Saying what to do when he called himself a loader. "Gruzdev called himself get in the body. What car body is called a "coupe"

A situation has arisen in Washington that baffles even leading international analysts who are accustomed to being well versed in the most complex intricacies on the great geopolitical chessboard. The reason is that events here defy even elementary logic. Since the person on whom the most important decisions currently depend, including issues of war and peace, is in a difficult situation, experiencing powerful pressure from all sides, not only from enemies, but also from his closest advisers.

One can only wonder how this, frankly, not very young man is able to withstand such colossal stress. However, as the Russian proverb says, he called himself a load, climb into the back. On occasion, it will be necessary to send this proverb to Trump and remind him that Russian proverbs helped his idol Ronald Reagan a lot in his work.

Of course, it was much easier for Reagan, as he surrounded himself with smart and devoted people, who did all the work, and he had only to determine the general line for them. The Republican Party adored its idol, and not a single member of Congress, and even less a member of the White House administration, could not even think of opposing him, especially in the field of foreign policy.

Now everything is different, and this is very dangerous, since the president is practically driven into a corner, which can lead, and sometimes has already led, to some kind of inadequate reaction. So, in his next tweet, he actually retracted his previous statements, saying that he “never said when the attack would happen. It may be very soon or not at all soon.

In addition to political pressure on Trump, there is a massive press offensive, as well as numerous ex-lovers or posing as such. He is betrayed by his inner circle, there are constant leaks of sensitive materials.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, instead of supporting Trump in difficult times, washed his hands and practically handed him over to the special prosecutor to be torn to pieces. Numerous intelligence officials also do not show much loyalty to the president, and even FBI Director Christopher Wray not only often sabotages Trump's orders, but also authorized a search of his personal lawyer. All this creates a state of instability and unpredictability in the making of the most important political decisions of the US leadership.

It seems that for Trump's numerous enemies, the main thing is to achieve his impeachment, and the interests of the country recede into the background for them.

I never get tired of repeating and quoting Trump's tweet wherever possible that only "misanthropes, fools and idiots" do not understand that a good relationship with Russia are beneficial to America. However, unfortunately, it is becoming more and more like a voice crying in the wilderness.

I would not like to end on such a pessimistic note, so I would like to note that some, albeit faint, hope that war will still be avoided remains.

If you look at the statements of some European leaders and many American experts, including even on such an anti-Russian channel as Fox News, you can see more and more doubts about the involvement of the Syrian government, and even more so Russia, in the chemical attack in Syria.

As an example, I would like to quote from a letter from a retired colonel of the American military intelligence Patrick Lang to US Secretary of Defense Jace Mattis. “I urge you to consider the possibility that the gas attack in Douma was a deliberately prepared provocation that could not possibly be beneficial to the Syrian government, which has already almost achieved victory over the opposition in the area. I hope that you will establish exactly all the facts before committing any military action,” Mr. Lang said in a letter to the US Secretary of Defense.

Moreover, even in Congress, sober voices are beginning to be heard, moreover, from representatives of both parties, demanding that Trump not start military operations without obtaining their approval, which is provided for by the country's constitution. If Congress gave such a decision in the case of Iraq, then if the OPCW does not confirm the participation of Damascus in this chemical attack, there is a chance, albeit a small one, that a major war can be avoided.

(meaning) is a Russian proverb meaning: If you get down to business, you indicate that you can do it - then do it. You can't refuse.

- "Calling yourself a weight, climb into the body!" (chapter " ")

- "He called himself a mushroom (loader) - climb into the back!" (chapter " ")

Proverbs that are close in meaning

Who owes a penalty can borrow a pound(in for a penny, in for a pound) is an English proverb meaning: If you get down to business, then you can’t stop at half measures. The expression is listed in the American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer, 1992, where it is noted that it has been in use since the late 17th century.


“She needs me, not an apartment. What can I say?” Orlov sighed. “I hear only endless conversations, but I don’t see a way out of my situation. Truly guilty without guilt! It was not called a loader, but climb into the back. All his life he denied the role of a hero, always could not stand Turgenev's novels, and suddenly, as if for laughter, he got into real heroes.

"No, no... don't back off, brother! Gruzdev called himself get in the body! Put on your hat, let's go!"

(1891 - 1940)

(1926), from a series of short stories (1925 - 1926) - A young doctor who had just arrived from the medical institute to the hospital was faced with the need to perform an operation on a child that he had never done. He was very worried. Setting himself up for the operation, he remembered the proverb:

« Gruzdev called himself get in the body'' the voice replied sarcastically.

