Formula for a woman Laguz Berkana Gebo Soulo. Runes for love and relationships: the best runic formulas and staves. Use of Berkana in rituals

Rune of the inner circle of magic, "that which leads." Difficult but wonderful rune. The classical translation of the name ("water") does not accurately define its content. The name of this rune means not just water, but - flowing water, moving - the one that forms the stream and drags along.

Like Berkana, the Laguz rune has a distinct female character, but more related to magic. It can be associated with intuition, with the patronage of the gods and showing the way.

Name: LAGU, LAGUZ - water (reservoir): lake, ocean. Running water. Water (Gothic), Sea (English), Water (Norwegian), Water (Isl.)

runic formula — ᛚᚨᚷᚢᛉ

Action Laguz: tuning.

Tree: Willow.

Character: magnetic rune.

Essence: reversible rune.

Images of Rune Laguz:

  • water takes the form of a vessel,
  • pebbles are turned by the tide,
  • the psychologist adapts to the characteristics of the client,
  • the speaker adjusts the volume based on the audience,
  • right-handed, broken right hand, writes with the left,
  • sedge bends under the wind,
  • the road goes around the rock
  • the river meanders between the hills,
  • the snake finds its way among the grass,
  • a businessman selects a scheme of work for each partner,
  • a broker on the stock exchange buys shares based on the situation in the market,
  • the diplomat changes the tactics of negotiations for a partner,
  • living beings adapt to environmental conditions,

Rune Laguz Meaning

Adjustment. There is always such an external order, which the agent cannot change “for himself”. In such cases, you need to comply with it. This order pushes out or breaks those who are not adjusted, those who are adjusted, congruent effectively act in it.

The external situation is constantly changing, and the old "form" of the actor is no longer suitable. Insufficient conformity to the "dominant" order is a stimulus for Laguz to act.

The result of this action is the correspondence of the actor to the external order.

This rune demonstrates the difference between exoteric and esoteric approaches. Rune Laguz symbolizes water and flow. And in this her main secret. Many people who are not familiar with the tradition attribute to it the properties of Neptune, the element of water, sometimes Cancer, Pisces. In fact, this rune corresponds to Mercury, the great deceiver. It is a mistake to consider this principle superficially - as reason, mind, intellect. This principle hides many pitfalls. It is in the temptation of Mercury that many of the troubles of modern civilization lie. In an overly serious, naive and overly reverent attitude to the word. Mercury is really a stream, it's really water. It is not for nothing that they say: when a person talks a lot, he “pours water”.

The use of the Rune Laguz in magic

Magical meaning: sharpens intuition, helps the development and manifestation of occult abilities. Facilitates the process of cognition and penetration into the mystery, understanding the laws of the Cosmos. In ordinary life, it helps to conclude a marriage, end a separation or overcome a quarrel with a partner. Scientists help to complete the study, to solve the problem. One of the most important runes of the feminine (water), used in most magical formulas and signs intended for women.

Rune Laguz - the rune of intuition, the rune of "what leads", and with this it is connected magical application. Its use sharpens and enhances the intuitive perception of the world, helps in the study of the occult sciences and in penetration into the secret - this is one aspect of its action. On the other hand, the rune promotes marriage, the formation of a new friendship and the restoration of an old one, the cessation of a quarrel or quarrel.

Interpretation of Runes Laguz in divination

Mantic meaning: lunar qualities, intuition, spiritual closeness; astral, sphere of emotions. fruitful contacts. Inner voice. Self (see rune Anzus). Alchemical marriage.

Reversed: neglect of the inner voice, reliance solely on reason.


V upright position: you are guided and guarded by high currents of Force, gently forcing you to act and including it in your streams of events - beyond your understanding and awareness.

Reversed: a warning about a breakdown, a dangerous situation - you have excluded yourself from the flow of the Divine Will and are now paying.

Provided opportunities

Upright: live without making any special efforts to achieve what you want. The Universal River of Divine Will has accepted you and your needs as a part of itself - and now it carries you through life.

Reversed: there is a real opportunity to get out of the situation before it becomes a disaster.

Rune's Warning

Upright: one must follow the stream of events very sensitively and carefully, corresponding to external, constantly changing conditions.

Reversed: your intuition turned out to be erroneous - it was too strongly influenced by the desire to achieve a certain result that you only need. Don't rely on her!

Upright: trust intuition, the feeling of the heart - now it is tuned in unison with the rhythms of the universe.

Reversed: think more with your head and do not trust your intuition.


