The meaning of the name Sabrina for a girl. Sabrina: the meaning of the name, its influence on personality. Famous people named Sabrina

Many of us are wondering what nationality is Sabrina's name. There are several theories of its origin and meaning. According to one version, it was formed from the name of the Severn River (lat. Sabrina) - the longest river in Great Britain. In turn, the Latin name of the river was formed from the name of the nymph who drowned in it. One of the Celtic legends says about this. Translated from Celtic, Sabrina means patience.

There is also a theory that the name Sabrina comes from the Arabic word "sabra", which means "hope." Among other Muslim peoples, the name Sabrina is translated as "patient."

In European countries, the name became popular thanks to the novel The Beautiful Sabrina, which was published in 1954.

The most common forms of the name: Sabrinka, Sabrinochka, Brina, Brinushka, Rina. - this is a short, diminutive, pet name, which has been transformed into an independent name. The same applies to Saba.

Stone - Amethyst and Amber.

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Plant - Immortelle, Cypress.
  • Planet - Jupiter.

What does this name mean for little Sabrina? FROM early childhood the girl grows up very active, energetic and independent, but sometimes she can feel shyness or fear. It unexpectedly combines recklessness and timidity.

The girl has a very developed imagination and she often does some kind of pranks. However, the punishment for various tricks should not be too harsh. These girls need constant attention and praise, and in order to direct her energy in the right direction, you can entrust her with small chores around the house.

She also has good inclinations to study, but she does not often achieve success due to a lack of perseverance. She has a fairly wide range of interests, but the girl cannot concentrate on one thing, since her interests change with amazing speed.

Little Sabrina has a very developed imagination and she often does some pranks

Character and personality traits

With age, girls are dominated by one of two opposite personality types. She can become selfish, authoritarian, and arrogant. On the other hand, a girl can grow up to be modest, lack of initiative and rather lazy. The meaning of the name to some extent affects the fate of a person, but the nature and type of personality depends more on education and parental attention. In most cases, this is a generous and sympathetic person who tries to help literally everyone.

The girl easily makes new acquaintances and can become the “soul of the company”. To feel comfortable in any team, she needs to be liked by everyone. If she does not have moral support, she will behave arrogantly and arrogantly with others. Very often, representatives of this name are capricious, impulsive and impatient.

In numerology, the meaning of this name is determined by the number 3 and denotes a talented and active person. Despite the fact that the girl is very talented, it is important for her to listen to the opinion of authoritative people.

Sabrina Salerno is an Italian singer, actress and fashion model.


She does not get sick very often. At some point, it may seem that the girl is "exhausted" and she has neither the strength nor the ability to act. But having “recharged” a little, she is ready for further active actions. First of all, she needs to get enough sleep and rest more often, otherwise such a relaxed state can cause depression.

Marriage and family

In relationships with members of the opposite sex, the girl is very romantic, sentimental and decent. Impulsive actions are characteristic of her only as long as she does not become a married woman. That's what it is main secret her character. Love is extremely important for her, she constantly feeds her and gives additional strength.

For a loved one, she is ready to do everything in the world. This woman will be a loving wife and caring mother. Marriage and family are her main values ​​in life, for the sake of them she is ready to sacrifice even her career.

Career and hobbies

A woman who is influenced by the meaning of the name Sabrina often chooses creative professions, but she also has a talent for business or finance. She can easily quit a prestigious job if it does not bring her pleasure. This woman works more productively when she feels the spirit of competition, and in stressful situations she always shows firmness and courage. She can make an excellent psychologist, teacher or banker.

Also Sabrina is fond of esotericism, parapsychology and is drawn to what goes beyond the ordinary. She is attracted by everything magical and inexplicable.

Sabrina Ferilli is a popular theater and film actress in Italy.


This name is not found in the Orthodox calendar. At baptism, the child must be given a different name, which will be different from the worldly one.

Famous name carriers

Sabrina Lloyd Is an actress known for the TV series "Numbers" and "Law & Order".
Sabrina Ferilli- a popular theater and film actress in Italy.
Sabrina Salerno Is an Italian singer, actress and model.
Sabrina (Teresa Villa-Lobos) Is a popular Portuguese singer who represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007.
Sabrina Buchholz- famous German biathlete, world champion 2008
Sabrina Brian- American singer and songwriter, lead singer of The Cheetah Girls.

