm a person's life:

Advice: To protect yourself from gossip before it even starts, wear amulets and charms. They will protect against negative impact emotions that ill-wishers have towards you.

And most importantly, try not to gossip about anyone, criticize or condemn anyone. Then evil tongues will not touch you either.

It seems to me that in our time it is almost impossible to get rid of gossip. But this conspiracy is certainly worth a try.

Now everyone is discussing each other, and I myself do not hide the fact that sometimes I do it too. This is a part of our life and there is nowhere to go from it.

It is unpleasant, of course, when they whisper behind my back, so I decided to make a conspiracy. The conspiracy with water is so complicated, quite everyone can do it. But I'm more interested in a candle, just a question, which one is needed? Black or regular?

And the advice is quite useful, you really need to gossip about others less, everyone has their own life.

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Gossip conspiracy will help shut the mouth of your ill-wishers

Not a single person wants to be spoken about behind the backs of various gossip. A gossip conspiracy will help you protect yourself from evil tongues. This is a simple ceremony that everyone can do. If you can clearly and correctly execute it, slander and slander will forever leave your life.

To protect yourself from gossip and evil tongues with the help of the rite, do not spread rumors about other people yourself, otherwise the conspiracy will not help.

Why is slander dangerous?

Many people do not understand the seriousness of gossip. Some have a kind of euphoria - "if someone talks about me, then I am worth something and am popular." But this is not the case. Most libel is aimed at causing negative trauma to a person. What does it mean?

Any discussion of a person, his personal life, has bad influence on his internal balance. Often, gossipers slander a person out of a feeling of envy, killing with this feeling the object of envy and, paradoxically, himself. The energy envelope of a person is destroyed and he can become seriously ill. Gossip is capable of creating negative vibrations at the energetic level, which will not lead to anything good.

Gossip that has reached your partner's ears can ruin your relationship. And not always your arguments and excuses will be on your side. The partner will stop trusting you.

How to prepare for reading conspiracies?

Hello. Please tell us how best to read conspiracies. How to prepare for the ceremony? It is better to read the slander in a whisper, silently or aloud.

Is it possible to read a conspiracy on another without his knowledge?
What days is it better to read conspiracies?

I noticed that some of the conspiracies on your site have a specific day of the week on which you need to read the conspiracy, more often.

Rules for reading conspiracies

  • Anyone can read a conspiracy from gossipers. But when implementing it, you must follow certain recommendations and rules so that it will work for sure:

Do not doubt the power of the conspiracy. Trust that he will definitely help you.

  • Pronounce the words of the conspiracy clearly and correctly, without hesitation and peeping at a piece of paper;

    Do not wish evil on a friend, during the ceremony, otherwise you will harm yourself.

    Conspiracies from gossip and evil tongues

    Water conspiracy

    Water is very often used in various conspiracies; it is an excellent conductor of any energy. It is advisable to use not tap water, but water drawn from sources of natural origin. Water from a spring or river will have more power than from a tap.

    Get up quietly at night and fill a container with water. A glass container is best suited. Speak clearly the conspiracy from gossips over the water:

    “Holy Virgin, bless me for a good deed, deliver me from sidelong glances, idle gossip and backbiting. Let evil tongues bite themselves and forget about me, Your strength is great - my word is firm! "

    After reading the conspiracy, cross yourself three times. Then hide the bowl in a secluded place. And wash your face every morning with only this water until it runs out, when this happens, the gossip directed at you will stop.

    Quick conspiracy

    Each of us felt as if, for no reason at all, “our ears were tanned”. This means that someone is discussing you. In this case, read the conspiracy from gossips three times:

    “Lord, help me, deliver me from idle gossip, and those who slander me - punish, put a seal on their lips. Let their gossip come back to them. Amen!"

    After speaking the words, immediately cross yourself three times. And if your ears stopped burning after that, then the conspiracy hit the mark. The person who discussed you will not hurt you with his word.

    Rite of passage for protection

    Knowing a specific person who weaves intrigues around you, it is easier to protect yourself from his attacks. If a gossip has annoyed you with his long tongue for a very long time, you should moderate his ardor and perform a certain rite for this.

