Tincture of Tibetan monks on garlic. Garlic tincture regimen. Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleaning vessels: preparation steps, dosage regimen, benefits and harms of tincture. Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleaning vessels: regimen

It's nice to be a part of nature, to hope for its protection and help. Folk methods of treatment have long been based on simplified ideas about diseases, philosophical views on the movement of energy through channels. Cleansing vessels with garlic and lemon is very popular in folk medicine. It is supposed to remove atherosclerotic plaques, restore impaired blood circulation.

Current knowledge does not support this possibility. In fact, it is impossible to dissolve atherosclerotic deposits by cleansing the vessels with garlic and lemon or other means. Plaque removal (cleaning) is achieved by microsurgical methods or by dissolving with special preparations at the very initial stage, when it is just beginning to form in the form of a spot.

However, folk recipes are loved by patients, are not rejected by doctors, because they really have a healing effect. Their action is mild, combined with drugs, the preparation is simple and affordable at home.

Let's look at the beneficial properties of "cleansing" compounds.

What to Expect from Garlic

Garlic is a plant that effectively counteracts microbes, restores immunity, therefore it is recommended as a prophylactic during an outbreak of influenza and respiratory infections, as well as at the time of recovery from an illness.

What is the effect of garlic? The composition of garlic heads includes:

  • phytoncides,
  • essential oils,
  • pyruvic acid,
  • ammonia,
  • fructose,
  • starch,
  • a group of vitamins (B, C, D, PP),
  • electrolytes (sodium, sulfur, potassium, calcium, magnesium, some iodine).

The active ingredient in essential oils is allicin. It has a strong bactericidal effect (kills pathogens, including antibiotic-resistant strains of Staphylococcus aureus).

The effect of garlic on the human body

Hoping to cleanse the blood vessels with garlic, patients use it either for food or prepare garlic tincture for alcohol. The latter option is more effective, since alcohol enhances the absorption of dissolved products and relieves the patient of an unpleasant odor.

The mechanism of action of garlic is well understood:

  • causes expansion of arterial (including coronary) vessels;
  • lowers arterial pressure with hypertension;
  • kills microbes and relieves inflammation;
  • affects the function of the liver to produce cholesterol;
  • calms tachycardia;
  • increases urination;
  • destroys oxidants.

Garlic in alcohol is used in folk recipes as a weak expectorant, a way to increase potency in men. The effect on the digestive process is known: activation of the production of gastric and pancreatic juice, bile, increased intestinal motility.

How to prepare garlic tincture

According to the Tibetan recipe for making a healing tincture, you need to: peel 350 g of garlic cloves, chop and crush them in a mortar (it must be ceramic or wooden). When the juice appears, you need to collect 200 g of mass from the bottom of the dish into a dark glass jar and pour a glass of alcohol. The jar must be tightly closed. Insist should be 10 days in a cool place (but not in the refrigerator!). You can squeeze the finished tincture through gauze. After that, she is allowed to stand for another 3 days until fully cooked.

You need to know which garlic is suitable for medicinal purposes.

  1. To prepare the tincture, choose only fresh garlic with large heads and large cloves. After four months of storage, the medicinal properties are lost 2 times, and in the spring only taste and smell remain.
  2. The Chinese begin preparing garlic tincture on the waxing moon, and finish on the full moon.

Tibetan tincture is stored for a long time. It has been proven that additional antitumor properties appear in the two-year-old preparation.

Feel like a resident of mountainous China

How to take a cleansing tincture

Tincture of garlic for cleaning vessels, according to the Tibetan recipe, is considered a strong anti-aging agent. It should be taken, taking into account the drops, 20 minutes before meals, three times a day, with ¼ cup of milk.

Treatment begins on the first day before breakfast with one drop, before lunch - two, before dinner - three, on the second day in the morning - four and add one drop to each dose. By the dinner of the fifth day, the dosage will be 15 drops. On the morning of the sixth day, the number of drops begins to decrease, one for each dose. From the eleventh day, it is recommended to constantly take 25 drops before breakfast, lunch and dinner until the entire tincture is over.

Another Use for Garlic

Cooking garlic oil allows you to get rid of unwanted side effects in chronic diseases of the digestive system.

The garlic oil recipe provides two options: long and fast.

A week is considered long until cooked: cut the clean cloves of one head of garlic into 2-3 parts and put in a sterile half-liter jar. We buy cold-pressed olive oil, pour 500 ml into an enamel pan and heat it to 180 degrees. Then carefully pour into a jar of garlic. Close tightly and leave in a cool place for 7 days. On the eighth day, we filter the resulting oil through a gauze napkin and pour it into a sterile container where the drug will be stored. Shelf life is long.

For quick production, we put the same ratio of garlic and oil with the addition of a few peppercorns and thyme herb in a strong dish in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 150 degrees. Pour the finished oil through gauze. Such oil is stored in a cool place in a tightly closed container for no longer than a month. Can be used immediately after filtration.

How to take oil

Another option is to add oil to vegetable salads as a dressing.

Useful properties of honey

Honey is used in cleansing recipes due to its abundance of health benefits. It contains:

  • bioactive substances of hormonal action;
  • enzymes for the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • vitamins and microelements.

This workaholic helps a man

Honey is able to:

  • support immunity;
  • improve blood flow;
  • normalize metabolic disorders;
  • to add energy in cases of dystrophy;
  • strengthen immune defenses.

Everyone knows the beneficial effect of honey during a cold. The combination of honey, lemon and garlic is recommended by traditional healers as a particularly strong recipe for "cleansing" the vascular bed.

What gives lemon

  • treatment of atherosclerosis;
  • the need to activate protective forces;
  • prevention and treatment of respiratory infections and influenza.

In combined use with garlic and honey, the effect on the walls of blood vessels is significantly enhanced, which helps to reduce blood pressure.

Does it look sour in the mouth? But together with honey it is very tasty.

How to prepare a combined tincture

Required Ingredients:

  • garlic - 4 heads;
  • lemon - 6 pieces;
  • honey - 400 g

Peel the garlic, cut the lemon into slices and remove the seeds as much as possible. In a blender, everything is crushed and mixed. Put in a sterile jar for settling. When enough juice appears in the upper layer, it is drained into a dark sterile container. Store only in the refrigerator. Sunlight is contraindicated for the prepared elixir.

In the absence of a blender, you can squeeze the juice from the lemons, mix it with honey and add finely chopped garlic. The mixture will turn out liquid, you do not need to drain the juice.

How to take the health elixir

In order to cleanse toxins and cholesterol, it is recommended to take it twice a day (in the morning before meals, in the evening an hour after dinner), dissolving a tablespoon in a glass of water. Do not drink at night. Due to increased brain activity, sleep problems are possible.

These products should be kept at home.

General rules for cleaning the body

If a decision is made, preparations for cleaning are received, several rules must be observed:

  1. Stop drinking alcohol (including beer) during the course of treatment.
  2. Do not drink coffee, strong tea, spicy spices.
  3. Increase clean water intake to 2.5 liters per day (to remove toxins).
  4. Do gymnastics, yoga, walk more.
  5. Tibetan recommendations require daily meditation and reflection on life.

Contraindications to such cleaning

  • in the presence of seizures of epilepsy;
  • against the background of exacerbation of gastritis, enterocolitis, pancreatitis, hepatitis;
  • if there is frequent and painful urination, chronic kidney disease;
  • men with prostate adenoma;
  • during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids.

These recipes undoubtedly heal the body and strengthen the immune system. This delays the development of atherosclerosis and rejuvenates a person.

Folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels effectively help both as a preventive measure and in case of an already existing disease.
They are harmless, free, and proven to work for generations, so they outperform traditional medicines by an order of magnitude.
The most effective of them, including the garlic tincture recipe, herbal preparations and various infusions, are described in the following article.

Clogged vessels and comorbidities

Clogged blood vessels are a fairly common problem for many people. The risk of getting sick here is the same for different segments of the population, regardless of social and economic status. Basically, the problem occurs along with thrombosis and atherosclerosis.
In the case of thrombosis, the loss of elasticity of the vessels and their blockage occurs due to the formation of blood clots. The main cause of occurrence is age. In addition, people who have impaired blood clotting are susceptible to it. Thrombosis can also appear due to damage to blood vessels. The body produces particles as a defense, which lead to clotting and the formation of blood clots. If this happens on the surface of the skin, then everything is fine. However, with such formation inside the vessels, an obstacle is created for the supply of blood to the organs.
Atherosclerosis is a disease of the arteries, the defeat of which causes deposits of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Because of this, there grows connective tissue, the lumen narrows, which can lead to oxygen starvation of any organ.
Here you need to understand what cholesterol is. These are fat-like compounds in human blood that are produced by liver cells. It is of two types: from a compound of low and high density.

In the first case, plaques form from cholesterol, which cling to the walls of the arteries. This is how atherosclerosis develops. The course of the disease occurs for years, sometimes starting from childhood. However, the disease is detected only when examining the blood, with heart failure or manifestations of ischemia.
The second type removes low-density compounds from the walls of the arteries and again supplies them for use or removes them from the body.

Risk factor and preventive measures

People who smoke, have poor heredity, lead a sedentary lifestyle, have kidney disease, congestion in the liver, overweight, endocrine diseases, malnutrition and long-term stress are especially prone to the appearance of such a disease.
Preventive measures: proper nutrition, parting with all bad habits, physical education and folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels.

Recipes for cleansing blood vessels

For many centuries, our ancestors effectively cleaned the vessels folk remedies.
The use of alternative medicine not only helps to reduce plaque, but also qualitatively reduces the risk of heart attack and hypertension.
There are, of course, medical methods that, with the help of traditional medicine, promise to cleanse the blood of toxins. However, these methods are by no means cheap. In addition, a person pollutes his excretory system especially the liver.
Ways to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol from generation to generation were passed down by our ancestors. This folk therapy included exclusively natural products: medicinal herbs, flowers, bark, fruits and leaves. The most effective folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels are presented below.

You can prepare a tincture for alcohol. It is a wonderful prophylactic for cleansing and vascular tone. The tincture recipe is as follows: finely chopped garlic is mixed with alcohol in a one to one ratio. In a glass container, the mixture is infused for ten days in a dark and cool place. When it becomes a greenish tint, it must be filtered, covered with a lid and held for another three days. After straining the sediment, the product is ready for use. The first day they begin to take it with one or two drops before meals. Every day the dose is increased to reach fifteen drops. The course lasts ten days, which is repeated again after one month.
Another recipe for cleansing vessels involves honey. To do this, five teaspoons of grated and then squeezed garlic are mixed with seven teaspoons of honey. Before meals, take half a teaspoon for two to three months.
Garlic oil, which is added to salads, will also be effective. It is prepared as follows: eight cloves need to be crushed, pour a glass of vegetable oil and refrigerate overnight. The oil is ready in the morning.

Flax seeds

Cleansing blood vessels with garlic is very effective. However, for a number of reasons, this method may not be suitable for someone. But there are many other ways to achieve this result. For example, using flaxseeds and tincture of calendula. The remedy is prepared as follows: half a glass of seeds is washed and poured with water for half an hour. After that, the water is drained, the dry residue is poured into a glass with a little boiling water and left for two hours. At this time, an infusion of calendula is prepared, for which they take a glass of flowers, pour half a liter of boiling water and insist for two hours.
After that, both infusions are filtered, mixed and left overnight. For three weeks, three tablespoons of the drug are taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

medicinal plants

Of the herbs for this purpose, chamomile, yarrow, immortelle and Birch buds. One hundred grams of plants are taken, mixed, and one tablespoon of the mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water. After twenty minutes, it is filtered and drunk in a glass with a spoonful of honey. What remains should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, also with honey.
Effectively for these purposes, the bark of red rowan also manifests itself. In order to clean the vessels with it, one spoon is taken, 200 ml of boiling water is poured and left on low heat for several minutes. Then infused for an hour and filtered. Ready infusion is used three times thirty minutes before meals.

Honey and citrus

Folk remedies for cleansing blood vessels with these ingredients will help, in addition to achieving the main goal, to strengthen the immune system. The product is prepared in a non-aluminum container, where hot water is poured and lemon and orange are placed. After a couple of hours, citrus fruits are removed and passed through a meat grinder without a stalk and seeds. Add two tablespoons of honey to the mixture and mix thoroughly. The resulting product is kept at room temperature for a day. Then it is put into the refrigerator and taken two tablespoons half an hour before meals for thirty days.

Tibetan cleansing of the body

Helps lower cholesterol levels, improves vascular function and such a well-known collection of herbs, which is called "Tibetan". In addition, it improves the function of the kidneys, liver and heart, eliminates salts, stabilizes the pancreas, improves the condition with chronic headaches, intestinal dysfunction.
There are different fees. One of them consists of a mixture of strawberry leaf, birch buds, immortelle and St. John's wort. Each time, a tablespoon of the mixture is brewed with a glass of water and taken thirty minutes before meals.
This herbal collection is recommended to take from two weeks to thirty days at the beginning of each season.

