Desert elders. Optina elders: interesting facts that you did not know about. The current state of the monastery

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A new book

The publishing house of our monastery published A new book"The Life of Hieromartyr Veniamin (Kazan), Metropolitan of Petrograd and Gdov, and others like him who suffered the Monk Martyr Sergius (Shein), Martyrs Yuri Novitsky and John Kovsharov » .

In the new book of the famous Russian hagiographer, Archimandrite Damaskin (Orlovsky), the reader is offered the life of Metropolitan Veniamin (Kazansky) of Petrograd, one of the first holy martyrs, who did not sin in his soul or conscience during the persecution that began and gave his life for Christ and His Church .

Venerable Optina Elders


The first founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership. A man of unshakable faith, extraordinary courage, firmness and energy. The expression of evangelical love was the whole life of this elder, which was spent in selfless service to God and neighbors. By his deeds, unceasing prayer and God-imitating humility, he acquired abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit. The miracles performed by the elder were countless: crowds of the destitute flocked to him.


Have chenik and sotainnik Elder Leo. He served as elder in Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the great and holy feat of senile care. The main virtue that he especially brought up in people is humility, considering it the foundation of the Christian life. “There is humility—everything is there; if there is no humility—there is nothing,” said the monk. The name of Elder Macarius is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery.


To the mouthy elder-priest. He showed an amazing example of a combination of strict asceticism, humility and non-possession with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under Schema-Archimandrite Moses, the old churches and buildings of the monastery were recreated and new ones were built. Optina Hermitage owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise abbot of Elder Moses.


Brother and associate of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and a prayer book, patiently and courageously bearing the cross of bodily diseases throughout his life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the skete, which he led for 14 years. Written instructions Reverend Elder are the wondrous fruit of his paternal love and the gift of a teaching word. Before his death, he said: I would like to console everyone, and if it were possible, I would tear myself to pieces and distribute them to everyone in pieces.


The disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a zealous defender and preacher of the Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the bosom Orthodox Church many who have gone astray and fallen away from the Orthodox faith. “Only from the moment we got to know him, the spiritual child of the elder recalls, we learned what peace of mind is, what peace of mind is ...” The elder-skete leader died in prayer, with a rosary in his hands.


In the great old man and ascetic of the Russian land, whose holiness and God-pleasing life God testified by many miracles, and the Orthodox believing people - with sincere love, reverence and reverent appeal to him in prayer. A disciple of the elders Leonid and Macarius, he inherited from them the grace-filled gift of elderhood, he remained in selfless service to people for more than 30 years. He founded the Shamorda convent, nourished many monasteries, his letters and instructions are a source of spiritual wisdom for those who seek salvation. The monk had a high clear mind and a loving heart. Unusually compassionate and gifted with grace, he was especially distinguished by Christian love.


With the chief of the whale and the elder, he instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Hermitage, but also the inhabitants of the Shamorda convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father, a patient teacher for all who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly possessed an amazing gift of consolation. Rev. Ambrose said that he was given such prayer and grace as one in a thousand is given.


The memorable rector of Optina Hermitage, who combined the firm management of the monastery and the finest art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac's life's work was the preservation and confirmation of the spiritual precepts of eldership in the monastery. He did not know peace - the doors of his cell were open to the brotherhood and the poor. In food, and in clothing, and in the decoration of the cell, he observed the complete simplicity of the ancient ascetics.


The disciple and spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, who showed the image of great humility, gentleness, unceasing mental-hearted prayer, the elder more than once was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the blessed divine light. Rev. Joseph was a man of deep inner work, always keeping silence of heart and unceasing prayer.


With the chief of the whalers, about whom Elder Nectarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Not sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. The elder possessed extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events was revealed to him, he saw the intimacy of the heart of a person who came to him, awakening repentance in him with love.

When they find out that I work in Optina Pustyn, they often ask, “Are there any elders in Optina now?” Or: “How can you talk to an old man?”

At first, I was embarrassed by these questions ... After all, most often we - even those who have been living in the church for a long time - are novice. Spiritual babies... My first spiritual mentor, Abbot Savvaty, who has forty years of life in the church and twenty-five years of ordination behind him, sometimes says about himself: "I'm in a theological school - it's good - if I graduated from two classes... Here is my spiritual mentor, Father John Krestyankin, he - yes ... he was a spiritual professor ... "

Yes, an old man is a spiritual professor… But why would a spiritual baby need a professor? Any experienced Opta confessor can answer the questions of a beginner… And people are persistently looking for an elder. They are looking for Schema-Hegumen of Optina, and now Schema-Archimandrite, Father Iliy (Nozdrin). They ask questions, ask for prayers, seek the blessing of the elder.

I told about my embarrassment to the famous spiritual father of Optina, hegumen A. And he answered:

Don't be embarrassed. The elders are the beauty of Orthodoxy, the spirit of Orthodoxy, evidence of the truth of our faith. Through the elder man sees God. Were the people of the nineteenth century embarrassed when thousands came to the monastery to St. Ambrose? Sometimes you can hear from our contemporaries: “Now there are no elders left -“ Oskuda reverend ”... And in what century did the psalmist David say this? That's it ... Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, and the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are the same ...