    Take a photo of the gossip and 3 wax candles purchased on a Friday afternoon. After waiting 12 o'clock at night, open your room window so that the moonlight falls freely and illuminates everything around. Light the candles and place the photo in front of you. By burning candles, read the slander conspiracy:

    Red fire will help me, I will reach any enemy, but I will step on his sharp and evil tongue. I will come so that I will completely crush him. Protect me fire, create your white circle around me. So that no enemy, toothy and loud-tongued and tongue-tied, gets to me. So that not a single angry mouth opens at me, but does not get into a conversation. No one else dares to say bad things about me, to dissolve an evil tongue. Amen!"

    Do not extinguish the candles, let them burn out to the end or their flame goes out on its own. Bury the candle stubs along with the gossip's photo in the ground.

    Check out this article: Protecting Against Bad People at Work. It will be interesting for you ...

    The power of this conspiracy is very great, so it must act immediately. And now the gossip will not be able to say something bad about you, because at that moment he himself will feel bad, or he will have a psychological barrier to utter words against you.

    To prevent backbiting and gossip, use special amulets or charms. They will help protect against various negative energies and unwanted emotions directed towards you by ill-wishers. See also: Amulets and charms from the evil eye.

    Rite of passage during cleaning

    The essence of this conspiracy is that it is carried out during the cleaning of the house. Along with getting rid of household rubbish, a person brings order to himself and gets rid of the negative energy of evil gossips and envious people.

    When cleaning the house and sweeping out garbage, you can read a conspiracy from evil languages:

    “I clean my house, relieve negativity. Let them be swept away, removed forever - all the evil wishes and words. "

    Whatever you do while cleaning, repeat these words with reference to the process itself. Do your best to cleanse all negativity and dirt in your home.

    You can come up with the words for such a cleaning conspiracy yourself, since the very attitude to get rid of black energy is important here.

    Christian amulet

    Evil must not go unpunished.

    If you do not know where to expect the "blow" and you do not know the ill-wishers, you can make a talisman to protect yourself from all evil languages. The best in this regard is the Christian amulet.

    To begin with, you need to choose a day when the waning moon phase begins. You will need:

    • 1 green candle;
    • consecrated red thread;
    • fabric in black, white and red (three pieces).

    Do not tell anyone that you are going to perform this ceremony. Don't even let your relatives know about it. Lock yourself in an empty room, light a green candle and say:

    “I call on all the saints to help me! Envy has never been white, but only black is strong and evil. I burn out with a green candle, I save myself from envy. And the red color of envy is useless, I give it to the sacred fire. Let only white words remain, while others will be burned out by fire. Amen!"

    After reading the text, put the candle in the candlestick. Candle light should not be seen from the street. Cut three small circles out of different colors matter and put with a candle. Then read the second part of the conspiracy:

    “I cover black and white with red. I close the entrance for thin words and thoughts. The holy cross helps me! "

    Topic "How to read conspiracies for healing" Topic "Stepanova's conspiracies - do they work or not?" General Forum "White Magic"

    Fold the circles in this order: from the beginning black, then white, and on top of the red circle. The mugs are sewn together with a red thread in the form of an embroidered Christian cross. The cross will be the basis of the amulet. During embroidery, a conspiracy is also read:

    I sew it up with a holy cross - lips, words and thoughts to the eternal lock. By the will of the Lord and sacred canvas. From now on until forever. Amen!"

    At the end of the embroidery, on the back of the amulet you need to tie a tight knot of thread and say:

    “With a knot I consolidate the power of my words. From now on, an eternal castle will be thrown over the human mouth. "

    Pour wax from a green candle in a trickle over the silhouette of the embroidered cross. The part of the red thread with a needle remaining from the embroidery is stuck into this candle and hides. At the end of everything, "Our Father" is read. The amulet is ready.

    Waiting for the great church holiday, you need to come to the intersection and when the bells ring, break the needle and throw it on the side of the road, saying:

    "At four roads, stay my castle, do not let an evil tongue on the threshold."

    Light the candle again in the church and put it under the icon of Jesus Christ and say:

    “The canvas is finished - this is the will of the Lord. Amen!" (3 times)

    Carry this amulet with you, and it will protect you from idle gossip and bad rumor.


