Help of a clairvoyant fortuneteller. Apparat - A magazine about a new society. Love questions and relationships

Dear visitors of the website, if you have any problems, or if you just have a situation in your life in which the intervention of an experienced specialist may be useful, we will be happy to provide you with prompt and qualified assistance:

  • Do you need the help of a magician in the current situation in life?
  • Are you having problems with your loved one?
  • Haunted by failures at work or in business?
  • Thinking about making a love spell or a conspiracy?

You can ask any question you are interested in and get an answer, practical advice and real help... To do this, enter the data in the form located here:

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  2. Ask your question, describe the situation or problem;
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Free help of psychics: they will tell you about what really excites you

Each of us at least once had questions that are extremely difficult or even impossible to find an answer to on our own. Free help of psychics is a unique opportunity to open the veil of secrets that torment and deprive you of sleep, as well as to look into your own future.

How to turn to experienced psychics for help?

Some problems and obstacles that arise in life path, can confuse, and sometimes even confuse a person. What to do when situations seem hopeless and it is simply impossible to choose between several options? Alas, constant thinking alone with yourself can not always give a result and solve the difficulties that have arisen. From the very beginning of time, people, finding themselves face to face with problems, turned to magicians, sages and high priests.

On our site you can contact highly qualified specialists - esotericists, tarologists, astrologers and numerologists. Their ability to communicate with the other world undeniable. If you were wondering "Psychics: how to get help", then you have already found the answer.


  1. Be specific. It is desirable in such a way that the answer is unambiguous.

Wrong question: What will happen to me next?

Correct question: What can I expect in the area of ​​personal life / career / family / creativity in the near future?

  1. If any people appear in your fortune-telling, it is better to attach their photos to the question that you decided to ask the psychic.
  2. Ask the question consciously. Often the psychic's answer depends on the state of the person who needs his help. For example, alcohol intoxication of the questioner affects the correctness of the answer received extremely negatively.
  3. While waiting for the psychic's answer, try to immerse yourself in thoughts about the question that concerns you and not be distracted from them.

These simple rules will help to get a 100% correct interpretation of the problem. You can ask a question of interest on our website, leaving your contact information and describing the painful situation in as much detail as possible in a specially designed form.

VKontakte is an ideal place for wizards, fortune tellers and all people with psychic abilities. Making diagnoses, purifying energy, expelling demons - all this can now be done without leaving the computer. Egor Mostovshchikov went to study the booming market of magic online services, and the chief editor of Apparat, Mikhail Levin, was diagnosed with photography.

Replenishing the essence in the head area

Eugene is thirty-two years old. He hails from Vologda, works in a construction company as a chief engineer, writes dubstep and drum and bass, loves Viktor Pelevin, and he also has an entity. Fortunately, Eugene's addicted gray essence is not demonic, that is, not from the lower plane, but from the middle - human. It is located in the area of ​​his completely bald head, mainly on the right.

The diagnosis was made by a magician from VKontakte: she remotely studied the photo, which Evgeny himself sent her for consultation. The magician decided: such entities (in the head area, more on the right) are usually associated with illusions at the level of the mind. Illusions at the level of the mind are when a person perceives reality in a distorted way, through his mental images. In addition, Evgeny has a second earthly chakra in a sad state - the sexual-emotional one. Eugene, the magician assures, a person is too soft, without his solid core, he does not feel like a unique unit, he does not understand what he wants - and even more so. And the state of his energy is too watery, he lacks the element of the earth, and especially the element of fire.

There is, however, some good news. Eugene has an open ajna chakra, she is responsible for clairvoyance. This means that Eugene is able to perceive the subtle plane. Evgeny was impressed by the magic session from photography.

Broken love union

Last year, Moscow's chief cardiologist, Yuri Buziashvili, complained that Russians spend about $ 30 billion on sorcerers, fortune-tellers, magicians and psychics a year. Is that a lot or a little? According to Buziashvili, this is almost twice as much as the Russians spend on treatment with foreign doctors. As a result, doctors in Russia have to compete not only with foreign colleagues, but also with the fighters of the magic front. All this is happening against the background of a decrease in the number of atheists in the country. People really want to believe that someone can help them.

At the request of "magician help" "VKontakte" gives out more than 400 communities, at the request of "psychic" - more than 2500. Internet and social networks turned out to be an extremely suitable tool for providing a variety of psychic services. Everything is convenient and fast. I found a wizard, joined a group, wrote a message, paid through the terminal, sent a photo, had a mystical experience, and closed the browser window satisfied. Real magic.

It all looks rather sad: people do not have enough love, money, happiness. What to do is not clear, perhaps the magician will help.

For example, the community of the magician Emilia Bogatyreva: 17,500,000 members. Bogatyreva in PM provides paid services - tarot and runes, personal horoscope, negative diagnostics. Prices: from 200 to 1000 rubles. From time to time, she conducts free express consultations: one question - one forecast.

