Jumping exercises. Endurance exercises To develop endurance, you need to perform

How to develop muscular and general endurance?

Endurance - This is the ability of muscles to maintain the required level of strength for a long time.

Endurance is especially necessary in such sports as: various martial arts, wrestling, kettlebell lifting, sprinting. Since these sports require a sufficiently long maintenance certain level strength, and not a short-term effort, so let's take a closer look at what the athlete's endurance depends on, and what training methods contribute to its development.
In the old days, when people had little idea how to train for endurance development, their training in terms of duration and intensity was the same as in the upcoming competitions. For example, a swimmer tried to swim a distance that corresponded to the upcoming competitions faster and faster each time. This can be called the method of continuous loading, when the entire series of competitive movements is performed in one approach.
After some time, or rather in the 20s, the continuous load was replaced by the interval training method, the effectiveness of which showed that repeated repetition of short but more intense loads gives a greater training effect than long and less intense work. This method is used today, the effectiveness of which has been proven at the biochemical level.

What factors affect the performance of our body?

1) The body's ability to take in oxygen and remove carbon dioxide:

- respiratory volume of the lungs
- the rate of gas exchange in the lungs

2) The ability of the body to carry blood:

- total blood volume
- the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood - an oxygen carrier protein
- the speed of blood circulation (depends on the size of the heart, the larger the heart, the more it pumps blood in one contraction)

3) The ability of the circulatory system to remove metabolic products (acidic) from working muscles:

- total blood volume and circulation rate
- the body's ability to maintain a physiologically normal levelpH
- lactic acid utilization rate
- the rate at which carbon dioxide is excreted through the lungs

Let's take a closer look at how the level of acid-base balance (pH) of the environment affects our body. At rest, the acid-base balance of the blood is shifted to the alkaline side, that is, the pH of the blood is 7.4 (in a neutral environment, pH = 7). With intense muscle activity, a large amount of lactic acid is formed, which is excreted into the blood, which increases the acidity of the blood and lowers the pH to 6.9-6.8. The human body is not able to withstand a significant decrease in blood pH, at pH = 6.5 dizziness and nausea are already observed. If the acidity is too low, our body uses special substances - bicarbonate buffers, they react with lactic acid and easily excreted products are obtained (lactic acid salt and carbonic acid, which decomposes into water and carbon dioxide).

Training for the development of general endurance.

1) The development of the respiratory and circulatory systems of the body.

The main purpose of these systems is to deliver oxygen to the muscles. Training should be distinguished by the creation of a maximum muscle demand for oxygen, which will further cause the body to adapt to critical conditions. The body is able to maintain a high rate of oxygen consumption for a short time, so a series of high-intensity loads in breaks with rest to restore strength will be effective. For example:

- long high-intensity workouts no more than 6 minutes (time of holding the maximum oxygen consumption)
- rest between sets should be approximately equal to the time under load

- short high-intensity workouts from 30 to 90 seconds. ("circulatory" method). The "circulatory" method is good because in the first minutes of rest, oxygen consumption remains at high level, which trains the heart well, leads to its hypertrophy (increase).

2) Development of the body's ability to maintain the acid-base balance of blood pH (by accelerating the utilization of waste products and the accumulation of buffer substances).

Again, a similar principle applies here, in order to develop some kind of system, you need to overload it with training. For this case, the following load is suitable:

- high-intensity load 1-2 minutes, with the same rest between sets
- the optimal number of approaches is 3-4
- between a series of approaches, the optimal rest will be 10-15 minutes

The explanation here is simple, the maximum accumulation of lactic acid is observed after the cessation of a short high-intensity load. Repeated loads lead to the maximum release of lactic acid on each other and there is a significant shift in the acid-base balance of the blood to the acid side. Muscle fatigue, due to the residual accumulation of metabolic products in them, is observed after 3-4 repetitions of such a load, so it will be effective to divide the workout into several series of 3-4 sets with a 10-15 minute rest between series.