Everyone who happened to meet Father Elijah is sure that even a fleeting meeting with him is an event of great spiritual significance in their lives. I feel the same. By the grace of God, I had a chance to talk with the elder several times, confess to him, accept from his hands Holy Communion. And when Father Eli asked me about my first stories in 2009, he gave me his blessing for writing. And so, after the blessing of the elder, in the most miraculous way, unexpectedly for myself, who had never dealt with book publishers and publishers, during three years, my books “Monastic Meetings” and “Uninvented Stories” were written and published.

I began to carefully write down stories about the elder, which his children and those who simply had the experience of meeting Father Elijah generously shared with me. These stories were somehow very “quiet”: the humility and meekness of the elder, as it were, extended to these stories and to the narrators themselves ... They wanted to be told in an undertone, as people tell about something precious, secret.

Nun Filareta told about her meeting with the elder and allowed her to write down her story.

Filaret's mother, and then just Lyudmila Grechina, believed in God all her life, but she became a church, being already a mature person. She graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), and worked as a satellite launch engineer in the memory department. She thinks that if she had not come to God, she would no longer be alive, just as some of her peers who worked with her are no longer alive. But when a person grows spiritually, the Lord gives him time, does not pluck the unripe fruit.

The churching of Lyudmila Grechina happened in a rather miraculous way. She and her son spent their holidays in Italy. I went out for a walk in the evening, admired the hills in the distance and some monastery, beautiful view which opened from a hillock. And suddenly I heard a voice:

If you return to Russia, you will go to a monastery.

This was said so clearly and clearly that, returning to Russia, Lyudmila, who at that time was already 57 years old, decided to turn to the elder. She came to Optina Pustyn to the Optina Elder, Elijah's father.

It is always difficult to get to Father Elijah; there are always more people who want to consult with the elder, ask for his prayers or just blessings, than even such an ascetic's day can accommodate. But Lyudmila, God's help, not only was able to immediately talk to him, but also became his spiritual child. The elder foresight foresaw her monastic path. He immediately invited Lyudmila to go to the Novodevichy Convent.

How - in Novodevichy? Yes, there is a museum, father!

The old man smiled and replied:

There is a monastery there. It's been open for four months now.

And who will take me there at my age?!

Go go! The local abbess will take you, do not hesitate!

And he gave a description of the abbess, although he had never seen her in his life.

Lyudmila went to the Novodevichy Convent. And he has lived there for eighteen years. Father Eli became her spiritual father. True, she comes to him infrequently. Once, already a nun, she thought: “I rarely see the priest, maybe he doesn’t consider me his child?” And she got sad. A couple of days later he receives a letter from the elder. And it begins with the words: “My spiritual child!” Comforted the father ...

Mother Filaret recalls instances of her spiritual father's foresight: "Batiushka could sometimes repeat verbatim the words spoken in the cell of the Novodevichy Convent, although he was four hundred kilometers from Moscow - in Optina Hermitage."

Once she brought spiritual father a gift from a pilgrimage to Alexandria - a cassock of very good quality, made of natural cotton. Putting a gift in a bag, she went in search of an old man. No one can see what is in the package, there will be a surprise for the priest ... And so she walks along Optina and sees: the elder is talking with pilgrims at the temple.

Filaret's mother got up on the sidelines and waits until Father Iliy is freed, so that, therefore, she will give him her gift. She waits, but she herself remembers that the elder immediately gives away all the gifts. Somehow, a pilgrim gives him a jar of strawberry jam, and he immediately hands it to her mother Filareta and says: “Let's give mother the jam, she needs it more.”

And her thoughts began to pester about the cassock: after all, the father would not wear it, he would give it to someone! If only I could take it myself! Such a good cassock! No, he won’t wear it himself ... Exactly, he will give it to someone ...

At this moment, the elder turns to her and says:

Come on, give me your present! Yes, I will, I will wear it myself!

Filaret's mother smiles...

Once she introduced me to her spiritual sister, also a child of Fr. Elijah, schema-nun Elizabeth. And mother Elizabeth told me her story of meeting with the elder...

She also came to faith as a mature person, being not only the mother of a family, but also a grandmother. She came as if she had been looking for faith all her life, and, having found it, fell down, as if to a healing spring, healing the wounds of the soul. She quickly went to church, lost interest in watching TV, fell in love with fasting and church services. Feeling the need for spiritual guidance, I went to Optina.

Further events developed rapidly. She saw an old man, father Elijah, surrounded by pilgrims, and she really wanted to talk with him for at least a couple of minutes. But there were too many people, and she decided to wait until the next day.

And the next day, the elder was not in the monastery: he left for the courtyard in Moscow. Having learned the phone number of the farmstead, she dared to call, and although she did not believe that this was possible, she asked if she could talk to the priest. There was silence on the phone, they asked for her phone number and politely said goodbye. “That’s all,” she thought: It didn’t work out ... It was stupid to hope ... Does the old man have enough things to do to talk with all the aunts who want to ?!

