What to do if last year's Thursday salt remains. Thursday salt and traditions of its use. Recipe with rye flour

Signs and superstitions are an integral part of public life, even though we live in the 21st century. You can be skeptical or even completely ignore folk beliefs, but it is much more interesting to understand their essence and navigate the original and fascinating folk culture. Ancient traditions are not without their own charm, so it is possible that after a while you will want to experiment personally. There are many ways to partake in witch rituals, such as making Thursday salt and/or using it at home.

However, traditions should not be taken too lightly. Even if at first glance certain customs seem frivolous, one should not ignore the subtext that has accompanied them for a long time. Human emotions and beliefs have a colossal hidden power that tends to accumulate. Therefore, the preparation of Thursday salt and all the sacraments associated with it are not without meaning. And even self-confident atheists who decide to make Thursday salt for fun, we advise you to think about this step in advance and ask about the possibilities and power of Thursday salt.

What is thursday salt? The Magic of Thursday Salt
It is better to start the study of cult phenomena from the basics and the circumstances that contributed to their appearance. Both the properties and the very name of Thursday salt are inextricably linked with church canons, interpreted by ordinary people and healers. As is usually the case in such circumstances, the original rules have become so intertwined with speculation and superstition that today it is difficult to distinguish one from the other, something worthy of belief from idle fantasies. Here is some information that is certainly related to the appearance and distribution of Thursday salt:
Although Thursday salt is traditionally considered an attribute of white magic, its second name is Black salt. This coloration is easy to explain. chemical processes occurring with table salt when heated strongly, in addition, salt and auxiliary ingredients were stained with black ash when it was calcined. But the combination of fire, visible transformations and special conditions preparations made Thursday salt truly special for our ancestors and even many contemporaries.

How to make black salt? Preparation of Thursday salt
There are several recipes for making Thursday salt. Surely there were once more of them, but some have long been lost, and today only the most accessible and effective methods from the point of view of traditional medicine are in demand. All of them are united by one general rule: black salt should be made on Holy Week (week), on the night from Wednesday to Thursday or on Thursday early in the morning. Anyone can cook Thursday salt, but usually the mistress of the house did this and tried to do it without witnesses. In modern home conditions, it is enough to adhere to the cooking time and one of the recipes:
Any of these methods allows you to make Thursday salt on a clean Thursday on your own no worse than experienced healers do. Salt gains magical powers through your faith, strict adherence to time, place, and ingredients. However, modern science has its own explanation for the properties of Thursday salt.

Why does Thursday salt turn black? Properties of magic salt
Inhabitants different countries and even regions within the same country prepare Thursday salt in different ways. But in each case it turns black and acquires characteristic appearance and aroma. The fact is that table salt contains not only sodium chloride, but also impurities: iodine, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chromium and some other minerals. When the salt is calcined, a chain of chemical reactions occurs, externally manifested in the blackening of the composition. In addition, during the preparation of black salt in the oven, ash is formed, which in folk medicine traditionally not thrown away, but used instead of activated charcoal to cleanse the body.

In this way, scientific facts and folk methods are inextricably linked by the same obvious effects. Healers have long been treated with salt and ash skin diseases, and when added to food, Thursday salt gave the products a piquant taste. Whether to believe in the special significance of Thursday for salt preparation is up to you, as well as what Thursday salt is needed personally in your home. But if you want to make Thursday salt correctly, then it’s better to follow all the relevant rules. Keep faith in your soul, love in your heart, and common sense in your mind, and then the forces of light will be on your side.


1. Buy 3 packs of coarse (rock) salt in advance. Can be small without

Yoda, but the effect will be worse.

2. Buy rye in grains in advance. If it is difficult to find rye, you can buy

Oat grains. Suitable in case of emergency oat flakes. One handful is enough to make salt.

3. Buy 3 church candles in advance.

Bless, Lord, and help me, Your sinful servant (your name), to complete the work I am starting for Your glory, Lord!

7. Turn on the stove, light a church candle and put in a candlestick for

Our Father who art in heaven! yes shine your name; let your kingdom come; may Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven; give us our daily bread this day; and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.