3) Providing muscles with fuel.

The main sources of energy for muscle activity are:

- carbohydrates (mainly glucose)
Glucose is stored as glycogen, a complex carbohydrate found in the muscles and liver, and used during short, high-intensity exercise.

- fatty acid(if in simple terms just fat)
Fat reserves are used only at low-intensity loads.

- amino acids
A backup power supply that is connected only when the body is starving or very long depleting loads.

Of all three types of energy sources, it is obvious that the first will be the most valuable. Glucose is the main source of energy. To increase glucose reserves in the form of glycogen, training of the principle is also used - exhaustion, recovery, super-recovery. After exhausting loads, subject to sufficient carbohydrate intake with food, supercompensation occurs on the third day. To increase the glycogen content in the liver, a method called “carbohydrate loading” is used, for this it is necessary to limit carbohydrate intake a few days before the competition, and sharply increase the remaining one day before the competition, which leads to a large increase in carbohydrate content in the liver.

Muscular endurance.

Long-term muscular work with a certain effort is determined primarily by the saturation of the muscles with energy. ATP molecules are the main source of energy, but their concentration is enough for only 1-2 seconds of intense muscle activity, but there are several ways to restore them, which can be divided into 3 large types:

- with creatine phosphate
- via glycolysis
- oxidation (with the participation of oxygen)

Let's consider each individual path in more detail, how you can develop the maximum power and capacity of individual mechanisms:

Power is the highest rate of ATP formation.
Capacity - the amount of energy of ATP.

Creatine phosphate muscle performance.

Power depends:

- on the concentration of creatine phosphate molecules
- on the energy needs of the muscles
- from the activity of the accelerator of the reaction of creatine phosphate + ADP = ATP
- maximum duration from 6 to 12 seconds.

capacity depends:

- from the reserves of creatine phosphate in the muscle


- The load level should be high enough (to activate most of the muscle fibers and provide a high rate of energy consumption) and be 70-85% of the one-time maximum.

- The duration of the load should fit in 7-15 seconds (4-6 repetitions). We consume ATP, creatine phosphate, and do not wait for the onset of glycolysis, because. the accumulation of lactic acid contributes to slowing down the recovery of ATP and creatine phosphate.

- Rest between sets should be 3-5 minutes. Such a period of time provides super-recovery of creatine phosphate, you can rest more, but in order to meet the training time, this will be the best solution.

- The number of approaches should be from 5 to 10, more simply does not make sense, because. the reserves for raising the level of creatine phosphate during one session are limited and fatigue accumulates after each set.

Glycolysis performance of muscles.

Power depends:

- on the concentration and activity of glycolysis enzymes
- from muscle fatigue factors that reduce the intensity of contraction
- from the resistance of glycolysis enzymes to an increase in the acidity of the environment (acidic products that accumulate during intense muscle activity, such as lactic acid, inhibit energy production)
- from the stability of the internal environment of the muscles to the acid-base balancepH. (in conditions of increased production of acidic metabolic products)
- maximum duration from 30 to 60 seconds.

capacity depends:

- from muscle glycogen stores


- high-intensity loads lasting 30-60 seconds
- rest between sets should be long enough to ensure the removal of metabolic products and the development of high glycolysis power in the next set
- loads for training muscle resistance to the release of lactic acid and the resistance of enzymes to a decrease in the acidity of the environment can be 1 - 1.5 minutes or 20-40s. with an equally short rest interval.

Oxygen efficiency of muscles.

Power depends:

- on the density of mitochondria in muscle fibers
- on the concentration and activity of oxidative enzymes
- from the volume of oxygen available for oxidative reactions
- from capillary muscle (the more capillaries, the better the supply of oxygen)
- from the concentration of myoglobin (a protein for transporting oxygen to muscle cells)
- on the diameter of the muscle fiber (the smaller, the better it is supplied with oxygen)


- for the development of maximum aerobic power, the training load should be in the range from 2 to 6 minutes. (The rate of ATP consumption, due to oxidation, is achieved at 2-3 minutes of work, the retention time maximum power is 6 minutes, so you need to work within these limits)
- multiple repetition of loads

To consolidate the material, I advise you to print out such a simple sign that you can hang anywhere, even on the door in the toilet, it clearly and clearly shows how you need to train to achieve the endurance functions you need.

