When ships appear in the var tander. Ships in War Thunder have been announced: when will the fleet be released? New logic of the ship's damage control mechanism

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Start of preliminary testing of the fleet in War thunder! (updated)

The long-awaited ships are ready to take on board the first commanders from among the participants in the preliminary beta testing. Are you ready to join the team and conduct a full cycle of testing a new type of vehicle in War Thunder?

How to join?

Very simple. Become the owner of one of the Sea kits, the purchase of which will automatically make you a test participant. In addition, the bundles will include in-game bonuses, as well as unique premium ships from Germany, the USSR and the USA, which will become available during beta testing when the branches of these nations appear.

Note! Sessions of the first stage of testing will be available on schedule in special Events (Events and Tournaments - Naval battles) - only at certain times and at certain days weeks.

Test kits

Marine set
S-204 Lang
Marine set
PT-109 John F. Kennedy
Marine set
Project 1124 MLRS

The set includes:

  • Torpedo boat S-204 Lang (Germany);
  • 1000 Golden Eagles;

The set includes:

  • Torpedo boat PT-109 (USA);
  • 3000 Golden Eagles;
  • Access to closed testing of naval battles.

The set includes:

  • Project 1124 armored boat with Katyusha MLRS (USSR);
  • 1000 Golden Eagles;
  • Access to closed testing of naval battles.

Pre-order players have already received bonuses:

  • Pre-order bonus 3D-decorators anchor Matrosov cast / Danforth;
  • Pre-order bonus: “Peakless” / “American Peakless” sticker;
  • Pre-order bonus "Lookout" title.

In addition, we are opening the recruitment for the already closed beta testing, which will start later. You can apply and we will consider your candidacy for the role of the commander of a warship.

How do I get involved?

Are you the owner of the Early Access Kit? Congratulations, everything is simple for you!

Launch the game client and at the first login the game will offer you to download the necessary files to participate in testing. The testing schedule is available.

Weekend Schedule:
December 2 from 20:00 Moscow time to 24:00 Moscow time
December 3 from 04:00 Moscow time to 08:00 Moscow time, from 20:00 Moscow time to 24:00 Moscow time
December 4th 04:00 UTC - 08:00 UTC

How will testing take place?

At the first stage (preliminary beta testing), special missions will be available at certain times and days of the week, and vehicles will be issued directly in missions.

At the next stages (beta testing), the development trees of several nations will become available to participants for research, and some of our selected players from among the applicants will join the testing. Also in the second stage, owners of early access packages will have access to ships from the sets.

Important! You can participate in testing from your account from no more than two different computers.

In a special section of the forum you can find out about the testing schedule, news, and also discuss our future ships with the developers. We are waiting for you!

Question answer

Q. Will those who do not participate in testing have to download the update?
O. No. The game will offer to download the necessary files only to those players who will have access to testing. The offer will appear when you enter the game and when you click “participate” in a special marine event.

Q. Can I participate in testing from a work computer, for example?
O. You can log into your account from two different systems. It is from them that you will have access to test events until the end of testing. The third and subsequent computers can also be used to play from this account, but you will not be able to see special missions on them.

Q. When will I receive the ship that I purchased with the pre-order package?
O. Access to these ships will appear after the introduction of researchable and pumpable trees of the corresponding nations.

Q. At the stage of testing, when the research tree is opened, will there be any additional restrictions?
O. There will be a limitation for two computers. No other restrictions are planned.

Q. Can you tell us more about upgrading ships?
O. There will be no technology modules at the first stages of testing.

Q. What are the crew skills?
O. At the second stage, when vehicles are already available for installation in slots, experience from ship battles will not be used for training crews.

Q. Will testing be available for PS4 owners?
O. Yes, ship kits and pre-test access are already in the Sony store. PS4 players will be able to take part in testing.

Q. Can I stream and record videos?
O. Sure. But remember that you are an early test participant. The gameplay and mechanics of the game on ships are just being formed, as are the features of the ships themselves.

Q. I purchased the Early Access Kit after the start of testing, with what wave will I get to the test?
O. Immediately after purchase. Don't forget to read the testing schedule.

Q. Will the progress made during the beta phase be reset?
O. Yes, before starting open testing ships, all fleet progress will be reset.

