Exercises for the abdominal muscles lying down. Exercise plan for a flat stomach. Lower Abdominal Exercises

This is a standard ab exercise. It is during the execution of twists that the rectus abdominis (it is responsible for the cubes on the abdomen), the pectoralis major, the external and internal obliques, as well as the transverse abdominal muscles are included in the work.

Performance. Keep your middle and lower back pressed into the floor. This way you avoid engaging the hip flexors. Try to keep your hands at your temples, do not stretch your chin and neck up. The abdominal muscles should lift you. On the rise, you should exhale deeply, inhale - in the lower position.

Do three sets of 30 reps.

This exercise is aimed at working out the lower press (abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus, oblique and transverse abdominis, quadriceps.

Performance. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and press to the floor. Raise your legs off the floor and perform crossing movements. During the exercise, make sure that the lower back is pressed to the floor. The lower the legs are lowered, the greater the load on the lower press. If you find it difficult to keep your legs at this level, raise them a little higher. If you feel your lower back lift off the floor, raise your legs a little higher. Make sure your legs are straight.

This exercise is also aimed at working out the lower press (abdominal part). Muscles involved in this exercise: iliopsoas, tensor fascia lata, sartorius, rectus femoris, adductor longus and brevis, pectineus, rectus, oblique and transverse abdominis, quadriceps.

Performance. Lie on the floor, stretch your arms along the body and press to the floor. Raise your legs off the floor and perform walking movements with a small amplitude. Socks should be pulled over, the lower back pressed to the floor. The lower the legs are lowered, the greater the load on the lower press. If you feel that your lower back is off the floor, lift your legs a little higher and fix this position. Make sure your legs are straight.

Do three sets of 30 seconds each.

During this exercise, the rectus abdominis, external oblique, quadriceps and tensor fascia lata (thigh muscles) work. This exercise is more aimed at burning fat, and not at working out the relief.

Performance. Lie on the floor, raise your legs bent at the knees (the angle should be 90 degrees), stretch your arms in front of you. Raise your upper body towards your knees, reaching forward with your arms. On the rise, exhale, in the lower position - inhale. Try not to tear your lower back off the floor and do not lower your legs. Make sure that the chin is not pressed against the neck.

A simpler version of this exercise is to cross your arms and lie on your chest. More complex - the hands are behind the head or are at the temples.

Do three sets of 10 reps.

During this exercise, the main load is directed to the oblique muscles of the abdomen, but the rectus abdominis, quadriceps and tensor fascia lata (thigh muscles) also work.

Performance. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head, bend your knees. The feet should rest on the floor. Perform a twist in which the right elbow reaches for the left knee to the middle of the thigh, and the knee approaches the elbow. During the exercise, try to raise the upper body so that the shoulder blades come off the floor. The lower back should be pressed to the floor. Don't tuck your chin into your neck or pull yourself up with your hands. When twisting, exhale, in the starting position - inhale.

The closer the feet are to the pelvis, the greater the load.

A simpler version of this exercise is that the non-working arm is extended to the side (forms a straight line with the shoulder girdle) and pressed to the floor. This will give you extra support while twisting.

Do 30 reps on each leg.

During this exercise, the rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, transversus abdominis, and the muscles of the legs and buttocks (gluteus maximus) work.

Performance. Lie on the floor, put your hands behind your head. Start doing leg movements like you are pedaling a bicycle. At the same time, lift your upper body, trying to tear your shoulder blades off the floor. Alternately stretch your right elbow to your left knee, your left elbow to your right knee. The exercise can be performed at any pace. Try not to press your chin to your chest and do not pull your head up with your hands. Remember to breathe properly: exhale should fall on each twist.

Do three sets of 20 reps.

During this exercise, the core muscles (the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles, the extensor of the back, the trapezius muscle, biceps and pectoral muscles), the buttocks and leg muscles (thighs and calves) are included in the work.

Performance. Get into a plank position on your forearms. The elbows should be located exactly under the shoulders, the stomach is pulled in (the navel is pulled up to the coccyx), the back is even (there should be no deflections in the lower back). In this position, swing with a small amplitude. When moving forward, the shoulders should be in front of the elbows, and when moving back, be behind the elbows. Make sure that the back with the legs constantly form a straight line (without deflections or, conversely, arches in the lower back).

Do the exercise for one minute.

You can watch the full video with all the exercises.

08.04.2018 5629

Training Author of the article:

Biomechanics of the abdominal muscles

How to pump up the press? This is the question that appears in the head of almost every visitor to the gym. Many people who only dream of a beautiful, sculpted belly and often torture themselves with twisting every time they visit the gym in order to get closer to those alluring cubes on the stomach from the cover of a fitness magazine. Unfortunately, they do not know that twisting can not only not bring results, but also harm. Let's not get ahead of ourselves too much, first things first.

In this article, I will analyze the main factors that need to be considered on the way to beautiful forms of abdominal muscles, as well as mistakes that should not be made.

Abdominal muscles is a group of muscles located in the abdominal cavity and providing protection to the organs that are located in it. These muscles have a rather complex structure, and their role in the human body is very large. Based on this, we can conclude that it is important to train the abdominal muscles, not only because they have a beautiful shape, but also so that the abdominal organs are safe. First you need to understand which muscles belong to the abdominal muscles (the so-called “abs”) and what their functions are. It is thanks to these muscles that our stomach acquires a beautiful and athletic look.

The muscle group of the abdomen includes the following muscles:

  • rectus abdominis
  • External oblique abdominal muscle
  • Internal oblique abdominal muscle
  • transverse abdominis muscle
  • Pyramidal muscle

rectus abdominis

The rectus abdominis is made up of two parallel muscles. This is a paired, flat, long, ribbon-shaped muscle, wide at the top and narrowed at the bottom, located on the side of the midline. Both rectus muscles are separated from each other by the white line of the abdomen. It starts on the pubic crest and pubic symphysis, goes up and attaches to the anterior surface of the xiphoid process and to the outer surface of the cartilages of the V-VII ribs. The muscle bundles of the rectus abdominis are interrupted by 3-4 horizontal tendon bridges.

The rectus abdominis muscle is closed on both sides by the ligamentous tissues of the oblique muscles. The question arises: what is the “cube” of the press? This is part of the integral muscle fiber of the rectus abdominis muscle, which is limited from other similar parts by tendon bridges.

Functions: Lifting the pelvis with a fixed chest. Flexion of the spine, lowering of the ribs, pulls the chest down with a fixed spine and pelvic girdle.

External oblique abdominal muscle

“It is located on the anterior and lateral surfaces of the abdomen and partially on the chest. The widest of the abdominal muscles. The muscle begins with 7-8 large teeth on the outer surface of the V-XII ribs. The external oblique muscle of the abdomen attaches to the outer lip of the iliac crest, pubic symphysis, linea alba.

Functions: With bilateral contraction and a strengthened pelvic girdle, it lowers the ribs and flexes the spine. With unilateral contraction, it turns the body in the opposite direction and performs a lateral tilt. With a fixed chest, raises the pelvis.

Internal oblique abdominal muscle

“Flat, which is a wide muscular-tendon plate, which is located directly under the external oblique muscle of the abdomen, making up the second muscle layer of the abdominal wall. The muscle begins with muscle bundles on the intermediate line of the iliac crest, lumbothoracic fascia and the lateral half of the inguinal ligament. Fan-shaped, the muscle bundles are attached to the outer surface of the cartilages of the lower ribs, and are also woven with a wide tendon into the white line of the abdomen”

Functions: Turning the torso to one side (together with the oblique muscle of the abdomen of the opposite side) and lateral tilt during unilateral contraction. With a strengthened pelvic girdle and bilateral contraction, it bends the spine, lowers the ribs. Raise the pelvis with a fixed chest.

transverse abdominis muscle

Forms the deepest layer of muscles of the lateral walls of the abdominal cavity. It originates on the inner surface of the six lower ribs, on the deep plate of the lumbothoracic fascia, on the anterior half of the iliac crest, and on the lateral part of the inguinal ligament. Muscle bundles go transversely, forward and medially, pass into a wide aponeurosis, also involved in the formation of the abdominal line. The lower bundles of the internal oblique and transverse abdominal muscles are part of the spermatic cord of the levator testis muscle.

Functions: It pulls the lower ribs forward and down, reduces the size of the abdominal cavity, due to which the abdominal wall is supported, intra-abdominal pressure is increased, and the spine and pelvis are stabilized.

Pyramidal muscle

The paired muscle is located in front of the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle. It starts on the pubic crest, is woven into the white line of the abdomen.

Function: Stretches the white line of the abdomen.

Myths about the press

Myth #1 - Abs are just “packs”

After a detailed anatomical analysis of the abdominal muscles and their functions, it became clear to us what the very press that many dream of consists of. At first glance, the illusion may appear that the press is only “cubes” on the stomach (rectus abdominis), no more, but as we can see, in addition to the “cubes” there are a number of equally important muscle groups that are part of the abdominal press . All of them are interconnected, and therefore complement each other.

Conclusion: The press is not only cubes on the abdomen (rectus abdominis), but also other muscle groups of the abdomen, such as the external oblique, internal oblique, transverse and pyramidal muscles of the abdomen.

Myth #2 - Pumping only the upper or lower press

Often my clients ask about how to pump up the upper or lower part of the press. I, in turn, upset them by saying that the upper and lower press do not exist. J Top and bottom abs are one of the biggest myths in fitness.

As we have already seen, the rectus abdominis muscle consists of two parallel, integral, flat, rectus muscles, separated by the white line of the abdomen, the muscle fibers of which, in turn, are separated by tendon bridges. This knowledge allows us to dispel this myth and makes it clear that it is impossible to pump the bottom of the press (namely, the bottom of the rectus abdominis muscle) separately from its top and vice versa. When hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar, it seems to many that their lower press is on fire, and they conclude that only the lower press is working. This delusion is caused by the work of the iliopsoas muscles, because it is they who actively work in this exercise and, as a result, burn. Of course, the press also burns, but it is more correct to say that the lower part of the rectus abdominis muscle burns, but not to say that only the lower part of the press works. When twisting on the floor begins to be performed and the press itself begins to work, a burning sensation appears and the person begins to believe that only the press is working upwards. A burning sensation in one part of the rectus abdominis muscle does not exclude the work of the other! These are all myths that make no sense.

Conclusion: No matter what exercise you do, be it crunches or hanging leg raises, ALL of the rectus abdominis muscles work (both TOP and BOTTOM). The fibers are reduced along the entire length, the division into independent parts is anatomically impossible! Leveling the bottom two cubes in isolation from the top two is completely absurd. The only true statement is a greater contraction of the lower or upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle in certain exercises, but not the independent work of the upper part from the lower one and vice versa.

Myth number 3 - I pump the press, burn belly fat

It is important to remember one important rule - the more we pump the press, the less fat goes. Paradox. The fact is that between 3-4 approaches to the press several times a week and 3-4 approaches to the press every day there is no difference. In the second case, you only waste time and do not allow the abdominal muscles to recover, the place to train other muscle groups. Fat on the abdomen does not go away from pumping up the abdominal muscles, this rule is also true for all other muscle groups. Getting rid of fat in any particular area is impossible, because. fat goes everywhere from the whole body, including from the face. Such is physiology. Even in the imagination, it is rather difficult to imagine a person with a relief press, full arms and a second chin. This is only possible in Photoshop. Even our imagination tells us that it is impossible to burn fat only on the stomach. J

Conclusion: do not download the press in order to lose weight.

Myth number 4 - I'm thin (oh), so the press can not be downloaded

It is important to understand that running on an elliptical or treadmill will not build up your abs. Any muscle group in the body needs work to develop and the abdominal muscles are no exception. By not training the abs, but losing weight only on food, you will find that the abdominal muscles leave much to be desired, however, like the rest of the muscle groups of the body. This is a natural result in the absence of strength training. Muscle training allows you to tone them up and significantly improve their appearance, which equals a beautiful toned body with beautiful abs. It is important and necessary to pump the press, but in moderation, not forgetting about the largest muscle groups (chest, back, legs). The paradox is that people who only train abs do not have abs, while people who train fully (legs, back, chest) do. This is due to the fact that in many complex basic exercises the abs are involved to one degree or another, since the abdominal muscles are the stabilizers of the body. Also, training large muscle groups allows you to accelerate the body's metabolism and provoke the release of testosterone into the blood, which is very important for gaining muscle mass, not to mention the fact that training large muscle groups allows you to burn much more calories than low-cost twisting. If you train only the press and do not train anything else, you may not expect results.

Conclusion: Only strength training can give the muscles of your body (and the stomach, respectively) an aesthetic appearance. This rule applies to all other muscle groups of the human body.

Myth number 5 - I'm thin (oh), but I have fat on my stomach, I don't want to lose weight

In the case when you are already thin, but there is belly fat, it is important to reconsider the nutrition plan and add high-intensity strength training, be patient and work. The required amount of protein in the body will help maintain muscle mass. Control of carbohydrates and fats in combination with high intensity strength training (high repetition training in the gym in combination with strength aerobics) will reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat.

Conclusion: To remove fat from a thin person from the abdomen, it is important to have, first of all, the right diet and the presence of high-intensity training to maintain and develop muscle muscles. Proper nutrition, by the way, is the first thing a person needs who is thinking about getting rid of excess fat in the body.

Percentage of body fat

Scientists were able to deduce the minimum range of the percentage of fat in the female body, below which women are not recommended, due to the appearance of significant disturbances in the vital activity of the body. This percentage ranges from 13 to 16 depending on age differences. Abdominal cubes are clearly visible if the amount of subcutaneous fat is in the range of 10 to 12 percent. In fact, it turns out that the embossed cubes on the female stomach are a deviation from the norm, because. with a low percentage of fat in the body, the menstrual cycle and the work of the body as a whole are disrupted. As for the male norm of fat in the body, what is considered safe for maintaining good health is 5-9%.

The table below shows the minimum body fat percentage by gender and age. Thus, the minimum fat values ​​should not be lower than these values. Based on the data in the table, one can notice a trend that body fat increases with age, as a rule, mainly due to a decrease in the level of activity.

Attention! It is important to understand that each person's body is unique. The norm of subcutaneous fat of different individuals may differ from the norms given in the table. For example, if one woman can feel good in the presence of 17% fat in the body, then the other at least 20%. The numbers in the table are not a panacea and it is not worth focusing on them entirely - remember that the body of each of us is unique.

In order to see the abdominal muscles, we do not need to perform crunches to the point of losing pulse - first of all, we need to get rid of the fat layer throughout the body. To do this, you need systematic aerobic and power loads, plus the right nutrition plan. It is enough to pump the press 3-4 times a week for its development and tone, like other muscle groups.

Physiologically, it is more difficult for women to achieve a beautiful embossed belly than for men, since men have much higher testosterone levels than women. And he, in turn, is responsible for gaining muscle mass and burning fat. This is one of the reasons why it is harder for women to gain muscle mass and lose weight throughout the body, including the abdominal area.


Remember, at the beginning of the article, I wrote that twisting can not only lead to no result, but also harm? So, it's time to talk about it.


Almost every visitor to the gym is familiar with this exercise. At first glance, the exercise looks safe and simple, but there are a number of nuances that everyone should be aware of when performing this exercise. Returning to the words that you don’t need to pump the press every day for a lot, you should pay attention to possible injuries when performing twists. Excessive and incorrect performance of this exercise can lead to injuries of the vertebrae, because. during twisting, pressure on the intervertebral discs increases. As a result, protrusion or intervertebral hernia may appear. This is the case when incorrectly applied efforts are rewarded with injury.

Execution technique: The range of motion (the angle between the back and the floor in a twisted position) in this exercise should be approximately 30 degrees. In this case, the pelvic floor muscles should be pressed to the floor to stabilize the spinal column. Having twisted, we exhale, returning to the starting position, we inhale. If the angle between the back and the floor is more than 30 degrees, the iliopsoas muscles will come into play and the abdominal muscles will no longer receive the main load.

Muscles involved: The main load during twisting falls on the rectus abdominis muscle (agonist). The secondary load falls on the external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen (synergists). Let's analyze the popular mistakes in exercises on the stomach with elements of twists.

Mistake #1 : Too high insteps. When we rise too high during a run, the load is transferred from the rectus abdominis to the hip flexors (iliopsoas and rectus femoris), so we should lift the back no more than 30 degrees from the surface.

Mistake #2 : We pull our hands behind the head while lifting the torso. To avoid this, you should keep your hands not behind your head, but behind your ears or in front of you. At the same time, try not to stretch your neck forward and always look up.

Mistake #3: Too fast pace. If you perform the exercise in jerks, the abdominal muscles will not have time to be included in the work, and the movement will be performed due to momentum, not force, while the joints and back will receive excessive stress, which, in turn, can lead to injury.

Mistake #4 : Relaxation in the negative phase. When we gently rise up, we strain the abdominal muscles, the same should be done when returning to the starting position (negative phase). We must not descend with relaxed muscles. Otherwise, the effectiveness of the exercise is reduced several times.

Mistake #5 : Delay and uneven breathing. There is no need to hold your breath - it is important to breathe both when lifting the body and when returning to the starting position. By holding your breath, you deprive the exercise of a share of effectiveness, because. intense exhalation during twisting engages the deep abdominal muscles (transverse abdominis) due to which the load on the muscles increases.

There is another option for performing twists in a small amplitude, where the range of motion is 20 degrees, and the arms are extended along the body. To increase the load on the abdominal muscles in this exercise, you can stretch your arms up.

Twisting with an axis in the thoracic region

Twisting in small amplitude (20 degrees)

Trunk raises on a diagonal bench

If, when lifting the torso on a diagonal bench, we raise the body, which at the same time is in a flat position, and the legs are fixed under the rollers, there is no difference between the lying body on the floor, in a standing position or at the top point on the diagonal bench. Only the angle of the body in relation to the hips changes. This suggests that the press in this exercise does not work at all, but the iliopsoas muscles work perfectly, the burning sensation of which is felt literally immediately. That's exactly why after a few repetitions, a strong burning sensation is felt in the legs, and the press does not get tired at all. It is logical. By pumping the iliopsoas muscles, it is not logical to feel the abdominal muscles, is it?

Technique: With the correct technique of lifting the body on an inclined bench, all the abdominal muscles are included in the work, in addition to the iliopsoas muscles, for this we need to rise not with a straight back, but twist in the process of lifting. Thus, we have loaded the rectus abdominis muscle, but at the same time, the iliopsoas muscles, the tensor fascia lata and the rectus femoris muscles as part of the quadriceps femoris muscles.

Muscles involved: Agonist (main working muscles) - rectus abdominis, synergists (secondary working muscles) - external and internal oblique abdominal muscles. The hip flexors will dominate if you raise your back higher than 30 degrees.

Attention! Performing the exercise on the stomach, in the prone position, we always twist the stomach, do not rise with a straight back, otherwise you can get injured! When performing the exercise on the floor with straightened legs, we press the lower back to the floor and do not let it come off, in this case, you can also get injured!

Twisting on the simulator while sitting

Muscles involved: Agonist - rectus abdominis, synergists - external and internal obliques. Axis of motion in the lumbar spine. Also in this exercise, hip flexion occurs, where the iliopsoas and rectus femoris muscles participate.

Tilts to the side in a Roman chair

Muscles involved: Agonists - external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, synergists - extensor muscles of the back and muscles of the lower back. This exercise does not reduce fat in the side of the pelvis and in the abdomen. By pumping oblique muscles, we can increase the volume of the waist, this should be borne in mind, because. many people do this exercise thinking they will burn fat. This is a big mistake.

The position of the hands during the exercise affects the complexity of the exercise and the load on the oblique muscles. If the arms are placed along the body, the load will be lower than when the arms are behind the head.

Diagonal twists to the knee

In this exercise, the spine flexes with rotation.

Muscles involved: Agonists - external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, synergists - rectus abdominis, multifidus muscles of the back.

Error: placing weight on chest to increase difficulty. This method leads to a decrease in the range of motion, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise. If we want to increase the difficulty of the exercise, we can keep the pancake behind our head.

Weightless option

Option with a pancake behind the head

Tilts to the sides while standing with a kettlebell

Muscles involved: Agonists - external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen, synergists - extensors of the back, square muscle of the back, psoas muscle, etc.

Lying pelvic lift with legs up

Muscles involved: Agonist - rectus abdominis, synergists - external and internal obliques. If we lower our legs to the floor, the hip flexors become dominant and the abdominal muscles are loaded statically.

Hanging leg raise

Muscles involved: Agonists - iliopsoas, rectus femoris, synergists - external and internal obliques, rectus abdominis, sartorius, tensor fascia lata. The exercise consists of two movements - hip flexion and pelvic lift with simultaneous flexion of the spine.

There is also the option of lifting the pelvis without hip flexion, in which case the agonist is the abdominal muscles rather than the hip extensors. This exercise is more suitable for advanced athletes.

dynamic corner

Muscles involved: Agonists - rectus abdominis and iliopsoas muscles. Synergists - tensors of the broad fascia, rectus femoris, external and internal oblique muscles of the abdomen.

Lifting the pelvis in an emphasis

Muscles involved: Agonist - rectus abdominis, synergists - external and internal obliques. In this exercise, the pelvis is lifted in partial amplitude.


Technique: Lying on your stomach, go to emphasis on your forearms, tighten your legs and put them on your toes to each other. The body should create a straight line. We do not protrude the pelvis up and do not bend unnecessarily down in the lumbar back. We retract the stomach, we strain the abdominal muscles to exclude the possibility of spinal injuries. Elbows should be at shoulder level to eliminate unnecessary stress on the shoulder joints. The humerus is directed strictly upwards (perpendicular to the floor).

Muscles involved: Agonists - rectus abdominis, transverse abdominis, synergists - muscles of the shoulders, legs, back.

If you are a beginner and have never pumped the abdominal muscles, the number of approaches in each abdominal exercise should be limited to 3, and the number of repetitions 15-20. As we progress, we can increase the number of sets to 4 and reps to 25 or move on to more complex exercises. If our goal is to gain muscle mass, and we have already strengthened the abdominal muscles (it became easy for us to perform 4 sets of 25 times), we should use additional weights and do 10-12 times in each approach for men and 12-15 times for girls, so that on the last repetitions of the exercise, a burning sensation of the target muscle groups was felt.

3 options for stretching the abdominal muscles

Finish the workout by stretching the abdominal muscles. Stretching will unload and stimulate them with blood, which will contribute to more effective recovery after strength training.

  1. We lie down on the floor, pull our arms back, and legs forward - we stretch the whole body.
  1. Lie on your stomach, palms on the floor at chest level, raise your upper body and take a deep breath. The legs are pressed to the floor. Stretch smoothly!
  1. We lie down on the stomach, bend our legs at the knee joints, take our hands on the feet, tear off the chest and hips from the floor, trying to stretch up.


In this article, I have demonstrated both simple and complex exercises for the abdominal muscles, most of which even beginners can perform. These exercises are more than enough to work on your stomach. You can include them in your training program and perform both before training as a warm-up, and at the end. I recommend doing abdominal exercises when you work on the upper muscle groups (chest, back, arms, shoulders). When we make legs, the load on the stomach can not be given.

A detailed analysis of the functions of the abdominal muscles and its biomechanics makes training the abdominal muscles understandable and technical. There are a lot of exercises for the abdomen in addition to those that were given in this article. Understanding how the abdominal muscles work, you can choose exercises of varying complexity for your physical level. That is why in this article I analyzed in as much detail as possible the anatomical role of the abdominal muscles and their biomechanics. Add a few exercises to your workout routine, don't be afraid to swap them out and move on to harder exercises. Do everything technically!

Remember that the press works when performing heavy basic exercises. That is why it is important to train in a complex way, developing large muscle groups and adding abs to them - not vice versa! Otherwise, you are unlikely to have strong, sculpted abs. Also, don't forget about genetics. Someone may initially have 8 relief cubes, while someone has 4 barely visible. But this does not mean that you need to give up and not work on your stomach!

And finally, without getting rid of the fat layer, you won’t be able to see the attractive “abs cubes”, so you should think about reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat. Without proper nutrition, it is impossible to get rid of excess fat, as well as gain muscle mass, including pumping up the press. Remember this every time you have a desire to pump up a sporty, beautiful belly. Well, if you need help in compiling a nutrition and training program, feel free to contact me by personal message on the site. Thanks to competent individual programs, you will achieve your goals much faster.

Your personal trainer was in touch! Good luck!

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All the fair sex wants to have a flat, toned tummy and beautiful curves of a thin waist. Low physical activity, a sedentary lifestyle leads to a weakening of the abdominal muscles. Long sitting work also stretches the rectus abdominis muscle, which makes the stomach bulge. Today the site will tell you how to make your stomach flat and show special effective exercises aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.

To make the stomach flat with the help of exercises, you need to know why the stomach begins to grow and look not the way you wanted. The stomach bulges for several reasons:

  1. Stretching of the rectus abdominis muscle from a sedentary lifestyle (always pull in the stomach when you sit for a long time!);
  2. Weakening of the muscles that keep the torso in good shape and support the internal organs;
  3. Deposition of excess fat in the abdomen;
  4. Poor digestion and intestinal blockage, overeating;
  5. After pregnancy;

In addition to weakening muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle, improper diet and lack of exercise leads to the deposition of excess body fat under the skin. The female body is designed in such a way that, under the influence of hormones, excess fat is deposited in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hips, buttocks and abdomen, especially its lower part. After pregnancy, the abdominal muscles also stretch and lose their tone. But this is easy to fix if you take the time to take care of yourself!

It may seem to someone that this is a difficult, impossible task and it will not work to make the stomach flat, you will not have enough willpower and patience. Know that everything is possible and it's easy! The main thing is regular training, which should become a habit for you. At first it will be a little hard, the body will resist and be lazy. But soon you will feel that it is already impossible to live without exercise! The body needs exercise and movement!Look at the girls who pulled themselves together and achieved amazing results:

You should know that strengthening the abdominal muscles themselves is very simple, it is enough to do exercises regularly, where the torso muscles will be involved. The muscles will come in tone, it will be very easy to keep the stomach drawn in. Tightened and strong muscles will be a corset for the internal organs. It is not only beautiful, but also extremely healthy! In general, first of all, you need to put health, and if the body and the whole organism are healthy, then the figure will certainly be beautiful!

Flat stomach - The basics of proper nutrition

Strengthening muscles is easy, but in order to drive off excess fat, you should try. A flat stomach is first of all:

  1. Proper nutrition!;
  2. Physical exercises (aerobic and strength);

If you do abdominal exercises, you can strengthen the abdominal muscles well. But, without cardio, without proper nutrition, your strong and toned abs will be hidden under a layer of fat. To get rid of fat, you need to adjust your diet. Do not overeat, give up flour, sweet. You can count the number of calories you eat per day and the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

You need to consume more protein foods, low fat, and get carbohydrates only from foods that contain complex carbohydrates and are able to supply the body with energy for a long time and gradually. Remember one rule that in the morning you can eat a lot of carbohydrates (sometimes it can be your favorite sweet!), but in the afternoon you should give preference to protein foods with a low fat content.

You can’t eat an hour before training and after training for an hour and a half you also need to refrain from eating, you can and should drink water. It is at this time that excess calories and belly fat will be burned.

Cardio make the heart work hard, accelerate the blood and burn fats and calories. Therefore, jumping rope, running, cycling, swimming, vigorous dancing contribute to weight loss and burning excess fat.

Some girls are afraid to do ab exercises because they don’t want to pump up cubes and relief, like men do. If you do exercises without weights, only with your own weight, it is impossible to pump up cubes and increase muscles. Do not be afraid that the exercises will make the waist look like a man's - a wide torso with prominent cubes. Pumping cubes for a girl is very, very difficult.

But still, if you want not only a flat stomach, but also a thin waist with a beautiful curve -do not get carried away pumping oblique, lateral abdominal muscles with weights, they make the waist wide. It is enough just to tone them up and strengthen them so that they pull themselves up and keep their shape firmly. So the waist will become thinner and more elegant. Muscles will not increase if you do not do exercises with weights! But for a beautiful bend in the waist and a flat stomach, it is imperative to do strengthening exercises for the oblique muscles.

How to make a flat stomach - exercises for weight loss and muscle strengthening

You need to do 4-5 times a week.

Before every lesson you need to do cardio exercises for 5-10 minutes first. It can be various jumping ropes or not, running, you can just actively dance. The main thing is to warm up well and increase the heartbeat. Warm up the muscles, make torso tilts (to the sides, forward and backward).

After workout it is also desirable to connect cardio exercises for at least 15 minutes.

Each exercise should be done in 2-3 sets of 10-25 times, depending on your fitness.

1 exercise - pulling the knees to the chest . Strengthening the lower and upper press.

Sit on the mat, raise your legs at a right angle, rest your palms on the floor near the buttocks. Pull your knees to your chest - exhale. Straighten your legs (so that the lower leg is parallel to the floor) and slightly lower the body back - inhale.

2 exercises for a flat stomach - straight twisting. Strengthening the upper press.

Lie on the mat on your back, press your lower back to the floor. Hands behind your head, but do not pull or jerk your hands behind your head! The palms only lightly hold the back of the head. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor and exhale. Gently lower yourself to the floor - inhale.

Read also:

3 exercise - leg raises . Strengthening the lower press.

Lie on the floor, arms extended along the body, lower back pressed to the floor. Bend your legs at a right angle. Raise your legs (so that the hips are at right angles to the floor) - exhale, lower to the starting position - inhale.

4 exercise - side plank. Strengthening the oblique abdominal muscles.

Lie on your side, lean on the floor with your arm bent at the elbow. Feet and buttocks should be on the same line. Exhale - lift your hips off the floor. Inhale slowly lower. The exercise can be made more difficult and focus not on the knees, but on the feet, i.e. legs should be straight. Exercise should be done on each side.

Exercise 5 - twisting from the side bar. Strengthening the oblique muscle group.

Starting position - side plank on your knees. The body from the crown to the knees should form a straight line. The knees and hips are on the same line. Stretch your arm up (inhale) and gently lower it behind your waist on the other side (exhale). Do the exercises first on one side, then on the other side - this will be one approach.

To complicate the exercise, you can take a dumbbell (or a bottle of water :) in your hand and perform it from the bar with support on your feet. Those. the legs should be straight, and the body from head to heels should form one straight line.

6 exercise - side twisting with leg raises . Strengthening all abdominal muscles.

Starting position - lying on the floor, legs raised up, hands behind the head. Lower your left leg without touching the floor - the leg should be in weight. At the same time as lowering the leg, lift the shoulder blades off the floor with a twist to the side - pull the left elbow to the right knee (exhale). Return to the starting position - inhale. Do the exercise on one side, then on the other.

7 exercise - side twisting with raised legs. Strengthening the upper and oblique muscles of the press.

Starting position - lying on the floor, lower back pressed to the floor, legs raised up at a right angle, hands behind the head. Raise your shoulder blades off the floor and extend your arms to the right side - exhale. In this exercise, alternate sides like this: the first lift to the right, the second lift to the left, the third lift again to the right, etc.

8 exercise - lifting straight legs from a lying position on your side . Strengthening oblique muscles.

Starting position - lying on the rug on the right side, the right arm is extended forward and lies on the floor. Left hand behind the head, legs straight. Raise your legs up as far as possible, at the same time lift the body and pull towards your legs - exhale. Lower your legs and shoulders - inhale.

9 exercise - raising legs . Strengthening the lower part of the press.

Lie on the mat, hands behind your head, lower back pressed to the floor. Legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Straighten your legs and hold for 1 second at an angle of 45 degrees - exhale. We put our feet on the floor - inhale. Watch the position of the lower back - it should always be pressed to the floor, and the abdominal muscles are tense.

10 exercise - side twists. The upper and oblique muscles work.

Lie on the floor with your legs bent at the knees and lowered to the side, hands behind your head. Tear off the shoulder blades from the floor - exhale, gently lower yourself to the floor - inhale. After 10-25 repetitions, switch sides and shift your knees to the other side.

11 exercise - plank. Strengthening all the muscles of the press, muscles of the back, lower back, buttocks and arms.

Very good complex static exercise. Almost all muscles are involved here. During static exercises, muscles are strengthened and fat is burned.

Starting position - lean on your arms, bent at the elbows, back straight. The body forms a straight line from head to heels. The lower back should be straight, the press is tense. Watch your breath - a sharp exhalation (the abdominal muscles tighten even more) and a smooth breath. Stay in this position for as long as you can. Start with 10-20 seconds. To rest, lower your body to the floor, then return to the plank position again. Do several approaches.

During the execution of all exercises, make sure that it is the abdominal muscles that work, the number of repetitions must be done until the burning sensation in the muscles. We felt that the muscles begin to burn and burn - another 3-5 repetitions and you can relax.

Watch your diet, do cardio and abdominal exercises - and your stomach will certainly become toned, flat and beautiful. The main thing is not to quit! Be beautiful!


Along with well-known exercises for the development of abdominal muscles, performed on simulators and using gymnastic equipment, such as:

– flexion, extension of the body with different positions of the legs in the hang on the gymnastic wall:

a) bending the legs (knees to the chest),

b) with socks touching behind the head:

- flexion, extension of the body while sitting on the floor or on a bench with fixation of the feet by a partner or under the lower rail of the gymnastic wall, modern methods of training athletes allow you to perform exercises without special equipment in a sitting or lying position on the floor.

Exercise technique requirements:

1. Do not strain the muscles of the neck, which can lead to fatigue of the muscles of the cervical region, discomfort and distract from the sensations of contraction and relaxation of the abdominal muscles.

2. Do not lift your torso or pelvis high off the floor.

3. "Listen" to the work of the muscles, be able to strain and relax the necessary muscles.

4. Working through the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle, perform a half-tilt forward, raising only the shoulder girdle to the level of the shoulder blades, while straining the rectus muscle of the upper part.

When performing exercise No. 1 for the lower section of the rectus abdominis muscle, do not allow the lower back to bend, do not raise the pelvis high from the floor, maintain the position of the bent legs at a right angle, and do not lower the legs to the floor. When performing exercises 2, 3, raise the pelvis from the floor by no more than 5 cm, keep the lower back on the floor, keep the legs in a vertical position. When performing the exercise, do not swing your legs and do not deviate from the vertical position, which can lead to switching work to the muscles of the upper section.

When performing exercises for the oblique muscles of the abdomen, raise the shoulder girdle to the level of the shoulder blades with the body turned to the right or left, observing the technique for performing exercises for the upper section of the rectus abdominis.


1. I.p. - sitting with legs bent at an angle (can be crossed), arms in any of the positions: to the sides, behind the head, cross to the shoulders, forward. 1-8 or 1-16 static hold. To complicate the body, tilt closer to the floor. For those who are poorly prepared, perform in an emphasis while sitting behind.

2. I.p. - emphasis sitting at the back with legs bent with support on the forearms.

1 - legs apart;

3. I.p. - emphasis sitting behind with legs bent at an angle.

1 - legs apart;

4. I.p. - emphasis sitting at the back on the forearms at an angle.

1 - legs apart;

5. I.p. - lying on your back with legs bent apart (hands under the chin, behind the head, forward or cross to the shoulders).

a) 1 - forward half-tilt;

b) 1-2 - forward half-tilt; 3–4 in I.p.

c) static hold - score 1-4, 1-8, 1-16.

d) 1–8 – option – a); 9-16 - static hold

e) 1-16 - option a); 1-16 - static hold


1. I.p. - lying on your back with your legs bent, resting your hands on the floor:

2 - lower the pelvis to the right;

3 - score-1;

4 - lower into I.p.;

5 - score-1;

6 - lower the pelvis to the left;

7 - score-1;

8 - omit in I.p.

For the well prepared:

2. I.p. - lying on the back with legs at an angle, emphasis with hands below the floor.

1 - pelvis up (without lifting the lower back);

2 - lower the pelvis to the right;

3 - score-1;

4 - lower into I.p.;

5 - score-1;

6 - lower the pelvis to the left;

7 - score-1;

8 - omit in I.p.

Do not swing your legs, this can lead to a redistribution of work to other muscles.


1. I.p. - Lying on your back with your legs bent.

1 - legs forward up;

2. I.p. - the same

1-2 - legs forward up

3-4 - I.p. Don't swing your legs.

3. I.p. - lying on your back, legs forward (angle) arms down, palms on the floor.

1 - pelvis up (do not raise the lower back from the floor, legs in an upright position);

Do not swing your legs, this will lead to the work of the upper rectus muscle.


I.p. - emphasis sitting behind, bending your legs at an angle.

1 - legs to the right (without lowering to the floor);

Perform at a slow pace, controlling the work of the oblique abdominal muscles 8-16 times, then static holding the angle without support with your hands. The number of approaches - depending on the preparedness of the athletes. Do the same to the left.

I.p. - lying on your back with legs bent apart, arms forward and to the left in the "castle".

1 - half-tilt forward (to the line of the shoulder blades);

for well trained

for the poorly trained

I.p. - lying on your back with your legs bent at the angle of your arms to the sides with an emphasis on the palms on the floor.

1-2 - legs to the right;

3-4 - legs to the left;

I.p. - the same.

1 - legs to the right;

3 - legs to the left;

I.P. - lying on your back, legs at an angle, arms to the sides with palms on the floor.

1 - right to the side on the floor;

2 - left to the side on the floor (to the right);

3 - left in I.p.;

4 - right in I.p.;

5-8 - the same in the other direction.

I.P. - lying on your back with your legs angled to the sides with palms on the floor.

1-2 - legs to the right on the floor;

3-4 - in I.p.;

5-6 - legs to the left on the floor;

7-8 - in I.p.

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Every woman dreams of a flat, elastic tummy. It's so nice to demonstrate a new swimsuit on the beach, if the skin on the stomach is taut and without wrinkles. This fact gives self-confidence, cheers up. Getting rid of extra pounds at the waist, you will find good health, additional energy, lightness in the body, which you no longer want to part with.

For effective training, and also in order not to harm your health, you should follow some rules:

  • do not start physical education without a preliminary warm-up;
  • do not start exercising with a feeling of hunger, as well as immediately after a hearty meal - keep 2 hours before and after eating;
  • for the entire period of exercise, exclude sweet, starchy foods, alcohol. Eat the amount of calories you need for your weight and lifestyle;
  • while exercising, breathe correctly: you need to inhale before starting the movement, exhale - in the process;
  • during classes, strain the abdominal muscles, try to pull them to the spine, make sure that the exact muscle that you are training works;
  • After training, be sure to stretch the worked muscles.

Contraindications for abdominal muscle training

Pay attention to possible contraindications in which training can harm your health:

  • pregnancy and postpartum period;
  • prolapse of internal organs;
  • recent operations;
  • hernia;
  • malignant tumors of the pelvic organs;
  • critical days. In some cases, increased physical activity can affect the volume of secretions.

How to strengthen and tighten the stomach at home

Not everyone has the time and opportunity to visit a fitness club. For some, it is expensive, but for some, there is simply no free time. But do not despair - if you wish, you can achieve good results without leaving your home. Physical education to strengthen the press is simple and will require only 15-20 minutes. The main condition for achieving a successful result is regularity. It is enough to do exercises every other day, but for faster progress, increase the load by exercising daily. With this organization, you can see results in about 4-12 weeks, depending on the initial state of the abdominal muscles.

To achieve the best effect, you need to work out all the abdominal muscles.

Important: to burn fat more intensively, do 3 sets with the largest number of repetitions. Start with 20 and work your way up to 50.

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles

Get your mat ready, put on comfortable clothes, put on your favorite music, and get into the starting position. It will be the same for most exercises - lying on your back, your hands can be removed behind your head or crossed over your chest. At the end of each movement, return to the starting position and relax completely.

Exercise 1 (we swing the upper press):

Important: work on the exercise until a burning sensation appears in the abdominal muscles.

Do not bring your knees together, your elbows should be spread straight to the sides, your chin should not touch your chest (otherwise there will be an overstrain of the cervical spine). If you want to increase the load, do an exercise with the effect of a spring - raise the body and, making springy movements, try to reach your legs, at the end, fix in the last position for a while.

Important: to reduce the risk of muscle pain after the start of training, stretch between exercises - lie straight on the floor, stretching your arms and legs, stretch well from palms to heels.

Video: how to download the upper press

Exercise 2 (we swing the lower press):

Exercise 3 (we swing the lower press):

  1. Raise straight legs off the floor.
  2. Make cross movements with your legs.

Exercise 4 (we swing the lower press, we are working on burning fat):

  1. Raise your legs up perpendicular to your body.
  2. Push your buttocks up 15-20 cm, trying to stretch your legs towards the ceiling.
  3. Go back to point 2, relax a little and repeat the movement.

If desired, this exercise can be complicated by slightly turning the pelvis to the side at the time of lifting.

Video: lifting legs up lying on the floor with a rotation of the pelvis

Exercise 5 (we swing the upper and lower press):

  1. Raise your straight legs slightly. The lower the legs are, the more efficient the work will be.
  2. Raising your shoulders, raise your arms parallel to the floor.
  3. Now stretch your arms up and down.

Important: breathe evenly - inhale slowly for five swings with your hands, exhale for the next five swings.

Exercise 6 "Twisting" (we swing all the abdominal muscles):

  1. The legs are bent at the knees.
  2. Place your left ankle on your right knee.
  3. Raising the shoulder blades, try to throw the right elbow over the left knee.

Do the same for the other side.

Exercise 7 "Bicycle" (we pump all the abdominal muscles):

In this exercise, it is better to raise your shoulders higher to increase the load on the muscles.

Exercise 8 (we swing the oblique muscles of the press):

  1. Here the starting position changes - lie on your right side.
  2. The right hand remains on the floor, perpendicular to the body, palm down.
  3. Slowly raise your legs and shoulders.

Roll over to the other side and repeat.

Tummy Tuck Exercises

To make your stomach slim and attractive, it is not enough just to pump the press. Treasured cubes can remain invisible under a thick fat layer and sagging skin. Therefore, it is worth adding some more exercises that will help make the stomach more toned.


One of the most popular, fast and quite effective exercises is the plank. When performing this stance, almost all the muscles of the body are worked out. The bar rack requires huge energy costs, which contributes to intensive fat burning. At first glance, it may seem quite simple. However, do not rush to conclusions - you will have to train a lot so that the stand in the bar can last more than one minute.

Exercise 1 (classic version of the plank):

  1. Take a pose as for push-ups, but standing on your elbows. Leave your legs straight.
  2. Keep your body strictly perpendicular to the floor, do not arch your lower back.
  3. Hold on like this for at least 20 seconds. It is necessary to gradually increase the time to 1 minute. To increase the load, you can rest on the floor with your palms on straight arms.

Important: in the plank stance, try to pull your stomach up to the ribs and keep it in tension until the end.

Exercise 2 (side plank):

  1. Lie on your side, put your elbow on the floor and lean on it.
  2. Raise your hip off the floor so that your body is fully extended. Do not arch back or forward.
  3. Hold on for the first time for 20 seconds, then increase the time to 1 minute.
  4. Roll over to the other side, do the same. To increase the load, you can also rest on a straight arm.

Exercise 3 (complicated plank):

  1. Take the starting position as in the classic plank.
  2. Raise one leg up, pulling the sock towards you. Hold on for as long as you can and switch legs.
  3. Then make it harder with your hands: standing in a plank, stretch one arm straight or sideways, stay as long as possible, then change hands.

Exercise 4 (complicated side plank):

  1. Take the starting position as for the side plank.
  2. Raise your arm and leg.
  3. Maintain balance for as long as you can, rest, roll over to the other side and do the same.


Exercise "Vacuum" is convenient because it can be done anytime and anywhere. Special breathing exercises help to work out even the deepest abdominal muscles, and also saturate the body with oxygen. If it becomes a habit, you will see the result very soon - the abdominal muscles will get stronger, and the skin will become more elastic. So, there is nothing complicated in this:

  1. Empty your lungs of air by exhaling deeply.
  2. Hold your breath.
  3. Pull your stomach in as much as possible.
  4. Hold this state for a few seconds.
  5. Relax and breathe.

Repeat the action 10-12 times.

Video: how to do breathing exercises for the abdomen

Good habits for a tummy tuck

If you are serious about improving the tummy, then it would be useful to have some useful habits that will help in the work on tightening it:

  1. Walking. Make walking a daily ritual. For starters, let it be 20-30 minute walks in the fresh air. Gradually increase the time to 1-1.5 hours. Walk whenever possible - get off a couple of stops early when driving home from work, go for bread not to the nearest store, but to the one that is a couple of blocks away, etc. Try to keep your abdominal muscles in tension while doing this, draw in the stomach. This habit will be useful not only in this matter, but for the whole organism as a whole.
  2. Posture. Watch your posture throughout the day. Keep your back straight and your abdominal muscles tense. Over time, the feeling of tone in the muscles will become familiar to you, the skin will tighten, the tummy will be more elastic.
  3. Massage. A very effective and effective habit that will help keep your stomach in shape. You can consult a massage therapist about the intensity of the massage that suits you or buy a massager, oil and do the massage yourself.
  4. Proper nutrition. Eat right, do not overeat, do not eat a lot of fatty, fried, sweet, starchy foods, especially at night. Dinner should be light, no later than 3 hours before bedtime. Remember, we are what we eat, any extra piece eaten will immediately be deposited in the cherished place. Count calories so you don't eat more than your body needs.
  5. Drinking mode. A very important habit that nutritionists around the world are talking about. After all, a sufficient amount of water increases metabolism, improves blood circulation, normalizes digestive processes and, importantly, dulls appetite. You need to drink daily the amount of purified, unboiled water corresponding to your weight. Please note that tea, coffee, juice and other drinks do not count - the body needs clean water. Calculating the right amount is easy - 30-40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Video: self-massage of the abdomen for weight loss

How to tone up your belly at the gym

Some women prefer to go to the gym. This disciplines well - it becomes a pity when the purchased subscription disappears, and the atmosphere in the gym is special, giving strength for training. In the sports club, you can exercise in the same way as at home, or you can connect special simulators.

So, on the way to the perfect tummy, it’s not enough just to pump the press - the muscles will strengthen, but hide under the fat layer. And in order to get rid of subcutaneous fat in the waist area, you need to lose weight in general, because there is no local weight loss. The most useful exercise for weight loss is cardio training. Not everyone can afford to have an exercise bike or treadmill at home, so in this case, the solution to the problem is going to the gym. Do the workout in the correct sequence.

Warm up

For 10-15 minutes, do a few simple exercises, they will help prepare the body for training:

  1. Tilts the head in different directions, rotation of the head.
  2. Lateral slopes of the body.
  3. Rotations of the shoulders, forearms, hands.
  4. Twisting of the body, rotation of the pelvis.
  5. Stretching the muscles of the back with the help of hands clasped in a lock behind the back.
  6. Raise the knees to the level of the pelvis.
  7. Rise on socks.

Video: warm-up before any workout

cardio training

Now choose the simulator you like the most, whether it's an exercise bike, a treadmill or an orbitrek. Drive on it for about 10 minutes. Keep a moderate pace. At this stage, you should be sweating a little, not tired - the main workout is ahead.

Photo gallery: cardio equipment

10 minutes of training on the orbitrek cardio machine is enough to warm up the muscles
Maintain a moderate pace of running or walking on the treadmill before your main workout

Exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles with the help of simulators and other equipment

Now that the muscles are prepared for the upcoming work, you can begin the main part of the workout. You can perform the same exercises as at home, or use the available simulators and various equipment.

Press bench

To perform bench exercises:

Exercise "Prayer" - twisting on the block

The amplitude during the exercise "Prayer" is greater than with ordinary twists on the floor, so the load on the muscles increases.

  1. Set the minimum weight.
  2. Stand facing (or back) to the simulator and grab the rope with your hands.
  3. Get down on your knees.
  4. Lean forward parallel to the floor with your back slightly arched. At the same time, the arms are bent at the elbows, the chin touches the chest.
  5. Lower yourself down, tensing your abs until your elbows touch your hips.

Video: the correct technique for performing the Prayer exercise

Leg raises can also be performed while hanging, holding the bar above your head with your hands. Make sure that the legs do not swing, but rise with the help of the abdominal muscles.

How to perform:


The fitball will help to pump up the press with a minimum load on the musculoskeletal system. At the same time, while working on the ball, you will use many other muscles, as you will constantly be in tension to maintain balance. It is necessary to choose the right size of the ball that matches your height - while sitting on it, your legs should be parallel to the floor. Performing the following few exercises, you will quickly achieve results.

