Is it possible to read conspiracies on Easter week. Conspiracies and rituals for Easter for money. Easter signs for marriage

Rituals and conspiracies for money for Easter

All rituals for money for Easter are not done on Christ's Sunday itself, but after. But for candles bought on the day of the Holiday

When buying candles in a church, stock up on one white and long one. At home, remove the wick from it, light it from both ends and quickly read the plot for money 3 times:
“The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and every good thing”
After that, you need to extinguish the wick with your hands and put it in your wallet. With the help of this Easter ritual, you will make a money talisman for yourself for the whole coming year.

To the Easter money rituals, for fidelity, you can add a very strong conspiracy- amulet. It is also made using Easter candles. On Easter Day, do not forget to buy an even number of candles in the church. Twist them together in pairs, and, as needed, light them up, while reading 9 times a plot for money and prosperity:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. There are seven domes on God's temple, and on those domes there are seven golden crosses. I will come to the temple with my feet, I will be baptized with my hands. Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God, take crosses, golden keys, lock my enemies with them with evil tongues. Lock their teeth, lips, arms, legs, throw the keys to the deep bottom, so that my enemies never get these keys, do not destroy my soul, do not break my body. My prayer is the first, the enemies are the last thing. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Conspiracy from diseases for Easter

If an adult or child is constantly sick, try this for Easter. Pour into a small bottle the holy water brought from the church on Easter. Dip the pectoral cross (consecrated) into it of the one you want to heal and read the plot 3 times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes with water, the ailments will be washed away. I collected that water, I gave it to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Take out the cross, put it on the owner, and sprinkle his forehead three times with water. Spray the often ill with charmed water 3 times a day throughout the entire Easter week. And keep the bottle near any icon.

from damage

On the holy holiday of Easter, bring a prosphora from the church. On it, almost touching your lips, read the plot. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

"Be our holy house, blessed,

With doors, with windows,
with salary logs,

With green thyme.

from grave ground.


Ritual for a coin on the Saturday before Easter.

Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 kopecks. and speak to them:
"In the name of the father and son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people are waiting for Happy Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so the money would flow to me, the servant of God (name). All the saints, all with me. Amen"

Money rite for easter

The text of the plot itself:
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people of an honest bright holiday rejoice, as the bells ring for matins, let the money rejoice there. In my purse they have both a house and a shelter. they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my own. Amen."

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before this, read 3 times "Our Father".
The text of the plot itself:
"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As the people of an honest bright holiday rejoice, as the bells ring for matins, let the money rejoice there. In my purse they have both a house and a shelter. they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can kill my own. Amen."

Easter spell for love.

This Easter love spell is valid for exactly one year.
Take 7 painted eggs, say a spell for each, and then take them to the cemetery, to 7 different graves.

Conspiracy text:
"I will go blessed, beyond the threshold, crossing myself. I will go to a distant kingdom, in that kingdom he sits on a gilded throne Holy Mother of God He looks with his eyes at Saint Joseph. So the servant of God (name) would have matured on me, the servant of God (name) could not stop admiring. As the Orthodox people are waiting for Bright Easter, so the slave (name) would have been waiting for me, yearned, did not sleep at night. Key to my words. Amen.".

Love spell for Easter.

Take an Easter egg, read a plot on it, and then take it to your loved one's house.

"I will go out, blessed, go crossing myself, from door to door, from gate to gate. I will go to the blue sea, I will stand on the sandy shore, I will call the whitefish. I will call and ask for help. Help me, whitefish, in my love affairs. You swim by the sea, you swim by the ocean, find the servant of God (name), instill in him a universal longing, a bitter grief for me, God's servant (name). words, and the castle in the sea is an okian."

This conspiracy is done for a year, but it is read at Easter.

Before Easter, during Great Lent, set aside a little money every day for a conspiracy for Easter (10 rubles each). Early in the morning on Easter, you need to come to church and drop this money into the donation box so that no one can see. Lowering the money, say three times:

"God gave me, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold."

After that, go to the icon of the Resurrection (it will stand in the middle of the church) and read the prayer:

O Most Sacred and Greatest Light of Christ, Resplendent throughout the world more than the sun in Thy Resurrection! On this bright and glorious and saving day of Holy Pascha, all the angels in heaven rejoice, and every creature rejoices and rejoices on earth, and every breath glorifies Thee, its Creator. Today, the gates of paradise are opened, and the dead are freed into hell by Your descent. Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. May Your light also come into our gloomy souls and hearts, and may it enlighten our existing night of sin there, and we will shine with the light of truth and purity in the bright days of Your Resurrection, like a new creature about You. And thus, enlightened by Thee, we will come forth enlightened in meeting Thy, who proceeds to Thee from the tomb, like the Bridegroom. And as thou hast rejoiced on this most bright day with the appearance of Your holy virgins in the morning from the world to Your tomb who came, so now enlighten the night of our deep passions and shine on us the morning of dispassion and purity, so that we can see Thee with the hearts of the eyes red more than the sun of the Bridegroom and let us hear still your longed-for voice: Rejoice! And having tasted the Divine joys of Holy Pascha while still here on earth, may we be partakers of Thy eternal and great Pascha in heaven in the non-evening days of Thy Kingdom, where there will be unspeakable joy and unspeakable voice of celebrating and unspeakable sweetness of those who see Thy Face inexpressible kindness. Thou art the true light, enlightening and sanctifying everything, Christ our God, and glory befits You forever and ever. Amen.

