Schematic of the egg of Nostradamus. Mirrors of Kozyrev, chair-egg of Nostradamus - real time machines? Magic circle of Nostradamus - divination

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Of greatest interest today is the description of the “chair of Nostradamus”, which served as the “Time Machine”, fig. 4. It was a tall bronze throne set under open sky. It was in it that Nostradamus indulged in his meditations and travels of consciousness through time. The throne had an oval shape, about two meters high. Outside, he had an absolutely smooth shell, resembling an egg. The lower part was firmly attached to the floor, the upper remained open. Inside there was a chair with a back and armrests.

Rice. 4. "Time Machine" Nostradamus

The armchair (throne) - the "egg" of Nostradamus ("time machine") was made by a certain gunsmith according to the personal drawings of the scientist. For his plan, Nostradamus considered bronze to be the ideal metal, since bronze, as an alloy of tin and copper, carries the masculine and feminine principles. The shell of the "egg" consisted of three layers: copper, brass and bronze, soldered on top with silver wire.

All details of the chair (10 components) were cast from bronze by him personally together with his wife. The final version of the bronze chair was assembled and installed on the night of the vernal equinox.

It was possible to get inside the structure of Nostradamus through a special cover-door. Researchers believe that Nostradamus is not the inventor of this structure, since the Templars knew the secret of its manufacture. The Templars, descendants of the Crusaders, were called "Knights of the Temple of Solomon" or "Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem" from about 1124.

Staying inside the “egg” chair gave Nostradamus strength and allowed him to concentrate. In his travels in time, Nostradamus took a certain mysterious object, also inherited from the Templars, which was conditionally called the "talking head". She played the role of an amplifier of thoughts and visions that arose from the multidimensional world.

Now the "talking head" is known to people as the "crystal skull", it will be discussed separately at the end of the book. The simultaneous use of the “egg” of clairvoyance and the “talking head” allowed the consciousness of Nostradamus to penetrate more qualitatively and deeply into the future of mankind. The prophecies of Nostradamus cover the period from 1555 to 3394.

Let us return a little more to the consideration of the life and work of Nostradamus. In his mature years, along with the fame of a medical scientist, his popularity as an astrologer grew stronger and stronger. Hundreds of people, even for the most trifling reasons, went to him for advice.

And then, in order to save his own time and with the desire to answer the many questions of suffering people, he decided to publish a small book "The Almanac of Nostradamus for the coming year." The book was such a huge success that a surprised Nostradamus decided to publish his almanacs every year.

There is nothing surprising here: at the zenith of his horoscope, along with the Sun, is Mercury, the ruler of the 3rd house, which brings success through communication, contacts, writing and publishing. Mercury forms the only harmonious aspect to Uranus, with which everything related to astrology, forecasts and predictions is connected in the horoscope of Nostradamus.

Work on the almanac took Nostradamus a lot of time, he had to do everything himself: write prophecies, make horoscopes, deal with publishers.

Then Nostradamus first thought of an assistant-student, and the sky responded to his request. In February 1544, an unfamiliar young man knocked on the door of the house of the master Nostradamus, who told the great magician that he would like to study astrology in order to comprehend the secret of the movement of the planets and predictions. The stranger's name was Jean Chavigny.

Subsequently, he became not only a student, but also the most confidant of Michel Nostradamus. After the death of Nostradamus, Jean put all his papers in order, published books of predictions in large editions and wrote the first biography of the soothsayer.

In 1556, the glory of the prophet reached the royal palace. At the invitation of Henry II and Catherine de Medici, Nostradamus came to Paris. Here he was given the warmest welcome. However, Nostradamus had a hard time: it was necessary not only to utter a number of predictions, but also to try to disguise bad prophecies, so as not to bring the wrath of great people on his head. During all subsequent years, the court literally "fulfilled" what the soothsayer said.

Later, in 1564, the queen, together with the new king, 14-year-old Charles IX, decided to travel to the south of France, visiting, among other things, the city of Salon, where Nostradamus lived with his family. After the gala dinner, the king himself handed over to Nostradamus a patent certifying that he, Nostradamus, is "an adviser and ordinary physician to the court of the King of France with the usual obligations, prerogatives and honors for this occasion."

From now on, no one dared to interfere with his in-depth studies in astrology and alchemy, even the Inquisition did not frighten Nostradamus. However, a whole stream of envious people fell upon the glory of the famous soothsayer. As an earthly person, Nostradamus could not remain indifferent to these attacks. He began to feel worse, seizures of epilepsy, which he had suffered from childhood, became more frequent, and besides, he was constantly tormented by chronic gout.

During his life, Nostradamus saved the lives of many people. However, his art as a healer and magician remained powerless in relation to himself. He felt the approach of death. Two weeks before his death, Nostradamus invited a notary and in his presence made a will, and the day before his death he called a priest to confess and take communion.

On the evening of the same day, in response to the words of his permanent assistant Jean Chavigny: “Until tomorrow,” he sadly remarked: “My dear Chavigny, at dawn you will not see me alive.” After these words, Nostradamus silently handed Jean a prediction about his own death - a quatrain, which he intended to include in the last almanac. Nostradamus died on the night of July 1-2, 1566, at the age of 63.

