Becoming to attract women. Runes for love and relationships: the best runic formulas and staves. Runes for love

Quite often there are situations with unrequited love, with barriers between two lovers, as well as with loneliness and inability to find a soul mate.

In such cases, many begin to look for a way out of the situation with the help of magic, Tarot and Runes. In this article, we will look at how you can attract love with Runes.

It is always worth remembering that a love spell is a violent magical binding, which has many negative consequences and you will have to pay for what you have done for a long time. The object of a love spell will never express sincere feelings, because there are none, he will only present what has been put into him. It can get bored soon.

Therefore, in this article we will talk about attracting love to life, strengthening and stabilizing existing feelings. Attraction is the attraction into life of a person who is suitable for you at a given moment in life, at this stage of the path for the organization of personal relationships. A suitable person can be the only one, that is, from the moment of meeting for life, or just a new partner. Also, the concept is a suitable purely individual criterion, since all people have different tastes and preferences.

Rules for drawing up love formulas from runes

When writing staves and runic formulas, the following rules and actions must be observed.

  1. Preparation. It is necessary to prepare everything you need. Runes, know the meanings of Runes and their combinations, the place where the composition of the stave will take place. Pens, a ruler, a sheet of paper for writing and compiling a runescript.
  2. Decide where the runescript or formula will be applied.
  3. Candles and incense, bowls.
  4. Try to ensure that no one distracts you while drafting and writing, as well as while pronouncing the slip. Mute sound and vibration on mobile phone... Warn relatives not to be disturbed.
  5. All windows and doors in the room in which you are doing magic must be closed.
  6. A special napkin or tablecloth must be laid on the table, which is not used anywhere else.
  7. Before compiling a runescript, a short meditation is recommended to calm and tune oneself in a certain way. On average, 10-15 minutes.

After preparation, you can start.

Runic formulas for attracting love consist of Runes that attract the necessary energies and in their combination and reinforce them with a slip.

Runes of relationship and love: Hagalaz, Isa, Yera, Eyvaz, Inguz, Gebo, Soulu, Dagaz. The rune of Hyera in sound can be replaced by Jera. Pronunciation of the name of the Rune can both strengthen the runescript and weaken its effect or soften it.

In runic formulas, it is advised to use the Gebo runes (partnership, relationships) and Hagalaz (need and need for love).

It is best to use red ink, as this color is a symbol of love and all its manifestations.

The basic rule that should be followed: in no case should you tell anyone that you made a runic formula or a runescript for love, especially not to speak to any person. It is also forbidden to show your finished runic formulas and slanderousness to outsiders.

Runic formulas to attract love.

In all runic formulas, Gebo acts as a relationship, a partnership.

Berkana and Inguz are focused on family relationships, love, children. Kano stabilizes the situation. Otal creates a platform for common interests, common property, common values. Isa consolidation of the achieved results. Hyera is the final, the happy outcome. Uruz is movement and activity. Eyvaz strengthening the actions of Uruz. Vunyo brings light and joy to relationships, bestows harmony and balances emotions. Algiz acts as a protection at all levels. Perth opens a person to search for a soul mate.

The basic formula for bringing love into life

Gebo + Perth + Kano + Gebo + Vuno + Jera

Find a life partner.

Gebo + Otal


Gebo + Laguz + Vuno

Keeping love.

Isa + Gebo - Gebo is superimposed on the Isa rune.

Isa - the basis, the trunk of the runescript, freezes, that is, it preserves what has been achieved.

Gebo - partnership, relationship.

Strengthening relationships, gaining mutual understanding.

Ansuz + Gebo + Otal

Increased sex drive.

Option 1 - Berkana + Uruz + Inguz

Option 2 - Eyvaz + Uruz + Turisaz + Kano + Gebo

Attracting a partner with the subsequent development of relations.

Perth + Mannaz + Gebo

Kano + Hyera + Otal

Inguz + Gebo + Otal

Removing barriers between loving people.

Turisaz + Kano + Soulu

Turisaz - removes obstacles.

Kano is a symbol of love and warmth, stability.

Soulu - enhances the action of the first two runes, improving the situation, giving it integrity.