After a conspiracy for Easter for fifty days, until the feast of the Trinity, read every morning such a conspiracy:

Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. And so my heavenly and earthly bins will be filled with good. Amen.

Conspiracy - From spoilage for Easter

On the holy holiday of Easter, bring a prosphora from the church. On it, almost touching your lips, read the plot. After reading this prosphora, burn it: all the negativity will go into it, and the damage will pass.

"Be our holy house, blessed,
Every hole, every chink,
With doors, with windows,
with salary logs,
Around our mansion there is a stone fence
With green thyme.
Who fenced this fence - the Angels of the Lord.
They will speak the servant of God (name) from corruption.
From a big trouble, from a coffin board,
from grave ground.
Neither the first person nor the last will spoil it,
Neither on the church, nor on its fence, nor on the icon.
Not on a candle, not on a needle, not near a cemetery.

From diseases.

Collect a thin white skin from a birch, brew at three in the morning and add three pinches each: wood ash, salt and shells from eggs boiled for Easter. Above all this, read the spell, and then let's drink to the patient.

"As on Bright Sunday, on Easter,
Jesus Christ rose from the dead
so the servant of God (name) is given
healing and deliverance from disease.

In this article, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about conspiracies that can be read on the Christian holiday of Easter. On Christ's Resurrection, white love rites are performed, strong, effective conspiracies are read for a beloved guy on Easter Day. It is possible on this day and throughout Holy Week, turning to the Forces of the Christian egregor, to improve health, or to influence the material well-being of the family.

Every day of Holy Week, preceding Easter - the Bright Resurrection of Christ, is endowed with a special energy, magical power. Using this supernatural power, skillfully directing it, you can make the desired changes in your life. And, of course, Easter is the day when magic manifests itself through the will and power of the sorcerer, through his word.

Independent conspiracies for marriage on Easter

Not every wine becomes a precious drink over the years. More often it turns into vinegar. So it is with women. In general, everything should happen on time. If you can’t get married for a long time, use independent marriage conspiracies read on Easter, as well as rituals for love and good luck.

Easter conspiracies for beauty will be very useful.

And not only for single girls who are in active search, because to be attractive to your man means to be interesting to him, so not to lose him. to help those who believe in its effectiveness and strength. So, white weight loss conspiracies for Easter will definitely come in handy for those who want to keep youth and attractiveness.

Independent love conspiracies in the church for Easter

To attract a guy, find your soul mate and start a relationship, the girls read the text of the conspiracy before Easter for love. And there is a good and uncomplicated rite of luring suitors, which should be done on Bright Sunday. During the Easter service, keep a handful of wheat on your chest. Returning home, read the words of the love spell to the grain conspiracy for Easter for grooms, and then sprinkle it on your doorstep:

“How many candle lights were in the church of the saint, so many suitors for me. How many grains in a handful, so many guests for me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen, amen, amen."

Home ritual for Easter for pregnancy

On the eve of the Resurrection of Christ, take a good ripe apple and make a wish on it. Bless the apple in the church during the Easter service, and eat it on this holiday. This simple ritual will fill a woman who dreams of becoming a mother with fertility.

Proven Easter conspiracies for the love and respect of people

Water is one of the main elements used in all witchcraft traditions. By reading special whispers on water for Easter, you can get rid of the disease on your own or help a loved one to relieve the disease, neutralize or transfer it to another. Likewise, many strong love conspiracies for Easter are based on the use of Easter paraphernalia - painted eggs, candles, towels, water, icons. And here are examples of such Easter love spells.

The entire Paschal all-night service must be defended, holding a red egg on the chest. And before you cross the threshold of your house, take out the egg and read over it three times love spell on your beloved guy on Easter day. And only then treat the one whom you decided to bewitch with this charmed testicle.

“Lord, help, Lord, bless!

As now all the bells sing,

The people are called to serve in the church,

So that this testicle attracts me, beckons,

Forever and ever tied a servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Homemade conspiracy for Easter to attract the love of a young guy

And here is another Easter bait for male attention and love, a conspiracy to love men on Easter, which will help a girl get married quickly. Any woman can successfully use this love spell. For him you will need:

  • 9 Easter eggs (eggs)

On the morning of the Bright Resurrection of Christ, kiss 9 Easter eggs, for each 1 time, read the text of the Easter conspiracy to love guys and young men:

“How people love holy Easter,

Appreciate and remember maternal affection,

So that the servant of God (name) men would love me stronger than the strong,

More than anything appreciated

Herds behind me, behind God's servant(name) went.

Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Treat men with these charmed eggs. Give away all the eggs, don't keep anything for yourself. This is a good, love plot for the Easter holiday, which has many positive reviews.

If this love spell helps you get attention and find a rich groom, then with the help of the following ritual you can get the respect of people. This is done with the help of a consecrated Easter cake.

A strong conspiracy for Easter cake for honor and attention

For this case you will need:

  • piece of consecrated Easter cake
  • cup of fresh milk

Leave for the witchcraft rite a piece of the consecrated Easter cake, which broke the fast. Read the plot for Easter cake three times, and wear it on yourself for 9 days. And then eat, soaked in fresh cow's milk.

“Just as people held Easter cake with love in the temple, blessed God’s Holy Word, so they would have accepted me, the servant of God (name), with love, loved, had mercy, bowed as I went out, stood up on my legs with me. So be. In them the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

A simple homemade conspiracy on Easter for the love of a husband

This old strong conspiracy to love your husband, read on Easter Day, will help return your husband's interest, warm attitude, attention and care. You need to go to the largest, most visited store, take hold of the door handle with your left hand and say to yourself:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

“Christ is risen, and to me, God's servant (name), my husband. How everyone grabs this bracket, so that my husband, the servant of God (name), misses me, runs to me, grabs me, hugs me, has mercy. Amen".

A strong conspiracy from witchcraft damage for Easter

On the Bright Resurrection of Christ, people think about how to improve their lives, how to gain beauty, good luck and health with the help of strong Easter conspiracies. As soon as the bells ring, you must immediately read the words three times:

Girls read conspiracies for Easter for the beauty, attractiveness, sympathy and love of men. For beauty and rich life this morning Orthodox holiday they wash themselves with water, which was specially left from Maundy Thursday. A silver pectoral cross or a coin is placed in this water. They read a witch's whisper on the water for Easter, and, having washed, they wipe themselves with a new towel:

“I will wash myself with silver water, I will cover myself with a golden robe. As the whole world loves money, so the whole world loves and loves me as a servant of God (name). Amen".

But, on this holy day, you can not only attract the good, but also get rid of the bad. Here's how to get rid of witchcraft negativity and the evil eye with the help of effective conspiracy for Easter from enemies and sorcerers. You need to bring a prosphora from the church. At home, read an effective and very strong conspiracy against corruption on her 40 times. The charmed prosphora must be burned. With it, damage will also go away. What remains of the burning, scatter to the wind, or let it flow in running water, or bury it in the ground where you will no longer walk.

“Be our holy mansion, blessed, every hole, every crack, with doors, with windows, with folding logs. Around our mansion there is a stone fence with green grass. Who built this fence? . They will speak the servant of God (name) from corruption, from trouble, from the tomb, from the grave earth. Neither the first person nor the last will spoil the servant of God (name), neither on the church, nor on the fence, nor on the icon, nor on the candle, nor on the needle, nor on the churchyard. Amen".

Protective conspiracy from enemies for the feast of Christ's Easter

On the day of Christ's Resurrection, you can independently create an amulet for yourself, which, by the power of the magic word and the power of the Christian Forces, will keep you from many life's adversities throughout the year. To read this conspiracy from enemies at Easter, you need to stand at the temple and count those who go out of the gate. When you count 40 people, cross yourself and say:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, watered, taught prayers, saved, protected, and then wept at the cross, shed tears, lamented, suffered along with her Son. Jesus Christ rose on Sunday, henceforth His glory from earth to heaven. Now He Himself takes care of us, His servants, mercifully ours. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me from all troubles now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Easter conspiracies for health - how to remove illnesses from a family

If the family is often sick, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to do this rite for healing from ailments. Before reading a strong conspiracy against diseases for Easter, collect the necessary ingredients. And you will need this:

  1. thin white birch skin
  2. metal bucket with spring water
  3. 3 pinches of wood ash
  4. 3 pinches of salt
  5. 3 pinches of crushed shells Easter eggs
  6. dark glass bottle with cork

As soon as dead midnight - demonic time - has ended, and the first roosters have crowed, begin the rite of white magic. Boil water on the fire, throw birch skin and other elements there: ash, salt, shells. All in prescribed amounts. Remove the ladle from the fire, and while the brew is bubbling, read a strong conspiracy for Easter for health. When cool, pour the contents of the ladle into a dark glass bottle and tightly close the cork. Give the patient a drink as needed.

Read this Easter conspiracy for health and healing from diseases:

“As on Bright Sunday, on Easter, Jesus Christ rose from the dead, so the servant of God (name) is granted healing and deliverance from the disease. Amen".

From an incomprehensible illness, when doctors cannot make a diagnosis, when there is a suspicion that damage or an evil eye has been cast on the patient by a sorcerer, it is necessary to scold him and wash him with water spoken on Easter. Do this for 3 nights in a row. Read the following text of the conspiracy:

“On the third day of Pascha, Saint Marina walked, Saint Catherine walked with her. They carried the Holy Gifts. Whoever remembers the names of these three evenings will return health from the Holy Gifts. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever. Amen".

