Urban Play and Toy Week. The Moscow Palace of Pioneers will host the city week of games and toys Vorobyovy Gory games and toys

On November 20-24, 2017, in the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center of the Moscow Department of Education, the CITY WEEK OF GAMES AND TOYS was held - a holiday of fun and educational games, daring experiments, and creative competitions.

The goal of Play and Toy Week is to popularize the best unique and accessible games for children, including games selected for centuries, introducing children to the world of play, adults - with gaming technologies and methods of pedagogy of play, attracting the attention of teachers and parents to the meaning of children's play, determining its place in the daily routine of each child.

An exhibition “Dolls in costumes of the peoples of the world” was prepared in the territorial department of Biryulevo. The exhibition project is dedicated to one of the most interesting areas contemporary art- creation of dolls in national costumes. Dolls - from miniature (5 cm) to large (30 cm) - are made of a wide variety of materials: textiles, wood, clay, plant materials, metal, papier-mâché, plastic, porcelain. Such dolls without words tell about the customs and culture of a certain people, fascinate with their unique beauty and special charm. Children enjoyed making and then playing with handmade toys.

As part of the week of games and toys in the territorial department of "Zhulebino" fascinating thematic classes were held with pupils of short-term stay groups. Teachers Tatyana Kalugina and Alexandra Akinfova talked about which toys are interesting for children, which games to play at home and how you can make a funny toy yourself. The kids tried to make a toy together with their mother. The result is funny bunnies. Speech therapist Larisa Mikholenok introduced the parents to folklore games: sonorous songs, poems and nursery rhymes aroused keen interest and response from the kids. Educator-psychologist Svetlana Shapovalova and teacher-defectologist Yulia Shakhovskaya presented a perky orchestra with older children - playing various musical instruments: spoons, tambourine, maracas, drums. “The kids were very interested in the games-experiments with natural materials: cones, chestnuts, water and sand - all this contributes to the enrichment of the sensory experience,” the teachers note.

In the territorial department "Zyablikovo" in groups of short-term stay there were master classes "Toy with your own hands". During the master class, the children felt like creators and wizards. Speech therapist Elena Dulgier taught children how to make a new funny toy out of an ordinary sock in just half an hour. Psychologist Svetlana Abdulina helped the children in this creative process. The smallest pupils worked together with their mothers under the strict guidance of the teacher Tatyana Petrukhina.
For a whole week, the children learned a lot of new things in the territorial department of "Peredelkino". The children played role-playing games, board-printed and didactic games, drew, sculpted, designed, and organized theatrical performances. During the conversations, the children learned a lot of new and interesting things about the history of toys, about their production.

In the territorial branch of "Chertanovo" contests "My favorite toy" and "The most interesting board game" were held. There was also time for outdoor games that children of all ages love so much. These events brought joy not only to children, but also to their parents. It's always nice to see your children happy and cheerful!

Traditionally, in the days of autumn school holidays, from October 29 to November 4, for a whole week, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers turns into a kingdom of games, fun and competition. It's time for City Play and Toy Week!

This year, young guests will find an exciting interactive travel game in Play City! Its essence is that our Play-city comes to life from the energy, emotions that the participants share when completing tasks. The better the task is completed, the more energy Play City received and the higher the score for the team. The completed task is evaluated from 1 to 3 stickers-segments per battery charge scale. In the route sheet received by the teams, there are 4 batteries with divisions for each quarter of our city. The task of the whole game is to charge the batteries as much as possible in the time allotted for the game.

