Proto-language. The Slavic people are the most ancient on Earth, and the Russian language is the proto-language of all the peoples of Europe. How does the proto-language differ from the ancient languages

A comparative historical study of Indo-European languages ​​has revealed regular correspondences between their sounds, words and forms. This can be explained by the fact that they are all descendants of one extinct ancient language from which they originated. Such a source language is usually called a proto-language (compare: great-grandfather, great-parent).

The realism of the theory of the proto-language was confirmed in the last century by a comparative historical study of the group of Romance languages ​​(Italian, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian): the original words and forms (proto-forms, or archetypes) restored for them coincided with the written evidence of the so-called folk ( or vulgar) Latin - the everyday spoken language of the ancient Romans, from which these languages ​​originated.

In the middle of the XIX century. on the basis of the proto-language theory, the “genealogical tree” scheme was formed, according to which it was believed that all languages ​​of the Indo-European family originated as a result of the successive two-term disintegration of the Indo-European proto-language; the creator of this scheme, the German scientist A. Schleicher, even wrote a fable in the Indo-European proto-language, which he considered an undoubted historical reality. However, many linguists had doubts: the reconstructed facts of the proto-language in reality could refer to its different historical states, and not coexist. The changes reflected by the modern languages ​​of the same family may have been from different ancient eras.

By the beginning of the XX century. the theory of the proto-language was questioned, and the "kinship" of languages ​​was reduced to a system of linguistic correspondences. The consequence of this skepticism was the subsequent rethinking of the concept of a proto-language: a number of relations established using the comparative-historical method have scientific reality, and in all its concreteness, the proto-language cannot be restored.

For example, using the comparative historical method, such a series of correspondences are established between the descendants of the Proto-Indo-European language: Sanskrit and, Avestan and, Old Slavic ъ, Lithuanian and, Armenian and, Ancient Greek v, Latin and, Irish and, Gothic and. They all go back to some one sound of the Proto-Indo-European language. Is “and” only a conditional indication of the given set of correspondences? Or do the correspondences give us the right to conclude what this sound was in the Proto-Indo-European language? For example, what was the sound like [and]? There is a dispute about this, on both sides justified by a number of arguments and proofs.

The conclusion should not be the same for the reconstruction of proto-languages ​​of different "levels": the reconstruction of the proto-language of a separate branch of languages ​​- the above-mentioned Proto-Romanian, that is, Vulgar Latin, or Proto-Slavic - the ancestor of modern Slavic languages, which existed at the beginning new era... Less reliable is the restoration of earlier proto-linguistic states, in particular Proto-Indo-European, to which Proto-Slavic, Proto-Germanic and other proto-languages ​​of certain groups of modern Indo-European languages ​​historically go back.

The theory of the proto-language developed in Indo-European linguistics in the 19th century. In the XX century. it began to be used in the comparative historical study of other language families (Turkic, Finno-Ugric, etc.). 2

Ancient languages

To date, several languages ​​are recognized as the most ancient at once. Thus, the first written evidence of the root Egyptian language dates back to 3400 BC. The Sumerian language was first attested in writing in 3200 BC. The Elamite language existed at about the same time as Sumerian and, like Sumerian, has no established genetic links with other languages. They spoke this language from about 3 to 1 thousand BC. in the ancient kingdom of Elam, whose capital was the city of Susa. Today it is the southwest of Iran. The first mention of the Akkadian language, spoken by the inhabitants of ancient Mesopotamia, dates back to 2800 BC.

The Eblaite language is the second most ancient language of the Semitic group after Akkda. It has been distributed since 2400 BC. in the western territory of modern Syria, now dead. The Hittite Empire, during its prosperity, created its own language, Hittite. Its origins date back to 1650 BC. One of the most ancient - not only in relation oral speech, but also writing, is the (ancient) Greek language, the first mention of which dates back to 1400 BC. The Chinese language, according to experts, originated around II century BC In ancient Crete, the Minoan language was widely used, which flourished throughout 2nd century BC

According to experts from Western languages, the most ancient are Hebrew, Latin, (ancient) Greek, Old Irish, Gothic and Lithuanian. The most ancient Asian languages ​​are Sanskrit, Mandarin Chinese and Tamil. Ancient Sanskrit and Tamil scripts have been found that are more than 5,000 years old.

Generally, to determinewhich language is considered the most ancient on Earth, we first have to find out or understand what the most ancient civilization existed on our planet. Now it is difficult to argue on this topic, and who can judge fairly in this case, if every nation claims that it was the first.

Moreover, the absence of any material evidence of the existence of a language and its written form in antiquity does not mean its real absence; it may turn out that such artifacts will be found in future studies. Therefore, to resolve this issue, an integrated approach is required at the intersection of various sciences studying ancient civilizations.


Let's see what qualities the Proto-Indo-European language or proto-language should have had.

Proto-Indo-European language- the ancestor of the languages ​​of the Indo-European family reconstructed by linguists. According to these reconstructions, it was a developed inflectional language, in which the noun changed in three numbers and eight cases, and the verb in three tenses, two voices and four moods.

A proto-language could have a syntax common to many languages ​​at an early stage - subject - direct object - predicate. The function of the "preposition" was performed by the "postposition" (postposition), since it stood not before the noun, but after it.

For example, instead of “a person went to a wide river,” a native speaker would say “A person went to a wide river,” as, for example, in the modern languages ​​of the Altai family - Turkic, Japanese, Korean. Hindi and many Indian languages ​​are similarly structured.

So, in Russian there are only three types inclinations verbs: indicative ( indicative ), imperative ( imperative ) and conditional / subjunctive ( conjunctiva).

Desired mood(optative ), as an expression of the desire of a (more or less persistent) speaker, was quite common in the Proto-Indo-European language; According to some experts, all uses of the optative imperative in ancient languages ​​presupposed precisely a call to "higher powers".

From the proto-language, the optative passed into later languages, in which it gradually disappeared, leaving only in some minor traces, which had already acquired a slightly different meaning. For example, the traditional form of expression of curses or blessings, widely represented in the Avar language, is optative.

Researchers believe that the Indo-European optative could be the basis of the Slavic imperative (imperative mood).

There is one more inclinationin ancient Indo-European languages ​​such as Sanskrit - Injunctiva - intentional mood, that is, an expression of one's own intention, which coincides in Russian with a perfect future tense (for example, “I will write ").Usually in the main clause, functionally comparable to conjunctiva and imperative. "And I will tell you about the exploits of Indra."

Prejudging - a special form of the desired mood, which expresses a wish, a request, a prayer ("let it be ...").This mood is typical for Sanskrit.