Predictions of Nostradamus for 2015 and subsequent years come down, as a rule, to global cataclysms.

So, we are talking about volcanic eruptions, ejections of red-hot lava and gases. Nostradamus also predicted massive forest fires for our generation. Volcanoes and fires contribute to the fact that our planet will be polluted at an incredible rate. There will also be an increase in the activity of terrorist attacks and local wars, the fault of which will be religious differences.

Laws in many countries will cease to be observed, anarchy will begin to grow. Power in a number of countries will no longer be an authority for the people.

Reader, the prophecies of Nostradamus about the events in our days are rather pessimistic and sad, but they should not be taken literally and to heart.

After all, the seers predict the future of mankind so that we are ready for possible consequences and have been working on themselves already now to avoid this. In addition, do not forget that even beyond the impenetrable darkness there is always light. In the end, humanity will wait for the golden age to come on Earth.

Example 4. "The time machine of the Ural craftsman." An engineer from Miass Bulaev Viktor believes that he invented a miracle machine that allows a person's mind to travel through time and even hear some voices.

Per last years he created several versions of the "time machine", based on the idea of ​​​​the design of the "egg" of Nostradamus. It should be noted that Nostradamus created the "egg" of copper, brass and bronze. Bulaev, on the other hand, significantly simplified his design and put together the initial version of the “time machine” from wood.

His typical time travel setup is hexagonal in shape. Mirrors and copper plates are installed inside it. Instead of a chair - an ordinary plastic chair.

Viktor Bulaev began testing his installations back in 2004. After creating the first installation, Bulaev conducted hundreds of experiments on himself and on volunteers.

As a result of these experiments, he was shown that this installation really works. The subjects claim that the visions that came to them inside the installation subsequently manifested themselves in real life.

At first, the subjects saw only certain pictures, then sounds appeared, and later smells. The inventor already has seven such installations today. He continues to work on a new building.

The engineer Bulaev V. created his installations initially for the improvement of people. However, in the course of the experiments, a whole range of additional effects appeared. People tell Bulaev about how the pain recedes, the body becomes younger, and the Universe itself answers their questions.

In the research center in the city of Miass, which is headed by Viktor Bulaev, two Time Machine devices have been installed. One represents horizontal pipe about two meters long. The second apparatus is a meter-long vertical pipe with a cone mounted on it.

Many people undergo sessions in these devices and receive positive changes in their health. Participants in experiments often make astral journeys, during which they receive answers to their questions.

The reader is invited to familiarize himself with some descriptions of such journeys.

1. Lyubov Setkova says: “First impressions are always the brightest, the second time it is already a comparison and expectation of a familiar state.

A. April 4, 2009. Installation - Vertical Mirror, session duration 22 minutes. Focused. I read prayers and flew. I could clearly hear the roar of an airplane flying in the sky. Starts to plug his ears, like in an airplane, when he gains altitude. The movement is straight up. Around the paint green and blue. At a certain height, you stop for a while. Then you gain altitude, lay your ears again. And so several times.

At times I saw a funnel up, a pipe - like a tunnel, which narrowed as it moved up. Clouds float down before my eyes. The color is already blue, then dark blue and finally purple, which gradually becomes brighter. Sensation - as if passed through a violet flame. And again moving up.

And here is a pure white canvas in front of my eyes. From time to time there are pictures: flowers of unearthly beauty - lianas are long, long. On bright greenery, white flowers - many, many. Big white flower ball, like a flower planet. The table, on the table - a beautiful tablecloth, a tall bright glass with a thick broth. There are two teaspoons in a glass. My throat is dry. I did not see that I was drinking from a glass, but the feeling of dryness in my mouth passed.

I felt that someone was next to me, not one, there were three of them. I turned to them with a request: "Treat me." First I felt a prick of the left shoulder from the back like a laser, then a prick of the right side of the chest. My right shoulder ached, and immediately the pain went away.

The picture has changed. I see a highway, a suspension bridge, and skyscrapers in the background. Cars move smoothly one after another, all very expensive. Why back? This is me returning time and working through my past.

It became easy for me, easy, and again moving up. Flew over the earth, over the entire globe. I saw mostly forests and lakes. It's all Russia. Inner silence. Breathing changes from deep, as if you are breathing into a pipe, to light-light, completely inaudible, as if you are not breathing at all.

A new picture has appeared. I see the building we are in now. I see a lawn, a fence from the side. I understand that I am already here on earth. It's time to go out. There is a feeling of relaxation in the body, there is a slight noise in the head, but very good. It's hot, the whole body is on fire.

B. One more trip. Installation - Horizontal Mirror, travel time 30 minutes. She put a stone on the "third eye". I immediately saw the Mother of God in the haze. Before the eyes of the screen, like a chessboard. Black and white cells flicker, and in the center there is a luminous dot. But I don’t go up, although I can clearly see settlements, forests and cities.

The picture is changing. I see a white room with absolutely white furniture, a set table (glasses, champagne).

An enlarged stone with the Mother of God appeared, the frame sparkling. On the contour of the stone - hieroglyphs. I flew in space, I see purple colors. An angel appeared with twinkling wings.