Write in the comments if our description of the meaning of the name Sabrina matches your character traits.

Widespread in Arab countries, where it is translated as "patient", from the Assyrian language it is translated as "hope." Europeans believe this name comes from the Latin name for the Severn River in England.

After the publication of the novel "Fair Sabrina", this beautiful name began to call girls in Europe.

Affectionate form of the name: Sabochka, Sabi, Brinochka, Bree, Rinochka, Rinka, Sabrinochka, Sabrinchik.

The Islamic name Sabrina is absent in the names of the saints of the Orthodox and Catholic faith.

  • Depends on Sabrina's time of birth:
  • Winter - Creative fantasy.
  • Spring - Insecure, timid.
  • Summer - Contradictory, fearless.
  • Autumn - Creative, finds a way out of any situation.


Since childhood, Sabrina is a talented child with a rich imagination, successfully realizing her bright ideas. It is important to develop her talent so that it is not wasted. Knows how to listen to the opinion of adults and authoritative people, takes their opinion into account when making a decision. She goes through life easily, she does not care what will happen tomorrow. On the one hand, he needs company, on the other hand, he loves solitude. Contradictory nature.

Studying is easy, in the classroom she talks to the children, loses the thread of the topic, then hardly catches up with her classmates. Lack of concentration. Dependent on the opinions of others, the negative unsettles her for a long time. He tries to avoid conflicts and quarrels, expresses his point of view after listening to the interlocutor. In a team, he chooses the side of the majority so as not to get involved in an argument.

He is afraid of many things in life, but overcomes his fears. By adulthood, she changes a lot, sometimes she is aggressive, tries to avoid a company where she is uncomfortable. In such companies, he behaves arrogantly, not allowing anyone to come to him. In his beloved company, he becomes sweet, sociable, always comes to the aid of friends. Capable of sophisticated revenge and rash actions.


Men cannot pass by this spectacular and tastefully dressed woman. Not everyone can conquer her - casual ties are not for her. She prefers a long and serious relationship with one person whom she will completely trust, who will liberate her. For his sake, he will sacrifice his interests and affairs, he will move mountains. For her, the social status of a loved one does not matter.


He is fond of floristry, draws talentedly, cooks well. In his favorite work, he will reach heights. In work for Sabrina, the main thing is the atmosphere in the team, she cannot work where colleagues do not get out of scandals and intrigues. In an unloved team, Sabrina turns into an arrogant and hot-tempered person.

She is interested in psychology, she will turn out to be an excellent teacher, doctor. He does the work conscientiously and on time, but he will not stay longer at work. If a prestigious job does not suit her, she can go to a non-prestigious job that brings her peace of mind.


He is sick no more often than other children, mainly with colds. Often gets tired, you need to rest more, observe the daily routine, take care of vision, which for many Sabrin falls in adulthood. It is easy to understand from Sabrina that she is tired - she becomes sleepy and lethargic. After rest and sleep, her energy returns to its former course.

A family

He chooses a husband long and carefully, to whom he will become a faithful and caring wife, an excellent housewife and an excellent mother of their common children. Sabrina's marriage is often strong and happy, for the sake of the family she is ready to quit her career, she will not cheat on her husband. He comes out of family troubles with optimism. Helps children to choose their own way of life, supports them in all matters.

Widespread in Arab countries, where it is translated as "patient", from the Assyrian language it is translated as "hope." Europeans believe this name comes from the Latin name for the Severn River in England.

After the publication of the novel "The Beautiful Sabrina", girls in Europe also began to be called this beautiful name.

Affectionate form of the name: Sabochka, Sabi, Brinochka, Bree, Rinochka, Rinka, Sabrinochka, Sabrinchik.

The Islamic name Sabrina is absent in the names of the saints of the Orthodox and Catholic faith.

  • Depends on Sabrina's time of birth:
  • Winter - Creative fantasy.
  • Spring - Insecure, timid.
  • Summer - Contradictory, fearless.
  • Autumn - Creative, finds a way out of any situation.

Since childhood, Sabrina is a talented child with a rich imagination, successfully realizing her bright ideas. It is important to develop her talent so that it is not wasted. Knows how to listen to the opinion of adults and authoritative people, takes their opinion into account when making a decision. She goes through life easily, she does not care what will happen tomorrow. On the one hand, he needs company, on the other hand, he loves solitude. Contradictory nature.