    Gossip conspiracies need to be updated regularly. You yourself also need to avoid gossip and gossip, so as not to become an object for whispering behind your back in the future. If you yourself are not discussing anyone, then nothing threatens you either.

    Video clip

    If you have any questions or need help in your current life situation, you can consult with our experts.

  • Every person has overt or hidden ill-wishers. The intrigues of these people negatively affect our lives. Intrigues, slander, gossip and rudeness cause serious damage to a person's energy. To destroy the anger, a conspiracy of silence is used.

    Most people don't understand how dangerous gossip is. Slander always causes psychological and energetic trauma to a person. If they discuss him, give publicity to his personal life, this negatively affects his internal balance. Most often, gossipers and envious people are looking for a victim among those whom they envy. As a result, there is a gradual destruction of the energy shell of a person, he may face a serious illness. Gossip has the ability to create negative vibrations at the energetic level, this is fraught with consequences.

    To avoid gossip, you cannot share your personal life and problems with anyone, brag about your successes, and praise your partner. Envy can be so powerful that it becomes a spell for you, an evil eye. People can envy not only success, but also beauty, intelligence, these qualities often become a target for gossip and gossip. You can help yourself to protect yourself from negativity from ill-wishers with the help of magic.

    Ritual rules

    A conspiracy of silence will only be effective if all the rules are followed during its execution:

    1. Such rituals can be performed by any person, even without having certain knowledge or skills. It is very important here to believe in the power of words and actions. This is the only way to achieve the desired result.
    2. All words must be pronounced clearly, without confusion, without changing or removing anything.
    3. All intentions must be pure.
    4. The ceremonies are held at night, mainly lunar energy is used.
    5. The rituals are performed in complete solitude. No one should interfere or distract. This applies to family members, pets and the noise of household appliances.

    Remember also that you should not wish anyone evil and spread gossip, otherwise higher powers will punish you and everything you did will return like a boomerang.

    Effective rites of silence

    To silence the enemy

    To silence the enemy and not spread slander about you, you can perform the following ritual. When cleaning the house, getting rid of garbage, read the following words:

    “I’ll clean my house, I’ll get rid of everything bad. He will become clean, I will sweep away all the bad words, looks and wishes in my direction. I'll take all the negative into the trash, let it stay there. "

    You can also use poppy seeds to get rid of enemies. The algorithm for performing the ceremony is as follows:

    • take a handful of poppy seeds;
    • pour the poppy into a clay container;
    • cross the product three times;
    • speak poppy;
    • everyone who will come to your house, discreetly pour a pinch of poppy into your pocket or shoes.

    The conspiracy words are:

    “I will cross the grains with the sacred cross, I will not let evil enemies into my house. Whoever thinks badly of me, then let his thoughts and atrocities return like a boomerang. My health is with me, my happiness is with me, my wealth is with me. So let it always be. "

    Rite of passage from gossip

    You can use this ritual to silence those who like to gossip about you. Speak the following words to spring, spring or well water:

    "Bless, Holy Virgin, this water, wash off all the scythes and glances of my scythe, envious and bad words, female and male gossip, all allotments and fakes, all lessons, oohs, sighs."

    Cross the water three times with a cross, then wash your face and hands. This ceremony can be performed every morning after waking up. After that, there will be no gossip or slander in your address. To achieve maximum effect, repeat the ceremony daily. You can also take a few sips of the spell.

    If you know someone who goesssip and speaks nasty things about you, you can stop him. You will need a photograph of this person. It needs to be placed under three church candles. Light the candles. While they are burning, pronounce the conspiracy:

    “I am not walking with my feet, but flying with a black raven. Ahead of me, the red fire breathes its flame, I step on the threshold of the enemies with my right foot. I will step on the threshold, smack the evil tongues with my toe. Let my enemies only move their lips and keep silent like a fish. Let them gnash their teeth with anger, but they won't touch me. Let the white circle lie around me, I can get rid of my ill-wishers. Close your mouth and your teeth are not rocks against me, hide your tongue and do not show against me. You will be silent like a fish, you will not say anything bad about me. May it always be so ”.