A strong conspiracy from obscure diseases for Easter

If a child or adult is often sick for a long time, you should try to help a family member, reading a conspiracy for Easter for health. To perform this Easter magical rite to get rid of diseases, you will need:

  • container with lid
  • holy water brought from the church on Easter
  • pectoral cross of the patient
  • Orthodox icon

Pour holy water into the container, dip the patient’s cross into it, and read a strong prayer whisper into the water for Easter 3 times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes with water, ailments will be washed away from him. I collected that water, I gave it to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Then take out the cross and, and sprinkle his forehead three times with healing water. To get rid of diseases and a sustainable result, do this 3 times a day throughout the entire Easter week. Keep the charmed water near any icon that is in your house.

Independent conspiracies for Easter for health and well-being

It is believed that even a very sick person can be helped to heal if, at the first strike of the bell in the church, cross yourself and read the words:

“Christ is risen, and the servant of God (name) is healthy. Amen".

And widows and unmarried women, and girls who want to get married soon, having heard the ringing in the bell tower, also cross themselves and read the text of the conspiracy:

“Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen".

Do not count love plots for the Easter holiday and throughout Holy Week, and it is imperative to use them to help yourself find love, get married, in order to improve relations with your spouse and relatives.

On the bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, you can get rid of not only the ailments of the physical body, but also from harmful addictions, such as smoking and drinking alcohol. You can help yourself with this by turning to the power of white magic and this great day, with the help of effective conspiracies on Easter to quit smoking, and to recover from drunkenness and drug addiction.

A strong conspiracy from drunkenness on Easter night - how to chastise alcoholism in a cemetery

To chastise a person from drinking, a white magician performs a cemetery ceremony at the very time of the holiday. He takes a consecrated Easter cake and cuts it into 12 pieces. Then he puts these pieces on 12 nominal graves of a patient with alcoholism, someone who needs to be reprimanded for his love of vodka. Before each grave, the white magician bows and reads the text of a strong conspiracy for Easter from the disease of drunkenness and from craving for a wild life:

"Christ is risen! You, dead man, don’t get up, don’t drink wine, so don’t get up for the rest of your life, don’t drink wine. Yes, do not let the servant of God (name) drink intoxicating, neither mash, nor honey, nor green wine. So that the wine is green to the servant of God (name) seems like vinegar, so that he turns away from the mash forever, but he would not turn back. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

If a person has a habit of drinking as a result, then this conspiracy from drunkenness is read on Easter night, like any payoffs, must be done in a complex, then there will be sense. Harsh witchcraft purges should be carried out with the ransoms. Whether they will be cemetery ones, or otherwise the magician will remove the heavy witch's allotment, depends on his skills and practice. It is not necessary to read such strong conspiracies from spoilage for Easter. Complex work can be done before noticeable results for quite a long time. Cleansing is done on a waning moon.

Good conspiracy for Easter to quit smoking tobacco

With the help of this magical ritual, you can loved one get rid of the painful craving for tobacco smoking. For this ceremony you need to take:

  • shells from colored Easter eggs
  • table salt

The shell must be ground into flour. Read on the resulting powder the words of the conspiracy for Easter to quit smoking. It is pronounced 7 times. Mix the charmed powder with salt, and salt the food for the smoker with this salt. No one else in the household should use this salt.

A text of the Easter conspiracy for health and to get rid of the bad habit of smoking:

“Oh my God! On Holy Day, help Your servant (name), so as not to sit on his hump by the devil, so as not to swallow smoke, so that his family does not know any sorrows or sorrows. Lord God! Let the trait of a tobacconist, the trait of a smoker, help Your Angel to expel. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen, amen, amen."

Ancient documents describe in detail the most complex rituals for Easter, the implementation of which requires thorough and long preparation. But even if you don’t have time, on Easter week you can also perform simple rituals for wealth and good luck: after all, these days a special energy channel connecting a person and the Higher Forces opens, and the Lord hears your prayers, helping in all good undertakings!

Ritual for prosperity in the house

On Easter morning, at dawn, read the following plot. Before that, read 3 times.
The text of the plot itself:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As people rejoice at an honest bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, there let the money rejoice at me. In my purse they have both a home and a shelter. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my words. Amen."

Ritual for a coin on the Saturday before Easter.
Before Easter, on Saturday, before sunset, take 5 kopecks or any coin of your state with the number 5 and say to them:
“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people are waiting for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so money would flow to me as a servant of God (name). All saints, all with me. Amen"

Carry the coin all year in your wallet

Ritual for the fulfillment of a wish.

Do not forget to treat a brownie with a piece of Easter baking!Put the food in a secluded corner and, leaning towards the floor, say: “Brownie, brownie, we have a feast with a mountain, come and eat, my desire to listen. I want peace in the house, a feast at the table, peace and quiet in my soul, God's grace. Then say your wish out loud. After tasting yummy, the Host will certainly fulfill your desires!