There is a clear distribution of energies. It squeezed the head with such force that there was a feeling: blood would flow from the nose and ears. Strong tension. Energy flowed throughout the body.

Streams of energy worked through my legs, I felt a tingling sensation. At the same time, the stomach first grabbed, then let go. Next, the heart sank. And again, an angel the size of a baby seemed to reassure me: "I'm with you."

I wanted to fly somewhere else, but they didn’t let me in, apparently, that’s enough for today. I understand that this is just the beginning, the most interesting is yet to come. I want to get into the Mirrors again.

B. April 10, 2010. A year after the first visit to the Time Machine. Installation - Vertical Mirror, session duration 51 minutes. Sat near the Mirror. I immediately blocked my ears, and I flew over the White Castles. Then I went downstairs, I see white columns and white stairs very close by.

Attention switched to white eggs (unpainted), which I cleaned and cleaned. Then she decorated them on a plate with large bright violets and tried to insert white flowers between them, like small daisies.

She went up, again everything is far below. I see white cities. I go down, I sit like in a cave, stone walls are on the sides, and the sky and the sun are high above.

I see the walls of the mountains, they are like our mountain peaks - the Seven Brothers in the Urals, powerful images. A golden rain emanates from them, sparks are golden, green, red. I see faces, these faces are the spirits of the stone.

I hear a clear indication: work in the mountains. "Three Sisters", "Falcon Mountain". I'm already on a high mountain. A gap is visible high on the mountain, here the passage is long and narrow. Freely passed through the passage. With me are my relatives and members of the Club. The people are all dressed up, dressed in large black and white stripes.

I stand among three pines. Again I see mountains, tall pines, bare birches without greenery. They showed round glades from above.

Again I see a window in the mountain in the form of a foot. There is a stone spider - paws down. I heard a clear female voice, as an indication or statement. Something was actively discussed about the work of the Spiritual Club. I saw my Service Center, it works.

She asked for help from her husband and saw her friend, who is now seriously ill. She turned to the Gods, prayed, saw the images of the Teachers (Christ, El Morya, Saint-Germain) - all in white.

The image of Sai Baba in orange robes floated before me more than once. Again people in clothes in black and white stripes, but now the black stripe is thin, like a thread, barely noticeable.

Several times during the session, I was twisted in the left side of the abdomen. At the end, there was heaviness in the legs, as if they were not letting me in. I felt how the energy from the legs passed through the entire body in a stream upward and out. Cleansing has begun, everything has gone down the drain. I felt lightness in my legs, a pleasant chill. The face is on fire. Easy, good.

D. Installation - Horizontal Mirror. The duration of the session is 50 minutes. There was a desire to relax, to be filled with energy. There was motion sickness, as in a cradle on soft pillows. I see mountains, mountains and mountains. Living stone knights appeared on the tops of the mountains. They are huge and go to the mountains.

A white ship appeared nearby. People are running around me, all in white. One crawled out from somewhere in all black, looked around and disappeared.

Birch trunks, like pillars, going high up. In the sky, like ridges, edges of all the colors of the rainbow. The foliage on the birch rustles, all multi-colored, iridescent. A heat appeared under my back, as if heating pads were being placed, periodically changing the cooled ones to hotter ones.

2. Natalia Kiseleva, April 10, 2010, first visited the devices "Time Machine" a year ago. Today I again had sessions in these devices.

E. Installation - Horizontal Mirror. I’m lying, I can’t take off, I read mantras to myself. I see myself lying in a plexiglass transparent pipe, someone invisible cuts the pipe along, and I free myself from these shackles and take off. I see a beautiful red feather flying against the background of clouds. I ask: "What is this pen?" I hear the answer clearly: “So it is you.”

So, I took off in the form of a feather, because it is light, weightless. I see an ice cave, the Mistress of the Copper Mountain stands in front of it, it is all made of ice. I see myself in the form of a five-year-old girl, with a scarf tied around her head. I look at the Mistress, she is beautiful, tall, proud, attracts her with her eyes, I contemplate her, but for some reason she is cold, she won’t even smile. Suddenly I feel that my left hand someone takes it with his hot, pleasant hand. I turn my head to the left, and this is a bear. I was not at all afraid of him, he takes me out of the cave and says: “Let's get out of here, otherwise she will freeze you.” I'm beginning to realize that it was the Snow Queen herself.

The bear led me to the forest, it's beautiful all around, a sunny day, pines, birches around, we are in a clearing, strawberries are all around, I collect them in my palm.

A whirlwind appears in the form of a swirling funnel, like a tornado. I can see him clearly, but I'm not at all afraid. The vortex is not vertical, but horizontal and sucks me in like a vacuum cleaner. Now I'm above the clouds. From somewhere comes a voice: “Well, where would you like to fly to”?

“I really want to visit the constellation Orion,” I answer, “I want to see three white-blue stars located in a line, and they stand at the same distance from each other. This is Orion's belt, or sash, they are so clearly visible from Earth on a dark starry night.

There is a sound answer: “It will be very difficult for you to return from there. Better not". I obey, so it's not time yet.

Suddenly I begin to understand that you can ask questions, because there are clear answers. I have accumulated a lot of questions, the answers are like rapidly fired arrows, rebounding from an obstacle, returning back.