Answers to questions from test takers

Q. Will the system requirements for the game change with the release of the fleet?
A. If required. While we are actively working on optimization and graphical component of the mode. Talk about system requirements a bit early in the early tests.

Q. Where are the projectiles flying from different weapons? You shoot at the green marker and fly in different directions.
A. The circles indicate the projectile drop point for the respective weapon. The vertical corrections for the range are taken by the gunners of each gun themselves. But since each gun has its own ballistics and its own vertical and horizontal aiming speed, it takes some time to set the correct elevation angle for each gun. For the player, this means that in order to hit the target with all the guns, you need to wait until all the pointers of the points of fall of the shells are aimed at the enemy ship.

Q. Why isn't the crew firing guns?
A. This is possible only in the following cases: a) the shooter is disabled and there is no one to replace him, b) the gun has run out of ammunition (they are not endless), c) the gun itself is disabled.

Q. Do ships have gear shifting?
A. Specifically, you, as a commander, have a choice of speed: Small / Medium / Full / Full and others.

Q. What projectiles are better to shoot, high-explosive or armor-piercing? Will the high-explosive breaches be enough to pierce the boat?
A. Almost all ships presented in the first test had a hull made of wood different breeds and thickness - with the exception of the Project 1124 armored boat. 76-mm high-explosive shells will effectively hit the hulls of such ships. For Project 1124 with its citadel with a total thickness of 14 mm, when firing at the middle part of the ship, it is better to use armor-piercing shells; to hit the extremities and superstructures, the high-explosive 76 mm will be enough.

Q. How well developed is the ship sinking mechanics? Does the nature of flooding depend on the location of the hole in the hull?
A. The flooding system works as honestly as possible. Depending on the type of impact on the skin (kinetic or high-explosive), a hole appears on the hull, the diameter of which for kinetic ammunition is equal to the caliber of the projectile, for high-explosive ammunition - the radius of constant penetration by the high-explosive effect. That is, for example, a 76 mm BB projectile, when it hits the skin, will leave a hole with a diameter of 76 mm, while a high-explosive one - about half a meter.
Further, the position of the hole relative to the ship's draft and its speed is constantly checked, water flows through the hole only if the hole touches the water - including, taking into account the ship's roll and excitement. Those. a hole at the waterline level will allow more water to pass if the ship tilted towards it, and vice versa, not to let water through at all if the roll was reversed and completely lifted the hole out of the water. The position of the hole when the ship is flooded is also taken into account: several holes above the waterline will not affect the ship's buoyancy, but if the next hits give holes at the waterline level and the ship, starting to sink, will submerge old holes under the water, they will accelerate the flooding.
However, we have also implemented a system of compartments, which physically divides the ship according to the number of skin sections. Those. multiple holes and destruction of the skin in one of the sections will give only partial flooding - about 1/6 of the total mass of water that the ship can hold.

Q. Will there be a fleet benchmark to evaluate the performance of a user's system?
A. Most likely.

Q. On BMO, I fired several depth charges, being close to 1124. They fell 2 meters from him, but did not cause any damage to him. So the question is: are the bombs that weak? Or is the 1124 too armored?
A. The damage of depth charges now depends on their detonation depth; Perhaps your bombs managed to dive deep enough, or the boat moved further from the epicenter, was damaged, but was not destroyed.

Q. Will the display of auxiliary weapons ammunition be added, and not just the main battery?
A. The interface will still be refined, but there are conceptual difficulties with displaying the ammo for auxiliary weapons, especially with a large number of barrels (we have boats with more than 10 large caliber machine guns). First of all, we will display the status of the main and sub caliber.

Q. Will the ability to run aground be added?
A. The cable has already been implemented, but in general there are special mechanics that make it easier to get aground if the propellers are in the water. If the ship is completely on land, then in this case we will credit the player with the destruction of his ship.

Q. Will a heading marker be added in the scope to avoid crashing into islands? Maybe voice a warning?
A. Yes, we are thinking about a similar display.

Q. Will a ramming damage mechanic be added?
A. Battering rams of enemy ships still cause damage - as well as collisions with land and rocks. Damage when ramming allied ships is disabled.

Q. How is the ship repair time calculated?
A. The repair time depends on the number of damaged modules, the extent of their damage, and the number of crew members who can fight for damage. everyone who is not engaged in direct control of the ship (commander, helmsman, gunners, loaders).

