Heinrich Marketman that he opened briefly. §112 Sea path to India. Political portrait of Prince Henry

Heinrich Seaflorer -Getzog Portugal Enrique de Viera. Born on March 4, 1394, died on November 13, 1460. It is known for its participation in nautical expeditions to the islands of Madeira and along the west coast of Africa.

early years

Heinrich was the third son in the family of King John I and Philippi Lancaster. Heinrich (Enrique) and his brothers Duarte and Pedro received a home education. Heinrich since childhood was distinguished by the Knight Romantic and Astronomy. He dreamed of participating in military campaigns and conquer his own kingdom.

The starting point for the formation of Heinrich was the capture of the Moroccan city of Ceuta in 1415. According to Heinrich's Biograph records, Homesha Enesss Zurara, the brothers convinced his monarch of his father to hold a military campaign that would allow them to express themselves in the present battle. The king of John agreed and started making the attack on Cut. At the same time, the king ordered the rumor that the attack would be committed to another city to put the vigilance of Moroccans.

At this time, the plague covered Portugal, and the queen became one of her victims. Despite this, the army spoke in July 1415. King John found Ceuta by surprise. As he expected, the capture of the city was an easy task. How later wrote Zurara, main role In this victory played Heinrich. However, despite the fact that Heinrich was indeed an outstanding warrior, led the Campania undoubtedly King John. Henry was instructed to manage the souta and adopt the leadership of civil and administrative power.

In 1418 it arose emergency. The ruler of Fez and Granada attempted to return the city of Morocco. Heinrich hurried to go to Ceutu with reinforcement, but arriving in the city he discovered that the Portuguese garrison was successfully hit by an attack. Heinrich put forward a proposal to attack the Grenada, although he understood perfectly that it was antagonize Castile.

John, who fought for many years with the attempts of Castille to attach Portugal, knew that it was fraught with great problems. He prevented Henry to regret the conflict.

At the age of 26, Heinrich receives the title of Duke Vieru and is declared the Vladyka Kovkil. In 1420, Heinrich headed the Order of Christ - the Portuguese analogue of the Order of the Templars. In subsequent years, Heinrich led a ascetic and chaste life. However, he still had an illegitimate daughter. Moreover, his brother Duarte often condemned Henry for extravagance and optional.

Expeditions on Madeira

Heading the Order of Christ Henrich had access to fraternity charitable foundations. In the mid-1420s, Heinrich decided to finance the Atlantic expeditions from the treasury Order. He wanted to find new opportunities in trade and mining of gold for Portugal. His main idea was to create beneficial colonies on previously unused islands. The most successful was his expedition to Madeira.

While Heinrich only financed the Atlantic expeditions, his brother Pedro took them active participation. Pedro visited England, Flanders, Germany, Hungary and returned home through Italy, Aragon and Castillia. Another brother Henry - Duarta at that time became King Portugal, replacing his father John in 1433. Over the five years of the board, Duarte expedition Heinrich to the Canary Islands did not bring proper success, for this reason Enrique told his captains to advance further along the Atlantic coast. During this swimming, the sailors were reinforced by Fearing Cape in 1434, destroying the superstition, which had previously stopped them. Over the next years, the captains of Heinrich advanced along Rio de Oro and began the colonization of the Azores.

In 1437, Heinrich received reluctant consent to Duarte for an expedition to Tangier. Capturing Seuti brought Portugal a good profit, and the brothers believed that the possession of the neighboring tangier would increase the security of the seute. Heinrich, together with the younger brother Fernando attacked Tangier and defeated. Heinrich showed himself an incompetent general and tactic. Fernando was hostage and killed in 1443. Heinrich vinyl himself in his death. The King of Duarte died in 1438, shortly before the return of Heinrich from the tanger.

His heir became Alfons v, who was only six at that time. Heinrich was forced to accept the regency. Over the next ten years, Pedro and Heinrich effectively manage the country in consent to each other. In 1441, one of Karavel Herrich returned from West Africa loaded with gold and slaves. It made him silence all who previously criticized Henry for embezzlement on the expedition. Already in 1448, the slave worker began to bring Portugal to unprecedented profits. Heinrich on the revenue money built fort and warehouse on the island of Arguin.