(1831 - 1895)

"The Enchanted Wanderer" - main character contacting a thieving gypsy.

When they say: "He called himself a loader - climb into the back"?

    And I really liked this explanation: Good light humor.

    This saying refers to the need to clearly and strictly perform those functions that correspond to the rank and position that a person has reached. If a person forms a certain image for himself, achieves a certain status in society, he must take into account that, in addition to the title and respect, obligations will be assigned to him. Now his task is not just not to disappoint others, or justify their hopes, but to take his post and perform all the functions corresponding to the status and position, to bear responsibility.

    In a Russian folk proverb Called gruzdm - climb into the body, at first sight, we are talking about picking mushrooms. Like, a man came to the forest, saw a mushroom mushroom and takes it into his wallet. But how reimagined is this? direct meaning into portable! This expression has nothing to do with mushrooms.

    This proverb refers to a person who, if he publicly declared his abilities or skills, then if he turns to him for help, he must help using his skills and abilities. Since you are a breast, then be kind, climb into the back, that is, show what you are capable of. This saying, in my opinion, still has a semantic implication: you need to be aware of your words and not chat in vain.

    This ancient and primordially Russian proverb

    implies in itself the meaning of what if said, then do it.

    If you have already promised something to someone, then keep your promise and do what you promised. Well, if you don’t keep your word, then answer for your words.

    You gave your word, keep your word.

  • Usually they say this so that a person brings the work he has begun to the end. If a person promised or agreed to something, but it is difficult for him to fulfill the promise or he has difficulties, then he cannot refuse obligations, he must do something.

    The expression has a negative connotation of reproach to a person.

    There is a type of people who constantly like to teach and talk about themselves with praise, but sometimes the word does not fit with the deed. Such a person can be caught, as they say for the tongue, and when he once again begins to give his advice, they can tell him, now that you know and can do it, then please do this task, this will be similar to the proverb about the mushroom:

    This is a hint of what needs to be done and fulfilled what a person promises to another, for example, he says - I know how to do this task and help, and then once he goes aside, here he can be reminded of what was promised. Speech about keeping your word.

    If a person has some knowledge or skills and, at the same time, declares it quite often and loudly, then when the right situation comes and the time comes to demonstrate his abilities, he can be reminded of his past statements, including by applying a proverb about a load and a body.

    At the proverb there is also a modern analogue - the kid said, the kid didquot ;. The meaning is the same - he promised, so he must do it no matter what. Every time you can find an excuse for yourself, but you have to do it if you promised.

    This saying should be taken as an obligation to fulfill one's promises. For example, if you promised a person to help in something, so if you please, fulfill this promise.

    I promised myself not to do something - do not do it.

    The saying demands to live in harmony with one's own conscience.

    This proverb has the following meaning: if you already promised or said something, then please do it. Or you can also say this: you started something of your own free will, so don’t stop halfway, but finish everything.

    So they say when a person said that he knows how to do something or understands something, and now it's time to show that he really knows how to do it.

    For example, someone boasted to his friends that he could easily fix any smartphone, and now one of his friends broke it. He asks him to fix it.

    So they say to a person whom they want to remind that he of his own free will took up a task that he cannot or does not want to complete, of his own free will he gave a word that he must fulfill.

    If you don’t know beforehand that you will keep the word do not call yourself a loader

Wed soon have to put on a strap you know, those. climb into the body, since I called myself a load.

Turgenev. Nov. 8. Nezhdanov.

Wed Tea, ashamed (as in the case of a change of faith, they will undress and dip)? Be ashamed, don't be ashamed, but to oli called himself a loader, so climb into the body.

Saltykov. Poshekhonskaya antiquity. thirteen.

Wed Le vin est tiré (versé, il) faut le boire.

Cm. took up the tug.

Cm. who went to the horses, he carries water.

  • - Volg. An expression of despair, impotence, the impossibility of smth. to undertake, to get out of a difficult, hopeless situation. Glukhov 1988, 107...
  • - Vlad. About a hopeless situation. SRNG 23, 337...

    Big Dictionary Russian sayings

  • - CLIMB, see climb ...

    Dictionary Ozhegov

  • - CLIMB, see climb ...

    Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

  • - climb. I led the form. from uncommon ch. climb, use in meaning led. to climb, the same as climb, climb in. "Gruzdev called himself get in the body...

    Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

  • - began, so continue Wed. According to calculations, her case now fell out to be suitable; Vasily Borisych climbed up to the waist - he would climb up to the throat; fit up to the throat - climb up to the ears; He will plunge up to his ears - a dome in the water ... MELNIKOV. In forests. 3, 16...
  • - Wed. Soon you will have to put on the strap you know, i.e. climb into the body, since I called myself a load. Turgenev. Nov. 8. Nezhdanov. Wed Tea, are you ashamed? Be ashamed, don't be ashamed, but if you called yourself a load, then climb into the back ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - at least hang yourself Wed. Sibenitsa is a gallows. Wed Didn't want to marry me! For three years he fought with her ... fell in love to death,. A.P. Chekhov. Steppe. 6. See climb into the loop ...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - squeaks, yes climbs; - about the braggart-muzhik Cf. Der bien muss...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - Climb up to the waist, climb up to the throat! start, keep going. Wed According to her calculations, the case now fell out to be suitable; climb up to the waist Vasily Borisych - climb up the throat; climb up to the throat - climb up to the ears ...
  • - He called himself a loader, climb into the body. Wed At speed, you will have to put on the strap you know, that is, climb into the body, since I called myself a loader. Turgenev. Nov. 8. Nezhdanov...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - At least climb on the shibenitsa, at least hang yourself. Wed Shibenitsa - hanging. Wed She didn't want to marry me! For three years I fought with her ... I fell in love with her to death, at least climb the shibenitsa. A. P. Chekhov. Steppe. 6. See climb into the loop ...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - See CONDITION -...
  • - He called himself a mushroom - climb into the back! See MANAGEMENT - ORDER -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - See WILL -...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 1 called himself a load - climb into the back ...

    Synonym dictionary

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Philologist, candidate of philological sciences, poet, member of the Writers' Union of Russia.
Publication date: 01/17/2019

Often a person who, at the right moment, refuses his promises, has to hear an expression that, at first glance, has nothing to do with him. "Gruzdev called himself get in the body", - those around him sternly tell him. In what, in fact, the body is required to climb, no one specifies. In order to avoid mistakes, let's figure it out.

The meaning of the proverb

The proverb about the load is suitable to remind a person of given promise and the need to fulfill it. In another way, you can express the thought embodied in the figurative expression as follows: correspond, having promised - fulfill, be able to answer for your words. The idiom reminds you how important it is to be responsible and not promise more than you are able to give.

For example, a company commander during the Great Patriotic War asks the fighters who knows German. Wanting to stand out, Private Semyonov takes a step forward, remembering that in his school certificate he had a German four. He is sent to negotiate with captured Nazis, but the soldier understands that the task is beyond his strength. The commander incinerates Semyonov with a look: “No, soldier, this is not good! Gruzdev called himself get in the body". The shamed soldier has no choice but to go and obey the order.

Another example of the use of the proverb is family life. An unmarried young sister Katya comes to Natasha, a mother of many children. Out of good intentions, she invites her sister, tired of household chores, to sit with her children. Natasha's little son starts insisting on being rolled on the back, the middle daughter empties the closet with adult dresses and involves her aunt in a masquerade, and their older brother locks himself in his room and turns on heavy metal at full volume. Katya goes through all conceivable and unimaginable trials, and by nine o'clock, without waiting for her sister's return, she falls asleep on the edge of the crib. “Children, they are like that,” Natasha tells her smiling in the morning. But you yourself suggested. And once you called yourself a loader, climb into the back.

There are many examples of using the expression. They all remind you that before you make a promise, you need to think carefully, weigh your strengths and evaluate the possibilities. If you just lost the desire to do something, you need to remember that you can’t refuse. This is dishonorable, because the unfinished business will have to be completed instead of you by someone else.

Origin of the proverb

Many proverbs and sayings came into folk speech from ordinary life: habits, family life, household chores, crafts. One of the favorite activities of a Russian person has always been "mushroom hunting". During long fasts, protein-rich mushroom soups, salted and fried gifts from the forest became a saving addition to the meager peasant diet. There is nothing surprising in the fact that mushroom metaphors migrated from the fishing industry to colloquial speech and became part of folk wisdom.

They usually went for mushrooms with a basket or box. A large basket was called a box or body. One of the most desired finds for every mushroom picker was considered a mushroom: it can be marinated, boiled, salted, fried - it tastes so good that it is not a shame to serve it even to the royal table. Perhaps that is why the tasty gift of the forest has become a proverb.