Family creation.

Perth + Algiz + Berkana + Mannaz + Otal + Mannaz + Gebo

Mannaz is a symbol of a person.

Perth - opening a stream to find a partner.

Finding harmony in relationships, both in a married couple and in a relationship.

Gebo + Algiz + Otal + Vuno + Gebo

For marriage.

Nautiz + Kano + Gebo + Otal + Vuno + Hyera

Preserving family and relationships.

Isa + Otal

When these runes are combined (the imposition of Otal on Isa), the following runes are additionally formed: Gebo, Raido (in the normal and mirror position), Nautiz (in the normal and mirror position), Vuno (normal and mirror position), Teivaz.

Transfer of relations to a new level, development of the situation.

Gebo + Kano + Inguz

When the Runes are combined, an additional Otal Rune is formed, which enhances the effect of the runescript.

Runic love and friendship formulas

Dagaz, Gebo, Soulu, Inguz - creates an atmosphere of sociability, attracts friendly contacts.

Soulu, Gebo, Teivaz - good relationships in society, attractiveness.

Gebo, Mannaz, Gebo - be in the spotlight.

Kano, Vuno Kano - love.

Kano, Uruz, Gebo, Vunyo, Kano - excites passion, creates sex appeal.

Soulu, Berkano, Soulo, Kano, Teivaz - enhances femininity, sexuality.

Dagaz, Evaz, Raido, Gebo, Vuno, Gebo, Kano - increasing the circle of acquaintances, finding friends, chances for love.

Soulu, Feu, Raido, Gebo, Eyvaz - search for friends, like-minded people, chances for love.

Vunyo, Raido, Gebo, Berkana, Kano, Yer - love and marriage.

Anzus, Gebo, Vunyo - the joy of communication, the return of contact.

Gebo, Kenaz, Vunyo - love affair, bright feelings.

Dagaz, Kennaz, Gebo - return of love.

For each runic formula, a clause is drawn up. Which is read during the activation of the runes. Your intention is embedded in the clause. Read clearly, with faith, with a focus on what you want.

Make a disclaimer for your goals. You can find ready-made ones.

"May this formula by the power of the runes attract happy love relationship... let the runes act without harm to me and my loved ones. The formula is activated by breathing and deactivated by burning. "

How to apply runescripts and formulas correctly.

Runescript is a combination of several Runes into one sign. In this case, other Runes can also be obtained. In this case, you need to very carefully think over the outline of the runescript, because the runes formed can both strengthen the runescript and make it opposite in action.

A runic formula is simply writing the runes sequentially one after the other. In this case, the sequence of writing also matters.

First, what needs to be achieved is written, then it is fixed by the corresponding Runes.

Runescripts and runic formulas can be applied to:

Photo of the object,

Joint photo,

Talisman (wood, stone),

A blank sheet of paper (preferably landscape without rulers and cells), with the name of the object written on the back, its date of birth and the characteristics necessary to achieve.

There are also several options for writing runes, different teachers and the authors teach in different ways. Therefore, find a more convenient way for yourself and follow it as the main one.

Activation of the runescript and the runic formula.

The activation of the runic formula consists in pronouncing a slander, expressing one's intentions. Activation is needed to put the formula into action for it to start working.

There are several ways to activate runescripts and formulas.

  1. Consecutive pronunciation of the name of each rune participating in the formula:

When writing. They wrote and pronounced.

After writing. We wrote all the Runes, then mentally concentrate on the question or object and pronounce each Rune.

  1. Writing a special clause in poetic form. It expresses the intentions and goals set for the solution by this formula.
  2. Pronunciation of the name of each Rune, a stipulation that this rune should perform, what role is assigned to it in the formula.
  3. By spontaneous method.

After activating the rune formula, it takes effect. Be prepared for the fact that you have to wait a while, the action is not lightning fast.

The average duration of the formula is about a month. If the formula has not yielded results for a month or more, then you need to either improve it, formulate your thoughts more clearly and recharge it again.

After achieving the result, when love has come into your life, the sheet or photo with the runic formula must be destroyed. That is, burn it. This is done so that the second wave of the runescript action does not go, or vice versa, the action in the opposite direction.