By this time, Alphonse reached 14 years old. His mother died in Castile, and the young king married his daughter Pedro Isabelle. Pedro was against this union and there was a serious conflict between him and Alphonse, which threatened to grow into an armed confrontation. Heinrich felt between two lights. He understood that he was obliged to fight the king on the side of Pedro, however, he tried to hold on the latter. He did not participate in a shootout in Alpharoberira in 1449, when his brother Pedro was killed. After the death of Pedro Heinrich moved to the south of Portugal, in his castle Sagresh, where he spent most of the remaining life. Heinrich received from King the right to manage Karavell flights to Africa and trade. Thanks to the further expeditions, the Islands of Cape Verde were opened by Heinrich.

Alphonse was not interested in expeditions and trade. He wanted to participate in conquests and battles. The king resumed the attempts of Portugal to capture Morocco. Henry at that time was 64 years old. Despite the age, the duke still perfectly addressed the weapon. Heinrich took part in the capture of Alkazer. When the city capitulated, Alfonsu provided henrich the right to determine the conditions for cooperation with the captured Moroccans, and he showed a greater condescension.

Last years Henry's life spent in his castle surrounded by students. Heinrich the Mariepaller died on November 13, 1460, there.


Despite the fact that Heinrich did not set itself the tasks of doing important for geography and opening history, and the only purpose of it was the extraction of profits for Portugal, his expeditions made a huge contribution to world science. Most of his research was unprofitable for Portugal, and only the colonization of Madeira became a triumph for the country. However, whatever goals persecuted Heinrich the navigator during their travels, he committed a lot of greatest discoveries, even if it was not part of his plans. Heinrich Marinee is considered a legendary historical figure and one of the most famous travelers in history.

When they talk about the era of great geographical discoveries, his name is remembered. Although thanks to the efforts of this romance of distant swimming and fanatical warrior, the Crusader, Portugal began the colonial seizure of Africa, and the black slaves were brought to Europe. But the organizer of these campaigns himself went out in the sea only three times and no further than 200 miles. Nevertheless, the Portuguese Prince Heinrich deservedly wore a proud nickname "navigator".

Infant Heinrich or Enrique, born in 1394 was the son of the Portuguese king Juan I and Philip Lancaster, which brought the tradition of the British chivalry to the country. Enrique and his brothers trained seven knightly virtues - the composition of poems, horseback riding, fencing, game of checkers, hunting and swimming, but most of all the young people were interested in possession of a spear, although he did not neglect the study of natural sciences and theology. Knighthood as military and religious ministry identified the entire subsequent life of Heinrich. At 21, he became the initiator of the seizure of the Mavrov fortress in the north of Africa.
Only 150 miles - this was the length of the first maritime campaign, the future inspiration of the sea conquest of Portugal.

The defenses of the Seuts - the new outpost of Portuguese on the African coast - the king instructed Gerich infanta. To do this, part of the income of the treasury passed into full and uncontrolled prince, and after 5 years, the prince became the Grand Master of the Cross Order.
Now in the hands of the navigator focused on a huge power: spiritual, military and financial. And Prince Henrich ordered this power to be the best for Portugal manner. He learned from the liberated slaves-Christians about the caravans, which in the African desert transported gold from the shore of Guinea to Muslim ports Mediterranean Sea. The prince aware in geography decided that Guinea could be achieved by sea, then taken from incorrect treasures could be disappeared into Lisbon. In addition, bypassing Muslim territories from the south, it is possible to achieve Christian Ethiopia and start a profitable trade with her, and then reach the sea and to India itself.
Scientific curiosity reinforced with those found in Seutcine geographic cards. And when the brother of Henry Prince Pedro brought from Venice, the manuscript had already managed to glorify the traveler Marco Polo, the infant decided that he was south of the septures.

Prince Heinrich took up the organization of maritime expeditions to the North-West banks of Africa. At the insistence of the prince in 1431, astronomy and mathematics were included in the University of Lisbon's program. In 1438, at Cape Saint Vincent in the fortress Sagresh Prince Herrich organized the Observatory and the seaworthy school of Villa de Infanta. There were invited prominent scientists, astronomers, cartographers and navigators from all over Europe, and the navigator prince participated in discussions on a par with scientists. At school, they took all worthy regardless of the estate, religious and ethnic differences, which was unusual for the Catholic Portugal of the 15th century.
The trials of Prince Nautical School Villa de Infanta became the first in European history by the scientific center. The fortress still preserved a huge 43 meter in the diameter of the wind rose - a diagram of perennial observations over the direction and strength of the wind. Inspired by the support of Prince Captain Portuguese Karavel, in 1418 opened Madeira Island. At the same time, the navigator began to master new lands and soon the first settlers appeared on Madeira, and in the metropolis began to deliver wine - rare in quality even for winemaking Portugal.