And the next day the phone rang, and she, looking up from household chores, picked up the phone. She took it and almost dropped it - the priest himself called her! And he invited me to come for a meeting and conversation in the courtyard.

Worried, not herself, she arrived - and now she is already sitting next to the old man. And he talks to her like he's known her all his life. At the end of the conversation, Father Eli said: “Do you know that your future path is a monastic one?” And he gave the future child a prayer rule.

For several years she took care of the priest, and then the time came when the elder warned: “Get ready for the tonsure.” She was very worried: it was not clear how to prepare... She went up to the archdeacon, Father Iliodor, the old child of the elder: “How are they preparing for the tonsure?” Father Iliodor, a kind, caring man, immediately took her back to the elder and asked her spiritual father:

Batiushka, give your blessing to take my sister to Shamordino, so that she can be sewn a monastic vestment for her tonsure.

Father Eli turns around, looks at them attentively. And sometimes he has such a keen, penetrating look - it seems that he sees not only the interlocutor standing next to him, but also his past and future. And so, looking so intently and penetratingly at his spiritual children, the elder answered:

You don't need to go anywhere. Sew attire. At the Danilov Monastery.

And she never had any acquaintances in this monastery. Well, well, the old man said - he knows better. The future nun returns to Moscow. And at that time she was a parishioner of the temple of Tsarevich Dmitry, and at the temple they organized the first school of sisters of mercy in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Elizabeth. Father Anatoly served as the rector of the temple. And so she shared with him her anxiety about the monastic vestments. And he says:

We will now ask one sister of our school, she just sews vestments. Come on, Valya, come here.

Valya runs up, joyfully agrees to help. And the next day he announces that they will sew this vestment, and they will sew it for free - to the glory of God.

Where do such good people work?

As where? I work in the Danilov Monastery, I sew vestments. They will sew there...

And the circle is closed. But the old man had never seen this Valya in the eyes ...

So the priest tonsured his child in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Elizabeth.

People often ask: “And what is he like, Elder Eli?” It is difficult to answer this question: how can we, sincere people, understand a spiritual person? A spiritual person - he sees and understands everyone, but a spiritual person does not understand the spiritual ... We only feel the grace of God, love, humility that come from spiritual man- and our hearts reach out to him, open before him ...

Here the priest comes out after the service on the salt of the temple in honor of the Kazan Icon Holy Mother of God, the hands of pilgrims reach out to him: they ask for blessings, prayers, pass notes with names. Next to me is a tall, powerful man with an expression of grief on his face. He tries to approach the elder, but there are too many people in front of us. And I notice with horror that my neighbor is quietly crying from mental anguish and suffering. It is hard to see men's tears, it takes my breath away, and I frantically try to figure out how to help him approach the elder.

And Father Eli, short, completely hidden from us by the crowd, already hears this grief in his spirit. The crowd parted, and he himself approached the suffering person, and we see how the old man embraces him affectionately, like a mother comforting a crying child. A man through tears tries to explain, talk about his grief, and others understand that this is a loss. loved one. And now the man is already sobbing, leaning over the elder’s shoulder, and the priest himself is almost crying and affectionately hugs the sobbing one. And such love on the face of the old man ...

So they stand, pressed against each other, and everyone understands that the priest is praying for this suffering person with all the exertion of his strength. And gradually the sobbing calms down, his face changes in some subtle way. It is difficult to define it in words: despair and anguish are replaced by hope, consolation... This is what happens when someone takes on your pain and your suffering.

The next day, at the evening service, the Optina brethren go to the polyeleos and stand in two rows according to the seniority of ordination. My sisters and I are standing among the praying pilgrims not far from the center of the temple and we hear how one of the brethren, who decided that the elder had taken a place that was not honorable enough for his spiritual dignity, said to him: “Father, you stood in the wrong place.” And the elder humbly crosses over to the other side. And there it seems to the brethren that the elder should stand in a more honorable place, in another row, and they again say to him: “Father, no, not here, there.” And he again humbly passes. There they again say to him: “No, father, not here,” until one of the older brethren, realizing what is happening, explodes: “What are you doing?! Leave the old man alone!"

And the priest himself, absolutely without any embarrassment, calmly goes every time to where he is asked to go. He, the spiritual mentor of the brethren, is not at all angry, not at all embarrassed. Confusion is usually characteristic of pride, vanity: how is it, I, but I did something wrong! And humility and meekness - embarrassment is not characteristic. And at the same time, this meekness and humility is not humiliation, not at all!

Here the priest blesses one novice to read the fiftieth psalm. But he does not understand and excitedly asks: “Read fifty times?” And everyone around is laughing. The old man doesn't laugh. He is such a subtle and delicate person, he has such a love for people, he does not even show that his interlocutor was mistaken. As if everything is in order. And meekly, with love, the father explains: “No, not fifty, you will read it once.” And all of us who laughed become ashamed that we laughed at a person who simply did not understand ...

The Lord, by His mercy, grants us elders... Bishop Panteleimon (Shatov) of Smolensk and Vyazemsky wrote about the modern elder, Father Pavel (Troitsky): sometimes there were thoughts of unbelief. When I got to know Father Pavel, I always answered these thoughts in the following way: if there is Father Pavel, then there is God. The fact that there is Father Paul, for me it was the best proof that God exists.