  1. Kolesov E., Torsten A. - "Runes. Futhark Classical and Armanic»
  2. A. Platov, A. van Dart - "Practical course of runic art"
  3. Oleg Sinko - "Runes: the practice of divination"
  4. Konstantin Selchenok - "Astrological interpretation of the runes"
  5. T. Carlson - "Uthark»
  6. Vladimir Smirnov (HaukwithR Gandwiki) — « Runic. Reference book of values»

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Even though they are beautiful, people are not always happy with their appearance. Trying to increase their attractiveness in the eyes of others, they play sports, adhere to proper nutrition, go to all sorts of tricks, visit a beautician and resort to the help of magic. Girls in this difficult matter will be saved by runes for female attractiveness.

Rune Berkana for female attractiveness

What are female runes

The energy of ancient symbols - runes - accompanies humanity at every step. This group of signs shows the essence of the laws of the universe. In the Scandinavian alphabet there are symbols opposite in meaning - masculine and feminine, fire and ice, fun and concentration, each of which can have a certain kind of effect on a person.

Those symbols that describe female archetypes and are filled with the energies of femininity, flexibility and sexuality are called female runes.

runes for beauty

There are two main runes in Futhark that symbolize female energy - and these signs describe two opposite female states that are important for girls. It should be remembered that in many respects how the signs will affect a person depends on the intention. The energy of the runes is neutral and only a slander gives it its final form.

Motherhood symbol

The rune of Berkana is a symbol of femininity and comfort. Applied to an amulet or amulet, she will add self-confidence, in her female power. Awakens maternal instinct, will increase the ability to bear children and save during pregnancy.

Signs of Passion

Laguz reveals a completely different archetype of a woman. It is a stream of passion, inspiration, sexuality and beauty. It is worth adding it to the formula and the object of influence in the truest sense of the word will blossom. She, like Berkana, will add feminine features, but they will be more sexually colored.

Mode of application

In order for the selected symbols to work, it is necessary to determine the carrier of the formula. Signs can be applied to:

  • - rings, pendants, bracelets, brooch;
  • paper (photo), which then needs to be stored in a special place;
  • in the form of temporary drawings on the body, drawn with henna, since it is not recommended to apply runes
  • any carrier made from natural materials (clay, glass, wood, stone, salt dough) that should be carried with you.


Runes of charm and beauty

In order to look like a charming beast in the eyes of men, they write the formula Laguz - Berkan - - Gebo. It can be applied both on the talisman and directly on the body. The effect is amazing - the number of people who want to get to know each other is increasing, others are showering with compliments, Soulo will also give energy. They often draw a formula on the forearm and always with the thought:

"By the power of these runes, I am the most charming and attractive."

At the time of application, in addition to the name, you can also pronounce the meaning of the runes. After they wear off over time, the formula will complete its work.

To hope that the applied becoming will instantly transform a person would be the height of naivety. For this to happen, you need to make an effort, enter into resonance with the runes, understand the essence of these changes and feel like such a person. The rune of beauty and attractiveness helps, but the main work always remains with those who must change.

Studying the runes, you need to pay attention to their combinations. Using unverified runic stave will not be useful and will cause many problems.

So, the combination of Berkana-Inguz promises positive life changes, and the runes of Berkana-Perth report mistakes and injuries.

The most popular are the following formulas:

  1. Ansuz-Dagaz-Berkana - this combination of runes together is designed to solve the majority women's issues. They will help to maintain composure even in the most stressful situations thanks to the accumulated warmth of their carriers.
  2. Berkana-Nautiz-Evaz is an ideal combination for the development of the masculine principle, it will help increase self-control and mental strength. All the problems that will fall to the lot of the bearer of such a stav will only strengthen his character and temper his will.
  3. Laguz-Eyvaz-Berkana - the interpretation of this combination indicates readiness for development and rebirth into something new. Depicting it on the leading hand, you can achieve unprecedented success in business. However, keep in mind that achieving the desired result will not be easy. On the way there will be many obstacles, overcoming which there is a risk of radically changing your own attitude.
  4. Berkana-Hagalaz-Vuno - this becoming will serve as a powerful curse for enemies. He will bring them great trouble and can completely destroy their lives. However, if the damned one can get rid of the influence of this tie, then all its negative energy will fall on the creator.

Depicting links with Berkana on amulets, a person can both improve his abilities and harm his enemies.

Berkana in a combination of four or more runes

A combination of four or more runes describes events in great detail, and amulets with such a ligature have a specific area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity. The more elements are used, the more narrowly focused and strong is the energy message.