    To get rid of gossip and slander, you can perform a ritual with a new rope. Tie three knots on the rope, dip it into holy water. Light a candle. Take a wet rope and bring it to the candle flame, while saying:

    “I have a thick rope, I will tie knots on it. I will put those secret words into the bundles. All thoughts are cunning, all words are bad, all whispers are mean and slanting glances against me thrown, said and unsaid, far-fetched and invented. Let the knots burn but do not light up, and you lie and do not lie. Bypass me, take deception and trouble with you. Go away, liars, to the lands of the crows, shout there, teach everyone, but don't touch me. "

    Be sure to thoroughly wet the rope so that it cannot catch fire.

    Protection from rudeness

    Rudeness is a kind of magical attack. As a result of such an impact, a person feels fatigue, emptiness and vulnerability. To protect against such influence, a special ritual can be used to close a person's mouth. It is held at any time of the day and in any lunar period. The following attributes are required:

    • small padlock;
    • church candle;

    We need to wait for the evening, light a candle. Open the lock and say to it three times:

    “Evil tongues go all over the world, they cut out people with their knives, they obscure the sun with abuse. I will put on those tongues the evil pips are strict, let them not move against me, they will no longer be able to make evil speeches. I will protect myself not from the heat or from the hateful cold, but from the spiteful speeches of people that flow out with their poison, that they eat up good people. No one will open their mouths at me, they will not pour out their grievances, they will not shout with a cry, they will not howl as a dog, and stop growling like a wolf. And whoever dares to raise his tongue at me, let him instantly rot in his gut. With a knife I will close the lock forever, eternal, my speeches are a vow ”.

    Hang a lock on the knife blade, close it with a key. Stick the knife into the doorframe. While the lock will hang on the blade, the ritual against rudeness will work. If the knife suddenly falls, this is a sign that this defense has undergone a very powerful energy attack and is no longer effective. In this case, the ritual must be repeated.

    A quick whisper from an evil tongue

    There is such a sign that if the ears "burn", then people are gossiping about you. In this case, you need to cross yourself three times and say the following words:

    “Lord merciful. Drive away all slander from me, punish all gossips. Guardian angels, my protectors. Stand up with your wings to protect mine, let all gossip recede back. Let it be so ”.

    This method helps to quickly silence those who spread gossip, who slander you.

    Prayer for help

    Prayer becomes an effective protection for you. Put some water in a glass, put three candles in front of you. Light the candles, cross the water with a cross, drink it and say a prayer:

    “Lord Almighty, save me from the tricks of enemies, from their intrigues, from inventions and anger, from poison and sword. Let the Muslim blade, prison and the enemy's will not touch me. My words are powerful, let them drive away the waves, wild beast, fire, lies. The Lord God is in front of me, the guardian angels are in front of me. Amen".

    Wait for the big Christian holiday. Go to the crossroads. Wait for the bell to ring, break the needle in half and drop it at the intersection, saying:

    "Stay at the four roads of the castle, and do not let the evil tongue not the threshold."

    Go to church, light a candle and put it in front of the icon of Christ, saying: "Let the Lord's will come true, my protection is set."

    Arriving home, drink holy water and pray for health. When using prayers, it is not at all necessary to specifically memorize them. You can ask a higher force for help in your own words, only do it sincerely, from the bottom of your heart.

    Effective conspiracies from anger can be used for any person who harms you, spoils your life, slander. They help even when this enmity is perennial and unpleasant. At work, in the family, company of friends there is often someone who harbors a grudge against you. Very often this is the result of envy.

    Such energetic messages in your direction will have a very negative effect on you. From evil people and their bad words, simple village magic will help. You will not harm a person with your conspiracy, just do not allow him to spread gossip about you, speak badly, spoil your reputation. You can help yourself by yourself... Try conspiracies from anger to humble even the most vicious ill-wisher.


    Evil tongues can ruin your life. Where does it come from? You have offended someone, maybe you noticed unknowingly. Someone just disliked you at first sight. And there are people who envy your successes, beauty, personal life. This is the scariest category. You can get damage from such evil tongues, which will ruin your whole life.

