Lotto game rules in detail. Russian loto with kegs: game rules for beginners. Conventions for some numbers

The rules of playing Russian loto are very simple. Before the game, cards are drawn from a common pack, the number is agreed in advance. You can agree that one card costs 1 ruble or 50 kopecks. Players bet into the pot. The host takes out the kegs with numbers, calls them, and the players close the numbers on their cards, if they are on them. And the one who closes the line wins.

There are several game options

"Simple Lotto" - the winner is the one who first closes all the numbers on all his cards.

"Short lotto" - the winner is the one who first closes all the numbers on one of his cards.

"Three on Three" - when one of the players closes the top line of any of his cards, everyone except this player adds a contribution to the game according to the number of their cards. The game continues. When closing the middle row of any of his cards, the player takes half the hand. And the rest add half of their down payment. And the game continues. The winner is the one who first closes the bottom line on one of their cards. Then the whole con is his and the game is over. And they start again, choose cards and put them on the line by the number of cards.

The beginning of the game begins with the choice of the leader, who “shouts”, that is, mixes the kegs and takes them out of the bag and calls the numbers on the keg. The host may also play or only "shout". Depending on the version of the game "Simple Lotto" and "Short Lotto", all participants have the same number of cards. In the Three by Three lotto, the number of cards may vary between players. And the amount of the contribution to the game depends on the number of cards.

The course of the game "Three on Three"

Players put into the bank depending on the number of cards he has, for example, a ruble per card. The screamer, having mixed it well, takes out several barrels and quickly calls out the numbers one at a time. The difficulty is to have time to check all your cards for the named numbers and close them with “closers”. As "closures" you can use buttons or coins with a face value of 1 or 10 kopecks. When any of the players closes four out of five on any line on one of his cards, he says that he has an "apartment". Then the “screamer” discards all the unnamed kegs that he has in his hand and now takes out one keg each. The game continues until any player closes the line on any of his cards.

If the player closed the top line, then everyone except him adds the initial amount of money to the bank, depending on the number of cards each player has. And the game continues. If the player closed the middle line, then he takes half the pot, and all other players add half the original amount of the hand, for example, a ruble for two cards. And the game continues. When any player closes the bottom line on any card, he takes the entire bank and the game ends. All kegs are thrown into a bag, and the cards, by agreement, can be changed or the old ones can be left.

Controversial situations in the lotto

When two players closed the top row at the same time. That is added to the bank by everyone except them.

When different players close the top and middle lines at the same time. Then the one who has closed the middle row takes half, and all players add to the bank except for the one who closed the top and the middle row. And the game continues.

When two players closed the middle row at the same time. Then these two players "argue" i.e. only they play further, and for the rest of the players the game is over, and the one who first has any closed line wins. Then he takes the entire bank, and the game begins anew. Or another option, the players simply divide the base in half and the game ends.

When two players cover the middle and the bottom, the player who has the bottom wins.

If two players have closed the top and the bottom, the player who has dropped the bottom wins, i.e. he takes over the bank.

When two players close the bottom lines at the same time, they also “argue” until the first next closed line and take the entire bank and the game ends.

We apply these rules of the game in Russian loto when playing with relatives and friends, and we get a lot of positive from this!

Surprisingly, people have been gambling since ancient times, for example, ancient Greek myths tell about the lottery: a warrior was determined by lottery: he had to draw a pebble from a special golden helmet, white meant mercy, and black meant to fight in a duel with Great Zeus and die with dignity. Lotteries are mentioned in the Bible, as well as in the history of Ancient China, Rome and other great empires. An interesting fact is that in ancient China in the Han Dynasty, lotteries were not only gaming, but also strategic in nature: the emperor arranged lotteries in order to build the Great Wall of China with the help of proceeds from players. Thus, it was not a pity for the residents to donate money, and someone won really valuable prizes.

Lotto became known in Europe and Italy in the 16th century. In Russia, this game appeared much later, in the 18th century, and immediately caused a great stir among the inhabitants, but the upper strata of the population could play this game, and only in the 20th century absolutely everyone could play the loto. In the Soviet Union, "Russian Lotto" was positioned as a family and educational game, although it would be more correct to call it gambling.

Rules of the game in Russian Lotto

The set includes several cardboard boxes with lined tables and numbers, 24 cards in total, 150-200 tokens.
A rag opaque bag and wooden barrels, on the top and bottom of which numbers are drawn: in the classic version there are always 90 of them, and the numbers vary from 1 to 90.
In total, there are about three ways to play Russian loto with kegs.

A simple and classic game of Russian Lotto

Each participant is given one card with a table, and the leader takes out one barrel from the bag, respectively, the more numbers match the barrels and numbers on the card, and the faster the participant fills in the empty fields, the more chances to win. The field on the cards is filled with special tokens or barrels.