9. Pour all the salt, rye grains onto a clean baking sheet, mix and

Draw a cross on the salt.

To the Creator and Creator of the human race, the Giver of spiritual grace, the Giver of eternal salvation: Himself, Lord, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (salt), as if armed with the power of heavenly intercession, who want to use it, it will be helpful to bodily salvation and intercession and help, in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.

11. Put the salt in the oven (medium temperature). According to the rules of salt

Should be calcined in the oven for 8 hours. But in urban areas, this is difficult to do. Therefore, the minimum amount of time is the burning time of three small church candles.

Things". If there is holy water, then sprinkle salt crosswise with holy water. When the salt has cooled down, pour it into a canvas bag (you can use an old washed pillowcase). Salt retains its properties throughout the year.

Eaten with Thursday salt Easter eggs. This salt can be added to ordinary salt shakers, eaten during periods of illness and illness, and also given a pinch to pets.


Since you made the salt only today, you can only do such cleaning of the apartment next year. But you can buy last year's Thursday salt in advance in an Orthodox monastery shop and clean your home.


Thursday salt.

A pack of regular salt.

Thursday candle.

Ordinary church candle.


Optional: incense with charcoal, holy water, brush (or sprinkler).

1. On Monday or Tuesday of Holy Week (in 2013 it is April 30 or 31), mix a handful of Thursday salt with a pack of ordinary salt and sprinkle it in the corners of the apartment, going clockwise. In the center of the apartment and under each bed, draw a cross with salt. At the end, it’s good to wake up the entrance threshold of the house.

2. On a clean Thursday, early in the morning or on the eve of Wednesday evening, sweep out all the salt, collect it in a bag and throw it out into the trash or under a vampire tree (spruce, aspen, poplar). If salt remains somewhere - it's not scary.

3. Additionally, you can walk around the apartment (clockwise) with burning incense (to do this, put a circle of church coal in a spoon, put a piece of incense on the coal and light them with matches). Then walk through the house with a lit church candle and at the end sprinkle all the corners crosswise with holy water.

There are many traditions associated with the Easter week. One of them is the so-called How to make such a drug and what to use it for? What does it actually represent? This is very interesting and educational. Let's figure out what the legacy of many generations of our ancestors is, and at the same time find out how to make Thursday salt correctly.

What will be discussed?

Not all people are familiar with Orthodox traditions and the rituals that have grown out of them. Before we talk about how to make Thursday salt, let's say a few words about it.

The name is intriguing, but what it says, perhaps not everyone is aware of. Such, of course, a miracle cure, it is customary to prepare on a clean Thursday. It's one of those days Easter week. Do you remember that on Thursday everyone is supposed to clean up, bathe and pray to get rid of sin? Great time to prepare all kinds of medicines. One of them is Thursday salt. How to make food or seasoning have magical properties? Have you thought about it? Ever wondered what magicians or sorceresses do to influence their clients and victims? Surely this is nonsense. modern man rarely comes to mind. But they were different. They lived in faith in miracles and witchcraft, gods and their incredible possibilities.

Ancient Recipes

There is a wise old tome with interesting name The Book of the Hidden Tree of Life. It also tells how to make Thursday salt. As it turns out, it was not quite a Slavic notion. In the folio, it was proposed to take the purest salt, so that it would “blaze with silver.” It must be crushed in a mortar and kept in the house near the hearth. Remember this! You will now see that different nations Thursday salt was made in a similar way! How to make her get magical properties, the ancient writers also explained. It is necessary to take down the pot with the mineral to the Priest on the Clean Day. That rite will be performed correctly. Then take your magic salt home again. By the way, the recipes for using the tool in the book practically do not differ from modern ones. However, how to properly make Thursday salt is not particularly clear from the text. We will use more modern instructions. By the way, there are many of them. Each village added its own ingredients to the salt.