Endurance is not pumped up muscles. This concept includes the ability to withstand loads for a long time. In order to increase endurance, there are special exercises.

The fact is that during strength exercises, white muscle fibers work. And red fibers are responsible for endurance, which are not so strong, but they have the ability to work for a long time, provided that they have enough oxygen. It is they who train in the process of endurance exercises.

Endurance varies. It is divided into several types.

Determines how the heart, blood vessels, lungs can work under stress for a long time. This requires cardio walking, running, swimming, jumping rope, skiing, cycling.


Depends on how many times the muscles or their group can contract. She is trained by performing many repetitions of exercises. Can push up, pull up, squat, twist.


Aerobic exercise help strengthen the heart and blood vessels, get rid of excess weight, while maintaining muscles and improving the functioning of the pulmonary system. This type of load includes running and swimming.
Speed ​​Workouts aimed at repeating exercises at maximum speed.
Circuit classes can be carried out in one place without leaving home. This means that a cycle of several exercises is repeated several times - circles. Experts advise doing four to eight circles in one workout. At the same time, reduce its time, thereby increasing the intensity.
Special training are designed to develop the endurance of a particular muscle group. As a rule, such classes are held for athletes who are involved in some kind of sport where strength and endurance are needed in a specific part of the body.

What's the use?

Developing stamina is good for health. So, during aerobic exercise, the increased supply of oxygen to the blood contributes to the fact that carbohydrates are broken down, transforming into energy - excess fat disappears.

The number of small capillaries that supply blood to our skin and all organs of the body, including vascular capillaries, is also growing. The body receives more oxygen and nutrients.

The heart and lungs begin to work better.

  • The heart muscle begins to pump blood more actively, which means that the organs of the body are better supplied and also work better.
  • Mitochondria, which serve as intracellular energy factories, grow, which improves the performance of each cell.
  • The lungs begin to work better, the blood is saturated with a large amount of oxygen.
  • Lactic acid dissolves in muscle fibers.
  • Red muscle fibers develop better.

TOP 10 Endurance Exercises

One of the most effective workouts is running, which is available to almost anyone.

  • It is better to do it every other day so that the body recovers. The maximum interval between workouts is two days.
  • First you need to run slowly, slowly increasing the pace, then slow down again. Gradually, the training time increases, the speed can also increase.
  • At home, you can run in place, periodically jumping up on your toes.
  • If it’s difficult to start running right away, then you can just walk: walking - good exercise endurance, especially at a fast pace. Then you can run for five minutes two or three times a week, and then increase the jogging time.
  • At the same time, you need to monitor your breathing - there should not be a lack of it.

An excellent assistant in increasing stamina is an ordinary jump rope. Jumping with it is useful for relieving muscle tension.

  • It is important that the foot is fully repelled from the floor surface.
  • The jump is worth fifteen minutes at least.
  • You can periodically raise one leg, then the other.

So fat is quickly burned, the heart and blood vessels are strengthened, coordination is improved, the muscles of the calves, thighs, hands, shoulders, abs and buttocks are trained. It turns out that the whole body works, which has a very positive effect on overall well-being and endurance. Jumping like this every day, you can, if you wish, quickly lose weight.

Pistol Squats: One leg is extended and squats are performed on the other. You can just squat in the usual way - on two legs. Squats are just as effective as running.


4. Horizontal bar

  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar should be performed as many times as possible for the approach. Then take a break and pull up again.
  • Four or five such approaches are required.
  • In this case, the body should be straight, legs extended.
  • When lowering, you need to exhale, when lifting - inhale.
  • If you have never done this, then at first you can just hang on the bar for a few minutes.

