Accidents on central water supply systems. Recommendations for increasing the sustainability of water supply and sewer structures, warning and elimination of accidents and marriage

On approval of the procedure for the elimination of emergency situations in power supply systems, water supply and heat supply, taking into account the interaction of energy supplying organizations, consumers and services of the housing and communal complex of all forms of ownership in the territory of the Republic of of the City District

Text of the document as of January 2014

In accordance with the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On the general principles of organizing local governments in Russian Federation"(" Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation "2003, October 06, N 40, Art. 3822), Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 190-FZ" On Heat supply "(" Russian newspaper", 2010, July 30, N 168), Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 12.03.2013 N 103" On approval of the rules for evaluating readiness for the heating period "(" Russian Gazette ", 2013, May 15, N 101), the charter of the Rezhevsky City District ( The "Rezhevskaya News", 2005, July 19, N 86), in order to ensure coordination, operational cooperation and response of emergency services of the Republic of Lane and organizations of all forms of ownership in case of emergency situations (accidents) at the facilities of the energy, housing and communal complex and social Significant objects decree:

1. To approve the attached procedure for the elimination of emergency situations in power supply systems, water supply and heat supply, taking into account the interaction of energy supplying organizations, consumers and services of the housing and communal complex of all forms of ownership in the territory of the Republic of Municipal District.

2. To approve the enclosed provision on the interaction of dispatch and emergency and recovery services on energy availability.

3. Recommend the heads of the organizations of the housing and communal complex and socially significant objects of the Rezhevsky urban district during localization and elimination of emergency and abnormal situations at the facilities of the housing and communal complex, as well as in practical activities, are guided by this Resolution.

4. Organizational Department of Administration (A.S. Vorobyva) Place this resolution on the official website of the Rezhevsky City District.

5. Control of the execution of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Head of the Administration on Construction, Municipal Services, Transport and Communication Viculova S.P.

Head of Administration
Of the district urban district
E.Yu. Matseva

Decree of the Administration
Of the district urban district
of November 26, 2013 N 2215


1.1. This procedure for eliminating emergency situations in power supply systems, water supply and heat supply, taking into account the interaction of energy supplying organizations, consumers and services of the housing and communal complex of the Republic of Municipal District (hereinafter referred to as the procedure), developed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the norms and rules in the provision of housing and communal Services to consumers, based on:

Housing Code of the Russian Federation;

Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation";

Federal Law of December 21, 1994 N 68-FZ "On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations of a natural and technogenic nature";

Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 N 354 "On the provision of utilities to the owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings";

Decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation of 24.03.1997 N 334 "On the procedure for the collection and exchange in the Russian Federation with information in the field of public protection and territories from emergency situations of natural and man-made character";

The rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of March 24, 2003 N 115;

Rules for the use of municipal water supply and sewage systems in the Russian Federation approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 12.02.1999 N 167;

Rules for the technical operation of electrical installations by consumers approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated January 13, 2003 N 6;

MDK 4-01.2001 "Methodical recommendations for technical investigation and accounting of technological disorders in the system of municipal energy supply and the work of energy organizations of the housing and communal complex", approved by order of the Gosstroya of the Russian Federation of 20.08.2001 No. 191;

Rules for evaluating readiness for the heating period approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated 12.03.2013 N 103;

GOST R 51617-2000 "Housing and communal services" approved by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia from 19.06.2000 N 158-art.

1.2. The effect of this Procedure applies to relations on the organization of interaction during the liquidation of accidents between the organizations of heat supply, power supply, water supply and drainage, carrying out activities on the territory of the Rezhevsky urban district (hereinafter - energy supplying organizations), managers and accommodation companies serving a housing fund (hereinafter - managers Organizations, HOAs), subscribers (consumers of communal resources) and the administration of the Rezhevsky City District (hereinafter referred to as the RGO Administration), the Municipal State Institution "Urban Management" (hereinafter referred to as ICU).

1.3. The following procedures are used in the meanings defined by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the rules for providing utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 N 354 "On the provision of utilities to owners and users Premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings ":

"Outdoor Engineering Systems" - which are common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building Engineering communications (networks), mechanical, electric, sanitary and technical equipment, intended for submission of utility resources from centralized engineering and technical support networks to intravartic equipment, as well as for production and provision by the performer by a communal heating and (or) hot water supply (in the absence of centralized heat supply and (or) hot water supply);

"Contractor" - a legal entity Regardless of the organizational and legal form or an individual entrepreneur who provide communal services;

"Communal services" - the activities of the artist of utilities on cold water supply, hot water supply, water supply, electricity supply and heating, in order to ensure favorable and safe conditions for the use of residential, non-residential premises, common property in an apartment building, as well as land plots and residential areas houses (households);

"Communal resources" - cold water, hot water, electric energy, gas, heat energy, household gas in cylinders, solid fuel in the presence of furnace heating used to provide utilities. The utility resources are also equated with waste household waters allocated through centralized engineering and technical support networks;

"Consumer" - a person using the right of ownership or other legal foundation by premises in an apartment building, residential house, household, consuming utility resources;

"Resource Consumer Organization" - a legal entity Regardless of the organizational and legal form, as well as an individual entrepreneur who sell utility resources (wastewater discharge);

"Centralized Engineering and Technical Support Networks" - a set of pipelines, communications and other structures intended for submission of utility resources to domestic engineering systems (domestic wastewater removal from domestic engineering systems);

"technological violations" - violations in the work of communal energy supply systems and their operating organizations depending on the nature and severity of the consequences (impact on personnel, deviation of the parameters of the energy carrier, environmental impact, damage to equipment, other factors to reduce reliability), which are divided into accidents and incidents;

"incident" - a refusal or mechanical damage to the equipment and (or) networks, the manifestation of a hidden design defect, a separate element of the facilities of the current production facility, the failure of its systems (telemechanics, communication, power supply systems, and others), which does not affect the performance of the object, but which caused the need to make abnormal actions not provided for by the maintenance and repair plan to restore its safe state;

"technological refusal" - forced disabling or limiting the performance of the equipment, which led to a violation of the production process and (or) energy transmission to consumers, if they do not contain signs of a crash;

"accident" - a dangerous manroom, creating a threat to the life and health of people and leading to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, violation of the production or transport process, as well as damage to the ambient environment;

"Emergency Situation" (hereinafter referred to as emergency) - the situation on a certain territory, which established as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a disaster, a natural or other disaster, which may entail or entailed human sacrifices, caused damage to the health of people or the environmental environment, Significant material losses and violated the conditions of the life of the population.