In the case when the runic formula is not created for a short term or not for a specific purpose, but for use for many years, then in this case it is enough to simply maintain the operation of the runescript. This can be done with your breath or by pronouncing the clause again. The so-called recharging period is once a month or two months.

When destroying the rune formula, you must thank the Runes for their work, say thank you to them.

Runic magic is a system for magic and divination based on ancient knowledge of runes. In magic, you can use both individual runes and bundles of several runic symbols- galdrstavs. With the help of runic staves, you can cause attraction in the opposite sex, create a strong family and strengthen the marriage bond. For successful witchcraft, it is important to choose the right rune formula, apply it to suitable material without mistakes and successfully activate it. Novice magicians are advised to use individual runes or ready-made staves developed by more experienced colleagues in their experiments.

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    Basic principles

    Any manipulations with runes are always carried out in several stages:

    • Preparation of the base. The material is selected on which magic symbols will be cut, inscribed or embroidered. Preference should be given to natural materials such as leather, stone, wood, bone, ceramics, silk or cotton fabric. The product is given an attractive shape in advance, edges are processed.
    • Preliminary drawing or cutting of runes. The entire pattern is applied in full; when embroidering on fabric, a preliminary drawing is drawn.
    • Reviving the amulet. Runic ligature must be activated. For this, a ritual of dyeing and invoking power is performed. Some mages paint runes with their own blood. In this case, you should clearly formulate your wish. If you can put words into poetic form, the amulet will turn out to be stronger.

      You can use one rune, several separate runes, or a runic becoming, which is several symbols connected into one pattern. Resorting to runic magic, you should be as careful as possible, do not use unfamiliar characters.

      There is a known case when a novice magician, wanting to make a girl love, mixed up the runes and brought on her heart disease.

      Separate runes

      Amulets based on individual runic symbols can contain either one or several runes. To attract the attention of the opposite sex, the emergence of strong partnerships, the Gebo rune is most often used as the main one.

      This rune has the ability to create and strengthen friendships. The bearer of the amulet based on it will arouse the interest of all people, the desire to communicate and be engaged in a joint business. It is not meant to arouse intense passion or just carnal attraction. But great for starting an initial relationship and strengthening an existing marriage. To enhance the impact, one of the sacred runic words alu or gibu auja can be added to Gebo. Sacred words should be perceived as a whole, without disassembling them into separate runes.

      ALU in this case means "so be it".

      And GIBU AUJA means "bringing good luck".

      These symbols should be applied to a suitable object, painted with the desire to acquire a life partner and worn on the chest. A working amulet will attract the attention of all people to its wearer, cause a desire to make friends, build events in the most favorable way for the emergence of relationships.

      To attract the attention of a particular man, to marry, to evoke passion, runic staves should be used - formulas consisting of several intertwined runes.


      The staves are applied in two steps: first, they draw the entire image as a whole, and then paint it, drawing out the runes that make it up. Activation occurs at the time of staining, at the same time a wish is read, a spell that determines the further work of the formula. To search for your betrothed, when there is not a single candidate yet, you can make an amulet and wear it around your neck. To attract the attention of a particular man, they become drawn on his photograph. It is possible to cut it out on a board or just draw it on paper, adding your name and the name of your beloved to the image of the runic formula.

      Below are several options for galdrstavs for love affairs, to attract the attention of a particular man.

      "Rod of relations". This runic formula creates a series of events leading to the emergence of friendship, partnership, and later on passion, love and, as a result, strong marriage. Consists of the following runes:

      • Gebo. The key rune in this stave. Provides the emergence of family partnerships.
      • Inguz. The female rune, increases sex appeal, creates a radiation of female charm around her mistress, contributes to the emergence of fruitful relationships.
      • Soulou. Fills the formula with the power of pure heavenly energy, enhances the action of other runes.
      • Kanu. Eliminates omissions, guarantees honesty on the part of a man, kindles the fire of masculine passion.
      • Berkan. Gives a connection to mother nature, creates a family on the earthly, everyday level.
      • Algiz. Does not allow outsiders to influence the emerging relationship, guarantees strong protection against adverse external factors.