Popular combinations are:

  1. Berkana-Kenaz-Laguz-Berkana - this tie will help to cope with ill-wishers, restore mental health and protect against curses and damage. The closer to the solar plexus it is located, the stronger it will be.
  2. Vunyo-Gebo-Berkana-Eyvaz-Dagaz is a powerful spell for good luck, the runes strengthen the overall interpretation with each new element. Of particular importance is the application of the runescript. So, when applied to the dominant hand, the combination will increase financial luck, and when depicted on the ribs - it will help to find happiness in your personal life.
  3. Dagaz-Inguz-Evaz-Berkana - the meaning of this formula in a positive energy message, which is aimed at the realization of the strongest desires. She gathers all the inner strength and directs it to a specific goal. You need to use it very carefully. there is a risk of burning out your inner core.

Complex runescripts should be used with all caution. Beginners in runes are not recommended to use staves with more than three elements.


The rune of Berkana has a soft energy with a pronounced feminine principle. She personifies good luck in all manifestations, and also serves as a symbol of beginning and development.

The combination of Berkan with other symbols has many meanings. For the correct use of such staves, you need to know each of them. An inaccurate interpretation will not only not bring the desired result, but will also worsen the situation.

In this article:

The power of runes is a gift from the gods to people. They were an ancient alphabet and oracle, speaking the language of the gods of ancient Scandinavia. Today, interest in runes is very great, because this art allows you to guess, conjure, create amazing runic talismans. Many centuries ago, such talismans were used in Scandinavia, Iceland, England and Ireland. Knowledge about the power of runes and their influence on a person has spread throughout the world.

These signs carry the power of Heaven if you activate them correctly.

There are mascots for men and women, for home and work. Choose what you need. A correctly composed runic phrase has tremendous power influencing your life. Change the world around you for the better with a good talisman.

The power of runic signs

According to the legends, the Scandinavian god Odin chained himself to the roots of the World Ash Tree and hung there for 7 days. The roots were found in the gloomy world of Hel - the abode of spirits and the dead. There he learned the mystical power of the runes. For this knowledge had to give the left eye. One brought this knowledge to other gods, and they told the oracles, sorcerers, seers. Each rune is a letter and a symbol. They made up the alphabet. All signs are geometric, because they were carved on stone or wood. They have two meanings - part of the language and a special mystical meaning. Each of them has its own power. Runes can destroy, create, protect, curse, give a person what they want. Great Knowledge helps to communicate with the gods, ask them for support. Each rune is a vessel for powerful energy. From them, amulets are created with a variety of properties. In ancient times, the Scandinavians could not imagine life without the support of the gods. In their religion, the gods are the same people, but they have secret knowledge.

Make or buy?

Anyone could tell how he met Odin, the mighty Thor, the treacherous Loki, the beautiful Freya in his travels. Very often they received as a gift a magical item with runes. You can create such a talisman yourself. It is easiest to carve signs on a piece of wood, but is sometimes used:

  • animal skin;
  • bird feather;
  • a rock;
  • a precious metal;
  • clay;
  • bone;
  • embroidery on clothes.

It is best to do it yourself. So you put special powers into an object, it becomes a part of you. If you decide to buy, then look for runes inscribed on natural media. Gold, silver, wood, leather, bone. Plastic amulets do not carry those necessary natural forces.

Male mascots

For men, the most important qualities were strength, courage, ingenuity. Warriors were looking for divine protection, asked to direct their ax in battle. Today, the talismans have slightly changed their purpose. There was a business magic aimed at success, career, profit. Runes can help. And the rest - for real men, there were and remain traditional symbols and runic staves.

Gebo, Uruz, Dagaz, Inguz

Becoming Gebo-Uruz-Dagaz-Inguz

This is a very positive runic amulet for men of any age. Gebo makes it possible to establish personal relationships, fill them with trust, sexual energy. Inguz helps to follow the right path through life, gives inspiration. Dagaz reveals to a person his hidden powers, potential. Runa Uruz is very courageous. It is she who will give the owner of the talisman all the necessary masculine qualities. Can be cut on a wooden plate, always carry with you.

Runes of Male Health

This amulet is recommended to be worn after 40 years. It will help a man to remain strong, sexually active, attract the interest of women. The combination of three runes Teyvaz - Pertro-Inguz creates this effect. Teyvaz will give male strength and good potency, this is the rune of real warriors. Pertro and Inguz give wisdom, charm. The runic formula helps to be in good physical shape and improves mood. It works best when carved on a piece of bone.

Runes for the most charming and attractive

Teyvaz, Inguz, Soulo, Vunyo, Kenaz, Berkana

This becoming makes its owner a charismatic, interesting, desirable man. Women pay attention and literally fight for your favor. Teivaz-Inguz-Soulu-Vunyo-Kenaz-Berkano is a long formula. Kenaz helps to make you sexually attractive, Soulu gives a powerful charge of positive solar energy, and Teyvaz and Inguz will give you all the necessary masculine qualities: strength, stamina, courage. Materials: wood, stone, leather.

