What you need to do to dream of a person. What a conspiracy is needed to dream of a loved one. Synchronization or telepathic communication

When you love someone, this person appears in dreams constantly, as if he has securely settled there and settled for a long time. But how do you want to also dream of a loved one - a guy or a girl! Is this possible, and if so, how can another person dream, what needs to be done for this?

First, it is really possible for someone to dream, and there are ways for this. Our dreams are a visual reflection of the subconscious, emotions and sensory perception, so that in a dream a person can see anything, and you can program him for a certain vision.

True, this is a subtle science, and there is no one recipe that clearly and guaranteed "works", here you need to experiment and try. But if you really want to dream about a guy or a girl who likes it, you can try to do it. And there are several ways.

No magic!

There are many nuances in this delicate matter. They say that if we dream of a familiar person, it means that he thinks about us. But if only everything were so simple - I thought about the one you love, and you're done! If this person does not know you personally, you are unfamiliar or unfamiliar, the task becomes much more difficult (although anything is possible). If this is the one you love, and mutually, then everything is very simple - after all, there is an astral connection between you.

Sleep is a sure way to get a guy's attention. Because the psyche of men is so arranged that if he dreamed of a girl in a dream, he begins to think about her more and more often, pay attention to her and finally take the first step. So you should at least give it a try! There are several methods for dreaming another person, and they are all different. You can experiment and try all the options until you get a result.

1. Our great-grandmothers, in order to appear in a dream to a young man, waited for the full moon. At this mystical hour, they went out into the courtyard so that no one could see them, stealthily. This can be done even today. You need to find a secluded place where there are no people, cars, where no one will bother you to carry out a small ritual and read the conspiracy.

Look at the full moon and in great detail, carefully visualize the face of the guy you want to dream about. Say nine times: “A dream with you, a dream about me. For the servant of God (guy's name). Amen!" You can make it easier and not read a special conspiracy, but simply, looking at the moon, ask higher powers to send your beloved guy this or that dream.

2. One more method, how to dream of this or that person, you can try right tonight. This is not a conspiracy or magic ritual, but rather psychological technique, which will help you convey the dream to a guy or girl at a distance. It may not work the first time, but it’s worth trying and practicing to make it work.

First, think over the entire plot of the vision, in the smallest detail. Everything that you plan in this dream should be positive, light and light so that dreams do not cause negative emotions and anxiety. Go to bed in the evening, preferably later, to keep your body tired and ready for sleep.

Visualize your thought as a light energy flow that you transmit to a person. Start sending him the plot of the dream - gradually, sequentially, frame by frame, without missing anything and without rushing.

Choose a very simple and short story to start with to make it easier and faster. You will immediately begin to fall asleep yourself. Make sure that thoughts do not "fly away" in another direction, control the flow of fantasy so as not to be distracted.

Thus, you can be able to program a dream for a loved one. But try practicing with your girlfriends, for example. Don't tell them anything in advance, but ask the next morning - what did they see in their dream? Sooner or later, they will tell you about the story that you gave them.

3. There is a method for more complex cases. For example, if the young man you love pays no attention to you and you hardly know each other (or maybe you don't know each other at all). If he starts dreaming, then this is a reliable way for him to pay attention in reality.

So, in order to appear to him in a dream, you will have to spend some time. If you see each other or visit the same place every day (for example, work or study in the same institution), that's great! Your task is to come up with an image for yourself and choose a magical item. The fact is that objects remain in the memory, at the subconscious level, and can serve as an "anchor". It can be the same book in a red cover, a white rose, or something else. The subject must be noticeable and memorable.

You will have to guess where this person is in order to program his dream. For example, knowing his daily route to work, just stand where he will go, hold the object in your hands and look somewhere into the distance. The next day is the same. And so - at least five days in a row, but always at the same time and in the same place.

On the sixth day, do not do this, he should not see you at all. And then the technique will work - it is highly likely that the young man will see you in a dream. And then - the will of fate! He will certainly be interested in what kind of mysterious girl with a rose is (a book or other object), will start thinking about you and finally get to know you. Then everything depends on you!

4. Another beautiful old conspiracy can be read on the young moon. His text is roughly the following: “Young moon, give your beloved a message from me! Let me appear to him in a dream, let him think about me. " This conspiracy can be rewritten in your own way by changing or supplementing the text. The main thing is to speak sincerely, with a great desire to dream of the chosen one and with great faith that the moon will help. After all, she is the mistress of our dreams!

5. Try the ancient Slavic straw conspiracy. Find a bunch of straw or just dry grass and bring it home. Wait until midnight, put on your nightgown, turn off the lights in the room. Place one straw under your own pillow, and burn the rest of the bunch (it should be small) near an open window.

Then spread the ashes in the wind and read the conspiracy: “Go, ashes, go, smoke, to the servant of God (name of the person), the ashes are spinning in the wind, and the beloved is pushing for me in a dream. Amen". After that, immediately go to bed and, falling asleep, think about your chosen one.

Of course, for a conspiracy or ritual to work, many conditions must be met. It is very important to perform mystical actions sincerely, with good intentions, not for revenge or entertainment, but only out of pure love.

It is important that you enjoy the ritual you are doing and not scare you. But the most important thing is faith. If you do not fully believe in the strength and effectiveness of the chosen method, then it is foolish to hope that higher powers will help you. Sincerely believe that everything will work out, and faith will become your main magical tool!