What you need to know and remember

Before starting the ceremony, you need to prepare well. When figuring out how to make Thursday salt, pay attention to subtleties and nuances. Although there are general rules for all recipes. The invariable rule is that there is only one day of the year when the ritual can be performed. It is Thursday, that is, this time before Easter. For the ceremony you will need a pack of salt. It should be the most ordinary, large. You will also need to think about how you will warm it up. This is the most important condition under which any Thursday salt is prepared. How to make it in a modern apartment, where there is no stove, and you can’t make a fire? We'll take a look at this below. Savvy people came up with ways for all occasions. There are no such obstacles that would not allow a stubborn person to receive this magical remedy.

Recipe with flour

Describing further how to make Thursday salt, we will no longer talk about the mineral itself. Let's agree that in any case, a large pack of kilograms is involved in the ceremony. For this method, rye flour is still needed. Prepare a dozen tablespoons of it. The two indicated ingredients must be poured on. Place it on the fire. Say this: “Pure Thursday of the Lord! From every reptile and ailment, free and save for all time! It is necessary to heat the mixture until the flour turns completely black. Stir it only with a wooden spoon! This should be remembered firmly! Not everyone who tells how to make Thursday salt themselves pays attention to this nuance. And the magic tool should come into contact with the tree. As the flour turns black, turn off the fire. Pour the cooled product into a linen bag.

Recipe with kvass

This method is old, so to speak, real. Kvass thick is now replaced with rye flour. But in fact, in the villages they prepared a remedy with it. If you visit relatives in the outback, ask yourself how to make black Thursday salt. The recipe, as a rule, will feature kvass thick.

And the method is not particularly different from the first. Heat a frying pan or other thick-walled utensil. Sprinkle salt and grounds. Stir with a wooden spatula or spoon. Say the same words as above. As it turns black, cool. You can store the product not only in a linen bag, but also in glass. Only the jar needs to be sealed tightly.

Cooking in the oven

You understand that food used to be heated in the oven. Therefore, the current plates only remotely resemble the method that was customary in the old days. Some sources write that it is necessary to prepare a magical remedy in the oven, so it will be “for real”. Maybe so. But this recipe is somewhat different from those already given. In general, when figuring out how to make Black Thursday Salt, try to read as much as you can about it. Information is never redundant. Moreover, it is based on the wisdom and ingenuity of many generations of our ancestors. Everyone tried to contribute something of their own. It is clear that they then tracked their "innovations", leaving only the most successful ones for posterity. This method requires a container with thick walls. Salt and soaked in a ratio of one to five are put in it. The container is placed in a preheated oven (at least 250 degrees). There it should warm up to blackening. This will take several hours. Please note that the ritual must be completed before the end of Thursday!

How to make thursday salt without flour

It is proposed to reproduce the old recipe. For example, Kostroma. In the villages of this province, even today they tell how to make Thursday salt at home, naturally, considering it the most correct. This requires not only kvass grounds. Fragrant herbs are also added to the mixture. Namely mint with oregano. They must be prepared in advance or bought at a pharmacy. For a kilogram of salt, take boldly one hundred grams of herbs. Line the roaster with cabbage leaves, and place the mixture on top. Keep in the oven until blackened. You will end up with a solid piece. It will need to be crushed and sieved. Salt will turn out fragrant, unusual! Such only a smell already treats. Even the doctors who studied it did not find any shortcomings in the remedy, solid advantages. They say it is enriched with minerals that are beneficial to the body without any magic. It found potassium and phosphorus, calcium and iodine, magnesium and chromium. Use on health!

old recipe

And in the monasteries they prepare this remedy in their own way. It is passed on by inheritance. For the current conditions, the method is not very suitable. If you are interested in how to make Thursday salt in an apartment, then you will have to skip it. Read for interest. Seven birch logs were prepared in advance in the monastery. They made a fire out of them. A bundle in a lapta was placed in it. Its contents: a mixture of salt, herbs, kvass thick, wrapped in cabbage leaves. The bast shoes were turned over, warming up for a long time. At the same time, the monks read the prayers laid down on this day. Now, if you manage to get such a Thursday salt, then be sure to store it. It helps a lot with various misfortunes.