For Irish, Estonian and Hungarian, other moods are also characteristic, for example, the maximum type of imperative-gutative systems. This is not the case in the Russian language. Gortational constructions in Russian are formed only with the verbto givein imperative form:D let's sing! Let's read! Let me get some bread myself!

But in the Latvian language, the retelling mood is also used to convey other people's words.

Aorist - a temporary form of the verb, denoting a completed (single, instantaneous, perceived as indivisible) action performed in the past. IN English language conforms to the form Past simple, and in Russian it merges with the perfect past tense verb. As a separate form of the verb, it is characteristic of a number of Indo-European languages: Greek, Old Armenian, Old Indian, Old Slavonic, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, Old Russian, etc.

Imperfect - a species-tense verb form of a number of languages ​​of the world, meaning an imperfect form of the past tense. The imperfect existed in many ancient Indo-European (in Greek, Latin, Sanskrit, Old Slavonic) and Semitic (Hebrew, Geez) languages, and from modern languages ​​it exists, first of all, in Romance, and from Slavic in Serbo-Croatian, Bulgarian and Macedonian. The ancient imperfect survived only in the Indo-Iranian and ancient Greek languages, as well as in the form of the Hittite preterite. Latin, Slavic, Baltic, Armenian and Celtic imperfects - of late origin (see.Semerenyi O.Introduction to Comparative Linguistics. - M .: URSS, 2002. - S. 317;Erhart A.Indoevropské jazyky. - Praha: Academia, 1982 .-- P. 178)

Augment - prefix (prefix before root), which is placed at the beginning of verbs of some Indo-European languages ​​to form the tense forms of the past tense. Augment is used in ancient Greek, Armenian and Phrygian languages, as well as in Indo-Iranian languages ​​and Sanskrit, in other Indo-European languages ​​it was lost. For example, in the ancient Greek language of Homer, it was not used at all, the reasons for which are still unknown.

For example, Akkadian language or Assyro-Babylonian language, - one of the most ancient Semitic languages, forming their northern or northeastern group (possibly together with Eblaitic); this is colloquial three peoples who inhabited the territory of Ancient Mesopotamia - Akkadians, Babylonians and Assyrians. Depending on the expression of the predicate in the Akkadian language, there could be 5 moods (imperative, subjunctive, ventive, precative, prohibitive) and two types of sentences: verbal and nominal. The word order of the verb sentence: subject - direct object - indirect object - predicate. With a predicate expressed in a causative form of a verb, there can be two direct objects. The word order of the nominal sentence: predicate - subject, both of them are in the nominative case, the presence of a ligament between them is not necessary.

For the Proto-Indo-European language, an eight-case system is restored (nominative, genitive, dative, accusative, vocative, instrumental, local, deferral), which was preserved in full only in the ancient Indo-Iranian languages. The rest of the Indo-European languages ​​simplified it to one degree or another.

The structure of nouns can be expressed by the formula "root (+ suffix1 ... suffix n) + ending". There were no prefixes in the proto-language.

Numbers are one of the most stable elements of Indo-European vocabulary. The Proto-Indo-Europeans used the decimal number system.The numerals "one" and "one hundred" are well etymologized. For example, in Indian languages ​​there are separate words for the numbers 100 thousand and 10 million.

By the way, in the scientific world it is generally accepted that the decimal non-positional number system with single encoding of decimal digits (from 1 to 1,000,000) arose in the second half of the third millennium BC. e. in Ancient Egypt. In the Egyptian numeral system, the numbers were hieroglyphic symbols; they denoted the numbers 1, 10, 100, etc. up to a million, zero as an empty space was absent.

But the decimal positional number system existed in the ancient Indian civilization (metal weights for scales were found in Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Merhgarh) as early as 5-7 thousand BC. Indian numbering together with zero came first to Arab countries, and then to Western Europe in the form of "Arabic numerals"... Told about her Central Asian mathematician al - Khwarizmi (783 - 850). Simple and convenient rules for adding and subtracting numbers written in the positional system made it especially popular. And since the work of al - Khwarizmi was written in Arabic, the wrong name “Arabic” was assigned to the Indian numbering in Europe.

Another of the main means of finding the proto-language and ancestral homeserves as linguistic paleontology. Both the presence of words denoting some realities and their absence are taken into account.

So, for example, in the Proto-Indo-European language there were no designations for cypress, laurel, olive, olive oil, grapes and donkey, which does not allow placing the ancestral home in the Mediterranean,

According to scientists, at present, the presence in the proto-language of such indicative words as "bee", "honey", "mead", and also "horse" is considered more important for the localization of the Indo-European ancestral home. The honey bee was not widespread east of the Urals, which makes it possible to exclude Siberia and Central Asia from consideration.

So, according to experts, the Horse, which was of great importance for the Proto-Indo-Europeans and was widespread during the period of the hypothetical existence of the proto-language mainly in the steppes of Eurasia, excludes the Middle East, Iran, Hindustan and the Balkans. However, studies concerning the presence of a horse in the Indian subcontinent showed that there it (together with a cart or chariot) was known as early as 7 thousand BC. (frescoes, figurines, anthropological material, etc.). The Indian horse differed from the Asian (Caucasian) in the number of ribs, etc., therefore the words for the horse were different.

Thus, we do not observe in the Russian (Old Russian) language many qualities that would allow us to speak of it as a Proto-Indo-European language.


(base language). The oldest of related languages, reconstructed by applying the comparative historical method, conceived as the source of all languages ​​that make up a common family (group) and developed on its basis. The proto-language is Indo-European. The proto-language is common Slavic.

Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M .: Education. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A.. 1976 .


See what "proto-language" is in other dictionaries:

    Proto-language ... Spelling dictionary-reference

    The ancient language from which the languages ​​belonging to this family of languages ​​originated (Latin in relation to the Romance languages: French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, etc.). A proto-language not recorded in writing (for example, Indo-European ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Language basis; the founder of this or that group or family of languages, which disintegrated in the course of long evolution into a number of separate related languages. In English: Parent language English Synonyms: Ancestor language See also: Languages ​​Financial ... ... Financial vocabulary

    THE LANGUAGE. Discovered by comparative study of related languages ​​(see Kinship of languages), the common ancestor of these languages. Such are, for example, P. common Slavic or Proto-Slavic, from which all Slavic languages(Russian, Polish, Serbian, etc ... Literary encyclopedia