At the same time, as with other means, you should follow a certain diet, do not drink toxic drinks, and exclude fatty meats, sausages, sausages, various convenience foods, non-natural yogurts, instant cereals, coffee, tea and sweets from food, with the exception of dried fruits.

Blood vessels from blood clots can be cleansed with garlic according to an ancient Tibetan method. A UNESCO expedition in the 70s of the twentieth century, while studying ancient Tibetan monasteries, discovered a Tibetan recipe for cleansing vessels. Cleansing vessels with garlic is suitable for the heart, blood vessels, brain and blood. The folk remedy acts on: washing out of plaques from the vessels of the brain, elasticity of the vessels, rejuvenation of the vessels.

An old Tibetan recipe for longevity will help get rid of many age-related diseases


Using this method of traditional medicine, you can achieve complete rejuvenation and strengthening of the body. Serious ailments such as:

  • headache;
  • paralysis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • poor eyesight and hearing;
  • varicose veins;
  • body fat;
  • heart disease;
  • heart attack prevention.

Timely treatment of these diseases will not lead to irreparable situations.

The first improvements after the start of treatment will be noticeable after 10 days of using Tibetan tincture. General well-being improves, irritability and drowsiness decrease, mood and working capacity stabilize. The course of treatment must be repeated at least 3-6 years later.

Preparation of tincture

Raw materials for the preparation of alcohol tincture must be harvested in the fall, after harvesting the garlic.

Place chopped garlic in a glass container and pour alcohol or vodka

You need to take 350 grams of garlic, cut into small pieces and crush with a wooden pestle. From below, take 200 grams of the resulting mixture and transfer it to earthenware or glassware with a face value of 500 ml, add 200 ml of ethyl alcohol 96%. Then the dishes must be tightly closed, covered with a dark cloth or cap and placed in a cool, dark place (the refrigerator cannot be used). It is necessary to insist 10 days. After this time has come, it is necessary to strain and squeeze the composition through a dense cloth and put it under the cap for another 2 days. The tool is ready for use.

Use the tincture should be diluted in 50 ml of cool milk (you can also water), adding dropwise strictly according to the scheme 3 times a day before meals. You need to drink garlic tincture on an empty stomach or half an hour before meals.

Drink the rest of the liquid 25 drops 3 times a day until you drink everything.

Scheme of taking garlic tincture before each meal (breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively) in drops:

  • First day: 1, 2, 3.
  • Second day: 4, 5, 6.
  • Third day: 7, 8, 9.
  • Fourth day: 10, 11, 12.
  • Fifth day: 13, 14, 15.
  • Sixth day: 15, 14, 13.
  • Seventh day: 12, 11, 10.
  • Eighth day: 9, 8, 7.
  • Ninth day: 6, 5, 4.
  • Tenth day: 3, 2, 1.
  • The following days before the end of the course of admission: 25, 25, 25.

The Tibetan recipe for youth prolongation is a true legendary remedy

In order for the application of the setting not to be interrupted, it is recommended to write down two identical schemes with dates. Keep one scheme at home, and put the second in your purse, passport or wallet - an item that will always be with you. It is also worth duplicating the pipettes with which the tincture will be collected. Keep one at home, and the second with you on the street. It is also necessary to prepare a small bottle with a tight-fitting lid into which you need to pour a little infusion and take it with you when you go to work or other places outside the home where meals will take place.

Do not worry about the garlic breath - it will not be heard if the tincture is used with garlic. In extreme cases, take a sprig of parsley or chewing gum with you. After applying them, there will be no smell for sure!

If one of the doses of the drug was missed - do not worry, apply the composition according to the scheme further, as if the reception took place on time.

Vessels can be cleaned with garlic and alcohol once every three years, but no more. Garlic is useful in any form, it is used to prevent colds, heart disease, blockage of cerebral vessels.

Cleansing vessels with garlic is suitable for the heart, blood vessels, brain and blood


The cleaning method with garlic tincture has its own contraindications and side effects.. When cleaning vessels in this way, you may experience:

  • insomnia;
  • heartache;
  • heartburn.

Regular use of the composition can provoke increased urination and bile secretion. You do not need to stop taking it, but to improve your well-being, you can drink mint tea. On the days of admission, you should drink at least 2 liters of water, this will reduce the load on the kidneys. At the end of the course, you need to drink vitamins containing fish oil. The Tibetan way is very effective when the dosage is respected.

Use of the method is contraindicated for people with kidney disease, epilepsy, and pregnant women.

The garlic composition is very concentrated, therefore it cannot be drunk with various stomach diseases.

Traditional medicine knows many methods for cleansing the vessels of the brain and heart, but the most effective is alcohol-based garlic.

Sometimes treatment of cerebral vessels with traditional medicine does not give the expected effect. Then it is appropriate to use the methods of traditional medicine.

The garlic method perfectly not only cleanses the vessels of the brain, but improves the functioning of the heart. This method is also used in folk medicine and to get rid of blood clots. Over time, blood clots form in the vessels, they can lead to a number of serious diseases, such as: thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis. The presence of blood clots in the vessels leads to irreversible consequences if preventive measures are not carried out in time and treatment is not started.

With age, the vessels lose their elasticity and natural flexibility, atherosclerotic plaques appear on their walls. This leads to various problems: pressure rises, headache, varicose veins, atherosclerosis and arthritis, increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. However, this is not a judgment. To feel great and keep the body in good condition, you can turn to traditional medicine. For example, Tibetan vessel cleansing has excellent results.

Useful properties of garlic

Garlic oil contains a lot of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. Glycosides, phytoncides, organic acids, essential oil, enzymes, vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, C, PP), minerals (calcium, sodium, potassium, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, etc.) ), protein and carbohydrates.

  1. Allicin has an antioxidant property, promotes cell rejuvenation, reduces the amount of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels (they can eventually turn into atherosclerotic plaques). In addition, allicin helps to relax the vascular walls, restore normal blood microcirculation, and normalize blood pressure.
  2. Vitamin PP prevents the development of senile dementia.
  3. Garlic has bactericidal properties: it kills fungus, microbes, viruses, bacteria. Also, this spice contributes to the rapid healing of damaged tissues.
  4. Benefits for the heart. Garlic improves the contractility of the heart, restores its effective work.
  5. Reduces the likelihood of developing cancer.
  6. The absorption of food improves, the work of the intestinal muscles is restored.

The combination of garlic therapy with an anti-cholesterol diet and normalization of lifestyle can prevent not only the development of atherosclerosis, but also heart attack, stroke, and hypertension.

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Tibetan recipe for cleaning vessels

Garlic is not only good at fighting worms, fungus, viruses and infections. It perfectly stimulates the body's defenses, improves immunity, prevents the development of cancer. Tibetan monks successfully used garlic to make an elixir of youth - such a remedy can be made quite simply with your own hands. To do this, you need 300 ml of alcohol and 300 g of selected garlic.

Do not grind garlic with metal objects

  1. Peel the garlic, wash, dry and crush. In this case, it is important not to use metal objects: clean the teeth with your hands, push in a wooden, clay or ceramic mortar.
  2. The resulting mass, together with the resulting juice, combine with alcohol, pour into a dark glass dish.
  3. Let the remedy brew for a week and a half.
  4. Strain the tincture, pour the liquid back into a dark glass dish. Let stand 3 more days.
  5. Take the remedy 20 minutes before meals with milk (50 ml is enough). It will protect the walls of the stomach from the active mixture and neutralize the garlic smell.

The prepared tincture is enough for a full course of treatment. Garlic for the elixir must be chosen the freshest. Sprouted and sluggish cloves do not contain those useful substances that have a healing effect on the body.

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It is necessary to start taking the elixir with one drop. On the first day, you should take 1 drop in the morning, 2 in the afternoon, 3 in the evening. On the second day, the dosage also gradually increases, but the initial amount is 4 drops. At this rate, on the fifth day, the intake will be as follows: 13, 14, 15 drops. Then, from the sixth to the tenth day, the number of drops is constantly reduced by one, starting from 15. As a result, in the evening of the tenth day, you need to take 1 drop. Eleventh day you need to drink 25 drops 3 times. Then take 25 drops all the time until the remedy is over.

Taking garlic elixir

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Contraindications to the use of Tibetan garlic elixir

  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children;
  • drivers;
  • epileptics and those who suffer from mental disorders;
  • persons with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (colitis, ulcers, gastritis);
  • in the presence of chronic diseases(problems with the liver, pancreas, kidneys, gall and bladder, prostatitis).
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How to help the body during garlic cleansing

  1. Drink plenty of fluids - preferably clean still water (at least 2 liters per day).
  2. Eliminate coffee, cocoa, strong tea, spicy seasonings and spices from the diet.
  3. It is strictly forbidden to drink alcoholic beverages during the cleansing of the body.
  4. Try to move actively, do exercises in the morning.
  5. A second course can be taken after three years.

Drink enough water to help cleanse your body

The Tibetan recipe for youth will help you cleanse blood vessels, fight infections, strengthen your immune system, prevent the development of atherosclerosis, increase the internal tone of the body, and slow down the aging process. However, before taking the remedy, you should consult your doctor and get his approval. Then the therapy will be as effective and safe as possible.

Fatty, fried and sweet foods lead to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vessels, and over time, everyone may need to clean them. If you do not clean the vessels, very soon your health will change for the worse. Garlic tincture for cleaning vessels will help put your blood vessels in order. The fact is that our nutrition is very far from ideal, therefore, over time, all the negative aspects of an unbalanced diet affect the body, in particular, the vessels.

Garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is an excellent choice, since the main ingredient is garlic, rich in vitamins and minerals, an excellent immunomodulator. Garlic has antibacterial properties due to the content of phytocides.

Another component of garlic, allicin, lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood and slows down the process of formation of cholesterol plaques. But, without changing the lifestyle (malnutrition), the benefits of garlic tincture will last only a few months, and then the cholesterol level will begin to rise again.

Recipes for garlic tincture for cleaning vessels

We offer you, for use, several popular recipes for garlic tinctures.

Tibetan tincture recipe. 350 gr. garlic should be peeled and ground in a mortar (porcelain or wooden), pour garlic with medical alcohol (200 ml). Close the vessel tightly and leave it in a dark place for 10 days. Then strain through a thick gauze, and put the infusion for another three days in a dark place. Take this infusion with cold milk (60 g - 1 dose) daily before meals. Take 10 days.

Garlic tincture on vodka. Finely chop the washed and peeled garlic (1 head of garlic) and send to a clean glass dish. Fill it with 40% vodka (400 ml) without impurities and additives. Hide in a dark place for 14 days. Every day the infusion must be stirred. After the time has elapsed, pass the tincture through a thick cloth or gauze. Ready infusion is taken before meals, 7-10 drops for 10 days.

red wine tincture recipe. You need 12 cloves of garlic and 750 ml of dry red wine. Cut each cloves into 4 parts, place in a transparent glass container, pour wine over and close the lid. Place on a window (preferably sunny side) for two weeks. Stir the tincture daily. After the time has passed, strain the tincture and place in a dark container. This infusion is taken in a teaspoon before meals. The course of admission is one month.

Recipe on water. To do this, you need to chop 400 g of garlic until a slurry is formed. Cover the container with garlic and put for two days in a dark place. Strain the liquid part and mix with water (500 ml). Leave the finished infusion in a dark place for several days (4-5). Infusion take 8-9 drops every day before meals. The course of admission is 15 days.

Garlic tincture without alcohol. An excellent option for such a tincture is garlic oil. You need 1 head of garlic, it needs to be peeled and poured with 200 ml of sunflower oil (unrefined). Put the infusion in the refrigerator. After 3 days, the infusion can be consumed with food, but it is best to take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach every morning. The course of treatment is 15 days.

Pharmacy version of tincture for cleansing blood vessels

Exists great alternative home infusion. The pharmaceutical preparation is made only from medical alcohol, it is useful and safe to use.

If you do not want to make independent preparations, then if you wish, garlic tincture can be bought at a pharmacy, its cost is low. Produced in bottles of 50 ml.

Contraindications for garlic tincture for cleaning vessels

  • Despite all the positive effects of garlic tincture, there are a number of contraindications for people who are going to clean the vessels.
  • Diseases of the stomach. If a person suffers from diseases such as gastritis, then taking such an infusion is highly undesirable. Garlic is a very powerful and concentrated remedy that will only aggravate the patient's condition. With ulcers, tincture is strictly prohibited.
  • Overweight. Garlic enhances appetite, so for those who are overweight, it is not advisable to take garlic tinctures.
  • Garlic tinctures are contraindicated for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

The scheme of reception and storage of tincture

Tinctures prepared by any of the methods should be stored in a dark, cool place for no more than 1 month. If the tincture remains, it is better not to use it, but to make a new one.