Why is such a tool needed?

We have already voiced information on how to make Thursday salt on Clean Thursday. Now it would be nice to know what it is actually needed for. After all, do not keep it in a bag! Why suffer so much, so that later you have no idea where to apply such a product. First, they flavor food with it. Secondly, it is needed for treatment. Any patient is advised to drink a little water with such salt on an empty stomach. Proportions are selected according to the state of the person himself. You shouldn't force him. If he can, then let him drink a whole glass, but if not, then a sip is enough. For facial skin, washing with Thursday salt is useful. To do this, dissolve the spoon in a glass of water. They wash the skin with it. Wiping your face afterwards is not recommended. Let the magical water soak in.

Should Thursday salt be blessed?

Another fundamental question, an unambiguous answer to which cannot be obtained from the outside. Ask anyone how to make Thursday salt at home, the recipe, as a rule, ends with the Great Feast of the Lord's Easter. They say that baking the mixture and crushing it is not enough. It also needs to be taken to the Temple and consecrated. Remember how it is described in an ancient book: "The priest will perform a ceremony over it." Most likely, this advice should be considered through the prism of your own soul. The fact is that Thursday salt helps everyone, regardless of confessional affiliation. Atheists, by the way, are no exception. That is, believers will certainly want to fulfill this part of the recipe. Atheists will say that it will do. Maybe they will be right in their own way too. After all, doctors say that this remedy is very useful even without church services. Therefore, such a subtle question must be coordinated with the soul and one's own worldview.

Modern "modification" of recipes

Let's face it, not everyone wants to stick to the old descriptions of the preparation of Thursday salt. The current hostesses have somewhat revised the content of the recommendations, bringing them to the level modern technologies. However, everyone warns that the microwave oven should not be used. It turns out not a magical remedy, but something indigestible. And they advise you to do so. Chop cabbage leaves, herbs, whatever you like. Mix everything with salt and flour. Heat over high heat until blackened. Agree, the recipe has been greatly simplified. But it contains all the necessary ingredients. Therefore, it is quite permissible to use it. The housewives also pass information about herbs to their girlfriends. The fact is that they began to add not only mint and oregano to the mixture. Many say that dill is also good to put there. Some use very exotic herbs. And others say that they cooked with everyone found at home or bought on a clean Thursday. For example, chamomile and thyme. This salt is good for colds. And in cosmetic operations, as they say, the remedy, in the preparation of which aromatic oils were used, helps. Try it yourself. After all, all recipes were created on the basis of folk art. So why not take part in it?

The Magical Use of Thursday Salt

Now let's touch on the issue of using this tool for purposes other than medical. So, it is recommended, when there is no peace and quiet at home, to scatter it over all rooms and premises. Take handfuls straight from the bag and throw them on the floor (like a sower). Let it lie down for three days. Then carefully collect with a broom (not a vacuum cleaner) on a scoop. But don't throw it away. This is extremely important! Salt after use magical rites buried in the ground (snow). If a magical agent gets into a trash can or sewer - it will bring negative back into the house! Remember. They also say that you need to sprinkle the bed of all the household with it around the perimeter, too, for three days. People after such a procedure become more calm, kind. Fear of them go away, anger dissolves. Go out with the bag out the door and sprinkle the threshold. This is protection from an evil visitor. All guests, as soon as they step over a strip of salt, leave bad thoughts and envy behind the threshold. Feel the evil eye in the house, so sprinkle salt in the corners. Say this: "Thursday salt, take away evil from my doorstep!" As you begin to clean up, collect it and bury it in the ground. Small children are recommended to bathe in "salted" water. They are less capricious after that and get sick. In general, Thursday salt is an excellent and tasty remedy. Prepare yourself!

Hello dear friends. Thursday salt has always been present on the tables of our ancestors. What is this miracle salt, you will learn from this article.

What is this salt in Orthodoxy?

Harvesting of Thursday salt is carried out once a year: on the night from Great Wednesday to Maundy Thursday.