Then, all decades of Heinrich stubbornly equipped sea expeditions to the Canary Islands, but the captains could not bear the underwater cliffs at Cape Bohador. Sailing ships received slobs about the ill-fated cape, where, as they thought, dragons were found, and drowned.
But in 1434, he conceded him from the open ocean, one of the captains opened the way to West Africa, and Heinrich received the honorary title "Marigor".

But why did Heinrich the navigator himself never went to long-term foreign expeditions?
It was believed that the prince was afraid of pirates or that he believed offensive for the Officers of the Royal Blood stay among the sailors, but most likely the prince considered his main thing to analyze the reports of captains, separating the truth from the fiction and equipped new maritime travel. The romantic of long-range wanderings, Heinrich, the navigator deliberately closed the sea.

Heinrich The navigator was never married. Restrained and gloomy, he considered himself guilty of the death of the younger brother Ferdinand, who was captured to Masters during their unsuccessful maritime expedition to Tangier in 1437.
Heinrich spent the last years in Sagris, surrounded by students of his nautical school. Two years before death, he was briefly reached the sea for the third time.
Heinrich The Mariepaller died on November 13, 1460.
Its case continued the famous Portuguese sailors Bartolomeo Diash, Vasco da Gamma and the greatest of infanta followers - Fernan Magellan. With their achievements, they are obliged to Portuguese Prince Henry Majanger - a man on the coat of arms, which was inscribed: "Talent for good achievements."

Heinrich Navigator(1394-1460), correctly Enriki (Dom Enrique O Navigator), Portuguese Prince, nicknamed by the navigator. For 40 years, it has equipped and sent numerous foreign expeditions to examine the Atlantic Coast of Africa, creating the prerequisites for the formation of a powerful colonial Empire of Portugal. Born on March 4, 1394 in the port. The third son of the King Joan I (founder of the Avisi dynasty) and his wife Philippi Lancaster (daughter John Gice).

In 1415, Prince Heinrich, together with his father, took part in a military campaign, as a result of which the Fortress of Ceut's Moors was taken on the African Gibraltar coast. There he learned that the caravans loaded with gold, who followed the Valley of the Niger River, crossed the Sahara, but decided that Portugal's gold-axis lands should look for sea routes. Thus, the beginning (from 1416) long and well-organized campaign of marine expeditions was found. Ships moved along the African continent and returned to Portugal using a wide belt of associated winds and coastal flows. One of the results of these expeditions was the discovery of Madeira (1418-1419) and Azores (1427-1431).

Madeira Island, located 900 km south-west of Portugal, became the first portuguese colony. At his lands began to grow sugar cane and spread vineyards.

The study of Africa in itself has been thailand great difficulties, for example, Cape Bohador in the south of the Canary Islands represented a huge danger to the navigation. But the southern way to the tropical lands of Africa was finally open - in 1434 Gilles Ianish got a chance.

His brother Prince Pedro, the second son of the king, had a strong influence on Herrich. In 1418-1428 he visited many royal yards Europe. Later, Pedro arrived in Venice, where he watched the trade in Venetians with the eastern countries and where he was gave a manuscript Books Marco Polo . Having read the manuscript, Heinrich offered the captains of his courts to collect information about the sea route to India, as well as about the African Christian country of Ethiopia. He hoped to achieve this land, bypassing Muslim countries from the south-east. In this, his brother Pedro was supported.

After a second campaign in Seutu (1418), Heinrich established his residence in Algarve, the most southern province of Portugal, where the Reliable Bay of Lagush was located. In 1443, Heinrich received Sagrish at his disposal, the south-western point of Portugal at Cape San Wenti, or, as he was then called "Holy Cape". There on the means of the Portuguese spiritual and knightly Order of Christ, the head of which he was, the prince founded the observatory and the seaworthy school. Named Villa-Du-infanta, it became the center of attraction for prominent scientists, cartographers and astronomers of the time.

Heinrich's life was a chain of personal tragedies. In 1437, together with the younger brother Ferdinand, he participated in an unsuccessful expedition to Tangier; Ferdinand was captured by Moors and was concluded in the dungeon, where he died, since Henrich failed to buy it away. After that, in 1438 his older brother King Darti died. Middle Brother Pedro became a regent, but, having started a fight with the contender on Tron Alphonse V, was killed at Alpharobaire in 1449.