    If you do not believe in corruption, then you are greatly mistaken. A person can do without a ritual in order to send damage or even a curse. To do this, you just need to experience very strong negative emotions, constantly wish for evil, be angry with you. Conspiracies from malice are sometimes very beneficial to well-being. To receive such damage means a lot to lose:

    • health deteriorates;
    • problems begin in the female part in women, potency in men worsens;
    • money is lost, values ​​are lost;
    • you can lose your job, lose respect.

    These are all very detrimental to your well-being. Who knows, suddenly you are damaged. There is no other solution from evil tongues. It is best to avoid when you already have damage. What the enemy will not wish you, some even of death... Very rarely appears from envy and anger fatal damage, but this is also possible, especially if a person has powers.


    Outright hatred hurts you, but gossip can be dangerous. They give rise to unprecedented stories about you, your personal life, work, hobbies. And you will not notice how you will become a laughing stock in the eyes of your colleagues and important people for one or two gossips. It is better to suppress such stories right away.

    It is because of one innocent gossip that someone's envy can grow. And then - famous story with damage. There are a lot of such situations at work. It is best to use a light conspiracy to stop the gossip of evil people. He will not harm a person, but he will help you immediately. After the first application, you will see the result. There are no more topics for talking about you, and if someone from the outside starts talking, then the conversation will stop immediately. Nice results against gossips these conspiracies give... They belong to the village and gypsy magic... Proven over the years.


    They are all pretty simple. The longer you practice magic, the better and faster it will turn out. Your energy will be enough to stop envious people and ill-wishers. All these conspiracies from anger can be done at home. Some of them will need photographs or personal items. They carry the strongest owner's energy and with them the result comes faster. Be sure to try this ritual if you feel the first signs of anger from a colleague, friend, or even a relative. The most terrible problems come from the family where there is no mutual understanding and confidential communication between people.

    A very strong conspiracy from an ill-wisher:

    Makes on Thursday or Saturday. The night should be clear, the moon in the sky. Best done on the full moon. You need a photo of your ill-wisher... Today, photographs of people are easy to find on the Internet, and you can print them on your home printer. For a conspiracy from anger, you need 3 red candles. Each of them needs sewing needle cut out the name of the enemy.

    Put the candles on the windowsill, and the photo must be glued to the window glass with tape.

    Stand so that the photo obscures the moon in the sky.

    Read three times:

    “Be, my words, ox strong and molding. Stronger than a stone, stronger than a damask steel, stronger than a sharp tenderness. The castle is in the company, the key is in the ocean-sea. In the name of the Father. and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Lord have mercy. Lord have mercy. Blessed is my guardian angel on the eighth of March. Mother Mary prayed on the throne. Jesus Christ appeared to her. Mother Mary said that in a dream she saw that Jesus Christ was crucified, holy blood was shed, hands and feet were nailed, a crown of thorns was put on his head. First thing, second. I, the third, answered Jesus Christ to Mother Mary. Whoever reads the Sunday prayer, the Lord saves him from fire, from flame, from water, from a stream, from a fierce beast, from every evil person. From the prison castle. Amen. As you, Father David, are meek and humble, and merciful and compassionate, you cannot think of any evil or grief. So you on me, the slave (name), the authorities and all the judges would be meek and meek, you would not think hard, you would not do evil. Always thinking and guessing. As for the king's father, the tsar's lackey did not think dashingly, did no evil, always rejoices and rejoices. So, about me, slave (name), all the bosses and all the judges would be happy, the enemies would not notice. I'll lock the lock, I'll lock the lock. I will drop the key in the blue sea. At the bottom is a barai-stone, I will not give it to anyone. There is a stone, it will not float, it will not move from place to place. So no one could change my words. Amen. Amen. Amen."

    Let the candles burn out, andPhotopick up in the morning, cut into three pieces. Bury each of them in the ground in different places.

    So his anger is no longer afraid of you, and the earth will take everything away, cleanse it. The person will forget why he was angry with you, will look at the problem with different eyes.

    Conspiracy from hidden enemies:

    If you only suspect that you have an enemy, but do not know his name, then do this ritual. He will help to detect the enemy and deplete his strength. Done at night on the growing moon.

    Draw a person on a piece of paper. You need to circle the contour with your blood from the index finger. Say:

    “I will pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, I will submit to the Lord God. On this day, at this hour, early in the morning and late at night. Like the sun rises every morning, but like the moon sets every morning. So my enemy will go from right to left, but from me, the servant of God (name), will go away forever and ever. From this day until the end of time. In the name of the Lord God, the King of Heaven. Amen. Amen. Amen".