And no matter how the darkness thickens, no matter what thoughts the devil puts into my empty stupid head, no matter what feelings crowd in my hardened evil heart, this is the memory of what Father Paul is and the knowledge of that grace that is given to man by God, of course, it kept me from disbelief, kept me from despondency, kept me from various temptations, of which there are so many in our lives.

The same words can be said about Elder Elijah...

They went to him for advice and consolation, and the elder did not refuse help to anyone, with his attention and warmth he warmed all those who came. A man came out of his cell, flew on wings, the world seemed to him renewed.

eldership has become hallmark Optina Desert. The fame of this monastery and its elders spread throughout Russia and beyond.


The first elder in the Optina Hermitage was the Reverend Lev of Optina (L.D. Nagolkin), a man of large build, with a booming voice and thick hair. Sharp and fast. Instead of long persuasion, the elder sometimes with one word knocked the ground out from under the visitor's feet, forcing him to realize his wrong and repent. He, like a psychologist, knew how to achieve his goal.

The Monk Lev of Optina not only healed the soul, but also healed. He saved many infirm people from death. Elder Leo also successfully treated the possessed (possessed by a demon). At the end of his life, he predicted that Russia would suffer a lot of grief and upheaval. The holy relics of St. Leo are in the Vladimir church of the monastery.

Elder Macarius

Hieroschemamonk Macarius (M. Ivanov) - a disciple of the Monk Leo of Optina. He was of enormous stature, with an ugly face, beaten with smallpox, and a tongue-tied. He had the gift of clairvoyance. Seeing a person for the first time, he could immediately call him by name. Answered emails before receiving them.

He wrote letters from morning to evening. They also contain answers to numerous spiritual questions. They are still useful and interesting today.

Saint Macarius in the monastery created and led a group of scholars and writers (monks and lay people). They translated ancient spiritual scriptures. Under the influence of Elder Macarius, a school of publishers and translators of spiritual literature arose in Russia. The writers Tolstoy and Gogol came to him for confession.

People followed this elder in droves, people dreamed of at least seeing him through the window. He showered everyone with his love. Tired and ill, Saint Macarius received pilgrims until his death.

Venerable Hilarion of Optina

Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (R.N. Ponomarev) perfectly recognized and treated mental illnesses with repentance. People went to him for advice in difficult times. life situations. The elder's wisdom was simply amazing: he spoke very little, but his words had great power.

One day a merchant's brother turned to St. Hilarion of Optina. The young merchant was a widower and asked to bless him for a second marriage. The elder advised to postpone the wedding for a year and said that the merchant himself would soon come to Optina Pustyn. The merchant didn't listen. His new wife died three weeks later. After some time, he himself came to the monastery and accepted.

Elder Hilarion also loved to work in the garden: he planted trees and planted flowers. Monks and strangers admired and admired the beautiful flower gardens of Optina Pustyn, grown by the labors of one person.

Optina Pustyn became the only place in Russia where the society of people reached the highest degree spirituality. Not every monk, but the whole brotherhood. There were many saints of Russia, but the holy brotherhood under the leadership of the elders is only in this monastery.

Optina elders are famous for miracles of healing from bodily and mental illnesses, all-consuming love for people, humility and forgiveness.


Brief life

Hieroschemamonk Leo (Nagolkin), 1768-1841. Days of Remembrance: October 11/24 (repose);
June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“Try to pay more attention to yourself, and not to analyze the deeds, actions and appeals of others to you, but if you do not see love in them, then this is because you yourself do not have love.”

Founder and inspirer of the Optina eldership. A man of unshakable faith, extraordinary courage, firmness and energy. The expression of evangelical love was the whole life of this elder, which was spent in selfless service to God and neighbors. By his deeds, unceasing prayer and God-imitating humility, he acquired abundant gifts of the Holy Spirit. The miracles performed by the elder were countless: crowds of the destitute flocked to him.

Hieroschemamonk Macarius (Ivanov), 1788-1860. Days of Remembrance: September 7/20 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

"There is humility - everything is there; there is no humility - there is nothing."

The disciple and companion of the elder Leo. He served as elder in Optina Hermitage at the same time as the Monk Leo, and after his death, until his death, he carried out the feat of senile care. The main virtue that he especially brought up in people is humility, considering it the foundation of the Christian life. The name of the elder is associated with the beginning of the publication of patristic works in the monastery, which united the best spiritual and intellectual forces of Russia around the monastery. The writer N.V. met with the elder. Gogol.

Schema-Archimandrite Moses (Putilov), 1782-1862. Days of memory: June 16/29 (repose); December 13/26 (acquisition of relics)

“During the meal, understanding flashed in my mind regarding the brethren cohabiting with me, so that their errors, seen by me and confessed by them, should be taken upon myself and repented as if they were my own, so as not to judge them severely and not inflame with anger at all. Mistakes, transgressions and sins of the brothers be mine."