Q. How far from the ship are torpedoes cocked?
A. 50-60 meters.

Q. Will the ammo / crew resupply mechanic be added?
A. Technique modifications are still in development, but we will certainly get to this issue.

Q. I ask you to clarify the conditions for the destruction of the ship, obviously, only upon the departure of the crew?
A. In the current DM, the ship can be destroyed in the following ways:
1) incapacitation of the entire crew, by analogy with tanks (less than two capable crew members);
2) destruction of the hull plating from one of the sides - i.e. blackening of all three sections of the port or starboard;
3) flooding, there must be holes at or below the waterline and the destruction of the skin of several non-adjacent compartments;
4) fire, explosion of fuel tanks or ammo on the ship in case this entails at least one of the first three points. By itself, the explosion of ammunition or tanks for ships is not a guarantee of death - it is just an explosion with some parameters of destruction, it can both destroy the ship and severely damage it.

Q. How does the torpedo work when it hits the target (does the "skiff to the boat" script work or is there some kind of mechanics?)
A. When a torpedo hits the boat, the usual mechanics of high-explosive fragmentation damage is triggered, the parameters of the explosion of a torpedo warhead are usually enough to completely destroy the hull.

Q. Will the RB take away markers on boats and torpedoes?
A. Playtests will be shown.

Q. Does the rate of flooding depend on the speed of the ship (ie, can the ship additionally "scoop" water when moving with flooding)?
A. Yes, the higher the speed of the ship, the higher the rate of flooding through the existing holes.

Q. In what cases do ships sink? I did not observe flooding even with a completely black hull, and it is difficult to knock out the crew on some 1124.
A. Ships are sinking, flooding in compartments is implemented. It should be understood that for flooding the hole must be at or below the waterline; it should also be borne in mind that the crew is fighting for the survivability of the ship - constantly eliminating holes and pumping out water.

Q. I don't understand why there are depth charges on the boats.
A. They can be used against an enemy pursuing you or on overlapping courses by dropping them in the enemy's path.

C. The mechanics of dropping out of gun crews is unclear. It is not clear why in case of "loss of consciousness" by someone from the crew, the boat cannot shoot at all.
A. The firing of a gun is blocked when the gunner in charge of the given gun is out of action.

Q. It is not clear what happens to the blackened compartment: all equipment is destroyed and cannot be repaired, or is the compartment conditionally destroyed and simply not visually displayed, or the compartment is destroyed, the equipment is destroyed and flooding has begun?
A. The casing of this compartment has received critical damage and does not prevent flooding in the event of holes at or below the waterline.

B. The mechanics of fire extinguishing are not clear.
A. The crew extinguishes the fire automatically, the rate of extinguishing depends on the number of crew members not employed at gun points and ship control. The more sailors there are in the mind, the faster fires are extinguished, components and assemblies are repaired, water is pumped out and holes are repaired

Q. Will it be effective to attack an enemy boat with aircraft missiles, starting with the RS-82?
A. In a direct hit, a Soviet 82mm RS is roughly equal to a 76mm high-explosive projectile, so yes, it will.

Q. How much difference will be the results of aircraft torpedoes and sea torpedoes, mounted on boats, hitting a boat? Because at this moment, according to observations, an aviation torpedo quite successfully hits the enemy - while when a torpedo hits from a boat, the enemy has the opportunity to survive (judging by the hits in the bow zone according to Project 1124 and S-100, made with Elko, but did not lead to immediate destruction of the enemy - went to the bottom from the 2nd torpedo).
A. For a boat of this displacement, there should be no difference. Any torpedo hit will usually destroy the boat.

Q. Will the opportunity to produce a successful ramming strike by an airplane on a boat be realized?
A. No kamikaze game is planned.

Q. How does torpedo launch work? It feels like he's completely random. I press the spacebar - now one torpedo takes off, then none, then all four at once.
A. With a short press of the torpedo launch button, all torpedoes available for launch are released immediately. If you hold down the button, then with the mouse you can select specific torpedoes that will be launched.
We will slightly change the settings for the key hold time to activate the torpedo sight. At the first launch of the test, the holding time of the key to turn on the torpedo sight was too short, so even a single press was sometimes perceived by the game as an attempt to turn on the torpedo sight, which is why there was no launch, since the torpedo tubes were not highlighted in the field of view. We also slightly expanded the sector of the field of view, which is used to select the desired TA.