Single runes-talismans

Even one correct rune can greatly help a person.

Teyvaz - career assistance, focus on results. The rune of a warrior will make a man brave, decisive, but careful.

Ansuz - will help in his personal life. She treats infertility, for this she is embroidered three times on her underwear with red threads. She will improve her personal life, give confidence in her abilities.

Uruz - in order to make a man strong, physically active. This is the rune of athletes.

Mannaz is a symbol of man. This sign reveals your hidden abilities, gives support in all endeavors. It has exceptional masculine energy.

Most often, these talismans are carved on a piece of wood: oak, ash, cedar.

Women's talismans

These talismans call on Freya and Frigga for energy support. Many women use rune magic to maintain youth, beauty, love spells, protection during pregnancy. Like many centuries ago, symbols can be applied to a wooden comb, a jar of cream or shampoo. There are even runes for burning excess fat.

Formula of female attractiveness

The Laguz-Berkana-Gebo-Soulu formula makes a woman desirable and attractive. Such an amulet can be carried with you all the time if you are actively looking for a partner. Runa Berkano personifies femininity. Soul and Gebo will give the joy of relationships. This is a kind of love spell. He will help you find your love. For those who are already married - put it at home under the bed, but discreetly.

Becoming a happy woman

The Berkan-Pertro-Nautiz formula will help fulfill your desires. Pertro - the rune of dreams, dreams. When you really want something, then draw these signs on a piece of genuine leather, carry it with you. So you can find Good work, bounce back on an amazing journey or realize your dreams.

Talisman of the perfect figure

The long modern formula Evaz-Mannaz-Ansuz-Soulu-Ansuz-Nautiz-Yera-Laguz-Soulu-Raido will help you achieve the perfect figure. There are several options for how to use it:

  • Apply to a bottle of body milk, use it every evening.
  • Draw on the food you are eating.
  • Apply to a wooden plate, carry with you in your trouser pocket.

The powerful energy of Soulu burns fat, Raido does not let you go astray, and the rest of the runes in combination help to achieve ideal proportions.

Becoming for quick conception

If you are unable to conceive a child, do not despair. The formula Berkano - Inguz-Algiz - Yera - Fehu will help you. It must be drawn on some wooden element of your marriage bed. Berkano and Inguz will help a woman conceive sooner - the whole body is activated, tuned in to pregnancy. Algiz will protect mother and baby during childbirth.

Berkana, Inguz, Algiz, Yera, Fehu

Talismans for home and family

Odin and Bragi protect family comfort. So that there is no damage from the eye on your house, the children do not get sick, and there is always peace between husband and wife - create a home runic amulet.

Protecting your property

This talisman must be carved from wood and kept at home. Inguz-Algiz is a powerful combination of two protective runes. They protect property from thieves and fires.

Prosperity of the house and its inhabitants

Three runes of Fehu - Inguz-Algiz will help to make the house a full bowl. It's nice to come back here, it's cozy, satisfying and always reigns in your house good mood. It is embroidered on a white natural fabric, which will need to be placed at front door.

Protection from spoilage and evil eye

From all of us negative influences will protect Turisaz-Teyvaz-Turisaz. Turisaz is the hammer of Thor, which will punish, punish the one who wishes harm to your family. Runes powerful protection from magic. They need to be cut or written on the jamb of the front door and window frames. So negative energy will not pass to you.

Turisaz, Teyvaz, Turisaz

Runic amulets and talismans with special properties

Special runic amulets were very desirable in the days of the ancient Scandinavians. They had truly magical properties:

  • could make invisible;
  • gave the ability to speak with animals or birds;
  • had a powerful love spell effect on all virgins.

Only the gods themselves knew how to make such a talisman. They gave these amazing things to the heroes of legends and fairy tales. By combining runes, experimenting with their meaning, you can create amazing things. Why not, you can create a combination that will become unique and give you some new abilities. To do this, you need to devote your life to working with runes, studying them. Your author's formula deserves special attention. Having compiled it, be sure to diagnose by fortune-telling. You will need a set of runes for divination. You can also make them yourself. They will give a prediction of your new formula. Only after that start wearing the talisman. Everything is in your hands - magic removes any horizons.

Talisman Activation Rite

To activate the talisman, you need to perform a small ceremony. Choose which of the gods to turn to for help:





ritual sacrifice



Monday Friday

Evening night

Flowers, honey





Dark beer



Tuesday Wednesday


Dark beer, fire

Be sure to make a ritual sacrifice after the ritual - this will please the gods. The sacrifice is made under a tree, ash is best, but any old strong tree will do. Thank your helpers, give them a sacrifice. All sacrifices are made at night.