      Suitable for drawing on a photo of a man you like, you can also make an amulet for constant wearing on the basis of this stav. Works softly, without side effects.

      "Accidental love". This bundle is suitable for cases when you need a quick result, helps to make a breakthrough in a relationship. It is advisable to memorize this image by heart, then, looking at the right person, you can quickly draw this simply on your hand, on a piece of paper, or scribble on any object that comes to hand, with a mental pronunciation of your wish.

The modern world is overwhelmed with such negative energies as stress, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction and the like ... Doctors (in the usual sense of the word) know how to heal the body, and most often they try to distance themselves from spiritual diseases. Only magic can resist this evil. Magic is a supernatural science, that is, beyond our understanding. But to comprehend it is given to everyone who is looking for a path to self-improvement and harmony. You can start by learning the runes.

The word "rune" comes from the Scandinavian and carries a meaning close in meaning to the word "secret". The birth of the runes took place in the Viking Age, about one and a half thousand years BC. The knowledge of the runes, in those distant times, was owned by the rune masters who were called "eryls". They were the highest caste in ancient Scandinavia, since they were subject to the keys (runes) that open the doors to knowledge and power. Each key was filled with meaning, tied to gods and natural phenomena.

Runic alphabet

Runic magic has 24 runes, which, taken together, form a certain ancient alphabet, or rune row:

These symbols are the foundation that gives rise to all magical practice. The rune row is also called "futark", according to the first letters: f, and, th, a, r, k.

Runes came to us from time immemorial, but what keeps time is the truth. There is power in truth! But you can't rush into a reservoir without checking the bottom, so you need to approach the study of the supernatural slowly and thoroughly.

Proven stakes and formulas

If you do not have the proper practice, then it is probably worth asking yourself the question: is it necessary to rely only on the staves checked and drawn up by a specialist, or to come up with something yourself?

Before you start applying formulas, it is highly recommended to study the reviews about the strength and correctness of their action. Numerous forums will help you with this, where people with experience who have been working in this field for a long time will share information with you. It also describes various actions stavov in any particular case. It is better for beginners not to use unverified information.

The point is that a beginner can make an annoying mistake, for example, not taking into account the relationship of at least two characters. This will entail quite unpleasant consequences. It’s also good if the formula simply doesn’t work, but it will be much worse when such a “gag” does some harm.

The sequence of actions in runology

A formula is created from individual runes, or ligature (in other words - "sub-formula"). The constituent parts of each formula can be both separate runes and ligatures. After that, each rune, from the created formula, is applied to a tree or to paper (runescript), thus forming "becoming".

And also there is an opportunity to strengthen becoming, pronouncing a certain slip of the tongue to the runic stave, but, most importantly, remember the basic rules of the slip:

  • words are pronounced slowly, as if penetrating into the picture, mentally drawn in advance in your mind, about the person on whom you are becoming;
  • make a reservation in loneliness and experiencing positive emotions, while trying to forget about everything unpleasant;
  • In addition, it is important to pronounce a slip of the tongue while coloring the stave.

The final result depends on the desire of the speaker to achieve the goal. In other words, it works like this: desire gives rise to emotion, emotion gives rise to thought, thought gives birth to a word, and words are a direct projection onto our life. Moreover, it depends on the speaker whether this projection will be positive or negative.

Significance and fields of application

The power of the runes applies to all aspects of our life. You can use them in almost any situation: relationships with friends, loved ones, relatives.

Those who practice rune magic always have runes and staves available for any life situation in order to always be able to bring them to life. Each person, if there is a desire, can collect for himself the necessary set of formulas. Everything you need for this is present in this article. But, before using (if you are a beginner), you need the advice of a knowledgeable runologist.

The topic of runes and staves, as well as clauses, will be interesting, and most importantly, useful to almost everyone. You can list the runic staves and clauses to them endlessly, since there are a great many of them.

The most common (working) staves

Let's look at several formulas that are important for our life, which have been tested and proven to work in practice.