All tinctures, except for the one prepared according to the Tibetan recipe, are taken 7-10 drops three times a day before meals. Tibetan tincture is taken with cold milk and in a certain mode.

The scheme for taking garlic tincture prepared according to the Tibetan recipe:

Video about garlic tincture on alcohol for cleaning vessels

Many who have used garlic infusions notice a clear improvement in the condition of the body as a whole. Immunity increases, the general condition improves and the vessels are clearly cleaned.

Garlic tincture is an excellent remedy for cleansing blood vessels. Sooner or later, we all begin to feel weakness, malaise and pain. Garlic tincture can boost immunity and help lower cholesterol in the body. If there are no contraindications to taking the tincture, it can be used as a prophylaxis once every 1-2 years, since it does not cause harm.

You can ask any questions on nutrition, weight loss, cleansing the body and getting rid of diseases below, in the comment form. If you need a personal recommendation or individual assistance in matters of weight loss, recovery, treatment, go to the "Contacts" page and leave a free application for the selection and consultation of a doctor (you can also order a number of free procedures there). We will be glad to help you, because the best doctors in Russia cooperate with us.

The ancient Egyptians valued garlic for its strengthening properties, while the Romans chewed a clove of garlic before every fight for courage. Our ancestors used plants to exorcise evil spirits and cured serious illnesses with garlic.

Today, this plant has not lost its popularity as a healing agent for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. If you want not to get sick with seasonal colds, get rid of chronic ailments and are looking for a way, the following information will be useful to you.

From the article you will learn:

  • what are the properties of the plant and its tincture
  • how is the remedy used in traditional medicine
  • What is "Elixir of Youth"
  • how garlic fights cancer
  • contraindications for use

Beneficial features

Even children know about it - garlic is a very useful plant. It is equal in its healing power with antibiotics. The plant contains essential oils, vitamins, iodine salts and many other valuable substances that are necessary for the full functioning of our body. It has many useful properties:

This is a real home doctor who is always at hand.

The use of garlic tincture in folk medicine

You can cook a lot of remedies, it is also useful to add it to food regularly, and just eat a tooth every morning during an epidemic. most popular and effective tool today is a tincture of garlic on alcohol or vodka. The list of ailments that the remedy will help to cope with is simply huge, for example:

It is also effective for dermatological problems such as boils, acne and warts. It is also recommended to take drugs from this plant for the treatment of cancer. Traditional healers of China are advised to take a medicinal tincture of garlic for youth and longevity.

"Elixir of youth" from Chinese healers

No wonder the alcoholic tincture of garlic was called the "elixir of youth" - the remedy is intended to activate the processes of metabolism, purification and healing of the whole organism in the complex. A wonderful medicinal preparation is prepared as follows:

  1. 300 grams of garlic must be peeled and crushed in a mortar.
  2. Place the raw materials in a glass container and pour half a liter of vodka or alcohol, in a volume of 250 milliliters.
  3. Cover with a lid and wrap the container in cloth or paper.
  4. Infuse for 3-4 weeks at room temperature in a dark place, while periodically shaking the container.
  5. After, the composition is squeezed and filtered. Reception is recommended with milk, before meals, three times a day according to a certain scheme.

How to take, scheme:

  • Day 1 - 1 drop of tincture in the morning, -2 in the afternoon, and three in the evening.
  • Day 2 - 4 drops in the morning, then 5 and 6 drops in the evening.
  • According to the same scheme, we increase the dosage by one drop of tincture at a time until the dosage reaches 15 drops.
  • Then we take it in the reverse order - each time one drop less.
  • At the end of this cycle, take 25 drops each time until all the tincture is used up.

It should be noted that all the same Chinese healers advise taking such a course of "rejuvenation" no more than once every 5 years.

against cancer

Alcohol tincture is a unique remedy that can defeat cancer. For a long time, garlic has been used in folk medicine against cancer of the blood, stomach, gallbladder, breast, etc. The remedy is taken orally and used for compresses. On the Internet, there are many ways to prepare such a drug.

I will give you one of the most common recipes:

  1. Crush 100 grams of peeled garlic in a mortar.
  2. Place the gruel in a glass bottle and pour 150 grams of vodka.
  3. Close the bottle with a tight cork and wrap in dark paper.
  4. Put in a cool place to infuse.
  5. After 14 days, the medicinal drug is ready, it must be filtered and poured into a clean bottle. Keep refrigerated.

Be sure to consult a phytotherapist and the attending physician before starting treatment. Only a specialist can accurately determine whether an alcohol-based garlic tincture is appropriate for your treatment. Especially in cases in the body.

Features of use and contraindications

Apply in medicinal purposes herbal preparations should not be:

  • with gastritis with high acidity;
  • with peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • with individual intolerance.

Garlic tincture for alcohol reviews after treatment is very different - it helped someone, not so much for someone. But everyone is worried about the same question - bad smell from mouth. It's simple, you can beat off the garlic "aroma" with the help of fresh calamus root or parsley.

In most people, the vessels are not in very good condition. This is affected by bad ecology, bad habits, and malnutrition. As a result, the body begins to wear out prematurely. This also applies to vessels, which strive to provide all organs with the most necessary things so that they function normally.

However, there are a large number of folk remedies designed to fight the slagging of the body caused by cholesterol, which can accumulate very quickly and a lot. There is one remedy with unique properties - this is ordinary garlic. He remarkably fights against colds, and also cleanses blood vessels so that atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis and other troubles do not subsequently occur.

Why is it necessary to clean the vessels

This is necessary in order to maintain health and increase your vitality. What are blood vessels? It is a single system that permeates the human body. Blood flows through the vessels to the vital organs and this is carried out continuously. The heart pumps 5 liters of blood per minute.

Not only microelements, vitamins and other useful substances enter the vessels, but also food debris, as well as harmful fats, which, gradually accumulating, begin to settle on the walls of the vessels, clogging the lumen in them. Toxins, toxins, cholesterol plaques significantly impair blood circulation, as a result, the state of health deteriorates sharply and there is a risk of many very serious diseases, some of which are life-threatening. It can be thrombophlebitis, heart attacks, hypertension, etc.

To prevent this, Vessels should be cleaned periodically. Garlic tinctures for cleaning vessels are a wonderful choice. Garlic contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals, and is also an excellent immunomodulator. Due to the content of phytoncides, it remarkably fights against any microbes.

The effectiveness of using garlic tincture

Cleansing vessels with garlic tincture has positive effect on the whole body:

How to make garlic tincture

During the preparation of tincture for cleaning vessels, it is strictly forbidden to use metal objects. Garlic is undesirable to cut with a knife and put in a metal container. It should be cleaned only by hand, while glass or ceramic dishes should be used. Metal can cause oxidation, and the tincture will become unusable.

Classic way

To prepare garlic tincture, you will need 350 g of garlic, previously peeled. It should be crushed in a mortar and with the help of a wooden spoon, the resulting mixture should be transferred to a glass dish. It closes tightly with a lid and is insulated with a cloth. The mixture should be infused for several hours.

After that, the most liquid mass weighing 200 g is taken and transferred to a glass jar with a volume of 0.5 liters, after which 200 g of medical alcohol is poured. After that, the container is tightly closed, wrapped in paper or a dark cloth and placed in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

After 10 days, the resulting mass is taken out and filtered through a linen cloth. The resulting liquid is again placed in a dark and cool place for two days. After that, the tincture can be used.

Garlic tincture on vodka

This recipe does not use alcohol, but vodka. Take 300 g of vodka with a strength of 45 degrees and 200 g of garlic. They should fill a third of the bottle and pour vodka up to the very neck. It is necessary to insist two weeks, shaking every day.

Garlic tincture with apple cider vinegar

This prescription is for external use only, for example, for the treatment of various skin diseases, as well as sprains and muscles.

10 cloves of garlic are taken, gruel is made from it and poured with a 0.5 liter bottle of apple cider vinegar. 100 g of vodka is added. It is infused for two weeks in a dark, cool place, while the infusion should be shaken regularly.

Garlic tincture without alcohol

A wonderful option for such a tincture is garlic oil. One head of garlic is taken, peeled and poured with 200 ml of unrefined sunflower oil. The infusion is placed in the refrigerator and after three days it can already be consumed in 1 tsp. every morning on an empty stomach for 15 days.


Although garlic tincture has many positive qualities, She also has contraindications. for people who want to start clearing blood vessels.


Garlic for cleaning vessels has long been used as a folk remedy. In the life of any person there is such a period when he begins to feel weakness, weakness, pain arises. Tincture of garlic improves immunity well and lowers cholesterol levels in the body. In the absence of contraindications to its reception, it can be used for preventive purposes once a year or two, there will be no harm from this.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, it is better to take fresh garlic. And pay attention to the fact that garlic, which lies in the refrigerator for a long time, loses its beneficial properties over time. And heat treatment almost completely destroys its antibiotic substances. But not always and not everyone will benefit from fresh garlic. For example, people suffering from stomach ulcers with high acidity of gastric juice, raw garlic is contraindicated. It is not recommended for pregnant women, some categories of patients, and other people simply do not tolerate garlic. Well, should they give up such a universal remedy? Not at all. They just need to consume garlic in the form of infusions, tinctures, garlic oil, etc. By the way, garlic oil retains the antibiotic properties of garlic if it is not heated for too long (more than 3-5 minutes) and too much (above 30-40 ° C ).

In decoctions, the antibiotic properties of garlic are completely lost, but all the rest are preserved. Therefore, decoctions are used for diseases not associated with infection and inflammation: atherosclerosis, thrombophlebitis, insomnia, etc.

If it is necessary to use garlic precisely as an antibiotic, it is best to finely chop or grind it. In this case, its antibiotic properties are doubled.

If traditional medicine advises to use garlic in any form, then doctors recommend using only dosage forms for treatment that can be easily prepared at home. They explain this by the fact that each such treatment form has the maximum effect for a particular disease.

Preparations prepared with alcohol can be stored for a long time in a dry, cool and dark place. And medicines prepared with other ingredients - oil or water - are suitable for quick use. Describing the preparation of each dosage form, we report which medicinal substances predominate in it, and also give a brief annotation, for which ailments and how it is used.


Garlic decoction is useful in that mineral salts are preserved during its preparation, but most of the volatile substances are destroyed under the influence of high temperature.

To prepare a decoction, take an enamel pot or other utensil that does not have the ability to oxidize. Pour 2 cups of water into it and put on a small fire. As soon as the water begins to boil, add 1 teaspoon of finely chopped garlic to it. Boil the decoction for 5 minutes. After that, let it brew for about 30 minutes, strain and use for no more than two days.

The decoction is effective only when freshly prepared, so it is not worth harvesting it for future use. This is a very strong medicine and it is recommended to consume no more than 1/2 cup every 4-5 hours.

Garlic decoction is useful for various infections and inflammations.


The infusion is not subjected to boiling, so it retains some of the antibiotic volatile substances and other useful components.

Take a head of garlic, disassemble it into cloves, peel them and chop them. Put the garlic gruel in a ceramic or enamel bowl and pour boiling water (1/2 l). Close the container tightly with a lid and wrap with a towel. Infuse for several hours, cool and strain. Store the infusion in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

The preparation of infusions requires very clean water, so it is best to use well, spring or melt water, in extreme cases - distilled, but not tap water.

Since the infusion retains volatile substances well, it can be used in almost all cases, including cleansing enemas. See the description of the recipes (Chapter 5) for more specific instructions for making infusions.


This is the same infusion, but not on water, but on alcohol or vodka. Garlic tincture is a universal remedy, which is why it is so loved by folk healers, who have long used it for almost all diseases.

To make a good tincture, the garlic must be very fresh and large, with large white cloves. Vodka for tincture should not contain any impurities, but it is best to use medical alcohol diluted to the desired proportion. The bottle in which the liquid will be infused must be made of dark glass (you can wrap a transparent bottle with dark paper), with a well-ground cork. In addition, it is recommended to heat the bottle immediately before preparing the tincture.

So, put a head of garlic chopped with a knife into the prepared half-liter bottle, pour 2 glasses of pure vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 °, close with a stopper and place in a warm and dark place to infuse for 7-10 days. Twice a day - in the morning and in the evening - the bottle must be shaken. Then carefully strain the tincture and put in a cool place.

Take 10-15 drops of garlic tincture dissolved in water in the morning and at bedtime.

Unlike fresh garlic, which spoils from long-term storage, garlic tincture only multiplies its beneficial qualities over time. During exposure to the tincture, enzymes are formed that have an antitumor effect and thin the blood, like aspirin. Therefore, tinctures aged for 2–3 years are the most healing.