Young people and adult women feel genuine pleasure to learn that they dreamed of their beloved tonight. Males also like such phenomena. People believe that if they are dreaming of someone, it means that they are thinking about them, and perhaps they are experiencing something special for them.

Since ancient times, women have learned to be cunning and such dreams were nothing more than ordinary magical rituals. Conspiracies to dream of a loved one are still used today, and they are especially effective and, unlike black magic, are considered completely harmless.

Do such conspiracies work

There are a lot of slander that allows you to put a haze, damage, evil eye on a person, and why not dream about him in a dream ... Whatever the realists say, such methods still work today, the main thing is to find the right prayer and do everything right.

In a dream, people are less protected, which means they are more susceptible to any external influences, including magical ones. The subconscious mind in a dream reacts to such a stream of purposeful energy more sensitively than at the moment of waking. So real desire, faith will easily lead strong conspiracy for execution.

How effective are they

Of course, any fortune telling is effective as far as both sides are susceptible to it. Given the faith, desire, and partly and the presence of supernatural abilities of the bewitching one, we can say that magical effect can be different. Such a conspiracy will affect someone literally instantly, only by closing his eyes he will lead the right person.

Someone will have to "work" for weeks in order to "break through" his subconscious at least once. Someone will soon forget about what happened, as soon as they wake up. Others will constantly scroll through what happened in their heads, wondering what it would be.

Important! At the time of sleep, a person is especially inspiring, having made your way deep into the subconscious mind, you can inspire sympathy, attraction to a certain person, and sometimes deeper feelings.

Conspiracies to dream in a dream

Considering that objects and subjects can be completely different, modern experts divide the ancient conspiracies of Siberian magicians into different types.

To dream of a guy

The easiest way to inspire a young guy in a dream is to read these words before going to bed:

“The dream is about me, only for you, God's servant(name). Amen!".

An instant conspiracy is pronounced after the girl crosses her mouth and fixes her gaze on the moon. More often than 3 times during the month, one cannot induce the "necessary" dreams.

To dream of a man

In a dream, a beloved man can be reminded of yourself as follows: having naked at the waning moon, stand under its light in one shirt. Turn 3 times 360 ° counterclockwise and whisper:

“I turn back time, remove all the bad things. May today the servant of God (name) dream of all the good, all the best that was connected with me as a servant of God (his name), see me, feel happy at the same time. Understand that you cannot live without me. Come to him for the future image of our happiness. The power of our love will overcome him and he will come to my doorstep tomorrow. "

Such a conspiracy will only affect the man with whom there was previously some kind of relationship. On those with whom there was nothing in common, he will not affect.

For those who wish to inspire an idea of ​​themselves to someone with whom they had no business, the following is suitable: while lying in bed, you need to read about yourself "Our Father", after the prayer to Nikolai Ugodnik. Then they quietly ask for what they want.

To dream of a girl

A proven way to dream of a girl in a love dream is to read a prayer for a bitten off red apple:

"As Adam and Eve bit the fruit together and united their lives forever, so you, my betrothed, come, share the fruit of love with me."

At night, the fruit of love is placed under the pillow, and early in the morning it is given to the birds.

To dream of a loved one

There is a special attraction between the beloved. You can remind yourself like this:

“Young moon, tell your beloved (mu) a message from me! Let me appear to her (mu) in a dream, let him think about me. "

They say looking at the growing moon, going to bed.

Note! If after performing unpretentious rituals, reading simple conspiracies, nothing happens, then there is no astral connection between people, perhaps attention is focused on the wrong object, there will still be no joint future.

To dream at a great distance

Spouses often part for a long time, leaving long distances on business trips. A reliable sleep conspiracy will help remind your beloved husband or wife of your existence. They take a pocket mirror and read a slander at it three times:

“I look in the mirror as in a dream! I will show my beloved dreams! Let my falcon sleep soundly, look at the servant of God (name)! "

Until the morning, the product should lie under the pillow with a sleeping reflective surface upwards.


Despite the fact that such actions do not apply to the practice of black witchcraft, everything must be done correctly, for sure. During your actions, you need to be sincere, serious - you can’t do such things as a joke, as if out of curiosity “will it work or not”.

That is, if a person does not feel any sympathy or feelings towards another, but simply having nothing to do has fun, tries to cloud the mind of the other, this is bad and punishable.

Joking with such things, you can impose on yourself the punishment of higher powers. In addition, you should not instill dreams in people unnecessarily. It is also forbidden to resort to such tricks more than 3 times a month.

Is it worth it and what are the consequences

There is nothing prejudicial from a rational point of view in such cases, especially when a person sincerely believes in all this. Magicians consider such deeds to be only trifles, most often unpunished by higher powers. However, this only applies to sincere serious desires.

Nevertheless, it must be remembered that in a dream you can establish a strong connection with a person at a subconscious level, which often persists even after waking up. It turns out that if for a long time for several months "deal with" a certain object, then he can sincerely believe that he is in love.

To dream of a beloved conspiracy

Love - interesting thing... Can we know for sure at 16, for example, that we are in love? We liked the person whose image coincided with our inner image of the ideal. We don't even know what he is, but for some reason we immediately decide that we are in love. And it begins ... "Does he think about me?", "What is he doing now?", "What if he went for a walk without me?", "Why didn't he call me?"

I want to dream my beloved

Our inner egoism deprives the soul mate of all freedom, even movement. So is this love? True love on the contrary, it gives freedom. You are happy only when your loved one is good. This is true love.

Is not it so? Love is not torment and anxiety, but, on the contrary, peace and joy.