I see a Rook, carved from a single piece of cedar. I smell the cedar, I float down the river. Around the banks I see forests, meadows, mountain-rocks. So after all, these are the rocks of the Seven Brothers. They, like Guardians of the Urals, stand to protect the Ural Land. Nearby is the rock Sister. I am sailing, the oars are in the boat, I do not row them. She looked around, the current was small, looked up, and a flock of swallows was flying ahead, satin, multi-colored ribbons were held in their beaks, they fluttered in the wind, and ropes went from the paws and ended at the bow of the boat. So they are pulling me along with the rook. I sit and contemplate. The light-winged boat takes me on other, no less fascinating, wonderful journeys.

3. Michael. Another visitor to the installation "Time Machine" Viktor Bulaev.

E. Installation - Horizontal Mirror. After some time, 5-10 minutes, in different parts of the body surface, facing upward, there was a feeling of concentration, compaction, as if the surface of the body in these areas was poured with something. In some parts of the body, rapid tingling appeared, as if small electrical discharges were running through. At the same time, the frontal part of the head was very sore, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest next to the heart was pinched. The painful sensation at first increased, then, having reached a maximum, began to gradually pass, until it completely disappeared. Eyelids became heavy. I feel the compaction of the surface of the body, more in the left side, from the tips of the toes to the head. The right side of the body was also filled from the tips of the toes to the thigh. The lower part of the body, on which I lay, almost did not feel. According to my feelings, I stayed in the mirror for 20-25 minutes. As I was later told, I stayed there for 50 minutes.

G. Installation - Vertical Mirror. A few days later, Michael held another session. According to him, the feeling of concentration on certain parts of the body this time happened faster. The shoulders, eyelids and palms of the hands that were turned upwards quickly became heavy. The frontal part of the head hurt a little.

Almost from the very beginning and for most of the time spent in the mirror (as it turned out later, also 50 minutes), Mikhail had a clear feeling that an energy beam dug into the parietal part of the head, where the fontanel in babies, dug into it, which, as it were, drilled into the surface of the head. At the same time, the concentration of sensations circulated on the surface of the head in a circle. Soon this feeling disappeared. The frontal part of the head stopped whining. The parts of the body facing upwards were strongly engorged. Time passed slowly. In the end, it became hard to sit, I wanted to get up and stretch myself.

4. Lagunova Tamara. After visiting several Time Machine installations at Viktor Bulaev's, she said: “I would like these installations to become my great friends. I have a very good relationship with them."

5. Alena. Having visited the installations, she shared her feelings and visions: “You start thinking about something while inside the installation, and then various pictures pop up.

I saw one event from my childhood, I was then seven years old. I did not remember this event and thought that I would never remember.

Then I began to plan the future, a trip to my parents - and an image of my husband with age-related changes. He will look like this only in 20 years. Every time I saw the future, the figure immediately popped up, including when I saw my baby in the future, at the age of three. Three years will pass and we will check.”

6. Andrey Sorokin. The inventor Bulaev says this about his installations: “Some people can even improve their health in them. It seems like this pipe treats both gastritis and a runny nose.

But Andrei Sorokin claims that unknown forces gave him a free massage. Let's listen to what Andrey Sorokin said after visiting the Time Machine: “It felt like someone had put his hands through the pipe and was working with me. And it all started from the head, they put my head in order, this is a real feeling. It's like they put their fingers in my head. It was a shock for me."

Rice. 5. "Time Machine" of the Ural craftsman

The Ural craftsman Bulaev Viktor himself also travels consciousness through time using the installations he made, Figure 5. At the same time, he often sees options and drawings of a newer “Time Machine” installation. Today Bulaev dreams of establishing permanent contact with other world to get the information you need on a regular basis.

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stone mirrors

Ernst Rifgatovich, there are many pyramids in the world. On the territory of Egypt, for example, there are 34 pyramids, in Latin America there are 16. And in Tibet, in a relatively small area, you have discovered more than 100. How do Tibetan pyramids differ from others?

I managed to repeatedly visit the Egyptian and Mexican pyramid complexes. The Tibetan pyramids are, first of all, incomparably larger (they are simply huge!) and, in our opinion, were built in much more ancient times. But the main difference is that most of the Tibetan pyramids are associated with concave, semicircular and flat stone structures of various sizes, which we figuratively called "mirrors". There is no such thing anywhere.

- V Lately information about the so-called "Kozyrev's mirrors" began to appear in the press. The Russian scientist Nikolai Kozyrev invented semicircular and other metal "mirrors" in which, according to the results of his research, the passage of time changes. Are there any analogies between Tibetan "stone mirrors" and "mirrors

There is an analogy, in our opinion. According to Kozyrev, time is energy that can be concentrated ("time is compressed") or distributed ("time is stretched"). In the "mirrors of Kozyrev" the effect of time compression was achieved. Therefore, one can think that the "stone mirrors" of Tibet can compress time. Isn't this related to the strange death of four climbers, who seemed to have grown older in a year - perhaps they fell under the influence of "mirrors"? Isn't that the reason why the lamas urged us not to deviate from the sacred path?!