All these events led to the fact that the expeditions were organized by Heinrich sporadically, and long intervals appeared in their schedule. Nevertheless, in 1444, the captains of Heinrich opened the Senegal River, in two years they reached the Gear River in Sierra Leone. South of this point during the lifetime of Henry, the Portuguese could not move. In 1455 and 1456, Venetian Alvise and Kadamosto, the most famous from Henry's skippers, passed upstream of the Gambia River flowing in the Gambia, and next year he opened the coast of the Green Cape Islands. At this time, the mass trading of African slaves began, the center of which was located in Argen, not far from Cape Cape Blanco. Heinrich encouraged the slave trade, and the act of baptism of slaves considered the way to save their souls. The prince's expeditions began to generate income and in the eyes of Portuguese nobles and merchants Heinrich turned into a national hero.

Heinrich spent the last years in almost complete privacy in Sagris, surrounded by members of his "university", although in 1458 he accompanied the successful expedition to Tang and South in Arkyl. Then he returned to Sagrish to the "Holy Cape", where he died on November 13, 1460.

When they talk about the era of great geographical discoveries, his name is remembered. Although thanks to the efforts of this romance of distant swimming and fanatical warrior, the Crusader, Portugal began the colonial seizure of Africa, and the black slaves were brought to Europe.

But the organizer of these campaigns himself went out in the sea only three times and no further than 200 miles. And yet the Portuguese Prince Heinrich deservedly wore a proud nickname " navigator».

Infant Heinrich or Enrique, born in 1394 was the son of the Portuguese king Juan I and Philip Lancaster, which brought the tradition of the British chivalry to the country. Enrique and his brothers trained seven knightly virtues - the composition of poems, horseback riding, fencing, checkers, hunting and swimming, but most of all the young man was interested in possession of a spear, although he did not neglect the study of natural sciences and theology. Knighthood as military and religious ministry identified the entire subsequent life of Heinrich. At 21, he became the initiator of the seizure of the Mavrov fortress in the north of Africa. Only 150 miles - this was the length of the first maritime campaign, the future inspiration of the sea conquest of Portugal.

Ceut's defenses - the new outpost of Portuguese on the African coast King instructed Infanta Henry. To do this, part of the income of the treasury passed into full and uncontrolled prince, and after 5 years, the prince became the Grand Master of the Cross Order. Now in hand marigvengerenough power focused: spiritual, military and financial. And Prince Henrich ordered this power to be the best for Portugal manner. He learned from the liberated slaves Christians about the caravans, which in the African desert transported gold from the shore of Guinea to the Muslim ports of the Mediterranean Sea. The prince aware in geography decided that Guinea could be achieved by sea, then taken from incorrect treasures could be disappeared into Lisbon. In addition, bypassing Muslim territories from the south, you can achieve Christian Ethiopia and start a profitable trading with it, and then reach the sea and to India itself. Scientific curiosity, supported by the accurate geographical maps found in the gravity of the infanta, was mixed with infanta. And when the brother of Henry Prince Pedro brought from Venice, the manuscript had already managed to glorify the traveler Marco Polo, the infant decided that he was south of the septures.

Prince Heinrich took up the organization of maritime expeditions to the North-West banks of Africa. At the insistence of the prince in 1431, astronomy and mathematics were included in the University of Lisbon's program. In 1438, at Cape Saint Vincent in the fortress Sagresh Prince Herrich organized the Observatory and the seaworthy school of Villa de Infanta. There were invited prominent scientists, astronomers, cartographers and navigators from all over Europe, and the prince of the navigator participated in discussions on a par with scientists. At school, they took all worthy regardless of the estate, religious and ethnic differences, which was unusual for the Catholic Portugal of the 15th century. The trials of Prince Nautical School Villa de Infanta became the first in European history by the scientific center. The fortress still preserved a huge 43 meter in the diameter of the wind rose - a diagram of perennial observations over the direction and strength of the wind. Inspired by the support of Prince Captain Portuguese Karavel, in 1418 opened Madeira Island. At the same time, the navigator began to master new lands and soon the first settlers appeared on Madeira, and in the metropolis began to deliver wine - rare in quality even for winemaking Portugal.

Then, all decades of Heinrich stubbornly equipped sea expeditions to the Canary Islands, but the captains could not bear the underwater cliffs at Cape Bohador. Sailing ships received holes and drowned about the ill-fated cape, where they believed at the time, dragons are found. In 1434, he conceded him from the open ocean, one of the captains opened the way to West Africa, and Heinrich received the honorary title "Marigor".