Especially selfish natures strive even in a dream to appear beloved forcibly.

And, of course, there is demand, and there is supply. In such a case, there are a lot of conspiracies.

There is a custom that conspiracies for women are read on women's days. It's Friday, Saturday, Wednesday. And male conspiracies - respectively, on male days. It is forbidden to engage in divination Sunday, since this day is intended for prayer. On big holidays, you can't do something like that either.

Conspiracies are usually pronounced three times in a row, unless something else is indicated in the explanations to the conspiracy. You need to fake your work every month. If this particular conspiracy does not work for you, then look for another one. Perhaps this one just doesn't suit you.

How to dream for someone you love

To come to a loved one in a dream, it is not necessary to read conspiracies. You just need to constantly think about him, dream about him, imagine in all the details what you want the betrothed to see about you before going to bed.

And then, mentally calling your loved one by name, say that you will soon come to him. If you constantly practice this procedure, your beloved will not spend a single night without you.

Magic to make a loved one see me in a dream

You can use the tips of white magic to dream about your beloved. On the right day, go to bed until midnight, turn off the lights. At night, read the prayers "Our Father" and Nicholas the Pleasant, and then ask the Wonderworker to remind your loved one about you. Do it sincerely and in faith. If this man is your destiny, the Higher powers will respond and help you. If not, then you shouldn't try. Somewhere there is a man who is meant for you, so there is no point in engaging in violence.

You need to deal not with men, but with your personality, develop and grow spiritually, learn to communicate correctly, please people, then there will be no end of fans. Everyone will consider it happiness to dream of you. The girl is not a hunter. On the contrary, it should evoke a hunting instinct in a man.

Where have you seen in nature a mouse chasing a cat? Do not rush things, let the man conquer you.

If you are a guy every night in dreams, it is not a fact that he will love you more. There is a big risk, on the contrary, he will get bored.

Conspiracy on the mirror

For this conspiracy, you need to prepare a small completely new mirror and before going to bed, bringing it close to your lips, whisper, observing all the rules for reading conspiracies given above:

Then slip a mirror under your pillow with the reflective side up. Early in the morning, the mirror should be placed under the stream of water, washed thoroughly, wrapped in a clean cloth and hidden in the closet under the linen so that no one finds it. Later you can use it a few more times.

Sleep conspiracy to dream of a loved one

Here is another very strong conspiracy to dream of a lover. Buy two red wax candles. Sit by a mirror on a full moon at midnight. The candles should be reflected in the mirror. Looking inside the mirror gallery, say the following words: “I will walk along the mirror path straight into the dream of my beloved. Amen". So, you can run to your beloved every night, and if you still learn how to cause lucid dreams, then conspiracies will not be needed.

There are special exercises that train a person's awareness in a dream. Those. you remember that you dreamed of your beloved, all your actions, as in reality. It turns out a dream within a dream. And you see him. And you dream about it. And in the morning you remember what you did in a joint dream, what you talked about, and so on. This is very interesting, because you can completely arbitrarily choose topics for conversation, as in real life, agree on something, act in the same way as in real life.

At the same time, you may even lose the correct perception of what is happening, you will think about a dream that this is life, and about life, that this is a dream. In order not to get confused, it is recommended, for example, to read the inscriptions around. If the inscription changes after the first reading, then you are definitely in a dream.

Another way: look at your hands for a long time, if they change their outlines and contours, then you are sleeping. There are many more such signs, so you should be very careful.

Do not get carried away, because in a dream, people are mostly hiding from problems. It is better to solve them in reality, and with love too.

Conspiracy to the moon to dream of a loved one

This conspiracy must be written on clean beautiful paper under the light of two red wax candles. Then, near the window, read the required number of times, burn it, and let the ashes blow in the wind.

Even if you love very much, it is best to give the person free will. There is no need to appear to him in dreams by a violent way. Protect the health of your loved ones. Better educate yourself. Study the psychology of relationships.

Learn to communicate correctly in order to please all people, without exception. This can be learned by getting out of your comfort zone and exercising more often by meeting strangers. Self-confidence will come with training. After all, only girls suffering from an inferiority complex try to impose themselves on men, the more they push them away from themselves.

What a conspiracy is needed to dream of a loved one

What does your dream mean?

Many will agree that dreams reflect our subconsciousness and the afterlife, because our reality is so often reflected in dreams, or vice versa, we see completely opposite actions and events in our dreams. Since ancient times, sages and philosophers have tried to decipher dreams, certain dreamed objects, events or actions.

In the world there is a huge number of a wide variety of dream books compiled by different people and in different times, but who interpret the same dreams in almost the same way. Dreams in relationships have always been equated with the mysterious interaction of two souls. Perhaps that is why a conspiracy to dream of a loved one is often used by girls and young women so that loved ones do not forget about them.

The power of sleep and thoughts about a person

The power of the conspiracy is in your faith

Dreams for lovers have always been important. In the old days, loving young people did not have such freedom in relationships as they do today, so most often they could see each other stealthily for a short time or just in dreams. There is an opinion that if you think about a person for a long time, then you will definitely dream about him the next night, and if a certain person is dreaming of you, then he was thinking about you. Of course, more often than not, our thoughts are simply visualized in dreams and we dream of the one we think of, but in order to surely dream of a loved one and make him act, we can resort to conspiracies to dream of him. A girl seen in a dream means a lot to a young man, and most often such dreams force him to show certain actions in relation to her.