More than 40 playgrounds in 4 thematic zones (city quarters) will offer participants to measure their strength, show ingenuity, intelligence, skill:

  • "University campus"- the field of intellectual games and entertaining sciences, fascinating experiences and experiments, board games, technical modeling and construction: relay race of children's science shows, quadcopter flights, ecological games, logic tasks, entertaining electronics, board games with a cognitive component "Through the game in science", workshops for the manufacture of flying toys and models.
  • "Amusing settlement"- a hall of old and modern outdoor games, competitions and entertainment: Spinning top, kubari, zakidushki, ring throws, shooting galleries, board manipulative games Flea, Spillikins, Pebbles, Pigs. Game tests: footpath, footbridge, bumps, etc.
  • "Art Quarter"- creative platforms with theatrical games, applied master classes: "Footprints in the Sand", "Wonderful City of Moscow", "Theatrical Games".
  • "Start-track"- the territory of dynamic board and electronic games that require mobility, dexterity, accuracy from the participants: Air hockey, Table football, Table hockey, Dance-panel, XBOX Kinect electronic games.

At the venues, the teachers of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and students of the Moscow City Pedagogical University, the institute (faculty) of pedagogical and psychological education will act as organizers of the games.

Teachers from various educational centers of the Vorobyovy Gory State Budgetary Educational Institution (Vorobyovy Gory) took part in the creation of the program. Thanks to this, the children will have the opportunity to take part in a wide variety of games - intellectual, mobile, sports, theatrical, environmental, artistic, folk, technical and scientific and educational.

Participation in the project of centers for technological support of education of leading universities (MAI, MGSU, MIREA, A.N. Kosygin Russian State University, A.S. achievements of science and technology.

Our partners - developers and manufacturers of games - the company "Mosigra", LLC "ZNATOK PLUS", LLC "Igroved" will help to acquaint children with the novelties of the world of modern board, educational and cognitive games.

The holiday program assumes two forms of participation. The first - under the program "Play, City!", It will be held from October 29 to November 2, sessions 11.00-14.00 and 15.00-18.00.

At the first session - 11.00-14.00 - school teams of 10-15 people, for 2 hours, will travel under the guidance of guides (students of the College of Counselors) along a certain route, playing, competing, completing interesting tasks and receiving marks for this in their route sheets. At the end of the holiday - awarding the most productive and active teams with diplomas. And the general reward will be performances by children's creative teams and an exciting scientific show with a demonstration of enchanting experiments.

For the second session - 15.00-18.00 - family teams and individual visitors are additionally invited. They will also have to go through the route of game tests and show their best qualities. In the final, the winners will receive diplomas and an exciting science show.

The second form of participation is a family game program - "The Big Game Library" will be held on November 3 and 4, sessions 11.00-13.00, 13.30-15.30 and 16.00-18.00. Children are given the opportunity to play with their parents, learn new games and take part in a quest around the playgrounds. Guests independently choose those games that are interesting and attractive to them, there is an opportunity to play full game cycles and fully enjoy the atmosphere of the games' plots.

Guests are waiting for:

  • The site of ancient and rare games: Puluk - the game of the Mayan Indians, Nyout - the Korean fighting races, Callah - the African game with the shifting of stones, Fanarona - Madagascar pirate checkers, Mill - the European checkers game, Pretva - Indian checkers, Fox and geese - the game "one against all ”, Astar - the Kyrgyz game“ two fortresses ”.
  • Board sports games: Novus - sea billiards, Jaccolo - throwing flat checkers into the goal, Cornhole - throwing bags of corn grains into holes, Table shuffleboard - throwing pucks on a marked table, etc.
  • Outdoor games for the development of dexterity and dexterity: Egg rolling, Flea, Spillikins, Pebbles, Zakidushki, Volchki, Kubari.
  • Mechanical puzzles: lace, metal, wood, paradox, etc.
  • Electronic, wood, metal and magnetic construction sets.
  • Site "Aim aptly": Shooting gallery "Soldiers", "Shashkotir", Slingshot giant, shooting gallery "Cherry", Koltsebros "Fortress".
  • A large area (more than 50 tables) of a wide variety of board games from the Mosigra company.
  • A platform for scientific and educational games and experiments: Fakir Chair, Air Cannon, Soaring Ball, Archimedes, Leonardo Bridge, etc.

Workshops “Learning to play” have been prepared for teachers and parents on topical topics:

  • "Traditional games as a tool for the development of dexterity and dexterity" - presenter Andrey Viktorovich Eroshkin - head of the department of technical and technical centers.
  • “Intellectual games for schoolchildren. The technology of their organization and conduct "is conducted by Kheifets Boris Leonidovich - head of the project" Cup of Sparrow Hills in intellectual games for schoolchildren "
  • "Technologies and materials for the implementation of our own development of board games" presenter Artyom Evgenievich Bogdanov - senior teacher of additional education at the Central Technical Center.
  • “Acquaintance with the game of Go. History. Culture. The Rules ”is conducted by Vadim Viktorovich Filippov - Master of Sports in Go game, head of the Tenuki Go School.

Within the framework of the Week of Games and Toys, creative and intellectual contests "Master of the Game" are provided.

City open "Contest of ingenuity". Represents a kind homework for the participants of the Moscow City Week of games and toys. The tasks of the competition are posted on the official website of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. It includes a number of logical tasks, puzzles, tasks for ingenuity, ingenuity, spatial thinking, attention. You can solve problems with parents, friends, use reference manuals. Completed tasks must be submitted at the entrance upon registration. Preliminary results are summed up daily, final results within 2 weeks after the end of registration.

City contest of homemade games "Dream Game"... All interested students are invited to participate in the competition with playing aids, homemade games prepared for demonstration in an entertaining way in the following areas: board sports games, logic games, games with a dynamic effect, manipulative games, games for agility and skill, games for marksmanship ...

City scientific and game relay "Children's Science Show". Children's groups demonstrate their projects for the participants of the holiday in a fun way.

City competition of scientific board game developers "My Game" held among students of educational organizations in two age categories: 12-14 years old and 15-17 years old. Both authors and groups of authors can participate. All invented games should be devoted to some area of ​​science and contain information of a popular scientific nature from the elements of scientific knowledge selected by the author. The results of the competition are summed up by the organizing committee based on the marks given by the experts.

From October 29 to November 4, 2018 at Sparrow Hills there will be a holiday of fun and educational games, exciting experiments, contests, competitions, creative workshops - City Week of Games and Toys.

During the week, the gates of the Play City will be hospitably open for schoolchildren, their teachers and parents. Having made a trip through Igroport, Funny Sloboda, Start-track, University Town and Art-Quarter, young participants of the program will meet their favorite games, get acquainted with new ones and learn to play them. Popular games and attractions, entertaining scientific and educational programs, experiments, experiments, fascinating master classes and much more await them.


1 session: 11: 00-14: 00
2nd session: 15: 00-18: 00
Venue: Great Concert Hall

Game program for organized groups schoolchildren (10 - 15 people) aged 6 to 14 years. Participants will have to complete game tasks, showing dexterity, dexterity, the ability to be friends and have fun. Four gaming districts await you: "Campus" - the area of ​​intellectual games and entertaining sciences, exciting experiences and experiments, board games, technical modeling and construction; "Funny Sloboda" - a hall of old and modern outdoor games, competitions and entertainment; "Art-Quarter" - creative platforms with literary games, games-theatricalizations, applied master classes; "Start-track" is the territory of dynamic board and electronic games that require mobility, dexterity, and accuracy from the participants.

1 session: 11: 00-13: 00
2nd session: 13: 30-15: 30
Session 3: 16: 00-18: 00

Ancient games - getting to know the games different eras and peoples. Family game program for children and their parents. The program includes: funny games, attractions, fun and entertainment - we train dexterity and dexterity; outdoor folk games - getting to know gaming traditions different nations; sports ground on the table - we play board sports games; puzzles - looking for a way out of intricate situations; applied master classes - learning to create beautiful things; a marathon of board games - we play with the whole family; ancient games - get to know the games of different eras and peoples.
Login by registration on the website of the Vorobyovy Gory educational complex.