Everything you need

You will need:

  • Wax candle (Fire element);
  • Salt (Earth element);
  • Raw water (Water element);
  • Incense stick (air element);
  • Your talisman.

All this is arranged clockwise on your altar. The talisman is placed in the middle. Now the ritual must begin.


This is a shortened version of the ritual, but it must be taken very seriously.

  • Stand in front of your altar, light a candle and an incense stick. You need to light with matches, but not with a lighter.
  • Invoke each element with the words:

Fire, I invite you to take part in the activation of this talisman. Give him some of your power.

  • Get down on your knees, take the object with the runes in your hand. Tell:

"I conjure, in the name of Odin, by the power of the Runes, by the words of the High One."

    • Now name the properties that the talisman will have. This must be stated very clearly, because the result depends only on you. Be sure to prepare what you say ahead of time. The gods listen to your speech and look at you - they will appreciate your confidence in their words.
    • Hold the object for some time over each element of the element, and then lower it into the middle of the altar. There he must remain until the candle burns out.
    • Thank the elements, the gods for participating in the ritual.

You now have an activated magic item. Wear it more often so your energies will connect.

Using knowledge about secret meaning runes, you can create amazing items. Runic talismans are best made with your own hands, and not bought. Your connection to the subject will be much stronger this way. They protect, give people special traits of character, protect the house and family. You can create your happiness, well-being - use Scandinavian runes and the correct rite of passage.

August 27, 2016

Gebo, runic formulas

Runic formula "female love amulet"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Laguz- intuition, changeability
Berkana- development, fertility, femininity

It is used to attract male attention to a woman. Applying this formula, you can immediately notice the increased interest of men in themselves. However, using the formula Laguz - Gebo - Berkana - Soulo it is necessary so that it is hidden from prying eyes; to do this, you can write this runic formula on a small piece of paper or cloth and carry this amulet with you. It is not recommended to use this formula to attract male attention too often, as with constant or frequent use, it loses its magical properties.

Runic formula "male love amulet"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Teyvaz- activity, determination, achievement
Gebo- association, mutual understanding
Inguz- fertility, light, energy
soulo- vitality, luck, victory

Used to attract female attention to a man. This is a love amulet with which you can improve relationships, make them more harmonious. runic formula Teyvaz - Gebo - Inguz - Soulo can be used to strengthen existing relationships. This formula can be effective for the treatment of male infertility (in combination with the main therapy).

Runic formula "strengthening relations"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Nautiz- need, necessity
Gebo- association, mutual understanding

Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz used to strengthen relationships. The magical energy of this formula is aimed at making partners need each other. However, the runic formula Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz must be used with caution; before you come to this method of strengthening relationships, you should make sure of your feelings for a person, understand why you need this relationship and understand whether you are ready to accept a person as he is. runic formula Nautiz - Gebo - Nautiz gives a rather strong magical effect - it connects two people with an invisible thread so that they cannot live a day without each other. However, this formula cannot contribute to changes in the relationships themselves, to make them harmonious. Therefore, this formula is best used as an addition to the runic formula aimed at harmonizing and improving relations.

Runic formula "strengthening the family"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Gebo- association, mutual understanding
Algiz- protection, security
otal- family, estate

Gebo - Algiz - Otal has a powerful magical effect aimed at strengthening family relationships. This formula is used in cases where spouses need to learn to understand each other, avoiding conflicts, misunderstandings and disagreements. Gebo - Algiz - Otal- it is also a good amulet for the family, protecting from negative influences from the outside - envy, damage, evil eye, etc. This runic formula can be used as an amulet and a talisman, stored in the place where the spouses spend the most time together, away from prying eyes. You can make an amulet (amulet) to strengthen the family yourself; for this it is enough to write a runic formula on a piece of paper, cardboard, a wooden board.

Runic formula call a person "Magic pendel"

The meaning of the runic formula:
Eyvaz - rune of protection, defense, overcoming difficulties
Uruz - endurance, stamina, strength
Kenaz - embodiment, disclosure
Gebo - association, mutual understanding
Turisaz - new opportunities

It is used in situations where it is necessary to call a person, get some news from him, a phone call, a letter, etc. This formula helps speed up a meeting, date, both love, friendship and business, depending on the situation. With the help of the runic formula Eyvaz - Uruz - Kenaz - Gebo - Turisaz the person you want to see overcomes the obstacles that may be in his way. This formula helps to dispel doubts and gives decisiveness.

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