    LANGUAGE, proto-language, husband. (ling.). In comparative linguistics, an ancient language theoretically reconstructed by a comparative historical method. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun., Number of synonyms: 1 language (247) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from lat. rge forward, preliminary and Russian. language) English. parent / ancestor language; German Ursprache. Language is the basis, the ancestor of a given group or family of languages, which disintegrated in the course of a long evolution into a number of separate related languages. ... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    proto-language- LANGUAGE is one of the important concepts of linguistics and philosophy of language. In linguistics, this term denotes the language from the dialects of which a group of related languages ​​originated. Currently existing language families are being raised to proto-languages ​​... ... Encyclopedia of Epistemology and Philosophy of Science

    Proto-language- THE LANGUAGE. Discovered by comparative study of related languages ​​(see Kinship of languages), the common ancestor of these languages. Such are, for example, P. the general Slavic or Proto-Slavic, from which all Slavic languages ​​originated (Russian, Polish, Serbian ... ... Dictionary of literary terms

    BUT; m. Lingv. An ancient language common to a group of related languages ​​and theoretically reconstructed on the basis of a comparison of these languages. ◁ Proto-linguistic, oh, oh. Lingv. Second theory. Nth forms. * * * proto-language is an ancient language, from which languages ​​arose, ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Proto-language- (language base) language, from the dialects of which a group of related languages ​​originated, otherwise called a family (see Genealogical classification of languages). From the point of view of the formal apparatus of comparative historical linguistics, each unit of the proto-language ... Linguistic Encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Niger-Congolese proto-language. Personal pronouns
  • Niger-Congolese proto-language. Personal pronouns, Kirill Babaev. The book is devoted to a comparative analysis of personal marking systems in the languages ​​of the Niger-Congolese macrofamily - the largest genetic association of languages ​​in the world. The macrofamily includes ...


V. I. Degtyarev


But back to legends. The Bible describes the construction of the Tower of Babel, which was supposed to reach the heavens, where the Gods live. To put it simply, humanity began to strive for space.

But the curators, as now, did not need it.

The Bible says that "all people on earth had the same language and the same words."

But Yahweh (the word Yahweh is a plural, which must be understood as Gods) decided: “Let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. And Yahweh scattered them from there over the whole earth. "

The main principle of the "Eye" - "divide and rule" was applied again.

Different religions were formed on the basis of different gods. But after the idea of ​​"monotheism" penetrated into the minds of people (or was introduced), each religion began to seek recognition as a true god only of its own. This was often achieved with fire and sword. The idea of ​​"monotheism" has become the main reason for the massive religious wars, which sometimes continue in even more bloody form in our time.

Now about the proto-language.

Research by V. Govorov et al. Showed that “in the history of mankind there has never been a preliterate period. Language and Writing existed before Man and were given to him by the Gods. The real history of writing on Earth is comparable to the time of existence of the Slavic-Aryan peoples. "

The great Mikhailo Lomonosov in his book "Ancient Russian History ...", published in 1766, wrote: - “The real history of Russia is more than four hundred thousand years old». And about the data of Old Believers - even more.

“There was one, common for the entire Universe, the Language of the Creator, which models the entire structure of Space and Matter, from the atom to the cell and the Galaxy. And this language is the Proto-Slavic Language! (V.Govorov)

V. Govorov cites the results of a Japanese experiment on assessing the informativeness of a word and its recognition at the subconscious (genetic) level. A group of representatives of different peoples was hung from head to toe with all sorts of sensors, and they were given to listen to the simplest words like "Dog", "tree" and the like in a wide variety of languages.

“The same reaction (recognition) for all was observed only when the word was pronounced in Russian. Something our "Linguists" they do not advertise this and similar results very much. " (V.Govorov)

V. Govorov did an enormous amount of work to find everything that describes the scientific language in a dynamic mode, its alphabet; comparisons of different languages ​​and alphabets are made, the analysis of the scientific foundations of the language is made Here are his findings:

1. The Basic Proto-Language of Mankind is the group of Slavic Languages.

2. Our languages ​​are scientifically proven.

3. Our languages ​​are languages ​​of mathematics and programming, including genetic and biological.

4. The names of the letters directly speak of their fractality, that is, infinity, or a huge amount of information embedded in them.

5. Correct letterforms carry a complete description of the process (part), and, together with the name of the letter and (or) with the meaning of the word, are suitable for scientific analysis. The modern style of letters does not give us practically any information, moreover, it distorts our thought processes.

6. Each concept is described only by its inherent word. Synonyms and homonyms are not allowed in the language. The presence of these in the modern language is caused by the lack of letters for their correct spelling.

7. Transfer to "Latin" any Slavic language is His and his People's murder.

8. Forced teaching of foreign languages ​​to our children destroys their psyche and mental abilities. You must first learn your language.

9. To "gain mind", it is necessary to start the process to go to the correct alphabet. Only outwardly it seems that it is everyone's business - to retrain or not to retrain! This is no longer the question.

“The transition to a scientific genetic alphabet is a question of the survival of the Slavic Peoples! And here we will not listen to anyone but ourselves ”! (V.Govorov)

I want to reassure the speakers of other languages. Modern Russian is not the most ancient language. He's just the closest to him.

Durga Prasad Shastri, a famous Indian scholar professor of sanctuary, at a 1964 conference in India noted that “ Russian and Sanskrit are the two languages ​​in the world that are most similar to each other.

“What is surprising,” he notes, “is that our two languages ​​have similar word structures, style and syntax. "

"This arouses," he said, "a deep curiosity among everyone who is familiar with linguistics."

After a two-week stay in Moscow, Shastri said to the translator (N. Guseva): “No need to translate! I understand what you are saying. All of you here speak some ancient form of Sanskrit, and I understand a lot without translation. "

"How I wish that Panini, the great Indian grammarist who lived about 2,600 years ago, could be here with me and hear the language of his time, so wonderfully preserved with all the smallest subtleties!" (From the materials of the conference of the "Society of Indian and Soviet Culture", Meerut district, February 22-23, 1964, Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh).

And that speaks for itself.

For persuasiveness, I will give a far from complete list of similar words.

