Vilenkin zhokhov 6th grade Principles of effective self-training

  • Mathematics in the 6th grade includes a large amount of knowledge. It is in the 6th grade that the transition from simple mathematical tasks to more complex ones takes place. The student is already beginning to understand the differences between algebra and geometry, he should be well versed in tasks and formulas. The textbook has various blocks, including tasks and examples in two subjects.
  • Vilenkin's math helper helps the student put everything in order. A large amount of material is not always well absorbed by students in school. It happens that the student understands the theory, but cannot understand the practice. On specific examples that are available in the Reshebnik, students compare and double-check their knowledge. By doing homework, they have the opportunity to thoroughly understand the topic, step by step to consider the solution of a particular problem.
  • Thanks to GDZ, the process of doing homework is greatly facilitated, and the student develops self-training skills, the theoretical material finds its practical application, the student begins to study better, he manifests a desire for knowledge. The weekly exercise of the textbook will help the student to consolidate the material covered, prepare for the test and close the subject perfectly.
  • Principles of effective self-training

  • Sixth graders continue to study mathematics in depth. The classical foundations of this discipline are studied in the 6th grade Last year, already from the 7th grade, the subject will be divided into two independent subjects - geometry and algebra. In order to succeed in studying, to prepare well for current and final, diagnostic work, VPR, sixth graders need to tune in to responsible and systematic work in advance. To help schoolchildren, quality educational materials, manuals and reshebnik to them. You can plan the work yourself or by contacting teachers, tutors, parents for help. In order to self-study GDZ was effective, you need:
    - develop a competent system, work plan, based on the basic level of knowledge of a sixth grader in mathematics, his interest, tasks and goals. For example, deepen existing knowledge or participate in mathematical olympiads and competitions, etc.;
    - adhere to the developed scheme, periodically monitoring the achievements, identifying and correcting shortcomings. The dynamics of preparation can be monitored after studying a block of topics, or - set specific dates for control;
    - adjust the results obtained by changing and supplementing the training program.
  • As a useful and interesting basic source, many teachers, tutors and sixth-graders themselves call N. Ya. Among the topics that cause the greatest difficulties in the study of mathematics by sixth graders, which are discussed in detail in this manual, we can distinguish:
    - divisibility of numbers and its features;
    - multiplicity and operations with fractions having different denominators;
    - proportions and ratios as mathematical quantities;
    - Direct and inverse dependencies;
    - scale - section calling largest number difficulties for sixth graders;
    - ball, circumference, its length and area of ​​the circle.
  • For the best development and consolidation of the material, it is desirable to supplement the basic textbook with workshops by the same author. For those students who are in the family form of education, you can additionally use work programs for teaching materials.

Mathematics stands apart among school subjects. Indeed, a lot of time is devoted to its study. Moreover, mathematics begins already in the first grade and ends only at the end of the eleventh. In addition, at the end of the 9th and 11th years of study, it is in mathematics that one has to pass the final attestations, called the OGE and the Unified State Examination, respectively.

Final exams are compulsory, i.e. they cannot be avoided under any circumstances. At the same time, the mathematical abilities of different children are very different. Not everyone is given the subject without difficulty. In the latter case, it will be useful to use auxiliary literature, for example, Vilenkin's online solution book with the content of the correct answers.

Educational and methodological complex N.Ya. Vilenkina, V.I. Zhokhova, A.S. Chesnokov and S.I. Schwarzburda is distributed by the Mnemosyne publishing house from 2015 to 2019. It is used in many schools Russian Federation. Relevant manuals are also fairly easy to obtain from public libraries. Many teachers form their own work programs on the subject on their basis.

Why do schoolchildren love GDZ Vilenkin in mathematics?

Depending on the innate abilities for exact sciences in different people, the study of algebra requires different levels effort and time invested. Equipped with a large number of useful applied materials, the collection for grade 6, the authors of which are Vilenkin, Zhokhov, Chesnokov, has a number of advantages:

  • the content of the tasks fully comply with the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • it is enough to use a smartphone, tablet or computer with Internet access;
  • you can choose the most understandable solution from several proposed ones;
  • the search for the desired exercise is carried out by means of a number index in the form of a table.

The answers given in the GDZ in mathematics cannot simply be rewritten. They should be carefully studied, find patterns and helpful ways solutions. Intensive work will help increase academic performance, easily solve control and verification work, tests.

Why can Vilenkin and Zhokhov's solution book for grade 6 replace a tutor?

If a student tries hard throughout his school life, then with a high probability he will get high scores on the final exam and be able to enter a good university. When studying mathematics, it is especially important not to allow gaps. In the sixth grade, you need to seriously approach the development of paragraphs, solving problems, developing practical skills:

  • simple fractions. Numerator and denominator;
  • reduction to a common basis. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division;
  • linear equations. proportion rule;
  • greatest common divisor. Least multiple.

Sufficient practice in solving examples and exercises, as well as the timely elimination of gaps, will save the student from problems in high school. Therefore, GDZ online could be recommended to any sixth grader who encounters incomprehensible topics in the classroom or when doing homework. The manual with ready-made solutions complies with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Mathematics Resource Book for Grade 6 to Vilenkin is a collection of ready-made solutions and answers, which is compiled on the basis of a mathematics textbook for sixth graders, compiled by a group of Russian authors - Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S., Shvartsburd S.I.