Pushing up is also helpful.

  • It is important that the back is straight, and the breath follows the movements: down - inhale, up - exhale.
  • The number of approaches is from one to five.

You can train the abdominal muscles.

  • To do this, lie down on the floor or a gymnastic bench.
  • Legs are straight, hands are behind the head.
  • It is good if someone holds the legs so that they do not come off the floor. You can fasten yourself with a belt to a bench or catch your feet on an object, such as a bed.
  • The body rises, while twisting a little.
  • On the rise, inhale, on the lowering - exhale. In this case, the abdominal muscles should always be tense.



Cycling is a great endurance booster. Its plus is that it is available to overweight people, since in the process of cycling the load on the knees and feet is removed.

  • The leg kick exercise is performed while squatting.
  • In this case, the palms are placed on the floor.
  • One leg is thrown back, the back bends.
  • Then you need to return to the original position.
  • Make the same movement with the second leg.
  • You need to exhale when the leg is thrown back.
  • Another variant of this exercise is to do standing jumps, in which one leg is in front, the other is behind.

9. Games and swimming

Playing hockey and football is also a great workout for general endurance.

You can swim, but for this to have an effect, it is important:

  • exercise at least twice a week
  • and swim long distances.

Dumbbell exercises are also good. You can do the same squats, but hold a dumbbell in each hand. This will increase the load and the effect of classes.
You can alternate between different exercises during one session. The most important thing is to do it according to the rules.



Approximate complex for increasing cardio endurance

For example, perform such a complex to increase cardio endurance:

- jump over the rope, raising one leg, then the other; on each leg twenty times;
- bring the feet together and make twenty jumps;
- take several steps in place to restore breathing;
- in a position where the hands are behind the head, you need to step forward and bend the leg at the knee at an angle of ninety degrees, take a breath; the weight is transferred to it; then you need to raise your leg, exhaling; repeat several times - up to thirty;
- shake your legs, take steps on the spot;
- sit down thirty times, when you sit down, swing to the side with one bent leg;
- a few steps to calm the breath;
- in a standing position, the half-bent right leg rises back, right hand touches the left foot, the body is tilted, left hand pulled back;
then you need to straighten up, join your palms and throw your right leg to the side; do the exercise thirty times with each leg;
- the rope is taken again, jumps are made on different legs alternately, ten times;
- hands should be folded in front of the chest, sit down; stand up - spread your arms, performed thirty times;
- now you need to raise your hands up and inhale, lower - exhale, take a few steps in place.

For endurance training to be beneficial, you need to exercise according to the rules.

  1. During training, you need to take breaks to rest. These pauses can be passive or active. If you choose the second option, you can get an even greater effect from training, because during rest the body will not completely relax, which means that later it will get back to work faster. Activity means that a more intense exercise is replaced by a less intense one. You can lean forward or rotate your body.
  2. Experts recommend starting training with twenty minutes daily. Gradually increase the duration until it reaches forty minutes, then you can bring it up to an hour, when endurance is high enough.
  3. Endurance exercises and power training must be shared. You can't do both at the same time. The best option is to separate aerobic training and strength training - put them on different days. Moreover, the break between them should not be less than eight hours, better - a day. When endurance is already well developed, it is possible to carry out, for example, aerobic exercise in the morning, and strength training in the evening.
  4. No need to drive yourself to exhaustion. Exercise should be fun. For example, you can run slowly, slowly, gradually moving to an average speed. Don't do endurance exercise.

As for running, it is better to do it no earlier than two hours after you wake up. In this case, the stomach should be empty. This will help you clean up faster. excess weight if you have such a task. The fact is that during the night the glycogen in the body decreases, fats are used. If you run in the morning, you will be able to lose weight faster.

Endurance is the ability of muscles and the body to perform long-term physical work without getting tired and without reducing its intensity.