Sanskrit - Russian:

Badra - Bouncy
Bratri - Brother
Budh - Wake up
Bhurana - Buran
Tada - At that time
Roller - Roller
Shaft - Shaft
For you - for you
You - you
Ved, view - Vedat
Vedana - Introduction
Valana - The Wave
Vrajya - Enemy
Sadin - The Horseman
Vyak - Talk (blather)
Hornbeam - Plunder
Mane - Mane
Buzz - Buzz, play
Davan - Giving
Deha me agni - Give me fire
Yes - Give
Davy - Virgo
Dravya - Wooden
Drava - Wood, Firewood
Samya - Staying Together (Family)
Divo - Divo, or "miraculously descended from heaven"
Divya - Wonderful
Dala - Share
Hata - House (in Ukrainian - "Hata")
Dra (drape) - To tear (run away)
Dur - Bad
Dada - Uncle
Jivan, jiva - Alive
Gang - Disfigured, crippled
Silt - IL
Itas - So
Kashchit - Everyone
Ka - How
Kara - Kara (murder)
Porridge, porridge - Cough
Cada - When
Catarat - Which
Kravi - Blood
Kruncha - Twisted
Kusha - Sash
Kurcha - Curly
Kustha - Bush
Heap - Heap
Lad - Get along
Las - Fondle
Lip - Sculpt
Velcro - Velcro
Lish - Only (a little)
Loop - Beat
Lubkh - To love
Mastaka - Mastak (head)
Matrva - Motherhood
Mashaka - Bag
Man (mna) - Mny
Me - My
Mark - Gloom (eclipse)
Mock, urine - Get wet, wet
Fly - Mouse
Nagna - Naked
Beer - Drink
Us - Us
Nabasa - Heaven
Ned - No
Nihina - Nizina
Nishka - Low
Fall - Fall
Navina - Novina (moons)
Nava - New
Nasa, nasika - Nose, nose
Nich - Night (in Ukrainian - "nich")
Agni - Fire and the name of the fire god
Adi - One
Fool - Turned away from God
Utkrita - Open
Utchal - Drive away, set off
Pad - Fall, fall away
Pair - Pair (other)
Foam - Foam
Purva - First
Paraplavate - Swim
Dog - Dog
Chickens - Rooster, sing
Pach - Oven
Pachana - Cookies
Plavana - Swimming
Plava - Floating
Potakam - Indulge - facilitate the commission of sinful acts and their consequences
Priya - Nice
Prastara - Expanse
Prati - Against
Radh - To please
Vrana - Rana
Vranin - Wounded
Rich - Speech (in Ukrainian - "pich")
Race - Dew
Ru - Chop
Rush - Destroy
Garden - Plant
Swakar - Father-in-law
Swar - Sparkle
Light - Light
Sva - Own
Svaka - brother-in-law
Shrava - Glory, rumors
Sneha - Snow
Sabrana - The Gathering
Sabratri - Brothers
Soto - One hundred
Stupa - Stupa
Suha - Dry
Drying - Drying
Tas - Carry
Yours is Yours
Tv - to create
Those - Those
Twayi - to you
Tinder - Rub that - That
Tada - Then
Tat - Thoth
Tritium - Third
Three - Three
Traya - Three, triad
Track - Three
Trasa - Cowardice, fear, fear
Ichi - Walking, walking, moving
Cup - Cup
Vidman (feminine - "vidma") - A man of great learning
("Vidma" - this is how a witch is called in Ukraine)
Chatwara - Four
Chatur - Four
Chaturdatsan - Fourteen
Miracle - Freak, fool
Chula - Chulan
Shala - Shalash
Samana - Shaman, ascetic mystic
Mane - Neck
Shibham - Shibko
Etam is
Etad - This
Yuna - Young

I want to remind you that initially there were about 150 letters in the Old Russian language. And in Sanskrit, in which all the ancient Indian texts are written, according to one count - 44 letters, according to others - 47, and according to the third - 49 (35 consonants and 14 vowels).

This is due to the fact that Sanskrit is a language that uses the Devanagari syllabic writing, that is, individual "letters" are knitted into ligatures, of which there are more than 1200. Vowel modifiers are also used. Therefore, it is not clear what to count as a letter - separately the modifier itself or a letter with a modifier - for another letter?

The word "Devanagari" is translated from Sanskrit - "the language of the gods." It is believed to be the oldest alphabet in the world. All the Vedas are written on it - the very first religious scriptures of mankind.

The official language of India is Hindi.

The Hindi alphabet is based on the full Devanagari alphabet. With the addition of seven more letters with a dot to the main Devanagari alphabet, which convey the sounds that entered Hindi with borrowed words from Persian and Arabic and four ligature letters, the Hindi alphabet has 55 letters.

And now let me give you some information that is controversial and even absurd for some, but in the context of this article is quite logical:

“From a number of ancient sources (Indian and Slavic-Aryan Vedas) it became known that more than 600,000 years ago on Midgard-earth, as our ancestors called it, appeared first people, representatives of the four peoples of the white race: H'arians, D'arians, Slovenes and Svyatorus. These peoples came from different planets, but spoke the same language - Old Russian. Over time, the peoples mixed, so the descendants of these peoples eventually began to be called Slavic-Aryans. "

“And about 40,000 years ago, representatives of the colored races arrived on Earth: the yellow race, the red race and the black race, settling where they are today. After the campaign in Dravidia (Ancient India) of the Slavic-Aryans, who spoke the Old Russian (Sanskrit) language, the Vedas were transmitted to the Hindus. "

"For four thousand years," frozen "(it was forbidden to make any adjustments to grammar and pronunciation of words) among the representatives of the highest caste of Hindus Sanskrit, in fact, turned out to be an old Russian language, 70% of whose words have survived in modern Russian."

“However, over the millennia, this relationship was consigned to oblivion, especially after the collapse of the Slavic-Aryan empire. Modern linguistic scholars prefer to very carefully "touch" the history of the language, inventing various compromise terms such as: Indo-European languages, Indo-European peoples. "

“The peoples of Dravidia (Ancient India) were Nagas and Dravidians - representatives of the black race. The Slavic-Aryans, who settled in Europe, gave rise to many European peoples after mixing the white race with the gray subraces, resulting from the mixing of the white race with the black race. At the same time, European peoples up to the 16th century spoke Russian, which is confirmed by many monuments preserved in Europe and Asia. "

Many will disagree with this interpretation of ancient history. Consider her for delirium.

But then explain such a scientific incident.

Scientists' calculations based on Moore's law show that DNA as the basis of biological life on our planet appeared 10 billion years ago, that is, before the Earth itself, which is only 4.5 billion years old.

Moore's Law for electronics states that there is a doubling of the number of transistors in microcircuits every two years. Geneticists decided to apply this law to biological circuits, in particular DNA, which also became more complex in the process of evolution. Scientists estimate that, unlike electronics, genetic complexity doubles every 376 million years. By simple calculations, it turns out that the first life should have appeared long before the appearance of the Earth itself.

Thus, we get two variants of our origin.

Either we are aliens ourselves, or we were created by aliens through genetic technology based on ready-made DNA. Horseradish radish is not sweeter.

But there is also a third. The most classical, that is, academic, which created another "brake on scientific thought" - Charles Darwin.

From the monkey.