1.4. The accident is considered to be the refusal of elements of systems, networks and sources of heat supply, which caused the cessation of heat energy supply to consumers and subscribers for heating and hot water supply for a period of more than 8 hours (Order of the Ministry of Regional Development of N 48 dated 14.04.2008 "Methodology for monitoring the implementation of industrial and investment programs of the municipal complex ").

1.5. Accidents in plumbing networks are considered:

Destruction (damage) of buildings, facilities of water supply networks, the restoration of the performance of which continues more than 24 hours;

Damage to the pipelines of the plumbing network, which caused consumer breaks for more than 8 hours, cessation of water supply or a total decline of more than 50% of water leave to consumes lasting above 16 hours.

1.6. Accidents B. electrical networks Considered:

Destruction (damage) of buildings, basic equipment of transformer substations (power transformers; distribution device equipment with voltage 10 (6) kV and higher), the restoration of the performance of which, after their failure, can be produced on time more than 7 days;

Damage to the power supply line from the power center before the distribution point or a straight line between the distribution points with a voltage of 10 (6) kV and above, which was restored after its failure: the air line - for a period of more than 3 days, the cable line for a period of more than 3 days. 10 days;

Malfunctions of equipment and power lines that caused power breaks:

one and more consumers of the first category, exceeding the time of the APF devices or the ABR of the Electric Synchtering Organization (in case of inconsistency of the consumer power scheme of the first category, the requirements of the PUE accident are considered to break the power supply of these consumers with a duration of more than 10 hours if the power supply violation of consumers has occurred due to the fault of the company's electrical network personnel);

one and more consumers of the second category duration of more than 10 hours, if the power impairment occurred due to the fault of the staff of the enterprise electrical networks;

one and more consumers of a third category for more than 24 hours, if the power impairment occurred due to the fault of the staff of the enterprise electrical networks.

1.7. Accidents in multi-apartment residential buildingsThe maintenance of managerial organizations and HOAs providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building is considered:

Destruction (damage) of buildings, structures, engineering networks of domestic property (heat supply networks during the heating season during the negative average temperature of the outer air, the restoration of the performance of which continues more than 36 hours);

Damage to the pipelines of the plumbing network, which caused the water supply break for more than 8 hours, cessation of water supply or a total decline in more than 50% of water leave to consumes lasting above 16 hours;

Destruction (damage) of the main electrical equipment, as well as malfunctions of equipment and power lines, which caused the power supply of one or more consumers of the second category of more than 10 hours, if the power supply disorder occurred due to the fault of the personnel of the management company or the HOA, providing services and (or) performing work on The maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building.

1.8. The main task of resource-supplying organizations, managers and HOAs is to ensure the sustainable and smooth operation of heat, water, sewer, electrical networks, providing quality of utility resources within standards, making operational measures to prevent, localization and eliminating the effects of accidents on heat supply sources, thermal, plumbing, electrical networks and drainage systems.

1.9. The main directions of the prevention of the emergence of accidents are:

Permanent preparation of personnel to the elimination of possible technological violations by improving the quality of vocational training, timely conducting anti-emergency training;

Creating the necessary emergency stocks of materials and equipment;

Providing personnel with necessary means of protection, communications, fire extinguishing, tools, vehicles and other mechanisms;

Ensuring the availability of pipelines, technological switching programs, instructions for the elimination of technological disorders in the workplaces of technological compounds.

1.10. Resource-supplying organizations, management companies and HOAs that provide services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building must have round-the-clock operational dispatcher and (or) emergency and restoration services (hereinafter referred to as ODS and ABC, respectively).

The composition of emergency and recovery services, a list of machines and mechanisms, fixtures and materials to eliminate emergencies are approved by the head of the organization.

In organizations, the staffing of which are not provided by the ODS and (or) ABC, the obligations of the operational leadership of the accident eliminate the accident assigned to the person appointed by the relevant order of the head of the organization.

1.11. The overall coordination of ADC and (or) ABC for the elimination of an emergency is carried out by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Ministry of Agriculture of UGS (hereinafter referred to operational responsibility which emerged emergency.

Information about ODS phones are specified before the start of the heating season and are provided in the EDDS of the Rezhevsky City District.

2. The interaction of resource-supply organizations and consumers in the elimination of emergency situations

2.1. In the event of an emergency on the outdoor engineering networks Power supply, water supply (drainage), heat supply, resource-supplying organization is obliged to:

2.1.1. Take measures to ensure safety at the site of the accident (fencing, lighting, protection) and act in accordance with departmental instructions on the elimination of emergencies.

2.1.2. Forces of emergency-restorative team (groups) for 15 minutes, proceed to the elimination of the emergency situation.

2.1.3. Within 30 minutes, information on the causes of an emergency situation, the decision taken on its liquidation, the ODC dispatcher relevant resource-supplying organization reports:

Dispatchers of those organizations that need to change or stop the work of equipment and other life support objects;

Dispatching services of consumers;

During the working time, informs the administration of the Rezhevsky urban district.

2.1.4. At the end of the accident elimination, notify the connection time control organization or HOA.

2.1.6. On the end of the elimination of the accident inform the EDDS.

2.2. In the event of emergency situations on the domestic engineering systems of power supply, water supply, heat supply, drainage, the management company or HOA, providing services and (or) work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building obliged:

2.2.1. Forces of emergency-restorative team (groups) for 15 minutes, proceed to the elimination of the emergency situation.