Studying is easy, in the classroom she talks to the children, loses the thread of the topic, then hardly catches up with her classmates. Lack of concentration. Dependent on the opinions of others, the negative unsettles her for a long time. He tries to avoid conflicts and quarrels, expresses his point of view after listening to the interlocutor. In a team, he chooses the side of the majority so as not to get involved in an argument.

He is afraid of many things in life, but overcomes his fears. By adulthood, she changes a lot, sometimes she is aggressive, tries to avoid a company where she is uncomfortable. In such companies, he behaves arrogantly, not allowing anyone to come to him. In his beloved company, he becomes sweet, sociable, always comes to the aid of friends. Capable of sophisticated revenge and rash actions.

Men cannot pass by this spectacular and tastefully dressed woman. Not everyone can conquer her - casual ties are not for her. She prefers a long and serious romance with one person whom she will completely trust, who will liberate her. For his sake, he will sacrifice his interests and affairs, he will move mountains. For her, the social status of a loved one does not matter.

He is fond of floristry, draws talentedly, cooks well. In his favorite work, he will reach heights. In work for Sabrina, the main thing is the atmosphere in the team, she cannot work where colleagues do not get out of scandals and intrigues. In an unloved team, Sabrina turns into an arrogant and hot-tempered person.

She is interested in psychology, she will turn out to be an excellent teacher, doctor. He does the work conscientiously and on time, but he will not stay longer at work. If a prestigious job does not suit her, she can go to a non-prestigious job that brings her peace of mind.

He is sick no more often than other children, mainly with colds. Often she gets tired, you need to rest more, observe the daily regimen, take care of vision, which for many Sabrin falls in adulthood. It is easy to understand from Sabrina that she is tired - she becomes sleepy and lethargic. After rest and sleep, her energy returns to its former course.

He chooses a husband long and carefully, to whom he will become a faithful and caring wife, an excellent housewife and an excellent mother of their common children. Sabrina's marriage is often strong and happy, for the sake of the family she is ready to quit her career, she will not cheat on her husband. He comes out of family troubles with optimism. Helps children to choose their own way of life, supports them in all matters.

Compatibility with male names

  • Good: Alexander, Danila, Mark, Danil, Timofey.
  • Bad: Oleg.
  • Good: Mikhail, Egor, Konstantin, Yuri, Danil, Arseny, Artemy.
  • Bad: Alexander, Danila, Mark, Oleg.

The meaning of the cheerful name Sabrina - career, character and destiny
The meaning of the female name Sabrina, her character, fate, health. Attitude towards love, family, career. Compatibility with male names in marriage and career, famous women named Sabrina.


Meaning of the name Sabrina

The name Sabrina is derived from the Latinized form of the river Severn - Sabrina, which is the longest river in Great Britain. The length of the river is 354 kilometers. It is possible that the Latinized form of the name of the river appeared from the name of the unfortunate princess Sabrina, who drowned herself in the waters of this river because of unhappy love. One of the Celtic legends speaks about this.

The most common references to Sabrina: Sabra, Sabrinochka, Saba, Sabba, Brina, Brinna, Brinka, Sabrinka, Rina. The diminutive Rina is also an independent name, and Saba is also applied to the name Sabina.

Sabrina is growing up as an active and independent child. Despite this, he often experiences fear and shyness. "Winter" and "Autumn" Sabrina are endowed with a rich imagination. Do not punish her too much for her pranks. The child needs to be encouraged, as well as to show attention to her, to give her responsibilities around the house. For "summer" Sabrina, a spirit of contradiction is characteristic. A spirit of recklessness and courage can suddenly appear in her.

Over time, the owner of this name becomes pronounced one of two completely opposite personality types. So she can be authoritarian, ambitious and selfish in nature. Another manifestation of this name can be a lazy, passive and shy girl.

If Sabrina feels lonely, then in the team she will behave arrogantly and arrogantly. In the case when she has moral support and support, the girl will show weakness and seem vulnerable.

Often, Sabrina shows her impulsiveness and impatience, and sometimes even capriciousness. She is generous, although this quality is not always immediately noticeable. The girl is easily carried away by something and just as easily forgets about it. To feel comfortable in a team, she needs to be liked by everyone.

As a profession, Sabrina often chooses such specialties as a psychologist or teacher. She is fond of parapsychology, has an inexplicable craving for everything magical. The girl will also perfectly reveal her talents in business and any other financial sphere. She is a creative person. In a work environment, she needs to feel the spirit of partnership. In a stressful situation, Sabrina shows courage and composure. If her life is calm, then the girl will most likely behave passively, not showing herself in any way.