Classic garlic tincture

Take 2 cloves of garlic, peel and mash it. In a glass bowl, pour 1/2 cup of alcohol or vodka into the garlic gruel, close the lid tightly and place in a dark place. Steep for 10 days, then strain and add a few drops of mint essence.

Usually the tincture is taken 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

garlic oil

Garlic oil is an excellent remedy for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, ear, and oral cavity.

Take 2 heads of fresh garlic, peel, chop and crush it with a wooden crusher. Put the resulting mass in a glass jar and pour 1/2 cup of refined vegetable oil, preferably olive. Mix thoroughly, close the jar tightly and place on the windowsill. Infuse in sunlight for at least 10 days, shaking the solution 2-3 times a day. Then strain the oil well and add a few drops of purified glycerin. Pour the oil into a dark glass bottle and cork.

Store garlic oil in the refrigerator for 2-2.5 months. Before use, slightly warm the oil to a temperature of 30–35 °C.

Tea for inhalation

Take 2 cloves of garlic, peel and crush them. Place the garlic in a small, heavy-bottomed saucepan and cover with 1 cup boiling water. Cover with a lid and put on a small fire for 20 minutes. Then add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and stir.

This tea is not used for drinking, but for inhalation in diseases of the upper respiratory tract and influenza. Put the pan on the table, lean over it, covering your head with a towel. Breathe in the vapors until the tea cools.


Garlic juice is an excellent aseptic remedy, but it is better to prepare it immediately before use. At the same time, juicers should not be used, because the process of oxidation of garlic takes place in them, due to which its beneficial properties are lost. Crush the garlic with a wooden crusher and squeeze the juice with gauze.

The juice prepared for the future loses some qualities, but can still be used to lubricate wounds and abscesses, add to inhalations and medicines. It is handy as a quick remedy when fresh garlic is not available or there is no time to squeeze the juice.

To prepare canned juice, you need to peel the garlic cloves and squeeze the juice out of them through cheesecloth. Then add to the juice the same amount of alcohol and 10 times the amount of distilled water.


Garlic syrup is a good remedy for children. It is used for cough, laryngitis, diseases of the nasopharynx.

To prepare the syrup, take 1/2 cup of peeled and finely chopped garlic, put it in an enamel pan and pour fresh dark honey or molasses over it. Put on the fire and, stirring gently, heat over low heat until all the garlic is dissolved in the syrup. Then cover the pan with a lid and heat again carefully, making sure that the syrup does not burn. Remove from heat and before it cools down, strain it. Store in refrigerator.

Give children 1 teaspoon every hour. Adults can also take the syrup, but already 1 tbsp. spoon every hour.


The extract is a highly concentrated tincture. Its concentration is ten times higher than the usual alcohol tincture. Therefore, the action of the extract is much stronger and more effective. It copes with most viruses that are not amenable to conventional treatment. The extract is prepared in a very complex way, which requires special equipment, so it is difficult to make it at home, but some succeed.

There are two ways to prepare the extract - cold and hot. In a hot way, the extract is prepared only in production conditions, and in a cold way, you can try to cook it at home.

To prepare the extract, you will need a non-oxidizing container with a tap at the bottom. It can be a plastic or stainless steel canister. And also need a frequent wire mesh placed on the bottom of the canister.

Take 2-3 kg of garlic and 2 liters of strong clean vodka. Place a net on the bottom of the container so that it is about 1 cm above the level of the tap. Fold the fourth part of the previously peeled and chopped garlic on the grid and, filling it with vodka, cover it as tightly as possible. Refrigerate the container for a week. Then add the second quarter of garlic, after another week - the third, after another week - the fourth. After another two weeks, open the faucet and begin to collect the liquid, which should be oily and yellowish. If you drain the liquid after the first two weeks, then add the same amount of vodka to the container. Then continue draining the extract. It should turn out ten times less than the original volume. Strain several times and let stand well.

In this way, you can achieve a rather weak cleaning of the infusion, but you can’t get the best cleaning at home. Moreover, when using a homemade extract, you must carefully follow the dosage and rules of administration.

The extract is taken with warm milk or any natural vegetable juice, and no more than 6-8 drops at a time.

Garlic apple cider vinegar extract

The preparation of this extract will take a long time. For 1 liter of apple cider vinegar, 3 large heads of garlic are required. Peel and chop the garlic. Then pour apple cider vinegar and insist under the lid in a dark place for about three months. Then strain the infusion and put to evaporate on a small fire. When a tenth of the volume remains, the extract will be ready.

Take 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning or evening.

garlic wine

The first way is French. To prepare it, peel and crush the cloves from a whole head of garlic, put the gruel in a glass jar. Add 10 pinches of fresh, finely chopped wormwood leaves. Pour the mixture over 3.5 cups of hot red or white wine, close the lid and steep for 5 days.

Take 1-2 glasses of French garlic wine a day.

You can make wine in the American way. This wine is useful for colds and for its prevention in cold and rainy weather. Peel and mince 1 head of garlic. Pour garlic with 1 cup of unrefined rice vodka and insist for 1 month. Then strain.

For colds, take wine 1 tbsp. spoon every 2 hours. Add some mint drops or honey to reduce the garlic smell.

garlic liqueur

Put the cloves of one head of garlic, cut into small pieces, into a transparent glass bottle. Pour in 3 glasses of red burgundy wine. Close the lid and place on the window, closer to the sunlight. Steep for 14 days, shaking the bottle several times a day. Then strain well and pour the liquid into a dark bottle, tightly capping it. Store in refrigerator.

Take a few drops daily with water or as directed, starting with one drop and working up to 24 - 1 drop each day. Then decreasing the number of drops in the same order.


Garlic vinegar is used to treat ulcers in diabetes as well as scabies and ringworm, calluses and warts.

To make garlic vinegar, peel 3 cloves of garlic and pour 3-4 cups of wine vinegar over. Keep it up for two weeks.

Apply as a cold compress to treat ulcers and warts. Hold the compress until it warms up to body temperature, then replace it with a new one.

When treating scabies and ringworm, 2 drops of camphor oil should be added to garlic vinegar so that there is no skin burn. In this case, tie the compress with a coarse cloth to facilitate the penetration of vinegar into the skin.

On corns and warts, apply a compress all night, and in the morning wash off the remaining vinegar with warm water.


Peel and finely chop 1 head of garlic. Put the garlic in an enamel pot and pour 2 cups of hot water over it. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer until the volume of water is reduced by half. Then strain the liquid, mix with 1 cup of hot olive or other vegetable oil. Gradually add a little beeswax - until the consistency of thick sour cream.


Garlic suppositories are used to treat hemorrhoids, prostatitis and diseases of the female genital area.

Peel the garlic cloves and run them through the meat grinder twice. Then combine with very fresh ghee and a small amount of purified or boiled spring water to keep the mass thick. Let the mixture cool slightly until it hardens, and make candles out of it. Store candles in the refrigerator.

For medicinal purposes, garlic is used both internally and externally. To combat skin diseases, as well as trichomodal inflammation of the female genital organs, garlic gruel is successfully used.

And with headaches and chest pains, garlic can replace mustard plasters, being at the same time no less effective. Garlic juice is also widely used in folk medicine, both in its pure form and diluted with water, as well as ointments based on this plant, which are used with bites of snakes and scorpions, for the reduction of warts and calluses, as well as in the treatment of chronic purulent ulcers. However, garlic is the most common remedy in the fight against colds, destroying pathogenic microbes in record time.

That is why it is used not only for eating, but also as nasal drops, which are made by mixing garlic juice with vegetable oil in equal proportions. In addition, garlic is also used to disinfect the room in which the patient is located, laying out the slices of the plant on a saucer: due to the large amount of essential oils and volatile compounds that make up garlic, the air is quickly cleared of harmful bacteria.

Prescription drugs

Despite the fact that you can find ready-made preparations based on garlic in pharmacies, some of them can be prepared independently, at home.

Juice for bronchitis and colds

  1. Crush a small head of garlic in a mortar or finely chop. Add 5 teaspoons of sugar and a glass of water. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain. Take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Jelly from sore throats and acute respiratory infections

  1. Grind 6-7 cloves of garlic into a pulp. Add 1 tablespoon of liquid honey. Rub thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed. Take 1 teaspoon after meals 3-4 times a day.

Jelly for chronic fatigue and atherosclerosis

  1. Pass 6 cloves of fresh garlic through a meat grinder. Grind 1 lemon in the same way. Mix the resulting slurry until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add 1 tablespoon of honey. Take 1 tablespoon after meals 3 times a day.

Tincture for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

  1. Grate 10 cloves of garlic and put the gruel in a glass container. Pour 500 g of vodka. Put in a cool dark place for 14 days. Strain. Take 30 drops, after mixing them with 1 tablespoon of water or milk.

Alcohol tincture to cleanse the circulatory system

  1. Grind garlic into a fine gruel and fill 1/3 of the bottle with it. Pour vodka or 70% alcohol. Leave to infuse for 2 weeks, shaking the solution daily. Strain. Take 5 drops 3 times a day before meals, diluting them with one teaspoon of cold water .Recommended for spasms of cerebral vessels, high blood pressure, as well as for cleansing the circulatory system from various deposits.

Hot tincture for flu

  1. Peel 250 g of fresh garlic and chop into a pulp. Pour 1 liter of vodka. Close the bottle carefully, fill the cork with wax. Leave to infuse at a temperature of 30 degrees for 14 days. Strain the tincture through a gauze napkin. Take 10-15 drops as a prophylactic remedies for influenza epidemics. Mix with honey and use to treat inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Ointment for warts

  1. Grind 3 heads of garlic into a fine gruel. Mix it with pork fat in equal proportions. Rub into the right place twice a day until the problem is completely eliminated.

Ointment from corns

  1. Crush garlic cloves into a fine gruel. Mix garlic with vinegar, adhering to a ratio of 1: 4. Spread on a sore spot several times a day until the callus disappears completely.

Compresses for gynecological diseases

  1. Grind the garlic cloves into a fine gruel. Put it on a piece of gauze measuring 10x10 cm, tie it. Insert it into the vagina for 3-4 hours.

Emulsion when stretching muscles

  1. Take 5 cloves of fresh garlic and 200 g of eucalyptus leaves. Pour the mixture with animal fat. Remove from the stove, leave to harden. Rub into the skin to eliminate muscle tension and inflammation.

Microclysters for removing worms

  1. Grind 1 head of medium-sized garlic. Pour 1 cup boiling water. Heat in a water bath for 20-30 minutes. Cool to room temperature. Prepare an infusion from dry wormwood. Mix it with a decoction of garlic. do within 4-5 days.

Decoction of garlic

  1. Put water (2-3 cups) on fire in an enameled saucepan. As soon as the water boils, add finely chopped garlic to it. Boil for 10 minutes. Strain. Leave to cool to room temperature. glass with a frequency of 4-5 hours between each dose.

Infusion of garlic

  1. Place 2-3 finely chopped garlic cloves in a ceramic dish. Pour 2 cups of boiling water. Close the lid tightly and wrap in a towel. Leave to infuse for 20-30 minutes. glass with a frequency of 4-5 hours between each dose.

Garlic cold syrup

  1. ? Pour a glass of finely chopped garlic into a bowl resistant to oxidation. Pour fresh buckwheat honey or molasses. Put the mixture on a slow fire and heat until the garlic is completely dissolved. Cool the syrup. 1 tablespoon, children - 1 teaspoon.

Garlic-based solution for angina pectoris

  1. Boil 400 g of strong chicken broth in an enameled saucepan. Add cloves of 1 head of garlic there. Boil the mixture over low heat for 15 minutes. Add 2 bunches of chopped parsley, mix well. Infuse for 30 minutes. Take 30-40 minutes before food 2 times a day.

Tincture for atherosclerosis

  1. Grind 250 g of fresh garlic on a grater. Pour in fresh (not candied) honey. Stir until a homogeneous mass is formed. Put in a cool dark place and insist for a week. Take 30-40 minutes before meals 3-4 times a day. The full course should be no more than 1.5 months. It is recommended for atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and varicose veins.

Garlic mixture for mouth sores

  1. Grind 3 large cloves of garlic. Mix them with 2 teaspoons of kefir or yogurt (without pieces of fruit). Warm the resulting mixture slightly. Take the resulting mixture in your mouth and roll it in your mouth without swallowing, lingering on the affected areas. Repeat for 4-5 days 3 times a day.


Despite the obvious benefits of garlic, there are a number of cases when it is better to refrain from taking medicines based on it. In particular, it is contraindicated in the presence of the following diseases:

  • gastritis

Garlic, garlic treatment

Application, recipes and healing properties garlic. Treatment plant garlic- herbaceous perennial plant. Family: onion. complex bulb garlic consists of three to twenty cloves - onions.

Bloom garlic occurs in July - August. The height of the plant is from thirty to sixty cm. The flowers are greenish - white, collected in a spherical simple umbrella, with small bulbs together. It happens garlic white or pink.ACTIVE SUBSTANCES.