What about? Nice cute creature covered with fur. Intelligence by cosmic standards is the same as ours. Yes, and it looks very much like you and me, only does not wear pants.

Everyone can choose their own option at will. Who likes what more.

I want to add. Natalia Bekhtereva proved that Russian and Arabic are the systemic languages ​​of the human brain, which is why Russian is a magic language, a magic language. And to prove all of the above, I will give a few more quotes.

“We were friends with Bekhtereva, director of the Brain Institute, and one of her last scientific works was that Russian and Arabic are the systemic languages ​​of the human brain. This is already at the level of physiology, at the level of markers. There is also the science of racology, which confirms this. "

(From the memoirs of the traveler V.V. Sundakov about Bekhtereva) at 00:12:40 minutes

“In the course of the study, it turned out that the brain, like any computer, works in special system languages ​​that are blocked from the user for obvious reasons. However, the analysis of the available linguistic facts allows us to uncover system languages ​​and, therefore, extract information from the system files of the brain. As it turned out, our subconscious mind uses a language pair as system languages: real Arabic and Russian languages, regardless of our ethnicity. The head computer is connected to the noopolis (analogue of the artificial Internet), which is constantly fueled by morphology from the really existing ethnic groups: Russian and Arab. "

(From the preface to the book by N. Vashkevich "SYSTEM LANGUAGES OF THE BRAIN")


Are you hungry for the Truth?

But the Truth is terrible.

Not many are allowed to love horror.

Most likely, you yearn for the Ideal.

The ideal is beautiful. It's so easy to love him.

The Russian Empire of spirituality was not created by bloody conquests, not by robbery and robbery, not by the total destruction of captured peoples, not by terror, as the Americans, British, Germans and other "civilized peoples" did. Our ancestors created the country with truth, justice and a strong desire for common progress.

The Great Russian People have their own Great History. We are the oldest people in the world, from which almost all the peoples of Europe and a significant part of the peoples of Asia originated. The richest and most wonderful Russian language is the main witness of our ancient origin, who remembered everything that happened to our ancestors in distant centuries.

Our history has been distorted many times; events were replaced by others that did not exist. This was done when they seized power under Prince Vladimir Monomakh, Peter I, during the usurpation of power in 1917, and, finally, after the coup d'etat of 1991-1993. But the language cannot be faked or its data changed. By language, we can find out where our ancestors lived, who they were, who their neighbors were; we can determine the life, religion and philosophy of our ancestors, the degree of their spiritual culture. A.A. Kur says that these searches should be carried out in the language of the common people, which is natural and not literary. In his opinion, literary language- artificial, which was created by civilization in its development.

The archaeological finds of antiquity include records from the times of the Hyks (5), made by the XXV centuries BC. (2500 BC). New data have been obtained about the ancient geography of Palestine (6) many centuries before the Jews appeared there. These data clarify the places where our ancestors once lived. Their settlements were found by archaeologists; they inhabited the valley of the Yardanu River (Jordan River) and the shores of Lake Ros-Pana. Now all this space is covered by the Dead Sea. Our people have preserved many legends about this antiquity. The chronicler Nestor says the same, everything said is confirmed by the Velesov book and the archaeological cuneiforms of Sargon I (7)

The image of a swastika on the floor of the ancient synagogue of Ain Jedi in Israel

Many Vedic words have survived in Russian: widow, brother-in-law, son-in-law, father-in-law, brother, daughter, grandfather, son, be, beat, cook, edge, shelter, drink, house, door, light, fool, etc. Vedic language or language The Rig Veda (8) left a deeper mark in our language than in other Aryan languages. The presence of many Vedic words in the language indicates its antiquity. The Vedic language, unlike Sanskrit, is more ancient. Sanskrit, on the other hand, is the medieval language of India, which originated from the Vedic language and the languages ​​of other peoples who lived in the Middle Ages. Sanskrit is a refined or, in modern terms, "literary" language. The Vedic language is the language of the common people and is called praktit. The word "praktit" is from the word "praktit", that is, nature, nature. Sanskrit from "san" - together, "crete" - well done. The words demon, tiun, mouth (mouth) are from our language, but these words are also found among demotic (demotic writing is a speedy form of Egyptian writing with ligatures, which arose in the 8th – 7th centuries BC) and hieroglyphic records of the Egyptians. These words are found both among us and among the disappeared Egyptians because in ancient times the ancient Egyptians branched off from our ancestors. This is just a small part of the many words inherited by ancient peoples from our ancestors.

According to the legends of the Svarogov cycle (9), which were collected by P.M. Stroyev, N. Tkani, A.S. Famitsin, D.O. Shepling, Yu.P. Mirolyubov, and the data of the Veles book, the Prorusians in ancient times came from the extreme north, from Arctida (Hyperborea) in the VII millennium BC. They brought with them the Vedas in their archaic form. In the modern language, the words of the ancient Vedas have been preserved almost without changing the form, meaning and pronunciation. These words are still used in everyday life, especially in the language of the common people.

In 1767. a Sanskrit manuscript was found in India. This discovery suggested that the Slavic language is related to Latin, Greek, Persian and Sanskrit. P.H. Levek, I. Levanda, H. Adelung and others suggested the origin of the Latins, Greeks, Germans and Slavs from a single, ancient people and the emergence of their languages ​​from a single proto-language.

A.V. Dzhone in 1786. revealed the kinship of Sanskrit not only with Latin and Greek, but also with Gothic, Celtic, ancient Persian languages.

Scientists have proven a close connection between the Russian language and Sanskrit. For example, the word "blather" is a common word "to speak". But in Sanskrit "VYAK" means to speak. Sanskrit is the language of the priests Ancient India, which is at least 3-5 thousand years old. This is not taught at school, and experts know that Sanskrit and Russian are linguistically more similar and close than some related Slavic languages: "when to wake you up?" "kada you budh?"; "father-in-law and uncle were at home" - "dama bhu svakr and dada".

The main keeper of the Indian epic - the Vedas (knowledge: to know - to know), as well as the Iranian-Aryan Avesta (First message, A-beginning), tell about the northern ancestral home, where the teachers came from. And the very name of the Sanskrit language is S-AN-HIDDEN, that is, "(c) is hidden by this" is explained only in Russian.

Professor of Oriental languages ​​in Berlin G. Petrashevsky translated five books of Zend-Avesta and proved that the so-called Zend language is the original language for Sanskrit and Slavic.

Zend-Avesta (Zen - life and the verb "to give", "to give") means "life-maker" or "life-giver", i.e. the creator of the universe. This essay describes the conversation of Zoroaster (Zerdesta) with God about the laws that serve people. The first five books are called Vendadad - Vendian covenants.