In the broadest sense, the following types of endurance are distinguished:

  • General Endurance- the ability of the body to effectively perform physical work involving a large number of muscles, cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous system. Affects the effectiveness of long-term execution of any physical activity.
  • Special Endurance- the ability to effectively perform long-term physical work characteristic of a particular type of activity. Affects the effectiveness of long-term performance of a particular physical activity or exercise.

The main factors of endurance:

  • Aerobic factor- affects the efficiency of aerobic exercise: for example, running on long distances.
  • anaerobic factor- affects the efficiency of anaerobic exercise: for example, sprinting for a short distance.

In general, the aerobic endurance factor is considered as a synonym for general endurance, and the anaerobic one as a synonym for speed endurance.

Basic methods for developing endurance

In total, there are several methods for developing general endurance:

  • Uniform continuous method- a single uniform exercise of low or moderate intensity for a long period of time: from 15-30 minutes to 1-3 hours. A classic example of this method is running on a treadmill at a constant speed. Develops aerobic endurance.
  • Variable continuous method- periodic change in the intensity of continuously performed work. An example is continuous running on a treadmill with a periodic change in speed. It is a type of interval cardio. Develops both aerobic and anaerobic endurance of the body.
  • Repeat method - the use of both standard and arbitrary exercises and loads repeated at unplanned intervals. The main thing is to perform the load in a certain number of repetitions and a given speed. An example is crossfit.
  • interval method- dosed repeated exercise of short duration (up to 2 minutes) at strictly defined rest intervals. This method is most often used to develop special endurance. Example - bench press, 4 sets of 15 reps, with a rest between sets of 1 minute.

Examples of building programs for the development of endurance

Understanding the meaning of each method of developing endurance and clearly imagining the desired goals, you can easily create a typical program for each described method. I will present my examples of such programs. I will only make a reservation that all of them are designed for the development of predominantly general (aerobic) endurance. Again, with a clear understanding of the processes described above, you can easily create a program for the development of special endurance.

* - Start running at a slow speed. When you feel ready for a faster pace, pick up your speed and run in this mode for as long as you can. Next, slow down again to a slow speed and run like this until you can speed up again. And so on, as long as the forces allow. As soon as fatigue becomes unbearable, end the workout.

** - Start running at a steady, moderate speed and run for 3 minutes. After their expiration, go to the step and move in this mode for 1 minute. Next, accelerate again to a constant moderate speed and run again for 3 minutes, and then rest, moving to a step, for 1 minute. Perform 5 stretches in this way, then complete the workout.

Tasks: 1. Promote an increase in the maximum level of oxygen consumption as the most important factor in aerobic performance.

2. Develop the ability to maintain long-term work in conditions of maximum oxygen consumption.

3. To improve the speed of deployment of the coordinated work of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems of the body.

Facilities. Diverse cyclic and acyclic physical exercises performed for a long time mainly in the aerobic mode of energy supply and providing Active participation in the work of large muscle groups.

Such means include: swimming, rowing, skiing, cross-country and other similar exercises.

Additional means of developing endurance can also include environmental factors : periodic stay in mid-mountain conditions, use of saunas, baths, pressure chambers, etc. Adaptation of the body in these conditions increases its resistance to hypoxia and thus has a positive effect on endurance.

Methods. To develop general endurance, apply: uniform, variable and interval methods . The choice of methods is largely determined by the level of preparedness of the trainees. In this regard, with beginners, the most suitable would be uniform method as quite simple, affordable and gentle.

More prepared practitioners can be recommended variable method , due to its advanced development capabilities. interval method can be used by people who already have a good level of general endurance, tk. it makes serious demands on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

An important requirement for the applied methods of endurance development is to find the optimal combination of the duration and intensity of the load.

Uniform and variable methods are essential for improving general endurance. At the same time, it is recommended to gradually increase the duration of the load, thereby placing ever higher demands on the establishment of consistency in the work of the functioning systems of the body. The intensity at the initial stage of endurance development remains at a low level. Only after some time it begins to gradually increase and is maintained at the so-called "critical speeds", which allow, with the full mobilization of aerobic capabilities, to satisfy the oxygen demand in the process of the work itself. At the same time, oxygen debt, of course, is not formed. The increase in the intensity of loads is accompanied by a slight decrease in the duration of work.