Love plays an important role in Sabrina's life. She always tries to take care of her husband. In a relationship, a girl is honest, sentimental and romantic.

Meaning of the name Sabrina
The meaning of the name Sabrina The name Sabrina is derived from the Latinized form of the name of the river Severn - Sabrina, which is the longest river in Great Britain. Length


The meaning of the name Sabrina. Interpretation of the name.

The name Sabrina has several versions of the origin and the meanings of which we will talk about in the first part of our article.

The name Sabrina is most often found among the inhabitants of Arab countries. In these countries the name Sabrina (صابرينة) means "patient"... The name is considered to be paired with the male name Sabr, which has noticeably less use.

Another eastern version of the origin of the name is Assyrian. According to this version the name Sabrina means "hope" and comes from the word "sabra" (ܣܲܒ݂ܪܵܐ).

In Western culture, the name Sabrina has become popular thanks to the novel The Beautiful Sabrina. It was after the appearance of this work that the name began to be used in European countries. Fans of the European origin of the name claim that the name is Welsh and originates from the name of the river in England.

Little Sabrina has very different character traits. She is at the same time an independent girl, but at the same time she requires support from her relatives. The child grows sociable and at the same time loves to be himself. This is exactly how different Sabrina grows. You can also notice that Sabrina easily and with enthusiasm starts new business, but just as easily abandons her plans.

Sabrina can learn well, but it rarely happens. The girl has excellent data, but the lack of perseverance negates everything. She is often distracted in the classroom, and then she cannot understand what the teacher is talking about. If you can solve this problem, then Sabrina will easily receive the highest points. She is a very capable girl.

The girl's health is rather average, although she does not get sick often. The same can be said about the vitality of the owner of the name. At some point, it becomes clear that Sabrina has “run out of battery”. She loses concentration and becomes drowsy. However, having “recharged”, she is completely ready for further active action. Sabrina should be attentive to rest, because lack of it can even cause depression.

Abbreviated name Sabrina

Sabrinka, Saba, Sabi, Sabri, Rina, Brina.

Diminutive names

Sabrinochka, Sabrinushka, Sabrinonka, Sabrinchik, Rinochka, Rinushka, Brinochka, Brinushka.

Name Sabrina in English

IN English language Sabrina's name is spelled Sabrina, which is pronounced Sabrina.

Name Sabrina for passport- SABRINA.

Translation of Sabrina's name into other languages

in Spanish - Sabrina
in Italian - Sabrina
in German - Sabrina
in Portuguese - Sabrina
in French - Sabrine

Name Sabrina by church(in the Orthodox faith) is not certain. Sabrina's name is not in church calendar, and her baptismal name will necessarily be different from the worldly.

Characteristics of the name Sabrina

Adult Sabrina is an interesting, sociable and active woman. Unfortunately, Sabrina is dependent on the opinions of others, and therefore often goes on about the opinions of other people. It can render as beneficial influence on the fate of the owner of the name, and negative. About Sabrina, we can also say that she is prone to various adventurous actions. Often, given an impulse, she commits completely rash actions, and then for a long time eliminates the consequences of her haste.

In her work, Sabrina will definitely succeed, although she rarely loves her work. For her, the most important factor in labor activity is the fact of material incentives. She works precisely for the sake of money, and therefore strives to be the best in her business. Sabrina knows that professionals are always valued in any industry. However, it's worth remembering that Sabrina makes money to spend. She is not one of those who will stay longer at work than expected, unless, of course, this is appropriately stimulated.

In family relationships, Sabrina is a gentle and caring wife and mother. At home, she is noticeably calmer and more relaxed. At least here she can be herself. Sabrina is not the best hostess, but she tries very hard and is constantly improving. It can also be noted that she is an optimist in life, and especially in family relationships. This makes it much easier to look at various troubles and difficulties in life.

The mystery of Sabrina's name

The secret of Sabrina can be called her personal opinion on various controversial issues. Sabrina is a conformist, and therefore always agrees with the others. She does not like to get into arguments, even in spite of the costs. Sabrina always tries to be the last to speak out, because then you can easily choose the side of the majority.