Short Russian Lotto game

It is possible that several participants can win the game, the winners can be chosen using the second method called "Short Game", in which you need to fill in only one row of numbers.

Russian loto "Three by three"

This is the most popular way among players. The essence of this game is that the host gives each player three cards, which are randomly chosen by the host: while each card costs a certain amount of money if adults play, while children put buttons, sweets, beads and other trifles on the line.

The goal is similar: you need to quickly fill in the fields of the bottom rows of each card. The one who fills the line of cards in the middle fastest of all, he takes a third of the total amount of bets. But you can also come up with your own ways, which will depend on the agreement between the presenters and participants.

How to play commercial Russian Lotto

There are also popular TV lotteries in which, under a successful set of circumstances, a participant can choose a good amount of money or an apartment: the chances are not great, but they are always there. To do this, in special stalls you need to buy tickets on which the numbers will be indicated.

Next, the participant waits for the release of a television program, where the presenter rotates the lottery drum and takes out balls with the numbers indicated on them, if, say, six numbers in a row match (it all depends on the rules of a particular game) with the numbers in the participant’s card, the participant becomes the winner, and with contacted by the organizers.

In general, in order to play loto, it is not necessary to be a gambler, because you can buy kegs and play in a company, for example, for sweets or for purely symbolic things. Or you can test your luck by buying a special ticket, because they are often quite inexpensive, from 50 to 100 rubles.

Greetings to everyone who reads this post! Today I will talk about another interesting lottery called "Russian Lotto". If you are wondering why I started writing about lotteries in the first place, read and you will understand everything.

1. Russian loto - game rules

The principle of the game is the same as in the usual lotto. Let me explain, if someone did not play, several people participate: the players and the presenter. Players buy tickets with numbers, and the host takes a bag of kegs and starts pulling them out.

When the host pulls out the keg, he says the number that is written on it, and the players mark this number on their tickets, if it is, of course, there. The winner is the one who will close the entire ticket before everyone else.

But there are also, so to speak, intermediate gains. For example, if someone closes the top drain, he takes half the pot. If it's low, then everyone doubles the pot. But these are not specific rules, before the start of the game, the participants decide among themselves how they will play. This is how the usual lotto is played.

The Russian Lotto lottery is carried out according to the same principle. That is, you buy a ticket (or several tickets), and then mark the numbers. Only the presenter "sits" on the TV and from there announces the numbers on the kegs.

Russian lotto has its own rules. We will talk about them now.

Here you are sitting in front of the TV and cross out (or mark in some other way) the numbers on your ticket. How do you know if you are winning or not?

The draw is held in three rounds:

First tour. It is won by those who have closed 5 numbers in any horizontal line. An example in the picture below:

Second round. It is won by those who completely close any one field. For example, as in the pictures below:

The third round, as well as all the following after it. Then those who close all the numbers on the tickets win. For example, like this:

Let me tell you a little more about the jackpot. It is cumulative in nature, that is, if no one wins it in today's draw, then the entire jackpot amount goes to the next draw.

Is it possible to win in Russian Lotto?

Of course real. Firstly, in the usual lotto, someone always wins, which means that you can also play in the Russian lotto. Secondly, this game has been shown on TV since 1994. More precisely, not a game, namely, getting the kegs, that is, a rally.

Do you think if no one won, people would still buy tickets? But there are many who buy tickets and win. By the way, what can you win?

There are two main types of winnings - cash and the so-called clothing. Well, with money, everything is clear - this is money, from tens of thousands to millions of rubles. And what is a clothing? Here, too, everything is simple - these are houses, apartments, cars, various vouchers, and so on.

The word "loto" apparently comes from French ("loto") or Italian origin ("lotto"). It combines gambling with the use of special cards, with numbers printed on them (usually rows and columns).

The rules of the game in "Russian Lotto" are simple and clear. You can play loto at home or any other place, the main thing is that there would be a suitable “company”. There are several types of Russian Lotto game rules: simple lotto, short lotto and three by three lotto. Before the start of the game, the participants agree on which Russian Lotto game they will play.

The composition of the game "Russian Lotto"

Wooden barrels 90 pieces, with numbers on the ends from 1 to 90;

Game cardboard cards 24 pieces, each card has three rows of cells, in each row five numbers from 1 to 90 are randomly located;

Plastic or cardboard chips (markers) for closing cells with numbers;

Opaque bag for storing wooden barrels.

Rules of the game in simple "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives three game cards and places them in front of him in a convenient order. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes one of the lines on his cards, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The player who first closes all the numbers on one of the cards wins.