Aristotle believed that Zoroaster lived 6,000 years before Plato, according to other sources, 5,000 years before the destruction of Troy, and according to the studies of the German Rode, 2,000 BC. Zoroaster was born in the city of Guana or Gedani in Bactria (Slavic Gdansk). Father's name was Staroshast (Porushaspa), and mother's Dogda (Dukdaub).


The birth and life of Zoroaster is wonderful. He was born of an ordinary father from the Spitama clan and was the third child. According to legend, his Divine soul was transferred to him by God at the moment of conception, which is consonant with the Annunciation. The forces of evil opposed his birth, and childbirth was extremely difficult for three days, which in itself is unnatural for a woman who gave birth twice. His genealogy in the Avesta is described from the creation of the first man, and he was born in the same place where he was created - on the left bank of the Datia River in Aryana Vezhda. (According to one version, it is believed that this place is located in the Cis-Urals at the confluence of the Kama and Chusovaya rivers. According to another version, it is near the banks of the Rangkhi (Race) river, now called the Volga.) In the Avesta, this place is described as the birthplace of the Aryan tribe. The name Zoroaster in Greek means "Shining Star", but the Avestan name Zarathushtra conveys the meaning more precisely - "Golden Sirius".

Tradition says that the born child did not scream, but laughed. But as soon as his umbilical cord was cut off, a miracle happened - the newborn spoke in verse, pronouncing the sacred quatrain! From his youth he was known as a sage. When he met God, his body was given an amazing property: when the hands were laid on the knife wound, it tightened without leaving a trace on the skin. All his life he was attacked by the forces of evil, but he always miraculously saved himself, until he was killed with a sword blow in the back at the age of 77 years and 40 days. He had been warned of this terrible death many years before when he met God, but he could not “pass this cup”.

Zoroaster tells about sixteen Parish settlements, according to modern migrations, one of which was to the Baltic Sea. The fifth screening was in the city of Nissu (present-day Nice in the Kingdom of Naples). Nissa is the first historical evidence that the Slavs lived in Italy, namely in Etruria, which is confirmed by the abundance of Slavic monuments scattered throughout Italy and deciphered by F. Volansky.

It becomes clear how the Slavic language got to Italy and survived there until the time of E. Klassen (1854) in all its purity, without mixing with Italian in a whole district near Venice, numbering 12,000 people. This suggests that the Italian Wends are fellow tribesmen of the Baltic Wends.

Eltruski, 1 channel

The German linguist F. Bonk convincingly showed that the Slavic language belongs to the Indo-European (Indo-Germanic) language family, which also includes Greek, Celtic, Italic, Germanic, Illyrian, Lithuanian, Indo-Iranian and other already extinct languages ​​- all of them developed from a single common Indo-European language (V.V. Sedov).

According to the Czech Slavist L. Niederle (1865–1944), the Proto-Indo-European language disintegrated into separate languages ​​at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Along with other Indo-European languages ​​during the second millennium BC. there was a Balto-Slavic language, as a result of the division of which in the first millennium BC. the Proto-Slavic language was formed.

Only thanks to Sanskrit it was possible to connect all modern and classical European languages ​​with the ancient Indo-Iranian languages ​​into one whole, to understand their development and prove the origin of European peoples from one ancestral family, to find out the process and approximate time of the formation of nations (branches of languages ​​and dialects).

The more a language differs from Sanskrit, the earlier it separated from the original family. Greeks, Latins, Celts are more distant from the Proto-Aryan source. The language of the later separated peoples: (Goths, Germans, Lithuanians and Slavs) is closer to Sanskrit.

According to A. Schleicher (German linguist 1821-1868), Slavic, Lithuanian and German languages ​​are closer to each other than to other languages ​​of the Indo-European group. The relationship between the Slavic and Lithuanian languages ​​is so great that it was taken by linguists as one linguistic branch. The Slavic language and Sanskrit are so close that one can think that the Old Indian and Slavic-Lithuanian languages ​​are a continuation of the same dialect, only separated by space and time.

Few foreign words entered the Slavic language. These changes appear only when the people come into contact with a higher culture, or when the lifestyle of another people is forcibly imposed on them (we can observe this today, when the media implants the idea of ​​an American paradise into the brain). This means that the Slavs were more cultured than other peoples. The Slavic language was improved on its own root basis. For example, the word "blood" in Sanskrit is "kravia", which means "raw meat". From cravium, the Latin cruro and karo were formed, and in the Slavic language, blood and womb.

The Iranians knew our ancestors under the name "Turos" (mobile, nomadic), and Herodotus wrote down their name "Scythian" from the words and it sounded in Greek "scouts" or in the Russian pronunciation "chipped-scouts".

The ancient Indian words barn, punya and riga have survived only with us. Punia - I blow bread.

An invaluable contribution to the proof of the origin of all European languages ​​from the Russian language was made by the remarkable scientist patriot, defender of the fatherland, admiral, secretary of state, minister of education and president of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.S. Shishkov. His invaluable works remained on the shelves. Russophobes do not publish them because they expose the myth of "barbaric" Russia.

A.S. Shishkov in thousands of words proved how all foreign languages ​​come from Slavic-Russian, but there is not a single one reverse example... There can be no mutual enrichment of languages, let alone mutual benefit. Taking over our spoiled ancient words from foreigners, we are constantly becoming impoverished in intelligence and morality.

“I know a lot of our words, which, after distorting them in foreign languages, we introduce broken ones back into our language, taking them not for ours. Or we prefer foreign-lingual branches extracted from a common root with us. Or by accepting and putting into use their words, we make our roots fruitless ”.

“Each foreign-language word introduced into use not only takes away from the mind the freedom and ability to spread and strengthen its language, but leads it to powerlessness and impoverishment. Yielding more and more to this imaginary necessity, flaunting other people's words, we will finally re-wake up our own, mix the rest with foreign ones and, having lost our own words, our roots and meanings, we will make from the Slavic-Russian language, from this one that lifts its head from ancient times into an old-armed giant, such a lean and weak Greco-Latin-German-French child, in whom there will be neither mind nor strength. Skill, of course, can do a lot over us, but should it conquer his reason? They will say: are we the only ones using other people's words; other peoples' dictionaries are filled with them.