Gentle old priest. He showed an amazing example of a combination of strict asceticism, humility and non-possession with wise management of the monastery and extensive charitable activities. It was thanks to his boundless mercy and compassion for the poor that the monastery gave shelter to many wanderers. Under the schiarchimandrite, the old churches and buildings of the monastery were recreated and new ones were built. Optina Hermitage owes its visible flourishing and spiritual revival to the wise abbot of Elder Moses.

Schiegumen Anthony (Putilov), 1795-1865. Days of Remembrance: August 7/20 (repose); December 13/26 (acquisition of relics)

“And in the discussion of irritability, I advise you to protect yourself as from a mortal poison, which in a noticeable way destroys health, makes medicines invalid and shortens life itself.”

Brother and associate of Schema-Archimandrite Moses, a humble ascetic and prayer book, patiently and courageously bearing the cross of bodily diseases throughout his life. He contributed in every possible way to the work of eldership in the skete, which he led for 14 years. The written instructions of the venerable elder are the wondrous fruit of his paternal love and the gift of a teaching word. Before his death, he said: "I would like to console everyone, and if it were possible, I would tear myself to pieces and distribute them to everyone in pieces."

Hieroschemamonk Hilarion (Ponomarev), 1805-1873. Days of Remembrance: September 18/Oct 1 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“Prayer is always useful and can drive away all thoughts. And if, against your will, the mind is captivated, then you must continue the prayer.”

A disciple and successor of Elder Macarius. Being a zealous defender and preacher of the Orthodox faith, he managed to return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church many who had gone astray and fallen away from the Orthodox faith. “Only from the moment we got to know him, the spiritual child of the elder recalls, we learned what peace of mind is, what peace of mind is ...” The elder-skete leader died in prayer, with a rosary in his hands.

Hieroschemamonk Ambrose (Grenkov), 1812-1891. Days of Remembrance: October 10/23 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“There was no sadness, but the crafty enemies pumped up, presenting themselves as Ephraim, then as a toothy crocodile.”

The great old man and ascetic of the Russian land, whose holiness and piety of life God testified by many miracles, and the Orthodox people - with sincere love, reverence and reverent appeal to him in prayer. A disciple of the elders Leonid and Macarius, he has been in the service of people for more than 30 years. He founded the Shamorda convent, nourished many monasteries, his letters and instructions are a source of spiritual wisdom for those who seek salvation. He had a high clear mind and a loving heart. It is a prototype of the elder Zosima in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "The Brothers Karamazov". The writer saw the reverend three times.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Zertsalov), 1824-1894. Days of Remembrance: January 25/February 7 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“Do not think that the world dwells in a healthy body: there are toads and leeches. No, the world lives only in our dead flesh. And this is the true world, the peace of Jesus, the world that transcends every mind.

The head of the skete and the elder, instructed in the spiritual life not only the monks of the Optina Hermitage, but also the inhabitants of the Shamorda convent and other monasteries. Being an ardent prayer book and ascetic, he was a sensitive father, a patient teacher for all who came to him, always sharing the treasure of wisdom, faith and special spiritual joy. Elder Anatoly possessed an amazing gift of consolation. Rev. Ambrose said that he was given such prayer and grace as one in a thousand is given.

Schema-Archimandrite Isaac (Antimonov), 1810-1894. Days of Remembrance: 22 August / 4 Sept. (repose); January 31/February 13 (acquisition of relics)

“How to win? This requires struggle and self-compulsion to humility. It doesn't come suddenly, but over time. It's like shedding blood. Ask God. Gradually you will get used to humility, and after that it will turn into a habit.

The ever-memorable rector of Optina Hermitage, who combined the firm management of the monastery and the finest art of pastoral leadership with humble obedience to the great Optina elders and high asceticism. Schema-Archimandrite Isaac's life's work was the preservation and confirmation of the spiritual precepts of eldership in the monastery. He did not know peace - the doors of his cell were open to brotherhood and the poor. In food, and in clothing, and in the decoration of the cell, he observed the complete simplicity of the ancient ascetics.

Hieroschemamonk Joseph (Litovkin), 1837-1911. Days of Remembrance: May 9/22 (repose); October 3/16 (acquisition of relics)

“Humble yourself more when you do not have time in matters of salvation. Consider yourself worse than everyone in the world, always forgive everyone and for everything, and always run with repentance and for help to the Lord. And the Merciful Savior will give you a place where all the saints rest in peace.

The disciple and spiritual successor of the Monk Ambrose, who showed the image of great humility, gentleness, unceasing mental-hearted prayer, the elder more than once was honored with the appearance of the Mother of God. According to the memoirs of contemporaries, many, even during the life of Hieroschemamonk Joseph, saw him illuminated by the blessed divine light. Rev. Joseph was a man of deep inner work, always keeping silence of heart and unceasing prayer.

Schema-Archimandrite Varsonofy (Plikhankov), 1845-1913. Days of Remembrance: April 1/14 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“Do not let your heart become attached to the perishable goods of this world, drive out of it all addictions, since only in a heart free from all addictions can the Lord create His own Abode.”