From October 29 to November 4, 2016, the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills invites children to take part in the traditional Week of Games and Toys.

This is another event that takes place as part of the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers.

The event is aimed at enriching the play experience of children and adolescents with a variety of traditional and modern game forms, contributing to a more complete disclosure of creative potential, spiritual, intellectual and physical development. Play and Toy Week has been held in the Palace since 1950 (in 1957, in connection with the Student Youth Festival, the Play and Toy Week was held twice).

The guests of the holiday will enjoy world game novelties, folk games and attractions, entertaining scientific and educational programs, experiments, experiments, fascinating master classes, fairs of original games and toys, and much more.

Two game programs will be held daily at the Palace:

- from 11:00 to 13:00 - team game-journey "Play, city!". For two hours, organized children's groups of 10-15 people aged 6 to 14, under the guidance of guides, will go through the games presented at the Week and complete game tasks. To complete the tasks, the children will need to show their agility, skill, ingenuity, ability to work in a team, make friends and have fun.

- from 15:00 to 18:00 - game program "Let's play!". During this game program children, together with their parents and friends, will be able to play all the games and toys presented at the Week. Among them are "Spinning Tops", "Kubari", "Stilts", "Kameshki", Nimble winders "Cosmodrome", "Air Hockey", "Table Football", "Footwalker Path", "Koltsebrosa", "Storming the Fortress", "Jugglers "," Balls-comets ". In addition, children will find a board game library, entertaining experiments, master classes on making models and toys, outdoor games and contests.

It is expected that the event will be attended by about 12 thousand children, teachers and parents.

Thematic blocks:

- "Pavilion of Discovery": entertaining scientific experiments and experiments that develop interactive games and toys, radio-controlled models, construction kits.

- "Creativity": theatrical games, a young artist, master classes on making folk toys.

- "Board Games Game Library": Mind games and puzzles, strategies, logic tasks and quizzes, games for the development of fine motor skills.

- "Sports ground on the table": table hockey, table football, air hockey, novus.

- "Virtual reality": games based on modern computer technologies and visualization tools.

- “Making with our own hands”: master classes on making flying models of airplanes, physical toys, crafts made of paper, wood and other available materials.

- "Outdoor games": spinning tops, whirligig, kubari, toys, ring throwers, nimble winders, jugglers, a force meter, tightrope walker, stilts, stones, outdoor games in a circle.


The Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory (Vorobyovy Gory) is the largest state multidisciplinary school in the system of additional education in the city of Moscow. The Palace of Pioneers includes 23 educational subdivisions, the complex presents more than 2 thousand educational programs, of which about 700 are additional education programs. Training is carried out both on a budgetary and on a paid basis. In laboratories, studios, art and technical workshops, sports schools and the sections of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers are attended by about 30 thousand children from 1.5 to 18 years old.

The history of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers began in 1936, when the Moscow City House of Pioneers and Octobrists was opened in Stopani Lane (today - Ogorodnaya Sloboda Lane). In subsequent years additional education received intensive development, and soon it became obvious the need to create even greater opportunities for children. On June 1, 1962, the ceremonial opening of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren on Lenin, and today - Vorobyovy Gory, took place.

Many graduates of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers have become famous artists, scientists, writers, directors, athletes, etc. Over the years, people who later became celebrities and the pride of Russia studied here: actor and director Rolan Bykov, theater and film actresses Natalya Gundareva, Olga Kabo, Lyudmila Kasatkina, theater and film actor, film director Sergei Nikonenko, film director Stanislav Rostotsky, ballerina Natalia Bessmertnova, ballet dancer and choreographer Vladimir Vasiliev, opera singer Tamara Sinyavskaya, writer Sergei Baruzdin, Soviet swimmer, 1976 Olympic champion Marina Koshevaya and others.