On a coin for wealth

On Holy Saturday, going to Vespers, say to the coin:

Christ will rise, and all the dead will rise, they will rise from the earth, they will reach for the sky. So my wealth would rise, stretch upwards. Amen.

Throw this coin into the donation box in the church.

Ritual for money

At Easter, you can attract money into your home with the help of colored eggs. On Easter Eve, put a bill (any) in every corner of the house, and on it - “krashenka”. Ask that money never leave you. In the morning, let each member of your family eat a charmed Easter egg. Hide the money in a secluded place. Do not touch the Easter money until the end of the week, then you can spend it on gifts and sweets for children.

Rite h to have prosperity and well-being

After the Easter morning service, quickly go home, without going anywhere and not being distracted by other things and shops, but not forgetting to greet the people you meet: “Christ is risen!”. And at home, begin to celebrate and praise the Lord, and then the whole year will be prosperous for you.

This conspiracy is done for a year, but it is read at Easter.

Before Easter, during Great Lent, set aside a little money every day for a conspiracy for Easter (10 rubles each). Early in the morning on Easter, you need to come to church and drop this money into the donation box so that no one can see. Lowering the money, say three times:

“God gave me, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold.”

After that, go to the icon of the Resurrection (it will stand in the middle of the church)

and read the prayer:

O Most Sacred and Greatest Light of Christ, Resplendent throughout the world more than the sun in Thy Resurrection! On this bright and glorious and saving day of Holy Pascha, all the angels in heaven rejoice, and every creature rejoices and rejoices on earth, and every breath glorifies Thee, its Creator. Today, the gates of paradise are opened, and the dead are freed into hell by Your descent. Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. May Your light also come into our gloomy souls and hearts, and may it enlighten our existing night of sin there, and we will shine with the light of truth and purity in the bright days of Your Resurrection, like a new creature about You. And thus, enlightened by Thee, we will come forth enlightened in meeting Thy, who proceeds to Thee from the tomb, like the Bridegroom. And as thou hast rejoiced on this most bright day with the appearance of Your holy virgins in the morning from the world to Your tomb who came, so now enlighten the night of our deep passions and shine on us the morning of dispassion and purity, so that we can see Thee with the hearts of the eyes red more than the sun of the Bridegroom and let us hear still your longed-for voice: Rejoice! And having tasted the Divine joys of Holy Pascha while still here on earth, may we be partakers of Thy eternal and great Pascha in heaven in the non-evening days of Thy Kingdom, where there will be unspeakable joy and unspeakable voice of celebrating and unspeakable sweetness of those who see Thy Face inexpressible kindness. Thou art the true light, enlightening and sanctifying everything, Christ our God, and glory befits You forever and ever. Amen.

After a conspiracy for Easter for fifty days, until the feast of the Trinity, read every morning such a conspiracy:

Now all is filled with light, heaven is earth and the underworld. And so my heavenly and earthly bins will be filled with good. Amen.

The book "Conspiracies and rituals for Easter"

Ritual for attracting an apartment on Easter.

Attention! This ritual is done only on Easter.
The mechanism is this. You need to make a nest, you can do it from everything that your imagination is enough for. Someone makes spaghetti, you can weave, you can, purchased. So, they made a nest, and laid beautiful eggs in it and went to consecrate these eggs to the church, then these eggs need to be eaten by all future residents of the new apartment.
Details: eggs should be large, eggs should be one more than you want rooms in your apartment. Do not give these eggs to strangers. Be sure to bless the eggs! As for the nest, you can make it from everything, you can bake it from dough, you can weave it, you can take a ready-made basket, the most important thing is to make it clear that this is a nest. After the ritual, keep the nest in a secluded place.


Money talisman for a year

Some rituals for money for Easter are not done on Christ's Sunday itself, but after. But for candles bought on the day of the Holiday

When buying candles in a church, stock up on one white and long one. At home, remove the wick from it, light it with both ends and quickly read the plot for money 3 times:
“The fire is eternal, and my spirit is marked with gold, silver and every good thing”
After that, you need to extinguish the wick with your hands and put it in your wallet. With the help of this Easter ritual, you will make a money talisman for yourself for the whole coming year.

To the Easter money rituals, for fidelity, you can add a very strong conspiracy-amulet. It is also made using Easter candles. On Easter Day, do not forget to buy an even number of candles in the church. Twist them together in pairs, and, as needed, light them up, while reading 9 times a plot for money and prosperity:
“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, amen. There are seven domes on God's temple, and on those domes there are seven golden crosses. I will come to the temple with my feet, I will be baptized with my hands. Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God, take crosses, golden keys, lock my enemies with them with evil tongues. Lock their teeth, lips, arms, legs, throw the keys to the deep bottom, so that my enemies never get these keys, do not destroy my soul, do not break my body. Prayer is my first, enemies last. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen"

The book "Conspiracies and rituals for Easter"

Powerful prayers for Easter.