The head of the skete, about which Elder Nectarios said that the grace of God in one night created a great old man from a brilliant military man. Not sparing life itself, he fulfilled his pastoral duty in the Russo-Japanese War. The elder possessed extraordinary insight, the inner meaning of the events that took place was revealed to him. The monk was sent by the Synod to L.N. Tolstoy, but the writer's relatives did not allow the old man to see the dying man.

Hieroschemamonk Anatoly (Potapov), 1855-1922. Days of Remembrance: July 30/August 12 (repose); June 27/July 10 (acquisition of relics)

“Let us commit our whole life to Christ God in union with St. The Orthodox Church, but the gates of hell will not overcome it, trying to walk immaculately in His commandments, correcting infirmities with humility, self-reproach and repentance in bright hope and good hope for the help of the Omnipresent and All-Seeing Lord of despair and hopelessness, eliminating everything with prayer and notice from Him, creating and our life will be well-ordered for salvation.”

Nicknamed by the people as a comforter, he was endowed by the Lord with great grace-filled gifts of love and comfort for the afflicted, insight and healing. Humbly carrying out his pastoral service in the difficult days of revolutionary turmoil and godlessness, the elder confirmed his spiritual children in the determination to be faithful to the holy Orthodox faith even to death.

Hieroschemamonk Nektary (Tikhonov), 1853-1928. Days of Remembrance: April 29/May 12 (repose); July 3/16 (acquisition of relics)

“You ask how to deal with unbelievers - answer with prudence. And it is not your business to awaken people and lead them to God. The Word of God has been preached and is being preached to everyone. In [conversations] with unbelieving colleagues, treat the same as with believers, but do not enter into religious disputes with them - this is useless. Save yourself, and may the Queen of Heaven help you.”

The last conciliarly elected Optina Elder, who, through the feat of unceasing prayer and humility, acquired the greatest gifts of miracle-working and clairvoyance, often hiding them under the guise of foolishness. During the days of persecution of the Church, being himself in exile for confession of faith, he tirelessly nourished the faithful. For advice and prayerful help, both ordinary laity and great Saints turned to him.

“In the surrender of myself and everything to the will of God, I find peace for my soul. If I surrender myself to the will of God, then the will of God will be done to me, and it is always good and perfect. If I am God's, then the Lord will protect me and comfort me. If any temptation is sent to me for my benefit, blessed be the Lord who builds my salvation.”

Archimandrite Isaac II (Bobrakov), 1865–1938. Memorial Day: December 26 / January 8 (repose)

"I will not run from my cross."

The closest disciple of the elder Barsanuphius, an ardent prayer book and a loving shepherd, who selflessly performed the elder's ministry after the closure of Optina Hermitage, suffered torment from the atheists and died in exile as a confessor.

Optina Pustyn: what is it?

Optina Pustyn - the oldest monastery, which was the main center of the Optina elders. This monastery is located 60 kilometers from the Kaluga province. And he is famous for his healers, who are also called Optina elders.

Elders were also the best predictors of the future. They knew everything about what would happen in the future and what had already happened. Many considered the elders sons of god, and some sorcerers and darkspawn. So let's find out the truth about the Optina elders, shall we?

The true story of Optina Pustyn

The first mention of then Kaluga temple was in the Notes of Boris Godunov, who wrote to Catherine the First about his plans to restore all the churches destroyed in 1724 from the Lithuanian raid.

Excerpt from the entry of Boris Godunov, an appeal to Catherine 1: “ The Kaluga temple must be restored, this is one of our main shrines, we will not allow it to be destroyed again, I ask you, dear empress, to help the temple be reborn«.

A few months later, Empress Catherine gave a decree in which it was clearly stated about the restoration of the temple. She also owes her New Revival of the desert to the "Moscow" Metropolitan Platon, who visited the Kaluga Monastery in 1795.

Excerpt from Plato's speech: "The place is calm and suitable for desert courtiers to live in. Let a new temple be erected here in the image Pesnoshsky Monastery. From now on, the local monastery will bear its name Optina Pustyn.

The metropolitan turned to the abbot of the Pesnoshsky monastery with numerous requests to give him a church minister who would be a mentor in Optina Pustyn. Appointed as mentor Hieromonk Abraham, who only after 19 years was able to restore order in the monastery. The local elders were invited to the monastery - people who possessed certain skills: healers, healers, soothsayers, preachers. Which could eradicate the monastic emptiness.

Optina Elder and Archimandrite Moses

The glory of the monastery grew every year, but the Optina temple owes its flourishing to the new rector, the elder and archimandrite Putilov to Moses, thanks to which Optina gained great fame among other monasteries. Moses accepted his position in 1826. And then he immediately founded another system of eldership, the first elder of which, Lev Danilovich was considered.

The elders were more than people, their main features were:

  1. Possession of a gift.
  2. Faith in righteous deeds (faith in God).
  3. Service to the people.
  4. Repentance for all believers.

These abilities were considered the most important, since not everyone could match them.