To this we must add that, according to many scientists, the pyramids are able to concentrate subtle views energies, and their combination with "mirrors of time" can have a strong influence on the "space-time" continuum. Expedition member Sergei Seliverstov even called the Kailash complex a "time machine".

- And what are the dimensions of the Tibetan "stone mirrors"?

Most of the time they are huge. Take, for example, the "mirror structure", which the lamas call the "House of the Lucky Stone"; the height of its concave "mirror" (photo 1), according to tentative estimates, is 800 meters, which is almost 3 times more than a 100-story skyscraper. From the north, this "mirror" adjoins a semicircular "mirror" about 350 meters high - almost a copy of "Kozyrev's mirrors". The south side of the "House of the Lucky Stone" is presented as a huge plane, which is connected at a right angle to another huge concave "mirror" about 700 meters high (photo 2).

It is curious that people who have been inside the "Kozyrev mirrors" note dizziness, fear, see flying saucers, see themselves in childhood, and so on. And the height of "Kozyrev's mirrors" is only 2-3 meters. It is difficult to imagine what will happen to a person if he is placed in the space of the "stone mirrors" of Tibet. In this regard, it cannot be considered a complete fantasy that these places were intended to pass into Parallel Worlds, which is now seriously discussed by such prominent scientists as academician V. Koznacheev, professors A. Trofimov, A. Timashev and others.

But the largest mirrors are the western and northern slopes of the main pyramid - Mount Kailash. These slopes have a clear flat-concave shape. The height of these "mirrors" is approximately 1800 meters (7 skyscrapers in 100 floors).

There are also many smaller "stone mirrors", which have a variety of shapes.

Or maybe these "stone mirrors" not only play the role of a "time machine", but also screen the flows of various energies, distributing them?

Without a doubt, yes. Many pyramidal constructions in Tibet have additional flat "stone mirrors", which, quite possibly, shield the energies "collected" by the pyramid and combine them with the energy flows from other pyramids and "mirrors". When examining such "mirror-pyramidal" structures, one gets the impression that flat "mirrors" were made separately and, as it were, attached to the pyramid. But how these huge stone planes were raised remains unclear.

Some mirror designs have a completely unusual shape. Sometimes on the tops of ordinary Tibetan mountains there are separate "mirror structures" (photo 3). Apparently, subtle energies are so diverse that a variety of stone structures were used to shield and control them.

Unfortunately, modern science I have just begun to realize the fact of the existence of such energies, there are no serious instruments for studying them yet, etc. But those who built the "mirror-pyramidal complex of Kailash" (City of the Gods) knew the laws of subtle energies and time and learned to control them. These energies are apparently "formotropic", i.e. depend on the shape of the building. Therefore, stone

The dream book of Nostradamus is one of the most popular magic tools left by this outstanding seer, however, not the only one. Also, the great French soothsayer was able to leave his own horoscope, several interesting esoteric inventions, and also encrypt many secrets that have not yet been revealed.

In the article:

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus - interpretation of dreams about the future

The dream book of Nostradamus is popular to this day. Despite the fact that the astrologer and soothsayer himself lived several hundred years ago, like his royal visitors, interest in him does not go away over the years. It is believed that what is described in the quatrains of Nostradamus comes true with a probability of 95%, as Pavel Globa stated. Therefore, interest in the method of interpreting dreams according to the dream book of Nostradamus is quite understandable.

Dreams occupied attention. He periodically saw and predicted the future in a dream. His dream book is suitable for people who often see prophetic dreams and have good intuition. If your dreams often come true, you should heed the advice of the soothsayer. Perhaps soon you will be able to predict the future of the countries of the world.

Nostradamus believed that dreams originate in the distant past and rush into the distant future. Their plots, in his opinion, can reveal the events of the future. And he had in mind a more distant future, for example, the life of the next generations of the family, people who have not yet been born. The seer had a special approach to interpreting dreams. He believed that only an analysis of the entire plot of the dream and the most accurate interpretation of each image he saw could lift the veil of secrecy.

Interpretations in the dream book of Nostradamus are global. They distinguish between global and personal interpretations. The medieval astrologer believed that the dreams of each person reflect the future of all mankind. They affect and political events in the world, and social phenomena in different countries and personal affairs. Such globality makes this dream book a unique phenomenon.

During his lifetime, Nostradamus explained why not every person can interpret their dreams. He wrote that what people see in their dreams is absurd and non-standard. Therefore, according to the astrologer, each dream requires careful decoding - this is the only way to know the future. The dream book of Nostradamus contains interpretations of images in alphabetical order. They were written down by him on the basis of his own predictions, personal experience in the interpretation of dreams and astrological calculations.

Table of Nostradamus

Table of Nostradamus not deciphered to this day. In the very first astrology almanac, the soothsayer wrote a key that allowed him to use the tables he compiled. He was on the very first page. The keys that allow revealing the secret of the table also appeared in the following lifetime works of the astrologer.

It was created so that unprepared people could not learn the secrets of the future. The secret of the cipher remains a mystery to this day. In order to find out the meaning of the tables, you need to translate them into Russian, decipher what was received taking into account the astrological principles of that time, determine the dates and correlate events with dates.