Developing intensity for beginner healthy people to be at a heart rate level of at least 120-130 beats per minute. The optimal intensity for trained practitioners is in the range of 140-170 beats per minute. At the same time, the maximum systolic blood volume is achieved, the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

The duration of the load at the intensity noted above has fairly wide individual fluctuations, which also depend on the level of preparedness of people. However, it was found that work of less than 4–5 minutes is ineffective, because the respiratory processes do not have time to unfold and bring the oxygen transport system (heart, blood vessels, respiration) to the maximum level of oxygen consumption.

In the mass practice of physical education, where there is no need to significantly increase the overall endurance, the duration of work on the order of 15–20 minutes is sufficient.

As the functional capabilities of the body increase, if this is due to sports tasks, the duration of continuous work can be gradually increased to 30–40 minutes or more. With such a duration of work in the conditions of a "true steady state", a well-balanced functioning of the cardiovascular, respiratory and muscular systems is achieved and the mechanisms of energy supply are improved.

The considered methods of continuous exercise, as already noted, are basic for beginners and important for well-trained athletes, because. they are able to create and improve the base of general endurance. In addition, they allow you to accurately dose the individual load and, in general, serve well to improve health.

interval method increasing overall endurance is used primarily in sports training. It is a fairly effective way to improve it by performing anaerobic work.

The idea of ​​this method is as follows. Anaerobic work in the form of high-intensity, but short-term repetitions is separated by small rest intervals. The resulting anaerobic decay products stimulate the respiratory processes during periods of rest. Therefore, during the first one and a half minutes of rest after exercise, oxygen consumption increases, and systolic blood volume also increases. If the next load is performed at a time when these indicators are high enough, then oxygen consumption will gradually increase from repetition to repetition.

Approximate parameters of the interval method used to increase aerobic performance are as follows:

1. Intensity work should be high enough, about 75-85% of the maximum remote. According to heart rate, this is about 160-170 beats per minute by the end of the repetition.

2. Duration each repetition - 1-2 minutes. A shorter time does not allow to activate the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, and a longer one causes a decrease in intensity and, accordingly, prevents the creation of the necessary oxygen debt. Therefore, work for 1–2 minutes, taking place under conditions of oxygen debt, will lead to the maximum oxygen consumption during the rest period.

3. Rest intervals are made of such duration that the heart rate does not fall below 120-130 beats / min by the end of the rest, i.e. this is about 3-4 minutes.

4.The nature of the holiday must be active. The pause is filled with low-intensity motor activity, which at the same time accelerates the recovery of the body and supports its increased functioning.

5.Number of repetitions depends on the individual ability of a person to carry out work in conditions of significant fatigue. In any case, it is necessary to start with 3-4 repetitions in one session and gradually increase to 10 or more repetitions.

The considered interval method for the development of general endurance, carried out in an anaerobic-aerobic mode, is also widely used for the development of special endurance of the stayer type.

The spetsnaz attack technique offers an excellent opportunity to develop speed, strength and endurance. There is a wide range of exercises and all of them are divided into the following types:

It consists of a set of rhythmic, typically military, so-called ceremonial exercises, the task of which is to form an "army bearing". Some consider it an unnatural state of the body, while others, on the contrary, proudly walk with shoulders raised and chest puffed out, often experiencing some discomfort. To understand who is right here and who is not, one should remember the old proverb: "How you look is how you feel."