USED ​​PARTS OF GARLICHEALING PROPERTIES. GARLIC vegetable crop, popular with different peoples around the world, because it has a characteristic smell and pungent taste, which is associated with organic compounds group - sulfides.

Arrows, leaves and flower stalks are also edible and are used mainly in young plants. In this way, they do not eat only thin protective husk of cloves and roots plants. In a plant, all parts have a characteristic smell of garlic.

RECIPES OF FOLK MEDICINE. GARLIC. GARLIC TINCTURE. APPLICATION Application procedure for cleaning vessels, blood and lymph on Tibetan technology. This same tincture recommended for prevention and treatment many diseases.

HEALING PROPERTIES OF GARLIC TINCTUREGarlic tincture from domestic healers: half a liter garlic gruel flood purified moonshine liter 70 "C (you can alcohol) and insist ten days in the sun. Express.

For colitis and gastritis drink twenty to forty drops mixed with milk(50 ml) or fruit juice.Garlic tincture - universal remedy, it is recommended for rheumatism, gout, for cleansing the body and blood vessels (from cholesterol, lime, fatty deposits), improves metabolism, prevents heart and vascular diseases and tumors of various formations, relieves headache pain, noise in the ears, restores vision ).

APPLICATION OF GARLIC. FOLK WAYS AND RECIPES OF TREATMENT WITH GARLICAngina, tonsillitis, oral inflammation, toothache - throat rinse and swallow a teaspoon garlic juice.

To eliminate smell of garlic - parsley to chew or calamus root.GARLIC BROTH. Dessert spoon chopped small garlic in half a liter of water 1 min. boil and let it brew.

Drink seventy ml. twice a day at colds (all).Runny nose- instill five drops of the mixture (1:1:1, onion juice + garlic juice + vegetable oil).GARLIC FOR DYSBACTERIOSIS.

Garlic at treatment and prevention of colds is effective. But as dysbacteriosis treat based on garlic not many people know folk remedies.

garlic phytoncides have pronounced antimicrobial properties and are able to eliminate intestinal bloating, which is not uncommon in dysbacteriosis.For treatment dysbacteriosis traditional medicine offers treatment garlic carry out according to the scheme: for 12 days you need to swallow by a clove of chaste garlic, and not chewing his. In the morning you need to do it for 60 minutes. before breakfast, and in the evening after 120 minutes. after having dinner.

For enhance the effect you can drink kefir garlic or any other product fermented milk.PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES. There is one caveat.

You can use this recipe only if you are sure that you have there are neither erosions nor ulcers on the mucosa in the gastrointestinal tract. Such a tool is not recommended for those who kidney disease persons.

Everyone else can try this way dysbacteriosis eliminate - treatment with garlic gives a noticeable result in a couple of weeks. INTERNAL USE OF GARLICWith barley - garlic juice lubricate fresh.

Impotence - garlic use, in the form of any drink fifteen drops tincture of garlic, rub the spine of the lumbar zone with garlic gruel or tincture.From worms- drink three times a day - 30 drops each garlic juice, diluted in fifty ml.

milk and make enemas (two teaspoons garlic juice one hundred and fifty ml. milk). One course: - 5 days.

On the 6th day - laxative drink the drug. Haemorrhoids- put candles at night: two garlic cloves grind thoroughly and mix with a spoon of Art. butter(not salty, high quality), form a candle and freeze it.

Diphtheria, fever, typhoid or typhus- swallow in the morning on an empty stomach two cloves.For ear pain- the bandage is soaked in garlic butter and in ears inserted.

Runny nose- v nostrils instill three drops mixtures (1:1:1, onion juice + vegetable oil + garlic juice).For immunity strengthening- one hundred ml. drink mixtures a couple of times a day (mixes head of garlic gruel for a day to insist in Art. kefir).

Flu, cold- 1 tbsp. use mixtures spoon (1:1, honey + garlic gruel, insist), drink tea.With herpes - mixture lubricate ( garlic paste + apple cider vinegar + honey).

Hair loss and dandruff - mixture rub ( vegetable oil 250 ml + gruel of ten heads of garlic insist).For festering wounds - lubricate with a mixture (1:1, vegetable oil + garlic ash).

With warts, lichen, calluses, furunculosis - lard unsalted lubricate and apply a compress from garlic gruel.For eczema - rub the mixture (1:1, ).

Malignant and benign tumors- put a compress from mixtures (1:1, butter + garlic paste). The same recipe applies to joint diseases.

Neoplasms are malignant- eat 3 cloves salted garlic four times a day (cloves 1 kg. garlic, cherry leaves, currants and horseradish brine pour: eighty gr. salt per liter of warm water. insist five days).

With radiculitis, neuralgia, sprains- patch garlic put. Remove patch after burning strong, and under it skin with calendula infusion wipe. How to cook patch?

Take the same parts garlic gruel + rye flour + mustard (powder) and breed decoction of strong hazelnut (sour cream-like density). Spread the mixture on a cotton cloth and apply to the right place, using a napkin (not on the naked body).

For joint pain and rheumatism- rub the body and compresses put, tincture using from a mixture (crushed three heads garlic pour half a liter vinegar 9% and insist fifteen days). With atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke- pharmaceutical preparations to take from garlic; eat fresh garlic; drink garlic tincture according to the Tibetan method.

With atherosclerosis, hypertension and etc. cardiovascular diseases- use one spoonful of Art., half an hour before eating a mixture of: garlic porridge + ground lemon(1:1) in one hundred and fifty ml. green hot tea to breed.

Shortness of breath, angina pectoris and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels- eat slowly two tablespoons of Art. mixes (one kg. honey+ ten ground lemons and ten heads of garlic, insist a week.

The functions of the joints improve folk recipe with the effect of painkillers.garlic peel three hundred - four hundred gr., pass through a meat grinder and put in a liter jar and pour not refined good oil vegetable.

Infuse for 14 days in a dark place, stir the contents of the jar daily. It turns out garlic oil. It is necessary to express it through 3 layers of gauze.

How to use: in rub the sore spot(v lower back, for example, when osteochondrosis or arthrosis - joints). Cover with polyethylene and top with a warm scarf for the whole night.

And from the first days you will feel relief, reduce pain and restore mobility. Treatment course 60 days. Besides, improve circulation of garlic t in place patient's joint, and by this restoration of functions contributes to it.

To maintain good health. This excellent source vitamin "B6", manganese, vitamin "C" and selenium has garlic properties helping liver and heart- useful for blood and circulation - stimulates the immune system- and reduction of "bad" cholesterolincreases metabolism - helps to absorb iron in the body and prevents cancer (garlic in the top 10 best products anti-cancer included) - with bacteria fights and viruses- delete warts helps - toothache heals.

For the treatment of colds. grind garlic clove and pour it with a small amount of hot water. Let it brew for five minutes.

Strain and drink decoction. It's a great natural cough syrup. During the season flu and colds for prevention of colds three raw cloves eat garlic per day.

For acne. One has to be cut in half garlic clove and wipe them skin affected areas. Perform the procedure regularly leather Yours will be clean.

In the treatment of herpes. cut garlic clove in half and rub the sore spot. Can it cause unpleasant feelings, but it works effectively, like expensive pharmaceutical products. GARLIC, GARLIC TREATMENT.

Pour the liquid obtained into the bath for legs and keep your feet in warm water for thirty minutes. Pest control. Use in your garden as a pesticide. Give up pesticides harmful in favor of a natural disinfectant.

Application soapy spray based garlic gives good results in the fight against gypsy moth, which apple trees are striking. Spray easy and quick to make, it is non-toxic to environment and organism ours - and it works great!

Over centuries soap used as a universal pesticide, destroys cell membranes in insects and kills pests. It is important not to use it in too large quantities, because together with pests it is possible to kill the plant.

Grate laundry soap grated, pour water to obtain liquid concentrated soap. To make a solution, take one or two tablespoons of Art. liquid soap per liter of water. Crush one or two garlic cloves, pour boiling water.

Cover with a lid and insist all night. And in the morning - decant. Pour into spray bottle and garlic and soapy solutions. Carry out the treatment of plants in dry weather.

The solution is not stored for a long time, it must be prepared, therefore, it must be prepared - if necessary. GARLIC LIQUOR.From a hundred diseases garlic liquor. Put twelve medium cloves in a transparent bottle garlic, each divided into four parts. Pour 3 tbsp.

red wine. Close the bottle and put on the sunny side of the window for 14 days. Shake every day two to three times after - strain and pour into a dark bottle. Take a teaspoon - three times a day for thirty days.

Miraculous remedy, to increase efficiency, to purify the blood, in order to remove salts from the body, strengthen blood vessels, improve immunity, strengthens the heart well, cleanses the blood and tones the body, removes excess fats and improves metabolism.For inflammation and female diseases- He is irreplaceable.

Cleanses gently whole body from harmful deposits.

colds. 2-3 crushed teeth, infused for 40-60 minutes in 200 ml of boiling water, are instilled into the nose, used for gargling.

Treatment with garlic infusion urolithiasis . 40 g of crushed garlic insist in 100 ml of vodka for 10 days. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Treated with garlic infusion atheromatosis, since garlic prevents the development of cholesterolemia, delaying the formation of atheromatous plaques in the aorta. To do this, crushed on a grater head of garlic and honey pour 1 liter of water and leave in a sealed container for 2 days. Drink 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Preparation and reception of garlic tincture

This tincture helps to cure gastritis and different types tumors. Helps improve vision. The body is rejuvenated, puffiness disappears. Sexual functions are restored.

Recipe: 350 g of peeled garlic, finely chopped and ground in a porcelain dish with a wooden pestle. Weigh 200 g of the mass, pour in 200 ml of 96% alcohol, add 10 g of heather honey and 2 g of larval milk. Close the vessel tightly and keep in the refrigerator for 10 days, on the 11th day carefully strain through several layers of gauze and put it back in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Take a few drops, diluted in 50 ml of cold milk, at one time 15-20 minutes before meals, before breakfast, dinner in the following order:

  • From the 1st to the 5th day - starting with 1 drop; add 1 drop every day.
  • From the 6th to the 10th day - reduce by 1 drop at each dose: start with 15 drops, bring up to 1 drop on the 10th day.
  • On the 11th day and in the future - 25 drops per reception until the medicine runs out. Repeat no sooner than after 6 years.

Medicinal properties of garlic juice

Garlic juice has the ability to quickly cleanse the human body. It is rich in mustard oil and other cleansing elements that have a very beneficial effect on the entire body: from stimulating appetite and secretion of gastric juice to improving intestinal motility and increasing urination.

The essential oils of garlic juice cleanse the lungs and bronchi from the accumulation of mucus, and also contribute to the release of poisons from the body through the pores.

Fresh garlic juice can be taken for anemia.

Garlic tinctures

Vodka garlic tincture

Indications for use: used in the treatment of sclerosis and gout. It cleanses the circulatory system, reduces pressure, cleanses the stomach, relieves brain spasms. Contraindications: epilepsy and pregnancy.

Cooking method: 200 g garlic, 300 ml 45% vodka. Fill a dark glass bottle 1/3 with chopped garlic and pour vodka up to the neck. Infuse for 14 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Take 5 drops 3 times a day before meals with 1 teaspoon of cold boiled water.

alcohol tincture of garlic

Indications for use: this tincture is used as a general tonic, as well as to cleanse the body of lime and fat deposits, dramatically improves metabolism. It has the ability to rejuvenate the body. Used for anemia.

Cooking methods:

  • 300 g of garlic, 1 liter of 90% alcohol. Peel the garlic, put it in a 2-liter bottle with alcohol. Insist 3 weeks. Take 3 times a day, 20 drops per half glass of milk.
  • Mix garlic juice and 90% alcohol in equal parts, add 10 times the amount of distilled water. Such a mixture is a very strong antiseptic, which is useful as an external remedy against persistent infectious and fungal skin lesions that are insensitive to drugs.

Garlic tincture with red pepper

Cooking method: 6 medium cloves of garlic, 1 red pepper (hot), half a lemon, 500 ml of 40% vodka.

Finely chop the garlic, pour into a bottle, add red hot pepper, pour vodka, cork tightly and let it brew for 3 weeks. Then strain the tincture into another bottle, add lemon juice and close it tightly. Keep refrigerated.

Apple cider vinegar tincture

Cooking methods: gruel from 7-10 cloves of garlic, pour 0.5 l of apple or wine vinegar and 100 ml of vodka, insist in a dark, cold place for 2 weeks, shaking the contents occasionally, strain, add 15-20 drops of eucalyptus oil, mix well. The mixture is an excellent external remedy in the treatment of psoriasis, lupus erythematosus and others. skin diseases. When stretching muscles and ligaments, rheumatoid arthritis, it relieves muscle tension and increases blood circulation in the vessels.

Garlic mixture

Indications for use: colds, pneumonia, pain in the intestines.

Cooking methods: Grind 300 g of garlic and leave to infuse in a tightly sealed container for 30 minutes. Then pour 96% alcohol in a double volume and infuse at room temperature for 5-6 hours. Drain the alcohol, leaving 1/4 of the tincture. Pour alcohol again, but in an 8-fold volume. Infuse for 2 hours, strain and again separate the alcohol. Add 150 g of sugar and 0.2 g of menthol. Take 10-15 ml 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Store in a dark cool place.

Contraindications when taking garlic

  1. With neurosis of the heart and hypertension, garlic should be consumed no more than 2-3 cloves of garlic daily.
  2. Garlic is contraindicated in acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Patients who are not accustomed to garlic should take it with caution, starting with small amounts (1-2 cloves per day). Ingestion of garlic is contraindicated in kidney disease.
  3. Garlic is not recommended for pregnant women, as well as for epilepsy.
  4. A large amount of garlic can not be used for exacerbation of hemorrhoids and those patients who suffer from nephritis and nephrosis.

The use of garlic in medicine in other countries

In Chinese and Tibetan medicine, garlic was considered a good remedy for fatigue in severe physical activity, hypertension, rickets, prophylactic against cancer.

Just garlic gruel is used externally for scabies, eczema, hair loss.

The use of garlic in the preparation of medicines

In modern pharmacology, garlic is used in the manufacture of drugs such as alisat, allicor, allitera, antisclerin and ultravit.

Dry garlic extract is part of allochol used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis, chronic atonic constipation.

Preparations containing garlic are prescribed to suppress the processes of decay in the intestines, with intestinal atony and colitis, as well as with hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Garlic tincture prepared with water is called infusion. It is no less effective than alcohol, but, unlike the latter, it has fewer restrictions for admission.

Useful properties of tincture

Garlic, rich essential oils and fatty acids, saponins and inulin, phytoncides and phytosterols, choline, vitamins and minerals, etc., conveys the whole range of usefulness of any liquid. Therefore, extracts based on it have unique properties. This:

Antimicrobial and bactericidal. Garlic largely suppresses the pathogenic microflora in the intestines, stopping the putrefactive processes in it, and the allicin contained in the vegetable is 15 times “cooler” than penicillin. It fights against any manifestations of the "cold" - sneezing, runny nose, sore throat, SARS, etc., increases immunity.

Antithrombotic. Garlic elixir stimulates the process of dissolving blood clots, prevents platelets from sticking together, and increases blood fluidity.

Anti-sclerotic. Garlic water or vodka cleanses blood vessels, eliminating atherosclerosis. At the same time, the level of blood pressure, sugar and cholesterol in the blood is normalized, the walls of blood vessels become stronger, the symptoms of varicose veins are leveled. A person feels that he has become less distracted, memory, hearing and vision have become better.

Adding raw garlic to daily meals (2-3 times a week) reduces the number of cholesterol "plaques" by 20-25% in 3 months

Purifying. Helps the body get rid of waste, toxins and free radicals. As a result, cheerfulness, activity appear, and depression, lethargy and drowsiness no longer torment a person; hair, nails and skin are transformed and glow with health.

All these properties determine the effect of the revival of the body, relieve 100 diseases.

How to use garlic tincture correctly

Folk remedies sometimes have a stronger effect than medication. Therefore, in order for healing infusions to be beneficial, they must be taken strictly according to the scheme prescribed in the recipe.

Basic rules for the use of garlic preparations:

  • make sure that you do not have allergic reactions to the ingredients of the formulations;
  • do not take garlic tincture for diseases of the stomach (gastritis, ulcers), kidneys, liver, psyche (Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, epilepsy, etc.), as well as for III degree obesity, pregnancy and while breastfeeding; do not give it to children under 10;

Ideally, before any self-treatment, you should consult a doctor. Do this before you decide to take garlic tincture. If during the reception you feel uncomfortable, immediately cancel the drug.

  • do not clean the vessels with a home remedy more often than once every three years;
  • be prepared to take additional drugs - anthelmintics, etc., for a complex and more powerful effect on the body;
  • combine the intake of tincture with a diet that prohibits all fatty, salty, smoked, fried, sweet, as well as coffee, spices and alcohol;
  • calculate the rate of water - 30-40-50 ml per 1 kg of weight (depending on physical activity) and try to stick to it.

To soften the aggressive action of fresh garlic, oil based on it will help. How to do it is described below.

Features of outdoor use

All of the above rules are also relevant for the external use of tincture. And although in this case its use is local, it is no less effective. Try to cure it:

  • sore throat, gingivitis, stomatitis (dilute the drug with water and rinse your mouth with it);
  • sinusitis (wash your nose with diluted tincture);
  • rhinitis (drip 1-2 drops of oil infusion into the nose);
  • psoriasis skin fungus (apply a compress to sore spots);
  • sunburn (spread damaged skin with garlic oil before going to bed);
  • hair loss, seborrhea, dandruff (rub a diluted tincture into the skin or make an oily garlic mask).

To get the greatest effect from external procedures, they must be carried out regularly.

What to do with a specific smell

The aroma of garlic stops many from being treated with such an effective and inexpensive method. However, it can be significantly weakened if, after using the product:

  • brush your teeth
  • drink 50-70 ml of milk or half a glass of herbal infusion;
  • chew a leaf of mint or lemon balm, basil, parsley, nuts, spices (cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves) are also suitable;
  • eat a fruit or vegetable.

Chewing gum is not an assistant in the fight against garlic smell, its action only creates the illusion of freshness.

little secrets

Garlic "potion", prepared according to any recipe, will turn out better if:

  • you will take large, juicy, preferably homemade garlic;
  • the alcohol base will be carefully selected - good vodka, purified, double-distilled distillate (you can also create masterpieces on moonshine), natural (without dyes) cognac;
  • dishes in contact with the ingredients will be glass or ceramic (metal and plastic are prohibited); spoons, pestles and stirring sticks should be made of wood.

Tibetan cleansing garlic tincture

In 1971, while studying the culture of Tibet, members of the UNESCO expedition found a recipe for tincture, which was kept within the walls of the monastery. Until now, this tool has no analogue. Therefore, this garlic tincture for cleaning blood vessels is called the Tibetan recipe for rejuvenation.

The Tibetan recipe for a miraculous garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is simple. Take:

  • fresh garlic - 350 gr.;
  • 70% alcohol - 200 ml.

Creation order:

  • We clean the garlic, wash it, turn it into a puree and transfer it to a glass jar.
  • Fill with alcohol, shake and hold for 10 days in a kitchen cabinet (light should not penetrate into it).
  • We filter the composition with the help of a gauze cut, squeeze the cake.
  • The infusion should have a slightly greenish color. It must be defended for another three days, and then proceed to use.

Drinks are taken drop by drop! To do this, the required number of drops (indicated in the table) is added to a glass of milk (50 ml) and drunk a quarter of an hour before the main meal.

The distribution of the number of drops by day and meal:

day breakfast dinner dinner
1st 1 2 3
2nd 4 5 6
3rd 7 8 9
4th 10 11 12
5th 13 14 15
6th 15 14 13
7th 12 11 10
8th 9 8 7
9th 6 5 4
10th 3 2 1

Starting from the 11th day, before each meal, add exactly 20 drops to the milk. We do this until all the tincture is finished.

Attention! You can repeat the procedure only after 5 years, not earlier!

Garlic tincture - recipe for vodka

This product strengthens blood vessels, speeds up metabolism, helps the kidneys, and relieves swelling.

For him you will need:

  • garlic puree mass - ¼ part of a half-liter jar (about 100 gr.);
  • vodka - ¾ of the same jar (about 370-400 ml).
  • We mix the gruel with alcohol, close it and leave it for a month in complete darkness.
  • We filter and drink 1 tsp. 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals (until we drink the entire extract).

Vodka infused with garlic can be supplemented with 200 gr. honey and 200 ml lemon juice. In this case, they drink it before going to bed, 2 tbsp. (no more than a month).

Solovukhin tincture

An amazing recipe from the book "The Third Hunt". This is another tincture made from garlic in vodka. Most often, men drink it - on fishing or hunting, they have a bite of meat, fish soup. A glass of this alcohol is able to quickly grab a cold "by the tail" and prevent the disease. But you can’t store it for a long time - you need to drink it on the second day (maximum third) after preparation.

In the list of components:

  • vodka - 1 bottle (0.5 l.);
  • garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • red pepper (hot) - 1 str.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Finely chop the garlic with a knife. Pepper into 4 parts.
  • Place vegetables together with vodka in a jar and send for 3 days to the cellar (cool dark place).
  • Strain through cheesecloth and pour into a bottle.

Tincture of garlic and red wine for cleaning vessels

This elixir is just a fairy tale for the heart, for which it was nicknamed the "French Paradox". The essence of the paradox is that alcohol (vodka) tincture of garlic cannot reduce the risk of death from heart disease, but wine can.

Be careful! The tool is very strong, so it is drunk in the amount of 20-25 drops per dose and not more than 100 ml per day. Three times a day, the tincture is mixed with milk and drunk 20-25 minutes before meals. The course is 10 days. Consultation with a doctor is required!

Let's buy:

  • vintage red dry wine - 0.7 l;
  • garlic juicy, fresh - 12 cloves.
  • Crush the garlic in a wooden mortar and pour into a dark glass bottle.
  • Pour in the wine and seal with a cork. We insist 2 weeks. The place where the bottle is stored must not be exposed to sunlight. Shake the mixture once a day.
  • We filter the extract into a new (sterile) bottle and send it to the basement (cool place).

Useful properties of the drink reach their peak in the second or third year of its storage.

Non-alcoholic garlic tincture on water

Not everyone can drink alcohol, but everyone wants to help their health. There is a way - an aqueous infusion of garlic cloves will improve the blood count and mood, prevent you from getting "colds" and dissolve cholesterol plaques. You can prepare the product in several ways.

Option I:

  • garlic - 100 gr. (1 part);
  • water - 300 ml (3 parts);
  • additionally - 150 ml of lemon juice and 150 gr. honey

We crush the garlic, pour it with water and keep it in the dark for 2 weeks. Don't forget to shake the mass from time to time!

We filter the composition and introduce honey combined with lemon juice into it.

Option II:

  • peeled garlic - 400 gr.;
  • water - 500 ml.

Grind the vegetable to a gruel state, transfer it to a jar and put it in a closet for 2 days (it should be dark there). Then we squeeze out the juice from the mass, which we mix with some water and insist in the refrigerator for 5 days.

We drink the drug for 2 weeks, distributing 7-10 drops for each of the three daily meals. You can start eating 15 minutes after taking the infusion.

Garlic water from worms

Let's cook:

  • garlic - 1 large head;
  • warm water - 300 ml.

Grind garlic cloves, combine with some water and wrap with a warm blanket / blanket. After 3 days we filter.

We drink liquid in 2 tsp. ten minutes before going to bed. You can not eat before and after taking.

Strengthen the antihelminthic effect of the drug can be its simultaneous administration in the form of a candle (moisten a swab) and a 5-minute enema (by adding an additional half-liter of water to the agent). Course - 3 days.

Infusion of oil and garlic

This tool acts more gently than garlic tincture on alcohol (vodka) for cleaning vessels. In addition, it eliminates menstrual irregularities, prevents oncology and enhances potency.

Stock up:

Remember! Tinctures prepared on the basis of vodka or alcohol are stored almost forever, on water - no more than 2 weeks, on oil - a month.

garlic milk

Ideal for the treatment of lung problems (including asthma), as well as cleansing the internal organs of fungi, bacteria, viruses and worms.

  • garlic cloves - 10-15 pcs.;
  • milk - 110 ml.

Dip the garlic in milk and boil for a quarter of an hour (after it boils). Cool in a tightly closed jar for 1-2 hours. You need to drink the composition before eating. The course is 5-6 days.

Lemon infusion with garlic

Using this product, you will get rid of vasospasm, tinnitus and capillary fragility. It also helps to lose weight slightly and prevents cancer. Prepared in several variations.

  1. For non-alcoholic version:
  • peeled garlic - 200 gr.;
  • washed, unpeeled lemon - 200 gr.;
  • cold boiled water - 500 ml.

We twist both products in a meat grinder, fill it with water, put it in the refrigerator for 4 days, filter it and restore health - we drink it once a day before sitting down at the dinner table (in a volume of 50 ml).

  1. Garlic-lemon alcohol tincture:
  • lemon juice - 150 ml;
  • garlic gruel - 150 ml;
  • vodka - 200 ml.

We combine the components in a half-liter glass container, “forget” about them for 14 days (shake from time to time). We filter and 3 times a day we drip 5 drops into herbal tea.

  1. Dry tincture:
  • fresh liquid honey - 0.5 liters;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • lemon - 5 pcs.