A universal formula for good luck, in all matters

First you need to figure it out what is luck... We break the meaning of this word into the following components: achieving the desired, realizing oneself as a person, material well-being. If a person manages to realize all this, he can safely be called happy, and rune stakes for good luck will help in achieving such a goal. This becoming consists of the following runes:

This bunch of runes can be called the main ligature in the formula, rather than a complete formula for luck. Such a "core" can and should be supplemented with other runes, depending on the situation.

To promote health as well as well-being

Well-being in life is possible only if if there are no health problems... Even when a person is doing well in all aspects, except for health, his well-being can hardly be considered complete. A fairly simple formula will help improve health, achieve greater well-being, and remove melancholy. It is completely easy to create such a becoming: it is a simple ligature of two runes:

  1. Dagaz.
  2. Inguz.

Putting them together will give the desired result.

Increase in material wealth

Almost everyone has their own threshold in the realization of material desires. With the right approach to the issue, it is quite possible to raise this bar. The most common monetary formulas in rune magic are:

  1. Triple Fehu - the simplest and consists of three identical Fehu runes, standing side by side. Despite its simplicity, it works quite effectively.
  2. Banker. This becoming less than others depends on stopping factors, so it has a high percentage of triggering. The following runes are used to create: Perth, Fehu, Uruz and Nautiz. And also kenaz (2 times), inguz and yera.
  3. The third, "golden dragon", is more difficult to execute, but the result of its action will not be long in coming. Its composition: teivaz, algiz, evaz, dagaz, mannaz, inguz (4 times), laguz (2 times).

Formula of attraction "Magic Pendal"

The stakes according to this formula have a very great bewitching power, therefore it is very popular among the people. Its twisted name is often used: "Magic Pendel". If the feelings of the girl "go off scale", when drawing up this stav, then the man will be ready to do anything for her.

So, here are its components:

  • Eyvaz, Gebo, Kenaz and Turisaz - causes a whirlwind of attraction;
  • eyvaz and uruz - encourages action;
  • kenaz and gebo - generates attraction;
  • turisaz - directs and strengthens all the runes in front of him.

Having become assembled according to this formula, it carries in itself an explosion of feelings and a lust of enormous strength, a specific challenge of feelings and an irresistible desire to come, rush, and call.

And one more identical to this: having become on love and sex: - "the fire of passion"

Active runes:

  • teivaz;
  • kenaz (3);
  • owl;
  • inguz.

Such a ligature is applied to oneself or to a partner to increase excitability. ... The following stipulation is suitable for this stav:

You burn with love for me

And you burn out in fiery passion.

Find happiness for yourself

Be near me, where I am.

The action of stav is similar to the action of Viagra.

Plunging into the world of runes, we all begin to understand the power and effectiveness of these mystical, at first glance, signs. By accumulating knowledge and practicing, each person will be able to adjust his life. The most important thing (I repeat once again) is not to rush in this matter, thoroughly study all the subtleties yourself and learn from others!

Attention, only TODAY!

Probably, there is no such person who would not dream that he had a magic wand that fulfills all desires. However, later I realized that magic exists only in fairy tales, and another dream found its place in the category of empty illusions.

But I’m ready to argue. Runic magic is quite capable of becoming a personal "magic wand" for all occasions, which can radically change your life and make it work in your favor. Of course, you will have to spend a lot of time to learn all the nuances of rune magic, but believe me, the result is worth it! By correctly composing runic formulas and staves, you can achieve what you could only dream of before.

In this material, I want to tell you about the tried and true ones, repeatedly tested in practice by many people (including me). The information will be useful for beginners who have just begun to learn the basics of magic.

The runes of which the becoming is composed:

  • - symbolizes the wallet and its contents;
  • - a symbol of money, prosperity, abundance, wealth;
  • - sets the direction of the stav, concentrates all efforts on attracting finance;
  • - gives a guarantee of receipt of money;
  • 2 - give new opportunities for the receipt of finance
  • - ensures the integrity of money, protects against waste;
  • - a symbol of a rich harvest.