Elders of the Optina Monastery

  • Elder Lev Danilovich. Lev Danilovich was famous for his gift of healing, he treated people's ailments with oil from an unquenchable lamp that stood near the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God. Those who could not be cured, Lev Danilovich sent to Voronezh to the local cathedral. After walking a long distance, the sick man healed himself and hurried back to the temple to the elder to express his gratitude to him.
  • Elder Seraphim Rev.(Sarov Righteous and Wonderworker) While Lev Danilovich was treating the sick in Optina, St. Seraphim was famous throughout the country for his gift of righteousness. Thousands of pilgrims came to Sarov to preach Seraphim. In the future, the Monk Seraphim will move to Optina, where he will serve in the monastery for 7 years, and in 1835 he will depart into sacred truth.
  • Follower of Leo, Macarius. A student of Lev Danilovich, who possessed the gift of a soothsayer, with the help of which he predicted future revolutions.

Optina - Myth from the Yaroslavl Cathedral

It was about the Monk Seraphim, since the Monk Seraphim had the gift of a righteous man, he could easily determine whether a believer came to the monastery or not. As a test, he asked him questions that he thought could easily be answered by a believer. After such a check, Seraphim took an oath from the confessor, who had to keep secret about the content of these questions. In return, he gave him oil from the lamp, which can cure absolutely all ailments.

But when using it, you need to completely go into the faith of the Lord. After each session of confession, Seraphim washed his hands with blessed water, after which he took the icon and read prayers. After which, a divine image appeared on the wall of the monastery, which cleansed the soul of Seraphim from other people's sins, which he took upon himself. At the next session of confession, a woman in torn clothes and very obscene appearance came to Seraphim, she poured out her soul, answered all questions and leaving, said some words to Seraphim, after which his spirit left the bodily vessel. Whether this is true or false, no one knows. But visitors to the temple more than once saw the silhouette of a man who at night stood in front of the icons in the sanctuary and read some prayers.

Now those who wondered: Optina elders - who are they and where did they come from? They will be able to answer their own question.

Prayer of the Optina elders at the beginning of the day

(morning prayer for every day)

“Lord, give me peace of mind to meet everything that the coming day brings me. Let me completely surrender to Your holy will. For every hour of this day, instruct and support me in everything. Whatever news I receive during the day, teach me to accept it with a calm soul and firm conviction that everything is Thy holy will. In all my words and deeds guide my thoughts and feelings. In all unforeseen cases, do not let me forget that everything is sent down by You. Teach me to act directly and reasonably with each member of my family, without embarrassing or upsetting anyone. Lord, give me the strength to endure the fatigue of the coming day and all the events during the day. Guide my will and teach me to pray, believe, hope, endure, forgive and love. Amen."

Prayers to St. Ambrose of Optina

from the passion of smoking

“Reverend Father Ambrose, you, having boldness before the Lord, begged the Greatly Gifted Vladyka to give me an ambulance in the fight against impure passion.

God! Through the prayers of Your saint, the Monk Ambrose, cleanse my lips, make my heart chaste and saturate it with the fragrance of Your Holy Spirit, so that the evil tobacco passion will run away from me far away, to where it came from, into the womb of hell. Amen."

about kids

“Lord, You are One in all things, You can do everything and want to be saved by everyone and come to the understanding of the truth. Understand my children names) by the knowledge of Thy truth and Thy will of the Holy Ones and strengthen them to walk according to Thy commandments and have mercy on me, a sinner.

about healing

“O great elder and servant of God, our reverend father Ambrose, Praise of Optina and all Russia, teacher of piety! We glorify your humble life in Christ, even as God exalted your name, still existing on earth, and most of all crowning you with heavenly honor after your departure to the chamber of eternal glory. Now accept the prayer of us, your unworthy children, who honor you and call on your holy name, deliver us by your intercession before the Throne of God from all mournful circumstances, mental and bodily ailments, evil misfortunes, pernicious and crafty temptations, send peace to our Fatherland from the great-gifted God, peace and prosperity, be the immutable patron of this holy monastery, in it you yourself labored in prosperity and pleased you with all in the Trinity, our glorious God, He deserves all glory, honor and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and in ages of ages. Amen."

about help

“O all-honorable elder of the most glorious and wondrous Optina Desert, reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! Our Church is a good decoration and a blessed lamp, illuminate everyone with heavenly light, the red and spiritual fruit of Russia and all sunflowers, abundantly delight and amuse the souls of the faithful! Now, with faith and trembling, we fall down before the wholesome crayfish of your holy relics, which you graciously bestowed on consolation and help to those who are suffering, we humbly pray to you with your heart and lips, Holy Father, as an all-Russian mentor and teacher of piety, a pastor and doctor of our spiritual and bodily ailments: look on your children who sin grossly in words and deeds, and visit us with your many and holy love, with which you gloriously succeeded even in the days of the earth, especially after your righteous death, instructing the holy and God-enlightened fathers in the rules, admonishing us in the commandments of Christ, in you were kindly jealous of them until the last hour of your arduous monastic life; ask us, who are weak in soul and who are in sorrow, for a favorable and saving time for repentance, true correction and renewal of our life, in which we, sinners, become vain in mind and heart, betray ourselves with obscene and fierce passion, vice and lawlessness, and there are no numbers; receive therefore, observe and cover us with the shelter of your many mercy, send us a blessing from the Lord, may we bear the good yoke of Christ in long-suffering until the end of our days, looking forward to the future belly and Kingdom, where there is sorrow, no sighing, but life and joy are endless, abundant flowing from the One, All-Holy and Blessed Source of immortality in the Trinity of the worshiped God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