Citrus fruits, peeled, passed through a meat grinder, mixed with honey and mashed garlic. We cover the container with the mass with a cloth and leave for 7 days (the light should not fall on the mixture). We eat 4 times a day for 1 tsp. (before meals, but not before bed!). "Tincture" can be diluted in water.

Garlic, ginger and lemon tincture

This tool will help cleanse the liver and cope with many infections and inflammations of the internal organs. This garlic tincture is also effective against worms.

For decoction, take:

  • garlic - 2 heads;
  • lemons - 2 pcs. (with skin);
  • ginger - 1 root (small);
  • water - 1 liter.

Grind the components with a blender, bring to a boil, and when it cools down, strain. A couple of hours before meals, you need to drink 150-200 ml of the resulting liquid.

Garlic is called the "king of spices". In addition, it has a medicinal effect, due to which it has been widely used in folk medicine since ancient times. Tinctures from this vegetable, which have the ability to cleanse blood vessels, have gained particular popularity.

The beneficial properties of garlic are due to its composition. The vegetable contains biologically active substances in balanced proportions:

  • vitamins B and C - increase the body's resistance to infections, restore nervous system, improve metabolism, act as antidepressants;
  • allicin (a natural antibiotic) - destroys pathogenic microflora (the effect of taking 1 milligram of allicin is comparable to the effect of 15 units of penicillin);
  • inulin - improves intestinal motility, restores beneficial microflora;
  • choline - lowers the concentration of cholesterol, restores nervous activity, has antidepressant properties;
  • phytoncides - have an antioxidant effect, relieve inflammation;
  • essential oils - give the vegetable a specific aroma, have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • amino acids - serve as a building material for cells;
  • potassium - restores water balance, eliminates puffiness;
  • calcium and phosphorus - strengthen bones, prevent the development of rickets and osteoporosis.

Under the influence of alcohol, the substances that make up garlic are activated, which increases the benefits of the product.

Garlic tincture is called the "cure for all diseases", as it has a complex effect on the body:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • destroys viruses and pathogenic bacteria;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • stops putrefactive processes;
  • maintains normal cholesterol levels;
  • cleans blood vessels from cholesterol plaques;
  • increases blood flow and prevents platelets from sticking together;
  • dissolves blood clots;
  • increases the elasticity and permeability of the walls of blood vessels;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • activates hematopoiesis and blood circulation;
  • improves metabolism;
  • restores the functioning of the thyroid and thymus glands;
  • improves the condition of the joints;
  • removes toxins and toxic substances from the body;
  • destroys helminths;
  • returns to normal the functioning of all body systems;
  • restores hormonal levels;
  • slows down the aging process;
  • relieves drowsiness;
  • uplifting;
  • eliminates depression and stressful conditions;
  • increases sexual activity, stamina and performance;
  • prevents cardiovascular and cancerous diseases;
  • improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.

Indications for taking garlic tinctures are colds and viral diseases, rheumatism, atherosclerosis, hypertension, and the initial stages of oncology. But you can use home remedies only after consulting a doctor, in addition to prescribed medications.

cooking recipes

There are many recipes for making garlic tincture. When choosing the best option, it is necessary to take into account the effect of the drug.

Before you start preparing the tincture, you should familiarize yourself with the following rules:

  • take only a fresh vegetable, it should not be stale, dry or sprouted;
  • do not use metal objects: peel the garlic with your hands, chop it using a clay, ceramic or wooden mortar (you can take a ceramic knife);
  • it is good to sterilize dishes for the manufacture and storage of a healing agent;
  • during treatment, enrich the diet with vegetables and fruits, exclude “heavy food”.

Tibetan recipe

The recipe for alcohol tincture was developed in Tibet by monks several centuries ago and requires precise adherence to technology.

Garlic (250 grams) is peeled, washed and crushed with a mortar. The resulting slurry (along with the juice) is poured into a porcelain or dark glass container and poured with undiluted alcohol (300 milliliters), without stirring.

Insist in a dark cool place for 10 days, tightly closed with a lid. Then filter, press the cake and leave for three days. If done correctly, the tincture will turn greenish. At the same time, it will be divided into 2 parts: lower (dark) and upper (light). The upper part is carefully drained, and the lower part is used for treatment.

Alcohol tincture is used to clean vessels, which is especially important for middle-aged and elderly people. It also eliminates spasms, restores blood composition, improves the functioning of cerebral vessels, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, varicose veins, heart attack, stroke, treats joint diseases, rejuvenates the body and has a general strengthening effect.

Tincture is taken 5-10 drops 2-3 times a day with milk for 10 days. Then you need to take a 3-4-month break, after which the treatment course can be repeated.

The Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for cleansing blood vessels is recommended to be used no more than once every 5 years.

On vodka

Garlic tincture on vodka is almost as good as the Tibetan recipe. It has a powerful tonic and restorative effect, improves the functioning of the kidneys and relieves swelling, regulates metabolism, contributing to the normalization of weight, and prevents atherosclerosis. The remedy will be of particular benefit to men, as it helps to increase potency.

For the recipe for garlic tincture on vodka, the vegetable (100 grams) is peeled, chopped into small pieces with a ceramic knife and poured into a half-liter jar of dark glass. Fill with vodka (you can take alcohol diluted with water). Leave to infuse for 2 weeks (every day the medicine must be shaken).

Take three times a day for a teaspoon before meals.

On wine

Garlic (12 cloves) is peeled and cut into small pieces, put into a glass bottle and poured with dry red wine (750 milliliters). The container is tightly closed and placed on a windowsill, illuminated by direct sunlight, for 2 weeks. Shake periodically.

You can add wormwood to the infusion. In this case, the dry leaves of the plant (2-3 tablespoons) are crushed and mixed with garlic slurry. The mixture is placed in a dark glass container and poured with red or white dry wine. Insist 5 days, periodically shaking.

Take a remedy for a teaspoon before meals for a month.

Wine tincture cleanses blood vessels, removes salts from the body, activates metabolic processes, increases efficiency, prevents heart and vascular diseases, and when wormwood is added, it has an effective effect on joint diseases.

On the water

For its preparation, garlic is crushed and poured with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Leave for 14 days in a dark place, shaking daily. Strained medicine is mixed with honey and lemon juice. Drink before going to bed on a tablespoon.

Water infusion improves blood properties, energizes, relieves depression, prevents colds.

On oil

Garlic (head) is peeled and crushed into gruel, poured with sunflower or olive oil (a glass) and put in the refrigerator for 3 days. Take a tablespoon on an empty stomach for 15 days or use to dress salads.

Oil tincture helps with reproductive problems, regulates menstrual function in women and increases potency in men, and is also used to prevent cancer.

On milk

Garlic (20-30 cloves) is peeled and boiled in milk (250 milliliters) for a quarter of an hour. Consume after cooling during the day. Milk tincture helps with pathologies of the respiratory system (eliminates asthma attacks, treats lung diseases), expels worms.

Drink the medicine three times a day, 70 milliliters or 250 milliliters at bedtime.

with ginger

Grind garlic (250 grams) and ginger root (250 grams). The gruel is placed in a glass jar, poured with lemon juice (200 milliliters) and vodka (half a liter). The container is sealed and put in the cold.

Use 3 times a day for a tablespoon 20 minutes before meals. Ginger infusion cleanses blood vessels, activates metabolism, reduces appetite and promotes weight loss.

With lemon

Garlic (200 grams) is peeled and crushed in a mortar. Lemon (200 grams) is added, which is crushed together with the peel in a blender. The resulting slurry is poured with warm water (half a liter) and placed in the refrigerator for 4 days.

Take daily 50 milliliters before meals to clean the vessels for 40 days. As a result, spasms of blood vessels are eliminated, capillaries are strengthened, tinnitus disappears.

With red pepper

Garlic (5-6 cloves) is peeled and crushed, mixed with chopped hot pepper pod and placed in a bottle. Pour vodka (half a liter) or alcohol (300 milliliters). Tightly corked, insist in a dark cool place for 3 days. Lemon juice can be added to the finished tincture.

Take before meals: daily for a tablespoon or three times a day for 3-5 drops. Pepper tincture cleanses blood vessels, restores nervous activity, prevents colds and cardiovascular diseases, and improves appetite.

How to use?

Scheme of ingestion

The optimal effect can be obtained if you take an alcohol tincture of garlic in accordance with the scheme presented in the table below.

day numberNumber of drops
1 reception2 reception3 reception
1 1 2 3
2 4 5 6
3 7 8 9
4 10 11 12
5 13 14 15
6 15 14 13
7 12 11 10
8 9 8 7
9 6 5 4
10 3 2 1
11 and until the medicine runs out25 25 25

Outdoor options

At sinusitis vodka tincture is diluted with water and used to wash the nasal passages 2-3 times a day. At runny nose every 3-4 hours, 1-2 drops of oil tincture are dripped into the nasal passages.

At stomatitis, gingivitis and sore throat diluted alcohol tincture is used to rinse the mouth and throat. At dandruff or hair loss alcohol tincture is diluted with water and rubbed into the scalp, washed off after a quarter of an hour.

At psoriasis and fungus compresses from undiluted vodka tincture are applied to the affected areas for 10-15 minutes. At joint pain, stiffness, arthritis before going to bed, the joint is treated with oil tincture and wrapped with a scarf. The duration of treatment is 2 months.

How to store?

Store the medicine in the refrigerator. At the same time, it should be taken into account that alcohol and vodka tinctures have an unlimited shelf life, oil tinctures can be stored for about a month, and water tinctures can last no more than a crescent.


In some cases, garlic tincture for alcohol can bring not only benefits, but also harm. You can not take it if:

  • individual intolerance;
  • low blood pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • liver and kidney failure;
  • cirrhosis;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys, Bladder, pancreas or prostate;
  • acute form of hemorrhoids;
  • epilepsy;
  • mental disorders;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

Tincture of garlic for alcohol is contraindicated for children under 14 years old, the elderly and people driving vehicles. Contraindications for external use are individual intolerance, as well as very dry and sensitive skin.

Also, garlic tincture can be harmful if the dosage and duration of administration are violated.

Related videos

Anyone who prefers herbal medicine instead of using drugs is certainly aware of the rich experience of Tibetan doctors, who for several millennia have learned to use natural resources to treat many diseases. But despite the wide popularity of oriental medicine, scientists constantly continue to find new recipes with powerful healing powers.

For example, a Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture for vessel cleansing was found in the second half of the last century in one of the ancient monasteries. The records of the monks are quite well preserved on clay tablets, and after decoding the information is now available to every inhabitant of our planet.

This article will discuss how to prepare and use the elixir of health, and that is how the healer who made notes on clay called it, in addition, there were data on herbal preparations. You can read about them in the material presented or watch the video in this article.

Vessel cleansing according to the Tibetan recipe

An ancient recipe for cleaning the bloodstream from deposits of various kinds was called by its authors the elixir of life. And modern scientists agreed with this by testing the garlic tincture made according to the found recipe.

At the moment, the tool is produced on an industrial scale, however, it is quite simple to prepare it yourself at home. But first, a few words about the beneficial properties of this drug and about who is not recommended to use it.

Useful properties of garlic tincture

Since the discovery of the recipe itself was made under the auspices of UNESCO, this organization, after conducting special laboratory studies in the 70s of the twentieth century, confirmed the healing qualities of the drink, so many experts immediately drew attention to it, it gained universal popularity and recognition.

First of all, it attracts the ability of the tincture to effectively cleanse the vessels of fat and calcium deposits, improve the condition of the endothelium by stabilizing vascular tone, and also have a general beneficial effect on the body by normalizing metabolic processes.

After cleaning, the veins and arteries work with a noticeable improvement, which is noted by both doctors and their patients. Vessel cleansing according to the Tibetan recipe helps to activate blood circulation even in the distal parts of small capillaries, which improves gas exchange and tissue nutrition, and this is extremely important for the functioning of the brain, heart, all vital organs and body systems. Be sure to read this article to the end to find out. Tibetan recipe for garlic tincture to cleanse blood vessels.

In more detail, all the healing properties of the drug are presented below:

  • tonic and tonic;
  • has a calming effect;
  • helps to minimize the negative effects of prolonged stress;
  • effective in cleansing the blood, bloodstream, lymph;
  • positively affects the functioning of the joints;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • favorably affects the thyroid gland;
  • reduces the load on the heart muscle;
  • improves blood flow in the vessels of the brain, helps with chronic headaches;
  • compensates for fluctuations in blood pressure.


According to the Tibetan recipe, it is not suitable for all people, so it is important to know who should refrain from using this drug.

  • it is strictly forbidden to use preparations based on garlic for patients with epilepsy;
  • small children;
  • women in position and young mothers while they are feeding the baby;
  • persons with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys;
  • with urolithiasis and inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • allergy sufferers and asthmatics;
  • cancer patients;
  • with hemorrhoids 2 and 3 stages.