Many scientists have devoted their lives to deciphering the tables of Nostradamus. They claim that this is a rather complicated matter. The soothsayer did not write correctly. He swapped letters around, made grammatical errors, and generally tried his best to confuse his readers from the future. Rumor has it that the author of the quatrains knew when man is born who will understand the secret of the key.

Magic circle of Nostradamus - divination

With the help of the number circle, Nostradamus divined to dignitaries who wanted answers to their questions. This divination was trusted by Catherine de Medici and her husband. For divination by Nostradamus, you will need a fairly large sheet of paper with numbers drawn on it in a non-standard order, as well as any ring. There is also divination by Nostradamus online.

The magic circle of Nostradamus consists of numbers from 1 to 21. At first glance, the cells with numbers are arranged in a random order, but the great soothsayer of the Middle Ages saw some secret meaning in such an arrangement of numbers. Divination by Nostradamus is suitable for getting yes or no answers.

The interpretations that are needed when divining in the magic circle of Nostradamus have come down to our days. With their help, each person will be able to know their future and get answers to their questions.

Egg of Nostradamus

The egg of Nostradamus is a magical machine, which was a chair inside an egg made of brass, bronze and copper, soldered together with silver wire. Drawings made personally by a medieval astrologer have not survived to this day. The surface of the egg was smooth, and the chair was made of bronze and had a back and armrests. The device was made by a master gunsmith.

According to legend, the soothsayer traveled through time with the help of an egg. Tradition says that the idea of ​​its manufacture did not belong to the soothsayer, it was invented by the Templars. Appearance the device is depicted on several engravings and described in the literature of the seer himself and other authors.

Of course, in fact, Nostradamus did not know how to move into the future and the past. He probably didn't mean it literally. The soothsayer closed himself in this egg in order to detach himself from reality and focus on mentally penetrating into the future and making a prediction. He spent a lot of time inside the egg, busy meditating. Exists modern techniques to protect against interference from the outside world during occult practices. They are based on the fact that the practitioner must be inside a certain container made of reflective metal.

There is a version that the egg was only part of a certain mechanism developed by the great soothsayers. According to the surviving descriptions, it was in a separate hall, in which even friends and family members of the prophet were not allowed. There is also a legend that the whole house of the alchemist had supernatural properties and resembled a kind of machine for witchcraft.

Horoscope of Nostradamus

The horoscope of Nostradamus consists of the twelve signs of the Zodiac familiar to every person. It is worth paying attention to the fact that modern horoscopes have a slightly different approach to the distribution of zodiac signs by date of birth. In the seer's horoscope, these indicators do not coincide with modern ones. For example, he considered Gemini those who were born from May 20 to June 18, while now it is customary to consider the correct segment from May 21 to June 20. This difference is usually insignificant and is no more than 4-5 days.

The horoscope of Nostradamus describes the nature of people who were born under different zodiac signs, and their probable future, as well as the influence of the zodiac sign on all aspects of their lives. When the famous astrologer made predictions, he took into account not only the sign of the Zodiac of the one who turned to him. He also asked to indicate the date and time of birth of the spouse, children and other relatives on whom the fate of a person could depend.

Humanity is developing faster and faster, and now you will not surprise anyone with such facts as telekinesis, mind reading and the impact on a person at a distance. The ideas described in science fiction novels are gradually becoming reality. For example, there is already a laser - a device that emits a beam of thermal energy with destructive force, described in the novel by A. N. Tolstoy "The Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin". And the appearance of a time machine may not be far off, thanks to the development of an installation called Kozyrev's Mirror. With its own hands, humanity is trying to open the veil of another world and learn the unknown, and perhaps remember the forgotten old.

How did Kozyrev's mirror appear?

This installation was built by a group of Novosibirsk scientists under the direction of Academician V.P. Kaznacheev and Doctor of Medical Sciences A.V. Trofimov in the laboratory at the Moscow Research Institute for Space Anthropoecology. Scientists used the ideas and drawings of the famous Soviet astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev (1908-1983).

According to the theory of N. A. Kozyrev, it is temporary and is able to change its course, thicken and expand. He also believed that the earthly space is filled with information flows. In the course of experiments, he found that these flows are able to be absorbed, reflected and focused, and that the best element that collects this informational energy is aluminum. The scientist himself could not present his invention to the world community because of the stomach cancer that suddenly developed in him.

After his death, scientists picked up the idea of ​​the unity of the information field of the Earth and created a device that, in honor of the outstanding astrophysicist, was named the Kozyrev mirror. The design is concave. The name "mirror" is accepted conditionally because of the ability to reflect, but not visual series, but energy. The device itself has several forms: a round pipe (horizontal and vertical position) and spiral (with left and right twist).

Experiments with the device

Having created Kozyrev's mirror with their own hands, Novosibirsk experimenters conducted a series of world-scale scientific experiments that confirmed the existence of information energy flows in the Earth's field. The first experiment took place in the polar village of Dikson on December 24, 1990. Then strange phenomena were recorded, such as the northern lights over the building in which the experiments were carried out, and the appearance of a UFO when the ancient sign of the "Triple Unity - Present, Future and Past" was placed in the installation.