Rules of the game in the short "Russian Lotto"

Each player receives one game card. The number of players is limited by the number of cards. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers). If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

The first player to cover all the numbers in any row wins.

Rules of the game in "Russian Lotto" three by three

It is considered the most "gambling" game in "Russian Lotto". Players buy cards, and this may not necessarily be money, the main thing is to observe “interest”. A leader is appointed - a player who takes the kegs out of the bag and announces the numbers.

Players who have a number or numbers, cover them with chips (markers).

If a player closes four out of five numbers in any line, he is obliged to warn other participants in the game about this with the word “apartment”, after which the leader takes out no more than one barrel from the bag.

In case if:

The player closes the top line on the card, other players report the end and the game continues on;

The player closes the middle line on the card, he takes a third of the horse for himself, and the rest report the horse and the game continues on;

The player closes the bottom line on the card, he takes the hand and the game stops.

Lotto is a simple, but very interesting and exciting game. Having appeared in Italy in the 18th century, it quickly spread throughout the world and gained well-deserved popularity in Russia.

If your baby has already begun to show interest in numbers, try playing loto with him. He will receive not only pleasure, but also a powerful impetus for the development of memory, attentiveness, intelligence and reaction.

Rules for playing Lotto

They play from two players with a driver, although one of the players can play the role of a driver. We will consider here not gambling options for playing for money, but the usual game “without interest”.

To play, you will need a special set, which includes:

  • 24 cards with numbers written on them.
  • A bag of kegs numbered from 1 to 90.
  • Chips ("closers") for closing duplicates.

The driver thoroughly mixes the bag with kegs and begins to pull out the kegs in turn, calling (“calling out”) the numbers written on them. The driver and players should not peek into the bag, trying to determine the next number. Players carefully follow the numbers and if they have such a number on their cards, they take the keg for themselves, placing it (“closing”) on the corresponding numbers. If two or more players have a number, they cover their numbers with special chips.

There are several game options. One of them - short lotto. In this case, each player takes one card at the beginning of the game. The winner is the one who first closes one of the rows of numbers on his card (" Apartment!»)

V simple lotto Each player takes three cards. And the winner is the one who first closes all the numbers on his card. As in the short lotto, the player who closes one row says "Apartment!". But this does not mean a win, but just a signal to other players.

In order to make playing loto more interesting for your child, many numbers were given comic names ("Cranks"). The driver can call these numbers only by name or by both numbers and names.

Name of lotto numbers

Number Name
1 Lord, Kol, One in the field warrior, Stick, Stupid
2 Pair, Goose, Swan, Dunya speckled
3 Wipe your nose, Trinity, Three, For three, Altyn
4 Chair, On (all) four sides
5 Pyatak, Excellent student
6 Fallen Angel
7 Hatchet, Poker, Woman's weapon, Seven spans
8 Vitushka, Matryoshka, Neckline, Bagel, Wedding rings
9 Victory Day, Ninth Wave
10 Sentry, Bull's eye, Fish eye, Teal, Chervonets
11 Drumsticks
12 Dozen
13 Baker's dozen
14 World War I
15 Three by five Fifteen
16 Unkissed
17 Revolution, Young
18 For the first time, once in a lifetime
19 Hunchbacked, Ksenia humpbacked
20 Goose on a plate, Swan Lake
21 Point
22 Ducklings (ooty-ooty), Swan geese
24 Swan on a chair, two dozen
25 Again - 25, Thursday
27 Swan with an ax, Goose slaughter
28 Ounce
29 twenty girls
33 33 teeth, Three-three, Curly, Curls, Two hunchbacked
36 three dozen
38 38 parrots
40 forty magpies
41 eat alone
44 Chairs
45 Baba berry again, halfway
48 We mow hay, we ask for half
50 Half a century, Half a century, Fifty dollars, Anniversary
55 Pensioner, Gloves, Dog ears, Petr Petrovich, Priests, Holy people
56 Two-ounce (2 to 28)
60 Five Dozen, Retired
66 Boots, Slides, Ninety-nine
69 Back and forth, sniffing, sleeping like pigs, topsy-turvy
70 Ax in the lake
71 Ax and hook (Fireman)
77 Hatches, Semyon Semenych, Ladies' legs, Brodni (high boots)
78 Grandmother with an ax
80 Grandmother
81 grandma with stick
82 Grandma said in two
85 perestroika
88 Pretzels, Kalachiki, Kalachi - only from the oven, Matryoshkas, Dolls, Moscow bagels
87 Grandmother with an ax
89 Grandpa's neighbor, Almost there, All but one
90 Grandfather, Grandfather (they asked: “How old is grandfather?” And they pulled out the next barrel)

Video game loto