    Burn the paper with the drawing, and collect the ashes.

    Ashes need to be dispelled at the intersection on all 4 sides.

    When you finish - leave immediately, do not look back. even if someone calls you with a familiar goal, just walk by.

    Speak to the enemy at work:

    Is your enemy at work? Is this one of your colleagues or even your boss? Then this old conspiracy will suit you. In the workplace, light church candle, whisper to her:

    “May my servant go to the servant of God (name), let my servant torment him, beat and bake him. Where my enemy (name) does not go, where he does not wander, everywhere mine will drive him, he will break his bones, and take his life. You will not think about me, the servant of God (name), you will not plot evil, you will not harm and interfere with me. You will not see me in dreams, you will not be able to keep me in your thoughts, forget about me, the servant of God (name), forget and not remember. You walk on your side, keep away from me on the other path. Just as a blind man does not see and will not offend anyone, so you, the servant of God (name), will not see me, and you will not be able to do evil. Don't look in my direction, don't look at me. I lock my words with a steel key, but I throw the key into a deep ravine. As the beasts cannot see through the steel key, so my words cannot be canceled by anyone. May it come true that said. Amen".

    Cross on 4 sides and extinguish the candle with your fingers. Let no one see this, you can do it after work or in the morning before.

    Helps to close the mouth of gossips, to speak evil tongues.

    Protection from enemies on a new shirt:

    This is a good defensive spell. You need to buy from the market new shirt.

    It may not be expensive, but you need to buy it without bargaining.

    Spell the text on it:

    “The dark will always be dashing topsy-turvy, it will not go to me, but go into the dark forest, bounce off my threshold. I, the servant of God (name), will go through the meadow, I will not meet a wild beast there, I will not meet an evil person, thinking badly, plotting. I will not accept an enemy, his evil will not approach me, it will not harm me. I close the house with the key, but I remove the key. Nobody can find the key, evil cannot pass against me. Amen".

    Wear this shirt wherever your enemy is. Anything he says bad about you or wishes, will bounce off the shirt like a good shield. it village protective spell, which has been used by enemies for a hundred years. A person can resist damage if he has such a charmed shirt. Every 5 years, you need to reread the conspiracy of protection.

    Conspiracy-prayer from enemies:

    Short prayers will help you if you find yourself in a bad situation. Conspiracies from anger work quickly, will help cool the ardor of the enemy, gag him if it has already come to an open conflict. Say to yourself three times:

    “The Lord came from the seven heavens, the Lord carried 77 castles from 77 languages. Close, Lord, to all people, enemies, judges, eyes, mouths, mouth, so that there is no misfortune for God's servant (her) (your name), throw the key into the ocean-sea. Whoever can get it will be able to condemn me. Amen."

    Help will come quickly.

    A quick whisper from an evil tongue:

    Another quick whisper to keep in mind. He helps with a difficult situation when a quarrel begins. Say:

    “Lord, Almighty God, protect my shelter and threshold, my mortal body, my labor and my work from enemies visible and invisible, everyone I know, whose names I list, and those whom I don’t know by name, but from whom I suffer innocently. Protect me, Lord. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    Your ill-wisher will abandon the idea of ​​harming you, each of you will disperse in his own direction.


    These conspiracies are quite costly in terms of energy. You need to put protection around you which cannot be pierced by its negative energy. It is not necessary to do such rituals often or for several people at once. This will noticeably reduce their strength and effect. You better find out who is the center of the wicked gossip and slander on you. After all, it all started with someone. Here on him and direct the conspiracy.

    If you feel bad, sick, then it is better to postpone conspiracies. You are already weakened, and you also spend your own energy for conspiracies... Wait until your recovery, otherwise the conspiracy will take even more health.

    If you have diagnosed yourself spoilage, then take it off, and in parallel, close your mouth to evil tongues. Even if you just speak someone else's malice, damage will not go away from you. It still needs to be removed, the sooner the better.