Do not forget to specify the meaning of each of the symbols used (or compose a visu). In order for it to start working, it must be applied to a small piece of paper, activated in any convenient way and put into your wallet between two large denomination banknotes to give him the opportunity to feel the monetary energy. If you do everything right, the first results should appear the very next day.

Becoming the "Golden Dragon"

Used runes and their effect:

  • - opens the way for finances, removes all obstacles;
  • - provides security and protection;
  • - directs the performer to the money;
  • - transforms the artist's life, makes it rich, contributes to the receipt of new income;
  • - symbolizes the performer;
  • , 4 times - a symbol of arriving wealth;
  • , 2 times - enhances cash flow, endows it with constancy.

Draw on a piece of paper, activate it (slander, breathing, saliva). In the agreement, be sure to promise that you will burn the letter of thanks as soon as you get what you want. Connect visualization to work: imagine how becoming turns into a living dragon and soars up. When you reach your goal, fulfill your promise - burn a piece of paper, thanking her.

The first results can already show themselves within 2 days - 2 weeks.

Defending yourself and your home

Approximate visa text:

I close myself and my house from troubles,

Enemies cannot break the defense against dashing!

I only admit happiness and goodness here,

I call on the gods to keep the protection!

Becoming lucky

The purpose of this runogram is to remove all negativity from the performer's life and fill it with happiness, joy and well-being. Becoming attracts good luck, gives an energetic boost and creates a field for the gifts of fate.

Runes used:

  • , 3 times - attracts good luck associated with partnerships and relationships with other people. Gives new useful acquaintances, promotes positive communication;
  • , 2 times - symbol vital energy and strength, insight;
  • , 2 times - a symbol of joy and positive emotions.
  • , 2 times - a symbol of luck. Fulfills desires, contributes to the receipt of gifts of fate;
  • - symbolizes the person himself and his independence, acts as a magnet;
  • - relieves of internal resistance, prepares for change;
  • - protects himself by becoming, ensures the correct operation of the runes.

In the clause, you can describe the action of each of the runes. Recommended for use as an amulet.

Runogram for good luck in business

The goal is to bring good luck to the artist's life.

The rune formula is made up of 3 runes: — — ... Runes meanings:


Runes help us in all spheres of life - it's not for nothing that the master runologists come up with more and more new ligatures from these magical symbols. And especially often they are used by the fair sex, especially when it comes to personal relationships. Today we will just talk about the "female" theme and consider the runic becoming on the love of a man, and also find out if such formulas are love spells.

How do runic bets work on a man's love?

Everything is pretty simple here. The principle of operation of such ligatures is similar to classic love spells: the object of sympathy begins to feel attraction to the operator, think about him, pay attention, etc. The main difference between runic stances for a man's love and ritual love spells is only that the runes cannot act constantly - after a certain time, the force of their influence begins to subside. That is why it is recommended, after activating the formula, not to sit idly by, but to participate in the situation. The runes give the object of sympathy a little push towards the operator, and then he needs to start acting on his own.

So, for example, a girl activates a certain becoming, which arouses interest in her chosen one (for example, a work colleague). Previously, this man simply did not notice her, but now he catches himself thinking that she is very pretty and interesting. If the girl does not do anything herself - for example, does not strike up a conversation with him, does not ask for his phone number, then after a couple of months the effect of the formula will come to naught. Although much here also depends on the nature of the object. If the person whom you fascinate with the runes has a strong-willed, strong character, then under the action of becoming, he can invite you on a date, but if the object is shy and indecisive, then he can simply silently dream of you, without making attempts to get closer. Therefore, it is important, using the situation created by the runes, to simulate the development of relations on your own.

Rules for applying, stipulating and activating love staves

All love formulas are usually applied to a photo of the object of sympathy, or in some cases to a joint photo (if agreed separately). in any usual way. The most important question is how to draw up a slip of the tongue for rune staves for love. Here, too, a lot depends on you: when you draw a ligature, you must have an exact idea of ​​how this or that rune will work, or the whole formula, and be sure to say it. For example, you know that the combination Nautiz - Gebo forces a person to enter into a partnership with you - then just say so: "Nautiz and Gebo will force a man (better name) to start an equal love relationship with me that will bring joy to both of us." If you stipulate becoming entirely, you must definitely say all, all, all the actions and changes that this formula will make.