Q. Tell us about the interaction of shells, bullets and bombs with water - to better understand when it makes sense to shoot below the waterline and when not.
A. At the moment, projectiles do not pass under water, i.e. hitting the water disables the projectile and the damage system for kinetic projectiles. For projectiles containing explosives, a regular detonation occurs at the point of entry into the water.

Q. From what BR will full-fledged ships be presented, whose hulls will be penetrated only by the main caliber, missiles and torpedoes? It is not interesting to receive crits on a half-ship with the engine knocking out and fire through half a map from small-caliber weapons.
A. Even at the top ranks, some of the ships will actually not have protection against small arms - but this will be compensated by the high speed of the boats, up to 100 km / h. This is if we are talking about torpedo boats, for example. It is quite difficult to get crits for half a ship from half the map from one ship from small arms, unless you are standing in one place. In addition, you should not forget about the fight for survivability - if you get out of the fire, the ship quickly recovers its combat effectiveness.

Q. Why do I only get British boats? For which nation do you enter the events, for that and give the technique, right?
A. You guessed right.

New vehicles, new gameplay, new battles in War Thunder!

Not so long ago, the Gaijin Entertainment company announced naval battles in War Thunder. Players took the news rather positively in anticipation of sea battles with destroyers, cruisers, battleships and even aviation. But it was not there ... The developers said that at this stage, the introduction of ships more than a destroyer, under the control of the player is not planned. To begin with, we decided to introduce boats.

Many took it negatively, because they so wanted to cut the sea surface on a large, mighty ship, but not on a flat-bottomed boat, which they throw from the slightest excitement.

Negative feedback from the players, saying "Where are the normal ships?" But let's look at everything adequately. Firstly, the ships have not even entered the CBT yet. Secondly, as the developers said, it is NOT EXCLUDED that large ships appear under the control of the players, everything will decide the results of the CBT.

That is, a wipe from scratch, however, as always.
Just the other day we were shown the battle of ships on a small test map.

Naturally, the boats that have already been shown to us took part (by the way, most likely they will be put on the 1st rank). The battles came out really dynamic. I don’t know how much this will interest players at the release stage, but at this stage everything looks pretty interesting. By the way, about the optimization, they say that it is better than in tanks, but you shouldn't rejoice because knowing the "snails" everything can change literally in the next patch.
At the moment, we know the following:

Fleet CBT very soon. Maybe 1.63
Whether there will be large ships will be decided by the results of the CBT.
There will be smoke.
Optimization in ships is better than in tanks.
Joint battles only with aircraft. Joint battles with tanks will be tested at the CBT.
Torpedo response threshold - 50 meters minimum.
Ship destruction methods: critical damage to modules, such as detonation of ammo, fires. Loss of the entire crew, if less than 2 people remain, then the vehicle is considered lost. Gradual flooding after receiving damage below the waterline, not necessarily torpedo damage.
CBT will take place in the main client of the game in the events.
Anti-aircraft guns of the boat under the full control of the player.
There will be no submarines.
There will be no homing anti-ship missiles.
There will be no ramming damage, but the boat can be turned over.
There will be depth charges

We will follow the development and you write what you think about this. Will the War Thunder fleet be interesting to you? What would you like to see in the game?

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Development progress of War Thunder ships

From the very beginning of the development of the War Thunder fleet, we understood that this would be a difficult task, since the format of our game, on the one hand, provides the player with maximum realism, and on the other hand, offers him dynamic battles in the form of relatively short game sessions. Also, if we talk about naval battles, the participation of equipment of different types of troops in the framework of one battle is difficult to combine, so the choice of combat boats and ships of small displacement for our project was quite logical. Battles involving such ships would be dynamic and interesting enough.

The playtests carried out with your help helped us to identify flaws in the gameplay, find various errors and adjust our plans. After analyzing your feedback, we decided to focus on improving the main gameplay and not to launch new ship models for tests until we make major improvements and improvements in this direction.

Based on the results of the preliminary testing stage, we made a decision on improvements, improvements, and sometimes a complete overhaul of the following systems.