It all looks rather sad: people do not have enough love, money, happiness. What to do is not clear, perhaps the magician will help. Here a girl asks if she will have new job... The magic conclusion: "If you have not yet engaged in self-education and professional development, then the job will be, but not what you wanted." Another girl attaches a photo of her ex-boyfriend: she smiles sadly, he gloomily grills sausages on the fire. How do I get it back? The magician's answer: "Your problem is a broken love union, the situation is hopeless, do not be upset."

It is not worth asking the same questions in different magic groups, some magicians are banned for this. “Respect the work of other people: we don’t just invent something for you, we spend energy and time on it,” explains Emilia.

Experiment: Apparat Editor-in-Chief Consults with a Magician

Apparat decided to use the services of one of the network wizards. The editor-in-chief Mikhail Levin sent the magician his photo and a receipt for the transfer of 1,500 rubles through a Sberbank ATM. The cover letter said that Levin is handing over a very important project right now, he is a lot nervous and worried that everything is going badly. Next is magic.

The magician's diagnosis

  • "There is too much gray energy in the energy sector - especially in the area of ​​the legs, solar plexus and throat."
  • "The deceased did not go upstairs and is in our plan, because his influence is so high"
  • "This is not damage and not a curse, but the inherited fear of one of the dead men in the father's family."
  • "The patient's phantom falls to its knees and cannot go forward."
  • "It is necessary to do a complete cleaning of the energy sector"
  • "It is advisable to attend a session of Hellinger constellations."
  • "It is also necessary to help the soul of the deceased go upstairs."
  • "The cost of cleaning energy - 7000 rubles"

Entities shake and growl when expelled

Our hero Eugene from Vologda sent his photo to the magician Victoria Butova. She has a relatively small public - 1,500 subscribers. In the Victoria family, healing was practiced on the female line, and five generations ago there was a dark witch. Since childhood, she has visions and connects with light, cosmic energies. Victoria developed her abilities through training and practice, recalled her past incarnations, in which she was a magician and healer, and also studied at the Alten center. Alten is an organization like the Shield from the Avengers comic: an office in the center of Moscow, training for those wishing to become magicians, personal consultations, and protecting the world from dark forces. They teach everything here - from “pumping the core of the personality” to “managing situations”.

Victoria Butova's process is structured as follows: there is a free online consultation on photography "for negative", and everything else is already paid. She removes spoilage, looks at the future, cleans from the essences and souls of the dead who have not found peace, conducts exorcism sessions. An online consultation costs 1,500 rubles, a personal meeting - 3,000, further depending on the service. Payment via an ATM of Sberbank, VTB24 bank or Yandex.Wallet.

There is nothing fun in this work: you see the dead, the entities, and when you drive them out, they shake and growl, their heads hit the floor

For Butova, magic is her main work, she spends all her time on it and says that there is nothing funny in this work: you see the dead, the entities, and when you drive them out, they shake and growl, their heads bang on the floor. Like in the movie "Constantine", but, in her words, not so hypertrophied.

Eugene, after he was diagnosed with a gray essence in the head region, remained in mixed feelings. On the one hand, he is not completely sure that all this really works. On the other hand, people seem to write good feedback, it means that the magician from VKontakte knows how to do something. Yes, and his girlfriend, who ordered the magician to get rid of the addiction and the cleaning of the clan, was satisfied: she felt a great relief.

Online diagnostics, however, also frankly surprised Eugene. At least some of the facts described, he would prefer to hide. But this also proves the ability of the magician. Couldn't the magician from VKontakte find out all this just like that?

Eugene will definitely get rid of the add-in. It's still not very pleasant, in fact, sharing something. Eugene explains everything to himself: this is, apparently, such an entity that changes his thoughts, harms him. After all, he really feels that there is some kind of voice inside him, which sometimes harms him and makes him commit irrational actions.

True, Eugene from Vologda still does not know how to use the open chakra of clairvoyance - ajina.

Work, that is, with subtle plans, has not yet taken shape.

The help of a fortune-teller, a psychic is free.
Nastasya Pavlovna, reviews.

If you have not found the answers on my website, then I ask for an anonymous online consultation at online chat on

How to get free help of a psychic, fortune teller, clairvoyant online on Livexpert and consultation in love and money magic?

Describe your problem to me on the Livexpert online consultation website, indicate the names and dates of birth of the participants in the question (for example, you, your man, rival), attach photos. Based on this data, I will conduct online fortune telling, a clairvoyance session or diagnostics.

According to the results: I get rid of negative influences, bewitch (love magic), quarrel, put protection, as well as provide other magical services depending on the situation or problem.

I will get rid of negative programs:

  • spoilage
  • evil eye
  • love spell
  • celibacy wreath
  • lining
  • obsessions
  • vampirism
  • necrotic connection
  • settler violence

Help in love magic

To eliminate a rival (rival), I use a split, cool it down, in extreme situations - damage to relationships, a lining of a ritual stone. For these services love magic you can contact me. I also do a love spell, tie, add-on, sexual tie, magic conspiracies, read reviews about me on

I will help:

  • return husband
  • return wife
  • Bewitch a loved one or beloved
  • I will tell you how to make a split, cool relationships, get rid of your mistress or lover.