There are few such exercises. They are done very quickly, with a certain amount of sporting anger. An example would be a short, quick punch or dash. During anaerobic exercise, energy and strength are generated in the muscles without the use of oxygen in the blood. Therefore, this type of exercise does not depend on the regulation of your breathing, nor on the number of blood vessels in the muscles. Anaerobic exercise is very inefficient because, unlike aerobic exercise, it produces only 10% of the available energy. Of all standard athletics exercises, only the 100m race does not use the oxygen in the blood. The meaning of the hundred-meter race is to achieve from a person the ability to quickly run short distances. Some doctors believe that anaerobic respiration developed in an ancient person due to the fact that he often had to get away from predators, making a lightning-fast sprint jerk.


There is a clear majority of such exercises, and they all require an increase in the work of the heart and lungs. Aerobic exercise (rowing, cycling and swimming, 800m and 1500m races and, of course, the marathon) requires endurance and full effort. Aerobic exercise helps develop and strengthen the heart and lungs, thus improving overall fitness.


This type of training is designed for long and repeated exercises aimed at increasing strength and speed without the use of weights. Periods of intense exercise alternate with short pauses, which allows you to train longer, achieving maximum efficiency. During short pause, the so-called recovery period, substances on which human fatigue depends, such as lactic acid, are released from the muscles, energy-rich substances are restored, and tissues are saturated with oxygen contained in the blood.


It is the same as timed training, with the difference that it includes exercises performed on machines and exercises with weight lifting. The goal of this workout is to work all muscle groups by doing as many exercises as possible, but before moving on to the next one, perform as many repetitions of the same exercise as possible in a certain period of time.


Its task is to increase strength and, as a result, efficiency. It develops muscles that cover the most vulnerable areas of the body, such as the rectus abdominis, which protects the solar plexus from impacts.


For the development of general endurance, the best are exercises in which large muscle groups are involved and in which rhythmic and repetitive actions occur. Therefore, well-known and traditional exercises such as regular long-distance running are excellent methods (it is advisable to run 2-3 times a week, in time - from half an hour to an hour); swimming - long swims, at least 15-30 minutes; skiing; cycling or exercise bike; jumping with a rolling pin, various sports games (such as football). As cardiovascular endurance increases, respiratory systems training should become more and more intense. It must be remembered that in the event of the termination of regular training, after a few weeks the body's endurance decreases.

In addition, there are mixed exercises that develop general and special endurance. So, in the process of cross-country, you can and should accelerate, run in a ragged rhythm. Burden yourself with various kinds of objects - from special weights on the legs and belt to a backpack with a load.

Apply intermittent training - this is when intense exercises are replaced by periods active rest breathing exercises, stretching exercises. For example, 1 minute (with an increase in endurance of 3-6 minutes) you intensively work with a pear (another projectile for working out percussion techniques), then do stretching for 3 minutes, or exercises to develop movement skills. And so there are several approaches. Such training develops both aerobic and anaerobic endurance of the body.

Another similar exercise is to run a 100-meter race at maximum speed, come back with a jog, a quick step and accelerate again, so several times in a row. Three minutes you practice punches (kicks), a minute for stretching, and so on for several approaches. Three-minute sparring with a partner, a minute to recover, and so on for several rounds.

Sparring with a tree: jogging in the forest, when approaching a low-hanging branch or just a selected tree, 30 seconds - a minute, make quick attacking movements, run again and so on as many times as you want.

Stair running: on high speed run up the stairs, come back on foot or jog. And so several times. A similar training can be done on a hill, in the mountains.

Run in place: run for a minute at maximum speed, raising your knees as high as possible. Then breathing exercises, stretching. Do several approaches.

"Circular" training - consistent performance of exercises for the development of strength, the development of endurance. For example: do push-ups 30-50 times, then squat 50-100 times, do push-ups again (you can change the type of push-ups, the first time is standard - on the palms, the second on the fists, the third on the fingers, the fourth legs on a hill, etc.), jump with a rolling pin for 3 minutes, do push-ups, squat, work with a pear (makiwara) and you can do this until you are completely exhausted. Such training can be done at home, in the gym on simulators, on the street, alone or in a group. Naturally, it is necessary to increase the intensity, the number of exercises, the time as you are ready.