Psychologists say that our dreams represent the hidden desire of a person. Therefore, having seen a girl in a dream, a young man involuntarily begins to think about her, remember what was in the dream, how she was presented, he wants to see her in reality. This is how interest awakens with the opposite sex, and frequent thoughts and a desire to reveal the secret give rise to certain feelings, which in the future can develop into something more than just an exciting dream.

In addition, many young people want to make everything that happened in a dream come true, so a dream made by a girl for a guy can be the beginning of their wonderful relationship. And dreams are also endowed with a special positive energy, so if such energy affects relationships in real world, then we can safely say that the conspiracy to dream of a person worked.

Conspiracies and rituals to sleep with your beloved

Let's dream of a loved one

In the old days, our grandmothers ordered dreams for their loved ones, looking at the moon. Try the following conspiracy. To dream of a loved one, the ritual must be carried out on a full moon, and the days of equinoxes and solstices are also considered good enough for making dreams.

When a girl looks at the moon, she should cross her mouth and say the words:

“A dream about me, a dream with you, for the Servant of God (such and such). May it be so!"

The conspiracy is sentenced 9 times. It is important that the ritual is allowed to be carried out no more than 3 times a month, otherwise the opposite effect can be achieved.

How to order and send a dream to a loved one

Sending a dream to a loved one

To dream of a guy or a loved one, you can send your dream to him. For this ritual, it is necessary to be sure for sure that the person is sleeping at this time. How to check this depends on your relationship, but in any case, there is always a way to find out about it. The dream transfer ritual is performed at night in complete darkness.

The dream is compiled by the girl herself on a positive theme. You can use the dream book so that later the guy can explain what he dreamed about and how certain objects or events are related to the girl who dreamed. Get ready for bed, turn off the lights and go to bed. Start to fall asleep slowly, before this sentence the words:

“I compose your dream, I send it to you, I dream to you, in a dream I turn to you, so that in life you will turn to me. Amen!"

Now you need to compose your dream, which you mentally need to convey to him. It is enough just to concentrate and imagine the dream that you would like your boyfriend to see.

Composing such a dream, the girl falls asleep herself. With strong faith and the energy of desire and love, two people can even see the same dream, and in some cases the dreams turn out to be so obvious that the young man begins to believe in their realism. It is best to make and send your dreams to a young man on the night of Thursday to Friday.

A conspiracy to dream of a loved one on the moon

Harnessing the power of the moon

This conspiracy is carried out on a full moon day. The plot is written out on a piece of dark paper, since modern multi-colored pastes or gels allow you to write on dark paper.

The conspiracy is read before going to bed three times on the full moon with an open window and at the same time it is necessary to stand facing the moon and look at it. What you need to write on paper:

“Virgo-Moon, say hello to my beloved (name) from me. Let him see me in a dream, remember me and miss me. As soon as he gets bored, he will give me a message. Virgo-Moon, give the sweetheart a happy and vivid dream about me, and I will thank you, I will say a great thank you ”.

After reading the conspiracy, crumple the sheet and throw it out through the window. Go to bed.

Conspiracy on straw to dream of a loved one

A bunch of hay for a conspiracy

This conspiracy will require a bunch of fresh straw. The conspiracy is carried out at night before going to bed at an open window. One straw from the bundle is placed under the pillow, and the bundle is burned when the window is open, the ash is thrown out the window.

In this case, the words are sentenced:

“Ides, smoke, go, ashes, to the slave (name), as the haze swirled strongly in the wind, so I dreamed of a sweetheart in a dream, let the ash whirl in the wind, and the sweetheart pushes me in a dream. Amen".

Repeat the conspiracy three times and then go to bed

The energy of conspiracies to dream of a person

The energy of the conspiracy is subject to you

Conspiracies to dream of a loved one cannot be attributed to some kind of strong magic or magical rites... Our thoughts about a person are able to transmit a very strong energy into his subconscious and relations with him in a parallel world of dreams and dreams. Very often, before going to bed, we think, while we can stand at the window, look at the moon and just talk at night with our desired object.

At such moments, information concerning a particular person is recorded in the laws of the Universe and this information will certainly be conveyed to its addressee. Many conspiracies to dream of a person and were drawn up in this way. Their effectiveness has been confirmed for centuries, so now they are boldly used purposefully. At the same time, conspiracies for the appearance of a person in a dream are absolutely harmless and in no way force him to take certain actions, but only direct him. And what choice to make depends only on each of us.

Conspiracies, if you need to dream of a loved one

You can fall in love with a man in a variety of ways, including magical ones. There is a conspiracy to dream of a beloved man. As a result of this conspiracy, he will think about you for the next day. His soul will be full of feelings about you and in the end he will just come to the girl right on the doorstep.

Conspiracy to dream of a beloved man

The effectiveness of a conspiracy through sleep

The ancient magicians gvrili that conspiracies through dreams are one of the most effective conspiracies... This is very easy to explain. As the famous Freud said: "dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." So magicians believe that making a fall in love through a dream is an even more effective event than an ordinary love spell. After all, what constitutes a love spell is a ritual through which thoughts about you are imposed on the person you are interested in.

When a conspiracy goes through a dream, then the attitudes towards falling in love are absorbed by a person much more successfully and act much stronger. As you know, our subconscious desires are sometimes much stronger than our conscious ones, and so here attitudes towards love are recorded in the subconscious.

When to Conspiracy to Sleep?