In 2018, this day falls on April 5th. Do not forget about this day, try to prepare a healing product for the whole family, protecting the house from damage.

Even the ritual of making salt has magical effects. Scientists have discovered that harvesting such salt Slavic peoples learned in the 12-13th century.

They protected themselves and their home from black forces, evil spirits. Probably, the protection was so powerful that the ceremony of preparing this product has survived to this day.

Useful properties of the product

During fire treatment, Thursday salt turns black. And fire has a strong cleansing effect. Ancient people could not explain why it has a strong healing and cleansing power, and modern scientists have found an explanation for this.

It turns out that it contains a minimum of heavy metals, chlorine and other harmful substances. By eating it, a person will not feel thirsty, which means that he will not swell.

It has been established that it contains more useful microelements. These are: iodine, potassium, calcium, selenium, magnesium, copper and zinc. In addition, it is good for toxins and toxins.

Who benefits from black salt?

Especially useful for people suffering from:

  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys,
  • Osteochondrosis, hypertension,
  • Overweight
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Product Application

How to apply? First of all, it can be consecrated in the church, like eggs and Easter cakes. At home, put it in a linen bag and store it near the icons. When necessary, you need to get it, add it to the food of a sick person, or you can simply rub it on a sore spot.

Advice! For a variety of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dial black salt on the tip of a knife, use it after meals. Just put it under your tongue until all of its grains dissolve. The course of treatment is 60 days.

cooking recipes

There are many receptions, but modern conditions can be cooked according to himself simple recipe :

  • Take 1 kilogram of coarse salt;
  • Twelve tablespoons of rye flour;
  • Mix everything well with a wooden spoon;
  • Pour into a cast iron skillet;
  • Put on the gas.

When you stir, say the words: “Pure Thursday of the Lord! From every reptile and ailment, free and save for all time!

Heat the mixture until the flour turns black. Stir only with a wooden spoon, this is important! When the flour turns black, turn off the fire, and pour the product into a linen bag.

How to do old recipe ? Take:

  • Five kg of Borodino bread
  • One kg of rock salt.

Lightly soak the bread, mix with salt, put in a preheated oven. Hold until the bread turns black. When the mixture has cooled, grind into powder with a mixer.

Many housewives simply bake salt in a pan, while reading prayers, giving the product healing properties. Moreover, it is necessary to ignite three times for 10 minutes over low heat.

When preparing food, this salt is added to the dishes instead of the usual one. They say the food tastes so much better.

Power of Maundy Thursday

Ancient sorceresses, witches and even priests believed that if a black amulet was scattered around the house, then no werewolves, vampires and other evil spirits would approach it.

If a pinch of salt is poured into a bag and carried with you, then it will protect against the evil eye and damage. And if the husband and wife often quarreled, then the bag with the “Thursday” was placed under the pillow in order to return harmony to the family.

Such a ritual helped save the family from adversity - salt was poured into every corner of the house.

A pinch of this drug was also poured into the food of sick cattle.

What else is capable of "Thursday":

  • Helps to clear the house of conflicts, bring family members closer together.
  • If a person does not come home for a long time, then you need to throw a pinch of “thursday” into the fire.
  • If you throw a pinch of the product into the water for bathing a baby, then he will grow strong, intelligent, healthy.
  • To bring prosperity into the house, put a salt shaker with special salt on the table, let it always be full.
  • If a person comes to you with unkind thoughts, treat him to food sprinkled with Thursday salt.
  • And after leaving, sprinkle his footprints at the threshold to remove all bad energy.
  • To keep peace in the family, put under the bed, at the head, a pinch of miraculous salt.

A small digression - on Maundy Thursday it was customary to count money so that they never run out.

Dear friends, Maundy Thursday will come very soon! Use our recipes, cook a magical "thursday" for the protection and health of your family. Ancient people knew how to protect their home!

The people know many traditions and superstitions associated with different church holidays. On Maundy Thursday, you can make salt that you can use whole year to get rid of various problems, attract good luck and search for love. It is important to prepare it correctly and use it in the future.

What is thursday salt?