Stabilization of weapon systems to compensate for rolling

We believe that in the game the effect of excitement on ships should be modeled, otherwise "tanks on blue grass" will turn out. But, at the same time, on real ships, a variety of stabilization systems were used for firing at different waves, including even three-plane ones, so on our ships we also implemented stabilization of gun platforms, including manual stabilization, which allows us to fire on running with excitement.

Damage system

The damage system has undergone refinement: even small boats combine a large number of different systems - there can be several dozen firing points alone - while in the game it is almost impossible to make an aimed shot at a small unit or unit. Therefore, we moved on to modeling larger units and modules of ships that can be hit with aimed fire, while their defeat is distinguishable in the hit camera. We also decided to move away from the tank logic of scoring the destruction of a ship by incapacitating all crew members - or, to be precise, from that part of this logic that caused maximum criticism in the ship's gameplay: searching for the “last sailor” on an enemy ship. In the new Damage Model, to defeat the crew members, it is enough to hit the compartment in which they are located, or the combat post. Damage inflicted on the compartment will automatically disable a certain number of crew members assigned to it.

Fire control of guns of different calibers and purposes

A large number of firing points of different caliber makes it difficult to meaningful aiming and adjusting fire, and the uniform control of them also forces the player to focus the fire of all guns in the direction of one target. Therefore, we plan to divide guns for different purposes into different groups and give the player the opportunity to choose independently which of the guns he will take under his control, and which will fire automatically at air or sea targets, taking into account the player's target designations.

New logic of the ship's damage control mechanism

Repair, elimination of fire and flooding - we plan to add more gameplay to these critical actions for the life of the ship and move away from the full automation of these processes, implemented at the moment.

Smoke screens

Ships of small displacement usually do not carry constructive armor protection, therefore, staging systems smoke screens are essential for increasing the survivability of ships and increasing the variety of gameplay. We already demonstrated the smoke screen technology during the April Fools' event, and now we are working on its implementation for ships.

Other innovations

We also plan to change the logic of the torpedo sight and add a torpedo lead indication.

In addition to improving the overall gameplay of our fleet, all of these changes will allow us to add larger warships to the game.
And now a little in numbers about what has already been done and what you can see in the near future.

Currently under construction or ready

  • More than 70 ships and boats of various classes and playable nations are completely ready, and about 20 more ships are in development;
  • 10 maps (both ready and in development at the moment);
  • weapon stabilization systems for warships;
  • mobile torpedo tubes;
  • procedural destruction of ships;
  • new logic of work of the Ship Damage Model;
  • gyro-correction of the course of torpedoes.

The triune concept of combat, once announced Gaijin Entertainment , became even a little closer. At the end of June, a massive closed beta test of the fleet started in, and the first lucky ones set off to conquer the vastness of the oceans. The chosen ones drove ships already whole year, but this could not be called a full-fledged game. As one streamer put it, "This is a fishery control simulator." Indeed, most of the equipment was represented by boats and almost motor boats. But time passed, content was added, and now destroyers and light cruisers were launched. There is no such variety as in yet, but the beginnings of exciting gameplay are already visible.

However, more on everything below.

Changes to the Closed Beta Fleet

So where did the Battle Thunder fleet come up in beta? First of all, a pumpable research tree for ships and their crews, as well as node modifications, appeared. Now you are not just thrown into battle - ship sessions will be available on an ongoing basis in the "Events" mode. The player will still be able to access the first four levels of two nations - the USA and Germany. The vehicle class can be subdivided into the following types:

  • torpedo boats,
  • artillery boats,
  • minesweepers,
  • floating batteries,
  • destroyers,
  • light cruisers.

Torpedo boats are designed to attack sluggish ships, artillery boats focus on direct fire, minesweepers plant mines, anti-aircraft barges repel aircraft attacks, destroyers and cruisers conduct standard linear combat. In addition, hydrofoil ships were introduced (very good against torpedoes), as well as remote-controlled gliding bombs for bombers. Anti-aircraft weapons are now controlled by bots, but you can bring them back under your control.


For beginners who have not yet encountered naval battles, we will briefly tell you the basics of the game mechanics. In general, it is quite similar to that of Wargaming however there are a lot of differences. The concept of a single battle allows you to enter the map not only on the ship, but also to roll the plane out of the hangar. Of course, there are no tanks, since it is somewhat difficult to imagine their battle with a ship. Otherwise, everything is as usual - capture points, interesting modes (attacking convoys, destroying ships in the rear) on a wide variety of maps.