From the article you will learn what prayers exist for Easter and what conspiracies will help in love, marriage and getting rid of bad habits.

What strong prayers and conspiracies to read on Holy Easter?

Prayers and conspiracies uttered during the hours separating the Liturgy from the Paschal Matins and in the Holy Week preceding them have special power and energy.

On such days, there comes a moment when you can recover from a serious illness, protect your family from misfortunes with a talisman. It is believed that prayers for Easter can attract good luck, successfully start a new business, and even improve your financial situation.

The text of the Easter prayer, which protects from adversity and preserves love, brings good luck and prosperity to the family.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Mother Mary carried Christ
She gave birth, baptized, fed, watered,
She taught prayers, saved, protected,
And then she sobbed at the Cross, shed tears, lamented,
She suffered with her sweet Son.
Jesus Christ rose on Sunday
From now on, His glory is from earth to heaven.
Now he himself takes care of us, his slaves,
Graciously accepts our prayers.
Lord, hear me, save me, protect me
From all troubles now and forever.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Another text strong prayer, which is read on Easter days:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Mother Mary carried Christ, gave birth, baptized, fed, watered, She taught prayers, saved, protected, And then at the Cross she sobbed, shed tears, lamented, Together with her dear Son she suffered. Jesus Christ was resurrected on Sunday, From now on His glory from earth to heaven. Now he himself takes care of us, his slaves, Graciously accepts our prayers. Lord, hear me, save me, protect me From all troubles now and forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen"

Powerful Prayers for Easter

Strong prayer for Easter - Christ is Risen

On Easter week, Orthodox Christians turn to the Lord with prayers in which they ask for salvation for themselves and their loved ones. Prayer will touch everyone who turns to the Lord during the great, great and long-awaited holiday with faith in the soul.

  • They read prayers for Easter in complete solitude. Therefore, when going to pray, make sure that no one will interfere with you.
  • Before prayer, an Orthodox icon and a cup filled with holy water are placed on the table.
  • 3 candles are lit.
  • They read the sacred text when the presence of God is felt.
  • While reading, look at the lighted candles.

Prayer text:

Prayer "Hours for Holy Easter"

The text of the prayer that is read at the end of the akathist of Pascha

The prayer that is read at the end of the akathist of Pascha

Strong prayers for Easter for health

Prayer is a special amulet with incredible power. Prayers for the Easter week can heal a seriously ill person if he turns to the Lord with all his faith, with bright feelings, pure thoughts and with respect for God.

There are several strong magical texts:

  • from an unknown disease
  • from seizures
  • for good health
  • for the seriously ill

In each individual case, a special ceremony is performed, and the text of the conspiracy is read.

Prayer that is read on Easter for healing "From three deaths"

To return to good health: an Easter conspiracy

The rite is performed by the sick or suffering from an illness. The text of the conspiracy is read to oneself at the sound of the first strike of the bells on Easter. Before reading the plot, you need to cross yourself.

“Christ is risen, and the servant (name) is healthy. Amen".

Conspiracy for good vision

In the morning hours for Easter, you need to wash yourself next to the icon and pronounce the following conspiracy:

“As people look at the icon, so would my eyes look well for centuries. Amen."

To recover from an unknown disease, even if doctors cannot determine its cause, the following rite will help:

  • On Easter Sunday, the patient must personally collect the remains of the Easter meal in the apartment: animal bones, Easter egg shells, dry crumbs. The patient should bury all these leftovers in the garden or in the field.
  • But it is necessary to dig in according to this scheme: imagine that the garden or other piece of land in which the remains of food will be buried is a rectangle. And divide the leftovers into 4 parts: bury one part in each corner.
  • At home, the patient should not speak with relatives until the next morning. After a night's rest, your well-being will certainly improve.

Conspiracy from an unknown disease

It is read on the third day after Easter on holy water:

"God created the sky,
God created the earth.
Create, Lord
And health to the servant of God (name).
Like Jesus Christ on the third day
TO eternal life resurrected,
So that the servant of God (name)
Resurrected to health.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The patient should wash his face with charmed water in the evenings for three days in a row.

Easter prayer for healing

Prayer for Easter from the illness of a child and an adult

  • With constant malaise or severe illness, perform a special ritual for Easter. Prepare a small bottle of holy water that was brought from the church with a pectoral cross inside (consecrated).
  • The cross must be taken by the person for whom you are performing the ceremony. The prayer is read three times:

“In the kingdom of heaven there is a wonderful spring. Whoever touches the water, whoever washes with water, ailments will be washed away from him. I collected that water, I gave it to the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • The cross must be taken out of the bottle and put on the one to whom it belongs. Holy water is sprinkled on the patient's forehead.
  • Place a bottle of holy water near the icon: during the Easter week, a sick person should sprinkle his forehead with water three times a day, over which a prayer was read.