Meaning of the name Sabrina
find out full meaning named Sabrina today


Sabrina: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character

Name meaning: patient, reliable

Origin: English, Arabic

Short form: Brina, Sabi, Bina, Brini, Sabri, Rina, Rinetta, Sabrinka, Brinka, Brine, Zabz, Zabzi, Zabel, Zaza.

Many of us are wondering what nationality is Sabrina's name. There are several theories of its origin and meaning. According to one version, it was formed from the name of the Severn River (lat. Sabrina) - the longest river in Great Britain. In turn, the Latin name of the river was formed from the name of the nymph who drowned in it. One of the Celtic legends says about this. Translated from Celtic, Sabrina means patience.

There is also a theory that the name Sabrina comes from the Arabic word "sabra", which means "hope." Among other Muslim peoples, the name Sabrina is translated as "patient."

In European countries, the name became popular thanks to the novel The Beautiful Sabrina, which was published in 1954.

The most common forms of the name: Sabrinka, Sabrinochka, Brina, Brinushka, Rina. Rin's name is a short, diminutive, pet name that has been transformed into a name of its own. The same applies to the name Sabina and Saba.

Stone - Amethyst and Amber.

  • Zodiac sign - Capricorn and Pisces.
  • Plant - Immortelle, Cypress.
  • Planet - Jupiter.

The meaning of the name Sabrina for a girl

What does this name mean for little Sabrina? From early childhood, the girl grows up very active, energetic and independent, but sometimes she may experience shyness or fear. It unexpectedly combines recklessness and timidity.

The girl has a very developed imagination and she often does some kind of pranks. However, the punishment for various tricks should not be too harsh. These girls need constant attention and praise, and in order to direct her energy in the right direction, you can entrust her with small chores around the house.

She also has good inclinations to study, but she does not often achieve success due to a lack of perseverance. She has a fairly wide range of interests, but the girl cannot concentrate on one thing, since her interests change with amazing speed.

Little Sabrina has a very developed imagination and she often does some pranks

Character and personality traits

With age, girls are dominated by one of two opposite personality types. She can become selfish, authoritarian, and arrogant. On the other hand, a girl can grow up to be modest, lack of initiative and rather lazy. The meaning of the name to some extent affects the fate of a person, but the nature and type of personality depends more on education and parental attention. In most cases, this is a generous and sympathetic person who tries to help literally everyone.

The girl easily makes new acquaintances and can become the “soul of the company”. To feel comfortable in any team, she needs to be liked by everyone. If she does not have moral support, she will behave arrogantly and arrogantly with others. Very often, representatives of this name are capricious, impulsive and impatient.

In numerology, the meaning of this name is determined by the number 3 and denotes a talented and active person. Despite the fact that the girl is very talented, it is important for her to listen to the opinion of authoritative people.

Sabrina Salerno is an Italian singer, actress and fashion model.

She does not get sick very often. At some point, it may seem that the girl is "exhausted" and she has neither the strength nor the ability to act. But having “recharged” a little, she is ready for further active actions. First of all, she needs to get enough sleep and rest more often, otherwise such a relaxed state can cause depression.

Marriage and family

In relationships with members of the opposite sex, the girl is very romantic, sentimental and decent. Impulsive actions are characteristic of her only as long as she does not become a married woman. This is the main secret of her character. Love is extremely important for her, she constantly feeds her and gives additional strength.

For a loved one, she is ready to do everything in the world. This woman will be a loving wife and caring mother. Marriage and family are her main values ​​in life, for the sake of them she is ready to sacrifice even her career.

Career and hobbies

A woman who is influenced by the meaning of the name Sabrina often chooses creative professions, but she also has a talent for business or finance. She can easily quit a prestigious job if it does not bring her pleasure. This woman works more productively when she feels the spirit of competition, and in stressful situations she always shows firmness and courage. She can make an excellent psychologist, teacher or banker.

Also Sabrina is fond of esotericism, parapsychology and is drawn to what goes beyond the ordinary. She is attracted by everything magical and inexplicable.

Sabrina Ferilli is a popular theater and film actress in Italy.

This name is not found in the Orthodox calendar. At baptism, the child must be given a different name, which will be different from the worldly one.

Famous name carriers

Sabrina Lloyd Is an actress known for the TV series "Numbers" and "Law & Order".
Sabrina Ferilli- a popular theater and film actress in Italy.
Sabrina Salerno Is an Italian singer, actress and model.
Sabrina (Teresa Villa-Lobos) Is a popular Portuguese singer who represented her country at the Eurovision Song Contest in 2007.
Sabrina Buchholz- famous German biathlete, world champion 2008
Sabrina Brian- American singer and songwriter, lead singer of The Cheetah Girls.