A man can dream of using magic for this in the following life situations:

  • You can dream of a guy with whom a girl quarreled and now does not know how to make peace. Perhaps there is not enough willpower to come up first and start a conversation, or maybe the guy is very proud and himself rejects all her attempts to make peace.
  • A conspiracy to dream of a loved one can be used if a girl is unrequitedly in love with a guy. This option is especially relevant when the girl tried to attract the guy's attention using the usual methods, but nothing happened. Then, having dreamed of him, his beloved will definitely pay attention to her, see in her an interesting young lady.
  • You can also dream about a guy if this is your ex-boyfriend. For example, you just broke up, but almost immediately realized that you made a mistake and want to make up. When a loved one sees you in a dream, then the best memories of you will emerge in his mind and he will want to return to the good old days.
  • If a woman wants to beat a married man with a dream conspiracy, then this is also possible. But in this case, there may be unpleasant consequences for the customer herself.
  • It is very good to dream of a loved one if you are at a distance from him. When lovers are at a distance, it is not so easy to maintain a high degree of love in a relationship. As a result, your boyfriend's interest may be directed towards other girls. A conspiracy to appear to him in a dream will keep his interest in you.
  • If you notice that your beloved man has begun to be interested in other girls, or you frankly know that he has a mistress, then you also appear to him in a dream. Then, on a subconscious level, he will turn to you again, and the other woman will simply cease to interest him.

These are exemplary situations in which you can safely impose a conspiracy to appear to a man in a dream. These conspiracies can be used in other cases as well.

Sleep conspiracy

This love dream conspiracy does not require any special rituals. The only thing that should be done during the waxing moon. Then nature itself will help your loved one dream of a necessary and strong dream.

As an additional measure, for the atmosphere, you can read this conspiracy among the candles. Light them, sit among the candles and read the following text:

“As the Servant of God (man's name) goes to sleep today, he will be the first and last in a dream today to see the Servant of God (his name). I will come to you in a dream, I will involve you in love for myself, I will sneak into your heart. I ask you to remind him of me higher powers. See him me and fall in love. Yes, let him wake up with that love for me. Wakes up, realizes that he loves and will come to me. I send myself to my dear one in a dream, I give myself to my dear one in a dream, since I cannot in reality. "

After that, the candles must be extinguished and immediately go to bed. It is advisable to read such a sleep plot when you already really want to sleep and feel that you are about to fall asleep.

Most likely, the very next day you will receive a message from your loved one. He will remember you. Gradually, he will develop a feeling of love for you, this is how the conspiracy for sleep works.

Conspiracy on a toy

A conspiracy to dream about your boyfriend can be imposed on a toy. But for this you need to purchase a new toy. Think about your beloved man first. Think about which animal or character he reminds you of. And already starting from these reflections, you can choose a toy. That is, the toy should be associated with your loved one. Choose her with soul, then the ceremony will be especially successful. Before going to bed, hug the toy and read the following magical text on it:

“I will dream of you this night, short and deep. See you me, feel the brightest feelings for me, my betrothed hear me. As soon as your clear eyes are closed from the fatigue of the day, you will see my image of the Servant of God (the name of the man), see you in my dream as well, be able to love and accept you completely. Ask yourself, how are you without me? Everyone will receive his own in a dream, the night our love keeps under its cover. And as you get up early in the morning, you will go to the servant of God for the love that night promised us. I hug you, always with you. "

Then hug the toy tightly and fall asleep. The one to whom you have spoken the text will surely see you this night. Some carry out this slander on a photo of a loved one.

This conspiracy of cross sleep. This means that the girl will also dream of her beloved young man.

By the way, this ritual has special power. But it does not always work out 100%, because people should be at least a little tuned in to each other. But, if this is so, then the slander has a very high result.

That is why it is good to carry out such a ritual in the event that you quarreled with your beloved man or if, in this way, you want to return your ex-boyfriend. Because with this person you are definitely still in tune with each other. Some magicians believe that you can ask a question to your beloved in a dream, an answer that you still cannot get in real life. But this is for those who like to communicate in their sleep.

A conspiracy to make a loved one miss.

For a guy to call, for a guy to call, conspiracy

Waning moon conspiracy

there is love conspiracies, which are best done on the waning moon. This one is. On a diminishing basis, it is done, because you get rid of all the bad things that you had with this person, thereby making room for a happy future.

The girl who does this ritual needs to go out into the open light of the waning moon and turn three times counterclockwise and say the following magic word:

“I turn back time, remove all the bad things. May today the servant of God (man's name) dream of all the good, all the best that was connected with me as a servant of God (his name), see me, feel happy at the same time. Understand that you cannot live without me. Come to him for the future image of our happiness. The power of our love will overcome him and he will come to my doorstep tomorrow. "

Such a ritual is good if your loved one is now at a distance from you. Perhaps you had a quarrel, and now in the minds of both, it is more negative than positive. This also happens in a married couple, then the husband will be returned to the couple with the help of such a dream. So such slander allows you to shift the focus of attention to the good in a couple.

Every night we are able to see a dream, or maybe even more than one. Dreams are able to reflect what we have lived through; what we have seen is visualized and processed in our thoughts. Even in ancient times, our ancestors noticed the importance of dreams and paid attention to even the smallest details. It was believed that if you see a person at night, he thinks about you, so many tried to use magic and read a conspiracy to dream of a loved one, for this sometimes it is enough just to represent a person all day, and read a prayer to God before going to sleep.