2.2.2. For 30 minutes, warn a telephone about the nature of the accident and the estimated time of its elimination of the EDDC and the relevant resource-supplying organization.

2.2.3. Recovery owners and tenants of residential premises in an apartmently residential building falling under shutdown, about the duration of elimination of the accident.

2.2.4. If it is impossible to disable the internal systems within the borders of operational responsibility, send a resource-feeding organization to the home disconnection on outdoor engineering networks.

2.2.5. After the elimination of the accident, to inform the relevant resource-supplying organization and the EDDs.

2.3. Organizations, regardless of the form of ownership and departmental affiliation, which are on their balance sheet of communication or facilities located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe emergence of the accident, on calling the dispatcher of the resource-supply organization, are sent, at any time of the day for 1 hour, their representatives (responsible duty) to harmonize the conditions of work to eliminate accidents.

2.4. In the event of an accident at the facilities of power supply or engineering networks, the owner and (or), the operating organization for which is not determined, the dispatcher of the resource-supplying organization, the management company or the HOA immediately report an accident in the EDMS. Specialist MKU "UGE" and a representative of the resource-supplying organization to draw up an accident on an accident at the facility, heat supply networks, electricity supply, water supply and drainage.

To eliminate emergency situations on networks, the owner of which is not defined, specialized resource-supplying organizations are involved, network data is technologically attached to whose networks.

MKU "UGH" in the prescribed manner is the estimated calculation of the cost of emergency restoration work, and together with the act of an accident transmits to the RGO administration to solve the issue of payment.

2.5. In case of not eliminating the accident after 12 hours, which have passed since the disabling system of life support, at the suggestion of the head of the resource-supplying organization, the management organization or the HOA, the administration of the Republic of Municipality, the meeting of the Commission on the Prevention and Emergency Situations and Fire Safety of the RGO administration can be organized The purpose of making specific measures to eliminate the accident and prevent its development in an emergency, after 24 hours.

3. Interaction of operational dispatch and emergency restoration services in the event and elimination of accidents on sources of energy supply, networks and energy consumption systems

3.1. In the event of an emergency, energy supplying, resource-supplying and transporting organizations (regardless of the forms of ownership and departmental affiliation) throughout the transmission of operational information in the EDDS of the Rezhevsky City District.

3.2. Upon admission to Energy Saving Organizations, the dispatch service is obliged to the emergence of accidents on engineering networks, the dispatch service is required to limit the accident or restriction of energy supply to consumers:

Send an emergency brigade to the crash site;

Report on the situation of the company's leadership and operational duty officer;

Take security measures at the location of the accident (set fencing and protection, highlight the place of the accident) and act in accordance with the instructions for the elimination of emergency situations.

3.3. Based on the message from the site of a detected accident at the facility or networks of power supply, the responsible official of the power supply organization determines:

What switches in networks need to be produced;

How the power supply mode changes in the zone of the discovered accident;

What subscribers and in which sequence can be limited or disconnected from specific types of energy carriers;

When and what engineering systems, if necessary, should be emptied;

For what period of time, what specific consumers of energy resources will be limited (or completely disabled) in power supply;

What forces and means a detected accident will be eliminated;

3.4. On the emergence of an emergency and decision taken on its localization and elimination, presumptive time to restore the power supply of consumers, the head of work on localization and troubleshooting, or the dispatcher corresponding to the DDS of energy supplying organizations immediately informs the organization's management of the Organization, controllers that need to be changed or stopped working and communications dispatching services of consumers who came to the accident zone, the EDS and the Chairman of the Commission on the Emergencies Ministry and PB of the RGO Administration.

3.5. Organizations of all forms of ownership that have their communications or structures at the site of the emergence of the accident, send their representatives on the call of the Energy Supply Manager, a resource-supply, transporting organization to harmonize the work of the work on the elimination of the accident at any time of the day.

3.6. The decision to disconnect the hot water systems is made by the energy supply (transporting) organization in coordination with the management companies or HOAs on the territorial affiliation.

3.7. The decision to introduce the restriction mode or disconnecting the thermal energy of consumers, in the event of an emergency, is taken by the management of energy supplying, resource supply, transporting organizations in accordance with the current regulatory documents and rules.

Commands about turning off and emptying heat supply systems and heat consumption are through the relevant dispatching services.

3.8. Disconnecting the hot water supply and heating of residential buildings, their subsequent filling and inclusion in operation are carried out by the operational dispatch and emergency services for managers, HOA.

3.9. If, as a result of a detected accident, medical organizations, pre-school educational and general education institutions are subject to disconnected or restriction of energy institutions, a power supply management dispatcher immediately reports this to relevant organizations and institutions on all available communication channels.

3.10. For emergency situations At the facilities of consumers associated with the flooding of the water of black, basement, residential premises, the ignition of electrical networks and the impossibility of the consumer to disconnect on their networks, a shutdown application is submitted to the appropriate dispatching service of the power supply organization and is executed as an emergency.

3.11. The elimination of an accident on engineering networks with the number of disconnected consumers more than 10 is made according to the plan agreed with the Deputy Head of the Administration of the Rezhevsky City District on construction, utilities, transport and communications.

3.12. In the case when the accident is a threat to the life of people, the destruction of equipment, urban communications or buildings, dispatchers (chiefs of shifters) of energy supplying, resource-supplying and transporting organizations give an order to withdraw from the work of equipment without coordination, but with the obligatory immediate notice of the Chairman of the Commission on the emergency and PB administration of the RGO before shutdown, and after switching over the output from the operation of emergency equipment or sections of networks.

3.13. The obligations of the accident responsible for the elimination include:

Challenge, if necessary, through dispatching services of the relevant representatives of organizations and departments that have communications, facilities at the accident, coordination with them to carry out earthworks to eliminate accidents;

Organization of emergency restoration work on underground communications and ensuring safe work conditions;

Providing interim and final information, on the completion of emergency restoration work on the restoration of the working circuit, in the relevant dispatching services.

3.14. If necessary, upon request of energy supplying organizations, the RDS dispatcher transfers an application and monitors the supply of vehicles and special equipment by the organization attracted to the elimination of the accident.