An experiment was also conducted on the mental transmission of symbols from Novosibirsk to Dikson. The results were successful - the operators received 95% of the correct information.

Device Application

People who have been in this installation confirm that their health has improved, some have the ability to foresee the future, and intuition has developed. With this device, you can accurately diagnose various diseases, improve the state of the human biofield. Therefore, many are trying to make Kozyrev's mirror with their own hands.

According to researchers - scientists, psychologists and other specialists - the human consciousness, when immersed in the focus of the installation, goes into a different state, in which the abilities of a mere mortal improve significantly. The use of the Kozyrev mirror is possible in the future on a large scale in medicine and seismology.

Historical prototypes

In history, cases of the existence of such samples are known. So, the scientist Barchenko A. V. (1881-1938) invented a telepathic helmet made of various metal alloys, with the help of which he transmitted information at a distance. The "egg" of Nostradamus is famous, which was a device made of metal concave plates, in the center of which there was an armchair. There is a version according to which the soothsayer received the drawings of this device from members of the Knights Templar.

O magical properties concave mirrors were known in antiquity. Egyptian priests and monks in Jesuit temples, as well as the Catholic clergy, used this knowledge for their own purposes. Also, the great scientist Roger Bacon was able to predict the invention of the microscope and the car, learn about the structure of the embryo and other facts, peering into a curved mirror surface.

How to make a Kozyrev mirror

Of course, every person, having learned about such an invention, asks the question: "Is it possible to make a Kozyrev mirror with your own hands?" Such a device can be built from a sheet of aluminum, bending it one and a half turns. Or, install several poles vertically and go around them with a suitable metal material. In this case, it is desirable to use materials of greater thickness so that the energy is better reflected. However, such a device differs from the laboratory one, since there are no exact drawings. In addition, a special laser device was used in the Kozyrev mirrors to enhance the concentration of flows.

You can use simply concave mirrors or natural structures in the form of rocky gorges, large hollow-shaped stones, and so on. However, such devices should be used with caution in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, since the influence of the concentration of information flows has not yet been well studied.

But it is safe to say that the invention of the outstanding astrophysicist N. A. Kozyrev will serve all mankind for the good. Perhaps in the near future we will be able not only to restore our health, but also to travel through time and to other galaxies.

A student of Idris Shah, one of the great Sufi Masters of the last century, wrote in his memoirs:

The Shah's house at St. John's Wood had a room at the very top, lined with copper sheets. This was done with the aim of creating a space protected from any external vibrations. Apparently, gold was best suited for this purpose, but it would be too expensive. Later, already in Langton, these copper sheets on wooden reels were stacked in the basement.(O. Hoare. "Everything and Nothing")

I heard similar information from other students of the Shah, and I was very intrigued by this almost fabulous "brass room". Why did he need her?

According to the FIRST VERSION, voiced by the author of the memoirs, for "protection from any external vibrations." Let's try to deal with it.

Everyone who has dealt with modern archiving knows that rooms lined with copper sheets are used to store information on magnetic disks. Of all metals (except gold), copper most effectively shields the room from the effects of any electromagnetic waves and radiation, acting as a so-called. "Faraday cage"- a chamber made of conductive material.

The principle of operation of the "Faraday cage"

Although at the time when the Shah lived in St. John's Wood, the era of magnetic disks had not yet arrived, and there did not seem to be any problems with radiation in Britain either, in principle, accept the version that the copper room served as a personal "Faraday cage", say, to protect against harmful electrosmog, you can. But about other vibrations - the question is ambiguous.

In the 20s of the last century, on the instructions of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, professor of the Institute of the Brain, a student of Bekhterev Leonid Vasiliev tried to prove the electromagnetic hypothesis of the nature of telepathy and to find a frequency at which thoughts could be transmitted at a distance. Vasiliev placed the subjects, people with psychic abilities, in Faraday chambers, after which the experiments were repeated outside the chambers. However, to refute the hypothesis, the manifestations of telepathy in a closed metal chamber did not disappear, from which Vasiliev concluded: Thought transmission is NOT done by electromagnetic waves.

Thus, VERSION TWO is more likely: the Shah's copper room served to filter the vibrations entering the room - shield some without obstructing the passage of others.

As another Soviet scientist of the 1920s found out, Alexander Barchenko, who conducted research on telepathy, first at the same Institute of the Brain, and then within the framework of the special department of the OGPU, some metals are able to amplify telepathic waves. In Barchenko's early, pre-revolutionary experiments with special helmets made of copper and aluminum plates, the accuracy mental transmission characters was very high. The experimental procedure was as follows: two volunteers put helmets on their heads, after which the helmets were connected with copper wire. Two oval matte screens were placed in front of the subjects, on which they were asked to focus. One of the participants was "transmitting", the other - "receiving". Words or images were offered as a test. According to Barchenko, in the case of images, the positive result of guessing was close to 100 percent, and in the case of words, many errors were recorded.

(In the 1930s, Barchenko’s research was stopped, and he himself was arrested and shot as an English spy. But no one is forgotten, and nothing is forgotten, and in our time, craftsmen appear around the world who make “Barchenko helmets” and try to help to receive thought messages.I heard about one such enthusiast from Latin America, however, I do not know what success he achieved with his helmet).