Prayer for the illness of a child and an adult

Powerful Easter Prayers for Good Luck

  • During the bright and joyful Easter holiday, people purify their souls and are spiritually reborn. It is at such moments that many people read prayers, creating powerful energy thanks to great spiritual tension. So magical rites become effective.
  • V spring days there is also a revival of nature and a stronger bioenergetic connection with man. Therefore, our ancestors held pagan holidays and magical rites during this period.
  • The magical energy of Easter, which is skillfully used, is able to attract good luck and all sorts of well-being. The strength and effectiveness of conspiracies has been confirmed for many centuries.

Prayer-amulet for Easter

Easter food conspiracy

  • The plot is read over painted eggs, Easter cakes, which in themselves have great magical power:

“Christ distributed everything that he had, and so bequeathed to others.
I treat everyone with these Easter cakes and wish good to all my neighbors.
So let everything that is rewarded by me return to me a hundredfold.
May good luck in business come with me, protect me from troubles and failures.

  • Treat loved ones with Easter eggs, spoken for good luck, in a good mood and with pure thoughts.
  • Your generosity will return to you and before the next Easter holiday you will be able to successfully complete all the important things.

Easter egg conspiracy

  • At Easter, take a painted Easter egg. Read the plot quietly, bringing the egg to your mouth:

"Easter egg, bright egg, blessed egg,
break all my troubles, overcome all my failures,
Spread the good news, bring me good luck.

  • Now find an opponent for the "fight" on the eggs. Having broken an enemy egg, you can count on the fact that luck will be on your side.
  • You can strengthen the action of the conspiracy with a large number of broken charmed eggs.

Strong prayer and conspiracy to love for Easter

  • Lonely people can perform a love ceremony on Easter. The rite has no dangerous consequences, unless the magical text is read with pure thoughts and good intentions.
  • However, bewitching someone with the aim of revenge or ridicule is dangerous for the one who performs the ceremony. Magic can turn against him.
  • So, you have sincere feelings and you are ready to act! While kneading the dough for Easter cakes, read and pronounce the words:

“I am beautiful, I am handsome, I look like a slender birch.
I am sweet as honey, pleasant as a holiday, pure in soul, neat in body.
I am promised to you alone, together we will be bequeathed by heaven.

  • Bake the cake, take it out of the oven and, after kissing, say the conspiracy:

“Give my betrothed a kiss, promise happiness to be with me.
He will be saturated with you, and his soul will be inflamed with love.

  • Treat your sweetheart with a charmed Easter cake. A loved one should taste the cake first. After that, the beloved will become favorable to you, to the point that you can live with him in love and happiness.

Conspiracy for love

  • Lonely people can also perform the following ritual on Easter: defend the Easter service with a handful of wheat attached to the chest. At home, you need to sprinkle the threshold with grain, pronouncing the plot:

“How many in the church there were lights from candles, so many suitors for me. How many grains are in a handful, so many suitors for me. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Conspiracy for love

Strong prayer and conspiracy for Easter for marriage

If you cannot get married, then on Easter, perform this ceremony:

  • Paint 9 eggs with the following colors
  • green - 3 pieces
  • blue - 3 pieces
  • red - 3 pieces

Prepare stickers that show wedding paraphernalia: wedding rings, couples in love, wedding bouquets. Stick these drawings on the painted Easter eggs, saying these words:

“As people love Holy Easter, appreciate and remember maternal affection, So men and guys would love me more than strong, they would appreciate it more than anything. Herds behind me. God's servant (name), walked. Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Put the charmed eggs in a beautiful plate and leave them on the table overnight. When you wake up in the morning, choose the most beautiful Easter egg and eat it. The rest of the eggs you need to treat friends and acquaintances.

Conspiracy for unmarried girls

  • You can ask yourself a groom for Easter. When the time comes for the Easter service, say these words:

“God grant a good groom, in boots and with galoshes, not on a cow, but on a horse!” Or, with the first strike of the bells, say the following words: “Christ is risen, and the suitors come to me. Amen".

  • After that, you need to take the towel that was used for wiping on Maundy Thursday, Easter cake, Easter eggs and give it to those who ask for alms near the church.

Easter: conspiracies for wealth

On the Easter holiday, you can conduct a ceremony for money. To do this, you need to prepare a container with water and put 3 Easter eggs there: gold, silver, red. On Easter morning, wash yourself with the water in which the eggs lay and expect good profits.

Conspiracy for money

The ceremony is held in the morning hours on Easter. “Our Father” is read, and then the conspiracy is pronounced three times:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. As people rejoice at an honest bright holiday, as the bells ring for matins, there let the money rejoice at me. In my purse they have both a home and a shelter. Just as on Easter the poor are not allowed to die of hunger, as they are given alms, so you, Lord, give me, the servant of God (name), prosperity in the house. Neither horse nor foot can interrupt my words. Amen."

charmed coin

  • The ceremony is held before Easter. On Saturday evening, until the sun has set, the following words are said on the coin:

“In the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit. Money to money, penny to penny. As people are waiting for Easter, as they go to the temple of God, so money would flow to me as a servant of God (name). All saints, all with me. Amen".