3.15. In the event of large accidents causing possible interruptions for a period of more than a day, the decision of the Headquarters of the RGO administration is created by the headquarters on operational action to ensure the sustainable work of the fuel and energy complex facilities and the housing and communal complex of the Rezhevsky urban district.

3.16. By the decision of the Commission on the Emergencies Ministry and PB of the RGO administration to emergency and restoration work, specialized construction and installation and other organizations may be involved. The decision of the RGU administration is determined by the List of organizations involved in the decision of the Commission on the emergencies and PB administration of the RGO to eliminate the threat and emerging emergency situation caused by technological disorders on energy supply systems and the disposal of emergency response.

3.17. Recovery work is carried out according to programs and on time consistent with the Commission on Emergencies and PB of the RGO Administration and Deputy Head of the RGO Administration on construction, utilities, transport and communications.

Decree of the Administration
Of the district urban district
of November 26, 2013 N 2215

Regulations on the interaction of dispatching and emergency restoration services on energy availability


1.1. This Regulation on the interaction of dispatch and emergency-restrictive services on energy availability determines the procedure for the interaction of operational dispatch and emergency restoration services of energy supplying organizations and their consumers in energy supply issues.

1.2. The main task of energy supplying organizations is to ensure sustainable and uninterrupted operation of thermal, electric, water supply networks and wastewater systems, maintaining specified power supply regimes, the adoption of operational measures to prevent, localization and elimination of accidents on heat sources, thermal, plumbing, electrical networks and drainage systems.

1.3. All power supply, transporting and resource-supplying organizations, providing heat supply, power supply, water supply and water disposal, in accordance with the requirements:

The rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants - approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia of March 24, 2003 N 115;

Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation - approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia from 19.06.2003 No. 229;

The rules of technical operation of the system of facilities of municipal water supply and sewage system - approved by order of the Gosstroy of Russia from 30.12.1999 N 168;

must have round-the-clock operating operational dispatch and emergency services.

In organizations, the staff of which such services are not provided for, the duties of operational management are assigned to the person appointed by the relevant order of the organization's head.

1.4. For work on localization and elimination of accidents, each organization should have the necessary tools, mechanisms, transport, mobile welding plants, an emergency replenish margin of shut-off valves and materials. The outflow volume is set in accordance with current standards. The composition of emergency-reducing brigades, a list of machines and mechanisms, devices and materials is approved by the head of the organization. Approved by appropriately lists and lists are sent to the EDDS.

1.5. In the event of an emergency situations on the objects owned by the Rezhevsky urban district, which led to a long break in heat supply, water supply, power supply of consumers, the decision of the Administration of the Rezhevsky urban district to emergency and replacement works on a contractual basis, specialized energy supply and construction and installation organizations are involved.

2. Providing operational information

2.1. Resource-supplying organizations inform the EDDS by phone:

2-43-30; 3-52-55:

2.1.1. The organization providing services for heat supply and hot water supply (MUP "RTRK") daily, since the beginning of the heating season, provides the following information:

On the temperature of the coolant (in the supply and return pipelines) at thermal points;

On the pressure of the coolant (feed and reverse pipeline) on thermal points.

In case of violation of the hydraulic regime, reducing or restricting the temperature of the coolant or emergency emergency, the heat supply organization informs the EDD for 15 minutes;

2.1.2. Organizations providing water supply and drainage services (MUP "Rezh-Vodokanal", MUP "Vodokanal"), informs daily:

About pressure cold water (at the exit of the head facilities of the pumping station) according to the testimony of control and taking into account the water consumption of networks installed on the main sections;

On the compliance of the composition and properties of water by sanitary standards and rules.

In case of violation of the water supply regime (drainage), the inconsistencies of the composition and properties of water under sanitary standards and the rules or emergency situations, the water supply organization informs the EDD for 15 minutes.

2.1.3. Organizations that provide services to power supply to consumers of the Rezhevsky urban district, with a violation of the power supply regime, the emergence of an emergency in the power supply networks and on TP equipment, inform the EDD for 15 minutes.

2.1.4. Managers and HOAs that provide services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building in advance provide operational information in the EDDS of apartment buildings carried out on the domestic engineering systems (list of accommodation houses, type of work, timelines work).

2.2. In the event of emergency situations, resource-supplying organizations, management companies and HOAs providing services and (or) performing work on the maintenance and repair of the common property of an apartment building, inform the EDDS:

On the fact of an emergency situation - within 15 minutes;

The reasons for the emergence of the accident and the measures taken by the share of its elimination within 30 minutes.

3. Interaction of operational dispatch services in the operation of power supply systems

3.1. List of duty dispatch services (DDS), interacting with the EDDS of the Rezhevsky urban district.

1. Duty dispatcher 223 GM EMERCOM of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region "01".

2. The duty of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Rezhevsky District "02", PU of private security under the OMVD of Russia in the Razhevsky district.

3. Dispatcher service ambulance "03" GKUZ with "Rezhevskaya CRH".

4. Emergency-dispatching service of Gorghaz "04" of the Razhevskaya Plot.

5. Emergency-dispatch service MUP "Rezh - Vodokanal", MUP "Vodokanal".

6. Emergency-dispatching services housing and communal services (Criminal Procedure, RTKS, MZhKUP, HOA).

7. Dispatch services of potentially dangerous objects:


CJSC "Rezhevskaya Mechanical Plant";

CJSC "on" Rezhnikel ";

OJSC "URALELEKTROMED" branch "Safyanovsk copper".

8. Duty service for military garrison (duty in / part 63183).

9. Duty service department of the department of the Sverdlovsk region in the city of dir.

10. Duty office of the department from Artemovsky UFSB.

11. Hydrometeopost duty service with. Lipovskoe.

12. Dispatching services of the power system (RESK, Artyomov EL. Networks).

13. Dispatch service main gas pipelines (GRS).

14. Dispatch management service railway by railway station. Dir.

15. Dispatcher service management service (RDSU RDSU).

16. Dispatcher service of telecommunication management of the Razhevskaya LTU.

17. Dispatch services for private security enterprises (LLC "Chop").

3.2. The main task of ODS energy supplying organizations is to take operational measures to prevent, locate the accident and eliminate damage on systems with the restoration of the specified power supply modes.

3.3. ODS energy supplying organizations are required to record information about all the works carried out on engineering networks with disconnection or restriction of consumer energy supply.

3.4. The overall coordination of the actions of ODS power supplying organizations is carried out by operational duty officer. When damaged, accidents and emergencies caused by technological disorders on engineering structures and communications, the elimination period of which exceeds 24 hours, the Localization and Elimination Liquidation Guide is assigned to the RGO Administration and the Permanent Commission for the Emergencies Ministry and PB of the RGO Administration.

3.5. Every year, by April 1, energy supply and resource-supplying organizations are submitted to the RGO administration and activities for conducting planning-preventive repair, indicating the deadlines for the cessation of hot water supply in consumers.

To confirm the planned break in the provision of utility services (changes in the parameters of the coolant) to consumers, the dispatching services of heat supply and transporting organizations are submitted to the administration of the RGO and inform consumers no later than 10 days before the planned work (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 N 354 On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings ").

3.6. The planned conclusion in the repair of equipment is made with the mandatory informing of the RGO and consumer administration no later than 10 days before the planned work, and in the event of an accident immediately.

3.7. When carrying out planned or emergency restoration work on electrical networks and transformer substations, which lead to the limitation or termination of the supply of electrical energy to the objects of the heat supply system, the organization dispatcher, in which these electrical networks and transformer substations are conducted, should be reported in 10 days or Immediately the dispatcher of the appropriate energy supply or transporting organization and the administration of the RGO, indicating the timing of the beginning and end of work.

3.8. In all residential buildings and at the social facilities responsible for their content, signs should be issued with an addressing addresses and phone numbers for reporting technological violations of engineering systems.

3.9. If damage occurs on engineering networks, the operating organization notifies a telephone line about the damage to the owners of underground communications, related to the damaged network, which within 1 hour send their representatives to the place of damage, or report the response message on the absence of their communications in the specified area.

3.10. The elimination of accidents at the facilities of housing and communal services and the social sphere is carried out in accordance with the procedure and taking into account the regulations for the interaction of the EDDS RGO and organizations of all forms of ownership in the event and elimination of emergencies at the Energy, housing and communal complex and housing stock of the Republic of Municipal District.

3.11. In case of emergency situations in the premises of the owners of apartment buildings (flooding, the emergence of a fire, the threat of defrosting, the threat of harm to the health and property of owners and employers) operational duty officer, together with organizations serving apartment buildings, organizes the ability to access emergency services to these premises by attracting employees OMVD of Russia in the Rezhevsky District, divisions of 223 GU EMERCOM of Russia in the Sverdlovsk region and other services.

3.12. In case of accidents, resulting in a long termination of cold water supply to boiler and thermal items, a power supply dispatcher can impose a restriction of hot water consumption, up to its complete termination.

3.13. Violations of the specified mode of operation of boiler, thermal networks and heat-wide installations should be investigated by the operating organization and be taken into account in special journals. Responsibility of municipal services, consumers and heat supply organizations is determined by the balance sheet of engineering networks and is fixed in the delimitation act balance accessory engineering networks and operational responsibility of the parties attached to the contract.

3.14. Organization responsible for the content of the territory on which engineering communications are located, the operating organization, employees of the internal affairs bodies in the detection of technological disorders (leakage of hot water or a steam outlet from overhead pipelines of thermal networks, watering water to the surface from underground communications, formation of failures, etc. p.) Locked:

Take measures to protect the danger zone and preventing access of unauthorized persons to the technological violation area before the arrival of emergency services, the place of the accident is to sign and ensure continuous monitoring to prevent random pedestrians and vehicles into a danger zone;

Immediately inform about all incidents associated with damage to engineering communications, EDDS (UGM MKU), the administration of the RGO.

3.15. Energy supplying organizations in the operation of power supply systems are required:

Have round-the-clock working ODS or conclude contracts with relevant organizations;

To have approved instructions with a developed operational action plan with technological disorders, restrictions and disconnections of consumers with a temporary disadvantage of energy resources or fuel;

Upon receipt of information on technological violations on engineering and technical networks or violations of established power supply regimes, it is possible to travel to the place of its representatives;

To notify the EDDS of the deterioration in the quality of energy resources, on the termination or restriction of their feed, the duration of shutdown, indicating the reasons for the measures taken and the timing of the elimination;

Work on the elimination of technological disorders and accidents on engineering networks in the minimum time limit;

To liberate emergency zones from vehicles to attract employees of the OGIBDD of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Rezhevsky City District.

3.16. Energy consumers are required to provide:

Informing about all incidents associated with damage to energy supplying systems, operational duty officers, relevant odes of energy supplying organizations;

Taking measures (within the borders of operational responsibility) to eliminate accidents and violations on engineering networks, leaks on engineering networks located on their balance sheet and in domestic systems.

3.17. Owners of land plots undergoing engineering communications are required:

Carry out control over the content of the security zones of engineering networks, including for timely purification of combustible waste, garbage, containers, fallen leaves, dry herbs, and also provide round-the-clock access to maintain and repair engineering communications;

Do not allow within the limits of security zones of engineering networks and structures of the construction of unauthorized buildings, storing materials, devices of landfills, planting trees, shrubs, etc.;

Provide, at the request of the owner of engineering communications, demolition of unauthorized buildings and planted in the security zones of trees and shrubs;

Take measures of administrative impact, to persons who admitted a device in the security zone of engineering communications of permanent or temporary enterprises of trade, parking transport, advertising shields, etc.;

Compensate the costs associated with restoration or transfer from security zone Engineering communications of construction and structures, as well as with a delay in the production of emergency or planned work due to the presence of unauthorized structures.