Essay by A. Barchenko "Transmission of thoughts over a distance", 1911

Perhaps Barchenko was not so much the inventor of the new as the restorer of the well-forgotten old: ceremonial headdresses made of precious metals were used by clergy and priests to enter a special state of mental receptivity. Papal tiaras made of silver, decorated with gold and precious stones, originally had not only a ritual and decorative function. Such, according to the Sufis, was the purpose of the crowns of royalty.

Tiara of Pope Paul VI: silver case,
girdled at the bottom with three golden coronets ()

But back to Shah's copper room. Obviously, the metal capsule created in this way not only did not interfere, but somehow contributed to tuning to a special kind of waves for receiving and transmitting mental messages.

In the Russian-language Wikipedia, you can find information about a curious device, which is called the "egg of Nostradamus." Allegedly, the famous 16th century soothsayer, during his meditations, was inside a specially made egg-shaped capsule about two meters high. Its shell consisted of three layers: copper, brass and bronze, fastened with silver wire. The lower part of the "egg" was flat and was installed on the floor. Top part was open. Inside was a chair where Michel Nostradamus sat. Further, the source claims that the idea of ​​this design was transferred to Nostradamus by the Templars, with whom he kept in touch.

Modern reconstruction of what the "capsule of Nostradamus" could look like

Despite a thorough search, I did not find any mention of this device in English-language sources about Nostradamus, as a result of which I had doubts about the reliability of the information. I would not include this information at all if it were not for one detail specific to the objects of the Tradition: allegedly used for the capsule (copper, bronze / brass and silver). In general, the most harmonious is combination of gold, silver and copper, however, due to the high cost of gold in the products of the Tradition, it was often replaced by bronze (brass is a type of bronze). We will return to this issue in future notes.

Why did the information about the Nostradamus capsule surface in the Russian-speaking cyberspace? It appeared in the 90s in connection with global experiments on the transmission of mental images at a distance using the so-called "Mirrors of Kozyrev". The experiments were carried out under the guidance of an academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, a physician and a biologist Vlaila Kaznacheeva. More than a thousand participants from twelve countries of the world were involved in multi-day experiments. test subjects ordinary people- not psychics - they were placed in the so-called "Kozyrev's mirrors" - open or closed cylinders made of metal sheets, often aluminum, for receiving and transmitting mental information.

A variant of Kozyrev's mirror with a closed top

Although the structures were named after the world famous Soviet astrophysicist Nikolai Kozyrev, who studied the phenomenon of time, such constructions were not described in his works, although there were ideas that served as a theoretical basis for the research of the Kaznacheev group. Kozyrev believed that metal surfaces of a special shape, especially aluminum, are mirrors capable of change the density of time.

In the space of "Kozyrev's mirrors" some human radiation was significantly amplified due to effect reflections metal surfaces, due to which the people placed there experienced unusual psychophysical sensations, and experiments on the transmission of thoughts at a distance, even from Novosibirsk to Philadelphia, turned out to be very successful. As in Barchenko's experiments, the most effective was the reception of mental images in the form of symbols and ideograms.

The foregoing reinforces the version about the use of a copper room, also a kind of "Kozyrev's mirror", for working in the noosphere - the space of thought. But there is one more, the THIRD VERSION, without which consideration of the issue would be incomplete.

In the past, a device invented by Wilhelm Reich was mentioned to accumulate the so-called "orgone energy" - the universal life force that fills space. Reich called him orgone accumulator. It was a chamber consisting of several layers of metal sheets, between which were placed layers of organic material - usually wood or cotton wool. As a result of the experiments, Reich came to the conclusion that organics draw in and absorb orgone, while metals draw in and immediately radiate it out again.

The first layer of organics already contains a certain basic proportion of orgone absorbed by it from the air. If this organic layer is brought into contact with a metal, the metal, being a conductor of orgone, transports it to the next absorbent organic layer, and so on. With each new layer, the orgone will become more and more concentrated. Since the inner surface of the chamber is lined with metal sheets, the orgone drawn inward and infinitely reflected by the metal surfaces will be "trapped" and its concentration inside the chamber will be maximum. Placed inside an orgone accumulator, a person can use a focused in this way vital energy for recovery and self-healing, concentration of mental and spiritual abilities. The evidence for the successful use of orgone chambers is more than plentiful.

Shah's copper room, in fact, was simple orgone accumulator: the outer layer is made of organic material (brick, wood, wall plaster), the inner layer is made of metal sheets. Although there were several layers in the original Reich chamber, even two layers - organic on the outside and metal on the inside - are enough to attract and then "catch" orgone. Reich used steel sheets in his cells, but copper is much "friendlier" to living beings than iron. Better than copper only gold and silver.

It is possible that to some extent all three of the above versions are correct. If any of the interlocutors have alternative options, bring them, it will be interesting :)
It is also possible that there is an explanation for the purpose of Shah's room that is not in the realm of repetitive phenomena at all. As Rumi said: "The master is hidden in his workshop."
Nevertheless, we can still borrow some tools from the "workshop" of the Sufis... Which ones we will see in the following notes.