on every day

“O reverend and God-bearing Father Ambrose! You, desiring to work for the Lord, have settled here and have not been lazy in labors, vigils, prayers and fasts, and have been a mentor to monastics, but a zealous teacher to all people. Now, after your departure from the earthly, standing before the Heavenly King, pray for His goodness, even if you have mercy on the place of your village, this holy abode, where you relentlessly abide in the spirit of your love, and with all your people, with faith to the race of your relics, in good petition fulfill them. Ask our merciful Lord, may he send down to us an abundance of earthly blessings, moreover, for the benefit of our souls, may he grant us, and end this temporary life in repentance, may he vouchsafe, on the day of judgment, the right of standing and enjoyment in His Kingdom, vouchsafe forever and ever . Amen."

Prayer of the Monk Leo of Optina

about suicidal

(for private reading)

“Seek, Lord, the lost soul of Your servant (name): if it is possible to eat, have mercy. Your destinies are unsearchable. Do not put me in sin with this prayer of mine, but may Thy holy will be done.

Prayers of St. Anthony of Optina

about family

“In the hand of great mercy, oh my God, I entrust: my soul and painful body, the husband given to me by You, and all the beloved children. You be our Helper and Patron in our entire life, in our exodus and death, in joy and sorrow, in happiness and misfortune, in sickness and health, in life and death, in everything may Your holy will be with us, as in heaven and on earth. Amen."

about the beginning of every business

“God, seek my help, Lord, seek my help. Govern, Lord, everything that I do, I read and write, everything that I think, speak and understand, to the glory of Your Holy Name, that it accepts from You at the beginning and in You all my work will end. Grant me, O God, that by word, deed, or thought I will anger Thee, my Creator, but all my deeds, advice and thoughts may be to the glory of Thy Most Holy Name. O God, seek my help, Lord, seek my help.”

for enemies

“Those who hate and offend us, Your servants (names) Forgive me, Lord, Lover of mankind: they do not know what they are doing, and warm their hearts for love for us unworthy.

Prayer of St. Macarius of Optina

in carnal warfare

“Oh, Mother of the Lord of my Creator, You are the root of virginity and the unfading color of purity. Oh Mother of God! Help me, a weak carnal passion and a painful being, for Yours alone and with You Your Son and God imam intercession. Amen."

Prayer of Saint Joseph of Optina

in the presence of thoughts

“Lord Jesus Christ, banish from me all unsimilar thoughts! Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am weak ... You are my God, support my mind, so that unclean thoughts do not overcome it, but in You, my Creator, (he) delights, as it is great Your name loving You."

Prayer of the Monk Nikon of Optina Confessor

in grief

“Glory to Thee, my God, for the sorrow sent to me, worthy of my deeds, I now accept. Remember me when you come into your kingdom, and may all your will be one, good and perfect.

Prayer of St. Anatoly of Optina (Potapov)

from antichrist

“Deliver me, O Lord, from the seduction of the godly, wicked, evil Antichrist who is near to come, and hide me from his nets in the secret wilderness of Your salvation. Give me, Lord, the strength and courage of a firm confession of Your Holy Name, may I not depart fear for the sake of the devil, may I not deny You, my Savior and Redeemer, from Your holy Church. But give me, Lord, day and night, weeping and tears for my sins and spare me, Lord, at the hour of Your Terrible Judgment. Amen."

Prayer of the Monk Nektarios of Optina

from antichrist, short

“Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who is coming to judge the living and the dead, have mercy on us sinners, forgive the sins of our whole life, and with them weigh the fates hiding us from the face of the Antichrist in the hidden wilderness of Your salvation. Amen."

from antichrist, complete

“O Reverend and God-blessed Father Nektarios, ever-luminous luminary of the elders of Optina! The foolishness is uplifting and the madness of the world is revealing, from the god-fighting misadventures, he has endured blissfully and tasted the bliss of the exiled for the sake of the Lord Jesus. Look now from heaven and from the Garden of Eden to us lean. Raise our wisdom from earthly cares and teach us to think about the heavenly dwelling. As if you have adorned yourself with divine virtues and tasted the unceasing pleasure of the fruits of Paradise sweets, from the agitation of passions and the bitter fruits of sinfulness, seek us out with all your intercession. In the Orthodox Faith, until the last breath, we are affirmed to stand in the footsteps of the fathers and the tradition of St. The apostle made us wise to walk.

Begged the Lord and God, O God-wise Father, to deliver us from the coming Antichrist and from his insidious nets and instill us in the innermost wilderness of salvation. May we end a quiet, peaceful and pious life in this age, and through your prayers we will be able to inherit the Paradise villages. Together with you and with the elders of Optina, we will sing and glorify the Beginningless and Inseparable and Consubstantial Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen."