Natalya Gulkina shares her sexual experience (photo). Childhood and family of Natalia Gulkina

Natalia Gulkina is a famous Soviet singer, whose fame was brought by her collaboration with the Mirage and Zvezdy groups. It was working with them that our today's heroine recorded her biggest hits.

Today, the artist's work is already declining, but is it worth saying that the star of Natalia Gulkina has finally faded? Of course not. After all, this woman always knew how to present pleasant surprises to her listeners.

Childhood and family of Natalia Gulkina

Natalia Valerievna Klyarenok (namely, this was the name the artist bore at birth) was born on February 20, 1964 in the city of Moscow. WITH early years She showed great interest in musical creativity. At first she learned to sing, and then she began to learn the basics of playing the guitar with her father. For the first time, the artist began performing on stage at her native school. After that there were also concerts in pioneer camps and at various youth parties. At a certain point, Natalia also began to appear at various music competitions, in which she often managed to win prizes.

Only after graduating from school, the girl got married. So, the first husband of the singer was a man named Nikolai Gulkin. It was his name that the actress subsequently wore throughout her life.

Thus, in the Moscow jazz studio, our today's heroine appeared already under the name of Natalia Gulkina. In this place, the girl began to systematically work on her vocals, as well as acting skills. As a result, very soon fate brought Natasha to another young singer Svetlana Razina, who, in turn, soon introduced her to the composer Andrey Lityagin.

Natalya Gulkina and the Mirage group

By a happy coincidence, it was at this moment that the leader of the Mirage group was looking for a new vocalist for his team to replace the departed Margarita Sukhankina. After listening, a place in the group was offered to our today's heroine. However, surprisingly, Natalia Gulkina for a long time did not want to participate in the project, which seemed rather doubtful to her. As a result, the girl gave her consent in principle only two months later. This began the collaboration of the young artist with the newly formed Mirage group.

As part of the legendary team, the blond beauty took part in the recording of one album. In total, Natalia Gulkina performed vocal parts for the compositions "Mad World", "Sunny Summer", "I Don't Want", "Magic World" and "Electricity". The named songs were subsequently presented on the album "The Stars Are Waiting for Us" (1987).

Natalia Gulkina - This is China

After the record was released, Natalia Gulkina began to tour the country often. For some time she became the main face of the Mirage group, but as it turned out, her collaboration with the group was short-lived. All the same endless tours were to blame.

Having written several new compositions, Andrei Lityagin first decided to offer them to Natalia Gulkina, but subsequently abandoned this idea due to the fact that at that very moment the girl was at the other end Soviet Union. As a result, the songs were performed and recorded by the old soloist of the Mirage group Margarita Sukhankina. Natasha herself was subsequently invited to perform these songs to the phonogram. However, the girl considered such an alignment offensive to herself and, in the end, decided to leave the group.

New songs by Natalia Gulkina

As a result, our today's heroine organized her own team - "Stars". At first, the girl performed the same songs as before in the Mirage group, but soon this became the basis for a legal scandal.

Natalya Gulkina - Disco

As a result, Natalia found herself without any musical material. But this state of affairs did not last long. Already in 1988, the talented young artist met the composer Leonid Velichkovsky, who, in fact, offered her his musical material. As a result of cooperation, the album "My Little Prince" was recorded, which became quite popular in the "perestroika" USSR.

After that, the girl presented to the public two more records - "Disco" (1989) and "You just have to dream" (1991). Both albums became quite popular, and therefore, immediately after the collapse of the USSR, the girl began touring not only in the countries of the former Union, but also in some other states. Especially large concerts of the Zvezdy group were held in China.

However, despite the concomitant success, at some point Natalia Gulkina decided to start a new page in her work and, as a result, presented to the public her first solo album, Daytime Angel. After that, a fundamentally new stage began in the life and work of the artist. The girl recorded new compositions, released records, toured the country - however, over time, the popularity of Natalia Gulkina steadily fell. The once fashionable disco style was replaced by new trends, and therefore, at some point, our today's heroine gave way to other younger stars on the podium.

Despite this, the Russian singer did not give up and continued to fight. She recorded several songs in a duet with Svetlana Razina, took part in the projects "Malta" and "Queen of Disco" and once even made an attempt to go from Russia to Eurovision. However, nothing could restore its former popularity.

Natalya Gulkina today

Currently, Natalia Gulkina continues to work on new songs. She often performs in front of the audience as part of various festivals in the style of "Retro". In addition, in 2011, the artist also took part in the musical The Three Musketeers. Such an experience became a new bright page in her life.

Personal life of Natalia Gulkina

In the life of the artist there were four spouses. Her first husband was Nikolai Gulkin. From him, the woman gave birth to a son, Alexei. After that, Natalia Gulkina was also married to her director Konstantin Terentyev, as well as the head of the Street Jazz dance group Sergey Mandrik. In a marriage with him, the daughter of the artist Yana was born.

Currently, Natalia Gulkina is married to her fourth husband, pediatrician Sergei Reutov.

To maintain the title of world sex symbol, Kim Kardashian, who is not yet 35 years old, is forced to wear a slimming corset day and night and mercilessly photoshop her pictures before publishing them on Instagram. And the owner of a thin waist with a large bust Gulkina under a transparent dress, Internet users no tricks were seen. Only black lingerie. The singer's body is perfect without any adaptations.


This is probably why Natalia put on a completely transparent dress to demonstrate her perfect shape to the world. Recently, the vociferous blonde lost 20 kilograms. Having achieved a stunning result, Gulkina did not relax and now continues to actively play sports and lead healthy lifestyle life, and tirelessly tours.

The performer posted her photo in a “naked” dress on Instagram. " On the set of the video)))) There is still gunpowder", the attractive singer and bag designer assured her fans. "Wow!!! Worthy!”, “It’s not just gunpowder, a bomb, this is work on yourself!!”, “You look amazing. You are great, having left the Mirage, the Mirage has become empty, it has become no longer interesting without you", "Natasha, this is so much better than with false hair!", "Chic!)))) Cause delight!))))))" , "You're just getting more beautiful and younger every day," subscribers pour oil.

In the new video, in addition to Natalia cute muscular guys of model look filmed. It is noteworthy that for the sake of art, the artist was forced to walk on the beach sand in high heels for several hours. The whole night the work was in full swing in the quarry, and the result promises to pleasantly surprise everyone.

Until now, many associate the bright singer Natalya Gulkina with the Mirage duet, in which she worked side by side next to Margarita Sukhankina.

Natalya herself did not hide the fact that the passions between her and Margarita were in full swing. It turned out that Margarita even called Natasha names.

“Calling me names, she never repeated. Although, no, she called me a bitch more than once. For example, during the next concert, Sukhankina’s words were heard on the radio, addressed to the sound engineer: “Turn off this bitch, which annoys everyone with her voice, similar to the sound of a chainsaw!” Insults have become her usual behavior." Gulkina said.

Whether it was a joke or not, only time will tell. The main thing is that now Natalia is in demand as a solo singer and does not stop performing on stage.

For example, yesterday, together with other familiar artists, the singer performed in the city of Nurlat. It was quite cold outside, so the stars were notably frozen. And to warm up - went to a real Russian bath.

"After the concert)) we went to the bathhouse to warm up! Sorry, without makeup)))" - Natasha shared her impressions and posted a photo with the soloist of "Kar-man" Sergey Lemokh.

It is noticeable that Natalia is good without makeup. "Natasha, without makeup itself, you are charming)", "Natasha, tell me, what is the secret of such youth?" - subscribers asked. Natasha herself has not yet answered, but we found an interview in which Gulkina talks about the peak of sexual activity: “Until 40, I seemed to be paying off my marital debt and only now I realized that sex is needed for pleasure and it turns out it brings such joy. .

Then she talked about her most extreme sex: “Oh, it was with my fourth husband Sergey Reutov. Summer, heat, Serezha and I were at the recreation center. At some point I wanted to look at the sea from the tower, where rescuers usually sit At that moment there was no one there. Seryozha playfully pulled up my skirt ... everything happened there. It was so unusual, but I liked it. "

But for now, Natalya avoids plastic surgery, although she does not hide the fact that everything is possible, just a little later: “I go to a beautician who makes masks for me and takes care of my face in every possible way. I am ready to resort to plastic surgery after 50. I can say with confidence "What plastic surgery I will do in the West, because they got their hands on it much better than in Russia. It's easy to remove the chin, there is one puncture, and that's all - they recently explained to me. I'm thinking about eyelids, but they tell me that it's too early. So I will definitely rejuvenate, but later."

Then in her life there were solo performances, participation in another team ..

Natalya Gulkina gets prettier over the years

Natalya Gulkina is known to everyone as a member of the popular Soviet groups Mirage and Zvezdy. Her catchy voice, love for the stage and bright appearance once made her very popular!

This luxurious blonde conquered the hearts of men several decades ago and is not going to give up her positions! The editorial staff of JoInfoMedia offers a look at how luxurious Natalia Gulkina looks now. We have collected the top 10 bright photos of the singer in our photo gallery! Happy viewing!

Natalya Gulkina and the Mirage group

22-year-old Natasha got into the famous team in 1986. A vacant seat became vacant in the group after the departure of Margarita Sukhankina. The singer recorded with Mirage such popular compositions as "Sunny Summer", "Mad World", "I Don't Want", "Electricity", "Magic World".

Some time later, the producer of the group, using the services of Margarita Sukhankina, recorded several songs and invited Gulkina to perform on stage to the soundtrack, opening her mouth to the songs recorded by Sukhankina. Naturally, Natasha refused and after two years of performances, she left the Mirage.

Personal life of Natalia Gulkina

The woman was married four times. From the first and third spouses, the artist had two children. Gulkina's eldest son is now 34 years old, he performs music of his own composition. The youngest daughter of Natalia Yana will turn 20 next year.

Currently, Natalya Gulkina continues her solo career, gives concerts and pleases her Instagram subscribers with bright photos and videos.

Earlier we talked about the fact that the producer of the popular Soviet group Andrey Razin is making a feature film about the legendary band. Who will play the role of Yura Shatunov and how the shooting will take place, Andrei Aleksandrovich told the subscribers of his microblog.

Perhaps someone thinks differently, but the soloist of the Mirage group Natalia Gulkina- this is our Russian Sharon Stone. She does not hide her basic instinct and exposes her men to merciless analysis. It also gives invaluable advice.

"Men need to yield in everything, but do as you see fit," Sim magazine quotes the singer.

"Sexy role-playing games not for me. My intimate life does not need these tricks. Usually, with my lover, I just make fun of this topic: "If you behave badly, I will buy myself a black latex suit and spank you with a whip." Although, I think I would suit the costume of a predatory policewoman.

I don't ask men for money. If a woman constantly divorces a man for money, they say, “my little pussie, I need new shoes, fudge and a dressing gown with mother-of-pearl buttons,” then we can assume that she has fallen into bondage, from which there will be no way out.

It infuriates me when a man considers it permissible to live at my expense. I met Alphonse. At first they carefully accept gifts from you, allow you to pay for themselves in a restaurant, and then they begin to think that this is the norm. If a man is young and nothing hurts, he is obliged to work. It is very important for me that my beloved is in business. It is not at all necessary that he be the owner of any company. The main thing is not to sit on the neck.

I really like romantic men who are capable of beautiful deeds. Unfortunately, most men do not even know such a word as "foreplay". And if they do, they put a completely different meaning into it than we women do. But I was lucky - I met real romantics. One day I came home and saw a carpet of a hundred roses, a bathtub strewn with petals. This is not forgotten.

I've had no luck with rich men. More often come across young and not very wealthy people. But the size of my wallet doesn't matter to me. Feelings come first. When I am in love, I do not pay attention to the material condition of a man. But if I suddenly understand that a man is impudent and uses me, then I immediately break off the relationship.

Someone else's husband is taboo for me. When I was young, I did not understand what a grief this was for the family. I had married man. There came a moment when I realized that his wife and daughter were suffering from this relationship. We ended the romance. The former lover is still grateful to me - we parted amicably, and he managed to save the family. Friendship is more precious than love.

Breakfast in bed? - an expression of feelings. It gives me pleasure to quietly get up and cook something delicious for my beloved. My men are not in debt. Such luxury is present in my life all the time - I wake up and I already smell coffee. It's wonderful when people, without saying a word, make such surprises for each other. Just a couple of days ago, a loved one brought me breakfast in bed. Cheesecakes, however, were a little burnt, but there was also sour cream, condensed milk and tea. In general, we lead a healthy lifestyle, love light food.

I would like to delve into the head of a man and understand how his brain works. And if I were given the opportunity to change something in the representatives of the stronger sex, I would first of all eradicate laziness in them. I don't like it when a man kicks the bulldozer while lying on the couch.

Well, if I love, I can forgive everything. To the point of cheating."