3.18. Works on the elimination of technological violations on engineering networks associated with violation of territory improvement, are manufactured by heat supply and resource-supplying organizations and their contracting organizations in coordination with the RGO administration.

3.19. Earthworks related to the opening of the soil and road surfaces should be carried out in accordance with the rules of improvement, ensuring the sanitary maintenance of populated areas, waste management in the territory of the Republic of Municipal District.

3.20. Restoration of asphalt coating, lawns and green spaces on street drives, lawns on intra-quarterly and yard areas after performing emergency and repair work on engineering networks are made at the expense of owners of engineering networks on which an accident occurred or a defect has occurred.

3.21. The RGO and OGIBDD Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Republic of Labor district should provide assistance from contracting organizations on the timely issuance of permits for the production of emergency and repair and repair work on engineering networks and the closure of traffic movement in the workplace.

4. Technical documentation

4.1. Documents that define the relationship between operational dispatching services of energy supplying, resource-supplying, transporting organizations and their consumers are:

The safety regulations for the operation of heat-mechanical equipment of power plants and thermal networks - approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation, 04/03/1997;

Rules of operation of heat-consuming installations and thermal networks of consumers. Safety Instructions for the operation of heat-consuming installations and thermal networks of consumers - approved by the Russian State Energy Production 07.05.1992;

The rules for the technical operation of thermal power plants - approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia N 115 of 24.03.2003;

Rules for the technical operation of electric stations and networks of the Russian Federation - approved by the Ministry of Energy of Russia No. 229 of 19.06.2003;

Rules for the technical operation of systems and facilities of municipal water supply and sewage - approved by order of the state system of Russia N 168 of 30.12.1999;

The rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations - approved by the Order of the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation of January 13, 2003 N 6, and others;

Internal instructions for operation and safety operations during the operation of equipment developed on the basis of the current regulatory framework;

Schemes of local heat supply systems, power supply, water supply and drainage;

Regular cards of thermal networks and heat sources approved by technical managers of organizations and coordinated with the RGO administration.

4.1. Internal instructions should include a detailed operational operational action plan for accidents, restrictions and disconnections of consumers with a temporary disadvantage of thermal energy, water, electric power or fuel on heat sources.

4.2. The instructions should be made schemes for possible emergency switches, the procedure for disconnecting hot water supply and heating, emptying of heat networks and systems of heat consumption of buildings, subsequently filling and inclusion in work with developed variants of emergency modes, should be identified to organize duty and personnel actions with enhanced and extracurricular heat supply modes.

4.3. A specific list of necessary operational documentation in each organization is established by its leadership.

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The consequences of accidents on centralized water supply systems is to stop centralized water supply systems (decrease in water supply to economic and drinking needs of more than 30% of the calculated flow rate) for centralized water supply systems 1 in terms of the degree of water supply (according to existing SNiPs) (more than 10 minutes) water or reduced feed (more than 3 days) water.

To eliminate emergency, depending on its scale are attracted for forces and funds: Minzhilcomh Arms, Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Actions in case of accident in water supply systems

When disappearing in a water supply system, you close all the cranes open to this. For cooking, use existing on sale drinking water, refrain from the use of water from springs and other open reservoirs before receiving a conclusion about its safety. Remember that boiling water destroys most of harmful biological impurities. Use household filters to clean water.

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Protection of the population and emergency situations

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All the themes of this section:

General Emergency Situation
The problem of protection in emergency situations was always before humanity. With the advent of life on Earth, all living things are forced to fight for their existence in conditions of constant dangers. In xxi ve

CS of technogenic character
Transport accidents (catastrophes): accidents of passenger and commercial trains, electric trains, trains of the metro; Accidents of passenger and cargo ships, including Neftenal

State system prevention and emergency response system
Republic of Belarus is located in the very center of the European continent. The area of \u200b\u200b207.6 thousand km2 is divided into 6 regions (Brest, Vitebskaya, Gomel, Grodno, Minsk, Mogilevsk

Functioning of the economy in emergency situations
Economy (Greek. Oikonomike is the art of housekeeping) - national economy of a country or its part, including certain industries and types of production. Functioning of the economy in emergency

Accident of passenger and commercial trains, electric trains, trains Metro
The main causes of accidents and catastrophes on railway transport are faults of the path, rolling stock, alarm, centralization and blocking tools, dispatcher errors, inbid

Aviation catastrophes
It is estimated for a number of features of the consequences of a plane crash, namely: a) the destruction of the aircraft (Sun) to the degree of exclusion from the registry; b) having a dangerous cargo on board

Fires (explosions) in buildings and structures, communications and technological equipment of industrial and public facilities
The main causes of fires are: malfunctions in electrical networks, violation of technological regime and fire safety measures (smoking, open-fire breeding, the use of faulty

Fires (explosions) in mines, underground workings
The emergency of this species is estimated by the spread of a fire or an explosion at a mine, which is built or operated. For the elimination of emergencies, forces and means are involved depending on its scale:

Destruction of public buildings and structures
Emergencies of this species is assessed by such signs as massive destruction of buildings and structures, destruction (25-50%) of individual buildings and structures, the occurrence of through cracks in structures, walls,

Accidents in electrical stains
The emergence of this species occurs in the case of mass discs or damage in the power grids, led to the disconnection of consumers (fact, 30%; territory of the region, 30%; territories of the republic) on overall traffic

Circums on thermal networks (in hot water systems) in the cold season
The emergence of this genus occurs in the case of suspension of thermal goods to consumers at ambient temperature below 0 0s due to damage to thermal networks with a diameter: - up to 300 mm (suspension

Accidents on utility gas pipelines
This kind of accident arise due to the destruction of gas pipelines, failure gas equipment GDS, GRP, GRU, GRUGOLERD and gas stations of liquefied gas, which led to:

Plotting breakthroughs (dams, gateways, jumpers, etc.) with breakthrough waves, catastrophic flooding or breakthrough flood
The emergency of this species is estimated according to the following indicators: 1) the creation of a breakthrough wave with water level equal to or greater than the level of the average flood; 2) threat to human life

Geological Emergency Situations
Natural disasters threaten the inhabitants of the planet from the beginning of civilization. 100% security does not exist anywhere. Natural disasters cause catastrophic situations characterized by sudden

Emergencies of a hydrological nature
Hydrological hazardous phenomena - events or result of hydrological processes arising under the action of various natural or hydrodynamic factors or their combinations. 3.