Sabrina: the meaning and history of the name, fate and character
The meaning and characteristics of the name Sabrina. What parents should know when choosing this name for their daughter. The attitude of the owners of this name to their careers and family. What hobbies and hobbies do girls with the name Sabrina prefer? Famous bearers of the name.

Sabrina is an extremely emotional woman with a rather contradictory disposition. Almost afraid of nothing. Sometimes reckless. The meaning of the name Sabrina reveals her as a sociable and addicted person. Almost always busy with several things at once. Often he abandons a job already begun, without completing it.

Such female name on the territory of Russia is rare. The interpretation of the name allows us to talk about a tendency towards leadership and willfulness. He tries to subdue the will of others. Not afraid to take responsibility for a common cause. Often becomes the best among peers in school or in sports.

The meaning of the name Sabrina for a girl makes it possible to talk about the courage and early independence of such a child. Likes to fantasize and tell invented stories to girlfriends. He often plays pranks, but at the same time he is not afraid to be responsible for his actions.

Sabrinochka very much needs the encouragement of adults. Parents need to give her a sufficient amount of attention, as well as give certain responsibilities around the house. The meaning of the name Sabrina for a child warns of the need to periodically give these girls time for independent studies. This is the only way Sabri can become more assiduous and patient.


Sabri attaches great importance to her personal life. This means that she is respectful of her partner. He tries to avoid quarrels and noisy showdown. Accidental communication does not accept. He enters into a relationship only after he gets to know the person's personality well.

Men are attracted by her spirit of contradiction. For the stronger sex, Sabri is a real mystery. It is Sabrina who always breaks up the relationship. Her partners can hope for a renewed love affair for a long time after the breakup.

Capable of very strong love and affection. Strong feelings often force her to sacrifice her interests for the sake of her lover. When choosing a partner, he does not attach much importance to his social status.

A family

By getting married, she becomes a very good wife and mother. She treats her spouse with great respect. Likes to take care of children. Great importance gives them education and useful leisure. This means that there is a desire to give their children the opportunity to choose their own way of life.

For marriage, you should choose men with names: Mikhail, Daniel, Danila, Nikita, Vladimir, Sergey, Vladislav, Semyon, Oleg, Vasily. It is with these representatives of the stronger sex that there is a chance to build a happy strong family.

Business and career

Most often, such women choose the profession of a psychologist or a teacher. For Sabri to work well, it is necessary to feel the spirit of partnership. The atmosphere in the team is of great importance to her, which means that she is often incapable of productive work in the event of regular disagreements with colleagues.

Sabrinochka can also find herself in the financial sector and in business. She also shows interest in parapsychology. In an emergency situation, he can show extraordinary courage and self-control. Able to be creative.

Origin of the name Sabrina

There are several options for where this adverb came from. It is believed that the origin of the name Sabrina is associated with a river flowing in the UK. The story tells about a princess who could not cope with unhappy love and rested at the bottom of this river. The river was named after the unfortunate princess - Sabra. The secret of the name says that the soul of a drowned woman travels on a beautiful chariot drawn by dolphins.

The etymology of the adverb is "hope." This is how the word "sabra" is translated. Residents of Arab countries call the woman whose name Sabrina is hardy or patient. This is how the Arabic dialect is translated.

Characteristics of the name Sabrina

The fair sex, named by this name, can have exactly opposite personality traits. One Sabrinochka can be ambitious, authoritarian, selfish, the other passive, lazy, shy. What kind of personality is formed depends on the environment in which the girl grew up.

Sabri's relationship with her parents is of great importance in the formation of character. Close emotional ties with mother and father and all their support help Sabrinochka feel confident and protected. If the relationship for some reason does not work out, she may suffer from severe loneliness. Outwardly, this manifests itself in overly arrogant behavior.

The characterization of the name Sabrina testifies to generosity and dedication. Sabri does not spare money for family and friends, often helps those in need. She is often capricious and eccentric. He is quickly carried away by something and just as quickly cools down and gives up what he started.

The team tries to please everyone without exception. For Sabrinochka, the opinion of others is of great importance. He makes new acquaintances extremely easily and quickly. Able to become the "soul" of any company. Moreover, it is easy and natural to do it.