Important information - moral issues

Before we move on to specific stavas, it is worth mentioning one ethical question: is it possible to charm a married man with runes? There is no consensus on this matter: some runologists warn that the runic becoming in the photo married man love may not work, others will let you try. Someone does not recommend taking a person out of the family in principle, someone, on the contrary, assures that the runes can do everything. The main thing is to understand that a love spell of a person who is not intended for you by fate can lead to unpleasant consequences. If a married man clearly has sympathy for you, and you are sure that he is “the one, the only one, unique,” ​​then, of course, you can take a chance and try the love spell in action. But remember - only you yourself are responsible for this.

Simple formulas for a man's love

If you don't want to mess around with very complex formulas, try using simple ones, in which the runes are simply written in a line. Such combinations of runes can be applied to a photograph of a person to achieve a specific goal.

  • Nautiz - Kenaz - Gebo - - Vunyo - Yera will force the man with whom you are in a relationship to propose to you
  • Eyvaz - Uruz - Turisaz - Kenaz - Gebo - cause sexual desire
  • Gebo - - Kenaz - Gebo - Vuno - Yera - simple rune becoming for a man to offer to be together
  • Ansuz - Gebo - Yera - shows you in front of a man in the best possible light
  • Evaz - Gebo - Otala - allows you to return a loved one who left you

Runic formula "Web of love" from Djess

The author - runologist Djess - created this proven runic becoming for the love of a man when she fell deeply in love with a man, and he turned out to be married. The purpose of the formula was not a man's departure from the family, but the preservation of relationships at the level of lovers. We can say that this is a kind of sex attachment that does not allow a man to leave you.

Working runes

  • Stynginn Iss hides magical effect(the subject does not feel that he has been bewitched)
  • Bundle Gebo - Vunyo - Kenaz - creates a vivid love relationship that will delight both partners
  • Nautiz - forces a man to take the agreed action
  • Uruz - creates a strong sex drive
  • Ansuz in the background adds mutual understanding to the relationship (so that the person is not only interested in sex, but also it would be nice to talk with a partner)

Runic becoming "Love Fire" from Sanea

This runic becoming to a man's love will not cause a strong, painful attachment to the object of sympathy - it will rather act very gently and delicately, awakening in a person a desire to communicate with you, to keep in touch.

Working symbols

  • Teyvaz - the man we influence
  • - female operator (the rune can be circled with your own saliva or blood for binding)
  • Mirror Ansuz - a love spell that acts through words
  • Nautises in the background - forcing a person
  • Bundle Ansuz - Nautiz - give rise to thoughts about this woman in the head of a man
  • Hyera - makes the action of the formula permanent
  • Kenazes with Lagusas awaken the flow of passion
  • Vunyo - gives a feeling of joy and harmony when communicating with the object of the operator

Formula "Hook of love and marriage" from the runologist Angel

This runic becoming for the mad love of a man was personally tested by an author named Angel. In her case, the object of sympathy was in a permanent relationship with another girl, and their relationship lasted two years behind her back without any serious promises from the young man. Under the influence of the stave, the man left his constant girlfriend, moved to live with the operator, stopped hiding new relationships from those around him and began to behave more attentively, tenderly.

Working runes

  • Nautiz forces a person to behave accordingly
  • Vunyo - gives the joy of communicating with the operator
  • Mirror Vunyo makes him sad and in a bad mood away from the operator
  • Soulu is responsible for the warm, soft and tender attitude of a man to a woman, for the revival of the strength of his love
  • forces him to win the object of his sympathy
  • Reverse Uruz breaks the resistance of men to work
  • responsible for the result
  • Eyvaz forces family ties, life together
  • In the background: Kenaz symbolizes feelings and desires, Gebo builds harmonious relationships, awakens love, protects the connection between people, direct and mirror Turisaz clear the path of a man to a woman

Runic becoming "According to my desire ..." from Bezdna

This proven runic becoming for the love of a man works without harsh coercion and side effects. It can be called rather a gimmick, and not a breaking of will.