Vision in hand

So what, in fact, are our sleep deprivations? Falling asleep is a state of rest, which should be at regular intervals. Few individuals can boast of the ability to control the plot of a dream, to see lucid plots. Asking a question of interest, getting an answer is the same as during wakefulness. From time immemorial it has become a custom that morphei carry certain messages to their chosen ones. As a rule, such energy messages are usually associated with the future. In ancient times, it was believed that morphei come to a person at the behest of a higher power, they can warn about something, the main thing is to correctly interpret the dream. For this, huge volumes of interpretation books were compiled.

The girls used the effect of lucid vision in their conspiracies, in order to dream of their beloved and through their half-sleep they penetrated into the consciousness of their beloved. Having dreamed about each other, the lovers, being at a distance, could see each other and convey their messages. There is a ritual that will allow lovers to talk, it must be activated at midnight:

  • put a mirror in front of ourselves, light candles, one candle should be shorter than the other;
  • we put a photo of our chosen one behind the mirror;
  • you need to concentrate and see the look of a man in the looking glass: “Look at me, dear, I'm here, I'm yours. I want to call for a conversation. Come to me in a dream, and I will come to your mercy in a dream ”;
  • after extinguishing the candles, go to bed.

It is believed that a husband and wife, who are constantly together, during separation are able to see the same vision in a dream, for this you need to look in the mirror and say:

"Husband (wife), my reflection will make everything in half with him, and we will be here."

All for two

To dream of a guy, for a conspiracy, you will need to believe in what is happening, as in any spell, and this is not so difficult when it comes to love. Such spells may be needed for various reasons:

Whatever the reason, the result is important - penetration into someone else's subconscious and control over it. By the way, such practices were used in Ancient Egypt, as evidenced by historical records on parchment. In a dream, we can do whatever we want: soar in the clouds, run, ride a hot air balloon, travel across countries - so why not use these properties with those we like? Since time immemorial, women have used a sleep spell for two to dream of a man.

  1. First, you need to think about what the sleeping will be about in a day. Use the help in drawing up signs - take a dream book.
  2. Second, think of the dream scenes so that even the smallest details are remembered.
  3. Stay in bed before ten in the evening, then it will be easier to fall asleep: “Going to bed, I think about you, love! Come to our dream, I'm waiting. "
  4. Falling asleep, we begin to mentally watch a film of our own fantasy, which in a moment your loved one will dream about.

One of the ways for a guy to dream is a ceremony with a bouquet of flowers. Flowers should be wild, preferably collected with rhizomes with your own hands. We cut off the roots, put the flowers in a vase of water. My roots, dry. Put a bunch of wild plants under the pillow before going to bed. We put the roots in any vessel, set them on fire and say:

“I will fly away with smoke, into the sky. As the smoke is light, so I am light, I will come to your slumber, wait for me! "

Scatter the remains of the ashes downwind. Now we go to sleep.

Moon spells

The rituals were all and always, but the lunar rituals are more suitable for those beauties who want a conspiracy to dream of using in order to fall in love with a person. On a full moon, you should look out the window, at the moonlight and whisper:

“I will dream at your mercy, here I am. Get to know me, I am your love. God's servant (name) love me! "

Repeat seven times and go to bed.

Take a sheet of paper, of any format, preferably a dark color, on it we write a message:

“Mother moon, you've come to me again. I was waiting for you, I prepared a request. I ask you, come to your beloved, look out the window. Make me remember, let him get bored, but in the morning he will come to me. "

We burn the conspiracy, and wave the ashes in the wind.

A strong conspiracy is being made for the rising moon. Before the ritual, it is necessary to dissolve the braids, go outside, bow to the young month:

“The month is young, beautiful, like my betrothed. The night is dark, so show me the way to a sweet home, bring me to it. Illuminate the path. "

Also, on the full moon, a ceremony could be performed to remind:

“I remind you of myself, do not forget me, do not change your beloved to distant seas... I will send you a message about your native land. "

On a waning moonlit night, in order to appear to the guy in a dream, a candle was lit on the window:

"The month is waning, the candle is extinguished, as soon as the wax melts, my appearance will appear to you."

Gather spruce needles, imperceptibly put one in the guy's pocket, put the rest under the pillow at home:

“As these needles grew on one branch, so we will walk in pairs. I will dream of you, fate will lead you to me. "

In general, the desire to dream of your soulmate or the one whom your heart has chosen does not want to be called magic. Simply, we people all have a gift - our energy makes our thoughts material, if you think about a guy all day, then even without spells he will feel your belonging to him. But still, if you want to be one hundred percent self-confident, it is better to read a simple conspiracy using white magic.

To appear at night to a sweetheart, collect dried flowers or a bundle of straw. We put one branch under the pillow, burn the rest, collect the ashes in a bag. In the morning, after sleeping, spread the contents of the bag downwind:

"I will come to you every night until you look at me in reality."

In a state of love, you often see the object of your adoration in a dream. But sometimes you want to know a way to dream about the person you love. There are many methods that people in love can use.


A simple meditation to dream of a loved one

A common way a boy or girl dreams is meditation.

The magic will work when a number of conditions are met:

  • no one should know about your intention to dream of a loved one, so as not to spoil the plans;
  • the room where the meditation will take place should be dark;
  • try to be alone at home or do the meditation at the right time so that none of your relatives or residents can interfere;
  • it is necessary that the person to whom the dream is addressed should be asleep, otherwise meditation is simply meaningless;
  • select in advance quiet meditative music that you will use, it will help you relax and concentrate on the result;
  • a directed dream should be meaningful and interpreted according to the dream book so that the addressee can not only see it, but also decipher it.