The provision of magical services occurs only after the obligatory one, during which you will learn everything you need to know on the issue of your interest. Clairvoyance diagnostics will save you from possible mistakes when ordering magical work and will help you make the right choice if you are at a crossroads.

Clairvoyance is a diagnosis of a situation.

An online fortune teller or a question to a psychic?

With the help of clairvoyance, now it is fashionable to call it extrasensory perception, I will help to peep into the future, put in order love affairs, improve financial situation, save you from lovers, mistresses. In divination, Tarot cards play the role of a guide to higher powers and, as a rule, give accurate answers to questions.

Love questions and relationships.

Love is a subtle matter that not everyone can feel. Therefore, men and women do not always get along, cheat on each other, part.

  • What if my husband found another, left the family, started drinking, raise his hand?
  • What if the wife found a lover?
  • How to avoid divorce?
  • How to find a person who will love all your life?
  • How to get married, get married?

Help of an online psychic, fortune teller, clairvoyant, witch on Livexpert.

Turn to love magic. Inquirers ask thousands of questions to fortune-tellers, psychics and clairvoyants. Looking into the future, I can answer them, suggest how to act, lead you to the desired goal.

Who hasn't had money problems? If you can barely make it to your next paycheck, then it's time to apply money magic. To improve the financial situation, I will expand the money channel, carry out rituals to raise money, make runescripts for success in finance, money amulets and charms.

Sometimes the cause of unhappiness is external negative. impact, evil eye, damage To get rid of it, we need online help from a magician (read reviews about my work) that I can provide you.

Order a talisman, amulet or talisman:

If everything is not good in your relationship with your loved ones, put protection on love, carry with you, amulets that will not allow misfortunes to get into the family. Protective individual attributes from the evil eye, damage, for good luck in the financial sector, for a family, for service in the army from the witch and fortune teller Nastasya Pavlovna, and much more.

My current promotions on the Livexpert website.


Individual tiny Amphora from Nastasya Pavlovna preserves and protects relationships with MAGIC.
Eliminates quarrels, disagreements in the family.
Brings peace, joy, happiness, idyll to the house (everything is individual, depending on what kind of relationship at the moment).
Placed in a conspicuous place in the house constantly nourishing the spouses.
The man will not want to run to the left, the wife will also be faithful to her husband.
The amphora can be hung in a conspicuous place in the house - for example, in the bedroom or living room.
I send by Russian Post.



The purpose of the attraction beacon I MADE is to evoke sympathy and love in the opposite sex.
The attraction beacon will help you: get rid of loneliness, attract a soul mate with the right qualities.
The attraction beacon is customizable to suit your needs.
In some cases, and has an impact on a particular person, performing the role of a safe, but very powerful love spell ritual.
I send by mail.



(when ordering the Amulet - FREE diagnostics)

If you think that your family life not harmonious enough, you feel that family happiness, something is threatening, or you want to restore love….
I offer an individual CHARM FOR PRESERVING THE FAMILY, with the intention of strengthening marital relations, neutralizing impure thoughts and wishes of envious people, minimizing quarrels and disagreements and eliminating negativity in a couple ...
Made with love with my hands, it is capable of performing real miracles.
Details on the online consultation ..



The INDIVIDUAL AMULET made by me - a CHARM from specially selected semi-precious stones has magical properties.
WILL ATTRACT LUCK in the financial sphere for both businessmen and ordinary citizens, as well as protect against losses, ruin, bankruptcy, from envious people and unkind LIEU people, INCREASE AND SAVE YOUR INCOME
Details for consultation ..

Astro7 is a specialized site for clairvoyants, psychics and mediums. Here you can always find a clairvoyant expert who is right for you and will meet all your requirements. Be sure - absolutely all clairvoyant psychics have been thoroughly tested and really have a special gift. Finding a clairvoyant on Astro7 is easy - just select the expert you want from the listing. Learn more about each expert in the "About me" section on his personal page.

How to talk to a clairvoyant for free?

You can see for yourself the quality of Astro7's services - especially for this, our specialists will give you your first consultation online free of charge. All you need to do is register on the website and order a conversation with the expert you need. Clairvoyants will advise on any questions of interest to you about love, relationships, career, business and much more. The first consultation is free!

What question to ask a clairvoyant?

Before asking a question to an expert, focus and think about what exactly interests you the most. Want to know about relationship prospects? Are you worried about the success of your new business? Are you worried about a successful trip? You can ask any question - the clairvoyant will help you in any situation. Remember that the clarity of the expert's answer depends on how accurately you formulate the question!

There are several guidelines to help you communicate with an expert.

What services do clairvoyants offer?

On Astro7, online clairvoyants will advise you on a variety of issues in the life area that interests you the most:

  • - the prospect of a relationship, the search for a soul mate;
  • - resolution of conflicts and disagreements;
  • - attracting money, success and prosperity;
  • - forecast of the development of a specific situation;
  • - search for the right way out and solutions, etc.

Clairvoyant services are your key to success in love, relationships, career and business! Use the recommendations of the experts to reach real heights!