Reshebnik for the textbook on mathematics grade 6 from Vilenkin

GDZ in mathematics for grade 6 allows students to check the correctness of homework. With its help, they manage to understand the algorithm for solving complex problems on their own.

Moreover, ready-made solutions and answers are a hint to parents who seek to provide their children with all possible assistance in preparing homework in mathematics.

The solution book allows you to reduce the workload for sixth graders who do not always have time to understand the solution of an example or problem in the classroom.

The interface of our site makes the use of the textbook as convenient as possible for children and parents:

  • The answer database is accessible from a phone, tablet and computer;
  • Tables of numbers allows you to quickly go to the desired answer;
  • Regular updating of the solution books eliminates the possibility of errors in preparation homework.

Such options allow you to make the process of doing work in mathematics as efficient as possible, both from the standpoint of the result and from the standpoint of saving time.

Mathematics textbook in grade 6 from Vilenkin, Zhokhov, Chesnokov and Schwarzburg

Our website contains ready-made solutions and answers to the tasks of the textbook for grade 6 from Vilenkin N.Ya. Most schools currently use the 30th edition, released in 2013.

The tutorial covers two major sections of arithmetic in detail:

  1. Properties and operations with natural numbers;
  2. Signs, characteristics and mathematical operations with fractional numbers.

The textbook also provides information on such arithmetic concepts as LCM (least common multiple) and GCD (greatest common divisor), the order of their calculation, as well as the features of compiling proportions.

The book introduces sixth graders to the features of coordinates on a plane, as well as the concept of scale. Represents in detail the differences between positive and negative numbers, as well as the rules for mathematical operations with them.

In the sixth grade, the process of dividing the subject of mathematics into algebra and geometry takes place. This leads to the fact that students need to master new complex concepts and tasks. However, not every student will be able to master such material on their own, and here a solution book created by the author will come to the rescue. N.Ya. Vilenkin. Textbook mathematics grade 6 become more accessible if GDZ. This will allow the student to better deal with new topics and tasks for them, using a solved example.

With the help of this manual, the student reduces the complexity of home preparation for classes. It also allows students to solve problems on their own in the future without any prompts. GDZ contributes to students' understanding of the language of mathematics, deepens their skills in general principles solving mathematical examples.

GDZ to workbook in mathematics for grade 6 Rudnitskaya V.N. can be downloaded.

GDZ to the textbook on mathematics for grade 6 Vilenkin N.Ya. (2018) can be downloaded.

GDZ to control work in mathematics for the 6th grade Zhokhov V.I. can be downloaded.

GDZ to didactic materials in mathematics for grade 6 Popov M.A. can be downloaded

GDZ in mathematics for grade 6 Vilenkin is an online collection of ready-made answers (from the solution book) to the tasks of the math textbook of the same name, compiled by Vilenkin N.Ya., Zhokhov V.I., Chesnokov A.S., Schwarzburd S.I. It allows students to check the correctness of homework and deal with complex problems, and parents to provide their children with all possible assistance in preparing homework in mathematics.

Assistant in the study of mathematics in the 6th grade - Vilenkin N.Ya. year 2013

The course of mathematics for the 6th grade of general education schools of the Russian Federation includes a wide range of topics related to natural and fractional numbers. High level the complexity of individual tasks often will not allow the child in the class to deal with the algorithm for solving the example.

The solution to this problem can be a 6th grade mathematics solution book Vilenkin N.Ya., which is presented on our website in online access. What are its advantages?

  • Thanks to the user-friendly interface, it is enough to enter the homework number or the condition of the example (optional) into the search bar - and the system will offer a list of tasks with similar conditions;
  • For each example, not only a ready-made answer is given, but also a detailed algorithm for solving it.

Such options allow schoolchildren to independently understand the solution of a particular problem, and parents to adequately check homework students. In addition, this way you can save a lot of time.

What is included in the math solution for grade 6: Vilenkin, Zhokhov, Chesnokov, Shvartsdurd?

The solution presented on the site is compiled on the basis of a textbook in mathematics for grade 6, edited by Vilenkin N.Ya. in its 30th edition (2013). But this does not mean at all that solutions for earlier and later editions cannot be found here: in fact, you need to enter the conditions of the example into the search box - and the system will find the desired task.

Textbook Vilenkina N.Ya. includes two main chapters:

  1. Ordinary fractions - their concept, properties, operations with them;
  2. Rational numbers - essence, role in the implementation of calculations, mathematical operations with them.

In the first part study guide the concept and signs of divisibility of numbers, the mechanism for calculating the least common short (LCM) and the greatest common divisor (GCD), as well as the algorithm for compiling and solving proportions are described in detail.

The second part describes in detail the rules for the implementation of mathematical operations with positive and negative numbers, as well as the procedure for solving equations, taking into account the location of the coordinates on the plane.

Our site of ready-made homework is not only a help in solving homework for 6th grade students and their parents, but also a complete practical guide, allowing you to comprehend the basics of mathematics on your own.