Emergency Meteorological Situations
Winds are the cause of many natural disasters. The cause of winds is uneven heating of various areas of the rotating land. The destructive action of the wind depends on its strength, danger

Strong dust storms
If a strong wind, storm, caught you on the streets of the settlement, keep as far as possible from light buildings, buildings, bridges, overpass, power lines, mast, trees, rivers, lakes and industrial

Very strong snowfall
3.3.6. Strong blizzard - transfer of snow over the surface of the earth by a strong wind, possibly, in combination with the fallout of snow, leading to impairment of visibility and driving

Strong blizzard
3.3.7. Strong frost - low minimum air temperature for a long time. The minimum air temperature is at least 35 degrees for 3 days and bo

Strong fog
Actions with a strong fog: when traveling in the fog: 1. During the day it is necessary to include the closest, and better distant light and fog lights. At night, the distant light is not recommended, the pose

Frosts in the growing season
High Fire Dangerles - During the entire fire hazardous season, lower fires are possible, and in areas with the presence of an armor - the rigging. On venikovy and other herbal

Fires in natural ecosystems
Emergency situations natural character Forest forests, peat, underground and household fires. 3.4.1. Forest fire-end-controlled burning, spreading on

Intestinal infections
Abdominal typhoid infectiondue to the presence in the blood of the blood of abdominal bacteria and characterized by fever, cyclic flow, hepatosplegegaly, defeat

Respiratory infections
Influenza is a sharp respiratory disease, which is characterized by pronounced general intoxication and defeat of the upper respiratory tract. Etiology. The influenza virus was opened in

Anthropozonous infections
Siberian ulcer - an acute infectious zoonotic disease, accompanied by fever, the formation of specific ulcers (carbuncles) on the skin and mucous membranes, sometimes lesions of the lungs

Children's infections
Correct, high-flowagious disease, characterized by fever, inxication phenomena, lesion of the upper respiratory tract, conjunctiva and characteristic spotty-papular

Particular infections
A group of particularly dangerous infections includes plague, cholelery and natural OSPU. For particularly dangerous infections are characteristic: extremely high contactness and ability

Radiance - acute zoonotic infectious disease of viral etiology, transmitted in bitators with animals, characterized by the defeat of the central nervous system with excitation I.

Epizooty - the simultaneous distribution of the disease among big number Wild or domestic animals. Epizeta can spread among one or many species of animals. AND

Mass diseases of agricultural animals
Emergency situation of this species is estimated: 1) massive animal disease; 2) mass death of animals; 3) the introduction of quarantine on one or more farms. Massive disease

Mass death of wild animals
In the last decade, the Natural foci of rabies with a tendency towards their distribution is observed in the Republic of Belarus. Epizootia of rabies are common everywhere among the predatory belly

Epiphetation is a massive infectious disease of plants in a certain area, within a certain period, covering large areas (farm, district, region). In the form of epiphets

Mass lesions of infectious diseases of agricultural plants
The most frequent is the following epiphyotsis: dispatch, head and rust of bread cereals, phytoofluorosis potatoes. Rye arid. Mushroom causative Claviceps Purpurea. IN

Poisoning of man and animals as a result of the use of water, food infected with toxic substances
The use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides reduces the loss of crops of crops, but in parallel with this grows their negative impact on the environment. Mineral

Sudden states and emergency care for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system
4.1.1. Stenzardy - an approached pain in the chest (compression, squeezing, gravity) by reducing the blood supply to myocardium (heart muscle). Due to special

Acute cardiovascular failure.
Clinical manifestations of acute cardiovascular failure are: fainting, collapse, acute heart failure. Fainting (from lat. Syncope) - Sudden short-term

Acute violation of cerebral circulation
The work of the brain and the nervous system as a whole affects not only human health, but also on his social adaptation. It is not by chance that it is the "brain potential" - IQ-is the criterion of TOG

The attack of bronchial asthma. Astmatic status
The attack of the suffocation (attack of bronchial asthma), which occurs when exposed to the body of a patient's trigger (trigger) is the most typical symptom of bronchial asthma. Chief Opera

Anaphylactic shock
Anaphylactic shock is an acute systemic system threatening (i.e. involving more than one organ) manifestation of an allergic reaction, developing when repeated contact with an allergen. Term

Acute respiratory failure when foreign bodies hit in the respiratory tract
Acute respiratory failure is developing with cinema bodies in the respiratory tract. Respiratory Forest Body - These are various items in the larynx, trachea

Sudden deterioration of health care patients with diabetes
The sudden deterioration in the state of health in diabetes, which develop within minutes, hours or days, is threatened with disabilities or death include hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. Teacher

Hepatic colic (causes, symptoms, first aid)
The liver colic is an attack of a sharp pain under the ribs on the right. At the heart of the attack of bile colic lies suddenly occurring tension of the gallbladder. The cause of acute tension of the gall

Renal colic. Renal-stone disease
Renal colic is an attack of acute pain in the lumbar region. It occurs with the renal - stone disease, when the stone closes the passage of the urine, without giving it to move in the bladder.