For the meditation ritual, you will need to prepare several items:

  • an ordinary white candle;
  • aromatic oils;
  • a photograph of a loved one (the addressee on it should be depicted as it looks now - group and children's photos will not work).

The correct sequence of actions for meditation:

  1. Darken the room.
  2. Play some relaxing music.
  3. Rub the candle with aroma oil, put a few drops in a special aroma lamp. When choosing an oil, it is preferable to opt for light citrus or floral aromas. Lavender will help you to relax faster, rose oil will awaken imagination, orange and lemon oils will make it easier to maintain concentration, peppermint oil will help get rid of extraneous thoughts during the ritual.
  4. Loose your hair - it is easier to concentrate internal energy.
  5. Lie on the sofa, half-sitting in a chair to make it comfortable. Place the photo next to it.
  6. Close your eyes and concentrate on visualizing your loved one.
  7. Breathe slowly, feel how the body becomes weightless and does not restrict the mind in movement.
  8. You need to let go of thoughts and ask yourself what kind of dream you need to get into.
  9. Imagine that you are standing behind your lover's back.
  10. Concentrate on a fictional dream plot with you in the lead role.
  11. The meditation should take at least an hour.
  12. Stay focused on your goal as much as possible and try to stay awake despite the darkness and a comfortable position.
  13. Don't extinguish the candle. It should burn out to the end.

Meditation is suitable for purposeful people with steady concentration and a rich imagination.

If you get distracted and lose touch with the person you are sending the dream to, meditation will not work.

The best ways to dream about your beloved man

In ancient times, people believed that dreams are an important part of the life of any person. Until now, in many tribes of Africa and the Far North, beliefs have been preserved that sleep and reality are two full-fledged components of life. It is worth using methods that have been proven for a long time, they will help to attract attention and win the heart of your beloved man.

Strong rituals that allow a person who likes a lot to dream include:

  • full moon rite;
  • conspiracy to the young moon;
  • smoke conspiracy;
  • a ceremony with a photograph;
  • a conspiracy to reflect;
  • ritual with water;
  • conspiracy to rain.

The rituals will only work if the person doing them believes they are working. Attempting to perform rituals "for fun" is a common waste of time.

Full moon rite

The full moon rite is one of the most effective ways to dream of a loved one. By strength this method akin to a love spell. We must wait for the full moon. It is imperative that you hold a photograph or your beloved's hair in your hands while conducting a strong ritual.

  1. On the full moon you will go out into the yard.
  2. Find a place where there are no cars and passers-by, so that no one interferes.
  3. Raise your head to the moon, bring a photo or hair of a loved one to your lips and start talking a dream.

The moon is filled with light, love for the sweetheart rises. As I see the moon disk, and the darling will see me in a dream

Try not to meet anyone on your way home.

Several ways how to come to a loved one in a dream are shown in the video. The video was filmed by the channel "Natalia Radomskaya".

Young moon conspiracy

The conspiracy on a young moon refers to proven ways to dream of a loved one. The convenience of this ritual is that there is no need to wait a certain day... The ceremony can be performed on any night in the first half of the lunar cycle. The ritual will be the more effective, the closer to the beginning of the cycle it is performed.

For the conspiracy, you will need several items:

  • photo or curl of a loved one;
  • a spoonful of sugar;
  • a bowl of water;
  • candle;
  • three coins of the same denomination, preferably silver.

The sequence of actions when reading the conspiracy:

  1. The ritual should be carried out at the window, since it is important to see the moon during magical actions.
  2. Light the candle and set it so that the light from it falls on the hair / photo of a loved one.
  3. Put a bowl of water in front of you, throw three coins into it one by one.
  4. Pour sugar into the water and stir while looking at the moon. Start reading love words for sleep.

The moon was walking across the sky, calling my beloved,
I dropped three coins, and I picked them up.
Luna sister, help the girl
So that the darling would soon dream about this night.
Let the dream be sweet, but long,
Find the way in the darkness for a sweetheart under the canopy!
My word is strong, thought is light,
Everything will be as I say!

After pronouncing the ritual words:

  1. Do not go to bed until the candle burns out, think about your beloved.
  2. Store coins under your pillow until the end of the lunar cycle.
  3. Pour the water from the bowl under a tree in the yard. Preferably under a pine or birch.

Smoke conspiracy

Fire and smoke have always been powerful magical attributes. They will help and direct the dream to the beloved. There are many rituals and conspiracies associated with smoke.

For a conspiracy you will need:

  • incense stick / candle;
  • matches;
  • ashtray / old plate;
  • sheet of paper and pen.

The order of ritual actions is as follows:

  1. Think carefully about the dream and write it down on a piece of paper.
  2. Wait for the evening when the first stars begin to appear in the sky.
  3. Fold the sleeping sheet in half and place in an ashtray / on an old plate.
  4. Take a match and light the edges of the sheet.
  5. Carefully light a candle or scent stick on a burning leaf and place it behind an ashtray or plate.
  6. Look at the flame and begin to pronounce the conspiracy (when the page burns out, we look at the candle or incense stick).

As the smoke winds over me - a dream to my beloved is torn.
Silence at night, I conjure you
let the beloved see me as a slave (name) in a dream.
My word is firm, firm, as I say - so it will be!

Conspiracy on reflection

The mirror conspiracy is the most effective, but also the most dangerous method, with which you can come to sleep with your beloved. The next ritual requires caution, each action should be pondered and monitored.