The embodiment of the main life attributes: salt and living fire is. Since ancient times, people have been harvesting it on Maundy Thursday, and it is believed that it has tremendous power that can work wonders. Many are interested in what Thursday salt is for, and so it is often used in traditional medicine to get rid of various diseases. It has protective properties. Salt is harvested on a holiday, and its strength will be preserved throughout the year.

Thursday salt - benefits and harms

Experiments conducted by scientists have shown that on the physical plane, salt does not contain as much heavy metals and chlorine as ordinary table salt. They could not explain such changes. After the ritual, the salt also changes its energy potential, which increases significantly. There is a list of what Thursday salt is useful for:

  1. It helps to cleanse the body from various diseases and the soul from the evil eye and damage. By adding salt to food, many diseases can be prevented.
  2. Women used it to improve their appearance and skin condition. For this purpose, you just need to wash your face with saline solution.
  3. It is believed that Thursday salt is a powerful amulet that protects a person from the actions of enemies and various kinds of troubles. You can also use it to protect your home.
  4. In ancient times, people performed rituals aimed at improving productivity.

This is just a small list useful properties, which has Thursday salt. Concerning possible harm, then it is believed that she is simply incapable of this, since she is harvested on an important church holiday, which has clean energy. In addition, it is important to use salt in moderation, otherwise it is very dangerous for health.

Thursday salt - how to cook?

There are a huge number of rituals aimed at creating magical salt, and the most common is the following option:

  1. Pour a pack of table salt of the largest floor into an ordinary cast-iron pan and add 12 tablespoons of rye flour. Put it on a small fire and say the plot three times.
  2. Continue roasting the salt until the flour turns black. It is important during this to mix everything clockwise with a wooden spoon.
  3. Thursday salt can cool in the oven or on the stove, where it should remain until midnight.

Another important point that you should pay attention to is what you can store Thursday salt in, so after midnight you need to pour it into a bag, which must be made of natural matter. Be sure to tie it tightly. It is important that she be in a secret place so that no one else knows about her existence. Thursday salt cannot be stored in a place where there are rusty items, garbage, food waste and dirt.

Thursday salt - application

You can use prepared salt to solve various problems and improve your life. Thursday salt in magic helps in such situations:

  1. If trouble happened in the house, then you need to pour it into every corner of your home.
  2. In situations where a husband and wife quarreled, then I put a bag of enchanted Thursday salt under the pillow.
  3. To keep children healthy, throw some salt into the bath while bathing.
  4. To attract abundance to the house, it is recommended to pour it into a wooden salt shaker, put it on the dining table and use it for its intended purpose.
  5. Thursday salt will help in a situation if livestock is sick, so a pinch should be added to water or salted bread should be given to the animal.
  6. During Easter, consecrated eggs are always salted with it.
  7. If a person came to the house with bad intentions, then Thursday salt should be added to his food.
  8. In Siberia, it was mixed with ash and added to the grain before it was sown. You can use a saline solution, which is recommended to water the beds before planting vegetables.
  9. In order to protect a traveler or a soldier in ancient times, it was sewn into an amulet, which was worn on the chest near the pectoral cross.

Thursday salt for diseases

Salt prepared in accordance with all the rules has been used to treat various diseases since ancient times. There are several ways in which it can be used for healing.

  1. Thursday salt with herbs helps in the treatment of stomach problems. You can add various aromatic plants, such as mint, thyme and others. To improve your health, you need to take salt from the tip of a knife every day after breakfast and dissolve it on your tongue. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations within two months.
  2. Rashes on the body can be removed by taking therapeutic baths, for which you need to take 1 teaspoon of Thursday salt per liter of water. Pour the resulting saline solution into the bath and take it. To see progress, you need to do three procedures.
  3. To improve the health of a sick person, take an ordinary sheet white color, put a pinch of Thursday salt on it, and then wet it. Cover the patient with a sheet for a while.

Thursday salt for home protection

There is a simple but powerful magical ritual that helps to cleanse the house of possible negativity and put protection on it. If you are interested in what Thursday salt helps with, then it is important to know that it will protect against thieves, curses and various cataclysms.