Before you start cleansing the vessels with Tibetan garlic in the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult with your doctor, since this product is a strong biological agent and, if not thoughtfully used, can cause exacerbations of varying intensity.


The Tibetan method of cleansing vessels with garlic is quite simple, so there are no difficulties in preparing the remedy. To do this, you need only two ingredients: peeled, washed garlic cloves and ethyl alcohol in a concentration of at least 70%.

Some use moonshine or vodka instead of alcohol, but it should be borne in mind that in this case, the healing properties will be reduced. The liquid tank should only be made of glass, it is not recommended to use plastic for this.

For 200 g of garlic crushed in a porcelain or wooden mortar, you need the same amount of alcohol. Place the container in a dark place and store it there for ten days, periodically shaking the liquid. After that, you should separate the alcohol extract from the sediment and let it stand for a few more days.

Important. It is most optimal to prepare the tincture in the second half of summer or autumn, since at the moment there is a fresh harvest of garlic. At this moment, the greatest amount of useful substances is concentrated in its cloves. After winter and at the beginning of summer, old and young garlic somewhat loses its healing power.

Admission rules

The Tibetan method of cleansing vessels with garlic requires compliance with certain mandatory conditions, which consist in maintaining a certain scheme of concentrations. If you take the drops in strict accordance with the schedule shown in the photo, you can achieve the desired result and fix it for a long time.

But if you cannot follow exactly the indicated scheme, then daily intake of five drops dissolved in 50 ml of cow's milk is allowed three times a day at the same time as meals.

As can be seen from the diagram, the number of drops first increases and then decreases. This happens in the first ten days, and starting from the eleventh day and until the end of the entire course, you should drink 25 drops dissolved in milk three times a day.

Below are some of the nuances of using alcohol tincture on garlic:

  1. It is desirable to dissolve drops in milk, and not in water, since this ensures the maximum healing effect, eliminates unpleasant taste and smell. The use of juices is not recommended because the acidic environment begins to enter into chemical reactions with active elements;
  2. Tincture is taken half an hour before or during meals;
  3. The Tibetan monks' recipe for vessels says that this method can only be used once every five years, but modern experts do not see a strict need for such a long break. Since the time period is quite large, clinical studies on the relevance of using the remedy are so rarely absent;
  4. Experts who understand the smallest nuances of the preparation technique advise the beginning of the preparation of the preparation to be combined with the phase of the growing moon. According to them so medicinal properties will show up more strongly.
  5. Medicinal properties will be more effective if the tincture period is more than a year, most useful qualities are noted for a three-year aging of the remedy;
  6. Between doses should be at least three hours, while in this interval you can not eat or drink sweet or other drinks except pure water.

Please note that if all the recommendations are followed, you will have to adhere to a certain diet, so usually people lose extra pounds during treatment, which is useful and good from both the physiological and aesthetic side, especially for females.

The uniqueness of the recipes for cleansing not only the blood, but also the whole body lies in the fact that the plants that make up the medicinal preparations grow not only in the Tibetan mountains, but are distributed everywhere.

Therefore, there are no special difficulties in the procurement of raw materials and the preparation of medicinal products. All this has influenced the widespread recognition of the knowledge of the monks, so Tibetan vascular medicine is recognized and appreciated in all corners of the globe.

The Tibetan way of cleansing vessels with herbs is characterized by such positive properties:

  • has an immunostimulating, restorative and healing effect;
  • favorably affects the functioning of the digestive system;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • promotes weight loss;
  • optimizes metabolic processes;
  • cleanses blood vessels and lowers cholesterol in the blood;
  • reduces the likelihood of angina pectoris, hypertension and thrombosis;
  • it is recommended to use in cancer patients after chemotherapy as a restorative agent;
  • improves liver function after poisoning or long-term use of synthetic drugs.

The note. The use of Tibetan dues and teas is allowed to be used at any age.

The composition of the collection of Tibetan

The Tibetan collection for cleansing the vessels has several options, and not one as some suggest. All of them are easy to prepare and quite affordable because the plants that make up them can either be collected on their own or purchased at a pharmacy, and the price of the necessary ingredients is low.

Recipe #1

This collection is great for those who want to cleanse the blood, lymph, intestines, liver and kidneys. The decoction helps to remove heavy metals from the body, improve the functioning of blood vessels and joints.

For preparation, you need to take in equal quantities the following plants in dry form:

  • wild strawberry (leaves and roots);
  • St. John's wort color;
  • white birch buds;
  • pharmaceutical camomile;
  • immortelle (grass collected during flowering).

All herbs should be finely chopped and mixed. Instructions for brewing: pour two tablespoons of prepared raw materials with a glass of boiling water, then cover everything with a warm cloth and let stand for 40-50 minutes, then strain and drink everything three times a day, 100 g 30 minutes before meals.

One course of treatment is 80 days. Repeated treatment can be repeated only after a year.

Recipe #2

It is noteworthy in the recipe that the species composition of plant components is quite extensive, therefore, the healing properties of this option are superior to others.

The recipe of Tibetan monks for cleansing the vessels in this case includes the following components:

  • immortelle grass, collected at the hour of flowering;
  • cumin seeds;
  • linden blossom (flowers collected in the city are not suitable);
  • flowers: oregano, chamomile, calendula, succession, St. John's wort, centaury;
  • roots (rhizomes): valerian, angelica, dandelion, burnet;
  • grass: celandine, succession, St. John's wort, sage, centaury, thyme, yarrow, marsh cudweed;
  • leaves: peppermint, coltsfoot, motherwort, nettle, eucalyptus and plantain;
  • birch and pine buds.

The recipe of Tibetan monks for vessels in this case is prepared quite simply:

  1. All components are taken in equal parts, crushed and mixed well;
  2. A glass of the prepared mixture is poured with two liters of boiling water;
  3. It is advisable to insist the decoction in a thermos or wrap it well with a blanket if you have to insist in a jar or saucepan;
  4. Duration should not be less than eight hours;
  5. Before taking the liquid, separate from the sediment and drink warm in a glass three times a day one hour before meals.

Important. Drinking an infusion prepared according to the second recipe is not recommended later than three hours before going to bed.

You can use recipe number 2 both for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The components included in its composition have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the circulatory system, optimize buffer properties and normalize the acid-base balance in the organs of the digestive system.

In order for the decoction to be as useful as possible, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Adjust dosage based on stools to be taken daily;
  2. If a person has a tendency to prolonged constipation, buckthorn bark must be added to the composition;
  3. If constipation still remains, it is necessary to increase the saturation of the solution by insisting it in less water, and if the stool is too loose, the decoction should be less concentrated or reduce the number of doses to two or one per day.

Recipe #3

The third composition is better known as the Tibetan tea for cleansing the vessels or the "Royal Drink". It is considered more ancient in origin than the two previous recipes. In ancient chronicles, data on the treatment of the founders with this infusion have been preserved. Kievan Rus- Riryukovich.

This composition was reliably known from the clay tablets already mentioned in the article, discovered in an ancient monastery in Tibet. To make tea, you need only four ingredients listed in table 1.

Table 1. Ingredients for the preparation of the Tibetan collection (tea).

Plant Description of the main useful properties

This essential oil plant helps cleanse the liver, enhances the formation of bile, is used as an anti-inflammatory and diuretic. St. John's wort is part of the fees to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, inhibits the development of helminths.

In folk medicine, the dried color of the plant is most often used as an anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. The decoction helps to cleanse the body, optimizes the work of the stomach and intestines, reduces spasms with diarrhea and stomach colic. The plant can be used as an adsorbent of harmful substances if they are present in small quantities.

Preparations prepared from birch raw materials have long been actively used not only in folk, but also in classical medical practice to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques and prevent atherosclerosis, normalize metabolism in overweight, as an antiseptic, with stagnation of bile and resorption of blood clots.

It has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial characteristics, but is more used to enhance bile production. A decoction of immortelle is used to clean the intestines from toxins, it relieves inflammation in diseases of the excretory system.

The preparation of the decoction occurs in the following sequence:

  • all components should be taken in equal proportions, grind everything and mix well;
  • a tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water and allowed to infuse for 20-30 minutes;
  • after the liquid is separated from the sediment, and if there is a desire to sweeten the drink, you can add a few teaspoons of natural bee honey to it.

You need to take a medicinal decoction like this. In the evening, an hour after eating, slowly drink (like tea) half of the resulting broth and after that you can no longer eat.

The next morning for an hour before meals, use the rest of the infusion. The duration of the course is 80 days, with a break of 10 days after each month.

Important. Treatment with this method can be carried out only once a year!

If during the course a person experiences discomfort from the liver, you should not be afraid because this means the beginning of the healing collection.

Unpleasant sensations indicate the activation of the excretion of stagnant bile. The effect of "warming up the head" indicates the cleansing of the blood vessels in the brain, and the itching of the skin or increased sweat formation is a marker of positive processes occurring in the lymph.

Contraindications to the use of Tibetan fees

Since all decoctions of Tibetan medicine are active biological agents, they have certain limitations, and for some people they are completely contraindicated. Before using it, it is recommended to get professional advice from your doctor, since only a doctor will be able to assess all the risks associated with the use of herbal medicine.

First of all, it is necessary with great care to take medicinal preparations based on herbs for allergy sufferers and individuals with individual intolerance to some of the components present in these formulations. If a person is contraindicated in the use of only one plant component, he is simply excluded from the composition.

Important. If a person has a tendency to allergies, then the independent use of Tibetan medicine can cause serious health problems up to the onset of anaphylactic shock!

The use of medicines prepared according to the methods described above is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy and lactation;
  • during periods of exacerbations of chronic diseases of the digestive system;
  • the presence of kidney stones;
  • anemia;
  • viral infections;
  • diseases of the lymphatic system;
  • allergies and bronchial asthma.

Rules of conduct during treatment with Tibetan medicine

In order for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to follow certain rules of behavior during the period of taking medications and after in order to maintain the effect obtained. First of all, you should pay attention to the expiration dates of the prepared preparations.

Alcohol tincture should not be very old, and decoctions should be fresh, made the day before or immediately before use. It is undesirable to use a decoction of herbs if it is more than a day old, because less than half of all healing components are stored in such a solution. Therefore, it is important not to be lazy and prepare fresh solutions daily.

Very important. It makes no sense to carry out treatment or prophylaxis to cleanse the vessels or the body with the help of Tibetan medicine if you do not immediately refuse to eat fatty and toxic food for the body, otherwise all efforts will be absolutely meaningless.

During the treatment period, you should stop smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages, it is not recommended to transfer. It is important to adhere to a certain diet, and it is advisable to eat 30-40% less food than usual.

It is recommended to eat in small portions five times a day at regular intervals, and there should be a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, but add a light afternoon snack and a late evening dinner, for example, drink kefir in the evening or eat fruit. Do not forget about the importance of the intake of high-quality protein of animal origin into the body, because the body needs a constant supply of a complete amino acid composition. Therefore, it is useful to consume lean fish, seafood and various dairy products.

No less than this, the body needs vitamins and trace elements, which are found in large quantities in fresh food. plant origin. In Table 2, you can find the basic rules that must be followed during the period of treatment with Tibetan medicine.

Table 2. Exceptions during treatment with Tibetan medicine:

Product to Avoid Brief explanation

Carbon dioxide unnecessarily irritates the walls of the digestive tract and enhances the work of the glands, and packaged (canned) juices contain a lot of glucose, dyes, stabilizers and other chemical compounds.

Excessive intake of such food disrupts lipid metabolism and increases cholesterol levels.

If you want sweets, it is better to eat fruits and honey. Flour products are not only high-calorie, they are a breeding ground for bacteria, promote fermentation and remain in the stomach for a long time.

Coffee and tea contain caffeine, which changes vascular tone. These drinks stimulate the secretion of gastric juices, in addition, they adversely affect the work of the heart.

These products today contain many harmful additives and meat substitutes: soy, starch, dyes, monosodium glutamate, corn flour, palm oil, etc.

They contain a lot of sugar, flavors, dyes, essences, other harmful substances and very little or no bifidobacteria.

Such substitutes for natural fats are extremely harmful due to the presence of hydrogenated lipids and low-grade vegetable oils, such as palm oil, in their composition.


Thus, garlic tincture for alcohol and herbal decoctions can be effectively used for the treatment and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, these drugs successfully fight many other ailments, while immunity is strengthened, and there is a general strengthening effect.

It is extremely important to get acquainted with the contraindications and inform the attending physician about the intention to be treated with the help of Tibetan medicine. Therapy is carried out in a course with the obligatory observance of the conditions of dosage and diet. During this period, there are a number of restrictions on consumed products.

The use of fatty meats, alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited, otherwise there will be no point in treatment. Take care of your health and use any methods of treating cardiovascular diseases only in consultation with a competent specialist.