Loves life and easily experiences failure. She is able not to get hung up on troubles and recover quickly even after quite serious shocks. She attaches great importance to the happiness of her loved ones. Tries to make life easier for parents and make it more joyful. As soon as the opportunity arises, he begins to help mother and father financially.

The pros and cons of character speak of practicality and responsiveness. She is not afraid of any job, but strives to receive decent wages for her work. Free time can be spent both in noisy companies and within the walls of the house. She strives for coziness and loves to experiment in the process of cooking.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone - Amber, Amethyst, Aventurine, Chrysopaz, Dolomite, Herkmeier Diamond, Lapis Lauzr, Morganite, Pyrite, Ruby, Pink Sapphire, Sardonyx, Sugilite, Blue Topaz, Black Tourmaline, Tsavorite.
  • Name days are absent.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Pisces, Sagittarius.

Famous people

  • Sabrina Lloid is an American actress. She starred in the films "That very night", "Fatherhood".
  • Sabrina Buchholz is a German biathlete, 2008 World Champion in the mixed relay, Winner of three gold and one silver medals at the 2000 World Junior Championships.
  • Sabrina Ferilli is an Italian theater and film actress. It is very popular in its homeland.

Different languages

The most common translation of Sabrina's name is "Hope". How is an adverb translated from several foreign languages listed below:

in Chinese - 薩布麗娜 in Japanese - サ ブ リ ナ in English - Sabrina.

Name forms

  • Full name is Sabrina.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Sabra, Sabrinochka, Saba, Sabba, Brina, Brinna, Brinka, Sabrinka, Rina.
  • The declination of the name - Sabrina - Sabrina - Sabrina.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is absent.

Sabrina is derived from the Latinized form of the Severn - Sabrina, which is the longest river in Great Britain. The length of the river is 354 kilometers. It is possible that the Latinized form of the name of the river appeared from the name of the unfortunate princess Sabrina, who drowned herself in the waters of this river because of unhappy love. One of the Celtic legends speaks about this.

The most common calls to Sabrina: Sabra, Sabrinochka, Saba, Sabba, Brina, Brinna, Brinka, Sabrinka, Rina. The diminutive Rina is also an independent name, and Saba is also applied to the name Sabina.

Sabrina is growing up as an active and independent child. Despite this, he often experiences fear and shyness. "Winter" and "Autumn" Sabrina are endowed with a rich imagination. Do not punish her too much for her pranks. The child needs to be encouraged, as well as to show attention to her, to give her responsibilities around the house. For "summer" Sabrina, a spirit of contradiction is characteristic. A spirit of recklessness and courage can suddenly appear in her.

Over time, the owner of this name becomes pronounced one of two completely opposite personality types. So she can be authoritarian, ambitious and selfish in nature. Another manifestation of this name can be a lazy, passive and shy girl.

If Sabrina feels lonely, then in the team she will behave arrogantly and arrogantly. In the case when she has moral support and support, the girl will show weakness and seem vulnerable.

Often, Sabrina shows her impulsiveness and impatience, and sometimes even capriciousness. She is generous, although this quality is not always immediately noticeable. The girl is easily carried away by something and just as easily forgets about it. To feel comfortable in a team, she needs to be liked by everyone.

As a profession, Sabrina often chooses such specialties as a psychologist or teacher. She is fond of parapsychology, has an inexplicable craving for everything magical. The girl will also perfectly reveal her talents in business and any other financial sphere. She is a creative person. In a work environment, she needs to feel the spirit of partnership. In a stressful situation, Sabrina shows courage and composure. If her life is calm, then the girl will most likely behave passively, not showing herself in any way.

Love plays an important role in Sabrina's life. She always tries to take care of her husband. In a relationship, a girl is honest, sentimental and romantic.

  • Short form of the name Sabrina. Sabri, Sasa, Bibi, Brina, Rina, Rinetta, Rinuccia, Zabzi, Zabs, Zabze, Babs, Babzi, Brine, Brini, Zabba, Zabzl, Zabe, Zabel, Bina, Zaza, Binet, Zabbl, Strabzi.
  • Synonyms for the name Sabrina. Zabrina, Sabrina, Zabrine, Sabrin, Havren, Avren, Habren, Abren.
  • The origin of the name Sabrina. Sabrina's name is English, Catholic.