Sudden state in poisoning poisonous mushrooms
Poisoning mushrooms occur when entering poisonous mushrooms (pale refining, red amanita, false, false crocks, or with insufficient culinary treatment of conditionally edible grills

Sudden state in poisoning poisonous plants
Poisoning of poisonous plants usually occurs due to the use of fruits, leaves or roots containing vegetable poisons. At the same time, children not aware danger suffer more often

Sudden state of tick bite
In early spring, many animals, spider-shaped, arthropods living in the territory of our republic, after the winter "hibernation" wake up and become active. Among them and Ixodic ticks - blood

Sudden state of snake bite
In Belarus, the only kind of poisonous snakes is common - Viotuk ordinary. After the bite of viper on the body there are two crusted wounds. Bite Vauduki is characterized by a strong and long-lasting pain, bo

Sudden state of animal bite
In the bite of animals, people may have rabies if the animals were infected. Rabies - acute viral disease that occurs in the bite of infected animals (dir

Clinical and biological death. Definition, reasons, signs. Rules and receptions of cardiovascular intensive care
Terminal (critical extremely heavy) state-proceedable process of extracting vital functions of the body. Terminal states include: precompal (death

First aid for wounds, bleeding
5.2.1. The wound is called a violation of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane under the influence of external violence, and the integrity violation may be distributed on deeper

Blood Groups and Rhow Factor
There are 4 blood groups that differ in the presence of agglutinogen (A, B) in red blood cells, and in the serum of agglutinins (Aβ). Formula of blood group 0Aβ (I), and

Thermal lesions
5.4.1. Burns. It is formed under action on the body of heat of high degrees (flames, hot solids and gases, hot liquids). These are the most frequent domestic damage

The frostbite of the body sections is observed as a result of low temperature. Sometimes frostbite is observed even at a temperature of about 0 ° C or a little higher. This contributes humidity, tes

Freezing and chill
The overall freezing is observed in cases where the body does not produce sufficient heat to maintain the temperature required to continue living. This is a severe pathological

Electric damage
Under the influence of high voltage electric current, burns are possible in the input and current output places. Burns are always deep iiib - IV degree, and the fabrics located under the skin die

Pelvis. Transport immobilization. FIRST AID
5.7.1. The fracture of the bone is a violation of integrity bone tissue. Distinguish closed and open fractures. Closed - without impairment of the integrity of the skin or mucous membrane, open -

Transport immobilization for damage to the hip
The staircases for the immobilization of the thighs are used as follows: two tires are associated together in length, flexing the lower end of one of the tires at a distance of 20 cm from the edge in the cross

Transport immobilization for fractures of leg bones
In the following figures, the traumogenesis of shin fractures is presented. Fig. 62 traumogenesis of shin fractures

Transport immobilization during brachial fractures
The position of the limb for immobilization: the hand is bent in the elbow joint at a right angle, the shoulder is given to the body, the brush - in the middle position between the supination and the pronation, the fingers of the brush in the polus

Transport immobilization during forearm bones
The position of the limb for immobilization: the hand should be bent in the elbow joint at a right angle, the forearm is in the position, average between the supination and the pronation, the brush is semi-bent.

Transport immobilization during damage to the cervical spine
Traumogenesis during the fractures of the spine is represented on the figure below (Fig.69). Fig. 69 traumogenesis of fractures poses

Transportation of victims in damage to the chest and lumbar spine
The figure below shows the injuries of damage to the breast and lumbar spine (Fig.72).

Long squeezing syndrome
In the attached limbs when the vessel is crushed, the non-composite exchange products, decay and the destruction of fabrics are accumulated, extremely toxic to the body. Immediately after liberation and

Scalp damage
Currently, head injuries are found in more than 40% of damage cases. Each fifth victim gets severe brain damage. Card and brain injuries lead to large with

Chest injuries
Rib damage takes place when compressed chest Between two planes (grinding of the chest between the wall and the side of the car, a box, a log, wheel, buffer, etc.). Ground

At the fact of the accident on the main water supply system in the Petrovsky district of the Stavropol Territory, a criminal case was initiated under Part 1 of Art. 293 of the Criminal Code (negligence). As regnum, the press service of the regional prosecutor's office was told, the prosecutor's office of Petrovsky district is being investigating the case. The check conducted by the prosecutor's office found that the main water supply line was in disrepair, repair and reconstruction of the pipeline main networks are partable to the Svetlograd branch "Stavropolkravodokanal". However, officials did not take action to eliminate defects and violations in the work of the water pipeline and did not prevent the freezing of its individual sections.

Introduce on the main water supply and freezing of its sites was possible due to the inadequate execution by officials of the Svetlograd branch of the state unitary enterprise of the Stavropol Territory "Stavropolkravodokanal" of his official duties due to the unfair attitude towards the service.

On January 23, 2006, at 21 o'clock 25 minutes in the village of Martynovka, Petrovsky district of the Stavropol region, there was a rush of the main water supply station located on the balance of the Svetlograd branch of the state unitary enterprise "Stavropolkravodokanal". Due to the accident in a number of microdistricts of the city of Svetlograd and nearby villages with the total number of residents over 41 thousand people, water flow was stopped, in full water supply resumed at 16 hours on January 31, 2006. The amount of damage to the state unitary enterprise "Stavropolkravodokanal" amounted to 1,026 thousand rubles.

The Asino Center for 5 days remains without water. The reason for turning off the water is a plowing of the water supply on the street. Goncharov. Restoration of the damaged plot of water pipes are engaged in the Brigades of Assin Communal Systems. As reported by "Avtio-Tomsk" in the dispatching "Asinov communal systems", this accident has not affected the heating of residential buildings and educational institutions and in the near future water supply will be restored.

Due to the accident on the plumbing, the movement in the area of \u200b\u200bthe earthen shaft in Moscow

In the capital in the area of \u200b\u200bthe earthen shaft, due to the accident on the water pipeline, the road was flooded with RIA Novosti, with reference to the capital control of the traffic police. Car traffic due to flooding of three road strips is paralyzed.

The accident on the water water supply water supply water with a diameter of 100 millimeters occurred around 17.00. Currently, the damaged area is blocked, restoration brigades work at the scene.

Twenty garages flooded today as a result of the accident at the water supply near the fourteenth school in the Oktyabrsky district of Irkutsk. Water beat fountain from the well, proceeded through the school stadium and a garage cooperative, after which it went into the sewer. There are many water branches in the area, and it was difficult for specialists to determine the place of the accident. Fountain beat from two o'clock in the day and only five it was possible to eliminate it. School and several residential buildings remained without water.