    Don't jump to conclusions. Perhaps the person is completely without negativity towards you. Therefore, do not resort to strong spells that can harm him. For you to ruin the life of an innocent, Universe will definitely require an answer from you.

    What else can help you:

    Icon will help you George the Victorious... Put her at home, she will drive enemies away from the house. If this is someone close to you, then he will stop appearing at you, saying that he feels bad in the apartment. So you can identify the enemy.

    The Orthodox icon helps a lot from evil people.

    You can carry it with you in your bag or put it at work.

    This will save you from dangers, damage, gossip.

      I had a childhood friend, they were always with him, not spill-water. However, when things went uphill for me and I became a very successful person in my field, I noticed that many people say that my friend behind his back says all sorts of nasty things about me, trying to discredit me. I had to contact a girl I knew who was engaged in conspiracies and love spells, she helped me solve this problem, advising me to just carry out a rite of passage for protection. And indeed, as written in your article, it helped to close the mouth of my ill-wisher)

      The eternal theme is mother-in-law. I never thought that this could happen to her. We live in neighboring apartments, not exactly in perfect harmony, but we never swear. She does not come to us, we try to help her when necessary. But I found out yesterday that she dissolves gossip about me, says nasty things. It was so disgusting. I came to find something worthwhile. I will make a talisman.

      One gossip from the series got me out - grandmother on the benches at the entrance. Sit down in our house. He sits all day and stares, who where, with whom, for what. And now it's cold, an abomination will settle at the window. Well then I would just retell what she sees. But no, it will embellish and misrepresent better than any science fiction writer. I have long dreamed of punishing her, now I know how. Thank you!

      In the office, I have an aunt who always pokes her nose where she doesn't need to. Like Shurochka of their office romance, even outwardly she looks like a collective farmer. I am wary of talkative women, and I really hate gossip. But for some reason she loves me with special love. Maybe because I cut through it often. before and did not know that something can really be done. I read the article and became thoughtful. I'll keep it on mind.

      Gossip, gossip, gossip. Reservations, nasty things. But you can't throw a handkerchief on every mouth! I believe that it is not possible to make a conspiracy for every gossip girl. And if there is no way to change the situation, you need to change your attitude towards it! For me, it's better to make a gossip ward. I will start to study this option in the article.

      Great article! Right on time, I got my arm. I have a villain. Spreads such rumors that the ears are withering! Then she got into my boyfriend's ears to blow about me. I strongly suspect that she is hatching plans to mix me up from the place of his girlfriend. She laid her eyes on him, that's for sure! I will fight to the last! She looked after a conspiracy for her, there will be science for her.

      I do not know who is doing what, but there are suspicions that clouds are gathering around. Some of my acquaintances avoid the beginning of me. As I did not try to remember and understand what I did wrong. I do not know! I suspect that someone in the environment is talking nasty things about me. From what I wrote, I decided to try the Christian amulet. I really hope for him.

      I liked the Rite of passage during cleaning, simply and tastefully) I love all sorts of conspiracies.
      And, unfortunately, I have a reason to apply it. I found salt under my rug here .. Obviously someone is doing magic. I removed it as expected, but I still want to do something for sure during the cleaning ceremony. Thanks to the author for the written article, many options from the bottom of my heart.

      That's right, they got gossip. And then I think I guessed who I am benevolent! I am afraid to do a conspiracy, "my hands are not from there" are growing, I will definitely confuse something, I am afraid to catch the return line. There are amulets in the article, that's for me. I'll do it, I'll start preparing the attributes today. I believe that it will definitely help! I'll write later what happened.

      I didn’t think that men can spread gossip until I myself faced this. To be honest, I was shocked. If I hadn’t heard it with my own ears, I certainly wouldn’t have believed it. And here, damn it, best friend, about me, he sang such nasty things. Already in the face wanted to give. But I can't, to be honest. I hate my hands about him morale. My girl is fond of different conspiracies, I will give her a link, I will ask you to help me.

      Evil people became scared. You go in the morning to public transport you attach so much negativity that you want to wash. And gossip is a separate topic. I have a neighbor, she "loves" me. You only hear, Aunt Nina said something about you, Aunt Nina said, that you are. You might think that Comrade Nina has no one else to discuss! She got me. I will apply what I have read in practice.