Exercise 1 (twisting). At first, do this exercise in the amount of 2 sets of 10 times, then you can slightly increase the repetitions:

  1. Sit on the ball with your arms crossed over your chest.
  2. Move the ball under your back, moving your legs.
  3. Raise your shoulders slowly.

Exercise 2 (lifting the buttocks). Do not bend the lumbar, force only the abdominal muscles to work:

  1. Lie on the floor, fix the ball between the ankles, straighten your legs.
  2. Take your hands behind your head, hold on to the support.
  3. Raise your buttocks above the floor for a few seconds;

Exercise 3 (ball rollback). Don't bend your spine

  1. Get on your knees, hands on the ball.
  2. Roll the ball forward until you feel tension in the abdominal muscles;

Exercise 4 (side bends). Make sure that the elbows are spread apart, the body does not lean forward or backward:

  1. Lie sideways on the ball, resting your feet on the floor near the wall, put your hands behind your head.
  2. Raise your torso sideways up as far as you can.
  3. Return to starting position;

Exercise 5 (raising the pelvis). When you raise your legs, the angle of their bend does not change, the movement occurs only with the help of the pelvis:

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs 90 degrees, hold the ball between your feet, put your hands under your back, palms down.
  2. Pull your knees towards your chest, lifting your pelvis.
  3. Return to the starting position without touching the floor with the ball.

Video: training for the press with a fitball

Disc "Grace"

The special disc "Grace" is easy to use. It is also worth buying for home workouts. However, there are some contraindications for practicing on this device: you should not use it for existing problems with the spine, it is not recommended to engage in people over 50 years of age, as well as pregnant women. If nothing prevents you, feel free to start practicing. Take about 3 minutes for each exercise.

Exercise 1 (to strengthen the oblique muscles of the press, as well as the back):

  1. Place a chair nearby.
  2. Stand on the disc, holding the chair with your hands.
  3. Roll side to side. The body remains stationary.

Exercise 2 (no more need for a chair):

  1. Get on the disc and sit down a little.
  2. Lean forward a little.
  3. Spin on the disc in different directions alternately, while waving your arms in the opposite direction.

Exercise 3:

  1. Now sit on the disc, bend your legs so that your feet rest on the floor.
  2. Take lateral steps with your feet, rotating the disk.
  3. After several movements to the left, move to the right and back.

Exercise 4:

  1. Sit on the disc lying on the chair.
  2. Rotate the disc with your pelvis in opposite directions.

Body wrap - a way to tighten the stomach without grueling workouts

There are times when physical activity, even simple exercises for the press, is contraindicated for health reasons. For example, in the postpartum period, it is not allowed to pump the press for the first 2-3 months. But what to do if the extra pounds are deposited in the sides, and so you want to return the thin waist as soon as possible, to give elasticity to the stretched skin on the stomach? There is an exit! In this case, wraps will help you - the easiest and most affordable way to lose a couple of extra pounds and correct the shape of your stomach. The essence of this procedure is to apply a mass prepared from certain products to problem areas, wrap with cling film, wrap with a warm towel and wait. No more effort is required from you - fat will be burned while you are lying on the couch. Naturally, a miracle will not happen and you will not become a slender inch if the fat has been deposited for years. But this method is quite capable of coping with small errors.

Contraindications for the use of wraps

Any procedure, especially with the use of drugs, has contraindications. The use of wraps is no exception, so carefully consider whether you fit one or more of the following criteria:

  • the presence of bruises, wounds, scratches on the problem area, into which the mixture can get;
  • various skin diseases, fungal infections;
  • gynecological diseases, pregnancy;
  • oncology;
  • the possibility of allergic reactions;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

If everything is in order and you are ready to do all these manipulations to tighten the tummy, then choose the option you like best and proceed.

Clay wrap

Clay helps to normalize blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, so that fat is burned faster and the skin becomes more elastic. To prepare a mixture of clay, it is enough to dilute the special powder with water to the consistency of thick sour cream and apply to the abdomen and sides. You can add seaweed to the mixture if available. Then wrap with foil and wrap with a towel. After 30 minutes, wash off the clay with warm water and apply a moisturizer.

Honey with soda

To prepare a honey wrap, mix 5 teaspoons of sea salt and soda, 1 teaspoon of honey and 3 teaspoons of cream. Then everything is according to the usual scheme: a film, a towel, waiting. This composition has a positive effect on tissue regeneration, perfectly cleanses the skin, removes accumulated fluid and toxins from the tissue, and makes the skin smooth and elastic. So if you do not skip the procedure, the result will be noticeable in a few days.


Chocolate for the figure is harmful if it is taken as food, but not as a mask for the skin of the abdomen. Make a wrap with chocolate melted in a water bath, and the skin of the abdomen will change after the first procedure. Use natural dark chocolate containing more than 72% cocoa.


Coffee wrap is the most popular and effective way. All you need for this is 3 tbsp. spoons of coffee grounds and a glass of warm milk. Mix and apply on the skin of the abdomen and sides, massaging lightly. The result will not keep you waiting.

Do not forget to monitor nutrition for the entire period of the course of body wraps. Eat 5-6 small meals a day, the last meal should not be later than 3 hours before bedtime. Do not eat 1.5 hours before and 1.5 hours after the procedure.

Photo gallery: ingredients for body wraps

The use of clay for body wraps gives an excellent effect. Soda is an affordable tool for body wraps.
Sea salt can also be used as a scrub
Honey nourishes the skin with beneficial substances Warm milk will make the skin smoother and more tender Melt chocolate in a water bath Do not throw away the coffee grounds - this is an excellent tool for your beauty

How to remove wrinkles on the stomach

Before you begin to deal with unattractive folds on the abdomen, you need to find out the cause of their appearance. They can appear from an excess of subcutaneous fat as a result of gaining excess weight, they can be weakened abdominal muscles in the absence of fat deposits, or it can simply be skin stretched as a result of pregnancy. If you have extra pounds, the best solution to start the fight against wrinkles will be the organization of proper nutrition.

To strengthen the abdominal muscles, you need to resort to physical exercises. Wraps will help make stretched skin more elastic. But in any case, the most correct option would be an integrated approach - regular workouts while maintaining a balanced diet, as well as additional body wraps, will bring much better results.

Features of a tummy tuck for men and women

Due to the difference in the genetic background of the sexes, men and women recover differently. Fat deposits in men are deposited mainly in the upper abdomen, in women - in the lower part and on the sides. Accordingly, men lose weight a little easier, because fat leaves faster from the upper part. However, this will require more effort. If it is enough for women to do exercises without weights, under the load of their own weight, for example, exercising on a fitball, then men must definitely arm themselves with additional weights on simulators or dumbbells, otherwise there will be little effect from the work done. The metabolism in men is faster, so even without adhering to a strict diet, it will be easier to get rid of extra pounds with sufficient physical activity.

So, armed with the knowledge gained, you can safely begin the not so thorny, as it turned out, path to the ideal waist. The main thing in this business is regularity. Do not skip workouts, stick to a healthy balanced diet, take a course of wraps - and after a couple of months you can proudly demonstrate the result somewhere on the beach.