The newest languages ​​cannot serve as models for us. They must, by necessity, borrow their words from other languages; but our ancient language! has no need. He can extract branches from each of his own roots as much as he needs. "

“In order not to borrow words from foreign languages you need to know your language and be able to extract words derived from it with reason and knowledge; for the ignorant extraction of one's own derivatives from the root meaning of words will spoil our language even worse than the use of foreign words. "

At school, they always taught and are taught that a root is an unchanging part of a word, and, moreover, by letters, writing, and not by the deep meaning of the original concept. That is, they teach purely formally, in a truncated form. Shishkov, however, connects each root with the primal meaning from the primordial word. And according to the meaning of single-root branched words, it always finds the root, even in one remaining letter, and even when it is not there, it disappears, it returns it to the language, like a father to children. What could be more important than finding the first God-given meanings and linking them to the roots that sprout verbal branches.

Not only after forty or fifty centuries, but often after one or two centuries, the language of the ancestors becomes incomprehensible to posterity. Thus, the primitive language disappears by itself, but exists in all languages, to a greater or lesser extent. He exists in them not in his own words, but in the roots from which each language originated.

Adverbs that are far removed from each other are already considered other languages. This is due to the fact that some words are forgotten, others change, others are re-invented and come into use. But the forgotten word sometimes does not cease to exist in the words that have come from it. Thus, no matter how far the newest language moves away from its primitive image, its traces remain noticeable in it and have not disappeared. If you try, you can get to them.

A.S.Shishkov says this about the origin of all languages ​​from Old Slavic: “I enter only the root word. When the study of the words of different languages ​​shows their great and universal relation to the Slavic language, then both history and the language, one mutually reinforced by the other, lead to undeniable conclusions.

I am not blindly addicted to my native language, not by dreamy guesses, but by a true and accurate study of many languages ​​and dialects, in my opinion I believe a fair basis.

We see clearly and undoubtedly that all languages ​​are composed in the same way. Branches are extracted by attaching different endings and prepositions to the roots. The concept contained in the root never changes, but only diversifies. To find the root, it is necessary to separate the preposition and the ending in the word, in whatever language it may be. Then, on the basis of the remaining root, to reason about the original concept, which is preserved in all branches produced from it, both in one and in many languages. "

“We say Slavs, we mean glory. We say glory, we mean the word. The name of the Slavs was famous for several centuries before the existence of Rome, and before the Greeks became known among people. The Slavic language had its most ancient dialects, of which some had writing from the very first times of this divine invention. Any Slavic dialect is understandable to all Slavic peoples, and all Slavs, with little attention, understand their forefathers' language. The Russian dialect, general, comes closest to it. Serbian dialect, the second among Slavic dialects in its purity.

Word and glory are related concepts. The second came from the first, since glory is born and grows through the word, why instead of the glorious and sometimes the notorious is said. For this reason, it should be assumed that the name Slavs was made from slavs, that is, verbal, people gifted with the word.

The Slavs, who called themselves Slavs or Slovyaks (Slovyats equivalent to the Gentiles), that is, speaking, understood by this name all the same language with themselves, the same inhabitants.

It is known that during the time of Charlemagne, many Slavs in Germany little by little distorted their language so much that they completely forgot how to learn it. Hence the German language originated. German dictionaries represent on all pages the fragments of distorted Slavic words.

The Slavenian language contains all the original sounds that are only in all European languages, while foreign alphabets, with unsuccessful efforts, express this universal root language in their writing. Hence it occurs that even starting from the Greeks and Romans in the descriptions of all the kingdoms that told something about the Slavs, instead of Slavic names, for the most part, we find only strange, incomprehensible and truly barbaric names. Our alphabet gives us the key to understanding them, from the most ancient times.

The Slavic language is called an indisputable monument of great knowledge. In his words, one can see the connection of thoughts that passed from one concept to another, adjacent to it. No language presents to us in the production of words such an unbroken chain of considerations as we find in it. "

At the end of his research, AS Shishkov concludes: “There are traces of the Slavic language in all dialects. The German language was once Slavic.

“Those of the Slavs who, leaving their own, write the language in their native foreign alphabet, have made a triple imprudence: first, they spoil their words with it; secondly, leaving their own, they exchanged good for worse; and thirdly, they assert the absurd opinion of foreigners about themselves, showing them their language in the most ugly form. For the very names of Slavic letters cannot, without extreme distortion, be written in foreign letters: to say beeches, earth, live, worm, you must write buki (boyki), zemglia or cemglia (zemglid), csviete (zsciviete), tsgerw (tsherw) ; or to say, for example, protection, you need to make fifteen of nine letters: zaszcziszczenie (as the Poles write), so crumpled together that no stranger is able to read them.

“Those Slavs who have denied to confess their faith in their own language are on the very crooked path leading them to the fact that one day they will cease to be Slavs. Having ears to hear, let him hear. "

The Slavic alphabet has as many different signs or letters as there are initial sounds in the lengthy words of its sea. These letters do not lose, they never change their established pronunciation, in any conjugations or movements.

From this it naturally occurs that the Slavic writing is always true without change, and when someone once learned the alphabetical signs, he has already at the same time learned and unmistakably to read any scripture in this language.

Other languages ​​are confused, ambiguous, and in comparison with Slavic, lack sufficient writing perfection. The letters of the Roman alphabet in all European languages ​​remain without any independent force of reprimand. This mess of spelling confuses everything ...

Our ABC (in other dialects, initial letter) in writing or with its own letters, readable in order, makes some complete meaning, containing instruction to the one who begins to pronounce them, reminding and repeating to the young student about the importance of his own and the benefits of learning the language. She says: az, beeches, lead, verb, good, live, earth, others like, people, think, our, he, peace, rtsy, word, firmly, that is: I am something great, know, the verb is good , live on earth and think, this is our peace, the word is firm.

Even the first base taught by us to young men, letters, began to be called not in our way, so foreigners, as if in mockery, write: B, lettre d alphabet Russe, appelee anciennement beeches, et main-tenant be. (B, the letter of the Russian alphabet, formerly called beeches, and now be). Such is the success Russia has finally achieved in literature: she made beech from beech! Soon the word alphabet will be alien to us, incomprehensible, because the names az and beeches will eventually be destroyed and their abesia will be more intelligible to us. Likewise, a great transformation will take place in our warehouses: it will no longer be possible for us to add words as before, walked, uncle, human, I will, shield, because in other people's abeses there are no our letters era, dick, I, worm, y, shcha. Maybe, in the end, we will get used to using their letters: bsh, zodin, diadia, mscheloviek, boudou, steal. I recently read a book in which a writer who calls himself Russian advises us, for the benefit of the language, to drop our letters and accept others. It is as if someone advised the owner of a stone house to dig it down and build a wooden one from pegs and potato pancakes. Woe to our tongue, if such thoughts are disintegrated! And then what will happen to my word-making experience? Perhaps some will call me a dreamer, some coarse in the old days, the third addicted to Slavism. But what do I care about them? My desire to be as long as I can useful language native and fatherland; and there the free will, the saved paradise, will judge me. "

The original Slavic words hut, cage, sling (roof, rafters), eavesdropping, tyos, shit, window, jamb, threshold came to us from ancient times.