  • The charmed coin is placed in the wallet.

Prayers for wealth

Conspiracy for money prepared for donation

  • During Lent, collect money, and on Easter, go to church in the morning and give money for a donation. It's better if no one sees it. When leaving money, say the following:

“God gave me, I return to God, God will multiply a hundredfold, return a thousandfold.”

  • Having said the magic words, go to the icon of the resurrection. Pray next to the icon.

Ritual for money

  • Change money three times on Easter. After that, at home, throw coins in each corner and say 3 times:

“Roll into the red corner silver, For us for wealth and good. Amen."

Conspiracy during the Easter meal

“As an eggshell breaks, so my failures scatter like Easter eggs
They will go into my mouth, and the money will float into my pocket like a river.

  • On this day, you should eat more krashanki. But the shell should be broken into small pieces.

Spell to attract money for Easter

  • Prepare a money tree that you yourself have grown. Take a pot of wood in your hands and say the following words:

“Let my income always grow, and let my wealth accumulate here. Green leaves, each in turn. You grow, money, I will have income. And in the morning it is true. And in the evening dawn it is true, and in bright day it is true, and dark night it is true. May my word be true. May I have money at home. May my word be strong, may they hold on to me. Let my word be firm, and on this I stand. Amen!"


Conspiracies and rituals of Natalia Stepanova for Easter: how to read and conduct?

Conspiracy from Enemies

The famous healer Natalya Stepanova has conspiracies that protect against the machinations of enemies. The magic ritual should be performed on Easter. Bring purchased candles from church on Easter Sunday. Make one candle out of them by twisting them together. Over a lit candle, say the following words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
There are seven domes above the holy church,
They have seven golden crosses on them.
I will come, the servant of God (name), to the temple of God with my feet,
I will cross my arms.
Mother of God, Father of God, Son of God,
Take crosses, golden keys,
Lock my enemies with them, evil, prickly tongues.
Close your teeth and lips, lock your arms and legs,
Throw the keys to the deep bottom,
To my enemies
Never take these keys.
Do not destroy my baptized soul,
Do not break my white body.
My first prayer
Enemies have the last word.
Key. Lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Read the text of the plot 9 times in a row.

Conspiracies for Easter by Natalia Stepanova

Easter conspiracy from seizures

  • The text of the conspiracy can also be read on the waning moon, but the ritual for Easter is more effective.
  • Reading the magical text should be one who suffers from seizures. The patient should stock up on shells from Easter eggs that were consecrated in the temple before Easter.
  • The patient should go to the river, holding the shells in his bosom in a bag, turn his face against the current. After that, the shells should be taken out and thrown into the river, saying these words:

"Go away, trouble, to distant shores,
Illness would be me, a servant of God (name),
She didn’t torment, she retreated from my body forever,
I didn't break my bones.
Go, seizures, from the servant of God (name),
Into the wild river, leave me forever.
Save me, Lord, and have mercy on me a sinner.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And this conspiracy read for children from seizures:

  • It is necessary to collect holy water in the church and speak a conspiracy on it after Easter.

"Baby body, angelic soul,
Before the Savior, innocent, pure,
She is innocent in her suffering.
Cleanse and strengthen
Depart from the servant of God (name).
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

  • You need to sprinkle the face of the child with charmed water.

You need to sprinkle the face of the child with charmed water.

Conspiracies read for Easter: how to quit smoking?

Since Easter conspiracies are very effective, during the holiday you can help loved ones get rid of addictions such as smoking.

“Just as a dead man doesn’t get up and walk around, doesn’t wander around the crossroads at all, so you don’t take anything bad in your mouth or any liquid. Don't grieve about it, don't grieve. On the key teeth and lips Amen.

It stands near the temple of the devil,
Smokes, grinds tobacco.
He slips tobacco to the deacon:
"Here, clerk, smoke tobacco, make me, devil, have fun."
The deacon says to the devil:
"The Lord himself does not order me to smoke."
As the holy righteous do not smoke, they do not tar tobacco.
So they do not order the servant of God (name) to smoke,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Easter smoking spell

Conspiracies for Easter from booze

  • To carry out a ritual that relieves a loved one from alcohol addiction should be done in such a way that no one knows about your intentions.
  • The written text of the conspiracy on paper should not fall into anyone's hands. Put a piece of paper with a plot in an envelope and hide it so that no one will find it.

  • How to conduct a ritual that relieves drunkenness? On Easter Sunday, after the festive service, the consecrated Easter cake is cut into 12 parts. With a cut Easter cake, you need to go to the cemetery and find 12 graves there with the same name as the person you want to save from drunkenness. Leave a piece of Easter cake on each grave, bowing and saying the following:

"Christ is risen!
You, dead man, don't get up, don't drink alcohol.
So for the rest of your life, never get up, don't drink alcohol.
And a slave (name drinking man) Don't drink too.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen"

The ceremony can be carried out for three years, no more.


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