But why herinich the navigator himself never went to the distant sea expeditions. It was believed that the prince was afraid of pirates or that he believed offensive for the royal blood speech among the sailors, but most likely the Prince considered his main thing to analyze the reports of captains, separating the truth from fiction and equipped new maritime travel. Romantic Fallen Westerns, Heinrich, the navigator deliberately closed the sea for himself and as a true knight restrained the word.

The history of life
Heinrich (Enrique) The navigator is the Portuguese prince, called the navigator. For 40 years, it has equipped and sent numerous foreign expeditions to examine the Atlantic Coast of Africa, creating the prerequisites for the formation of a powerful colonial Empire of Portugal. Born on March 4, 1394 in the port. The third son of the King Joan I (founder of the Avisi dynasty) and his wife Philippi Lancaster (daughter John Gice).
In 1415, Prince Heinrich, together with his father, took part in a military campaign, as a result of which the Fortress of Ceut's Moors was taken on the African Gibraltar coast. There he learned that the caravans loaded with gold, who followed the Valley of the Niger River, crossed the Sahara, but decided that Portugal's gold-axis lands should look for sea routes. Thus, the beginning (from 1416) long and well-organized campaign of marine expeditions was found. Ships moved along the African continent and returned to Portugal using a wide belt of associated winds and coastal flows. One of the results of these expeditions was the discovery of Madeira (1418-1419) and Azores (1427-1431).
Madeira Island, located 900 km south-west of Portugal, became the first portuguese colony. At his lands began to grow sugar cane and spread vineyards.
The study of Africa in itself has been thailand great difficulties, for example, Cape Bohador in the south of the Canary Islands represented a huge danger to the navigation. But the southern way to the tropical lands of Africa was finally open - in 1434 Gilles Ianish got a chance.
His brother Prince Pedro, the second son of the king, had a strong influence on Herrich. In 1418-1428, he visited many royal courtyards in Europe. Later, Pedro arrived in Venice, where he watched the trade in Venetians with the eastern countries and where he was gave a manuscript of Marco Polo's manuscript. Having read the manuscript, Heinrich offered the captains of his courts to collect information about the sea route to India, as well as about the African Christian country of Ethiopia. He hoped to achieve this land, bypassing Muslim countries from the south-east. In this, his brother Pedro was supported.
After a second campaign in Seutu (1418), Heinrich established his residence in Algarve, the most southern province of Portugal, where the Reliable Bay of Lagush was located. In 1443, Heinrich received Sagrish at his disposal, the south-western point of Portugal at Cape San Wenti, or, as he was then called "Holy Cape". There on the means of the Portuguese spiritual and knightly Order of Christ, the head of which he was, the prince founded the observatory and the seaworthy school. Named Villa-Du-infanta, it became the center of attraction for prominent scientists, cartographers and astronomers of the time.
Heinrich's life was a chain of personal tragedies. In 1437, together with the younger brother Ferdinand, he participated in an unsuccessful expedition to Tangier; Ferdinand was captured by Moors and was concluded in the dungeon, where he died, since Henrich failed to buy it away. After that, in 1438 his older brother King Darti died. Middle Brother Pedro became a regent, but, having started a fight with the contender on Tron Alphonse V, was killed at Alpharobaire in 1449.
All these events led to the fact that the expeditions were organized by Heinrich sporadically, and long intervals appeared in their schedule. Nevertheless, in 1444, the captains of Heinrich opened the Senegal River, in two years they reached the Gear River in Sierra Leone. South of this point during the lifetime of Henry, the Portuguese could not move. In 1455 and 1456, Venetian Alvise and Kadamosto, the most famous from Henry's skippers, passed upstream of the Gambia River flowing in the Gambia, and next year he opened the coast of the Green Cape Islands. At this time, the mass trading of African slaves began, the center of which was located in Argen, not far from Cape Cape Blanco. Heinrich encouraged the slave trade, and the act of baptism of slaves considered the way to save their souls. The prince's expeditions began to generate income and in the eyes of Portuguese nobles and merchants Heinrich turned into a national hero.
Heinrich spent the last years in almost complete privacy in Sagris, surrounded by members of his "university", although in 1458 he accompanied the successful expedition to Tang and South in Arkyl. Then he returned to Sagrish to the "Holy Cape", where he died on November 13, 1460.