  1. First, do a general cleaning in the house, light the stove and heat it for small fire Thursday salt in a frying pan. As long as it heats up, it will absorb the existing negative from the surrounding space.
  2. Light a black candle and walk with it throughout the apartment or house. It is important to stop for a couple of seconds in each corner. At this time, it is worth imagining how the candle flame removes the negative.
  3. After that, put the candle in the Thursday salt and leave it to burn completely. If at the same time a crack appears, it means that the negative of the surrounding space is destroyed.
  4. Take a red candle and a frying pan with salt and cinder, and go outside. Bury a frying pan in a deserted place, and then light a candle and go home. During this, imagine how a protective shell is being created around the house. With a candle, you need to go through all the rooms, as was done with the black one. At the end of the ritual, be sure to ventilate the room.

Thursday salt for weight loss

Since ancient times, women have used salt, spoken in order to throw off excess weight. The thing is that it is considered a natural sorbent, which helps to cleanse the body of harmful substances. With its help, you can cope with constipation and. To feel the claimed benefits, you just need to add it to food. Finding out what Thursday salt is used for, it is worth noting that it helps to forget cellulite, for which it needs to be put in healing baths.

Thursday salt for alcoholism

It is common among people, which is very difficult to get rid of. To date, a large number of rituals are known to combat this destructive problem. Thursday salt helps from drunkenness, which is sprinkled on an alcoholic while he sleeps. It is important that it hits the head, chest and legs. At the same time, speak a conspiracy. Do not tell anyone about the ritual.

Thursday salt from spoilage

The huge energy of salt helps to get rid of the existing evil eye, and the ritual does not require the help of other people.

  1. In 1 liter of spring water or use the liquid from the tap, but you need to collect it after midnight.
  2. It dissolves Thursday's salt from the evil eye in the amount of 1 teaspoon.
  3. The prepared solution should be drunk within half an hour, otherwise it will lose its magical power.
  4. If, after drinking a saline solution, vomiting appeared or, then the body began to cleanse itself of negativity. The rite must be repeated every day until all the unpleasant consequences disappear.

Thursday salt for money

You can use charmed salt to improve your financial situation and bringing prosperity to life. It is worth saying that the Thursday salt for wealth is not a lifesaver and it will only contribute to the creation of important situations, and the person must decide for himself whether to use them or not. After the salt is prepared on Clean Thursday, it is necessary to sprinkle banknotes with it, while uttering a special conspiracy.

Thursday salt for love

The tremendous energy that Thursday salt is endowed with can be used by single people in order to change the situation in their personal lives and meet their soul mate. If you are interested in what to do with Thursday salt to attract love, then use a simple ritual.

  1. Take paper and write your favorite man's name and then describe appearance future chosen one, describing every detail. It is also necessary to indicate the character traits that should be inherent in the beloved man.
  2. After that, fold the paper into an envelope, pour in some prepared salt and put it under the pillow.
  3. The next day, the envelope should be transferred to the drawer with underwear. If everything was done correctly, then soon there will be a meeting with a worthy man.

Thursday salt from enemies

Properly prepared and enchanted salt is huge and can be used as a powerful amulet that can help out in various and dangerous situations. It helps to protect oneself from the attacks and intrigues of enemies, which can cause significant harm. It is important to know what to do with Thursday salt, so this amulet should be poured into a small linen bag and always carried with you.

Thursday salt - Orthodoxy

Many are interested in the fact whether healing salt has a connection with the church. To understand this topic, it is necessary to turn to the clergy, who argue that the idea of magical properties salts are pagan superstitions that arose in ancient times. There is a rite that it must be consecrated in the church, but this is not true and such rituals are not performed in temples.

Thursday salt in Orthodoxy has no meaning. The thing is that people associated a huge number of ancient signs, customs and rituals with church holidays, but at the same time they have nothing to do with faith in the Lord. Summing up, regarding what the church says about Thursday salt, so it has nothing to do with the real traditions of Orthodoxy.