To carry out a conspiracy you will need:

  • large mirror;
  • dense, opaque fabric;
  • two candles;
  • matches;
  • lipstick (it is important - the lipstick belonged to you and no one else used it);
  • a glass of water.

The sequence of ritual actions:

  1. Place the mirror on the table so that a minimum of objects are reflected in it.
  2. Throw the fabric over the mirror so that you can lower it at any time, blocking the reflection.
  3. Place candles on either side of the mirror.
  4. Place a glass of water in the center, in front of the mirror. It will serve as a kind of barrier from entities that will try to influence or harm, being on the other side of the mirror.
  5. Write the name of your loved one on the mirror.
  6. Sit in front of a mirror and look into it, repeating the plot.

As in a mirror I reflect
This is how the "name" appears in a dream.
Will sleep and rest
In a dream he will be able to see me.

After pronouncing, you need to do the following:

  1. Looking directly into the eyes of the reflection, repeat the plot three times.
  2. If it seems that someone is watching you, there will be a feeling that the reflection is becoming "wrong", "alien" - immediately cover the mirror with a cloth and extinguish the candles.
  3. Water from a glass in the morning should be poured into a jar / container and poured away from home.
  4. Nobody should see the inscription on the mirror. Get up at dawn in the morning and wipe it off with a damp cloth.

Rite of passage with photography

In most of the rituals listed earlier, photography was a component of the ritual for a reason. This is due to the fact that the image of a person retains the rest of his energy. With the help of photography, it is easier to establish a spiritual connection with the person you wish to dream about.

For a simple ritual you will need:

  • clean new tablecloth (preferably made of natural material, cotton or linen);
  • four candles;
  • a photograph of a lover / sweetheart.

The sequence of ritual actions:

  1. Spread out a new tablecloth.
  2. Place candles in the four corners of the table.
  3. Place a photo of your beloved in the center.
  4. Don't let anyone see you prepare and perform the ritual.
  5. Wait until darkness and light candles.
  6. We repeat a short prayer three times.

Night has come, I went into a dream. A slave (name), a simple girl, but I will dream about my beloved. Amen. Amen. Amen.

After pronouncing:

  1. We look at a photograph and think about a loved one; we need to call a dream vision in our mind. Think carefully about what you will say in a dream, how you will look, what you will ask and what answer you will hear.
  2. Do not finish the ritual until the candles burn out to make your loved one dream.

Water conspiracy

Water is one of the most powerful carriers of information and energy charging points in various rituals. The water conspiracy attracts with its simplicity and effectiveness.

To carry out the ritual you will need:

  • ring;
  • candle;
  • a sheet of paper and a pen (prepare a small piece of paper in advance that will fit in the bowl);
  • bowl of water.

Actions to be performed for a successful ceremony:

  1. Wait for the night.
  2. Draw the curtains tightly. Make sure that the light of the moon does not enter the room.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. On a piece of paper, write the name of your loved one and place it on the bottom of the bowl.
  5. Turn the ring three times on your finger, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

Water-water, help your beloved to dream, sweet will rest and wait for me in dreams. My word is indestructible, neither can I break with a sword, nor lure with gold!

After uttering the conspiracy:

  1. Lower the ring to the bottom of the bowl.
  2. You can't go to bed until the candle burns out.

A conspiracy to dream of an ex

This ceremony should be done to remind of yourself to a person with whom you had a close relationship. It is often used to direct sleep. ex-boyfriend, girl.

Technique for performing the ceremony:

  1. You need to go to bed before twelve at night, having previously uttered the prayers - "Our Father" and "St. Nicholas".
  2. After that, clearly imagining the image of your former lover in your head, say the conspiracy out loud.

Try on the grass, the shadow on the wall - I will dream of you, and you - to me!

Repeat the conspiracy at least 12 times before bedtime.

Conspiracy to rain

If there is bad weather, wind and rain outside the window, then the time for the conspiracy is the most suitable.


  1. You need to go outside.
  2. Place your hands under the cold streams of water, keeping the image of your beloved in your head.
  3. Pronounce the conspiracy out loud three times.

Horses, horses of rain - download, bring me to the dream of your beloved. The beloved is waiting for me in a dream, his eyes do not close. If he catches me, he will love me.

After completing the ritual, you must immediately return home and go to bed. At night, the beloved will definitely dream.

A simple conspiracy to dream of a beloved woman

A simple conspiracy will allow you to dream of your beloved girl from a distance.

How to do it:

  1. Go to bed, preferably before midnight.
  2. In all the details, present in your mind's eye the image of your beloved (every detail is important).
  3. Pronounce the conspiracy three times.

Sleep in hand, we will no longer be sweet in separation.

I dream - turn around as a wife.

What needs to be done to dream of a loved one?

If you have the opportunity to chat with a loved one, before going to bed - talk. Lying in bed, visualize the image of a loved one, remembering the happy moments of meeting in reality. You can't think about bad things. It is advisable that this person is lying in bed, falling asleep thinking about you. The subconscious mind will help in this venture. It is important to agree in advance about the time of going to bed. A meeting in a dream with will occur provided that both fall asleep at the same time.

An additional plus will be if you stipulate a meeting place. Dreaming works according to the same laws as real life... The more clearly the conditions are formulated, the higher the percentage of wish fulfillment is.


The video will tell you how another person will appear in a dream. Filmed by the Astral Pilgrim Channel.