But the most important gameplay difference is the damage system traditional for "Snails". There is no hit point bar, which is gradually decreasing. Each ship is a full-fledged model with many compartments, modules and nodes. The crew is at their combat posts, where they die during shelling. On a separate screen, you can even see the route of the projectile that pierced the armor, how it passes through the ship's hull and what is damaged at the same time.

Therefore, it will not work just to shower the enemy with a flurry of fire - very aimed shooting is required, and some ships are very, very tenacious. Shells are subdivided into armor-piercing and high-explosive shells. If the former can go right through without catching anything critical, then a successful hit in the underwater part of the hull, in the engine compartment or artillery cellar causes significant problems. Although high-explosive shells do not have penetrating properties, they inflict general damage to the compartments and cause fires.

Moreover, each vessel has a flooding indicator. Struck below the waterline? Water immediately begins to flow. As soon as the water level in the hold exceeds the critical one, the ship can go to the bottom, or even spectacularly break in half. The crew is fighting this, as in the case of fires. It is important to very competently maneuver human resources and redistribute priorities right in the course of a hot battle, since an attempt to do everything at the same time will slow down the overall processes.

It is very important to maintain the class role in the game. Boats will respawn closer to the center and are engaged in primary reconnaissance. Destroyers and light cruisers appear at the very edge of the map and slowly move forward to perform their main combat mission, fighting off planes. At the same time, despite the small size of the mosquito fleet, they should still be wary of boats, especially in the conditions of archipelagos, where it is very difficult to turn around. Even one well-hit torpedo can do business.

Gaijin vs Wargaming

Of course, every lover of the fleet may wonder which of the ships is better? "Snail" or "potato"? However, this is not the most correct formulation of the question, since these are projects from different gaming niches. Despite the presence of an arcade mode in War Thunder, it is quite difficult to play even on it from the point of view of the varnished ships of World of Warships. But the latter is not intended for hardcore - its goal is to entertain as much as possible for a short time in the surroundings of a naval theme. And the gameplay of "potatoes" is no less exciting than in a serious simulator from "snails". I myself play both there and there, depending on my mood. On the side of War Thunder is an authentic immersion in the era, but scanty content and beta test. And World of Warships is a ready-made product, with numerous ships, maps and a fine-tuned balance, but these are essentially the same arcade tanks, only in profile. So just try both projects and decide what you like.

How to get on the CBT?

Everything is very simple - leave an application for participation in the closed beta test, and wait for a response from the developers. But if you are a leader by nature and do not like to rely on chance, then it is worth buying the Sea Packs for 2000 rubles, where, in addition to premium ships, the coveted key will be waiting for you. Don't miss your chance!

» » Ships in War Thunder have been announced: when ...

Ships in War Thunder have been announced: when will the fleet be released?

The War Thunder game (), the so-called "beta test" of which has been going on since 2012, is inevitably approaching release. The fleet was announced in the game today. When will ships appear in War Thunder and what will they be like? Let's figure it out!

According to the developers, the closed beta test of the ships will begin in one of the next updates and will be carried out directly on the main servers, but only at certain hours. In order to get to the test and play ships, you will have to buy one of two starter sea kits:

  • Soviet armored boat project 1124 with MLRS "Katyusha", or
  • American torpedo boat PT-109.

If you do not want to wait for the start of the open beta test until 2017 and want to take part in naval battles this fall, hurry up! Until August 22, there is a 30% discount on starter sea kits, so a set with a Soviet armored boat of Project 1124 can be bought for only 1,330 rubles. In addition to the ships themselves and access to the closed beta test of the fleet, the naval kits include in-game gold, 3D decorations, decals and a title.

Now a little about what ships will be in War Thunder.

In War Thunder, the so-called "small fleet" awaits us: torpedo, artillery and missile boats, coast guard ships and patrol ships. During the Second World War, the small fleet made up the majority of the ships.

Players will not be able to fly larger ships such as destroyers, cruisers, battleships and aircraft carriers. However, those who wish can familiarize themselves with where all this is already possible. Of course, pilots will also be able to take part in naval battles, nobody canceled the War Thunder feature with joint battles!