P.P. Oreshkin in the work "Babylonian Phenomenon 1984" pointed out that all oldest civilizations the white people of Egypt, Crete, Etruscans, Great Rome, Greece and others were our Slavic civilizations. With the help of a single key - the ancient Slavic language, he deciphered the documents of ancient civilizations many thousands of years ago. He believed that research in this direction by "Egyptologists", "Etruscan scholars" and other so-called "specialists" who had neither a scientific nor a theoretical basis, had one goal: to divert us away from real facts. The history of the dispersal of the white race across the planet was deliberately hidden from humanity. According to P.P. Oreshkin, the most ancient documents are written by means of various alphabetic systems, but in the same language and here is the key to their decoding. The signs are different, the language is one.

New peoples and their languages ​​are not formed by themselves. As they grow, they branch off from the main nucleus and move to new lands, gradually changing their way of life.

Yu.D. Petukhov (By the paths of the Gods. The true history of the Russian people M. “Thought” 1980) relatively recently made the discovery that the ethnically-cultural-linguistic core of the Indo-Europeans' praethnos consisted of the direct ancestors of the Slavic-Rus: practically all the peoples and nationalities of Europe and a significant part of Asia were those who are usually called Slavs (although this is a late and far from the only ethnonym of a people developing in time; examples of other self-names are Aryans, Rasens, Wends, Rus ...). -Rus, both primary and secondary, were in their habitats - in the Middle East, Asia Minor, the Balkans, the Mediterranean and throughout Europe. " (Fig. 1)

Yu.D. Petukhov gives an ethno-chronological table:

40-30 thousand BC - Protorus (Cro-Magnon Rus);

30-15 thousand BC - Prarusians (Russes Boreals - the root word is ber - "bear", they worshiped the bear-Veles);

From 15 thousand BC - Rus (Indo-European Rus).

The ancestors of the Slavs have always been distinguished by high culture, so Herodotus in chapter 46 of the 4 book "History" says that of all the countries where Darius campaigned, in addition to the Scythian peoples, the most ignorant tribes live on the Equinian Pontus, and we do not meet a single famous person, except for the Scythian Anacharsis. Those Scythians and their ancestors left their writing on stones and clay tablets. They tried to decipher them in Greek, Latin, Hebrew, and it was all in vain.

For the first time the Old Slavic language as a key for decoding the oldest inscriptions in 1847. used by the Polish scientist Fadey Volansky. His data are given by Yegor Klassen in the book "New materials for ancient history Slavs of Doryurik's time "(1854).

The decryption key was in the Slavic primitive language. F. Volansky translated the gravestone inscription from Theodor Mommsen (1817–1909) "The dialect of lower Italy". Aeneas' tombstone was found near Kereccio on October 6, 1846. T. Mommsen wrote that it would be daring to make even an attempt to decipher this inscription.

Aeneas was the king of Troy. His wanderings after the fall of Troy were described by the Roman poet Virgil (79–19 BC) in the poem "Aeneid". Troy, founded in the 13th century. BC, was located at the entrance to the Dardanelles Strait on the present Turkish coast of the Anatolian Peninsula. She controlled the trade routes from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea and had large profits, and her partners - losses. Therefore, the inhabitants of the Black Sea steppes, under the leadership of Achilles, united with the inhabitants of the Peloponnese (Achaeans) and the Mediterranean islands against the common enemy of Troy.

On the side of Troy were the tribes living on the Anatolian Peninsula - the descendants of the tenth settlement of the Parsis. About the participation of the Slavs in

The Trojan War is evidenced by the Veta (Veda) of the Rhodope Bulgarians, recorded and published by the Serbian ethnographer S.I. Verkovich in the 19th century. early research A.D. Chertkova and others kinship of the Trojan Wends (who then moved to the Italian Etruria and received the name of the Etruscans from here) with the Wends-Slavs of the Baltic and Danube regions of ancient times. Troy and Russia were inhabited not only by one people, but also by one tribe. Troy was well fortified, its siege lasted 10 years. The victors allowed the defeated to sail away in twenty ships. The city was razed to the ground around 1260 BC. This was considered a legend until G. Schliemann (German archaeologist 1822–1890), guided by Homer's poem "Iliad", excavated in 1870. did not locate Troy. In Troy, clay plates with inscriptions were found. According to the characteristic combinations, it was established that this is an Old Slavic language.

Aeneas with his soldiers on 20 ships arrived at the mouth of the Tiber River. Here they landed and were received by the local king Latina. They created a joint state, and Latin gave him his daughter Lavinia as his wife. After the death of King Latina, Aeneas named the people Latins in memory of him and became their king.

The gravestone inscription to Aeneas, as F. Volansky proved, is a Slavic rhymed inscription made almost 3000 years ago in a common indigenous Slavic language, from which the Slavic languages ​​emerged: Polish, Czech, Illyrian and Wendian. Therefore, the ancient text contains the words of all these languages. So the word "good" remained in only one Russian language; in Polish and Czech, "elective" is used instead.

Among the gods saved from the fire in Troy and brought by Aeneas to Latium was the god Esmun or Esmenius (he was also called Ash, Yasmen, Yashmun, Shmun).

Wim is a derivative of the Indian Shiva (10), and Dim is the deified son of the ancient Trojan hero Darden. Both deities are subordinate to Esmen. Lado is the god of war of the ancient Slavs. The translation in a modern way will sound like this:

Paradise of all God, higher than Vima and Dima, Yezmen you are Russia!

Take custody of my house and children, the best Yezmen

Hecate's kingdom doleche: I leave to the bottom of the earth

Exactly, she, she is! How I am Aeneas king-by birth!

Sitting with Lada in Elisha, you scoop up years and forget

ABOUT! Dear, good!

This inscription dates back to the Trojan time, it is similar to the oldest Phoenician-Greek inscription on the Cyrene stone, attributed to the same era, read and published by Hamaker and Gesenius. In the letter, instead of vowels, a period was put. The letter "v" is also mentioned instead of o, y, s. There are monograms that were often used by the Slavs. They were preserved on coins and in manuscripts until the time of Peter I, as well as on ancient Russian crosses, in which each word merges into a separate monogram. In the inscription on the tombstone of Aeneas, the letters are Slavic, without any admixture of Phoenician forms. The alphabet is Slavic, not Greek, Hebrew or Latin.

To be continued.